本 PDF フ ァ イ ル ご 利 用 に 際 し て の 確 認 事 項 1. 国際基督教大学の入試過去問題に関する著作権の一切は、国際基督教大学に帰属 するものです。 2. FORUM-ICU は、国際基督教大学より、同大学入試問題を教育利用する正規の承 諾を得ています。 3. 入試問題の解答確認・解説参照には、FORUM-ICU が管理運営しているオンライン 模試システム e-moshi.com をご利用下さい。利用案内/会員登録は以下のウェブ サイトをご確認ください:http://www.e-moshi.com/icu 4. 上記模試システムにおいて FORUM-ICU が公開している解答・解説等は独自に作 成したものであり、その内容に関する権利および責任の一切は FORUM-ICU を運 営している Matsutani & Associates が有するものです(国際基督教大学は入試問題 の正解を公表していません)。 www.FORUM-ICU.com PART 2 次の文章には20の空欄(56̶75)があり、次頁に各空欄に対する4つの 選択肢が与えられています。最初に1度文章を通読して、全体の意味を 把握するようにつとめてください。その後、各空欄に最も適当と思われ る選択肢を1つ選び、解答用カードの相当欄を鉛筆でぬってください。 What function did music serve humankind as we changed and developed? __(56)__ the music of 50,000 and 100,000 years ago is very different from Beethoven. Van Halen, or Eminem. __(57)__ our brains have evolved, so has the music we make with __(58)__ and the music that we want to hear. Did (59) regions and pathways evolve in our brains specifically __(60)__ making and listening to music? __(61)__ to the old, simplistic notion that art and music __(62)__ in the right hemisphere of our brains, and language and mathematics in the left, recent studies suggest that our sensitivity to music is __(63)__ throughout the brain. Through studies of people with brain damage, we’ve seen patients who have lost the ability to read a newspaper __(64)__ can still read music, or individuals who can play the piano but lack the motor coordination to button their own sweater. Music listening, performance, and composition __(65)__ nearly every area of the brain. Could this fact __(66)__ claims that listening to music exercises other parts of our minds, that listening to Mozart twenty minutes a day __(67)__ us smarter? The power of music to evoke __(68)__ is harnessed by __(69)__ executives, filmmakers, and mothers. Commercials use music to make a soft drink, beer, running shoe, or car seem more attractive than their competitors’ products. Film directors use music to tell us how to feel about scenes that otherwise might be __(70)__, or to intensify our feeling at particularly __(71)__ moments, such as a chase scene in an action film. Music is being used __(72)__ our emotions, and we tend to accept, __(73)__ not enjoy, the power of music to make us experience these different feelings. Mothers throughout the world, __(74)__ time as we can imagine, have used soft singing to soothe their babies to sleep, or to __(75)__ them from something that has made them cry. * From This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession by Daniel J. Levitin. Dutton Adult ENG 16 本入試問題の著作権は国際基督教大学に帰属します。FORUM-ICU は同大学より入試問題を教育利用する正規の承諾を得ています。 www.FORUM-ICU.com !!! 56. a. Because b. Certainly c. Nevertheless d. That 57. a. As b. For c. Then d. When 58. a. it b. one c. them d. those 59. a. as particular b. in particular c. particular d. particularly 60. a. for b. in c. on d. to 61. a. Contrary b. Contrast c. However d. Indeed 62. a. are processed b. are processing c. have processed d. processes 63. a. alternated b. contributed c. distributed d. interrupted 64. a. but b. or c. they d. whom 65. a. apply b. engage c. induce d. infest 66. a. account for b. act upon c. contradict d. introduce 67. a. made b. will be made c. will make d. will have made 68. a. emotion b. fear c. motivation d. perception 69. a. advertiser b. advertise c. advertised d. advertising 70. a. ambiguous b. conceptual c. gratifying d. productive 71. a. drama b. dramatic c. dramatist d. dramatize 72. a. as manipulating b. for manipulator c. in manipulation d. to manipulate 73. a. as b. if c. or d. to 74. a. as far back in b. back in far as c. far back as in d. in back as far 75. a. contract b. distract c. enact d. subtract ENG 17 本入試問題の著作権は国際基督教大学に帰属します。FORUM-ICU は同大学より入試問題を教育利用する正規の承諾を得ています。
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