教養科目 言語と情報 授業科目名 時間割番号 曜日・時限 カリキュラム2012 英語Ⅰ(EnglishⅠ) English I 火曜2限 その他 火曜2限 読替科目 100103215 開講時期 および 必修(◎)・選択(○)の別 看 護 編 入 理 学 作 業 社 福 編 入 行動 編 入 検査 口 腔 教職 ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ 履修における Class:⑬∼⑭ <行動 Health Behavioral> & ⑮∼⑯ <検査 Health Laboratry> & ⑰ <口腔 Health Oral> 注意点・ 科目責任者:林 幸子 履修条件等 担当教員:林 幸子、佐藤 凉子、中川洋子 授業科目区分 共通科目 担当教員名 単位数 / 時間数 [科目責任者] 島崎、飯島、荒木、林 (注 ) 1 単位 30 時間 授業形態 演習 [担当者] 【授業の概要】 This course helps students acquire English listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. Students use a textbook about global health and social issues and a booklet which focuses on the university and departments. They engaged in various activities including comprehension, discussion and research about the topics. Also they practice TOEIC exercises using E-learning system. 【教育目標および「連携と統合」との関係】 This course helps students investigate relevant subjects independently and creatively and think about issues fro m international perspectives. 【授業計画】 【授業の到達目標】 1.TOEIC 2.Introduction To acquire reading and listening skills by reading and listening to facts and op inions about the topic with the DVD 3-6 AFP World News Report SPU English I Lesson 1: Luxury Fashion vs. University and the department Fast Fashion To improve speaking and writing skills b y talking and writing about the topic 7-9 AFP World News Report Lesson 3: Internet Matchmaking E-learning To acquire basic vocabulary about the to pic 10-12 AFP World News Report Lesson5: Which Way to Happiness 13-14 Optional AFP World News Report Lesson 8:Abandoned Babies/Other materials 15-16 Review Exam Wrap-up To acquire information about SPU and uni versities overseas by reading facts and research into one of them To acquire basic information, vocabulary and skills for TOEIC by practicing usin g E-learning system 【教科書、参考書、教材等】 AFP World News Reports ( Seibido) SPU English I, which is distributed to the students in class E-learning material: Academic Express 2 (Chieru) 【評価方法】 Class performance(20%), exam(60%) and E-learning(20) 【学習上の助言】 You are expected to be actively involved in class work and communicate with the teachers and the classmates in E nglish. (注 ) 読 替 科 目 に つ い て は 単 位 数 等 が 異 な る 場 合 が あ り ま す 。 更新年月日 2014/ 4/18
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