Our Savior's Lutheran Church V OL U ME 32 I SSU E 3 M ARC H 2015 The Spirit Inside this issue: Snapshots 2 Growth Strategy 3 Adult Education Hour 4 Special Forum 4 Fields of Blood 5 President’s Report 5 Mission Outreach 6 Kids’ Education Hour 7 High School Trip 8 Foundation News 10 Multi-faith ACTION 11 Finance Report 12 Prayer Requests 13 HOLY WEEK Schedule 14 Calendar 15 February Concert 16 Calendar Highlights: Daylight Savings Time 3/8 Congregation Council 3/15 Major Works Concert 3/15 PALM SUNDAY 3/29 MAUNDY THURSDAY 4/2 GOOD FRIDAY 4/3 EASTER SUNDAY 4/5 Our Savior’s Is a Reconciling In Christ Community Like Us On Facebook Carnival Sunday, February 15, 2015: Beads, Masks & Music Milestone Classes Kindergarten Worship Milestone 2015 Page 2 First Grade Prayer Milestone 2015 Second Graders Making Bread for First Communion Milestone 2015 Volume 32 Issue 3 O U R S AVIOR ’ S L UT HERAN C HUR CH 1035 Ca ro l L a ne L a f a ye t te , CA 94549 Marketing and Communication Team Update T EL . (925 ) -2 8 3 -37 2 2 F AX (925 ) 28 3 -4 7 8 3 W E - MAIL : SPIRIT @ O SL C . N ET WEB SIT E : WWW . OSL C . N ET S UN D AY W ORSHIP 9 :30 AM N URSERY C A RE A VAIL ABL E O FFIC E H OURS M O N – T HU RS : 9 A M – 4 P M F RID AY : 9 AM – 12 P M STAFF Pastors Daniel E. Senter Holly McHale-Larsen Music Martin Morley Children Ricci Jamgotchian Caring Lou Smith Finance Bill Klaproth Off. Mgr. Skip Ordway Facility Use Kellee Bachour Spirit Volunteers Barbara Millar Edna Fenske Assembly: Sue Edgar Edna Fenske Lorraine Holmstedt Nan Lovington Marlys Randick Labels: The Spirit is published monthly. Article submissions are due on the 2nd Monday of the month. All articles are subject to space limits and editorial changes. This publication is printed on paper containing 10% postconsumer fiber. Please recycle after use. We are a community grounded in the life and teachings of Jesus We embrace an open approach to every spiritual journey We ask questions together and value every voice We strive for justice through service to the world We seek to be transformed by the path we walk together Spirit e have a great group of folks working hard to bring a fresh new look to the way we tell our story as a congregation, stay connected with each other, and keep up to date on all the life giving projects that occur each and every week. Here is a sample of the progress to date: Working on the new on-line church directory in order to help folks connect faces and names Working on a revision of the web site to bring it in line with our current identity and clean up content Working on a strategy for social media that generates a healthy and vibrant spirit reflective of our community. Working with designers on a new logo that matches our latest identity statement Updated all of our database information to ensure we are communicating the best we can. See the related article below. —Pastor Dan “Doing church in our time is a whole new adventure." Special Forum, Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 10:45 AM Our Emerging Growth Strategy D oing church in our time is a whole new adventure. As our community evolves, there are always new and refreshing programs and projects that need our support as they launch. Over the past months, the Church Council has asked all of our program areas to report on which aspects of our common life are providing the most meaningful and engaging opportunities for you, your household and for those who come to visit us to connect most deeply, and to tell us about ways to enhance those areas. As we prepare a budget for the fiscal year that begins in July we will try to align our resources to enhance those key areas. In addition to discovering opportunities for growth that we should encourage through our budget, we have been ask(Continued on page 4) Page 3 Sundays, 10:45 AM Adult Education Hour H “These are exciting times! Jump into the conversation during a special forum on ave some time after church on a Sunday morning? Grab that cup of coffee and a small plate full of wonderful treats and come down to the Fellowship Hall at 10:45 AM for one or all of our sessions designed to help you explore the story of you! Yep, your story matters! In these stand alone experiences, participants will be invited to use our Lent labyrinth to journey more deeply into their own story and see where they might discover the hand of the holy. Each experience will provide a creative and safe way for all to pay attention various key experiences throughout life and to share those experiences with others. Each session is designed and led by Pastor Dan. Feb. 22: Living into My Deepest Connections Mar. 1: A Journey of Concern and Hope Mar. 8: Places that Bring My Life Meaning Sunday, March 15 at 10:45 AM and help us shape the way forward.” —Peter Special Forum Sunday, March 15, 2015 Baumhefner (Continued from page 3) ing how we can tell our church’s story in a way that will be of interest to our neighbors as they explore their spiritual path. Our Marketing and Communication team has been working hard to develop ways of telling the story of Page 4 our congregation that both connects with the wider community and is reflective of the identity work we have been doing as a congregation. They are working to create a new logo, developing a social media strategy, modernizing our website, and looking at the ways we communicate internally. The team’s efforts are works in progress at this point but are an important part of developing our strategy for growth. In all these areas, the Church Council would love to hear your suggestions and to share with you some of the reasons why it’s important to (a) focus on those areas that are showing healthy signs of growth and (b) market and brand the congregation in a way that can communicate our emerging identity and meet people where they are. These are exciting times! Jump into the conversation during a special forum on Sunday, March 15 at 10:45 AM and help us shape the way forward. —Peter Baumhefner, Church Council President Volume 32 Issue 3 Tuesdays, February 24-March 17, 2015 at 9:30 AM Book Discussion: Fields of Blood “Religion is the cause of all wars.” e have all heard this statement. Some of us have even uttered it. Is it true? More, what is religion’s role when it comes to war? In her book Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence, historian Karen Armstrong argues that religion is not itself a source of violence but the problem lies more deeply in “our human nature and the nature of the state.” To prove her point, she co- W vers roughly five thousand years of religious history, from Gilgamesh to the present day. "This passionately argued book is certain to provoke heated debate against the background of the Isis atrocities and many other acts of violence perpetrated around the world today in the name of religion." -John Cornwell, Financial Times Starting Tuesday, February 24 at 9:30 AM, and every Tuesday through March 17, we are exploring this intriguing and relevant book. All are welcome to join the discussion. —Pastor Holly “’Religion is the cause of all wars.’ We have all heard this statement. Some of us have even uttered it. Is it true?" March 2015 Our Council President’s Report D ue to publication deadlines, this report is written prior to the February Congregation Council meeting. I do have a couple of items to bring to your attention. First and foremost, as you may have already read in this edition of the “Spirit”, our actual January 2015 finanSpirit cial results put us in a surplus position for the fiscal year to date, including the elimination of the prior year’s deficit carry over! This is fantastic! All of us on Council thank-you for your continuing dedicated financial support. We also thank-you for the gift of time and energy that so many of you give to this community! I’m happy to report that the Marketing and Communication team has completed another step in the development of a new logo for our com- munity. Several designs were submitted and the team has chosen one for consideration and submission to Council. As previously mentioned, the work around a new logo was initiated to better present the values and ideals we, as a community, portray in our current Identity Statement. Stay tuned for further information regarding this process as the team continues its work! It is hard to believe that this current (Continued on page 6) Page 5 Interested in Being Part of MOT? O “Every aspect of Our Savior’s is about ne of the central identities of Our Savior’s is that we are a community committed to being God’s hands in the world. From worship to education, from the Sunday Cafe to music, every aspect of Our Savior’s is about embodying God’s radical love. There is one team, however, who’s wholly focused on justice and extending God’s radical love into the wider world. This is the Mission Outreach Team (MOT). The MOT organizes community service projects, prayerfully considers the benefactors of OSLC’s 5% tithing, educates themselves on local nonprofits and tries to create opportunities for OSLC to reach out into the community. MOT is not a closed team. We are always looking for new people and new perspectives to help shape OSLC’s involvement in the community. If you are interested in being part of this amazing team please contact Pastor Holly, [email protected]. embodying God’s radical love.” Can You Serve? O SLC will provide dinners at the Mountain View House shelter in Martinez, for homeless families. Our 5 nights are March 16-20. Dinner is served at 6:00 pm, to approximately 20 adults and 10 children. Exact numbers will be pro- vided the week prior. If you have not done this before, we will try to pair you with someone who has. It is rewarding for a family, or several adults or teens. Contact Pam Hill at pam_echo_hill@comcast. net or (925) 934-3471 for information. If you wish to donate casseroles or dessert, Pam will pick up and serve for you. President Pete’s Ponderings (Continued from page 5) Council’s year is nearly 2/3’s complete! Some would say time goes by fast when you are having fun, and I would agree! In preparation for the next Council year (July 1, 2015June 30, 2016) I ask each one of you to consider Page 6 how you are, or might be involved in this community called Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. Whether it’s on Council, serving on a Team, or just participating in the various opportunities presented throughout the year, your personal energy and interaction with others in the community is vital to our health and future. May your lives be enriched during this reflective time of Lent and journey to Easter! —Peter Baumhefner, Church Council President Volume 32 Issue 3 Kids’ Education Hour for March P reschool through grade five meet from 10:45 to 11:30 AM on Sundays. See hallway signs for classroom locations. March 1 Jesus with his friends & Preschool Milestone March 8 Zacchaeus March 15 Three servants’ parable March 22 Anointing Jesus’ Feet March 29 Spring Break (No classes) “God promises that Sunday, March 15, 2015 one day we’ll feast Worship Milestone Recognition K together with Jesus Congratulations to Kenley Bounds, Evie Eck, Isabelle Maher, Nate Smith and Wyatt Stratton. indergarteners who completed the Worship Milestone will be recognized during worship on Sunday, March 15. in heaven, but until then, Communion is that delicious little taste of what the feast will be like.” Sunday, March 22, 2015 First Communion Recognition S econd Graders who completed the First Communion Milestone will be recognized during worship on Sunday, March 22. The Spirit communion bread we will use that day was personally made by the first communion students. Come see their hand painted communion plates that will be displayed at this service. Congratulations to Second Graders Gabriel Engelsgjerd, Lars Erickson, Kiley Ferron, Emmy Madderra, Noah Madderra, Brooke Maher, Ryan Miller, Isabella Smith and Levi Stratton and to Fourth Graders Quincy Miller and Skylar Thomas! Page 7 Saturday, March 28—Saturday, April 4, 2015 High School Mission Trip to Rancho Santa Marta E “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” ach year, our high school youth take a trip south of the US border to Rancho Santa Marta in San Vicente, Mexico for a week of living on the ranch, working on im- provement projects, playing with the kids that live on the ranch and thinking, learning and living faith. When thinking of Rancho Santa Marta, resist picturing it as a pig ranch with horses. Yes, there are also cows and goats, but this ranch is a special education school, with a large population of orphaned youth. If this trip falls during your Spring Break please consider coming. This year’s trip is from March 28 to April 4. The deadline for registration is Sunday, March 7. There will be an orientation meeting in midMarch. For more information please contact Pastor Holly at [email protected]. —William Carey (1761-1834) Monday, March 16, 2015 High Schoolers to Cook & Serve Dinner D uring the week of March 16-20 OSLC is providing dinner each night for the families at the Mt. View House shelter in Martinez. Our high schoolers have signed up to cook and serve on Monday, March 16. If your teen is interested in cooking please let Pastor Holly know at [email protected]. Student Instrumentalists Needed D o you play an instrument? Are you practicing for a spring performance, festival or adjudication? Want to try it out on us on a Sunday morning? We’d love to hear you Page 8 share your talent. Please let Martin Morley know you are available at [email protected]. Volume 32 Issue 3 Sunday, April 5, 2015 Easter Morning Services O n Easter Sunday, April 5, we will repeat the schedule we piloted for Easter 2014—an 8:00 AM contemporary service in the Fellowship Hall followed by more traditional services in the Sanctuary at 9:30 and 11:00 AM. After the 9:30 service, at about 10:30, there will be an Egg Hunt in the Courtyard for the little ones. Music at the 8:00 AM service will be provided by the Contemporary Singers; at 9:30 by our brass, timpani, handbells (Bellissimo) and Chancel Choir; and at 11:00 by the 9:30 musicians plus the Children’s Choir! Please remember as a courtesy to the many Easter visitors (who don’t realize we have two parking areas) to fill the lower parking lot first on that Sunday. Easter is the biggest festival on the liturgical calendar. It’s going to be a great day! “Christ distributes courage through community; he dissipates doubts through fellowship.” —Max Lucado Concert Reception Hosts & Hostesses Needed W e have receptions after concerts to reinforce the positive experience area residents receive when they attend our musical events. Can you help with our receptions (even just once or twice a year)? This involves putting out food and help- Spirit ing with cleanup afterward (Concerts are at 4:00 PM, so there’s a little work before and a little work after the performance). If you can help, please let Martin Morley know at [email protected]. Thanks! Page 9 OSLC Foundation News “Love is a great investment. No matter whom you give it to, it returns great dividends.” T he OSLC Foundation Board is pleased to report that at our quarterly meeting on December 14, 2014, we approved the following grants: (1) a $5,000 grant for New Day for Children in Alamo, CA (a first time Foundation grant recipient); (2) a $4,700 grant for OSLC Responds: Raising Hope in Africa in Zambia (50% of one year’s tuition for 2 seminary students being overseen by Pastor Arden); (3) a $400 grant to help pay for a new Baptismal bowl for the Sanctuary; (4) $500 for scholarships to the OSLC Women’s Retreat; and (5) $1,500 for an OSLC member to attend a weeklong Stephen Ministry training session in Southern California. The OSLC Foundation Board meets once every quarter to oversee the operations of the Foundation and review grant requests. The prima- ry purpose of the Foundation is (a) to receive gifts and bequests, (b) manage and administer the funds, and (c) distribute investment income through grant requests for specific purposes authorized by the donor or in the discretion of the Board of Directors. We wish to thank those who included the Foundation in their end of year giving. Please contact Mark Johanson, President, at [email protected] with questions. Saturday, March 21, 2015 9:00 AM Shoreline Trail Hike W e will be hiking on the new Carquinez Regional Shoreline Trail. The trail is asphalt so no need to worry about mud after rains. However, if it is raining that day, we cancel. The trail is approx. 2 miles each way so we will go as far as we want to hike. Afterwards we will have a little tour of Port Costa and maybe get a snack and drink there. However, bring water and a small lunch with you. Page 10 Karen Zullo Sherr, artist Meet at the church at 9:00 AM and wear comfortable walking shoes. Directions are as follows: Take Route 24 east to north I-680 to west on Highway 4. Go beyond the Martinez exits and exit when you get to McEwen Road. Exit right and continue on that road until you get to Carquinez Scenic Drive and turn right. Go to the end where you will see a large parking lot. There is also a restroom there. Call if you have questions and also let me know if you will be coming. Carolyn Zerby, (925) 672-3024. Volume 32 Issue 3 What Is the Multi-Faith A.C.T.I.O.N. Coalition? T he Multi-Faith ACTION (Advocates & Communities Taking Initiative 4 Our Neighbors) Coalition is a group of Contra Costa County residents working together to address the root causes of poverty through advocacy and public policy change. Our shared values and our to be a part of that voice? Seven Task Forces have been formed to work on specific problems, such as food security, shelter & housing, jobs, etc. We need members from every faith institution to participate. The Coalition's vision will only be realized when you get involved! ty to reflect our faith values about human dignity, equity and basic needs? Please consider how you can engage in this work. We cannot solve these issues alone or even as a single congregation. It will take a village and we need all members of our village to get in“How do we shift the economy and policies of our County to reflect our faith values experiences as faith groups providing food, shelter and other services make us strong voices for those in need. This Coalition is striving to speak in one strong cohesive voice in addressing the problem of poverty and injustice in our county. Do you want Every voice can help bring significant change to Contra Costa County. Two questions we are asking (of many): 1. What does it look like to approach any budget as a moral document? 2. How do we shift the economy and policies of our Coun- volved and speak up— numbers matter! Questions? Interested? Speak with Pastor Holly or Pat Daily for more information about how you can put your faith to work fighting poverty. about human dignity, equity and basic needs?” The Waiting Game L ife involves lots of waiting. We wait in groups, in lines, in cars. We wait for packages, for the bus, for the sun to rise. We wait in doctors’ offices, at the post office, at the DMV. Waiting implies we’re at someone else’s mercy, but it’s also usually linked to hope. Perhaps that’s why Paul Tillich called waiting a metaphor for faith. Why would one wait if there Spirit weren’t the firm belief that the object of one’s wait will eventually materialize. Waiting can be enervating, which is why Isaiah 40:31 is so promising: “They who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Yet waiting is tough if you have nothing to do while waiting. That’s why Jesus, when talking about waiting, also talked about working— work for the night is coming. Sometimes it’s less tiring to work than it is to wait. There’s a lot of waiting during Lent. You’re waiting for a payoff. You’re waiting for the Resurrection. You’re waiting for spiritual growth. And then you realize this isn’t waiting at all. It’s life. It’s joy. It’s opportunity. It’s blessing. —Timothy Merrill Page 11 2015 showed continued generJ anuary osity with a total offering of $43,606. OSLC Mission Partners We are extended into the world through our relationships with our mission partners, including: Senior Helpline Services, Lafayette; Rancho Santa Marta, Mexico; MayaCREW, Chichicastenango, Our 10% benevolence to the synod and our mission projects was $4,360. Other income, primarily from facility use, was also higher at $17,731, due to a late payment from the previous month. Expenses were $48,711, slightly under budget. January 2015 ended with a surplus of $8,266. December 2014 closed with a deficit of $1,670; our January surplus took care of that, leaving us with a net cash position of $6,596. Thanks again for your generous support. As we begin to develop the budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, we look forward to emerging from a chronic deficit position and being able to support the projects and programs we like and which January 2015 Offerings received 43,606 Less Benevolence -$4,360 Net member giving $39,246 Other income $17,731 TOTAL operating income $56,977 Expenses -$48,711 Surplus this month $8,266 Cumulative surplus FY15 $ 32,502 (July-January) Prior year deficit (6/30/14) - $ 25,906 Net cash position (1/31/15) $6,596 bring new people. The recent Carnival service with a jazz band is an excellent example. Tell your friends and neighbors about the upcoming special Earth Day service on April 19. Please consider increasing your pledge to support expanded programming. If you have questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to call. — Laurel Waters M.D., Council Treasurer and Bill Klaproth, Finance Manager Guatemala; and New Life Band, Yarusha, Tanzania. Page 12 Volume 32 Issue 3 2014 - 2015 Peter Baumhefner President Steve Tanner Vice President Laurel Waters M.D. Treasurer Julie Veenstra Secretary Douglas Bea Dan Bosshart Mike Kirkland Craig Lingel Ken Madderra Elaine Parkhurst Karl Pfeiffer Ron Rogness Barbara Sanchez Mary Lou Till Scott Walker Prayers for the Bereaved Ed Miller & family, grieving the loss of Ed’s uncle, Sam Holloman, on January 22, 2015. Prayers for Healing Eric Schlutt, Kris Mullins’ brother, living with cancer. Jenilee, Kiley Ferron’s mother, recovering from addiction. Hold Safe in Your Prayers All those serving in harm’s way, especially military, public safety and firefighting personnel. “Prayer is not a spare wheel that you pull out when in trouble; it is a steering wheel that directs us in the Sunday, March 22, 2015 Easter Gift Deadline Is March 22 W ould you like to honor someone or remember a special event this Easter? You can order a plant to be placed at the altar in honor or memory of a loved one and you can choose to make a small gift to support the Food Bank of Contra Costa County. Mention of your gift will be included in the Easter bulletins. The cost for each plant or commemoration is $15. Donation forms are on our website. Checks should be made payable to OSLC with “Easter gifts” on the memo line. The deadline is Sunday, March 22. by calling the church office at (925) 283-3722, or sending an email to [email protected]. Public prayer requests are printed in the Sunday bulletin and in this newsletter. Confidential prayer requests are not printed. They are forwarded to a prayer team that will lift up your concerns and maintain your privacy. Please feel free to submit your concerns to the confidential prayer team directly by calling Lee Bellas at (925) 945-6310. right path throughout life.” Avenues of Prayer Y ou may request prayers by filling out the back of a worship attendance card (found in the pew rack) and placing it in the offering plate any Sunday. Please indicate if you wish your concern to be added to the public or the confidential prayer list. You may also request prayers Spirit Page 13 E aster comes as a delightful celebration for all, but especially for those who attend the more somber Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. Those who attend have said how deeply meaningful these unusual services are, and how much more depth they provide for celebrating Easter—so if you’ve not attended one or both, we encourage you to try them this year. “How easy to imagine Thursday, April 2, 2015 ourselves celebrating your entry into Jerusalem, Lord. Help us not fall away as you approach the cross.” Sunday, March 29, 2015 Worship in the Sanctuary at 9:30 AM. C ome wave a palm and sing as people did at Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Worship in the Sanctuary at 7:00 PM. W hat does “Maundy” mean? It is derived from the Latin word mandatum, remembering the mandate Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper to “love one another.” On this special night the service ends with the traditional “stripping of the altar,” a ritual in which all colored and decorative elements are removed from the front of the church in preparation for Good Friday. Good Friday Friday, April 3, 2015 Worship in the Fellowship Hall at 7:00 PM. A large recumbent cross laden with candles provides the centerpiece for remembrance of the crucifixion on this “night of shadows.” This is a very unique service not to be missed. Page 14 Sunday, April 5, 2015 Early Worship in the Fellowship Hall at 8:00 AM Worship in the Sanctuary at 9:30 and 11:00 AM. A t 8:00 AM we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a simple, contemporary Sunrise service; and at 9:30 and 11:00 AM, more formal services with brass choir and handbells (at the 11:00 AM service, the Children’s Choir will also sing). Whichever service you attend, you will enjoy an uplifting experience. The experience will be especially meaningful for those who have worshiped together all week: Holy Week at OSLC. Volume 32 Issue 3 23 Spirit Lablers - 9:00 am Meditation - 9:30 am Stephen Ministry - 9:30 am Spirit Assemblers - 9:30 am Bellissimo - 6:00 pm 25 Chancel Choir - 7:00 pm Joy Bible Study - 9:00 am 26 LWR Quilters - 11:30 pm 28-4/4 High School Trip to Mexico CLEAN-UP DAY - 9:00 am PALM SUNDAY 29 Celebration Worship - 9:30 am NO Education Hour NO Confirmation Contemporary Singers - 10:45 am Children's Choir - 10:45 am 30 Meditation - 9:30 am 13 Meditation - 9:30 am Stephen Ministry - 9:30 am SPIRIT DEADLINE - 4:00 pm 14 Book Study - 9:30 am Bellissimo - 6:00 pm Worship & Music Team - 7:30 pm 15 16 Chancel Choir - 7:00 pm Joy Bible Study - 9:00 am LWR Quilters - 11:30 am EARTH DAY CELEBRATION Worship - 9:30 am Education Hour - 10:45 am Confirmation - 10:45 am Contemporary Singers - 10:45 am 31 20 21 24 1 Worship - 9:30 am Education Hour - 10:45 am Confirmation - 10:45 am Contemporary Singers - 10:45 am Children's Choir - 11:30 am 2 Meditation - 9:30 am 3 Book Study - 9:30 am Bellissimo - 6:00 pm Mission Outreach Team - 7:00 pm Adult Faith Formation Team - 7:00 pm 4 Chancel Choir - 7:00 pm 5 Joy Bible Study - 9:00 am LWR Quilters - 11:30 pm 6 Fellowship Bridge - 7:00 pm 8 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BEGINS - 2:00 am Worship - 9:30 am Education Hour - 10:45 am Confirmation - 10:45 am Contemporary Singers - 10:45 am Children's Choir - 11:30 am 9 Meditation - 9:30 am Stephen Ministry - 9:30 am SPIRIT DEADLINE - 4:00 pm 10 Book Study - 9:30 am Bellissimo - 6:00 pm Worship & Music Team - 7:30 pm 11 Chancel Choir - 7:00 pm 12 Joy Bible Study - 9:00 am LWR Quilters - 11:30 pm 14 Choral Rehearsal - 9:30 am 15 Worship - 9:30 am Worship Milestone - 9:30 am Education Hour - 10:45 am Confirmation - 10:45 am Contemporary Singers - 10:45 am Children's Choir - 11:30 am Congregation Council - 11:30 am Major Works Concert - 4:00 pm 16 Meditation - 9:30 am 17 Book Study - 9:30 am Bellissimo - 6:00 pm 18 Chancel Choir - 7:00 pm 19 Joy Bible Study - 9:00 am LWR Quilters - 11:30 pm 22 Worship - 9:30 am First Communion Milestone - 9:30 am Education Hour - 10:45 am Confirmation - 10:45 am Contemporary Singers - 10:45 am Children's Choir - 11:30 am High School Hang Out - 4:30 pm Spirit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bellissimo - 6:00 pm Chancel Choir - 7:00 pm MAUNDY THURSDAY Worship - 7:00 pm GOOD FRIDAY Worship - 7:00 pm HOLY SATURDAY EASTER SUNDAY Worship - 8:00 am Worship - 9:30 am Kids Egg Hunt - 10:30 am NO Education Hour NO Confirmation Worship - 11:00 am EASTER MONDAY Church Office Closed Bellissimo - 6:00 pm Mission Outreach Team - 7:00 pm Adult Faith Formation Team - 7:00 pm Chancel Choir - 7:00 pm NO Joy Bible Study NO LWR Quilters 10 Fellowship Bridge - 7:00 pm 19 Meditation - 9:30 am Book Study - 9:30 am Bellissimo - 6:00 pm EARTH DAY 22 Chancel Choir - 7:00 pm Joy Bible Study - 9:00 am 23 LWR Quilters - 11:30 am 24-25 Grade 8 Confirmation Retreat 26 27 28 29 30 Worship - 9:30 am Education Hour - 10:45 am Confirmation - 10:45 am Contemporary Singers - 10:45 am Concert - 4:00 pm High School Hang Out - 4:30 pm Spirit Labelers - 9:00 am Meditation - 9:30 am Stephen Ministry - 9:30 am Spirit Assemblers - 9:30 am Bellissimo - 6:00 pm Chancel Choir - 7:00 pm Joy Bible Study - 9:00 am LWR Quilters - 11:30 am 8 9 12 YOUTH SUNDAY Worship - 9:30 am My Church Milestone - 9:30 am Education Hour - 10:45 am Confirmation - 10:45 am Contemporary Singers - 10:45 am Congregation Council - 11:30 am Pizza Smorga - 4:00 pm 4:00 pm—March 15, 2015 Page 15 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 513 Walnut Creek, CA O UR S AVIOR ' S L UTH ERAN C HURCH 1035 Carol Lane Lafayette, CA 94549 (925) 283-3722 [email protected] www.oslc.net ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED SUNDAY, MARCH 8 2:00 AM Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 4:00 PM Spring Major Works Concert: O ur major works concert this year is themed “Sing a New Song,” and presents ancient texts set to modern music. Neil Harmon’s Requiem (published 2014) and John Leavitt’s Missa Festiva (written 1991, revised 2013) will be accompanied by a rich instrumental ensemble including woodwinds, strings, timpani, harp and vibraphone. This is a great way to introduce your friends and neighbors to our church! Page 16 Volume 32 Issue 3
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