192 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW STATUE OF JOHN PAUL II Today, Feast of the Divine Mercy, John Paul II and John XXIII will be declared saints. For the occasion, a statue of Saint John Paul II will be unveiled during the 11:00am Mass and then placed in the shrine. FILIPINO SUPPORT GROUP (FSG) meeting today at 4:00pm in the upper room of the Parish Hall. All are invited to attend. LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR - The English charismatic prayer group is having The Life in the Spirit Seminar, beginning on April 28th at 7:45pm in the Parish hall, and will continue with six sessions over the following weeks. Gloria (905) 881-2801 or Jeannette (416) 417-3845. DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE - In keeping with its principles of the sanctity of life and preferential option for the poor, and as a Catholic voice for justice, Development and Peace is taking action to promote the creation of an effective and independent Ombudsman for the Canadian mining sector to put a stop to abuses carried in the Global South. Please take a moment to go to www.devp.org/en/education/fall2013/write-your-mp and send a message to your M.P. asking for his or her support on this critical need for the people of the Global South. PLEASE DO THIS BEFORE APRIL 30TH 2014. MONTHLY HOLY HOUR on Friday, May 2nd from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. CONFIRMATION CEREMONY – Saturday, May 3, 2014 10:30am For students from St. Paschal Baylon, Public & Private and other Catholic School. 1:30pm For students from Blessed Scalabrini, Holy Family and St. Antoine Daniel Schools. All students please be in the Parish Hall 30 minutes before the ceremony. COUPLES FOR CHRIST - A Christian Family Life renewal Ministry invites married couples to attend a “Christian Life Program” eight Sundays at 2:00pm in the Rectory Hall. Please contact Cesar/Carmi 416/853-6996, Joe/Cres 416/8303990. Orientation on May 4th. SHARELIFE - Next Sunday is the second ShareLife collection Of the more than 1 million foreign-born people who arrived in Canada between 2001 and 2006, more than 40% live in the Greater Toronto Area. As a result, nearly 11% of our school system consists of recently arrived residents and over half of the total student population speak a non-official language most often at home. Last year, ShareLife agencies provided settlement, advocacy and education programs for more than 40,000 immigrants and refugees in the GTA. Please give generously. You can work WONDERS! CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK - May 4-9 “Serving in the Love of Christ” For more than 160 years, Ontario’s publicly funded Catholic schools have been integrating our faith into all aspects of life, empowering our young people to follow the example of Jesus to love and serve. To learn more about Catholic Education Week, visit: goodnewsforall.ca or www.archtoronto.org ANNUAL BLUE MASS on Tuesday, May 6th at 7:00pm. All our parishioners are invited to attend the Blue Mass in honour of our Fallen Civil Servants. Main Celebrant: Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick. MASS INTENTIONS April 28th – May 3rd 2014 Monday, April 28th 8:00am AnnaMaria Roberto 7:00pm Edgardo Del Rosario Tuesday, April 29th 8:00am Manuel Clarin 7:00pm Maria Coppola Wednesday, April 30th 8:00am Tony Marando 7:00pm Eduardo Bianchi Thursday, May 1st 8:00am Edward Ryan 7:00pm Int. Maripaz Manosa, In Thank. to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, In Thank. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Vergara Jr., +Alma Zaldarriaga, Antonio Altomari, Antonio Doyale, Francesco, Carmela & Giuseppe Verna, Luisa & Macario Ofiana, Catalino, Melicio & Cayetano Lorenzo, Amador Pabualan, Pioqinta & Gregorio Salinas, Souls in Purgatory Friday, May 2nd 8:00am Dionisio & Aurora Alburo 7:00pm Euplio Puopolo & Mario Rizzo 7:30pm HOLY HOUR Saturday, May 3rd 8:00pm Sungkyu – Oh 10:30am CONFIRMATION 2:00pm CONFIRMATION 5:00pm Antonino Badali Sunday, May 4th 8:00am Luigia Tedeschi 9:30am Giuseppe Di Vecchia, Tony Marando, Def. Fam. Filippo Di Mambro, Maria Guida, Antonietta Di Fonzo, Def. Fam. Dell’Osso & Carnovale, Def. Fam. Mattacchione, Edvige Yug, Filomena & Antonio Morson, Jaqueline Battaglini, Lucia & Gabriele Ranieri, Paolo & Nicola Giannetta, Antonio Terrigno, Elia & Lucia Piccone, Gustavo & Rosa Maria Dente, Anna Maria Polla, Donatella Antolini, Michele & Frank Ritacca, Giuseppe Cesario, Anna Sillo, Ampelio & Rino Vendramini, Santo & Luigi De Chiara, Nina & Pietro Ponzo, Cesidio & Maria Coccia, Lazzaro & Cesidio Bianchi, Salvatore & Maria Di Nardo, Giuseppe Verna, Vito De Pasquale, In ring. alla Madonna di Pompei 11:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm 4:00pm FOR INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS Wilfred Leeder Candido Aure Int. Virgie Salinas, +Muriel Romano ADORERS ARE NEED FOR THE BLESSED SACRAMENT IF YOU CAN HELP PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE ANNUNCI PARROCCHIALI NUOVA STATUA DI S. GIOVANNI PAOLO II - In occasione della canonizzazione di S. Giovanni XXIII e Giovanni Paolo II, oggi benediremo una nuova statua durante la Messa delle 11:00am. Poi verrà sistemata nella cappella dei santi. ADORAZIONE DEL SS. SACRAMENTO Come ogni primo Venerdì del mese, il 2 Maggio ci sarà l’esposizione del SS. Sacramento in Chiesa dalle 7:30pm alle 8:30pm. Tutti siete invitati a partecipare, per ringraziare il Signore. CRESIME – Sabato 3 Maggio, 2014 10:30am per i ragazzi che frequentano le scuole di S. Pasquale, quelle pubbliche e private, come pure altre scuole cattoliche 1:30pm per i ragazzi che frequentano le scuole di Blessed Scalabrini, Holy Family e S. Antoine Daniel. Gli studenti devono essere nel salone parrocchiale mezzora prima dell’inizio della cerimonia. SHARELIFE - Donate generosamente. Potete fare meraviglie! Oltre un milione di persone sono arrivate in Canada dal 2001 al 2006, delle quali oltre il 40% vive a Toronto. Di conseguenza, l’11% degli studenti è composto da bambini nati all’estero e che hanno come seconda lingua l’inglese. Per loro ShareLife ha offerto interventi e servizi secondo i loro bisogni immediati. SETTIMANA DELL’EDUCAZIONE CATTOLICA: 4-9 Maggio Per oltre 160 anni, le scuole cattoliche hanno cercato di aiutare i giovani nel cammino di fede e nella sequela di Cristo. Per saperne di più sulla Settimana dell’Educazione Cattolica. Consultate il sito goodnewsforall.ca o www.archtoronto.org CAVALIERI DI COLOMBO Tutti i parrocchiani sono invitati alla BLUE MASS il 6 Maggio alle ore 7:00pm. La S. Messa sarà celebrata dal Vescovo Wayne Kirkpatrick per onorare tutti i caduti civili. PELLEGRINAGGIO A FATIMA – Domenica 18 Maggio. Tutti siete invitati a partecipare a questa giornata di preghiera con Padre Francesco Geremia. Per informazioni chiamate Maria: 905/889-1065.
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