Weekly Notice A WEEKLY PUBLICATION OF MONADNOCK February 6, 2014 Issue 21 WALDORF SCHOOL Elementary Morning Tour: February 12 Our Elementary Morning Tour in February will include a visit to our first grade and grades four, six, and eight. A Morning Tour is a great way to sample our elementary curriculum and to get a glimpse of life in the classroom! Our tour will begin in the library at the elementary school at 8:15 am. The tour will end at 10:45 am. Please call 357-4442 or e-mail Suzanne at [email protected] to register. Hope to see you there! Lisa Mahar & Pat Meissner School Store The Elementary School store is now offering Valentine goodies—please come and see! Soup Day on Fridays For $3.50 you will get a large bowl of soup and bread with butter. Sign-up is Friday morning as the students arrive outside of your child’s classroom. Send in a bowl and spoon if your student would like soup. This Friday, February 7, will be pasta with carrots and broccoli and cheese–contains gluten and dairy. You can request a non-dairy version. If you have questions about preparation or delivery, please call Carla Folkert at 762-3337. Respectfully, The Soup Ladies 98 South Lincoln Street, Keene, NH 03431, 603-357-4442, fax 603-357-2955 Monadnock Waldorf School is dedicated to nurturing young human beings who will be capable of contributing fully to the tasks of life with courage, compassion, and conviction. We strive to foster wholeness and life long well being through awakening an abiding love and interest in the world while cultivating the gifts and strengths that are unique to each individual student. www.monadnockwaldorfschool.org “Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, let them go forth in freedom” -Rudolf Steiner Calendar of School Events Tuesdays & Wednesdays Parent/Child Classes, 9:00 to 11:30 am at the Nursery-Kindergarten February 8 Valentine Making Morning 9:00 am to Noon at the Elementary School February 10 No Nursery-Kindergarten classes Tuition Assistance Applications Due It is time for continuing families to begin the tuition assistance process for 2014-2015. Tuition assistance applications are completed by you through FACTS on-line at www.factstuitionaid.com and are due by February 21 for continuing families. If you are enrolling as a new student to our High School, your tuition assistance application is due by February 15. Tuition assistance applications require a copy of your 2013 income tax return. You will want to arrange to have your tax return completed in sufficient time to meet the Tuition Assistance application deadline. Kim Cassin February 12 Elementary Morning Tour, 8:15 am Thank You February 14 High School Senior Dance (by invitation) at the Elementary School 7:00 pm Following earthquakes in New Zealand, Monadnock Waldorf School learned about Motueka Rudolf Steiner School, a rural Waldorf school in New Zealand. We directed donations from parents and students in our school community to Motueka and the school has added this donation to its building fund. We recently heard from Peter Garlick, Manager at MRSS, thanking us for the contribution. Here is an excerpt from the letter: “Thank you Monadnock Waldorf School for your very kind and generous donation…I have asked our gardeners to plant a tree for MWS. We will tend these seedlings until we can plant a Supporters Forest at our new campus… I hope families from your school will one day get to visit our new school and see your special tree. www.motueka.steiner.school.nz” February 15 Model UN at High Mowing School February 19 Boarding meeting, 6:00 pm Week of February 23 No school—winter vacation Hannaford Gift Card Program – Community Update With the support of the school community, the Parent Council has raised almost $600 this school year through the Hannaford Gift Card Program! Thank you to all who are participating! There is still time to help us earn $1,000 by the end of the school year. We will place a new order on February 12th, so please bring your checks, made out to �MWS’, to the office at one of the three campuses by noon on the 12th. You can place an order for a new card or have existing cards reloaded. If you reload an existing card, please write the number of the card in the memo section of your check. Orders can be placed in $100 increments and each card is limited to $500. Funds on reloaded cards will be available by the evening of February 12th, while new cards will be available the following week. Please call or email Julie Richardson (603-903-2400 or [email protected]) with questions. Thank you for your support! Enrollment Packets for 2014-2015 in the Mail Parents of currently enrolled MWS students should watch the mail for your packet of information and forms to complete the enrollment process for continuing students. Please remember that enrollment forms, including applications for tuition assistance, and deposits are due on February 21, 2104. You are welcome to contact me: 603-357-4442 Extension 105 or [email protected] with any questions about the continuing enrollment process. Pat Meissner Director of Outreach and Enrollment Welcome Leila Alemi We are pleased to welcome Leila Alemi as an intern in our first grade with Miss Marshall. Ms. Alemi is in the Waldorf teacher education program at Antioch University/ New England and comes all the way from Iran. Welcome! Kosh amadid! Page 2 Valentine’s Day is Right Around the Corner! The Seventh Grade will be selling Nicole's delicious handmade toffee, wrapped up for your special someone. Watch for order forms coming soon. Thank-you! Martha Temple for the Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Coffee Fundraiser The Eighth Grade has developed a new fundraiser: working with Dean’s Beans Coffee Company to provide high quality organic, fair trade coffee. The fundraiser supports not only this year’s Eighth Grade trip to Nantucket, but also small farmers and small farm cooperatives worldwide. Dean’s Beans is part of a “fully integrated progressive coffee trade system,” which promotes socially just and environmentally responsible trade. Dean’s is a founding member of Cooperative Coffees, Inc., and an active member in the Fair Trade Federation. They roast only organic, shade-grown coffee that contributes to the health of farm communities and the local environment. The Eighth Grade will offer Dean’s Dark or Medium Blend (in whole beans or ground) for $10/pound, or Decaf Dark or Medium (whole or ground) for $11/pound. Dean’s has also agreed to offer, at a special fundraiser price, their single-origin Timor Atsabe, medium roast, for $10.25/pound (whole bean) or $10.50/pound (ground). Also available for this fundraiser: organic hot chocolate mix ($7/8 oz.), chocolate java drops (chocolate-covered, dark roasted coffee beans, $10/pound), and Putumayo’s CD Music from the Coffee Lands ($12). Note: Coffee can be purchased several pounds at a time and stored in the freezer until use. The deadline for our first order is Wednesday, February 19. Coffee will be distributed just after vacation. To order, see an Eighth Grader, or fill out the attached order form and drop it at the Elementary School’s Main Office. Thank you, The Eighth Grade Parent Skills and Interests Survey Monadnock Waldorf School has been lucky enough to have a devoted group of parents and friends working tirelessly on behalf of our students for over 35 years. Parents provide hundreds of volunteer hours supporting class activities, staffing special events, guiding fundraising activities, serving the Parent Council, acting as class parents, participating on committees, contributing to the work of the Board of Trustees, chaperoning class trips, driving for the ski program, caring for our buildings and grounds, introducing new families to our school, and in countless other ways. Sometimes, even an hour of focused expertise can add a lot of value. These volunteer efforts build up our vibrant school community. They show our children a compelling example of what happens when people work together. Volunteer expertise saves the school money, allowing us to direct resources to our students and their educational program. We thank you for all you do! Knowing you better will allow us to make informed matches between the needs of our school and your skills and interests. Would you please complete the form attached to this W eekly Notice and return it to the Elementary School Main Office at your convenience during the month of February ([email protected]) ? Lisa Mahar Ordering Pizza, Tacos & Soup at the Elementary School Database for MWHS Built by Generous Former Parent Volunteer On a regular basis, the office at Monadnock Waldorf High School enjoys the warmth, good will, and skills of several parent volunteers: Theresa Majoy, Erik Bell, and Caddie Gregory, who volunteer regularly to cover the front desk and carry out office support work. Thank you, dear parents, for your cheerful competence and generous offering of yourselves. Recently, MWHS printed and distributed fall trimester reports from a user-friendly, custom-built database program ably and elegantly constructed by former MWS parent Nathan Lyczak. This phase of the database program was built over a period of several months and specially meets the needs of MWHS’s report style and format. The database is also built to handle enrollment and attendance records, and the next phase of the database Nathan is building will allow HS transcripts to be generated efficiently and accurately. MWHS extends deep gratitude and appreciation to Nathan for the countless hours of work he has so patiently and willingly devoted (and continues to devote), volunteering to carry out this project. Its positive impact on the systems, efficiency, and professionalism of the MWHS office is invaluable. Carol Renzelman, for MWHS faculty, students, and parents If your child will be late arriving at school, please be sure to call the Elementary School Main Office by 8:00 am if you are ordering pizza, tacos, or soup. The orders are collected and put together first thing in the morning, so it’s important to order by 8:00 am. Orders after 8:00 am cannot always be accommodated. Page 3 One of Our High School Teachers, Karl Schurman to Speak at Keene Public Library Karl Schurman will be doing a series of talks and programs this Spring at the Keene Public Library. Please join us! Walking the Same Land - Monday, February 10 – 6:30 pm: documentar y about young indigenous men (New Yor k State Mohawk and Australian Aborigine) who've overcome cultural destruction and resulting substance abuse issues through reconnecting with their traditions. A tremendously life-affirming film. Recommended viewing for any adolescents struggling with substance issues or for anyone interested in Native issues and history. Presented by the director/cameraman. (Appropriate for 9th grade-adult.) The World of Mother Teresa – Saturday, March 8 – 2:00 pm: documentar y shot in Calcutta, India and pr oduced for PBS in 1980, just after Mother Teresa won the Noble Peace Prize. Presented by the cameraman of the film. The Language of Cinema: a Film History course – eight Monday afternoons beginning March 3, March 10, March 17, March 24, March 31, April 14, April 28, May 5th - 4-5:30 pm. (pr esented by Kar l Schur man, who wor ked over thir ty year s in the film business in New York and around the world, and who is now teaches at Monadnock Waldorf High School.) (A ppropriate for 9th grade-adult.) Middle School Fundraising As many are aware, last spring the faculty proposed a new approach to fundraising for eighth grade class trips. The goal was to add a cooperative element to fundraising, with sixth and seventh graders having the experience of raising money to support their schoolmates in eighth grade. Going forward, it was imagined that each year the eighth grade trip would be funded by the efforts of all three middle school classes. Along with this new, cooperative approach, the faculty recommended guidelines for the cost of eighth grade class trips, and discussed the kind of fundraising in which students should be involved. Last summer, when Julia Kerr, Tim Price and I met to plan for the school year, we had a number of questions to bring back to our colleagues. We were supportive of this new cooperative gesture, and needed to clarify details related to pooling our resources. While all three classes have been actively fundraising this fall, the faculty has taken up these questions, considering ways to refine the fundraising model that meets the needs of students, parents, and teachers. A faculty committee of teachers (Kevin McGuigan, Maggie Myers, and myself) was assigned to meet, collect input, and propose a final working policy for the current year. As part of our work, Maggie, Kevin and I asked my fellow middle school teachers to join us in a meeting with parents who have been particularly active in fundraising thus far in the year. We wanted to hear from those most directly affected, in many respects, by a change in policy. Many thanks to the sixth, seventh and eighth grade parents who took time on a Saturday morning in December to meet with us. Their input was invaluable and touched on a wide range of issues that we will be taking back to College of Teachers and Faculty meetings. I am pleased to say that all parents and teachers present at our December meeting were supportive of the revisions that Kevin, Maggie and I have proposed for this year: in keeping with the cooperative gesture adopted last spring, the sixth and seventh grades will each pledge a generous amount toward the cost of the eighth grade class trip, totaling as much as $4,000. Funds raised by sixth and seventh grade classes above and beyond the pledged amount will be kept by each grade, respectively, to be used toward their own trips. There was a general sense that this modification represents the best of both approaches, allowing students to experience both the satisfaction of a generous gift and the excitement of working towards one’s own trip. It goes without saying that the faculty will be returning to this policy at the end of the year to see whether it has proved to be a positive change. Middle School parents can expect further information directly from their child’s class teacher about fundraising goals and ways to support our collective and individual efforts. Kevin, Maggie and I are also happy to field questions about the process and the modifications adopted for this school year. We welcome your input. Alison Henry Community Kitchen The Keene Community Kitchen continues to serve meals and make food boxes available to those in need in our community. Your contributions make the Kitchen able to fulfill its mission. We recently delivered five shopping bags full of nonperishable food and personal care items. Thank you! Now is a great time to help the Community Kitchen with a specific need: the need for personal care items. The Kitchen can use soap, deodorant, toothpaste, tooth brushes, shampoo, shaving cream, body lotion, combs, brushes, etc. Please drop these items in the collection box inside the front door at the elementary school or at the front desk at nursery-kindergarten or high school. Food items continue to be welcome. And thanks to all for supporting our neighbors in need! Lisa Mahar Page 4 High School News This Week at the High School Eleventh Grade: The Rise of the West, MWHS 2014: Ar ound 1500, what we call “the West” began to diverge radically from the rest of the world, which it eventually grew to dominate politically and economically. Even if some of that power has waned in the 21st century, the western mindset still dominates the cultural tone of the modern era. This is our culture—we are products of its worldview and totally immersed in its way of thinking. By examining how “the West” came about, can students begin to better understand themselves? Continuing where their Medieval History morning lesson left off, the 11th grade will broadly survey the development of the West from the 14th c. Black Plague to the 19th c. Industrial Revolution. They will step back in order to perceive the bigger themes running through specific events and individuals. We follow four main threads—Philosophy & Individuality, Science & Exploration, the Arts, Nation & the Common Man—through overlapping periods of the Reformation, Renaissance, Age of Exploration and Enlightenment. Through many readings from original texts, the students will consider questions the West posed in its rise to prominence: W here do I stand? W ho is my neighbor? W hat is a nation? How can we make sense out of the world? What is progress? To better grasp at the outset what we might mean by “the West,” the block begins with a case study of the late 20th c. rapid westernization of Ladakh, a remote region of Himalayan India. For final projects, students create an artistic presentation of one of the many extraordinary individuals they will encounter (from Henry V & Joan of Arc to Mary Wollstonecraft & William Blake) during the course of this nearly 500 years of history that led to the modern world. Karl Schurman Elementary News Spring Will be Here Before You Know it! We’re excited to once again offer 25 varieties of organic seeds from Fedco Seed Company. Start planning your summer garden and place your order before February break. The order forms are included with the newsletter. Feel free to print copies for friends and neighbors. Completed forms and checks can be returned to envelopes in the Elementary and High School Main Offices. Thank you, The Eighth Grade Sixth Grade News: Sweet Nothings Have Moved to Tuesdays! Friendship Bracelets and Hot Cocoa Also For Sale! The Sixth Grade is offering beautiful, handmade friendship bracelets. Come admire the selection at our dismissal bench on Mondays and Tuesdays. You may also drop by our classroom at snack or lunch time to pick one out. Prices range from 50 cents to 5 dollars. Watch for Hot Cocoa at the Sixth Grade bench on Mondays and Tuesdays. 75 cents will buy you a piping hot cup of cocoa in one of our reusable cups, a disposable cup for the road, or a cup of your own. Mini marshmallows are 5 cents extra, unless you bring your own cup -- then they're free. Keep warm and support the Middle School trip fund. Thank you, The Sixth Grade Page 5 This Week at the Nursery-Kindergarten and Elementary School Here’s a little glimpse into the Nursery-Kindergarten and Elementary School at MWS: Thanks to second grade parent Christy Bonneau for taking the notes at our Monday morning assembly at the elementary school. Lily of the Valley: Betsi’s childr en will hear the Gr imm’s stor y T he Poor Miller’s Boy’s Cat about a simple boy whose faithful action make him rich all the days of his life. The children will enjoy a Valentine themed circle full of songs and verses. They will be working on special projects, too! First Grade: The alphabet song is getting lots of play time in Miss Mar shall’s class. The groundhog saw his shadow so the students are preparing for six more weeks of winter by making candles for their Candlemas Celebration. Third Grade: Mr s. Tur ner ’s students ar e consider ing Noah’s ar k, both its dimensions and its inhabitants. They are busy drawing animals. During the month of February the students will explore how people exchange the goods they have grown and made. Fifth Grade: Mr s. Myer s’ students ar e lear ning about ancient civilizations, hearing about the three forms of the first known alphabets, Sanskrit, cuneiform, and hieroglyphics. The students are also learning to write fractions in a new way called decimals. Seventh Grade: Mr . Pr ice’s students ar e in a Physics Block studying the properties of movement. Mr. van Riel is working with the class to build a seesaw apparatus. Eighth Grade: Eighth gr ader s ar e continuing in their chemistr y block, examining the different forms sugar can take as it is stored as starch or transformed into cellulose. Where is sugar found in the world? In a plant? Or on the dinner table? Later in the week, we will look for amino acids and see where proteins come in to the picture. Our days are filled out with new fundraising activities and memorizing lines for our play, which will be performed in March. Page 6 Bulletin Board Weekly Notice In an effort to offset the expense of publishing the W eekly Notice, which costs approximately $5,000 per year, we are encouraging you to make a suggested donation of $10 to place bulletin board and community event listings that are professional in nature. This donation will cover the cost of running the ad for three weeks. We ask that you make your donation in advance. Thank you for your support! Toddler/Preschool art desk with sturdy chair for sale. Both by Tag. Desk has a place for a large paper roll, and a little shelf to keep art supplies. Structurally solid, excellent condition. Top of desk is well loved with signs of past artists. $25. [email protected] or 762-7301. 24-14 W.S. Badger Company looking for Fulfillment Supervisor. W.S. Badger Company is looking for a Fulfillment Supervisor! The Fulfillment Supervisor will work independently and in a team concept with a primary goal of ensuring that our customer’s receive complete and accurate orders in a timely manner. Our ideal candidate for this position will have demonstrated leadership skills, as well as excellent verbal and written communications skills. The candidate will have the ability to represent the Fulfillment department and Badger business, in general, with confidence and accuracy. Please send/email your resume and a cover letter telling us a little about yourself to: [email protected] OR Human Resources, W.S. Badger Co., PO Box 58, Gilsum, NH 03448. No W alk-ins Applications Accepted. 1-28-14 For rent: $1250, 3 bedroom, 1200 square ft. apartment downtown Keene. Quiet neighborhood, clean and nice apt. in downtown Keene. Well managed/maintained building has been updated inside and out. Plenty of parking with a private porch and hardwood floors. All new windows, new bathroom, etc. Large yard. Available immediately. 1250 month plus utilities. If interested in seeing, please call Josh at 603-209-1588; pictures available on Craigs List: http://nh.craigslist.org/ apa/4298177681.html Thank you, Ditteke Ederveen 1-28-14 LL Bean ski bag for sale. Very good condition, fully padded excursion nordic ski bag, double size carries up to 4 pairs of skis, length 81 in. New bag sells for $79, asking $25. Please call Mike Nadeau at 903-4979. 1-22-14 For sale: Kids Tr ainer made by Lucky Bums. Train your little ones to ski, stress free! I used this to teach my son, and it took all of the stress out of the transition from the learning hill to the chair lift. Not only did it help me to maintain control of his speed on steeper slopes, but the easy to grab handle on the back of this pack ensured that I could safely and easily hold onto him as we got on the lift that first season, which was a BIG deal for me. Absolutely loved this item, and highly recommend it. Sells new for $49, asking $25. Call Mike Nadeau at 903-4979. 1-22-14 Attention workout ladies! Anyone interested in joining Downtown Fitness (formally Lady of America) for only $20 a month for 2014? Call Jennifer Butler at 313-7121 for more details. 122-14 Camp Glen Brook in Marlborough, NH seeks a part-time (15-20 hours/ week) Registrar & Administrative Assistant to manage registration for all programs and assist the Camp staff with outreach and fundraising; internal and external communications; human resource record keeping; and other administrative tasks. An ability to multitask cheerfully, great phone/customer service skills and competence with Microsoft Office and computer programs a must. Experience with Camp Brain, Adobe Illustrator and Quickbooks a plus. Please send cover letter and resume to: Shelley Goguen Hulbert at [email protected]. 1-2214 rumors that it has found the MWS neighborhood quite welcoming, and though I trust that it is having wonderful artistic expressions and experiences, it is truly missed. If you have found yourself the caretaker of a transient, large (5x3/ 6X4ish) chalkboard, please contact me. I am willing to reimburse you for the room and board it has consumed. Truly, Jan Lyndes at 585-2247 or [email protected]. 1-22-14 Design, home repairs, carpentry, painting, organizing. Please call Markus Wetterhorn at 603-363-8268. 122-14 Studio apartment for rent in beautiful Harrisville, 25 minutes from MWS. Lovely wood floors, built-ins, view of the apple orchard and tons of natural light. Walk to the General Store, town beach and library. Call the Falconbridges at 603-762-8339 for more details. 122-14 West Keene homestead for sale: lar ge property with handyman special house is seeking “homesteaders” to make this place their home. Almost a full flat and sunny acre of land has potential to raise a large percentage of a family’s foodveggies, fruit, chickens, bee’s and lots more. This site was part of a Sustainable Suburban Design competition in 2013 and several backyard homestead designs (mostly permaculture based) are also available to accompany your own ideas. The house is gutted with no working utilities (though it is on the city water/sewer system)– it has good bones but needs major renovation. A bank loan may be challenging. Owner very open to discuss ideas to make this work for the right buyers- serious homesteaders/growers/locavores - (if house does not sell in the next 5-8 months to someone committed to utilizing the land for growing food, it will go on the open market.) Asking price, as is $95,000. Please call/email Catherine Skove at 499-0154 or [email protected]. 1-2214 Missing beloved teacher’s chalkboard. One year ago, Pumpkin Fest, my beloved teacher sized chalkboard went on a walk-about. I have heard Page 7 Community Events Yoga Mondays: 3:30-5:00 p.m. at MWHS Hatha Yoga for Teens and Adults, Level I/II Think: precise alignment, flowing breath, and a huge inner smile! The next 8-week series begins February 3 and follows the school calendar. $48/adults, $40/teen for 8 Monday classes Call yoga teacher Liza Dupuis at 357-1360 for more information. Almost Maine by John Cariani produced by The Edge Ensemble Theater Company Feb. 14th, 15th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. Molly McMillan will be performing. The Edge Ensemble Theatre Company is excited to present John Cariani's charming romantic comedy, "A lmost, Maine," opening on Valentine's Day - February 14. Opening night will feature a romantic dinner theatre opportunity: Join The Edge Ensemble at "The Moose Paddy" - in reality, Heberton Hall at 76 Winter Street in Keene, N.H. ...but reality is relative in the world of Almost, Maine, and The Edge will transform Heberton Hall into a favorite hangout of the play's characters. There are only 10 dinner theatre tickets left, and they cost $50 each. Doors open at 6 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. Six performances of "Almost, Maine" will follow the February 14 dinner theatre: Saturday, February 15, and Wednesday, February 19, through Saturday, February 22, all beginning at 7:30 p.m.; and a special matinee performance on Sunday, February 23, beginning at 2 p.m. Tickets for each of these performances are $15, or $12 for students and seniors. For tickets or more information, visit our website or email [email protected]; or call 603-352-5657. Spirited Nutrition Winter Reboot starts February 16 A 21-day diet and lifestyle cleanse you can do while living a full life. Interested in cleaning up your diet and focusing on your health and well-being? Feeling like you could use a mid-winter Reboot? Check out the details at: 21DayReboot.com. Contact [email protected] with questions. Registration closes February 9th. Daily Devotion—A Women’s Retreat for Self-Care Yoga • Ayurveda • Daily Rituals Immerse yourself in an afternoon of simple practices designed to support, nourish, and enhance your well-being. You will take home simple practices to support your health along with a lovely self-care gift bag. Join us for one or both retreats: Winter Retreat, Saturday, February 15th, 1:00-5:30 pm, cost: $95 ($90 if registered before 1/1/14). Spring Retreat, Saturday, March 29th, 1:00 – 5:30 pm, cost: $95 ($90 if registered before 2/22/14). Workshop Presenters: Ashleigh Boivin, Gretchen Carmel, Michelle Davis, Kelly Giard, and Jennie Gryczka The Yoga Space • 82 Washington St. Keene, NH, 603-209-YOGA, • www.theyogaspacenh.com • [email protected] Pre-registration required. Farm Appreciation Night Friday, March 14, 2014, 5:30pm-10:30pm Heberton Hall, 60 Winter St., next to Keene Public Library Join the Monadnock Farm and Community Coalition for a night of merriment and tribute to the farmers who enable us to eat local, farm-fresh foods throughout the season, contribute to our community, and help preserve the rural feel and agricultural heritage of the beautiful Monadnock Region. This volunteer-run event brings farmers and the broader public together to kick back, eat, drink, and be merry together. Music provided by The Bump Road Band, the Cold River Ranters, and a contradance called by Don Primrose. Farmers and children under 12 eat for free! $10/suggested donation, per person. To RSVP (PLEASE!) email: [email protected]; website: www.mfccoalition.org and click on "Farm Appreciation Night"; or call Roe-Ann Tasoulas, 8523198. Page 8 School Fundraisers Eighth Grade Bread and Cookie Order Form Name: _______________________ Grade: __________ Orders due: Monday, February 10, 2014 Pick-up date: Thursday, February 13, 2014 Quantity Description Price FARMHOUSE WHITE (formerly CHALLAH) Loaf (sliced) $5.00 Loaf Pan FRENCH $5.00 Sesame FRENCH $5.00 4 SEED SUNNY FLAX $5.00 Large COUNTRY ROUND $5.00 MULTI GRAIN (sliced) $5.00 BREADSTICKS: Seeded onion Harvest breadstick with caramelized Onion, sweet corn and cheddar $2.50 $2.50 SANDWICH ROLLS, Challah-type, 4-pack $4.25 SPECIAL: Harvest multi-grain $5.00 WHEAT-FREE: Whole spelt $5.00 Total Price TOTAL $________________ Please turn order in to the Main Office at the Elementary school. Please make checks payable to MWS - Class of 2018. Soft Taco Order Form *$2 per taco* Name:________________________________ Grade (please circle): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Please fill in the # of tacos being ordered next to your preference from list below: # of tacos:____ el supremo (all of the fillings from below) # of tacos:____ especial (please circle fillings of your choice) organic black beans organic lettuce Cabot cheese organic mild salsa Cabot sour cream *All tacos served in Maria & Ricardo’s gluten-free, dairy-free corn tortillas.* Gracias! Page 9 Support MWHS Senior Class Service Trip! Save the date! February 19th between 4:00 and 8:00 pm Bring a copy of this flyer (one per person) to Panera to help support the MWHS Senior Class Service Trip with Habitat for Humanity. We’ll get a percentage of each sale to help towards the trip, and if 50 of us go, we get 20%! Thank you for your support! Page 10       Parent Skills and Interests  Winter 2014 Monadnock Waldorf School has been lucky enough to have a devoted group of parents and friends working relessly on behalf of our students for over 35 years.  Parents provide hundreds of volunteer hours suppor ng class ac vies, staffing special events, guiding fundraising ac vi es, serving the Parent Council, ac ng as class parents, par cipa ng on commi ees, contribu ng to the work of the Board of Trustees, chaperoning class trips, driving for the ski program, caring for our buildings and grounds, introducing new families to our school, and in countless other ways.  Some mes, even an hour of focused exper se can add a lot of value.  These volunteer efforts build up our vibrant school community.  They show our children a compelling example of what happens when people work together.  Volunteer exper se saves the school money, allowing us to direct resources to our students and their educa onal program. We thank you for all you do!  Knowing you be er will allow us to make informed matches between the needs of our school and your skills and interests.  Would you please complete this form and return it to the Elementary School Main Office ([email protected]) at your convenience during the month of February?  Name:________________________________________________________________________  Name(s) and Grade(s) of your child(ren):_____________________________________________  My areas of experƟse include (check all that apply):  __Financial Management __Accoun ng __Law __Building Trades/Carpentry __Architecture/Building Systems __Project Management __Health/Health Care __Non-profit Management __Business Management __Human Resources __Investment Management __Marke ng __Design/Graphic Arts __Edi ng/Publishing __Copywri ng __Fundraising __Music/Drama/Arts __Outdoor Educa on __IT/Technology __Social Media/New Media __Educa on/Higher Educa on Page 11 __Event Planning __Farming/Gardening __Day Care/Childcare __Real Estate ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________  I am interested in service to the school in the following areas (check all that apply):  ___Buildings and Grounds  ___Chaperoning ___Helping with the Ski/Snowboard Program ___Serving on the Parent Council ___Being an ad hoc member of, or resource for, a Commi ee of the Board of Trustees: ___Finance Commi ee ___Marke ng and Enrollment Commi ee ___Human Resources Commi ee ___Development Commi ee ___Cra s Fair Commi ee ___Fundraising ___Classroom Support ___Talking with prospec ve families ___Being a “buddy” to a new family ___Staffing events and special programs ___Hanging posters and event fliers ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________  My educa onal background/training: _____________________________________________________________  My Employer and Posi on, and/or Employment History: ______________________________________________  Experience serving on a non-profit Board?  ___yes  ___no  Any addi onal thoughts: ________________________________________________________________________  Best ways to contact me:_________________________________________________________  Best mes/days for me to volunteer:________________________________________________  Amount of me I can volunteer:  ____ hours per week ____ hours per month ____ hours per year Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15
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