The St. Mark Bells December 2014 Weekly Events at St. Mark 5:30pm Saturday spoken worship 9:00am Sunday traditional service 10:20am Sunday School 10:30am TrebleBells 7:00pm Wed Trinity Choir 9:00am Thurs Sewing Group 10:30am-12pm Friday Bible Study Preschool 4’s Mon, Wed, Fri 3’s Tues, Thurs Counseling Office Various times December’s Coming Events Dec 1 Bingo at Utz Terrace Dec 2 “St. Mark Eats” 6pm Campus Inn @ Cross Keys Brethren Home Dec 4 Evangelism Mtg 7pm Dec 8 Social Ministry Comm Mtg Prepares Gifts for Shut-ins Dec 9 HVAC Task Force 6pm Property Comm 7pm Dec 14 Congregation Mtg. Follows Worship Service Cookie Exchange 10:30am Hanging of the Greens 3pm Decorate a tree, eat some goodies & sing some carols. Dec 15 Finance Comm Mtg 7pm SOS Support Group Dec 16 Christian Ed Comm Mtg 7pm Dec 18 Fellowship Comm 5:30pm Dec 19 Assemble Newsletter 8am Dec 21 Christmas Pageant 9am Impromptu Play involving children, youth and adults Dec 23 Congregation Council 7pm Dec 24 Christmas Eve Worship Services - 4pm and 7pm Dec 25 Christmas Day Dec 26 Office Closed for Additional Holiday Dec 28 Holiday Baking Fellowship Follows Worship Service No Sunday School Pastor’s Pondering’s “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors” Luke 2:14 \ Dear Christmas Christians, Did you ever wonder what the angels thought as God became human, born as a baby in a manger? Did Gabriel know what it meant when he went to Mary and called her blessed? Did he know the meaning of his own message that he was sent to proclaim to her; that “the child would become great, and be called the Son of the Most High, and rule over the house of Jacob and of his kingdom there will be no end”? Did the angel know when he went to Joseph in the dream and reassured him to keep to the oath of marriage? Did the angel know the full meaning of the promise that Mary would have a son that would “save his people from their sins”? When the angels sang to the shepherds from the sky, looking down on that field that night, did they know the true power of that moment? After all, this child was God, the one who spoke creation into being, the one who is the Alpha and Omega, the Lord Almighty, the one who decides life over death, the one they, the angels, had worshipped and served for eons. And now, in one moment he makes himself weak, a human, to live as one of us, in this broken world, so that we might have the light of his salvation. Christmas is so much more than just decorating, baking, parties or shopping lists, it is about that special moment when the Divine became human out of love for you and me. In that moment our lives were changed, we now have a Lord that walks with us and carries us through the darkness into the light of his kingdom. Our Emmanuel comes into this world to give us hope that can never be taken away. So did the angels know – Yes, oh most certainly Yes! Remember the angels were the first ones there so many years later on that Easter morning, rolling back the stone and sitting on it, swinging their feet and in my mind having the biggest smile on their faces, joyfully proclaiming the message of the resurrection! They join us in that truth that death no more has hold on humanity, that through God, his birth, life, and death, the grave stands empty and we are lifted up into his kingdom to rejoice with the angels and all the saints to sing his praise, now and forever. Christmas begins that message – “Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth, peace among those whom he favors”. May he show his glorious favor to you this Christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Pastor Kirk Griffin In Our Congregation December Worship Helpers Comm. Assts: Linda Bolin Alison Peterson Barbara Watson Worship Assts: Jody Conrad Brynn Seidenstricker Don Seidenstricker Diana Weaver CPIC: Robert Rhoten December 7 Second Sunday of Advent Acolyte: Brenna Yingling Lector: Cecelia Sell Bell Ringer: Larry Rhoten Comm. Assts: Shellene Griffin William Leppo Martha Lippy Larry Rhoten Worship Assts: Elaine Brown Susan O'Brien Tim Sell Sue Sell CPIC: Carol Reese December 14 Third Sunday of Advent Acolyte: Katie Hoster Lector: Melissa Hoster Bell Ringer: William Sterner Comm. Assts: Michael Brown Melissa Brown-Hoster Robert Hoster Jeff Kindschuh Worship Assts: Elaine Brown Sandra Haymaker William Sterner Linda Sterner CPIC: Chris Kindschuh December 21 Fourth Sunday of Advent Christmas Pageant Acolyte: Madlyn Farley Asst Minister: Diane Greenholt Bell Ringer: Robert Kerr Comm. Assts: Doug Greenholt Jane Long Susan O'Brien Worship Assts: Robert Bish Jane Bish Jeff Little Arlene Little CPIC: Robert Kerr Chancel Care for December Virginia Blocher Nancy Fasnacht Chet Peters Diana Weaver October Worship Attendance st 1 Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week TOTAL` 2013 120 128 131 136 515 2014 109 126 103 119 457 Thanks To and From -To our Nov. "Bells" newsletter assemblers: Charles and Phyllis Coppersmith; Harold and Barb Shriner; and Mark Tome. -From Carol Hinkle, Executive Director, Hanover Area Council of Churches, for our recent donation of food items as well as our monetary contribution that will be divided among their various ministries – “With your generous donation we will be able to continue to improve the quality of life for those in need in the greater Hanover area”. October Treasurer’s Report December 28 First Sunday of Christmas Acolyte: John Peterson Asstng Mnstr: Hollis Long Bell Ringer: Don Seidenstricker -2- Monthly Did You Knows Postage Stamps and Greeting Cards: Especially at this time of year when receiving those holiday greeting cards: Did you know that used postage stamps and all greeting cards are valuable? Simply cut ½ inch around your used postage stamps and put them in our stamp donation box found in the bell chamber room or at the Willow Street fellowship entranceway. The greeting cards (whether new or used) can be dropped off at the church office. Both the stamps and cards are then delivered by the Lippys to the Lutheran Home at Gettysburg for their annual fundraisers. -From Sally Hershey, PAL Program "On behalf of the Hanover Area Council of Churches and clients of P.A.L., Meals on Wheels and the shelter, I would like to thank you for your generous donation of food items. Sharing with the less fortunate is Truly doing God’s work…Thank You!” Both of the messages from HACC were received shortly after our October food drive and Harvest Home Sunday. December and January Needs Hanover Council of Churches PAL Program: Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, Saltines, Hot Chocolate Changing Lives Shelter: Blankets (Twin), Coffee, Coffee Creamer, Men’s Heavy Gloves & Hats, Cascade Dishwasher Soap Clothing Bank: Winter Gloves (all sizes), Men’s Socks, Family-size Toiletries: Ex. Shampoo, Conditioner, Bar Soap, Shaving Cream Ruth’s Harvest – All single serving please! Hot Chocolate, Complete Meals, Pouched Fruit Drinks, Non-refrigerated Milk, Rice Krispie Treats, Cookies HACC Bingo Prizes new or gently used items PAL Team #2 for December 28: Leader – Rick Pado. Other volunteers for December include: Simpson and Barbara Baublitz, Shirley Hippensteel, Carol Pado, and Sam and Marie Wise. We sincerely thank all our PAL program volunteers who provide such a wonderful ministry to our community. If you are interested in helping with any of our PAL teams, please contact the church office at 637-8904. Prayer Requests from HACC: As we all know the power of prayer and as we keep St. Mark members and friends in our prayers, HACC also requests that we pray for their ministries in the following weeks this month: Dec. 7 Ruth’s Harvest Ministry; Dec. 14 HACC Sunday Worship Leaders; Dec. 21 Changing Lives Shelter Residents; and Dec. 28 Turning Point Ministry. Clothing Bank Volunteers Needed: Per Nini Houck, St. Mark’s Coordinator for the HACC Clothing Bank, volunteers are always needed to sort clothing and such at the council building on Carlisle the 2nd Wednesday of every other month. The last date scheduled for this year is Wednesday, December 3. Please mark your calendars for next year as well. Those dates begin on Feb 11 and then continue on April 8, June 10, August 12, October 14, and December 9. 2014 Contributions Deadline: Please mark your calendars to be reminded that in order to be credited to your 2014 giving statement, all 2014 contributions need to be made or postmarked no later than December 31, 2014. Designated Needs Offerings: St. Mark’s monthly offering for designated needs gives us an opportunity as a congregation to support specific domestic and international needs which are pre-determined by our council each year. December’s offering benefits Community Progress Council of Hanover. Their mission statement includes the fact that they exist to provide everyone with the opportunities, resources, and skill to move toward self-sufficiency. "St. Mark Eats”: Our next event is scheduled for the Campus Inn at the Cross Keys Brethren Home on Tuesday, December 2 at 6pm. For your convenience, a sign-up sheet is posted in the church narthex; wishing to sign up by phone, please call the church. Campus Inn menu copies can be found on the welcoming table in our narthex or on their website at For your donations, please use the “other” category on your offering envelope or note December designated need or Community Progress Council on the memo line of your check. Please remember however that, whenever a donation is made on the “other” line of any of our offering envelopes that does not have a written designation, it will automatically be given to the ministry fund designated for that month. Donations specified for Dec. Designated Need or Community Progress Council can also be mailed to the church office. -3- 2015 Offering Envelopes: Next year’s offering envelopes can be found on tables in our office hallway. Please stop by to pick up yours. If a packet is not there for you, please ask for assistance in the church office or call us by phone (637-8904). Advent Knit Tree: Our Social Ministry Committee would like to remind us that for many years now our members and/or friends have been knitting or supplying us with warm mittens, gloves, scarves and socks for a tree which has been placed in our narthex. Please keep in mind these should be new as they are given to school children and adults in the Hanover community. Gifts for Shut-ins. Social Ministry Committee will meet on Monday, December 8 to pack Christmas gifts to deliver to St. Mark shut-ins. Christmas Gift Tree: Since our December "Bells" is being sent out earlier this month (November 21), we wish to remind you that the gifts to be given to New Hope Ministries for their “Christmas Blessings Express” program need to be unwrapped and returned to the church by November 30th. With any questions or suggestions, please contact the church office as soon as possible at 637-8904. 2014 Holiday Decorations For this year’s decorations, we will once again be hanging 22” wreaths at a cost of $17 each and one 36” wreath which is however already spoken for. Poinsettias will be available to decorate the chancel on Christmas Eve at a cost of $10. Also a tree with Stars made by Diana Weaver representing contributions to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal will once again stand in our narthex. Anyone contributing $5 to World Hunger may take a star from the tree at any time after our Christmas Eve service. To sponsor any of the above in memory or honor of our loved ones, envelopes are in the church pew racks or call the church office (637-8904). In order to place our poinsettia order in advance, we would appreciate all orders by December 8 but we must establish an absolute deadline date of Monday, December 15 for placing your order. Poinsettias can be picked up after our 7pm Christmas Eve service or any time that following week keeping in mind however that the church office will be closed for an additional day on Friday, December 26. Cookie Exchange is scheduled for December 14 at 10:30am. Simply bring in three dozen goodies to share in the exchange and you get a three dozen sampling plate to take home. A sign-up sheet has been placed in our narthex or you can call the church office. Please then note your name and the name or baked goods name. "Hanging of the Greens": Please join us at 3:00pm on Sunday, December 14 in our sanctuary; we will decorate the Christmas trees, sing Christmas carols and have cookies and punch afterward. We ask everyone to bring some cookies to share. Our Christmas Pageant is scheduled for 9am on Sunday, December 21 as part of our worship service. Further details will follow sometime soon in our weekly announcements and/or in our weekly email devotional and updates. If we do not have you on our email list, please contact our church office as soon as possible. We do our utmost not to share the email addresses of our members by blind-copying all we email. St. Mark Preschool invites us to their program with songs, poems, refreshments, and a visit from Santa on Monday, December 22 (4 year olds class) 10:30-11:30am and Tuesday, December 23 (3 year olds class) 10:45-11:15am. -4- Annual Holiday Goodies Time will follow our 9:00am December 28th service rather than the normal coffee and donuts fellowship time in the office hallway. To do so, we will need someone to set up (drinks, napkins, plates, etc.). Please see the normal coffee and doughnuts set-up schedule on the bulletin board outside our parlor. Of course, we will need some of your holiday baking to share. For Hospitalizations and Illnesses: Please advise pastor or the church office if you or a loved one has recently been placed in the hospital or rehab center and/or is in need of prayer. Hanover Hospital and others are currently doing their best to contact us but a phone call from you is also greatly appreciated. Altar Flowers / Bulletins / and Newsletters: The 2015 flower chart will soon be posted on the “Markings” bulletin board outside our choir room. If interested in sponsoring one ($14) or both ($28) for any date(s) in honor or memory of loved ones in advance, please contact the church office (6378904). To dedicate a bulletin or newsletter for a loved one, there will also be a sign-up sheet for bulletins ($20) and newsletters ($40). Dates still remain open however for sponsoring of our bulletins for several weeks still remaining in this year. See the “Markings” bulletin board. Christmas Eve Worship December 24th at St. Mark 4 pm afternoon worship 7 pm traditional lessons and carols worship Budget/Election Congregational Meeting th December 14 , directly following morning worship Backup date is Dec. 21st in case of inclement weather Elections needed – 4 Congregational Council Members for three year terms Council members see to oversight of the entire congregation and serve on council and at least one other committee during their terms. 1 Auditor for three year term. Auditor team (3 people) review finances in a couple meetings a year. 2 Nominating Committee for 1 year term Two congregation members help four outgoing council members to develop a slate of nominees for the next year’s election meeting. 2 Synod Assembly Delegates for 1 year term Two congregation members (1 Male and 1 Female) to meet at Messiah College on June 5th and 6th, 2014 to hear and decide on Synod Business. Proposed 2015 Budget – Please note the following are part of the proposed budget: Evangelism decreased $1,600, since 100th anniversary expenses are completed. Building decreased $700, due to anticipation of savings in electric and gas. Salaries were given a 2% raise across the board. ELCA health plan for called ministers increased by 27% for 2015 Worship and Music decreased $1,120 due mostly to concert series savings. -5- In Our Community From HACC: Giant Food Stores and Martin’s Food Markets are proud to once again offer their Charity Hunger Boxes as they have done for the last few years. – Customers can purchase a $10 pre-made box of typical holiday meal items. Customers may: Take the purchased box with them to use themselves or give away. OR Ask the store to donate the box to the store's Main Food Bank Partner. Boxes are not able to be purchased using SNAP. They are arriving in stores now and will be sold until they are gone! Each box contains their brand: Turkey Gravy Mix; Cut Yams; Sweet Corn; Turkey Stuffing Mix; Jellied Cranberry Sauce; Cut Green Beans; Crispy Fried Onions; Cream of Mushroom Soup; Premium White Chunk Chicken; and Sliced White Potatoes. Hanover Area Council of Churches will be a recipient of the food boxes that will then be distributed to their PAL patrons during the holiday season South Western School District is pleased to invite us to the Community Partnership 2014 Holiday Program performed by their students for all senior citizens on Friday, December 19 at 1:00pm in the auditorium of E. H. Markle Intermediate School. Program will last approximately one hour. Refreshments are being served immediately following the show. For any questions, please call 632-2500. Help Fight Hunger This Holiday Season by supporting the 29th annual Hanover Foods WHVR 1280 AM Feed-AFriend Marathon, a 50-hour continuous live broadcast which begins at noon on Wednesday, December 3 and concludes at 2pm on Friday, December 5. WHVR has partnered with New Hope Ministries again this year. During the 50-hour marathon, some of our local radio personalities will be accepting financial pledges as well as canned and non-perishable food items in an effort to collect 128,000 items of food to help stock the shelves of New Hope’s food pantry. Simply call the station (637-0052) and then drop off your pledged food items or mail your contributions to their Hanover Center, 529 Carlisle Street. For your added convenience, visit the Hanover Foods Outlet Store at 1125 Wilson Avenue in Hanover or at 1120 Zinn’s Quarry Road in York for specials on cases of cans during the marathon. Feel free to leave the cases at the store and New Hope Ministries will gladly pick them up. Remembrance Service An ecumenical inter-religious candlelight service, for those who have died as a result of suicide, is scheduled for Sunday evening, December 7, at 6pm at Sacred Heart Basilica, 30 Basilica Drive, Hanover. For more info., please contact Sue Poist, 717-624-2055. -6- Local CROP Hunger Walk Update: We wish to thank again our coordinator, Diana Weaver and all our walkers and their sponsors for this year’s walk on October 19. Congratulations! We now have $2,766.00 as this year’s total donations from members and non-members including $145 which was collected in the milk jugs we had for anyone to contribute any of their loose change. What a great job was done by all; we can be very proud of what we did together as a team. 2015 St. Mark Wall Calendars (courtesy of Wetzel Funeral Home) have been placed on the welcoming table in our narthex and on the window ledge outside our church. Please help yourself! “When Grief Colors the Holidays”: As the holiday season rapidly approaches, we are reminded that, while this is a celebrative time for many, there are large numbers of people for whom the holidays pose difficult emotional and spiritual problems in regard to grief and loss. That being said, a free program is being offered by Spiritual Care – WellSpan Health and presented by the Rev. Dr. Ted L. Trout-Landen on Monday, December 1 from 7-8pm at York Hospital, Medical Education Pavilion 1st Floor, Classroom 10 A/B. Please call: 812-3039 for reservations. Seating is limited – Parking is free. Panebaker Funeral Home invites us to join them on Saturday, December 6 at 4pm for a very special Christmas Remembrance Service. This service has become a meaningful, blessed event that incorporates the Christmas season and the memories of our loved ones; the lighting of the Christmas Memorial Tree will conclude the service. Please call them to reserve a glass, 3/5 diamond shaped, ornament with your loved one’s name, which may be picked up that evening or remain on the tree for the holiday season. The original ornament is free of charge, but additional gifts may be ordered for $10. If you desire to receive this gift, they ask that you please reserve your ornament by calling their office by Dec. 1. Service is at their location on 311 Broadway, Hanover and is free and open to the public. Reservations requested (717) 637-5194. Lutheran Home Care & Hospice Offers An Ornament of Remembrance Workshop: The holiday season is one of the most difficult times in the life of a grieving family. Traditions that were once treasured and eagerly anticipated are often dreaded or avoided altogether following the loss of a loved one. Decorating the tree is one of those bittersweet traditions. Ornaments evoke memories of happier times and now may be painful to unwrap and display. The “Ornament of Remembrance” workshop provides an opportunity to make a new memory as participants create an ornament in honor of their deceased loved one. Materials will be provided and sample ornaments offered for ideas, but attendees are encouraged to bring in items of special significance to incorporate into this unique and personal holiday decoration. There is no cost for this workshop. Due to the popularity of this activity, advance registration is however required by November 26, 2014. Please choose which time is most convenient for you and call Kim Sentz (337-4465) for additional information and to register. Information on grief and the holidays will also be provided. Dates and times are then Friday, December 5th, from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm and Monday, December 8th, from 6:00 pm till 7:30 pm at Lutheran Home Care & Hospice offices (800-840-9081), 260 West High Street, Gettysburg, PA. Advent Family Retreat: It’s so easy for us to get caught up in the busyness of day-to-day living. When you throw in the added excitement of preparing for Christmas (baking, shopping, concerts, decorating, parties, etc.), Advent, a season meant for prayerful thoughts and reflection, can quickly devolve into a whirlwind of tinsel, bows and credit card bills. This December, set aside some time for your family to think about keeping Advent. Lutheran Camping Corporation of Central PA will be exploring traditional and new ways of waiting and watching for the birth of Christ, even while the flurry of contemporary culture swirls about us. We are invited to join them on December 1213, at Nawakwa’s Zinn-Tozer -7- Lodge. Registration is available on the camping corporation’s website: Kirchenwald to host annual Winter Youth Retreat for Third – Ninth Graders January 2-4, 2015 Enjoy Kirchenwald in the Winter! Play broom hockey and other games on the frozen pond. Have fun sledding, playing snow soccer and other winter games. Creative Bible studies and worship experiences led by our summer camp counselors are an important part of this retreat. Meet new friends and catch up with your summer camp friends. Other indoor and outdoor activities may be included, as the weather dictates. Registration $135. To get more information, see their website or call 717-677-8211. 250th Anniversary Emmanuel UCC Your company is requested at the Victorian New Year’s Eve Ball at Emmanuel UCC Church on Wednesday, December 31st, 2014. 8 o’clock p.m. Period Ball – Civilian evening attire or Federal Dress Uniforms only. $20 for each guest pre-event sales only – $30 at the door if available. 2 o’clock p.m. Instruction – Drs. Briant and Karin Bohleke, Dance Masters. Call 717-632-8281 or send an email: [email protected] for ordering information. PREPARING FOR CHRIST Advent is a time to prepare spiritually for the coming of Christ; likewise we symbolically prepare the sanctuary to visually aid us in our journey towards the celebration of Christ’s birth. 1st Sunday of Advent – November 30th The Jesse Tree in the sanctuary is slowly decorated as we count down the days of Advent. The tree symbol and decorations of scripture go back to the middle ages and take us through the entire story of God’s people, from Adam and Eve to the covenant with Abraham, to Moses, through to Isaiah, who first prophesied of the shoot that will come from the stump of Jesse, the anointed one who will save his people. The Crèche scene in the sanctuary will slowly unfold also with each passing week until we celebrate the coming of the Christ child in Bethlehem, in the simple manger stall. The Advent Wreath is made up of evergreen branches wrapped around in a circle with four candles reminding us of the everlasting covenant of the Lord. Like God, the wreath has no beginning and ending, it is eternal. Outside Wreaths are an outward sign of our faith. The circle of eternity, the evergreen promise of everlasting and the blue ribbons of hope and anticipation all help us live and share our faith. 2nd Sunday of Advent – December 7th Inside Wreaths just as the outside wreaths are hung, we also place the inside wreaths to remind us to rejoice, to celebrate and give thanks for that eternal peace given to all through Christ. Window Lanterns are placed to light the way, to welcome the stranger, and to be ready for the master’s return at any hour, just as Christ warned – “Be awake, no one knows the hour” 3rd Sunday of Advent – December 14th The Evergreen Trees are brought into the worship space to remind us that even in the darkness of winter, as the days continue to get shorter; we know that life continues on in God’s care. The wood of the tree is the reminder of the strength of our homes, the warmth of our hearts, and the power of the cross that gives life even over death. Green Swags and Roping is also brought into the worship space to help focus us on the promise that even in the bleakness of winter, life continues and that we are linked with a Lord that continues to carry us into the new light and new spring of his everlasting kingdom. The Decorated Trees are made ready for the coming Christ with gold and white Chrismons and other donated family ornaments that radiate the glory of Christ. Join us at the Hanging of the Greens service at 3:00pm; we will decorate the Christmas trees, sing Christmas carols and have cookies and punch afterward. We ask everyone to bring some cookies to share. 4th Sunday of Advent – December 21st Christmas Pageant Sunday Aisle Lamps are readied and standing arranged for the coming of the bridegroom, Christ our Lord. Blooming Poinsettias are brought in also to help show the glory of God’s creation, that even in the winter we have the beauty of new life that surrounds us and brings us joy. Christmas Eve – December 24th Candles, Lamps and Trees are lit up to shine forth at our 4:00 and 7:00 P.M. Candlelight Communion worship services to receive the greatest gift given, the good news of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Emmanuel. 12 Days of Christmas and on through Epiphany An Epiphany Star lights in the sanctuary of St. Mark to remind us that Christmas is not over on the 25th, but continues on to the day of Epiphany January 6th, the coming of the Wise Men and the glow of that glory will carry us all the way to the mountain of transfiguration. -8- DECEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2:00pm Bingo at Utz Terrace Wednesday 2 6:00pm St. Mark Eats at Campus Inn Cross Keys Brethren Home Thursday 3 St. Mark Volunteers Sort Clothing at HACC Friday 4 7:00pm Evangelism Committee Meeting Saturday 5 10:30am-12:00pm Bible Study 6 5:30pm Spoken Liturgy of Word and Sacrament 7:00-8:30pm Trinity Choir 7:00pm HAAMI Meets in Parlor Second Sunday of Advent 7 9:00am Holy Communion Worship Service Land and Seasons Liturgy 10:20am Sunday School Confirmation Class 10:30am TrebleBells 8 7:00pm Social Ministry Committee Meeting to Prepare Gifts for Shut-ins Third Sunday of Advent 14 9:00am Holy Communion Worship Service Congregation Mtg. Follows 10:20am Sunday School 10:30am Cookie Exchange TrebleBells 15 7:00pm Finance Committee Meeting 3:00pm Hanging of The Greens Fourth Sunday of Advent 21 9:00am Holy Communion Worship Service w/ Christmas Pageant (Impromptu Play involving children, youth and adults) 10:20am Sunday School Confirmation Class 10:30am TrebleBells First Sunday of Christmas 28 9:00am Holy Communion Worship Service Holiday Baking Sharing Fellowship Time Follows Worship Service PAL Team #2 serves lunch at HACC 9 7:00pm Property Committee Meeting 16 7:00pm Christian Ed. Committee Meeting SOS Group Meets in Counseling Offices 22 Christmas Program 4's Preschool Class 10:30-11:30am All are Welcome to Attend 23 Christmas Program 3's Preschool Class 10:45-11:15am All are Welcome to Attend 7:00pm Congregation Council Meeting 29 10 7:00-8:30pm Trinity Choir 6:00pm HVAC Task Force Mtg 30 11 9am Sewing Group 12 10:30am-12:00pm Bible Study 13 5:30pm Spoken Liturgy of Word and Sacrament Blood Pressure Screening 17 January "Bells” Newsletter Deadline 7:00-8:30pm Trinity Choir 24 4pm and 7pm Nativity of Our Lord Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Services with Communion 18 19 9am Sewing Group 10:30am-12:00pm Bible Study 5:30pm Fellowship Committee Meeting 8am Assemble January “Bells” Newsletter 25 Christmas Day 20 5:30pm Spoken Liturgy of Word and Sacrament 26 Office Closed Additional Day for Holiday 31 2014 Contributions Deadline to be received or postmarked Coffee and Donuts Fellowship is Served in the Office Hallway after Sunday Morning Services. Please note: We will need people to help with our Christmas Eve service as acolytes, bell ringers, and worship and communion assistants; please call our office if available. Thanks! 27 5:30pm Spoken Liturgy of Word and Sacrament St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church 129 Charles Street Hanover, PA 17331 December Newsletter is Dedicated to the Glory of God In loving memory of her parents, Fred and Cas Weaver, by Diana Weaver. By the grace of God in and through Jesus Christ, the mission of the people of St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hanover, Pennsylvania, is to hear and share the Good News of Jesus Christ through Word and Sacrament ministry. Since our founding in 1864 it has been the mission of the people of St. Mark Church to testify in word and deed that no one is outside God’s mercy in Jesus Christ. The St. Mark Bells December, 2014 St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church 129 Charles Street, Hanover PA 17331 Office - (717) 637-8904 Fax - (717) 637-3040 Website: email [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:30 Church Staff Pastor: Rev. Kirk Griffin cell (717) 808-1986 [email protected] Office Coordinator: Mary Lynn Berry cell (717) 880-4321 [email protected] Director of Music: Melinda Elnaggar – 357-0612 (cell) Interim Organist: Arlo Ehly – 253-8953 (cell) Sexton/Housekeeper: Erin Eyster – 858-5492 (cell) Preschool Director: Martha Lippy – 637-8891 Financial Secretary: Cara Lynn Clabaugh – 637-1154 Congregation Council President: Rick Pado – 633-1486 Vice-President: Chris Kindschuh – 630-0535 Secretary: Alison Peterson – 359-4666 Treasurer: Susan O’Brien – 412-952-9057 (cell) Other 2014 Councilmembers: Earl Barnhart, Robert Kerr, Carol Reese, Robert Rhoten, Eric Shipman, Bill VandenHeuvel, and Ron Wentz
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