NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID St. Petersburg, FL Permit No. 5515 St. Luke's United Methodist Church 4444 Fifth Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33713-6299 9:00 Contemporary Worship 11:00 Traditional Worship 10:00 Bible School RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED “Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.” The people of The United Methodist Church® St. Luke's United Methodist Church 4444 5th Avenue North - St. Petersburg, FL 33713 Making God’s Love Known Phone: (727) 321-1335 Fax: (727) 327-8693 emails: [email protected] [email protected] Lynn Batista, Pastor Dr. Richard Neal, Pastor Emeritus Barbara Snead, Director of Children’s Ministries Maresi Brown, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, Bulletin Editor, Contemporary Worship Leader Ginny Stewart, Pastor’s Secretary, Treasurer, Spirit Editor Organist, Peggy BeVille Tracy Torrance, Director of Music Terry Schoenberg, Church Counselor Custodian, Mike Prange Laura Ward, Food Pantry Director Missionaries and Ministries • Rex Almquist, Southeast Asian Relief • UM Cooperative Ministries, Gideons Published monthly November 2014 “Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8 In our culture today, this may be the hardest and most neglected of the 10 Commandments. We do love God. We usually do not kill, steal, or commit adultery, though we know it does happen. We may occasionally use the Lord’s name in vain, or forget to honor our parents, make idols (we do love our “stuff”), lie about our neighbor, or covet what others have or do. But slow down and spend time with God and rest and enjoy the blessings of God? Hmmmm.... God calls us to a day each week when we stop from the extreme busyness of our lives and dedicate that day to God. It is on that day that we worship, rest, and remember the goodness of God. It is to be a day different than all the others. It is not a day to catch up on chores or get ahead of work for our jobs. It is not even a day to have church committee meetings. It is a day just to “be” and experience refreshment that comes with spending time with God. One of the best books I have read on sabbath is Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in Our Busy Lives” by Wayne Muller. He encourages us to use sabbath as a day to enjoy the good things of our lives - family, friends, good food, play, rest (naps included!), and creation. It is a day to do those things that bring us joy, thus reminding us of God’s love and presence in our lives. For me, it means worship, Bible study and prayer. But it also means enjoying being with friends and family, going to the beach, working in my garden, watching a movie, reading a book for pleasure not work, doing needlework and of course napping (not all of these on one day of course!!). It is only when I slow down from the busyness of life that I can be refreshed, filled with God’s love and blessed in order to do what God has called me to do in my life. Remember the Sabbath and keep it to the beach in the morning - after all, God is waiting for me! Love, joy, and peace, Pastor Lynn Inside this edition: Combined Worship 10:30 -Page 4 Hanging of the Greens -Page 4 Advent Bible Studies -Page 10 Fall Fest Memories -Page 13 November Prayer Focus -Page 15 St. Luke’s is a spiritually alive congregation committed to welcoming all generations and helping them become disciples of Jesus in their community and the world. 2 15 Our Church Family Scripture Readers Nov 02 11:00 Charlie BeVille Nov 09 11:00 Sunny Roberts Nov 16 11:00 Kathy DeHaven Nov 23 11:00 Steve Colbert Nov 30 11:00 Marie Brown Delores Frederick 10/01/14 Allen Duffy 10/20/14 Recently Hospitalized Office Volunteer Nov 02 11:00 Freda Jones Nov 09 11:00 Lisa Duffy Nov 1611:00 Freda Jones Nov 23 11:00 Florence Kennedy Nov 30 11:00 Donna Mortensen Lynn Whitney Terry Schoenberg Buck Roberts Bill Bozeman Lee Montgomery November 2nd Fall Back Ushers Nov 02 11:00 Frank Galloway, Charlie BeVille, George Leonard, Jeff Brown Nov 09 11:00 Harriett Swartzmiller, Chrissy Corbett, Charlie BeVille, Nov 16 11:00 Charlie BeVille, Gene DeHaven, Rodney Cassaway, Ether Horsley Nov 23 11:00 Fred & Judy Bunnell, Steve & Rosemary Reynolds Nov 30 11:00 Frank Galloway, Charlie BeVille, George Leonard, Jeff Brown Our Gifts Amount received 10/05/14 5,871.00 Amount received 10/12/14 5,219.50 Amount received 10/19/14 3,921.00 Amount received 10/26/14 5,965.00 Year to Date Income $229,873.86 2nd Mile Gifts YTD $ 3,920.00 Year to Date Budget $ 248,759.90 November Prayer Focus Gia Silva 11/01 Fred Wagner 11/08 John Kaleel 11/09 Sara Helgesen 11/10 Tracy Torrance 11/11 Gene Purdum 11/12 Mariella Stevens 11/12 Pat Lupiani 11/16 Donna Bargar 11/19 Geni Poole 11/21 Nova Swan 11/22 Jenny Leggette 11/26 Maresi Brown 11/28 Laura Ward 11/28 Kathryn Sweatt 11/29 Scott Hutchinson 11/30 Prayer Focus: Victims of violence, especially terrorism; Those in west Africa struggling with ebola and for all those providing medical care and in research to find a cure; Christ’s Universal Church that all may be a witness to Christ’s love and grace; ministries and witness of St. Luke’s UMC. Gifts Received in Memory Milton Reid: Gladys Reid Gene Lansford: Donna Steele Mark Your Calendar: November 03 6:00pm Charge Conference November 04 Election Day November 09 Veteran’s Sunday/Children’s Sabbath November 30 10:30 Combined Service “Hanging of the Greens” UM Men’s Luncheon and Tasting Fair December 07 11:00 Cantata 5:30 Children’s Christmas Program & Dinner December 12/13 6:30-9:00 Live Nativity December 21 5:00 Longest Night Service December 24 6:30 Music / 7:00 Christmas Eve Service December 31 7:00 Watch Night Service / Food & Games Until Midnight 14 Wednesday Night Live Wednesday Supper The Wednesday Night Live Supper and activities 5:30 pm. Supper is by donation at the table. Classes are available for TreeHouse children ages K through 5th grade; tweens, youth, young adults, and adults. PASTOR NEAL IS TEACHING The Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study at 6:15 p.m., after the WNL supper, is Barbara Brown Taylor’s Learning to Walk in the Dark as our guide to exploring the dark places on our spiritual journey. The next Advent study will be “Under Wraps” by Jessica LaGrone of Woodlands United Methodist Church in Woodlands, Texas. The four sessions focus on the revelation of God in Jesus Christ as Expectant, Dangerous, Jealous, and Faithful. The text, which is supplemented with weekly DVD presentations, is available now at $10.00 per copy from Pastor Rick. Food Pantry Ministry Praise God for the help our church giving for so many people. We should all be so proud of St. Luke’s commitment to feeding nutritious and tasty meals to our community. The pantry has been feeding approximately 135 families each Monday which last month equaled 1490 individuals. That’s almost 200 more people for the month than usual. The only thing usual about our pantry now is that it is growing very quickly. The prayer ministry is up and running at the pantry. People that come to receive food on Monday are receiving more than just food...they have opportunity for prayer and much more. It’s so nice to have church members mingling with our community and just listening. Because we are growing so quickly our need for industrial refrigerators and freezers are great. We are working hard to collect enough food during the week to feed all these people and we need to be able to store it safely. We are continually in need of funds for food. I am pricing refrigerators & freezers for more answers for the future. Please pray about this issue for the future. Have a blessed month and be proud of what you have accomplished here at St. Luke’s with the Food Pantry. Thank you. Laura Ward, Food Pantry Director 3 CHILDREN’S SABBATH – NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Please come and celebrate “ALL Children” on Sunday November 9th at the 9:00 and 11:00 Services! This is an annual celebration of children! The children will take part in the services. They say it takes a village to raise a child and we think St Luke’s is a wonderful “village” to help bring up children who are eager to learn about our Savior, Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, there are children in this world who suffer. They don’t have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, a bed to sleep in, a home to call their own and maybe no one to really love them. At Vacation Bible School we were able to help quite a few children - over 100 - have clean drinking water to drink. We take things for granted and are so blessed! But the reality is we have children right here in St. Petersburg who fall under some of the things I mentioned above. No child should go hungry or thirsty and all should have a bed to sleep in and shelter from the elements. We have a long way to go but we can start right here in St. Petersburg. I think St. Luke’s does a great job in helping children. Could we do more - of course - but what we are doing IS making a difference! Thank you so much for your support for our children and for those in our community. Come and hear what we’ve been doing and what we are going to do! We hope to see all of you helping us to celebrate God’s children! Join us each Sunday for Worship at 9:00 and Sunday School at 10:00. Climb up to our TreeHouse on Wednesdays at 5:30 to 7:30! I am the Lord your God. I am holding your hand, so don’t be afraid. Isaiah 41:13 (NIV) A Disciple Bible Study led by Helen Sweatt, called Disciple IV, Under the Tree of Life Sunday at 4:00 p.m. The course comes with a workbook of daily readings in preparation for the 90 minute group session class held in the Joy Corner. The books are available from Helen Sweatt. LAST SUNDAY LUNCHEON There will be NO last Sunday luncheon in November, or December due to other functions. The luncheon will resume in January. 13 4 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN United Methodist Women United Methodist Women’s Annual Conference is in Lakeland on Sat., November 15. Contact Helen Sweatt or Lee Montgomery if you are going. United Methodist Women’s Leadership Meeting is Sat. November 8th at 8:30 AM. All United Methodist Women are invited. New officers and a budget for 2015 will be decided and activities planned at this meeting. Come and make your wishes known. The United Methodist Women’s Annual Christmas party for all is scheduled for December 6th at Lee Montgomery’s condo. Starts at noon; bring pot luck dish; games and music. Car pooling from the church for those who need a ride. Don ’t Forget to check out the United Methodist W omen ’s Don’t Women omen’s bulletin board in fellowship hall Friendship Circle: T uesday Tuesday uesday,, November 11, 10:00 am Inspirations Circle: T uesday uesday,, November 11, 6:15 pm. Tuesday A meal is provided. “Do not worry about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 Fall Fest Memories 12 5 Barb’s Branches by Barb Snead It’s November 2014! The weather is starting to get really nice!! Can’t wait to open my windows and let the breezes come into my house. It’s also a good time to be outside. Well, as usual, we have a lot going on this month. Our Children’s Sabbath is coming up! Once that is over we will start concentrating on our Christmas program!! Lots to do, but we will make it through this very busy time!!! We are also be celebrating Thanksgiving this month! We will be talking about things that all of you are thankful for and how we can “give back” for all the blessings God gives us each and every day! Here are some important dates for you to remember - post this on your refrigerator! NOVEMBER .... NOVEMBER.... NOVEMBER 9....................CHILDREN’S SABBATH.........9:00 AND 11:00 SERVICES November 2, 9,16,23,30............................................................. Sunday School ——10:00 November 5, 12, 19........................................................ WNL & TreeHouse 5:30 - 7:30 November 27..................................................................................... Happy Thanksgiving! DECEMBER D ATES TO SA VE.... DA SAVE.... December 7th.......................................................... Children’s Program—— 5:30 Dinner December 24............................... Christmas Eve Service..6:30 service - music at 6:00 What is so important about kissing? Kissing was a form of greeting used in the Ancient Western Mediterranean, generally between men or between women. It is still used in some churches. Although in modern times, mouth kissing has given way to cheek to cheek kisses. The deliberate mentions of greeting one another with a holy kiss may have been to take back the greeting from Judas, who had betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Instead of an intimacy of betrayal, a kiss can once more identify one to another as fellow believers, no matter Jew or Gentile. A holy kiss could be a faith statement on the part of the people involved. The acceptance of Gentile and Jews into one another’s communities was being fought about during these times of early Christianity. When a Jew greeted a Gentile with a kiss, one made a statement about where you stood on the issue. Jews who wished the following of Jesus to remain “Jewish” did not break the law by touching an unclean Gentile. So even though Paul buries his “kisses” in his farewells, as if they were just another greeting. For Paul this holy kiss was one way to show alliance to his ministry to the gentiles. A subversive poke at those who would “divide” this early movement of Jesus’. ”Say hello to each other with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ say hello to you. Brothers and sisters, I urge you to watch out for people who create divisions and problems against the teaching that you learned. Keep away from them. People like that aren’t serving the Lord. They are serving their own feelings. They deceive the hearts of innocent people with smooth talk and flattery. The news of your obedience has reached everybody, so I’m happy for you. But I want you to be wise about what’s good, and innocent about what’s evil.” Romans 16:16-19 Methodist Church Foundation T eam Team Rhodes Logan, Vice President for Development COME ON UP...........................THE LADDER IS WAITING....................... Be still and know that I am God. Ps. 46:10 6 11 NATIVITY UPDATE The “Drive-Thru Christmas Story Continues” is approaching quickly - a little more than a month from now, the committees are working very hard to make sure we are ready. We need your help in telling your neighbors and friends. If you have not spoken with Jill Burdick or she has not tracked you down yet to be a cast member, please contact Jill at 560-7027 or Mariella Stevens at 686-8952. The Nativity cannot continue without your much needed participation and commitment. Also if you would like to help with advertising, signs or props, please contact Mariella. The Nativity is scheduled for two nights, Friday, December 12 and Saturday, December 13 from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Dress rehearsal will take place Thursday, December 11th at 7:00 P.M. This will be a full dress rehearsal. Pictures will be taken during dress rehearsal. Look for the Nativity board during Sunday worship for more information. We are looking forward to our continued focus on reaching out to the community spreading the word of our Savior and rejoicing in fellowship with each other. Combined W orship 10:30 Worship Hanging of the Green’s & UM Men’s Fundraising Lunch November 30 following the combined worship service of “Hanging of the Greens,” at 10:30 a.m. come enjoy the “Galloway Goulash” (by donation at the table) to help support the UM Men’s Feed the Homeless program. The men feed the homeless twice a month using the proceeds from this event. TAKE OUT containers are available for those who need them. The lunch will be followed by the “ Tasting Fair .” “T Fair.” Bring your favorite Christmas treats & desserts to share. Check Out What’s in the Library! Cradle to Grave Eleanor Kuhns Will Rees is adjusting to life on his Maine farm in 1797, but he hungers for freedom of the road, and his chance to travel comes sooner than he expects. Lydia has received a letter from her friend Mouse, a soft-spoken gentle woman who lives in the Shaker community in Mount Unity, NY. To Lydia’s and Rees’ astonishment, she’s in trouble with the law. She kidnapped five children, claiming that their mother, Maggie Whitney, is unfit to care for them. Rees and Lydia set out for New York, where they sadly conclude that Mouse is right and the children would be better off with her, but there’s nothing they can do legally. Before they return home that receive startling news: Maggie has been murdered...and Mouse is the prime suspect. Rees and Lydia stay to care for the children and prove Mouse did not kill Maggie. Elearnor Kuhns won the 2011 Minotar Books/Mystery Writers of America First Crime Novel Competition. She lives in New York, received her master’s in Library Science from Columbia University, and is currently the Assistant Director at the Goshen Public Library in Orange County, New York. This is a fast reading exciting mystery novel. Large Print. Thank you to Gene and Kathy DeHaven for the wonderful fish fry. They fished from their boat; cleaned; froze; then battered and fried them all in peanut oil! We all enjoyed the fish and the fishy stories! Thank you from the congregation and Family Life. 10 Youth Group Help Decorate our Church for Christmas If you would like to give a Poinsettia in memory or in honor of someone, please fill out the form below and turn it in to the church office with your check. Given By _________________________________________ In Memory of_________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ In Honor of___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ______ will pick up my plant______ I will leave my plant for a shut-in. Plants are $15 each. The deadline for ordering plants is Dec 14th. You may pick your plant up after the Christmas Eve service on Dec 24th. Advent Bible Studies Not A Silent Night: Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem by Adam Hamilton. We will look at Jesus’ life through Mary’s eyes. We will begin this study on Thursday Nov. 13th at both 11 am and 6 pm. The Men’s Bible Study will begin it on Saturday, Nov. 15th. FLOWER CALENDAR If you would like to provide altar flowers in memory of or in honor of someone, come to or call the church office, choose a date, service time and, sign our flower calendar for the flowers. We will highlight your gift in the church bulletin for the date selected. You may take the flowers after the service or leave them to be delivered to shut-ins. Altar vases are $20, side vases are $15. MINISTERING TO TEENS IN GRADES 6-12 St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 4444 5th Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33713 (727) 321-1335 [email protected] a message from maresi: We hope you found this year’s Youth Sunday service to be meaningful. Over the next months I’d like to share with you the series of readings the youth shared during the services. All of the readings come from Echo The Story, © 2014 sparkhouse. THE BIBLE IS LIKE... A DREAM. Dreams are the intersection of the actual and imagined. They are rooted in the world around us, but they take place in our subconscious minds. When we are awakened from a dream, sometimes we are left grasping for details and wondering what it might mean. The Bible is a book that requires our imagination. It is like a dream whose details are sometimes fuzzy, inviting us to imagine its story - every sight, smell, and sensation. The Bible gives us a glimpse of God’s dream for the world... awakening us to a new reality, showing us how we might join with God in bringing hope and healing to the world. November 2014 Youth Events 11/05/14 5:30-7:30 Tweens/Youth Group 11/06/14 6:15-8:00 Feed The Homeless 11/07/14 6:00-9:00 Youth at the Rock 11/12/14 5:30-7:30 Tweens/Youth Group 11/14/14 Cardboard Box Tent City 11/19/14 5:30-7:30 Tweens/ Youth Group 11/26/14 NO TWEENS/YOUTH 11/27/14 Thanksgiving Feed The Homeless 7 8 9 MONDAY SUNDAY All Saints Sunday Communion Worship 9:00 & 11:00 10:00 Sunday School 4:00 Disciple Class 2 9 Veteran’s Sunday Children’s Sabbath Worship 9:00 & 11:00 10:00 Sunday School 4:00 Disciple Class 16 Communion Food Collection Worship 9:00 & 11:00 10:00 Sunday School 2-5 Sweet Addelines 4:00 Disciple Class 23 Thanksgiving Sunday Worship 9:00 & 11:00 10:00 Sunday School 12:00 Decorating Church 4:00 Disciple Class Children’s Home 30 Worship 10:30 *Combined* 9:30 Sunday School 11:30 Men’s Luncheon Tasting Fair 4:00 Disciple Class 8:30 Prayer Time 5:00-6:30 Food Pantry 5:00-7:00 Karate 6:00 Charge Conference 7:00 Scouts 3 8:30 Prayer Time10 1:00 Parkinsons 5:00-6:30 Food Pantry 5:00-7:00 Karate 6:00 Staff Parish 7:00 Scouts 17 8:30 Prayer Time 5:00-6:30 Food Pantry 5:00-7:00 Karate 6:00 Trustees 7:00 Scouts 24 8:30 Prayer Time 1:00 Parkinsons 5:00-6:30 Food Pantry 5:00-7:00 Karate 7:00 Scouts WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Election Day Veteran’s Day 10:00 Friendship Circle 6:15 Inspirations 6:00 Finance 4 11 18 THURSDAY 5 10:30 Al-Anon 4:30 Prayer Group 5:30 WNL Supper/class 5:30 TreeHouse 5:30 Youth/Tweens 7:00 Choir 12 10:30 Al-Anon 4:30 Prayer Group 5:30 WNL Supper/class 5:30 Youth & Tweens 5:30 TreeHouse 7:00 Choir 19 10:30 Al-Anon 4:30 Prayer Group 5:30 WNL Supper/class 5:30 Youth & Tweens 5:30 TreeHouse 7:00 Choir 25 Offiice Closed 10:30 Al-Anon 26 SATURDAY FRIDAY 6 11:00 Bible Study 4:30/6:15 Feed Homeless 5:00-7:00 Karate 6:00 Bible Study 6:30 Brownies 7:00 Venture Crew 13 11:00 Bible Study 5:00-7:00 Karate 6:00 Bible Study 7:00 Task Force 7:00 Venture Crew 20 11:00 Bible Study 5:00-7:00 Karate 6:00 Bible Study 6:30 Brownies 7:00 Venture Crew 27 Happy Thanksgiving! 4:30/6:15 Feed Homeless 7 6:00-9:00 Youth at The Rock 7:30 Men’s Break. 1 10:00 Band Practice Turn clocks back 1 hr 10:00 Band Practice 8 1:00 AA Workshop 14 Youth to Cardboard Tent City 21 Spirit Mailing 6:00 Cartoons 6:30 Free Movie “Muppets Most Wanted” 28 15 8:30 Men’s Bible Study 10:00 Band Practice 22 8:30 Men’s Bible Study 1:00 Band Practice 29 8:30 Men’s Bible Study Office Closed 8:00-10:00 Open Mic 10:00 Band Practice 2014
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