HINCKLEY UPDATE A monthly newsletter of the Hinckley First United Methodist Church • March• Volume 3 • 2015 Letter From the Pastor Dear Hinckley, Over the years, I’ve been asked to write many letters of recommendation for people. Having been the subject of such letters in the past, I know how important they can be. Sometimes specifics are provided about what traits or skills are being sought, but sometimes they aren’t, and those writing the letter have to guess about what those receiving it want to know. Several things go through my mind when I write about someone. One of my main thoughts is that what and how I write could have important implications. Sometimes it feels like a lot of pressure, but I’m usually able to just be honest about how I have experienced the person I’m recommending If I just try to be clear about why I think they would be a good fit, it usually ends up being pretty easy. I remember a time, 30 years ago, when I asked one of my college professors to write a letter of recommendation for me. He seemed happy to help, but asked me to write it, and if he agreed with everything I said, he would sign it. I was unsure of how to go about that… And once I started the letter, it became more difficult to write rather than easier. It was painfully uncomfortable to write about my own personality, talents, and accomplishments! It shouldn’t really be difficult, though. After all, don’t we know ourselves better than anyone else? Most of us can be fairly accurate about identifying our own strengths and weaknesses. Yet, to many of us, it feels like “bragging” if we promote our own abilities to others. Even pointing out objective qualifications can feel uncomfortable. Why does being openly proud of our abilities have the potential to be so embarrassing? Most of us are taught to be humble – and most of us learned that well! If someone gives us a compliment, we might brush it off, sometimes with a blush or self-effacing comment like “Oh, I don’t know about that,” or “You’re too kind!” And yet, if instead, we overhear other people saying nice things about us to each other, or see something complimentary that someone has written, it feels especially good - especially if it’s something they don’t think we will hear/see! Few of us like to be around people who crow about how great they are all the time. Real hubris has always been irritating and unattractive. Actually, people who constantly brag about themselves are usually pretty insecure and often have low self-esteem. But genuine confidence is different than bragging. And, if we want to take advantage of potential opportunities that will help us achieve our goals, then we need to be able to differentiate ourselves from others who may not be as qualified. time soon. But I do wish we could all feel freer to be more self-confident rather than constantly needing the approval of others. God has made each of us with important but different, individual talents. If we downplay their importance and value, we may as well be telling God that divine creation isn’t good enough – we won’t be satisfied until someone else says we’re deserving of praise and recognition. What if we all wrote a ‘letter of recommendation’ for ourselves? It would be good for most of us to make the case for being the absolute best, most qualified person in the whole world to be ourselves. Be sure it’s convincing. Read it often. Believe it and celebrate it. And no matter who else has applied, make sure you are the only one who gets the position! “Learning to embrace and feel Peace, Pastor Laura unapologetically confident about our gifts and talents, without just hoping that others will notice and praise us, can be healthy and even attractive.” Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all feel honestly good about ourselves and our accomplishments? That doesn’t mean we would suddenly be immune to the wonderful power of compliments from others, but it might mean that we were a little more comfortable with ourselves. I suppose letters of recommendation won’t become obsolete any HINCKLEY UPDATE • MARCH, 2015 • PAGE 1 In This Issue Letter from the Pastor .. .. .. .. . 1 Church Directory . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2 Board Meetings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2 Food Pantry .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2 Library News . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 Friends of Library .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 Parks & Recreation .. .. .. .. .. . 4 Historical Society .. .. .. .. .. .. . 4 H-BR #429 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 5 Lions Club.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 5 Announcements.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 6 CHURCH AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY THE HINCKLEY UPDATE is published on the 15th of each month by the Hinckley First United Methodist Church (HFUMC) as a free service to the community. There is no charge to print community news in the Update. The editor reserves the right to edit or omit material that is deemed unsuitable for this publication. Church Information Hinckley First United Methodist Church 801 N. Sycamore Street 815-286-7102 Services, Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Christian Education - 10:40 a.m. (Nursery Care available during services). AA meets every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Covenant Restoration Church 181 N. Sycamore Street 815-286-7274 The deadline for submission is the first of every month. Services, Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Prayer & Praise - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. Friday, Prayer - 8:00 p.m. Submit information, comments or corrections to the editor at: [email protected] or HFUMC, 801 N. Sycamore, Hinckley, IL 60520. Immanuel Lutheran Church 12760 Lee Rd. (west of Hinckley) 815-286-3885 For further information, contact HFUMC at 815-286-7102. EDITOR: Nora Gubbins (Contributions to help defray the costs of printing and mailing the Update are always welcome.) Hinckley Area Food Pantry is open the first and third Saturdays of each month from 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 324 W. McKinley Ave., Hinckley and serves the communities of Big Rock, Hinckley, Maple Park and Waterman. To register the first time bring a photo ID, and 2 forms of residency verification, such as a utility bill or lease with your address. (Entrance on View St.) For more info: call 815-286-7275 or email the pantry at [email protected] Volunteers are always welcome. [email protected] Sunday Schedule - Sept. through May • Men’s Bible Study 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. • Adult Bible Study & Sunday School - 9:00 a.m. • Worship Service - 10:15 a.m St. Paul’s United Church of Christ 324 West McKinley Street 815-286-3391 Services, Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 10:45 a.m. Coffee Fellowship immediately following Sunday service. Village Board of Trustees Board of Trustees meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Hinckley Village Hall, 720 James Street. If the first or third Monday falls on a holiday, the Board meets the following Tuesday. Community Building Board Board of Trustees meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Hinckley Community Building. Hinckley Public Library District Board of Trustees Board meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Hinckley Public Library, 100 N. Maple St. Squaw Grove Township Board Monthly meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Hinckley Community Building. HINCKLEY UPDATE • MARCH, 2015 • PAGE 2 Library Happenings Exciting things will be happening during ongoing and new participants 1000 Books are always welcome. For BEFORE every 100 books read your Kindergarten child gets a prize and gets to put a sticker on our rainbow mural to show how many books are being read to young Hinckley children! Pick up your information packet today! Experience authentic Irish folktales, ventriloquism, and music to get you dancing jigs. No registration is required and all ages are welcome. Story Time continues for the winter on Tuesdays and BOOK SALE Just as you weed your garden to make room for the good plants, we weed the library shelves to make room for newer, more popular materials. Right now we are working through the fiction section. If a book hasn’t been checked out in years you can find it on our book sale waiting for a new home. Some of your favorite authors might be waiting to be added to your collection, so stop by and pick up a few hard covers for only 50 cents each! The Friends of the Library meet the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the library. Upcoming events are National Library Week in April, the Summer Read Program starting in June and the Garden Walk in July. We need all the help we can get, so stop by one of our meetings and find out what we are all about. r Our Rainbo o l o w The 1,000 Books before Kindergarten program is Tuesday, March 24th at 1 p.m. Chris McBrien presents The Irish Traveler C • National Library Week, April 12-18th • You can expect Family Story Night with Don Austin, fine forgiveness, and drop-in tech help. Watch for more announcements. Wednesdays at 10 a.m. 2 - 5 year-olds and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, music, crafts, and more! Call the library for availability. Registration is required. Chess Club meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month at 6 p.m. Chess sets are provided. All ages and abilities are invited to play and learn. Join us March 11th and 25th at 6 p.m. LEGO Group is still going strong. Build with us every Friday at 4 p.m. All ages are welcome and your creations are displayed in the library. Mrs. Rylie Roubal Director South Moon BBQ , 100 East Lincoln Hwy., Hinckley, is hosting Drink & Dabble events on the third Wednesday of every month. Part of the proceeds go to the library, so get some friends together for a fun night of painting. Discover your inner Picasso! Sign up and get more information at South Moon BBQ or call: 815-286-9227. & Drink Dabble Twisted Stitchers meet every Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. until noon at the Hinckley Public Library. Anyone who knits, crochets, or would like to learn, is welcome to join us. HINCKLEY UPDATE • MARCH, 2015 • PAGE 3 Hinckley Parks & Recreation Walk-In Registration Programs: RETURNING IN MARCH! v Combined Taijifit/Yoga, Tuesdays, beginning March 17th, Community Bldg, 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. v YOGA, Wednesdays, beginning March 18th, Community Bldg., 6:00-7:00 p.m. v Adult Open Gym, Wednesdays, HBR H. S. Gym, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. v Family Gym, Wednesdays, HBR Elementary School, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. v 3rd-5th Grade Gym, Wednesdays, HBR Elementary School, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. (Last Night for Open Gym programs will be March 18th) v ZUMBA with Betty, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Community Bldg., 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. v ZUMBA with Molly, Mondays, Community Bldg, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m *NEW* Saturdays beginning on March 7th, Community Bldg., 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR DANCE PROGRAMS - check program guide for fees and complete details Tiny Dancer and Pre-Ballet classes are running in monthly 4 week sessions. Tiny Dancer is offered from 3:30-4:00 p.m. and Pre-Ballet is offered from 4:15-5:00 p.m. The classes meet on Tuesdays at the Hinckley Community Building. For complete information on the programs, check the guide posted on the village website. www.hinckleyil.com click/parks or a hard copy of the guide is available at the Village Office and the Hinckley Library. Any questions call 815-739-1336 or email [email protected]. ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER NEEDED We currently have an opening for a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board member. Members of the board are asked to attend the bi-monthly meetings, help in developing programs and activities for village residents, and assist with planning and running special events. If you are interested in further information contact Kris Ohnstad by email at: parksandrec@ hinckleyil.com or leave at message at 815-739-1336. Historical Society News Historical Society Annual Dinner and Auction is Saturday, April 25. Hinckley-Big Rock H.S. Tickets: $20 5:30 p.m. - Silent Auction begins 6:00 p.m. - Dinner served Live Auction begins after dinner You need not be a society member to attend. This event is the primary fundraising event to support the Hinckley Historical Society’s preservation and educational activities. Please show your support by purchasing a ticket for the dinner, donating an item, service, or gift card for the silent or live auctions, or provide much needed help in preparation for the auction or set up for the day’s activities. We really need community support to continue our efforts. Don Austin will provide musical entertainment. Joe Wegener will be our auctioneer. We have already received some great items for the auctions. Your support to help continue our preservation activities is greatly appreciated. Dinner Tickets are sold at the Historical Society Museum and by HHS members. We are very excited to have Julie Morsch catering the dinner this year. Dinner will include: Fresh Garden Salad, Pasta Salad, Rice Pilaf, Roasted Pork Tenderloin, Corn Relish, Challah Bread with honey butter, Chocolate Truffle, Dessert, Sweet Tea and Coffee. For further information or to make a donation, call Ken Bushnell at 815-286-7443. For more information, visit the museum located at 145 E. Lincoln (open Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) or call 815-286-3319, 815-286-7358 or 815-286-7270. HINCKLEY UPDATE • MARCH, 2015 • PAGE 4 HBR CUSD #429 Updates Hinckley-Big Rock Middle School was buzzing on Friday, February 13th. Although student dismissal was at 11:55 a.m. for a scheduled school improvement day in which teachers met and collaboratively worked on assessments, the early dismissal was not the reason for the buzz. HBRMS had 27 visitors and from the moment the students walked into the building, I heard them talking about the 4 sessions that they would attend during the morning. HBRMS staff planned for this day from the beginning of the year when the idea of career exploration for the students was first discussed. Staff worked tirelessly in securing a wide range of presenters. These presenters were 27 professionals who gave of their time to meet with groups of students to discuss the needed soft skills, education, and other important factors needed for success. The students knew the careers that would be discussed and put in their requests. The staff had a tough task in front of them, but were able to schedule the students into the sessions for their careers of interest. To learn more about this day and the impact on the students, I encourage you to read the February 20th post on our District blog, http://hbrcommunityblog.blogspot. com/. The 7th grade newsletter class did a fantastic job articulating the events of the day and the impact on their personal perspective and future planning. As one student said, “Overall, career day gave me a better understanding of what it will take to achieve my goals.” A big thanks to Lucas Allen (FACE Agriculture), GayLynn Ash (IVVC Career Education), Tim Badal (Caterer/Pastor), Jodi Binkley (Restaurant Owner), Bryan Blume (Sales), Joseph Bohannon (Product Service Engineer), Sergeant Jim Burgh (Law Enforcement), Dale Clark (Attorney), Megan Flannery (Cosmetologist), Lyrka Lawler (Graphic Design), Vince Logan (IVVC Law Enforcement), Dave Maroo (Banking), Shelby Miller (NIU Athletics), Karla Jebens-Mills (Veterinarian), Lori Nelson (Music Marketing), Dave Oeters (Small Business-Pest Control), Whitney Pellham (NIU Athletics), Brad Sanderson (Civil Engineer), Matt Stark (Athletic Trainer), Jared Thorp (Paramedic/Fireman), Amy Van Landuyt (Nursing), Jeff VerCautren (Golf Course Superintendent), Lisa Weissinger (Flight Attendant), Sergeant Justin Wilson (Military), and Don Witte (Teacher). My hat goes off to the staff and presenters for working together to bring this experience to our students. It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child. The village came together and had a lasting impact on the future of our students. Travis L. McGuire Superintendent, Hinckley-Big Rock CUSD #429 Hinckley Lions Club News Hinckley Lions Club HOOPS AND HAMS RAFFLE THURSDAY MARCH 19th, 2015 J& K’s HALF MOON, 120 W. Lincoln Hwy. 7:00 p.m. - ? Giant TV raffle! We appreciate your support. Hinckley Lions wants to say a huge THANK YOU to all that came out to our Annual Larry Hoffman Scholarship Pancake Breakfast ton March 1st. We raised over $1,000 for the scholarship through everyone’s generous contributions. We also did vision screening on 105 individuals! Five lucky people won $20 Gift Cards from the Batavia Walmart Vision Center to use toward eyeglass purchases. Also five lucky people won an eye exam voucher (valued at $65.00) from the Batavia Vision Center. These gift cards and vouchers are courtesy of Dr. Jennifer Geertz OD. Dr. Geertz is a resident of Hinckley and a Lions member. The Hinckley Lions Club thank her for her generosity. For further information on Dr. Jennifer Geertz OD contact Batavia Walmart Vision Center at 630-879-7349. We also want to thank the Just For Kix dancers for coming out and doing an amazing job. It was so entertaining. Also we had the pleasure of hearing Emily Clark, a senior at Hinckley Big Rock High School play the piano! Holly Hubert, Hinckley Lions Club and District Governor Chris Halsey, Elburn Lions Club at Pancake Breakfast and Vision Screening. If you are interested in knowing more about Hinckley Lions Club our meetings are held at the JK Half Moon in downtown Hinckley, IL the 1st Thursday of each month. Come check us out. Also do not forget to like us on Facebook. For further information call President Lion Jerry Bahl at 815-600-4825. 6:30 PM - Board Meeting; 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting HINCKLEY UPDATE • MARCH, 2015 • PAGE 5 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Hinckley, IL 60520 PERMIT NO. 17 Hinckley Update 801 N. Sycamore Street Hinckley, IL 60520 Read the Update online at www.hinckleyupdate.com Postal Customer Hinckley, IL 60520 Remember to vote in the April 7th election. Join us for Fitness at First Every Thursday at 8:30 a.m., First United Methodist Church, 801 N. Sycamore St. We use a variety of DVDs to engage in fitness activities such as yoga, Pilates, walking, Zumba, and others. No need to register. Just show up. COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE You are invited to a Community Open House on Wednesday, April 1st from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Hinckley Community Building. Come and meet the four citizens running for the Village Board in the April 7th election. There are currently three expiring terms. The evening will begin with a meet and greet from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by a question and answer period from 7 to 8 p.m. The citizens who are seeking office are Christine Clark, Joe Diedrich, Nancy Nelson and Jeff Nier. Refreshments will be served. Please join us. We look forward to seeing you all. Thank you. The Village of Hinckley is seeking a Parks and Recreation Coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for providing quality youth and adult recreational activities as well as community events for the village residents. This part- time position average 650 hours per year. A degree in recreation or related field with experience in recreational programming is required. Please call the Village Hall at 815-286-3836 for further information or to obtain an application. Application deadline is March 30, 2015. HINCKLEY UPDATE • MARCH, 2015 • PAGE 6
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