192 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR Congratulations to all students who have completed another school year. We wish you a safe and fun summer. Do not forget Sunday Mass and daily prayers. MONTHLY HOLY HOUR OF ADORATION All our parishioners are invited to attend the Parish Holy Hour on Friday, July 4th at 7:30pm. 40th ANNIVERSARY OF SR. PATRICIA Sr. Patricia Melanson F.M.A., Coordinator of the Parish Confirmation Program and our Youth Group will be celebrating her 40th anniversary of Religious Profession with the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco. Mass will be celebrated on July 5 at 5:00pm. We wish her prayers and blessings. Everyone is invited to attend. YORK CATHOLIC DISTRIC SCHOOL BOARD The York Catholic District School Board welcomes new students! Please visit the Admissions Department at the Catholic Education Centre, 320 Bloomington Road West, in Aurora. Registrations will be available Mondays to Thursdays, from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., until August 21st. Registrations for secondary schools will take place at your local Catholic high school, starting August 18th. More information is available online at www.ycdsb.ca. PERPETUAL ADORATION PROGRAM We invite all parishioners to participate in this program, especially during the summer when our regular adorers are on vacation. If you can help, please call the Parish Office. PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND AND JORDAN Parishioners interested in joining Fr. Vincenzo for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, from October 26 to November 6, 2014, should call the Parish office or Mina Tours (905) 475-5388 or (416) 846-6691. Space is limited… so hurry! Please note that there will be no Mass on July 1st at 7:00pm. Remember to notify the parish office if you have a change of address! MASS INTENTIONS June 30th – July 6th 2014 Monday, June 30th 8:00am Dec. Mem. F. Lopresti & Dec. Mem. Tony Marando 7:00pm Gloria G. Pangan Tuesday, July 1st 8:00am Maria & Wilhelm Rick nd Wednesday, July 2 8:00am In Thanksgiving 7:00pm Vito Accardi Thursday, July 3rd 8:00am Grazia Savella 7:00pm Int. Mario Libertino, In Thank. Rosalina Rayes, +Braulio & Adriana Cortes, Alma Zaldarriaga, Ivan Gabor, Josefina Entereso, Mary Candida Lobo, Gilberto Vigilla, Ambrosia & Rosita Batangan, Reginald Lunario, Isabelo Agas, Maximino Manzano Sr., Eva & Family, Antonio & Alcira Veiga Friday, 8:00am 7:00pm 8:00pm July 4th John Cabral Susanna, Domenico & Franco Camerlengo HOLY HOUR Saturday, July 5th 8:00am Sungkyu – Oh 1:00pm Wedding: Ryan John Dallosch & Nora Catherine Sleeth 5:00pm Dec. Mem. Raffaela Malfara 40th Ann. Sr. Patricia Melanson Sunday, July 6th 8:00am Anna Maria Roberto 9:30am Giuseppe Di Vecchia, Tony Marando, Def. Fam. Boragina, Def. Fam. Filippo Di Mambro, Def. Fam. Dell’Osso & Carnovale, Maria Alati, Paolo & Nicola Giannetta, Fr. Luxin Wu, Anna Maria Ciccone, Elia & Lucia Piccone, Gustavo & Rosa Maria Dente, Anna Maria Polla, Antolini Donatella, Stefano & Vincenzo Di Giacomo, Antonino Casola, Maria Cavasin, Frank Ritacca, Ampelio Vendramini, Antonio & Filomena Di Pietrantonio, Angela & Amedeo Beltrame, Fani Cordoba, Marino Nero, Def. Fam. Luciana Cancilla, Francesco Giancursio, Bruno & Maria Svab, In onore del Sangue di Gesu’ 11:00am INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS 12:30pm Int. Nemia Maramba 2:00pm Evans Tannis 4:00pm In Thank. Celeste Serillano & Marlon Regondola, In Thank. Juanico Fam., +Visitacion Secolles, Melicio Magsanoc, Irwin Leliver, Cristina Doblon & Arnold Danan, William Salloman, Lourdes & Gregorio Alconis ANNUNCI PARROCCHIALI Congratulazioni a tutti gli studenti per la conclusione dell’anno scolastico. Auguriamo a tutti una felice e meritata vacanza. Vi raccomandiamo di partecipare alle S. Messa Domenicale e di recitare le vostre preghiere. ADORAZIONE DEL SS. SACRAMENTO Come ogni primo Venerdì del mese, il 4 Luglio ci sarà l’esposizione del SS. Sacramento in Chiesa dalle 7:30pm alle 8:30pm. Tutti siete invitati a partecipare, per ringraziare il Signore. 40° ANNIVERSARIO DI PROFESSIONE RELIGIOSA Suor Patricia Melanson, FMA, coordinatrice del programma di Cresima e del gruppo giovani, celebrerà il 40° di Professione Religiosa con le Suore Salesiane. La Messa di ringraziamento sarà offerta il 5 Luglio alle 5:00pm. Tutti sono invitati a partecipare. Auguri Suor Patricia! ADORAZIONE PERPETUA In occasione delle vacanze estive, alcuni degli Adoratori non potranno venire nella cappella dell’Adorazione. Invitiamo i parrocchiani a offrire il loro aiuto per sostituire chi sarà assente. Per informazioni chiamate l’ufficio parrocchiale. PELLEGRINAGGIO IN TERRA SANTA E GIORDANIA Persone interessate a prendere parte al pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa con P. Vincenzo, dal 26 Ottobre al 6 Novembre, 2014, per favore chiamate l`ufficio parrocchiale o Mina Tours (905) 4755388 or (416) 846-6691. I posti sono pochi…. Quindi non aspettate l`ultimo momento! Per favore segnalateci il vostro cambio di indirizzo. Grazie!
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