2nd Program 8 月 23 日現在 第 13 回日独シンポジウム ~社会インフラとしての情報ネットワーク: 技術と社会、経済、環境の諸問題解決への期待~ 13th German-Japanese Symposium “Networks as Social Infrastructures: Resolving Technological, Social Economical, and Environmental Challenges” 開催期間: 2010年9月13日(月)-14日(火) 会 場: 大阪大学中之島センター 10F 佐治敬三記念ホール/大阪 (大阪市北区中之島 4-3-53) 主 催 (社)電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ MÜNCHNER KREIS (ミュンヒナー・クライス) 後 援: 総務省、外務省、文部科学省、KDDI 財団、 (財)新技術振興渡辺記念会 (財)テレコム先端技術研究支援センター、(財)電気通信普及財団 Fraunhofer FOKUS (8 月 23 日現在) 協 賛: (社)情報処理学会、(財)情報通信学会、(社)日本工学アカデミー ドイツ工学アカデミー、ドイツ学術交流協会 東京支部 (8 月 23 日現在) <最新情報はこちらから シンポジウム ウェブサイト http://www.gjs2010.org> 1 ご挨 拶 このたび、第 13 回日独シンポジウムを、 (社)電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティとドイ ツ ミュンヒナークライス(Münchner Kreis)主催で、2010 年 9 月 13 日から 14 日の 2 日間 にわたり、大阪大学中之島センター(大阪市)にて開催することとなりました。 本シンポジウムは、日本とドイツ双方のリーダーが、情報通信に関する主題のもとで、社会 経済および科学技術の両面から議論を交わすユニークなシンポジウムです。1977 年に第1回 をボンで開催して以来、33 年の歴史を有しています。 その間ほぼ 2 年毎に日本とドイツで開 催されていましたが、1992 年のドイツ開催を最後にしばらく中断されていました。その後ド イツ側からの熱心な呼びかけにより 2001 年 5 月にミュンヘンで再開され、2003 年(東京) 「移 動通信と社会」 、2005 年(東京) 「情報社会におけるセキュリティ」、2007 年(ベルリン)「メディアとネット ワークのコンバージェンス」という主題のもと開催され、大きな成功を収めました。 今回は、主題として、「社会インフラとしての情報ネットワーク」(Networks as Social Infrastructures)をとりあげ、世界が直面している社会経済面、環境面の諸問題の解決に向け た、社会インフラとしての情報通信ネットワークの役割について、さまざまな視点から日独を 比較しつつ重点的に議論いたします。 現在、将来のインターネットを白紙から議論し直そうという取り組みが、政府の強力な支援の下 世界的に活発化しており、直面する環境問題解決の一翼を担う技術として期待が高まっている中、 このような時宜を得たテーマについて、日本とドイツという、アジアとヨーロッパを牽引する両国 が先導的に取り組むことは非常に重要かつ意義深いものと考えます。本シンポジウムは、情報通 信ネットワークの技術面はもちろん、社会面での影響と応用などについても、日本と欧州の文化 的な相違点や共通点を踏まえて議論し、専門分野の範囲にとどまらない、日欧間の幅広い知的 ネットワークの拡大を目指しています。 本シンポジウムは、電子情報通信学会 ソサイアティ大会の直前に開催されますので、ソサ エティ大会に参加予定の会員の皆様には、ぜひとも併せて参加いただけますよう、お願いいた します。 皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております。 2010 年 8 月 第 13 回日独シンポジウム組織委員会 組織委員長 篠原 弘道(日本電信電話株式会社) プログラム委員長 市川 晴久(電気通信大学) ミュンヒナークライスとは ドイツ側の主催者である、ミュンヒナークライスは、ドイツを中心とした産官学メンバー(有 力オペレータも含む)からなる、コミュニケーションに関する分野横断的な研究を目的とした 非営利団体で、毎年数回の会議を開催し、報告書を出版している。1974 年にドイツ バイエル ン州科学アカデミーのサポートにより設立され、以来コミュニケーションシステムの研究、実 用化、運用、利用など、特に新たなシステム導入に伴う人間的・社会的・経済政治的課題につ いて検討を重ねてきている。現在ミュンヘン大学の Picot 教授を会長に、ババリア州経済交通 技術大臣、大学教授、ドイツ産業界トップなど 12 名の理事が就任している。会員はドイツを 中心とした産官学界から約 200 人が登録されている。 http://www.muenchner-kreis.de/ 2 【全体スケジュール】 日 時 9:00-10:30 9 月 13 日 (月) セッション1 "OPENING SESSION" 10:30-11:00 コーヒーブレイク 11:00-12:30 セッション2 "OVERVIEW OF NGN DEVELOPMENT AND DEPLOYMENT" 12:30-14:00 昼食 14:00-15:30 セッション3 "CLOUD COMPUTING - PERSPECTIVES FOR THE NETWORKS" 15:30-16:00 コーヒーブレイク 16:00-17:30 セッション4 "FUTURE OF THE INTERNET, TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND CHALLENGES" 18:30-20:30 9:00-10:30 9 月 14 日 (火) プ ロ グ ラ ム Symposium Reception (於 リーガロイヤルホテル大阪) セッション5 "SERVICE DEPLOYMENT PLATFORMS AND APPLICATIONS" 10:30-11:00 コーヒーブレイク 11:00-12:30 セッション6 "ECONOMICAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT OF THE EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER NETWORK" 12:30-14:00 昼食 14:00-15:30 セッション7 "ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT OF THE FUTURE INTERNET" 15:30-16:00 コーヒーブレイク 16:00-17:30 セッション8 GOLOBAL SESSION: "ICT FOR BOTTOM OF PYRAMID; COOPERATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETIES" 【関連イベント】 ◆電子情報通信学会 ソサイエティ大会 通信ソサイエティ-日独シンポジウムジョイントセッション “Hot Report from German-Japanese Symposium in Osaka: Networks as Social Infrastructures” 日時: 9 月 15 日(水) 9:30-12:00(ソサエイエティ大会 2 日目) 会場: 大阪府立大学 中百舌鳥キャンパス 3 8 月 23 日現在 最新プログラムは、シンポジウムウェブサイト http://www.gjs2010.org をご覧ください。 Speech order: TBD Speakers’ name: Family name alphabetical order. Monday, September 13, 2010 (DAY‐1) SESSION 1 : OPENING SESSION Co‐Chairs : Prof. Dr. Haruhisa Ichikawa Professor, Department of Human Communication, Faculty of Electro‐Communications, The University of Electro‐Communications Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Arnold Picot Professor, Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität München 9:00 | 10:30 Opening address: Mr. Hiromichi Shinohara Director and Senior Vice President, Research and Development Planning Department, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Arnold Picot Professor, Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität München Keynotes: “Toward New Generation Networks” Dr. Hideo Miyahara President, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) “Infrastructure as the Catalyzer for Societal Flowering” Mr. Alf Henryk Wulf CEO, Alcatel‐Lucent Deutschland AG SESSION 2 : "OVERVIEW OF NGN DEVELOPMENT AND DEPLOYMENT" 11:00 | 12:30 Co‐Chairs : Mr. Kazuo Hagimoto Director, NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Dr. Karl‐Heinz Neumann General Manager, WIK Wissenschaftliches Institut für Infrastruktur und Kommunikationsdienste GmbH Summary: The deployment of next generation networks (NGNs) has started to provide a wide‐range of multi‐media applications with quality of service (QoS) and security controls using economical Internet protocol (IP) based technologies. NGNs also provide support for a variety of fixed and wireless access media. Some applications have recently become commercially available and some are prepared to provide social multimedia services based on NGN technologies. This session will overview the NGN core, NGN access technologies, and pervasive ongoing migration to NGN. The session will deal with regulatory aspects of NGN and NGA. Furthermore, the session will break down what was achieved and what are the challenges still facing us today. 4 Speakers: “How to Provide Seamless Services in Fragmented NGA Networks" Mr. Gerd Eickers President, The Association of Telecommunications and Value‐Added Service Providers (VATM) "NGN Standardization Activities in ITU‐T ‐Global Interoperability for NGN Deployment‐" Mr. Kaoru Kenyoshi Chief Manager, Carrier Network Business Planning Division, NEC Corporation Vice Chairman, ITU‐T SG11 "On the Way to ALL‐IP" Mr. Bruno Orth Senior Vice President Strategy and Architecture, Service Headquarters, Group Technology, Deutsche Telekom AG "Development and Deployment of NGN and its Future Direction" Dr. Makoto Takano Director, NTT‐WEST Research and Development Center, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Lunch SESSION 3 : "CLOUD COMPUTING ‐ PERSPECTIVES FOR THE NETWORKS" Co‐Chairs : Dr. Yoshihiro Fujita Executive Research Engineer, Science & Technical Research Laboratories, JAPAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION (NHK) Mr. Berthold Butscher Vice Director, Fraunhofer‐Institute FOKUS 14:00 | 15:30 Summary: Computing in the Cloud ‐ simplified cloud computing means that Services or applications, which are operated on its own servers are now outsources to an external infrastructure. The services or applications are usual accessible via a network ‐ usually the internet. This session will highlight cloud computing technologies for the internet services. Speakers from IT industries and research institutes will address best practice, and perspectives in cloud computing and challenges for networks. Speakers: “A Broadcaster's View of Streaming Services Using the Internet" Mr. Katsunori Aoki Senior Research Engineer, Advanced Broadcasting Platforms Research Division, Science & Technology Research Laboratories, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) "Robust Media Search in the Cloud" Dr. Kunio Kashino Supervisor, Senior Research Engineer, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) "Network as a Resource: Yet Another Resource of IaaS" Dr. Tomohiro Kudoh Group Leader, Grid Infraware Research Group, Information Technology Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 5 "Cloud Computing ‐ an Architecture for Internet‐based eGovernment Services" Ms. Linda Strick Project Manager, Electronic Government and Applications, Fraunhofer‐Institute FOKUS Mr. Michael Thatcher Regional Technology Officer, Microsoft Asia, Microsoft SESSION 4 : "FUTURE OF THE INTERNET, TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND CHALLENGES" Co‐Chairs : Dr. Naoto Kadowaki Executive Director, New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Prof. Dr. Jöerg Eberspächer Professor, Technische Universität München Summary: The Internet has already become a part of our daily lives and new applications and services are being introduced day by day. Ubiquitous sensor networks or vehicle‐to‐vehicle communications will soon be realized to improve the quality and safety of our lives, for example. On the other hand, many issues such as scalability, congestion control, latency control, security and privacy have become increasingly important because of the increasing number of users. In order to provide robust, reliable, flexible and comfortable networks, architectures and technologies for New Generation Network (NWGN) including ubiquitous networking and the Internet of things are being developed. Technology development aspects and technical challenges to realize the NWGN will be discussed in this session. 16:00 | 17:30 Speakers: Dr. Toshiyuki Kanoh General Manager, System Platforms Research Labs, NEC Central Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation Dr. Ernö Kovacs Senior Manager, Internet Services, NEC Laboratories Europe, NEC Europe Ltd. “Real World Internet: A Glimpse of Where We are Going” Prof. Dr. Hiroyuki Morikawa Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo "Evolving Wireless Networks with Diverse Access" Prof. Dr. Yuji Oie Professor, Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Kyushu Institute of Technology "Towards Next Mobile Network" Dr. Masami Yabusaki President & CEO, DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH "Future Networks: Spontaneous and Heterogeneous?" Prof. Dr. Martina Zitterbart Professor, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 6 18:30‐ Symposium Reception Tuesday, September 14, 2010 (DAY‐2) SESSION 5 : "SERVICE DEPLOYMENT PLATFORMS AND APPLICATIONS" Co‐Chairs : Dr. Fumiaki Sugaya Executive Director, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc. Prof. Dr. Hendrik Berndt Senior Vice President, DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH 9:00 | 10:30 Summary: In this session we will firstly focus on (a) how internet applications are typically used today and forecast future use in each country and (b) illuminate core and trendy technologies to support new applications. The discussion includes but is not limited to Twitter, SNS, Blog, and Web 2.0. The second focus will include new principles for service provisioning such as deep personalization, user guidance, situation awareness, context representations and reasoning. Core technologies such as search engine and information filtering will also be discussed with reference to ongoing and planned national research projects. Speakers: “Web Contents as a Social Tool for Information Sharing” Prof. Dr. Kazuo Hashimoto Professor, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University "Global Context – From Smart Homes to a Smarter Planet" Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h. c. Kurt Rothermel Head of Institute, Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Systeme, Universität Stuttgart "Network Added Value and Platform Technology for New Service Creation" Dr. Hideharu Suzuki Manager of Network Services and Architecture Group, Core Network Development Department, Research and development Center, NTT DOCOMO, INC. G: TBD SESSION 6 : 11:00 | 12:30 "ECONOMICAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT OF THE EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER NETWORK" Co‐Chairs : Prof. Dr. Osamu Sudoh Professor, Graduate school of Interdisciplinary Informatics, The University of Tokyo Prof. Dr. Michael Dowling Professor, Innovation and Technology Management, University of Regensburg Summary: There are several directions and strategies for sustainable economic development. The most important trend regarding current Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the spread of cloud computing. The degree of its 7 contribution to the growth of the global economy is clear. Evolution of eService will be the key for deploying and utilizing cloud computing while distributed data centers employ proprietary technologies. In this session, we suggest to discuss what kind of directions regarding networks will achieve strong economic turnaround, what kind of open standards are preferred for this purpose, and what kind of role major vendors can play to enhance innovation in the current economy. Speakers: "Analyzing the Disruptive Potential of Cloud Computing" Prof. Dr. Michael Dowling Professor, Innovation and Technology Management, University of Regensburg "Information Technology and Changing Patterns of Japanese Industry" Prof. Dr. Motoshige Itoh Professor, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo "National Projects on ‘Info‐plosion’ in Japan" Prof. Dr. Masaru Kitsuregawa Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo "Economic Impact of Cloud Computing" Dr. Nikolaus Mohr Executive Partner, Accenture GmbH "A Vision and Roles of ICT Industry for Intelligent Society" Mr. Sanya Uehara Senior Vice President, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. "Pluralism and Social Coherence in the Internet Age" Prof. Dr. Franz Waldenberger Director of the Japan Center, Ludwig‐Maximilians‐Universität München Lunch SESSION 7 : "ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT OF THE FUTURE INTERNET" Co‐Chairs : Prof. Dr. Kenji Naemura Visiting Professor, Institute of Information Security Mr. Luis Neves Vice President, Head Corporate Responsibility, Deutsche Telekom AG 14:00 | 15:30 Summary: This session will deal with various endeavors towards “greening” of the earth by using the ICT. It will review conventional approaches, e.g. e‐commerce and telecommuting, as well as reducing energy consumption in other types of infrastructures, e.g. smart grid system for electric power provisioning, and other approaches, e.g. application of an RFID‐based system to emission trading will be discussed. It will also cover some approaches towards “greening of the ICT” i.e. minimizing the energy consumption in the telecommunications system. Then it will try to set an interdisciplinary agenda for governmental and non‐governmental organizations, e.g. to establish practical guidelines for assessing the effect of the future Internet on the climate changes, and to define the roles ICT should play for the humans to cope with this critical issue. Speakers: "Green ICT Toward Low Carbon Society ‐Green R&D Activity in NTT‐" Dr. Morito Matsuoka Executive Director, NTT Energy and Environment Systems Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) 8 "ICT‐Challenges for the Smart Grid" Dr. Christoph Mayer Director, R&D Division Energy, OFFIS "SMART 2020: Enabling the Low Carbon Economy in the Information Age" Mr. Luis Neves Head Corporate Responsibility, Deutsche Telekom AG "ICT Infrastructure for Smarter Power Grid" Dr. Yoshizumi Serizawa Senior Research Scientist, Sector Leader, Communication Systems, System Engineering Research Laboratory, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) SESSION 8 : GOLOBAL SESSION: "ICT FOR BOTTOM OF PYRAMID; COOPERATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETIES" Co‐Chairs : Mr. Mikio Yamamoto Principal, A.T. Kearney K.K. Prof. Dr. Heinz Thielmann CEO, Emphasys GmbH Summary: Advanced technologies like WiMAX and NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Network) could become key drivers to change societies for bottom of pyramid (BOP). BracNet in Bangladesh must be one of the best cases for ICT players to build a quite unique value proposition for the BOP world. ICT technologies have high potentials to reduce social investments drastically to develop social systems and contribute to quality of lives of the BOP world. This session will highlight dynamics of ICT technologies to change the BOP societies. Within the session, business architecture and service entry strategies should be discussed and the impact of ICT players’ challenges should be identified. 16:00 | 17:30 Speakers: "DOCOMO's Contribution to the BOP" Mr. Hajime Kii Managing, Director, Grobal Business Division, NTT DOCOMO, INC. "The Role/Challenge for Network Operators and Service Providers in BOP Countries" Dr. Horst Melcher President, Deutsche Telekom K.K. "What are the Best Measures to Increase the Take‐up of High‐speed Broadband Connectivities?" Dr. Karl‐Heinz Neumann General Manager, WIK Wissenschaftliches Institut fur Infrastruktur und Kommunikationsdienste GmbH "Study on Success Factors of Mobile Operators in BOP Market" Mr. Hideyuki Ogata Manager, Network Service System Division, Carrier Network Business Unit, Network Software Operations Unit, NEC Corporation 9 "Social Information Infrastructure for Un‐Reached People" Prof. Masaharu Okada General Counsel, International Legal Division, University‐Industry International Collaboration Center, Executive Director for Grameen Creative Lab @ Kyudai, Kyushu University "Networked Readiness Index: Infrastructure as Key Driver for the BOP" Prof. Dr. Heinz Thielmann CEO, Emphasys GmbH 【参加登録について】 ◆登録料: 一般・・・¥55,000 学生・・・¥10,000 ◆登 録 方 法: 登録用紙に必要事項をご記入の上、「第13回日独シンポジウム事務局」宛に E-mail または ファクスでご送信下さい。 ※請求書がご入用の場合は、登録用紙にその旨ご記入下さい。 ● 日独シンポジウム ウェブサイト(http://www.gjs2010.org/registration.html) からも お申込みいただけます。 ● ◆お支払方法: 銀行振込 もしくは クレジットカード (VISA、MasterCard:オンライン登録の場合のみ可) ●振込口座: 日独シンポジウム 東京三菱銀行 築地支店 普通 1043602 *登録料の入金を確認し次第、メールもしくはファクスで登録確認書をお送りいたします。 ◆キャンセル料: 8月31日(火)まで ・・・・・・ 50% 9月 1日(水)以降 ・・・・・100% <参加登録・お問い合わせ先> 第 13 回日独シンポジウム事務局 〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座 1-22-9 TEL:03-5159-2112 FAX:03-5159--2113 (株)クリエイティブ・ネットワーク内 E-mail:[email protected] 10 11
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