Connections St. Matthew Lutheran Church - Connecting Faith With Life! There was once a village chief who had three sons – each with a special talent. The oldest cared for the olive trees, providing the village olive oil for food and trade. The second son was a shepherd, keeping SAT., NOVEMBER 15 COMMITMENT WEEKEND the herds in good health, providing food and cloth10am-1pm ECIRMAC ing for the village. The third son was a dancer, bring11a-3pm Augsburg Room ing cheer, beauty, and joy to the village. Reserved/Private Party 5:00 pm Worship One day, the chief had to go on a long journey and SUN., NOVEMBER 16 left the village in his sons’ care. For awhile, things COMMITMENT WEEKEND went well, but then the cold winds began to blow. 8:30 am Worship The olive branches, cracked from the ice, failed to 9:45 am Coffee Fellowship 9:50 am Sunday School bloom. Soon the villagers had no fuel, and they 9:50 am Adult Forum begged the first son to cut down the trees. He finally 10:00 am NOLA Mission Trip relented, for he knew it was foolish to save the trees Meeting in the Concord Room only to lose the village. 10:45 am Worship The ice made it impossible to travel, and soon the 12:00 pm Celebration Potluck villagers had nothing to eat. They begged the second Luncheon 1:00 pm Thrivent Luncheon son to kill the sheep so they wouldn’t starve. At first MON., NOVEMBER 17 he refused; but he finally realized it was foolish to 8:30 am Morning save the sheep only to have the people perish. Prayer Group The villagers had just enough food and fuel to sur9:00 am Pastor’s Text Study TUES., NOVEMBER 18 vive, but the hardships broke their spirits. They lost 6:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal hope and became desperate. One by one they left the 7:00 pm Boy Scouts village in search of a better home. The chief finally WED., NOVEMBER 19 returned to find smoke from his own chimney alone. 9:00 am December Insight Troubled, he rushed into the house, surprising his Newsletter Deadline sons. “What has become of the trees? Where are the 9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry sheep? And what has happened to the people?” 6:00 pm Family Night The first two sons with sorrow explained what had Thankfulness Event Rice Packing happened to the trees and the sheep. The father conat Wesley Foundation soled them, “You did your best to save the village. 6:15 pm Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm STM Choir Rehearsal But what has become of the people?” The third son THUR., NOVEMBER 20 spoke up. “It hardly seemed proper to dance during such suffering. And besides, I wanted to conserve 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study my strength to welcome you.” “Then dance, my 6:30 pm BUNCO in the son,” the father said, “for my village and my heart is Fellowship Hall empty.” 7-7:45 pm Daily Bread Yoga in the Confirmation Rm But as the third son went to get up, he grimaced and FRI., NOVEMBER 21 fell. His legs were so stiff from sitting that they were 7:00 pm Religion & Lit no longer fit for dancing. The father, filled more with Discussion of Unbroken sadness than anger said, “Our village could survive with little food and fuel; but it could not without SAT., NOVEMBER 22 10am-1pm ECIRMAC hope.” And they wept. 5:00 pm Worship SUN., NOVEMBER 23 (Adapted from a story by William J. Bausch, Storytelling: Imagination and Faith, Mystic, 8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Coffee Fellowship Connecticut: Twenty-Third Publications, 1984) 9:50 am Sunday School Prayer 9:50 am Adult Forum 10:45 am Worship Giver of all gifts, help us to be good stewards of your gifts. Amen. CALENDAR of EVENTS Prayer Requests Teri Nelson, sister of Sandy Ackerman Edna Gable, mother of Phil Gable Merle & Virginia Shea, parents of Mike Shea Barb Kuntz, stepsister of Kathy Rhoads Mary Slack, daughter of Chris & Barb Genzel Gene Frerichs, brother of Sandra Meier Kathy Lowery, friend of Margie Colter PFC Sean Splittstoesser, grandson of Ruby & Dan Splittstoesser Joseph Vaccaro, son-in-law of Diana & Jim Marshall Karen Warfield, sister-in-law of Rod Warfield **************** Sharon Hedrick John Gantz Elaine Ebeling Glendale Burge Aleta Blobaum Al Slater Rod Warfield Chris Bedford Ilene Ackerman Will Andresen Liz Schwartz Jeanette Burnett Debbie Fotzler Leona Saathoff Bruce Larson Ruby Splittstoesser Chris Genzel Christopher Shea Bruce Carroll Aziza Awate & family Sandy & Arlen Ackerman ******** Remember our shut-ins: Robert Anderson Vivian Larson Renee Ellis Pat Tammen Richard & Sharon Sanders’ daughter, friends of Tom Galyen Heidi & Elroy Friesen & family, friends of St. Matthew **************** Marian Wallig, mother of Matt Wallig Nadine Heinecke, mother of Carla Andresen **************** Janette Green, friend of Peg & John Warriner **************** Robert Carter, father of Mike Carter **************** Please note: Names on the list for prayers will be posted for one month unless otherwise requested. Please contact the church office with any updates or extensions. Thank you. STAFF OF ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH PHONE: 367-1189 Pastor Robert J. Rasmus Office Coordinator Gayla Pellum Administrative Assistant Derald Meier Sunday School Superintendent Ann Rasmus Nursery Parish Nurses Ruby Splittstoesser & Danielle Deck Aziza Awate, Beth Riddle & Rita Vanier Connections Deadline: Submit announcements in writing to the church office or by e-mail to [email protected] no later than 9:00 a.m. Wednesday. Thank you! Welcome! St. Matthew Lutheran Church is a fellowship of Christian believers called to: grow in Christ, share the Gospel, serve God’s people. Do come again to St. Matthew Lutheran Church where you are always welcome. Worship Services Saturday, 5:00 pm • Healing Service on the 3rd Saturday of the month A relaxed & informal worship held in the Christ Chapel. Sunday, 8:30 am Spirited traditional worship that focuses on participation through the liturgy, the great hymns of the Church, & corporate confession of our faith. Sunday, 10:45 am Praise & worship in an open & accessible style. STEPHEN MINISTERS: THE AFTER PEOPLE People often ask, “What exactly is a Stephen Minister?” One way to put it is that Stephen Ministers are the After People. Stephen Ministers are there: ...after the phone call you hoped you’d never get. ...after the divorce papers are served & the bottom falls out of your life. ...after the funeral, when everyone has left & the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you. ...after the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.” ...after the nursing home director shakes your hand & & says, “Welcome to your new home.” ...after the last child honks the horn, waves, & drives away—& the house suddenly seems empty. ...after the gavel goes down, the handcuffs go on, & your loved one is led away. ...after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible. ...after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck. ...after your family & friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out. Stephen Ministers are the “After People.” They are ready to come alongside you–or your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives –& provide comfort & support for as long after as needed. ALTAR FLOWERS The flowers on the altar this weekend are given by Vicky & Wayne Coffin in loving memory of Naomi Rothrock, Vicky’s mother. May she rest in the company of the angels. Help make our altar beautiful! Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, someone’s life or just because. The 2015 sign up sheet will be posted soon. ADULT FORUM ~ THE PARABLES OF JESUS “THE PARABLES OF JESUS” is the Adult Forum topic that will be considered for a number of Sundays at 9:50 a.m. in the Augsburg Room. It has been noted that even in a time when people generally know less and less about the Bible, the stories Jesus told are the best-known stories in the world. They are stories that describe what it is like to be part of the Kingdom of God. We will read & discuss a number of them during these Sunday mornings. The course will be led by Dr. Ed Schneider. WEDNESDAY ADULT BIBLE STUDY Our multi-year adult Bible study cycle continues that takes us through the whole of the Scriptures. The Augsburg Adult Bible series is written by scholars & pastors from the Lutheran tradition & is formatted for both private study & group reflection in the Augsburg Room on Wednesdays at 6:15. FALL IS HERE AND WINTER IS NOT FAR BEHIND... and we can use your continued help with food for the STM Food Pantry. We receive a request each week from families in need of STM food. This is an important ministry that your generous donations make possible for families in our Urbana & Champaign area. Here is a list of a few of the item that we can really use at this time: spaghetti noodles, spaghetti sauce, canned (sugar free or light) peaches, fruit cocktail, pineapple, canned vegetable soup, canned or bottled juice, pancake syrup, mustard, ketchup, saltine crackers and boxed mashed potatoes. If you have any questions about the food pantry or would like to volunteer to help us with deliveries, we could use more help with this very important Ministry of St Matthew. Call Richard or Kay King at 367-1297 we will be glad to well you how you can help. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS THIS WEEKEND! Blood Pressure Screenings are held on the third full weekend of the month. A parish nurse will be available in the Parish Nurse office (west side of the Concord Room) starting at 4:30 on Saturday evening & after the Sunday morning service. Please stop by. Look for the colorful banner hanging outside of the door! BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING TODAY ADULT MISSION TRIP TO NOLA INFO MEETING THIS SUNDAY! We will again be taking an adult mission trip to New Orleans in February. We will leave on the 22nd and return on the 28th. We will be helping to restore houses in the city and anyone of any skill level is welcome to attend. We will be having an informational meeting between services on Sunday, November 16th in the Concord Room. Please join us if you are planning on going, interested in going, or just want to learn more about what we have been doing. Call or email me if you have any questions. John Warriner, 217-552-3876 or [email protected] PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY THIS WEEK! The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry will be Wednesday, November 19th at 9:30 a.m. in the Concord Room at church. We welcome all who knit. If you know of someone who would be comforted by a prayer shawl, please contact Joan Peterson (384-7415), Mary Anderson (896-2061), Pastor Bob or the church office (367-1189). The stories from the recipients are beautiful & filled with gratitude for the prayers & love that goes into making them. WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK! If you would like to join the women's Bible studies based on the Gather magazine Bible studies (& we would welcome any other Bible study ideas) pick up one of the complimentary copies of the magazine today in the narthex & join us on November 20th (a week early because of Thanksgiving) for fellowship & coffee. Hope to see you then! Thanks ladies, Mary Anderson, Bible Study coordinator LADIES... IT’S TIME TO PLAY BUNCO THIS WEEK! Play a fast paced game, win great prizes, and have a lot of fun. Please bring a snack to share and your drink of choice. The next BUNCO Night will be Thursday, November 20th (a week early because of Thanksgiving) starting at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. No need to sign up... everyone is welcome. Join the fun & bring a friend!!! RELIGION AND LITERATURE THIS WEEK! Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand From Laura Hillenbrand, the bestselling author of Seabiscuit, comes Unbroken, the inspiring true story of a man who lived through a series of catastrophes almost too incredible to be believed. In evocative, immediate descriptions, Hillenbrand unfurls the story of Louie Zamperini--a juvenile delinquent-turned-Olympic runner-turnedArmy hero. You’ll cheer for the man who somehow maintained his selfhood and humanity despite the monumental degradations he suffered as a POW. Join us November 21st at 7pm in the Augsburg room. If you have any questions, please contact Jesse Helton at 366-1207. OUR ANNUAL THANKSGIVING SERVICE Please join us for our annual joint Thanksgiving service with our neighbors, Grace United Methodist Church. The service will be held Grace on Tuesday, November 25th and begins at 7pm, Pastor Bob Rasmus will bring the message, and a joint St. Matthew/Grace choir will sing. Cookies and conversation follow this service. We will be asking for cookie donations than can be dropped off in our office the afternoon of November 25th. A sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. SPECIAL PROJECT FOR OUR GRADUATES Connie Minnes is working on a special project for our high school seniors who will graduate this year. A machine stitched Lap Robe that will be given to the students later this school year. Connie is looking for those who are willing to sew quilt blocks together in preparation of this project. Contact Connie at [email protected] or 417-2734 if you can help or if you have any questions. Thank you! ALERT! IT’S COFFEE TUESDAY When you hear the testing of our alert sirens on the first Tuesday of the month, we hope it will also remind you that it’s “Coffee Tuesday” with the men of St. Matthew! All available STM men are invited to gather for a cup of coffee & conversation the first Tuesday of every month. We will meet on Tuesday, December 2nd at 10:00am in the Lincoln Square food court area. Men of all ages are welcome & encouraged to come to discuss the weather, the holidays or just whatever is on your mind. SHOP �TIL YOU DROP? After a day of shopping or other holiday events, who wants to cook? Come meet your St. Matthew family on Saturday, December 6th at Toro Loco on North Cunningham in Urbana at 6:00pm for some great food and fellowship. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex. We need to give the restaurant a headcount, so please sign up by Friday, December 5th. Hope to see you there! Sponsored by Parish Life STM Garden of Remembrance UPDATED INFORMATION! If you have decided that you wish to purchase a niche in our columbarium, you are asked to complete an “Registration For Certificate of Right of Inurnment”, available in the church office. After your registration is accepted, you will be issued a certificate for your records. You will be asked to select a niche from those available in the “Niche Layout Key.” During the construction phase (now through November 19), the cost is $900 per niche. There are 2 payment plans. Beginning November 20, the price will be $1200 per niche. NEW! COLUMBARIUM MEMORIAL OPTIONS The Columbarium committee has identified some memorial options to recognize members or their families who either passed before the columbarium is established or choose not to be cremated. There are request forms in the narthex. Memorial prices will increase after April 1st. Square Benches $2500 (2 available) These are at the columbarium and would include a bronze or brass plaque on the outside leg of the bench with engraving like that on niches in the columbarium. Curved Benches $2000 (2 available) These will be under the tree along the path to the columbarium and would include a bronze or brass plaque on the outside leg of the bench with engraving like that on niches in the columbarium. Paver Tiles on the path to the columbarium are available in two sizes: 8 x 8 for $150 and 12 x 12 for $200. The tiles come in stone with three color options: red, charcoal, and light grey. They would be engraved like the columbarium niches. The 8 x 8 has a limit of 11 characters on a line of engraving and the 12 x 12 has a limit of 16 characters, so the length of a persons name may require them to consider the larger size. Dwarf Tatarian Maple Tree surrounding the columbarium (3 available) $700 each - An engraved memorial stake will placed at the foot of each tree. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Connie Minnes, Kathy Rhoads, Vic Isaksen, Karl Koenke or James Quisenberry. CPR CLASS HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED! St Matthew’s congregation will have an opportunity to be trained in CPR and use of the AED (defibrillator) on Wednesday, December 3rd. Infant CPR will also be taught.This training has not occured for a while, so we hope we will have a great turn out. A signup sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. We are happy to have Sean Flannigan, EMT to do our instruction. You can make the difference!!!!!! Questions? Contact Rita Vanier at 352-5989. Thankfulness Family Event Please join us for a special STM Family Event, as we work together to package rice for distribution through the Wesley Food Pantry. Volunteers of ALL AGES are welcome, and will be well utilized. We are pleased to partner with Illini Fighting Hunger for this special event. Wednesday, November 19th Wesley Foundation Great Hall, 1203 W. Green St., Urbana 6:00 - 7:30pm – Rice Packaging Event For planning purposes, please sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex Please note: Saint Matt's Family Nights entail outings, and as such no 5:30 CrossTraining meal will be provided. Please eat an early supper first, and come out for some fun and fellowship together with your Saint Matt's family! Questions? Ann Rasmus 384-3952/[email protected]
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