Supplied Activities At the Hospital is the active service of Transfusion Medicine , function provided by the Department of Area Vasta Udinese relating to the Company the University Hospital of Udine. The functional Transfusion Service essentially performs the following functions: • ensures that patients admitted on-site availability of blood and blood components, supporting clinicians on the issues of appropriateness and safety of blood transfusions; • performs the task of collecting whole blood, plasma and platelets from volunteer donors; • performs blood lettings from Monday to Thursday from 11.00am to 12.00am prior appointment; • taking of a blood sample for “sierocollirio” on Tuesday at 10.30am prior appointment. For more information please contact the secretariat. How to reach blood transfusion medicine: Entrance from the parking lot P1 Corpo A - Piano interrato “Body A - Basement” Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region Azienda per l’Assistenza Sanitaria n.2 “Bassa Friulana - Isontina” WELFARE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSFUSION MEDICINE WIDE AREA OF UDINE TRANSFUSION MEDICINE OF PALMANOVA The company ensures the protection of citizens wishing to lodge a complaint, a proposal, a remark, a praise in respect of services or health services provided. For this purpose, specific management procedures have been established to exercise this right, you can use the report forms present in the appropriate boxes placed in health facilities and/or download them from the company Web For any clarification, please contact the Secretariat of the service/section, the Hospital Management or the Public Relations Office Public Relations Office Phone nr: 0432/921444 E-mail: [email protected] Via Natisone – Jalmicco PALMANOVA Body A - Basement Secretariat phone nr. 0432-921262 from 11.00am to 1.00pm January edition, 2017 The gift of blood is an open and free gesture, by one person to another Requirements to become donors No special or physical skills are needed to be donor, nor courage, since a donation gesture is completely painless and harmless and it produces no negative effect on the organism. The donor must be a healthy person, in good health conditions, of a weight of not less than 50 kilograms, between the ages of 18 and 65 years (60 years at the first donation). Pregnancy represents an element of a temporary unfitness, up to one year after childbirth. The whole blood donation can be repeated not before expiry period of 90 days. For men, no more than 4 times a year, while for women no more than 2 times per year. Fasting is not necessary, you can eat a light breakfast (tea, coffee, juice) paying attention to eliminate fatty foods. Not only blood donation In addition to blood, you can also donate plasma and platelets. Plasma donation is called aphaeresis; it withdraws only the liquid part of the blood with the exclusion of the corpuscular one. The donation of only platelets is called platelets-aphaeresis Donating blood is safe and allows a control of your health Donors are welcomed from Mondays to Fridays, from 8.00am to 10.00am. Sunday by reservation only on the dates agreed with the Voluntary Associations as scheduled. The donation of plama, plateles and an agreed number whole blood is made by appointment by calling at number 0434 223522 from Monday to Friday, from 7.30am to 6.00pm and Saturday from 8.00am to 12.00 AFDS (Associazione Friulana Donatori di Sangue) Friuli Blood Donors Association President Dr R. Flora c/o A.O.U.S.M.Misericordia Istituto Immuno-Trasfusionale - UDINE Phone 0432-481818 fax 0432-481200 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: AVIS (Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue) Italian Blood Volunteer Association Headquarte – President: I.Tortul Via Ronchis, 46 – Latisana Mobile nr. 392 1376953 E-mail:[email protected] Web site: GADAS (Gruppo Aziendale Donatori Associazione del Sangue) Company Group Blood Donors Association at Centro Sociale 33050 - Torviscosa Phone nr. 0431-928635 Meetings /Talks with donors are carried out from Monday to Friday from 11.00am to 1.00pm and Saturday from 11.00am to 12.30. The questionnaire of admission to donation is available on the company Web site at in Forms section. Director Dr Lorena Zandomeni Medical Staff Dr Caterina Battaglia Dr Vincenzo Martucci Nursing Staff Anna Maria Corso Elena Pascut Technical Coordinator Michela Delle Donne Technical Staff Erika Boaro Barbara Bonutti Lisa Cleva Erika Erbari Mauro Fiorino Elisa Giaiotti Erika Glerean Elena Lovisatti Alessandra Meneghel Giuditta Petris Stefania Trevisan Support personnel Antonella Diana
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