,-"", ELM: FACTS OREGON AND WASHINGTON 1983 - , , .~'-' I SPOKANE. I WASHINGTON • VALE LAKEVIEW • \~ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT · UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington BLM Facts 1993 Page contents Bureau of Land Management Offices in Oregon and Washington ------------ Employees of BLM Lands Managed by BLM in each District Lands Managed by BLM in each County RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS Collections. Classified by Commodity. FY Collections. Classified by Commodity. FY Collections. Classified by Commodity. FY Collections. Classified by Commodity. FY Payments to Counties and State. FY 1992 Payments to Counties and State. FY 1993 , ., O~ Payments to Counties and State, FY 1992 Payments to Counties and State, FY 1993 Expendi tures for Resource Management 1992 Oregon 1993 Oregon 1992 Washington 1993 Washington ------- Oregon Oregon -----------------Washington Washington -------------- TIMBER MANAGEMENT Commercial Forest Land Timber Sales ----------------------------------------------------- Timber Harvests Timber Trespasses Minor Forest Products Sales Forest Development - I Forest Development - II Forest Development - III ------------------------------------------ CJ' "" 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15' 15 16 16 17 19 19 20 WILD HORSE MANAGEMENT Wild Horse Management 21 Horse Populations on BLM Rangelands, Cumulative 21 Disposition of Captured Wild Horses, Cumulative ------------------- 21 _, ~ANGE ~; MANAGEMENT Livestock Grazing Resource Development and Conservation ---------------------------- Resource Development and Conservation, Forage & Fencing, Cumulative Resource Development and Conservation, Water Developments, Cumulative WILDLIFE HABITAT MANAGEMENT Big Game Population Estimates Wildlife Habitat on BLM Lands Wildlife Habitat Improvement Aquatic Habitat Improvement ------------~------------------------- 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 ~Co~nut~e~nut~s~______________________________________________________________~P~a~q~ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington RECREATION MANAGEMENT Recreation Management-------------------------------------------- 27 27 Estimated Recreation Visits to BLM Lands 28 Summary of Wi.1demess Inventory Results FIRE OCCURRENCES . Fire Statistical Summary ------------------------------------------ 28 ROADS AND EASEMENTS Roads Constructed -----------------------------------------Rights of Way ------------------------------------------------- Roads Maintained ------------------------------------------------- Road Right of Way Permits and Agreements Road Right of Way Easements and Lands Acquired - - - - - - - - - Other Acquisitions 29 30 30 30 31 31 ~1 33 34~'\ 34~ 35 . 36 231-6251 William G. Leavell State Director LAKEVIEW DISTRICT 1000 Ninth Street S P.o. BOK 151 Lakeview. OR 97630 947-2177 Jerry E. Asher District Manager Joshua L. Warburton District Manager BURNS DISTRICT 74 S Alvord Street Burns, OR 97720 MINERALS MANAGEMENT Minerals --------------------______________________________________ Competitive Geothermal Leases ,~ Noncompetitive Geothermal Leases ~ Withdrawal Review Determinations 32 Federal Lands Subject to Mineral Location and· Leasing 33 LANDS MANAGEMENT Lands Transferred Between BLM and Other Federal Agencies Land Leases ----------------------------------------------------Public Land Surveys Land Patents Issued Lands Received by BLM OREGON STATE OFFICE 825 NE Multnomah Street P.O. BOK 2965 portland, OR 97208 0". "';F ..... J;, ~ ~ VALE DISTRICT 1000regon.Street P.O. BOK 700 Vale, OR 97918 473-3144 Fearl M. Parker District Manager PRINEVILLE DISTRICT 185 East 4th Street P.O. Box 550 Prineville, OR 97754 447-4115 Gerald E. Magnuson District Manager SALEM DISTRICT 1717 Fabry Road, SE P.O. Box 3227 Salem. OR 97302 399-5646 EUGENE DISTRICT 1255 Pearl Street P.O. Box 10226 Eugene, OR 97401 687-6651 Melvin D. Clauson District Manager ROSEBURG DISTRICT 777 NW Garden Valley Blvd. Roseburg, OR 97470 672-4491 James E. Hart District Manager MEDFORD DISTRICT 3040 Biddle Road Medford, OR 97501 776-4174 Hugh R. Shera District Manager COOS BAY DISTRICT 3.33 S Fourth Street Coos Bay, OR 97420 269-5B80 Robert T. Dale District Manager 509-456-2570 Joseph K. Buesing District Manager .m"· SPOKANE DISTRICT tast' 4217 Main '0; ...~pokane. WA 99202 .it-;. ~. ~."' ~ . - . ,.·ff!.:~· Joseph C. Dose District Manag~r 1 EMPLOYEES OF BLM . (Authorized permanent pos i tions) September 30 !I District 1982 Lakeview Burns Vale Prinevi lle Salem Eugene Roseburg Medford Coos Bay Spokane State Office Ore-Wash Total September 30 JJ 1982 43 70 111 47 201 172 170 287 182 40 61 96' 45 197 168 168 284 33 32 ~ ~ l4 54 67 41 188 164 162 285 135 23 -..ll! 1,364 September 30 1983 1,565 ',. ,. ",. • LANDS MANAGED BY THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGMENT IN EACH COUNTY IN OREGON AND WASHINGTON ?J As of September 30, 1983. Oregon Count!! 177 .! 1,534 1 11 Does not include temporary and WAE employees. ~I Includes only permanent full time and WAE pod tions. I LANDS MANAGED BY THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Lands under the exclusive jurisdiction of each district of the Bureau of t1\~ Land Management in Oregon and Washington. Includes public domain, reveste Oregon & California Railroad grant lands. reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road ~ grant lands, Land Utilization Project Lands, and certain other categories. Acreages are as of September 3D, 1983, and are approximate. Lands managed by BLM are 25 percent of the total acreage of Oregon and less than 1 percent of Washington. 'V District Hectares Acres 3,350,739 3,570,379 4,585,735 1,373,99:", Eugene-------------------------- Roseburgl------------- Medfordl-------------------- Coos Bay'-----------------------Oregon Total------------------- 1,356,575 1,445,498 1,856,573 556,273 181,832 163,882 128,209 171,630 368,828 133,643 6,362,943 Spokane'------------------------- Ore-Wash Total--------------- 127,575 6,490,518 Lakeview~----------------------- 8urns---------------------------Vale'----------------------------Prineville'----------------------Baker---------------------------Salem~----------------------- ~. V I, 0' I ) 449,12~) 404,787 316,676 423,927 911,004 330,099 15,716,465 . • B<Aker Benton Clackamas Clatsop-- Columbia Coos Crook Curry Deschutes Douglas Gilliam Grant Harney Hood River Jackson Jefferson Josephine Klamath--· Lake Lane Lincoln Linn-·· Malheur Marion---· Morrow Multnomah Polk Sherman Tillamook Umatilla Union WalloWa Wasco Washington Wheeler Yamhill Total Washi!!9 ton Acres 367,930 57,574 63,712 43 11,081 166,742 511,241 67,510 518,655 653,357 23,717 171,165 4,098,198 180 430,942 25,846 311,758 288,549 2,585,388 289,207 20,471 88,202 4,557,805 21,005 35,886 5,195 41,672 43,403 49,473 8,857 6,250 18,908 35,904 12,011 85,938 42,690 15,716,465 Countll Adams Asotin Benton Chelan Clallam Clark Columbia Cowlitz Douglas Ferry Franklin Garfield Grant Grays Harbor Island Jefferson King Kitsap Kittitas Klickitat Lewis Lincoln- Mason Okanogan Pacific Pend Ore i lIe Pierce San Juan Skagit Skamania Snohomish Spokane Stevens Thurston Wahkiakum Walla Walla Whatcom Whitman Yakima Total Acres 601 10,422 19,240 21,534 237 5 519 52 17,6B3 11,968 17,367 433 37,129 13 2 90 3B7 16,099 17,4B2 279 6,974 3 55,256 374 1,904 12 288 356 656 170 29,813 1 1 698 145 1,334 25,673 315,110 a:ua::ruJ6, aASSIPII!D Br <DIOll'l'Y, l"i 1982 - <R:lDI tam Mineral Material Sales 81,446.27 $ 9,926.00 lIent of Land Sale of Tintler Grazin; Fees Sec. 3~ Sec. 152/ 911,820.92 65,549,992. i.2 11,299,730.98 other I!eSaUn:eS Mineral LeaSeS Mineral (Material) Sales 6,880.91 tam Sales 43,308.50 13,000.00 lIent of 2,363, 6ll. 73 5,069,019.76 1,573,682.38 89,578.66 6) 8,363.54 475,126.35 42,162.77 5,086.49 4,469.82 other Soutoes 3,028.99 Total or.c }/ ~ the Fonst IncludeS 74,547 acres of [1!ICCXM!yed the aureau of tam 1IanagBDent. ,!' Prin::ipally public daIBin am QlOS Bay wagon Road grant lands nanaged ~ acquired J.an:ls nanaged ~ the &Jreau of Managanent, plus other federal J.an:ls with respect to mineral leasing. ~ Fran grazing permits iSSJed wder Sec. 3 of the ~lor Grazing h::t. 2/ Fran grv.ing leases iSSJed wDer Sec. 15 of the ~lor Grazing h::t. tam $ U7,036 (-~~ 11 __ )' ,!' 3,555 $ 5,998,667 1,800 7,247 597,959 84,517,667 7,587,384 16,830 33,949 6,846 4,690,149 4,839,670 $ 40 1,467,487 73,944 24,364 14,418 other Fees 653,184 27,259 85,293 A!nalties & Forfeitures other Soutoes Totals 38,380 $86,841,007 $7,587,384 $4,835,909 $12,466,880 $94,428,391 $111,869,271 J/ Includes 2,074,602 acres of rE!IIeSted Oregon and Cllifomia Railroad qrant lands managed ~ the aureau of tam ManageI8lt. Y '-"-'3 1 0 tam status 48,655 Gram Total BUl, All Sam:es: Service. $ tams to 79,157 $85,490,635.85 Includes 492,399 acres of revested Oregon am Cllifomia Railroad grant lands mana<JE!d 113,857 Total O&C J/ Includes 2,074,602 acres of revested Oregon am QUifomia Railroad qrant lands managed ~ the Bureau of tam Manag<m!nt. PS]/ Other 814,474 $78,596,218.17 Gram Total BUI, All Sooroes: Y I) $ tmelated ClIiR }/ other ResoUrCeS §!!7, 296, 487.19 $11,299,730.98 $2,458,116.50 $15,640,755.22 $95,276.94 Totals Status ..JRecreation Fees 4,906.30 A!nalties & Forfeitures <DIDlI'lY, "' 1983 - auu:N BUlJ/ GraziD;! FeeS Sec. 3~ c<;~ Sec. 15 2/ 82,aTI.83 Other Fees Land Sale of Tintler 161,177.53 Recreation Fees £r{ tam 43,891.88 tam Sales ClA$IFIm a:mn:xlity $8,831,251.60 $ 107.50 ~, or.c I.mIs tam statUs tands,!' - $ , 116,924.00 $ C'"---.')'.\ to Other ClIiR }/ PSy BUl]l Mineral LeaseS Ulrelated Status or.c r.um <l:JImodity f»)l\ Inc:lllIles 492,399 acres of revested Or~ and Cllifomia Railroad qrant lands managed ~ the Forest Servioe. Includes 74,547 acres of recx:meyed Q)oS say wagon Road qrant lands aanaged ~ the aureau of tam ManagaIIent. ,!' Prin::ipally public dcI!Bin am acquired lands IIIi!IIlaged ~ the &Jreau of tam ManagEment, plus other federal lands with respect to mineral leasing. ~ Fran qrazing permits issued wder Sec. 3 of the 'nIylor Grazing h::t. 2/ Fran grazing leases issued onSer Sec. 15 of the 'nIylor Grazing h::t. "" 0) $138,091 (~:f~LLECTIONS. CLASSIfIED BY COi"I'IODITY. FY 1983 - WASHINGTON . COLLECTIONS. CLASSIfIED BY cotf'IOOITY. FY 1982 - WASHINGTON . Commodity Mineral Leases Mineral Sales Land Sales BlJ"I Lands $ Unrelated to· Land Status 11 $ Mineral Leases 1.625.00 Grazing Sec. 15 Recreation Fees 31.649.00 Land Sales Rent of Land 301.653.00 Sale of Timber Grazing Section 15 53.177 .00 155.00 Recreation Fees ~her Resources Other Resources Other Fees 34.129.00 Penalties & Forfeitures 82.443.00 Other Sources Total Grand Total. All Sources: JI BlJ"I Lands Unrelated to Land Status $1.503.606. JI $ Mineral Sales Rent of Land Sale of Timber Commodity 419.00 10. 301.187. 42.306. 2.95!. 4.205. 47.888. Other Fees Penalties & Forfeitures ~:;.\\ 96.018. ))ther Sources $1.554.329.00 ___________ $116.991.00 Total $1.671.320.00 Principally public domain and acquired lands managed by the 8ureau of Land ~nagement. plus other federal lands with respect to mineral leasing. 173.505. Grand Total. All Sources: 11 o $2.027.770. _ _ _ _ _ $143.906. $2.171.676. Principally public domain and acquired lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management. plus other federal lands with respect to mineral leasing. () PAYftENTS TO COUNTIES AND STATE, FY 1982 - OREGON Distribution of proceed, to Oregon counties and to the State of Oregon derived from res04.lrc:e IDilnag81D11nt on land. managed by the Bureau of Land I'Ianagement in Oregon. Revenue. are from .ale, of timber, grazing fee., mineral fee., rental and ,al., of land, P.I.L.T., and from other .ource. during fi,cal year 1982. Resource I'Ianagement o&c Land, Countie. Baker Benton Clacka..., Clatsop Columbia Coos Crook Curry De.chute, 00U9 1.. , Gilliam Grant Harney Hood River Jackson Jefferson Jo.ephine Klamath Lake Lane Lincoln Linn I'Ialheur I'Iarion $ $ 1,104,276.86 2,181,045.05 809,541.05 2,318,588.44 37,630.50 5,296.00 42,228.50 4,177.00 758.00 11,003.00 610,644.00 $ 9,383.08 92.301.00 79,204.25 55,094.00 273,351.00 1,237,917.46 8,974.00 35,809.00 80,011.00 7;438.94 97.47 3,305.22 16,365.88 61,603.15 9.00 1,878.26 1,434.63 39.58 6,594.75 25,622.21 11.16 6,110.59 1,434,380.98 9,844,176.33 6,158,013.69 4,747,211.58 919,575.76 6,000,821.25 141.473.19 1,037,470.08 573,752.39 I"Iorrow I"Iultnomah Polk Sherman Tillamook Umatilla Union Wallowa Wa.co Wa,hington Wheeler Yamhill Total l"Iineral!l Lea.ing 428,349.39 848,839.16 220,069.42 247,578.09 282,946.39 $39,298,109.09 Payment, in Lieu of Taxe. Grazing Sec. 3 & Sec. 15 2,472.00 466,451.09 93,915.00 40,969.00 2,851.00 817,185.50 97,457.40 17,775.00 39.954.00 184.56 20.00 452.00 35,341. 50 2,603.49 33,264.50 30,555.00 1.078.82 14,255.50 33 7.33 18,796.50 1,832.21 4,025.40 61.373.00 1,669.00 143,646.00 4,086.50 12,301.50 $4,415,625.80 $241,499.63 $ 93,501.00 1,860.00 46,966.00 288.00 Resource I'Ianagement O&C Land, Counties Totals $ PAYMENlS TO COUNTIES AND STATE, FY 1983 - OREGON Oi,tribution of proceed, to Oregon countie, and to the State of Oregon derived from re,ource IDilnagement on land, managed by the Bureau of Land I'Ianage .... nt in Or9gon. Revenue, are from ,ale, of timber, grazing fees, mineral fee" rental and ,ale' of land, P.I.L.T., and from other ,ources during fi,cal year 1983. 140,514.58 I; Ill, 422.86 2,270,239.55 4,465.00 810,299.05 504,660.41~/ 2,834,251.84 86,637.00 703,391. 59 54,209.00 1,488,589.98 133,150.00 232,889.94 155,456.1011 10,078,934.'15 16,888.00 75,277.22 160,616.00 450,332.88 k\);;. j 1,600,952.61 ~(;;.:. 301,432.00 19,300.00 28,283.00 42,815.00 6,239,515.95 26,396.00 107,841. 63 32,388.00 4,779,639. 16 1,124,778.51 . 196,136.00 301,432.00 793,505.30 126.063.00 6,220,810.41 16,755.00 208,197.19 44,133.00 1.084,454.08 407,299.00 1.311.941.90 18,770.00 610,297.39 17,716.00 56,854.56 435,003. 39 6,634.00 849,291.16 29,856.00 67,800.99 9,650.00 262,983. 92 39,260.00 70,893.82 57,307.00 71. 899.83 106,965.00 127,593. 71 18,830.00 84,228.40 265.00 249,512.09 23,494.00 171,216.50 • __ 2.454.00 297,701 .89 $3,099,571.51 $47,054,806.03 ~, .))0) Baker Benton Clackama. clat,op Columbia CoO, Crook Curry Deschute, Dougla, Gilliam Grant Harney Hood River Jack,on Jeffer,on Josephine Klamath Lake Lane Lincoln Linn I'Ialheur Marion $ $ 1.326,718 2',620,398 972,612 3,266,522 21 $ $ 350 1,723,318 11,971,410 31 7,398,465 5,703,475 1.104.812 7,209,608 169,971 1,246,455 689,327 I"Iorrow I"Iultnomah Polk Sherman 'Tillamook Umati lIa Union Wallowa Wa,co Wa.hington Wheeler Yamhill Total 14,019 6,645 40,827 7,066 740 12,090 303,339 514,635 1,019,827 264,400 297,449 339,942 $47,839,334 135,973 61,510 57,858 261.560 917,572 400 58,847 38,484 4,290 126,897 75,310 27,869 20,436 325,565 16,280 64,623 20 452 38,136 29,930 68,773 20,356 4,325 77,490 4,531 141.106 12,234 $2,975,553 Payment. in Lieu of Taxe. Sec. 15 Grazing Leases l"Iineral!l Leasing 523 62 3,332 14,326 990 819 894 100 3,608 74 8 156 1.825 958 293 1,492 3,084 4,078 $36,972 95,891 1,907 48,154 295 6,371 88,824 55,583 136,518 88,258 3,495 164,683 309,074 19,792 43,906 27,065 33,210 201,108 309.074 129,206 17,202 45,302 417 ,625 19,246' 18,126 6,804 28,837 9,895 40.255 58,748 109,677 19,308 271 24,079 2,516 $2.580,305 Totals $ 109,910 1,335,270 2,709,369 7,361 973,352 3,284,983 392,513 1,778,901 273,014 12,121.240 64,685 440,569 1,227,636 20,192 7,502,037 66,443 5,736,785 1,313,818 436,045 7.414,132 215,042 1,312,193 743,190 724,853 82,905 521,459 1,020,279 68,798 304,225 109,986 79,397 115,494 99,882 302,251 169,263 354,692 $53, 432,164 Payment to State of Oregon from .ale of public domain timber, IDilterial., land., etc. $204,995.16 Total payments to counties and State, FY 1982 $47,259,801.19 Payment to State of Oregon from .ale of public domain timber, material., and laMds, totaling $195,823 and Section 3 grazing permits totaling $183,436 $379,259 Total payments to counties and State, FY 1983-----------------------~$53,811,423 11 Doe, not include mineral. proceed, from O&C or CBWR land •. Includes $498,447.41 of CBWR. 11 Include, $69,453.10 of C8WR. il il 11 Doe. not include mineral. proceed. from O&C or CBWR land •. Include. $480,884 of CBWR. 11 Includes $144,254 of CBWR. PAYMENTS TO COUNTIES AND STATE, FY 1982 - WASHINGTON I-~\ PAYMENTS TO COUNTIES AND STATE, FY 1983 - WASHINGTON Distribution of proceed. to Wa.hington counti~. and to the State of wa.hington derived from re.ource management on land. managed by the 8ureau of Land Management in Wa.hington. Revenue. are from .ale. of timber, grazing fee., mineral fee., rental and sale. of land,:P.I.L.T., and from other .ource. during fi.cal year 1982. Sec. 15 Grazing Countie. Adam. i, /1 i! ii Ii j: 1 I'!: ii I i, A.otin 8enton Chelan Clallam Clark Columbia Cowlitz Douglas Ferry Franklin Garfield Grant Gray. Harbor Island Jeffer.on King Kitsap Ki ttl tao Klickitat L@as@s $ 36.27 749.04 574.21 1,186.22 2,791.27 27,565.04 25,888.21 450,658.22 60,247.00 371.00 15,137.00 1,857.00 28,087.02 48,419.22 19,276.28 9,309.06 82,936.32 15,372.00 8,258.00 66,243.00 30,592.00 72,400.00 3,543.00 43,183.00 11,818.00 15,154.00 143,116.00 2,312.00 44,603.00 30,885.00 1,696.00 47,819.00 73,819.00 57,755.00 74,455.40 5,304.21 43,183.00 12,522.27 15,154.00 149,805.17 2,312.00 44,603.00 30,885.00 1,696.00 47,819.08 73,819.00 57,755.00 1,041.37 23,004.00 24,045.37 5.58 13,634.00 76,377.00 8,266.00 48,680.00 $1,594,873.00 13,639.58 76,377.00 8,340.68 51,737.99 $1,621,461.31 3,624.02 1,250.22 868.28 11.06 2,899.32 2,055.40 1.761.21 704.27 Mason Okanogan Paci fie Pend Orei 11e 6,689.17 Pi@rc@ San Juan Skagit Skamania Snohomish Spokane Steven. Thur.ton Wahkiakum walla walla Whatcom Whi talan Yakima Total 74.68 3,057.99 26,588.31 $ $ ~ Distribution of proceeds to Washington counties and to the State of Washington derived from re.ource management on lands managed by.the Bureau of Land Management in Wa.hington. Revenues are from sales of tImber, grazing fees, mineral fees, rental and sales of land, P.I.L.T., and from other sources during fiscal year 1983. Totals 2,755.00 $ 26,816.00 25,314.00 449,472.00 60,247.00 371.00 15,137.00 1,857.00 24,463.00 47,169.00 18,408.00 9,298.00 80,037.00 15,372.00 3,258.00 66,243.00 30,592.00 lewis lincoln Payment. in Lieu of TaKe. . counties t)) 0 Payment to State of wa.hington from .ale of public domain timber, materiah, land., etc.--------------$13,397.08 Payment to State of washington from mineral lea.ing $583,035.00 Total Payment. to counties and State FY 1982 $2,217,893.39 O . Adams Asotin Benton Chelan Clallam Clark Columbia cowlitz Douglas Ferry Frank lin Garfield Grant Gray s Harbor Island Jefferson King 'Kitsap Kittitas Klick itat Lewis Lincoln Mason Okanogan Pacific Pend Ore i 11 e Pierce San Juan Skagit Skamania Snohomish Spokane Stevens Thurston Wahkiakum Walla Walla Whatcom Whitman Yakima Total Payments in Lieu of Taxes Sec. 15 Grazing Lea.es $ 27 565 428 1,165 2,383 977 1,250 9 3,549 $ 2,826 6,193 25,815 228,819 63,430 355 15,521 1,930 25,504 55,265 19,119 9,534 78,679 15,762 3,340 67,919 31,404 Totals $ 2,853 6,758 26,243 229,984 63,430 355 15,521 1,930 27,887 56,242 20,369 9,543 82,228 15,762 3,340 67,919 31,404 39,702 3,633 44,117 12,165 15,539 146,743 2,371 82,864 31,668 1,739 49,054 75,891 59,224 40,538 4,947 44,117 12,695 15,539 151,884 2,371 82,864 31,668 1. 739 49,054 75,891 59,224 685 72,596 73,281 57 2,232 $21,153 13,543 78,314 8,476 49,915 $1,438,969 13,548 78,314 8,533 52,147 $1,460,122 836 1,314 530 5,141 Payment to State of Washington from sale of public domain timber, materials, lands, e t c . - - - - - - - - - - $ 18,988 Payment to State of Washington from mineral leasi09-----$ 728,541 Total payments to counties and State FY 1983 $2,207,651 I.'II III " iI ':i II ;,' tl)u!» . BU1 EXPENDITURES FOR RESOURCE MANAGEl'lENT Oregon and Washington <. FY 1982 ~COMI1ERCIAL fOREST LAND '. Data are as of 9/30/83. FY 1983 forest Management:--------------------forest Developmant:-------------------Range Management---------------------Range Improvement--------------------Soil and Watershed COnservatio,nn------Lands and Minerals------------------Wildlife Management------------------Recreat ion Management-----------Recreation COnstructionn---------Cadastral Survey---------------------Resource Protection~---------------- Fire Presuppressionn------------------Fire Suppression'---------------------Fire & Storm Damage Rehabilitation----Blister Rust Control Law Enforcement----------------Road Construction & Acquisition------Bui lding Constructionl----------Maintenance of Capital Investments-Planning and Data Management:--------Program Services'---------------------- $16,570,602 16,854,435 3,841,233 1,030,71'1 1,257,789 2,373,374 1,972,351 1,170,509 115,898 756,263 3,058,690 1,248,270 764,964 539,004 65,379 189,304 959,074 12,011 10,363,460 1,251,104 2,952,540 $20,122,957 14,449,521 3,841,744 821,968 1,405,993 2,772,508 1,821,135 1,565,351 27,748 1,009,990 3,088,196 1,120,450 1,014,845 1,526,084 72,657 252,000 2,787,802 Total.----------------------- $67,346,965 $69,281,224 District Commercial Forest Land Acres Lakeview Burns Vale Prineville Salem Eugene Roseburg Medford Coos Bay Oregon Total Spokane Ore-Wash Total Withdrawn Forest Land Acres 1/ Allowable Cut 11. bd. ft. 28,000 48,000 12,000 700 1,350 3,350 70,000 351,000 299,000 387,000 696,000 264,000 2,179,000 38,000 2,217,000 9,000 10,000 3,000 500 143,000 11,000 194,200 7,000 201,200 5,480 244,000 219,000 201,000 222,000 234,000 1,133,390 4,000 l,ll7,390 Land withdrawn from planned timber harvesting for other forest uses such as recreation sites, streamside buffers, and scenic zones, but included in commercial forest land totals. o 7,725,512 1,002,719 2,852,044 TIMBER SALES :~.)vofiscal lumes and year sa Ie prices of timber sold from lands managed by BLI1 during 1982 and fiscal year 1983. FY 1982 Volume District '~] 11. bd. ft. Lakeview Burns Vale Prinevi lle Salem Eugene QosebUrg \ edford Coos Bay Oregon Total-- 2,041 183 9,497 224,345 207,772 194,243 258,032 228,453 1,128,411 Spokane Ore-Wash Total-- 2,989 l,lll,400 FY 1983 Volume Value 114,6B5 2,784 M.bd. ft. Value $ 658,087 23,366,280 19,255,907 18,334,397 19,760,013 24,904,622 106,607,190 1,602 1,796 569 13,616 243,228 218,016 199,621 221,230 247,222 1,146,900 210,415 817,605 3,648 1,150,548 210,122 $136,753,828 $ $~06, 184,178 209,259 78,655 174,091 30,166,340 27,868,055 21,189,442 22,286,820 34,386,866 136,543,706 ,: i: : ~~ ~ i~i)) ~~' j. ~ TIMBER HARVESTS ~' r ~' "' Acreages from which the timber sold during fiacal year 1982 and fiscal year 1983 will be harvested. j,~ Oietrict r! ''~ ~ lakeview--Burna ~I ~'I' i~" j,:~ iii;' ~:'~~, I~~~; i'~; ~~;. : ~,~~~ ;' ~ i#f~ Clearcut Acrea Partialcut Acres Clearcut Rcres - 366' 566 Val Prineville Sale Eugene Roseburg Medford 966 3,385 3,145 4,198 4,935 330 354 4,391 515 1,023 14,897 1 3,616 Z.929 4,212 6,402 383 1,259 623 Z9~ 7,291 8,843 Coos Bay 4,207 107 3,947 150 20,897 22,278 21,107 19,771 18 20,915 475 22,753 46 21,153 397 ~ 20,168~~~~~~~'~ Spokane-Ore-iJaah Total- TIMBER TRESPASSES District FY 1982 Cases Cases Closed Pending Collec9/30/80 tions No. Lakevie~r---Burne Vale Prineville-Salem---Eugene-Roseburg Medford Cooe Bay Oregon Total- 1 7 15 12 23 45 15 118 1,200.00 8,592.40 35,338.10 33,389.6B 29,159.92 22,605.23 5,209.55 135,494.88 1 15 12 4 29 20 86 SpokaneOre~tash Total- 118 135,494.88 6 92 FY 1983 Cases Closed Collections No. 1 1 2 9 12 8 20 24 77 357.00 1,608.00 9,352.00 7,631.75 23,337.07 4,884.89 25,168.35 6,205.08 7B,544.14 77 78,544.14 Caoes Pending 9/30/81 . i 14 24 il 37 10 97 Small polee, li~eal feet~arge poles, lineal feet- , ~ 8,665 2,663 1,013 34,300.00 19,700.00 796.00 10,852 - 1,507.00 - 56,200 ~46 444.00 322.00 - 4,589 425.00 8,400 216.00 Posts, each 23,329 5,495.00 15,063 3,324.00 _ = 173 34.00 15,035.00 5.00 985.00 97.00 41.00 150 562 3,002 146,273 2,850 - 60.00 1,327.00 36.00 5,264.00 105.00 - Total ~ 6 103 ! ~ ~~~ ) $ 88,900.00 12,651.00 150.00 1,960.00 Manzanita, tons j)/ I/ 32,082 475 300 - Mine timbers, each Pulpwood, cords Cascara bark, pounds Bougha, pounds Ferns, bunches f ~ y~ o~es, bushels L ~,.~Nuckleberry brush, bLnchesChristmas trees, each Wildings, each Moss, pounds q rrar stock, coi^ds Fence stays, each Greens, bunches ~ Pitch, 9allons ~ Car stakes, each ~~~~') . Value 93,180 Split rails, eac~ Ii Quantitv Corral poles, lineal feet- Corral poles, each i Value Ouantity Oregon and Washington: Fuelwood, ~o ►'ds Shingle bolts, corde Small poles, eac ■`~ Partialcut Acres 549 112 FY 1983 FY 1982 Item and Unit ~ b1 - Oregon Total '~ FY 1983 FY 1982 ;~~ ~ ~~INOR FOREST PRODUCTS SAIES l~ J) 4,497 405 53,449 2,013 355 8,438 277.OU 4,856 190.00 1,781 300 7,103 154 520 31 1,373.00 19.00 213.00 4,569.00 166.00 16.00 2,120 1,928 17,443 63 20 3,100 2,155.00 120.00 479.00 1,478.00 1.00 46.00 600 60.00 500 50.00 300 15.00 10.00 $133,544.00 - 70,872.00 1 ~ '.,,;~,~ FOREST DEVELOPMENT - I \-. < FOREST DKVBLOPKBIT - II I ~, Reforestation wOrk in site preparation, planting, and seeding on commercial forest land is tabulated here. Natural seeding is not included. FY 1982 District Site Planti!!!:! M Preparation Trees Acres Acres Lakevieew~-------- Planting & Seeding Acres 70 41 70 70 41 70 2,279 2,795 2,655 2,926 8urns----------Va 1ee-----------Prineville----Sa le,mlD,.----------Eugene--------Ro seburg~----- Medford-----Coos 8ay-------Oregon Total- 6,523 7,602 5,057 2,334 23,227 4,354 3,077 4,287 4,902 3,432 20,192 Spokane--------Ore-w&sh Total- 23,227 20,192 1. 711 Seedi!:!!:! Pounds Acres Seeds 12,385 4,354 3,077 4,287 4,902.!l 3,432:'- .if 20,192;.7 12,385 20; 192 --L.ill Reforestation treatments made to protect unestablisbed stands from animals, inlects, and disease are tabulated· under "Protection.", Reforestation treatments made to releale unestablisbed stands from campetins vesetation are tabulated under "Release." , t FY 1982 District Lakeview-------------------Burns----------------------Vale---------------------Prineville-----------------Salem----------------------Busene---------------------,;"'\ Roseburs-------------------- (tl Protection Acres Release Acres Protection and Release Acres 10 70 ~::!O~:J--============== Dreson Total--------'---- 522 3,392 1,545 3,255 1,916 10,760 1,228 402 334 2,135 5,429 9,528 1,750 3,794 1,819 5,390 7,405 20,288 Spokane--------------------Dre-Wasb Total------------ 10,760 9,528 20,288 FY 1983 District Lakeview Burns Vale Prine,ville SalelD Eugene Roseburg I'Iedford Coos Bay Oregon TotalSpokane Ore-w&sh Total- Site Planting Preparation M Acres Acres Trees Seedi!:!!:! Pounds Seeds Acres Planting FY & Seeding Acres 72 7 72 3,841 2,687 3,751 4,126 2,672 17,149 1,683 1,556 2,480 2,366 1,236 9,328 3,841 2,687 3,751 4,126 2,672 17,149 District ____ 0 14,670 ___ 0 17,149 ____ 0 9,328 _____ 0 17,149 Protection Acres Release Acres Protection and Release Acres 19 19 '2,519 1,277 1,666 1,504 2,795 9,780 2,802 2,100 3,860 5,530 (\:._, COos "C. OreSon Total---------- 283 823 2,194 4,026 2,359 9,685 Spokane..:.-------------Ore~asb Total----------- __ 0 9,685 __ 0 9,780 Lakevlew-------------------Burns---------'-----------Vale-----------------------Prinevi1le-----------------Salem--------------------BuSene---------------------- 60 2,046 1.215 5,992 3,012 2,345 14,670 1983 Roseburs-------------------~ A~ lIedford--------------- BaJ--------------- 2...ll! 19,465 ___ 0 19,465 FOREST DEVELOPMENT - III :C)LD HORSE f'lANAGEMENT, FY 1983 Fertilization and thinning accomplishments on commercial forest land are tabulated below. The "Tree Improvement" column reports acres seeded or planted wi th genetically improved seed or seedlings. "Tree Improvement" acres are included in the "Forest Development - I" Table. , FY 1982 lakeview Burns Vale Prineville lledford Nevada USFS 21 Total District Ferti lization Acres Improvement Acres Thinninq Precommercial Commercial Acres Acres Lakeview~------- 35 Burns------------Vale-------------Prinevi lle------ Spokane Ore-lolash Total 296 1,409 2,233 3,023 2,530 3,405 12,635 296 12,635 100 Salem~---------- Eugene----------Roseburgl------Medford----------Coos Bay---------Oregon Total--- 60 100 ...i 6 6" ~ 90 90 222 617 Horses Removed FroIII Range Claimed or wild District 11 Branded ":C)S~. ~ District Improvement Acres 99 45 Lakeview--------Burns------------Vale-------Prineville~------ Salem~---------- Thinninq Precommercial Commercial Acres Acres 500 Eugene----------Roseburg---------Medfordl----------Coos Bay---------Oregon Total-- 500 47 Spokane Ore-lolash Total 500 47 47 200 1,835 1,606 4,095 4,57B ~ 41 60 1 2 4 13 22 184 Sent to Adoption Centers 104 249 1 1 2 1 21 49 54 101 ..ll 5 55 ill 221 73 POPULATIONS ON BU. RANGELANDS, CUMULATIVE Horses Removed from Range 12-15-71 to 9-30-83 Claimed or Branded Wild Total Horses on Range District 11 ~ iirl.akeview Fertilization Acres 24 413 1 Y )rns FY 19B3 1SO 263 " 1,152 1,152 -1. " Disposition of Wild Horses Returned In Adopted Died or to Corral in District Destroyed Range 9-30-83 " Ie Prineville lied ford Ore-Wash Total 1,235 2,308 2,403 360 ~ 6,341 1,623 26B 209 667 1,447 2,849 4,407 474 3,070 3,117 4,616 1,141 2,767 9,177 11,944 Horses on Range 9-30-83 Level to be r.&intained 384 1,358 1,996 160-360 645-1,295 610-1,210 35 3,773 25-50 1,440-2,915 DISPOSITION OF CAPTURED WILD HORSES, CUMULATIVE 193 68 o ~~~O 15,841 800 15,841 800 District 11 )",\edew 31 Vale 3/ Prineville 11 lied ford Ore-Wash Total "Jns Cumulative, 12-15-71 to 9-30-83 Died or Returned Destroyed to Range 1,110 1,986 3,539 207 311 452 542 229 1 3 6,843 1,537 29 189 76 294 No wild horses are present in the Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Coos Bay, Prineville, or Spokane Districts. 11 These horses were gathered by USFS from USFS lands and processed by Burns district during fiscal years 1982 and 1983. 11 . Includes 3 Vale, 3 Prineville, 102 Burns and 7 Nevada FY 81 residuals. 11 !" 'J'SOURCE LIVESTOCK GRAZING Grazing use is tabulated for grazing fee year 1983. grazing fee for all BU'! lands was $1. 40 per ~. During 1983. the Major watershed conservation and range improvement jobs are tabulated here. other accomplishments include preparation of watershed management plans. soil stabilization. and water control. Number Number Permits & Cattle & Number Number District ______________ ~L~e~a~s~e~s______~H~o~r~s~e~s____~S~h~e~e~p~____~A~UM~s~_ Lakeview Permits----------Leases-----------Burns Permi tSl----------Leases-----------Vale Permits----------Leases----------Prineville Permits----------Leases-----------Salem Leases-----------Eugene Leases-----------Roseburg Leases-----------Medford Leases-------Coos Bay Leases-----------Oregon Total-Spokane Leases-----------Ore4lash Total-- 131 62 170 38.602 1.492 962 1.765 387 116 96.756 1.439 8.695 339 469.886 4.544 126 15.884 3.048 1.075 569 61.226 17.627 213 District I(j!' 100 Fencing Miles 15 83 14 100 ~ 4.431 Spokane--------Ore-Wash Total- 4.431 Water Development Numbers 16 114 29 3 11.552 115 159 ___ 5 ---.1 _3 11.557 117 162 588 8 115 21 1.124 386 1.066 118 5.237 97 22.602 1983 _ _6 ___ 5 _____1 1.502 212.568 13.909 --1Zl 1.875 - 6.526 219.094 ---1.2Q 14.099 _ _3_8 954.587 District Number Permits & Leases 1.487 ---.ill 1.852 Number Cattle & Horses Number Sheep & Goats 212.787 13.829 ~ ~ -218.499 14.069 Vegetation Manipulation Acres Lakev iew~---- Burns---------Vale------------Prinev i lle,-----Salem 28.445 983.032 Number AUMs Spokane---------Ore-Wash Total-- 936.410 27.021 963.431 11 o 810 8.235 2.320 !I Grass Seeding Acres 81011 9.060 1.470 Fencing Miles 25 2 11 36 19 Water Development Numbers 49 46 75 5 Eugene~-------- Roseburg,--------!ted fordl---------i '}s Bay '·"~regon Total---- Grazing use totals during grazing fee year 1983 were: Oregon----------Was hi ngton------Ore4lash Total-- 3.881 Prinevi lle'------Salem Eugene----------Roseburgl-----ford I, ' s Bay'-------", reg on Total---- Grass Seeding Acres 4.780 4.575 1.400 672 450 Vale'------~----- Above figures do not include numbers authorized by Exchange of Use Agreement. District Vegetation Manipulation Acres Lak ev i ew--------Burns,------------- 192.269 19.667 45.075 3.791 20 FY 1982 159.914 5.160 144 DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION Fire Rehabilitation 100 100 --!.Q ~ 11.475 ---ll2 11.595 11 11.465 93 11.465 93 175 ~ 178 :(j) RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION Big game animals which used lands managed by BLM dUring fiscal year 1983. FORAGE AND FENCING--Cumulative totals from 1934 through 9/30/83. Vegetation Manipulation Acres Grass Seeding Acres Lakevie_ Ourns Vale Prinev i 11e-Salem Eugene Roseburg--Medford Coos Bay--Oregon Total- 27,711 29,689 358,455 32,079 107,768 210,763 356,134 50,782 200 200 941 448;1i4 7z6.5e8 Spokane Ore-wash Total ~ 449,619 -Lill District :Juniper Management Acres 733,737 495 20 16,226 16,741 16,741 Cattle Fencing Guards Number Miles Truck Stock Trail Miles 1,381 1,843 3,405 1,045 163 128 435 104 46 100 7,720 930 1,631 -ID ---2 _ _3 1,634 935 7,855 'yG GAME POPULATION ESTIMATES District 599 600 432 Pronghorn Antelo2e Deer Elk 20 350 6,250 150 2,400 560 660 500 2,500 13,390 Lakeview OUrns Vale Prineville Salem Eugene Roseburg Medford Coos Bay Oregon Total-- 2,500 4,500 5,300 1,600 13,900 40,000 40,000 41,000 20,000 19,000 10,600 16,600 35,000 15,000 245,200 Spokane Ore-Wash Total-- _ _3_5 13,935 10,000 255,200 () Bighorn Sheep Mountain Goats 60 350 280 5 690 ~~ 13,640 1,005 Black Bear Cougar 5 20 15 00 10 230 340 90 500 200 1,405 20 10 20 5 20 25 15 50 ~ 225 160 165 ---1QQ 1,505 .-!! / """. WILDLIFE HAOITAT ON BLM LANDS as of 9/30/03. WATER DEVELOPMENTS--Cumulative totals from 1934 through 9/30/83. Oistrict Lakeview Burns Vale Prinev i lle--Salem Eugene Roseburg Medford Coo. Oay Oregon TotalSpokane Ore~.h Total- Pieelines Number Tanks Miles 95 257 595 150 108 270 682 125 5 15 Number Reservoirs 1,111 1,059 1.154 218 14 45 35 -.-ll 1.097 __1_1 1,108 1,205 3,664 -1.i __ 2 3,666 1,219 Number Sl!rings 141 208 978 20 Number Wells 20 190 ~ ---2 1,411 Small Game Acres Waterfowl Acres -Lakeview Ourns Vale Prinevi lle Salem Eugene Roseburg Medford Coos Bay Oregon Total-- 2,500,000 3,089,095 3,153,000 1,242,000 405,000 304,400 424,000 900,000 200,000 12,297,495 2,000,000 2,492,300 4,260,000 1,430,000 405,000 304,400 424,000 900,000 300,000 12,515,700 30,000 16,795 10,600 10,000 15,000 22 Spokane :)re-Wash Total-- 307,700 12,605,195 307,700 12,023,400 '1~)strict 39 81 57 13 1,367 Big Game Acres 195 ') 2,200 Fishable Streams Mi les 51 231 735 345 620 284 268 540 04,717 ~ 3,410 4,000 00,717 ~ 3,538 ---1QQ 243 WILDLIFE HABITAT ~ROV~ENT RECREATION MANAGEI'IENT i .) Bru.h Control Acru District 1982 Lakeview-----Burn.---Valee----Prineville-Sa 1e ....- - - Eugene---Ro.eburgr.edford--Coos Bay--Oregon Total- Gra •• /Legume Seed in<!, Ac re. 1982 1983 --,"~1~·l~e;..!.~_ water Development Number other Wildlife I .. prove .... nt. 1982 1982 1982 Fencing 1983 1983 300 240 5 2 500 150 550 1,000 30 5 5 1983 22 7 5 12 1983 270 SpokaneOre-wa.h Total 795 6 7 270 - - -4 1,595 200 204 35 199 - -4 1,749 1,595 200 Number District 1 Lakeview 8 Burn. 4 Prineville--10 Vale 16 Salem 4 Eugene 10 Ro.eburg 9 Medford Coos Bay .269 Oregon TotalSpokane 2 70 Ore-lolash Total 24 3 80 400 50 ·l 1,749 15 15 ---.£ 48 38 481 245 _3 51 .:l ...!! ...ll 40 493 267 Recreation Sites Use Fee. Number Units Amount. Picnic camp 50 55 43 140 160 29 101 57 125 760 760 0 31 $ 3,130.50 33 14 205 82 78 94 ~ 629 _3 632 6,700.00 30,539.34 9,596.00 19,065.56 4,350.00 41,012.00 $114,393.40 $114,393.40 Special Recreation Use Permit. Permits Permi t. Amounts Number 220.00 265.00 11,279.00 2,670.00 104.00 0 0 6,455.00 20.00 $21,013.00 1,550.00 $22,563.00 2 4 95 84 4 0 0 83 $ ~ 274 _1 275 Data as of 9-30-83 for FY 1983. :~STII1ATED RECREATION VISITS TO BLP! LANDS (Thousands of Hours) AQUATIC HABITAT !I I"PROV~ENT Strea.. 2/ Clearance "ile. Di .trict lakeview..- - - Burn.----Va 1e e - - - - - Prineville-----Sa 1e....- - - - Eugentee----Ro.eburg---r.edford---Coo. Bay---Oregon TotalSpokanee---Ore-wash Total 1982 1983 Fi scal Year 1983 Spawning and/or Rearing Area Mile. ~/ Improved Fi.h Passage Miles Y Fencing Mi leo 1982 1983 1982 1983 1982 9 4 1 5 2 4 Reservoirs Acre. 1983 1982 3 10 2 5 20 7 7 7 3 1 7 --1 ...1. ~ 5 16 43 5 16 43 2 4 3 ~/ 2 16 15 6 ~/ 381 3,908 858 6,714 4,314 4,068 2,263 579 1,930 wa.hington 228 7 5 76 12 63 84 2 48 !/ Includes recreation related driving for plea.ure. 1/ Include. bicycling, horseback riding, backpacking, hiking and walking 4 27 14 20 27 14 20 1/ "iles refer to number of .tream mile. where fish production will be £/ !/ 1983 Oregon Use Off-road vehicle travel Other motorized travel 1/ Non-motorized travel 1/, ~ Camping JHunting , Fi.hing Boating Winter sports Other ~/ 0 for pleasure. Include. sightseeing and water related activities out. ide of boating (.wimming, etc.). ESTI"ATED RECREATION VISITS TO BLP! LANDS - Fiscal Year 1983 Jtate ~ increased by the project •. Removal of debris jams. Includes fish passage over waterfalls and dams and through culvert •. Includes new projects and improvement of existing water. ) Oregon washington Total Number of vi.its 3,772,000 150,400 3,922,400 S~RY I \, OF WILDERNESS INVENTORY RESULTS Total Acres Burned by Problem Class During 1983: ) Wilderness study areas - 80 areas Lands lacking wilderness characteristics O&C lands eKempted from wilderness review Total public lands (Based on 1978 Acreage) problem Class I II 2.479.100 11.486.200 1,759,200 15,724.500 III IV V VI Acres --1-352.672 50.306 54.934 10.587 30.294 Washington Number of Fires by Size Class During 1983: Wilderness study area - 1 area Lands lacking wilderness characteristic. Total public lands FIRE STATISTICAL 5.500 304.700 310.200 Size Clas.A B C S~ARY Number of fires and acres burned on lands managed by the Bureau of Land in Oregon and Washington during 1983. Number 141 50 25 D 14 E and larger False Alarms 36 62 ~nagement Number of ~n-caused Fires Lakeview 8urns Vale Prineville--Salem Eugene Roseburg I1edford Coos Bay Oregon TotalSpokane Ore~sh Total- 4 19 16 11 5 0 2 3 ....i 64 ...l 67 Acres Burned 2.089 8,134 4,871 1,760 42 0 0 0 __ 6 16.902 4,660 21,562 Number of Lightning Fires 33 54 20 59 2 3 27 ---.!! 199 ---.!! 199 Acres 8urned Total Number Fire. 84.825 29,352 60.612 2.446 0 37 0 2 0 4 ___ 0 177.239 5 30 0 177,239 Average Number of Fires Annually During Five Years. 1979-1983: l'Ian-caused - 11 5 Lightning-eaused - 193 Acre. burned - 78.224 Total fires for 5 years - 1,540 73 36 70 6 '~JOADS Total_ Acres CONSTRUCTED ~ 86.914 37.486 65. 483 ,('::~ 4.206: ) " 42't' .' District Lakeview, Burns--~------- ) Vale------------Prineuillee--------Total. Eastern Oregon 0' o ---.! ___ 6 Sale'mmr--~---- 263 194,141 _3 266 ~ Eugene-----------Roseburg------------Medford------Coos Bay-----------"Total. Western Oregon 198,801 Oregon Total----- 'J' pokane ' " ,Total. Oregon/Washington Average Number of Fires Annually During Ten Years, 1974-1983: ~n-caused - 100 Lightning-caused - 231 Acres burned - 47.100 Total fires for 10 years - 3,308 ) Miles 8uilt With Al!l!rol!riated Funds FY FY Total to 1982 1983 9/30/83 Miles Built Under Timber Sale Contracts FY Total to FY 1982 1983 9130/83 45 132 97 47 148 110 312 _3 4 1 1.5 .5 _4_ 7 168 80 148 205 21 40 64 41 30 35 53 48 -ill 21 ...n 189 960 1.496 1.848 3.432 1.193 8.929 1,109 203 196 9.407 1,109 203 ~ ~ --.-iQ. 797 199 205.5 ----1ll 478 9.416.5 RIGHTS OF WAY Right of way permits issued by the Oregon State Office during the 1982 and 1983 fiscal years. (Does not include permits for logging roads in western Oregon. ) Oregon FY 1982 FY 1983 Kind Electric Transmission Lines----Telephone, Telegraph Lines-----Communication Sites Water Pipelines, Ditches, etc.-Roads, Highways, Material SitesAirports Sewer Lines Oil and Gas Pipeline Total 14 7 3 5 8 ....! 38 ) District 2 1 3 4 72 8 191 FY 1982 Direct Eminent Purchase Domain Lakeview Burns Vale Prineville Baker Salem Eugene Roseburg Medford Coos Bay Spokane Ore-Wash Total Washington FY 1982 FY 1983 35 33 1 50 ROAD RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENTS AND LANDS ACQUIRED 4 17 ,0 The Bureau of Land Management performed maintenance on 6,500 miles of permanent roads in western Oregon and 811 miles in eastern Oregon and Washington during FY 1982. Approximately 7,311 miles of BLM roads were maintained during FY 1983 by BLM, with an additional 4,000 miles being maintained by timber ~~rchasers and under agreements with counties or tim~. '~." companies. 'J 2 4 ') Right of way permits issued for logging, and reciprocal right of way and road use agreements signed. Spokane Ore-wash Total-- 4 1 5 6 10 9 7 53 ~ 107 107 2 10 23 1 1 3 2 64 10 --.!. -.1. 65 13 ...! 2 2' 2 67 2 FY 1982' Direct Eminent Purchase Domain Salem Yaquina Head ONA Medford Rogue River Scenic Easements Provolt Seed Orchard Total Other Acquisitions 1 2 4 4 .' (of FY 1983 Direct Eminent Purchase Domain 3) 4 9 5 ~ 14 o MINERALS Aqreements Signed FY 1982 FY 1983 2 16 8 5 6 3 8 25 12 41 Item Lakeview Burns Vale Prinevi lle Baker Salem Eugene Roseburg Medford Coos Bay Oregon Total-- 11 4 7 2 9 OTHER ACQUISITIONS District ROAD RIGHT OF WAY PERMITS AND AGREEMENTS Permits Issued FY 1982 FY 1983 2 1 4 ....! ROADS MAINTAINED District FY 1983 Direct Eminent Purchase Domain .~') ., Oregon FY 1982 FY 1983 Mineral Patents Issu·ed----Coal Leases Issued, Acres-Coal Leases in Force, Acres5,403 Oil & Gas Leases Issued, Acres- 6,770,039 Oil & Gas Leases in Force, Acres--------------------- 9,022,931 P.L. 167 Determinations, Completed, Acres----------Cumulative Determinations, Acres-BLI'1 Lands------------- 3,203,412 Cumulative Determinations, Acres-FS Lands-------------- 14,254,030 Cumulative Determinations, Total 17,457,442 Claims Retaining Surface Rights Numberr----------------_____ Acres----------------______ 75 1,500 Washi!:!9 ton FY 1982 FY 1983 3 5,430 721,730 521 1,161,335 521 491,351 5,987,386 1,315,404 1,370,327 3,203,412 157,311 157,311 14,254,030 9,808,613 9,808,613 17,457,442 9,965,924 9.,965,924 75 1,500 6 120 120 6 r-..'·_. · , . . -" j .J COMPETITIVE GEOTHERMAL LEASES In effect 9-3c)-82 Acres No. District 13,586.14 44,553.34 11,918.44 6,858.40 76,916.32 7 20 6 Lakeview Burns Vale fS-oregon Total In effect 9-3c)-83 No. Acres .2 38 3 20 4 -.! II 7,114.53 43,873.34 8,393.37 9,431.21 68,812.45 NONCOMPETITIVE GEOTHERMAL LEASES In effect 9-3c)-82 No. Acres District Lakeview 8urns Vale Prinevi 11e fS-oregon-.!1 fS-Washington-l/----Total 11 28 In effect 9-3c)-83 No. Acres 43,438.47 34,304.26 121,116.41 86,048.87 50,848.51 62,503.31 398,259.83 24 75 52 33 21 243 18 45 22 171 ...ll 283 Remaining to be Reviewed As of 9-3c)-83 No. ~ Reviewed in FY 1983 Revoke Continue No. Acres Acres ~ 998.94 30,479.62 69,999.10 37 ,743.33 328, 716. 94a. 52,866.37:.' 520,804.30 . Oregon Wi thdraw<ils Land Classifications 61 95,767 11 15,739 Washington 'Wi thdrawal s Land Classifications 42 55,389 8 1,361 471 1,020,040 103 151,156 19 17,100 1,078 2,037,871 ~l 607 'hJfRAL LANDS SUBJECT TO MINERAL LOCATION AND LEASING As of 9-3c)-83. I,017,Bll 1.1 BLM has leasing responsibility on National forests. Oregon WITHDRAWAL REVIEW DETERMINATIONS Reviewed in FY 1982 Revoke! Continue No. Oregon Wi thdrawals Land Classifications 74 55 Washington Withdrawals 13 land Classifications. --2 Total 151 468,861 9,499,285 36 13 Acres 293,793 3,891,239 Remaining to be Reviewed As of 9-3c)-82 No. Acres 679 G 1,129,337 732,081 21,750 7 --1 1,232 271 521 1.076,790 10,721,977 58 4,186,535 1,200 2,206,127 ., Acres Open "') Acres Closed Washi!)9ton Acres Acres Open Closed {\... ry and Location Under the Mining laws 33,604,000 828,000 8,819,000 2,814,000 Application and Offer Under the Mineral leasing Laws 34,655,000 1.192,000 10,593,000 2,400,000 11 Acreage includes federal subsurface ownership and acquired lands. lANDS TRANSfERRED BETWEEN BlM .AND OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES () Oregon Jurisdiction Transferred to BLM Jurisdiction Transferred from BLM Washington Jurisdiction Transferred to BLM Jurisdiction Transferred from BLM o 9,348 208 170 4,576 2,689 4,736 1 o LAND LEASES In effect 9-30-82. Oregon Number Acres Kind Recreation & Public Purposes Act-Small Tract---------------------Airport-------------------------Mining Claim Occupancy Act------Public Works Leases-------------Communication Site Leases-------Special Land Use Permi ts,--------Total-------------------------- 60 35 Washington Number Acres 4,370 51 296 37 5 10 13 1,449 II ____ 9 4 1 ~ 201 100,787 105,546 26 1,459 LAND LEASES In effect 9-30-83. Ore9on Number Acres Kind Recreation & PUblic Purposes Act-Small Tract---------------------Airport------------------------Mining Claim Occupancy Act------Public Works Leases-------------Communication Si te Leases-------Special Land Use Permi ts--------Sec. 302 FLPMA Leases, Permits and Easements-----------------Total------------------------- 56 Washi[!9ton Number Acres 5 10 1 1 89 3,604 41 211 37 4 1 86,879 103 299 144,829 235,606 34 15 1,450 =. 12 6 28 1,457 PUBLIC LAND SURVEYS FY 1982 Kind Miles of Line Retraced or Surveyed Corners Monumented-----Plats Accepted Ore90n Washi!!9 ton 647 1,290 77 21 Ore90n 770 1,082 58 FY 1983 Washi[!9ton 166 350 15 • 1/ Includes one sale of 45 acres of acquired land conveyed by a quitclaim . ) deed. ~. This patent was to supplement a patent issued a previous year to include additional land due to the exchange applicant. No land was received during this year but was included in the report for the previous year. J .1 '1 LANDS RECEIVED BY BlJ1- FY 1982 Acres Oregon Ex chang es-----------------------------Reconveyance of Recreation & Public Purposes Act Land:-------------------Acquistions in Fee--------------------Total Oregon~----------------------- FY 1983 Acres 681 29,933 10 _ _ _3 -2§1 694 30,377 Washington: Ex chang es-----------------------------Reconveyance of Recreation & Public Purposes Act Land:-------------------Total Washington,------~------------- o o Ore-Wash Total--------------------------- 694 30,377 • '~.~' 77 () ,. Ai • '; .) 1 ~I As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department. of the Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserving the environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is in the best interest of all our people. The Department also has a major responsibility for American Indian res(>J"vation communities and for people who live in Island Territories under U.S. administration.
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