SOME NOTES ON MULTIPLE-COMPARISON PROCEDURES BASED ON RANK SCORES IN THE MULTISAMPLE MULTIVARIATE LOCATION PROBLEM By Yosef Hochberg Department of Biostatistics University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Institute of Statistics Mimeo Series No. 954 OCTOBER 1974 Some Notes on Multiple-Comparison Procedures Based on Rank Scores in the Multisample Multivariate Location Problem by Yosef Hochberg University of North Carolina SUMMARY. Gabriel and Sen (1968) considered the problem of simultaneous inference based on rank scores in the DDJltisample multivariate location problem. The -\ family of hypotheses consists of all component hypotheses on equalities in the location parameters'of subsets of variates across subsets of populations. HoweVer, their testing family* is not strictly monotone* and thus, not consonant*. In this paper two alternative procedures based on rank scores and S.N. Roy's Union-Intersection principle are discussed. The first (Section 2) is based on the maximum of all pairwise Hote1ling's .T2_type statistics and the second (Section 3) depends on the maximum range across variates. The resulting Simultaneous Test Procedures ($TP's*) are more resolvent* than the procedure given by Gabriel and Sen (1968). In Section 4, the problem of many-one comparisons (i.e. comparisons of several treatments with a control) is discussed. Critical points for the implementation of the new DDJltiple comparisons procedures in large samples, obtained by simulation, are given in the appendix. *See Gabriel (1969) for a definition -2- 1. Introduction ~2 Consider independent samples of sizes ni' ••• ~ from CDF's (j) th th Fi, ••• ,F k respectively. Let Yiy be the y observation on the j variate th (j ) (j ) (j ) in the i sample. Let Riy ,Rii~y ,be the ranks of Yiy among the ordered (j ) (j ) {Yil,···,Yini } (j ) and .' (j) (j ) (j ) {Yil ' ••• 'Y ini 'Yi'l' •.• 'Yi'ni'} define corresponding rank scores E~~) and E~i~y' respectively. Further j-l, ••• ,p score generating functions as in Gabriel and Sen (1968). Let mean score for the i th sample on the j th u~i)'" 0 for all j=l, ••• ,p; T~i~ denote the variate in the pooled ranking of the (j) (j) (j) ( i, t) th pair of samples. Put Uii,=Tii,-Ti'i ' where based on p = _ N Eni and VN-(vNjj')j,j'_l, ••• ,p . !-l, •.• ,k and (1.1) e· We use G and S as generic notations for a group of ....e- out of the k e a Sa populations and a set of -a- out of the p variables. Let BO,G be e the hypothesis that specifies the equality of the location vectors of the variables in S for all samples in G . Let n denote the family of all a e Sa th H and put N(G e ) = t n . Let ~j' (a) denote the (j,j') element in O,Ge i N ie:G ·e the inverse of the principle minor in V corresponding to the variables in S • a N Based on the Chatterjee and Sen permutational (conditional) approach to the multivariate multisample location problem (see Puri and Sen (1971). Ch.5) the statistic (1.2)· is proposed by Gabriel and Sen (1968) as an appropriate conditionally S distribution free statistic for the hypothesis H 7G o e • These authors -3- consider the family 0 Sa Sa Sa } and prove that ~ - { (HO,Ge,LGe):HO,Ge£O is, under the permutational (conditional) probability law, PH ' say, a joint* monotone increasing testing family. Under some regularity Sa conditions they show that, under HO,G ' the asymptotic distribution of e is a central chi-square with a(e-l) d.f. The large sample STP of experimentwis~,-level a proposed by these authors is: rej ect USa iff O,Ge ..\ (1.3) where X [~] is the a th quantile of the central chi-square distribution with v v d.f. This STP is clearly coherent*, however, it is not consonant because ~ is not strictly monotone. In the next two sections we propose two STP's which are more resolvent than this one. In particular, the procedure to be discussed in Section 3 is a consonant one being based on a strictly monotone testing family. -4- 2. Alternative Procedures - I. l~i<i'~. (p»' (1) Let kii' - ( tii,,···,T ii , ,Uii'=kii'-ki'i' Under some regularity conditions, assumed hereafter, the asymptotic common distribution of the Iii' 's is normal. (See Theorem 3.1 in Gabriel and Sen (1968) and Ch. 6 in Puri and Sen (1971». One of the implications of these conditions is that consistent estimates of the asymptotic dispersion parameters of the Iii' 's are given by i-j , i' =j' • i=j; i,i',j' different. Q:pxp where nii,=ni+ni , , Let b ii" (2.1) i,i' ,j,j' all different. e· l<i<i'~. 1~<i'~, be real numbers. We define ~N by the equation (2.2) Sa iff and introduce the decision rule: reject H O,G e (2.3) Lemma 2.1. {Sa Sa Sa } (i) The family ,.,., 1- (HO,Ge,TGe):HO,Ge€O is a joint monotone testing family under p . N (ii) On letting b ,-n n ,/2N, the new procedure is strictly i i more parsimonious and strictly more resolvent than the one considered by Gabriel and Sen(1968). ii -5- (i) FOllows from considerations as in Gabriel and Sen (1968) •. -Proof. (ii) By Theorems 4 and 5 in Gabrie1(l969) it is sufficient to prove that" is strict,ly narroller* than L. Thia is easily verified since for any Sa Sa Ge which contains only a pair of samples and any Sa ' we have LGeDT , and Ge for any Ge with more than a pair of samples, in particular for Ge=Gk' we Sa Sa have L >T with probability 1. Ge Ge Hereafter we refer to this STP as the T2 approach. This STP was max first introduced by Roy and Bose(1953) under normal theory. Approximations to the critical points were studied by Siotani(1960). , Let !i:pXl, i-l, ••• ,k be·k independent ra~dom vectors each following the distributional law K(Q,t) " and define ~ by the equation (2.4) ~~~_~~~~ let bii,=n, (i) When sample sizes are equal (n =n =... =n =n, say) and we k l 2 l~<i'~k, we get: tN+t in probability. (ii) If sample sizes are different, on letting bii,=nini,/nii" l~i<i'~k ~!~~E~ t, we get:Plim~<Xp[(l-a) l/k* ], where k*-k(k-l)/2. (i) Follows from (2.1), the invariance of t to any choice of a p.d. , and our assumption on the asymptotic normality of the Iii's. (ii) Follows from considerations as in (i) and Corollary 4, Khatri(1967). ~~!~_~~!~ Gabriel and Sen's procedure gives different error rates for different pairwise comparisons in the case of non-equal sample sizes. The 2 T procedure of (ii) in Lemma 2.2 distributes equally the error rates max among the various pairwise contrasts. -6- R~maxk-2~2~ Alternative procedures in the case of unequal sample sizes can be based on straightforward multivariate generalizations of the results in Hochberg(1974). Also, using the procedure given in (ii) of Lemma 2.2, alternative approximations of p1i~N may be used, for example, one may use Siotani(1960)'s modified second order Bonferroni approximation. Remark 2.3. Ana1ogeous results in terms of simultaneous interval estimation can be obtained. Such procedures utilize the 'Sliding Principle' in estimation based on rank statistics. (See Puri and Sen(1971), Ch. 6). Some estimates of ;/2 generated by simulation are given in the appendix. e· (3.1) Sa iff O,G e and introduce the decision rule: rej ect H Sa RGe • (3.2) '0 {Sa Sa Sa } is a joint strictly (i) The family~· (HO,Ge,R ): HO,Gee:n Ge monotone testing family under P . N Sa (ii) The STP based on RO,Ge _i_s_s_tr_i_c_t_1-=y:....-.m_o_r_e~p_a_r_s_im_o_n_i_o_u_s_a_n_d ~!~_~~!~ strictly more resolvent'than the T2 procedure. DI&X------ (i) Follows from considerations as in Gabriel and Sen(1968). (ii) This is proved using arguments as in the proof of (il)' in Lemma 2.1. and ~·11m~ N • Let ~i·(Zil, ••• ,ZiP)" i-l, ••• ,k be k independent random vectors each following the distributional law )(Q,£) and define M· -ax max (Izij-zi'jl). l~i<i' ~k l~~ Lemma 3.2. (i) In the case of equal sample sizes (n), on letting bii,-n, l~i<i'~, ~: is asymptotically distributed as M. l~i<i'~k, (ii) In general, on letting bii,-2nini,/nii" bound on P.limIPN is given by qk [(I-a.) IIp] where qk[a.] an upper is the quantile of the range of k i.i.d. unit normal variables. Proof. (i) Follows from our assumption on the asymptotic normality of the T , 's and from (2.1). ii (ii) Follows from Corollary 4) Khatri(1967). In the case of equal sample sizes, the problem of obtaining the asymptotic critical values amounts to finding quantiles in the distribution of M. The distribution of M has been explicitly derived, first, in the bivariate case by Hartely (1950) and later in the general multivariate setup by Mardia (1964). The distribution of M depends on the correlations (the elements in £) and thus tabulation of its quantiles for offdiagonal p>2 is rejected from economical considerations. Even in the bivariate case there are some problems involved in obtaining 'precise' upper quantiles of M by numerical integration (see the CDF of M in Hartely (1950». As a consequence, some upper quantiles of M were obtained by simulation for selected values of If I and k when p=2. For p>2, one may either. use the upper bound given in (ii) of Lemma 3.2 or a modified second order Bonferroni approximation based on Siotani (1960) and our tables for the bivariate case. Further discussion on the critical values to use with the STP of this section is given in the appendix. -8- Remark 3.1. In analogy with Remark 2.2 we note that the results of Hochberg (1974) may be used to produce alternative procedures similar to those considered here for the unbalanced case. Remark 3.2. It is clear that for simultaneous interval estimation (based on the 'sliding principle')of all contrasts among the location parameters on any of the individual responses (see Puri and Sen (1971), Ch. 6) the shortest intervals are obtained when using the rank score statistics of this section. 4. Comparisons of several treatments with a control. Suppose that the sample from F represents measurments of a control group which is to be compared l with k-l treatments represented by the samples from F , ••• ,F • All notation 2 k Sa• i i ' 2~1<i2<·· •<id=:.k, introduced above is retained. The hypothesis HO 'l'···'d d<k, specifies the equality of the location sub-vectors corresponding to e variables in Sa across samples from F , ••• ,F~. Let n denote the family c i1 of all hypotheses of that form. We now introduce two sets of statistics: In complete analogy with the definitions of ~N' ~N and Sa Sa STP's based on n and the statistics T ,R (Sections 2 and Ge Ge c c we define tN' ~N and corresponding STP's based on nc and the Sa Sa T and R • Next we introduce some quantities ilJ .. ·,id ilJ· .. ,id c c used to define the large sample approximations of ~N and ~N. the corresponding 3, respectively) statistics which will be Let 4>p(t) .a deno~ the CDF of a multivsriate standariized (zero means and unit variances) normal • -9t vector with correlation matrix p:pxp at the point t-(tl, ••• ,t ) • Define DT(~l'~2~(tli-t2i)2; DR(~l'~2)1=1 Suppose that YN~ y w.p.l.) the Define the quantities ~ f P ).".k-l-(E; .,."D ~"""' .&.,U and c C - max <ltli-t2il} and for any l~~ p ~~~p corresponding correlation matrix of which is p. W by c the equations )dc!>I(u)=l-a . - The following lemma (the proof of which goes along the same line used earlier and thus omitted) summarizes the properties of the many-one STP's considered here. Lemma 4.1. (i) Both families . Sa 1 c"'{(HO,l, i •i ... ,d' testing families.(Under PH). (ii) When sample sizes are equal (n) and we let bil-n, we get pI1~c-( ; plim~Nc.w • N c c (1ii) In general, on letting b nin -----l we get il nil c 2 lICk-I) pliD(N<2X I Cl-a) ] p c_~ IIp plim~N~2~(1-a) ] ,where dk[a] is the a th quantile of the maximum absolute value among k standertized normal variables with common correlation 0.5. Appendix (In cooperation with Rodriguez German, Biostatistics, UNe) I. Let ~i :px1, 1-1, •••• k be k independent random vectors each following the distributional law N(O ~ where ~ statistic S .. max l~i<j~k is p.d. Define the [(x -x )' 't'-l(X -x )]. -i -j ~ -i-j The quantity E;.~ of section 2 is the (l_a)tA. quantile of S. The distribution of S is invariant to different choices of ~ ,we may take ~=! . Thus ~ the distribution of S has only two parameters, namely, k and p. Table 1 gives estimates of some E;.R ~/iJ obtained by simulating 10 1t independent values of S for each of several values of k and p. Also in Table 1 we provide the upper bounds X [(I-a) p 2/Ik(k-1)] ..\ ] (E;./2) given by Lemma 2.2. e· Table 1. ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 2 3 6 I 4 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 ;.. E;./2 4.88 6.09 7.02 7.68 8.27 8.87 6.68 8.03 8.97 9.81 10.44 11.02 8.32 ~.72 lb.79 11.70 12.40 12.95 .20 . 10 .05 .O~ ~/2 E;./2 E;./2 'E;./2 " 5.27 6.62 7.62 8.43 9.10 9.67 7.01 8.51 9.62 10.49 11.22 11.84 8.61 10.24 11.43 12.37 13.15 13.81 6.40 7.72 8.75 9.25 9.88 10.56 8.37 9.73 10.68 11.52 12.20 12.96 10.08 11.54 12.70 13.63 14.23 14.87 6.73 8.10 9.12 9.92 10.60 11.17 8.64 10.14 11.24 12.11 12.84 13.45 10.38 11.99 13.17 14.09 14.86 15.51 7.76 9.37 10.22 10.71 11.41 12.07 8.15 9.53 10.55 11.37 12.02 12.61 10.03 11.45 12.27 13.18 13.94 14.53 11.78 13.22 14.48 15.47 15.89 16.62 10.19 11.69 12.79 13.66 14.37 14.98 12.05 13.65 14.81 15.73 16.49 17.12 A E;./2 '" E;./2 11.07 12.81 13.42 13.97 15.10 15.66 13.79 14.84 16.05 16.53 17.63 18.04 15.79 17 .09 18.31 19.19 19.82 20.17 _ . E;./2 11.43 12.75 13.82 14.62 15.28 15.86 13.73 15.14 16.27 17.11 17.82 18.42 15.80 17.29 18.47 19.35 20.09 20.72 II. Here in Table 2 we tabulate estimates (obtained by simulation) of some upper quantiles of M (see section 3) in the bivariate case. Let be the offdiagonal element in the correlation matrix estimates ere obtained by simulating for each of several values of t ~:2x2. f The lO~ independent values of M and k. (Note that a standardized bivariate normal pair (X,Y) with correlation 1 is easily constructed from two independent unit normal variables U,V by the transformation Several issues here deserve some attention. A. It is easily verified that the distribution of M in the bivariate case is only a function of IsI (and k). B. We conjecture that M is stochastically monotonically decreasing with Icrl with (1. e. quantiles in the distribution of M are monotonically decreasing lSI for any given k). This monotonicity is a special case of a general conjectured monotonicity in multivariate normal probabilities of convex symmetric sets (see Sid~k (1973». C. Our simulation does not categorically support this conjecture for low values of \ 31 . However, it seems to us that this should be attributed to the extremely low decreasing in the upper quantiles of M as a function of I~ over such low values of Ill, and the errors in our estimates. Thus, Table 1 is not completely consistent with our conjecture and, in a few cases reveals some inconsistency with the upper bounds obtained when J -0. If our conjecture is proved, clearly, such inconsistencies should be removed by fitting "smooth" monotonic functions to these quantiles such as a+BISI Y or Alternatively we tried smoothing the percentiles for any given Cl1.og [(I.fI-B)!Yl. 131 as a function of k using the above monotonic "smooth" functions. However, the monotonicity in 1.p1 was not obtained by these fitt1.ngs and thus finally, only the crude estimates for 13'=.2,.4,.6,.8,.9 together with the upper bounds obtained when table that for ! are given in Table 2 ~ -0. It is clear from the If1 ~ .6 J the upper bounds are very sharp due to the low dependence of the high quanti1es of M on comparing the entries for 'f'=.9 lSI in this range. Actually) by with those of IfI =1.0 (i.e. the quanti1es of the range in the univariate case) we see that it is only in the very large values of ISr that considerable drops in quanti1es take place when moving to higher values of fil . e· Table 2. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .00 .20 .40 .60 .80 .90 .00 .20 .40 .60 .80 .90 .00 .20 .40 .60 .80 .90 .00 .20 .40 .60 .80 .90 .00 .20 .40 .60 .80 .90 .00 .20 .40 .60 .80 .90 .00 .20 .40 .60 .80 .90 .00 .20 .40 .60 .80 .90 .00 .20 .40 .60 .80 •90 .20 .10 .05 .01 2.29 2.30 2.27 2.17 2.13 2.08 2.87 2.86 2.85 2.8l 2.72 2.61 3.21 3.20 3.16 3.12 3.06 3.03 3.45 3.44 3.41 3.41 3.29 3.25 3.63 3.61 3.60 3.57 3.53 3.43 3.78 3.77 3.75 3.72 3.65 3.60 3.90 3.91 3.87 3.87 3.80 2.76 2.74 2.72 2.66 2.61 2.59 3.16 3.14 3.11 3.07 3.05 3.00 3.67 3.64 3.67 3.61 3.57 3.44 3.97 3.99 3.90 3.87 3.84 3.83 4.42 4.34 4.34 4.35 4.26 4.21 4.69 4.68 4.65 ~4. 66 4.58 4.55 4.89 4.87 4.87 4.92 4.77 4.73 5.03 4.97 5.03 4.95 4.87 4.89 5.15 5. 08 5.15 5.10 5.09 5.03 5.26 5.29 5.23 5.17 5.14 5.14 5.34 5.28 5.36 5.27 5.28 5.24 5.42 5.42 5.43 5.38 5.39 3.H 4.01 3.99 3.99 3.95 3·90 3.84 4.10 4.08 4.07 4.05 3.99 ,:\CU... 3.~0 3.28 3.29 3.23 3.17 3.05 3.62 3.62 3.61 3.54 3.49 3.46 3.Eq 3.82 3.83 3.83 3.71 3.69 4.02 4.00 4.00 3.96 3.93 3.86 4.16 4.14 4.13 4.10 4.04 4.01 4.-28 4.28 4.26 4.25 4.20 4.13 4. 27 4.34 4.36 4.31 4.29 4.25 4.46 4.44 4.44 4.42 4.38 4.33 3.9~ 3.95 3.97 3.92 3.89 3.84 4.13 4.17 4.17 4.19 4.04 4.03 4.36 4.35 4.34 4.31 4.26 4.22 4.49 4.44 4.46 4.43 4.40 4.~6 4.60 4.60 4.56 4.57 4.52 IL6.Q 4.69 4.66 4.69 4.63 4.61 6. 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Nonparametric Methods in Multivariate Analysis. Wiley, New York. Roy, S.N. and Bose, R.C. (1953). Simultaneous confidence interval Ann.Hath.Statist., 24, 513-536. est~tion. Siotani, M. (1960). Notes on multivariate confidence bounds. Ann. Inst. Statist.Math., 11, 167-182.
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