DERIVATIONAL AFFIXES FOUND IN THE SECRET GARDEN NOVEL WRITTEN BY FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT ADAPTED BY CLARE WEST By: AYU TRIANA DEWI NIM 200932279 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY MURIA KUDUS UNIVERSITY 2014 i ii DERIVATIONAL AFFIXES FOUND IN THE SECRET GARDEN NOVEL WRITTEN BY FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT ADAPTED BY CLARE WEST SKRIPSI Presented to the University of Muria Kudus In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Completing the Sarjana Program in the Department of English Education By: AYU TRIANA DEWI NIM 200932279 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY MURIA KUDUS UNIVERSITY 2014 iii MOTTO Success is not a final and failure is not an initial. Learn from the mistakes in the past, try by using a differrent way, and always hope for a successful future. When you have never made a mistake, it means you have not tried anything. DEDICATION 1. To my beloved parents, Sugeng Priyanto, S.Pd and Mashartini, and for my beloved brothers and sister, Yudha, Bimo, and hanik, thank you for loving me. 2. To my beloved fiance, Agustiar Riandi Taufik, who has given me wonderful days by his motivation and love. 3. To all of my friends in Muria Kudus University. iv v vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bismillahirrahmanirrakhim Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, I would like to acknowledge my countless thanks to the most gracious and the most merciful, Allah SWT who always gives me all best of this life and there is no doubt about it. Sholawat and salam is also sent to our prophet Muhammad SAW and his family. This research is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing the S-1 degree at the English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muria Kudus University. In arranging this research, a lot of people have provided motivation, support, advice, and even critic that had helped me to finish this research. I aim to express my gratitude and appreciation to all of them. 1. Dr. Drs. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd as the dean of English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muria Kudus University. 2. Diah Kurniati, S.Pd, M.Pd the head of English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muria Kudus University. 3. Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd my first advisor who has given advice, motivation, suggestion and correction. 4. Aisyah Ririn P U, SS, M.Pd my second advisor who has helped me patiently finishing my research by her guidance and though her discipline. 5. For all my lecturers in English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muria Kudus University for their motivations, advices, suggestions, critics, and useful knowledge to arranging this research. vii 6. My beloved family, Dad and Mom, Sugeng Priyanto, S.Pd and Mashartini for giving me good times and hard times too so I can stand here as myself today. Next, for my beloved brothers and sister, Yudha, Bimo, and hanik, thank you for loving me. 7. My lovely thanks are due to my beloved fiance, Agustiar Riandi Taufik, who has given me wonderful days by his motivation and love, who has given me everything to make me smile and become a stronger woman. 8. And thanks to all my friends in English Education Department who cannot be mentioned here one by one, particularly to my beloved friends, Franco, Frannix, Orus, Zakki, Nana, Edi, Sukron, Khulya, Lisa, Siska, and Aini for cheerful days, togetherness, their pray, motivation, and for being places to share. 9. And then for wonderful girls in my boarding house, Tammy, Ratna, Rahma, and Atul, thank you for your cheerful days and your motivation. Finally, may Allah always bless us eternally, Aamiin. Kudus, February 2014 The Writer viii ABSTRACT Triana Dewi. Ayu. 2014. Derivational Affixes Found in the Secret Garden Novel Written by Frances Hodgson Burnett Adapted by Clare West. Skripsi.English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisor: (1) Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd (2) Aisyah Ririn PU, S.S, M.Pd Key words: Derivational, Affixes, Secret Garden Novel. Language is a system of communication that is produced by speech organ which has particular meaning. Talk about language it is related to something that we used to communicate, it is Vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the important English components because without understand it well, the students will get difficulties in studying English. Study about language and vocabulary; there is one subject which gives an important contribution for English teaching called Morphology. There are many modern English’s theories describe what is morphology. Most of them concluded that morphology is study of morpheme. In studying morpheme we also know a term that called derivational affixes which is mostly important. Affixes as a component of written language can be found in most of written product, but people, especially students, hardly pay attention to affixes. Meanwhile, affixes are an important part of word that can change the meaning of a root/ base. The objectives of this research is to describe the types of derivational affixes and the interpretation of it’s meaning. This research is in domain of qualitative research. Qualitative research is a research that produces descriptive data, speech or word and behavior that can be observed by the subject itself. This research is accumulation of basic data in descriptive way, not explains about correlation or hypothesis testing. Secret Garden novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett is as the data source of this research, and I use several steps to analyze this novel by doing this following steps; reading Secret Garden novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett carefully, identifying all words, analyzing them, describing the kind, classifying the sum, and interpreting the words. The result of the analysis of Derivational affixes in the Secret Garden Novel by Frances Hodgson Burnet are –ful (24), -ish (3), -ent (3), -ly (109), -ous (2), -man (1), tion (3), -er (21), -y (18), -ness (5), -al (1), -en (2), -able (3), -ache (1), -est (3) as prefix, while un- (2), in- (2), a- (4), en- (4), to- (2), al- (1), re (1), dish- (1) as suffix, and dis-...-able (10), un-...-ly (4), dis-...-ed (1), un-...-able (1), im-...-ly (2), un-...-en (1), un-...-ness (1), un-...-ing (1) as multifix. It show that prefix that is used most in the Secret Garden Novel by Frances Hodgson is –ly. Meanwhile the interpretation of words which are attached by derivational affixes depends on the contex of the sentence. Based on the result of the research above, it is expected that the readers should be more aware in learning derivational affixes. Even the lecturers should use appropiate teaching media to give explanation about affixes by using a novel. Because as we know that analyzing affixes in the novel will be more useful to the students because it is something they like and they can enjoy what they read. ix ABSTRAK Triana Dewi. Ayu. 2014. Derivational Affixes Found in the Secret Garden Novel Written by Frances Hodgson Burnett Adapted by Clare West. Skripsi. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muria Kudus. Pembimbing: (1) Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd (2) Aisyah Ririn PU, S.S, M.Pd Kata kunci: Derivational, Imbuhan, Novel Secret Garden Bahasa adalah satu system komunikasi yang dihasilkan oleh perangkat suara yang mana punya arti tertentu. Membicarakan tentang bahasa ini berhubungan erat dengan sesuatu yang kita pergunakan untuk berkomunikasi, yaitu vocabulary. Vocabulary adalah salah satu komponen Bahasa Inggris yang penting karena tanpa memahami unsur ini, murid akan memperoleh kesulitan untuk mempelajari bahasa inggris. Belajar Mengenai bahasa dan kosa kata (vocabulary), ada satu subyek yang memberikan satu kontribusi penting untuk pengajaran Bahasa Inggris yang disebut morphology. Ada banyak teori bahasa Inggris modern mendeskripsikan apa itu morphology. Kebanyakan dari mereka menyimpulkan bahwa morphology adalah pembahasan dari morfem. Di dalam mempelajari morfem kita juga mengetahui satu hal yang sangat penting yang disebut derivational affixes. Affixes sebagai satu komponen bahasa tertulisan dan dapat ditemukan di kebanyakan dari produk tertulis, tapi orangorang, terutama murid, sangat sulit memahami apa itu affixes. Sedangkan, affixes adalah salah satu bagian terpenting dari kata itu yang dapat mengganti makna dari kata dasarnya. Obyektif dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan jenis dari derivational affixes dan penafsiran dari makna kata itu sendiri. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam lingkup penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah salah satu penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif, suara atau kata dan perilaku yang dapat diamati oleh pokok materi itu sendiri. Penelitian ini adalah akumulasi dari data dasar pada cara deskriptif, tidak menjelaskan korelasi sekitar atau pengujian hipotesis. Novel Secret Garden ditulis oleh Frances Hodgson Burnett adalah sebagai sumber data dari penelitian ini, dan saya mempergunakan beberapa tahapan untuk meneliti novel ini dengan melakukan langkah sebagai berikut; membaca novel Secret Garden yang ditulis oleh Frances Hodgson Burnett dengan cermat , mengidentifikasi semua kata , meneliti mereka , mendeskripsikan dengan cermat , menjumlahkan tiap jenis, dan menafsirkan arti katanya. Hasil analisa dari Derivational affixes pada novel Secret Garden oleh Frances Hodgson Burnet adalah–ful (24), -ish (3), -ent (3), -ly (109), -ous (2), -man (1), -tion (3), -er (21), -y (18), -ness (5), -al (1), -en (2), -able (3), -ache (1), -est (3) sebagai prefix, sedangkan un- (2), in- (2), a- (4), en- (4), to- (2), al- (1), re (1), dish- (1) sebagai suffix, dan dis-...-able (10), un-...-ly (4), dis-...-ed (1), un-...-able (1), im-...-ly (2), un...-en (1), un-...-ness (1), un-...-ing (1) sebagai multifix. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa prefix yang kebanyakan dipakai dalam novel Secret Garden yang dikarang oleh Frances Hodgson Burnett adalah prefix -ly. Sedangkan penafsiran dari perkataan itu yang mengandung unsur derivational affixes tergantunge pada kontex dari kalimat. Berlandaskan hasil dari penelitian di atas, pembaca diharapkan harus lebih sadar akan pembelajaran mengenai derivational affixes. Bahkan para pengajar harus x menggunakan media pembelajaran yang sesuai untuk memberikan pelajaran mengenai affixes dengan menggunakan novel. Karena seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa menganalisis affixes (imbuhan) dalam novel akan lebih berguna untuk siswa karena merupakan sesuatu yang mereka suka dan mereka juga dapat menikmati apa yang mereka baca. xi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page COVER.......................................................................................................... LOGO ........................................................................................................... TITLE............................................................................................................ MOTO AND DEDICATION....................................................................... ADVISORS’ APPROVAL........................................................................... EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL ....................................................................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS......................................................................... ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. ABSTRAK..................................................................................................... TABLE OF CONTENT .............................................................................. LIST OF TABLE ......................................................................................... i ii iii iv v vi vii ix x xii xv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ..................................................................... 1 1.2 Statement of the Problems ................................................................... 4 1.3 Objective of the Study ......................................................................... 4 1.4 Significance of the Study..................................................................... 4 1.5 Limitation of the Study ........................................................................ 5 1.6 Operational Definition ........................................................................ 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW TO RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Language ............................................................................................. 6 2.2 Morphology ......................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 Definition of Morphology ................................................................... 7 2.3 Morpheme .......................................................................................... 8 2.3.1 Types of Morpheme .......................................................................... 8 2.4 Affixes ................................................................................................ 11 2.4.1 Definition of Affixes ........................................................................... 11 xii 2.4.2 Types of Affixes ................................................................................. 12 Types of Affixes Based On the Position of Additional Affix ............ 12 Types od Affixes Based On Change of the Word Class .................... 13 Inflectional Affixes....................................................................... 13 Derivational Affixes ..................................................................... 15 of Derivational Affixes ................................................ 15 of Derivational Affixes .......................................... 16 2.5 New Words ......................................................................................... 17 2.6 Word’s Classification .......................................................................... 18 2.7 Secret Garden Novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Published by Oxford University Press .................................................................... 19 2.8 Review of Previous Research ............................................................ 21 2.9 Theoritical Framework ...................................................................... 22 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Design of the Research ....................................................................... 23 3.2 Data and Data Source ........................................................................ 24 3.3 Data Collection ................................................................................... 24 3.4 Data Analysis ....................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS OF THE RESEARCH 4.1 Derivational Affixes ............................................................................ 27 4.2 Word’s Classification ......................................................................... 51 CHAPTER V DISCUSSION 5.1 Derivational Affixes in the Secret Garden Novel Written by xiii Frances Hodgson Burnett..................................................................... 71 5.2 The Word’s Classification Of Derivational Affixes in the Secret Garden Novel Written by Frances Hodgson Burnett........................................ 72 CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 6.1 Conclusion........................................................................................... 76 6.2 Suggestion............................................................................................ 77 REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 78 APPENDICES ............................................................................................. STATEMENT .............................................................................................. CURRICULUM VITAE ............................................................................. xiv LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2.3.1 Four Main Categories of Morpheme ................................................... 9 Kinds of Inflectional Affixes ...................................................... 14 2.5 The Example of New Word ................................................................ 18 2.6 Example of Derivational Paradigm .................................................... 18 4.1 Derivational Affixes ........................................................................... 28 4.2 Word’s Classification ......................................................................... 52 5.1 The Number of Affixes’s type ............................................................ 71 5.2 The Word’s Classification of Derivational Affixes in the Secret Garden Novel ................................................................... 73 15
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