В The Polar Express 5K Date: December 14, 2014 Time: Noon Registration at the Holmes County Trail, Race at 1pm Pre-registration by December 7th, then all events increase $5 $25 for 14+ 13 & under $15 $50 for a family of 3-5 people, $10 more for each extra runner The Polar Express 5K includes:В - An ugly sweater contest - Hot chocolate - Cookies - T-shirts - Christmas carols by the West Holmes Chamber Choir - Santa! Come run, wear holiday apparel, and support West Holmes Softball! В WestВ HolmesВ SoftballВ 1stВ AnnualВ В PolarВ ExpressВ 5KВ Sunday,В DecemberВ 14,В 2014 – 2В pmВ HolmesВ CountyВ RailsВ toВ TrailsВ В 62В N.В GrantВ St.В Millersburg,В OHВ 44654В HippВ StationВ DepotВ onВ theВ trailВ RegistrationВ FormВ FullВ Name:В __________________________________________________________________В В Gender:В MaleВ /В FemaleВ (circleВ one)В В Age:В (onВ raceВ day)В ______В В Activity:В RunningВ /В WalkingВ (circleВ one)В MailingВ Address:В ___________________________________________________________В City:В _____________________________В State:В __________________В Zip:В __________В В Phone:В (_____)____________________В Email:___________________________________В ShirtВ Size:В (CIRCLEВ ONE)В SВ MВ LВ XLВ 2XLВ EVENTВ INFORMATION:В TheВ WestВ HolmesВ LadyВ KnightsВ SoftballВ TeamВ isВ hostingВ theВ 1stВ AnnualВ PolarВ ExpressВ 5KВ onВ Sunday,В DecemberВ 14,В 2014.В В ProceedsВ fromВ theВ eventВ willВ goВ toВ supportВ equipmentВ andВ fieldВ upgrades,В registrations,В andВ otherВ feesВ associatedВ withВ theВ softballВ programВ agesВ (8‐18).В В TheВ raceВ willВ takeВ youВ alongВ theВ HolmesВ CountyВ TrailВ andВ willВ featureВ carolers,В ChristmasВ cookies,В hotВ chocolate,В aВ campВ fire,В andВ festiveВ apparelВ byВ workersВ andВ racers!В В PrizesВ willВ goВ toВ individualsВ whoВ areВ wearingВ theВ mostВ festive/creativeВ attireВ toВ theВ race.В ThereВ willВ beВ raceВ awardsВ forВ ageВ groupsВ andВ teams.В EachВ participantВ willВ receiveВ aВ freeВ teeВ shirt,В snacks,В andВ beverages,В beforeВ during,В andВ afterВ theВ race.В В PARKING:В ParkingВ willВ beВ freeВ atВ theВ trailВ lotВ orВ alongВ theВ streetsВ inВ Millersburg.В В PAYMENT:В CashВ orВ CheckВ madeВ payableВ to:В WestВ HolmesВ SoftballВ 10909В SRВ 39В Millersburg,В OHВ 44654В В RACEВ FEE:В EarlyВ registrationВ throughВ DecemberВ 7В В $25В 14В andВ older,В $15В 13В andВ under,В $50В familyВ ofВ 3‐5,В $10В forВ eachВ additionalВ familyВ member,В AddВ $5В perВ areaВ afterВ DecemberВ 7В (raceВ shirtsВ limited)В В EVENTВ DISCLAIMER:В PleaseВ reviewВ theВ followingВ waiverВ andВ disclaimer.В ByВ addingВ yourВ signature,В youВ acceptВ thisВ waiverВ andВ disclaimerВ forВ yourselfВ orВ minorsВ inВ yourВ supervision.В WaiverВ andВ Release:В ByВ participatingВ inВ thisВ event,В IВ doВ soВ atВ myВ ownВ risk.В IВ assumeВ allВ riskВ ofВ injury,В illness,В damageВ orВ lossВ toВ meВ orВ myВ propertyВ thatВ mightВ result,В includingВ withoutВ limitation,В anyВ lossВ orВ theftВ ofВ personalВ property.В IВ consentВ toВ medicalВ treatmentВ inВ theВ eventВ ofВ injury,В accidentВ and/orВ illnessВ duringВ theВ Event.В IВ agreeВ onВ behalfВ ofВ myselfВ (andВ myВ personalВ representatives,В heirs,В executors,В administrators,В agentsВ andВ assigns)В toВ releaseВ andВ dischargeВ theВ organizersВ ofВ thisВ event,В itsВ principals,В itsВ officersВ &В directors,В itsВ employees,В allВ sponsorsВ andВ theirВ representativesВ andВ employeesВ fromВ anyВ andВ allВ claimsВ orВ causesВ ofВ actionВ (knownВ orВ unknown)В arisingВ outВ ofВ theirВ negligence.В IВ acknowledgeВ thatВ IВ haveВ carefullyВ readВ thisВ вЂ�WaiverВ andВ Release’ andВ fullyВ understandВ thatВ itВ isВ aВ releaseВ ofВ liability.В ByВ myВ signatureВ below,В IВ amВ waivingВ anyВ rightВ thatВ IВ mayВ haveВ toВ bringВ legalВ actionВ toВ assertВ aВ claimВ againstВ anyВ andВ allВ eventВ sponsorsВ forВ theirВ negligence,В including,В butВ notВ limitedВ toВ WestВ HolmesВ HighВ School,В WestВ HolmesВ Softball,В theВ HolmesВ CountyВ ParkВ District,В andВ theВ HolmesВ CountyВ RailsВ toВ TrailsВ Coalition.В В IВ amВ voluntarilyВ participatingВ inВ theВ eventВ andВ IВ shallВ obeyВ allВ rulesВ andВ practiceВ courtesyВ andВ safetyВ onВ theВ trail.В В IВ herebyВ grantВ fullВ permissionВ toВ anyВ andВ allВ ofВ theВ foregoingВ toВ useВ myВ nameВ andВ likenessВ inВ anyВ broadcast,В telecast,В videoВ orВ printВ mediaВ reportingВ orВ advertisingВ ofВ theВ EventВ withoutВ compensation.В IВ AgreeВ toВ theВ termsВ ofВ thisВ disclaimer.В В В SignatureВ ofВ participant:В _________________________В SignatureВ ofВ adultВ ifВ underВ 18:В _________________________В В
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