-ELM: OREGON AND WASHINGTON 1972 - 1973 . SPOKANE WASHINCTON .. -~~-.---\ ""\ ;~ .....I/ • SALE .. ~ rr---~ I .PAIN[VILL~ " . ......,~N ( J ) • BURNS> .VAL[ I ! ~ • LAKEVIEW UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington BLM FACTS Contents Page BLM Offices in Oregon and Washington-------------------- Lands Managed by B~---------------------------------- Permanent Employees of B~----------------------- Resource Management Receipts------------------------- Expenditures for Resource Management--------------------- Payments to Counties and States, FY 1972------------~--- Payments to Counties and States, FY 1973----------------- Commercial Forest Land--------------------------------Timber Sa1es--------------------------------------------Timber Harvest Acreages----------------------------------- Timber Stand Improvement (Precommercia1)----------------Reforestation----------------------------------------~---- Timber Trespass---------------~--------------------~-- Minor Forest Proqucts Sa1es----~------------------------- Livestock Grazing------------------------------------- Forage Provided-------------~-------------------------- Big Game Population Estimates--~--~------------------------ Wildlife Habitat Improvement FY 1973--------------------- Aquatic Habitat Improvement------------------------------ Resource Development and Conservation--------------------- Recreation Sites-------------~---------------------------- Estimated Recreation Visits to BLM Lands FY 1973---------Fire Contro1---------------~---------------------------Road Right of Way Permits and Agreements---------------- Road Right of Way Easements and Deeds Acquired-----------Roads Maintained-------------------------------------- Rights of Way------------------------------------------Roads Constructed------------------------------------Land Leases------------------------------------------- Minera1s------------------------------------------------Land Patents Issued-------------------------------- Public Land Surveys--------------------------------------- Lands Received by B~-------------------------------- Lands Classified for Multiple Use Management--------------This booklet contains statistics about the Bureau of Management in Oregon and Washington. Most of the figures to fiscal year 1973 (July 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973). For son, data for the preceding year are usually listed, too. few cases, it has been more appropriate to list data on a year basis. 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 21 Land pertain compari In a calendar o September 1973 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington OREGON STATE OFFICE 729 NE. Oregon Street P. O. Box 2965 Portland, Oregon 97208 LAKEVIEW DISTRICT 357 North L Street P. O. Box 151 Lakeview, Oregon 97630 234-3361 Ext. 4001 Archie D. Craft. State Director 947-2177 Marvin D. LeNoue District Manager BURNS DISTRICT 74 So. Alvord Street ,Burns, Oregon 97720 573-2071 L. Christian Vosler District Manager VALE DISTRICT 365 "A" Street West P. O. Box 700 Vale, Oregon 97918 473-3144 George R. Gurr District Manager PRINEVILLE DISTRICT 185 East 4th Street P.O. Box 550 Prineville, Oregon 97754 447-4115 Paul W. Arrasmith District Manager BAKER inSTltICT Federal Building P. O. Box 589 Baker, Oregon 97814 SALEM DISTRICT 3550 Liberty Road, South P. O. Box 3227 Salem, Oregon 97302 523-6391 Albert Romeo District Manager 585-1793 Boris T. V1adimiroff District Manager 342-5141 Joseph C. Dose District Manager 672-4491 George C. Francis District Manager 779-2351 Donald J. Schofield District Manager 269-5880 Edward G. Stauber District Manager EUGENE DISTRICT 1255 Pearl Street P. O. Box 392 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ROSEBURG DISTRICT 1928 Airport Road P. O. Box 1045 Roseburg, Oregon 97470 , MEDFORD DISTRICT 310 West 6th Street Medford, Oregon 97501 COOS BAY DISTRICT 333 So. Fourth St. P. O. Box 1139 Coos Bay, Oregon 97420 ) SPOKANE DISTRICT (509) 456-2570 West 920 Riverside Avenue Spokane, Washington 99201 1 Richard L. Schaert1 District Manager LANDS MANAGED BY THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT RECEIPTS Public lands under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, United States Department of the Interior, in Oregon and Washington. Includes public domain, revested Oregon & California Railroad grant lands, reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands, Land Utilization Project Lands, and certain other categories. Acre ages are as of June 30, 1973 and are approximate. Lands managed by BLM are 25 percent of the total acreage of Oregon and less than 1 percent of Washington. Total collection made by the Bureau of Land Management from the indicated source. Collections are deposited in the U. S. Treasury. District Source Mineral Leases------- Timber Sales, O&C 1)-- Timber Sales, CBwR 2/- Timber Sales, PD--~- Land & Material Sa1es Grazing Fees--------- Rent of Land--------- Fines, Penalties & Forfeitures-------- Recreation Use Fees-- Other Sources--------Total--------------- Acres Medford---------------------------------------------- Coos Bay---------------------------------------------Oregon Tota1---------------------------------------- 3,213,000 3,485,000 4,666,000 1,425,000 544,000 403,000 317,000 - 424,000 911,000 330,000 15,718,000 Spokane---------------------------------------------- Ore-Wash Tota1-------------------------------------- 291,000 16,009,000 Lakeview--------------------------------------------- Burns-~---------------------------------------------- Va1e------------------------------------------------- Prinevi11e------------------------------------------- Baker-----------~------------------------------------ Sale~------------------------------------------~--- Eugene----------------------------------------------- Roseburg--------------~------------------------------ r'). ""- ) Lakeview----------------Burns------------------- Va1e--------------------Prinevi11e--------------Baker------------------- June 30 1972 January 1 1973 23 29 45 30 20 126 21 25 37 28 18 116 90 89 125 98 12 ill Eugene------------------Roseburg---------------- Medford----------------- Coos Bay---------------- Spokane------------------ 124 99 12 20 26 39 26 20 120 89 88 128 94 12 State Office------------ Ore-Wash Tota1--------- 114 807 109 771 Sale~------------------ FY 1972 $ 178,552 75,333,653 2,134,245 3,732,652 25,122 648,292 1,829 FY 1973 FY 1972 1973 522 $ 42,971 44,561 5,262 21,763 353 14,812 8,820 25,622 1,020 $ $ 158,875 94,3!i1,504 3,845,257 4,662,725 58,431 721,613 2,541 FY 272 47,048 5,884 20,900 43,151 39,139 $82,144,544 $103,896,869 .2z.21l $75,705 50 658 $93,953 ~/ Includes receipts from all sources on O&C lands. FY 1972 receipts from O&C lands managed by USFS amount to $8,843,857 and FY 1973 receipts amount to $11,084;-368. 2/ Includes receipts from all sources on CBWR lands. EXPENDITURES FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PERMANENT EMPLOYEES OF BLM -District Washington Oregon :/0 :/5 For BLM in Oregon and Washington June 30 1973 () 108 ) Investments Soil and Watershed Conservation-------- Range Improvement------------------~-- Range Fire & Storm Damage Rehabilitation Building Construction------------------ Road Construction & Acquisition-------- Recreation Cons t ruct·ion---------------- Forest Development--------------------- Maintenance of Capital Investments----~- FY 1972 $1,120,628 222,602 335,710 1;106 6,808,272 499,579 1,756,032 3,849,205 Resource Protection Fire Presuppression-------------------- Forest Protection---------------------- Blister Rust Control-------------------- 359,824 902,932 73,513 398,752 1,179,509 70,577 Management Resource Management-------------------- Lands & Minerals----------------------- Cadastral Survey----------------------- Program Services------------------------_ Total __________________________________ 6,147,859 369,715 447,867 6,592,809 561,809 497,203 2,272,336 $25,074,431 $22,894,844 2 3 FY 1973 $1,040,984 453,314 327,138 52,625 4,136,033 547,157 2,462,792 4,481,393 PAYMENTS TO COUNTIES AND STATES, FY 1972 Distribution of proceeds to Oregon Oregon and Washington derived from administered by the Bureau of Land Revenues are from sales of timber, rental and sales of land, and from year 1972. Oregon Counties Baker---------- Benton--------- C1ackamas------ C1atsop-------- Co1umbia------- Coos----------- Crook---------- Curry---------- Deschutes------ Doug1as-------- Gi11iam-------- Grant---------- Harney--------- Hood River----- Jackson-------- Jefferson------- Josephine------ K1amath-------- Lake-----------Lane-----------Lincoln------Linn-----------Malheur-------- Marion------- Morrow------- Mu1tnomah------Polk------------ Resource Management O&C Lands $ 1,061,450.47 2,090,508.87 ) counties and to the States of resource management on lands Management in those states. grazing fees, mineral fees, other sourcey, during fiscal Mineral & Grazing Public DOmain *inc1udes CBWR Payments $ Total Payments 1~061,466.34 2,090,508.87 781,060.49 2,228,668.27 1,382,462.77 9,462,396.60 5,919,191.81 4,563,103.84 883,912.50 5,768,095.65 135,986.54 997,234.61 345.00 *320,179.56 31,937.65 187.50 697.44 *88,226.87 1,339.73 15,421. 07 13,613.92 781,405.49 2,548,847.83 31,937.65 1,382,650.27 697.44 9,550,623.47 1,339.73 15,421.07 13,613.92 1,419.82 903.84 72.30 2,289.52 5,920,611.63 903.84 4,563,176.14 886,202.02 5.76 75.40 17,785.51 551,500.96 53.55 304,525.22 815,919.22 1,321.20 5.54 391.03 59.52 686.46 2,123.78 67.50 1,898.68 .84 $501,124.86 211,534.62 237,301.01 271,973.07 $37,666,826.52 5,768,101.41 136,061.94 _ 997,234.61 17,785.51 551,500.96 53.55 304,525.22 815,919.22 1,321.20 211,540.16 391.03 59.52 686.46 2,123.78 237,368.51 1,898.68 271,973.91 $38,167,951.38 Payment _to State of Oregon from sale of public domain timber, materials, lands, etc.--------------- 150,288.69 Payment to State of Wash. & Wash. counties, all sources---------------------------------- 12,965.05 Total payments to counties and States FY 1972 $38,331,205.12 4 Distribution of proceeds to Oregon Oregon and Washington derived from administered by_the Bureau of Land Revenues are from sales of timber, rental and sales of land, and from year 1973. Oregon Counties $ 15.87 Sherman------~- Ti11amook------ Umati11a-------Union----------Wal1owa--------Wasco----------Washington----- Whee1er-------- Yamhi11--------Tota1--------- PAYMENTS TO COUNTIES AND STATES, FY 1973 ")) ) () ) r., ) ) Resource Management O&C Lands Baker--------- $ Benton---------- 1,326,060.13 C1ackamas------- 2,619,086.73 C1atsop--------- Co1umbia--------972 ,129.49 Coos------------2,784,254.37 Crook-----------1,722,462.45 Curry-----------Deschutes------- Doug1as--------· 11,821,283.37 Gi11iam--------- Gr ant--------- Harney----------Hood River------ Jackson--------- 7,394,790. 84 Jefferson------- Josephine------- 5,700,642.84 K1amath---------1,104,263.60 Lake------------ Lane------------7,206,027.83 Linco1n--------- 169,886.70 Linn------------ 1,245,835.85 Malheur--------- Marion---------- 688,984.98 Morrow-------- Mu1tnomah------- 514,379.20 1,019,320.25 Po1k------------ Sherman--------- Ti11amook------- 264,268.21 Umati11a-------- Union------- Wa110wa-------Wasco-----------Washington----297,301. 74 Whee1er-------Yamhi11---------339,773.42 Tota1---------- $47,190,752.00 counties and to the States of resource management on lands Management in those states. grazing fees, mineral fees, other sources during fiscal Mineral & Grazing Pub lic Domain *inc1udes CBWR Payments Total Payments 201. 75 $ 1,326,060.13 2,619,288.48 360.00 *1,077.44 27,298.15 195.00 387.82 *64.64 2,161.49 10,515.18 13,548.58 972 ,489.49 2,785,331. 81 27,298.15 1,722,657.45 387.82 11,821,348.01 2,161.49 10,515.18 13 ,548.58 1,516.40 1,223.84 78.36 2,719.81 133.66 7,396,307.24 1,223.84 5,700,721. 20 1,106,983.41 133.66 7 ,206 ,027. 83 169,886.70 1,245,835.85 17,665.31 688,984.98 47.33 514,379.20 1,019,320.25 1,820.40 264,268.21 408.97 90.56 779.49 2,304.78 297,354.24 2,018.64 339,773.42 $47,277 ,422.10 $ 17,665.31 47.33 1,820.40 408.97 90.56 779.49 2,304.78 52.50 2,018.64 $86,670.10 Payment to State of Oregon from sale of public domain timber, materials, lands, etc.--------------- 241,720.37 Payment to State of Wash. & Wash. counties, all sources---------------------------------- 29,765.49 Total payments to counties and States FY 1973 $47,548,907.96 5 COMHERCIAL FOREST. LAND ~'1>- Data are ·as of 6-30-73 Withdrawn Commercial Forest Land Acres 2! Commercial Forest Land Acres 1 ! District TIMBER.HARVEST ACREAGES ) " Acreages from which the timber sold in fiscal years 1972 and 1973 will be harves ted. Annual Allowable Cut M.bd.ft. Lakeview-----------Burns-------------- Va1e--------------- Prinevi11e---------Baker--------------Sa1em-------------- Eugene------------- Roseburg----------- Medford------------ Coos Bay-----------Oregon Tota1------ 30,000 53,000 2,000 8,900 72,000 21,000 351,000 299,000 387,000 690,000 264,000 2,167,000 9,100 3,900 244,000 219,000 201,000 274,000 234,000 1,195,900 Spokane------------ Ore-Wash Tota1---- 53,000 2,220,000 10,000 3,000 500 25,000 11,000 49,500 FY 1972 District Partia1cut Acres C1earcut Acres 971 147 1 13 Burns------~~---- Vale------------ Prinevi11e------Baker-----------Sa1em-----------Eugene----------Roseburg--------Medford---------Coos Bay--------Oregon Tota1--- f:) ))) C1earcut Acres Lakeview--------- . 5,500 1,201,400 1! Commercial forest land withdrawn from planned harvesting for forest uses other than timber, e.g., recreation areas, stream side buffers, scenic zones. l! Includes withdrawn acreage. FY 1973 \. ,I J\ () 19,048 3,173 1,217 4,339 2,534 3,467 23,056 1 1 684 40,588 3,615 4,388 5,451 1,515 4 1 °17 18,987 4 19,052 4 40,592 2 18,989 7 4,428 3,674 5,957 1,348 ...1.Jlli Spokane---------Ore-t~ash Tota1- Partia1cut Acres 44 173 1,074 790 3,330 3,088 2,831 20,707 ....b11!i 33,816 72 33,888 I TIMBER STAND IMPROVEHENT (Pre comme rcia1) TIMBER SALES FY 1972 Volumes and sale prices of timber sold from lands managed by BLM during fiscal years 1972 and 1973. FY 1973 FY 1972 District Volume M. bd. ft. Value Volume M. bd. ft $ 150,379 26,776 186 818 District Value $ 12,941 34,095 3,124 Lakeview-------1,085 Burns----------Va1e-----------7,469 Prinevi11e-----3,328 Baker----------282,213 Sa1em----------193,217 Eugene---------224,729 Roseburg-------267,472 Medford--------211.457 Coos Bay-------Oregon Tota1-- 1,194,094 339,006 143,589 15,571,527 11,799,825 12,669,457 12,967,897 12.550 1 592 $66,219,048 4,691 5,484 253,619 231,665 214,282 274,440 250.913 1,236,098 283,020 497,010 .24,896,713 26,417,736 23,129,302 23,645,092 31 1 379.911 $130,295,820 147 Spokane------Ore-Wash Tota. 1,194,241 2 1 675 $66,221,723 130 1,236,228 3.372 $130,299,192 6 Acres Thinned Acres Released From Brush 140 32 Lakeview-----------Burns-------------- Va1e--------------- Prinevi11e---------Bake r------------·--Sa1em-------------- Eugene------------- Roseburg--------- Medford------------ Coo~ Bay-----------Oregon Tota1------ 191 2,017 2,903 784 63 1.192 7,322 Spokane------------ Ore-Wash Tota1---- 7,322 FY 1973 Acres Thinned Acres Released From Brush 95 23 684 2,126 93 186 1,645 4,913 1,955 157 1 1 548 10,592 2,126 10,592 1,419 7 2,386 1,794 518 3 1 372 8,070 8,070 TIMBER TRESPASS REFORESTATION FY 1972 District Lakeview------- Burns---------- Va1e----------- Prinevi11e----- Baker---------- Sa1em-------- Eugene--------- Roseburg------- Medford-------- Coos Bay-------Oregon Tota1-Spokane-------- Ore-Wash Total FY 1973 FY 1972 Reforestation work in site preparation, planting, and seeding is tabulated here. Natural reforestation acreages are not included. Site Prep ara tion Planting M Acres Trees 50 24 Seeding Pounds Acres Seeds District Planting & Seed ing Acres Lakeview------ Burns-------- Va1e----------- Prinevi11e------'Baker----------Salem-----'----- Eugene--------- Roseburg------- Medford-------- Coos Bay-------Oregon Total-- 50 • 1,264 857 1,160 170 30 18 3,499 4,123 4,427 2,742 3,868 18,739 1,582 1,449 1,896 1,001 1,463 7,433 18,739 7,433 30 651 645 47 54 698 699 4,150 4,123 4,427 2,789 3,868 19,437 Cases Closed Co11ee No. tions Cases Pending 6-30-72 Cases Closed Co11ec No. tions Cases Pending 6-30-73 $ $ 3 3 4 2 22 11 8 14 12 73 Sp~kane-------- 3 Ore-Wash Total 76 669 1,226 12,257 6,365 12,320 20,758 14,726 $68,321 6 1 1 29 15 7 4 6 33 6 66 10 59 15 129 1,108 1,000 23,180 10,268 9,034 31,260 ~ $83,197 $68,321 5 1 30 _6 11 51 14 121 $83,197 f)" ' 3,451 t\, , MINOR FOREST PRODUCTS SALES FY 1973 FY 1972 FY 1973 District Lakeview---- Burns---------- Va1e--------- Prinevi11e---Bake r---------Sa1em---------- Eugene------- Roseburg------ Medford-------- Coos Bay-------Oregon Tota1-Spokane------- Ore-Wash Total Site Prep ara tion Planting M Acre's Trees 40 391 604 1,415 '185 2,595 Seeding Pounds Acres Seeds Planting & Seed ing Acres 40 25 4,946 2,904 7,303 2,021 3,600 20,814 2,253 1,201 3,380 743 1,310 8,912 20,814 Item and Unit 550 631 4,946 3,454 7,303 2,021 3,600 21,364 8,912 *From 1958 through June 1973, 427,694 acres were reforested. /i,.,J '-J ) Quantity Oregon: Christmas trees, each------ Wi1d1ings, each------------ Cascara bark, pounds--------_ Moss, pounds------------- Huckleberry brush,bunches-- Ferns, bunches------------- Greens, bunches------------ Boughs, pounds------------- Cones, bushe1s------------- Pitch, gallons----------- Fue1wood, cords------------ Shingle bolts, cords------- Arrow stock, cords--------- Corral poles, small & large poles, linear feet------- Split rails, each--------- Posts, each---------------- Fence stays, each---------- Mine timbers, each---------Oregon Tota1------------- Washington: Ore-Wash Tota1------------9 8 ValUe Quantity Value $ 309 50 82 25 304 169 27 636 3 977 $ 669 911 320 6,060 2,250 6,481 8,304 1,900 56,638 6,030 7 69 40 270 146 23 1,153 640 4,903 , 727 23 5,004 5,782 344 968 8,175 1,250 11,460 7,738 900 25,558 12 55 4,109 645 71,870 600 28,054 14,160 745 24 2,494 143 13 73,354 565 35,661 12,255 1,336 8 4,388 4,820 186 874 29 3,241 231 145 $17,553 $15,527 $17 ,553 $15,527 LIVESTOCK GRAZING FORAGE PROVIDED Grazing use is tabulated for calendar year 1972 Number of livestock operators, permits and leases, and number of animal-unit-months of forage provided in calendar year 1972. District Lakeview Permits & Licenses--------Leases------------------Burns Permits & Licenses--------Leases------------------Vale Permits & Licenses------Leases--------------------Prineville Permits & Licenses--------Leases--------------------Baker Permits & Licenses--------Leases--------------------Salem Leases--------------------Eugene Leases--------------------Roseburg Leases------------------ Medford Leases--------------------Coos Bay Leases----------~---------- Number Cattle & Horses Number Sheep & Goats District 41,364 3,500 460 1,000 3,328,753 55,316 51,916 25,000 5,240 3,000 3,324,757 178,815 ~ 74,160 17,400 4,691,017 ~ 19,367 4,500 3,000 9,575 1,104,803 251,393 14,969 21,703 3,110 9,194 369,790 34,393 46 164 312 24,480 2,387 1,040 46,771 12,868 1,700 436,605 93 272,185 Spokane Leases--------------------Other Wash. leases 1/----- Ore-Wash Tota1-------=------ 10,150 2 1914 285 ,249 Number of Permits ,Licenses & Leases Animal Unit Months Lakeview---------------Burns------------------Va1e-------------------Prinevi11e-------------Baker------------------Sa1em------------------Eugene-----------------Roseburg---------------Medford----------------Coos Bay---------------Oregon To ta1---------- 158 343 255 371 284 6 11 53 142 3 1,626 158 343 255 378 285 6 11 53 123 3 1,615 157,801 249,834 416,248 98,157 52,200 158 999 3,851 24,200 490 1,003,938 Spokane----------------Other Wash 1/-----~----Ore-Wash Total-------- 408 26 2,060 424 26 2,065 32,768 1 1000 1,037,706 ") '\ Oregon Tota1--------------- 1/ Washington grazing lease lands administered by Baker District. Forage provided in calendar year 1971 totaled: Oregon-----------------Washington------------- Ore-Wash Tota1-------- 1 1384 13,848,441 1,612 444 2,056 1,627 461 2,088 1,009,289 37 1052 1,046,341 BIG GAME POPULATION ESTIMATES 5,700 6 60,425 224,310 7 1964 14,080,715 Big game animals which use lands managed by BLM (1973) 1/ Washington grazing lease lands administered by Baker District. District Above figures do not include numbers authorized by Exchange of Use Agreement. Lakeview----~---- Grazing use totals during calendar year 1971 were: Number Cattle Horses Oregon-------------------- Washington---------------- Ore-Wash Total---------- Number of °Eerators Acres 260,570 111427 271,997 10 & Number Sheep & Goats 56,075 5 1 713 61,788 Acres 13,824,953 251 1204 14,076,157 ) Burns----------- Va1e------------Prinevi11e------ Baker----------- Salem----------- Eugene---------- Roseburg-------- Medford--------- Coos Bay------Oregon Tota1-- Spokane--------- Ore-Wash Tota1- Pronghorn Ante1°Ee 3,000 3,000 2,800 950 100 Deer 45,000 35,000 54,000 16,500 16,000 25,000 12,000 23,000 34,000 15 1000 275,500 8 1000 283,500 11 Elk 170 100 50 3,000 500 120 900 150 2 1500 7,490 250 7,740 Bighorn Sheep Mountain Goats 110 70 180 40 220 o 180 180 WILDLIFE HABITAT IMPROVEMENT FY 1973 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION ---'\."'t , l' J}i Brush Control Acres District Lakeview-------------Burns---------------- Vale-----------------Prineville-----------Baker---------------- Grass/Legume Seeding Acres Fencing Miles FY 1972 4 300 200 Major range conservation projects are tabulated here. Other accom plishments include preparation of watershed management plans. soil stabilization. and water control. Water Development Number 20 District 2 5 1 2 Lakeview----------Burns-------------- Sale~-----~---------- Eugene--------------- Roseburg------------- Medford-------------- Coos Bay-------------- Oregon Total-------- Vale----------~----- 20 50 Prineville---------- Baker--------------- Salem------------- Eugene------------Roseburg----------- Medford------------Coos Bay----------- Oregon Total------ 160 roo 270 580 Spokane-------------- Ore-Wash Total------ 580 6" "8 6" 3 11 ())) -..e. AQUATIC HABITAT IMPROVEMENT FY 1973 /) "'l, ~pokane----------~- Ore-Wash Total---- 1/ FY 1973 District Lakeview------ Burns-------- Vale-------- Prinevi11e---- Baker--------- Salem--------- Eugene-------- Roseburg------ Medford------ Coos Bay------ Oregon Total Spokane------- Ore-Wash Total Spawning 31 Imp roved Stream and/or Lakes andY Clearance Rearing Area Fish Passage Fencing Reservoirs Miles Miles Miles Miles Acres 6 10 1 1 10 8 1 5 16 26 T7 29 "1 26 T7 29 "1 15 District 20 14 Lakeview----------- Burns-------------- Vale---------------Prineville------- Baker-------------- Salem-------------- Eugene------------ Roseburg--------- Medford------------ Coos Bay----------- Oregon Total----- Spokane------------ Ore-Wash Total--- Miles refer to number of stream miles where fish production will be increased by the projects. 2/ Removal of log and debris jams. 3/ Includes fish passage over waterfalls and dams and through culverts. Includes new projects and improvement of existing water. 12 Grass Seeding Acres 275 1.054 8.295 17.655 250 150 1.013 1.280 2.304 Fencing Miles 54 24 62 12 6 470 Water Development Number 7 23 125 1 6 2 494 11.928 21.312 530 12.458 21.312 Brush Control Acres 3 161 2 166 Grass Water Seeding FenCing Development Acres 11 Miles 21 Number 1.226 2.350 20.640 340 1.200 8.200 2.400 3 31 25 23 14 29 6 6 6 11 1 11.800 1.291 700 26.547 82 TI 5 1 11.800 26.547 87 74 1/ Includes following acreages reseeded in emergency watershed re 34 1.1 II Brush Control Acres 2/ ) habilitation projects on lands burned by wildfires: Lakeview-550; Burns-l.BOO; Vale-7.370; Prineville-340; Medford-933; Total-ll.073 acres. Includes 11 miles of protective fence built on emergency projects to protect lands burned by wildfire. Burns-7 miles; Medford-4 miles. 13 RECREATION SITES (Continued) RECREATION SITES The following table applies to'recreation sites constructed and operated as of 7-1-73 by the Bureau of Land Management. District Lakeview--Burns------ Vale------Prineville- Bake r-----Salem-~---- Eugene----- Roseburg--- No. of Camping Units Name of Site Gerber Reservoir Page Springs Fish Lake Jackman Park Blitzen Crossing Cow Lakes Chukar Park Beavertail Chinmey Rock Macks Canyon Blue Hole Handicap Ramp -Spring Alder Glen Scaponia Elkhorn Valley *Fishermens Bend Yellowbottom N. Fork Eagle Creek Canyon Creek Coast Creek Dogwood Wildwood Little Bend Alsea Falls Mill Creek Missouri Bend Fan Creek Dovre Elk Bend Turner Creek Whittaker Creek *C1ay Creek Sharps Creek Haight Creek Lake Creek Gunter Tyee Rock Creek *Millpond Cavitt Creek Falls Scaredman Creek Lone Rock Wolf Creek Trail Susan Creek Falls Emile Creek x x x 13 x 3~ 22 23 10 11 19 10 9 10 Cold Spring Ninemile Shady Branch Dee r Creek Surveyor Topsy Little Applegate Elderberry Flat Gold Nugget Tunnel Ridge Hyatt Lake Rogue River Trail: Rainie Falls Big Slide Russian Creek Horseshoe Bend Kelsey Creek Tucke r Flat Coos Bay--Smith River Falls Sixes River Loon Lake Park Creek Bear Creek Vincent Creek Che rry Creek Palmer Butte Burnt Mountain East Shore Hyatt Lake Fawn Peak Picnic Units 8 x' x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 33 3 3 27 34 116 14 21 5 14 181 9 34 17 9 16 10 10 6 7 18 22 10 4 Name of Site Medford---Trailers Usable 50 15 20 5 5 10 19 20 8 4 20 District Camping Units x x x x x x 2 17 5 2 5 10 5 20 x x x x 25 10' 30 5 x 2 3 1 3 3 9 8 20 88 12 10 x x x x x 3 6 4 23 8 8 4 7 1 ESTIMATED RECREATION VISITS TO BLM LANDS FY 1973 Use () 11 48 13 6 6 3 1 ) Camping------------------------- Picnicking--------------------Fishing-------------------------Hunting-------------------------Sightseeing--------------------- Water Sports----------------- Winter Sports-------------------Other----------------------- Total---------.,.------------ 10 15 14 2 1 2 16 10 17 10 10 Picnic Units * Group Picnic Reservations. x x x x x x x No. of Trailers Usable Oregon Washington 419,000 970,000 900,000 616,000 6,055,000 393,000 58,000 686,000 10,097,000 5,000 28,000 22,000 21,000 67,000 19,000 3,000 19,000 184,000 1'· FIRE C9NTROL , Number of man-caused and lightning-caused fires, with acres burned on lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management in Oregon and Washington. Fire control is by BLM in eastern Oregon and by contract in western Oregon and Washington. . Number Lakeview------------------------ Burns--------------------------- 106 Va1e------------------~---------- Prinevi11e----------------------Bake r-- -.------------------------ 127 119 26 Sa1e~-------------------------- 9 7,373.45 7,039.75 73,884.05 6,215.90 245.21 30.77 .31 93.55 2,032.54 23.44 96,938.97 Eugene--------------------------Roseburg------------------------- 4 ~.edford-.------------------------ 12 45 Coos Bay------------------------Oregon Tota1------------------- 524 Spokane-------------------------Ore-Wash Tota1----------------- 525 4_ 1 Prinevi11e-~------------ Eaker------------------Sale~------------------ Eugene------------------ " Roseburg---------------~ Medford----------------Coos Bay,--------------Spokane----------------Ore-Wash Tota1-------- 8 4 12 20 1 1 49 District Man Lakeview----~----------~-------- Burns--------------------------- Va1e----------------------------Prinevi11e----------------------Baker--------------------------- Sa1e~-------------------------- Eugene--------------------------Roseburg------------------------ Medford------------------------- Coos Bay------------------------Oregon Tota1----------------- Lakeview--------------Burns-----------------Vale------------------Prinevi11e----------Baker------------------ 1972 Lightning 21 15 18 34 12 85 57 109 85 14 9 2 11 2 1 15 30 3 1 140 384 2 7 1 10 3 303 108 246 193 69 927 ROAD RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENTS AND DEEDS ACQUIRED Causes of Fires District 4 1 ) FY CY Agreements Signed Total to FY 1973 6-30-73 1 48 1 20 32 832 414 810 893 462 3 3,516 2 Va1e-----------~-------- .01 96,938.98 1 Permits Issued Total to FY 1973 6-30-73 Lakeview---------------Burns------------------- Acres 72 Right of way permits issued for logging and reciprocal right of way and road use agreements signed. District CY 1972 District ROAD RIGHT OF WAY PERMITS AND AGREEHENTS Sa1e~--------------- Eugene----------------Roseburg--------------Medford---------------Coos Bay--------------Spokane-------------Ore-Wash Tot a 1------- Direct Purchase 1973 Eminent Domain 52 1 1 1 6 16 6 14 25 4 74 Total to 6-30-73 Eminent Direct Purchase Domain 130 '-' 1 1 2 26 70 96 462 334 492 797 334 17 2,810 1 3 1 40 26 50 62 13 196 ROADS MAINTAINED Spokane-----------------~-------- Ore-Wash Tota1---------------- , ,)/ 16 The Bureau of Land Management performed maintenance on 3,477 miles of permanent roads in western Oregon and 1,032 miles in eastern Oregon during FY 1973. ) 17 RIGHTS OF WAY LAND LEASES Right of way permits issued by the Oregon State Office during the past two fiscal years. (Does not include permits for logging roads in western Oregon.) In effect 6-30-73 FY 1972 Kind Oregon FY 1973 FY 1972 FY 1973 Electric Transmission Lines---~-------------- Telephone, Telegraph Lines----------------- Communication Sites----- Water Pipelines, Ditches, Etc.------------------ Oil & Gas Pipelines----- Roads, Material Sites--- Total----------------- 18 22 10 9 3 12 4 1 3 45 4 9 50 4 1 No. Acres No. Acres Recreation & Public Purposes-- Small Tract------------------- 46 36 18 658 12 1,894 59 372 85 1 1 1 4 1 1 80 181 222,951 225,367 Airport------~----------------- 2 1 7 1 Kind Mining Claim Occupancy Act---- Public Works Leases----------- Boy Scout Leases-------------- Communication Site Leases----- Deer Fence Leases------------- Special Land Use Permits------ Tota1----------------------- 4 1 8 1 TI 11,729 12,388 MINERALS ROADS CONSTRUCTED Miles built with . appropriated funds District Washington Washington Oregon Total to 6-30-73 FY 1973 Lakeview---------------Burns------------------Va1e-------------------Prinevi1le-------------Baker----------------Total, E.O.----------- FY 1973 6" 147 69 130 197 179 16 37 78 115 31 9 2 7 6 6 30 m Grand Total----------- 30 1,000 Item Total to 6-30-73 46 136 41 122 63 38 14 278 Sa1em----------------Eugene-----------------Roseburg---------------Medford--------------Coos Bay---------------Total, W.O.----------- Oregon. Miles built under timber sale contracts 6 277 152 79 413 552 1,046 1,252 2,368 894 6,112 ) Mineral Patents Issued---------- Coal Leases Issued, acres------- Coal Leases in Force .. acres----- Oil & Gas Leases issued, acres-- Oil & Gas Leases in force, acres P.L. 167 Determinations, Completed, acres-------------- Cumulative Determinations, acres------------------------- Claims Retaining Surface Rights, number---------------- acres----------------- Percent of Mineralized Area on which P .'L. 167 action is comp1eted--------------------- FY 1972 FY 1973 FY 1972 FY 1973 5,403 5,403 521 521 386,294 380,529 1 1 207,406 282,456 157,412 157,412 15 ,255 2,862,855 3,145,311 283 ) 18 Washington 19 101 101 6 6 2~020 2,020 120 120 69 73 97 97 PUBLIC LAND SURVEYS LAND PATENTS ISSUED Kind of Patent Oregon - BLM Color of Tit1e---------------- Small Tract------------------- Public Sa1e------------------- Recreation Sa1e---------------Exchange----------------------Mining Claim Dccupancy Act---- Total - BLM-------------------- No. Acres No. Acres 1 1 1 1 6 1 4 3 40 10 18,488 5 18,550 1 1 10 1 8 1 40 1 539 7 8,070 5 8,662 11 ~ J I='"Y73 Washiagtaa FY?2~n TI ,~ FY 1972 / Kind Miles of Line Resurveyed--Corners remonumented------Sections subdivided-------Books of Field Notes------Plats accepted------------- Oregon FY 1973 . Washington 332 410 12 42 24 5 174 8 4 Washington Oregori 370 442 10 24 21 182 5 2 LANDS RECEIVED BY BLM Oregon - Other Agency Indian Fee and Re-issue Trust-----------------------National Forest Exchange-----~Total Other Agency----------- 3 9 12 250 4,016 4,266 Washington - BLM Recreation Sa1e---~----------- Exchange-~-------------------- (Confirmation Patents School Lands Granted in P1ace) Public Sa1e---------.---------- Total - BLM-------------------- (5)* 3 "3 (34,028)* 162 -m 1 8 4 2,135 2,139 3 1 304 160 9 ~ '- )~ (8)*(148,574)* 190 5 "9 654 Washington - Othe r Agency Reclamation Sa1e--------------National Forest·Exchange------Indian Fee and Re-issue . Trust-----------------------New Indian Trust--------------Total - OtherAgency------~-- 3 4 85 10,409 2 1,868 52 1 60 4,786 42 3,519 15,360 44 5,387 Ore-Wash Total - BLM------------- 14 18,712 31 9,316 ~)or~~~~anges--------~----------------- :~ '- ) ) 80 Washington Exchanges-------------------------Ore-Wash Tota1------------------- FY 1973 Acres Acres 17,599 159 124 8,303 17,882 598 255 9,156 160 9,316 LANDS CLASSIFIED FOR MULTIPLE USE MANAGEMENT IN OREGON & WASHINGTON Acres * This figure is not included in totals - Patents Confirmed Land Previously Granted to State. Classified under PL 88-607 of 9/19/64---------------- ) Classified under PL 75-405, O&C Act of 8/28/37-------. Tota1----------------------------------------------- '\. } 20 Gifts-----------------------------Direct Purchase-------------------Reconveyance of Recreation Land--- Total Oregon-------------------- FY 1972 J I 21 13,355,581 2,145,900 15,501,481 NEEP WASHlnliTon IiREEn ) r··-).l ... 7/ Maintaining the quality of the environment is a big concern of the Bureau of Land Management. Aiding in the effort is Johnny Horizon, the symbolic outdoorsman who represents the thoughtful visitor to the pub~ic lands. His antilitter campaign was launched by.BLM in 1968 and has since become an Interior Department-wide program. Fiscal Year 1972 saw Johnny Horizon increasingly active in Oregon. BLM can point to an environmental concert at Bend, a successful fall "outdoor manners" campaign in cooperation with state agencies and a. steady growth in public awareness of the Johnny Horizon en-{~ vironmental program. ,:y ) 22 ) I I A6 the Nat.<.on' ~ pJr.J..nc.i..pai. co~ VLVaU.on ag enclj, the VepaJr;tment 06 the IntvUolt h~ b~..ic Itv.,po~..i b~v., 6011.. unteJt, land, m..inVl.ai., 6.w h, w..tldLi6 e, 60ltut, ltange, and IteClteat.<.ona.( Itv.,oWtcv.,. Ind..ian an'd T eJr.Jr.-i.toJt..iai. a66£U.M alte otheJt majoil.. conceJtn6 06 AmvUca' ~ "VepCllLtment 06 NatWtai. Rv.,oultcv.,." The VepaJr;tment WOltk-6 to ~.6Wte the w-i.6 v.,t cho..ice ..in manag..ing a..U. Itv.,oWtcv., ~o each will make 6u.U. contJt..ibut...i.on to a be.t.teJt Und:ed S.taA:v., __ now and ..in the 6utwte. m u. s. DlPAITMINT OIlHE NTaIOR IUIIAU Of LAND MANAGIMINT
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