Spelling Homework – UNIT 23

Spelling Homework – UNIT 23
1. didn’t
2. car
3. morning
4. I’m
5. body
6. said
7. others
8. people
9. made
10. right
11. because
12. does
13. something
14. thought
15. soon
16. best
17. try
18. several
Additional Words
Group A: smoke, ghost, toes, coat, nose, soap, robe, goat, hose, road
Group B: broken, dragon, mountain, muffin, curtain, penguin, cotton, mission, fountain, chosen
Group C: wives, feet, sheep, loaves, mice, deer, wolves, geese, knives, women
1. Write each of the core words (#1­5) two times each.
2. Write words 9­18 and YOUR set of additional words (one set) one time each.
3. Write 5 questions using a different word in each. Underline the spelling word in each question. This week,
your sentences must ask a question. Be sure to check your sentences for correct punctuation!!
1. In class, we have talked in the past about words ending in “ite.” (kite, white, bite, etc) Now, create a list of at leas
five words that contain “ight.”
2. Write your words (all of them = core + review+YOUR set of additional words) in alphabetical order (this should b
28 words)
1. Write and complete these analogies in your spelling journal.
give : gave :: make : __________
inside : outside :: later : __________
there : their :: write : __________
bring : brought :: think : __________
can : can’t :: did : __________
bad : worse : worst :: good : better : __________
2. Sort words into the groups:
GROUP A: Take your additional words and sort them into the following groups:
GROUP B: Take your additional words and sort them into the following groups:
“o” with a silent “e” at
GROUP C: Take your additional words and sort them into the following groups:
fe > ves
vowel change
no change
1. Study for the spelling review tomorrow. Write any words that you have had difficulty with at least five times