Foods to Eat and Avoid Before a PET Scan

Foods to Eat and Avoid Before a PET Scan
One of the best ways of cancer detection is a Positron Emission
Tomography (PET) Scan. Typically, glucose speeds up the growth of
cancer cells and that is why doctors inject glucose into the patient’s body
when performing the PET scan. The PET scan helps to detect the signs of
high glucose consumption by cells. Therefore, having food before a PET
scan is not recommended as it tends to throw your body’s glucose levels
out of balance and provide inaccurate results.
How to prepare for a PET Scan?
When it comes to PET scan preparations, your physician will advise you to
follow a strict diet. The best diet before a PET scan is one that is low in
Twelve hours prior to the appointment
The doctor will ask you to follow a diet that is low on low
carbohydrates. During this period, you are allowed to eat meat, hard
cheese, eggs, tofu, butter, and non-starchy vegetables.
Some foods you should avoid are cereal, milk, bread, pasta, and other
If your scan is scheduled to be performed late in the afternoon and
you are allowed to eat breakfast, then you might be asked to eat a
low-carbohydrate diet.
Six hours prior to the appointment:
You will be advised not to eat anything six hours ahead of your PET
scan appointment. However, you are allowed to drink water.
Further, you should take the copies of reports of recent CT scans and
Foods you can have
Actually, you are not required to stay hungry before a PET scan. Some of
the foods you can eat are those that are rich in protein content. High
protein, low carbohydrate diet ensures the stability of glucose levels in
your body. Therefore, you can eat steak, chicken, fish, eggs, duck, cheese,
turkey, asparagus, mushrooms, and broccoli. Baked chicken and fried
whole egg are healthy foods.
Foods you must avoid
Foods that are high in carbohydrate content and low in protein content
must be avoided. This is because such foods can throw your body’s glucose
levels out of balance and lead to inaccuracies in results. Examples of foods
that have high carb content are pasta, potatoes, rice, waffles, oatmeal,
raisins, bagels, and bread. Some of the other foods that can impact the
results of a PET scan are sugar, caffeine, and tobacco. Therefore, these
foods are best avoided. You should also stop doing strenuous exercises 24
hours prior to the scan.

One of the best ways of cancer detection is a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan. Typically, glucose speeds up the growth of cancer cells and that is why doctors inject glucose into the patient’s body when performing the PET scan. The PET scan helps to detect the signs of high glucose consumption by cells. Therefore, having food before a PET scan is not recommended as it tends to throw your body’s glucose levels out of balance and provide inaccurate results.