Contents Phonics Kids Coursebook Songs Reading Vocabulary Readers Grammar Writing Listening Speaking & Conversation Drive Series ESP Teacher’s Resource Test Prep Sounds Fun! / Writing for fun! 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Sophie Holmes, Liana Robinson Sounds Fun! is a four-book basic phonics series developed for elementary learners. Student Book with Audio CD (1-4) Student Book 1 with Audio CD 978-1-932222-69-2 ¥ 1,600 Features • Simple and fun stories to review sounds, letters and words • Activities to build listening, speaking and writing skills Student Book 2 with Audio CD 978-1-932222-70-8 ¥ 1,600 • 子供向けに作られたフォニックスの本です。 • レベル1はアルファベットの書き方から始まりますので、英語が初めてのお子様に最適 Student Book 3 with Audio CD 978-1-932222-71-5 ¥ 1,600 Student Book 4 with Audio CD 978-1-932222-72-2 ¥ 1,600 です。 • CDを聞きながらリズムに合わせて楽しく正しい発音を身に付けることができます • チャンツ(発音練習の歌)や楽しいゲームが満載で巻末には単語のフラッシュカードも ついています。 Writing for Fun! Student Book Student Book 978-1-932222-80-7 • オンラインで先生のための授業ガイドがダウンロードできます。 ◀ Title Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Tips & Ideas Available online Resources ¥ 800 Sound Fun! Phonics for Children Student Book Level 1 Units Pages Sounds Fun! 1 (Initial Sounds) 9 + 3 Reviews + 1Test 128 Sounds Fun! 2 (Short Vowels) 10 + 2 Reviews + 1Test 128 Sounds Fun! 3 (Long Vowels & Double Letter Consonants) 10 + 2 Reviews + 1Test 128 Sounds Fun! 4 (Similar Sounds) 10 + 2 Reviews + 1Test 128 Teacher’s Guide は Tips & Ideasから ダウンロード可能です。 5 Age level Sounds Great 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Best Seller Children’s Phonics for Reading 1-5 Anne Taylor Features • Easy and fun stories to review new sounds, letters, and words • Activities to build listening, reading, and writing skills • Fun rhyming chants following each unit for additional exposure • Review units that include fun puzzles to solidify learning • Hybrid CDs that included audio and computer-based components (CD-ROM is only compatible with Windows) • FREE downloadable Teacher’s Guide from CPJ website Student Book with Hybrid CD (1-5) Workbooks (1-5) • 子供向けに作られたレベル5まであるフォニックスの本です。 Student Book 4 with Hybrid CD 978-1-59966-580-1 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 1 with Hybrid CD 978-1-59966-577-1 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 2 with Hybrid CD 978-1-59966-578-8 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 3 with Hybrid CD 978-1-59966-579-5 ¥ 1,800 • 丁寧に進むので、母音との組み合わせや連続子音など確実に習得できます。 • 各ユニットの最後にある短いストーリーで習った音、文字、単語を復習できます。 • リスニング、 リーディング、およびライティングスキルの向上をサポートするアクティビティ • テンポのよいチャンツ(発音練習の歌) を各ユニットの最後に収録。 • オンラインで先生のための授業ガイドがダウンロードできます。 Single-Letter So nds 1 Aa . Bb . Cc Lis en nd circ e he correc pic ure. Phonics Lis en, poin , nd repe . 1 Track 8 2 Track 6 Aa 3 ant apple angry alligator bear baby book bird Workbook 1 978-1-59966-582-5 ¥ 400 Workbook 2 978-1-59966-583-2 ¥ 400 Workbook 3 978-1-59966-584-9 ¥ 400 Workbook 4 978-1-59966-585-6 ¥ 400 Workbook 5 978-1-59966-586-3 ¥ 400 4 ◀ Bb 1 Student Book 5 with Hybrid CD 978-1-59966-581-8 ¥ 1,800 Sounds Great Children’s Phonics for Reading Student Book Level 1 Circ e he correc e er. Single-Letter So nds Aa . Bb . Cc 1 2 Single-Letter So nds 3 Aa . Bb . Cc 1 Tr ce nd wri e he e ers. Cc cat c p c t cookie Lis en, poin , nd repe . Lis en nd repe he words in. Track 4 a b c a b c Track 7 a b c Aa 10 11 SG1_1-4.indd 10 2011-12-21 3:34:58 Aa SG1_1-4.indd 11 2011-12-21 Bb Let’s chant! Listen, point, and repeat. Cc 3:35:11 Bb Track 5 M ch he e ers o he correc pic ures. 1 Aa 2 Bb 3 Cc Cc 8 9 SG1_1-4.indd 8 FreeMP3 Tips & Ideas Available online 3:34:37 SG1_1-4.indd 9 Title Resources 3:34:51 Units Pages 8 88 Sounds Great 2-5 8 86 Sounds Great Workbook 1 8 44 Sounds Great Workbook 2-5 8 40 Teacher’s Guide は Tips & Ideasから ダウンロード可能です。 6 2011-12-21 Sounds Great 1 Sample Page Answer Key 2011-12-21 Workbook Provides additional practice for reading and writing the letters and sounds that students have learned. Hybrid CDs (Audio CD/CD-ROM) Games Sounds Words Flash Cards Sounds Great Readers New Sounds Great Readers Sounds Great Readers 1 The Baby’s Cup with Audio CD 978-1-59966-621-1 ¥ 1,200 Sounds Great Readers 2 Six Robots with Audio CD 978-1-59966-622-8 ¥ 1,200 Sounds Great Readers 3 Dave the Cop with Audio CD 978-1-59966-623-5 ¥ 1,200 Sounds Great Readers 4 Frog and Crab with Audio CD 978-1-59966-624-2 ¥ 1,200 Sounds Great graded readers are also effective on their own for general phonics reading practice. Also Available! Sounds Great Readers 5 A Day at the Beach with Audio CD 978-1-59966-625-9 ¥ 1,200 Working Towards Fluency! As an accompaniment to the student books, each Sounds Great graded reader provides additional practice to ensure students can recognize and pronounce phonics correctly. Each reader contains four stories related to the content and skills developed throughout the series. 7 Age level 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 English Chest 1-6 Liana Robinson, Series Editor David Paul Captivating and challenging, English Chest is a children’s curriculum designed specifically for young EFL students. This six-level comprehensive language program is a fresh and interesting way for beginner students to study English. Throughout the series, students will advance from simple phrases to complex sentences with ease and comfort. As the name suggests, English Chest is a treasure-trove for teachers and students alike. Each lesson of English Chest includes conversations, stories, language builders, songs, games, and activities specifically developed to improve reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The wide variety of exercises guarantees that students of all learning styles will find entertainment and satisfaction. Student Book with Audio CD (1-6) Workbook (1-6) Student Book 1 with Audio CD ¥ 1,600 978-1-59966-384-5 Student Book 2 with Audio CD ¥ 1,600 978-1-59966-385-2 Student Book 3 with Audio CD ¥ 1,600 978-1-59966-386-9 Student Book 4 with Audio CD ¥ 1,600 978-1-59966-387-6 Student Book 5 with Audio CD ¥ 1,600 978-1-59966-388-3 Student Book 6 with Audio CD ¥ 1,600 978-1-59966-389-0 • English Chest は可愛い登場キャラクターと一緒に楽しく、夢中になって英語を学習で きるコースブックです。4スキルをカバーしたゲーム、 グループアクティビティー、歌な どが満載。 • シリーズを通して、子供たちは簡単なフレーズから難しい文章まで、楽しく進めていくこ とができます。 • 別売でTeacher s BookとWorkbookも用意しました。 Track 4 Kids Coursebook E. Look and say. Toot! Toot! My name is Tony. ’m a train. have toys! have dolls! have balls! Toot! Toot! Dolls! Toot! Toot! Balls! _____ ___________ is Holly. ¥ 700 Workbook 4 978-1-59966-393-7 ¥ 700 Workbook 5 978-1-59966-394-4 ¥ 700 Workbook 6 978-1-59966-395-1 ¥ 700 Teacher’s Guide 4 with CD-Rom ¥ 2,300 978-1-59966-506-1 Teacher’s Guide 5 with CD-Rom ¥ 2,300 978-1-59966-507-8 H. Match and trace. 2. Teacher’s Guide 6 with CD-Rom ¥ 2,300 978-1-59966-508-5 1. Max / Eric 700 Teacher’s Guide 3 with CD-Rom ¥ 2,300 978-1-59966-505-4 2. The train has (dolls and balls / girls and boys). Track 3 1. ¥ Workbook 3 978-1-59966-392-0 Teacher’s Guide 2 with CD-Rom ¥ 2,300 978-1-59966-504-7 1. Tony is a (train / doll). F. Picture prompts. 700 Teacher’s Guide 1 with CD-Rom ¥ 2,300 978-1-59966-503-0 _____ am Ben. What’s your name? My name is _________________. / am ( ’m) _________________. ¥ Workbook 2 978-1-59966-391-3 Teacher’s Guide with CD-Rom (1-6) G. Read and circle. What’s your name? Workbook 1 978-1-59966-390-6 2. eff / Amy 3. 3. Track 2 C. Talk, listen, and read. Katie / Rachel 14 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Look! Track 1 15 A. Listen and number. EC1_U1_SB.indd 14 2011-03-23 English Chest Student Book Level 1 6:01:47 EC1_U1_SB.indd 15 2011-03-23 6:01:50 ▶ Katie Eric doll train 1 Amy My name is Eric. Hi, what’s your name? ball ’m Amy. My name is Katie. B. Ask and answer. What’s your name? 1. 2. What’s your name? D. Trace and write your name. 1. 2. 3. ’m enny. My name is Tom. What’s = What is name is ’m = am Amy. is Katie. 12 Unit 1 Lesson 1 13 EC1_U1_SB.indd 12 Title Sample Page English Chest 1-6 Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 8 2011-03-23 6:01:33 EC1_U1_SB.indd 13 2011-03-23 6:01:42 Units Pages 12 88 Age level 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Songbirds Songbirds 125 Favorite Children’s Songs Songbirds 125 Favorite Children’s Songs Second Edition Second Edition This comprehensive collection of 125 children’s songs is conveniently organized into five themes. The audio CDs contain many familiar tunes including classroom songs, nursery rhymes, folk songs, and sing-alongs. • 英語圏で親しまれている子供向けの歌を125曲収録しました。 Song Book with Audio CD 978-1-59966-515-3 Songbirds Actions, Games & Activities Activity Book 978-1-59966-516-0 Songbirds Actions, Games & Activities Out of 125 songs, 72 are accompanied by actions, games and activities that will keep children engaged and help them acquire a deeper connection with the lyrics. ¥ 1,900 ¥ 1,500 Songbirds 25 Favorite Christmas Carols Second Edition Song Book with Audio CD 978-1-59966-567-2 ¥ 1,500 • 125 Favorite Children s Songsに入っている125曲のうち、72曲に合わせたアクティビテ ィやゲームが収録されています。 Songbirds 25 Favorite Christmas Carols Second Edition Out of 25 songs, four are accompanied by games and activities that will keep children engaged and help them acquire a deeper connection with the lyrics. Whether at home or in the classroom, the Songbirds series will provide hours of music and fun! Song • クリスマスキャロルコレクションにはクリスマスに聴きたい25曲を集めました。 • うち4曲にアクティビティやゲームがついています。 • 教室やご家庭でのクリスマスパーティーにぴったりの一冊です CD-1 Track 2 1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star ◀ Songbirds 125 Favorite Children’s Songs Second Edition 1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Nature - 1 Action CD-1 1. Twinkle, twinkle 2. little star 3. How I wonder what you are! Wave your hands to the right. Wave your hands to the left. Wave your hands from top to bottom. 4. Up above the 5. world so high, 6. Like a diamond Point to the sky with one hand. Point up with the other hand. Make a diamond shape in the air. 7. in the sky, 8. Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are! Track 3 2. Row, Row, Row Your Boat 10 …… Songbirds Point to the sky by one hand. Songbirds Actions, Games & Activities ▶ Repeat 1, 2, 3. 10 …… Songbirds 9 Age level New Edition 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Super Easy Reading Secound Edition 1-3 Best Seller Andrea Janzen, Hieram Weintraub Features • Integrative skill approach • Fun rhyming chants and story animations • Mini-picture dictionary for new words • Recycling of vocabulary to reinforce sight word recognition • Hybrid CD for the multimedia lessons Student Book with Hybrid CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with Hybrid CD 978-1-61352-512-8 ¥ 1,600 Student Book 2 with Hybrid CD 978-1-61352-513-5 ¥ 1,600 Student Book 3 with Hybrid CD 978-1-61352-514-2 ¥ 1,600 • 人気リーディング教材の改訂版 。 • 初めて英語のリーディングをするお子様にもシンプルで楽しく学べる教材です。 • 内容や構成に大きな変更はありませんが、イラストが小さなお子様にもさらにわかりや すくなり、1レベル20ユニットから16ユニットになりました。 • 付属のHybrid CDでは、CDプレイヤーで音声を聴くだけでなく、パソコンで再生すると 本文のチャンツ動画がご覧いただけます • リスニングやライティングのアクティビティもあります。 Phonics Song Story Animation Hybrid CD includes a fun animated story for each level. Chant Animation Each unit includes an animated chant for additional practice. Sample Page 10 Answer Key Resources Tips & Ideas Available online Title Units Pages Average Word Count Super Easy Reading 1 16 72 30 Super Easy Reading 2 16 72 40 Super Easy Reading 3 16 72 50 ◀ Super Easy Reading Secound Edition Level 1 11 Age level New Edition 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Very Easy Reading Third Edition 1-4 Casey Malarcher , Anne Taylor Features • Pre-reading, speaking, and vocabulary activities • Fun chants to practice pronunciation and intonation • Comprehension and mind mapping activities • Repeated recycling of vocabulary • A mind map activity to support recall and visualization of the reading • Writing activities as wrap-up in each unit Student Book with Hybrid CD (1-4) • 小学生向けリーディング教材の第3版がでました。 Student Book 4 with Hybrid CD 978-1-61352-518-0 ¥ 1,700 Student Book 1 with Hybrid CD 978-1-61352-515-9 ¥ 1,700 Student Book 2 with Hybrid CD 978-1-61352-516-6 ¥ 1,700 Student Book 3 with Hybrid CD 978-1-61352-517-3 ¥ 1,700 • 内容や構成は第1版と変更はありませんが、 イラストが小さなお子様にもさらにわか りやすくなり、1レベル20ユニットから16ユニットになりました。 • 付属のHybrid CDでは、CDプレイヤーで音声を聴くだけでなく、パソコンで再生すると 本文のチャンツ動画がご覧いただけます。 • ストーリーの前後にリスニングやライティングのアクティビティがあり、 リーディング以 外の技能も身に付けられます。 Very Easy Reading Third Edition Level 1 Reading ◀ Sample Page 12 Answer Key FreeMP3 Word List Available online Title Units Pages Average Word Count Very Easy Reading Third Edition 1 16 88 40 Very Easy Reading Third Edition 2 16 88 50 Very Easy Reading Third Edition 3 16 88 55 Very Easy Reading Third Edition 4 16 88 65 Age level 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reading Time 1-3 Jenna Myers Features • Full-color illustrations and photographs • Accompanying audio recordings • Activities for reading, listening, speaking, and writing • Wide variety of fiction and nonfiction topics • Progressive exercises to promote fluency in English • Free downloadable answer keys, worksheets and quizzes Student Book with Audio CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-144-5 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 2 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-145-2 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 3 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-146-9 ¥ 1,800 • この本で基礎的なリーディングをこなすことにより語彙力を上げ、 ライティング能力も伸 ばすことができます。 • フィクションとノンフィクションの両方のお話を載せています。 • 各ユニットには、4技能全てに有効なエクササイズを用意しています。 • 英語を楽しく上達できるように、文法、語彙およびパッセージの長さなど、様々な工夫がさ れています。 ◀ Reading Questions Let’s Practice! Choose the correct answers. 1. How is the weather? a. Hot c. Cool Reading Time Level 1 Match each beginning to the correct ending. b. Cold d. Warm 2. What does the frog say? a. Quack! Quack! c. Ribbit! Ribbit! b. Moo! Moo! d. Purr! Purr! 3. The frog is not hot _____! a. under c. pond b. anymore d. grass 1. I lie • • a. a big tree. 2. There is • • b. hot now! 3. I hop into • • c. on the grass. 4. I am not • • d. the water. Let’s Listen! Fill in the blanks with the correct words. G Why are you 1__________________ the tree? B I’m too 2__________________! G Yes, the sun is very 3__________________. Let’s Do It! B I know! Let’s swim! Order the pictures from a-e. 1. 2. G OK! Let’s 4___________ into the 5___________! 3. B Yes! The 6__________________ is very cool. Now practice the dialog with a classmate. 4. Let’s Describe It! 5. 1. She / grass. / lies / the / on ____________________________________________ A Hot Day U 1 Unscramble each sentence. T N I 2. pond. / are / the / There / in / ducks 2 ____________________________________________ A Hot Day 3. hops / The / water. / dog / the / into Warm-up Questions ____________________________________________ • What animal is this? • What color is it? • How is the weather? Is 7 3 I am very hot. The sun is bright. I lie on the grass. It is hot, not cool. Ribbit! Ribbit! I am very hot. There is a big tree. I sit under the tree. It is hot, not cool. Ribbit! Ribbit! I am very hot! There is a pond. I hop into the water. It is not hot. It is very cool. I am not hot anymore! Ribbit! Ribbit! I am happy! 8 it hot? Let’s Write! Write the words in the blanks. grass 1. pond 2. __________ hop 3. __________ anymore cool lie 4. __________ bright __________ under 5. The weather is not hot ___________. Main Idea 6. Look ___________ your bed for the game. Choose the main idea. 7. The weather is very ___________. a. Swimming in a pond b. Being cool and happy 8. The sun is ___________. c. Being hot and happy d. Sitting under a tree 5 Title Units Pages Average Word Count Reading Time 1 20 88 65 Reading Time 2 20 88 75 Reading Time 3 20 88 85 Sample Page Answer Key Tips & Ideas FreeMP3 Word List Worksheet Available online 6 13 Age level 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Reading Lamp 1-3, Reading Table 1-3, Reading Shelf 1-3 Casey Malarcher Reading Lamp (1-3) Features • Thematically paired fiction & nonfiction topics keep students interested • Audio CD including recordings of all passages for listening / read-along • Pull-out full-color workbook in every book • Recycling of high-frequency vocabulary helps students master these important words • 各タイトル3レベルずつあり、Reading LampからReading Table、 そしてReading Shelfの順に内容が難しくなっています。 • 初めてのリーディングに最適な本書は、家族や動物、健康など様々なフィクションとノ ンフィクションのストーリーが交互に収録され、読んで新しいことを知る喜びを教えて くれる一冊です。 • 初級レベルの方に適量の新出単語が繰り返し出てくるので、苦にならずに英単語や文 の構造パターンを身に付けることができます。 • 取り外し可能なワークブックや、オーディオCDも付属されているので、 これ一冊でさま ざまなスキルを伸ばすことができます。 Student Book 1 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-509-2 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-510-8 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-511-5 ¥ 1,900 Reading Table (1-3) Student Book 1 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-512-2 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-513-9 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-514-6 ¥ 1,900 Reading Shelf (1-3) Reading Student Book 1 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-606-8 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-607-5 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-608-2 ¥ 1,900 ◀ Reading Lamp Level 1 Title Units Pages Workbook Reading Lamp 1 20 90 43 pages Reading Lamp 2 20 90 43 pages Reading Lamp 3 20 90 43 pages Sample Page Answer Key Word List 14 FreeMP3 Transcript Available online Assessments Tips & Ideas Title Word List FreeMP3 Transcript Available online Assessments Tips & Ideas Reading Table Level 1 ◀ Reading Shelf Level 1 Units Pages Workbook Reading Table 1 20 90 43 pages Reading Table 2 20 90 43 pages Reading Table 3 20 90 43 pages Reading Shelf 1 20 90 43 pages Reading Shelf 2 20 90 43 pages Reading Shelf 3 20 90 43 pages Sample Page Answer Key ◀ 15 Age level New Edition 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Real Easy Reading Second Edition 1-3 Moraig Macgillivray, Alexandria Williams, Craig Stevens Student Book Second Edition with Workbook & Audio CD(1-3) Features • Designed to equip young learners of English with necessary skills for the challenges of nonfiction readings • Pre-reading activities designed to actively engage readers • Vocabulary comprehension and recognition exercises • Accompanying audio recording for reading along and listening activities • Integrated speaking activities to recycle vocabulary • Accompanying workbook at the back of each book Student Book 1 with Workbook & Audio CD 978-1-61352-447-3 ¥ 1,850 Student Book 2 with Workbook & Audio CD 978-1-61352-448-0 ¥ 1,850 Student Book 3 with Workbook & Audio CD 978-1-61352-449-7 ¥ 1,850 • リーディングの内容は自然や文化などすべてノンフィクションで子供の好奇心をくすぐ ります。 • 単語のエクササイズが豊富で、 シリーズを通して繰り返し利用されているので、語彙力 を高めることが出来ます。 Reading • 取り外し可能なワークブックが付いています。 ◀ Sample Page Answer Key Transcript 16 FreeMP3 Tips & Ideas Available online Title Real Easy Reading Second Edition Level 1 Units Pages Workbook Real Easy Reading 1 12 72 28 pages Real Easy Reading 2 12 72 28 pages Real Easy Reading 3 12 72 28 pages Age level 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 School Subject Readings 1-3, More School Subject Readings 1-3 David V. Kimel Features • Pre-reading questions designed to actively engage readers • Key vocabulary accompanied by definitions • Reading passages that get progressively longer and more difficult • Reading & vocabulary comprehension questions that include puzzles, categorizing & sequencing exercises • Unit summaries that reinforce comprehension & writing skills • Full-color photographs that help students relate to the content School Subject Readings with Audio CD (1-3) • フィクションストーリーやノンフィクションの文化、健康、社会、歴史や科学など、多様な More School Subject Readings with Audio CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-377-7 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-378-4 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-379-1 ¥ 1,900 分野から初級者にもわかりやすい身近な内容を採用しています。 Student Book 1 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-374-6 ¥ 1,900 • この本では、単語や読解のエクササイズを通して、4技能全てを伸ばしていくことが可 能です。 Student Book 2 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-375-3 ¥ 1,900 • ユニットの最後には、要約を書くエクササイズがあり、 ライティングと読解力を強化す るのにとても効果的です。 Student Book 3 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-376-0 ¥ 1,900 • More School Subject Readingではレベルが上がり、パラグラフを意識したリーディン グ問題や、内容に関する様々なMappingのエクササイズを用意。 Reading ◀ Mika is Sick School Subject Readings Level 1 Track 1 Dear Gina, I am sorry, we cannot shop today. I don’t feel well. I am sick. My head hurts. My body shakes because I have the chills. I have to stay in bed. I can’t go outside. It is cold and there is too much snow. My dad said, “Mika, don’t go outside. Stay home and keep warm!” The doctor said, “Don’t go to school! Stay in bed.” Pre-Reading Look at the picture and answer the questions. You should stay home too and keep warm. We can go shopping tomorrow. We can play tomorrow. 1. What do you see in the picture? 2. When was the last time you were sick? 3. What do you do when you are sick? Your friend, Mika Practice: New Words Match the word with the correct picture or meaning. 1. I shop for food on Tuesdays. 2. The wind shakes the trees. 3. He cannot play outside today. He is sick. 4. It is sunny and warm today. ډ ڊa little hot Understanding Pronouns What do the pronouns refer to? Pre-Reading 1. What is your favorite type of candy? 2. What kind of candy do you see in the picture? 3. Do you know when the first chocolate bar was made? ڌ Track 1 D X popular liked by many people X chocolate bar a rectangle of chocolate X factory More School Subject Readings Level 1 ▶ 1. 1. ڋto move back and forth quickly 7 Use the clues to complete the crossword puzzle. Look at the picture and answer the questions. a building where things are made X package something that is packed and wrapped or boxed X international worldwide The word My refers to 3. refers to . 3. The word We refers to . o you like to eat chocolate? Chocolate is one of the world’s most popular foods. Nowadays, people from all over the world eat chocolate. People spend over 10 billion dollars on it every year. In the US, people eat over 1.4 billion pounds of chocolate every year. That’s a lot of chocolate! Chocolate comes from the seeds of cacao trees. Cacao trees first grew in South America. Today you can find them all over the world. Thousands of years ago, people in Mexico loved chocolate so much that, at times, they used it as money or for trade. They even had a god of chocolate named Ek-Chuah. Every year, they killed dogs and sang special songs to make Ek-Chuah happy. 2. 3. from around the world 4. liked by most people 5. something that is wrapped or boxed 4. DOWN 8 1. a rectangle of candy 2. buildings where things are made 5. A. What would be the best title for the passage? a. The Wonderful Cacao Tree b. The Story of Chocolate c. Candy from Around the World d. Chocolate in Mexico and England Did you know that long ago, people liked to drink chocolate? They didn’t eat it. In 1847, a man in England, named Joseph Fry, made the first chocolate bar. After that, people started to eat chocolate instead of just drinking it. B. Choose the main idea of each paragraph. One choice will NOT be used. Almost half of the world’s cacao trees are found in West Africa. In fact, 70% of the world’s cacao bean supply is from here. Furthermore, factories in Holland and the US cook and package most of the world’s chocolate. It is really an international food! 1. The 1st paragraph 2. The 2nd paragraph 3. The 3rd paragraph 4. The 4th paragraph a. People grow, cook, and package chocolate in many different countries. b. Chocolate is one of the world’s most popular foods. c. People in Mexico used chocolate in many ways thousands of years ago. d. Chocolate is not healthy to eat in large amounts. e. People usually drank chocolate in Europe until Joseph Fry invented the chocolate bar. 6 7 Title Sample Page School Subject Readings 1-3 Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online ACROSS . 2. The word You Title More School Subject Readings 1-3 Units Pages 20 86 Part Units Pages 10 20 88 17 Age level New Edition 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Reading Starter Third Edition 1-3 John Thomas, Kelli Ripatti Features • Activities for reading, listening, speaking & writing • Various reading genres • Audio recording of listening activities Student Book Third Edition with Workbook and Audio CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-61352-557-9 ¥ 1,800 • 子供たちの興味を引きやすいようなフィクションのお話、手紙、 日記、 グラフ、新聞の記事 など、様々な形態の読みものを用意しています。 • 各パッセージに4スキル全てのレベルアップを助けるエクササイズもあります。 Student Book 2 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-61352-558-6 ¥ 1,800 • 各ユニットに、 リーディング能力を鍛えるコンプリヘンションとボキャブラリー問題やリス Student Book 3 with Workbook and Audio CD ニングコンプリヘンション、 スピーキング能力を伸ばすダイアログなどがあります。 978-1-61352-559-3 • 丁寧に進んでいくので、楽しく確実に英語を学習できます。 Reading Starter Third Edition Level 1 Reading ◀ Sample Page Answer Key Worksheet Available online 18 Units Pages Workbook Reading Starter Third Edition 1 16 84 36 pages Reading Starter Third Edition 2 16 84 36 pages Reading Starter Third Edition 3 16 84 36 pages Title ¥ 1,800 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Reading Success Second Edition 1-6 Ken Methold, Pieter Koster Features • Texts in styles including stories, diaries, letters, dialogs, speeches, advertisements, charts, and graphs • Carefully controlled vocabulary and grammar to allow beginning to intermediate students to practice reading texts at a comfortable level • Vocabulary and reading comprehension exercises to help students develop reading fluency and strategic reading skills • Model summary passages for further practice of key vocabulary and writing English words • シリーズ全6冊は初級から中級レベルまであります。 • フィクションのストーリーや、 日常生活から時事問題まで幅広く取り入れたノンフィクシ ョンのトピックを掲載 Student Book with MP3 CD (1-6) Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-600-6 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-601-3 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-602-0 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 4 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-603-7 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 5 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-604-4 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 6 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-605-1 ¥ 1,900 • 各トピックの内容は興味深く、あらゆるジャンルの背景知識を増やしていくことが出来 るので、 さらに上級レベルを目指す学習者に最適です。 ◀ Sample Page Title Reading Success Second Edition 1-6 Answer Key Reading Success Second Edition Level 1 Units Pages 40 84 FreeMP3 Available online 19 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Reading Discovery 1-3 Casey Malarcher, Andrea Janzen Features • Interesting nonfiction passages carefully designed for timed readings • Topic-related audio recordings with listening activities included • Teacher’s guide with sample lesson plan and teaching tips • Vocabulary preview in each unit to enhance word recognition • 中級者向けのリーディング教材ですが、同時にライティング、 リスニングとスピーキング も練習できる。 Student Book with MP3 CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-615-0 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-616-7 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-617-4 ¥ 1,900 • 文化、科学や芸術など幅広いノンフィクションの内容は学生の好奇心を刺激し、あらゆ る背景知識を蓄積可能です。 • 要約やノートをとる練習、 また自分の意見を書くなど、少しレベルの高いエクササイズ が生徒の英語力のアップを図ります。 Reading Discovery Level 1 Reading ◀ Title Units Pages Reading Discovery 1 20 148 Reading Discovery 2 20 148 Reading Discovery 3 20 148 Sample Page 20 Answer Key FreeMP3 Transcript Available online Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Reading Challenge Second Edition 1-3 Casey Malarcher, Andrea Janzen Features • Nonfiction passages accessible to low-proficiency readers • Exercises designed to develop reading skills and basic vocabulary • Common idiomatic expressions incorporated within each passage • Extension activities that allow students further reflection on the topic • Audio supplements to accompany each unit • Exercises involving listening, speaking, & writing Student Book with Audio CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-529-0 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 2 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-530-6 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 3 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-531-3 ¥ 1,800 • 中上級者向けに作られた、様々な分野をカバーしたノンフィクションのリーディング教材 です。 • 本文の読解を手助けする注釈付きの単語リストや日常的によく使われるわかりやすいイ ディオムリストが読者の語彙力をアップさせます。 • 要約を書く練習、 リスニング問題、 ディスカッションやライティングエクササイズがあるの で4スキルを磨くことができます。 • 本文とリスニングエクササイズを収録したCD付き • ページに書かれたURLをインターネットで入力するとオンラインで日本語字幕の確認や 本文の単語の穴埋めなどが学習できます。 ◀ Title Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Word List Available online Resources Reading Challenge Second Edition Level 1 Units Pages Average Word Count Reading Challenge Second Edition 1 20 128 200 Reading Challenge Second Edition 2 20 128 300 Reading Challenge Second Edition 3 20 128 450 21 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Reading for Speed and Fluency 1-4 Best Seller Paul Nation, Casey Malarcher Although many English language learners are able to comprehend basic texts, they still face the obstacle of reading far below the optimal rate. Research suggests that 250 words per minute is the target reading speed for fluent second language reading. In order to develop their reading speed, students need to practice reading at an accelerated pace with texts that have little or no new vocabulary that might slow them down. For this reason, Compass Publishing has developed the Reading for Speed and Fluency series, a fourbook series for individual or classroom use to practice accelerated reading. Student Book (1-4) Student Book 1 978-1-59966-100-1 ¥ 1,780 Student Book 2 978-1-59966-101-8 ¥ 1,780 Student Book 3 978-1-59966-102-5 ¥ 1,780 Student Book 4 978-1-59966-103-2 ¥ 1,780 • 円滑に第二言語を読む場合、1分間に250語が目標となるリサーチ結果もあります。 こ の本は、生徒が途中で難しい単語につまずかず、 より速く読めるように、あえて難しい単語 は使っていません。 • 読解問題はすべて選択問題です。本文の要旨や内容、単語の意味を問う問題など、正しく 理解できているか確かめられます。読む速度も速くなるのでTOEICやTOEFLなどのリーデ ィング対策にも最適です。 • トピックは、動物、 自然、科学などすべてノンフィクションです。 • 巻末に付いている表にリーディング時間を記録できるようになっています。 自分の成果が 目で確認できるので、生徒のやる気を促進させます。 • 短い時間で出来るので、通学の合間や授業の始めのちょっとした時間に最適です Reading Phonics Features: • Preview activities provide exposure to vocabulary and content • Multiple-choice questions enable students to self-monitor comprehension • Progress charts allow students to graphically record their personal reading speed development • Reading passages throughout each level are of similar length and difficulty • Photos help students relate to the content • Free downloadable supplemental audio recordings ◀ Reading for Speed and Fluency Level 1 Eight thematically arranged chapters keep students interested in the content 生徒が内容に興味を持てるようなテーマ別に分かれた8つの章。 Each chapter contains five related passages to enable students to become progressively more familiar with the content and vocabulary. Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 22 Title Units Pages Average Word Count Reading for Speed and Fluency 1-2 40 120 300 Reading for Speed and Fluency 3-4 40 120 400 Activities at the beginning of each chapter activate students’ background knowledge on each chapter’s theme. 各チャプターの初めにあるアクティビティが、 リーディングの内容理解を促進させます。 Difficult vocabulary introduced before reading the passages allow students to read quickly. 止まらず速く読めるよう、難しい単語はリーデ ィングの前に紹介されています。 New vocabulary is introduced through photographs and classroom interaction. 新しい単語は写真でわかりやすく表示されて います。 Questions relating to the information in the passage ensure students’ comprehension remains high as their reading speed increases. パッセージ(一節)の内容に関する質問、 リーディン グの速度が早くなるに従って学習者の理解度が高 まるよう作っています。 Reading passages throughout each book are almost exactly the same length to allow students to see their reading speed increase. 読む速度が速くなるか確認できるよう、各本それぞ れのパッセージの長さは、ほぼ同じになっています。 Photographs help students relate to the reading passage’s content. 写真は、 リーディングのパッセージの内容を理解す るのに役立ちます。 ▲ Reading for Speed and Fluency Level 1 23 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Reading Jump 1-3, Reading Jump Plus 1-3 Casey Malarcher Features Student Book • Informative reading passages structured in familiar organizational patterns • Limited target vocabulary items per unit that increase in number for higher level books • Writing-based comprehension questions to develop learners’ skills • • • • Reading Jump Student Book with Audio CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-626-6 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-627-3 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-628-0 ¥ 1,900 Workbook Multiple vocabulary exercises alternating throughout each book Additional comprehension checks to reinforce vocabulary acquisition and general understanding Dictation activities to build students’ listening skills Reading Jumpは中級者向け、Reading Jump Plusは上級者向けのリーディングシリ Reading Jump Plus Student Book with Audio CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-629-7 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-630-3 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-631-0 ¥ 1,900 ーズです。 • エンターテイメント、 アー ト、健康、 スポーツ、環境問題、科学、社会科学、世界の人々、 文化、 自然、歴史など幅広いトピックを網羅しています。 • 重要単語や内容の確認、要約ができるようになっていますので、 しっかり内容を理解し て学習を進めていくことが可能です。 Reading • 取り外しができるワークブックではユニットごとの単語と読解の問題、 またディクテーシ ョン問題を完備しています UNIT 1 Comprehension Check Summary Choose the best answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from below. 1. What is the main topic of the passage? a. The way science fiction films have changed b. The movie Avatar c. The year the first science fiction film was made d. The length of science fiction films Old science fiction 1 ________________ are different from new films. black films color sound ◀ Reading Jump Level 1 computers Old films were in 2 ________________ and white. New films are in 3 2. What are science fiction films usually about? a. Aliens, machines, and planets b. Wood, metal, and paint c. Machines, science, and the UNIT future d. Spaceships and the moon ________________. Also, old f ilms had no 4 ________________ and made monsters with wood, paint, and metal. New films have sound and make monsters with 5 ________________. 1 3. How old is the movie The Trip to the Moon? a. Over 100 years old b. Less than 100 years old c. 100 years old d. The passage doesn’t say. Science Fiction: Old Films, New Films Warm-Up Discuss and answer the questions. 1. How will the world change in 20 years? 2. How will new machines change our lives? 4. What is TRUE of old science fiction movies? a. They were very long. b. They were black and white. c. They were loud. d. They were shown on special screens. Track 1 Science f iction is a special type of movie. These f ilms are usually about subjects like machines, science, and the future. They are about new ideas. These new ideas may change our standards of living. Writing The first science fiction film, The Trip to the Moon, is over a Answer these questions. hundred years old. It was made in 1902. It is in black and white 1. When was the first science fiction film made? and has no sound. In the f ilm, scientists _____________________________________________________________ shoot themselves into the air. They travel to the moon, meet aliens, and return 2. What are science fiction films about? home. In The Trip to the Moon, people _____________________________________________________________ used paint, wood, and metal to make 3. How were the spaceships made in The Trip to the the Moon? aliens, spaceships, and planets. Avatar is a new science fiction _____________________________________________________________ film. It was made in 2009. Avatar has color and sound. In Avatar, people used computers to draw the aliens, machines, and planets. New films are longer 11 than old f ilms. Avatar and other new f ilms are shown on special screens in 3D. 5 10 5. Which is NOT a feature of new science fiction movies? a. Can be seen in 3D b. Made with computers c. Made in color d. Has no sound Science Fiction: Old Films, New Films 10 Vocabulary Preview 15 20 Write each vocabulary word next to its meaning. machine future type travel standard 1. ________________ a non-living object that performs tasks 2. ________________ an example of something; a sort of something TIME LIMIT 01:00 READING TIME ______ minutes ______ seconds 151 words 3. ________________ the point in time that will occur after the present 12 4. ________________ go to visit planet: a large, rocky ball that circles a star 5. ________________ levels of how good something is 8 Title Units Pages Reading Jump 1-3 20 108 Reading Jump Plus 1-3 20 126 Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 24 9 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Reading for the Real World Second Edition Intro-3 Eric Prochaska, Anne Taylor, Casey Malarcher, Andrea Janzen, Adam Worcester, Moraig Macgillivray, Tonia Peters, Barbara Graber, Peggy Babcock, Kayang Gagiano Features • Readings have been revised and updated to include current world events and issues to provide insight into topics beyond the classroom • Reading exercises designed to hone comprehension skills targeting recognition of main ideas, specific details, and implied information • Activities also encourage reading, writing, and speaking skills • Various types of summary activities prepare students to effectively summarize readings concisely Student Book with MP3 CD (1-3) Student Book Intro with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-419-4 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-420-0 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-421-7 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-422-4 ¥ 1,900 • よどみなく読み、正しく理解する力を向上させるためのシリーズです。 • 幅広い分野のトピックをカバーしているので、様々な背景知識やアカデミックなリーデ ィングに頻出する単語を身に付けることができます。 • 各ユニットにはリーディングに対する読解の選択問題、英作文、要約を完成させる問 題、そして単語のアクティビティがあります。 32 35 37 38 40 41 51 8 expect --- to guess; to consider likely respondent --- a person who answers a survey minimal --- low; of the smallest amount common --- usual; occurring frequently check --- to mark widely --- over a large range or area cross one’s fingers --- to put the second finger over the first finger ◀ R eading Comprehension Reading for the Real World Second Edition Level 1 A Mark each statement as either true (T) or false (F) according to the reading. 1. ____ The majority of people said they do not believe in bad luck. 2. ____ None of the non-believers think four-leaf clovers are lucky. 3. ____ It is bad luck to climb a ladder. older people in the survey. For people between the ages of eighteen and twenty30 4. ____ Few people thought that breaking a mirror was bad luck. four taking the survey, 64 percent claimed to be at least a little superstitious. But for seniors 65 and older, only 30 percent admitted to believing any superstitions. B Choose the best answer. It might be expected that people with more education would be less 1. Which of the following would bring bad luck? superstitious, but results from the survey indicated almost equal numbers of a. b. c. d. believers between those with and without college degrees. Of those survey 35 respondents who never finished or only finished high school, 42 percent reported being at least a little superstitious. For those with a college education, 2. Which of these good-luck traditions was most commonly followed by non-believers? 47 percent claimed the same minimal level of belief. In the survey, ten common superstitions were listed for the people who a. b. c. d. responded. Of these superstitions, five were related to good luck and five to bad 40 luck. Respondents were then asked to check the ones they believed. Of the superstitions in the list, good-luck superstitions were more widely held. The top superstitions related to good luck that most people followed “very much” were Avoiding black cats Kissing under mistletoe Knocking on wood Picking up money 3. Who would be most likely to admit being superstitious? picking four-leaf clovers (79 percent), knocking on wood (72 percent), picking up a. A nineteen-year-old, female, college student b. A thirty-year-old, male, high school drop-out c. A forty-year-old, male, college graduate d. A seventy-year-old, female, college graduate pennies (70 percent), and crossing fingers for luck (59 percent). Of the bad-luck 45 A cracked mirror Crossed fingers Money on the street Walking under mistletoe superstitions, the most common belief was that breaking a mirror brought bad luck (82 percent). Other bad luck superstitions 6 listed in the survey included seeing black cats, walking under ladders, seeing the bride before the wedding, and doing U N I T anything on Friday the 13th. 50 C For the next two questions, look for the answers in the passage and 1 write them on the lines provided. Stra ng e & Unus ua l 1 1. What was the main purpose of the survey? American Superstitions Many people would like to think it could not hurt to do ______________________________________________________ something like knocking on wood or crossing your fingers to ______________________________________________________ American Superstitions bring a little luck. After all, who doesn’t want a little luck? Reading Time _______ minutes _______ seconds E 2. What are the different groups of superstitions? Track 1 very culture has superstitions. Some people believe them more than others. Even in our ______________________________________________________ modern technological society, superstitions ______________________________________________________ still hold a powerful influence. Most people seem to 574 words 5 outgrow them. But how many people continue to believe (or at least act like they believe) these superstitions as adults? A survey conducted for the journal American Demographics by the research 7 firm Market Facts found some surprising results. In modern America, where RRW1(13 ).indd 7 2011-12-28 Pre-Reading Questions 10 3:02:06 RRW1(13 ).indd 8 superstitions are seen as nothing more than the beliefs of a weak mind, 44 2011-12-28 3:02:09 percent of the people surveyed still admitted they were superstitious. The other 56 percent claimed to be only “optimistically superstitious,” meaning they were Think about the following questions. more willing to believe superstitions relating to good luck over ones related to 1. What are some good-luck superstitions? bad luck. For example, 12 percent of those who said they were not really 2. What are some bad-luck superstitions? 15 3. Do you follow or believe any of these superstitions? superstitious confessed to knocking on wood for good luck. And 9 percent confessed they would pick up a penny on the street for good luck. A further 9 percent of non-believers also said they would pick a four-leaf clover for luck if they found one. And some still believed in kissing under the mistletoe for luck. Of the 44 percent of Americans who admit their superstitious beliefs, 65 Vocabulary Preview 20 Match each word or phrase with the correct definition. a. inclined to believe in chance or magic 2. conduct b. a small plant with white berries; a Christmas decoration 3. confess c. a small flowering plant, usually with three leaves believers, some interesting differences appeared when the men and women were considered separately. In the survey, women comprised 60 percent of the entire superstitious group, seeming to indicate that women tend to be more 25 4. optimistically d. to do 5. mistletoe e. to admit 6. superstitious f. positively; in a positive way percent said they were “only a little” superstitious, 27 percent were “somewhat” superstitious, and 8 percent were “very” superstitious. Among this group of 1. clover superstitious than men. However, more than half (64 percent) of the “very” superstitious believers were male. Additionally, age also showed significant differences between the believers and non-believers. More young people admitted their superstitious nature than 23 24 27 RRW1(13 ).indd 5 Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 2011-12-28 3:02:02 comprise --- to make up indicate --- to show; to suggest significant --- major; large RRW1(13 ).indd 6 2011-12-28 3:02:04 Title Units Pages Average Word Count Reading for the Real World Second Edition Intro 12 148 480 Reading for the Real World Second Edition 1 12 148 570 Reading for the Real World Second Edition 2 12 148 630 Reading for the Real World Second Edition 3 12 148 710 25 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Reading the World Now 1-3 Rob Jordens, Jeff Zeter Reading the World Now is a three-book series designed for students who are seeking to bridge their English language reading from adapted texts to native texts. Upon reading an upper-intermediate to advanced level of written materials, students are ready to move from comprehending adapted texts designed for second language learners to reading materials written for readers whose first language is English. Student Book with MP3 CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-257-2 ¥ 2,000 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-260-2 ¥ 2,000 Student Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-263-3 ¥ 2,000 Features • Designed for students who are seeking to bridge their English language reading from adapted texts to native texts • Comprehension activities made to require students to use facts and details from the passages as well as infer implied information about the writer’s purpose • Vocabulary development activities specifically targeting mid-frequency and academic words • 高校生から大学生向け、上級レベルリーディング教材です。 • 世界各国のノンフィクショントピックを採用しています。 • MP3 CD付き Reading ◀ Title Units Pages Reading the World Now 1 24 148 Reading the World Now 2 24 148 Reading the World Now 3 24 148 Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 26 Reading the World now Level 1 Age level New Edition 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Issues Now in the News Third Edition Best Seller Adam Worcester, Brian Williams Features • Authentic news texts from Voice of America • Useful vocabulary, idiom and expressions for advanced-level learners • Exercises to support vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehention Student Book Third Edition with MP3 CD Student Book with MP3 CD 978-1-61352-455-8 ¥ 2,000 • Voice of Americaから厳選された全世界の様々な国の問題や文化についての記事を扱 っています。 • 背景知識の説明から始まり、読解問題だけでなく、ボキャブラリー、イディオムや要約など の問題が用意されています。 • クラスディスカッションのトピックにも最適です • 大学生や上級の高校生向きです。 ◀ Sample Page Title Issues Now in the News Third Edition Answer Key Issues Now in the News Third Edition Units Pages Average Word Count 20 128 870 FreeMP3 Available online 27 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Reading Formula with Note Taking Adam Worcester, Paul Edmunds, Sun Ha Choi, Seung Jun Woo Student Book Student Book 978-1-59966-360-9 ¥ 2,200 Features • More than 80 academic paragraphs and passages for practice • Various passages lengths for practice, ranging from 150 up to 700 words • Reading comprehension questions following each paragraph and passage, including questions targeting main idea, inference, rthetorical purpose, sentence insertion, and summarizing • リーディングやノートテイキングスキルを強化するために作られた教材です • アカデミックな長文を使用しているので、 さまざまなテスト対策や留学準備にもなりま す。 • リーディングストラテジーを学ぶことにより、長文の構成を理解し、 カギとなる重要な 情報を素早く見つけ出すスキルを身に付けます。 Reading Formula with Note-Taking Phonics ◀ Sample Page Title Reading Formula with Note-Taking Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 28 Pages Average Word 216 266 Age level Extensive Reading for Academic Success: Advanced 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A-D Kandice McDonald Student Book (A-D) Features • Academic-style reading passages • Approximately 700 words per reading passage • Comprehension questions include inference, paraphrase/ sentence simplification, main idea determination, general comprehension • Units simplication, main idea determination, general comprehension Units thematically Student Book A 978-1-59966-120-9 ¥ 2,200 Student Book B 978-1-59966-121-6 ¥ 2,200 Student Book C 978-1-59966-122-3 ¥ 2,200 Student Book D 978-1-59966-123-0 ¥ 2,200 • Book A, B, C, Dのレベルは全て同じです。 • テキストの内容は下記の表の通り広範囲で、80ものリーディングパッセージが各タイト ルに収録されています。 • それぞれのリーディングの長さはおよそ700語で、5つの読解問題が後に続いています。 • 読解問題は、推論の問題や言い換え問題等でTOEFL iBT対策にも最適です。 ◀ Book A Book B • English and American • • • • Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Word List Available online Literature Geography Biology Communication Anthropology and Archaeology • • • • • • Acience and Technology Medicine and Healthcare Chemistry Linguistics World History The Humanities Extensive Reading for Academic Success: Advanced A Book C • • • • • Book D • The Classics & Modernization Sociology Physics Business Art and Music Title World Literature • American Literature: • • • • 19th and 20th Environmental Science American History Psychology Computer Science and Information Technology Units Pages Extensive Reading for Academic Success A 80 188 Extensive Reading for Academic Success B 80 188 Extensive Reading for Academic Success C 80 188 Extensive Reading for Academic Success D 80 188 29 TOEIC 1000 Basic English Words TOEFL iBT 0-250 255-400 405-600 605-780 785-900 905-990 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 1-4 Kelli Rapitti, Tamara Wilburn Student Book with Audio CD (1-4) 1000 Basic English Words is a four-level series designed to enhance the vocabulary of beginner level learners. All of the words presented over the four books of the series provide learners with over 1,000 practical, high-frequency English words. All of the words chosen for the series come from an analysis of the most commonly found words in textbooks and materials for English language learners. Student Book 1 with Audio CD 978-1-61352-451-0 ¥ 1,500 Student Book 2 with Audio CD 978-1-61352-452-7 ¥ 1,500 Student Book 3 with Audio CD 978-1-61352-453-4 ¥ 1,500 Student Book 4 with Audio CD 978-1-61352-454-1 ¥ 1,500 Features • Appealing photographs that illustrate each target word • Clear, easy to understand definitions and examples for all target words • Original fiction and nonfiction passages using target words in context • Correct pronunciation of target words indicated with phonetic symbols • コーパスデータに基づき、 日常生活で頻度の高い単語のうち基礎レベルの1000語を 4レベルに分けて収録しました。 • 各ユニット20単語ずつ写真や例文によってわかりやすく説明されています。 • リーディング、 ライティング問題等を通して、確実に実用的な単語力を高めます。 Phonics • 3ユニット毎にコピーして使えるレビューテストが無料ダウンロード可 1. Part A Word List and Pra Praccti ticce Exercises 1 and 2 · In Exercise 1, students check their understanding of words by matching synonyms or antonyms. · In Exercise 2, students check their knowledge of the target words by matching them with the correct definitions. · Phonetic symbols aid students with pronunciation, while parts of speech aid students with proper usage. · Space is provided so that students can write the meanings of the target words in their native language. This studentfriendly feature allows students to personalize their learning. Title Sample Page 30 Answer Key FreeMP3 Assessments Tips & Ideas Available online 1000 Basic English Words 1 - 4 Units Pages 12 88 Sample pages from 2. Part B 1000 Basic Essential English Words 1 Word List and Prac Practi ticce Word List · The second ten target words are presented in a list. · Clear and concise definitions and simple sample sentences demonstrate usage and provide context. Exercises 1 and 2 · In Exercise 1, students practice using the words in context in a gap-fill activity. · In Exercise 2, a fun crossword puzzle tests students’ knowledge and understanding of the unit’s target words. 3. Reading and Writing Practice Alternating activities in odd and even units add variety to the practice activities. Reading Practice · Readings introduce a variety of fiction and nonfiction topics and provide further examples of the target words in context. Post-Reading · Reading comprehension questions test students’ reading skills and understanding of the topics. Writing Practice · The Writing Practice section provides further practice of the target words in activities based on the content of the reading passage. 31 TOEIC 4000 Essential English Words 1-6 TOEFL iBT 0-250 255-400 405-600 605-780 785-900 905-990 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 Best Seller Paul Nation 4000 Essential English Words is a six-book series that is designed to focus on practical high-frequency words to enhance the vocabulary of learners from high beginning to advance levels. The series presents a variety of words that cover a large percentage of the words that can be found in many spoken or written texts. Thus, after mastering these target words, learners will be able to fully understand vocabulary items when they encounter them in written and spoken form. Each unit presents 20 words which are defined and used in sample sentences. The activities in the books are designed to present the words in different uses so that learners can fully see how they can be utilized. Also at the end of each unit there is a story which contains the unit’s target words to give learners further examples of the words in use. Each level properly prepares the learner for the next which progressively challenges the learner with more sophisticated vocabulary and stories. Student Book (1-6) Student Book 1 978-1-59966-402-6 ¥ 1,780 Student Book 2 978-1-59966-403-3 ¥ 1,780 Student Book 3 978-1-59966-404-0 ¥ 1,780 Student Book 4 978-1-59966-405-7 ¥ 1,780 Student Book 5 978-1-59966-406-4 ¥ 1,780 Student Book 6 978-1-59966-407-1 ¥ 1,780 • 会話や書き言葉での高頻出単語のみ各レベルに600語と、 レベル1,2,3の巻末に はイラスト付きの単語集を収録。 Vocabulary • わかりやすい単語の定義と例文とイラストで覚えやすい。 • さまざまなアクティビティを通して確実な習得を目指します。 • 各ユニットにターゲットの20単語を使ったストーリーで実際にどのように使用される のかを確認できます。 Features • Clear, easy to understand definitions and examples • Various activities to reinforce target vocabulary • Progressive development of vocabulary across levels • Original stories which utilize target words • Useful color images that illustrate each target word • Free downloadable supplemental audio recordings of target word lists and stories to aid in listening and pronunciation Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 32 Title Units Pages 4000 Essential English Words 1 30 196 4000 Essential English Words 2 30 196 4000 Essential English Words 3 30 196 4000 Essential English Words 4 30 196 4000 Essential English Words 5 30 196 4000 Essential English Words 6 30 196 Sample pages from 4000 Essential English Words 1 Illustrations and pictures for each target are provided to help visualize the word as it is being used in the example sentence. 各単語を使った例文で学習すると同時に、写真やイラス トが単語の視覚化に役立ちます。 Activities make the learners think about the meaning of the words in the context of sentence. 文中の単語の意味を生徒に考えさせるアクテ ィビティー。 Each unit ends with a story containing the target words. While reading the story, the learners have to recall the meanings of the words and apply them to the context of the story. 各ユニットの終わりにはターゲット・ワードを含 んだストーリーを載せています。ストーリーを読 みながら、学習者は単語の意味を思い出し、内容 の理解に繋がります。 33 Age level 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Young Learners Classic Readers Series Young Learners Classic Readers provide beginning English language learners enjoyable and easy reading practice of famous stories from around the world. Young English language learners will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency with the easy-to-read adaptations included in this varied collection of well-known tales for children. Young Learners Classic Readers Book with MP3 CD (lever 1-6) Level 1 ¥ 700 Level 2 ¥ 700 Level 3 ¥ 700 Level 4 ¥ 700 • 世界中で長い間親しまれているストーリーばかりを集め6つのレベルに分けました。 Level 5 ¥ 700 • レベルに合わせて小さなお子様でも簡単に楽しく読むことができるので、初めてのリー Level 6 ¥ 700 • Young Learners Classic Readersは初級学習者向けのストーリーブックです。 ディングの練習にぴったりです。 また、英語の本を読むことによって、 日常生活で頻繁に 使用されるボキャブラリーやイディオム、 また文法を自然に習得できます。 Each level has 10 titles. Please go to the Index for details. • 巻末には重要単語のリストや、発表会などで使える短い劇のスクリプトを収録しました。 • 朗読が録音されたMP3 CD付き 各レベル10タイトルです。 10タイトルがセットになったレベ ル別パックもございます。詳しくは Indexをご覧ください。 Readers Features • 60 classic stories • A short introduction • A picture gallery of characters • A story including full-color illustrations and highlighted dialog for easy recognition of spoken language • A short playlet • A picture dictionary • Audio recordings Word Count Stories in each level are written for students who have the minimum base vocabulary listed below. Students who have a good base-vocabulary near a particular target level listed will find the stories in that level well-suited for extensive reading practice and reading fluency development. LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 • The Town Mouse and the Country • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sample Page FreeMP3 34 Available online Mouse Hansel and Gretel The Brave Tin Soldier Noah’s Ark Bellerophon and Pegasus How Red Bird Got His Color The Three Goats Two Frogs The Three Little Pigs The Selfish Giant LEVEL 4 The Fish and the Ring Beauty and the Beast The Prince and the Pauper Gulliver’s Travels A Little Princess Fairy Gifts The Enchanted Castle The Lady or the Tiger? The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus Ivan the Fool • • • • • • • • • • LEVEL 3 The Fir Tree The Elves and the Shoemaker How Bear Lost His Tail Sleeping Beauty Jack and the Magic Beans The Son Who Came Home The Nutcracker Puss in Boots The Woodman and the Ax The Trojan Horse • • • • • • • • • • LEVEL 5 • • • • • • • • • • Pinocchio The Last Lesson Journey to the West A Dog of Flanders King Arthur and the Black Knight What Katy Did The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Little Lord Fauntleroy The Magic Flute The Gift of the Magi • • • • • • • • • • Cinderella Ole-Luk-Oie: The Dream God The Three Sillies Daedalus and Icarus The Magic Swan The Three Bears Heidi Hans Brinker Diamonds and Toads The Nightingale and the Rose LEVEL 6 The Hunchback of Notre Dame The Sandman The Last Leaf The Barber of Seville The Hollow Needle Ivanhoe Two Years’ Vacation The Battle of Red Cliffs from Romance of the Three Kingdoms Pollyanna The Count of Monte Cristo Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 Word Count per Story 300 500 800 1200 1700 2500 Full-Color Illustrations Original artwork creates a backdrop in which to read the story. The illustrations enable students to gain a better understanding of the story line as they progress through the story. ◀ Young Learners Classic Readers Series Level 1 Playlet To reinforce new vocabulary and grammar acquired from the reading, each story comes complete with a playlet which can be used for in-class performance. Word List Using a picture dictionary format, each reader contains a word list of new vocabulary including a picture and corresponding definition for easy reference. By level 6, students will find encouragement in their reading ability as they complete stories over 2,000 words long! ◀ Young Learners Classic Readers Series Level 6 MP3 CD Included for Each Title ※MP3 CDの取り扱いについては2ページをご参照ください。 35 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Compass Classic Readers Series The Compass Classic Readers series provides beginning and intermediate English language learners accessible adaptations of the greatest works of English literature. Each reader includes discussion questions before and after each chapter, a glossary for key vocabulary words, and a short playlet for classroom performance. Compass Classic Readers Student Book with MP3 CD (Level 1-6) Level 1 ¥ 900 Level 2 ¥ 920 Level 3 ¥ 940 • 多読にぴったりのリーダーです。 Level 4 ¥ 960 • 各章の前後に、 ディスカッションにも使える問題がついています。 Level 5 ¥ 980 • 巻末には重要単語のリストや、教室でできる短い劇のスクリプトを収録しました。 Level 6 ¥ 1,000 • 朗読が録音されたMP3 CD付き Each level has 10 titles. Please go to the Index for details. Features • Guided reading questions before and after each chapter • Alphabetic glossary of key vocabulary • Short scripted scene for in-class performance • Separate teacher’s guide available including a short exam covering the entire reader Readers LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 • • • • • • • • • • The Emperor’s New Clothes Black Beauty Grimm’s Fairy Tales Favorite Asian Folk Tales The Wind in the Willows Doctor Dolittle Just So Stories The Jungle Book Favorite Fables The Happy Prince • • • • • • • • • • David Copperfield The Thirty-Nine Steps Oliver Twist Little Women Sherlock Holmes Tales of Mystery & Imagination Around the World in Eighty Days The Moonstone The Prisoner of Zenda Sense & Sensibility Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 36 LEVEL 3 • • • • • • • • • • The Arabian Nights Robin Hood Alice in Wonderland The Wizard of Oz The Railway Children The Secret Garden White Fang The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Peter Pan Anne of Green Gables • • • • • • • • • • The Invisible Man Shakespeare’s Tragedies Shakespeare’s Comedies A Tale of Two Cities Vanity Fair Pride and Prejudice Moby Dick The Importance of Being Earnest More Tales of Mystery and Imagination The Hound of the Baskervilles LEVEL 4 Sample Page 各レベル10タイトルです。 10タイトルがセットになったレベ ル別パックもございます。詳しくは Indexをご覧ください。 • • • • • • • • • • The Merchant of Venice Treasure Island King Solomon’s Mines The Time Machine Robinson Crusoe Romeo and Juliet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Frankenstein A Christmas Carol 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea • • • • • • • • • • Wuthering Heights Great Expectations Nicholas Nickleby The Three Musketeers The Phantom of the Opera Jane Eyre Tess of the d’Urbervilles Classic American Short Stories Classic British Short Stories The War of the Worlds LEVEL 5 LEVEL 6 Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 Word Count per Story 25004000 8000 12000 18000 23000 30000 Sample pages from Compass Classic Readers Series Level 1 - Grimm’s Fairy Tales The section in the beginning of each chapter introduces students to the theme of the main passage and activates their own knowledge and experience. Colorful and delightful illustrations make it easy to understand the stories as well as make it fun to read. カラフルなイラスト付きで、話の流れが理解しやすく、楽しく読むこ とができます。 The Review Questions section at the end of each chapter helps students to understand the reading content. 各チャプターの最後にあるReview Questionではストーリーをより深く 理解することができます。 The New Words section at the end of each book provides easy to understand definitions for words that readers will probably not know. 巻末にワードリストがついています。 Accompanied supplemental materials Playlets at the end of each story engages learners in fun classroom performances. 授業や発表会の寸劇で使えるPlayletがついています。 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 3 Romeo omeeoo and Juliet om Doctor DolittleR MP3 CD ※MP3 CDの取り扱いについては2ページをご参照ください。 37 Age level Grammar Starter 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Best Seller David Charlton Features • Five 4-unit chapters presenting a controlled, systematic range of grammar topics • Full-color illustrations to support the presentation of grammar rules • Practice exercises designed to build student confidence and accuracy in English grammar • “My Grammar Notes” at the end of each unit to summarize grammar rules • Chapter review tests for consolidation of target structures • Writing workbook with additional practice exercises available • Answer keys available online Grammar Starter (1-3) • フルカラーのイラストレーションと表で文法ルールを初級者にもわかりやすく解説。 • 英文法を確実に身につけるための練習エクササイズ Student Book 1 978-1-59966-535-1 ¥ 1,500 Student Book 2 978-1-59966-536-8 ¥ 1,500 Student Book 3 978-1-59966-537-5 ¥ 1,500 Workbook 1 978-1-59966-538-2 ¥ 500 Workbook 2 978-1-59966-539-9 ¥ 500 Workbook 3 978-1-59966-540-5 ¥ 500 • 文法ルールをまとめて復習できる My Grammar Notes を各ユニットの最後に収録。 • 4ユニットごとに復習テストがあります。 • さらに文法を練習できるワークブック(別売) More Practice Challenge Write the correct words on the lines for the types of nouns. Circle the nouns that are different. 1. 2. uncle queen 6. 3. 7. 4. airport 8. 5. ball 9. lion UNI T 1. doctor / doll / artist 2. brother / aunt / house 3. school / hospital / spider 4. tree / school / park 5. city / table / chair 6. horse / chair / elephant 7. monkey / apple / zebra 10. Grammar 9. school / horse / lion aunt beach 11. 12. duck piano 16. 17. chair puppy 13. shoe 18. cow pen 14. garden 19. farm People Places Things teacher city flower lion student _____________ doll _____________ _____________ school _____________ puppy artist _____________ shoe _____________ school queen __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Places __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Things __________ __________ _ park ball Tip TTy Types ype es of of Nouns Noun Nou N ns __________ __________ _ UNI T Animals turtle People Animals 8. book / pencil / duck 10. ball / tree / dog Fill in the blanks. 20. brother Grammar Starter Student Book Level 1 My Grammar Notes 15. sister ◀ People / Places / Things / Animals hospital duck piano _____________ cow Word Box teacher turtle garden doctor Proper nouns: names of people or places Proper nouns start with capital letters. ex) Daniel Baker, Paris, Canada Practice A Circle the correct types of nouns. 8 9 Grammar Rules People Places Things Animals doctor park doll dog People 1. friend (place / person) 2. frog (animal / place) 3. owl (animal / person) Places 4. classroom (animal / place) 5. book (place / thing) doctor artist teacher park student city Things 6. father (person / thing) school house Animals B Match the types of nouns to the correct pictures. 1. people a. orange doll table dog kin ki ing in bee 3. things m mom c. horse h tree apple cat bird flow wer b. 2. places d. 4. animals ele l phant zoo o castle 6 Sample Page Answer Key 38 Available online 7 Title Grammar Starter Student Book 1-3 Grammar Starter Workbook 1-3 Units Pages 20 + 5 Reviews 96 20 44 Age level 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Grammar Success 1-3 Jin Zeter Features • Sixteen 4-page units presenting a controlled, systematic range of grammar topics • Clear grammar explanations with accompanying illustrations and examples • A variety of fun and educational exercises ranging from simple recognition of word types to error correction to full-sentence production • Speaking activities designed to increase fluency • Four unit reviews and a final test • Writing workbook with additional practice exercises available • Answer keys available online Student Book (1-3) Student Book 1 978-1-59966-561-0 ¥ 1,500 Student Book 2 978-1-59966-562-7 ¥ 1,500 Student Book 3 978-1-59966-563-4 ¥ 1,500 Writing Workbook (1-3) • 初中級向けに、 さまざまな文法トピックを紹介する各4ページのユニットを16ユニット 収録 • 4ユニットごとに復習テスト、本の巻末にはファイナルテストがあります。 Writing Workbook 1 978-1-59966-564-1 ¥ 500 Writing Workbook 2 978-1-59966-565-8 ¥ 500 Writing Workbook 3 978-1-59966-566-5 ¥ 500 • 文法の明確な説明と、 それに合わせたイラストレーションと例を提供 • 単語の分類分けや間違いの訂正から文章の構成まで、 さまざまな楽しい役立つエクサ サイズを収録 • ライティングとスピーキングのペアワークがあります。 • 練習エクササイズを収録したワークブック (別売) ◀ Challenge More Practice Circle the correct types type for the underlined nouns and rewrite them correctly. ctly Circle the correct types of nouns. 1. plate (common noun / proper noun) 2. Chicago (proper noun / common noun) 3. stone (concrete noun / abstract noun) 4. Germany (common noun / proper noun) Types of nouns Correct words 1. The Book is on the table. ommo o / proper) (common book ____________________ 2. Amy feels Happiness right now. (concrete / abstract) ____________________ 5. success (concrete noun / abstract noun) 3. They are in the Library. (common / proper) ____________________ 6. calendar (proper noun / common noun) 4. The Students walk to the house. (concrete / abstract) ____________________ 5. The Eiffel Tower is in paris. (common / proper) ____________________ 6. He meets jennifer. (concrete / abstract) ____________________ 7. She speaks four Languages. (common / proper) ____________________ 8. I like apple Pie. (concrete / abstract) ____________________ 7. hate (concrete noun / abstract noun) 8. Internet (abstract noun / concrete noun) 9. milk (common noun / proper noun) 10. tissue (concrete noun / abstract noun) Grammar Success Student Book Level 1 Write the words in the correct boxes. stapler Pair Work mountain aunt bear Canada Brooklyn Bridge weakness lake Paul actor Mary cheetah Godzilla president New York January book pride giraffe courage victory friendship King Kong bottle trouble 1. place (common noun) nurse Jason zoo joy card 2. person (proper noun) ________________________________ 3. thing (proper noun) ________________________________ Practice 4. animal (common noun) ________________________________ Places Writing Types of Nouns Abstract Nouns Concrete Nouns People Work with a partner. Practice naming the different kinds of nouns. Things Common Nouns Animals Grammar Rules Write examples of the different kinds of nouns listed. ________________________________ school 5. concrete noun ________________________________ Look at the tabl table. Then, write the words in the correct boxes. 6. abstract noun ________________________________ Common Nouns vs. Proper Nouns Speaking Take turns saying out loud examples of the different kinds of nouns. People Places Things Animals Common Nouns vs. Proper Nouns 1. person (common noun) Common Nouns doctor lion chocolate park A noun is a person, place, thing, or animal. There are different kinds of nouns. deer paper hospital teacher 2. place (proper noun) Example: thing (common noun) Most nouns are common nouns. Common nouns are general things. 3. thing (common noun) Godzilla Apollo Greece Jason Proper Nouns noun) Student A: thing (common Example boy, city, book, tiger 4. concrete noun Student B: spoon Proper nouns are specific names. Proper nouns always start with capital letters. 5. abstract noun Example school King Kong singer clock telephone king Sam, Paris, Eiffel Tower, Monday, Godzilla Proper Nouns China 8 bird Steve Tuesday monkey Seoul 9 Common Nouns Proper Nouns People Places Things Animals Common Nouns Proper Nouns boy kitchen Jim China notebook cat Titanic Sparky Look at the table. Then, write the words in the correct boxes. Concrete Nouns vs. Abstract Nouns Concrete Nouns vs. Abstract Nouns Nouns can be concrete or abstract. Concrete Nouns table chair Concrete nouns are things you can see and touch. girl, rock, paper Example water house Abstract Nouns bird tree anger luck beauty happiness stress loneliness Abstract nouns are ideas, feelings, and qualities. sand trust, fear, happiness, Internet Example hate Concrete Nouns bird pen Abstract Nouns love sadness book fear paper love pencil Concrete Nouns ruler knife peace trust Abstract Nouns happiness 6 Sample Page Answer Key Available online 7 Title Units Pages Grammar Success Student Book 1-3 16 84 Grammar Success Writing Workbook 1-3 16 36 39 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Active English Grammar Second Edition 1-6 David Charlton, Peggy Anderson, Eung-Cheon Hah Features • A thorough and practical understanding of the mechanics of the English language • Grammar explanations presented in clear, well-organized charts • Confidence in grammar targets gained through carefully-controlled activities • Learners’ understanding of grammar units consolidated in review sections Student Book (1-6) • 全6レベル、中学生から大学生まで自分にあったレベルの文法を強化 することが出来 ます。 • 全ページ、 フルカラーになり文法の表がさらにわかりやすくなりました。 • 取り外し可能なワークブックと解答が付いています。 Student Book 1 978-1-59966-296-1 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 2 978-1-59966-299-2 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 3 978-1-59966-302-9 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 4 978-1-59966-305-0 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 5 978-1-59966-308-1 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 6 978-1-59966-311-1 ¥ 1,800 UNIT Practice 2 Exercise 1 Grammar in Use Exercise 1 Look at the pictures. Write the conversations in the correct order. You’re welcome. Here is a present. My name is Dr. Lee. How are you today? Thanks! ◀ Part A Active English Grammar Second Edition Level 1 Fix the seven mistakes. Surprise! Happy Birthday, Angela! OK. Take a deep breath, please. I have a bad cold. This is Yu-Na kim. She is a Figure skater. She is from Korea. She figure skates in 1. A: ________________________________________ many places all over the World. She speaks B: ________________________________________ korean and English? She is also a Singer. A: ________________________________________ She is strong and graceful. She is my’s Grammar 2. A: ________________________________________ favorite figure skater! B: ________________________________________ A: ________________________________________ Exercise 2 Rewrite the sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation. 1. john is from spain Exercise 2 John is from Spain. 2. his mom is a professor Match the questions and answers based on the above reading. Complete the sentences. 1. Where is Yu-Na Kim from? a. She is also a ____________. 2. What is her sport? b. She is from ____________. 3. What else does she do? c. ____________ sport is ____________. 4. Where does she travel? d. She ____________ all over the world. ____________________________________________________________ 3. what is your favorite holiday ____________________________________________________________ 4. he speaks spanish and english Basic Punctuation and Simple Sentences ____________________________________________________________ UNIT 5. her name is maria carlos UNIT Practice 1 Part A ____________________________________________________________ Exercise 1 6. the kids favorite holiday is christmas Part A ____________________________________________________________ Preview 8 Capitalization and Punctuation Unit 1 Basic Punctuation and Simple Sentences AEG1_SB_0206_STL0322.indd 8 Fix the mistakes in the sentences. Each sentence has one mistake. 1. How old are you. How old are you? I have a brother. His name is Brad. Today is December 2nd. It’s Brad’s birthday. I have a present for him. 2013-03-22 5:09:51 Part A 9 2. This is Mr Wilson. ____________________________________________________________ AEG1_SB_0206_STL0322.indd 9 2013-03-22 5:09:52 3. The book is yellow’ ____________________________________________________________ 4. i am twelve years old. Grammar Explanation Capitalize the first letter in a name. 5. My Baby sister is very cute. ____________________________________________________________ I like Doctor Jones. 6. Toms mother cooks dinner. Yes, I do. Capitalize the first-person singular pronoun. Capitalization ____________________________________________________________ The bird is pretty. My name is Sarah. Capitalize the first letter in a sentence. Capitalize the first letter of a title in front of a name. ____________________________________________________________ It is November. Capitalize the first letters in months, days, and holidays. Today is Wednesday. Independence Day is fun. Exercise 2 Unscramble the sentences. I speak English. Capitalize the first letters in languages, nationalities, and countries. I am Canadian. Put a period at the end of a sentence. He is a student. Put a period after a shortened word. I like Dr. Jones.* 1. Hello! / name / is / My / Lisa. Hello! My name is Lisa. I live in Australia. Period 2. live / I / States. / the / in / United ____________________________________________________________ Question Mark Put a question mark at the end of a question. Sentences that start with who, what, where, when, why, how, am/is/are, and do/does/did are usually questions. How are you? Are you listening? Did you see that? 3. old. / 14 / am / years / I Exclamation Point Put an exclamation point after words or sentences to show strong feeling. Help! I am very surprised! 4. I / every day. / listen to / music Put an apostrophe in the middle of a contraction (short form). I am happy. = I’m happy. I do not know. = I don=t know. Apostrophes show ownership. Add an apostrophe + s to a noun or name. Amy’s bag is blue, but James’s bag is green. The bird’s feet are small. Add just an apostrophe to plural nouns that end in -s to show ownership. The teachers’ lounge is here. The students’ bags are full. Apostrophe ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 5. favorite / is / Psy. / singer / My ____________________________________________________________ 6. great! / He / is * Dr. needs a period in American English but not in British English. 6 Part A AEG1_SB_0206_STL0322.indd 6 Sample Page Answer Key 40 Available online ____________________________________________________________ Unit 1 Basic Punctuation and Simple Sentences 2013-03-22 5:09:49 Title AEG1_SB_0206_STL0322.indd 7 7 2013-03-22 5:09:50 Units Pages Workbook Active English Grammar Second Edition 1 8 148 17pages Active English Grammar Second Edition 2 10 148 21pages Active English Grammar Second Edition 3 10 148 21pages Active English Grammar Second Edition 4 10 148 21pages Active English Grammar Second Edition 5 10 148 21pages Active English Grammar Second Edition 6 10 148 21pages Age level 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Very Easy Writing 1-3 Karen Ang, Zoe Smith, Moraig Macgillivray, Adam Worcester Features • Easy to use for both students and teachers • Detachable workbook for extra in-class practice or homework use • Downloadable tests for each unit • Audio CD including modeling of key words, supplemental questions for the first page of each unit in the student book, and material for the tests • Comprehensive teacher’s guide provides many ideas for how to present the material Student Book with Workbook and Audio CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-224-4 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-227-5 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with Workbook and Audio CD 978-1-59966-230-5 ¥ 1,900 • 文字を書くことから始まり、正しい文法を意識しながら1人で文章を書けるようにな ります。 • 英語の基礎をしっかり身に付けることを目的とし、4スキル全体を伸ばすことができ ます。 • 生徒にも先生にも使いやすい作りになっています。 • 取り外し可能なワークブックとCDを付属。 • 各ユニットのテストがダウンロード可能 ◀ Unit Numbers Zero to Ten A Listen. 04 Trace. zero zero one one two two B Track Spell the number words aloud. Very Easy Writing Level 1 F-I-V-E Write. three C four Count and write the number words. 1. 2. 3. 4. five six seven six seven eight nine nine ten ten Me Target Writing the names and ages of people around you I Am Nine Unit Unit 16 A Make some notes. Listen and answer the questions. Very Easy Writing 1(SB).indd 16 2012-08-07 6:04:37 Log in and meet some new friends. Track Very Easy Writing 1(SB).indd 17 17 Circle your avatar. 2012-08-07 6:04:39 03 My name: Hello My age: o Hell 1 Simon 2 Lucy 6 Tips 8 @ Names start with CAPITAL letters. @ How old are you? = What is your age? @ In English, your family name goes last. Á Min-Su Kim B lo Hel 1. What is your name? 3 Dan 7 14 Answer Key FreeMP3 Tips & Ideas Available online hello 2. How old are you? na 2012-08-07 6:03:39 Title Resources R[ :RUG% me age 15 Very Easy Writing 1(SB).indd 14 Sample Page Ask a friend. Very Easy Writing 1(SB).indd 15 2012-08-07 6:04:31 Units Pages Workbook Very Easy Writing 1 12 104 52 pages Very Easy Writing 2 12 104 52 pages Very Easy Writing 3 12 104 52 pages 41 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Writing Bright 1-3 E. J. Lewis Features • Theme-based age appropriate reading passages to introduce the topic for each unit • Clear and easy to understand introductions to grammatical concepts • Sentence and paragraph writing tips • Activities to help students avoid common writing mistakes • Exercises to further develop grammar and writing skills • Re-writing lessons to provide more practice Student Book (1-3) Student Book 1 978-1-59966-194-0 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 2 978-1-59966-197-1 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 3 978-1-59966-200-8 ¥ 1,800 • 各ユニットにはターゲットの文法が設定されており、文法の解説とヒント、そして間違 いやすい例などが紹介されています。 • 間違いさがしや、二つの文をつなげてより良い文にする問題などが豊富で、簡潔な正 しい文章の書き方を習得します。 • 自分の意見や体験を書く実践的なアクティビティで、習ったことを確実に自分の物にし ます。 1 ◀ Writing Basic Sentences Tips for Better Sentences 1 Writing Bright Level 1 Look at the pictures. Then write sentences about each person by answering these questions: “Where are they?” and “Are they happy?” Connecting words with and in the garden Q in the kitchen She is nice. She is friendly. ¸ She is nice and friendly. in the living room in the street in the garage Ex. Zoe’s Grandma is in the garden. (where?) She is not happy. (happy?)  We can join two adjectives after the verb be using and. This makes two short, choppy sentences into one longer, better sentence. 1. Zoe’s mother __________________________ _____________________________________ Modifying nouns with adjectives Writing Q Q He is a teacher. ¸ He is a great teacher. There is a tree in the garden. ¸ There is a tall tree in the garden. 1 2 3 4 2. Zoe’s father ___________________________ _____________________________________ 3. Zoe and Sue ___________________________ _____________________________________  We can modify a noun with an adjective and make a sentence more interesting. 4. Jim and his friends ______________________ ______________________________________ Common Mistakes 2 Look at the simple descriptions of each person. Then write sentences about them. Subject - verb agreement Q Q Q Q Mr. White John and Mary is nice people. () ¸ John and Mary are nice people. () Bill and I am school friends. () ¸ Bill and I ( ) school friends. There is many trees in the park. () ¸ There ( ) many trees in the park. The toys in the box is my brother’s. () ¸ The toys in the box ( ) my brother’s. Q Q Q Q Q Q His not a student. () ¸ He’s not a student. () Its a pen. () Its’ a pen. () ¸ ( ) a pen. Unit Sentence structure Q Q Mr. White is a writer. He is 43 years old. He is tall and thin. He is Zoe’s father. Brian Short forms Q a writer 43 years old tall, thin Zoe’s father Q Q B e : S i m p l e _______________________________ Present _______________________________ _______________________________ I am Zoe. 9 10 We are 12-year-old twins. Sara a photographer 32 years old nice, friendly Zoe’s uncle Brian is _________________________ am Zoe() It is a puppy on the mat. () ¸ There is a puppyIon the mat. They are puppies on the mat. () ¸ ( ) puppies on the mat. My sister’s name is Sue. 1 Q Q Q Q a doctor 30 years old smart, beautiful Brian’s friend Grammar for Writing Q Sara is __________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ 1 Be: Simple Present—basic _______________________________ O My father is a writer. (be + noun) O My father is busy. (be+adjective) O My father is in the room. (be + prepositional phrase) Jim is my brother.  < Be: simple present> is the most basic verb type in English sentences.  After be, you can use a noun/ pronoun, an adjective, or a prepositional phrase. He is 14 years old. 2 Mr. White is my father. Noun/ Pronoun subject + be He is a writer. O Mrs. White is my mother. O Mrs. White is my mother. She is a teacher. Flowers are in the garden. They are beautiful.  Both nouns and pronouns can be subjects in a sentence. She is a teacher. Our house is on a quiet street. 3 There is a beautiful garden in front of the house. There are many flowers in the garden. Be: Negative & Yes/No Questions He is not an artist. Is he a writer? Yes, he is. They are not tulips. O Are they roses? Yes, they are. O Grandma is in the garden every day. O O  Negative: <Subject + be + not>  Questions: <Be + subject> 4 There is/are  We use there is / are to say that There is a nice picture on the wall. There are many people in the room. O There is not a key on the table. O O something exists in a certain place.  There is / are is usually used with prepositional phrases: in the room, on the table. 8 Title Units Pages Writing Bright 1 10 108 Writing Bright 2 10 108 Writing Bright 3 10 108 Sample Page Answer Key 42 Available online Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Writing Starter Second Edition 1-3 Kelly Lee, Liana Robinson, Kim Kaufmann Features • Full-color illustrations and photographs to help motivate students • Wide variety of writing topics keep students interested • Clear language and writing skills objectives • Guided personalized writing tasks • Abundant sample paragraphs • Progressive exercises to promote the natural development of writing • Online teaching materials and worksheets Student Book (1-3) Student Book 1 978-159966-233-6 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 2 978-159966-236-7 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 3 978-159966-239-8 ¥ 1,800 • 英作文の初心者も、 このシリーズを通して様々なライティングテクニックを学び、英語 のライティングに欠かせないトピックセンテンスや結論のパラグラフを自分で書けるよ うになります。 • レベル1では、文脈を考えて文章を書くことを教えるので、パラグラフの構造を意識す るようになります。 • レベル2は、 アウトラインを参考にしながら簡単なパラグラフを書いていきます。 • レベル3で、 ブレインストーミングを通し自分でトピックセンテンスを書き、文章を完 結させ、 より高度なライティングスキルに仕上げます。 ◀ Sample Page Answer Key Tips & Ideas Worksheet Available online Title Writing Starter Second Edition Level 1 Units Pages Writing Starter Second Edition 1 16 + 2 Reviews 112 Writing Starter Second Edition 2 16 + 2 Reviews 112 Writing Starter Second Edition 3 16 + 2 Reviews 112 43 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Write On 1-3 Liana Robinson, Brian M.Williams Features • A wide variety of writing topics and styles • Clear language and writing skills objectives • Guided writing tasks and model paragraphs • Writing assignments included in student book Student Book (1-3) • 高校生から大学生向けのエッセイライティングを学ぶ本です。 • 日本の学生が苦手とする英語のエッセイならではの構成も、表な どを使ってわかりや Student Book 1 978-1-59966-287-9 ¥ 1,750 Student Book 2 978-1-59966-290-9 ¥ 1,750 Student Book 3 978-1-59966-293-0 ¥ 1,750 すく説明されています。 Languag Language Lan Lang La L ang an an ng gu uag uage ag age a ge Fo ge Focus Foc F ocu oc o cu uss Unit Unit Uni nitt ni ◀ Bra Brainsto Brai Br B rrai ra a aiins ains nstormin nsto nst n sto sst ttormin to orm rming rrmin rmi min mi min ing 1 A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the simple present tense. Write On Level 1 A. Choose something about yourself that you think is interesting. 1. My brother / have / a girlfriend Interesting fact: ______________________________________ My brother has a girlfriend. _________________________________________________________________________ B. Think of other information about yourself. Complete the chart below. Use 2. Brian and his brothers / be / at baseball practice the word box to help you. Brian and his brothers are at baseball practice. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The idea of school on Saturdays / be / horrible tennis sing well chess jump rope The idea of school on Saturdays is horrible. _________________________________________________________________________ 4. One of my friends / be / very tall _________________________________________________________________________ pets love history can rap basketball badminton have a rabbit like country music from Germany good at science can speak three languages able to walk on my hands have a twin brother 5. Sarah / not / know the answer _________________________________________________________________________ 6. We / have / a pet cat / but Sam and Mary / not / have / a cat Interesting fact: _________________________________________________________________________ (Ex. Can swim very fast) ______________________ 7. Many boys / hope / to become professional athletes _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Interesting fact: Interesting fact: ____________________ 8. Either your shoes or your bag / be / always in the living room _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 9. I / want / to win the championship this year ____________________ ____________________ _________________________________________________________________________ My Name: (Ex. Tiffany Stone) ______________________ B. Read the following paragraph. Write the missing sentences using the Writing words in parentheses. Use the correct form of the simple present. ______________________ My friends and I want to see a movie, but we can’t decide which one to see. 1.____ Number of brothers and sisters: Favorite sport or school subject: _______________________________ (Mark / want / to see Batman). Nina and I want to ______________________ ______________________ see the new James Bond movie, and Holly doesn’t know what she wants to see. 2._____ ______________________ ____________________________________________________________ (Each movie, __________________ ______________________ Age: _________________ including the previews, / be / about two hours long). The time is perfect because we’re ______________________ meeting some other friends for dinner in about two and a half hours. 3.______________ ______________________ ___________________________________ (We all / plan / to eat hamburgers and French ______________________ fries). I love to watch movies. 4._________________________________________________ ____ (I / be glad / that I have so many great friends). 9 Alll Ab A Al Abou About outt Me ou 10 Un U Uni Unit nitt nit Objectives t t Mapping Mapp M Ma Map app ap a p ppin pp pin iing ng IId ng Ide Ideas Idea d deas dea de eas e ea as 1 A. Look again at the paragraph on the previous page. Fill in the cluster with details from the paragraph. To write a descriptive paragraph introducing oneself To use the simple present tense Mod Modeling Mode M Mo ode od o delling de iing in ng n g A self-introduction is a way for you to introduce yourself. You should include basic facts and interesting information about yourself. b. _________ Grandparents c. Live near the live there ____________ every summer A. Read the example paragraph and answer the questions that follow. 3 a. _________ France in France My name is Simon. I am eleven years old and d I am an only child. I was born in France because my mother other is French, but now I live in Canada, not France. I visit France every summer to see my grandparents, who ho still live there, in the house my mother grew up in. n. I like visiting my grandparents because we speak French together. In France, I often play soccer with th my cousins. It’s my favorite sport. I have a lot of cousins, so we can make teams to play against each other. I also like visiting my grandparents because they live near the ocean. There’s a lot of fun stuff to do there. We swim, snorkel, and play in the sand. I think my life is pretty good, and I feel very fortunate. d. Swims, _________, and _________________ Simon 2 Only _________ 5 Soccer 1 Age 4 a. _________ years old Lives in b. Plays with _________ _____________ a. Speaks _________ and _________ a. Favorite ____________ B. Answer the questions. 1. What is the writer’s opinion about his life? 1. Underline and write the writer’s topic sentence about himself. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What does the writer do during his visits to France? What details does the writer give? 2. Circle and write the writer’s concluding sentence about himself. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. How many details about himself does the writer include? Number each detail. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7 Title Units Pages Writing Assignments Write On 1 12 78 24 pages Write On 2 12 78 24 pages Write On 3 12 78 24 pages Sample Page Answer Key Tips & Ideas Available online 44 8 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Essay Writing for Beginners 1-2 Randy Lewis, Kelli Ripatti Features • Full-color illustrations and photographs • Skill-building exercises to improve writing • Interesting writing topics equivalent to those found on TOEFL® iBT tests • A wide variety of sample essays • An introduction with teaching tips and recommended lesson plans • Audio CD included Essay Writing for Beginners Student Book 1 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-042-4 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 978-1-59966-043-1 ¥ 1,900 • TOEFL® iBT受験する生徒のための、 ライティング対策教材です。 • エッセイライティングを自分でまとめることが出来るよう、4ステップに分けて様々なテ クニックを紹介。 ◀ Sample Page Answer Key Available online Title Essay Writing for Beginners Level 1 Units Pages Essay Writing for Beginners 1 10 186 Essay Writing for Beginners 2 10 186 45 Age level New Edition 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Listening Starter Second Edition 1-3 Liana Robinson , Kelli Ripatti Features • Themed units with graded topic-based vocabulary • Note-taking exercises to introduce basic academic skills • High-frequency words and structures for young learners of English • Guided speaking activities • Dictation exercises to enhance listening abilities Student Book with Workbook and MP3 CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-506-7 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-507-4 ¥ 1,900 • レベルの高い小・中学生向け人気リスニング教材の第2版です。 Student Book 3 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-508-1 ¥ 1,900 • 学校や家など身近な日常生活シーンでよく使われる表現を身に付けます。 • リスニング問題だけでなくペアワーク等を通して様々なスキルを鍛えます。 • 第2版より取り外し可能なワークブックが付属になり、お得になりました。 • 便利な単語カードやコピーして使える中間・期末テストが無料ダウンロード可 。 Listening Starter Level 1 Listening ◀ Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 46 Title Units Pages Workbook Listening Starter 1 12 88 52 pages Listening Starter 2 12 88 52 pages Listening Starter 3 12 88 52 pages Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Listening Success with Dictation 1-5 Garrett Byrne Features • Natural and lively dialogs in everyday settings • Common expressions and phrases • Full-color photographs and illustrations to aid comprehension • A variety of exercises to support the audio tracks • Tests which allow students to check their progress Student Book with MP3 CDs (1-5) Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-396-8 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-397-5 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-398-2 ¥ 1,900 • この本のリスニングは学校や家などすべて日常生活を場面としていますので、 よく使わ れるフレーズや表現など生きた英会話を学ぶことができます。 Student Book 4 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-399-9 ¥ 1,900 • 選択問題、正誤や穴埋め問題に加え、 レベルが上がるにつれて自分で答えを書く問題 も出てきます。 Student Book 5 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-400-2 ¥ 1,900 • 取り外し可能なDictationの本では、ユニットごとに本文と同じリスニングをDictation できるようになっています。 また、解答とTranscriptionの本も付いています。 First Day at a New School Fir Track The New Student Th 4 Track G1: Hi there! I’m Jenny. ________ ________ to our class, ________ ________? 5 W: ______________, class. Please ____ ________ for the ________ ________ ________ ________? ______________ __________________. Alex, please ______________ G2: Oh, hi! ____ ________ ____ Alice. ________ ________ to ________ ________! ______________ ____ ________ ________. G1: I’m ________ ____ ________ ________, too. So, ________ ________ _______ B: ________, Alice? Hi, everyone. ____ ________ ____ Alex Spencer. ____ 13 years old. I have ____ ______________ ______________ and ______________. I just ________ G2: I am from Canada. My dad ________ ____ ________ ________ here, so we ________ from England ________ ________. We ________ because my dad ________. ________ ____ ________ here. He ________ ________ a big ______________ G1: Well, I hope ________ ________ ________ ______________. ______________. My mom ______________ ________. I can ________ G2: ________ ________ but ________. Both my brother Robert and I like it. ________ ________, but I ________ ________ ____. I like ________ G1: Is your brother Robert also ________ ____ ________ ______________? ______________ and ________. I also love ______________ Is he ________? __________________. I ________ ____ join ________ ______________ G2: (laughs) I ________ if you like ______________ ________. __________________ ________. ____ ______________ ______________ G1: Oh! ________ ________ ________ ________, Alice? And ________ ________ ______________ are ______________ and ______________. I don’t like ____ ____? ________ because ____ ____ ______________. ______________, it’s ________ G2: ____ 14, but ________ 12. ____ _________ ________ all. G1: 12! ________ _________ ________. I’m 14, too. G2: Maybe you ______________ ________ ____ the other new student. He said that he’s ____. Back to School Ba G1: Really? ________ ________ ________? G2: Alex. He’s ________ ______________. Track 1 G1: Alex? Alice and Alex. ________ ______________! M: ________ ____________, Jenny. ______________ ________. G2: Well, he’s a ________, and I’m a ________. It’s ________ ________. ________ G: Good morning, Mr. Thompson! ________ ________ to ________ ________ ____, Jenny. ________ ______________ ________. again. G1: OK. Thanks! M: ________ was your ______________? G: 2 l Unit 1 l It was ________! ____ ______________ ________ ____ New York. We did l ____ ________! I ________ the Statue of Liberty and ______________ Central Park. I ________ ______________2010-07-01 and even saw a ______________ ________! 9:14:28 LS 1_Dictation.indd 2 LS 1_Dictation.indd 3 Unit 1 l 3 2010-07-01 9:14:30 M: It ______________ ________ you ________ ____ ________ ________. G: ◀ I ________ did. How was your vacation, Mr. Thompson? M: Well, I ________ ____ ______________ to ____ _______________________. My kids really ______________ ______________ ________ the Listening Success with Dictation Level 1 ______________. G: Yeah, I like that, too. M: Jenny, do you ________ ________ ________ ______________ in ________ ________ today? The girl and the boy? G: I see ________ ________ ________. She ________ ________. M: She is nice. Her ________ is Alice. She ____ ________ Canada. ________ ________ ________ ______________ yourself? G: OK, Mr. Thompson. ________ ____ that ________ ________! l Unit 1 LS 1_Dictation.indd 1 Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Transcript Available online 1 l 2010-07-01 Title 9:13:45 Units Pages Dictation Transcript & Answer Key Listening Success 1 12 80 48 44 Listening Success 2 12 80 48 44 Listening Success 3 12 80 48 44 Listening Success 4 12 80 48 44 Listening Success 5 12 80 48 44 47 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Listening Practice through Dictation 1-4 Vinodini Murugesan, Gena Bennett, Kelly Lee, Adam Worcester Features • Introduction including teaching tips by Mario Rinvolucri • Full-color photographs • New words introduced at the beginning of each unit • Listening transcription activities that integrate reading and writing • Audio recording of dictation texts • Complete answer keys and dictation text transcripts Student Book with Audio CD (1-4) Student Book 1 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-104-9 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 2 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-105-6 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 3 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-106-3 ¥ 1,800 Student Book 4 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-107-0 ¥ 1,800 • 今また注目を集めている聞いた言葉を書き取る学習法のDictationを通してリスニン グを徹底的にトレーニングする教材です。 • このシリーズはそれぞれ8つのテーマに分かれた40ユニットで構成されています。 • 自分で聞いた英語を書き込むのでスペリングや語彙、 また句読点等のライティングス キルを鍛えることができます。 • 巻末に解答とTranscripts が付いています。 Unit 1 1 Unit D Summary ______________________ Listening M: Why ____________ around? It’s bags people ____________________________ _______________________ people’s W: That’s they _______________________. cans Look, Or maybe _______________________ ___________ Well, all ________________________ The woman notices that there is litter everywhere. ____________ The man is hungry and wants to have lunch. ____________ The friends decide to pick up all the litter after their picnic. 4. ____________ The man says that people should not litter. 5. ____________ The friends find a nice place for their picnic. some __________________________ leave up Unit 1 A Picnic by the River ____________________________ ________________________ __________________________ lying __________________________. lunch litter hungry our ____________________________, let’s A New Words ____________________________ Fill in the blanks. _________________ _______________________ ___________ 1. Please do not can W: This Keep the park clean. 6. Shall we have a _______________________________ in the park on Sunday? B Understanding the Context Track 1 _________________ __________ _____________________________ _____________________________ next and _____________ ___________________ river. M: ____________________________ idea. Walking ______________________________. W: We I’m __________________________________ ____________________________ _______________________________ __________________ ___________________ Someone forgot Listen and answer the questions. spot. Let’s _________________________ ___________________ _______________________________ to order two burgers and a milkshake. or full? that old shirt away. Track 1 Listen and complete the dialog. _______________________________. _______________________________ ____________ ________________________ more. 5. Please _______________________________ idea! E Dictation empty picnic throw __________________ _______________________________. 2. It’s 1:00 p.m. now; let’s have pick ____________ 3. too. ____________ ________________________. __________________ 1. 2. _____________________ _______________________ __________________ 4. Is that bottle W: It spoils 3. ,I let’s am very _______________________________ ; I want _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ with friends Track 1 Listen and order the sentences from 1-5. Naturebottles and the Environment THEME ___________________________. M: OK! And ____________ ____________. ___________________ __________________________ ________________________ ________________________ it out thing __________________ ______________________. __________________ __________________ ________________________ everywhere! ______________________________. ________________________ ________________________, leave, ____________ _______________________ ______________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ don’t __________________________ M: People There __________________ _______ ________________________ ______________________________ W: I _____________________. here for me _______________________________. ______________ ____________________ ________________ __________________________________ these grass. Oh ______________! _________________________________ 1. What were the friends doing before the picnic? 10 (a) Picking up litter (b) Taking a walk (c) Eating lunch (d) Talking to friends 2. What is NOT true about the picnic spot? Unit 1 (a) There is a river nearby. (b) There is grass there. (c) There are no trees nearby. (d) There is some litter around. C Focus on Details Track 1 ◀ Listen and write the missing words. 1. Let’s stop and have our Unit 1 ______________________ next to the river. 2. Walking always makes me Listening Practice through Dictation Level 1 ______________________. 3. Someone forgot to throw these ______________________ paper bags away. 4. People should clean up before they leave, and not leave 8 Sample Page ______________________ lying around. Unit 1 Title Listening Practice through Dictation 1-4 Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 48 Units Pages 40 128 9 Age level 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Listening Jump for Better Speaking 1-3 Casey Malarcher Features • Easy-to-use, intensive listening-based activities that need minimal teacher preparation • A dictation section which can be used as a complete set of homework material • Over 100 audio tracks with native-English speaker pronunciation • Illustrations to guide comprehension and anticipation of material • Fun follow-up speaking activities Student Book with MP3 CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-597-9 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-598-6 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-599-3 ¥ 1,900 • このシリーズは、すでに英語の基礎を習得した学習者向けに作られており、テキストが 終わる頃には内容の要旨と詳細を聞き分ける集中力と深い理解力が身に付きます。 • ベーシックなリスニング問題に加えて、単語のエクササイズ、本文を聞いて要約を完成 させる問題、 またスピーキングを鍛えるペアワークなど、 とても充実した内容となって います。 • 3ユニットごとに1つの復習テストがあります。 • 本文のリスニングの内容をDictationできる取り外し可能な本も付いています。 ◀ Title Answer Key FreeMP3 Transcript Available online Listening Jump for Better Speaking Level 1 Units Pages Dictation book Listening Jump 1 12 84 64 pages Listening Jump 2 12 84 60 pages Listening Jump 3 12 84 60 pages 49 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Target Listening with Dictation (Student Book 1-2, Practice Tests Book 1-4) Jeff Zeter Features • Natural conversational English dialogs that represent real-life situations • Vibrant, full-color photographs • Vocabulary words incorporated in a range of dialogs to reinforce comprehension • Simple and accessible language to build a foundation for listening comprehension • Accompanying audio materials with transcripts • Accompanying dictation book to help students further enhance their listening abilities • 日常英会話のリスニング問題を通して、あらゆるコミュニケーション能力を高めること がこの本のねらいです。 • Student Book では毎回一つのテーマに沿り、単語のエクササイズから始まります。 リ スニングは主に選択問題となっています。 • Practice Test Bookでは、一つのテストに30問、12回分のテストが収録されていま Student Book with MP3 CD (1-2) Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-497-2 ¥ 2,100 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-499-6 ¥ 2,100 Practice Tests Book with MP3 CD (1-4) Practice Tests Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-498-9 ¥ 1,900 Practice Tests Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-500-9 ¥ 1,900 Practice Tests Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-501-6 ¥ 1,900 Practice Tests Book 4 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-502-3 ¥ 1,900 す。すべて選択問題です。 • どちらの本にも取り外し可能なDictationの本が付属し、本文で使用されたすべての音 Listening 声のDictationができるようになっています。 Describing People / Finding Locations UNIT ◀ 1. M: Track 6 4. Let me introduce ____ ______________. First, there’s Tina. She’s wearing a suit. Leslie has ________ ________ ________ ________. She’s ______________ ______________ Tina and Jim. Jim is wearing a white __________________ ________ and a tie. He‘s standing in the back. He is ________. Carrie is standing ______________ ____. She has ________ hair. And finally, there’s me—Nick. I have ________ ________ hair. 2. Track 10 M: Can you tell me ________ ______________? W: Yes, officer, I saw a man ______________ ________ ____ ________ ________ last night. M: Was he ________ ____ ________? W: It was dark, so ____ ______________ ________ ________ ________, but he was Track 7 Target Listening with Dictation Student Book Level 1 large. W: Excuse me. I’m looking for the ______________ ______________, but I ________ ________ ____ ________ it. M: Oh, it’s ________ ____ ________. First, just go straight ______________ ________ ________ __________________. M: W: 5. W: Oh, ____ ______________? I thought I had to turn left. M: No, just ________ ________ ____ this direction. After the intersection, the embassy is ________ ______________ ______________ on the right. What was ____ ______________? He was wearing a ________ ________ and ______________. Track 12 M: We have to give one person the ________ ________ ________ ______________. W: It‘s so hard to choose just one. I loved the ______________ and the ______________. The ______________ with the brown hair was ______________ ________, too. 3. Track 9 W: Look at Jenna. She’s really ________ ____ ______________: soccer, baseball, basketball, tennis. ________ ________ ____, she likes it. M: I see a girl with red hair ______________ ______________ ________ ________. W: ________ ________ ________. She has dark hair. M: Does she have black hair? W: No, she has ________ ________. And she’s wearing a ________ ______________. M: I see her now. ________ ______________ ____ ______________. M: My favorites were ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. W: I agree, but I think the girl with the ________ ________ hair had a ______________ costume. M: 6. W: OK. We have the ______________ then. Track 15 Check out ________ ______________ ________ my ski trip. That’s me ____ ________ ______________ ________ the red hat. Cool, huh? My two best friends are on ______________ ________ ____ ____. The one ____ ________ ________ ________ is my cousin Kate. She is wearing a ________ ______________. My ______________ Sue is wearing a blue ________. 1 Dictation Book TL SB1_Dictation .indd 1 2010-02-11 3:21:30 2 TL SB1_Dictation Title 50 FreeMP3 Word List Available online 2010-02-11 3:21:38 Units Pages Transcript & Answer Key Student Book 1 12 124 44 Student Book 2 12 124 60 Practice Tests Book 1 12 104 36 Practice Tests Book 2 12 104 48 Practice Tests Book 3 12 104 66 Practice Tests Book 4 12 104 86 Sample Page Answer Key .indd 2 Age level 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Developing Listening Skills Second Edition 1-3 Casey Malarcher Features • Authentic dialogs • Full-color illustrations and photographs to aid comprehension • Supplemental listening activities related to the topic • Listening quizzes and unit exams to check learning progress • Real world listening practice, featuring interesting and useful topics • Discussion questions to develop students’ speaking and listening ability • Separate Transcripts & Answer Key • Extra dictation activities available online Student Book with MP3 CD(1-3) Transcripts & Answer Key Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-526-9 ¥ 1,900 Transcripts & Answer Key 1 978-1-59966-568-9 ¥ 900 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-527-6 ¥ 1,900 Transcripts & Answer Key 2 978-1-59966-569-6 ¥ 900 Student Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-528-3 ¥ 1,900 Transcripts & Answer Key 3 978-1-59966-570-2 ¥ 900 • 教室と個人学習の両方に対応 • リーディング、 スピーキング、 ライティングのエクササイズも盛り込まれ、高頻出の単語 やフレーズの習得を強化させます。 • 学校や友達に会うなど、 日常英会話の内容なので、すぐに役に立ちます。 • 副教材としてホームページからディクテーション問題をダウンロード可能です。 Speaking Practice A Intonation Practice ◀ Short Dialogs A In speech, content words (nouns, verbs, ad ectives, and adverbs) are stressed, while function words (articles, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, con unctions, and pronouns) are not usually stressed. In the following statements and questions, study the stressed words that are in bold letters. Listen to the dialog and questions. Choose the best answer. Dialog 1 Spoken Written (B) In a classroom (D) On the street 2. (A) Their address (C) Their names (B) Their ages (D) Their friends Listen again, and fill in the blanks. 1. My name is Ellen. 2. I don’t believe we’ve met. 3. Where do you know Alex from? 1. My name is Ellen. 2. I don’t believe we’ve met. 3. Where do you know Alex from? 1. (A) At a party (C) On a bus Developing Listening Skills Second Edition Student Book Level 1 Track 8 W: Excuse me, is this seat taken? M: No, it’s not. Please 1 ___________. Now practice saying the following sentences. Remember to stress the W: Thanks. My name is Julia. content words, but not the function words. M: Hi, Julia. I’m Rick. Nice 2 ___________ you. 1. Nice to meet you, too. 2. Do you come here to ski often? 3. I’ll be your guide for today’s tour. W: Nice to meet you, too. Wow! There sure are a lot of students in this 3 ___________. Now listen and repeat. M: Yeah. This class is required for all 4 ___________. Track 6 D B Conversation Pictures Listen to the dialogs, and number the pictures. Track 7 B Listen to the dialog and questions. Choose the best answer. Dialog 2 A C B 1. (A) To ask her questions (C) To make friends (B) To find out her name (D) To welcome her 2. (A) Ask him questions (C) Talk to freshmen (B) Leave the office (D) Talk to him Track 9 Listening Practice unit 1 C Listen to the dialog, and complete each statement. Track 10 Dialog 3 First Meeting (A) (A) (A) (A) Classmates Classmates Classmates Classmates (B) (B) (B) (B) Co-workers Co-workers Co-workers Co-workers How would 1. Tanya heard about Doug from you answer? ________________________. Now listen to the dialogs again, and choose the correct relationship. 1. 2. 3. 4. A 2011-07-15 Not at all. Have a seat. No, I don’t believe we have. Not much. 3. _____________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________ 7 8 1 DLS1 2e_100224.indd 7 Track 3 2. _____________________________________________________ Track 1 Look & Listen Unit 1 Hi, I’m Paula. I’m fine, thank you. 1. _____________________________________________________ 2. Doug tells Tanya that he doesn’t know ________________________. (C) Old friends (D) Relatives (C) Old friends Warm-up (D) Relatives (C) Old friends (D) Relatives the dialogs. (C) A Old friends Listen (D)toRelatives Listen. Write the answer. 2 Unit 1 B 10:21:37 How would you ask? DLS1 2e_100224.indd 8 4 3 Listen. Write the question or statement. 2011-07-15 How is it going? Is this seat taken? Track 4 10:21:44 It’s a pleasure to meet you. What’s up? Hi, I’m Lisa. What’s your name? 1. _____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________ B Listen Again C Listen again, and fill in the blanks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _____________________________________________________ Track 2 Joe knows Karen’s _________. Larry didn’t __________ Gloria. Greg introduces his __________ to Sarah. Ellen and Steve both know __________. C believe mind 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. catch nice Do you __________ if I sit here? Have we __________ before? I didn’t __________ your name. How do you __________? It’s __________ to meet you. do pleasure 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. going see DLS1 2e_100224.indd 5 FreeMP3 Listen to the description of the picture. Worksheet Available online 2011-07-15 5 10:21:21 Title Transcript stand talk book met up Long time no __________. How is it __________? I don’t __________ we’ve met. What’s __________? It’s a __________ to meet you. Unit 1 Answer Key trees Write the missing words to make correct expressions. Essential Expressions Sample Page Describe the picture using the words below. Picture Description 6 Track 5 Unit 1 DLS1 2e_100224.indd 6 2011-07-15 Units Pages Developing Listening Skills Second Edition 1 12 148 Developing Listening Skills Second Edition 2 12 148 Developing Listening Skills Second Edition 3 12 148 10:21:31 51 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Dynamic Listening & Speaking 1-2 Byoung-man Jeon, Michael Pederson Features • Natural and interesting dialogs • Pronunciation practice to improve clarity in speaking • Listeing Quiz and test in each unit • Simple and accessible language to build a foundation for listening comprehension • Readubg comprehension passages including cultural information and tips • ネイティブスピーカーがするような自然な会話を身に付けたい人のためのテキストで Dynamic Listening & Speaking Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-408-8 ¥ 1,800 Book 1 Transcripts and Answer Key 978-1-59966-410-1 ¥ 500 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-409-5 ¥ 1,800 Book 2 Transcripts and Answer Key 978-1-59966-411-8 ¥ 500 す。 • 毎ユニットに発音練習やリスニングクイズ、テストが含まれています。 Dynamic Listening & Speaking Level 1 Listening ◀ Sample Page 52 Answer Key FreeMP3 Word List Available online Title Units Pages Dynamic Listening & Speaking 1 12 128 Dynamic Listening & Speaking 2 12 128 Age level 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ~Adult Listening to the News Voice of America 1-3 Karl Nordvall Features • Authentic news texts from Voice of America capture & keep students interested • Exercises to support listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition • Full-color photographs with appealing graphics • Answer key and dictation activities included • Free online supplementary teaching and learning materials Listening to the News with MP3 CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-209-1 ¥ 2,300 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-212-1 ¥ 2,300 Student Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-215-2 ¥ 2,300 • Voice of America(アメリカのマルチメディア放送局)の本物のアカデミックなニュース が収録されています。 • ウォームアップで予備知識と単語の紹介、 ノートや要約を完成させるアクティビティな どがあり、英語でニュースや長い文章を聞いたことがない方でも、徐々に慣れていくこ とができます。 • 取り外し可能なDictation用の本が付属しています。 ◀ U N I T BROAD View the metal Tips Choose the best answer. ck ra 0 1. What does the boy want? a. He wants the girl’s brother to be on his soccer team. b. He wants the girl to help find a name for his team. c. He wants the girl to make a uniform for his team. . 2. It was reduced to 350 pieces and 3. The statue ck ra 0 Listening to the News Voice of America Level 1 3 1. An engineer 2 Listen to the sentences twice, and fill in the blanks. T FOCUS ON SOUNDS T DIALOG A Symbol of Strength to America. the ocean to welcome ships. 2. Why doesn’t the boy like the name “the Tigers” for his team? a. He doesn’t think that tigers are strong or powerful. b. Another team already has that name. c. He doesn’t want to use any animal names. Long a sound (as in the words take, way, and lake) The long a sound is made in the back of your throat. Gently touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your bottom teeth. Slightly drop your chin to open your mouth. Hum to vibrate your vocal chords. The back of your tongue will touch the roof of your mouth. 3. According to the boy, what does lightning represent? a. Danger and power b. Speed and intelligence c. Power and speed EXPANDED READING SUMMARY Read the passage below, and talk about the following questions. Complete the summary. T he current record holder for the biggest statue is the Spring Temple Buddha in China. It was finished in 2002 and measures 128 meters high. Many of the largest statues are inspired by important religious leaders. Figures of Buddha and Jesus are very common. However, there are many different themes. In Mongolia, there is a forty meter statue of a man riding a horse. He is Genghis Khan, an important leader in Mongolian history. In Singapore, there is a thirty-seven meter statue of an imaginary creature. It is called the “merlion,” which has the body of a fish and the U N I T head of a lion. It is the mascot of Singapore. symbol / shipped / designed / friendship / liberty The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous sights in America. The statue was a gift from France to remember the 1 _____________________ between the two countries. France had helped America win its war for freedom Britain. Life The word Chapteragainst 01 American VOA News 2 _____________________ means freedom. The statue was built using thin copper sheets The Statue of Liberty over a metal frame. Gustave Eiffel 3 _____________________ the frame. The statue was NOTE-TAKING 1 What materials are statues usually made of? 2 Do you have any animal statues or mascots in your country? ck ra 0 1 back together on an island in New York Harbor. She is a 5 _____________________ of T reduced to 350 pieces and 4 _____________________ to the United States. She was put Listen to the news, and complete the notes. freedom ______________________________________________________________________ freedom for many people around the world. base A Big Gift stairs ______________________________________________________________________ [ Unit 01 [ 9 VOA1_SB.indd 9 2012-05-10 Statue of Liberty: -(1 ) from France - The torch—a symbol of ( 2 10 4:20:02 gift sheets ) Construction: 2012-05-10 4:20:06 - French sculptor—to make skin out of thin copper ( 3 - Gustave Eiffel designed the frame - Statue reduced to 350 pieces and shipped to America - Americans built the ( 4 ) on an island - Forty-six meters high VOA1_SB.indd 10 Today: - Many visitors can climb ( 5 ) ) up to her crown COMPREHENSION Warm-up Answer these questions. 1. Why did France give the statue to the United States? a. To remember the war between France and America b. To remember the friendship between France and America c. To remember Gustave Eiffel Think about the topic. The Statue of Liberty in New York is one of the most famous symbols of America. However, not many people know the story of how it got there. When you think of America, what other symbols do you think of? 1. symbol something that represents an idea or feeling 2. design to plan how something will be made and how it will look 3. engineer a person who is trained to make complex designs 4. reduce to make something smaller 5. base the bottom part; a foundation 2. What needed to be built in the United States? a. A base b. An ice cream cone c. A torch 3. How did the statue get to the United States? a. It was put together in France and sent on a ship. b. It was reduced to forty-six pieces. c. It came in many parts in many boxes. [ Unit 01 [ 7 VOA1_SB.indd 7 Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Transcript Available online 2012-05-10 Title 8 4:19:56 VOA1_SB.indd 8 2012-05-10 Units Pages Dictation Transcript & Answer Key Listening to the News 1 20 100 20 27 Listening to the News 2 20 98 28 39 Listening to the News 3 20 98 32 48 4:20:01 53 Age level 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Speaking Time 1-3 Liana Robinson, Garrett Byrne Features • Easy-to-use, speaking-based activities that need minimal teacher preparation • Topics that are interesting for elementary to middle school students • Clearly-presented modeled language samples give young learners the support they need to succeed. • MP3 CD with one hundred audio tracks of native-English speaker pronunciation • Full-color pictures to guide comprehension and anticipation of material Speaking Time with MP3 CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-618-1 ¥ 1,700 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-619-8 ¥ 1,700 Student Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-620-4 ¥ 1,700 • Speaking Time は、今までのスピーキングの教科書では物足りないと感じている小・中 学生のために作られました。 • 日常生活のあらゆる場面を想定して作られた各ユニットでは、基礎的なスピーキング の力をさらに発展させることができます。 • また、ユニットの最後にあるインタビュー形式のペアワークで、効果的に楽しくスピー キングの練習ができます。 • この本をマスターするだけで表現の幅が広がり、 自分の伝えたいことがどんどん英語 Speaking & Conversation で話せるようになります。 ◀ Sum-Up Listen and write. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Speaking Time Level 1 Track 5 I like __________________________________. It is ____________________________________. I ______________ strawberries ____________. I like to __________________________ leaves. _________________________ is a happy time! Do you ________________________________? My favorite season Write about your favorite season. Use the expressions in the box to help you. Then circle the stressed words and read your sentences aloud. eat ice cream swimming in summer hot swim Summer summer Read your sentences aloud. Stress Read the sentences aloud, stressing the words in red. I like winter. It is snowy. I make a snowman in winter. I like to play in snow. The snow is pretty. Winter is a happy time! I like __________________________________________________. It is ___________________________________________________. I go ___________________________________________________. I like to ________________________________________________. I __________________________________________________, too. _________________________________________ is a happy time! Use the expressions in the boxes, and practice with your partner. Examples go skiing I go skiing. / I like to go skiing. go hiking Summer ti me fly a kite B I.... My friend’s favorite season Interview your friend about his or her favorite season. Use thespeak. questionsTrack in 3 Listen and the box. Then tell the class about your friend. 1. play in puddles 2. Which season do you like? Listen. ride a bike !Speaking Time1_sook.indd 11 go camping How is the weather in that season? Track 1 I like summer. It is hot. What do you do in that season? pick strawberries go skateboarding I go swimming in summer. I like to swim. Unit 1 11 The water is cool. I eat ice cream, too. Summer is a happy time! Do you like summer? 2011-09-05 . . . go skiing in winter. 1:44:11 4. !Speaking Time1_sook.indd 12 2011-09-05 1:44:29 . . . pick apples in fall. Listen again and read aloud. . . . have a picnic in spring. Listen again and repeat. Tell your partner what you do in each season. I like to . . . . I like . . . . It is . . . . Listen and speak. . . . go swimming in summer. 3. 12 Unit 1 Listen and letter the pictures. Track 4 Track 2 1. 2. 1. 2. a . . . fall. / . . . cool. 3. . . . spring. / . . . warm. 4. 4. 3. Tell your partner what you like to do in different seasons. . . . summer. / . . . hot. . . . winter. / . . . cold. I like to ________________________. Examples Tell your partner which season you like. Unit 1 !Speaking Time1_sook.indd 9 54 FreeMP3 Worksheet Available online 2011-09-05 Title Resources have a picnic swim make a snowman play in leaves 10 Unit 1 1:43:59 !Speaking Time1_sook.indd 10 2011-09-05 Units Pages Speaking Time 1 20 100 Speaking Time 2 20 104 Speaking Time 3 20 108 Sample Page Answer Key 9 1:44:04 Age level Jazz English Japanese Edition 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~Adult 1-2 Gunther Breaux Features • Japanese Translations for over 700 language items, including conventional expressions and slang words • Full audio recordings of vocabulary and dialogs, providing standard North American English speaker pronunciation • Notes on differences between Japan and North America, stimulating cultural interest and awareness • Crosswords and games to further practice language in a fun way • Opportunities to practice writing skills through preparing a short speech at the end of each topic Jazz English with MP3 CD Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-4-904114-10-0 ¥ 1,980 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-4-904114-11-7 ¥ 1,980 • Jazz Englishシリーズはスピーキングを向上させるための教材です。 • 「とにかく声に出して自由に会話を楽しむ」が、 この本のコンセプトで会話のきっかけ となる質問がたくさん用意されています。 日本と北米の文化の違いにも触れながら活 きた英会話を学ぶことができます。 Almost Free Talking sections include questions that are meant to start conversations. Almost Free Talking では会話のきっかけとなる 質問が収録されています。 Real-World Dialog sections are intended to provide students with a natural conversation speaking model. Real-World Dialog では学んだボキャブラリーを 使用した自然な英会話を学ぶことができます。 Cultural Differences are explanations of the cultural differences between Japan and America. Cultural Differences では日本とアメリカの文化の違いを 細やかに解説しています。 The vocabulary crossword puzzles are easy fillin-the-blank exercises. 簡単で楽しいボキャブラリークロスワードも収録されてい ます。 ◀ Jazz English Level 1 55 Age level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Just Speak Up 1-3 Olga Geissler Features • Sample responses to the questions featured in each unit • Question guides to help students organize their own responses • Pair work and group work activities to keep students active and engaged • Audio recordings of sample responses to model intonation and pronunciation of useful phrases and vocabulary Student Book with MP3 CD (1-3) Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-416-3 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-417-0 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-418-7 ¥ 1,900 Benefits for students who practice this type of extensive speaking include: Greater confidence at approaching tasks that require students to speak on a given topic • Development of critical thinking skills as they select and organize information to be shared • Development of speaking skills particularly related to detailing personal experiences and explaining personal opinions or preferences • Increased classroom participation through listening, responding, and sharing • • まだ英語を話すことに自信がない方へ最適の一冊です。 • 自分のことや娯楽、社会問題など、様々なテーマに沿った質問が250問以上も各レベル Speaking & Conversation 20ユニットに収録されています。 • TOEICやTOEFLのスピーキング対策にもなります。 Unit 01 ◀ 4 Choose one of the questions below. Prepare your answer to this question 6 Listen to each response and match it to the question it answers. Track 3 by writing notes below. Use the questions from Part 3 to help with your notes. a. What is your favorite school subject? a. Describe your favorite leisure‐time activity or hobby. Response #1 b. What is your favorite kind of car? b. Describe your favorite animal or pet. Explain why it is your favorite. Response #2 c. Describe your favorite TV program and why it is your favorite. Response #3 c. Who is your favorite band or singer? Just Speak Up Level 1 Question: _____ For more practice, look at the transcripts on page 1 and practice these responses with a classmate. My Notes ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7 Choose one of the questions below. Prepare your ___________________________________________________________________________ own response to this question by writing notes in the provided space. Be sure to explain your answer. rite leisure‐time activity or hobby. Now interview two classmates. They will interview you as well. First, ask which question they chose. Then make notes of each answer. My Classmates 01 Unit Name: ___________ Name: ___________ Question: _____ My Favorite Question: _____ _________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________ _________________________________ ________________________ _________________________________ rite animal or pet. Explain why rite TV program and ite. Now share your response with a classmate. 1 Listen to the speakers. Write the questions that they answ swer. Track 2 What is your favorite subject at school? My favorite subject at school is English. Why do you like this subject? I like studying it because it’s interesting, and I know that it is very for se:my future career. respon resp se: ate’simportant cla smate y ur classm Rate Ra e your A: Why is it important for your future? Excellent Good OK n: Information need to speak and understand English well because I want to work Excellent GoodB: I will OK Fluency: Excellent Good in tourism. OK n: on Pronunciatio Track 1 a. Speaker #1: Who is your favorite ___________ _ ? b. Speaker #2: What is your favorite __________ ___ ___________? 5 Tell your class about one of the classmates Question: _____ My Notes _______________ ___________ _______________ ___________ _____ 3 Listen_____ to each dialog and read along. _____ ___________ _______________ __________ PEOPLE/THINGS _ __________ _______________ _ A: B: A: B: c. Speaker #3: What is your favorite ____ _________ to ___________? Example: I talked to Alex. He told me about his favorite school subject. He said his favorite subject is math. I thought that was strange, but he thinks math is fun. He said he can solve problems pretty fast, so his homework doesn’t take a long time. ing by writingg them t in the correct categories. 2 Sort the words Rate your own speak Info Flue Pro OK OK OK Excellent Good band Excellent Good Excellent Good interesting speak teacherr beautiful know sports car understand UNIT 01 cool powerful fastest voice DESCRIPTIONS ng one or more of these questions for extra practice. drive sing study PEOPLE/THINGS important singer subject A: What is your favorite kind of car? three sentences in your response to each question. B: My favorite kind of car is a Bugatti. your favorite friend and explain why he or she is your favorite friend. A: What is special about this kind of car? your favorite video or computer game and explain why it is your favorite. B: It is one of the fastest sports cars in the world. your favorite sporting event and explain why it is your favorite. A: Why would you like to have one of these cars? your favorite job and explain why it is your favorite. B: It looks cool, so I think I would get a lot of attention from people if I drove one. UNIT 01 ACTIONS A: B: A: B: Who is your favorite band or singer? My favorite singer is Shania Twain. What do you like about this singer? I like the way she sings. She has a very powerful voice. A: How is she different from other singers? B: A lot of singers these days are famous because of their appearance, but she is both beautiful and talented. DESCRIPTIONS ACTIONS Now practice these dialogs with a classmate. UNIT 01 My Favorite Favorite 9 Sample Page Answer Key FreeMP3 Available online 56 Title 10 UNIT 01 My Favorite Units Pages Transcript & Answer Key Just Speak Up 1 20 88 36 Just Speak Up 2 20 88 36 Just Speak Up 3 20 88 36 Age level 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ~Adult Speaking by Speaking Skills for Social Competence David W. Dugas, Ronald T. DesRosiers Features • Sociolinguistic framework • Communicative speaking practice • Brainstorming activities to access prior, topic-related vocabulary • Guided speaking to build conversational skills • Grammar and usage components to examine their varied functions in communication • Choral reading as an intensive listening exercise • Various, colorful, and informative charts Student Book with MP3 CD Student Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-571-9 ¥ 1,800 • 中級から上級向けのスピーキング強化のための教材です。 トピックは現代社会、文化、環 境などPart AとBに分かれたユニットが計12回分あります。 • BrainstormingやDictationから始まり、 ダイアログや表を読み取るアクティビティなどが 分析力や論理的思考を高めます。 • ペアワークやディスカッションが充実しているのでクラスで使用するのに適しています。 III. Description Small Talk 1.1hrs. 0.8hrs. 1.5hrs. 2.2hrs. 3.0hrs. 8.3hrs. 3.9hrs. Eating & drinking Grooming 5 Others B Pair Work 10 1. Look at the chart again, and complete these descriptions. a. Students spend ________________________ on sleeping and leisure/sports combined. b. Students spend ___________ time studying than doing leisure activities. 15 c. Students spend less time on education than ______________________________. 2. Show how you use your time on an average weekday by filling in the following table. Then create your own pie chart. Activities 20 24 Hours / Day Track 3 A Sleeping Leisure/Sports Educational activities Working Transportation 3.2hrs. Y Total=24.0 hours Y Speaking by Speaking Skills for Social Competence Read the following passage, and answer the questions. Use the words provided below each question. Read the following chart, and learn how U.S. college students spend their time. How do you spend your day? The chart represents how U.S. college students reported they spend their time on an average weekday. Full-time students spend 3.2 hours in classes, 8.3 hours sleeping, and 3.9 hours on leisure and sports activities. ◀ IV. Reading and Discussions Part A Small Talk A Pie Charts mericans often have short conversations, called small talk, with strangers they meet. Such chats occur at bus stops, on buses, in elevators, while waiting in line—almost anywhere that strangers gather close together. These short verbal exchanges are a way to say hello and express friendliness. They usually cover a broad range of topics. These may include weather, customer service, movies, TV shows, or consumer products. Personal questions about money, family, religious beliefs and politics are off limits during these conversations. It’s best to ask open-ended questions. If you ask visitors whether they like your city, they may say simply, “Yes.” But if you ask “What do you think of our city?” they will have more freedom in answering. This type of question also shows that you are interested in their opinion. If you appear interested in what people are saying, they feel more comfortable talking with you. Americans end many conversations with the phrase “Have a nice day” or “Have a good day.” Store clerks often say this to customers after purchases are made. It might sound insincere, but studies have shown that it makes many people feel better. People get a sense that others care about them, rather than ignoring them. The American greeting “How are you?” has a similar effect. The questioner may not really care about the answer, but simply asking the question often raises the other person’s spirits. 4 7 ; spoken verbal: of words to be off limits: not spoken of permitting open-ended: nses respo s spontaneou sincere; 16 insincere: not hypocritical 8 sleeping grooming 1. According to the reading passage, what topics are off-limits for small talk? eating and cleaning-up personal affairs, money, family, religion, politics transportation Your answer may begin like: They are personal questions such as .... working classes telephone calls, e-mails, or computer-chatting 2. What topics could you use to start a conversation? socializing/entertainment Unit others 3. Compare your typical day with a partner’s. 12 Socializing Part A weather, appearances, lunch, weekend, ice breaker, book, exam II.theListening & Speaking Small TalkYour answer may begin like: It depends, but the weather is probably number one topic. Actually, .... A Model Dialog C Grammar Focus (spend + time + verb-ing) *NYC: New York City Track 2 Listen as the teacher reads the model dialog. • I spend 30 minutes putting on my makeup. (Scenario – Two employees from a large business firm are attending a company dinner in NYC.) • I would literally spend about an hour a day commuting back and forth to campus. Ronaldo: Maria: Ronaldo: Maria: • I spend approximately 3-4 hours studying and doing homework every day. 15 16 Ronaldo: Maria: Ronaldo: Maria: Ronaldo: Maria: Ronaldo: I. Warm-Ups I know this is none of my business, but when did you start working for the firm? That’s all right. I started four years ago at the Texas office. What do you think of our new CEO? He seems to be revising our budget with good sense. (pause) I just love this ice sculpture. It’s sublime. (pause) When was the last time you were in NYC? Oh gosh, I think it was when I was in high school. How about you? I’ve been living here for quite a while, sixteen years. There’s nothing like NYC. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but are you here alone? Yes, I am. (pause) My wife couldn’t make it due to another commitment. Oh, I see. (pause) Uh, I’ve just noticed a coworker from Texas. I’m going to say hi to her. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, have a great night. B Group Work Read the model dialog aloud, with a different group for each character. A Brainstorming the Internet. C Guided Speaking Write down as many words as you can about socializing. Complete the dialog, and practice it, changing roles with a partner. (Scenario – Two strangers are in a post office queue.) B Listening Ulrich: (1) __________________ your hat. Are you a Red Sox fan? Jerry: Yes I am! (2) _______________________ a good baseball game on a Monday night. Ulrich: I can’t say I’m a Red Sox fan, but (3) _____________ the pitcher’s fast ball. I hear he broke a record. Jerry: (4)______________________ time you watched a game? Ulrich: (5)_____________________________________________, but I don’t like baseball. Jerry: Then why did you ask me if I was a fan? Ulrich: I’m just making small talk. We’ve been waiting in this line for (6)_________________________. Track 1 Listen to the short passage about small talk. C Useful Expressions Match the related choices. 1. Can you come to my party this Saturday? • • a. Well, I think I can 2. Please don’t take this the wrong way, • • b. It couldn’t be better. 3. I know this is none of my business, • • c. but why is your arm in a sling? 4. What do you think of the weather? • • d. It’s been 5. How about • • e. but that’s a very nice skirt. 6. How long since you stopped smoking? • • f. I buy you a beer? Tip make it. quite a while. and ask about it. A bus stop, train station, grocery store, elevator lobby, or post office is a great place to make small talk. 13 Title Sample Page FreeMP3 Available online Speaking by Speaking Socializing If you see someone wearing a sports cap or jersey, ask how his team is doing. If you see a well-dressed person, pick out a piece of the outfit that gets your attention 14 Units Pages 12 108 57 Age level 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~Adult Communicate 1-2, Motivate 1-2 David Paul Communicate and Motivate form a four-level, general English classroom course for teenage and adult beginner-level to Intermediate level learners. This course is appropriate for students learning English for the first time, and for those who have studied for years and need a fresh and communicative approach. Grammar is introduced systematically and integrated with the situations and topics students need to communicate in English. Students learn structures through student-centered activities and apply them in practical situations. Fun activities, humor, and appealing characters help to draw the students into the course. All language targets are constantly brought alive through personalization and interactive activities. Vocabulary and patterns are recycled throughout the course allowing sustained practice in a supportive environment. Student Book with Audio CD (1-4) Communicate 1 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-176-6 ¥ 1,900 Communicate 2 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-179-7 ¥ 1,900 Motivate 1 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-182-7 ¥ 1,900 Motivate 2 with Audio CD 978-1-59966-185-8 ¥ 1,900 • このシリーズは高校生、大学生、大人向けのコースブックです。ビギナーの方には Communicate、ハイビギナーの方にはMotivateをおすすめします。 Speaking & Conversation • 英語を新たに学習する方にも、 または英語を何年も学習したけれど新しいアプローチ で英会話を学びたいという方にもぴったりのシリーズです。 • 基礎的な文法や単語の英語で自分の言いたいことが、たくさん伝えられる感動を提供 します。 • 生徒主体のアクティビティで実践的なコミュニケーション能力の向上を図ります。 • ユーモアあふれる楽しい内容や、魅力的なキャラクターが登場するこのコースブックに 生徒はどんどん引き込まれていくことでしょう。 • 著者のウェブサイトで授業に役立つワークブック等が無料でダウンロードできます。 Features • Student-centered, fully-guided, fun speaking activities that encourage confidence in using English • Personalization, humor, and appealing characters help to draw the students into the course • A teacher’s guide featuring warm-up and communication activities for each unit is included in the student book giving teacher’s more flexibility as to what to bring to class. • CD audio recordings of dialogs using native-English speaker pronunciation • An extensive range of supplementary materials including: workbooks, teacher guides, activity banks, tests and much more that can be downloaded from: Title Units Pages Workbook Communicate 1 15 116 64 pages Communicate 2 15 116 64 pages Motivate 1 15 116 64 pages Motivate 2 15 116 64 pages Sample Page Available online 58 ◀ Motivate Level 1 Go to to see a sample unit from each of the books in this series! 59 Age level 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~Adult Hot Topics Japan 1-2 A Culturally Specific Discussion Book Stephanie Alexander This series is intended to support a discussion-style classroom and contains some of the most current issues of interest to young Japanese People Features • Japan-Specific current events to tap into learner’s individual opinions and knowledge • Topic-based vocabulary, listening, and reading passages in each unit • Common useful expressions incorporated in both reading and listening passages Student Book with MP3 CD (1-2) Student Book 1 with MP3 CD 978-1-61352-519-7 ¥ 2,200 Student Book 2 with MP3 CD 978-1-61352-520-3 ¥ 2,200 • 生徒が積極的にディスカッションしやすい、現代の日本の文化や習慣をテーマに取り 上げています。 • リーディング、 リスニング、 ライティングの問題もあります。4スキルを伸ばし、留学先や 日本に興味のある海外の人に日本の文化について、 自分の意見を英語で語る力が身 Speaking & Conversation に付きます。 Book 1 60 Book 2 People & Society Personal Space Japanese Restaurant Culture Collectivism People & Society Holidays in Japan The Low Crime Rate of Japan WaiWai Stories and International Media Health & Fitness Natural vs. Artificial Ingredients in Snacks Medical Masks in Japan Japanese Tea Health & Fitness The Healthy Habits of Japanese Women Otsukare Traditional Japanese Foods Children & Education Youth Subcultures in Japan Juku Culture Studying Abroad Children & Education Martial Arts in Schools Whole Person Education The Suzuki Method Science & Technology Cell Phone Etiquette in Public Places Vending Machines Robotics Research Science & Technology Internet Café Kids E-wallets The Space Program Art & Culture Manga Karaoke Japanese Gardens Art & Culture A J-Pop Sensation Taboo Tattoos The Business of Cosplay Sample pages from Title Hot Topics Japan 1 - Medical Masks in Japan Units Pages Hot Topics Japan 1 15 98 Hot Topics Japan 2 15 98 MP3 CD 61 Age level New Edition 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ~Adult Drive series 1-4 A Vocabulary and Skill Builder John Gustafson, Liana Robinson, Tamara Wilburn, Liana Robinson, Jake Murray, Moraig MacGillvray, Peggy Anderson, Kayang Gagiano Reading Drive (1-4) Student Book 1 with Workbook 978-1-59966-591-7 ¥ 2,100 Student Book 2 with Workbook 978-1-61352-434-3 ¥ 2,100 Student Book 3 with Workbook 978-1-61352-438-1 ¥ 2,100 Student Book 4 with Workbook 978-1-61352-442-8 ¥ 2,100 Listening Drive (1-4) Student Book 1 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-59966-590-0 ¥ 2,200 Student Book 2 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-433-6 ¥ 2,200 Speaking & Conversation Student Book 3 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-437-4 ¥ 2,200 Student Book 4 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-441-1 ¥ 2,200 Speaking Drive (1-4) Student Book 1 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-445-9 ¥ 2,200 Each Book in the series focuses on a separate skill. Each level of the series targets 500 different headwords so that students completing all four levels will be able to study 2,000 different headwords. Student Book 2 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-435-0 ¥ 2,200 Features • Themed units with graded topic-based vocabulary • Wide variety of activities • Review units and sample practice tests • Accompanying workbooks Student Book 4 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-443-5 ¥ 2,200 • 確実に英語力を伸ばすため、単語を重点的にスキル別に学習します。 • 巻末にワークブックが付いています。 Student Book 3 with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-439-8 ¥ 2,200 Writing Drive (1-4) Student Book 1 with Workbook 978-1-61352-446-6 ¥ 2,100 Student Book 2 with Workbook 978-1-61352-436-7 ¥ 2,100 Student Book 3 with Workbook 978-1-61352-440-4 ¥ 2,100 Student Book with Workbook and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-444-2 ¥ 2,200 62 Vocabulary Introduction of Vocabulary Part 1 Grammar Part 2 Grammar Grammar & Vocabulary Prctice Practice Review Drive Series Level Chart Titles Beginning High Beginning Intermediate Upper Intermediate Drive Series 1 (R,L,S,W) Drive Series 2 (R,L,S,W) Drive Series 3 (R,L,S,W) Drive Series 4 (R,L,S,W) 63 English for Everyday Activities Second Edition イラストでわかる日常生活の英語表現【改訂版】 Best Seller Lawrence J. Zwier 日本語版 Features • Organized into clear sections which create useful learning areas that can be easily remembered • Expressions are up-to-date, compiled by native English speakers and relevant, meaning that a learner is not wasting their time with obsolete lingo • Added explanations are given on practical and useful points such as verb forms • Useful appendix reference sections and teaching guide included • Additional activity book for extra practice and expansion into a complete curriculum • Full audio recording with clear native English speaker pronunciation English for Everyday Activities Second Edition Student Book with Audio CD 978-1-59966-541-2 ¥ 2,200 イラストでわかる日常生活の 英語表現【改訂版】 Student Book with Audio CD 978-4-904114-12-4 ¥ 2,200 • 朝起きてから寝るまでの日常生活でよく使われる英単語や表現の仕方をコミックのよ うにイラストを使い紹介します。 • 英語初心者でもカラフルなイラストを見ながら楽しく学習でき、 クラスでも個人学習で ESP もお使いいただけます。 • 日本語版イラストでわかる日常生活の英語表現【改訂版】は英語版English for Everyday Activitiesと同じ内容ですが日本語の解説が付いています。 ◀ U Section 1. Starting the Day 1日の始まり T NI イラストでわかる日常生活の英語表現【改訂版】 Simple Present 1 Section 1 では朝起きてから、出かけるまでのいろいろな動 作が出てきます。これらの動作は毎日(毎回)繰り返して行う ものです。このとき、英文では必ず動詞は現在形になります。 VERBS brush dry off eat flush get dressed get out of leave make ring shave take (a shower) wake up wash 動詞の現在形と一緒に使われる 「時の表現」 習慣を表す表現 朝、最初にすること Key Vocabulary 例)I brush my teeth every 私は毎日歯をみがきます。 みがく、髪をとく day. On Saturdays, Dan sleeps late. 十分にぬぐう 食べる 土曜日には、ダンは遅くまで寝ています。 • every day • in the morning • once a week • usually • often • sometimes • on Sundays 毎日(every morning 毎朝) 朝に(in the afternoon 午後に、at night 夜に) 一週間に一回(once a month ひと月に一回) たいてい よく ときどき 日曜日に(on Mondays 月曜日に…) トイレを流す 服を着る ∼から出る 離れる 作る 鳴る razor ひげを剃る (シャワーを)浴びる 目覚める、起きる 洗う かみそり Dan’s alarm clock rings,... ...and he wakes up. 目覚まし時計がなると、 ダンは目を覚まします。 shaving cream NOUNS 目覚まし時計 alarm clock アパート apartment バスルーム bathroom ベッド bed 朝食 breakfast 髪 hair 手 hand 朝 morning かみそり razor shaving cream シェービング・クリーム シャワー shower トイレ toilet 便器 toilet bowl 歯 tooth [teeth 複 ] タオル towel シェービング・ クリーム He brushes his teeth,... (see p. 8) ...shaves,... ひげを剃って、 歯をみがいて、 He gets out of bed. He goes into the bathroom. ベッドから出ます。 バスルームに行きます。 ...and takes a shower. (see p. 9) シャワーを浴びます。 For Special Attention • get up 「起きる」 例)“What time did you get up?” “At 7:00.” He dries himself off with a towel. 「何時に起きましたか」「7時です」 • after 「∼の後で」 • use the toilet 別のていねいな言い 方に go to the bathroom / use the bathroom という表現がある。 • ðush a toilet 「トイレを流す」 • take a shower/bath 「シャワーを 浴びる/風呂に入る」 • then 「それから」 Then he brushes his hair. それから髪をとかします。 タオルで体を拭きます。 He gets dressed. (see pp. 10-13) 服を着ます。 toilet bowl 便器 After using the toilet and flushing it,... ...he washes his hands. 手を洗います。 トイレを使い、流したあとで、 6 EEA 2nd_Japan.indd 6 2011-03-02 1:30:47 He makes breakfast... (see pp. 15-17) ...and eats it. (see p. 18) Then, he leaves the apartment. (see p. 19) 朝食を作って 食べます。 そして、 ダンはアパートを出ます。 7 EEA 2nd_Japan.indd 7 64 2011-03-02 1:30:53 Everyday English for Young People Lawrence J. Zwier Features • Lively, colorful pictures to teach English vocabulary central to the everyday lives of teens Natural, up-to-date English • • Culture notes and advice about idioms Student Book with Audio CD Student Book with Audio CD 978-1-59966-062-2 ¥ 2,100 • 6人の高校生を中心に若者の日常生活での出来事、 「学校で勉強する」 「買い物に行く」 「映画を見る」 「テレビゲームで遊ぶ」などを色鮮やかなイラストで紹介しています。 FreeMP3 • これ一冊で毎日の生活の動作を英語でどんどん話せるようになります。 Available online ◀ Everyday English for Young People Student Book Everyday Survival English Best Seller Karl Nordvall Features • A fresh and interesting approach to studying basic vocabulary and expressions necessary for interacting with others in English • 72 different situations, from daily activities to special events Student Book with Audio CD Student Book with Audio CD 978-1-932222-47-0 ¥ 2,100 • 日常生活によく使われている語彙や言い回しを学習するための教材です。 • 買い物や街中、旅行などの72のシチュエーションを掲載。 • 場面の始めから終わりまでをコミックのように表し、動作の意味をイメージとして捉え FreeMP3 Available online ることが出来ます。 日常の英会話が一連のイラストを通じて、楽しく覚えられる、役に立 つ教材です。 CHAPTER 1. NEW NEIGHBORS UNIT UNIT Introductions Nice to meet you. I’m Mary Smith. Words and Phrases to Learn ● call: to use as my name ● nothing special: just the usual ● come have: to come over and have (sth) ● see you then: to see you at that time Key Expressions Austin is my hometown. = I grew up in Austin. 2 What are your plans this evening? = What are you up to this evening? Hello. Hi. I’m Kimberly Jones. Please call me Kim. Where are you from? Atlanta. But I was living in Chicago for the last four years. They walk toward each other.... ◀ Hi, Kim! Please come in! Thanks for inviting me. Key Expressions 1 Would you like... = Can I get you... 2 Orange juice sounds good. = I’d like some orange juice. 1 Mary sees her new neighbor. The Visit Words and Phrases to Learn ● greet: to say hello ● look around: to walk around and look ● offer: to ask if (sb) wants (sth) ● our pleasure: we’re glad you could come May I take your jacket? Everyday Survival English Sure. Thank you. Our pleasure. Kim arrives at John and Mary’s house. Mary hangs up Kim’s jacket. Are you from here? Yes,1 Austin is my hometown. That’s nice. John, meet Kim, our new neighbor! Let’s go into the living room. Hello, Kim. Nice to meet you. Thanks. Good to meet you, too. coat hooks mailbox ....and shake hands. 2 What are your plans this evening? Nothing special. Mary asks about Kim’s evening schedule. Mary asks where Kim is from. Come have coffee with my husband and me. Is around 8:00 OK? They talk. Well, see you tonight! That sounds great, thanks. Mary invites Kim to her house. Mary introduces John to Kim. John and Kim greet each other and shake hands. 1 Kim, would you like anything to drink? OK. See you then. Yes, please. Your home is lovely. They go into another room. We have coffee, juice, soda, wine... 2 Orange juice sounds good, thanks. I’ll have some too, dear. Thank you very much. Kim looks around the house. They say good-bye. 7 Mary offers Kim a drink.... ....and tells her the choices. 8 65 Talk About Travel Second Edition Rob Jordens, Terry Jordens Features • Designed for students who are interested in developing their English skills for the purpose of traveling or working in the field of tourism and hospitality • Informative reading passages and realistic dialogs using natural English Student Book with MP3 CD Student Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-401-9 ¥ 1,700 Answer Key 978-1-59966-430-9 ¥ 300 • 観光業や、ホスピタリティーに興味のある方の為に作られた本です。 Sample Page • 各ユニットでは、 タスクを通して、海外旅行ではどのようなことが起きるか、 どう対処す べきかを考えるための基礎を固めていきます。 • 旅行中によく遭遇する問題、書類の記入方法、 フライトやホテルの予約など、旅行に必 FreeMP3 要な知識や英語力を身につけることができます。 Available online ◀ Reading Comprehension Listening and Speaking A Choose the best answer for each question. WARM-UP 1. What should you get ready first when going on a trip? a. Reservations b. Travel papers Talk About Travel Second Edition Student Book A Match each question with the appropriate response. 1. What is the fee? c. Vaccinations d. Luggage 2. Where should you keep a copy of your passport? a. With your travel agent • • a. I am on vacation with my family. 2. Are you here for business or pleasure? • • b. Sure, here are my driver’s license 3. Is your passport valid? • and passport. • c. It is $150 US. 4. Do you have an entry visa? • • d. Yes. I have a B-1 business visa. 5. Can I see some photo ID, please? • • e. It is valid until January 2010. b. At your embassy c. With you, in your suitcase, and with a friend d. At your hotel DIALOG 1 track A Listen to the dialog and choose T for true or F for false. 3. What will the doctor give you after you get vaccinations? a. An immunization record b. A special kind of visa c. A letter stating you can safely go to foreign countries d. A disease 02 1. The man is going on a vacation. T F 2. The man will be abroad for less than 14 days. 3. The fee for a B-1 visa is $65. T T F F track B Listen again and fill in the blanks. 4. In case of accidents or sickness, what should you buy before you travel? a. b. c. d. A first aid kit Travel health insurance A tourist visa A driver’s license Can I help you? Businessman I’d like to apply for an American visa. Immigration Agent What kind of visa do you need? _____________________ or _____________________? Businessman _____________________. B Choose T for true or F for false. 1. Make sure that your passport is valid for one year before you travel. T F 2. You do not need a visa if you are on business. T F ESP 3. You need to show your travel itinerary to everyone. T F T F Immigration Agent OK. You need a B-1 business visa. Businessman What’s the _____________________? Immigration Agent 4. You need to bring your immunization record when you travel. Chapter 1 02 Immigration Agent Businessman Before Going Abroad It is _____________________ for _____________________ days, after entry. Reading Passage That’s perfect. What’s the fee? Immigration Agent You must pay a $75 _____________________. Businessman Thanks. track Preparing Documents C Practice the dialog with your partner. 1 Unit 1 | Documents TAT 2nd_Print.indd 11 11 2010-02-16 Unit 1 12 embassy. Most countries charge a fee for passports. If you have a passport, make Documents 3:53:27 01 Getting your papers ready is the first thing you do before a trip. The first document you need is a passport. You can apply for one at an immigration office or at an TAT 2nd_Print.indd 12 5 sure that it is valid2010-02-16 for six more 3:53:30months. Make copies of it. Keep copies with you, in your suitcase, and with a friend or family member. Another thing to get ready is a visa. A visa is a stamp or sticker in your passport. Some visas are for business. Others are for study or travel. Sometimes you need Vocabulary Preview passport valid visa embassy vaccination insurance to get your visa before you travel. Each country is different. You can apply at the embassy for that country. In other countries, you can get your visa when you land fee itinerary 10 at the airport. Your travel itinerary is a list of your plans. You need to keep it safe. Keep a copy with you all the time. Give a copy of your itinerary to a friend or family member. A Match the words to the meanings. 1. ___ passport a. money you pay for something 2. ___ visa b. a list of things to do on a holiday or trip When traveling to another country, your vaccinations need to be up to date. Go 3. ___ vaccination c. legally acceptable or usable 4. ___ fee d. a government document used for going to and leaving from other countries 5. ___ valid e. an injection given to protect you from getting sick 6. ___ embassy f. the office that represents your country to a foreign government 7. ___ insurance g. a stamp or sticker in your passport allowing you to go to another country for business, school, or vacation 8. ___ itinerary 15 to your doctor. Tell the doctor where you are going. He or she will give you the vaccinations and then give you an immunization record. This is a small booklet with your vaccination history in it. Take it on your trip. Think about buying travel health insurance. Most insurance companies will give you a card that has your insurance company name and number. You can use this card if you have an accident. 20 h. something to help you pay for accidents and sickness when you travel Now that all your documents are ready, you can start making reservations! B Complete the sentences with the correct word. 1. Do you think health _______________ is necessary when you travel? 2. According to my _______________, I will be in Paris on July 13th. 3. Make sure to check that your passport is _______________ before you leave. 4. Do I need a tourist _______________ to enter Australia? 5. The nearest Canadian _______________ is in the capital, Seoul. Unit 1 | Documents TAT 2nd_Print.indd 9 9 2010-02-16 10 3:53:13 TAT 2nd_Print.indd 10 2010-02-16 Table of Contents Chapter 1 Before Going Abroad 1 2 Documents Reservations Chapter 2 Airports and Airlines 3 4 5 6 Flight Check-In Getting to the Gate In-Flight Arrival at Your Destination Chapter 3 Hotels 7 8 9 10 66 Guest Reception Hotel Services Guest Information Guest Check-Out Chapter 4 Restaurants 11 Suggesting Restaurants 12 Ordering 13 Asian Cuisine 14 American Cuisine 15 Buffets and Brunches Chapter 5 Points of Interest 16 City Tours 17 Museums and Entertainment 18 Conferences Chapter 6 Destinations 19 20 21 22 23 24 New York City London Sydney Beijing Cape Town Rio de Janeiro 3:53:18 Communicating in Business English Best Seller Bob Dignen Features • Presents vocabulary and language patterns related to the business environment and common business situations • Cross-cultural tips and golden rules for effective communication • Dialogs illustrating vocabulary usage in context Student Book with Audio CD Teacher’s Guide Student Book with Audio CD 978-1-932222-17-3 ¥ 2,700 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-59966-083-7 ¥ 1,900 • ビジネスマンに不可欠な6つの基本的なコミュニケーション・スキル:(1)電話の応対(2) Sample Page 会議(3)プレゼンテーション(4)交渉(5)社交(6)国際ビジネス・レターの書き方(E-mail、手 紙、 レポート)を収録。 • グローバルなビジネス環境での成功に必須な異文化コミュニケーションのアドバイス FreeMP3 やビジネスマナーなど、役に立つ情報が満載です。 Available online ◀ 1. What makes a good telephone call? Vo c a b u l a r y A checklist Before the call Prepare well before you call. Plan what you want to say. Prepare answers to possible questions. Send an e-mail before the call, if necessary. Have all information available. NOUNS antenna battery code cold call connection dial tone display extension greeting objective reason result signal small talk subscriber teleconference touch pad voice mail During the call Create a positive atmosphere. Communicate your objective clearly. Listen --- make sure you understand. Check --- make sure the other person understands you. D ADVERBS politely positively O G Linda: Mark: Linda: Mark: phone small talk cold call busy signal Would it be possible to get some tips from you for calling customers? Sure. I can show you the __________ I use when I call customers. You prepare everything you’re going to say before you call? No, but I have an outline I follow for calls. If it is a __________, I greet the customer and identify myself. Then I tell them the reason for my call. You don’t start the conversation with __________? No. I get to the point by politely asking if they are interested. It saves time. Do you ever leave messages for people on their voice mail? Not usually. And if I get a __________, I call that person again later in the day. antenna display touch pad cellular phone V O C A B U L A R Y Circle the word that does not belong in each group. subscriber Numbers Local National International code Extension Work number Home number L plan receiver BASIC TERMS available busy long distance positive A Linda: Mark: Linda: Mark: Recharging the battery. *See page 32, Cross Cultural Tips Equipment Phone Receiver Cellular (mobile) phone Display Handset Hands-free kit Teleconference facilities Battery I Fill in the blanks. Listen and check. Prepare your telephone call in advance. Ending the call Confirm the result of the call. End politely and positively. ADJECTIVES People Caller Subscriber Switchboard operator Services Directory assistance Voice mail Can I interest you in some low-priced English dictionaries? Calls A cold call An international call A local call A conference call A long distance call When the receiver pays = 8 The first thing I wanted to talk about is the budget. Beginning the call Make a greeting and identify yourself clearly. Ask for connection to the person you want to speak to. After connection, greet the person. Small talk * Give a reason for the call. VERBS call collect check communicate confirm greet identify plan prepare recharge reverse charge Communicating in Business English Student Book P 1. antenna dial tone display touch pad 2. communicate listen redial speak 3. busy signal call waiting caller ID voice mail 4. access code extension phone number zip code 5. check confirm greet repeat R A C T I C E Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Cold call---selling 1. He is not __________ to come to the phone right now. Tones Dial tone Busy signal Number not in service 2. I think this phone is broken. I didn’t hear a __________ when I picked it up. a. available a. dial tone b. positive b. greeting c. possible c. subscriber d. necessary d. touch pad 3. My cell phone battery is low, so I should __________ it. to reverse the charges - U.K. to make a collect call - U.S.A. Chapter 1. English for the Telephone a. confirm b. identify c. recharge d. reverse 4. The manager requested a __________ with the branch office in Mexico. a. battery b. cold call c. small talk d. teleconference 5. Is it possible to make __________ calls from the phones in the office? a. available b. busy c. positive d. long distance Chapter 1. English for the Telephone 9 Table of Contents Chapter 1 English For the Telephone Chapter 2 English For Presentations Chapter 3 English For Meetings Chapter 4 English For Socializing Chapter 5 English For Negotiating Chapter 6 Writing For International Business: E-mails, Letters and Reports 67 Everyday English for Hospitality Professionals Lawrence J. Zwier, Nigel Caplan Features • Helps future workers in the hotel and restaurant fields develop the English vocabulary they need for interacting with customers and colleagues • Vocabulary for more than 60 essential hospitality functions Student Book with Audio CD Student Book with Audio CD 978-1-59966-075-2 ¥ 1,800 • カラフルなページとわかりやすい挿し絵で、ゲストを迎えたり、荷物を運んだり、オーダーを 受ける際に必要となる具体的な会話を学ぶことが出来ます。 • 絵を見ながら学習できるので、簡単に理解できると同時に実践的に覚えることが出来ます。 ◀ FreeMP3 Available online I Everyday English for Hospitality Professionals Unit I. Before a Guest Checks In UNIT Before a Guest Checks In 1. Taking a Reservation by Phone 2. Revising a Reservation Unit I. Before a Guest Checks In Unit I. Before a Guest Checks In { 1. Taking a Reservation by Phone } And when will you be arriving? Pine Ridge Hotel. KEY VOCABULARY Pine Ridge Hotel. How may I help you? KEY VOCABULARY Verbs 3. Suggesting Alternative Accommodation I have a reservation. I’d like to extend our stay by one day. Verbs ask call check check in hold [held] pull up quote repeat say [said] goodbye search spell write [wrote] down add agree ask allocate answer a phone extend look up offer The revise number is 1-2-3-4... save Hi, I’d like to get a room for next month, please. Maryn Karini called the Pine Ridge Hotel to make a reservation. Let me check for you. Pat asked for the dates of her stay. Could we please have a room with two queen beds? How many people? Pat asked her to spell her last name and entered her details in the guest database. When does that expire? Maryn asked if she could add a night to her reservation. Hmm. Your room is already booked for Sunday the 7th. One moment. upgrade Just one moment, please. Nouns change Your database confirmation guest number is.... record reservation room sea view stay That’s one double-queen room for 4 nights... July 16th for one night, please. Verbs Maryn gave her credit card number to hold the reservation. Nouns availability calendar computer terminal confirmation number credit card database details expiration date issue number reservation room rate party security code signature valid from date KEY VOCABULARY Pat answered the phone. call explain host offer put [put] suggest Mr. Johnson called the Pine Ridge Hotel to make a reservation. Nouns If you’d like, I could upgrade you to a sea-view room throughout your stay. That’s available through Sunday. I’m sorry, but we have no vacancies. However, the hotel was fully booked... Pat explained that there were no rooms available... accommodation conference phone number reservation room vacancy waiting list Adjectives She pulled up the hotel’s reservations calendar on her computer terminal. Maryn asked for a double-queen room. Pat asked how many people would be in Maryn’s party. Pat looked up Maryn’s record in the database. Adjective available Pat asked for the card’s expiration date. Pat repeated the details of the booking... Maryn’s room was already allocated to another guest. Pat offered to upgrade Maryn to a room with a sea view. alternative available booked Sure. Thank you. ...and read Maryn a confirmation number to write down. ...because the hotel was hosting a large conference. She offered to find another hotel with a vacancy. Pat offered to put him on the waiting list for a room. Adjective Call 555-7722 and ask for Mrs. Gaines. She’ll help you. satisfied Will there be anything else, Mrs. Karini? Pat searched the reservation system for availability. See you on the 4th! She quoted Maryn the room rate and Maryn wrote it down. Maryn agreed and Pat revised the reservation... Pat checked that the guest was satisfied with the reservation... Types of rooms and beds ...and said goodbye. ...then she saved the changes. Pat suggested that the Hilltop Inn might have some rooms. Culture and Language ● ● allocate = give out, assign Revise means “change [something] to make it better” ● She gave Mr. Johnson the Hilltop’s phone number. When Pat upgrades Maryn’s room, she gives Maryn a higher-quality room for the same price as the room she requested. Credit Cards Culture and Language issue number ● Single 8 Twin Full-size Queen card number King As used in this chapter, booked means “reserved.” ● signature 10 valid from date A conference is a very large meeting that draws hundreds of people. security code expiration date ESP 9 11 English for Restaurant Workers Second Edition Renee Talalla Features • Designed for trainee waiters and waitresses and for trainers in the restaurant and catering industry • Shows how restaurant tasks are done in a step-by-step picture process format Student Book with Audio CD Student Book with Audio CD 978-1-59966-150-6 ¥ 1,900 • レストランや外食産業で働きたい人に必須のテキストです。 • よく使うフレーズや専門用語と基本スキルの両方を,絵を使ってわかりやすく説明しています。 ◀ FreeMP3 Available online English for Restaurant Workers Second Edition UNIT 1 Taking Reservations by Telephone UNIT 1 I’d like to make a dinner reservation, please. ...Chez Max. Fred speaking. Good afternoon. May I help you? ...We’ll see you on the fourteenth. Goodbye, Ms Reid. Thank you for calling... Exercises 4. Write out some ways of saying the time shown on the clocks below. 1. Choose a word from the box to match each picture below. Certainly, madam. notepad floor chart reservation record caller waiter date window table non-smoking sign seven fifteen Fred, the head-waiter, answered the telephone at Chez Max. He greeted the caller... For what date, please? ...and identified the restaurant and himself. The fourteenth of February. He offered to assist the caller. The caller wished to make a dinner reservation. Fred got out the reservation notepad. May I have your name, please? 8:30 ...and wrote down the details as she spoke. ...and said goodbye. Addressing Guests Whenever possible use: SIR / MADAM or MR / MRS / MS / TITLE + name when you speak to guests. Yes, it’s Reid. Ms Reid. That’s R-E-I-D. He asked her for the date of the reservation... Before ending the conversation, Fred thanked the caller... He found out the time of the reservation. Fred asked the caller for her name. She spelt it out for him. Just a minute, Ms Reid, I’ll see if we have a table. I’m very sorry, Ms Reid, but there are no tables left in non-smoking. Speaking about TIME 10 9 8 11 12 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 10 9 8 11 12 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 10 9 8 11 12 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 10 9 8 11 12 1 2 3 4 7 6 5 I’d like a table in nonsmoking, by the window. Finally Fred copied all the information on the notepad into the restaurant reservation record. At eight o’clock At eight At a quarter past eight At eight fifteen At eight thirty At half past eight At a quarter to eight At seven forty-five Speaking about DATES waiter ________________________ ________________________ Fred checked the floor chart. So that’s a window table for four, at eight-thirty, on the fourteenth of February. We have a window table in smoking. Would you care for that? He apologized because the non-smoking section was booked out that night. Could I have a contact number, please? Yes, all right. Yes. It’s 7745632. He offered her an alternative, and asked for her agreement. 16 Ms Reid accepted the offer. Fred read back to Ms Reid all the details he had written on the reservation notepad. __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ He asked Ms Reid for a contact number and wrote it down on the notepad. VERBS accept address answer apologize ask [for] assist care for [something] check copy end find [out] get out [something] greet identify make [a reservation] offer reserve spell take [a reservation] write NOUNS agreement alternative caller contact number date details floor chart head-waiter information notepad number party record request reservation section title window waiter Written: 14 Feb 14/2 2.14.2008 ________________________ Spoken: February fourteenth The fourteenth of February OTHERS booked out instead non-smoking smoking special For Special Attention • make a reservation = the caller makes a reservation. • take a reservation = the waiter takes a reservation • A floor chart is a plan showing all the tables and parts of the restaurant. • details = small items of information • A reservation record is a book that contains all the details of reservations. • a booking = a reservation • booked out / fully booked = the restaurant is full and can’t take any more reservations • a special request = the caller asks for something more, e.g. a window table, or a birthday cake etc. • identify yourself = say who you are • a party = a group • offered her an alternative = gave her another choice or possibility NB: Some women prefer to use the title MS, instead of MRS or MISS. More Expressions Picture 3 “How can I help you, sir?” 23 May 12th Dec 2.6.2008 31/12 __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ [ c ] 1. Identifying yourself 2. Greeting ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ [ ] a. “a round table near the door” b. “I’m afraid we’re fully booked tonight.” 3. A special request [ ] c. “Jenny speaking.” 4. Apologizing [ ] d. “Good afternoon, sir.” 5. Spelling out something [ ] e. “Can I help you, madam?” 6. Making a reservation [ ] f. “I’ll check the floor chart for you.” 7. Assisting a caller [ ] g. “That’s H-U-D-S-O-N.” 8. Offering to do something for someone [ ] h. “I’d like to book a table for dinner, please.” _______________________ 5 “For which day?” 7 3. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B. “What time is the reservation for?” A B “At what time?” 8 “Could I have your name, please?” “Under what name?” 9 April 5 the fifth of April __________________ 7. What is the head-waiter saying to the callers below? Fill in the speech bubbles. 1. assist ............................. [ e ] “For how many people?” ] b. no more seats/tables 3. a group ......................... [ ] c. say sorry 4. a request ....................... [ ] 1. 2. 3. 4. Could I have a window table please? a. give your name 2. reserve .......................... [ d. say yes to an offer 11 “I’ll check if we have a table.” 5. fully booked ................. [ ] e. help 16 “Could you give me a contact 6. apologize ...................... [ number, please?” ] f. book 7. accept ........................... [ ] g. a party 18 “We look forward to seeing you on the fourteenth.” 8. identify yourself ........... [ ] h. something a person asks for The tenth of April. At one o’clock Yes. It’s 7763425. 8. Discuss the following questions with your trainer or partner. 1. Why do some women prefer to use the title MS instead of MISS or MRS? 2. Why did Fred ask the caller for a contact number? 18 3. Why does Fred write down details on a notepad while he talks to the caller? 17 68 __________________ __________________ 6. Match the terms on the left with the statements on the right. 2. Fred asked the caller for the details of the reservation. What information did Fred ask for? Key Vocabulary The caller had a special request – a window table. ________________________ Written: 31 Dec 31/12 12.31.2008 Spoken: December thirty-first The thirty-first of December date of reservation _______________________ For four. ________________________ Written: 1 Jan 1/1 1.1.2008 Spoken: January first The first of January For how many, Ms Reid? Fred asked Ms Reid for the number of people in her party. __________________ or a quarter past seven 5. Write down a spoken form of these dates. And for what time, madam? 19 Teaching English to Young Learners An Illustrated Guide for EFL Teacher Development Marcia Fisk Ong, Vinodimi Murugesan Features • Twenty modules that can be explored in any order • Extensive support for trainers, including step-by-step suggestions for leading training sessions and workshops • Detailed information on practical teaching techniques and professional methodology • Detailed information on language structure and usages • Detailed discussion guidelines and in-depth training tips • Full transcripts and answer keys Teacher Development Book with Audio CD 978-1-59966-096-7 ¥ 1,900 Trainer’s Handbook 978-1-59966-029-5 ¥ 1,900 • この本は子供に英語を教える先生、 また幼児英語指導者を目指す方の為に作られました。 • 子供たちに英語を教えるために必要なスキルやアイディアをイラストでわかりやすく紹介し ています。 • どんな順序でも活用できる20のトピックを掲載。 • 先生を教育する方のためのTrainer s handbookもあります。 ▼ Teaching English to Young Learners An Illustrated Guide for EFL Teacher Development Book Table of Contents Section 1 Getting Started 1 2 3 4 Getting the Class room Ready Getting Learners Planning Lessons Using Teaching Aids Section 2 Learning Activities 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Teaching Listening Nurturing Grammatical Awareness Leading Pronunciation Practice Facilitating Speaking Introducing Vocabulary Beginning Reading Presenting a Story-Reading Lesson Guiding Writing Practice Section 3 Managing the Class 13 14 15 16 Giving Instructions Grouping Learners Organizing Project Work Eliciting Responses and Offering Feedback 17 Encouraging Good Behavior (and Dealing with Misbehavior) Section 4 Using Multimedia Resources 18 Playing Audio Recordings 19 Showing Video Recordings 20 Using Computer and the Internet 69 What Should Every EFL Teacher Know? Paul Nation Features • Focuses on practical issues & written in easy to understand English • How to teach: Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing/Pronunciation/ Spelling/Grammar Vocabulary/Discourse/How to design lessons and courses • Gives practical solutions to problems including: Mixed Level Classes / Unmotivated Students Book 978-1-59966-266-4 ¥ 2,200 • 英語教師はもちろん、英語教師を目指している方のための本です。 • 先生方が日ごろ直面する問題とその対策を列挙。 • 授業ですぐに役立つ教え方の実践的アイディアを掲載。リスニング/スピーキング/リー ディング/発音/スペリング/文法 単語/授業計画の立て方/やる気のない生徒にどう教え るか、など。 ◀ Chapter Teacher’s Resource 1 The English teacher thus can be the most important person in the learners’ language learning, and so what the teacher does and how the teacher sees their role are central to learning. What Should an English Teacher Do? Y Figure 1.1 The teacher’s jobs Main Idea 1. Planning 008 Chapter 1 What Should an English Teacher Do? This book is written for teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL). I have also written a book directed to teachers of English as a second language (ESL). Teaching English as a foreign language occurs when the foreign language, English, is not widely used in that particular country outside of the classroom. This teaching situation determines three important characteristics of EFL. 007 Chapter 1 What Should an English Teacher Do? The main idea in this chapter is that the most important job of the teacher is to plan, and this planning involves applying the principle of the four strands. According to this principle, a well-planned course has four equal strands of learning from input (listening and reading), learning from output (speaking and writing), deliberate language study, and fluency development. Each strand should get roughly the same amount of time in a course. 1 The classroom activities may be the only significant source of input and language use for the learners. The teacher therefore has to play a strong role in the organisation of learning. 2 Often, there is no clear learning need. English is learned because it is important, but not because the learners immediately need it for communication. There may be examination needs, but these are usually not very communicative needs. 3 The language is typically studied as a compulsory subject, so motivation and achievement may be low. Because of this, materials designed for ESL learners may not be suitable for EFL learners. ESL learners may have a higher level of proficiency and thus materials designed for them are too uncontrolled and difficult for EFL learners. Every EFL Teacher.indd 007 What Should Every EFL Teacher Know? 2012-12-27 9:43:21 2. Training the learners 3. Testing 4. Teaching An English teacher has four main jobs. The first job is to plan and run a course that gives learners a good balance of opportunities for learning and which helps them learn the most useful language features at their present stage of learning. The second job is to train learners in strategies that will help them continue their learning and deal with communication situations outside the classroom. The third job is to test and monitor the learners to find out what they know now and how their knowledge and skill in use of the language is developing. The fourth job is to teach. I define teaching narrowly here, referring to activities where the teacher is the source of the information and the focus of attention. Typically, in such teaching, the teacher also determines the pace of the learning. Each of these four jobs requires certain knowledge and skills and the goal of this book is to make you very familiar with these. Let us now look at each of these four jobs in turn. Planning and Running a Balanced Course Throughout this book the idea of the four strands will be used as a way of balancing opportunities for learning. The principle of the four strands says that a well-balanced course consists of four equal strands—(1) meaningfocused input, (2) meaning-focused output, (3) language-focused learning, and (4) fluency development. Each of these strands should get an equal amount of time in the total course. Every EFL Teacher.indd 008 2012-12-27 9:43:21 Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 What Should an English Teacher Do? How Do You Teach Listening and Speaking? How Do You Make Good Problem-Solving Speaking Activities? Chapter 4 How Do You Teach Reading? Chapter 5 How Do You Teach Writing? Chapter 6 How Do You Teach Pronunciation and Spelling? Chapter 7 How Do You Teach Vocabulary? Chapter 8 How Do You Teach Grammar? Chapter 9 How Do You Teach Discourse? Chapter 10 Teaching English for Special Purposes 70 Chapter 11 Twenty Additional Techniques for Language Learning Chapter 12 How Do You Test Learners? Chapter 13 How Do You Plan a Lesson? Chapter 14 How Do You Plan a Language Course? Chapter 15 How Do You Deal with Teaching Problems? Chapter 16 How Do You Control a Class? Chapter 17 How Do You Become a Better English Teacher? TOEIC Very Easy TOEIC Second Edition, とってもかんたんTOEIC® ® 0-250 255-400 405-600 605-780 785-900 905-990 TOEFL iBT 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 Best Seller Anne Taylor, Garrett Byrne Features • Clear and precise grammar explanations • Thematic units with integrated grammar practice • Exercise section that distinguishes between commonly confused words • Answer key and tape scripts for all mini tests and the full-length test • Audio recordings of the listening sections for each mini test and full-length test Very Easy TOEIC® Student Book with Removable Answer Key and Audio CDs 978-1-61352-457-2 ¥ 2,400 とってもかんたん TOEIC® Student Book with Audio CDs 978-4-904114-09-4 ¥ 2,400 • Very Easy TOEIC® Second Editionは初級者向けのTOEIC®対策問題集です。 • よく出る文法のポイントを中心にわかりやすく説明しています。 • 実際のテストと同じ形式のミニテストを収録。 • 各ユニットの要点に基づいた文法・リスニング問題があり、その他に質問形式の問題 になれるための小テストや長文問題もあります。 • 初めてTOEIC®を受験される方に最適の入門書です。 Answer Key • 巻末に解答とTranscriptsが付属 Available online ◀ Very Easy TOEIC® Second Edition 71 TOEIC Starter TOEIC ® TOEFL iBT 0-250 255-400 405-600 605-780 785-900 905-990 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 Third Edition Anne Taylor, Casey Malarcher Sample Page Answer Key Available online Features • It is designed for beginning-level students of English who need to start preparation for the TOEIC®. • The first chapter introduces students to the twelve most important grammar targets. • The second chapter provides twelve mini tests, each reinforcing a grammar target through natural exposure in a variety of contexts. • The third chapter contains a full-length practice test designed to challenge but not frustrate, beginning-level students. • TOEIC®を初めて受ける方の為に作られました。 • 初めのチャプターではTOEIC®で重要な12の文法を紹介します。 • 2つめのチャプターでリーディングとリスニングを練習します。 • 最後に模擬試験が一回分ついています。 Test Prep ◀ 72 Starter TOEIC® Third Edition Starter TOEIC® Third Edition Student Book with Removable Answer Key and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-458-9 ¥ 2,600 Taking the TOEIC Skills and Strategies 1-2 ® Level 1 0-250 300-350 400-450 500-550 600-650 700-750 Level 2 0-250 300-350 400-450 500-550 600-650 700-750 Wendi Shin, Nancie McKinnon Features • Tips for taking each section of the test • Clear and precise grammar explanations of grammar points commonly tested in the actual TOEIC® test • Mini practice tests in each section helps students consolidate what they have learned • Transcripts for all listening questions • A full-length practice test Taking the TOEIC Student Book 1 with Removable Answer Key and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-459-6 ¥ 2,600 Student Book 2 with Removable Answer Key and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-460-2 ¥ 2,600 • まだTOEIC®を受けたことがない人にも最適な教材です。 • チャプターは、 リスニング、文法、 リーディング、そして一回分の模擬試験に分かれています。 • それぞれよく出るポイントを丁寧に解説し、 ミニテストで理解度を毎回確かめることができます。 Sample Page • 巻末にはTranscriptionとAnswer Key、MP3 CDが付属しています。 Answer Key FreeMP3 Transcript Available online ▲ Taking the TOEIC® Level 1 73 TOEIC Developing Skills for the TOEIC® Test TOEFL iBT 0-250 255-400 405-600 605-780 785-900 905-990 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 Paul Edmunds, Anne Taylor Sample Page Features • Thematic units with accompanying grammar explanation appendices • 14 mini practice tests and 1 complete practice test • Full answer key and Transcripts for all practice tests • Answer explanations for Incomplete Sentences and Incomplete Texts sections • MP3 CD containing all the practice listening sections • 中級レベル • 実際のTOEIC®と同じスタイルとフォーマットのミニテストが14回分あります。 Answer Key • TOEIC®試験でよく出る様々な文法に焦点を当てています。 • 完全な模擬試験も1回分収録 Transcript Test Prep Available online ▲ 74 Developing Skills for the TOEIC® Test Developing Skills for the TOEIC Test Student Book with Removable Answer Key and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-461-9 ¥ 2,800 TOEIC TOEIC Analyst ® TOEFL iBT 0-250 255-400 405-600 605-780 785-900 905-990 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 Second Edition Anne Taylor Sample Page Features • Tips for analyzing various question types • Practice tests at the end of each section focus on specific listening or reading skills • Two complete practice tests simulating the actual TOEIC test • Audio recording of 300 practice questions including picture descriptions, questions and responses, short conversations, and short talks • Transcripts and answer key included TOEIC Analyst Second Edition Student Book with Removable Answer Key and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-462-6 ¥ 2,700 • TOEIC®を厳しく分析し、本書にはよく出てくる問題の種類や起こしやすいミスなどの解 Answer Key 説やアドバイスを載せています。 • 700以上の問題を収録しており、数をこなして問題に慣れることができます。模擬試験 Transcript も2回分あるので、最終の仕上げをすることができます。 Available online ▲ TOEIC® Analyst Second Edition 75 TOEIC Target TOEIC ® TOEFL iBT 0-250 255-400 405-600 605-780 785-900 905-990 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 Second Edition Anne Taylor Sample Page Answer Key Available online Features • Six practice tests designed to simulate actual TOEIC® test, including all recent modifications, allowing test takers to familiarize themselves with the test • Recordings of both British and American accents, as per the style of the newer versions of the TOEIC® test • Complete transcripts and answer key • Answer sheets for each test using authentic TOEIC® test • Complete audio recordings of the listening sections of the tests Targed TOEIC Second Edition Student Book with Removable Answer Key and MP3 CD 978-1-61352-463-3 ¥ 2,800 • Target TOEIC® second editionは上級者向きのTOEIC®対策本です。 • 6回分の模試試験を収録。 • 本物のテストに限りなく近づけるため、長さ、形式、 レイアウト、指示も全く同じです。 Target TOEIC Second Edition Practice Test 1 3. 5. 4. 6. 9 Test Prep 8 Practice Test 1 7 Go on to the next page. LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening section of the test will last approximately 45 minutes. Directions are given for each of the four parts. There is a separate answer sheet for marking answers. Do not write your answers in the test book. Part 1 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear four statements about each picture in your textbook. After listening to all four statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then, find the number of that question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will be spoken only one time, and are not printed in your test book. 1. Sample Answer Example A B C D 2. Now listen to the four statements. Statement (B), “The woman is typing on a computer,” best describes what you see in the picture. Therefore, you should choose answer (B). Go on to the next page. ▲ 76 Target TOEIC® Second Edition TOEIC Basic Skills for the TOEFL® iBT 1-3 0-250 255-400 405-600 605-780 785-900 905-990 TOEFL iBT 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 Moraig Macgillivray, Kayang Cagiano, Iain Donald Binns, Micah Sedillos, Edaan Getzel, Tanya Yaunish, Jeff Zeter, Jonathan Wrigglesworth Features • Designed for beginning-level students of the TOEFL® iBT • Controlled note-taking activities • Focused practice of each TOEFL® iBT question type Student Book (1-3) Student Book 1 Reading 978-1-59966-153-7 ¥ 1,600 Student Book 1 Listening with Audio CDs 978-1-59966-151-3 ¥ 2,300 Student Book 1 Speaking with Audio CD 978-1-59966-152-0 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 1 Writing with Audio CD 978-1-59966-154-4 ¥ 1,900 • 4スキルごとに3つのレベルを用意しました。 • 実際のテストで頻出しているトピックを採用しているので、背景知識や単語力を増や すのに最適です。 • シリーズを通して、頻出単語が繰り返し出てくるので、単語力が高まります。 • 取り外し可能なTranscripts(Readingを除く)と解答が付属 01 History Reading Passage C. Read the passage. Number each paragraph with the correct main idea or purpose. 1. The writer’s opinion of Stalin 2. Information about changes Stalin made in the Soviet Union 3. What the passage is about 4. Information about Stalin’s name change Getting Ready to Read A. Learn the words. Joseph Stalin Key Vocabulary _____ Joseph well-known well-known famous; famous; talked talked about about factory factory a place a place where where goods goods areare made, made, usually usually by by machines machines cruel cruel willfully willfully causing causing pain pain or distress or distress TOEFL Vocabulary Sample Page leader impact nation agriculture industry Student Book 2 Reading 978-1-59966-157-5 ¥ 1,600 Student Book 2 Listening with Audio CDs 978-1-59966-155-1 ¥ 2,300 Student Book 2 Speaking with Audio CD 978-1-59966-156-8 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 2 Writing with Audio CD 978-1-59966-158-2 ¥ 1,900 thethe head head of aofnation a nation, or political politicalparty party, or other group of people a strong a strong effect effect or aorstrong influence influence a country a country thethe practice practice of farming of farming or growing or growing crops crops thethe practice practice of manufacturing of manufacturing goods goods Stalin is a well-known leader. He was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1928 until 1953. he was born, he was called Iosif Dzhugashvili. Later he changed his name to Stalin. The word “Stalin” means “man of steel” in Russian. Stalin chose this new name so that people would think of him as a strong leader. _____ Stalin had a big impact on the Soviet Union. He changed the country. It went from a nation based on agriculture to one based on industry. He forced thousands of farm workers to leave their farms. He made them move to the cities to work in factories. _____ Stalin was cruel. He killed many people to get what he wanted. _____ When Student Book 3 Reading 978-1-59966-161-2 ¥ 1,600 Student Book 3 Listening with Audio CDs 978-1-59966-159-9 ¥ 2,300 Student Book 3 Speaking with Audio CDs 978-1-59966-160-5 ¥ 1,900 Student Book 3 Writing with Audio CD 978-1-59966-162-9 ¥ 1,900 Note-taking D. Complete the summary notes by filling in the blanks. B. Learn the question types. Topic: TOEFL Question Types Joseph Stalin Introduction: ____________ leader of the Soviet Union from 1928 to ____________. Answer Key Called ____________ Dzhugashvili. Name: Vocabulary Changed his name to ____________. The word X in the passage is closest in meaning to . . . In stating X, the author means that . . . Means “man of ____________” in Russian. Wanted people to think he was a ____________ leader. • This type of question asks for the meaning of a word or phrase in the context of how it is FreeMP3 Impact: used in the passage. • The word is usually important to understanding part of the passage. • From a ____________ based on ____________ • To a nation based on ____________ Reference Available online ____________ the country. Forced farm ____________ to work in ____________. The word X in the passage refers to . . . Conclusion: Was ____________. Killed many to get what he wanted. • This type of question asks for what a word or phrase is referring to. • The word is often a pronoun. UNIT 1 History 13 14 | Reading | Practice ◀ TOEFL Questions A. Learn the words. Key Vocabulary ruins pottery mine Basic Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Reading Level 1 E. Choose the correct answers. 1. The word he in the passage refers to the pieces that are left from very old buildings or cities objects made of baked clay a hole in the earth for collecting valuable materials (A) Joseph Stalin (B) the farm workers 2. The word strong in the passage is closest in meaning to (A) powerful (B) healthy 3. The word it in the passage refers to TOEFL Vocabulary consist archaeologist conclusion trade resource (A) industry to be made of someone who studies items from long ago a decision buying and selling or exchanging goods something we can use; something that helps us (B) the Soviet Union 4. The word forced in the passage is closest in meaning to (A) made (B) hit TOEFL Vocabulary Practice F. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. B. Read the passage and underline the key information. leader impact nation agriculture industry Great Zimbabwe Ruins There is a country in Africa called Zimbabwe. It has many large, old buildings. Some of these buildings are called the Great Zimbabwe Ruins. Sometimes, they are called The Houses of Stone. They consist of hundreds of stone ruins. The ruins were found by Portuguese people in 1531. Nobody had lived in the buildings for many years. It is not known why people left this place. Archaeologists studied the ruins in the 1800s. They wanted to learn more about them. They found many Arabian coins. They also found a lot of Chinese pottery. The coins and pottery were found near the ruins. They came to the conclusion that the people who had lived there traded with other nations. There are many gold mines near the ruins. Archaeologists think the Arabian and Chinese people wanted the gold. That is why they traded with the people in Zimbabwe. The gold was a very good trading resource. 16 | Reading | 1. Russia has more land than any other ___________________. 2. Detroit is famous for its car ___________________. 3. President Bill Clinton was the ___________________ of the United States from 1993 to 2001. 4. Taking vitamins has a good ___________________ on my health. 5. Growing fruits and vegetables is an example of ___________________. UNIT 1 History 15 77 Building Skills TOEFL iBT Skills for the TOEFL® iBT 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 Developing Skills TOEFL iBT Mastering Skills TOEFL iBT Second Edition Paul Edmunds, Nancie McKinnon, Jeff Zeter, Lark Bowerman, Moraig Macgillivray, Patrick Yancey, Casey Malarcher Features • Examples of and tips for various question types found on the TOEFL iBT • Guided note-taking activities Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Second Edition (Beginning) Reading Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-348-7 ¥ 2,500 Listening Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-349-4 ¥ 3,800 Speaking Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-350-0 ¥ 2,700 Writing Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-351-7 ¥ 2,500 Combined Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-517-7 ¥ 7,500 • Building / Developing / Mastering Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Second Editionは TOEFL® iBTでハイスコアを獲得できるように作られた3レベルのシリーズです。 • 各レベルに4スキルごとの本と、それらが全部入ったCombined Bookを用意しました。 • よく出る問題パターンに重点を置き、例やアドバイスと用いて徹底的にトレーニングし ます。 Developing Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Second Edition (Intermediate) Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Q1 Independent Speaking: Organizing Speech Practice 1 -- Personal Preference Step 1 Reading Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-352-4 ¥ 2,500 Listening Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-353-1 ¥ 3,800 Speaking Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-354-8 ¥ 2,700 Writing Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-355-5 ¥ 2,500 Combined Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-518-4 ¥ 7,500 Read the prompt below. Write down your answer and related key points in the blanks. What is your favorite possession? Why do you value it so much? Give reasons and examples to support your answer. Necessary Skills • • • • Describing a personal experience or expressing a personal preference Organizing ideas Expressing a clear topic statement and supporting points Speaking clearly and accurately with knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation My favorite possession is _________________________________________________________________ Reason 1: It is my favorite possession because ________________________________________________________ Strategies ________________________________________________________________________________________ Test Prep Though preparation time is limited in the speaking portion of the test, it is nevertheless important to use this time in planning the organization of your response. In this way, your response will be more relevant and coherent. An organizational process for preparing your speech is detailed below. In each step, there are certain things that you need to keep in mind. Process Reason 2: Another reason I like it so much is _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Strategy Read the related ideas and expressions below. Add at least two of your own. Read the question and understand the task. Be sure that you understand the question and what the question requires you to do. Identify the main idea and create a topic statement. Decide on the main idea or choose one of the positions. Use the relevant parts of the prompt in making up your topic statement. Brainstorm and select supporting ideas. Quickly think of the supporting ideas from your experience. Choose those ideas that most clearly support your topic statement. Organize the ideas. Arrange your ideas, putting them in order from most important to least important. Related Ideas and Expressions Favorite: preferred, most wanted, beloved, _______________, _______________ Possessions: Sample Page Independent Speaking: Organizing Chapter Speech 1 digital camera, books, jewelry, _______________, _______________ 27 28 Part 1 Thinking and Speaking Chapter 1 Q1 Practice 2 -- Personal Experience Step 1 Read the prompt below. Write down your answer and related key points in the blanks. Track 1 FreeMP3 Notes What is the best advice you ever received? Explain how it helped you. Give reasons and examples to support your answer. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The best advice I ever received was _______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Reason 1: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ First, it was good advice because __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Reason 2: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Second, the advice helped me _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3 Now create your own response using words and expressions from Steps 1 and 2. Use the prompts below to help you. Read the related ideas and expressions below. Add at least two of your own. Related Ideas and Expressions My favorite possession is _________________. I love it because___________________________ Advice: _________________. It _________________________ so I ______________________. Also, it recommendation, suggestion, counsel, _______________, __________________________________________. I can ______________________________________. _______________ Step 4 Read the response you wrote above out loud. Try to read the response slowly and clearly. Practice saying the whole response several times. Then close your book and say the response without looking at the words. Prepare: get ready, practice, organize, _______________, _______________ Abroad: overseas, out of the country, foreign, _______________, _______________ Independent Speaking: Organizing Speech 78 Reading Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-356-2 ¥ 2,500 Listening Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-357-9 ¥ 3,800 Speaking Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-358-6 ¥ 2,700 Writing Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-359-3 ¥ 2,500 Combined Book with MP3 CD 978-1-59966-519-1 ¥ 7,500 birthdays, graduations, reunions, _______________, _______________ Step 2 Available online Mastering Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Second Edition (Advanced) Special occasions: Answer Key Listen to a sample response. Write down any useful expressions. beloved: loved very much possession: something a person owns digital camera: a camera that stores pictures as electronic signals occasion: a time when something happens reunion: an event where people who have not seen each other in a long time get together 29 30 Part 1 Thinking and Speaking recommendation: advice about how to solve a problem counsel: to give advice about what to do prepare: to make ready for a future event abroad: in or to a foreign country overseas: existing in a country across the ocean from a person’s home country ◀ Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Second Edition Speaking TOEIC 0-250 255-400 405-600 605-780 785-900 905-990 Sharpening Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Four Practice Tests TOEFL iBT 0-18 19-40 41-64 65-95 96-110 111-120 Jeff Zeter, Michael Pederson Uses for Sharpening Skills for the TOEFL® iBT: • A practice for the TOEFL® iBT • A primary or secondary text in a TOEFL® iBT preparation course • A resource for independent study Student Book with Audio CDs Student Book 1 with Audio CDs 978-1-59966-028-8 ¥ 4,700 • この1冊にTOEFL®の4回分の模擬試験が収録されています。 • 実際にオンラインでTOEFL® iBT を受けているかのようなデザインになっているので、 Sample Page FreeMP3 Available online 本番に近い緊張感を味わえます。 1. According to paragraph 1, green roofs TOEFL iBT Practice Test Reading ® (A) (B) (C) (D) 00 : 35 : 00 form of heat. The effect is to raise the air temperature in a city by up to 5º Celsius over the temperature in the surrounding countryside. Using mathematical models, a Canadian research team found that if only 5 percent of the roof area of Toronto had green roofs, air temperatures would be reduced by 1º to 2º Celsius. Green roofs save money through energy and resource conservation. Studies done in Germany, where an estimated 10 percent of all roofs today are green, suggest that green roofs last two to three times longer than conventional roofs. The long service life of a green roof means that fewer resources and less energy will be expended in roof replacement. Green roofs also save money by lowering the cost of interior heating and cooling. One study found that an average building with a green roof requires 25 percent less cooling in warm weather and loses 26 percent less heat when the weather is cold. For example, a commercial facility in Germany with a green roof saved enough money in three years through lower heating and cooling costs to pay for the cost of installing the roof. The facility also saved money in equipment costs, since additional cooling towers had become unnecessary. As energy costs increase, the tenants of buildings with green roofs will undoubtedly reap additional savings. A city’s livability is as much about the attractiveness of one’s surroundings as it is about living costs. The aesthetic benefits of green roofs should not be discounted. Green roofs designed to be parks or gardens can help address a lack of green space in many urban areas. Some are even used for the small-scale, largely recreational production of edible vegetables. All this vegetation naturally attracts songbirds, ducks and other waterfowl, butterflies, and bats. Especially for those whose windows look out over a city’s roofscape---apartment dwellers, office workers, even patients in high-rise hospitals---a green roof can provide a priceless connection with nature and the cycle of seasons. On the whole, living roofs add plants into urban landscapes, making cities more environmentally sound and less stressful, and they do so in a cost-effective manner. precept (n): a basic idea or teaching are very heavy thrive mostly in warm climates are composed of several layers of material can provide most food a city needs 2. The word one in the passage refers to (A) a pot or planter (C) an environmental benefit (B) a part of a building (D) a green roof 3. Look at the four squares [ ] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. This miniature ecosystem can be built on top of an existing roof, often with structural modifications to accommodate the extra weight, or incorporated into the construction of a new building. Where would the sentence best fit? Choose the square [ ] where the sentence should be added to the passage. (A) 1st square (C) 3rd square (B) 2nd square (D) 4th square 4. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are true about modern green roofs EXCEPT (A) (B) (C) (D) they were initially developed in Germany they were designed to slow water drainage they were used in Viking settlements they are found in a few American cities 5. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. (A) They were meant to soak up rainwater in cities that had few natural plants that could catch water before it over-stressed the sewers. (B) They were meant to reduce the amount of waste produced by large urban populations without efficient sewage plants. (C) They were developed to replace soil and vegetation lost to natural forces like rainwater and to overdevelopment by urban populations. (D) They were developed to help water drain faster into the sewers so it would not threaten the few plants that survived in the city. particulate (n): a very small piece or particle graded (adj): at an angle; not flat 6. The word filter in the passage is closest in meaning to (A) producer (C) cooler (B) container (D) cleaner 7. According to paragraph 3, carbon dioxide is (A) (B) (C) (D) 21 an airborne particulate an environmental benefit something a green roof can help control something a green roof can help make 22 TOEFL iBT Practice Test Reading TOEFL iBT Practice Test Reading ® ® 00 : 40 : 00 Living Roofs Reading Section Creative urban planners continually seek new ways to make cities more satisfying places to live. A) One versatile tool in this pursuit is the “green roof,” which draws from fundamental precepts in architectural design, horticulture, and urban development. At its most basic, a green roof system transforms a conventional roof into a living roof by adding a waterproof membrane. B) The membrane is then covered with drainage and filter layers, a growth medium (e.g. soil), and live plants. C) A green roof can be built on a flat or graded surface, can be thick or thin, and can feature a wide range of plant cover, from common lawn grasses, to edible vegetables, to delicate flowering plants. Familiar rooftop gardens have plants in pots or planters. A green roof goes further. It is an integral part of a building and one that offers ecological and economic benefits, as well as aesthetic appeal. D) Roofs covered in living plants were used in ancient Mesopotamia for aesthetic purposes (the famed Hanging Gardens of Babylon), in Viking settlements, and on the American Great Plains for basic shelter and insulation (sod houses). The green roof as we know it, however, is a relatively recent creation. The first modern green roofs were developed in Germany during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Their main function was to slow water drainage that was straining storm-sewer systems in urban areas where natural vegetation was scarce. The idea subsequently spread through Europe and made a few inroads into some American cities. A wide range of environmental benefits can result from the adoption of green roofs. Preliminary research suggests that living roofs help clean polluted urban air. For example, grass acts as a natural air filter, removing each day 0.2 kilograms of airborne particulates from the air per square meter of grass-covered surface. By converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen through photosynthesis, plants also help limit the build-up of atmospheric CO2, a greenhouse gas. One-and-a-half square meters of uncut grass produces enough oxygen per year to meet the annual oxygen requirement of an average human being. Rooftop green space in cities also helps mitigate what scientists call the urban heat island effect. Structures surfaced with conventional building materials---paved roads and black rooftops, for example---absorb solar radiation and release it into the near-surface environment in the Directions This section measures your ability to understand an academic passage in English. The Reading Section is divided into two separately timed parts. Most questions are worth 1 point, but the last question in each set is worth more than 1 point. The directions indicate how many points you may receive. Some passages include a word or phrase that is underlined in blue. Definitions or explanations for underlined words are provided at the end of the passage. You can skip questions and go back to them later as long as there is time remaining. You may now begin the Reading Section. In this part, you will read two passages. You will have forty minutes to read the passages and answer the questions. When you are ready to continue, go to the next page. 19 ▲ 20 Sharpening Skills for the TOEFL® iBT Four Practice Tests Book 1 79 Index (with Price List) Title Components ISBN Price 1000 Basic English Words 1 Student Book with Audio CD 9781613524510 ¥1,500 1000 Basic English Words 2 Student Book with Audio CD 9781613524527 ¥1,500 1000 Basic English Words 3 Student Book with Audio CD 9781613524534 ¥1,500 1000 Basic English Words 4 Student Book with Audio CD 9781613524541 ¥1,500 4000 Essential English Words 1 Student Book 9781599664026 ¥1,780 4000 Essential English Words 2 Student Book 9781599664033 ¥1,780 4000 Essential English Words 3 Student Book 9781599664040 ¥1,780 4000 Essential English Words 4 Student Book 9781599664057 ¥1,780 4000 Essential English Words 5 Student Book 9781599664064 ¥1,780 4000 Essential English Words 6 Student Book 9781599664071 ¥1,780 Page 30,31 32,33 A Active English Grammar Second Edition 1 Student Book 9781599662961 ¥1,800 Active English Grammar Second Edition 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