Clinical Science (1995) 89, 505-510 (Printed in Great Britain) 505 Clinical remission is associated with restoration of normal high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in children with malignancies Sandra DESSi. Barbara BATETIA, Ornella SPANO, Francesca SANNA, Mauro TONELLO*, Mareva GIACCHINO*, Luciana TESSITOREt, Paola COSTELLlt, Francesco M. BACCINOt:\:, Enrico MADON* and Paolo PANI Dipartimento di Patologia Sperimentale, Universita di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy, */stituto di Discipline Pediatriche, Clinica Pediatrica III, Torino, Italy, tDipartimento di Medicina ed Oncologia Sperimentale, Sezione di Patologia Generale, Universita di Torino, Torino, Italy, and tCentro CNR di Immunogenetica ed Oncologia Sperimentale, Torino, Italy (Received 20 January/5 July 1995; accepted 3 August 1995) 1. Serum lipids and lipoprotein profiles were determined in children affected by different types of malignancies (Ieukaemias or lymphomas and solid tumours) both before any treatment and after remission of the disease following chemical or surgical therapy. 2. At the time of diagnosis, children bearing tumours showed hypertriglyceridaemia and reduced concentrations of plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, the decrease being particularly prominent in patients with haematological tumours. Children bearing solid tumours displayed an increase of total cholesterol, while those with haematological cancer showed decreased pbospholipid levels; low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in neoplastic patients was not significantly different from control values. High triacylglycerol and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were also evident in cancer patients divided according to age into three groups (6-5, 6-10 and 11-15years) when compared with age-matched control subjects. Similarly, bigh triacylglycerol and low high-density lipoprotein cbolesterol levels were also observed in both male and female children when patients were divided according to sex and compared with corresponding controls. 3. Clinical remission after therapy was accompanied by an increase of bigb-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels compared with values observed at diagnosis. In contrast, post-treatment levels of triacylglycerol were higher than those observed before therapy. These results support the hypothesis that alterations of highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol levels may be related, at least in part, to the rate of tumour growth, while modifications of triacylglycerol levels may be mediated by different mechanisms. INTRODUCTION Alterations of cholesterol metabolism, including increased cholesterol synthesis and accumulation of cholesterol esters in tumour tissues associated with a decrease of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in serum, were previously observed in our laboratories in different experimental models of neoplastic cell proliferation [1, 2] as well as in different types of human neoplasms, including haematological malignancies [3, 4]) and solid tumours [5, 6]. In our studies, changes in other serum lipid parameters, including total cholesterol (TC), lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triacylglycerols (TAG) and phospholipids (PL), are not consistent and appear to be species-specific and dependent on the histological type and/or tumour grade [1-6]. Therefore, it is possible that modifications of HDL metabolism during tumour growth may be regulated by different mechanisms from those involved in the observed changes in other serum lipid parameters. Despite the fact that low HDL-C levels seem to represent a common feature during tumour growth, the mechanisms involved in this change are currently unclear. Low HDL-C could be a consequence of alterations in intracellular cholesterol metabolism that accompany tumour growth. Human HDLs are involved in maintaining normal cell cholesterol homoeostasis by promoting the effiux of excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver for reutilization Or excretion into bile [7]. Thus, it could be supposed that, during tumour growth, the effiux of cholesterol mediated by HDL is decreased, presumably to prevent loss of intracellular cholesterol pools which are needed for the assembling of Key words: cholesterol metabolism, high-density lipoproteins, paediatric tumours. Abbreviations: HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; PL, phospholipid; TAG, triacylglycerol; TC, total cholesterol. Correspondence: Prof. Sandra Dessi, Dipartimento di Patologia Sperimentale, Via Porcell, 4, 09124 Cagliari, Italy. 506 S. Dessi et al. new membranes. However, since precursor particles of HDL are thought to derive from lipolysis of TAG-rich lipoproteins, a reduced production of HDL precursor particles due to decreased lipoprotein lipase activity [7] in tumour host is another possibility that must be considered. Data in the literature suggest that low HDL-C concentrations are indicative of a condition of active cell proliferation, either normal or neoplastic [3, 8, 9]. Alterations of lipid and, particularly, of cholesterol metabolism, are frequently observed during cancer growth. Their evaluation as a means to detect the presence of an early developing tumour has also been considered [cf. 10]. Moreover, it has been previously demonstrated that the severity of the disease is inversely correlated with the HDL-C levels [3, 6]. The aim of the present work was to evaluate whether HDL-C levels are also altered in paediatric cancer patients and whether any correlation exists with the clinical remission of the disease. surgical treatment. Patients were not receiving any chemotherapy at the time of the second sampling. Blood was collected from all children after an overnight fasting, then centrifuged within 2 hand the serum was stored at - 20°C until analysed. Determination of plasma constituents Albumin and prealbumin were separated electrophoretically and quantified following standard laboratory procedures. Circulating insulin was determined using the insulin radioimmunoassay kit (Corning, Medfield, MA, U.S.A.). Determination of serum lipids PATIENTS AND METHODS HDL-C was measured in the serum after removal of very-low-density lipoprotein and LDL by phosphotungstic acid and magnesium chloride [cf. 11]. The concentrations of TC, HDL-C, TAG and PL were determined enzymically using test kits from Boehringer (Mannheim, Germany). LDL-C levels were calculated using the following standard formula: LDL-C = TC - HDL-C -(TAGj5). Subjects Statistical analysis The study was conducted on 57 children (27 males), aged between 2 and 15 years, affected by different types of malignancies and admitted to the Regina Margherita Hospital, Istituto di Discipline Pediatriche, Clinica Pediatrica III, Torino, Italy. The study protocol was not submitted to the Regional Ethical Committee as this was not necessary, according to the Italian rules concerning noninvasive experiments on human beings. There were 32 children affected by haematological neoplasms: 21 with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (nine males), four with B-lymphoma (two males), three with acute non-lymphatic leukaemia (one male), two with Tlymphoma (one male), one with Burkitt's lymphoma (male) and one with Hodgkin's disease (female). The other 25 patients were solid-tumour bearers: nine with osteosarcoma (four males), five with neuroblastoma (four males), three with cerebral tumours (two males), three with Ewing's sarcoma (one male), two with medulloblastoma (one male), two with primary neuroectodermal tumour (one male) and one with Wilms' tumour (female). A group of 30 children (21 males), aged 0-15 years, admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis other than cancer or metabolic disease was used as a control. At the time of sampling, all children were free of drugs known to affect lipid metabolism. Since sex and age may induce modifications in lipid fractions, control subjects and cancer patients were subdivided according to sex and into three age-groups (0-5 years, 6IOyears and 11--15 years). Twenty of the 57 cancer patients (13 with haematological malignancies and 7 with solid tumours) were also examined at the time of clinical remission, i.e. about 4 or 5 months after chemotherapy or Statistical significance was calculated by using the Student's t-test. Paired t-test was applied to compare results in the group of children analysed both at diagnosis and when the clinical remission of the disease was obtained. RESULTS At the time the study was undertaken, no children in either cancer or control groups showed any clinical sign of cachexia nor was undernourished, as routinely assessed in the hospital. Levels of albumin and prealbumin were within the normal range (albumin: 3.5-4.5 gjdl; prealbumin: 13-35 mgjdl). As shown in Table 1, TC and LDL-C levels were not different between control subjects and tumour hosts. When patients were divided according to the type of tumour (solid or haematological), no differences were observed for LDL-C between cancer patients and control subjects, while TC was significantly increased in children bearing solid tumours compared with control subjects. Serum TAG levels were increased in cancer patients, the difference being significant for both children with haematological and solid tumours compared with control subjects (Table 1). Interestingly, high insulin plasma levels were observed in these patients (24.2 ± 3.55 fl-unitsjml, normal value < 15fl-unitsjml). This is suggestive of an increased peripheral insulin resistance, which could contribute, at least in part, to the observed hypertriglyceridaemia. In children with leukaemia or lymphoma, decreased concentrations of PL were also observed (Table 1). High-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in children with tumours 507 Table I. Total cholesterol (TC), LDL-C, HDL-C, TAG and PL plasma levels in cancer-bearing children. Values are means ± SEM. Statistical significance: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 compared with control subjects; tP < 0.05 compared with haematological tumours. TC (mg/dl) LDL-C (mg/dl) HDL-C (mg/dl) HDl-C (% of TC) Controls 30 138±9 91±6 42±2 30±1 85H 245±7 57 32 25 157±68 150±9 166±8* 103±5 99±8 108±8 28±2** 25 ±2** 33 +3*t 19± 1** 17± 1** 21 +2* 144±13** 158 ± 18** 125+16* 211 ±12 200± 14* 224+20 o o o ** Controls ~Tumours 200 * l4 l;r ;J;; I .:r ~ 100 <3 -, 50 • -, -, ;r ," 0, '0 20 ~ " , 0 -, ::I: -, o -, 1)...5 (",,10 -, o 1)...5 u ...!. o 10 '-, ,:r -,',1 ~ 8' 30 * ::: J' Controls Tumours I .J * oS PL (mg/dl) Tumours All Haematological Solid 250 ~ 150 TAG (mg/dl) "'" (",,10 11-15 1)...5 (",,10 11-15 1)...5 (",,10 11-15 1)...5 (",,10 11-15 Age (years) 11-15 o Fig. 2. HDL-C levels in cancer-bearing children divided according to age. Each value is mean±SEM. Control subjects: 1)...5years (12), (",,1 0years (10), 11-15 years (8). Patients: 1)...5years (17), (,...IOyears (24), 1I-15years (16). Statistical significance: *p < 0.0 I compared with age-matched control subjects. '-----y----J '-----y----J '-----y----J '-----y----J TC LDL-C TAG PL Fig. I. TC, LDL-C, TAG and PL levels in cancer-bearing children divided according to age. Each value is mean ± SEM. Control subjects: 1)...5years (11), (,...IOyears (10), 11-I5years (8). Patients: 1)...5years (17), (,...IOyears (24), 1I-15years (16). Statistical significance: *p <0.01 compared with age-matched control subjects The HDL-C levels were reduced in cancer patients and, in addition, were significantly lower in children with haematological tumours compared with patients bearing solid tumours. The reduction in HDL-C was even more evident when values were expressed as percentages of TC (Table 1). When control subjects were divided according to age, no significant differences in plasma lipid parameters were observed between age groups, except for PL levels which increased significantly in children aged 6-10 years compared with those aged ~5 years. (Fig. 1). These results are in agreement with those reported for a general age-matched Italian population of healthy children [11]. A significant increase of TAG and a concomitant decrease in HDL-C was observed in all age groups of cancer patients when compared with age-matched control subjects (Figs 1 and 2). This difference persisted when patients were analysed according to sex (Figs. 3 and 4). No significant changes in other lipid parameters were observed between cancer and control groups (Fig. 1). When patients were divided according to sex, no significant differences were found in any of the lipid parameters studied in the control group (Fig. 3); this is in agreement with previously published data [11]. Similarly no alterations in these parameters were (",,10 11-15 1)...5 Age (years) 250 o 200 !'" 150 5 <3'" 100 Controls ~Tumours 50 0 TC LDL-C TG PL rc LDL-C TG PL '----y v ----) Male Female Fig. 1 TC, LDL-C, TAG and PL levels in cancer-bearing children divided according to sex. Each value is mean ± SEM. Statistical significance: *p < 0.0 I compared with corresponding control, **p < 0.01 compared with male cancer-bearing children. detected when female and male cancer patients were compared, except for a significant decrease in both TC and LDL-C in female patients (Fig. 3). Table 2 shows the levels of TC, LDL-C and PL in 20 children studied both at diagnosis and at the time of clinical remission of the disease. No changes in these parameters were observed between the two time points considered. However, an increase in both HDL-C levels and in percentage HDL-CjTC, was evident in children achieving remission from S. Dessi et al. 508 DCont ros I DTumours lI 40 * 40 * rl- 30 ~ ~, g- 20 ~ ~ 10 o I o Male Female Male Female Fig. 4. HDL-C levels in cancer-bearing childrendivided according to sex. Each value is mean ±SEM. Statistical significance: *P<O.OI compared with corresponding control. Table 2. Total cholesterol (TC), LDL-C and PL levels in childrenat diagnosis and in remission of disease. Values are means ± SEM. Diagnosis Remission 20 20 TC (mgjdl) LDL-C (mgjdl) PL (mgjdl) ISHII 164±10 10HI0 91 ± 10 236±17 19S±26 disease (Table 3). In contrast, TAG levels at remission were higher than those observed before treatment (Table 3). DISCUSSION The results shown in the present study confirm that, in paediatric neoplastic patients, alterations of lipid metabolism are already detectable at the time of diagnosis, as previously demonstrated in adult cancer hosts [3, 5, 6]. In particular, low HDL-C levels together with hypertriglyceridaemia were the most prominent features, being consistently present in all cancer patients studied, either considered as a group or divided according to age, sex or type of neoplasm. An increase in serum TAG associated with a reduction of HDL-C has previously been observed in both leukaemia and lymphoma adult patients [12, 13]. It has been suggested that low HDL-C concentrations may be secondary to a decreased TAG clearance from plasma, a mechanism which could also contribute to hypertriglyceridaemia [14, 15]. Precursor particles of HDL have in fact been reported to derive from lipolysis of TAG-rich lipoproteins via lipoprotein lipase activity [7], and a deficiency of this enzymic activity has been involved in the development of hypertriglyceridaemia observed in both experimental and human tumours [14-16]. However, reduced levels of HDL-C are not constantly accompanied by hypertriglyceridaemia in cancer patients [3, 5, 6, 17], suggesting that an impairment of lipolysis of TAG-rich lipoproteins by lipoprotein lipase is not the only factor responsible for the altered HDL metabolism in these patients. Consistent with this hypothesis is the observation that tumour-bearing rats treated with antibodies against tumour necrosis factor, a cytokine which inhibits lipoprotein lipase activity [18], show a partial normalization of TAG levels and of lipoprotein lipase activity while HDL-C levels remain low [15, 19]. In the present study we also found that patients with haematological neoplasms, which are known to have cell turnover rates relatively higher than solid tumours, also exhibit lower HDL-C levels. These observations, together with previous data from our laboratory [3, 5, 6], support the hypothesis that the reduced HDL-C concentrations are, at least in part, related to the rate of cell proliferation. It is well known that the growth of tissues, including tumour tissues, imposes the need for additional cholesterol availability to support membrane biosynthesis. Alterations of intracellular cholesterol metabolism in tumour tissues include increased cholesterol synthesis and accumulation of cholesterol esters [1-6, 19]. A major function of HDL is to remove excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues [7]. Since in tumour cells, free cholesterol is preferentially diverted to storage as cholesterol esters [2], it is conceivable that, during rapid tumour growth, because of the increased demand in the cells, the efflux of cholesterol is reduced. This fact could well result in a reduction of the circulating levels of HDL-C. Many studies in vitro support this conclusion. Exposure to HDL results in a net efflux of cholesterol from various types of cultured cells [20, 21], this efflux being partially blocked in rapidly proliferating cells and in transformed cell lines [22, 23]. Furthermore, Oram et al. [24] have demonstrated that HDL binds to cell surface receptors and promotes selective removal of excess cholesterol from the intracellular pool. The activity of these receptors is dependent on both the availability of exogenous cholesterol and the growth state of cells. Treatment of quiescent cells with serum growth factors suppresses both HDL receptor activity and HDL-mediated efflux [25], while the opposite effect is observed when cells are treated with growth inhibitors [26]. Recently, a direct role of HDL levels in the proliferative response of cells in vitro has also been proposed [27-29]. Lowering HDL concentrations in the culture medium was found to result in a stimulatory effect on DNA synthesis in the cells [30]. In this study, the observation that normal levels of HDL-C are restored when clinical remission of the disease is achieved further supports the existence of a relationship between low HDL-C and the proliferative rate of tissues. To better clarify the mechanisms responsible for cholesterol modifications during tumour growth, we are currently investigating the rate of cholesterol synthesis, esterification and efflux from the cells as well as regulation of LDL and HDL receptors and High-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in children with tumours 509 Table 3. HDL-C and plasma TAG levels in children at diagnosis and in remission of disease. Abbreviation: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Statistical significance: *p < 0.01, **p < 0.05 compared with values at diagnosis. Patient Diagnosis Sex and age in years I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma Cerebral tumour Cerebral tumour M/8 MilS M/3 FII2 M/12 F/IO M/7 FI5 F/7 F/5 F/7 M/9 F/3 F/8 F/13 F/9 MilO MilO M/6 Mill Mean ±SEM HDL-C (mg/dl) HDL-C (% of TC) TAG (mg/dl) Diagnosis Remission Diagnosis Remission Diagnosis Remission 25 48 24 9 44 19 14 57 52 37 27 48 24 21 42 24 28 43 27 22 53 72 40 50 II 18 19 II 16 15 9 30 16 16 20 3 16 21 38 41 58 82 77 167 174 124 218 105 102 113 99 44 184 140 81 101 56 76 81 55 50 224 55 183 326 232 113 129 91 140 27 15 26 26 25 26 21 17 30 18 15 28 18 18 30 19 11 23 45 36 30 35 35 25 41 ±3* IH2 2H2* 107±10 149 ± 15** 23 24 23 21 3 23 37 55 41 48 33 39 40 29±3 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase gene expression in mononuclear blood cells from healthy individuals and leukaemic patients. 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