-ELM: FACTS OREGON AND WASHINGTON 1973 - 1974 . SPOKANE WASHINCTON 0,-, • LAKEVIEw UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT ) ) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of .Land Management Oregon and Washington. BLM FACTS Page Contents () ') BLM Offices in Oregon and Washington-----------------Permanent Employees of BLM---------------------------Lands Managed by B L M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Payments to Counties and States, FY 1973-------------------Payments to Counties and States, FY 1974-----------------Resource Management R e c e i p t s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Expenditures for Resource Management-----------------Commercial Forest L a n d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timber S a 1 e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timber Trespass------------~-------------------------Minor Fores t Products' Sa1es-------------------:--------Forest Development I ~-------------------------------Fores t Deve10prent II : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Forest Development III ---------------~-----------Timber Harvest A c r e a l l e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Livestock Grazing--------------------------------Forage Provided---------------------------------------Wild Horses and Burros Protected----..,-------------------Wildlife Habitat Improvement FY 1974--------------------Aquatic Habitat Improvement FY 1974-----------------------Big Game Population Estimates----------------------.Resource Developnent and COuservation-------------------- Recreation S i t e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Estimated Recreation Visits to BLM Lands FY 1 9 7 4 - - - - - - - - - - Fire Control--------------------------------------Road Right of Way Permits and Agreements-----------------Road Right of Way Easements and Deeds Acquired-----------Roads M a i n t a i n e d : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rights of W a y - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·-Roads Constructed-------~------_,...-,..,..--------------Minera1s---------------------~-------------- I I Land Leases------------------------------------------Land Patents I s s u e d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lands Received by B L * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wild & Scenic Rivers Lands Acquired-------------------Lands Classified for Multiple Use ManagementPub1i'c Land Surveys-------------------------------- 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 27' This booklet contains statistics about the Bureau of Land Management in Oregon and Washington. Most of the figures pertain to fiscal year 1974 (July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1974). For comparison, data for the preceding year are usually listed, too. In a few cases, it has been more approprtate to list data on a calendar year basis. September 1974 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington OREGON STATE OFFICE 234-3361 Archie D. Craft 729 NE Oregon Street Ext. 4001 State Director P. O. Box 2965 Portland, OR 97208 LAKEVIEW DISTRICT Marvin D. LeNoue 947-2177 357 North L Street District Manager P. O. Box 151 Lakeview, OR 97630 BURNS DISTRICT L. Christian Vosler 573-'2Q71 74 So. Alvord Street District Manager Bums, OR 97720 VALE DISTRICT 473-'3144 George R. Gurr 365 "A" Street West District Manager P. -0. Box 700 Vale, OR 97918 PRINEVILLE DISTRICT 447-4115 Paul W. Arrasmith 185 East 4th Street District Manager P. O. Box 550 Prineville, OR 97754 BAKER DISTRICT 523-'6391. Federal Building P. O. Box 589 Baker, OR 97814 SALEH DISTRICT )s50 Liberty Road, South P. O. Box 3227 Salem, OR 97302 Albert Romeo District Manager 585-1793 Boris T. V1adimi roff District Manager EUGENE DISTRICT 1255 Pearl Street P. O. Box 10226 Eugene, OR 97401 687-6650 Joseph C. Dose District Manager ROSEBURG DISTRICT 1928 Airport Road Roseburg, OR 97470 672-4491 George C. Francis District Manager MEDFORD DISTRICT 310 West 6th Street Medford, OR 97501 779-2351 Donald J. Schofield District Manager COOS BAY DISTRICT 333 So. Fourth St. P. o. Box 1139 Co~s Bay, OR 97420 269-5880 Edward G. Stauber District Manager (509) Richard L. Schaert1 District Manager SPOKANE DISTRICT West 920 Riverside Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 PERMANENT EMPLOYEES OF BLM (Authorized permanent positions) District Lakeview------------Burns-------------- Va1e----------------Prinevi11e------------Baker------------------- Sa1em------------------- Eugene----------------Roseburg--------------- Medford-------------- Coos Bay-------------Spokane--------------- _, 0 ) ;; f '. ;I" State Office--------- Ore-Wash Total------- August 14 1974 21 25 37 '28 18 116 90 89 24 30 41 32 20 115 93 90 125 135 98 12 96 15 24 30 40 33 20 114 93 90 135 96 15 108 159 849 ill Includes positio~s in Records Improvement Project subsequently transferred to administrative jurisdiction of Denver Service Center. Authorized complements for FY 1975 are shown as of 8/14/74. BY TIlE' BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT National resource lands tmder the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, United States Department of the Interior, in Oregon and Washington. Includes public domain, revested Oregon & California Railroad grant lands, reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands, Land Utilization Project Lands, and certain other categories. Acreages are as of June 30, 1974 and are approximate. Lands managed by BLM are 25 percent of the total acreage of Oregon and less than 1 percent of Washington. District (J ) --~ 2 Jtme 30 1974 * LANDS MANAGED 456-2570 Jtme 30 1973 Hectares Acres Lakeview------------------- Bums------------------------ Va1e---------------------------Prineville-----------------Baker---------------------- Sa1em----;------------------ Eugene------------------- Roseburg--------------------- Medford----------------------Coos Bay------------------ Oregon Tota1--------------- 1,358,000 1,407,000 1,889,000 552,000 183,000 163,000 128,000 172,000 368,000 134,000 6,354,000 3,355,000 3,476,000 4,669,000 1,365,000 452,000 403,000 317,000 424,000 911,000 330,000 15,702,000 Spokane---------------Ore-Wash Tota1-------------- 124,000 6,478,000 306,000 ,16,008,000 3 PAYMENTS TO COUNTIES AND'STATES, FY 1973 PAYMENTS TO COUNTIES AND STATES, FY 1974 Distribution of proceeds to Oregon counties and to the States of Oregon and Washington derived from resource'management on lands administered by' the Bureau of Land Management in those states. Revenues are from sales of timber, grazing fees, mineral fees, rental and sales of land, and from other sources during fiscal year 1973. Mineral & Grazing Resource Public Domain Total Management *inc1udes CBWR Payments O&C Lands Payments Oregon Counties Distribution of proceeds to Oregon counties, and to the states of Oregon and Washington derived from resource management on lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management in those states. Revenues are from sales of timber, grazing fees, mineral fees, rental and sales of land" and from other sources during fiscal year 1974. Mineral & Grazing Resource Public Domain Total Management *inc1udes CBWR 'O&C'Lands Payments Payments Oregon Counties Baker--------- Benton---------- C1ackamas------ C1atsop------- Co1umbia--------COos------.:.--- Crook---------- Curry-----------Deschutes-------- Doug1ae-------- Gi1liam----"'----- Grant---------Harney------------ Hood River--------- Jackson------------- Baker---------Benton--------- 1,326,060.13 2,619,086.73 972 ,129. 49 2,784,254.37 1,722,462.45 11,821,283.37 7,394,790.84 Jefferson-------------- Josephine-------- Klamath--------- 5,700,642.84 1,104,263.60 Lake-~-------- Lane---------- Lincoln--------- L1nn---------Malheur-------- Marion------------- Morrow----------Multnomah-------- Po1k----------- 201.75 $ 1,326,060.13 2,619,288.48 360.00 *418,678.38 27,298.15 195.00 387.82 *102,173.34 2,161.49 10,515.18 13,548.58 972 ,489. 49 3,202,932.75 27,298.15 1,722,657.45 387.82 11,923.456.71 , 2,161. 49 10,515.18 13,548.58 1,516.40 1,223.84 , 78.36 2,719.81 133.66 7,396,307.24 ,1,223.84 5,700,721.20 1,106,983.41 133.66 7,206,027.83 169,886.70 1,245,835.85 17,665.31 688,984.98 47.33 514,379.20 1,019,320.25 1,820.40 264,268.21 408.97 90.56 779.49 2,304.78 297,354.24 2,018.64 339,773.42 $47,797,131. 74 $ $ 7,206,027.83 169,886.70 1,245,835.85 17 ,665.31 688,984.98 47.33 514,379.20 1,019,320.25 Sherman------- 1,820.40 T111smook--------, 264,268.21 Umatilla------- 408.97 Union--------- 90.56 Wal1owa---------779.49 Wasco------------ 2,304.78 Washington------- 297,301'.74 52.50 Whee1er-------- 2,018.64 Yamhill339,773.42 $606,379.74 Total------- $47,190,752.00 Payment to State of Oregon from sale of public domain timber, materials, lands, etc. -- Payuent to State of Wash. & Wash counties, all sourcesTotal payuents to counties and States FY 1973------ C1ackamas--~------ C1atsop---------, Co1umbia-------- 1,623,880.69 3,207,308.83 Coos-------~--- 1,190,460.57 3,409,571.55 Crook----------- Curry------------ 2,109,311. 21 Deschutes-------~-- Doug1as---------- Gilliam---------- Grant---------- Harney-------- Hood River-------- J ackson--------- Jefferson-------- Josephine--------- Klamath---------- 14,476,"231. 75 9,055,590.88 Lane----------- Lincoln-- Linn-----------. Malheur-------- Marion---------- Morrow----------- Mu1tnomah--------- Po1k------------- 8,824,433.49 208,041.65 1,525,638.80 " 241,720.37 29 , 765.49 $48,068,617.60 *547,478.06 14,772.50 235.50 301.15 *129,641.18 1,778.31 12,636.13 13,425.94 5.00 1,813.85 , 67.14 3,081.87 87.50 5.00 1,599.94 843.724.49 68.23 629,903.90 1,248,249.92 Sherman----------- I'), \... 173.44 64.56' 1~786.71 6,980,953.27 1,352,270.75 Lake--~--------- ) 4 $ $ 1,957.58 Tillamook------- 323,620.35 Umatilla-------- 709.29 Union---------- 126.62 Wa11owa--------- 955.98 Wasco----------- 3,162.63 Washington-------' 364,072.89 Whee1er--------- 2,432.34 YBDlhill--------'----_ 416,083.31 23.00 $738,389.45 Total-------- $57,789,348.30 Payment to State of Oregon from sale of public domain timber, materials, lands, e t c . - - - - - - - - - - - Payment to State of Wash. & Wash. counties, all sourcesTotal payuents to counties and States FY 1 9 7 4 - - - 5 $ 173.44 1,623,945.25 3,207,308.83 1,190,460.57 3,957,049.61 ' 14,772.50, 2,109,546.71 301.15 14,605,872.93 ,1,778.31 12,636.13 13,425.94 5;00 9,057,404.73 1,786.71 6,981,020.41 1,355,352.62 87.50 8,824,433.49 208.046.65 1,525,638.80 1,599.94 843,724.49 68.23 629,903.90 1,248,249.92 1,9~7.58 323,620.35 709.29 126.62 955.98 3,162.63 364,072.89 2,432.34 416,106.31 $58,527,737.75 359,917.40 37,491.93 $58,925,147·08 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT RECEIPTS COMMERCIAL FOREST LAND Total collection made by the Bureau of Land Management from the indicated source. Collections are deposited in the U. S. Treasury. . Data are as of 6-30-74 FY 1973 Source FY 1974 Mineral Leases--- $ 158,875 $ 81,869 Timber Sales, O&C 1/ 94,381,504 115,578,697 Timber Sales, CBWR-~ 3,845,257 3,474,171 Timber Sales, 4,662',725 7,250,240 Land & Material Sales 58,431 47,794 Grazing Fees----- 721,613 963,129 Rent of Land----- 2,541 2,400 Fines, Penalties & Forfeitures----5,884 1,360 Recreation Use Fees-20,900 13,175 Other Sources----39,139 69.268 T o t a l - - - - - - - $103,896,869 $127,482,103 FY 1973 $ po---=- 42,971 District FY 1974 $ 14,812 8,820. 25,622 1,020 10 10,487 28,987 413 50 658 $93,953 72 95 18 544 $124:472 _~ 2,000 8,900 Salem---------- Eugene----------- Roseburg--------- Medford---------- Coos Bay----------Oregon Tota1----~--- 72 ,000 21,000 351,000 299.000 387,000 690,000 264,000 2,167,000 9,100 3,900 244,000 219,000 201,000 274,000 234,000 1,195,900 Spokane---------- Ore-Wash Tota1----- 53,000 2,220,000 . Baker-------~----- _1/ Inciudes receipts from all sources on O&C lands. FY 1973 receipts from O&C lands managed by USFS amount to $11,084,368 and FY 1974 receipts amount to $12,32.1,331 and are included in the above totals. 1/ 'Inc1udes receipts from all sources on 'CBWR lands. -) EXPENDITURES FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT " -") Allowable Cut M.bd.ft. 30,000 53,000 Lakeview-------------Bums------------ Vale---------- Prinevi11e---------- 65,864 Withdrawn Forest ~d Acres. I COllllllercial Forest Land Acres 2/ Washington Oregon 10.000 3,000 500 25,000 11,000 49,500 5,500· 1,201,400 COllllllercial forest land withdrawn from planned harvesting for forest uses other than timber, e.g., recreation areas, streamside buffers, scenic zones. Includes withdrawn acreage. '1:./ i,: ~"~" For BLM in Oregon and Washington TIMBER SALES Investments Soil and Watershed Conservation------Range Management----------~ Range Improvement------------ Range Fire & Storm Damage Rehabilitation- Building Cons truction------~-- Road Construction & Acquisition------ Recreation Construction-------- Forest Deve1opment------- Maintenance of Capital Investments---Resource Protection Fit'e Presuppression---------- Fire Suppression------------- Resource Protection----------- Blister Rust C o n t r o 1 - - - - - - - - - - Management Lands & Kinera1s---.----'------- Cadastral S u r v e y - - - - - - - - - - - - Program Services---Recreation & Wildlife Management---- Forest Management Total~------------- FY 1973 FY 1974 $1,040,984 $1',021,316 (492,277 453,314-1/ (193,717 550,383 327,138 52,625 116,681 4,136,033 7,657.,767 547,157 604,327 2,462,792 3.115 .396 4,481,393 5,220.937 398,752' 1,179,509 70,577 619.705 889.008 1.360.405 50.529 948.670 412.138 2.868,389 1/( 304,635 6.592.809- (6.299,106 $25.074.431 $32.725.386 Volumes and sale prices of timber sold from lands managed by BLM during fiscal years 1973 and 1974. FY 1973 District Lakeview-------Burns---------- () 0 .) \1 ~ 1/ Changes in Activity nomenclature is represented in new beadings for FY 1974. 6 186 818 Value $ 12,941 34,095 Va1e----~---- 0 561,809 497,203 2,272.336 FY 1974 Volume M bd. ft. Prinevi11e-----4,691 283,020 Baker-----5,484 497,010 SaJ-em------253.619 24,896,713 Eugene-------231,665 26,417,736 Roseburg----214,282 23,129,302 Medford-----274,440 23,645,092 Coos Bay----250,913 31,379,911 Oregon Tota1-- 1,236,098 $130,295,820 Spokane------130 3,372 Ore-Wash Total 1,236.228 $130,299.192 7 Volume M bd. ft. 896 4,312 164 Value $ 185,462 293,342 2·,600 107,524 2,872 271,300 44,458.655 44,076,526 234 ,183 32,545,316 205,l3r 273,174 41,316,860 249,427 50,238,191 1,241,465 $213,224,476 1,799 1,243,264 410,414 $213.634.890 TIMBER TRESPASS District Cases Closed Co11ecNo. tions Lakeview----~---- Spokane--------- Ore-Wash Total- Cases Pending 6-30-73 Cases Closed Co11ections No. Cases Pending 6-30-74 28 2,036 2 3 1 1 5 1 30 6 11 51 14 121 4 2 17 11 12 19 19 86 $ Burns-----------Vale------.----- 1 Prinevi11e------1 Baker-----------Sa1emr----------- 15 4 Eugene----------6 Roseburg--------Medford---------- 33 6 Coos Bay--------Oregon Tota1--- 66 66 1,108 1,000 23,180 10,268 9,034 31,260 ..L:EL $83,197 $83.197 /'"""), FY 1974 FY 1973 121 86 $ ~ , '" -' ,{.-" Reforestation work in site preparation, planting, and seeding on commer cial forest land is tabulated here. Natural seeding is not included. FY 1973 2 1,389 1,296 9,297 23,036 18,353 15,660 66 1 242 $137,337 $l!H .337 FOREST DEVELOPMENT - I District 25 9 8 56 16 118 Lakeview-------Burns---------- Vale--------- Prinevi11e----- Bake r---------- Sa1em--------- 118 Roseburg-------Medfor<i----..:---Coos Bay-------Oregon Total-- Eugene-----~--- () () '~l Spokane------ Ore-Wash Total MINOR FOREST PRODUCTS SALES FY 1973 Item and Unit Oregon: Christmas trees, each-------Wildings, each--------------Cascara bark, pounds--------Moss, pounds-~--------~----Huckleberry brush, bunches--Ferns, bunches---------_----Greens, bunches-------------Boughs , pounds--------------Cones, bushe1s--------------Pitch, gallOns----------Fue1wood, cords-------------Shingle bolts, cords-:-------Arrow stock, cords----------Corral poles, small & large poles, linear feet---------Split rails, each---------Posts, each-----------------Fence stays, each-----------Mine timbers, each----------Oregon Tota1------------Washington: Fue1wood, cords-------------Ore-Wash Total------------- guantit~ 911 968 8,175 1,250 11,460 7,738 900 25,558 12 55 4,109 645 13 73~354 565 35,661 12,255 1,336 Value $ 309 50 82 25 304 169 27 636 3 8 4,388 4,820 186 874 29 3,241 231 145 $15,527 $15,527 ~~): FY 1974 guantit~ ..li. 153,079 125 41,715 4,000 1,950 1,877 5 4,006 40 195 $33,952 10 10 $33,962 District to ':J \\' . Lakeview------- Burns---------- Va1e--------- Prinevi11e----- Bake r-------- Salem----------Eugene---------Roseburg-------Medford--------Coos Bay-------Oregon Tota1-Spokane-------- Ore-Wash Total " ..'. 1)' M Seedinfj Pounds Acres Seeds Planting Seeding Acres & Acres Trees 40 25 2,253 1,201 3,380 743 1,310 8,912 550 631 2-,595 4,946 2,904 7,303 2,021 31 600 20,814 550 631 4,946 3,454 7,303 2,021 31 600 21,364 2,595 20,814 8,912 550 631 21,364 391 604 1,415 185 40 -. FY 1974 ~. P1antinfj ') Value 2,172 $ 1,569 10 ·1 19,051 193 ' 7,300 146 262 7,870 10,426 275 1,020 32 95,758 3,559 54 516 15 100 8,705 12,240 1,687 9,333 25 150 Site Prep aration Acres Site Preparation Acres 327 1,524 1,044 342 P1antinfj Acres Seedinfj M Pounds Trees .Acres Seeds 2,:>66 2,652 4,120 1,146 2 1 161 12 ,645 90 180 3,237 4,716 4,548 8,801 2,597 5,054 25,716 90 180 3,237 25,716 12,645 90 180 ) 9 Planting & Seeding Acres 4,806 4,548 - 8,801 2,597 ~ 25,806 25,806 FOREST DEVELOPMENT - II FOREST DEVELOPMENT - III Reforestation treatments made for the purpose of protecting unestablished stands from animals, insects, and disease are tabulated under "Protection." Reforestation treatments made to release unestablished stands from com peting vegetation are tabulated under "Release." All acres reported are C01Dl!le rcial fores t land. District Protection Acres Lakeview-------- Burns----------- Vale----------Prineville------------ Baker----------- Sa1em--------- Eugene-----------Roseburg--------- Medford----------- Coos. B a y - - - - - - - - - Oregon Total-,.------ Release Acres Fertilization and thinning accomplishments on commercial forest land are tabulated below. The "Tree Improvement" column reports acres seeded or planted with genetically improved seed or seedlings. ''Tree Improvement" acres are included in the "Reforestation I" Table. Protection & Release Acres 2,386' 1,794 518 2,386 1,794 518 3,372 8,070 3,372 8,070 District Fertilization Acres Lakeview----- Burns------- Vale-- Prinevi1le----- Baker-------- Salem-------- Eugene------- Roseburg------ Medford----- Coos B a y - - - - Oregon Total---~ Tree Improvement Acres Thinning Prec01Dl!lercial Commercial Acres Acres 95 93' 186 1,645 4,913 1,955 157 1,548 10,592 475 200 203 200 1,078 39 665 Spokane------ Ore-Wash Total- Spokane------- Ore-Wash Total----- Protection District Protection Acres & Release Acres District Lakeview------------ Burns----------- Va1e Prinevi11e---------- Baker--------------- Salem----------- Eugene----------Roseburg--------- Medford--------- Coos Bay -----Oregon Total------Spokane-------- Ore-WaTih Total-.---- 4301/ 1.341 101 Release Acres 880-11 Lakeview-----Burns-------- Va1e--------- Prinevil1e------- Baker- Sa1em---------- Eugene--------- Roseburg------ Medford----- Coos Bay-----Oregon Tota1---- 880 31 2,718 2,680 2,718, 2,711 911 2,100 7,498 2,100 8,409 7,498 ';)J ---A..3P. 8.839 Spokane-------- Ore-Wash Tota1--- Acreage sprayed with DDT' for Douglas-fir Tussock moth control. .. 10 ,Jl '--. Fertilization Acres 'Ij ) Tree Improvement Acres Thinnins Prec01Dl!lercial Commercial Acres Acres 244 100 893 4,349 1,411 1,530 777 199 80 76 36 279 112 1,444 8,441 2,307 m 112 8,441 2,307 11 LIVESTOCK GRAZING TIMBER HARVEST ACREAGES Grazing use is tabulated for calendar year 1973 Acreages from which the timber sold in fiscal years 1973 and 1974 will be ha~sted. FY 1974 FY 1973 District C1earcut Acres Partialcut Acres C1earcut Acres District Partialcut . Acres 44 173 4 285 1,848 60 Eugene--------------Roseburg----------Medford--------'---Coos Bay--------~--Oregon Tota1---- 3,615 4,388 5,451 1,515 4,017 18,987 1,074 790 3,330 3,088 2,831 20,707 1,779 33,816 11 4.093 4,321 5,178 1,174 4,245 19,026 319 3,625 1,747 2,492 22,944 2,519 35,839 Spokane--------Ore-Wash Total----- 2 18,989 72 33,888 40 19,066 35,839 Lakeview------------Burns--------- Vale-------------- Prinevi11e----------Baker-------------- 1 Sa1e~--------------~ Lakeview Permits------------------ Leases-------------------Burns Permits------------------Leases-------------------Vale Permits------------------ Number Cattle & Horses Number She~p & Goats Acres 37,321 3,500 500 1,000 3,328,753 55,316 56,657 4,244 4.,780 4,000 3,324,757 179,245 73,648 11,200 4,691,017 17,735 4,900 1,500 1,104,971 279,412 19,189 21,821 5,848 6,538 380,712 35,268 Leases-----------~------- .) :J) Prineville Permits---------------- Leases-----------------Baker Permits------------------ Leases-------------------Salem Leases--:---------------- Eugene Leases-------------------Roseburg Leases-------------------Medford Leases-------------------Coos Bay Leases-----------------Oregon Tota1-------------- 98 255,180 Spokane Leases---------------Other Wash. 1eases-U ---- Ore-Wash Total---------- 10,150 .2,968 268,298 _v 50 142 307 22,001 2,310 1,026 42,859 13,400 1,700 425,700 1,384 13,871,537 5,700 6 43,798 225,011 7,965 14,104,513 Washington grazing lease lands administered by Baker District. Above figures do not include numbers authorized by Exchange of Use Agreement. Grazing use totals during calendar year 1972 were : ) 12 Oregon----------------- Washington----------------- Ore-Wash Tota1------------ Number Cattle & Horses Number Sheep & Goats 272,185 13,064 285,249 54,719 5,·706 60,425 13 Acres 13,848,441 232,274 14,080,715 FORAGE PROVIDED Number of livestock operators, permi ts and leases, and number of animal-unlt-menths of forage provided in calendar year 1973. Districts' Lakeview------------Burns---------------Vale----------------Prineville----------Baker---------------Salem---------------Eugene--------------- Number of Operators Number of Permits, Licenses & Leases Medford-------------Coos Bay------------Oregon Total------- 158 321 264 399 251 6 10 51 131 3 1,594 157,127 265,008 419,472 96,052 55,235 178 887 . 3,472, 24,100 490 1,022,021 Spokane-------------Other Wash l/-------Ore-Wash Total----- 409 23 2,056 418 23 2,035 32,509 l z000 1,055,530 _l/ . WILDLIFE HABITAT IMPROVEMENT FY 1974 . ' ,~7 Animal Unit Months 158 321 264 391 251 6 10 51 169 3 1,624 Roseburg-----------~- '): (() District Lakeview-------------Burtis--------------Vale-------------Prinevi11e-----------Baker----------------Sa1em------------ Eugene---------------Roseburg-------------Medford-------------- Coos Bay-------------Oregon Tota1-------- l ,I ,/) 0) ~!. . Spokane-------------- Ore-Wash Tota1----:-- 1,615 450 2,065 Fencing Miles 200 Water Development Number 10 6 5 200 20 75 6 6 200 100 395 11 22 200 395 11 22 " -s..':" 11 AQUATIC HABITAT IMPROVEMENT FY 1974 Forage provided in calendar year 1972 totaled: 1,626 434 2,060 Grass ILegume Seeding Acres Washington grazing lease lands administered by Baker District. Oregon-------------- Washington---------- Ore-Wash Total----- Brush Controi Acres 1,003,938 33 z 768 1,037,706 1/ . Spawning ]J 4/ Stream and/or Improved Lakes ana Clearance Rearing Area Fish Passage Fencing Reservoirs District Miles Miles Miles Acres Miles , Lakeview----10 1 2 1 Burns---------15 Vale--------Prinevi11e---- Baker---------8 _ 9 Salem-------1 Eugene--------Roseburg------ 1 Medford-------40 1 Coos Bay------3 20 16 15 Oregon Tota12" 21 64 - WILD HORSES AND BURROS PROTECTED Number of Horses District Lakeview---------------------- Burns--------------------------- Va1e---------------------------- Prineville-----------------------· Medford----------------------- Oregon Total-----------~------- -1,458 2,151 1,916 204 13 5,742 };,/ Number of Burros i I ''() --.., ti! ·t~·, .. Spokane------- Ore-Wash Total 27 1/1,058 6f these horses have been formally claimed by private - individuals. 14 \ J): 15 64 21 1/ Miles refer to number of streamc miles ) 2" where fish production will be increased by the projects. 2/ Removal of log and debris jams. 3/ Includes fish 'passage over waterfalls and dams and through culverts. if Includes new projects and improvement of existing water. 15 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION BIG GAME POPULATION ESTIMATES Major watershed conservation and range improvement jobs are tabulated here. Other accomplishments include preparation of watershed manage ment plans, soil stabilization, and water control. Big game animals which use lands managed by BLM (1974) District Pronghorn Antelope Lakeview-----Bums------ Vale-------Prineville-- Baker~--- Sa1em------ Eugene---- Roseburg---- Medford-----Coos Bay-----Oregon Total-Spokane----- Ore-Wash Total- Deer Elk Bighorn Mountain Black Goats . Bear Cougar Sheep 45,000 33,000 55,000 16,000 16,000 25,000 12,000 23,000 33,000 15,000 273,000 180 100 50 3,000 1,500 120 900 150 2,500 8,500 115 75 15~ 250 8,750 50 240 3,000 3,000 2,500 950 150 9,600 9,615 281,000 190 180 180 FY r 5 20 20 5 30 40 10 20 40 25 10 15 30 10 20 250 300 250 450 650 1,985 ill 80 2,065 15 230 1973 District Lakeview-------------Burns-------------- Vale-------------Prinevi11e--------- Baker-------------- Salem------------ Eugene------------ Roseburg-------- Brush Control Acres Grass Seeding Acres 1,200 8,200 1,226 2,350 20,640 340 f)))) J~D 'j ".). Spokane...:--------- Ore-Wash---------- Water' Development Number 3 31 25 23 14 29 6 6 6 2,400 8 11,800 930 700 26,186 79 11,800 26,186 84 -Medford--------~- Coos Bay--------- Oregon Total-----·- Fencing . Miles 1 73 5 " -.",'" FY 1974 District Lakeview-------------Burns------------- Grass Seeding 1/ Acres Brush Control Acres 5,100 12,433 11,140 450 2,100 9,000 Vale~--------------- :() ."-. Prineville---------Baker----------- Sa1em--------------- Eugene--------------- Roseburg----------- Medford------------- Coos Bay----------~- Oregon Total------ 460 27 18 43 6 11 11 12 59 1 21 1 105 Spokane---------- Ore-Wash. Total----- _1/ Water Fencing -., Development Miles ~ Number 32,023 3 108 1 106 Includes following acreages reseeded in emergency watershed re ha~ilitation projects on lands burned by wildfires: Lakeview--5,lOO;. Burns--11,183; Vale--11,140; Prinevi11e--240; Total--27.663 acres..•. ~ Includes 38.4 miles of protective fence built on emergency·p.pQjects to protect lands burned by wildfires: Vale--30.4 miles; Burns-8 mtles. 16 17 -1)~t . RECREATION SITES ,"" RECREATION SITES (Continued) ,~" The following table applies -to recreation sites constructed and operated as of 7-1-74 by the Bureau of Land Management. Development District ~el ~ Nane of Site Lakeview-- Gerber Reservoir Stan R. Spring Pothole Campsite Miller Creek Campsite Pitchlog Campsite Wildhorse Campsite Rim Campsite Basin Campsite Rock Creek Campsit~ Willow Valley RO\nld Valley Highway Well Rest Area S\nlstone Area Bums-- Page Spring Jackman Park Blitzen Crossing Fish Lake Chickahominy Big Bend Lone Pine Prineville- Beavertail Macks Canyon Chimney Rock Blue Hole Handicap Gateway Frog Spring Long Bend Stangland Island Nena Creek Wapinitia Creek South _J\nlction Redsides Whitehorse Rapids Davidson Gray Eagle Oasis Luelling Basalt Jones Canyon Oakbrook Rattlesnake Canyon Gert Twin Springs Lockit Dike 112 Homestead Site Dike 111- s1' X X X X X X X X X X X cry No.of Camping Units Trailers Usable Development District 1 X X X X XX 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 18 16 4 6 20 20 15 6 20 10 4 4 4 21 16 18 13 10 2 4- t)i ~ 0 ' f / 8 10 2 2 ) 33 1) "'"" 6 12 4 6 5 6 5 12 6 20 20 2 10 2 4 16 7 10 9 4 10 5 10 10 12 5 8 5 Nane of Site ~ Va1e--- Picnic Units 50 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 X ~l t}) -~ i I Hunter Springs Cow Lakes Chuckar Park Leslie Gulch Twin Springs Antelope Reservoir Sheep Rock Spring Castle Rock Bake~-Spring Denny Flat Bussar Diggins Salem----- Scaponia Little Bend Alder Glen N. Fork Eagle Creek Hill Creek Fishermen's Bend Canyon Creek Elkhorn Valiey Yellow Bottom Wildwood Dogwood Missouri Bend Alsea Falls Fan Creek Dovre Elk Bend Coast Creek Eugene-- Turner Creek Whit take r Creek Clay Creek Haight Creek Sharps Creek Lake Creek Roseburg-- Gunter Smith River Tyee Lone Rock Millpond Rock Creek Susan -Creek Falls Emile Creek Scared Man Creek Cavitt Creek Falls Wolf Creek Trail Medford---- Rogue River Trail Tucker Flat Cold Springs Shady Branch Gold Nugget j I Ii i No. of Camping Units Trailers Usable Picnic Units X X X 10 19 X 3 X X X X 2 X 10 X X X X X X X 4 4 X X X X 'l7 10 4 6 22 6 40 22 20 22 10 X X X X l6 12 9 l6 3 14 15 X 7 19 18 4 10 10 X X 5 9 7 X 11 16 10 16 X X X 10 8 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 12 8 4 4 X ! f)lJ<I B-.2/ C_~: 19 5 5 17 113 21 34 16 76 9 11 22 3 7 6 3 13 9 4 2 9 6 11 6 26 9 2 10 4 8 3 30 FIRE CONTROL RECREATION SITES (Continued) Development Le.ve l District Name of Site Deer Creek Little Applegate Tunnel Ridge Nine Mile Hyatt Lake Surveyor Topsy Elderberry Flat Kenney Meadows Battle Creek Salt Creek East Hyatt Lake West Hyatt Lake Coos Bay-- -Vincent Creek Smith River Ralls Loon Lake Fawn Creek Cherry Creek (Big Tree) Bear Creek Sixes River Park CreekBurnt Mountain Cabin East Shore-Loon Lake Palmer Butte Total-------------------- Medford- 11 21 11 ~ p,...1i ~ x X X X X X X X X X X X X No.of Camping Units i6 10 6 1 25 9 13 10 Trailers Usable Number of man-caused and lightning-caused fires, with acres burned on lands_managed by the Bureau of Land Management in Oregon and Washington. Fire control is by BLM in eastern Oregon and by contract in western Oregon and Washington. Picnic Units •. -10 4 6 6 8 5 5 X X X X X X X X X 8 83 4 71 4 17 19 12 8 19 12 4 4 961 401 Number Acres Lakeview-------------Burns--------------Va1e-----------------Prinevi11e-----------Baker----------------Sa1em----------------Eugene---------------Roseburg-------------Medford--------------Coos Bay-------------~ Oregon Tota1-------- 106 72 127 119 26 9 4 12 45 4 524 7,373.45 7,039.75 73,884.05 6,215.90 245.21 30.77 .31 93.55 2,032.54 23.44 96,938.97 Spokane--------------Ore-Wash Tota1------ 1 525 .01 96,938.98 District 60 2 2 X X 25 5 1 7 741 e)) CY 1973 CY 1972 0 Number ~ 90 31 28 65 5 8 7 19 66 4 323 734 13,547 84,409 301 377 203 99 767 562 8 101,007 323 101.007 ()> (C) - ~ Standard facilities not available. Most standani facilities available. All standard faci-litie s available. Causes of Fires CY 1972 ESTIMATED RECREATION VISITS TO BLM LANDS FY 1974 Use Acres Oregon 606,000 Camping--------------1,500,000 Picnicking---"----------- 899,000 Fishing-----------------616,000 Hunting---------~-----6,055,000 Sightseeing---------- 393,000 Water S p o r t s - - - - - - - - - - - 58,000 Wi'nter S p o r t s - - - - - - - 686,000 Other--------------- T o t a l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10,813,000 washington 5,000 28,000 22,000 21,000 67,000 19,000 3,000 19,000 184,000 ~'- CY 1973 District Man_ Lakevie~------------- Burns----------------Va1e----------------- Prinevi11e---------Baker----------------Sa1em----------------Eugene---------------Roseburg------------- Medford-------------- Coos Bay-------------Oregon Tota1------ 21 15 18 34 12 9 2 11 15 3 140 85 57 109 85 14 2 1 30 1 384 78 245 Spokane-------------- Ore-Wash Tota1------ 140 384 78 245 Lightning 20 21 Man 4 3 7 15 3 6 7 9 20 4 Lightning 86 28 21 50 2 2 10 46 ROAD RIGHT OF WAY PERMITS AND AGREEMENTS Right of way permits issued for logging and reciprocal right of way and road use agreements signed. District Permits Issued Total to FY 1974 6-30-74 Lakeview---------------Burns------------------- 1 7 Va1e------~----------~-- Prinevi11e-------------Baker------------------Sa1emr------------------ 12 10 10 31 Eugene~----------------- Roseburg---------------- Medford---~----------- Coos Bay---------------Spokane----------------Ore-Wash Tota1-------- 7 2 80 2 55 1 20 32 844 424 820 924 469 5 3.596 • RIGHTS OF WAY Right of way permits issued by the Oregon State Office durin g the Pi ast two fiscal years. (Does not include permits for logging n western Oregon.) road s Agreements Signed Total to FY 1974 6-30-74 4 1 1 1 1 1 4" Oregon ~, I I, Kind I I 3 304 108 247 194 70 FY 1973 Electric Transmission Lines-----______________ Telephone, Telegraph Lines-------____________ Communication Sites----Water Pipelines ~ Ditches,Etc.---_________________ -931 e) 0.. ~ Oil & Gas Pipelines----Roads, Highways, Material Sites-----'----_ Tota1-------____________ Washington FY 1974 22 7 3 12 3 9 4 9 50 FY 1973 FY 1974 4 4 3 2 3 6 28 "1 1 2 9" 'ROAD RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENTS AND DEEDS ACQUIRED District FY 1974 Eminent Direct Domain Purchase Lakeview-------------Burns----------------Va1e-----------------Prinevi11e-----------Baker----------------Sa1emr---------------Eugene---------------Roseburg-------------Medford--------------Coos Bay-------------Oregon Tota1-------Spokane--------------Ore-Wash Tota1------ 53 131 26 1 1 2 8 1 72 106 104 485 349 502 832 345 2,899 2 108 19 2,918 23 15 10 35 11 , Total to 6-30-74 ~ Direct Eminent'~ Purchase Domain t()~ ~ ROADS CONSTRUCTED Miles built with appropriated funds 1 4 1 40 26 50 62 13 197 District Lakeview---------______ _ Burns----------______ _ Vale-----------________ _ Prinevi11e------_____ _ Bake r-------------_____ _ Total, E.O.-------__ 0 Sa1emr---------______ _ Eugene---------______ _ Roseburg---------____ _ Medford----------______ _ Coos Bay----------_____ _ Total, W.O.----__ _ 197 ROADS MAINTAINED The Bureau of Land Management perfonred maintenance on 4,700 mil es. ( of permanent roads in western Oregon and 1,291 miles in eastern Oregon during FY 1974. FY 1974 0 Grand Total------__ _ Total to 6 30-74 Miles built under timber sale contracts Total to 6- 30-74 FY 1974 41 122 63 38 14 278 46 136 \; 152 79 413 17 24 147 76 130 197 196 746 53 50 69 174 51 397 605 1,096 1,321 2,542 945 6,509 24 1,024 397 6,922 7 23 - --;--F--"----;.. ----~------. •• MINERALS Washington Oregon FY Item Mineral Patents Issued----------Coal Leases Issued, acres-------Coal Leases In Force, acres-----Oil & Gas Leases Issued, acres--Oil & Gas Leases In Force, acresP.L. 167 Determinations, Completed, acres--------------Cumulative Determinations, acres-------------Claims Retaining Surface Rights, number---acres--- _11 Includes USFS and FY 1973 FY 1974 1973 1 5,403 5,403 521 380,529 224,368 1 282,456 50,201 3,195,512 17,449,542-11 3,145,311 157,412 , 101 2,020 101 2,020 157,412 6 120 120 o BLM «D" n ,.' 1 effect 6-30-74 No. Acres No. Acres Recreation & Public Purposes Act-Small Tract------------------Airport-------------------Mining Claim Occupancy Act----Public Works 1eases--------.-.Boy Scout Leases-------------Communication Site Leases------, Special Land Use Permits------Tota1--------------------- 47 32 2,406 43 4 372 11 1 1 1 36 4 1 1 1 1 79 176 220,354 223,217 11 12,936 13,596 18 659 Washington - Other Agency Reclamation Sale---------------National Forest Exchange------Indian Fee and Re-issue Trust---------------------New Indian Trust--------------Total - Other Agency----------- BIH------------ Ore-Wash Total 30 1 8 1 7 8,070 1974 Acres 32 40 (125)_11 41 7 600 7 15,548 5 22 8,662 1 4 8 3 16,261 2,135 2,139 1 2 5 '8 80 170 2,934 3,184 304 160 4 7,633 Confirmation Patents - (8)_21 (148,574}-'1I (9)_21 (105,919)_21 5 190 20 1 654 9' 5 7,653 School Lands Granted in Place--Pub li c Sale-------------------Total - BIH------------------ Kind 1 1 No. 40 539 Washington - BLM Recreation' & Public Purposes ActExchange---------------------- LAND LEASES Oregon Acres 1 '9 t-------------------- FY 10 Oregon - Other Agency Indian Fee, and Re-issue Trus Reclamation Sale--------------National Fares t Exchange-------Total - Other Agency------------ ~-! In No. Oregon - BLM Color of Tit1e---------------Homes tead---------------------Curative (Homestead)----------Desert Land---------------------Small Tract------------------Public Sa1e-----------------Recreation & Public Purposes ActExchange------------------------Mining Claim Occupancy Act-----Total - BLM-------------------- 521 6 FY 1973 Kind of Patent 1974 FY LAND PATENTS ISSUED 1,868 2 1 50 2 42 3,519 29 2,469 44 5,387 32 2,520 31 9,316 23 23,914 11 Curative patent issued to correct erroneous patent. 1 This figure not included in totals. !I eo Patents confirmed land previously granted to State. included in totals. 25 This figure not ,~ y LANDS CLASSIFIED FOR MULTIPLE USE MANAGEMENT IN OREGON & WASHINGTON as of June 30, 1974 Acres LANDS RECEIVED BY BLM FY 1974 FY 1973 Classified under PL 88-607, as of 9/19/64-----~ Classified under PL 75-405, O&C Act of 8/28/37------Total--------------------------Oregon: Di rect purchase-----------------Condemnation--------------------Exchanges--------------------Gifts-------------------------Reconveyance of Recreation and Public Purposes Act 1and------------Total Oregon----------------------Washington: Exchanges----~------------- Ore-Wash Tota1---------------~------ 8,303 3 26 16,984 255 9,156 80 17,093 598 PUBLIC LAND SURVEYS 6,098 23,191 160 9,316 1/ () WILD & SCENIC RIVERS LANDS ACQUIREDFY 1974 Rogue River, Oregon: Fee Title . Gifts-------------------------Dl rec t Purcha'Se--------------------Condemnation---------------------Total-----------~--------------- Total to 6-30-74 137 159 787 137 990 32 36 68 127 36 163 Foot Trail Direct Purchase----------------- 1 1 1! Miles of Line ResurveyedComers remonumented--Sections sUbdivided----Books of Field Notes..;--Plats Accepted------- - Oregon 370 442 10 24 21 Rogue River fee title land acquisitions in FY 1972 and FY 1973 were included in table "Lands Received by BLM." 26 Washington 182 5 2 Oregon Washington 342 8{l5 30 8 5 19 219 Work completed by the-Westem Field Office is not included. 44 Scenic Easements Direct Purchase--------------------Condemnation-------------------------Tota1---------------------------- FY 1974 FY 1973 Kind . 13,355,581 2,145,900 15,501,481 27 9 7 • Let's Clean UpAmerica For Our 200th Birthday Ma1.ntaining the quality of the environment is a big concern of the Bureau of Land Management. Aiding in the effort is Johnny Horizon, the symbolic outdoorsman who represents the thoughtful visitor to the public lands. Ris antilitter campaign was lalDlched by BLM in 1968, and has since become an Interior Department-wide program. The new Johnny Horizon involves Americans everywhere and has added .a new emphasis to the program. "Johnny Horizon '76" is a nation-wide. action-oriented environmental awareness campaign to "clean up American for our 200th birthday" through citizen involvement and government and industry support. o In Fiscal Year 1974 the Bureau of Land Management in Oregon and Washington continued to distribute Johnny Horizon educational materials to groups and students planning environmental projects and to recreationists using the national ~source lands. Also through BLH's cooperation with the Boy Scouts, the American Revolution Bicentennial CommiSSiOn, and Stop Oregon Litter and Vandalism, Johnny Horizon haJ continued to spread his message to concerned citizens in the Northwest. I I 28 A~s .the Nct,t,i,on'd pn,i.nc.i.pa,e cvruseJcva,t,~on agency, .the ~eperh,i~nerr.t o~ ~the In,te~r,Lon hws ba,dtic ne~r~ows~.- ~ b-i,P.i.t,t:e~s ~on uxr,teJz, .eand, m~.ne~ca.e, ~-i~sh, w.i.ec~i~e, Sone.~ z, ~tng e, and xec~cecr.t.i.o ►1a,e he~s awr.cvs . I nc~i.an anc( T e~vu.ton,i,c~.,Q Q~}~~,i~r~ c~e a~theJc mctjon concQJcrr~ a~ Ame~,ica' ~"Depah,imen,t o~ Na,twca,e Re~ourcce~s ," ~ The De~cuc,~nen,t wonh~s .to a„aew~e ~the w.i,se~s~t cha~.ce ~.n manag~.ng a.P~ ne~sawc,ce~ av each w.i,Q.Q mafze .i,t~ ~u.~.e con,t~c.i,bu,ti,on .to a be,t,te~c U►~,i,ted S.ta,te~s -- naw and ~n -the ~u.t,cv~e, u. s, o~~urMevr oF n~ ~~ WREAU Of LAND MANAOEMENT ~ ~ ~1~
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