The Stable Set Polytope of “Almost” All Claw Free Graphs Paolo Ventura IASI-CNR JOINT WORK WITH: A. Galluccio and C. Gentile Aussois - 2009 logo The Stable Set Problem Given a graph G = (V , E ) A stable set S is a subset of V s.t. if u, v ∈ S ⇒ {u, v} ∈ / E. Given w ∈ QV+ , the Stable Set Problem consists in finding a stable set of G of maximum weight. The Stable Set Polytope, denoted by STAB(G), is the convex hull of the incidence vectors of the stable sets of G. The Stable Set problem is NP-hard logo The Stable Set Problem Given a graph G = (V , E ) A stable set S is a subset of V s.t. if u, v ∈ S ⇒ {u, v} ∈ / E. Given w ∈ QV+ , the Stable Set Problem consists in finding a stable set of G of maximum weight. The Stable Set Polytope, denoted by STAB(G), is the convex hull of the incidence vectors of the stable sets of G. The Stable Set problem is NP-hard logo The Stable Set Problem Given a graph G = (V , E ) A stable set S is a subset of V s.t. if u, v ∈ S ⇒ {u, v} ∈ / E. Given w ∈ QV+ , the Stable Set Problem consists in finding a stable set of G of maximum weight. The Stable Set Polytope, denoted by STAB(G), is the convex hull of the incidence vectors of the stable sets of G. The Stable Set problem is NP-hard logo The Stable Set Problem Given a graph G = (V , E ) A stable set S is a subset of V s.t. if u, v ∈ S ⇒ {u, v} ∈ / E. Given w ∈ QV+ , the Stable Set Problem consists in finding a stable set of G of maximum weight. The Stable Set Polytope, denoted by STAB(G), is the convex hull of the incidence vectors of the stable sets of G. The Stable Set problem is NP-hard logo The Stable Set Problem Given a graph G = (V , E ) A stable set S is a subset of V s.t. if u, v ∈ S ⇒ {u, v} ∈ / E. Given w ∈ QV+ , the Stable Set Problem consists in finding a stable set of G of maximum weight. The Stable Set Polytope, denoted by STAB(G), is the convex hull of the incidence vectors of the stable sets of G. The Stable Set problem is NP-hard logo The Stable Set Problem on Claw-Free Graphs A Claw is the following graph: The Stable Set Problem is polynomial time solvable on claw-free graphs ⇒ Minty 81 ⇒ (Tamura and Nakamura 02, Schrijver 03) ⇒ Oriolo, Pietropaoli, Stauffer 08 STAB(G) IS NOT KNOWN !! logo The Stable Set Problem on Claw-Free Graphs A Claw is the following graph: The Stable Set Problem is polynomial time solvable on claw-free graphs ⇒ Minty 81 ⇒ (Tamura and Nakamura 02, Schrijver 03) ⇒ Oriolo, Pietropaoli, Stauffer 08 STAB(G) IS NOT KNOWN !! logo The Stable Set Problem on Claw-Free Graphs A Claw is the following graph: The Stable Set Problem is polynomial time solvable on claw-free graphs ⇒ Minty 81 ⇒ (Tamura and Nakamura 02, Schrijver 03) ⇒ Oriolo, Pietropaoli, Stauffer 08 STAB(G) IS NOT KNOWN !! logo The Structure of Claw-Free Graphs (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) Connected claw-free graphs with no 1-joins logo The Structure of Claw-Free Graphs (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) •α ≤ 2, Clique neughborhood (Cook ’87) •α ≤ 3, Roots characterization (Pecher & Wagler ’06) logo The Structure of Claw-Free Graphs (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) •α ≤ 2, Clique neughborhood (Cook ’87) •α ≤ 3, Roots characterization (Pecher & Wagler ’06) Line graphs Edmonds logo The Structure of Claw-Free Graphs (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) •α ≤ 2, Clique neughborhood (Cook ’87) •α ≤ 3, Roots characterization (Pecher & Wagler ’06) Line graphs Edmonds Comp. of fuzzy linear interval strips Edmonds (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) logo The Structure of Claw-Free Graphs (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) •α ≤ 2, Clique neughborhood (Cook ’87) •α ≤ 3, Roots characterization (Pecher & Wagler ’06) Line graphs Edmonds Comp. of fuzzy linear interval strips Edmonds (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) Fuzzy circular interval graphs Clique family (Eisenbrand, Oriolo, Stauffer, V. ’06) logo The Structure of Claw-Free Graphs (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) •α ≤ 2, Clique neughborhood (Cook ’87) •α ≤ 3, Roots characterization (Pecher & Wagler ’06) Line graphs Edmonds Comp. of fuzzy linear interval strips Edmonds (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) Fuzzy circular interval graphs Clique family (Eisenbrand, Oriolo, Stauffer, V. ’06) Fuzzy linear int. strips + Fuzzy XX-strips + Fuzzy antihat strips ? STAB(G) ? logo The Structure of Claw-Free Graphs (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) •α ≤ 2, Clique neughborhood (Cook ’87) •α ≤ 3, Roots characterization (Pecher & Wagler ’06) Line graphs Edmonds Comp. of fuzzy linear interval strips Edmonds (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) Fuzzy circular interval graphs Clique family (Eisenbrand, Oriolo, Stauffer, V. ’06) Strips and strip compositions: logo The Structure of Claw-Free Graphs (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) •α ≤ 2, Clique neughborhood (Cook ’87) •α ≤ 3, Roots characterization (Pecher & Wagler ’06) Line graphs Edmonds Comp. of fuzzy linear interval strips Edmonds (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) Fuzzy circular interval graphs Clique family (Eisenbrand, Oriolo, Stauffer, V. ’06) ⇒ Fuzzy linear interval strips + Fuzzy XX-strips + Fuzzy antihat strips with no homogeneus pairs of cliques ⇒ Linear int. strips + XX-strips + Antihat strips logo The Structure of Claw-Free Graphs (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) •α ≤ 2, Clique neughborhood (Cook ’87) •α ≤ 3, Roots characterization (Pecher & Wagler ’06) Line graphs Edmonds Comp. of fuzzy linear interval strips Edmonds (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) Fuzzy circular interval graphs Clique family (Eisenbrand, Oriolo, Stauffer, V. ’06) ⇒ Fuzzy linear interval strips + Fuzzy XX-strips + Fuzzy antihat strips with no homogeneus pairs of cliques ⇒ Linear int. strips + XX-strips + Antihat strips logo The Structure of Claw-Free Graphs (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) • •α ≤ 2, Clique neughborhood (Cook ’87) •α ≤ 3, Roots characterization (Pecher & Wagler ’06) Line graphs Edmonds Comp. of fuzzy linear interval strips Edmonds (Chudnovsky & Seymour ’04) Fuzzy circular interval graphs Clique family (Eisenbrand, Oriolo, Stauffer, V. ’06) ⇒ Fuzzy linear interval strips + Fuzzy XX-strips + Fuzzy antihat strips with no homogeneus pairs of cliques ⇒ Linear int. strips + XX-strips + Antihat strips logo XX strips u12 An XX-strip is the graph: u11 u3 u2 u7 u4 u9 u10 u8 u5 u1 u6 u13 logo XX strips u12 An XX-strip is the graph: u11 u3 u2 u7 u4 u9 u10 u8 u5 u1 u6 u13 An XX-graph is a composition of fuzzy linear interval strips and XX-strips. logo Gears and gear composition A gear is the graph: logo Gears and gear composition A gear is the graph: • An edge {v1 , v2 } of a given graph H = (VH , EH ) is said to be simplicial if K1 = N(v1 ) \ {v2 } and K2 = N(v2 ) \ {v1 } are two nonempty cliques of H logo Gears and gear composition A gear is the graph: • An edge {v1 , v2 } of a given graph H = (VH , EH ) is said to be simplicial if K1 = N(v1 ) \ {v2 } and K2 = N(v2 ) \ {v1 } are two nonempty cliques of H • The composition of a graph H = (VH , EH ) and a gear B along the simplicial edge {v1 , v2 } ∈ EH is the following geared graph G(H, B, e): logo G-extendable and geared inequalities Let H be a graph with a simplicial edge e = v1 v2 . An inequality (π, π0 ) which is valid for STAB(H) is said to be g-extendable (with respect to e) if πv1 = πv2 = λ > 0 and it is not the inequality xv1 + xv2 ≤ 1. Let B = (VB , EB ) be a gear and (π, π0 ) be g-extendable with respect to e. Then the inequalities X X xi + 2λ(xh1 + xh2 ) ≤ π0 + 2λ πi xi + λ ⋄ i∈VB \{h1 ,h2 } i∈VH \{v1 ,v2 } ⋄ X πi xi + λ i∈VH \{v1 ,v2 } where X xi ≤ π0 + λ i∈VB \A A ∈ {{b1 , c}, {b2 , c}, {d1 , a}, {d2 , a}, {a, c}} are called geared inequalities generated by (π, π0 ) logo G-extendable and geared inequalities Let H be a graph with a simplicial edge e = v1 v2 . An inequality (π, π0 ) which is valid for STAB(H) is said to be g-extendable (with respect to e) if πv1 = πv2 = λ > 0 and it is not the inequality xv1 + xv2 ≤ 1. Let B = (VB , EB ) be a gear and (π, π0 ) be g-extendable with respect to e. Then the inequalities X X xi + 2λ(xh1 + xh2 ) ≤ π0 + 2λ πi xi + λ ⋄ i∈VB \{h1 ,h2 } i∈VH \{v1 ,v2 } ⋄ X πi xi + λ i∈VH \{v1 ,v2 } where X xi ≤ π0 + λ i∈VB \A A ∈ {{b1 , c}, {b2 , c}, {d1 , a}, {d2 , a}, {a, c}} are called geared inequalities generated by (π, π0 ) logo G-liftable and g-lifted inequalities Let H e be the graph obtained from H by subdividing the simplicial edge e with a new node t. An inequality (π, π0 ) which is valid for STAB(H e ) is said to be g-liftable (with respect to e) if πv1 = πv2 = πt = λ > 0. Let B = (VB , EB ) be a gear and (π, π0 ) be g-liftable with respect to e. Then the inequalities X X πi xi + λ xi ≤ π0 + λ, ⋄ i∈VB i∈VH \{v1 ,v2 } ⋄ X πi xi + λ i∈VH \{v1 ,v2 } where X xi ≤ π0 i∈VB \A A ∈ {{b1 , c, b2 , h1 , h2 }, {d1 , a, d2 , h1 , h2 }} are called g-lifted inequalities generated by (π, π0 ) logo G-liftable and g-lifted inequalities Let H e be the graph obtained from H by subdividing the simplicial edge e with a new node t. An inequality (π, π0 ) which is valid for STAB(H e ) is said to be g-liftable (with respect to e) if πv1 = πv2 = πt = λ > 0. Let B = (VB , EB ) be a gear and (π, π0 ) be g-liftable with respect to e. Then the inequalities X X πi xi + λ xi ≤ π0 + λ, ⋄ i∈VB i∈VH \{v1 ,v2 } ⋄ X πi xi + λ i∈VH \{v1 ,v2 } where X xi ≤ π0 i∈VB \A A ∈ {{b1 , c, b2 , h1 , h2 }, {d1 , a, d2 , h1 , h2 }} are called g-lifted inequalities generated by (π, π0 ) logo The stable set polytope of a geared graph Theorem Let G = (H, BY , e) be a geared graph. Then the stable set polytope STAB(G) is described by the following linear inequalities: • clique-inequalities, • (lifted) 5-wheel inequalities, • geared inequalities associated with g-extendable facet defining inequalities of STAB(H), • g-lifted inequalities associated with g-liftable facet defining inequalities of STAB(H e ), • facet defining inequalities of STAB(H), logo Geared inequalities logo Geared inequalities logo Geared inequalities logo Geared inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 logo Geared inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 2 logo Geared inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo G-lifted inequalities logo G-lifted inequalities logo G-lifted inequalities logo G-lifted inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 logo G-lifted inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo G-lifted inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 logo G-lifted inequalities X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 logo Geared geared graphs logo Geared geared graphs logo Geared geared graphs logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 X v ∈• xv + 2 X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 + 2 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 X v ∈• xv ≤ 4 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv + 2 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 2 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv + 2 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 2 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 X v ∈• xv ≤ 3 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv + 2 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv + 2 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv + 2 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv + 2 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv + 2 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv + 2 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 + 1 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo Geared geared graphs X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 X v ∈• xv ≤ 5 logo GH graphs Given a graph H, define EH∗ as the set of its simplicial edges, and let a g-operation on e ∈ EH∗ be either a gear composition or an edge subdivision applied on e. A graph G belongs to GH if and only if either G = H, or G = (L, B, e), where L ∈ GH , B is a gear, and e ∈ EH∗ ∩ EL , i.e., e is a simplicial edge of H on which no g-operations has been applied, or G = Le , where L ∈ GH and e ∈ EH∗ ∩ EL . logo G-perfect graphs A facet defining inequality (γ, γ0 ) ∈ G if and only if it is (the sequential lifting of) either a rank inequality, or a 5-wheel inequality, or a geared or a g-lifted inequality associated with an inequality in G. A graph G is G-perfect if and only if STAB(G) can be described by inequalities in G}. Theorem. Let H be a graph and EH∗ the set of its simplicial edges. If H and H F are G-perfect for any F ⊆ EH∗ , then every graph G ∈ GH is G-perfect. logo G-perfect graphs A facet defining inequality (γ, γ0 ) ∈ G if and only if it is (the sequential lifting of) either a rank inequality, or a 5-wheel inequality, or a geared or a g-lifted inequality associated with an inequality in G. A graph G is G-perfect if and only if STAB(G) can be described by inequalities in G}. Theorem. Let H be a graph and EH∗ the set of its simplicial edges. If H and H F are G-perfect for any F ⊆ EH∗ , then every graph G ∈ GH is G-perfect. logo G-perfect graphs A facet defining inequality (γ, γ0 ) ∈ G if and only if it is (the sequential lifting of) either a rank inequality, or a 5-wheel inequality, or a geared or a g-lifted inequality associated with an inequality in G. A graph G is G-perfect if and only if STAB(G) can be described by inequalities in G}. Theorem. Let H be a graph and EH∗ the set of its simplicial edges. If H and H F are G-perfect for any F ⊆ EH∗ , then every graph G ∈ GH is G-perfect. logo XX strips & gears u12 u11 u3 u2 u7 c u4 u9 u10 u1 u8 u5 u6 b1 b2 h1 h2 d1 d2 a u13 can be added separately by a proper linear strip u13 u11 and u12 produce only sequential lifting of geared or g-lifted inequalities (+ two new g-lifted inequalities that are isomorphic to H e ) XX-strip composition and gear composition are equivalent (provided that the simplicial edge {v1 , v2 } is such that N(K1 ∩ K2 ) ⊆ N(K1 ) ∪ N(K2 )) logo XX strips & gears u12 u11 u3 u2 u7 c u4 u9 u10 u1 u8 u5 u6 b1 b2 h1 h2 d1 d2 a u13 can be added separately by a proper linear strip u11 and u12 produce only sequential lifting of geared or g-lifted inequalities (+ two new g-lifted inequalities that are isomorphic to H e ) XX-strip composition and gear composition are equivalent (provided that the simplicial edge {v1 , v2 } is such that N(K1 ∩ K2 ) ⊆ N(K1 ) ∪ N(K2 )) logo XX strips & gears u12 u11 u12 u3 u2 u7 c u4 u9 u10 u1 b1 u8 u5 u6 u11 b2 h1 h2 d1 d2 a u13 can be added separately by a proper linear strip u11 and u12 produce only sequential lifting of geared or g-lifted inequalities (+ two new g-lifted inequalities that are isomorphic to H e ) XX-strip composition and gear composition are equivalent (provided that the simplicial edge {v1 , v2 } is such that N(K1 ∩ K2 ) ⊆ N(K1 ) ∪ N(K2 )) logo XX strips & gears u12 u11 u12 u3 u2 u7 c u4 u9 u10 u1 b1 u8 u5 u6 u11 b2 h1 h2 d1 d2 a u13 can be added separately by a proper linear strip u11 and u12 produce only sequential lifting of geared or g-lifted inequalities (+ two new g-lifted inequalities that are isomorphic to H e ) XX-strip composition and gear composition are equivalent (provided that the simplicial edge {v1 , v2 } is such that N(K1 ∩ K2 ) ⊆ N(K1 ) ∪ N(K2 )) logo Theorem. XX-graphs are G-perfect. logo
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