Volume 18, Issue 5 5M9 SERVICE JOURNAL GLORIA ANDERSON 5M9 DISTRICT GOVERNOR November 2014 IPDG Don’s Mini Forum was held on October 5th at the Bluffton Community Center. Many attended and numerous awards were presented to deserving Lions from all over District 5M9. Continue reading to see more on the Mini Forum and see who received awards. WewouldliketothankallthosewhoattendedtheMiniForumonOctober5thin Bluffton.Wewerehonoredtohaveover80peopleinattendanceforthisspecialevent. Aspecialthanksgoesouttoourguestspeaker,ThomasJohansen,alongwithhis parentsLionJimandCarol. Forthoseofyouwhomissedit,itwasagreatafternoon illedwithfellowship,foodand awards.CongratulationstoalloftheverydeservingLionswhoreceivedawards. Wethankthedistrictof5M9forthewonderfulmemoriesandforalltheloveand supportthateachofyouhavegivenusthesepast4years.Withoutyou,thiswouldnot havebeentheamazingexperiencethatitwas. ContinuetoserveandgrowinLions‐weloveyouall. IPDGDonandLionPat DG Gloria 2 Club Activities 5-8 VDG Jay & Don’t Forget 3 IPDG Don’s MiniForum 9-11 2nd VDG Dick & GLT Report 4 Calendar & contact info 12 Opportunity to Serve 5 5M9 MidWinter Info 13-16 Club Tax Reminder 6 District Governor—Gloria Anderson Driving to our District Governor club visits has been a very delightful sightseeing opportunity this fall. We have been able to enjoy the magnificent and vibrant colors plus the sunny and warm days. All-in-all – great driving weather. Clubs, have you been promoting the Peace Poster Contest? The deadline to get your poster to me is November 15. I, in turn, need to get it sent in to CC Earl Orvik by December 1, for entry in the contest. Last year’s MD5M winning poster came from 5M8 and went on to International earning Honorable Mention there. Let’s see what 5M9 can do! The deadline date to order Hospitality Books for the 2015 5M9 Mid-Winter Convention at a reduced rate is fast approaching – December 1. Take advantage of this offer and come for a fun-filled week-end. The Palisade and McGregor Lions Clubs have planned an exciting convention and you won’t want to miss one minute of it!! So, register early and be ready to experience how to “Unleash Your Lion.” Diabetes Co-Chairs, Bev Labraaten and Mike Potocki, have informed us that Lions can no longer do any diabetes screening, as we have done previously. Health regulations prevent us from conducting these screenings. They learned of this at their recent Diabetes Foundation Meeting in October. For more information, contact either Bev or Mike. We will still have vision screening and the new hearing screening at the Mid-Winter but not the diabetes. Is there a club or perhaps a couple of clubs interested in hosting the 2017 5M9 Mid-Winter Convention? We are looking for volunteers to step up and request to host. At this Mid-Winter we will vote on who gets the opportunity to take on this experience. Permission was given to the Faribault Lions Club at the recent Council of Governors, to send a letter to the clubs in Minnesota to fund the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library’s Large Print Fund. They last asked for funds in 2012-2013 and these funds have been depleted, The need for new books continues to grow. The library continues to have a need for newer large print books. The project gives clubs the opportunity to publicize these services to those in their communities who may be eligible to use their services. The Fall Zone Meetings continue to be planned. Clubs, please encourage members to attend your particular zone meeting. This is the place to hear about what is going on in your zone and in our great District 5M9. While we always want the club president, secretary and club membership chair to attend, these zone meetings are for all Lions. It is always a fun time, a great time to renew friendships with your fellow Lions and to hear what each club is doing. One of President Preston’s “Strengthen the Pride” is Leos. Leos are an important part of the overall strength of our pride – our family. As Lions, let’s involve Leos, support them and celebrate their service accomplishments so they may expand our pride even further to help us serve more people. By maintaining contact with our Leos, we can provide the opportunity for these Leos to become Lions in the future. Reaching out to younger generations will benefit our organization today and throughout another century of Lions service. Strengthen your club by sponsoring a Leo Club. If you have already sponsored a Leo Club, continue to stay involved with it and give guidance. These Leos are our future leaders. Until next month. . . . . . . DG Gloria Anderson Page 2 5 M 9 S ER V I C E J O U R N AL Vice District Governor—Jay Norby The Power of “WE” Perhaps one of the most powerful phrases that we have learned is “We the People”. It is the first three words in our constitution. Our founding fathers got it right when they realized that in order for us to have a chance at being a great nation that it had to include everyone. When Melvin Jones had an idea to start a service organization he realized that in order for Lions to grow, we too, had to include everyone and that getting together as a group or team we could accomplish so much more. Over the last 13 years I have had the opportunity to travel throughout this great district and to visit other clubs, attend meetings and conventions with Lions of other districts and multiples. It is inspiring to listen to the stories of projects that other places have started and how they went about getting them started. Many of these projects started as an idea of one or two Lions and with the help and encouragement of many more Lions became a reality. One of the best examples that we have in our district is Project New Hope. What started as a dream of one Lion is now a project that not only encompasses 5M9, it is throughout the multiple and in many more states and provinces. This could not, and would not, be at the level that it is at and growing, if this was still the work of one or two Lions. It is because of the help and encouragement of many Lions that has brought this project to the level it is at. All due to the power of “WE”. How many times has a club looked at an existing project or a potential new idea and said that they do not have enough members or no one is willing to step up and chair? Look at the power of “WE”; appoint co-chairs or perhaps an entire committee to run an event. Invite another group to help with that project. Collaboration with another organization demonstrates the Lions willingness to work together for the success of a project and the community! A “shared” success is always a win-win outcome! Club officers, how many times have you felt like you are doing everything by yourself? Is this self inflicted because you feel that it has to be done a certain way? Committees, do you actually have a committee or is it one or two people doing all the work? Is the committee only two or three people? Spreading the duties and responsibilities over a bigger group makes it more manageable and fun. It makes it feel less intimidating for members to want to step up and help. Remember, people are willing to help if you ask them and they feel secure that you will not “dump” more responsibilities on them than was assigned. The more people that get involved, the lighter the work load, more shared ownership of the project and the more fun everyone has. For Lions, the power of “WE” is best exemplified in our Motto, “WE SERVE”. 1st VDG Jay DON’T FORGET пѓћпЂ File your club’s tax return! пѓћпЂ Send in your registration for the Mid Winter Convention and your room registration. пѓћпЂ Send pictures and stories to [email protected] пѓћпЂ вЂњJUST ASK” community members to join Lions VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 Page 3 Richard the Lionhearted 2nd Vice District Governor - Dick Stebbins Hello to all Lions in 5M9! Fall is here with the beautiful leaves (and a lot of lawn work). Winter and the Holidays will be upon us soon , with the Mid Winter Convention soon thereafter. I hope you will sign up for the convention. Early deadline is Dec. 1st. I am thinking of all the first timers that are excited to attend and seeing and renewing acquaintances from past conventions and of course the Nisswa pork on a stick! As I look forward to seeing you all at this Mid-Winter, I am asking for your vote as I am a candidate for 1st Vice District Governor. I have enjoyed serving as 2nd Vice District Governor for 2013-2014 and the opportunity to meet and greet so many Lions at the many meetings I have been able to attend. Clubs, be sure to get donations in to the Project Chairs by December 1. Meeting this date gives the Chairs time to record your club’s donation and mark it for the Mid-Winter. Remember, any donation is always welcomed and needed – none are too small. We are starting with our 2nd round of zone meetings. Have you invited at least three of our Project Chairs to come visit your clubs and present a program on their project? Please consider doing this even if you didn’t sign up at the first combined zone meetings. If your club hasn’t hosted a zone meeting in the last year please consider doing so, your Zone chair will thank you. It isn’t a difficult task so I encourage you to do so. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, from both Lion Sue and Myself. We have been so blessed with our wonderful family and friends and also our Lion family and friends. FARE THEE WELL 2ND VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR DICK STEBBINS GLT Report: Lion Don Hendrickx The deadline for the Lions Regional Learning Institute is approaching quickly. You must have your application to District Governor Gloria Anderson by December 1, 2014. Our District is allowed 6 participants unless there are other openings and they could fill them in with Lions from other districts. Last month I gave you my thoughts on why you should attend and this month I have asked graduates of the program to give their insight. ~~~As a graduate of the Learning Institute in April 2009, I witnessed the growth of each graduate in the field of leadership qualities as they departed this weekend session. You will be amazed as you sharpen your known talents and explore and discover your new talents. I learned of many communication styles and the manner in which to make presentations and enforce my public speaking skills. All the skills you learn are not only important to you as a Lion member, but also important in your family, church, civic and business duties. Lion Brent Frazier - Pelican Rapids Lions Club ~~~ I attended the Learning Institute in 2009. I still remember the play "A Peacock in the Land of Penguins, A Tale of Diversity and Discovery" . As I look at our Lions meetings I can see all the Diversity we have in our Lions organization. More than ever there is a need to accept and promote individuality of our members and clubs. There is really no right or wrong way, just guidelines that are used to achieve the desired goal. A great leader is one who can master this art of guiding all this diversity. Through this Leadership Institute I began building a foundation in my own leadership skills. Now I better understand what it means to be a L " ion" . Lion Joyce Ramsay - Wolf Lake Lions Club Page 4 5 M 9 S ER V I C E J O U R N AL GET A JUMP ON HOLIDAY SHOPPING….. AND SOME GOODIES FOR THE DEER HUNTERS! BACKUS LIONS HOLIDAY CRAFT AND BAKE SALE 8 - NOON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2014 The Backus Lions will hold their annual Holiday Craft and Bake Sale from 8 a.m. to Noon on Saturday, November 8 at the Backus City Hall in downtown Backus, just west of Highway 371. Many beautiful, handcrafted items will be on sale plus homemade baked goods. Raffle tickets for some wonderful items, including a hand-made quilt, will be sold. Enjoy a cranberry muffin with butter sauce, coffee and cider while you shop and visit with your neighbors or make new friends. Free diabetic screening will be available. Proceeds from this sale benefit the philanthropic activity of the Backus Lions including high school scholarships, food shelves, Christmas For Kids, Relay For Life, service dog organizations, our local schools, nursing homes, fire department and First Responders. The Backus Lions are always looking for new members who would like to help the local community. Contact any of the workers at the Craft and Bake Sale for membership information. VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 The WADENA LIONS inducted 6 new members at their club Governor’s visit on October 13. Front L-R: Neil Hutson, Lin Olson, DG Gloria Anderson, Nick Grebe. Back L-R: Jose Alba, Ryan Damlo, Doug Formanek. Welcome to District 5M9! The AITKIN LIONS recently inducted 3 new members at their Governor’s visit. Pictured L-R: John Woodrow, Barb Woodrow, Michele Plagman & DG Gloria Anderson Page 5 MARCH 7-14, 2015 WE ARE IN GREAT NEED OF NEW VOLUNTEERS! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN US PLEASE CONTACT ME. ARMAND RADKE 218-234-6556 [email protected] VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 Page 6 Left: Backus Lions Fly-In Pancake Breakfast Co-Chairs Chuck Foust (left) and LeRoy Jordan (right) presented two checks totaling $1,200 to Backus Fire Department representative Kerry Krumwiede and First Responder Ross Borman at the October monthly meeting. The funds were raised in July at the Backus Lions Fly-In Pancake Breakfast. Thanks to the many people who attended. The Backus Lions raise funds throughout the year for many area organizations & are always looking for new members wanting to help their community. Right: The PARK RAPIDS LIONS manned a rest stop for the Park Rapids Headwaters 100 Bike Tour on September 27th. L-R: Richard Kyro, Sue Monsrud, Arlene and Kale Kyro, Mike Monsrud, Frank Bender, and Richard LaFountain. Middle Right: Some of the participants in the Tour on a beautiful fall day. Above: On September 30th the HENNING LIONS hosted an ASK 1 Luncheon where 10 Lions and 10 Guests enjoyed lunch and presentations by Marlyn and Peg Kruschke at the Landmark Center in Henning. Left: some of the HENNING LIONS work to prepare the Lunch for their Guests. Right: BATTLE LAKE LIONS CLUB has the only Song Leader in District 5M9 that plays the Ukulele!!! Lion Roger Wold has a passion for his Music and he gives a performance every month at the meeting. VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 Page 7 Left: Lion Tom Plagman—Aitkin, visited CORMORANT LIONS and talked about LCIF. He also did a little Politic-ing. Below: CORMORANT LIONS Charter Members Jack Koland and Virgil Mahlum received their 30 year Chevrons. Cormorant will celebrate 30 Years in January 2015 Above: Lion Rod Krueger was presented Leader Dog for the Blind recognition CORMORANT LIONS hosted their annual Hunter's Stag Friday, September 26th in Cormorant Village. It was a huge success this year with great community support. Chili, door prizes, gun raffles, bucket prize raffles, gun board, meat raffles, and lots of fun! Cormorant Lions would like to thank all sponsors, contributors, friends, neighbors, and members for their support! Visit Cormorant Lions on Facebook for more on the event. Mark your calendars for next year - end of September. The Cormorant Lions are planning an even larger event. VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 Page 8 Above: Les Swift and Doug Allen of Pillager received the Way To Go award for sponsoring 5 or more new members in 2013-14. They are pictured with IPDG Don GMT Chair Randy Beaver. Not pictured: Trina Johnson-Brainerd and Sean McDonald-Longville. Right: Thomas Johansen, 9 yr old son of Lion Jim Johansen and Carol spoke on Growing up With Diabetes. Below: Plus Membership Award Recipients All of the clubs that ended their year with a “plus” membership—one of DG Don’s goals. The clubs represented below are: Pine River, Fergus Falls Riverside, Ottertail, Frazee, Osage, Pillager, Lake Park, Battle Lake, Backus, and Elizabeth. Not pictured are: Brainerd lakes, Breckenridge, Callaway, Cass Lake Country, Deer Creek, Hackensack, Longville, Northland Remer, Parkers Prairie, Sebeka, Urbank, Vergas, and Walker. Below: Governor’s Contest Winners L-R: IPDG Don Hendrickx, Sue Stebbins-Zone 1 (Baxter), Joyce Ramsey-Zone 6 (Wolf Lake), Zelda Novak-Zone 4 (Park Rapids), Evie Ladd-Zone 2 (Palisade), Margaret VanErp-Zone 5 (Bluffton), Tyler Krumwiede-Zone 7 (Perham Lakes), Corliss Enquist-Zone 8 (Underwood), Jerry Smith-Zone 9 (Ottertail). Not Pictured, Zone 3 (Emily Outing 50 Lakes) VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 Page 9 Above: Can Do Canines “Top Dog” Award was presented to the Battle Lake Lions and the Ottertail Lions for the help in hosting the 2014 Mid Winter Convention. Pictured are Marlyn & Peg Kruschke of Battle Lake and Shirley and Jerry Smith of Ottertail. Above: 100% Secretary Awards were awarded to Evie Ladd, Ginny Paulson, Margaret Van Erp, Tyler Krumwiede (for Rosie Alstsadt) Judy Brasgalla, Jerry Smith, Corliss Enquist, Marlyn Kruschke (for Mike Adkins) pictured with IPDG Don. Not Pictured, Kathy Harvet. Left: Bonnie Genin and Peter VanErp received the Founder Tribute Award from Leader Dog. They are pictured with IPDG Don Right: IPDG Don presented a special Gold Medallion Plate to Sister Char Grossman for her dedication to the District as Chaplain and to Jim Johansen for his dedication to the District organizing the Service of Remembrance at our Mid Winter Conventions. VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 Page 10 DG Don Presented Doug Allen and Margaret Van Erp a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship. Above: Kathy & Jim Frye are pictured with IPDG Don. Jim Frye was presented a Progressive Helen Keller Sight Award. Left: IPDG Don presented DG Gloria with a Dream Catcher Award for following in his footsteps to catch her dream of becoming DG. Right: IPDG Don presented Eldon Bergman an award for his hard work as the District 5M9 Treasurer 2013-14. Left: DG Gloria presented IPDG Don a Certificate of Appreciation for his year of service as District Governor. The award was signed by Immediate Past International President Barry Palmer. VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 Below: Kamp KACE Kamp West Director Jay Norby presented IPDG Don with a picture of the group of kids at Kamp KACE 2014. Page 11 5M9 Service Journal Calendar to Go November February 3 6 10 11 13 17 18 20 20 24 25 27 5 6-8 9 Zone 3 Mtg @ Hackensack Pelican Rapids DG Visit Cass Lake DG Visit Park Rapids DG Visit Hackensack DG Visit Longville DG Visit Zone 1 Mtg @ Brainerd Cuyuna Range DG Visit Zone 5 Mtg @ Deer Creek Sebeka DG Visit Laporte Benedict DG Visit Thanksgiving Day Perham DG Visit MidWinter Conv 5M8 Breckenridge/Campbell DG Visit 12 Dent DG Visit 13-15 MidWinter Conv 5M2 20-22 MidWinter Convention 5M3—5M13 23 Brainerd DG Visit March 9 Guthrie Nary DG Visit 11 Pine River DG Visit 14 Council of Governors December 19 Underwood DG Visit 1 Osage DG Visit 5M9 Cabinet Mtg @ Bluffton 3 Frazee & Wolf Lake DG Visit 22 23 Lake Park DG Visit 7 Hewitt Lions & Lioness DG 26 Zone 7 Mtg @ Perham Visit 26-29 Regional Lions Leadership 8 Dalton/Ashby DG Visit— Institute—Mahnomen Joint Christmas Party April 10 Urbank DG Visit 4 Hearing Foundation Mtg 11 Parkers Prairie DG Visit @ St Cloud 15 Bluffton Christmas Party 7 Menahga Gateway DG Visit 16 Detroit Lakes DG Visit 13 Baxter DG Visit 21 Family Christmas 14 Palisade DG Visit 23-25 Christmas 15 Deer Creek DG Visit January 2015 16-19 2015 Multiple Convention 1 New Year’s Day 21 Zone 4 Mtg @ Guthrie Nary 3 Hearing Foundation Mtg 26 Club Leadership Training @ St Cloud 9-11 MidWinter Convention 5M9—5M5—5M6 14 New York Mills DG Visit 16-18 MidWinter Convention 5M1—5M7 19 Verndale & Aldrich DG Visit 23-25 MidWinter Convention 5M4—5M10 26 McGregor DG Visit 30– Feb 1 MidWinter Conv 5M11 This publication is of, by, and for the Lions, Lioness, & Leos of District 5M-9 District Governor Gloria Anderson (Ken) 844 7th St SW Wadena, MN 56482 H: 218-631-9005 [email protected] 1st Vice Dist Governor Jay Norby (Linda) 1021 5th Ave NW Perham, MN 56573 H: 218-346-3200 C: 218-298-2140 [email protected] 2nd Vice Dist Governor Dick Stebbins (Sue) 26390 Glen Drive Garrison, MN 56540 H: 320-692-4373 C: 218-251-0275 [email protected] Cabinet Secretary Margaret Van Erp (Peter) 38214 610th Ave Bluffton, MN 56518 H: 218-385-3446 [email protected] May 7 12 14 18 Zone 8 Mtg @ Fergus Falls Pequot Lakes/Breezy Point DG Visit Nevis & Akeley DG Visit Cass Lake Lake Country DG Visit District Treasurer Eldon Bergman (Vi) 50726Wymer Lake Loop Frazee, MN 56544 H: 218-334-5841 [email protected] Newsletter Editor/Diva Tracey Buhl (Randy) 28000 Redhead Drive Underwood, MN 56586 C: 218-841-1877 [email protected] Please submit stories and photos on or before the 15th of each month for entry into the following months newsletter. When possible, send photos in a jpeg format and articles as a word document. Use pdf format only when the other options are not available. Contact me for assistance or with questions. Thank You Tracey Buhl 5M9 Convention Schedule Friday January 9, 2015 Registration 12:00pm – 10:00pm Poolside Credentials 12:00pm – 7:00pm Poolside Pin Trading 12:00pm – 7:00pm Poolside Displays 12:00pm – 7:00pm Poolside Prize Raffle Area 12:00pm – 10:00pm Poolside Cabinet Meeting 2:15pm – 4:15pm Paul Bunyan 1 & 2 PDG Meeting 4:15pm – 6:15pm Paul Bunyan 1 & 2 Candidates’ Hospitality 5:00pm – 11:00pm Poolside Service of Remembrance 7:30pm – 9:00pm Lakeshore Room First Timers’ Meeting immediately following service Lakeshore Room AC Entertainment, Wadena MN 9:00pm – 11:00pm Poolside Saturday January 10, 2015 Registration 7:00am – 5:00pm Poolside Pride Breakfast 7:00am – 8:30am South Dining Room Credentials 8:00am – 10:30am Poolside Pin Trading 8:00am – 5:00pm Poolside Displays 8:00am – 5:00pm Poolside Prize Raffle Area 8:00am – 5:00pm Poolside Business Meeting 8:45am – 10:30am Lakeshore 1 & 2 Voting 10:30am – 10:45am Lakeshore 1 & 2 Seminar #1 11:00am – 11:45am Lakeshore 1 & 2 Legal Issues & the Lions, MD5M Legal Consultant, PDG Wayne Swanson Noon Luncheon 12:00pm – 2:00pm The Centre Bevan Yueh, MD, Lions MD5M Hearing Foundation Health Fairs 2:15pm – 4:00pm Peripheral Vision Screening Paul Bunyan 1 Diabetes info and Glaucoma Screenings Paul Bunyan 1 Hearing Screening Paul Bunyan 3 Seminar #2 2:15pm – 3:00pm Lakeshore 1 & 2 Special Olympics, MD5M Special Olympics Chair, Lion Laura Maki Seminar #3 3:00pm – 3:45pm Lakeshore 1 & 2 Mystery Presenter – a very special presentation! Catholic Mass 4:15pm – 5:00pm Lakeshore 1 & 2 International Director’s Reception 5:30pm – 6:15pm The Centre Governor’s Banquet 6:30pm – 9:00pm The Centre International Director Esther LaMothe, speaker Entertainment 9:00pm – 10:30pm The Centre Black & Whyte Dueling Pianos - Sunday January 11, 2015 Registration 8:00am – 8:45am Poolside Credentials 8:00am – 8:45am Poolside Non-Denominational Church Service 8:00am – 8:45am Lakeshore 1 & 2 Brunch & Business Meeting 9:00am – 12:00am The Centre VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 Page 13 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 Page 14 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 5 Page 15 Page 16 5 M 9 S ER V I C E J O U R N AL
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