Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “VISITOR” December 2014 ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3215 SAEMANN AVE. SHEBOYGAN, WI 53081 Phone 920-452-9766 Website www.ebenezerucc.org FaceBook EbenezerUCCSheboygan Email addresses Church office [email protected] Rev. Dr. Roger Mealiff [email protected] Rev. Lorri Steward [email protected] Beth Petzke Student Pastor [email protected] Church Secretary Cassie Hogue Worship Schedule Sundays; 8:00 & 10:30am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:15 JR/SR High Sunday School The four Sundays before Christmas are called the “Advent Season” in the church. Advent means “coming”, so it is a time to prepare for the coming of Christ into the world, celebrated in the birth of Jesus. With the Advent candle wreath, we mark our progression ever closer to Christmas, lighting an additional candle each week with the colors of the night sky moving toward the dawn of a new day. The first Sunday of Advent sneaks into our Thanksgiving weekend in America, almost before we are ready for it, on November 30. During these four Sundays, between morning services Student Pastor Beth Petzke will be leading discussion of short videos entitled “Advent Conspiracy”, exploring ways to shift from the retail circus of consumption to compassion and celebration that enriches our lives and the world. Join in the conversation, even if you cannot make each week. December 7 is the second Sunday of Advent, two candles are lit that day, but it is also the first Sunday of the month, so we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion (confusing?). And it is also the day of our annual congregational meeting, so our 10:30 service will be shortened, in order to begin our meeting around 11:00 a.m. Of course we have checked and there is no Packer game that day! The third Sunday of Advent, December 14, is also the day of our Children’s Christmas Program at 6:00 p.m. “Bethlehem Star” will be a delightful way to hear the Christmas story anew through the children’s voices. Recognizing that the Holidays can be a difficult time for many, we offer a “Hard to be Merry” Christmas service on Thursday, December 18 at 7:00 p.m. With candles, communion and quiet music, we remember that, contrary to the culture that pushes superficial sweetness and spending, Jesus was actually born into the real world of lonely travelers and refugees to bring light, even to our darkest hour. If you know someone who might find this service meaningful, offer to come with them to it. December 21 concludes the Advent season with a “mini musical” presented by a “reflection choir” at both the 8:00 and 10:30 services. With a blend of familiar carols like “Joy to the World” and newer songs like “Hope Has Hands”, we are reminded that “Jesus wasn’t just a baby. He was more than a king. He was hope we could touch and see and hold”—a wonderful lead-in to Christmas week. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, On Wednesday, December 24 we will offer two different worship opportunities: our Family Service of Carols and Candles at 5:00 p.m. and the 10:00 p.m. Candlelight Communion service. Each is meaningful in their own distinctive ways, so plan to attend as you are able. YOU ARE Sunday, December 28, Sunday School workshops will not be meeting, so everyone is invited to join in one worship service at 9:00 a.m., followed by a sharing of Christmas cookies at Comma Café, so bring your favorites (or whatever the kids haven’t already eaten!). WELCOME HERE An Open and Affirming United Church of Christ Congregation God is still speaking , It is a month full of opportunities to make it a meaningful holiday season, celebrating the birth of Jesus and the light of hope and love for our lives and world. Page 2 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” EXPLORE, SERVE, PLAY Youth Ministry at Ebenezer UCC Youth Ministry at Ebenezer UCC Explore (exploring our faith): Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School Class 9:15 – 10:15 am on Sunday mornings in the Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School Classroom, which is the room with the couches next to Rev. Lorri’s office. No Sunday School class on Sunday, December 21st nor the 28th. Serve (serving others): Spaghetti Dinner Thank You! (see article) Christmas Program: Sunday, December 14th, 6:00 pm All Confirmation Students are asked to help that evening with the program (helping with the Sunday School children and with the cookie Buffet following the program if needed. Christmas Caroling: Wednesday, December 17th, 5:45 – 8 pm We will meet at the church, make sure everyone has transportation and head out to share the sounds of the season! ALL members of all ages are invited and encouraged to participate… because it’s SO MUCH MORE FUN to sing with a large group (smile). A sign up sheet is available on the table underneath the bulletin board in the Sunday School hallway. Please take a moment to sign up so that we can be prepared for the hot chocolate and cookie gathering when we return to Ebenezer! Advent Un-Decorating Day: Saturday, January 10th, 9 – 11 am Mission Trip Summer 2014: planning a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, July 11th -17th. This is an Environmental Stewardship service project through the National Park Service. This trip is for ALL youth ages 12+ without a parent. Younger children are welcome if they are accompanied by their parents. Please let Rev. Lorri know if you are interested Play (fun, fellowship, getting to know one another): JUST FOR FUN!! OVERNIGHT: Monday, December 29th, 7pm – 8am December 30th. We may leave the church for an activity, so a �cost’ is not set at this time as the youth and I will continue planning for the over night. Please let Rev. Lorri know if you plan to participate. Friends are welcome! OVERNIGHT: Friday, January 16th, 8pm-8am January 17th. --looking into the Sunday Church volleyball league through the YMCA --Tubing at Sunburst Wednesday, February 4th --Big Brother’s / Big Sister’s Bowling Fundraiser in February if youth are interested Page 3 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” SPAGHETTI DINNER THANK YOU! Thank you to ALL who supported the Youth Spaghetti Dinner in any way: dessert donations, help during the meal, just coming to enjoy the meal, etc. Thanks to your generosity, the youth were able to raise funds for mission trip scholarships and monthly youth activities. A very, very special thank you to Kristal Klemme for her leadership and coordination!! And, thank you to Julie Kinney for her fantastic accounting and documentation. THANKSGIVING BASKETS: THANK YOU!! As I sit down to write this, I am still basking in the warmth and glow from site of all those Thanksgiving Baskets that were overflowing with abundance and waiting to be blessed before they were delivered to families. There were a total of 37 baskets this year…37 Thanksgiving meals that will bless family tables with abundance. This mission is a great opportunity for the members of our church family and friends to work TOGETHER to produce a generous and plentiful �harvest’ of nourishing and nurturing meals as a way of showing God’s love to others in this season of gratitude. Thanks also to Lakeshore Lanes for donating free games of bowling to the families so that their plentiful meal may also be accompanied by time to laugh and play! Thank you Ebenezer United Church of Christ. Each year the number of baskets created and shared steadily increases. Thank you…for rising to the continued challenge to show and to share God’s love �in all the ways we can’. Much love and peace, Rev. Lorri CARE PACKAGES FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS The Care Packages will be prepared and ready to deliver on November 30th. At this moment, we are planning to assemble 9 packages that will encourage, �feed’ and bless our students! Thank you for your help and thoughtfulness as we intentionally reach out to our college students and remind them that they are connected to our church family in meaningful ways. POP TOPS Sunday School is saving pop tops for a mission of choice. Sheboygan Scrap Metal will be matching what we bring in Any questions please call Debby Tryba, 920-627-1394. Page 4 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” EDUCATE UPDATE Get your hot ham to go! The Ebenezer Christian Ed Team will be preparing box lunches on December 14th. Each lunch will contain hot slices of ham on a crusty Sheboygan hard roll, home-made German potato salad, baked beans, and a delicious cookie. Lunches are $6.50 for one sandwich and $9.00 for 2. ADVANCE Tickets ONLY will be sold following both worship services starting on Sunday, November 23 through December 7th. Redeem your tickets for the take out lunches following either worship service on Sunday, December 14th. Proceeds will be used to support the Ebenezer Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and Mission Trips. Let the Ebenezer Elves make lunch for you during the busy holiday season!! *There will be no Christian Education Meeting for December. We will resume meetings in the New Year.J *There will be no Sunday School on December 28, 2014. Classes will start again on January 4, 2015. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Worship More, Spend Less, Give Presence, Love All Are you tired of how consumerism has stolen the soul of Christmas? This year, take a stand! Join other followers of Christ who are choosing to make Christmas what it should be—a joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that enriches our hearts and the world around us, not a retail circus that depletes our pocketbooks and defeats our spirits. Advent Conspiracy shows you how to substitute consumption with compassion by practicing four simple but powerful, countercultural concepts: Week 1: Worship Fully—because Christmas begins and ends with Jesus! Week 2: Spend Less—and free your resources for things that truly matter. Week 3: Give More—of your presence: your hands, your words, your time, your heart. Week 4: Love All—the poor, the forgotten, the marginalized, and the sick in ways that make a difference. Find out how to have a Christmas worth remembering, not dreading. Christmas can still change the world when you, like Jesus, give what matters most—your presence. Join us Sundays in Advent: November 30, December 7, 14, 21. Get a beverage and snack from the comma café meeting between worship services and join me for a DVD clip and conversation. All are welcome! -- Pastor Beth, Facilitator Page 5 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” 2015 OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE FORMS The 2015 Opportunities to Serve (OTS) forms will be sent out shortly after the first of the year. As most everyone is aware, these forms are the “kickstarter” of our ministries here at Ebenezer, as it provides members dozens of opportunities to share their time and talents. Last year, we gave members an opportunity to fill out the form electronically, which is a convenient option to some. We will once again offer than option in 2015. Anyone who receives the monthly newsletter electronically will also receive the OTS via email. All other members will have their forms mailed to them. In the past several years, we have struggled with getting volunteers to provide transportation to those who cannot get to church on their own. If you are able to help out in the ministry, I encourage you to sign up for it in 2015. More information will be shared in the upcoming weeks. If there are any questions, please contact Involve MAC Steve Shircel at 892-2137 or [email protected] Let your Christmas giving benefit church using Scrip gift cards! Here are some popular retailers. More are available upon request. Amazon, Applebees, BP, Culvers, Home Depot, iTunes, Joann Fabrics, Kohls, Kwik Trip, Marcus Theatres, Menards, Miesfields, Mobil, Noodles & Co., Pick ’n Save, Pizza Ranch, Shopko, Starbucks, Subway, Taco Bell, Target, Texas Roadhouse, Toys R Us, WalMart CHRISTMAS MISSION Scrip Cards for families in need Last year there were several individuals who purchased grocery store and gas cards through Scrip to have on hand at church for Rev. Mealiff and I to be able to readily access for families and individuals who contacted the church for help. It has been exceptionally helpful to have these cards on hand to be able to be a helpful presence at a moment’s notice for people in the community and for our members. We have only 3 cards left at the present time. So, if you are looking for a way to participate in a Christmas mission this year that would also benefit the church (remember…the church receives a percentage of each card purchased through Scrip), please stop by the Scrip table any Sunday morning to share in our mission of sharing God’s love and presence in lots of different ways! Rev. Lorri Page 6 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Congregational Listening and Discussion Sessions The Consistory decided at its November meeting to have listening and discussion sessions in January to discuss and solicit input into our long-term pastoral staffing situation. We are fortunate to have Rev. Mealiff’s services on a half-time basis for at least several years as our Senior Pastor. And we have Rev. Steward as a full-time Associate Pastor. Beth Peske is our student pastor through May. As a congregation we need to decide how we assess Ebenezer’s needs for Pastoral leadership and care long term. The meetings being planned are meant to get input from members of the congregation as to their ideas, hopes, fears, questions, and desires concerning Ebenezer’s future. These sessions will be held at 9:15 am and 11:30 am on January 18, and again on January 25. Make plans to attend one (or more) and offer your input and ask your questions. Ron Rindfleisch Inspire Ministry Area Coordinator and Consistory Member ANNIVERSARY BOOKS: Books are expected to be handed out around Christmas. If you would still like to sign up for one or don't remember if you have signed up, contact Dawn Foshag at 459-9147, I have the list at home. We don't plan to print extra, so if you want one make sure you're signed up to get one. “HARD TO BE MERRY” SERVICE The holiday season can be a meaningful time, but it can also be stressful. There may be a lot of pressure to buy expensive presents and be in a particularly joyous mood. Add a focus on family and togetherness and for those who are hurting, the season often emphasizes feelings of loneliness, grief and pain. What’s worse, we may feel like no one else experiences that struggle, or that there is something wrong with us for feeling so blue. To provide a setting for people to come together and recognize the mixed feelings of the holidays and realize that we are not alone in them, a “Hard To Be Merry” Christmas Service will be held Thursday, Dec. 17 at 7 p.m. at Ebenezer. CHRISTMAS SERVICES - Please make a special note on your calendars regarding our worship schedule on Christmas Eve (December 24th). On Christmas Eve, Ebenezer UCC family, friends and guests gather for Family Worship at 5:00 pm and Candle light Communion at 10:00 pm. On Sunday, December 28th, we do not have two services, but only ONE service of worship at 9:00 am. If you have questions concerning our worship schedule, please call the church office through December 23rd (920) 452-9766 --Thank You! Page 7 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Ebenezer UCC is having their 8th Annual Grilled Chicken Dinner on April 19th, 2015 Tickets will be available between church services on December 7th until the 28th Adult tickets are $10.00 Children tickets are $5.00 Sorry no discounts for early sales. We will resume ticket sales in February. If you are bored and stuck in doors, remember Ebenezer UCC has a puzzle library. Please take advantage of this opportunity. In the book available, please record your name, the date and the puzzle number. We have numerous puzzles to choose from. As in years past,we will be putting up a Snuggle Tree for donations of hats & mittens for those in our community who would love to be snuggled, warm & tight in this season of love & light. These donations go to Salvation Army, Safe Harbor. Mary's Room and Jefferson School. A bassinet will be in the Sanctuary for donations to Mary’s Room. They could always use infant clothing up to size 4, blankets, PJ’s, diapers, weet wipes, and baby supplies. The Christmas Tree in the Sanctuary is the place to put your gifts to be given to the Salvation Army's Christmas Castle. This is a place where parents can go & pick out gifts for their children , who might go without. The Big Stocking is for donations for the children of Jefferson School. Please donate warm and comfy sweatshirts, sweatpants, socks and underwear. The teachers really appreciate these along with the kids. Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice needs volunteers for the following roles. Please consider how you can support SSRCH in caring for the terminally-ill in our county. Scheduling is flexible and training is provided. Please contact Brenda Weavers at 920-467-7945 or [email protected] if interested. Dining services, cosmetologists, musicians, front desk receptionist, administrative Ebenezer United Church of Christ Identity Statement We are Ebenezer United Church of Christ. Our name, from I Samuel 7:12, means: “Thus far, God has helped us.” Building on that solid rock, we reach forward in faith on the growing edge of our community. We offer to all people meaningful worship and education, and an open invitation to share in Holy Communion. Ebenezer demonstrates a welcoming openness that helps people feel “at home”, fortifying us to live out our faith on a daily basis. Following Christ’s example, we reach out to bring hope and justice to all of God’s family. We affirm the gifts and cherish the image of God in each person. We welcome into the full life and ministry of the church all persons of every race, culture, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, and family structure. In partnership with God and each other, in traditional yet progressive ways, we are ordinary people working hard to accomplish extraordinary things. Page 8 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Embracing Ministry: Mission Outreach Food Pantry A Special thanks to all the volunteers and the donations that make this Ministry possible The third Sunday of every month is Food Pantry Collection Sunday at Ebenezer UCC so December 21 is our next collection date. Your donations of non-perishable food items play a vital role in keeping the Sheboygan Area Food Pantry stocked for those in need of this service. A pantry shelf for your donations is located in Gathering Area. Volunteers Thank you for all your help. Donated items for November 145 Thank You for reaching out to our community with your generous gifts. Thank you for your continued support of LaVerne’s Food Pantry at St John’s UCC. Your gifts are very much appreciated. St John’s Food Pantry Crew. We are so grateful for your monthly food donations to North Side Christian Food Pantry at St. Dominic. We are presently serving about 170 needy families in our community each month. Your gifts certainly help us to continue this ministry of serving our less fortunate neighbors. May God bless you for living one of the beatitudes. In Christ, North Side Christian Food Pantry Staff PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS: Ruth Harker, Joan Grosshuesch, Vera Zenk, Kristin Kositzke, (granddaughter of Jane Reseburg) David Boykin, Jane Reseburg(Terrace Park), Mark Heffernan (Nephew of Kaisers), Mary Lavey (grandmother of Stephanie Winkelhake), Mary Voigt’s friend Timmer (heart transplant), Herman Mayer (Dorothy’s Husband), Alexander Dodds (Alan & Cheryl’s grandson,) Lallensack’s friends Kathy & Jim (cancer), Jamie Ottman (Tina Boykin’s brother), Jared Luebke (friend of Janice Schmitz), Clayton Meinolf, Sue Thiel, Robert Platz (June’s brother), Lu Zehfus, Luke Peters (Harold & Shirley Henning’s grandson), Allen and Jeanette Wangemann (Terrace Park), Zona Ziegler, Tom Fredricks, Jerry & Betty Richards, Vern & Irene Feldt, Andrew Vreeke, Dorothy Free, Zach Samz (Fort Stewart), and persons with cancer and other health concern. Comma Café December 7th 14th 21st 28th 2 Consistory Members Shane Sipiorski/Jim Race Inspiring Ministry Hand Bell Choir Loaves & Fishes –Christmas Cookie Bash Bring your left over cookies!! Page 9 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS December Bible Readings Day Book Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2 Peter Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Luke Exodus Exodus Exodus Numbers 1 Samuel Ezra Mark Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah Matthew Ezekiel Joel Micah Malachi Luke Acts Luke Matthew Revelation Revelation Revelation 3:10-18 1: 1-2, 4a 2: 4b-25 9: 1-17 15: 1-21 1: 26-45 1: 1-2, 10 19: 1-25 34: 10-35 14: 1-25 16: 1-13 3: 1-14 1: 1-12 7: 10-25 9: 1-17 40: 1-21 43: 1-28 48: 1-22 65: 17-25 1: 18-25 34: 11-31 2: 18-32 5:2-15 3:1-4:5 2: 21-40 7: 2-8:1 2: 21-40 2: 16-23 21: 1-8 21: 9-27 22: 1-21 31 1 Nancy DeLisle 3 Dolf DeCeuster 5 Connor Hamann 6 Kamya Rose Campell 6 Sirena Eberhardy 7 Debbie Cook 8 Jennifer Carey 8 Regan Hooker 9 Julie Manz 9 Andrew Selk 10 Madison Duff 11 Marlene Fisher 12 William Kuehl 13 Randall Hamann 13 Dominic Methfessel 14 Elaine Wangeman 15 Douglas Gregoire 16 Colton Bitter 17 Dawn Foshag 18 18 18 18 19 21 21 22 24 25 25 26 27 27 29 29 31 31 31 31 Vicky Landgraf Don Goodman Camaile Gort Patty Verhaeghe Derek Dewar Samuel Sewacki Logan Jackson Holly Zimmerman Natalie Kohlmann Emily Fritsch Andrew Vreeke Adam Steward Allen Wangemann Mary Wingender Thomas Fredricks Penny Schaap Jean Dean Ray DeLisle Rogene Manz Charlie Watts Time 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 5:00 PM 10:00 PM 9:00 AM Date Sunday, December 7 Sunday, December 7 Sunday, December 14 Sunday, December 14 Sunday, December 14 Thursday, December 18 Sunday, December 21 Sunday, December 21 Wednesday, December 24 Wednesday, December 24 Sunday, December 28 Lisa Burrell Lisa Burrell Ron Rindfleisch Ron Rindfleisch Rebecca Sewacki Tanner Lallensack Hannah TeStroeteReese Victoria Stark Trey Sipiorski Grace Leonhardt E& R Wangeman n/a n/a Dawn Rousse Mary Kohl n/a n/a Cheryl Magruder Dawn Foshag Beth Katie Kober Williams Isaac Klemme Liturgist Cheryl Dodds Dawn Foshag Dawn Race Jan Free Joanie Shircel Grace Rindfleisch Ron Rindfleisch Martha Hill Jan Free Tina Boykin Ron Rindfleisch Ron Rindfleisch Janice Hill Janice & Martha Hill Joanie Shircel Janice & Martha Hill Joanie Shircel Joanie Jean Dean Shircel Grace Rindfleisch n/a Grace Rindfleisch n/a Caroline Oehldrich Judy Kliejunas Grace Rindfleisch Grace Rindfleisch n/a Yvonne Lavey Darryl Gumm Loaves & Fishes, Christmas Cookies Handbell Choir Inspiring Ministry 2 Cons. Members, Shane/JIm R Welcom- Comma Greeter er Cafe Janice & Mike Martha Cheryl Dodds Kohlmann Hill Jean Dean Worship Deacon Steve Shircel Julie Manz Ron Rindfleisch n/a Caroline Oehldrich Sharol Schonman Tina Boykin Penny Schaap Ushers Julie Kinney Jan Free Barb Schuette Grace Rindfleisch Ron Rindfleisch Sue Kaiser n/a June Platz Darryl Gumm Jean Dean, Yvonne Lavey, Sharon Dawn Eberhardy Foshag Sharol Schoneman, Pati Verhaeghe, Marie Schwinn Dar Ott Communion Acolyte Child Care Clean Katelyn Lisa Burrell Roblee DARRYL Lisa Burrell GUMM DARRYL Lisa Burrell GUMM A/V OperA/V Prep ator DECEMBER WORSHIP SUPPORT SCHEDULE December 2014 Sunday 7 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 6:30 Card Makers 2 12:30 Foot Clinic 8 8:00/10:30 am. 9:00 ECJ Worship/Communion 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School Thursday Friday Saturday 3 4 9:oo Bible Study 12:30 Foot Clinic 6:30 Confirmation 6-8pm Sanctuary in use 5 6 9 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 10 11 9:oo Bible Study 12:30 Foot Clinic 6:30 Confirmation 7:00 Quilters 12 13 8-5pm Sonshine Stitchers 9-11 Dress Rehearsal 16 17 9:oo Bible Study 12:30 Foot Clinic 5:45 Christmas Caroling 18 7pm “Hard to be Merry” Christmas Service 19 6-9 Sanctuary in Use 20 10-12 Sanctuary in Use 23 8:30 Men’s Breakfast 24 5pm Family Worship 10pm Candlelight with Communion 25 26 27 11 Annual Meeting 14 15 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School 6pm Children's Program 6:30 Consistory 6:30 Card Makers 21 22 8:oo/10:30 am Worship/Cantata 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School Reflection Choir 28 9:00 Worship 29 30 12:30 Foot Clinic 31 Happy New Year Merry Christmas E B E N E Z E R U N I T E D C H U R C H O F C H R I ST 3215 Saemann Ave. Sheboygan, WI 53081 920-452-9766 [email protected] Rev. Dr. Roger Mealiff Rev. Lorri Steward Address Services Requested December 2014 Newsworthy December 7th 8 & 10:30 Worship with Communion 11:00 Annual Meeting 14th 6pm Children's Program 17th 5:45 Christmas Caroling 18th 7pm Hard to be Merry Christmas Service 21st 8 & 10:30 Worship & Cantata 24th 5pm Family Worship 10pm candlelight service with Communion 28th 9am Worship service
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