Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions The Geometry of Polynomial Division and Elimination Kim Batselier, Philippe Dreesen Bart De Moor Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Department of Electrical Engineering ESAT/SCD/SISTA/SMC May 2012 1 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Outline 1 Introduction 2 Multivariate Polynomial Division 3 Elimination 4 Conclusions 2 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Symbolic Methods Computational Algebraic Geometry Emphasis on symbolic methods Computer algebra Huge body of literature in Algebraic Geometry Wolfgang Gröbner (1899-1980) Bruno Buchberger 3 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Changing the Point of View Richard Feynman Seeing things from a Linear Algebra perspective Is it possible to use Linear Algebra instead? New insights/interpretations? New methods? Numerical Algebraic Geometry 4 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Research on Three Levels Conceptual/Geometric Level Polynomial system solving is an eigenvalue problem! Row and Column Spaces: Ideal/Variety ↔ Row space/Kernel of M , ranks and dimensions, nullspaces and orthogonality Geometrical: intersection of subspaces, angles between subspaces, Grassmann’s theorem,. . . Numerical Linear Algebra Level Eigenvalue decompositions, SVDs,. . . Solving systems of equations (consistency, nb sols) QR decomposition and Gram-Schmidt algorithm Numerical Algorithms Level Modified Gram-Schmidt (numerical stability), GS ‘from back to front’ Exploiting sparsity and Toeplitz structure (computational complexity O(n2 ) vs O(n3 )), FFT-like computations and convolutions,. . . Power method to find smallest eigenvalue (= minimizer of polynomial optimization problem) 5 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Polynomials as Vectors Graded Xel Ordering Let a and b ∈ Nn0 . We say a >grxel b if |a| = n X i=1 ai > |b| = n X bi , or |a| = |b| and a >xel b i=1 where a >xel b if, in the vector difference a − b ∈ Zn , the leftmost nonzero entry is negative. Examples (2, 0, 0) >grxel (0, 0, 1) because |(2, 0, 0)| > |(0, 0, 1)| which implies x21 >grxel x3 (0, 1, 1) >grxel (2, 0, 0) because (0, 1, 1) >xel (2, 0, 0) which implies x2 x3 >grxel x21 6 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Polynomials as Vectors Vector Representation Defining a monomial ordering allows a vector representation Each column of the vector corresponds with a monomial, graded xel ordered and ascending from left to right LM(p) , Leading Monomial of polynomial p according to monomial ordering Example: the polynomial 2 + 3x1 − 4x2 + x1 x2 − 7x22 is represented by 1 2 x1 3 x2 −4 x21 0 x1 x2 1 x22 −7 Cdn : vector space of all polynomials in n indeterminates with complex coefficients up to a degree d 7 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Outline 1 Introduction 2 Multivariate Polynomial Division 3 Elimination 4 Conclusions 8 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Definition Divison Definition Fix any monomial order > on Cdn and let F = (f1 , . . . , fs ) be a s-tuple of polynomials in Cdn . Then every p ∈ Cdn can be written as p = h1 f1 + . . . + hs fs + r where hi , r ∈ Cdn . For each i, hi fi = 0 or LM(p) ≥ LM(hi fi ), and either r = 0, or r is a linear combination of monomials, none of which is divisible by any of LM(f1 ), . . . , LM(fs ). 9 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Divisor Matrix Divisor Matrix D in Cdn Given a set of polynomials f1 , . . . , fs ∈ Cdn , each of degree di (i = 1 . . . s) and a polynomial p ∈ Cdn of degree d then the Divisor matrix D is given by f1 x f 1 1 x2 f1 . . . k 1 D = xn f1 f 2 x1 f2 . . . xkns fs where each polynomial fi is multiplied with all monomials xαi from degree 0 up to degree ki = deg(p) − deg(fi ) such that xαi LM(fi ) ≤ LM(p). 10 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Divisor Matrix Example Let p = 4 + 5x1 − 3x2 − 9x21 + 7x1 x2 and F = {−2 + x1 + x2 , 3 − x1 }. The Divisor Matrix is then 1 f1 −2 x1 f1 0 D = f2 3 x1 f2 0 x2 f2 0 x1 1 −2 −1 3 0 x2 1 0 0 0 3 x21 x1 x2 0 0 1 1 0 0 −1 0 0 −1 11 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Divisor Matrix 12 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Divisor Matrix Divisor Matrix D row space of D , D : all polynomials LM(p) ≥ LM(hi fi ) P i hi fi s.t. dim(D) = rank(D) [p]D = {r ∈ Cdn : p − r ∈ D} Set of all these equivalence classes (remainders) is denoted by Cd /D dim(Cd /D) = nullity(D) Any monomial basis of a vector space R such that R ∼ = Cd /D and R ⊂ Cdn = a normal set 13 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Divisor Matrix R r r p P i hi fi D 14 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Division Algorithm Algorithm: Multivariate Polynomial Division Input: polynomials f1 , . . . , fs , p ∈ Cdn Output: h1 , . . . , hs , r D ← Divisor matrix for p D ← linear independent rows of D col ← indices of linear dependent columns of D R ←Pcanonical basis of monomials corresponding with col q = si hi fi ← project p along R onto D r ←p−q h = h1 , . . . , hs ← solve hD = q 15 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Division Algorithm Oblique Projection p = h1 f1 + . . . + hs fs + r with hi fi ∈ D and r ∈ R Ps i hi fi is found by projecting p oblique along R onto D s X hi fi = p/R⊥ [D/R⊥ ]† D i=1 p/R⊥ , D/R⊥ orthogonal complements of p orthogonal on R and D orthogonal on R respectively r is then found as r = p − hf 16 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Non-uniqueness of quotients Non-uniqueness of quotients General case D not of full row rank Linear independent rows of D form a basis of D Definition does not provide extra constraints to pick out a certain basis Non-uniqueness of remainders General case D not of full column rank Linear dependent columns of D form a monomial basis of R Definition does provide extra constraint but still not-unique 17 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Implementation Implementation determine: rank(D), basis for D and kernel from kernel determine the monomial basis for R compute the oblique projection (exploiting the structure) sparse multifrontal multithreaded rank-revealing QR decomposition 18 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Outline 1 Introduction 2 Multivariate Polynomial Division 3 Elimination 4 Conclusions 19 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Macaulay Matrix Macaulay Matrix Given a set of multivariate polynomials f1 , . . . , fs ∈ Cdn , each of degree di (i = 1 . . . s) then the Macaulay matrix of degree d is given by f1 x1 f1 .. . xd1 −d f 1 n M (d) = f2 x1 f2 .. . d −d s xn fs where each polynomial fi is multiplied with all monomials up to degree d − di for all i = 1 . . . s. 20 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Elimination Elimination Problem Given a set of multivariate polynomials f1 , .P . . , fs ∈ Cdn and xe ( {x1 , . . . , xn }. Find a polynomial g = si hi fi in which all monomials xe are eliminated. Solution g lies in the intersection of two vector spaces: Md = row space of M (d) Ed = vector space spanned by monomials {x1 , . . . , xn } \ xe containing polynomials up to degree d 21 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Elimination Ed g o Md 22 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Elimination Elimination Algorithm Input: polynomials f1 , . . . , fs ∈ Cdn , monomial set xe Output: g ∈ Md ∩ Ed d ← max(deg(f1 ), deg(f2 ), . . . , deg(fs )) g ← [] while g = [ ] do E(d) ← canonical basis for Ed M (d) ← Macaulay matrix of degree d if Md ∩ Ed 6= ø then g ← element from intersection else d←d+1 end if end while 23 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Elimination Implementation Use canonical angles between vector spaces to determine the intersection Qm , Qe orthogonal bases for Md and Ed Qm QYe = Y CZ T with C = diag(cosθ1 , . . . , cosθk ) link with Cosine-Sine decomposition Need orthogonal basis for Md : sparse rank-revealing QR Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iterations to determine the canonical angle and g 24 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Conclusions Conclusions Polynomial division: vector decomposition Elimination: intersection of vector spaces Oblique projections Principal angles and CS decomposition Sparse structured matrices Applicable on many other problems: approximate GCD polynomial system solving ideal membership problem ... 25 / 26 Introduction Multivariate Polynomial Division Elimination Conclusions Conclusions Thank You 26 / 26
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