COVERING A Panorama Of Local TOWNSHIPS or HOLMDEL. MADISON 1/UtUMO, MATAWAN AM) MAI A VAN •OROVW People And Events ^Township Studies New Plumbing Code of The Matawaa Tai HsaKaMei Member MaUoul Editorial Awodtttaa MATAWAN. N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1965 f7HiYEAR— !2«hWEEK Matawan Day At World9s Fair Claris* C. M u c k Jr., president of UM Farmers and Merchants Nal B«tk, MMwwi, and Robert to * buttons faanaiaw h ana MisselO. ftunpm. MWdletown, vice d of Remsco Associates, -A tarn aajsabsr of «4ua»ber» will are meniben of the M I ' I IN NWMSJlp M m H M I tt Directors ot the Eaton* • OtMwood ani . CHNwwd A National Bank which will opj Mtco—irtid wkh't « • Its main office building at Route j y j , flOW ftdf d 0 M It Md Wyckoff Rd., Eatontown, on MM koHd anted. A put Oct. J. M r t * « i MM « 4 t «1U b* Tha Ealontown NatkMal ii the flrat IMW bank to be chartered in , : T f e t l H r M « « Moamouth County in approximatek g tomuirow to M M * • piumbini ly 4H years, and its officers and ditepee** fraft M O D I lour appH- rectors include prominent business S S j f a r * e pool. Mayor Henry and professional leaders of the shore area. Far Heattoa to fta health boars) meetMtatives of tha MataNeJshborbood Council litamehto Committee to a publlcnouatat author!- fa fatty****. Court Power Questioned C M * h Madison Twp. laoa iWaaNav faaterday i MM aerk* ay. «M Mate Attorney Owaraft «Wot aajalaaf Braet Ream Co. I K . OreM Brook, aa « contractor far the Madison Township ,s)swejraeji Authority, for reference t o MhWaaat County Superior Court AMesmmt Judaja Joseph HsJpern •or an opinion on die Jurisdicilon • f tht municipal court In such a The compiaiei filed by the attorMy aaneml against the Renda firm ied failure to pay a "prevallwaie of union employment the type of work carried on. •rd Schwartz, deputy attorney Mineral, charged the scale paid by gke Renda firm did not conform With an act of legislature early In MM letting the requirement of ad(•rence to the "prevailing rate" of pay In contracts where the munici •alky involved has « , « a or It "a pubHc body" of the state. Magistral* Sladkus accepted a ftipulitloa that Madiann Township i t not a city of 43.0M, that the estfmatad current population is about t*,0O0. But Mr. Schwartz clashed Mopinion with both Walter Romer, mellen, representing the Renda rm, and Philip I. Strong, New (continued on page four) t Suit A Matawan man has filed suit Maintt the Matawan Regional award of Education for Injuries hit ton suffered in a gymnasium clan •4 th* school Oct. 1, I9M. The action In Superior Court was filed to JamM C. Hynea, 143 DeerfieM Lane, Matawan, . tor. medical ex«• and on behalf of his son, W. Dynes, for hla injuries. • suit charges that she boy was ' in an accident which resulted i us* of gymnasium equipment, named ai defendants, charg 1 with ncKllgent supervision of the & lament, were two teachers, DieJ. Johnson and WltHam Cleorae Accept Bids For Courts Bus Demands From Parents Madison Board Cause To Rue Policy Change Other Proposal* Aro R«e«!v«d Th* Matawan'Regional Board of Education Monday night received bids for construction of two, three or four'tennis courts at the high school, Atlantic Ave. Thomas Farrell Construction Co., Shrewsbury, offered $2924, *X593 and $9747 on the' three options for site preparation. William C. We*tarvett Co.. East Rutherford, of' «d HIM, tll.731 and $14,715 for Shawn at Ike American Can Ce. exhibit in Ihe New Jersey Pavilion conrtructiofl. at the New York World's Fair en "Matawan Day" are (left lo right) Four bids were submitted for Ken O'Cenner, Industrial Relations Supervisor, American Can Company, fencing. They were Consolidated Glass PToanets Plant, CUHweed; Malawan Couacilmaa Frank J. FerSteel and Aluminum Fence Co., Kamlwwth, $3Wt. I2SS2 and S287S; Cyclone Fence Co., Newark, $2189, $1SJ» and $2S*4; Guardian Fence Co., Newark. SltM, $2496 and $2892; and Property Guard Fence Co., Irvington, S232S. t25U and $292S. All btdi were held for study. •pedal Traaapaftatlaa Councilman Leon Chrlstinat Tues- that when he last examined finanfropoaals for' supplying special day night called for a special meet- cial records Aug. 31, tax receipts transportation for handicapped stu- ing of the Matawan Borough Coun- were accountable up through Aug. 1 dent* ware submitted to Edward cil to determine whether the mu- and appropriations accountable onSeuUlon, board secretary, for de- nicipal collector-treasurer's office ly through June 8. termination of lowest bidding. ia lagging In its work and needs Id During Summer Three special routea are involved assistance. Incumbent GOP Mayor Edward and the bid* submitted are (or each Mr. Christinat, Democratic can- E. Hyrne explained that Mr. Reeves day, per route. didate for mayor this year, said Routea numbers one and three he was concerned because t h e had been ill during the summer and (hut the tvork load on all departwere bid by Keyport • Matawan Republican appointee to the post, Raritan Transportation Co., Key- Clifford Reeves, had not filed un- ments had increased tremendously. port, in the amounts of $12 and $10. expended budget balance state- He agreed, however, to a meeting of council with Mr. Reeves. (continued on page four) ments to council. He said council Councilman George Connor said was working "in the dark" fifinishing touches are boins put on nancially. a municipal radio network this The councilman noted Mr. Reeves week. Kadios are Installed, the had been in office since Apr. 15 but antenna tower erected and police radios and desk console are beinc The Matawan Recreation Cominstalled. Nursery School mission held its.monthly meeting He again called for applicants when William Lawlor, summer diCemmeaclag Meaasy, Sept. 17, for jobs as radio dispatchers in porector was present and submitted a Trinity Episcopal Church el Matlice headquarters. Applications (or written report covering the entire summer program and pointed out awaa win operate a slate-ap- the jobs, on part-time or full-time that the overall attendance at the preved Nursery Seheal for chil- basis, will be accepted at the borplaygrounds and for the various dren ef are-eebeel age- 'CMMren ough hall. Interviews with appliplanned activities and outings had Meeting the age aad physical re- cants will be held Tuusday, Mr. been much greater than in previous ejulremeala will be eligible le st- Connor announced. Deny Sewer Connection years. Goodwyn Goodhart. chair- lead. The purpose af TrMly Nursery Council denied a request by Karl man, aald the Commission was very pleased with results of the Seheal Is lo encourage Ihe physi- lleuser, former l>orou);h engineer, summer program and felt it was a cal, mental, social aad emotion- to permit a service station on New al development ei each child. Te Brunswick Ave. to connect with a definite success. He complimented Mr. Lawlor on the good job he had Insure Individual attention each sewer line in Madison Township done aa director. class will have a maximum el 15 which empties into the borough children. Each class will be un- sewer system. A "Bike Marathon" will be held der Ihe guidance of a New JerCleanup week will Im held stallSaturday, in Marc Woods and all sey Stale qualified director-teaching Oct. 18 and a new nunnl ladiVr borough youngsters are welcome to er and a qualified assistant. fire truck is expected to be departicipate. Plans were also disRegistration will take place an livered to the borough next Thurscussed for a Halloween Parade to be held Saturday, Oct. 30 and Ed- Thursday, Sept. 21 from I:M lo day, it was reported, by Council-1 ward Harris was named chairman II: M a.m. In the Parish Hall lo- man Vernon Ellison. It will IK cated al 74 Main St., Malawan. tested at the lakefront f-Yiday. of this affair. Far further Information call 344Mayor Hyrne awarded ceitiThere was a presentation of cer- 7117 er HM74S. (continued on page four) tificate* by Mayor Edward Hyrne, Tuesday p r i o r lo Ihe Borough Council meeting. These certificates were presented to local teenagers who served as Junior leaders throughout the summer and help with the different, activities and trips of the Recreation Program. There will be a special meeting ot the Recreation Commission Tuesday, Sept. », at the Borough Hall al S p.m. Warning Signs At BigBus Stop Work At P.I.I. Brings Inquiry Apartments Still Occupy Planners Murlboro Switch Kovul To Graduate Clear Site For Bell's New Food town Local Day Care Center Proposed To Area MCAP The Matawan Area Council Monday submitted a Day Care Center propowal, with an «»• nated cost or M7.3IH, to Monuth Community Action Proitratn Riclala, Ttw proposal nuflHt'dli umi [former Cifitwvlllo School, Route llolmdel, aa headquarter* for a y care prt)|iram that will, Initial|f, csr« fnr up to IM children fl«e<l ireo ht five*. I'tilurc pl«n« full for WpanrilnK facllltlea In |imvl<lr> af' Mr school protirniin for children •aed I|K hi 10 ami for ullilny cure • f Ittlnnl* uf Mirklnu niiitliiT*. Claud* A. lifwli, council pr«»l- If the proposal Is approved by the library board, the board will fix Its financial requirements and forward them for action to both] Ihe Borough Council and Township Committee. The library system is supported jointly by both Matawaa and Matawan Township. The announcement of the library board followed by three months release of a library survey report prepared by Rothlnes Associates, East Orange Library consultants which included recommendations for improved library services. The present library on Main St. is considered inadequate to meet the growing demands of the resi* dents, ft contains 800 square feet of space and 8500 volumes, 1280 at which have been placed in school classrooms, Ihe report noted. Survey Suggestions The Rothines survey propose! construction of library facilities with 21,000 square feet of space to meet the needs of the population over the next 20 years. It suggested, construction in two stages, with tha first stage providing 12.000 square feet of space. The report noted a building of this size would make Matawan eligible to apply (or state aid for construction which could amount to $50,000. It recommended other financing through bond issues in both municipalities and public subscriptions. Madison Township Board of Education's decision of last May to venture into non-state-aidod bus runs for children o( lower elementary grades who have to traverse hazardous highways of heavy highspeed traffic to get lo school backfired with the opening of schools this past week. Parents refused to concur with the board's notions on what made a highway hazardous. rano; and Wyn Goodharl, who, as well as being chairman of Matawan's The original plan of the board inRecreation Committee, Is also aa American Can Company salesman volved Routes 34, 35, 9 and 510But No Going Inside No appropriation was made for It for its Dixie products. last February and the non-stateHolmdel Subdivision! aided bus runs were to come out of funds lell over after runs at the H. Victor Crcspy, superintendent two - mile limit were covered. of Holmdel Schools, said yesterday four bus stop signs will go up on Michael Ryniewicz, Wickatunk, transportation co-ordinator. report Telegraph Hill Rd. 200 ft. from the od the board was faced with ap site where the buses stop each proximate enrollments of 1950 in way to warn motorists that there the high school, 7000 in the elemen- is danger from the congregating of Garrison Called In tary schools and 4000 parochial stu. pupils in large numbers at that endents. Mr. Ryniewicz observed al trance to the Hills of Holmdel deOn Bauman's Role least 50 per cent of these 13,000 velopment. Two signs will go up, Marlboro Township Board of Ed pupils are transported, involving one each way, on the north side and ucatlon held a conference Tues the moving of 140 buses daily. The two more, one each way on the south side. day with Karl B. Garrison, county great majority of the parochial pu At the Sept. 8 meeting of the superintendent of schools, and Vin pils are transported as there arc cent C. DeMaiu, Matawan, its at- only two parochial schools within board, parents had protested the the bounds of the township and, evdangers to pupils having to wait torney, on work allegedly perform "Solid" Doors cd by a board member at the Pri- en here, the attendance is in the at the Telegraph Hill Rd. entrance greater number of pupils coming to the subdivision where high speed vate Instruction Institute, Lloyd Probe Subject from a distance where they can traffic passes. They had wanted the (continued on page four) claim busing. buses to run into the subdivision Strathmori; Garden Apartments But the board's opening difficul- to make pickups. It was explained] continued to occupy tlia MatHWan ties were with parents of pupils to them that it was the policy ot the board not to have buses run Township Planning Board last g expwled withdrawal of attending the public schools. Dr. inside subdivisions for pickups but night when it was reported there Regular Organization Republi- John P. Khouri, the superintento require the pupils to walk to a was a possibility the apartments cans and Democrats, nominated dent, pointed out to complaining central point on the main mail parents that the board and the adin the primary, occurred In Marlmay have been constructed not in where the school bus passes Ihe boro Township (his week. The ministration had had to wrestle conformity with finally approved candidates issued statement giv- with the assigning of pupils lo 120 entrance to the subdivision. plans. The transportation committee of ing endorsement to a "Purpose new classrooms opened this term. The planning board's attorney, and Principle" slate composed This represented the reassigning of the board pointed out it would greatly lengthen the routes and Walter Gehricke. said if dining ar- of Charles T. McCuc and Alfred nearly 3500 children. time it takes to gel the pupils Ut Pupils Problem eas in the two-bedroom apartment I.. Storer, Republicans, a n d (ietirgu E. Crecvy, a Democrat. (continued on page four) Those who proved tho more imunits have been enclosed with solAll served on former township ponderable problem, even though id doors it would not conform with committees In t h e days pre- their number was a small perplans finally approved by Ihe ceding Ihe adoption of the present centage of the total being transIward. Faulkner, Plan E. township counJonathan WliUo, a Stralhmore cil. Mr. Mel lie Is a member ported, were the children who had Reginald Koval, a former mem* (continued on page four) resident, has contended solid of Ihe council seeking reelection. ber of the Matawan Police Depart d«>rs hav« been substituted lor ment, will graduate tomorrow with The coalition ticket so created folding doors on final plans to easi- seeks lo wrest control of the the KSth recruit (raining class of Taccrii Citvil ly permit the use of the dining township council from a Citizens the New Jersey Stale Police, It was area for a third bedroom. He con- Committee slate of Norman JanTbe State Division of Alcoholic reported by Col. D. U. Kelly, suplends, the 80 per cent one-bedroom wich and Thomas .Antlsell, inBeverage Control has charged the erintendent. Trooper Koval, who and 20 per cent twii-hedriHim regu- cumbents, and Cierald A. BauPoint Tavern, 1 Main St., Mata- lives with his wife, the former Miss lation for garden apartments In miin jr. chairman and founder of wan, with selling an alcoholic bev- Linda R. Luhrs, and two daughters the township is being circumvent- t h e Citizens Committee move- eiage in its original container and al 4 Taylor Rd., Malawan, was a ment. ed in this manner. al below stale • fixed cost on Sat- member of the borough department (continued on page four) I h e withdrawing regular orurday, Aug. 28. A hearing of the for Uu> years. ganization candidates were: Re- charges will be held in Newark by publicans, Mrs, Norma Saatbolf, Old Wagon I'arm Notice To Matawan Township the ABC ut 10 a.m. Sept. 27. LAST CALL for peaches. Mclnlosh Hobcrl M. Nivisnn and George Residents A. Wendef, a n d Dcmocrnts, apples now being harvested. Route Clean-up Week will I"? during tliu Old Wagon Farm Chester Jameson, Charles I'urrell .15, north of Middletnwn. Now Is the time to put down week commencing September 20th and Frederick K. Demurest. wjfp—edv 16 grass seed; rent our power rake. on regular collection days. llurdy Mums, all colors also ready. Daniel H. Downey, Chairman Houtc 35, north of Mldcllelown. Department Of Sanitation wjfp—adv l(i jfp—adv 10 CHRISTMAT CRITICAL OF REPORT OF COLLECTOR Summer Recreation Activities R<>porteti Library Trustees To Vote On NewUnit Hie Board of Trustees of the Malawan Free Public Library this week revealed it is considering construction of a $398,836 library building to replace the present building on Main St. Trustees reported the building under consideration will have 17,850 square feet. Earlier this year, the library board indicated the library site it would consider first would be in Tcrhune Park, located between Main and Broad Sts. opposite the form<T Matawan High School, now » Grammar School. The board will unveil a model of the structure and formally vote on the proposal at a meeting Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the children's branch of the library on Main St., opposite live Matawan Branch of the Central Jersey Bank and Trust Co. Bmimmmen On JVew Aa««r Jloar*/ ahuinin i mi m i « e e t t a j fur Sept. N for tether dsKwtitt) o« Ihe request, fiayor Hanry E. Traphtfw said fke committee la refcjctaat to esi Mw body because of an Img obaage In the township'a i of flovantmeat. , Ha advised the delegation to seek opintona of the H candidate! for Oie aew Township CouncU. Be•auw of a charter revision refer •whin l u t year die flva • member mnmttttt wiU fee replaced by a •even > member Council Jan. I. Mr. T pn Traphatea Indicated ttw presto! djaajMalMae #D*mltt0*i 4 B M >ot mitt to bind M W fovamli* body with * Vie aew aew g Single Copy T«n Canft Boned, will have a leaching director at an annual salary of 17900; four teachera at annual nalurle* of $6000; fmif leachor*' nldtn at each; a ciMik anil ciiok'n aliiu at llm anitw nalary; a custixlmn at %'i'M uml a clerk typist al I13IM), Umvr Knpemrii Other mn|i»r exiwimp ittMttw ln< I'liitk- IH,fH> fur rent, ninlnk'iiunct', Uii.i, pli'ctridty and water; f.1890 for a purl tlmi1 piydrKikiKlKt, nurs«, diK'lor, di'iillit ami Miclal wtirkur, anil Vim) fur rwrnimwul and en iwnxlublti ciiiilpiiiciit, TMKI<<I, axK'lnl piw'tirlty, HDiirani'd and tmvcl tndjM and member of tlw INMIII ot pemi'n »n< wllmnli'd nl mi atklh BftattM «f Mt'AI', Milimlllvd th« HUMKI 1117 M, proposal Ui (Mlvet D«v'i<niii)rl, rt>While lli« owm'll I* mil lni|>i»y mm\ m>it<mrt*Mt> <if MtlAI', It wllli tin' luniMoii of \\w piiMKHt'il •III he Mihmlllwl thU week Id Hod' t'cnlpr, IKII with I he p<lltiuilfil CIKI •»y Mnll, MCAP (irouram ciKiftll. o f i t ' i i t I n y II, l l w j i i i i p i n i i l w i n fin JHhw hit »linly and, )M|K<fiilly, lor Willil"iI hi'niliK"' l)ir> i i v i i H i i l i l l l l y u l >J i t i ' i f f M i l U l i l u i | i i » r t t ' i » ni'i'iii" n i l . a9pruval, ! |}F()0tM*l Will ItM.'ltHlr* ()n« miuflPtilitii, fur it Im'nllon on MIHIII' ,'H, win nffi'ifil Htimliiy nln'i m# •mi-pDvwiy preufwn Ijy Matuwtin Tuwiwltlp Mnaltlfuli crpwt weni la warii rket al II* Mala Hi IDIKIIIII, lfc# market IDI'KIIIIII, IttHiMrtl , LIHUII mid tint will I M In was tuleaalvily dawtftd *y Itrttwe, Ike |K»|»tlH«it nitii thU merrilng, aad It «Npwt«d (o iaki> Mwwit M liy wxnicll flavl i«yW«#j art aeV fit* inly 11, '•M N dayi, ttw tumt, at PHIMag made M plaat l« mmimt Road Link To Bayshore Urged By A rea Mayors Mun moil Hi County l-'recholder Di- j s«;lflsh desires and "look to His rector Joseph ('.. Irwln and Shun; iiood of the entire tint?." ||p urj'L'cl g offii'iiiln Hfjrwd Friday nijiht Ifial i t t w r s l o have pnHiwi' mt'J I lie $|KS,0tM),(Kin Ct'ntrul New .k'r- Must In Ihe experts chosen by ( i o v . .wy I'xpri'ssway will bu a IKIOII to \ KIrhard J. lluj-ln's. l i e urged I'lat tin1 Dliili' xnu'rully, but llii'V want Ihe plan lenuiln as Ii. He e n l M u s/wir ID UII' densely /xipulnled Die prunou'd network, "IOIIJJ nerdnortheast bnyHboie Motion of Mmi- rd." innulh (li'Kiunril and they wont it i Long Hi'iinrh Mayor Vincent .1. coimliui'leil without delay. Mu/./ii, who culled the HI"<SIIIII HI Rrf/pii'.W'Mlativ'1* of utn" cominiinllli't uUopUid II rr.'ilulinii on I lhi> nHwnrk (>f h^id* nncl i but put l l " ' riuphn*l« on iln< j<i>\''in'H'< iii'.k fin nliiil pinnv to fill Hi i iwnnii1 nn nl lo liullil lh>' Hpur. 'lli>' H".ii|iitiiin ,u pni|H>K i<i| by Ui'il Hank M.IVUI I'IKMII.-I It, Nliinln. Mr liwtn nilli'il l h " pMipuM'il JI l i m i t p m l ' M lap I h " norllMMimi'i-fi si'Ollon 'if UII 1 c o u n t y I H I I K liiiinri'il, ri'iiiiirkfil, " W e hail lntH ul | i i n i n lilt from iMilitlciiins, but wi) hnvinl liinl a n y p r o m l H ' s fumi S t II t e H i g h w a y C'(iiiinil:islun' > r l D w l r j i i It ( i I'iiliiM'i1 mill h c ' i t h o line w h o e n n u i s . " Mnlawiiii M.IVII I'.IKVIIIII I' l l y r i w uiiC'il thai l h » « p u i n o Id |>Ml|l«Cl, P i p i ' l ' l l ' l l III b o I ' l l l l i p l i ' l i ' l l l!n Mntllnn Kivi'i m u l s p a n II, b y I'lli'P, " I l i i . j i i r n U V pli'i-ii o l I m I h i ' i n nlii'tiily • ! • • thri'ii vi'lilt'iihir p l O V I I M ' l l l U l ' I'Vi't h . l l l If It 1)1' lui'li'.'-i unit a n i i l t n a i l l n i i l i i c . U s n i i ' i i l l t v . " Mir* (n«i«liiili|i'r imli'ii Uii' l i r i i v y t i a f l i c u v e r I h e , whn Miit h" w , n ipi'.iMlll! Vi'Mii/iiiin lltliliii' fni hiitui'lf, «ni{| hi' il'H". mil I n n i ! H i , n u l l t'ntiiii iliiimi l'.il|!ar wind i n «i'n miyilMM|i w l i i i h will N, h l i i l i i ' l i p n ' l 1'iiuni'd v m i i ' w l i i i l o f fi;ill!|it'i i HtMhfi ffiiti of 'ft'* *'li"u hi' ciill'"! fin "I t i n Mill W l « l l I n « ' • " H M.lllllllllk , ,,M ,),„ f l | | | .,,.,„ | ) M |y || ,(,„ ,|, 1 | f b | i n . I I , : h ' l i l . l u u it !l "-, 1 '. 1 ,''. 1 ' I Iniill. I t " A H , «,i|,|i.,iii".l h v Miilc lllllllt, Hi' mki-il Hi.H H , i t l l l | l l \ n i i r I I " r 1 v f r T ' ' •••- •' *' t~ f limn I n tv n 'i Ii I p I n i n i n i l l i ' D ' ni'ui f >• MI ft 'FI ** U H u l k " by Ih I |"i in ;1 q tiii'lii i I IIIIIH i h v i i n i n i i II IM'V ,1. W l N u l l ,111 ^H II loiiiKIlfil W f nliiMililn'l Ii* I .lift* Nulled l'l»|"< I flili. I l i x n l n l " *lmulil h f i w f l l " S t l * Nil mid tHiHf*!"'! t i I Mi flu' I IIIIHIi .,111,11. | I ' l l i l t n H i n i f I.All | Thursday, September 16, IMS THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. X nweJty. Nay. 4. Mm. Harry K m Receives Certificate Dr. Effroii To Speak On "RMpporfionnwnt" The doasiulky a i Mrs. iamsf FHuianmoas, Mrs. Robert Coilias, Mrs. Erasst lefcar mt Mrs. Kern. P-TA Committees For Cliffwood B'twi I'rifh Art Shew Eiftibiti To Be Sold Lao* Foundation Story Told Auxiliary ^ All of Ihe exhibiU st the Art The Provisional League of WoMiss Betty Mail, vice president men Voters ol Matawan will hold Of the Thomas A. Dooley Founda- Show sponsored by the B'aai B'rith Women, Ayelet Chapter, Wednesa general meeting this Thursday at Mrs. Albert Pizzi, newly installed tion, described the efforts of the 1:30 p.m. in Matawan Regional president of the Parent - Teacher Foundation in Laos at the meeting day evening at 8:30 p.m. in the St. Clememl'$ Picnic High School faculty cafeteria. Association of the Cliffwood School, of the Matawan Borough Auxiliary Oak Shades Fire House, Matawsn, Guert speaker on the topic of "Re- announced her committee chair- of the Bayslwre Community Hospi- will be for sale. Scheduled For Sunday apportionment" will x Dr. Harris men at the meeting of the execu- tal, held in the parish hall of the The exhibits will include a beauEffrosj, associate research special- tive board held in the school cafe- Trinity Episcopal Church. tiful colored 16th Century lithoPlaas have hem oompMsd (or ist of Rutgers University Bureau torium, Die pariah picnic ol S t Clement's Miss .VIouI, who also is personal graph of birds, originals, etchings, of Government Research. Church, Mauwaa. Ths picaie will Martin Dempsey, principal, will secretary to Sen. Jacob Javits, Re- engravings, drawings, prints, water Dr. Effron ii a member of the serve as advisor. Mrs. Stanley O'- publican, New York, has traveled colors by contemporary and classic M *•»• •**» ft Dm ausiiag start si 2 p.m. Sunday at Mart PicAmerican Political Science Asso Rear will be chairman of publica- extensively in the Far East, con- masters, wood engravings by RoumuOan in the po*t honw, nic Grove, Route » , nest to the ciation, the American Society for tions; Mrs. Robert Winterberg, centrating her visits st the Foun- alt, and etchings by minor Dutch e CMMjAat totta euaiUary A * 9. Clilfwood. Public Administration, the Newmembership; Mrs. Stanley Zdunl- dation's hospitals there. masters. Tha Rev. Joseph RssciasU. paaJersey Historical Society and auth- ak, ways and means; Mrs. Arthur The public ti invited to attend. Mrs. Jac Cushman, president, tor, has invited a> measbsrs of the or of several books on New Jer-Savoy, welcoming; Mrs. Frank conducted the business session Refreshments will be served. .-•< new parish as come and get scsey history and local government. Jurewlcz, publicity; Mra. Robert during which final plans were anoasinlsd. Tnsie will be lamas lor Unit meeting! on Reapportkm- Hurley, Messenger; Mrs. Ephriam nounced lor the membershipteato M<r vies f m t - S s cMMreaud edvNa ami pleaty men! Mil bt held Monday at 1:30Hughes, health and welfare; Mrs. be held at me home of Mrs. J. Wal- Scout Troop 67 Elect* af r^rsenassais. p.m. st the home of Mrs. Richard Walter Daniewicx, class represent- lace McCue, 2W Main St., MataTroop Warrant Officers were at tha~Flaf Post Mater Steven Testa i s general chsir Hot*. M Colonial Dr. and on Wed- ative; Mrs. Vincent Arsbona, hos- wan. assa; Pat Rsrasso, tickets; Charles nesday at t:M a.m. at the home pitality; Mrs. Louise Blvlani, rec- Mrs. Alfred Casagrande report- elected at a recent meeting ol Boy PoMwriy Mbs awan A. (Ware, emsrtshsmem; Marti* of Mrs. Michael Altermsn, 13 As- reation; Mrs. Samuel Dilki, par ed on the progress of the Autumn Scout Troop 17, aponsorsd by Ike Hickay. larrasmiisati; Mn, Roabury Lane. Anyone interested in lismentarisn. Fire Boutique, consisting of hand-made Cheesequake Independaat M . tt aM Nuitlaata ant) Mn. Peter PierWa*0..saa af Mrs. Etbdya Wbv Reapportionment or the League of Company. Harvey Noscbess was b> article* and specialty foods to be Mra. Piul read ths budget for *an\ waTC m, staatlaaa; Fraak Matueb sad rMs, l a d , M awarded a eertlfieale Womea Voters is welcome to atths year and It was approved. held Oct. 28 and 2*. •tailed as senior patrol leader. MrtJeuvie NkhokM Sirasisro, Hand; Gaorgt a? s j f M W b i at m V a a W / J F l . lt et t . W l d rseshsd h dh WaaStad ths award tend the general meeting. Prscrsss OnMlasd Hostesses were Mrs. Carroll B. Richard Barefoot, Doaald Booth, Dslts and Sam Msssiello, tames. HaH, chairman; Mrs. Klaus Heck, Mn. O'Rear, who also serves as " - • " - * • — - a l a a s aapsrvaar, hi amlgasd ss McCalre Lawrence Daly aad tsatar Otte Tempi* Drama Group second vice president, outlined the Mrs. John O'Connor and Mrs. John Air Traaspart lervlee whiea arevldes were elected patrol leaders. ^PP SarW*a^V^W a^*i*WrWBH program for ths yesr. Robert S. Sheridan. B^a^Bm^BB^^ftl aWaW MaUlamml B I B T BVaYBlAm^aa aiaMt •.Um anUlaiy has accapud the OrgeniiM Wednesday Newman, Probation Officer of MonJWiral datlrmsnsMfi lor Ike aar passsarapass mm |SBHaw • • • • • • • aw i w . moulh County, will be the guest W M a at'Mmaa eanpalaa eampaicator for MstMitthe service. WaamaTaWsadml BsHs Mak Ichaal prlsr m satsriaa sa The initial organizations! meet•s. WhMield Ivaay af ing of the Temple Shalom Drams speaker at the Sept. 22 meeting at Tsnapis His l e w s »cond annual Ms srife. I s * , la Me dssahasr el Mr. aad Mrs. Mrs. Irsaa Methsa rsportad that Fsrher • ChHd Breakfast will be Headsjaarten Sajisd Group will be held at the home of I: IS p.m. In the cafetorium. He will speak on the problems concerning m served at ths Womea't Hosj«- hcht Sunday at I I : » a.m. at the OMhVMas. U CeL Jssse t FaBsr. taatwiadfr. H prssealatlss). ON A tea, Wlllb Air aUaa Ossaay McCalre. metes the Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Oppenhei- the children in this area. Cester la the New York Oak Shades Firs House, according mer, C 7 Irongate Lane, Matawan, Fair, located In tha Better A letter was read from the chil"WMIWI at I:M p.m., Wednesday. BsJkHas. The hospitality to Dr. Sidney Groffmaa, program Junior Auxiliary dren In the Appalachla ares ex One of the first projecti to bepressing their thanks for the books Is ssrvicad by women from chsirmaa lor the Reform Jewish omca rom congregation. Wins Lagion Prim produced by the Drama Group will the P-TA donated last yesr. M UM tt s b s t l K and M n be an original revue tentatively tiEnvelopes sre being mailed out j represented the VFW aui- HighKcht of the event will be the PADLOCKS The Junior Auxiliary of the La- tled. "So Who Needs Rent Re- for the cakeless cake isle. Mejy of tha Departmeat of New return of Roto, the Clown, who r*r Lochra • tlht dies Auxiliary ol the Laurence Har- ceipli?" proved exceptioMlry popular with Mark Bendon, assistant principal, bor American Legion Post 332 won All members of ths Reform Jew- also attended the meeting. Ifcfctts still aro avsflsbl* from the children attending thit event "Progress Without Panic" ws« three prizes s t the National Con- ish congregation Interested in per- Other officers serving with Mrc. « T BHBibar for tbt but ride to lait year. Breskfsst will be served, «MTida Marpfty'f Restaurant, and the public i s invited to attend. suggeited s s the campaign ilogan vention of the American Legion and forming and/or working behind the Piui this yesr are Mrs, Frank Ku by Ceoris t M U , csndidate for Auxiliary held in Wildwood. scenes are urged to attend the bat, first vice president; Mrs. O' Matawan Borough Council on the The report of the convention Meeting. Additional information is Rear, second vice president; Mrs. Republican ticket at the meeUns of which wai kttended by Mn. Wil-available from Mr. Oppenheimer, Joseph Gfassford, recording secrethe Matawsn Borough Republicsn liam Bridgeman and Mrs. John HUM2. tary; Mrs. Robert Francis, corClub, held In the Hook and Udder Crimmina ttated that Mlsi Peggie responding accretary, and Mra. Fire Houie, Broad St., MsUwan. Cohmert received first prize in the Richard Whirtng, treasurer. BICYCLES Stevenson Enterllne, president, Junior History Contest; Mist Betty Laytoniana Plan REPAIRED chairman of the campaign commit- Morria, first prite in the Pan AmRoundup Sept. 29 tee, outlined plani for flavins; the erican Doll Contest, and the Junior New York Trip Oct. 9 candidate), Edward E. I: m e , Ver- Auxiliary, second prize for their Cub Scout Pack M, Matawsn, FULL UNE OF NCYCLE ACCESSORIES non Elliton, Clifford Reevea and display. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dietrich, New will hold a fail roundup on WedCorns Is i«d G«» s FREE Cepy Mr. DeiU meet s i msny borough Mrs. Walter Schlichtlng, first vice Brunswick Ave., Matawan, enter- nesday evening, Sept. 29 at 7:30 • I Our F*H and Winter Cahtos. resident* -.» poaaible. president, conducted the meeting of tained the Laytonian Club at their p.m. in the auditorium of the old Full Stbetlo* el u A Republican Headquarter! is the Ladies Auxiliary in the post home. high school building. Broad St., • AOTO SWPfUB • HAROWAM e JrO«TIN« 6 O 0 W Plans were completed for theMatawan. Boyt eight or nine years being set up In the businon dis- home, when plans were made for • SWIM NNS • UKH e WA«ON$ e TOY! trict an dinformatlon and n.aterial the installation of the Junior of- theatre party in New York, when old, interested in Joining, ara In112 MAIN ST., MATAWAN - 546-3152 ficers Saturday, Sept. 25, at 2 p.m.the members will attend a matinee vited to attend and must be acIs available. in the Legion Home. Mrs. Schllcht- performance d "Luv" Saturday, companied by one or both parents. Oct. I D s n e a ing will be assisted by Mrs. Oskar Oct. 9, have dinner end attend the A dance In planned for Saturday, Gohtnert, Miss Bclty Reiner and evening show at Radio City Music 154 MAIN STREET Oct. 9, at the Legion Hall, spon- Miss Mary Relher at the Instilla- Hall. sored by the club. Tickets are tion ceremony. James Hawthorne opened the available from any member. MATAWAN, M J. meeting with a prayer and the busiCouncilman Howard Henderson ness session was conducted by Mrs. reported on the progress of Install- Fall Reading Schedule Warren Porter, Cliffwood. ing new afreet lighls In the bor-Announced By Temple Mrs. Jane Semoneit will be the ough. New ones already have been NewF«l next hostess Oct. 11 at her home, installed on Main and Washington IS WORTH 2.00 EVERY 1.00 SPENT The fall reading schedule for the Uttle St., Matawan. HANDBAGS Sts. A study Is being made on road 1 IN THE SPRINGI conditions. Plans call for perman- Temple Shalom flook Discussion IN THE FALL • »oiiM.r ar Clutch For Your Now FaH Outfit ent repair rather than temporary Group was announced this weak Madinon LWV Plans by Mrs. Noel Levine, chairman. LtaDir or patching. The September selection Is "ZorItsls Madras Announcement was made that ba the Greek," the novel by Nikos Membership Tea the Monmouth County Federation Kazantzakis which was recently ol Republican Women will hold its made into a successful motion picTwo membership tees have been annual card party, Tuesday, Sept. ture. In October, the group will planned for September by the Madi28, at 1 p.m. at the Sea Girt Inn. discuss "The Thief's Journal,1" the son Township Provisional League Mrs. Frank J. Ferrano should be autobiography of Jean Genet and of Women Voters. contacted by Sept. 20 for tickets. Mrs. Janet Silver, 74 Morningthe November meeting will be dedicated to the collective works of side Ave., Laurence Harbor, was Morris West, among them "The hostess on Monday and Mrs. VirDevil's Advocate," "Shoes of theginia Owens, 5 Locust Ct., SouthFisherman," and "The Ambassa- wood, will welcome Interested women at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. dor." The Book Discussion Group, 28. Mrs, Frederick Kurtz, chapter which is sponsored by the Sisterhood of .the Reform Jewish con- chairman, said .township residents gregation, meets on the last Tues- interested in attending a get-acIDlvlilm • ! CmiMy Lumbar t Supply Co.) day of every month. The next se.i- quainted meeting may contact her KT. 34 (opp. Strefflimora Shopping Plaza) SKm will take place Sept. 28 at 8:30 for details at 566-3955. p.m. in the home of the chairman, NMt 4o Crown Service Station — MATAWAN LAWN 109 Ivyhill Dr. Membership in the Earns Scholarship group is open to the public, and AND GUIDANCE anyone interested in attending a Thomas G. Baumgartner, 39 discussion is asked to contact Mrs. Edgcvicw Kd., Matawan, a stud«nt Available Thru Levine at 966-7399. at the Rutgers University School of Pharmacy, has received the Walter J. l.ewit scholarship for the Need Temporary Leader academic year I965-G6. This $400 For Campfire Girl Group scholarship, presented annually to a pharmacy student toward the l « * ui thow you how to grow a fcuutlful Uwn without digging * r A Campfire Girl group was es-cost of tuition, Is sponsored by tablished this spring In Morgan- Wulter J. Lcwit, a member of RAILFENCI i«ck-br«Unf Itber — And for Hi« "Do If Youn»lf»r" our ScoH'i vllle to serve girls from eight to the Class of 1924 and a New Jersey STOCKADE FENCE IS yeara of age. The group meets practicing pharmacist. Mr. Baumlawn Councilor (Tony) will «om« H your ptac* end map out • ^S*^F^SW*JW M Thursday afternoons from .1:30 togartner, the son of Mr. and Mrs. 5 p.m. in the Memorial Baptist Charles BaumgaTtner, Is a gradCtdar Privacy Fcnct program for youl Church, Greenwood Ave. uate n' Matawan Hi^h School. He tat INCIUDIN* Mrs. Leni Van Varik and a member of Kappa Psi frater Myra Hallem have served as lead- nity. I-POST 19 Let Us Show You Some Of Our Work er and assistant respectively until August, when Mrs. Van Varlk was Many of t f c . ffnoil lawnt In frSt Mtfawan-Keyport ar*« «r# Dinner Saturday forced to temporarily leave the Ah© CyprMi Stockad* ^B^^r^ar^sv e l a n w^^WaWe^el uting on* »f our Lawn Strvlo Progrtmt, area, It is hoped that someone havThe United Women's nreaniza' l-ir —13.95 ing experience In this field will asTONY GIORDANO lion ol the Bayview Presbyterian sume 'the leadership of this group 4'aT — 12.95 Church, Clilfwood, will hold a spa from October until January when fV»wur« Twatad Pott I n d u e d Mrs. Van Varik will return and re- tjhetti dinner Satvirday at ihe BayI-Pott assume the position. Additional in- view Church from 5 to 7 p.m. For The Man Who's Too Busy formation may be obtained by call- Tickets may be purchased lit the Spteitll Ing Mrs. Florence Erlckson, 50li- door. m» MCTIOM To Build A Uwn . . . Ute Our 4 W Ca«W Sp«eod 7S33, Ritual sacrificial fires of the Series E and II United States llrahmlns In India must bo kinSavlngi Bonda carry mors thss 20 dled by friction. per cent of the publicly held per | . II ft. Re* How about busing.! cards? We Don of thj federal debt. can supply them quickly and st the right price. Come and try ui. B 1 Ride "Back t o School" Fly«r" GOP Candidate Suggests Slogan LAWNS FREEHOLD FENCE fc PATIO CENTER The Modern Way DKORATIVE FENCING COMPLETE SERVICE Tony's HARRIS HARDWARE f 11.737 of your neighbors 10." K0 MINIMUM IALANCE REQUIRED Dowel End 1 . 1 0 ft. Raid Sfi* CWer Ful ftcond 3 tl a • • % CENTRAL JERSEY BANK PICKET' FENCI MCTIOM OEKENS NURSERY S#CTlOfl Ail aMM eUMBIID r l l d l A M FOR CASH AND CARRY INSTALLATION OPTIONAL (formerly LINCROFT NURSERY) Af St. lenedict Mlsi Kathleen llawmann, daughter of Mr, and Mn. Joseph llssemann, 101 Middlesex R<i, Msls- POWH AIKATI POWIR ROIL IACM ACI CRITI MM-MIX CIMINT HARDY AZALIAI fed. mm i sins MOVI^VASUKI ^ VTrTTrT 4 (m 'S. COll «# OMVIWAYSIALM toft,fen Cftt# CALL 442-4100 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LATE SPRING MINif KA 1111,1,IN IIAHCMANN Wmi, hit* iiiilvi'tl nl Ml, llt>n<<<tlcl Clli'Ki'i I'mliiunul, Inil,, where Alia will tint|ot in I'li'itiMiiitiy li'tteh- - M i l ) * l(rn<<lll;lnll I . M ( i h l i l i l n l i ' ( i f MlllHU'illl lii'i'liiiiill I h u l l Krliixil T O * l i f w i t s tt mi<iti!K<r ( i f f!i<* fikliup l e m l i r i s t'lul), blnlii|iy, home temmmkn and Illirury duM, Tony's SUMMER WHO CONTROL ' FIRTILIZI I I 1 0 1 muiu a it i MRTaiJI N u s F-KI.IMes.6tNT CM» GRASS UL FIRtlLIM I t U* •UNSUt CONTROL fOWtK AERATI FOWIR ROIL CHINCH lUft CONTROL CHINCH IU» CONTROL CALL TONY Iiii . FIRTILIZI 11.10-1 FIRTILIZI M UP ARUI MOOFINS LAMR AND MATERIAL FOR ONLY 00 lai* TOLL H I I K»l IfRATHMOM MIIDINTII SPRING HID ¥00 CIT A l l TINS SfftVKf MCUIMftt IHAM TRIEI IVOAMOM OR ( a . « | WIVM MAM * J ^^^s^B" ^^J wr •js^a™^^^ps^aaB/1 •UCKTOP PATCH - rtRTILlXI N U* •VBMMMS 3 far * 5 MrVEwXYSoCKI m « ' FALL fHTIUZI IS-IO-I FALL SPICIALS! M |>CH CONCMfl CUM HOCStt '29* FULL YIAR'S PROGRAM UMfO SUTI MtW AUTO LAWN PROGRAM 3c FIR SO. FT, FIR ANNUM 366-1013 or 591-9767 HARRIS HARDWARE 130 MAIN ST. MATAWAN Open Sunday 9 A.M. to I P. M. Auto-Lawn Office HIGHWAY 7? Profeitlonal Bldg Morganville, N. J, 14. Iff! THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. J. Visit World'* Fair Ftmerel Service* Held For Mrs. Wiliam Kohbere. Attend Convention Firet Section — Page Three LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LECAL NOTICE ING AND RESTRICTING THE 1X0, Lot n aforesaid and Uie norther- eluced and passed first reading at <-3oa Several members ef Matawan I'EHCENTAGE OF LOT OCCU- ly line thereof to the easterly line a regular meeting of the Mayor and SHERIFFS SALE PIED, THE SIZE OF YARDS. of Block 120, Lot I on said map: Council of the Borough ol Matawan Township Hose and Chemical ComSUPERIOR COURT COURTS AND OTHER OPEN thence {4) northerly along the east- held on August 24, 19S5 and will come A requiem high mass was offer- pany No. 1 represented their com OF NEW JERSEY SPACES, THE DENSITY OF POP- erly line of Block 120, Lots 2 and up for final consideration and passCHANCERY DIVISION ed Monday in St. Lawrence Church, pany at the annual New Jersey ULATION; REGULATING AND 3 o.i said map to the northeasterly age at a regular meeting of cald MONMOUTH COUNTY HESTHtCTtNG THE LOCATION. corner of said Block 120, ' Lot 3; governing body to be held on SeptemWeehawken, for Mrs. Patricia H. Firemen's Convention in Atlantic USE AND EXTENT OF USE OFthence (5) westerly along the north- ber :8. 1965 at 8 n m. at the Council Docket Nu. F-1592 M Knhberg, 17, of 414 Atlantic Ave., City over the weekend. Both equipBUILDINGS. LOTS AND STRUC- erly line of said Block W, Lot 3 Chambers In the Borough Hall. 150 The Dime S'vings Bank o; BrookMatawan Township, who died Wed- ment and men participated In the TURES FOH THADE. INDUSTRY, lo Its Intersection with the easterly Main Street, Matawan. at which lyn, » corporation of the State of RESIDENCE AND OTHER PUR- line of Block 120, Lot 4 on said time and place all persons desiring New York. Plalntif v s : George P. nesday, Sept. 8, IMS at her home. aanual parade held oa Sunday. POSES- ESTABLISHING A BOARD map; thence (6) northerly along to be heard thereon will be given Robinson, Single, et alt., Defendant* Burial, under the direction of Bur OF ADJUSTMENT AND PROVID- Ihe easterly line of said Block 120, full opportunity. By virtue of a writ of execution in ING PENALTIES FOR THE Lot 4 to the northeasterly corner ger Funeral Home, North Bergen, the above stated action to me directMargaret P. Viebrock Rumm«9e Sele VIOLATION THEREOF", AND of said lot; thence '1 westerly was ia Holy Cram Cemetery, North ed, 1 shall expose for sale at pub* AMENDMENTS THERETO. along the northerly line of said lot jit H7.21) Borough Clerk lie vendue. at th- Court House In Arlington. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor to the easterly line of the Matawan. Ihe Borough of Freehold, O-unty of The Rosary Altar Society of St. and Council of the Borough ot Mat- Freehold Road (Fre/iea - Avenue); Monmouth. New Jersey, on Monday 4-309 B o n in Chicago, III., Mrs. Koh- Lawrence's Church, Laurence Har awan, in me County af Monmouth, thence i8) northerly along Uie eastthe n t h day et October. 19*5. at I SHERIFF'S SALE berg was a member of the Ladies nor, will hold a rummage sale as fallows: erly line of said Mauwan-Freehold o'clock, P. M. Pre- . Illng Time. SUPERIOR COURT Road to tht voutherly line ot the Auxiliary of the Matawan Township Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday OF NEW JERSEY ALL that -rtaln plot, piece or SECTION 1. i'arajrapll (Bl and right of way of the New York and CHANCERY DIVISION Fire Department and a communi- from t a.m. to 4 p.m. in the church the Zunlug Map referred lo therein, Ijong Branch Railroad Co.; and thence parcel of land with the building! MONMOUTH COUNTY and improvement* thereon erected, of that part entitled "ZJNES", of (B) easterly along the southerly line cant of St. Joseph's Church, Key- basement. Docket No. F-2109-«4 or to be erceted, situate, lying an4 •AN ORDINANCE LIMITING AND ol said railroad right of way followport. The Dime Savings Bank of Brook- being at Strathmore at Matiwan. HESTRICTING TO SPECIFIED DIST- liu{ the several courses thereof to LEGAL NOTICE lyn, a corporation of the State of in the County of Monmouth and RICTS AND REOULATING THERE- Uie point or place of Beginning. Surviving are her husband, WilNew York. Plaintiff v s : Jules M. State of New Jeraey, being -known IN BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES liam Kohberg; two daughters, NanACCORDING TO THEIR CONSTRUCSECTION 2. nil at paragraph entitl- Greenjcwetg and Natalie Greeruwelg, and designated as Lot No. 1» in MONMOUTH COUNTY Block 123 on a certain plan entitled TION AND THE VOLUME AND EX-ed. "Front Yards" of thai part ol the his wife, et al. Defendants cy and Sussn; four sons, John, SURROGATE'S COURT Map, Ivyhlll Park, James, Thomas and David (Pag- NOTICE TO ClfSDlTORS TO PRE- TENT OF THEIR USE; REGULAT- above entitled ordinance, as amendBy virtue of a writ ot execution "Subdivision ING AND RESTRICTING THE ed, entitled "Limited Industrial in the above stated action to me Strathmore at Matawan — Section tione) Kohberg, all at home; two HEIGHT, NUMBER OK STORIES Zone", be and the same Is hereby directed, I shall expose for sale •10'. altuated In Township of MatSENT CLAIMS AGAINST ESTATE sisters, Mrs. Doris Proschwitz, Pal- ESTATE OP MARTIN *t\*l. DE. AND SIZE OP BUILDINGS AND amended and supplemented hy the at public vendue, at the Court House awan, Monmouth Courty, New. Jersey, Owned by Levllt and Sons, InOTHER STRUCTURES- REOULAT. addition thereto ol th* following: in the Borough of Freehold, County corporated, isades Park, and Miss Margaret CEASED. dated February )», 19*3, ING AND RESTRICTING THE PER"Wherever a Business or Residen- of Monmouth, New Jersey, on Mon- •urvey and map by C. A. Munrov, Morrison, Weehawken, and two Pursuant to the order of DONALD CENTAGE OF LOT OCCUPIED, THE tial day Ihe 11th day of October, 1985, Zone abuts the street on the IMS. at h S.," said plan duly record* brothers, Donald Morrison and Jo- J. CUNNINGHAM, guriogtla ot the SIZE OK YAnDS. COURTS AND opposite at 2 o'clock, P. M. Prevailing Time. side of the lot, the minimum ed with the Office of the County OTHER OPEN SPACES, THE DENseph Msgenheimer, both of Wee- County ol MonmouMi, .Ma 4»y made, SITY OF POPULATION; REGULAT- setback from the street line shall be ALL that certain plot, piece, or Clerk, Monmouth County on Feban the application ol the un4»iilgned ING AND RESTRICTING THE LO-ISO feet, and no parking, loading, parcel of land with the buildings ruary N , 1963, aa Caac Mo. M, hawken. Marl* Jamvlch. Sole "I* cutrix t' th» CATION, USE AND EXTENT OF or storage activities shall be permit- and improvements thereon erected, Sheet 22. n t a t e of the laid Martin Mara, de- USE OF I1U1I.DINGS. LOTS AND led within this required front yard or to be erected, situate, ly' ig and Being commonly known and if being at Strathmore. at Matawan, ttaied, notice it hereby liven t o the STRUCTURES FOIt THAOE, INDUSmli. VaNs*. sf M i n e d ft,. M H N « m* M M * Miss Pal SECTION 3. That narajra . i en- in the County of Munmouth, snd Ignated as No. it Ingram Circle, creditor! of mid deceased to present TRY, RESIDENCE AND OTHER »»»fe « * < * • * •» «l£kMplUIU]F has*, la * . Ctute Dry ESTABLISHING A tilled. "Property Adjoining Business State of New Jersey, being more Matawan, New Jersey. la the laid Sole Kncutrlx their PURPOSES; The approximate amount of Mi* M * • W M W I Fair. Pmunmk mmti hi fcatfcarsisd * n clalmi under oath within IIK months BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND and Residential /.ones" of that part particularly described as follows: PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE of the above entitled ordinance, as BEING known and esjgnated ai judgment to be aatlslled by said Irom this date. VIOLATION THEREOF", and amend- amended, entitled "Limited Industrial lot no. 1 in block 103 on a certain aale la the sum of M20.UO.00 toDated: September UMi, IMS gether with the cott* of this sal*, ments thereto, he and the sanio Is /.one", be and the aame Is hereby plan entitled "Subdivision Map, 'IvyMarie Janwicti JOSEPH A, SHAFTO, Chief Louis Auriemma of the Oak hereby amended and supplemented amended and supplemented to read bill Park' Strathmore at Matawan— Clubs at Douglas* College Sstur- Shade* Fire Company, Matawan R. D. No. 1, Box Ut Sheriff so i s to enlarne tlie L! (Limited as follows: Section '6'. situated In Township of Enfllshtomi, N«w Jertty day are asked to contact Mrs. Dated Aug. 14. 1969 Industrial) Zone to Include the fol- Wherever any part of a Limited Matawan, Monmouth County. NewTowmMp, reported that the comSole Executr'* Wtlentz, Ooldman * Splits*, lowing described tract of land; Jersey, owned by Levitt and Sons, Deerin. The conference will start Industrial Zone coincides with the Incorporated, dated May 7, 1962, pany answered a total of eight fire Fred M. Burlew, Esq. Attya. al 10:» a.m. boundary of a Business or Resialarms for the month of August. Ill Main Street BEGINNING at the Intersection of dential Z' nc and Is 'lot separated survey and map by C. A. Mon-IT tt*M the westerly line of Stale HlKhway from It by a street or railroad, roe, P.E. k L.S." said plan duly Two were false alarms; five were MaUwan, New Jersey PUBLIC NOTICE Attorney No. 34 with t h . southerly line of no building, driveway, parking area, recorded with the Office of the Funeral Service* For small brush fires and there was IT 12I.S0 Taka notice that the Board ol the rlaTnl of way of the New York or other improvement shall oc erect- County Clerk, Monmouth Countv, on P U M for tilt coming y«ar were one fire drill. and Long Branch Railrnnd Co. anded ar Installed within 100 feet of June IS, 11162. as Case No. ]0. Sheet Adjustment of the Borough of Matawan rendered the following decision AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND running from thence (U southerly the Business or Residential Zone 28. Wtlincd at the flrat meeting of the MorganviHe Reiiden* Chief Auriemma expresses surSUPPLEMENT AN OHQINANCE along the westerly line of said State boundary. This minimum distance Being commonly known and des-on August 17, IMS: d u b y e w of the Boird ol Director. Mlra Land Development Co. rear ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE Highway No. 34 to the easterly short- shall constitute a buffer area which ignated aa No. 3 Imbrook Lane, Matprise at the relatively small numFuneral aervicas were held el ih* Woman's Ckib of Uurence yard variance granted for construcLIMITING AND HESTRICTING TO line of Gravelly Brook; thence (2) if wooded shall remain wooded, and wan, New Jersey. Thursday at 16 a.m. at the Hannon ber of fires called in for the month SPECIFIED DISTRICTS AND •outlierly along the easterly shoreline if oputi shall be landscaped and shall lUrtor. The approximate amount of the tion within 7' of IU boundary. since dry and fire susceptible conREGULATING THEREIN BUILD- of «aid Gravelly Brook following the be effectively planted to a minimum Judgment to be satisfied by said The determination has been filed Mm. Joseph Deerto, I Seaglade Funeral Home, Raritan, (or Nicho- dition! prevailed throughout the INGS AND STRUCTURES ACCORD- several courses thereof lo the Inter- width of 20 feet to form an effective sale is the sum or $21,000.00 togeth- in the Office of the Board of AdjustING TO THEIR CONSTRUCTION section of the eDKlorly shoreline of visual barrier. ment, Borough of Matawan, *nd lg Orcle, CHIIwood Beach, preiident. ls* Troisi, » , of Morganville, who township. He termed the excellent er with the cosU of tills sale. said Brook with the easterly extenAND THE VOLUME ANJ EXTENT avallable for Inspection. JOSEPH A. SHAFTO. •atertained the board members at died on Monday, Sept. 8. 1963, at August record a tribute to the peo- OP THEIH USE: REGULATINO sion of (he northerly line of Bin.-'.SECTION 4. This ordinance shall MltlA LAND Sheriff. his home. Interment followed In fcerhome. AND RESTRICTING THE HEIGHT, 120, Lot 47 on tlie Assessment M«|> take effect Immediately upon its DEVELOPMENT CO. ple of Malawan Township who Dated Aug. 24, 1M5 New Cemetery, Somervllle. NUMBER OP STORIES AND of the Borough of Mniawan; thence passage and publication according to Ralph S Heuser Wllcntz, Goldman & Spitzer, have been extremely careful and The American Home Department SIZE Or BUILDINGS A N D (3) westerly alone; the easterly ex- law. Vice President Atlys. Mr. Troiti had lived in Morgan- fire hazard conscious. NOTICE OTHER STRUCTURES: RKOULAT- tension of the northerly line of Block will meet Wedneaday evening at 5.78 The foregoing ordinance was Intro- II »45. 16 »3.4O die home of the chairman, Mrs. ville for three years and wa> a forAlexander Garibaldi, «I7 Green- mer resident of Raritan. He had wood Ave., Laurence Harbor. This been employed by Herman Basch department will make a n d aell Inc., North Bergen, a> a fur dress er. • Chrfotmas Itema. He is survived by hit wife, Mrs * Trip To tout* Josephine Troisi; three sons, NichThe meeting of the Civica Deolas Troisi jr., Somervllle; Angelo rimes* will ooniin of • trip to Troisi, serving with the U.S. Army tato State Park la South Jersey ia Phoenixviiie, Pa., and Gerald oat Monday. Sept. 27. M n . Robert Troisi, Raritan; a stepson, William Lancaster,' chairman, stated that Meaz, Morganville; two daughter., ttw group will meet at the Free Mn. Eleanor Yaniwtta. Bound Public Library of Madifon Town- Brook, and Mrs. Joann Genoveie •Up in Laurence Harbor. The c a n BomervlHe; two listen, Mrs. Carle will leave at 1:30 a.m. Niro and Mrs. Francis Malloy, botl Few Augntt Firva In Matawan Townahip ^ Women Outline Plan STRATHMORE PHARMACY C "Your Personal Family Pharmacy" Strathmore at Matawan Shopping Plaza The Drama and Musk Depart•lent will meet Wednesday at 12: JO p.m. at the home of the chairman, Mr*. Gilbert 0 . Tier, e » Orchard Ave., Laurence Harbor. , Mr*. Ax«l Bjorken, chairman of the Welfare Department, reported that her department bad mad* •even dozea cancer dressing* for a local cancer patient. Clothes and magazines have been delivered to Marlboro State Hospital (or the patients there. A card party to raise fuads will be held at the horn* af Mr*, ajorkea. Ml Cleveland Ave., Laureate Harbor, Wednesday evening, Sept. t*. at I p.m. of Rsrltan, and IS grandchildren. Routt 3 4 MATAWAN Laurence Harbor Girl At Brigham Young V, Miss Carol Jane Roberts, daug ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Roberts tti Bayview Dr., Laurence Harbor left Friday for Provo, Utah, where she will attend Brigham Young (/Diversity. Miss Roberto will receive an Aiwoleta ia Art* Degree in Busmen Administration when ah* eompletea tfc* two-year course. Member* who plan to attend the A MM graduate of Hoffman High Pan Ceaftreace of *» New Jar• e y Mate FaderaUoo ef Women'* EXCEDRIN 100't Reg. 1.49 . j 03 NOW ^ 1. HAVE YOUR NEXT Township, Fifteen of her fellow employees honored her at a farewell party Sept. I is Clare anc Coby's Rsstaunac, Rout* t, Maot sen Township. Mie « u presentee wMi monetary aWs. Fire Auxiliary Plan* Sept. 26 Smorgasbord •r There I* an ola bromide to the effect that "an apple a day keep* the doctor away." This old saying was put to a teat by Michigan State Univenity and it was found that I3W appleeating atudents actually made fewer sick calls than other studentt. Respiratory and tensioninduced ailments were significantly fewer. Very likely the vitamin content of the apple* accounted for a lesser number of normal illnesses, and some as yet unknown, tranqullfting substance lessened everyday tension. When your medical needs require something more definite than what an apple can provide, call on us. Prescriptions sre • specially a t S A N D F O R D ' S PHARMACY , . . 128 Main Street , . . phone 566-2)76 , , . 55 years In business . , . greeting cards . . . tree delivery . . . five drug Income tax service. THIS WEEK'S HOUSEHOLD IHNT: A small towel wrung out In cold water, folded and tmen in the refrigerator, will servo as an Ice bag in a pinch. ,Th* Laete Auxiliary of th* Mor ganville Votuntmr Fire Co. 1 hel. lit regular meeting oa Sept. 8 Mrs. Leo L a m n e n , vice president, conducted the meeting, and pains (or a "Smorgasbord Supper" to be held on Sunday, Sep. M, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., were made. Cochairmen are Mrs. Ummera and Mn. Fred Eckel. Mrs. Lulu Beai ia to be in charge ot tickets. Those attending were: M n . Eli* abeth Bowne, M n . Leroy Doran Mrs. Edward Downey. Mrs. Clif lord Eckel, M n . Florence Farrall, Mn. Louis Mendeni, Mrs. Leo Lammeri, Mrs. Beal, Mrs. Franc Pttlichik and Mrs. Fred Eckel. Alter the meeting, refreshment were aerved by Mrs. Doran. Bayview Servicea The Rev. David L. Bucd, pasto ot the Bayvlew Presbyterlai Church, Cllffwood Beach, hai a nounced that the Sacrament i Baptism will be administered Su day at the II a.m. worship sorvici A nursery h hold for young children. Older children arc to accom pany their parents to church Church school meet* at 9:30 a.m and Youth Fellowship at 7 p.m, PRESCRIPTION FILLED HERE... INVITED I Rt*. 19c NOW 100 SHEETS NOW HUNDREDS OF BACK-TO-SCHOOL ITEMS! RAPID SHAVI BOMBS 61c 1 O O t CWIROl HI, NEIGHBOR I Creme Formula Th* neighborhood pharmacy h*ii Reg. 1.35 always b«en • focil point In th* community _ - NOW 9 © C (t'l • grand old Am t tic an in GET SET HAIR SPRAY H*r*, fri«n<4i meet informally, SARDO Thty tall about tht woathor, $3.00 S!ie NOW how things art going In tho tportt wortd, diicui* politic*, grumbl* a bit about tarn. 2.00 SIZE WITH THIS COUPON ONLY V 0 HAIR SPRAY When wt fill a protcflplion for you. it It not [ml A buimen trflinaction, U'l An opportunity to be of helpful i»rv1ce ROg. 2.35 NOW 1 . 4 f to A neighbor and hh family. HNEST FOODS FOR OVER 50 YEARSI CHECK OUR LOW, LOW DELL'S MARKET HIDDEN MAGIC Reg.2.1S 1. NOW GLEEM % 75, * TubM 1/ l'HUSCKIPTIOiN PRICES CLIP THIS COUPON A t W##C M TOUT OZON HAIR SPRAY DALY HOMI DELIVERY Phone 566-1787 Jumbo Slxe — Rog. 1.79 w*jjl > *r * WITH THIS COUPON TOP QUALITY MIATS • GROCERIES FROZEN POODS "Try Ui end l e CenvlnceeJ" 10* MAIN ST. MATAWAN In Main St. Perking Let 47c FILLER PAPER Reg. 1.00 Reg. 2.98 NOW You'll B, Glad You Did I COLGATI TOOTH PAST! NOW THERMOS LUNCH KIT CHARGE ACCOUNTS COLOR FORMS Reg. 1.00 99' FREE PICK.UP AND HOURSi, WMk Deyi 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. - Sunday* 9 A.M. to I P.M. DELIVERY SERVICE FRfl BOTTLI OF BLEACHING PIROXIDI With of Any Dye •f Our DISCOUNT PRICES WITH THIS COUPON ONLY I 566-3800 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. X TtouUy, Styfomfaar 14. I9M Harbor along it. It was admitted to being a main feeder road lo the The first nsotners metmg o Garden State Parkway entrance now. Brown* Tssap IM. sponsored by Tttkt lira. Elsk Mannas, Matawaa, an the Pansst • Teacher Asaocwtiao Parents had no petieacc with a We, ska Fikatry Election victors asanoea tke opening of a new dec. of the Cliffwood School, will be held report from the board that privatelar the Oeoocratic Gniadsmaa arttor step at Ml Maple PI., Key Monday cveaisg. Sept. 27. al 8: JO CaadHaatt ia Marskora Towaakip part. Tke shop will feature slip cov- p.m. ia the home ol Mrs. St. Clair transportation could be arranged at $3 per month per child. Some kaw wMadrawa our ere, draperies, reupholsterjng and Parris, Gulden S t , Cliffwood of Ihe parents found even t3 per ska Geacral Election Mov.l, in sup- plastic slip covers. SOCIAL RESEARCH INC. ha* mad* an in-depth study Beach. month w«g too taxing to their inpart of tke "fvrpoaa aad principle" of consumer attitude towards beds and bedrooms for Scaly come when they had four or five Mrs. Mannes, who studied <traraaaHajsa. Charles T. McCae, children involved. But the greater Inc., mattress manufacturing (inn. The study indicate* thst Oaarga E. Creevy and Alfred I autic ana at the Studio Showcase majority would have none ol it, by mattress has come to mean more than just something to lie ia New Brunswick, will appear i; their expressions, as they did not down on . . . in fact it could be termed another status "K" Associates production o (coiimued from page one) on the program offered by "South Pacific" which will open al consider they should have to pay the "Purpose sad Principle" caa- the Magnolia Inn. Matawan, Sept. ficatee to M teen-agers for volun for non-state-aided transportation s y m b o l . . . II look seven researchers working simultaneously e*datet, we fact that the best ia- 24. Mrs. Mannes' son Jeff, will teer work ia the summer recrea- now when others were getting it in seven cities five months to find out from 200 families thai ef our township will be play drums in the same musical tion program. They are William free, especially the new arrivals in mattresses are getting larger and that some women boasjt served by the election of the "Pur- production. The Matawan residenl Allen, John Shepard, Rodney Har- garden apartments. of having a king-size bed the wcy old inns insist that "Georaje pose auasf Principle" tk*H. Their also has appeared o(l-Broadway ;i ris, John Geran, Charles Geran Charles Thompson, a me-rnber, Washington slept here." . . . The 76-inch-wide bed, the king U Randolph Daviews art reprcMMative of the vast productions of "Wish You Wen Franklin Schaufele, 1 chided the majority with destroymakirity of tke ektctorate. Here," "Calamity Jane," "Pal vis, Edmund Jones, John Hunter, ing the receptiveness of parents in size, was said to take care of such problems as jerking, fidgeV To continue with the present mi Joey," "Gypsy," and "Flowei and Ronald Gissubel. the Cliffwood Beach - Laurence ing, twisting, tossing and sprawling, and to eliminate such aority leadership that has rdegat Drum Song." The ressgnalion of Fred Formon Harbor area to private bus runs complaints as: "My husband ani I share a doubter bed. He ad the voice of the people to a Paintings, photographs and art from the Shade Tree Commission paid for on a fee basis, which he has three-quarters and I have one-quarter." asere whisper in municipal affairs work of another Matawan resident, for business reasons was accepted. had arrangedforthose at less than WHERE'S THE RED ONE? . . . A conveyor belt system that would be disastrous indeed. Tnwfcy, laytowfcw H, I M two miles from the schools they will bring baggage to travelers and end wild scrambles for Franklin M. Gay, will be displayed Though the two major parties at the new decorator shop. Mr. attended in times past. Mr. doctrines of political philosophy Cay won second prize in the proThompson j o i n e d with William luggage will be installed by next spring at the International New Remding Trend nay differ. Republicans and Demo. fessional oil category of the FreeKcrr and Richard Pine, two form- Arrival Building at Kennedy International Airport . . . The (continued from page one) B w o u n g i n g M W I to reported from library expert* crate alike share whoteheaitily tht hold Art Society Show this yea school to run the buses inside sub- er board presidents, in an aUempt Port of New York Authority took action to eliminate what ol our heritage to be aad had a one-man show of hi lo get free bus transportation for has been described as an "airport madhouse," by announcing Tfcw f a d i n g trmd in tit* United States i t undergoing a great responsibility implements of representation rath- kinetic photographs at the J. Wai divisions. There would have to be the parents where the privately the award of a $774,000 contract for the automatic system . . . new routes established, more busi w i v a l Many libraries are unable to supply the public with er than representative rulers. ter Thompson Advertising Agency, es bought and drivers trained, to financed buses hud formerly run Four separate conveyor belts will be installed in the recently Mt M W and increasing demand for books. The "Purpose and Principle' New York. He has won a number satisfy the demands of all thewhile they were '.vaitinj; for the On* of the reasons for this great increase in the use of candidates are in complete accord of painting and prize photograph dwellers in subdivisions, brinj*inji police report to establish Mata- expanded West Customs Hall. Each belt is in the form of a wan Rd. as a "hazardous" one. triangle. The base will be outside the building, where handBbrariM Is the increased use of these facilities by children. with their pledge to assure that the awards. in complications that would requir. This was rejected 5-3. William voice of the people will be heard the hiring of a profession.^ trans Rice, board president, Thursday lers will place the baggage on the belt. The two legs oi the Many utiliae the library today for research projects. and to be reasonable in their repre- Federation Plans To Hold porUiion coordinator at great ex- spoke for Ihe majority in sayin;; bell, each with 100 feet of space will bo inside the build- .»c .Thus it would teem that television has not barred the sentation of your township. pense, it was pointed out. that if such interim transportation ing . . . They will be 14 inches from the floor and move af: World of good reading from today's youngsters, after all. Adhere To Policy We ask all Democrats, Republi- Ground-Breaking Saturday is granted, "we are immediately the rate of (10 !eet a minute. A full circuit of the automated For on*' thing, good reading is not interrupted constantly cans and Independents to work obligated to anyone claiming J device will take 2% minutes. To insure that the bags move Ground will be broken for thi The board also adhered Sept. With commercials. For another, one can choose his subjec hard and to do their utmost to elect to another tony established policy hazard." But Mr. Kerr retorted the "Purpose and Principle" candi- new headquarters building of th< by declining to k-t the Young Re- that once non-state nided transpor- freely there will be a small "turnaround," or rounded surface, and get the best in the world on it, in a good library. where the legs join . . . A large bin will be provided adjacent dates — Charles T. McCue, George New Jersey State Federation o This trend is encouraging to publishers, who see in the E. Creevy and Alfred L. Storer to Women's Clubs on Saturday who publican Club use the Villagi tation is established in one sector, to each conveyor to hold items that will not fit on the 30-inchSchool for a political rally. Out; residents everywhere else are enbook field a market for the future, whereas in the magazine the township council so we may the federation holds its annual con one member, William F. Daly, (-•[ titled to it. wide belt or ere not claimed promptly. Passengers still will world the future is rather dim, at least for some. enjoy new responsible leadership fcrence at Douglass College, New it was within the limits of the pol have to take their bags to the Customs lines. Brunswick. The conference, dc lor the next four years under repcy in that, in his estimation, a po A habit of reading i t least one good book every week resentatives who will replace con- signed as a training session foi litical rally came within tin' scope ANYONE FOR BERMUDA? . . . Water pollution, a bugor two, is • good one, for reading makes a better informed fusion with reasonable and under- leaders of the federation, will attract members from s o m e 340 of a public purpose in aiding vot bear to many other parts of the country, is impairing even and more interesting person out of anyone. standing government. era. (continue.! in,:n pa£C one) women's clubs. the fabled beauties of Niagara Falls . . . Municipal sewage (Signed) But Albert E. Spencer jr. fearci Brunswick, attorney for Ihe st-'Wer and industrial waste are causing unsightly messes and noxious Chester Jameson Twenty-two workshops on a var autltority, which contracted with thai to grant such privilege to on Proclamation One'Room Addition Charles Farrell ety of federation activities will beRemln May 17, 1964, for a sewer odors at the traditional mccea of honeyrnooncrs on the interFrederick R. Demarest held in the morning. Following an political group, even if a recognized line installation. To Towiuhip Mail national border . . . A Federal inspection disclosed streams of the stternoon session, t h e ground- major party, would open the boar, Take OUm View of waste pouring over the United States section of the falls breaking ceremony will be held al to the need to grant equal rights Marlboro Townipip C o u n c 1 Vailed Mates has designated SepDuth Mr. Romer and Mr. Strong the club house site, Clifton Ave to splinter groups, if they are town- took the position that the sewerage and gushing from a large sewer main below the falls near tsatber 17th each year as "CWien- Thursday authoritsd Leon S. Avaship taxpayers. He foresaw a posNew Brunswick. authority had been created by an Rainbow bridge . , . Arthur B. Williams, general manager of^aij Uaa, Asbviy Park, the township siip Day," in commemoraUon of sibility 3 group operating as the Among the conference workshop "Young Nazis" claiming an equal ordinance of the municipal govern- the Niagara Frontier Stale Park, the public agency on the fat fonnatioa and signing oa Sept Mtr, to prepare plena for topics are garden and conservation right as taxpayers and putting Ih ment, and that the sewerage au- United States side, confirmed that the pollution had been H, I7t7 of the Constitution of the one-room addition to the township art, civics, American home, music, board thereby in a very ditficul1 thority could b« terminated in itsa glowing problem for several years . . . The effluent from UWted SUlea and In recognition of offices on Route 7», Marlboro VilThe Trenton Roman Catholic International relations, education, position. Other members were in- existence ut any lime by unother the sewer main gives off a rotten-egg smell that drifts upDiocese has announced plant for literature, public welfare an clined to agree with him, observing ordinance of the township council. s i who by coming of age or by tast. The east was estimated stream to the United States "Maid of the Mist" pjer. Waste the construction of a 25-dass room drama. that in these times of much popula So the authority was factually an •Miraliiation have attained the $3000. The afternoon session, presided agitation on various causes urn entity of the municipal govern- pulp or other solids apparently are carried upstream several •talus of cHiienihip, and The township council adopted a Catholic high school in Hazlet. The M. Rev. Thomas Frain, superin- over by Mrs. S. Herbert Taylor, "fronts," it was hard to define just ment, not a separate and apart mu- hundred yards also, because at the foot of Horseshoe Falls Whereas under our Constitution, "soil removal" amendment wMch Cherry Hill, president, will begi where a political party begins, a nicipal body, as Mr. Strong saw it. on the Canadian side, Mr. Williams said, "the odor is someBJT17* years our nation has enjoyed allows homeowners to excavate on tendent of Diocese schools said with a performance by Georgeann organized groups seeking to presBut Mr. Schwartz saw a sewer trtater spiritual and material val- their propertee'by kist getting the new high school, St. John Bowdon Tirlco, Glen Ridge. Mrs. sure within parties can claim to be authority or utilities authority de- times more than you can stand." . . . I don't understand why you wanted to leave the motel in the first place . . . sss man any otbtr nation ever a permit from the building Inspec- Vianney, will be built on a lawful organizations to provoke acCarl G. Osgood, Cranbury, Is chair. riving powers by statute not given ascw, and acre site on Line Rd., adjacent tion for special groups or on spc a municipality and setting them tor II ttw excavation is leas than to St. Benedict's Church and School man of the conference. Wh*re*i our form « l government cial issues. apart, especially as to freedom of IKS through June 1966 until the to- ommendatiuna that partition! fee Hd our Way of Life are wrier CM- Ml en. yards. The ruHng that a re- ia Holmdel Township. Oa the vote, Mr. Daly was the bonding limits on trie municipality tal of $«50 is paid. The remainder erected between classrooms and Red Oak Nurtary School fsast attack by the world wide moral of soil muit K m be approvksae opposition to denying trie and derivation of revenues. Mr.of the costs to be paid by the un that additional toilet facilities be The school will be financed from ed by appUMton to ths aovetaiag a |li\5#t,0ta fund-raising campaign Hold* Orientation Strong warmxl that If such a con- derstgned. Young Republicans request. provided. ' at destroy oar tons) of aovera- bady Maisiastoropening over Sot which also will pay for a new stnial were to lie upheld, it would "The undersigned shall Iw saved "At regular Board of Education be a matter of tremendous jeopar- harmless from liability for person meeting held on Apr. 7, 1965, ap. atminary, four high schools, exAn orientation meeting for new cu* yftfos* dy for almost every municipality al or property damage resulting proval *MS granted to enter into . 1. Edward B. C. Floyd Wyckoff, township pansion of five high schools, and members of the Red Oak Co-operain Ihe state under 45,000, having an from the construction of the fore- lease with Mr. Barbagclaia for law . . Mayor of Matawu Boraid to six others. tive Nursery School was held authority ol any kind, sewerage, mentioned facilities." (continued from page one) asfh. do noreby urge all csttaens of dark, reported *M psM from the rental of three classrooms at the Construction date of St. John Thursday evening at The Old First dD| neons fund ID David Wintrier, Mstawan Borough to appropriately Tony's Matawan Radio Cab Co. utilities or parking. (Signatory with Mr. Bauman rental of H330 for school yew Vianney High School is undeter- Church in Middletown. stssrvs Sept. 17 a s "Citizenship Route 79, who recently lost 23 mined. Msgr. Frain said the date Matawan, bid on route two in the Mr. Romer argued the act of leg- were Philip S. Inglis, John T. Lam- 19K-W. Both mothers and fathers attend- amount of J17.17. pay"; to display the flag of the chickens to a pack of wild dogs. will be set after the fund-raising The following document was dieislature requiring Hie "prevailing berson and Edward C. Erdmann.) ISjila)! siaiM aa —AH. w.iiji.n. Edward, Legier, chairman of the drive ends in January, when arch- ed the session which dealt with Hie Hired were five new teachers to wage" was unconstitutional in lhat Submitted To UarriMn closed to the Board of Education philosophy of the co-operative nur'ptafutfog' board* reported hearings -of 'Bjasaseaa •" aad*' -their oa the Master H e * wOt commence itects wlU be hired to design the sery school and with the particular replace teachers who resigned. in insisting on Die prevailing wage It was this proposal which was on Monday, Sept. 13, (cited above). . to again lamiNariie them- in November. Mr. Legier Mid hestructure. "It should be stated that the situation of participation ih a co- They are Jo-Ann Krestan, 529 Elm for cities over 45,000, it was a dis- b k d by the board lo Mr. . with ths Freedom; RighU hoped that Herbert H. Smith Assooperative school. Mrs. Hovi Slan- St., WestfieW, to teach high schoo criminatory act against the taxpay- Garrison Tuesday to determine if board did not know of ihe exitCapacity Of 104* nW PrivMages «ranted by our Con- ciates, West Trenton, would have English at a salary of $6025; Denise ers of such municipalities, forcing there was an element of conflict ttnee of this document until its disder, director, who addressed the Hkittoa aad to resolve to pa coa- copies of the map available for the The high school is expected to group, introduced the staff and dis- Anne Metier, 208 Shoreland Circle, them to pay more fur an equivalent of interest. The vkw ol Mr. Garri- closure. On Tuesday, Sept. 14, the geatly alert to the efforta of those public by the first week in Octo- have a student capacity of about cussed the importance of enriching Laurence Harbor, a trainable class amount ol work than taxpayers in son was reportedly that it was board met with Mr. Garrison and !00O, and will be staffed by the sjs> ssefc to destroy our form of ber. at Matawan grade school. (5200 nothing more than "a proposal" in Mr. DcMaio, board attorney, and Marianites of Holy Cross. Nuns of the world of the pre-school child, Jeanne Wiederspeil, 19 Wister PI. a smaller-sized municipality. (JWUHiwnti1 to fCttiw weir (tetcr* Trie issue of jurisdiction came up that Mr, Uarba^elata was not sig it is their opinion that the aforesaid the same order also teach at St Several places remain open for Matawan, fourth grade, Strathmore ssiaatlon to exercise then- rights natory to it and it was not attested document does not involve the when Mr. Schwartz sought agreeBenedict's Elementary School, Haz- three-year-olds this term in thi SCIMOI, $5200; Mary Moran, 105 • free people; to assume their to, so it was nut a contract. And hoard in any manner whatsoever." let. newly refurbished and expanded Dayton Ave., Toms River, music ment that an issue involving under that as the work was done on prisWenahia) respomibiNtice. and to Party Worker* To Not llnnhneaa SIOOO could be heard by tlic magA 15-classroom wing also has classrooms, it was announced Mrs. tha-e elementary grades, 15200; istrate. There was notation by Mr. vate premises, it constituted a pri- The above .statement by the fetch their emldren the Messing! Jury On Atmulta been planned to expand the facili- Steven David, Mataw-an, member, Mary B. Fox, 36 Half Mile Rd. Romer that the state had brought vate arrangement. Vented by oar Consttttitfcm. board was said not to be unani-^ ties of Red Bank Catholic High ship chairman, advised that par- Red Bank, elementary grade, 15475 in II complaints. Mr. Schwartz exMr. Uaurniin declaroci the only moos, that Emil Katj, Mrs. Nancy (Signed) A holdover from the bitterly School. ents of pre-nursery age children Alma Koelsch, 38 Beactwood Ter. H'asm he and his associates be Vnndpnvei! and r awrfn"? C. plained that the violations had to Edward E. Hyrne (ought Democratic primary this who wish to become acquainted There are 14,505 Catholic schoo with Red Oak may now become Matawan, was hired as library apply in Ihe differing categories at came involved was lo make effec- Younsman, were of tliL- opin'.on tht' ' Mayor spring cropped up yesterday in Borough of Mttawan the court of Madison Township students in Monmoutr. County, associate members. This entitles clerk for the present school year which work liad been carried on. tive by their volunteer work and maUer should be aired publicly at Mr. Strong protested that a reck- possibly by their own monetary iin open mc-tini;. Magistrate Samuel Sladkus. He about half of them in the Bay-them to receive the school Newsoning of the Intal could bring the contributiun, as specified in the Aft'-T the con. :;.\zz. Mr. Bag. held two defendants who had been shore area. Target date for the letter, and to attend meetings, spc sfcet Gftfyt BUnchard new high school opening in Hazadditional pay to accrue ui der the "document" with Mr. Barbagclata, man issued another statement lo at a party rally May 17, live days cial parent education sessions, and "prevailing wage" to $50,000 or that the board would have the as- tht press, af.'irming that, despite before the primary vote, for thelet is 1968 or 196$. Construction is other events. For enrollment infor Ckewrmw Of Girr. Guild (continued from page one) surance the rooms for which it had the vordi lg of the proposal, nr, even J/O.OM. Middlesex County Grand Jury on expected to start sometime dur- mation, call Mrs. David at 5*6-7505 ing 1967. Denied By Attorney Mr. Strong saw the authority, as entered into a lease would be rea- pay for services rendered, nor Gladys Bksnchard, Cliffwood, counter complaints involving : '•• Mclvin S. Taub, attorney (or the sault. the one liirinj; the work dune, to dy for use wht-n sclwol opened. Rain on the sale of any materials, The building will include an auMS electsd chairman of ths ChristJosand Land Co., developers of the be the one eventually to be burdenWhen the meeting with Mr. Gar-accrued to himself or his assotM Olrto Guild at their first meetTke defendants, Mrs, Alice ditorium, gymnasium, cafeteria, Charles A. Ringwald apnrtmenis, denied any violation ed with this additional cost, which, rison and Mr. De.Maio was over, ciates. He related that with the science labs, administration suite, sat of the W S S M held Seat 7 ia the Walsh, Laurence Harbor, reprrCelebrates Birthday of the zoning code and Mr. White's in turn, woultl have to be passed the board issued the following completion of work on a toilet this: WlowshJp hall of the First Btptiat seatad by John A. Lynch, New health suite, guidance suite in addallegations. He said the owners on to township taxpayers. For this statement on the matter: wwkend, the renovations would »c Brunswick, and Mrs. Helen Smith, ition to the classrooms. tJairch. Keyport. Charles Arthur Ringwald. son of have in their possession, "signed he was ready lo ask a ruling on th«•nird SUItmtnl finished. He declared that the » Others elected were Jewell Fry, Cliffwood Beach, represented by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ringwald, final approval plans showing the jurisdiction ol the magistrate to "Arrangements were instituted owner, calling the school Hilltop •Irvine Tabman, Old Bridge, disMatawao, vies dialrmaa; J a n e t Nolan Rd., Morganville, celebrated buildings as built." However, the act in such a matter. Mr. Romer on Jan. 5, i:tfi"> to secure the use of Academy, Leo Walsky, had ogreec!*'" lets Sigma Phi his fourth birthday at a party and board referred the matter to Build added that it was a certainty hit Ihe P.I.I, building for classrooms to abide by the arrangements unMarvel, Keyport, secretary; Judy puted eack other strong!" as to was the aggressor. Mrt. Walsh Committee* Named barbecue Sept. 6. Vlcki, Cliffwood, treasurer, a n d who ing Inspector George Hausmann. client woultl appeal any adverse for 1965 66 school year. der which Ihe work was beini; carmade Indignant outcry In court Carol Barton. Hebadel. White when Mrs. Smith accused her of "After several meeting* with Mr. ried nn. Mr. Bauman declared The first meeting of 1965-6C of Decorations were in blue and Meanwhile tlic board of fire com- decision in the magistrate's court, Crass chairman. The counselor! throwing a beer can and hitting her and a birthday cake, hats missioners notified the planning so if the assignment judge decided John Barbagclatii, owner of thethere had been no business dealBeta Sigma PM, Chapter Mu, Mat- while are Mrs. Eugene Gregory and Mrs. ia tht eye, and favors were featured. Game? tnard it should not lift an occu- the issue should fio higher original- premises at that lime, Inspection njjs with live new owners. awan, was held on Thursday. Mrs. were played. Richard Aaptegate, both of Key pancy permit ban for the apart- ly, it would have cine step in a pro- was effected by Mr. Karl B. GarriMr. Uauman insisted the whotr Mrs. Smith testified her hands James Clifton, Matawan, was reinCounty Superintendent <il matter had been lomented to disGuests were Debbie Ringwald, ments until improvements they cess of appeal. Magistrate Slmihut son, wert cist, Mr. Lynch cross-exsmfn- stated in the chapter as she has Ages of Hat members range from ed her and finally drew admissloi moved back to Matawan after re- Susan Bossert, Timmy lolar «nd want are completed, concurred and adjourned the case. Schools, who included in hi* rcc- credit him politically. n to 17 J M T I old. The guild plan* Ma cuts for which she had stitches tiding in Connectciut. David Witkowski. Morganville; Ml. The coniniissiorwrs h'st installa I t hokt meetings once a month at put In t t Perth Amnoy Hospital ie, Dennis and Bobble Adler, Haz ion of another fir« hydrant, a no Committees for the 1989-68 year • a cmircfc let; David and Jerry Ringwald, parking ban on entrance roads, came roi.. glass. Mrs. Walsh had were announced. Clfffwond Beach, and Jimmy and locked electric pull boxes, slitet accused Mrs. Smith of pushing her Mrs. Daniel Kane nd Mrt. An- Donna Bishop, Keyport. (continued from page o n e ) Into a window. Mrs. Smith charged rock enclosures for boilers and n i/hrgamMt CoupU Also present were Mr. and Mrs. ban on the storage in apartment Rd. and Nolan's Corner Kd., now Mrs. Walsh struck the first blow thony Garito received gifts from aVBMIgsaaVgfsH A t aUSgfsssssssssV their secret sisters. Fred Bossert, Morginville; Mr. basements »f chlorine powder for a known us the Million Academy. • arlaWHsWWW 4 ^ 1 W n f ^ a W , aad she only, hit back In sell deITic member, Gerald A. Baiimm Refreshment* were terwd by and Mrs. Louis Konrad and Mr. swimming pool. r., is a township caiulldale for of Mr, and Mrt. George L,' Demery, Mrs. John Dilottl and Mrs. William and Mm. Louis B. Konrad jr., UnAn application wns received from ict> this election. ion Beach; Mr. and Mrs, Ronnie krmerly of Morganville, were CHlton. Duncan Thcckor Associates, AsThe issue involved a poitiblv facets of honor at a family dJaner, Plighl, Defiance Attending were: Mrs. James Clif- Ringwald, Cliffwood Beach, Mr. bury Park, for a use permit to aland Mrs. Sidney Adter, Haitet, ami conflict of inltreat o n the part of i t M Sept. S at the American Hotel, ton, Mrs. William Clifton and Mrs. low construction of a ready • mfx Mr. Itaumnn In contraMing, with Miss Joan Bishop, Keyport. Freehold. The dinner waa glvtn ay Of Officer, $95 John Roberts, Matawnn; Mrs. tillconcrete plant to bo erected on a others, to du work o n a Inilldins: • M r children as a farewell party A gift was sent by Mrs. Chsrle* 3.7 acre trnct on County Rd. jual wherein the l»>iir(i of education ! Magletrate U a y t Elgart, Mala otti and Mrs. William Truex, Holm- RlngwaM, Montcltlr. aa Mr. and Mrs. Demery left Sept. del; Mrs, Garito, Marlboro; Mrs. MATAWAN CHEVRON west of Route X in a light induswan Township, fined R. F. Uiislt, hsd contracted with thu owner, Tto make their permanent home In TldlS . 1UBIS . BATTERIES trial mm'. Tti« application was John UiirlMixelntn, l o r<mt *p*ce PettssMrgk, Its tor attempting to Vincent Gentile, Morgsnvllle; Mrs. Riviera Beach, Fla. Ted Miner, Keyport; Mrs. Kane, 14 ( N t l l tn 3tta>thfVI9faV LaMkattl 1 Stars On Hand For laken under consideration. flee a o a s t by Patrolman Thorn as "ouisiik n m i n s . " The yearly Following the dinner, the guests aa Wallace, towr.thlp police, from Mrs, Jamei Redmond, Mrs. WilMATAWAN, M. J. rental wn» $4MC. M M entertained at the home ol CHffwood lo Uurenct Harbor and liam Seaman, Mrs. Ben Strnnlcra, South Pacific" Opening lipsft Mtcfc«ni« On IM> Mr, Bauman explained re Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Freeman, making remarks to belittle tht offi- Mrt. Robert Wlntm-ber*, Cllffwooil, 111. Me-ttM pair* writ needed and iiMiillallon termer Morganvltle residents, cer when he wan slopped Aug. 23. and Mrs, Clro Tesoro, Union Beach. Joe Franklin of lh« Memory of toiltts that l h a ru>m» lying «4M ha«a mavad to Freehold Town- A total nf |7D of the fine was on a I.imo Show, WOR-TV and Jim Am(continued from page one) nilt'd would ciynhrm »«l!)i i c c o m tksp. Tht Demtryt aad Freewmi disorderly count and 110 Imports •che, star of hli own radio show walk on Matuwnn Rd. t o t h e tltinl Takft leauty Court* on WIIN, will be present at the » No. ft Memorial Sclwol nnil u'rHliiilimn of t i n Stata Di'parlgaM their homa oa Orchard Phwy.( were for driving nn the wrong CM. I I ribbon cutting ceremonies i t the ho Laurence I'mkwuv School, and ncnl of luluniilon. And Hint lli# Morganvllle, to i t . Clement's Par- side of the rnmi »ml refilling to MMitr l.lniln Viuicc, 12 Amlovor U n t , pening ol "South Pacific" at tht Ivi those In UKI CllrTwootl Hrnrh "wncr, Mr, Iliii'biigvlali, hud reckMi, Matawan, for us« u a rectory. produce his driver's license. MalftWDit, WHS among the new stu- Mignolia Inn, Sept. U, It will run i m who had t o C I O M Koulo Si tu oned Hint M'O \vu< thr mint hf Ouetia were Mr. aad Mrt.Alien Atkins of Stata SI,, Rah dents to enroll In Wilfred Beiuty i't t o t h e n e w (iorilnn (.'I»I|KT |r. could ft|M'iid wit limit mnkmu thr flanrge Deawry Jr., Mr. and Mrn. way, wan fined t H for iihoplffting School, IM Hangs Av«., Aibury for five weeks, Also to IHJ prvtvnl at Ihe euro- fi(.l«K)l, opnncif n llrit tlnifl fhl.i rrntiil n IIIHIMK |M<I|I»4||I,MI for him William Demery, Mr, and Mm. $12.70 worth of merchiiridlte from Psrk, to study towurd n citrccr In I'vi-iituiilly, •ahert Darnery, Mr. and Mrs,the Aeme Marta on Ront« M. C. beauty culture. City Monixer Car- mimics which will bruin a| 7; JO .ear. Thu boKNl nii'iiiliri d e c i d e d thai . Freeman sml Mr, aad Mrs. Robert Harry fimllh, Acme security offl- mine LlpbiK, Anbury I'urk wsi on p.m. will Iw Mnyor lidward B, Hut Iliu bii.iril, lit nvprtlni! 'Huns Im iind tlmvi ntluT in -'intx-r•< "I th" Miilnwiui, I he producer mid :l«y nml ucaiii T w x l i i y , win cun •olfyilk, hand1 it ttw »cl>wl 'lin'iilny, iliv Hyrne, :er, was complainant. Clll/i'iii C'niniiulli'!', ui v»h|..h Mf, 'xtfL'iillvo dlruclur ol lit* theitlro, lint clity of beiuty training, Key K(«m, the muilo director, Irv frontcd with roni|>lnliil* liy piircnts liiiilMC'Inln |n KWI a niMMiliet, Clean fined Klltaheth flttrrett, ulrli FAVUKI Th« Atbtiry l'»rk school, n» well Kline nun thi' l.imiriut' HmlHir nml UlO evil In (In llu* v.olU Commifttjt) M««ttnoj Arlington Avv,. CllffwmKi. 12* for as and D»l Hoffman, for Mr. tint the Ncwnrk and I'lnhuloliriilii 'Wl*xl 111'Illll, liih^ . M'lllcil IIr. hiiKi'lnftt nil Ih" [oil. luud and tbuilvd UiiMUtgt, r»!ii!)llilimii/ii», iAliiK t'i"|x< a received lull sccrtIWJay For Pack 10 I I « , H i n t I h ' l r ( l i l l i l i i i i ' l i ' M h i i n u t ill: Nlcul, 40 Arliijrdaln Dr., on lnltoti by Hut National Inslltuto ol Miinln wnlkcri <m n m.ul Illio MmOffers Low Itti "VW, (hi' Illllll'loll'tlril, * ; : ! . « |l ctimpUlnl nf William Drown, a t'oimeUilojiy Education thli yesr. iwiul l t d , W l i i ' i " I l i n r siri! mi * M e ' m i l d IIII i i i M i l l n n I n | h « j i n m i i h n « Cub Park M, sponiorrsi by Si 129 fur MIIH drunk »nd M the fltM time this rmiim Jssstcpti'* Parent • Tnnctier ASAO> Tfw Sdilo IIIKIIWIIV Department nn Atig, 37, lie wtti tr> I hli bm* " ' . i l l | p . | | l ( | i ( l | j lit I I I " I ' l i i ' . l l n Ifi to t tkw Unvy tmlny snnmincNl s. low hid nt (. were r.i'l'in!'. (lathxt, Ktytwil, will hoM It* firm I ,i|nn. • i i l ' l m i l I Mil .1 H i , . | i i | i t i r , i i | i > | t l l . I'ntrrtlttmn Clifford Mir- I n n u t y C I||lv«n I | O | { 1 \ l I.VUN I \:H D I U \ INC Committee nireihi)! Sunday, At f |1M,IM.I(I WM iwlvcnl from Mmil " t U II n m l . . H i I III' l i o n i i l I I.M ihl'ffi ; M | . | U, i.r-l.*)) l>-ltli a n i , In the fcliiol t'iif,'ti'ilii, Cimlrndlnu, (!o,, Inc., Matnwnn, •""•i HI l l l ! « I m • h l . i i i - . .Ill II. " I ( | | | , | J 1 ' i l M ' l l l i | i l n l i r . | 1 U . . ill j . ll | : i i i | l CoouBunieatioii Mother* To Meet Ekw M M M M , Dvcorator, Shop Christinat Warning Signs Court Power New Catholic High School Accept Bids Apartments Still fork At P.M. Hus Demands f t t i d n l i nf htiya r>ls«hl ywir* ofage, litit nut yet II, wlw wish l o In1ttmin S m u t s tire litvllrit tti nltriut, HiiHi'tthm To Meet Utarh Hirlhihiy IlKiwnlt1 TriKtp Mi, Matiiwttn, fy Ann H5 Lower v ill Hint IVrriflptdiiy /NOII ,1 tn N i l rim, at Ih" hottM of Mi«. Math. tiiH.lti.lny nl it (truly ttn H«?|il, Nmv li llin lime In mlviMlh" 0 . f'ifhHf, fctuk-r, S* l<«ir> Dr.. it* were Mr, anil Mm, MetMure WIHHIK, Children nln ifiiurst trlMf MIHIui'll ( 1 | ( | l ' | p < f o r •attlt*. A IHUIO MmlHmir1? ntiil fntitlly, Mill H'Hill ml in ihf ciimifinl culiiimi <nl td bfltif! t h r w «/|ti«f("* m tt>U » * # « , mill Mrs. A p e * Dijpenietit Will turn Ihcm lulu uish (in you, tut Hit' HllrrtHKii's ntlivliy, ml children, lltulet. N<HV ck'lis Will l»< rUlitliliBllwl ntul imiilf! f u r lli<> I'liniliiH y i ' i i r «(„ » for diiftli/liiu A |KMlk).", M llntitt' ,;U lit Mimtnmiili Comiiy, 'Hut d.mll/n. •km Mil Itii'liMte o»ie mile of Hie lltlmtiv (mm Hie vlrmlly dl linn )/M Hi). I'linltvmil In llm vicinity l Hull llmite MiiKik In MrmiilrtimH lownilil|i. Thurt"W(itojtfl Is iilnii il in iiM-trit^t1 llH" fnitrit'ily nf I fnmi ll y lo four \t»w», I H t Wrt Ilt ill II nv;l(l|l I ' l l ' I ' I III Mr. V ["I IIHllllll lU'l'-rmelll I > 1 / • 11 11« > 11 "5 ' KvnIi'Wiv. <;iii| VtllllllUl yi'Mi'iihiv I'.llll l||l :. l l M | l | - ' . : . il l l [ II | | | l | i l " j'.ll Illlll i i/ i i i l i m i " M ' l l : I H HI N i l W l U i"i"l liy lintlli' i i ' i nIMfiilrn With I d l n l r k I I Hf|,| l"l I W u j l i ' i ' ' i w m l l i l ' I ' l l H'llilli! m i IK.II S l n t f n i i l - i l \ui,m I K I I I I UMitniti Ml ll)i< | ! | tj|f l)|i,| , | , .( -, ;|| ( ;^ , , , ] | n^tr ' I if i .tllotlti I m r . M n. I inn t ! i i l l | » : II i. S'-f «l l'l'lllllll'l ' - . I ! • . •< ; I'Hi-, " l l I'l nnil.r. Inn il ilml ii'iiii l iiif iMt'i'; i mil i ' I V tir.ii i i t f i l l ' ' lacl. ,1 '11^ In. |Mill III III. . l ' . | ' | . . - l i - l " . 1 i(» l«'iir " l l llll :i.n = | t '1X11 "Hll"()ii ilnlV (l ir |H|| 1 tinic» . . | lll.l >' 1 , ' l - .in.l 1 > . i I V l i • • • • I | I . ' Idfi llt.l) i».-i nun Mil Inmt ft-ptm Matawan Auto Supplies -.< U o y H H H T al hMy S i l l M * THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. I*. Itftl "Sally Hawkins " Prizewinners Matawan Adult School Will Open Sept. 30 The fall term at the Matawan Community Adult School, Inc., will begin Sept. 30. Classes wilt be held al the Matawan Regional High School on Monday and Thureday evenings between • and ] • p.m. All interested person* over the age of 18 are invited to enroll at the Matawan High School, Atlantic Ave., Matawan, Sept. 20, ] l , 22. between 7 and I p.m. There is a tuition fee and tmall regiatration fee. Since claisei are limited, it is suggested the enrollment be made as early as possible to insure placement in the course chosen. CUt— T« Be OtfMWl Classes will be offered in AM, drawing and painting, ceramics, sculpture, furniture repair and re finishing; beginning bridge I and II and informer1' '.<• bridge; golf and [ Convention Spcabar I Mr$. Hulmrt 89-Years-Old Alumii Scholar beginning photography, akn ballMrs. Reseau Hulsart, 31 Park roam dancing. Ave., Matawan, was the guest of honor at her 89th birthday party Also offered will be courses In given by her granddaughter, Mrs. beginning and intermediate dressJames Semoneit. making, tailoring, fashion design, interior decorating, slipcovers and She was presented with flowers draperies, also party cooking, from Matawan Borough Mayor Ed landscaping and gardening also ward E. Hyrne and Mrs. Hyrne will be featured. and many gift* and cards from her Bookkeeping, securities and inguests. vestments, beginning and review Attending were Mrs. Thomas Hultyping and stenography, general sart, Mrs. Clinton Hulsart, Mrs. education development assistance Sarah Friedman, Mr. and Mrs. and speed and efficiency reading, Vernon Magee, Mr*. William Baintroduction to modern mathematder, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tremics far parents will be included. per and children, David, Richard, Courses will l>e given in converDonald and Daniel, Mrs. Howard sational French and Spanish, gym-' Wolverton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valnasties for women and physical ler, Mrs. Gertrude Carey, Richard Mlitt PAMliLA HIBllfclit fitness through dance; beginning S. TIM SCHWARTZ Magee, Mrs. Edward Froehlich, and intermediate guitar plus a Names of the l<7 Miami Unfc Mr. and Mrs. S. Tim Schwartz, Mrs. Ronald Sheldon and daughter, versity Alumni Scholars for MSM course in radio and T.V. repairs. Sandra, Mrs. Fred Slae, Mrs. ClarMatawan, have returned home from For parents of young children have been announced by Miami'! Sulphur ence Beam, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Office of Alumni Relation*. Among , there is a course in problems of the Greenbrier, White Springs, West Va., where Mr. Longstreet, Mrs. Percy VanBraklc, thoae to receive scholarahlne m early childhood. Schwartz was a featured speaker Miss Susan Semoneit, Mrs. Myrtle Miss Pamela Charte Hlbbeta, at the annual Sales Leaders Con- Olden, and Miss Linda Ravettina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R i d * vention of Madison 1-lfe Insurance all of Malawan. ard S. Hibbetts, 21 Van Ethel Dr., Company of New V o r k. Mr. Gifts were sent by Mr. and Mr*. Matawan, who was graduated front Schwartz is President of Frontier Irving Cooper, Mrs. Courtney Ray- Madison Township High School ia Planning Corp. of America, New mond, Mr. and Mrs. William Hul- June and i* enrolled in the frerfv York, a General Agency of Madi- sart, Mrs. Catherine Mason, Mr, man class of the university In 0 * While this committee has been son Life. and Mrs. Roy VanPelt, Mrs. Ed- ford, Ohio. meeting all summer in preparation Mr. Schwartz's address to the ythe Carhart, Mrs. Elizabeth AIfor the party, the official club year The Alumni Scholars are recip> cott, and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest will start Monday with the meeting convention dealt with the impor- Garrison. lents of scholarships provided di> tance nf quality business in the long of the Board of Trustees. rectly by the Miami Alumni AssoMrs. William Bowie, president, rani;c success of lx>lh life insurciation in a program designed H ance companies and general agen Ayvlei Chapter will be accompanied by department attract students of ability and leadchairmen at the State Fall Confer- cies. He discussed training techership. The program is separata ence at Douglass College, Satur- niques, the emphasis on careful Plans For Tea from the university's general stu> supervision and long range planday. dent aid program of scholarships, ning, and the administrative con A Membership Tea will be held* grants in aid and loans for which The first club meeting will be trols employed at Frontier Planheld Monday afternoon, Oct. 4, with ning, designed to assure the suc- Tuesday. Sept. 21 at 8:30 p.m. at need is a basis. Mrs. E. Tell Lederman, member cess of the agency's field represen- the home of Mrs. Samuel Wexler, Scholarships in total value of presenting a program on Indonc tatives and contribute to the long 12 Ferland Lane, Matawan, by the $33,180 have been awarded to I5| •la. Mr. and Mrs. Lederman lived range success of the agency it- D'nai B'rith Women, Ayelat Chap- freshmen and 17 upperclissmen. ter, Bayshore Area. The memberIn Indonesia prior to returning to self. ship of the local Chapter now totals Matawan last year. Mrs. Allan J Madison Life was formed in New 120 women in the Bayshore area. Morrison will be hospitality chair To be welcomed at the Member- Fint Aid Re/tortt York State as a new life insurance n a n at this meeting. company a little over two years ship Tea will be the following new ago. It attained JIDO.OOO.OOO of life members: Mrs. Samuel Summer, On Monthly Call* insurance in force and a position in Mrs. Melvin Landau, Mrs. David Captain Frank Bertulls of the the top third of America's life in Borowka, Mrs. Morton Fisher. Mn. surance industry on July 30 of this Milton Barefoot, Mrs. Lawrence Matawan Township First Aid ana year. Mr. Schwartz's agency has Gray, Mrs. Hy Ella*. Mrs. Arnold Rescue Squid has reported that been affiliated with Madison Life Edelstein, Mrs. Al Friedman, and the squad answered a total of 155 first aid calls for the month of Jufor a little over a year, and is one Mrs. Daniel Bach. A combination gourmet lunch- of the company's leading agencies Anyone interested in joining may ly. Among these calls were 71 eon • cooking class will be sponsor, contact Mrs. Lawrence Lerner, emergency transports, 17 trans* ad by the Matawan Township Auxmembership chairman, 8 Olden ports, 23 accidents, 19 fires and 21 iliary of the Baysnore Community Matawan Community community service calls. Tha Lane, Matawan. Hospital at the Poet's Inn on Tuessquad's four ambulances traveled Adult School Meeting day. 2449 miles and members donated Sisterhood Meeting 460 man hours during this period. This unique fund-raising event, The regular meeting of the Matthe first of a series of luncheon In other business. President The Sisterhood of Temple Shalawan Community Adult School was demonstrations, will feature a les Ralph llaspel announced that th* son in tho kitchen by George Vero held recently at the high school om of Matawan will hold its open- squad voted full membership to renowned European chef, who Is The board was thanked by John Ing meeting of the 1965-1946 sea- William M.irphy at the August busthe owner of the historic dining V. Caracciolo, principal ol t h e son Tuesday, at 8:30 p.m., in the iness meeting. President llaspel school, f o r thair sift of sowing all - purpose room of the Strathspot. machines which will be used by more Elementary School. The also reminds township resident! A product of Swiss and Parisian the Home Economics department. program will feature a parody or who have not made their contribuculinary institutes, with restaurant Mr. Caracciolo, also expressed tunes from "My Fair Lady." Rab tion to the annual fund drive they and hotel training throughout Eur- thanks for the pholofjraphic equip- bi and Mrs. Sheldon Gordon wil still may mail it to the Squad, in ope, Mr. Vero fled from his home ment which was also donated by be present at this meeting. Cor- care of P.O. Box 412. Cliffwood. in Communist Hungary in 1956. He the board. The equipment will be sages will be presented to all new learned about American restaur- used by the students of the Aduli members, refreshments will be If you need printing of any kind, ants with Restaurant Associates, School classes and by t h e higl served, and there will be a door we are here to serve you. Our as chef in their Rainbow Room and school students. prize awarded. The public is invit quick service and reasonable price* Newarker restaurants. He has won will please you. Those who attended the meeting ed to attend. several awards for catering at the were Mrs. Alfred Manville, presiNew York Coliseum food shows. dent; Mrs. Everett Wolfson, treasThe Veros took over the Poet1! urer; Mrs, Budd Slicesley, vice Inn in 1964. president, and Mrs. Zdzich Plsarek, publicity chairman. Special Chicken Dish Mr. Vero will prepare Chicken Paprikash, a dish of his native Knlvn Svlon I/ill Hungary, which is one of the favorite "specials" at the Poet's Inn. Miss Ann Mario Falco, daughter After the lesson, guests will ad of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Falco, journ from the kitchen to the res- Texas Rd., Morganville, has entertaurant's Coach Room where they ed Scton Hill College, Greensburg, will enjoy a full - course luncheon, Pa. She is a graduate of Central HIGHWAY 79 — MORGANVILLE featuring Chicken Paprikash, Freehold High School and will start Future sessions in the auxiliary's her college classes on Monday. MARLBORO TOWNSHIP scries will include other specialties of the house such as Fresh Mush591-1313 24 Hour Service room Cap stuffed with Souffle of Woman'» Cluh To Mvet Crabmeat Imperial, Hungarian The Woman's Club of Laurence Goulash, and various European Harbor will meet Monday at 8 p.m. Frederick R. Waitt, Manager dishes. in Webstur Hall of the Laurence Mrs. Melvin Shiloni, 566-7122, is Harbor Community Church. chairman and may be contacted for ticket Information. Woman's Club-50th Year A 50th Anniversary Gold and White Yearbook is ready for distribution to all the members of the Woman's Club of Matawan. The club was organized in October 1915 by a small group of women whose ideals have been upheld during the ensuing years. The 50th Anniversary Party will be held Monday afternoon Oct. 18, IVAMa, c»dialnnM "(Ml) ee-.fradilates M a r t at 12:30 p.m. In the club house on as -i—._ ^^_^ti^ ^ ^ •ajar, I M 4 W Waldea, JIU Farrell aafl Isabel Wai- Jackson St. Mrs. S. Herbert Tayaf * a lev. E*rar*J D. Mraae, aave prevea lor, Cherry Hill, President of the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Albert Abell, immediate past president of the club, and Mr*. Calvin Pearce, p u t president m Vaa AS* treat raariti la UteMiaaiii At Aaa Haas are co-chairmen of the celebration. Matawan Persoa&l Items UN Mia. Lormua Vwtft. r«L W-Ull WHUam T. Currta, aoa ot Mr. Mr. «ad Mra. WiUiam Miller Mn, Edward W. Cunrie, Mi on were the recent guest* of their ton,' Thursday to enter Ma freshman William, in Wilmington, Del. Mar at Coe Collet*, Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mr*. Walter Donkth, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pettersen and children, Seaford, L.I., and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petiersen and children, Schenectady, N.Y., were Largo, Fla., and Mlsi Jane Donath, the weekend guests of Mr. and Iowa: . •" • • • ; • • Mr. aad Mrs. Lewis S. Bergen, New York, were the recent dinner Mr*, Trygve Pettersen, Prospect Mfaburgh Pa., were the weekend guests of Mr. and M n . William Point. Mr. and Mrs. tack Bsrst, Strathattests ot Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Otuway. Mn. Lydia Walling, Mrs. Albert more, were the Saturday guests of Donrinfck. Mr. Bergen ha* just baaa named vice president of the Abell, Mra. Bertha Story Schanck, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Soodak, BrookContinental Copper and Stetl In- Mrs. William Burmester, and Mn. lyn. WilUam Slavin dined at the Long dustries, Bradburn, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edgerton, Branch Inn on Thursday evening. Mra. Louie Paiiania entertained Mn. Benjamin Dennis, Keyporl, New York, were the Saturday dinat bridge on Tuesday evening. entertained the Crusader C i r c l e ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Priie winner* were Mrs. Richard of the Fint Presbyterian Church Loud, Strathmore. Erdrmuw, Mrs. Helen Quinn and on Wednesday. Attending were Mr. and Mrs, Norman RosenMn. Gerard Devlin. Other gueits Mra. Peter A. Read, Middletown; blatt and children, Strathmore, •were Mra. Howard Erdmann, Mrs. Mrs. Rudolph Fraebel, Mrs. G. J. were the weekend guests of Mr. R. L. Carlan, Mrs. Warren Vree- Sterling Thompson, Mrs. William and Mrs. Mickey Gellmar,, Kings land, Miss Either Blau, Mra. Karl lambert, Matawan, and Mrs. Don- Park, L.I. Ileuser, and Mn. Paul Egan. ald W. Robinson, Toms River. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crane and Mrs. William R. Craig, Miss Miss Grace Thompson, Westfield, daughter, Mary Lou, Strathmore, Catherine McDonald, and Mra. Ev- was the weekend guest of Mr. and have returned home after vacationing at Long Beach Island. ait Sikx» were the priie winner* Mrs. Franklin S, Thompson. whan Mrs, Gerard Devlin enterThe first meeting of the new seaSunday dinner guests of Mr. and tained at bridge on Thursday. Other son of the Mothera Club of Mata- Mn. Trygve Pettersen were Mr. • a eat* were Mra. Charles Pike, wan, will be held on Tuesday eve- and Mrs. Edward Loud and chilHohndri: Mrs. Thomas Welstead, ning at the home of Mrs. Howard dren, Strathmore; Mr. and Mrs. Mr*. Uroy Stckai*. Mr*. Paul Eg- Warden, Wekkm Rd. , Clifford Pettersen, Seaford, L.I., an, and Mra. Marguerite Laird. Miu Betty Siebert, Schenck Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petterhas returned home after (pending seo, Schenectady. N.Y. Ray Sasso, aoa of Mr. and Mrs; Raymond Sateo, Mt on Sunday to M week* at the Hotel Grenville. Mis* Ginger McDonough, daugheoatmue hi* studte* at Case Instl- Bay Head, where she served as a ter of Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Mcwaitress, accompanied by Miss Donough, Strathmore, left on SunClaire lvey and Misa Mary Fen- day to enter her freshman year at Mlas Phyllis Maghan, daughter nelly. Glaasboro State College. Of Mr. aad Mr»rRoM Maghin; Mr. and Mr*. Pat Manxo and son, Mist Jan* Gregory, daughter of Miss Joyce Sawyer a n d Miss Frank, have returned home after Mr. and M n . Clyde Gregory, and spending several dayi at Lake Nettie Sawyer, Brooklyn, were the Dana** Reaves, son of Mr. and recent house guests of Mr. and NY. Clifford Reeve*, left on Sun- George, Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacPhee Mrs. Ronald Joseph. Strathmore. to enter their freshman year and Mr. and Mn. Edward Israel, family, Strathmore, were the at the Eastern Baptiet College. St. recent house guests of Mr. and Strathmore, entertained on SaturDavid's. Pa. Mr*. Pete Sadlotki, Lake Coven- day evening at a surprise party Mr. aad Mrs. Jec A. Cuihman try, Conn. for Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Berattended the wadding of Eniign Mr. and Mn. Jack Bant, Strath- genfeld, Strathmore, who were celJames MandavUle BeaU Jr. to Mis* more; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hack, ebrating their luth wedding anniVirginia Freeman on Saturday at Miss Mimi Hack and Dennis Ros- versary. Guests attending were Mr. I h a Seartdale Congregational en, Brooklyn, were the Sunday din- and Mrs. Gil Kashkin, Douglaston, Church. Icendale. (T?. ner gueits of Mr. tnd Mrs. Stan- L.I.; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zenser, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hartmann, Mrs. Chart** Log*, East Bruns- ley Seaman, Strathmore. wick, entertained at luncheon- Mrs. C. Ormsby, New York, was Miss Sylvia Keller, Brooklyn; Mr. kridge oa Wednesday. Priie win- the Sunday guest ol her son-in-law and Mrs. Danny Bach, Mr. and awa war* Mra. Thomas Welstead, ind daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mot! Mrs. Robert Kolodin. Mr. and Mrs. fba htxtet* and Mra. Enoa Perry, GWumal, Strathmore. In the after- Frank Wolpert, Mr. and Mrs. RichWagner, Mr. and Mrs, Ray and Park. Other guest* were noon they celebrated the eighth ard Mr. and Mrs. Arnold KapEdwin Lockhart, Mrs. Dwight birthday of their son, Steven. Mrs. Shaw, and Mrs. Don Shanosky, Matarod, Sayraville; Mrs. Donald John Kozloff was a guest In the af- lan wan. Robinaon, Toms River; Mrs.ternoon. Peter A. Read, Mlddletown, and Mr. and Mrs. John Connolly and Mr. and Mrs, George Wcisbcrg, children, Wood-Ridge, were the re- William Weisberg, Miss S o n i a Mn. Ekitore Kattner, Mr, and Mrs, George Clark were cent guests of Mr. anil Mrs. John Weisberg and Miss Barbara Cordon, Brooklyn, weru the Friday ft* Saturday guest* of Mr*. AHred Kikk, Marc Woods. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. evening dinner guests ol Mr. and OHdewail, Red Bank. Oestreich, Strathmore, Mrs. Lawrence Carrus, Strathmore. Mr. aad Mn, George Deitz at- Howard w e n Mr. and Mrs. Jo»ph Scheuer Mrj. E l e a n o r Gomllck, Tho tended a recent performance of and children, Brooklyn. Bronx, was the weekend guest ol "Goidn Roy" m New York. Baynard Smith his returned Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gomlick, Mark UMura. aoa of Mr. and home after .visiting hii mother, Mrs. Robert UMura, his returned Mrs. J. Baynard Smith, Chattanoo- Strathmore. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Ware and Is M i studies at Matter of the Sav- ga, Term. he, Mackwood. Mrs. Adam Banke and Mr*. Nor- daughter, Lisa, were the Sunday • r . and M n . William OrtawoM ma Holmes were the hostetie* guest* of Miis Beverly Orndorfl, ead children, Tomi River, were tht when the Ladle* Aid Society of the Trenton, Martin Liuterwald his return•anday guaats of Mr. aad M n . First Baptist Church held a coverad dish luncheon on Tuesday, Plans ed home after being a patient In were made for a trip to Peddler* Monmouth Medlcil Center. Mr. and M n . Rudolph Fraebel Mr, and Mn. Melvin Marks and && are the Tuesday dinner guest* VHlM«, LahfMka, Pa., on Oct. 12. Mra. Charles C. Schock |r., Sea children, The Bronx, were the Sate l Matawan Township Mayor aad Girt; Mr*. G, J. Sterling Thomp- urday ftuetta of Mr, and Mr*, B»fiMra. Henry Traphagen, Recent bridge guests of M n , son | r , Mlddletown; Mr*. F, How- nrit Dworkl*, Strithmuru. Oaorge Drill were Mr*. Charles ard Lloyd, MM, George YounkMr, and Mm. O r i l d Drenaman Osren, Mr*. Robert Meteroii and hear*, Mrs. Everett Carlson, Mr*. and children, Itayxido, N'.Y,, were Mra. Joseph Dtwll. Mrs. Oeran Oeorge Barrett, and Mn, William the Sunday uncuts uf Mr. anil Mm, Quinn, were Wvdnetday bridge Liwrencu CarniH, Sirathmuri.', ktld high score. Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Fraebel guenta of Mr*. Jac A, Cuvhman, Recent gumo uf Mr. anil Mm, Mrs. Gerard Devlin entertained suit Thursday In Point Pletiant, Henry Klochlln, Mure Woods, Mr, and Mr*. Georiie Chipin, at bridge on Friday owning and wer« Mm, Vincent Wmlc ami Mr, Hills, were tho weekend the prize winners wore Mm. I.e. and Mm, K(>||er Muz/onr, Urook•Meati of Mr, and Mrs. L, E, ray Slckvli, Mrs. W. 0. DUiiln, ind lyn. Mm. Frank RIIM. Other giif«t« •Mb*, Strathmore. Jurnc* Hi()»«rt, M l\nk Aw., I* Mr, and Mrs, Boos M*ghan have were Mn. lilmori- Kattner, Mm. H pntlmt in tho Hnmktlitlt1 Numinn d home from a trip to Seat William J. HalMil, Mra. Maruucrito lli>frii\ Rarllan T<iwntlii|>, m, Waih,, and a tour to Lake Lou- Laird, Mr*. Elva Hirtunvll, and Jerome and Kric t'lvnlk, # Ivy MlH Patricia MCKMNI. I * aad Banff, Albert*, Canada. Way, recently vl»lie<l the N*w Mr, aad M n , William Miller and York World'* Pair when* they unaKIdraa have returned home after kiyoi * rlitc on Ihv Munurtill, I the summer al ttieir home MatauHtn Cmi/tla Mr. »iul Mm, hnvp\\ MHIIIM1 ami Mrs. Arlelli Gourmet Lunch, Heads Unit Cooking Class Mrs. Frank ArtoUi was installed aa president of the Ladle* Auxll iary of the Matawan American Legion Pott 176 at ceremoniea held la the Legion Hall, Main St., Mala wan. Mn. Tessie Godbold, Monmouth County Auxiliary President, and her staff also installed Mn. William Donnenworth as first vice president; Mrs. William Biegner, sec ond vice president; Mrs. Margaret McDonald, chaplain; Mrs. Claude Brideau, treasurer; Mrs. George Morey, historian; Mrs. James Martin, secretary; Mrs. Mary O'Donnell, sergeant at-arm*. 'Irs. Brideau, immediate past president, presented gifts to her retiring officers and chairmen, expressing her gratitude for their cooperation. She also presented Mrs. Godbold with a corsage and gift from the auxiliary. Presentation* Mad* Mrs. Godbold presented Mrs. Brideau with her past president's ring. Mrs. Brideau also was given a corsage and gift from the auxiliary by Mrs. John Thaler, past president. At the conclusion of the formal ceremonies, Miss Patricia Dugan, delegate to Girls State in June, reported on her experiences and activities during the week's program at Douglass College. Sho thanked the auxiliary for the opportunity of attending. Refreshments were served during the social hour which followed. Mrs. Artclli will conduct her first meeting Monday evening, Oct. 1. All members arc urged to attend, and all eligible candidates for membership may attend this meeting. Neighborhood Scout Unit Schedules Session The Matawan Butough Recreation Building, Jackson St., vvili serve as the nuw muulinj; place (or the Matawun Neighborhood Association of Girl Scouts. Meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. Adults Interested in girl scouting are invited to attend. Mr*. Richard Getshall, neighborhood chairmun, nan pointed out that the number of girls applying for niemocrship In local tixMps continues to grow, nut It Is the adult volumror Mp which mint provide tho backbone of the program. WAITT FUNERAL HOME The Expense la A Matter of Your Desire Auxiliary Will Hold Card Party Oct. 15 Mrs. Joseph Rettagliata presidci at a recent meeting of the Ladic Auxiliary of the Matawan Township Hose and Chen.ical Co. No. 1. Mrs. Rribert Park, ways and means chairman, announced plans for the second annual card party to be held Oct. 15 ai the (Ire house. Tickets may !>e purchased from pny auxiliary member or nt the fir..1 house. After the mooting, the members were entertained at a lunu after which there was a hula contest and priies awarded, Winners of the contest were Mrs. Sam Can/.ano, most authentic hula; Mrs. Frank Devlno, prettiest and Mr*. John Jastrab, funniest, Atti'int Icr Show Mr. and Mn. St. Ottir I'arrii anil children, Barbara, Mlclwle, Lisa MlM Marllyri .Inm; Mmlvy, 173 and Mlchnol, GuUkm St., Cllffwood. Dmrflckl U I M \ ami MK» Kdith nttondWI the Saturday matinee perKathy Faun, Mill Mil., Ixrtli »f Mat- formanctt uf "Holiday on Ice" nl •wan, M l Sunday foe Newark Slut'1 Madison Square Gnrrini, New ColleKe, Union, when- they itio en York. A'«/«T Slnt<> rolled »% frnhiiH'ti, They uro .lime of Malnwuii Ko>tiniitil Navnjo Incllnn Ri'virvutlun with School mul iimtluMiintU'v nia 21,11(14 »(|iiuro w i l d In Arizona unil Utah li llw nation's lnrni''t, ..for folks who tike to munch PA VON ui! a r u m • m i A l , - IIKK A child with a kfaaa* new t«y, av«ry wrnnaa fcnwa (e try a w « reel**, A« a nawlal festvrr, rhl< Mwsewsvr will M M M I favatllet af mmnvn In lh# area, i'l'HAWHKNHV CMKKftK CANK •y Mra, fianrl* O'Connor, • UeetaMown l.aae, HaaM I I vaaIHa w«if«<r<t M as, ansrn inert* 1/4 cap m#M#« huller nr tHeo I aaga, s t a i r a M I laa, ItmMt julpt' I tta, Naur I Ida. ar»HMlnl«'il Minor 1/1 lap, a*H l / l e«e WNMult'it I'VHHtitniua m M I Iht, vinlll* 1/1 *m f/4 cup <ii(idf Crunch *i4fi<r. line *llh HIIIIHR BMI, «*• hutler, Icmitti |ulet> und I IIhn, n , Mtaur, M a u , M!< M!< well, ell, I'ft'ii firmly y tin IImlliiin m l l i n mtil ahnui hu hull w»y ! ti- the tipthe i\fa i\fa till th the IIHH !t !t!«t' tt:i' tt«:i' i m»v*nlt> » l hHf htHfiim HUH). ) Bent B d •inn, frank and Kyle, are rrtiirflInn in Iliplr ImniK In Purl Arthur, Tt>x,, aflt<r niwndliiH two wwha n Mr, and M n , James Andreotl, the nu«it» w Mr, H«ll«r'i Itrothpr177 Am hoy Rd,, Mttawan, celeHt-lnw itirt itUtor, Mr, md Mr> br»lev Ihelr Mih wttMfitM anniversary i t open hmiM al Ihtir Prank Arl«lll, M M , John i h i l e r , Mttuwnti nnil homa, l i t * ample are aetlv« and well. M n , Surah Ncuin, K*>yt»)rt, havf Mtumed ID llM<lr rmttiw *tw Mr. Andrmll l i tmnloyMl liv the Mailliiin Townihln Nitud l)?|i»rt- uppfltMfiK «if tvet'ttm n« ilw flH'»»i» ttf Mi'x, 't'hslor'ji WM mul ilntightprmwit, Mr, Andrvull a n d the former III law, Mr, mul Mrs, .luliii M I hoi1 M i l l Prance* Trpvvit wert1 mil 1 ' W, mul iiittii'lt'ut, 11,'li'iiiiH A"" r/(iil NPIH, Id, 11*11, In ,1i, Rttmi'i Clmiildle, f'dlif i.'tll <irtli'H"i|, mill I'JJU ytillo mill m i l well, Adil vt vun nmnr, flour, Ml«*i Ann Mat If ArMh, tliitmli t'lilirtli, Mn.VW Sir, Nrwitrk, They mlt, I'VtiiinniiMil milk Mil'! VIIHIIIII, Hem I'UJJ whllt<« mil II ill 11, lint nut me I lie imit'iih nf five tvim, mul I IIM if F Mt. riiiil M i i I Milk A • I "I leu dtv, Ailil 11 (|i|i »nt!,'tI uM f rtft'fiillv lulu {'\wt'w I M M I I H ' , him tutvt* U ijinmlchil'lifii mul IIIMI IHMI triihiti liivil f ' f i . II it,' In nioili>i»lt< iivcn, Hi ileutt'ci Mr till 1 | , ; | | i | | t H | S I l l l l i l l i l , WllVMll S\ l i / \ l Wtt (IrrtllJl'lllllltfll IKIHIIIfX, Of Illllll drill, (ill)! MH I M k Illr III MlllllMl">, I 'If llipitlMlj Illlll. ettlM M»n««<|U!tn Rivet Oolf Chili Tli^y rscelvfj nmnv CIIMIK, gilw ti'lll |q II !!I,II|II.IIII nl Mftt-llVrtll Ml" »Hl> ll'IIIHll llltl'MMli III,O'll blf.lM It.'l t it .. IIMli I ' , |l|«, (HHKlHfrll Illllll nml llllflniH'<(l: W f l X I HH I'lHllfll I'I(1-"»B I 1 "'" I oliriiiil Illiih •iiti'iH. On Sunday, Stephen ShoaUk, Ntw York, wai th* dinner guaat o< Mr. Md M n Patar Melnlk. M n , WiUiam otuway ar., Bay W f K , waa the recent h e m * • e a t ef Mr, and M n , William Ot•way, Moryland Ealat*. Mr, ted M n , L, E. Kr#b«, grethmma, and ihelr hon« |fu«»t, Mm, W*rr«n Zlnimatler, Coral fluMia, HI*,, have returned IKHIIO *!• lar spending several day* M — *» of Ihelr swt'lH'lift' and —-jkter, Mr, ami Mr», Warrmi uanalttwm, Avon, Conn, Mr, mtd Mm, Cnmillo I), Cli'iUlle • W S4 NUT BUTTER CRUNCH 7 A tailQ-iemptlng Mend of luicloui butler brittle, creamy-smooth Milk Chocolate tmi criipyfrmh touted null,'i Nut ButtwCrunch li the ntitliiil, butttfltK evtM letter lake homo * couple nf hoxc* of thi< rtclleloui candy, It goot Ilkt ll|htnln|| Matawan Drugs 115 MAIN ST., MATAWAN - 56<MM>21 WE DELIVER OPEN SUNDAYS LOFT'S..,FINE CHOCOLATES FOR OVER A CENTURY tl'v THE MAT AW AN JOURNAL, N. J. PftrTICI Readers Borrow Whhnry Boob Thursday, September 16, 1965 UJOKL NOTICE LEGAL NOT1CB LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ray H; New Jersey State Department SIXTH ELECTION DISTRICT and Southwesterly along the MaLai thence («) erly aknM Ike center line of Cliffof Civil Service Examinations S U Ma Snter * Hlint " " of - " -Slate ' • ' wood' Imsiue lo I t * Intersection with BEGINNING at Uie Intersection of wan ToivnshJp * Holmdei Townshjp line of south Concourse; the center Une of Church Street with boundary Une to a corner common Announced clos ig date for filing » la' a «t» l e r » direction, . the cental 1 i d center . where (he ma s aatd center d dw a i thence i n Easterly along the center the center line ol Lloyd Road; to the Township of Matawan. the applications. September 30, 1969. For thence ( I ) Westerly along the center Township of Marlboro, and the application*, duties, and minimum _ Hignwa/ M Intersects* tti Una of aeeth Concourse to the mean hnuadary Une of Ihe Township ol high water line of Raritan Bay: Une ol Church Street to Its intersec- Township of Holmdei; thence (9) qualifications, apply to Depirtnunl MOIJBCM asotJier has dectdaajl Musleal Cdteae, has htm taaing a Madiaoa; Uience <«) along the aaid thence Id) Beutherly along the mean tion with the center Une ol Atlantic Northwesterly along the Matawan of Civil Service, State House, Trenton. Hat t l Iks Township ol hlarh water Una of Raritan Bay to Its Avenue; thence (2) Northerly along Township - Marlboro Township boun- New Jeraey. to carry eat the plans at her n>asraaaal iataftat ia t h i eaat. Dr swuadary kfadieon to a point where saio Une Intersectioa with the center line of the center line ol Atlantic Avenue dary Une to the place of BEGIN Open to citizens. I I months resident caaUjp <_ toe center line of New daufMer ia Creek: thence (5) Westerly to Ita intersection with the center Uakar .poke M ksa wort wit* em- lalarsecta in the Township of MaUwan. •ranswleh Avenue; thence ( I ) In a Uatawan Une of the Freehold at Atlantic High beaaflt Outdoor Art ataaata m parHaaaat dialysis atetiag Assessing Clerk. Salary, | M ° par Polling Place: Etrathmore Clemen. nartkarl* diraetiea along l i e easterly and Southwesterly along the centet lands Railroad; thence (1) Northyear. a f Lake Lafferts to the fully Une of Matawan Creek to the olece easterly atone the center Une of the tary School, Church street kidaty aa we* u other petitnaaal adaw rune Public Worka Superintendent, SalIn back of Locust Place: of BEGINNING TENTH ELECTION DISTRICT Freehold * Atlantic Highland. Rail I—pi red ay the success of aa iafacUaaa at Ma moat race** die> Hurt ary, lawo per year. •heace I I ) along a Una drawn down Polllag Plaee- r i r . t Aid Bulldlns, road to ita Intersection with the cen-TRACT ONE: Hoad Foreman. Salary, fl.aa par Ska csaatr of said gully to a point Otfsjaar Aft Show amducU4 tMt BEGINNING et the Intersection ol ter line of Lloyd Road: Uience 14) Corner Aaiboy Road and Prospect caaakaa Tuaaday at Fitkia Mernor hour. re the center Una of Schanck Av Slate Highway Route M with the Southwesterly and Southerly along • • a t Mriag M MM I a n af the Intersects the center Une of »ve.. Oiffwood. the center Une of Lloyd Road to the boundary Une between the Township |1« 111.8 f O U l m l ELECTION DISTRICT baaat of M n . Richard B u t a t , J « ial HoapiUI. Street; thence IS) along the of Matawan and the Township ol Una of Main Street In a nor- BEOINNING at the Inferseetlon ol place of BEGINNING. BgBSasaaatWaaaal aaataaatat fiffaaaaaat Mate f t . , Mauwaa, wMch she viaMarlboro; thence ( I ) Northweaterlj therly direction ta a point where the the esnser line of State Highway SMERirr's SALE Polling Place: Matawan Regional along the Matawan Township • Marl Kad and » i which »ht eiMMted, the Or. Latker's work haj bata n- aald ceaatar Haa et Mala Street InUi Route) as with tha center line of Cliff- High School. Atlantic Avenue. aUPBRIOR COURT boro Township boundary line to Ita tka eaatar Una of Stale High wood Avenue: thence ( I ) NorthwestSEVENTH ELECTION DISTRICT OF JfE» JERSEY aaMad partially through a yearly eerie intersection with the center Une of era* M ; tkenea t t ) along tha aald can erly atone tha center line of State at the Intersection ot Gravelly Brook, the boundary line CHANCERY DIVISION I N I HUkraat Rd., Holmdal, * • tM,*4* stata graat, but more rwaa- la* stai af llala Highway M In an Highway Route JS to tta Intersection theBEGINNING Une of Church Street snd between the Township of Matawan MONMOUTH COUNTY aaatatly dlrertim U a point where with tke ranter line of Whale Creek; the center ta how a (later affair oa center line of U n e Road, the and the Borough of MaUwan; thence TNa was tha purpoat aald Osckat Na. F-MM M eantar Una of SUM Highway M thenee (1) Easterly elong the center center line ol Line Road being the I I ) Northeasterly. Easterly, Northtm U M Mr tta* kaMM of tha l a Tke Equttabi Uas Assurance ' art ahow. to provide lalaraecta the roadbsef of the Centra) line ef Whale Creek Its meandering boundary between Matawan and westerly, and Northeasterly alon« aociety of tke United I t s U t . a cor. ItaUraad af Naw Jersey; thence (10) courses to the mean high water line Harltan line M i (KMaey) Raaaaroh Fund. Dr. Lasker t ; carry Townships; thence (1) Ike boundary Une between the Town- eaeaUoi. of tke State of New York, ataag aald roadbed to a point where of Raritan Bay; thence (3) SouthWesterly and Northwesterly along rch program and to lav Tfct plan, t a d the datta decldad his of Metawan and tha Borough ol PUirtH! vs: Thomaa t. Searta and along the mean hlarh u'atrr tha center line of Church Street to skip Matawan to I U Intersection with the Sutc r aearli. kla wife. Defendants roadbed Intersects the center easterly k* • • m i l wHI ke respected. T i n spire other fund • raising projects Una at a ~ Church ntraert; Uience < l l ) Una W Raritan Bay to Ita Intersec Ita intersection with the center line center line of State Highway Ruuta By virtue of a writ of aiacutlon la tlnn with the center line of South of Lloyd Road; thence ( I ) Northerly ahaw date* a n Saturday and Sun- ioc the same purpoae. ajoaa. tke JM aald center line of Church (3) Southerly along the tke above sUlad action to me directttwnce (e) Westerly end Northeasterly along Ihe center M; thence ia a westerly direction to the Concnuree; Une of .«jete Highway Route ed. I shall expose for sale at publle day, Oct. * aad N . Matting at I I Mrs. IMsess already haa a list •trawl along the center line nf South Cor, with the Matawan Township • Rarl- center polsit or place of Beginning, M to the place of BEG1NNINO. •endue, at the Court Bouae In tha library antone! ' « »a.m., with rain dates of Saturday ol volunteers to help with the show. couree to Its Intersection with the of LJoyd Road to ita Intersection TRACT TWO: place, Midway Koaa House center line of Cllffaond Avenue: line Borough of Freehold, County of Mon. (an Township boundary line: thence by Hw bulidma com aad Sunday, Oct. M and IT. Snow Heading the Hat will be M n . Bur-aaPolling In the center of Tea mouth. N - » Jersey, on Monday the Washington Street. Uienee ffl) Southwesterly and West- O ) Southerly along the Matawan aaBEGINNING Road at a corner common to the Nth dsy of September. IMS. at I FOURTH ELECTION DISTRICT feaceea will ba erected on her par ke* who wlH offer her professional erly along the center line of Cliff • Raritan Township boundof MaUwan, the Township o'clock, P.M. Prevailing Time. All that part ol the Borough of wood Avenue to the place of BE.Township aata" lawn aad painting, of ••»•• experience as an artist and the Matawan ary line to the place of BEGIN Township of Marlboro, and the Borough ot bounded en the east and located tn tha Borough NING. Matawan: thence ( I ) Northwesterly ot Premise* aT» libnwy group will prates* • laora and professionals are re-knowledge she gained in conduct- northeast hy the boundary Une ol Matawan, In Ihe County af Mow tke Township of Uatawan, on the PoIHngf Place: Veterans' MemorPolling Plsc*: Matawan Township along the boundary line between the * K aatstM ' Ow Library at theejneatasl EAiMtora a n ashed to ing the art show for the benefit of aouth by the northerly boundary line ial Home, Cltffwood Ave. k flaw* Municipal Building, 117 Lower Main Township of Matawan and the Town- mouth and Stale of N>w Jersey, the Bayshore Community Hospital. of the Township of Marlboro, on thethorn Street, Cliffwood. *aft*ar aMattaf of Mi* Womaa'a M a g painting, for Mae. ship of Marlboro to Ita Intersection seing mere particularly describee •eat by the boundary line of the with the boundary Une between tht as follows: FIFTH ELECTION DISTRICT 'EIOHTII ELECTION DISTRICT Also serving will be Mrs. J . E . E l - Township Cbj* etf L W I M M Harbor. RahearaOaasJrjf KMwy Otwaaa Being l e t No. 17 as shown M of Matawan and on the BEGINNING at Ihe Intersection ol County of Monmouth and tha Count) BEGINNING at the Intersection ol ap entitled "Lakevtew Propc.ty ol Ramona'a life hung in the bal-singer, Neighborhood Chairman of aorMi br a Une emending as follows she center line of the freehold i the center line o! Ivyhill Drive and ol Middlesea: thencs ( i ) Northeastll» « « MHt tfcif WMfc. te wit: Atlantic Highlands Rollroad and thethe center line of Line Road; thence erly along the Monmouth County - Matawan Trading Corp., Matawan to now on It* winter ance between modern medical re- the Hofmdei • Ha/let Girl Scouts; Avenue; (1) Northwesterly elong the cenlei Middlesex County boundary Une to Ita Borough, Monmouth County, N. J . BEGINNING at a point whare the center line of Atlantic every Monday from aeareli and a d«adly kidney dis- Mrs. James Ackerson, Mrs. John center line ol New Brunswick Ave. thence (I) Northerly nnd North- line of lvyhlll Drive to Its Intersec- Intersection with the center Une ofFiled February f, 1990 In the Montomeruli nephritis, Frera, Mrs. Robert C . Candy and nue la Intersected by the boundary westerly along the Township ot Mat- tion with the center line of Lloyd New Brunswick Avenue; thence (3) mouth County Clerk'a Office In Caaa a.m.; every Tuesday eaae, chronic gfomeru Southwesterly Southeasterly, Southwesterly, South- 49, Sheet 19. victim had suffered miffere from this Mrs. William B. Barton, all of Una of the Township ol Matawan awan • Borough of Mntawan bound- Hoad; thence (2) tad Thinday from 7 to I:M p.m.; The Being commonly known and Uience (1) In a northerly direction ary line, said boundnry line bclnf along the center line of Lloyd Road easterly, and Northeasterly along tht disease iinoe childhood. The ail-Holmdei. the center line of Allnniie Avenue along the eaaterly edge of Lake Lefto Its intersection with the center boundary line between the Township nated aa No. S Miriam Place. "*mf W i d t i a i y from 1:M p.m.ment involve* failure of the kidOffers of food have been received ferta to the cully that runs In the and the center line of Dock Street to line of Stale Highway Route 34; of Matawan and the Borough of Mat- ou(h of MaUwan, New Jersey . • • • < • . , MMI every Saturday from neys to function. She tad been Locust Place; thencs (2) Ita Intersection with the center line thence (3) Northwesterly along the awan to Ita Intersection with the cen The approximate amount of the to provide a luncheon snack bar. bsck of a line drawn down the center at stafswnn Creek; thence 121 center line of Stale MlKhway Itout'* ter line of Texas Ro«d; thence (4) Judgment to be .atlsfled by aald i f M . M l •.!!>. making twice • weekly trips to B. However, more volunteers will be along aald gully to a point where the Northeasterly and Easterly along the :t4 to its Intersection with the center Southwesterly along the center line sate la the sum of 118,000 together Bvery reaMent of Madison Town- S. Pollack Hospital, Jersey City, needed to help Mrs. Hofsoss execute of center Une of Schenck Avenue inter- center line of Matnwan Creek to the line of South Atlantic Avenue; thence of Texas Hoad to the place of BE.with tha costa of this sale. * * > i i mvKcd to ute the library to undergo peritoneal dialysis. the art show planned by Ramona, sects the center line of Main atrret; point of Imundury between the Town. <4) Easterly and Northerly along ihe GINNING. JOSEPH A. SHAFTO. thence 13) along the aaid center of Matnwun nnd the Borough ot center line of South Atlantic Avernii Sheriff. Polling Place; Matawan Regional These treatment., lasting from 12 who would have been 23 years of tin* on Main St. in a northerly ship Keyport; thence (3) Southerly alone to Its intersection with the ucntel High School, Atlantic Avenue. Dated Aug. 17. IMS direction to a point where the aald lo 24 hours each, are designed to Mrs. Jams* Berger and M n Dorentus, Jlusseii, Faaano aV Hose K. Wcnzel age oh Aug. 31. Anyone wishing center line of Main Street Intersects the Township of Matnwan • Dorouitn tine of Church Street; Uience (SI Keyport boundary line to Its Intet- Southeasterly along the center line Township Clerk Nicosia. Attys. laaaa Vineyard were welcomed as replace the kidney function by to exhibit paintings and drawings, the center Une of state Highway M: of with the center line of the ol Church Street to its Intersection jl« »155.4(l j i t S35.W Uience (4) along Ihe aaid center line aectlon w * membera of the Board ol draining the peritonea' cavity, Freehold Ic Atlantic Highlands Rail- with the center line of Line Rend: or to help in any capacity may call ot State Highway .14 to ilnt where road; thence (4) Southwesterly QlonK thence (fl) Southerly along the cenrnntan. According to Mrs. Hofspss, her Mrs. Hofsess. ihe said center line of '.tale >llyh the center line of the Freehold A At- ler line of Line Itond to the plnce Mm. WlUiam Weeki Is in charge daughter first was stricken when Realizing science miraculously way 34 Intersects the rondbed of the lantic Highlands Railroad, passing of BEGINNING. over the plnco of beRlnntntf to the I'ulllnn Plnce: Rlrathmore Elcmen it scheJulIng librarians for duty she was 10. She seemed to recover, had kept her alive for 14 months Central Railroad of New Jersey. Polling place, Frenenu Independent Intersection of the center line of tary .School, Church Street. temi September. • but became violently 111 In I9G3. until her death three wechs ago on flrehouse. State Hlghwny Route 3-1; thence (51 Freneau Ave. NINTH ELECTION D1STHICT Putnam Dye Sold Exclusively Southerly nlnnK tho center line ot Despite constant medical attention, AUK. 21, she left a sealed message FIFTH E1.KCT1ON D1STHICT BKCINNING ut tho Intersection ol All that part of the Borough ot Slate flifhwjiv rinulo .14 lo Us Inlor- tho ct'Uler line vT Stale Highway her condition worsened until the for her mother " I feel that, section with t!ie center lino nf Smilh Route .'14 vvllh lhi> boundary line bu. hounded on tho tvest by kidneys barely were lunctioni. . perhaps, In the future they will be boundary line of the Townnhlp Atlantic Avenue: Ihenco (0) Easterly tween Mnlmnin Township and MnrlShe began her trealments at theable to help some poor persons Madison, on the north by '.heand Northerl}- alontf the center iinc boro Tmrrishli;; thence (1> Northerly utwistauu, HIS \Mtv IIWI ui ur •JIB? of Smith Atlantic Avenue to Us InJersey City Hospital when a medi- because of me. I believe 1 have **• Fre* Patting boundary line ot the Township ot tersection with tho cenler line of alnnii the center line of State HighRoute 34 to Its Intersection with 123 Main St. — Matawan — 566-9777 cal research unit fcr kidney ail- contributed something to medical Matawan and on the south OJH! east Church Street; thence (7) Easterly way til Reir Captain Frank Bertulls ol thements accepted her for treatment. science and thus, perhaps, my life by a Una extending aa follows to wli along the center line of Church the center line of Uovd Houd; thence at a point where the Street to Its Intersection with the (2) Northeasterly alonK the center Matawaa Township First Aid andThe unit, became of extremely lim- was not unimportant. 1 have not BEUINMNQ WE MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT I line of Lloyd Hoad to Its Intersection center line ol Slam llujliway 34 In center lino of Atlantic Avenue; I U W H Squad announced that the ited facilities, handles only a few the center line of Ivyhllt Drive; teraects the boundary line ot the ihenco (B) nlonK the cen-with lived in vain." Township of Madison thence I I ) tn ter line of Northerly thence (3) Southeasterly alone the Thurs., Fri.. Sat. Op«n Until I A.M. lajMai. answered i l l calls (or thepatients. Atlantic Avenue to the center line of Ivyhill Drive to l t l InSome of her 53 paintings will be an easterly direction along the aald place of IIEOINNING. M a t h of August. Among t h e * calls center line of icnld State Highway 34 tersccllon with Ihe center line (if Or. Norman Laaker, Professor Other Days — S A.M. to 11 P.M. Polling Place: Mntawnn Township Line Hoad, the boundary line bv••are 11 emergency transports, M of Renal Diseases at Jersey City on exhibition. Others planned for to a point where the euterly edge of Lake Lefferta Interaecte aald cen. Jnae 4 Chemical Co. Fire House. tween Mntnwnn Township and Holmthe show never were completed. tmasrirw, 24 accidents, 10 fires. 1ST Una of state Highway 34: thence IS tower Main Street :i> along Ihe easterly side of Lake t t o aammunity aervica calls. The Leffarts In a northerly direction to LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE a«Md's ambulance, travelled 2«SI Prospect Point: thence (3) elong a Una) drawn acroas Lake Lefferla from lalaa aatd awnbtra donated « S Block "J" on Plat Plan ol Lochslea Lane. Matawan, N. J. Prospect Point in a northeasterly dl Halihti, a Homa alt development Treasurer—Vincent Vinci, IS Wash- rectlon to Ravine Drive; thence (41 along a Una drawn acroaa tha gully t h l l l l m ! Ralph Haspel again rt- at Matawan. Haw l a n a y . fllad May Ington Ave.. Matawan, N . J. I, ISM in Mon outh County Clerk'a lo the lefl of Highland Avenue to a Trustee—Stuart Lewis, 101 Cortttsaah township residents who have Wflci as Uap No. 1-J. point at tha end of Liberty Street: land Lane, Matawan. N . J. not m a * their cattfribuiioti to the TOGETHER with all »nd alngular Trustee-Ted Schofield, U Jubilee thence IS) along a line parallel with Matawan Road to Lie gulley which « f M # t aawal hind drive that they the tanamenta, harwtltammta and ap- Ciiclt, Matawan, N. J . Trustee-Thomas Falco. 3tC Van runs along Aberdeen Road; thence tharsunto btlonglnf or "m atttl sand k to the squad, la purtanancM in anywlaa appartaintm, an tha rt-•rakle Rd., Matawan, N . J . along s Una down the center of lawrax* P.O. Box 412. Cliffwood. Objections, If any. should be made venlon or ravaralona, remainder and Cully to a point where eame ranalndara, ranta, laiuca aru proflta Immediately In writing to: The Town- Intersects with the center line ol tkerabf, AND ALSO, all tht «tala. ship Clerk, Rosa X. Wemel, of The Matawan Road; thence 17) along the U O A L NOTICE said center Una of the Malawan riaht. UUa. tntenat. moparty. poa- Township of Matawan. atLilon. claim and damand whataoMatawan Township Hose A Road In a northerly direction to the tnr, n wt): In law aa In equity of Chemical Co. No. 1 Inc. Mint when the said center Una ol mtutrrs SALE Matawan Road tntersecta the bounMorttaior. of. In and to, tha 79 Lower Main street ~ COURT at NEW JERSEY dary line of the Township of klsta and tyary part and patcal Matawan, N. J. RCERV DIVISION wan. -JMOVTH C ,UNTY thereof, with the appurtenances, and Jit $19.30 Polling Place. Borough Building or Docket No. F-2J3J-M also all materials, equipment, furMiddlesex Road. REGISTRY AND ELECTION i Jnllad National Bank ot Cliff. nlsMnls or other property whatsoever Margaret Vlebrock. NOTICE Park, a National Banklna As> nstalled or to ba Intlalled and uitd BOROUGH O r MATAWAN 0 1 1 ank " - af Ihs Vnlt-d States ol In and about tha building or buildings Plaintiff ve: Richard I . now erected or hereafter to Notice Is hereby given that qualified na no^o" "" " voters of th» Borough ol alatawen Lamaro and Elaine W, tensaro, his erected upon the landa herein REGISTRY AND BLECTfON not already registered In aald Bor" OafsndanU scribed . which are neceaaary to NOTICE af a WTH at •sacutlon complete* and comfortable/ use andough undtr tha lawa of New Jeraey TOWNSHIP OF MATAWAN stated action to sueoccupancy of such buildlnc or build- ajovarnlng permanent - registration, Notice is Hereby given ttiat quail' ill eapose for sale at Inas for the purposes for which they may register with the Borough Clerk. fled voters of the Township ol Mataclerk ot change of resiat U M Court House •rare or a n to be erected, Including In or notifyatsaid the clerk'a office. Borough wan not already registered In said n af Freehold, County part all awnings, screens, shades, dence, Hall. 150 Main St., Matawan, during Township under tha laws of New fixtures, and all healing, lighting, J •onmouth. New Jersey, on Mon. business hours or direct to tha Com- Jersey governing permanent regisiajr she JKh day of September, isfts, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating mfsslnner of Registration In Freehold. tration may register with the Townand cooking equipment and appurta* • t anytime between Wednesdsy, June ship Clerk, or notify aaid clerk ol * ~ o'ek-ek. P.M. Prevailing Time. " thai tract or psrc-l of land, nances thereto. Electric Range. a. 19*5. and Thuraday, September 23. change of residence, at the Clark's lying and belnf In Ihe Bor- Being commonly known and desig- IMS, during busineaa hours. SUNDAY office. Municipal BlrJg, UT Lower f Matawan In tha County of nated Mala St., in tha Township of Malaaa No. 19 Edgewatar Drive, " In tha Stats ol Naw Jar.Matawan, Nolle* of change of residence ai wan, during buaine l hours, snd at Naw Jeraey. application tor transfer ot reflatrs- special sittings aa heretofore pub. 10 A.M. to 12 Noon Tha approximate amount of tha Moa shall be wade aluicr br written udgment to be satisfied by said request forwarded to tha Borough lished. or direct to the Commla. sloner ol Regiatration In Freehold sale Is the aura ol »1S,MO together Clark or Board or by calling tn par•etween Wednesday, June 1, 19*5, and BOB at Ike oMca of trie Borough Thursday, September i>, I9t>. Clerk e t County Board ot Elections •si la and Including September t l . Notice af saaaaa m residence ei aajpUcatfcM for transfer of regtstra Sheriff. Joa shall ba made either br writDated Aug. IS. IBM On. Thursday, September » . IMS. tan request forwarded to the Town. Dlrkion ft CraigMon, Attya. Mil Ml I Me registration books will be closed Clerk er the Commissioner ef IIS |37.aO until after tha forthcoming General ektp ktaglBtratlon In Freehold on forma CAHfUlLY AND COIMCTW BlectlMs oa Tuesday, November I . provided MONMOUTH COUNTY by said Township Clerk, or SURROGATE'S COURT FITTIO AT or by catling 1n peraon NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRE- NoUeo la M rira*» given that Die Commleetoner tha office ot tha Township dark SENT CLAIMS AGAINST ESTATE •Met — Boards ol J Election and Regis- at rar Commissioner of Registration up ESTATE OP rHANK BEOLF MAR' try la and for the Borough of Ms- te and including September 23. IMS. tawan. County of Monmouth, State TIN, DECEASED on this metering Scotts On Thursday. September 19, IMS, Purauant to the order of DONALD of New Jersey, will meet at the the ragiatratlon books uill be closed If you have a problem , CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the Pisces hereinafter designated on Spreader when purchasuntil after the forthcoming General TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1915 County of Monmouth, thla day made, election on Tuesday, November I, lawn, you can spread SaaclaliiiM la on the application of the undenlgned, octween the hours of 7 a.m. snd H 11105. ed with any Scotts proWilliam I Martin. Adml lalrator of p.m. for the purpose of conducting the Notice Is hereby given that the DisJUVENILE ERASE to wipe out what tha eitaU of the aid Frank Bedte general election for tha election of trict Board of Registry and Election tn duct. Regular 19.95, One Governor. Martin. dactaMd, notice Is hereby and for tha Township ol MaUwan, Two State Senators. FOOTWEAR you have. A week later liven to ike) creditors of aald deceaied County of Monmnuth and State of New now only 14.95 in comThree members of Ihe General As- Jersey will meet at the places hereo> preient to the aald Administrator NORMAL snd COMECTIVt you sow Scotts seed inafter designated on their clatma under oath within eix sembly. bination purchase. One She nil. SHOf S FOR TOTS thru Tf INS month* from thli date. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER I , IMS Two Members of the Monmouth between right into the dead stubDated: August J4th, 1«SS the hours ot 7 a.m. and 8 County Board of Freeholder. p.m. tor the purpose of conducting Scuff u p William J . Martin Three Coroners. ble. A n d you can ferihe general election for tha election IS Park Avenuo SANDALS and SNIAKIRS Mayor. of: Matawan. N. J . , Two Councllmen for the lull term. With Cmhloma! ArcliH tilize with Turf Builder One Governor. Admlniitrator Tax Assessor. Scientifically Camtruciaal Two state senators. Philip 3. Blanda, Jr., I i q . Tax Collector (Unexpircd term) the same day. Three membera of the Qeneral Asrieetwood Drive The sessiunR of the r*-gjslry board sembly. lailet, ' i. DOCTORS PRISCmrtlONS will ba held at the following colling Now's Ihe time t o use One Sherllf. places: FILLED Two Members of tho Monmouth H i m ELECTION DISTRICT ERASE — to take adCounty Hoard of Freeholders. All that oart ol the Borough ol 219 SMITH STREET Three Coroners. Matawan, BEGINNING at ii point NOTICE vantage of the b e s t Seven Councllmen-at-Large. Take notice that The Matanan where the renter JJne ol Main Street PERTH AMBOY The session* of the registry boards Township Ifoie ft Chemical Co. No.intersects the boundary line of the will seeding timo of the year. be held at the following rolling I Inc. trading aa The Matawan Town- Township ot atatawfin ttience I D Jutt 4 Doort From ihlp Hogs A Chemical Co. No. 1 •long the said center line of Main turn, Railroad Station FIRST ELECTION DISTRICT Inc. haa applied to The Township Street in a southerly direction to the nr.GINNlNG nt the intersection ot •arkinf Lot Committee of the Township of Mat- bridge on Main Street south ot South 2,500 sq f t 9.95 — $ 7 . 9 5 awan tor a Club Liccnve foi- prem- Street; theitc* (2) along A line drnivn ho center line of State Highway Stare H a u n f i M t a ' a i M the center of the gully crnsnl Houto :i.i mid Ihe center line of Matlsea situated at 75 Lower Mnln Street, down Man. I Frl, till f P.M. by the laid bridge to Lake L e l f e r l ; awnn Crepk; thence (1) SouthwesterTownship of Matawan. thence (3) In a northerly direction ly along tho center line nf MaUwan CLOSED President—Richard Ltwlckl, 7 Oak along - • • - - -the • - easterly - • edge • o f Luke "Let Creek lo the bniiiiUary lino between lhadea Ave., Matawan, N. J . to Prospect Point; thtnee («) tho Township nf Matnwnn nnd tlir WEDNESDAYS Vice President—Thomas Hlaraplel, ferta along a tine drawn across Lake Let- IlormiKli of Mntnwnn: thence (2) HI Willow Ave., Matawan, N. J . ferta from Prospect Point tn a north- Northwesterly nlontf the Township Secretary—Peter Valise. 10 Norwood easterly direction to Hnvine Drive: of Mntmv.-m - nnrmttfh of Matnwnn thence (8) along a line drawn HCI-USS b»uml;ir}' Jltie to its Intersection tha gully to the left of Highland with tho center line of Matawan Av Avenue to s point at the end or Lib-pnii(!; thRnco (3) Nfirtlieiistorly nlong erty Street, thence («) along a line thn center line nf Mntawan Av*»ue parallel with Matawan ltoail tn thr to Its Intersection with the center gully which runa along Aberdeen lino nf Cllffwond Avenue: thence (•) Hnarl,. thence (7) along a line down Knsterly nlmiK the cmiler "no of tha center of tills gulley to s point Cllffuncxl Avemtu to Ita Intencctlnn where lame Inlitrsect* with the M M . wllh the renter line nf thu Rtnle tar Una of Matawan lload; thence [Hi IIIKhiuiy Kmito .13; tnerice (SI South. along the aald center line of Mat«u" i »attorlv nlonx thn renler line ol Hoar] In a northerly direction In In point where sold center line of Mnt Stntc IHnhwuv Itmile 3,1 In Um plnce awan Hrmd Irttersecta the bnuiwlnrv 1'iillinx i>hcei ('llflK'noil Mrmnrlnl line of tht Township of dinlnwim; 'hence ID) along the aald bmimliry Bchonl, Cllflwuml Avi',, Cllffivn.iil. HK(.'nNf) KLKCTION DISTHICT Jne of tha Township of MSIAWKH to HK.RINNINCI nt Ihs Inlrrsrctliui ol tha print or plara nf tlenlnnliiK . Polling pines, V. t l C. A. liulhllng. ttin rnnlrr linn of Bute HlKlivvnv Ilinitn :n wiih il,r. cenli'r liio "( cull, Dross Up The Outside) For Interior Painting wnnd Avonile: thi'tico I I ) Wcnterly SKCOND' ELECTION OISTIIICT nl'iml II nli'i- line of (.'liriuoiiil of Your Hom« With Benjamin Moore's All Dial n.irt nf lh* llnrntlgli ol AVfllllO In IM Inll'lil'l'lhu «HI| I ho Matnwnn, UKdlNNINO nl a [.mmrcllt''t lino >>l MJIIIIWIIII Avr>nil(*: REGAL where Ihe cenltM- lino nt Mnln Miprl D.i'nni Ki rVuihuMlFrlv nli"i« Hie 1 ' tnn rniikr line c,f Chiiii'h Iliin of MtiiiuvnM Avrnim In illrott, Uience I I ) In nil rn'.l'i 1 v ill cpnici liinuiihiry iliif 1I''!WI*MI um 'I'IMMI. mnlitm nl,)ruf Die center linn f t Hie »nnl lh« ll-JinuHh >f !hllri!h Biritel, tltpni'e ( I ) in an tnn Hlilp nt Ma\n\vm lln'iii'ii i:ti N''ily .cHy tllri'i'lltitl aliiiii( the trutu linn Mnlnwiinl lit blUI'i'll Hlri-nl I" a null'! Thru' il'ill'lil'n'.li'ilr, ri'iillhwiti'llv,l NnllKHklri cfllirr thin nf t'lnili'll SlirrL In «,».l<'llv, tfollliwlt', mill .• '.lllli',ll'»|. » tin bnuniliii.v ^ lilts nt the IM-IV nl'iiiK lln- T,i»ii«lil|> nf Mnlinviiii. lliii.iiiilh ul Mill,., in liniimliuv line In ll« n IMi Itn. li-.midiirv Ivarythlnf for tht ftsmp ant) Coin Collator nlonjf snlil boiiMilitry tins of Ih*1 Tiivnalili) ul Mninwnn til • pmni Illln linlvMM'li 1 Hi.' CnilulV nl Al 1.1. ll... wHnr9 flaid lunimi/iiy Itiip iDl^r^frl.a hi.r nlnl Uii t'-.inilv nl MnliitlntilHi TMI UftCIJT STOCK 0 * AllUMS AMD SUPPLIES AT THE SHORE lie L'eiilrr tin* of Atliiiitlo Avrim*. tlii'ln'" (41 Nnllln" Iv rtml ttftt Ilicfifil. Uioitna (Kl alimg unlit miter line nl filv ulniii! ||in h.. ii' tin v linn IIMWKKH At-Jttntto Avenii* l<> a tmlnl ulicr» III" Mnl'lli.M'K fnlliilV mill MnrililnlllM Mlnkirt 6 U U Album I9M • Guidebook of hi CFiilnr line f t Allniilk' Avmun Cnitnlv (n th« t'r«nfer tine nf iviml* ntataoctn lbs cpnlcr line <if Main Cii->'iti il >•" ini •mtitiiiirlv and I f M - Svppl. U. S. Celm (R«d Book) LARGE SELECTION OF COLORS Nniliii'ii'-li'ilr flmiB Ihe t"pnt*f linn llr««ti (liftK'1 tl) nU,n, t Wluilti ("i-rr-k * ft) In lt« Inlar, Inlfmntinn IHlS) n( Mull! HlrMt III sntllllff IV n( |J.M^ $175 wllh M.I. r....i.> line nf Blnl" Illeli illrmtlim lo lilt U'JIIII lilacs ul 1VIIV ll'illlo .I", IliriliU l«l BnMll.i'l.M Hdslmilfig, nl'ilili lll« rt'lilnr lint* nf plulr rolling place, Wn«1ihiW"» f.Hillii' i nv Monti 119 lii 1'IP nlniK n Comnnny rill 1 Itnuia mi l.ini" MlH'*i •ftCIAUZIN* IN COINS t lTAMFio» THI UNITID ITATII I M NNI I MI Tffitffj f.i.f.cnun iiiirmri I'MIIIIH I'IIH'S. n n | * . i | All Hint 1'nil nf lh» It'ii ,,imii I.I1 |T|< M I'll t i l l , MllllHl, ana Coin Wt luy yalt.a* S M w ^ f o f e l i ^ l Malswnii, liKCllNNINII nl a i.m,. ' ir* lite fr-nter lin" i'f MHIII *m^^i •fti'i'iiti la.nt'i'ttiN i rxtMli* ill* t'enlifl- llnf «(f CMIIH li I I K I I I f l M l . l l nl \W I flsl't'lliiii ill ,...'»!, Ihllli'e I I I III » •Mlllliailv <tl nf MATAWAN r»<i|li>n >MnK t l i ' unlit i»ul«t lint al Ilic i-vntht HUP lm nl «HIP 4sill Hired I" lh« tnillrv mmlli nl1 I'llttfrK nilli llm I'p'.IHf lmi fH kiulh Mliitrit, llifMC* U l slniil! till Itli'hWnv tlmllf In ll.p-iir. ill l flnHli: : "Oiif 13th Ytar In Sutlnsu" A'f'llft' Ifll* L'fltlPf ll^f Hi Ins rtnwii Ida i'(iiil«f nf (Kill gtilli UaWtIV Hhltn HlKHrtflv tlnlllP .19 In It" I»|PI" n l.ftk* I,«II»H.| th«ni'# H I lit • M MONMOUTM IT,, RID IANK H\Ot>U ftprlinrt \Mtli ttit* rrnlrr lln? nt Lllttilly uYficiJoi niiini th» tu Wnnil Avpinin; fli"«*' 1 Hi m»rWw"»attil IJ«M« i,p roia is I I I » tt OutdoorArt WASH • DYE • DRY Townuhip Fint Aid Antwen 118 Call* HAPPY HOUR LAUNDROMAT a SAVE 2 when you buy LAWN CLINIC TURF BUILDER and Scotts seed SSbA n •2.00 Off On •5 OFF CDCaflAI I THIS J r EvIHL ' RIAL ESTATE INSURANCE BONDS • AUTO • HOME OWNERS ERASE WEEK-END ONLY 9 9 Regular 7 .« " „__,„> „ BARRETTS BLACKTOP SEALER c GAL. 5 c 95 CAN Winter's Drawing Near.. Painting Time is Here! John L Tattini Agency MATAWAN 117 MAIN ST. 5M-0041 MOORGARD HOUSE PAINT WALL SATIN 95 6.' Gal. 5.95 Gal. OPKN SUNDAYS 9 A.M. TO 1 P.M. MMMMilfc Stanp ft C * Tony's HARRIS HARDWARE 130 Main Street -We Deliver - 566-1013 - Matawan Ji THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J . I*. IfM First Section — Pag* S«v«i Takaa U-Maalk Caana Gradual** At Baiabridga Tha graduation ceremony ell I>ST to meet the increasing demand July 22 aboard the Naval Air I t * Alti fJwpard after hii history mak- sending out radio beaooa navigalag suborfcital flight. So far in the tion signal!. Capt. Glac P. Modica, son of Electronics Technician Second maxed the Prep School's summer for qualified officers in the scientif- Uoa, Pensacola, Fla. For more than hair t century, Gemini teriei. the Quoaiot Point. The weather data, with emphasis Mrs. Maria B. Freelove. K Main Class Richard D. Graham, U.S. Na- course of refresher studies in En- ic and engineering fields. Pensacola has been the hub of tha R.I., hased ahip has recovered a oa conditions at high altitudes, is St., Keyport, is now attending the vy, son of Mr. and Mr». Warren R. glish, chemistry, physics, algebra, Bepotta To Peasacoia vast Naval Air Training Command blackened capsule following the li- provided directly to aircraft and U.S. Army Command aad Genera! Graham, 3) Piersall Rd., Old and trigonometry. Tha couna la Aviation Structural Mechanic Air- where every Naval and Marina Ml unmmued CT-1 suborbital relayed to the U.S. Weather Bur- Staff College at Fort LeavKWorth, Bridge, was among 146 graduates designed to prepare NESEP candishot. eau to be included in forecasts for Kan. Capt. Modica begaa the 10-of the summer Navy Enlisted Sci- dates, selected Navy • Marine man Earl W. Again, U.S. Navy, Coip* pilot starts on his way to son of Earl W. Agans, 17 Madison ward earning his Navy "Wings of U I M Champlaia has been in ser- worldwide aeronautical and gener- month regular couraa of Ike col-entific Education P r o g r a m Corps personnel, for enlnnc* into Ave., Old Bridge, reported for duly Gold." vice slace IMS. the was called out al use. civilian colleges to work for a (NESEP) session which ended Aug. lege Aug. M along with (71 U.S. Torpadaaua's Mate l i r s a l C U a a •J retirement la 1H* for sir action Oo station the Spencer also I, at the Naval Preparatory School, baccalaureate degree. Upon grad• M a r t r . Coto. aaa at Mr. aadks the Korea* conflict. The big ves- makes scientific studies of the Army and 7a allied officer*. uation from college he will be sent The purpose of the course is to U.S. Naval Training Center, BainMr*. M l * a Cats, I t Barklsy tal v a t later converted from at- ocean. Information collected. Into Officer Candidate School, NewM , OM *Mat. aad Hospital l a c k H satl-submarine carrier and cluding wale,- samples, wave mea provide officers with a working bridge, Md. He will attend the Uni- port, K.I., where he will receive CWPMMM Hiiral Claw EutcM * • ailltnsfl to the Atlantic Fleet's An- surements and samples of micro knowledge for wartime and peace- versity of Kansas. his commission. Wart. a » a< Mr, aai H n l i t w tt-Submsrine Force. soopic plant life, is sent to the time duty as commanders aad gen- NESEP if one of the opportuniWeighiag some 45 Ml tons, the Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit eral staff officers of divisions and ties aviilabe to enlisted men for ob- The Chier of Naval Personnel IntmOrluai, I lycMOM Dr.. HatB*. hot* (athtlML Navy, arasarv carrier c u steam at over 3t knots. in Washington, D.C., for u»ei>y the logistical commands. taining a commission as an officer. stituted the NESEP program in lag afcaarai HM ami aahaaarlaa war Wrty-three aircraft comprising a government Interagency CommitCapt. Modica was last stationed ftrt aircraft r»»rlar Uk» Chtm- carrier, air group, are on board for tee on Oceanography. ia Vietnam, fie was graduated , plata, «Mck « M Hit priaury n- aaarch and recovery work In this Search and rescue rounds out the from Southside High School, Elcavwy styfortha Privet deal- Mission: major duties of the Spencer while mira, N.Y., in 1952 and St. ton*77> * . 0 M (GMilai T i l t M ) * l ^ < - * y oa stafion. Located hundreds of venture (N.Y.) University in I»N. fta Caaat Caart CaMtr intertein Your Fem3y and Friend* At Our frEftjMtt at astronaut* Cartel Cwper His father, John B. Modica, lives Filnman Apprentice Hugh A. miles at sea and beneath major at 401 Broad St., Bioomfield. overseas airline routes, she Is Tkf M ? wai b e l t s * (• a pri- RaynoJds. U.S. Coast Guard, son ol ready to divert from normal duties Cited Far AcMevcatoas v a c y IwdtRi .ttUM* torn* Ml Mr, and Mrs. William J, Reynolds, to render assistance to ships in • l l n aortheatf 9tU* Salvador i» 71 Centre Ave., Ea>t Keaastwrg, distress or ditching aircraft. U.S. Army Spec. 4 Douglas A. •Mttlaa to aluck tht aatraaauli and is serving aboard the Coast Guard Troljan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Domltttlr a m l n i I spacecraft from the Cutter Spencer, an ocean station aick A. Trolian, 1«5 Second St., la BaMaHaa Raratvlag Award AUaatlefaUowlaitha pluil.kW.MO veasrl operating out of New York. Keyport, recently was presented a U.S. Army Specialist Four Ken• I I * JaurMy. Rotating with other cutlers, she Certificate of Achievement at the Dvriag liftoff aad through the stands month long watches on var- neth X. Snow, IS, who lived at 623 U.S. Army Depot Japan (USADJ), Ave,. Union Besch, is Sagaml. ariiical phase of orbital Insertioa, ious stations at sea performing a aCambridge Member of the 720th Military Po. taka Champlaia occupied a ooti- multi urpose task. 12 NOON UNTIL I KM. The 23-year-old soldier was cited Mea Battalion which has been preAs part of tha U.S. contribution aeated the III Corps Superior Unu for his outstanding performance Uoa oa the spacecraft's (round EVERY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY track, ready to recover the astro- o t t h e International Civil Aviatoln Award for the fiscal year 1965. of duty from May through July llfceMaal m M«ta It the minion wai aborted In Organization she collect* weather The award, presented Aug. 13 at 1965. data for use by transoceanic flights her a n a . Or Yoar Caeice . . . • aaal U l t Marietta Spec, Trolian, a parachute rigger Fort Hood, Tex., was made on the and provides a navigational checkU t t oT the ttnlght deck c a r AB Yo» Caa Bat For - W-M7I with the 5t!Hh Quartermaster Comr i m , "Tha Champ" was st tea on point for aircraft by confirming basis ol the unit's ability to pany, USADJ, entered th« Army in aaW I I May I. 1MI. to recover titronaut positions through radar fixes and achieve superior ratings on inspec April 19!>9, and completed basic v lions, assembly test exercises and A VARIETY OF SEA FOOD EVERY FRIDAY mobility test exercises, weapons training at Fort Dix. Before comHCXMOH - OY»©m ARIA qualification, hljjh reenlislmertt rat- ing to Japan in December 1964, he Ctt.l.» T« was assigned to the 623rd Quartertings and low AWOL ratings. e Waddina* • S4»qu»h »•*•; master Company, Ft. Bragg, N.C. m CoH— Strap a C» L»unf< The 720!h also was recognized Uif* DiKlnf t—m Spec. Trolian attended Keyport for Its high state of readiness when it deployed its men and equip- High School for two years and comIMClUMt' ft- N M ) Hsf W«fw . CMliiif 6 e i fcrim Clyk It Ttaanh and Air Cmment (over 100 jeeps and trucks) pleted his high school equivalency in an airlift to Selma, Ala., in in I960 throuRh the Army's General HI WAY 35 A BEDLE RD. — KEYPORT TV and Pkone outltw. 11 cu. It. refrigerator, parking ana waik-ln March and arrived only 10 hours Educational Development program. HIGHWAY 35 end HOLMDEL RD. — HAZLiT •tonga I M I I I U S I . I C M I I M M rooim • larje clwtta, Walk. to ahoppln* after notification. The battalion Ilia wife, Paula, lives In Cliffwood. K i u . BUMS, a«hMla twtm CM» tor ftnants Onlr was highly responsible for the protection of the civil rights march Plait Mopping Ctnltr at from Selma to Montgomery. Aya. M Mldtfl* Road, than From lit is is HasMt *< Spec. Snow entered the Army In slralaM »»«d May 1963. lie attended Keyport 264-1846 High School. NEWS OF AREA SERVICEMEN In joy FOOD at Hi BISTI CREEN GROVE GARDENS •95 up Shore Point Ianand Motel GMHoOPWiNC . lANCASTt* MANO MTTOM uNCAsrea S»*NO aoNiuss T #f Riwrf Rillt lANCASIM aiAND BONIIIH Saturday, S«pt 18th, 1965 Tip Sirliin RM«t In ordar to accommodate har rapidly growing numbar of tatisfiad customer j , ELSIE MANNES announces tha opantng of a showroom at 331 Maple Place, Keyport, N. J . whara »h» will continue her policy of bringing you tha very IEST m custom made SLIPCOVERS • DRAPERIES AND UPHOLSTERY • CARPETING AT THE LOWEST IN PRICE. LOOK FOR THIS SIGN I BMf Cuke$ IANCASIUBeef aiAND Liver Sliced CHUCK STEAK iANCASIH aiAND IANCASTEII HAND, IEAM leef Shirt Ribt IrMi VEAL ROAST LEU ELSIE MANNES •ONI1ISS CROSS t l i tOAST »• 7U — DECORATORS — 1ANCASTM MAND. MNf IM Veil Skid. Rent - 4 S 331 MAPLE PL — KEYPORT Opp. St. Joseph's — 264-2927 li win \\n fifwe STRAUB MOTORS 3 lbs. ANY GROUND BEEF IANCASTM »«AN» Breast ef Veil.. ^ KUfMVJi'vtifr ALSO ON OUR PREMISES, THE ART CORNER FEATURING ORIGINAL PAINTINGS BY FRANKLIN GAY. KRAFT MESSINO NUrade Whip THIS COUPON WORTH VEAL CHOPS -69. For Security That GROWS AM Surely Am The Seasons Pass- M I X O I MATCM-MIT WMCIY OB CHKKIN gjmmmmmwmsm TNff COUPON WOtTH AMYVoZEIIEGfiS M M raoitN CIEBIPEAS GRAPES f. I, NO. I MNCY MclNTOSH APPLES. 3 ^ S f « MTM lAMI, IW1IT (1 f*r lt<) HONCYDCW MELONS - 4 * •. I . NO, 1, ASIII DU»(T IAKMGP0TAT0IS 5 ^ YEUOW ONIONS 3i nHIITCOCNTAM. aiui Mirgiriif | ixausiviomi • I Samsonite FOLDING TAIL! ;: DONUTS IDIAL OUAItrtS »IAt HklK, •rapefniit StetltM Sweet fireen tut.... Irlnk . 000 Broftdwoy OAKHURST HOLMDBL KEYPORT t U U A l O * riNMAMOM ? 2-49« tout an o« IMIII f f LonfBranoh V I » i r l | I A I f f , til-.11 lAKtU r MIDDLBTOWN Peichei 4V.-VII. eimtN* ROUIfi 35 AND 36, KIYPORT 5'.',::S1 PUNTY OP Fltit PARKINS INAt FraitCicktiN. •lueherry fler ; . . , » 51 • white BreN *« (Off IAMI COMET CLIANSIR ^t7-ii.«mem Ertwtk . 1 J f " MM ^ ^ « * 1^-H 34 AND CAMBRIDGE DR., MATAWAN IHE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. JL Long Branch Scrims 20-13 Vs. Matawan 14, IMS Marlboro, Tliree Madison Teaaw,In Pop Warner; Locals Lose In Opener Pietrewicz And His Teammates Celebrate Pop Warner football opened auspiciously as to public interest but unhappily at to scorw in this area this past Sunday. Two of the organiiatiotm played hoe! in opening games to rivals that were defending cha»:pions. The Mat»wan Falcons took on Die Middletown Eagle* in an opener in the Jersey Shore Pop Warner loop at the old Matawan High field. The Eagles showed they had not lost anv of their potency over the IVTmonths' layoff by administering -i 274) thumping to the game nut outpowered Falcons. In the opening game of a n«\vlyfornu'd league, the South Middlesex loop, the Matawan Township Pop Warner Huskies ran into the Vailsburg Vikings at the Matawan Regional gridiron. The Valisburg team prevailed 20-0. Tht Newarkers were admitted to the South Middlesex loop after they had caused so much damage in Essex loops that teams up that way were telling them to "go away." Raritan Township's forces journeyed to Rumson. The report had Kotten around that the pint - sized Purple Bulldogs were only the shadow of their former selves and would be a soft touch this season. This turned out to be anything but the case. The Rurnsonites turned loose a raging demon of the chalkmarks, one Pete Roardon. against the Rams from Raritan and he was altogether more than Coach Leo Moran's boys could take. Came Al Fair Haven Matawan Falcons will go to Fair Haven Sunday with a bit more hope, as the Fair Haven team was edj:ed by Long Branch in its opener 13-12. Hut Raritan plays host to Mlddlutown Sunday in Its opening game. The next home game for the Matawan Township Little Huskies will be Sept. 2<i with Marlboro, a new Wain in Pop Warner football. The Marlboro eleven got off to a bumpy start in being thumped by Sayre Woods South Sunday 32-0. Bob McMillan scored three times and George Hayes twice in the Rebs' victory. But their defeat did nothing to hamper the enthusiasm of the Marlboro players and they look forward with groat eagerness to their game against the Matawan Township team. Sept. 26 at Matawan Regional field. Tho forces of Matawan Township Coach Kd I.edford will go next Sunday to Metuchen to take on the Toy Uulldogs of .that place. Meluehen thumped the Istlin Giants 20-13 in Ihcir opener Sunday. Many New Face* Coach Ledford lias taken into his fold all the players who were cast adrift when the Clifrwood VFW team was not returned to action this season. Ledford and his assistants, John Walsh, Dick Jouaneau, George Raymond, Fred Wehrle, •atsaJ 9. liaHtt. SMart Pfev, tmwmrtt af «t Maw tte tumiij. Im mi.'wh. •lMJ SSK r, wb'aasrated 'aairalad a » fltritt Boriat abep shop «d by • ckardTiaVwtb Aartoy TwoRcwunFron Raritan Ouapb Mtat taeceaefu! snorts t e a * ol H ttum achasi year M this a n a , ska MntaaTowasamHIfh School mmtf Mtam. resumed opfar a new seaaoa this a w * . Haatwr. Coach Bill UrnMM af the cbsace that exists M t l W harriers caa repeat Ms «C- their 1M4 predecessors ia winniog rAB^nmfaawa a-Waj -y^-*-^ _____ •»». ^ ^ ^ * * V £ • • # • •WnaTJal WaaW • a W R l l P T ihe state Croup II cfaempionilup. All ol that championship outfit trasMbsj. M M ftt work of Ae MttM » a • « aai MM dafeaaive back- have gone oa Uw» way by graduaM d tor *a!kfaekies: The stufcb, tion but two, Tom Carlson and Ladd Matawaa forwards had tht 2U-lb Biujuberjj. Tins will be Bluniberjj's f Bnadi WUMMUM T M I third year in vanity competition. ttehr rite and •raaninf. The Green Coach Unskold points out be has • « • » M i ,|MW WM • t h a * always been a reliable scorer, even of attar frustration as Iht Maroon If not a headliner, and contributed This picture was Inken hi Ike clubhouse ten minute* after Alex Md Start Uatbtekan. w t t Ed Har- greatly to the success the team at fictrewles, Keyport, sealed ia the center, shaking hands, had pitched a a i W M the B M W that cltackcd Ike peaaaat ol Ike Qotbtc Provincial U M M tor * • Craahy Cardtaak tost week. The bellies af tad* pea The Baritaa a t ap b f me esharatkaj atayers make k abvleas that while Ike |oy tor bif tHaas UMaa tUa this atasaa fram . . . M f rssK a f l h e varsity basketball bll Alei Pietrewia, former Keyport Sees New CaaaUiaas •wadjal last yaar, Jot Pant and High a m u d ace, completed Ms Pielrewicx sees the big league K « • iht youa«et fourth year ia minor league base- club fsrm system managers runaf M •a Col—aa, a t di- ball this week when be returned ning into some new conditions they r for the Roc- home from helping pitch the Gran- little bargained for in this venture rewriting the by Cardinals to the regular season in baseball outside the United neord book ia INI. pennant ol the Quebec Provincial States. The Keyportor noted he League in Canada. He had joined was one of four Americans play. to whom thu the Granby team in early June ing on the Granby club and he an"r~m'i~lI7i~ii ~ l l ~ T i "T*** * ? " • Raritaa coach is placing dependafter having opened the season in was induced to Join the club by a Jpnaabta, ihe MMBIM h a w Leo teammate who was let out of the •aoe are Larry Butler, Walt MahKtrris at tht weakalds guard slot; ler, Bob Lehanka, Tom Waiters, semi-pro ball with the South Orangu Milwaukee chain the same time as John Barraaso, osnttr; Mike Grim- Gift Hallam and Dave Renx. Ihcre Colts, champions this year of the was he and found Jhn new tie in Essex County League. baseball in Canada. Nick Testa, 1 r t Cllki art newcomers beyond these, hut Coach Lenskold must see a good In his three prior years in minor formerly with (he San Francisco Giants, was managing the club and the tacfchl aMs where rwervet Md more of them before any additions league baseball, Pietrewicz had to ttw varsity squad listed above been attached to farm clubs of the welcomed having an American a n made. Milwaukee Braves, but he was one pitcher. The ace d Rocket* croM-coun- of those turned loose this spring ln the taekMM, Htrrii Md OtrThe difficulty with the Canadian an s o haft ways. Ed Joaet Ja to too- try running last year was John when the Milwaukee team disband- players was two-fold, Pietrewicz back M < DOBS Edward " " wtagbaek Wentt, now a (rethrow at the Uni- ed nil but three of its minor league found. One was that they worked On Vtt w N N i W Mai Edwardt versity of Maryland oa a track affiliates to cut overhead after at other jobs during the day and noves toaaftfyoa ttedefeaatt with h acbofartmp. Weau haa received a severe financial setbacks. tne club was limited lo playing Gary RMk DMMI Mwdo aad Jim Jim bid to report for the Terrapin. It appears now that the former three night games and a weekend U Uum mow to M Haiitcfcm to • oah crosscountry team. Keyport High southpaw w i l l be day game with no practice. But aecoadary dataaaa n i t had lo bt The Raritaa UH-aMMalera will back under a big league farm sys- the more important angle, from the wtirthr rebuilt afcar ikjtamm were i at Jackson Town- tem contract next season. The suc- standpoint of practical baseball, •»"*a out la June. Bat after SatM and wW vsttt Pt. cess of the Grsnby Cardinals has was that the Canadian members of •rd«y, atMte OMgJ*ia«t about how aroused the interest of the big the team regarded baseball as In October, the Rtritaa harrier league St. Louis Cardinals snd an merely an activity with which to •tote osllt tor: Oct. «, Henry Hud- agreement has been signed looking keep in shape in the interim beimum look forward now to •on Regional, home; •, Ukewood, towards making the Granby club a tween hockey seasons. Alt looked takin» M Red Bmk at It a.m. Sat- •way; •way 12 12, Pt Pt. Ptaaaut B h S t Louis affiliate neat year. In- forward to joining professional or Ptotaant Borough, wday at the M W M I I W M d la • semi-professional hockey tesma for l H a J i MM wIM M hifWy at* Oeeaa Comly Central Rational, deed, the promising way the Pro- the winter season at this time. The vincial League it shaping up has t, MM* Ibt R«i Buk (earn home; II, Central Jersey M M ; . » , idea of trying to better themselves led other big league teams to adopt iat I l Short ConrertMe awe4; ». Short clubs of that circuit as farm teams. in baseball so they might gain a • r big league contract had no meanotVi•» The Quebec Provincial League is Ia NntwmbtT, the RocfeeM will fladina hereby the means to ex- ing for his Canadian teammates, » at follows: Nov. J. Southern pand From eight clubs this year to Pietrewict points out, that the only American professional sports teams reeheld, away; I, Matawaa. Mmmmnil Ckmmp home; t, Monmouth Ocean meet; teTialiat. II, NJS1AA Mala; 2», NJSIAA Om Muwnl of Bad Buk, Me dent; Frank Sinkleria, secretary• t tht «M tlroert « | archery, woa rhampwBships. treasurer, and Jack Douglas, serf i e w f l M H i l l BomMiCtub Club geant-at-arms. . . _ , ,'. Ooss turned The New Jersey Optometrlc AssoOpening night saw Frank Lemhi a IBM o f Ml, tbr the 14 MeW. ciation states, every child hat to unyon of Cerlkme's Greenhouses M hiuawf aad 14 aahnah. The M d karn to set, just at he Itaras to take individual honors with 606 ttrgewj ware shot first and Ihaa all walk or talk. The art of seeing is The Airport Plaza Commercial M A series and lit high game. erorta ware tumad m ind five made up of many different vis- Bowling League, Hazlet, will be Other high games were rolled by formed one of the strongest and largest Joe Cerreghino of tlennie't Tavern, ual skills: Focusing, directing, coordination and Judgment of taace bowling leagues i n Monmouth TO, and Bern* Crescione of AirCounty this season. A total of 24 port Liquors, 219. aw!m Mkwtti vWi A 923a Ttock nlatknisMpt. •jams make up she league. V iniiM I19( MMMl a**Monowsfcl, Also joining the 200 Club were ffl; OMraa DeMafe Jr., W , aad Bow about bwineu cards* We Elected at officers for the new i Jr.. 171 Rsfraah- CM supply them quickly and at UM season were Robert Bachmann, Peter Straniero, 215; Harold Beach, 214; Neil McDaniel, 2V7-2I1; Fritz president; Keith Swift, vice pr*f>rightTprks. Come and try us. Schiller, 211; Keith Swift, 210; George Palght, 207; Richie Gough, 205; . George Jacobs, 202; Rudy Maurer, 202; Tom Harrington, 202W ; Ed Slovene, MINI; Alex Montone, 290, and Ed Malawskey, "•taSJ? °' * ' PKZ! ? Plaza League Elects Officers Sport Car Rally The standings after opening night action were: Donate Construction, 34; Team 4 • Geo.-£« Jacob*, 3-0; Rufflno Wines, 3-0; Appliance Repair Service, 3-0; Bom Barbers, Keyport, 3-0; Team 13 - Lou Oty, I-l; Airport Liquors, 2-1; Cerlione's Greenhouses, 2-1; Schanck's Fuel Oil, 2-1; Kahle and McKarhMd Insurance, 2-1; Houde Glasa Co., 1-1; Rex Diner, 2-1; SeacoaM Carbonic Gas, 1-2; Dearborn Farms, 1-2; Team 1 - Roland Williamson, 1-2. Hennie's Tavern, 1-7; Shore Point Esso, 1-2; Team 8 • Ed Wintartki, 1-3; Burltw's Cliffwood Inn, 1-2; intomsHonal Flavors and Fragrances, t-J; Airport Ptasa Laars, ••); Toms Ford, M ; MonnMHh Unas, a-1; M.T.T. Matoa, 0-1 Auto Trlptofiaadaf Sunday At Sfata F.V 4 aai Ttt latrtt Car Ch* will deaate f i w i Mi stoat ralto Bmity I t iht N. J. k* Mwwsd Chtflre* Tea awards tor llrtaj _. iMfrtaa _ if las WIIITravM t a w at Ike Bfe«cy, Is shewn areseailflg the rescrvallen* lo club membtis. From toft to light, Itha Mtnsghan, executive aVtetor tt Mtamtarth tiwitly AMeclsiInn for Rtisrdt i ChMdrea, Herb Masen, artsMsat el the Heel and Tat C h * tad J a t t DtMghcity, vice amMtnl and raNymulu tor 1MB rally, I h t Itotl M i Tat laojti Car ry's Aulo Srtt Cavtra. Dettdei MM route, mid thut nny Kliulu o( tnis Ctob, aativt • tasMs ear rally toar tiptatt-asJi wethvad trips, will b t • » ! « ! « • , mm • wilt ilfttt In tliv put It• itlYtf ftcpMw WM M Iwirdtd InnThtVally lot at (hi Mkldlntnwn Sliopning ta Iwo claiMii equipped and unMflaMftat aUfJ»i I * tlai Crnl«r tfl Route M, (tunday. Hf|^^^J^tJBBJ W f w l n IIB I WP t V V a f n I I ^ litrHtlnn mid Ifchnlcnl liispvctlon Ttor M iMiTlrat aHMlnR AMutl ani work n prepare . will hi a laHnlle TtO ralwill op»n at I:M, anil In* flrM iieatflt e a t l t Malty Maly tor iMiTlrat AMutl ttontd aarly hi IIurn,All protatdt ly and Is pfiMMd for <h« enjoy- car «t«rl« lit 11:1)1 *,t», Tlie rally tod l h All fram iht rally mm l a daMMd to ment ol both ttn mivlct »ml tfw will «nd si Ike Idle Hour Inn an MOUlR C Ctualy Ualt MM MaMOUlR tuly U l t aff Mt •*t«ft fsllylit. Tht mute h«« ht*n ttmile M In VrmatM wh»re> KHMC hnvc niMiir' ri!M-rvMlonfi H,l, AMMlillon Chll- taM over »«me ol the most »t:«iik wbu ll ffor fUtimteri f U t r i Chll the Club CUM t'njuy * »tmta>M, A T a f Iht • w a r * a a i Ira- taatto la Maaawatri C<wniy, Unity*llnn«r mid » |)fiifpur)6n»l •askuiaini 4aM M a —-•--—* k a y . ^ H a MW. matlir JitR bmi|iherty «nyi Ihul IJIIIII the HWUAII *ml m ww^n VBITV fffB^mtint w^ wily Mvml w i t h *rr uttd, an «\> l i i l / n i l aptffvn a M f cwww y 'htjEhib'tjifmhtfi Ifi'lihy wlnnrr* art miMHtncrd i t tl uaitj wall he prtvwM In Mop tuffcn aheut mlrfwuy •hmn the p.m. •watt, TmTr«r4 €«, *n* Lar< r Four famous auto racing orsanlistlom will furnish Hie driving tslent snd speedway equipment tor the grandstand attractions at the N, J, Stale Pair, In two separate days of top notch racing on the Trenton Speedway, Sept. It and 24. This Sunday's triple header, which starts at 2:90 p.m, will find Lou Duncan, MM ARDC mighty midget car racing champion, defemllnit hli orown In the ]S-mlle n e t featuring them speedy machines, Earl Halnqulit, lft«7 URC •print car king, will uphold hli pr«atl|« In tht M-mll* TndlMapotlilyjW frrlnn Car face f«aturlM tht open cockpit vehicle* At TaMMy, many time «h«rnplon onn ttrtt i p dwfly In NASCAR ttook t k atr a KPMdwflyi raclne, willl H Head up the hiMNaa c,r\r rUflng cortln«fnt In Iht » milt avts.1 that round* out Iht itIrscilvn Many siR'sll»d "ryn dtfttti fmind In children ten yvurii fl|!« arc now cuiilrfertd as visual IntMIIHen that pni|i»i cart and Ruleaaca csn ovoreotiK' tir clreumvenl, «ecorrlliw In lh« New .InMy Oatontvlrlc Adwiolnllon, Is the same. In the economically lesser levels of the minor league* the pennant cannot be welcomed the same way II will be «horlty by the MioacMU Twins, in the American League, and probably the San Fransitce Giants, la the Nails—I League, with flawing champagne oa Ike they had a hankering of making were the hockey New York Rangers, Boston Bruins or Chicago Black Hawks. Pietrewicz accordingly had to adopt a philosophical attitude about it when his clubmates did things that would be regarded as rudimentary short - comings in American baseball. The Keyrorter managed to compile an 8-2 regular season record for the pennant winners and pitched two wins in a scries that was forced with another club, Drummondville, to determine the championship when Granby wound up tied, lie had a 1.4 earned run average. Good Umpiring While Canadian baseball has its own variations, Pietrewicz found the Canadian umpiring very good. When a pitcher praises umpires, that ii praise indeed. The Quebec league umpires have a weighty responsibility, too, Pietrewicz points out, that the American arbiters could hardly dream of. Because of the nationalistic feeling among the Quebec French, when the band plays at the start of a game, the equivalent of our Star Spangled Banner, the Canadian Maple Leaf Anthem, or God Save the Queen, only the English-descended Canadians stand up properly at attention. Trie French-descended remain in their seats and vent their scorn In hoots and hollering. This sets up a touchy situation with the crowd for the umpires to control through the nine innings. Despite this split-up atmosphere among the spectators, the game is announced and decisions arc called in English. The crowds run about 1000 in a regular season game but 2500 in a playoff at Granby. Pietrewicz noted this is better than some of the Milwaukee farm teams in the United Slates with whom he played. Pietrewicz expects there will be cinlH Americans on the Granby team next season, but the Cardinals will keep a C'ana dian majority on the roster. For all the preoccupation with hockey, the Canadians are beginning to respond to the coming of Little League baseball into their midst end having the sport in their schools as a student activity. There is some possibility that Pietrewicz may play in a winter league in Panama over the com ing months. Carlos Thone, the play ci who directed the attention of the Granby club to Pietrewicz, Is a native Panamanian and Is playing in a league in that country over the off season. He expects to tell the Panamanian management about the availability of the Keyporter. A curious note about the Provincial League is that it is the league to which Sal Maglie went when that former big league star jumped the Giants-Dodgers deal some years ago to get beyond the jurisdiction of the national commissioner of baseball in the United States. CIIIMI Mm CINEMA .'LLmmi'Lls.. ^ Community CHILDHlN't WILLIAM wnm m. coMonioNED * rror STRAW NOW THRU SATURDAY • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SOPHIA LOREN In "MARRIAGE ITALIAN STYLE" 7:00 - 10:00 C O FEATURE • • "CARRY ON SPYING" AT 1:15 , SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY "Godzilla Vs. The Thing" 3 Stooge Comedy Color Cartoorrt SUN. THRU TUES.. "SKI PARTY" FranKo Avolon DwAyno Hiclman Jam«i Brown SEPT. 1 9 - 2 1 "JOY IN THE MORNING" with Richard Chamberlain YviMa Mimleui WHY PAY MORE? WED., SEPT, n Coming "SHE" Ntit 'THE COLLECTOR" "THE SANDPIPER" NOW THRU TUES. "THE COIUCTOI* Almnt A Uv* fHryl Tui»u SUma Samanthi Igjar - MS* J . n . l Ulo> D i d Van-Dyke Ann-M>rgr»t "BYE IYE BIRDII" rMGHIOKflOtUN J mmm MIX HAWHSON JCANNi: MDHKAU OMAR OHARIF AW f WILLIAM wwrrs tb*collector MaRI£U MacLAINH TtftCNCC STAMP aaajTamMC li—ri—r~i— SAT. MAT. ONLY SEPT. I I WANT KIDDIE SHOWI! "Robirnofi Ceruto On Men" Plui Cartoon*. * ComedM SMOKING MCTION* I CENTRE — NOW SHOWING ALL WEATHER A THEATRES r \ _ : . . ^ - In i_ Drive 2 SMASH HITS PLAYHOUSI SATURDAY liOO P.M. ONLY HAT 1 STOOSEt IN "THE OUTLAWS IS COMINO" - •a»TlaiSNCt S»»M^ ALSO A1 THI "TOWN" MICDUIOWN , PLUS COLO* ' CARIOOMS ACID 0 * M i l PAKKIH& • Faitlvill ••it Actotl Bat* Actranl Wllll.m WyUr1. Four horse shows are scheduled for the New Jersey State Fair this year wtth competition being held in the Horse Show Ring near the Coliseum and in the Coliseum itself on Saturday and Sunday and again on Sept. 25 and M. Arthur B. Porter, Fair manager, has announced lhat the shows will again be under the direction of Swante C. Swenson, Denville. The Horse Show manager will be Jack Simons, West Orange. Laddie G. Andahazy, Novelty, Ohio, will judge the Hunters and Jumpers; Joseph A. Vanorio, Pound Ridge, N. Y., the Arabians and Appaloosas, and Leon W. Losuy, Hamburg. N.Y., the Quarter Horses; and J. K. Bougher |r., Norristown, Pa., will be the Ringmaster. On the opening day, Saturday, judging will slart at 9 a.m. and listed among the classes are those If you need printing of any kind, for Appaloosa and Arabian Stal- iv« arc here to $erv» you. Our lions and Marcs with the selection quick service and reasonable prices "I plenso you. of a Grand Champion and Reserve in both divisions. In the alttrillion there will be a class for Appaloosa Hone Costumes at the end of t tve judging for the day. There will also be clatsi'a of Trail Horses; Western and English Pleasure horses; an Arblan Park llorso Open und Novice event and an Appaloosa Relnlns. Stake. EATONTOWN How about business cards? We can supply them quickly and at the right price. Come and try us. DOUIlf AWARD WINNIR1 Sunday Show On Sunday, judging will again star.t at 9 a.m. with Quarter and Half - Arbian Horses featured with the selection of the GTand Champion and Reserve Stallion and Mare In the afternoon the Arabian Horse Mounted Native Costume Event will be the closing number. There will also be events for Western Pleasure, Registered Pleasure and Arabian English Pleasure Horses; an All-Around trophy competition; a $100 Junior and Senior Reining Stake and an Arabian Park Horse Championship Stake as well as an open Stock Seat Horsemanship event. For the Juniors there will be a Halter Showmanship Class, a Junior Barrel Race and a Youth Activity Championship Class. On the last Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 25 ami 2fl, Hunters nnd Jumpers will be tho attraction with slakes and championships for open und junior classes In addition In Saddle Spat and Pleasure Horse Championships. Horse Show Set At Fair snd none other than himself, the mayor, Henry Triphagen, h a v e sorted out 17 bays into wwk&ble • sized teams. The Matawan Township ttaas noes to war on the offensive with Rich Davis and Johnny Schweitzer, at ends; Pat McNulty and Mo SuW livio, tackles; Tom Guoba awl Mart Morrissry, guards; Mike Herb, center, and Bub Connolly, Sta Rogers, Mike Van and Johnny Brzezniak, ia the backfieW. The defensive unit has Jim Spinelkj and fgnacio Gomez, at ends; Paul Davis and Morrissey, tackles; Guoba and Chet Moreslri, guards, Herb, center linebacker; McNulty and Schtreitzer, flankers, and Brzezniak and Rogers, safety men. Other Teams hi League The members of the league,, tn addition to Matawan Township, Vailsburg, Mctuchon, Marlboro and Sayre Woods South are Madison Park, a powerful team, Hlghtstown, Laurence Harbor and Iselin. Nothing has been heard yet from th« Kcansburg - Union Beach elevens. •OaW MtniMi MtniM •we MI A mi. • SAT. COLOR CARTOON CARNIVAL SHOWS NrGHTLV AT DU5K CHILDREN ALWAYS M i l ••MPlltf •MOW aaN At R.MK Bow, Arrow LOOKING Cross-Country At' Season Oct. 2 IT OVER t MatMwait Lures 2S Mason* - Knights Game few OMu 0N*y. It wtH bt iMf •nach. «s» Ufainei «t KM Tuesday » g po at home agatast Tusdy Cawfc Al F»rlatin* « • ! « KtmartopfMMlMKtjMr 01 fm • • • • • wfmj m m i OTawmei The *rfly W NennkaW "Jle^PWi altitpef «n _, i M f M> •» «erti»- majes with Uw fmrnrmdmA f t M H M M ' tag writh tha Branch aad LHumot d m ac offensive -backfWd at Mark Howard, asananaxac vat ^.nowon, Cdjer tad U n r K o s s l . I Lait yaar'J unprecedented Joint "ana i * Fnd TKfcar at M charity venture proved very suef| , - _j» j a W aa^ia. tajaMM aaaWam nf1 •DmC IK 111 •DW t w f l leSTC cwiful whta It* Joseph's Council Knights of ddiunbua challenged to field a separate defensive batk- MaUwan Lodge IK, F . * A.M. Be!d of Harry Sachs, Mark Hernun, Bob ffciiiscr n o Jimmy ww* H. The ieyekuMimit of these toys Ed Kelly wal pair on defense and Iff 8 (MffCflVTVS MOX tt H M DfTOjtftBSt See B a r * and Rich Kttoon on of element In the Green and Gray's atetnre right new as Csacfc Oafcy's lorces will be aataariahed by the apposition generally «nd two-way duty to t h i starting backfleld •rauld bt tan wearying. . Along tha kat, lam . avers, Wally BejgrowVEl aad <oia!:=wich, at tackles, are «We o go tioth ways, If. needed. Bat > - om Kilcy end Roa Frje l a m jonvs along wed enough mat Coach 3xlcy feeh Ihare oaa be a good lecend -string at thta past. M h 9ynoni and Bill McDougall, guards, •nd Ed Malawsky, center, Mok te i t in 'or two-way duty. At Hie eadt, ate starters Charlie Ltalbach tad 1 feme. The Rocket line is fast off tfic mark, but wni bB SiThis snvny aascn aasiadaes par man. In the Keyport camp, Coach Tut fy Baker <m awniiiag hapefully on his maia tank « ii J iiiiatiii the canter <* the Hae wtifc Fiaak Mir t e , Oaug Jeihawiti and Frank Brtalioatl^graoiatiao.«igriaow, Sal Stimno had aw*ad ia to tha canter post. The guard* ekvation a j n e a n hapeail, M B Scatane and M m tlarriot, a Mphantrra, have mass aloaa an well at gaaras that Chock Dietrich and Lou Kahizientki caa save themselves for the defciwite roles, Tom Fallen and Tom Strain M a g in strength and w d t M at Hie taddec. NO JOB'S TOO IOUGH FOR K New Jersey archers are advised t» get plenty «f target practice in preparation for the deer and bear hunting season, opening Oct. 2. William P. Coffin, Chief Conservation Officer in the Division of Fish and Game in the Department of Conservation and Econo n»ic Development, points out that success with the bow and arrow requires a nigh degree of skill. He added that a bow and arrow is not a toy but a dangerous wea pan. Us potency is demonstrated by the fact that archers brought •down lllfi deer last year during the five week season. Must Be Sure Of Target No arrow should be aimed uw the archer is absolutely sure of his tor«el. Equipment should be checked carefully for such items as cracked arrows or worn bowunity II—|ill»l Members el t h e araaaJiillms, strings which could cause a shot to RO awry. Hunting points should I win be stayed phasing the annaal affair ire (left to right) C a n a Refkmal tft|h Walirti, John V. Hindi jr., I rank Dowd, Tbemas be well sharpened to insure a clean lethal hit. •aythere Can*. PtMbi and Raymond Scheelc Sportsmen who are taking up The lrophy, now in possession of are available from any member of •the KTrights with a 7-6 win, is on tTie organizations, or from Ray bowhunling /or the first time are required to lake a bow and arrow display tMt week at the Farmers mond Scheetz, Van Brattle Rd. •ad Merchants National Bank, Mat- Umet ik-rUwu, Oak St.. both of safety course before they can ob awan. The trophy will be retired Matawan, txHtotitmm tor the Ma- tain a license. Lists of qualified instructors are available from licto the three-time winner. m i ; Joha V. Hindi jr., Atlantic ense agents or Fish and Game Dectmrt To Participate Ave., Mttawan, or Garrett Waha, Conservation Officers. Local doctors again will partlciMaple It., Keyport, a>«hainnc« The special deer and bear sea faita in the same. son, Oct. 2 through Nov. i, is Thomas Dennis, Master of the for Die Knights. Matawan Lodge and Frank Dowd, A grand prize will be awarded excluFively for bow and arrow hunGrand Knight of St. Joseph's Coun- Children up to l!-year*4»%age wll ters. In addition, a bow and arrow license entitles sportsmen to hunt cil, will lerve as coaches. Tickets be admitted free. smitll game or waterfowl with this weapon during open seasons and to At the ends, its Denny Brown month and then on Sundays. At try ujjain for a doer or bear dur and Boh Ostervich on the offense Flemingion, there will be Satur- ing the fire.'i.'m c<'ason if they were and Rich Strom aad Lou Alcssi, day niubt runs on dirt. A lH-lap unsuccessful during the bow !>eaa sopltomorv, on du/cntc. Jim Phil track championship race at East *on. Many New Jersey citizens Mai, a tackle, and Steve Mitchell, Windsor, scheduled for last Sun- •re enthusiastic devotees of thus a guard, up /rom last year'i jay- day but postponed, hat been re- ancient sport, regarding it as vaes, and Mike Durko, a sopho- scheduled for this Sunday. real challenge to stalk and bag mare, m center, odd a deairod depth Malzalin it in second position in a deer -with this time-honored weain a bulky line. the coniBetition for the track chasaplonship at East Windsor, traiatag Geef Firat Stffc* Bob Pickell, a Flemi«gtoa driver, In the backf«W, the titumtion it Pee Wee Griffin, Miami, moved akimoy. Tlie first string will up on both PickeU and Malzaha be powerful with Greg Semenia, last Friday when he wared the ojaarterback; liill Ceiger and Ron 25-lap feature and thereby became Nebui, a iophainone, at halfbacks, the first driver to score three wins aad Jerry Mecblla, fullback. Steve at tnc new oval near Higbtstown. Seak, a aophomore, and Bob Shu- Will Cagie, Tampa, Increased the . Ira Potasniuk's extra-base hitting man, a halfback. Hill move in on Florida menace to the leading and a leaky Pioneers defense cardefense. Joe Tctro, a guard lasl drivers by taking a second, Pickell tied Poison Ivy to n 7-4 victory at year, in«y be' converted lo defen- was third, Steve Elias, National windswept Beers St. Field last Sunsive work behind the line. Park, an early leader, was fourth, day and the championship of the The Keys will have powerful and Malzahn fifth. Stralimore Softball League. punting from Gaiger, which, with • George Mnran settled down after their weight advantage, will put a shaky start and limited the their destinies in the hands of ihc Pioneers to one hit over tlie lasl defensive unit On fee offensive, /our innings to solidify iii.s position their passing giime will go down as ttie league's ranking liurler. In with spot passer Denny HalJoran fact, with better support, he might graduated, and with John Brown have had a shutout as all the Pionot available. The one-two drive An open challenge to the Piooeers neer scoring was tainted. from the fullback slot, MedoHa- and the Poison Ivy*, the two top For the Pioneers, it meant their Brown alternating, is gone. team* of the Strathmure Softball second defeat in as many playoffs. League, was issued thi* ivcck by They lost last year to Cambridge, Larry Tomasdlo, player-manager, f-2, in the championship game. at shortstop, of the Matawan Hawks Opened Scoring aof tballere. Tomuelio soew the conThe Pioneers opened tfie scoring quest of the Strafhmore forces, once their playoffs are completed, ia the second inning on singles by as the only remaiaing huidle tor Jay Okun and Bob Quldore and an With Wall Stadium closed for the Hawks before they lay claim infield error, But Poison Ivy ex the season, top auto racing ia- to the softball championarrip of ithe ploded for Jour runs in the third off loser Bob Conover. Singles by terest will ihift to the Trenton Matawan-Keyport area. State Fair, where, thl.s coining Tomasclio points out that his Moran and Tony Fernicola and a Sunday, a triple - header will be charges have already takes into walk loaded the bases end PotashOffered on the opening day of ihc camp by convincing scores the two nik picked on a 3-1 pitch and shellfair. Of particular interest to local top teams of ,the Northern Bayshore ed a three-run triple up tlie left contestants is the 50-lapper for Firemen's Softball Lea e, the center alley. Stu Warshauer's sac. aaurUmeu modified slock cars that Morganville Volunteers and the Lin- rifioe fly delivered Potashnik with the foerth run. trill climax the program. Both coln Hose Co. No. I, Keyport. Bob Maltahn, and Jim Hoffman, An error, a walk and Bob New They did this, he recounts, after RobrrUvilie, are expected to be man's windblown double to short eairanu, although it appears now winning 12 straight games in the center chopped the deficit to 4-3 in that Tommie Elliot, Toms River, Matawan Borough League where the fourth, and the Pioneers win be driving Dick Owen's Key- they made a shambles of ,the op- squared matters In the fifth on Larport No. 18 car. Mal/nlm may pull posing teams, Coach Bill Hauser'a ry Sacerdote'g sky-high double to out to race in a 200-lappcr Sun- Borough Police, the Fearless Fire- center and Okun's scorching single eater* of the borough fire departday at E n t Windsor. ment, the Essie Yankees and the to left. la t i e fiaal event at Wall, tt Marc Woods Puddles. The tie lasted only until Poison • a t • dull eveainc. for the local Ivy's turn in te same inning. MorToo Many Tasnaaelae contingent. Hoffman was 35 point! with Ma second straight Too many Tomaselloi. That ia the behiad BUI McCarthy, Freehold, plaint of the borough league about bit and Dick Shulman followed in the competition for the track the Hawks, la addition to Urry, with a tkaele to Mt. Fernicola chtmptomhip for 1%5, so all the there is Rocky, pitching; John, forced Moran at third, but with Freehold driver had to do was to third-sacking; Louie and Paul out- Potaskak at the plate, catcher Mel run the track without breaking fielding. Player-coach Vic Merrill, Gardner's attempted pickoff of Fcrdowa, even if he came in last, who does the catching, has such nicola aailod untouched into right to clinch the title. As a matter o! non-Tomasellos as Art llenslcr, field, allowing Shulman to score fact, McCarthy was forced out of first base; Neil Scully, second base, ami Fernicola to reach third. Potthe race early in the S l a p fea- and Joe jiosne in centcrficld. The ashnik promptly bloopcd a double ture, but Hoffman was unable to club also uses Kon Johnson, in Uie lo left for his fourth RBI. avail hunaelf of this opportunity ae outfield, and Ed Welstead, na reTwo singles, sandwiching an erhe had blown his engine in a serve infiolder, ror, accounted for tha final Poison qualifying heat. Arrangements w e r e recently Ivy tally in the eighth but it hardly But while it was a dull evening made with Dob Cislo, manager of muttered aa Moran had taken comlor the veteran driven, a good the Cliffwood VFW softballers, to plete command after the fifth, alpromise for the area in the novice take onto the Hawks rolls for the lowing only Cooovor's harmless racing developed. Ted Alt, Mor- rest o! the season George Jacobs, single In the seventh. He finished faaviUa, waa a ten-lap novice pre- the slugging first sacker, of the with a fiourisn, retiring tlio side Hnrimry went to serve notice he Cliffwood twim. Jacobs, post his in order In the ninth without a ball will be • driver to be reckoned 20th year in sottball, was still leaving tha Wiekl. In MM. Dick Resell, a neat wia- blistering the pitching all season aar ia the ll-lap qualifying triah, In I I I e Pt. Pieavant Evening 1*e Naval Base at Guantanamo for Hit main event, was listed as League, In which the VFW eofthavlof Iraaaferrad Ma base of ballorj played. Hay, Cuba, la the United States' operations from Cartcret to Madioldest overseas base, acquired itohi Have you ead the classified ads? through a lease with Cuba in 1903. Strathmore Softball League Softball Hawks Defi Strathmore Alt Wins Heat In Wall Finale CADET $49 W # MV# MV wHiaf far veal fir t* C M tARITAN OAtAd WUTH MAIN IT. - OTPORT "ROCKETS" to • N O "HI6H" hi •MUC istitM , . . m TMI toomwr . . . IMMMI tHOUMNM 0> "•OOtTtM' WHO HAVi NWHIIT IMJOTW THI f(MI ATMOMMMI . . . CIWMIMD tMNU, TAIL ORINM, rUH AMD MIMIC, AMD Elliot had an odd misfortune la Ma Na. M tar dat to McCarthy's breakdown. The Freehold driver Maw • large hole In Me ratflaiar with 18 laps to go whta he was racing alongside Elliot In the No. M. t h a track fudge af caurie, necking to eradicate the danger •f accident, sought tn enforce the rule ggalnit cars dripping water from rartlntort. But the track Jiultfo |)lcki'd (he wrong cur, waved the binck flag to I'.^t off the track on Elliot, whoso No. 10 cur had nothing wrong will) II. Three laps mint by bc/<iio tdc inMnkt « • • illncnvored liy McCnrlhy hiving to KIVW up with «ll K.Iifr gone item hit car, Itiit II will (hen uwltsi lor EHIol tn ley f» rptitrn to lht> truck, WONMMUl CA1IRIN* •AOUtNl VOU'U With lh« lil« mniic ibiwn /ilikjIUKU, IIUI for JIH> Kt-llv, Quaker- ALWAYS mo THIMI THMI OfNI»»» ffOOMt KM •HUlAt AND TWO NAUTtHn. fOOMt rXM t O M M O A l IVINft I MO* IN ON CAU TO DISCUM YOUH MdDil 7414M4 NT, N | O M mlft N«Hi •) R»rf fc.4) MICDU10WN town, !'»., wt» we> unhiny, •IOHM Itifl lx'»t h« touHl with n bin whwl, UM (MMI IMIWI for llwt wniun wmH t» • pirtniMiii! new driver, Ckarll* Kremrr, Toms River, I'ele I'ni/i'c, Muliwuv, wn» w^onrt, O llut^, Vl rttMinl, third, il KHIy HWIMI tuimi- fiiurlh, 1'nihff *>l«a, r'twholil, •/<« IHr |UIMHirn'ti divitiiin ciowii, by torn1ne In fifth In ttic tmliirf, an IM> tad fmniili BM*IIIH of itiiiiiU ( • W< favut In f*! "i riintj" («K the fttt't*. frMay Nigh! Um^n A* f?»<il WiniNir rtirl 1ntt* nfM1** will K»ii!«ii# m I'rt^ av taa IBM rf Ska AN OUT FOR THE SEASON ALtEAOY. Tfcat if the M r s on Mike Cahea, after three days ol trark as a Irachman «««k the Conoord Colka*e elevea. A knee injury that auist he eptraltd on and then rested tar the balance of the seaaoa. The aDtteraacfeed gwrd of the Karkan Kockeu in 1KMI made enough of an impression on the Coaoopd Coaching staff in his first three days of practice, however, that they urill carry him for future duty. The irony of 5t all is that Cohen went tiirou{rh three seasons with the Sockets in which he and his males garnered not a scratch, then this has to happet, his thi. day out in college football. His teammate, Steve Beikcwilr, departed for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Monday. This is the engineering school where the academic standards are so high the football team has lost 42 games in a row. Accordingly, if Berkowitz can overcome the fearsome academic pace as s freshman, his heft «nd powex will surely gain him a three yea,rs berth in R.P.I, football. • • • PLAYERS THAT KEYPORT Missod. Two. Stevie Hanson, as a sophomore in the Pennington School, has been called in for the football squad. Hansen weighs 212 pounds, stands well over 6 ft., so he is an eye - filling recruit lor the Penmntfon squad. His father, Henri Hansen, has to lake time arf from ihe electioneering this fall to watch that boy play. Another one that Keyport missed is Tom Lucas jr., the son of Tom Lucas, proprietor of the Ye Cottage Inn. He it also beaded tor the good West Jersey air, at the Uwwnceville School, ntare the classmate of this writer, Larry Tihohnen, held forth as football coach for many a long year. Lucas, we understand, is more on the basketball side. A third from Keyport is Steve MutcareLUi. Coach Army Ipnolito, Mater Dei, is telling his former associates at Long Branch how had things are at Muter Dei, that he iias to use three 150-pounders, Muscarella being one of them, in the line. Knowing Ippy Irom times past, all tears can be held until Nov. 25. Mater Dei will do ail right. League Standing* Oalw Buck (Airport M ( . « i L«*fM l*anc«) 10—C. FntnUIn S—Lenncn Tiltttf I-A. Frtoklin 7—M. Slovenz 4-B. Cr>w I-R. Ftitlan •—Jaan'c Pius* l~t). Bojtt 1-H. P t e l u »—A. Chtrry Ooadi Gene laczynski, Matavaa, had a turnout of M candidate* for tlie Maroon and Stoai vartity croaaoountry squad Monday. The Maroon and Steal mentor found Mm all to his likiac as only two consistent scorers o the hiTI-and-dale squad Irani last year remain, Fred Shaachan aad Moe Ortiz. The squad had a 4-5 record in dual meets last year. The team suffered a severe blew when Dave Mtinson »-as injured in the third meet last fall. Munson recovered over the winter to become a top flight miter for the track team in the sprint,. Mtinson is now with the crass-country sqoad at Murray Slate College where a Keyporl High alumnus, Ed Scullion, is a leading squad member. The Mntawan hopefuls who will battle it out for the remaining starling spots on the Alatawiui harrier squad are: Robert Leifestc, Richard Main, Galen Barr, Alan Smith, Frank Lewis, John Kuzma, Mark Johnson, John Collins, James D'Alnia, Vince flyman, Frank Viola, Dennis Dbuzbik, Michael Corbitt, Doug Stocker, Vince lnfusino, Dove Edwnrds, Jim O'Donnell, JeJf Coleridge, Greg Coleridge, Stephen Fischer, Wayne Edwards, William Sanford, Bruce Gardner, John Dobracki. The Maroon and Steel hill-anddalcrs get going Sept. 24 against course. The Huskies Rrat away will be at J ship Sept. 28. In October, nse J will be engaged as faHaanv Oct. |§ Neptune, home; 4, MsnasMMh Ra> gionnl, away; t , Lang Brandy away; II, Keyport, away; IS, tt. Hose, Belmar, hame; Is, t a ? t ; River, away; 22, Central Jerssf nseet; 2t, Stuns Ganleranea meatij a. In Naveaker, the Haakle «Ma> dads will race as folktar Nov. 1. Brick Tnwnaki* away; I, HarUm Township, home; $ St. Rose, away; NJSIAA triah', M, MDomouUh Qcoan n»eet; 10. NIS1AA tlnaal. Camp Ano»4wd The VMCA Can* Anwrhaad Family Center Swim Tsaai o l Marlbom competed vita the Lake* m o d YMCA at Cams Joy in takewood. Seveueea racea « t r c con* ducted nidi • total tf » amnieU p»nt.. A total of M people attended to watch the racea. ' Three aoints were awarded k r first place, two points tor aecond pUcc, aad a t e point lor third place. The fiaal point score TMS:I Camp Arum-head • , Camp Joy U. The w i n e n were: Hark Hale* bos, Mark Brous, Richard Ono* sen. Sue Oaiuea, Kathjr McLanffc. lia, Jackie OeMont. David Brown, Charles McHate, Betsjr S h a w , Lynne Slencer. Bonnie GUI and David Denise. Bowurs FUN For You and Your Family STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR OUR WINTER LEAGUES NOW FORMING MAKE RESERVATION NOW FOR THE 1965-66 SEASON — 7 P.M. * 9 P.M. THERE IS A LEAGUE FOR YOU AT THE STRATHMORE LANES HIGHWAY 34 • MATAWAN — 566-3M0 • 1 MnlawanKerparl Singlet • Mixed • Double* • T M I M EVERYONE WELCOME Morning I Afternoon Leegues Abo . • a WHh Baby Sitters In Our Nursery t 1! and DANCE J<w Lanziro's Sale* Hovato'x Electric Compai\)r Jim's Barber Shop Jnhn Duzlak Mldd Travel A n n o y S fc D Market Tom'ji Ford 51i*athnior« Ltuuu Every Saturday Night Enjoy The Sales of U.S. Savings Stamps, principally through the Treasury's School Savings Program, average more than »M,M0,«K) annually. More than 100,000,100 separate stamps are sold each year. LARRY JORDAN TRIO in Our Cocktail Lounge Dolicioui Food Served In Our Dining Room YOU ARE INVITED! . . YOU'RE INVITED take advantage of the reduced price* on 1965 Mercuryt and Comets* TREMINDOUS LIFiTIMI ANTIQUI COLUCTION PUBLIC AUCTION fit. GERTRUDt A. MMTH buy • late model or older wed car at almost whole§ale price*. RIVA AVE. & HARDING LA., MILUOWN, N. J. WED. SEPT. 2 2 - 9 A.M. (I. T . n l PUAN7ITIH ANTIQUES, - I san Mcrcuryt a n d Cotiiclts on OcU 1 at - limn pitit, tjblii, stands, burnnui, dry ilnlii, fats u l of t Wlndtoi tkaH BIM wtni ami b*A, in* naa ssMte, eliaant Vlst. hm- teed H'ntboi, tlstwrst* stats, ptail Inisll <••»•)•. uritm/ NWWIt rY^*^sw p M C I I M WCeV" M M ffOffVi WViil 1OVMV CHINAi — CktltM, Llmcflsi, W»<|wc»l, OM i, IS pel, liiitra, llfuilnti, «el, thins «nd ajlats twit,';; ., tt.,1 - ftquliltt art sjais, •«ertsT, MwmUn, M*« '" WALL - IRWIN RTS 9 4 M M sM nrlMi, C « It — tfc.f A flasiiMt Saltd LlSltllft KOtMl SL/MOtf, 1HI.H1ON, N. J, OPPOSITE RACEWAY 33"AT THE CIRCLE" THE MATAWAN JOURNAt. M. X IMaAtUteharet Thursday, September 16, I9OS Voter Information Take* Basic Training Miceli Completes Basic Pvt. BeloUi Is the son of Mr. an«" Airman Third Class Joseph Mi Mrs. Nicholas A. Belotti, 77 Hollf Pvt. Stephen J. Turanyi, Union Ave, West Keansburg. He was Beach, has been assigned to U cell jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph graduated from Keyport High Company of the S.~cond Training Miceli. 1291 Seawood Dr., Clifl School. _ wood Beach, has completed U.S. Muady Oa Destreyer Air Force basic military training Seaman Charles F. Mundy. U.S. at Lackland AFB, Tex. AKM M M «MI Mf«mMi Airman Miceli is being assigned Navy, son of Mrs. Emma Mundy, to Maxwell AFB. Ala., for train 142 Shoreland Circle, Laurence INUM ing and duty as a construction spe Harbor, is serving aboard tbe descialist. He is a member of the sup- troyer USS Holder, currently opport staff at the Air University. The erating with the Sixth Fleet in the airman attended Bayonne High Mediterranean. Holder is operating with DestroySchool. , WHOMtUNMNtff er Squadron Thirty • Two, providing anti - submarine and anti • air Assigned Ta Q Company «MN AIM INI M I U OMNf Pvt. Ronald N. Belotti, of 77 Hol- support for ( h e anti • eubmarine ly Ave., West Keansburg, has warfare support aircraft carrier Iraaiavrt UM Moutntf. QJHIeriM » t NeV M. been assigned to Q Company of (JSS Randolph. The Mouatratl, a aatt of the V.t. Mi at m.mi Un. Jtuk Ruae) la Ceaat Oeafi Seaman Recruit Frank W. Rupp, ' vad wUa the U J . Math Fleet U.S. Coast Guard, ion of Mr. ana la tfce Medtttrraneu a m from Mrs. Frank J. Rupp. Boardentowa February le mld-Juot. During ihla Ave., Old Bridge, has enliited la eerie*, a ooeabiaetloa of ampMthe U.S. Coast Guard at the Coaet WoM Cralnirg exerciwi aad vliiti Guard Recruiting Station, New PVT STEPHEN J TUKANVI York. DAVID RILEY ki fbreifa aarta ware conducted. He has been transferred to the Regiment ol the U.S. Army TrainCrewmemben of the ihlp bad aa Keansburg, completed the first Coast Guard Recruit Training Cening Center, Infantry, Fort Dix, for epportuaity to vi»lt Italy. Turkey, phase of the Naval Air Reserve's Nawaaaber I - It mjm. to 4 MN. ter at Cape May for nine weeks ol eight weeks of basic training. France and the Spanish itlend of Accelerated Recruit to Airman basic training. During this program, he will reprogram at the Naval Air TraltiMalloroa during the period. The Coast Guard, this year celeceive instruction in general milibrating Its 175th Anniversary, it In early July, the Mou..trail ••II- UW Unit, Ukehurat, recently. tary subjects to prepare him (or tho United States' principle mari«d aorlh of the Arctic Circle to D* yea kave auestkMs ceaccniag tbe eemlai •tectiea? Th* League time law enforcement agency, ui4 conduct M amphibioue training a » at Wemaa Veters Is ready lo assist van. Far aaawen la your questions more specialized training. in responsible for protection ol life ercin in northern Norway. eall M-7IMM7. Leaiue members will be aa baad aew throuih Election After the initial eight we«ks, he and property at sea. The ship returned to the U.S. Day Iram II a.m. lo 4 p.m. weekday*, sa prevlde aoaaarllMa voting will receive two weeks leave, then following « »hort visit to Portslafefmatlea. This Is a new volunteer service for the voters of New Course la Leadership mouth, England. Jersey, latermed, active citiienshia la the purpose af the League. enter advanced infantry training, Chief Port Securityman Louis T. Tbe Teliabim Information Service b) eaa mere step toward their aim be enrolled in one of the specialist Scbaab, USCGR, son of Mr. »n&l CoRMlotM Cembat Traialag af eatoaraglBg lellew cltliem lo lake aa active part la their govern- schools at Fort Dix or be sent to LM.MJUM Mrs. Louis Scnaab, 224 Seeley Ave., U.S. Marine Pvt. Kenny G SorPVT. RONALD N. BKLOTTI another Army post for advanced Keansburg, graduated Aug. 13 from • r i t e . teajplemt bw week* of urn, ion of Mr. ana Mn. Charles training. the Third Training Regiment of the Leadership School at the U.S. Coast Mtv&Ml eeafael training Aug. I. G. Soremen, 41 Ocean Blvd., CliffEatera Servics MaaMraMe Flight Pvt. Turanyi Is the son ol Mr. Guard Reserve Training Center, U.S. Army Training Center, InfanWttb Ike' Pint Maetoy Traialni wood Beach, compleled lour weeks Pvt. Michael J. Eovino, MatsU.S. Marine Second U . Alexan- »nd Mrs. Stephen Turanyi, 352 Lor- try, Fort Dix for eight weeks of Yorktown, Va. A reserve, he is at• letfaHat at Marine Corp* Bate. of Individual combat traininit Aug. illard Ave., Union Beuch. He wasbasic training. After the initial tending the two-week school to ful.CuapLtjMM.N.C. win, hai been assigned to Q Com- der Kirk, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- graduated from Keyport High eight weeks, he will receive two fill his annual active duty obligal i e IMay ewrie iacludad over pany of the Third Training Regl- liam V. Kirk, 170 Shore Blvd., School. weeks leave, then enter advanced tion. He is studying military methtM hewn of rifereua laetructta la Keansburg, completed on* of the ods of leadership. training. tactics, alght combat, O'Shea Cempfetcs COUTH most memorable flight! of a Naval ipoM - under timuliied Airman Apprentice Joseph F. Aviator's career on July 21 when ooMltioiu and other nibStr U Veers. O'Shea, U.S. Navy, son of Mr. to the Marim iafaahe made six arrested carrier quali- and Mrs. Frank O'Shea, 29 Beachfication landings aboard tht (JSS way, Keansburg, graduated Aug. Lexington, operating In the Gulf of 12 from the Aviation Machinist's i Fiei O Mate Reciprocating Course at the Mexico. EkKtikUn'i M«te Second Claw EDWARD COLELLI Naval Air Technical Training Cenlame* A. twtrtt III. U.S. Navy. Prior to landing at sea, the fledg- ter, Memphis, Tcnn. aoa of Mr. aad Mra. J. A. Swart*, They now will attend monthly ling aviators are required to qualiDuring the nine - week course he M l MonriaaaHi Ave., KMuMburg. drills as members oi the "Weekfy on field carrier landing strips end Warrior" program of the Nafewrnta} JMW j e iran everieai which simulate, on the ground, > received instruction in reciprocating power plants and line operaval Air Reserve. Japeaymeat to bit hom« port of carrier's flight deck. Here the atuNertott, Va.. while «ervio« M a dent adjusts himself to the restrict- tions. The curriculum included faSmalley At Fort Dix ed areas where he must land at miliarization of intermediate, ma144 BROAD ST., RED BANK jor and special inspections and Pvt. Timothy G. Smalley, Union sea. power plant accessories. Beach, has been assigned to V In becoming members of the TEL. SH 1-5080 Company of the Second Training Prior to entrance lo this school Navy's "Flattop Fraternity," stuy o u CAN RESERVE AND PICK U P AIRLINE, STF.AMSUIP, KENNY O. SORENSON dents now are qualified to proceed he graduated from a two-week BUS AND TOUR TICKETS, HOTEL AND RESORT A R E A to more advanced stages of avia- course in the Aviation Familiari27 with the First Infantry Training RESERVATIONS AT OUR OFFICES. zation School and a four - week Regiment, Marine Corps Base, tion training. course in Mechanical FundamenIT COSTS NO MORE TO BOOK THROUGH US Camp Lejeune, N.C. tals. Williams Completes Course The 20-day course included over P>VT. MICHAEL EOVINO Marine Corporal Wayne R. Wil200 houn of rigorous instruction In ment of the U.S. Army Training liams, son of Mrs. Jennie V. Applesmall unit tactics, night combat, by, 156 Main St., Old Bridge, comfiring weapons under simulated Center, Infantry, Fort Dix, for pleted a Marina Corps Institute combat conditions and other subeight weeks of basic training. course on motor vehicle operation jects related to the Marine infanPvt. Eovino is the son of Mr. and while serving on th« staff of the tryman. Mrs. M. Eovino sr., 156 Broad St., U.S. Naval Amphibious School, Nor1 Trains As Specialist Matawnn. He was graduated from folk, Va. Subjects studied Included the operation of a military vehicle, Airman Salvatore Branciforte, I Matawan Rej-ional High School and repairs and preventive maintenson of Mr. and Mrs. Dominick J. attended Lebanon Valley College. ance. Branciforte, 40 Parkview Dr., Haz tet, has been selected for technical Davla Piley, ton .of M n . Alyce Riley, Morgaa, and Edward Colelk. torn of Mr. aad M n . E. Colelll, NOTES Anwd TRAVEL AGENCY r' m * -•] i "I'm tht nwif Security I>VT. TIMOTHY G. SMALLEY Regiment of the U.S. Army Training Center, Inlantry, Fort Dix for eight weeks of basic training. After the initial eight weeks, he will receive two weeks leave, then enter advanced training. Pvt. Smalley, ton of Mr. anil Mrs. C. G. Smalley, 340 Lorlllard Ave., Union Beach, was graduated from Keyport High School, Class of 1962. Horn* Rr»Alarm." ! "Toy can tuck your family , M bad and rtat euuratf , I'mbnguard. IfaKrebraakr out, you'H he*r my warning ' hornfeoffetlMVThlo wM give your rtoiKy the vital ttme needed to eecaae a fire e • • vV S8V0 W H f W i l l # f e V Wells With Scabeea Construction Mechanic Third training at Amarillo AFB, Tex., as Class David E. Wells, U.S. Navy, aa U.S. Air Force administrative son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Welli, specialist. Main St., Marlboro, serving with Airman Branciforte, a graduate Naval Mobile Construction Battalof Raritan Township High School, ion Eight at Daviwllle, R. I., movrecently completed basic military ed with the battalion to Port Huenetraining at Lackland AFB, Tex. me, Calif. a fro kreek •«—out you ean hear m«. dead. Nothing to ewvlce. Netting to wind. NodeettM eerd «o elug In or eoma oil well and I'm on guard. At •*>.»•, I'm a aeiMd W A T C H OPENING • BIRD fc PIT KfVPORT HARDWAM COMPANY CHATEAU V . ."real ft Keyaarl RT. 35, EATONTOWN 244-2000 free OaMwf • Easy Ckaraa rara la Heev M X T TO CANINf CHATEAU ff EST. 10 YEARS 3 YRS. A UP ENROLL NOW ttut l reoth»ll»l i n a ! l t > | * nflow, M O lyebrdot) in"a!lt>i|*nM' AN»» ' i|nirt«n. d B.C", ) AN» and M k T cm g it l| li » A bur k of punting, |)««ini|, ptaur kicking ti|i» wrlttxn »» /ittMciivt PPAK by top Un #i|i«rti. Aiiu, tt rtnitl l)« PPAK i i l i by n You t to l«M*l K Octohur II i TOM'S FORD fiO MAIN ST. MATAWAN SPECIAL! 64 CADILLAC SPECIAL 1962 CADILLAC INFORMATION Factory Air Conditiontd. Full powsr, tilrai, radio, hsarer, on* owner, Mint isc lo appreciate, Lit a new. 4 DOOR SEDAN, FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING FULL rOWER, RADIO, HEAHR CALL 264-1529 if Classes For Beginners Of All Agai if Special Clanet For Boyt $4295 '2295 it Special Pra-School Classes 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, Sedan, Color! 1960 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, 2 Door it Women's Dance Classes Black TAP • 1961 FALCON, 4 Door Sedan, 1963 VOLKSWAGEN, Automatic Transmission, Radio, Sunroof M350 Heater 1963 VOLKSWAGEN, Sudan, radio, heater M325 1954 CADILLAC, Sedan, Radio & Heater, Automatic Transmission, 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, Sedan, fully! Very Clean $dOC equipped, radio, heater . . $11KA ~»4? ' I IMP i960 CHEVROLET, Convertible, 1962 ' VOLKSWAGEN, Station Automatic Transmission, Radio Wagen, Radio & Heater, Red & 14 Heater • BALLET • ACROBATIC • TOE • JAZZ • IALLROOM HAWAIIAN • BATON BEGINNER CLASSES - $1.50 335 MAPLE PLACE OPP. ST. JOSEPH'S KEYPORT '1450 Sedan White Easy Com* Ea$yCo eea. . . . wtth a torn Doer InaM ea H to your aew botie. Htbea Ute baiemeitf awful, fsvei } n e l t a | throuib upset reoni, Permit! storai* ef bulky arllolel, All KMI, permanent, weathettl|ht< A Bitos k tU fflotbm replace. •rent Iw that old worn-out » e e i Matawan Lumber Co. IM-4S00 •895 * 1250 1961 FORD "500", 4 Door Sedan/1964 VOLKSWAGEN, Station Radio, Heater, Automatic . $ 3 9 5 W f l 9 o n . l 0 Passenger, Special 1961 PLYMOUTH, Fury, 4 Door l h i s woel< *1295 HarSiop, Automatic Transmi'.Mon, I960 CHEVROLET Pick-up Truck, Radio & Heater $ 9 9 5 Very Clean. Priced to sell . . $ £ 9 5 1962 OLDSMOBILE, Holiday Sedan, j 196? RENAULT, 4 Door Sedan, ully Equipped 1 $14951S" " PrI ™ Mafewan SALES SERVICE f*. *|>95 LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO. wn«rl • Mnipttint wtrkmin. 5UTphm $49$ MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSI FROM Lthwiy <m ymu pnmt hum. ate ' 1961 OLDSMOBILE, F85 Station 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, Air Condi- i Wagon, Automatic Transmission, tioning, Radio, Heater . . . . $ ] Q 9 £ ; Radio, Heater '1150 : AT. I BMHQ YOU* DAD TODAY! OIT FULL DETAILS < STATION WAGEN from $2096.00 P.O.E. KARMANN GHIA from $2250.00 P.O.E. JOAN IRENE'S STUDIO l:tU! ESTEU PMJXT. PASS A KI1K tOMI*ETITIO\ T1U0AY! SALE Combining Tht PnttcHon You R«qulf« . , . , With Tht Sivinai You D . i i r . . . . V, MILE SOUTH OF IATONTOWN CIRCLE STIU TIMB TO BE A WINNER I Area's O N L Y Authorized Volkswagen Dealer INSURANCE 37 York Street — Old Bridge, New Jersey PArlway 1-5703 • H This shingle i i the sign thai we're en authorised dealer. STANLEY H. PUDNOS FOR k^gaf^aaa^v a^ aaaov^a^BB^t SALE'S ANNOUNCING Th» Opening of A Complete Insurance Service For This Area PARTS KOUTK M — HAVKKVILLi! I'JIONti 727-1300 HWItMIHWHW : THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. 14 ky * • Boy fcautad AbMracta ia •Mieatn after a fin* Station — Pag* Beven land to home. The Junior Mis* who fers an unusual ride for tka youngenjoys sewing, will not want to miss the child's sewing machine In From the Haw childrea learn to the product* display at Siagcr Bow). crawl tkey are fascinated) by cars ' ef transImportant periods in the history and other jaodera i of n u n art depicted in toe 13 aear portatioa. So a visit to Hie Translife-size dioramas of the Travelers portation Area is a mint. DareInsurance Pavilion, under la* red devil driver* perform high speed umbrella. stunts at Lbe auto thrill show a/id Before leaving the Industrial for those who prefer a slower Area, take a global holiday at the speed, antique car ride otter* visiCoca Cola Pavilion, learn about tors a chance to drive scale models chemistry at the DuPont Pavilion, of old car* around a picturesque and electricity and nuclear fusion rural setting. The Chrysler Paviltoa, designed at the General Electric Pavilion. The new Peoples-People Church- especially for children, offers a hill h l " M i c a l puppet show starring Car.„„ Pavilion r*vmu,, features , « , « , « * a. cnronowgi-1 cal picture story of the E n g l i s h | b y , ^ e ^ b u ^ t o r , _ S j whimsical statesman's life and an exact re- walk-through engine and an assenv production of his study at Chart- bly line ride. Across the street is the Disneywell. While school is closed for sum- created Magic Skyway Ride in the mer recess, it it a perfect time Ford Pavilion. Seated in late-model Fords, visitors move past life-site througk the jangle and into a city ia which children can take a tiasr of tomorrow. ulatat) apace ride, tateat additioat to the permanent Space Park a n IcaaeivMi* la Saac* A rendezvous ia space is simu- the Gemini 4 spacecraft in which two American astronauts oi+itad lated in the Hall of Science, by Ike Nickcaaey bare are a»aaufacs*r«d Martin Company, and elsewhere in the eaitk tot four day*, and a re*> in the eakibift uttra-modm, gktwthe pavilion, Atomsville USA ex- lica of the Mariner IV, soon to be hibit teaches children 7-to-14-yeart- replaced by the original, which at a liaaia, kaaatrao. dear. walled candy factory. I * to art* old, various use* tad handling of recently photographed Man. Revolutionary war heroet, teekidCaiMma dog* and ealt, dover* and macaws, U k e Arta Fasclaatlat nuclear energy. Masts) ay M bviag together la home-like »ur- ing General Washiagtaa, Baroa von The meat-eating Tyrannosaura* Exhibit* ia the Lake Area were la to MaetrialArte at ft. Fair. rounding* In harmony behind glass Steubea aad Henry Knot, are meRex, who rouned the eartd I»J,- especially designed to delight ana ckUefca a w r n caa «ri«t a | i a > walla. Mao ia In* Better Living morialized in a folk song and slide 000,0M years ago, ia retreated to fascinate the young. For example, Ummmni tslaiaiare caavertiMf Garter It the world's largest model show at the Continental Insurance a display of life-sized dinosaur* at the Aerial Tower Ride feature! Pavilion. New this seaaoa it aa axikfMBkiiM P u Aaatrteea Highway traia. brought to the Fair from the Sinclair Pavilion. Animation four gondolas which ascend IX Oar**), At MM M i SpUa* eakibft Europe, and1 Elite the Cow, who tensive display of Revolutionary and noise have been Hided to the feet in the air for a view of th* tkty v i a atUgat ia ditliag aad make* personal appearance* In a War arms and military gear. fiber-glass figure* to enhiace their "smalt" people oa the ground. Tha A continuous showing of Wall DisWaK Di» IS-aiiaato musical entitled "All aaaoawir, u W a c la Ifcttr Untitt realism. Monorail takes pasmngers on a ney cartoons It Included ia th* arcraft ef eat attra a a y d w a a e r M d a "Kiddtt l*»t- About Elsie." Weary children will enjoy takiag leisurely ride around the Lake Area ray of delights for children at the laaae." New *** yaw, «a tin a ride in the U.S. Roy»l Ciaot Tire ia trains of tomorrow, which hang Eastman Kodak exhibit. Alto fea. . • i t Jaat • total <ke count tfWMd ftaer af ike Better U v i a j Sewtiag EakftH Fratire* Still* tured that soars BO feet above the Trans- from rubber-tired power unit* that is a Saul Bast film, "The Caatsr, la aa uauaaal Uva talnul Caa you distinguish a screech owl w H M n i B> Bw*W *SV portation Area. Twenty-tour gon- mn on an overhead raH. Childrea etkiMt apaatwed by Uw Humane Iron a homed owl, pitch a tent, Searching Eye," which M r s a 12i at Ike New Yet* dolas move around the circumfer- and adults may take aa unlimited year-old boy. The "Moondeck" It Sechty at Ike U S . a r t directed ay light a fire with flint and steel or ence of the th-?. giving a fine view number of rides on the Monorail, writer rwaaif arttor, Clevriaad Am bandage a broken arm? These and perfect for junior photographers, tratvThtrela of the Fairgrounds. and kiddie rides are provided at It* evary kuaaty oiy. Kaowa u Ik* Animal King otber skill* are demonstrated al or a quick game of "moon tag." A stop at the U.S. Space Park the base of the loading platform. Outside the General Cigar exhibit eat] Ha ler every age ia tk* ana, tat ****** tkowa nick divtrat The Wonderful World of Scouting cavemen inventing the wheel and Jame* Bond'* sleek car from tha is a must for the young scientist, the world's first smoke ring ma- Fair. More than 50 nations have chine shoots giant rings IM feat i»- cultural and amusing exhibits that fire, and the superskyway of the Here he can touch and explore a film "Goldfinger" alas it displayed. Space Age. General Motors' FuturProject Mercury spacecraft which Amphicars, which ire m i d e and • lo the air. Inside, during I It- are waiting to be explored by young ama ride lakes visitors on a trip orbited the earth, a model ol the told fn West Germany, take Fair* minute magic show, people disap- inquisitive minds. to the moon, under the Antarctic Appollo, which will carry men *o loers for an unusual ride <m Meadpear, float in air and get "cut in May Feed Giraffe ice shell, to a resort under the sea,' the moon, and a Mercury capsule (continued on page thirteen) half." For each youngster visiting the Special Film At Jakasaa's Was African Tree House Restaurant Children of all ages enjoy the Chef Guinn has a free banana to Film "To Be Alive," featured at the feed Suzie the giraffe, a star boardJohnson Wax Pavilion, and the fun er at the African Pavilion. Also in machine outside offer* additional residence at the pavilion are surprises, Don't leave the exhibit eral monkeys and baboons, two without setting a free shoe shine. lions and their cubs, leopards and A room full of NCR machines ' u s exolic birds. Performing dally been set aside for youngsters at (Wednesday to Sunday) are: Ni (he National Cash Register Pavilion gerla's Olntunji and his "Drums ol where they can pound on a type- Passions." Zulu C h o r a l e and writer to their hearts' content. dancer troupe, Watusi Warrior Another new feature at the Fair Dancers, Ruwanda drumnrcrs and this season is the Speedy Go-Kart West Africa's Dinizula and troupe, dragslrip located at the Oregon A cendiry-old Belgian carousel, Pavilion in the Industrial Area. Punchinello puppet theatre and the While Junior is racing a Ras-pro- colorful Gllles dancers wait to en polled kart, sister can saddle up tertoin youngsters at the Belgian for a ride on a live pony or horse. Village while their parents "rubber Timber Carnival, held several times neck" at the more than 100 authen a day In the Oregon stadium, is tic buildings modeled after a Flem another attraction for the whole Ish town. of interest in the tamily. Village arc the little shops when For a pen pal from the United demonstrations of lace making, States or abroad, stop in at the glass blowing and coppcrworlts are Parker Pen Pavilion, where a com held daily. puter will match your interests For a ride on a dlpsy-doodle slide with other participants from around a spinning gymnasium or a moving the world. ship deck, visit the supervised playI2-Mlnu(e Boat Ride ground for children 6 to 12 years of The Pepsi Cola Pavilion offert a age at the Danish Pavilion. Known H » "PRINCESS" k tat ef «» cwMty'i bnl Intwa ctiifen tfww i m Tony Ztuarino «nd Dick Willliim, I2-minute boat ride through a nar- a* Tivoli Gardens Playground, Its row canal, banked on either tide design was supervised by archl tmwft af Ikt Styrt Watt* Mini* Ctaltr, lacattd •» Hit Sayrt Woodi Shopping Ctntor.-ait uiina. th* car by international scenes with an I tects of the famous Tivoli Gardens mated dolls singing "It's t Small In Copenhagen. ft arwmta Mwlr SCHOOL IAND INSTHUMtNT PROGRAM. Tht driver shown htr. is Pal Williams. Th. World." The Disney-created exhibit Thrilling Performance Stff* WttA Mvik Cmfer k) a* wttwritt* datltr »•» SELMER - IUNDY. UILANC - VITO • NORMANDY presents a salute to UNICEF. Four times daily the "Flying Animated forest creatures live in Eagles of Papantla" climb a 114NOKIT • HOITON I W ImtrMiMh. Dial J1MI7I. .the "Enchanted Forest" of the foot pole in front of the Mexican Scott Paper Co. exhibit, which re- Pavilion and swing out into spaa 1 lates the story ol paper from wood- for a thrilling performance of daring and agility. Mexican lolk dan cers also demonstrate their native grace and color in front of the pa. vilion, which features ancient an modern art from south of the border. Brightly costumed dolls are dlsplayed on the second floor of the Philippine Pavilion along w i t h other products of the Philippine Is. lands. A supervised outdoor recreation i area is open daily at the Protestanl I Orthodox Center from noon to dusk. Parents are invited to leave their younger children at the pavilion while visiting this and other c * hibits. A bird's-eye view of the In tor tin lional Area and the entire cxposl tion can be enjoyed from the Swiss Sky Ride, a spectacular cable car journey, 112 feet above the Fairgrounds. A new exhibit for the 1965 sea son, The Pavilion on the United Nations, displays educational matcria on the UN Secretariat and the UN P o s t a l Administration. Commemorative stamps also are ex hibited lor the enjoyment of the j young philatelist. Igloo-Shaped Dome Stuffed and live wild life, native to our 49th State, Alaska, arc located under the white, igloo-shaped dome of the Alaskan Pavilion in the Federal and States Area. The northern lights, called aurora borealis, that brighten Alaskan skies at night are recreated on the in side of the pavilion's dome. Techniques of Hollywood's movie industry are demonstrated around various authentic movie sets at the Hollywood Pavilion. Close by, at Deaigned in cooperation with leading orthopedic aurgeona for finmma, tlw the Illinois Pavilion, a DisneyNEXT TO MATAWAN POST OFFICE Sealy Poaturepedic apendi all night giving back to yon what the Ion*; day created figure of A b e Lincoln stands and talks solemnly to the has taken away. Naturally, your morninga a n better—never • morning audience, much as he did during backache from aleeping on a too-aoft mattress. And you can chooM your his presidency a century ago. An Poaturepedic with the kind of comfort thit extensive collection of Lincoln's works Is displayed in the pavilion's feela beat: Extra Firm or Gently Finn. Manuscript Room, and a n«iv liBach piece from brary presents books about out 16th President and Illinois. A miniature train for youngsters chugs around the Long Island RailRoad Exhibit, past live baby chicks tnd a switching tower. An 11-mimite film at the Maryland Pavilion recreates the writing of our national anthem at the Bat tie of Fort Mcllcnry, fought out side Baltimore during the War of 1812. Old and new American ship models aim arc displayed. "SeMt Of St. U u i « " For still another look back Into American history, stop at the Missouri Pavilion where Charles LindLuxuriously iniooth, name brand bergh's plnne, The "Spirit of St. quality itarter aet. Include! combLouis," It hung from th« pnvlllon't colling. Both a full-sale model of •pui percale fitted bottom and flat Friendship 7 and a Iwn-tnnn Gemtop sheet. FOR A LIMITED TIME, COMMENCING SATURDAY Inl space capsule arc on display HTM IOM at th« pavilion, Mil (M • «•) *t hit (M • I*)**, s*.. Children brought ti|i In the East QUEEN Sill will be delimited with the live cutHe mid huises conalcil outside the H > SO' «Kll plw*, . . « , „ . „ Montana Pavilion, itml tlto memoNINO SUE MM rnblllrt of Wild Dill Illnkok, Buffalo Ulll Cody nnil Cnliiinlly .Inn* on dlsnlny In the VhmMnn Centennial Train, Lionel tumid Iriiltin lire Inycd out Convtjnffnf Monffily Payment* Can ! • Arranfcd for Your PurchtMt •round • mlnltiture town it the New Jersey Pavilion ami n dillttrm't NX), with bt>itr«, duck*, birds, monkeyi, uliix'p, i>l|jn iml a nilf, It • special feature it th* New York •tale "Tent of Tomorrow" fVivll-i Ion, A kiddle cur rklfl ami a Men in j flrtl nilKllK', tltlllliK linck t o HIM, also am tocnleil on ilm pnvlllon'l srJPorld's Fair Features, Games Are Attractions For Children SAYRI WOODS MUSIC CENTER Your morning is THIS SATURDAY, SEPT. 18th CALICO • » . FABRIC SHOP Sealy Posturepedic MAIN ST., MATAWAN A Complete Selection Of Fall Fashion Fabrics - Woolens - Rayons Acetates - Percales - Every Wanted Fabric For 'Most Every Purpose! 2 PERCALE SHEETS lieMN wllk prelate tf tiy Super-size Sealy Postarepedie let STOREWIDE OPENING DISCOUNTS ON ENTIRE •M" FABRIC COLLECTION CALICO FABRIC SHOP 161 MAIN ST. MATAWAN Next To MflfAwan Pott Office HOURSs MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10 to 6 - CLOSED SATURDAY r,hlltlri'ii'.>i t'ltilimiin nnil n storyHlrlH hour itti' |mi( nf tlit> mniiy iMflfllllHH i'*Mlill«, liirlii()l»K (lie Hall nf I'lcMtlnih, n,| th<< l'i<<l<<r«l (UitHftl Slnl"«) I'dvilion, Wwltl'dl l.l(f((Mt ChwM The wiirltr* liirjjr^t cheese l« mi.Iff n-frlKpTfltllfll til till' Wliflilmlll wliiMp ,I iml Mln mllilti ill- FURNITURE COMPANY WEST ]«6<J KEYPORT Free Periling opp. Sior* 264-0111 Open Monday and Friday Evenings Until 9 P.M. THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. J. Explains Tax On Pensions * • n Want Ads to • •f At ajMttltat tf IM •ttMaalt hi lattnal _ _ _ t t j r e i a a it "Ot i fctytj; & W S M M atatioat art t u aaf fttf aatd att tvta ht rt> • M a l a * rtwtrtl Itciaii t u ft' K M . Tktw hwkswt Itcitl ItearigiiaU, RaUfHal RtUrtsatal MtsMt, BtatttM paid to Vtti «si ttttMUy htatftts tad pffflMMl V N WNI fiPPM M* MtgWr 4 FOR $77 trft-T* MttWtfCrost PROWNS a MM B I S W B B M B S M l MNMUiy Vv mITM (a httti t a a formula which altowt • a * tt wtowr your eott to»trtt. . M f t * eaatribatad a part of tht •fltaMat flt M t f ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS CRAWFORD CROMEY ALUMINUM WINDOW ton $11.95 r W aWJaapiaW , Wf • law pn*uawWI SCREENED TOP SOIL 1KB BEIT MONEY CAN BUY nad cravat taad, Hit dm. ate. LOST FEMALE BEAGLE ta Cliffwood • Btach t r t a . Loft to have pup*. Child's pat. C a t MM4a>. wjlt RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE Mm. V.F.W. AUXILIARY 4M7 will ._ Mr a but trip to World'* fair •Member Uth. Adults IS. children Fit tecludlu admlMlon. For fur* btr larormaUoa etll Mrt. R. MeatSM-TNt. wilt KIYPORT IMMACULATE TWO-FAMILY $18,300 BVMBVUMMM U ««Utt *tr hMt, PLOT, 4 grtve* saorelaad Memorial Oardeni. Call 2"A4Ut. will LARGE l*vy blut Eajliih baby coach Including mattreu, bag, ttorm thitld, very f o o t condition; atio new electric tteriliier. Call m-7»M. MISCELLANEOUS ( win Btaatlfttl CEMETERY MAYER AGENCY REALTOR HIGHWAY M MATAWAN & CARTON AGCY. PARKER BOARDINO HOME KM Batata! ' BBBBBl win U FOOT THOMPSON boat, Se* Modal; wlndihield, steering wheel, uch, running lights. Sacriflce 1375. Ctll MJM831. wiM C. B. TRANSCEIVER Lafayette He-M-A with It transmitting crys- m», o n IM-MM. wjis CHRYSLER Alrtemp air conditioner, US volt. WOO BTU, 3/4 ton 171 Ctll 5M-7M5. will* 21" PHILCO TV. Inquire McMthon's Ttvern, Highwiy 34, MtttwjlS LAWN SPREADER $5, lawn mow er with i r a u catcher *7.M. Ctl mm*. will* TV, kitchen art, (Ingle bed. Caii MMI7I. wilt • af va wt ^t HEARING AIDS POWERFUL - MEMOOM RANCH DEPENDABLE $12,900 APPROXIMATELY A-l bMtHM. IMjin M, OLIVER'S BROAD AT LITTLE ST. MATAWAN wjM FOR VOLKSWAGEN 1 roof rick I wheel, I let of snow Ore*, like MW m . c m » M . 7 « . JIR I" BOY'S bike, fair condition, red and white 110. Kitchen set t Piece*, chrome and formict, cuth Ion chtlri t » It" Dumont TV FM radio walnut console originally MM now 140. Sewing machine foot tretdle very old needi adjustment $5. Call Mt-MSS. W ]ig GAS DRYER, n r v Norge still cr«te; cheap. Cell 583-1018. w)l« THOROUGHBRED beagle), rabbi dogs 1 year old, been started Bast offer. Inquire 443 Middle Road, Hailet or call 264-5080. wjlt — MAlfOM- 264-0745 — MUlfWU U I T I N M - . aftattl CARMEN'S CATERING SERVICE CURRIER & CSIK GENERAL COYTMCTORS M4-2133 264-1210 W Y $ OF THE WEEK Left over from last week, 3 bedroom ranch, also brand new, full basement finished, >/2 acre lot, garage, big eat in kitchen, best neighborhood, walking distance to school. Come on down and take a look at this beautiful model home. VA NO DOWN FHA MINIMUM DOWN HA2LET—REDUCED Ranch 3 bedrooms, large living room, patio with trees, split rail fence around entire property; corner lot, city sewers. Call now $15,000. SUBJECT TO APPROVALS FOR THESE AND OTHERS CALL IANKL ft WEBER REALTY CO. MATAWAN CASEY'S AGENCY REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING HWY U HA7.LET 164 8442 HIGHWAY M will 566-3311 CAHIll IN VETS NO O W N NON-VETS 3% DOWN MATAWAN IT'S VAN'S THE CAHILL CO., INC. STERLING McCANN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE UNDER THE RED ROOF HWY 34 MADISON TWP. 866-8666 MOVING must sell, living room tablet, lamps, rugs and runner. River Gardens. Call 566-059}. wJI6 MATAWAN A real plus home, trees + 3 bedrooms + formal dining room + full basement + garage + city GOING OUT water and sewers + excdlen OF BUSINESS neighborhood. Price $13,900. FHA $450 down to a qualified buyer. Every bike must be sold. 90; 16 Payments approximately $123 pe month Including taxes. inch $6 up; 20 inch (10 up; 24 inch $12 up; M inch | I 5 up; also parts sold. Complete stock 1600. Call 566- Two family, separate utilities, 4 0593. wjjff rooms and bath, each floor, $14,500. jie ELECTRIC 30" 4 burner range with oven and broiler. Cheap $25. Call owner MS-4637 or 566-4418. W]16 TAP SHOES size 10'/2, ballet slippers 10>4; leotards 4-8. Red 3 ON piece winter outfit size 4; also pink 3 piece winter outfit size 2. Call 264 0285. w]18 RANCH MORGANVILLE Three bedroom ranch l'/j baths, full basement, excellent condition in beautiful location on Vi acre. $22,500. MATAWAN (STRATHMORE) Air conditioned 3 bedrooms, Colonial on corner lot 2 car garage, fireplace, must sell. $24,850. SUBJECT TO VA * FHA APPROVAL VAN'S AGENCY REALTOR CR. HWY 34 AND MAIN ST. MATAWAN 566-1381 OPEN 7 DAYS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE wj!6 CLIFFWOOD BEACH — Immediate occupancy, 4 bedrooms, dining room, large living room, large kitchen; l>/7 baths. Full cellar, oi hot water heat; 1 car garage. Lol 150x100. $1800 and take over mort gage. Call 565-0091 and ask for Mr. Holden. wj!6 NO DOWN PAYMENT FOR QUALIFIED BUYER Three bedroom ranch, full tile bath, Magic Chef appliances. MALLETT CONST. CO. 787-4178 264-4472 wil6 SITUATION WANTED WILL DO IROMNG In my home Call 566-7119. ivjt WILL CARE for children of work ing parents at my home in Cliffwood Beach. $ .25 per hour each Call 566-2135. wjl WILL DO baby sitting in my home Call 264-3914. wjlfi WANTED TO RENT MAN formerly of Malavvai. wlshe: room and board with family; rate $100 per month or room with kitch en privileges by October 1st Ir the Borough of Matawan. Write only li. N. Reed, 8 Ocean View Ave. Kcansburg. wjlf 1v, ACRES PERFORMANCE! VALUE Four of t i t * moit Important f««furos to fflifM AwOtl? W I M lOOkin^ TOT A D#TT#f , IMOfl *Mf* TMJH fiflO fn#fll M h t f t III , Mr top itloction of fomilno STRAUB-BUICK / / DOUBLE CHECKED USED CARS YOUR SIGN OF SATISFACTION STRAUB MOTORS, INC. BUICK-OPEL 35 4 BtdU Rd., Ktyport Never so much far so llttlo. This lovely 7 year old 2 bedroom rnnch home with larRO kitchen, plenty nt Maintenance privacy. (Spotless.) Call now lor SMALL JOB SPECIALISTS this will not last. p y — doors, slalrs. SUBJECT TO VA & 1HA paneling, etc. Inside painting, APPROVAL GENERAL SERVICES CO. $41-3117 BRITE REALTY INC. UNION BEACH apartment 3 large KEYPORT—apartment 6 rooms a r d THREE eiperieoced premiers. Us> ion Shop, piece work rates. Ap» bath, all utilities supplied, Adults rooms. Inquire Augie's Amoco, wj!6* ply in person, Morris ManufacturHighway 36, Union Beach or call only. Call 264-6226. 264-9766. wjtf KEYPORT—furnished lovely room, ing Co.. I Johnson Ave., Matawaa. tile bath and shower. Walking EXPERIENCED OPERATOR! XIFFWOOD BEACH, modern ar* art mem 3 rooms and bath, alsi distance to town. Residential area. SINGLE NEEDLE Ideal for teacher, close tc gramI furnished room, heat and hoi SEWING MACHINES water supplied, parking lot. pri mar and high school. Call 264-7000 DAY OR NIGHT SHIFT WJ16 vale entrance. Call S66-I952 wjlt or 264-3C49 after 6 p.m. APPLY IN PERSON MORRIS MFG CO., UNION BEACH—4 rooms, all Im1 BEDROOM apartment in Key JOHNSON AVE MATAWAN provements, ga heat $70 with port, all electric, on bus line, $115 Call 264-4822. wjtf electricity. 1 month security re- REGISTERED NURSE part timt quired. Call 264-4169 after 6 p.m. afternoons. Call 264-2027. wjtf MODERN 3V4 room air conditioned wjl6 THIS NEWSPAPER does not know, apartment, tile bitth, central loKEYPORT 2 rooms and bath, ingly accept help wanted ads cation. Call 787-9670 wjtl heat, electric and hot water sup- from employers covered by t h t MODERN 3-room apartment, all plied; furnished or unfurnished; Fair Labor Standards Act, which utilities furnished. Call 264-3729. suitable for retired couple. Inquire applies to employment in interwjtf Nelson, 62 Green Grove Ave., Key- state commerce, if they offer less wj!6 than the legal minimum wage of THREF. large rooms and bath with port. tundeck and closed porch, neat MATAWAN—Modern spacious Cape $1.25 an hour or fail to pay lime Cod (2 bedrooms), living room and one-half for hours over 40 t Rollo's bus station, Keyport, heat and hot water supplied, $110 month with beamed ceiling, kitchen, large week. Contact the U.S. Labor DeNewly decorated. Immediate occu open porch, 1'/, baths, city water, partment's Vjca'. oflice for mort pancy, adults only Cnl' 462-6298. lull basement, garage. Immaculate information. The address is Fedwjtf. wjtf condition (walking distance "to era! Building, frenton Strathmore" shopping and buses). MATAWAN - JOurtmen. 5 rooms Immediate occupancy. $165 month- MIDDLE AGED WOMAN, hou . and bath; 120 per month. Call ly. Call owner 566-4637 o - 566-4418. keeping fo- boarding home. Cai after 5 p.m. 566-4063. wjtf wjtf wjl6 566-061}. immediately. Man or woATTENTION ROOMERS MARLBORO VILLAGE — 3 room WANTED man to supply Consumers with apartment, refrigerator, gas MEN ONLY stove, hot water, all conveniences; Rawlclgh P r o d : ; t s Can earn $St weekly part lime, 1125 k up fullLooking for a room where you walking distance to stores, chools. time, Write Rawlcigh ->>-p<-. NJIdon't have to tip toe in at night. churches etc. Call 462-2353. W)I6 136-336, Chester. P a . wi» Hotel conditions, ceramic tile baths KEYPORT—3!4 rooms, sunny spa and showers, all new furniture. cious, will furnish. Call 256-4000 Plenty parking, on bus line. Call extension 2958, after 5.30 667-8,151). EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY for appointment. John Scoras. wj!6 DAY OR NIGHT SHIFTS APARTMENT downtown Keyport, 264-4167 unfurnished, 4 rooms, apartment over store, heat, hot water supplied. For willing capable semi-skilled 264-6325 Adults preferred. Call 9 a.m. to personnel. Apply Ballard Advertiswjtl WH6 ing, 13.1 1st St., Keyport Take time out to see those beau S p.m.. 2M-.'iOC9. tiful room:,. HOUSE, 6 ,-ooms, gas heat, full MIDDLE AGED couple, man for maintenance, woman for light bath, available October 1st. $85 REASONABLE RATES per month. Call 264-3231. wjlC kitchen work; apartment available,, wjtl UNION BEACH—I room house Write Jox A in care of this ny _ paper. wjlt available October 1st, adults only. A P A R T M E N T , unfurnished, 2 b e d rooms, $60 p e r month. Call PA1- One month security required, Call ALL AROUND handy man lo mainw; !6 •1902. wjtf 264-W8 alter 6 p.m. tain office and grounds; S day week. References. Write Box C in M O D E R N , unfurnished, 3 room 34 HIGHWAY near Matawan, idea! care of this newspaper. wjH for teachers, 4 room apartment ' apirtment, ideal for young cou pie. Call 264-340.'). wjtf $110 includes all. Sterling McCann, r-'KMAI.K nurses aides; all shifts, Real Estate, llwy. 34, Madison 5 day week, paid holic'jys. Apply UNION BEACH - apartment 4 Township. 566-9(66. «jl6 rooms. Inquire 20S Florence AVL., KEYPORT—3 rooms and bath, all in person Brookdale Nursing Home, Highway 35, llaz.lct. wJW Union Beach. wjtf newly decorated, heat and a WOMAN for general housecleanlnR. utilities .supplied, has to be seen UNION BEACH — apartment 4 Fridays. Own transportation. Ex- ' rooms and bath in duplex house. lo be appreciated; olf street parkAvailable immediately. Call 264 in): Adults only. Call 284-4661. wjlfi perienccd, references. Call 566-7519. wjlt 6193. wj!6 AUTOS FOR SALE WOMAN to care for 4 children for UNION BEACH—apartment unfurwnrkinj! mother evenings. Live jg nished, 3 large rooms, an.' bath. preferred. Call 2G4-8B6. jl BILL LANZARO'S Heat, hot water supplied. Floor MATURE man with skill in cartiles throughout the rooms. Inquire AUTO SALES pentry or masonry. Work 12 months 20D Dock St., Union Beach. Newly QUALITY USED CARS decorated. wj!6 each year. The right man will earn 134 MAIN ST., MATAWAN high income or incentive payment. KEYPORT — furnished room. In CR MAIN * RT II Call 583-1113 or apply in person quire 74 Kearney St., Keyport or at Meridian Brick, Cliffwood Ave., call 264-0223. wjlO 566-2224 and Pond St.. Cliffwood. wjlt APARTMENT, 6 rooms, 3 bed FULL TIME female secretary, genOPEN EVES TIL I P M rooms, living room, dining room kitchen. Center of town. Heat and 1962 FALCON station wagon, stick eral office work including limited shorthand. Salary commensurate utilities supplied. Inquire Boro Bar padded dash, window washers. ber Shop, 72 Broad St., Keyport or 34,000 miles, denied panel $500. Call with experience and ability. Work in Bayshore area, S days a week call 2H-984S. wjl6 566-7732. wjlC and every other Saturday. Writt THREE nodern rooms and full 1952 FORD V-8 automatic, fully Box D in care of this Newspaper ceramic tile bath; science kitchequipped; runs O.K. Inspected •stating qualifications. wjH en, birch cabinets, refrigera .or, $S0. Call 5660655. wJ16 stove; hardwood floors. Adults, 1956 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder auto KITCHEN help male or female. Apply in person Poet's Inn, Routa references, security. Call 566-1367. malic, good running condition 79, Matawan. wjtf wjlC $225. Call 566-0241. KEANSBURG. furnished bungalows 1958 RENAULT, needs work, very MAN to do laundry and dishes, steady employment. Apply in per3 and 4 room, all improvements; good for parts, 2 tires practically for winter fir all year, near trans- new $50 complete. Call 566-6250. son Brookdale Nursing Home. Route 35. Hazlet. HrjEjV portation. Call 787-2136. wjl6 wjis BARTENDER, part time. Call only CLIFFWOOD apartment 3 rooms between 7 and 8 p.m., 2S4-1I64. and bath; all utilities supplied; PETS wilt couple only. Call 566-3520 or 5S6Om. WJI6 ROELBOW Kennel Boarding, no RELIABLE WOMAN to care for S year old girl '/2 day, Hazlct cages, individual pens with run. APARTMENT 2% rooms, furnished, on ground floor, private en- Your dog's own diet, tender loving school area. Call 264-643(1. trance. Inquire 71 Woodland Drive, care; reservations taken. Mrs. Bow WOMAN driver to transport children to and from private school Cliffwood Beach or call 5GG-2746. man, Marlboro Township. Call 462 wjtf near Matawan, 5 days. Call M8WJ16 2S9S. 2333. wJIJ HOUSE, adults only, ideal for newWANTED TO BUY lyweds or retired couple. $80 per month. Inquire 621 Sydney Ave., SHOE REPAIRMAN ANTIQUES WANTED Union Beach. wjlfi* Furniture, china, glass from one UNION BEACH—house, unfurnishWorking manager, all around man, ed, 5 rooms and bath; baseboard piece to an estate. What have you? excellent opportunity for a d e n i * ^ wjll heat, lai'KC yard. Immediate occu- Call anytime 566-6410 able man. Good wages, sle.idy Sst* pancy. Call 264-35S8. wj[6_' BUILDING LOTS indlvlduual or ploymcnt. Family Circle Shoe Resmall tracts. Will pay top dollai pair Department. Route 36 & Pools MATAWAN areu. apartment 4 largo rooms, modern tilo bath; no real estate brokers. Call 566 Ave., Hazlot. WJ18 all utilities except electric supplied. 5200, if no answer call Murdock 7- MAN, laundry wash room, steady wjl $115 per month. Inquire 201 Lower 0767. work, ni) experience neces ry. Main St., Matawan or call 506-7230. U.if. COINS and tokens. Call S.F7K Call Keyport Cleaners 264-1C0O. wjlO Enterprises, PA1-5157. WJ30 wjU PART TIME tomato pickers, Holmdel nrea, own transportation. Call 204-0324. _w)16 WOMAN lor general hinisc-clr-aning, own transportation Thursday or Eloctric Ropairs Contractors BEST ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR C O . 15 TIIROCKMOltTON ST. FREEHOLD VACUUM CLEANER — Pollslmr repair sorvlcu. Parti and supplies. HOSOJ, brushes, ba/js, Pick 482-70S3 up and Delivery. Call 566-2,ri24. wjtI KOOLMOKE Service. Air condT- Complete lino of new find rebuilt tinning and refrlgt'intor ropiili n motors, repnlrlii);, rewinding, powwjll) er tools, fain, floor polisher*, WJIS and lorvkt). Call f)6B-736l, "FOR ACTION" LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 3370 HWY 35 HAZLET M4M*f 842-2800 MATAWAN AREA. I t e n . 1ST fool frontage. Modern I room (4 hed rooms) Cape Cod Ifouse. I bslln Oil hot wntor heat, DMoment, Onrage. All In excellent condition $17,900. G & S LANDSCAPING FALL MAINTENANCE J'OWlilt KAKINO MM-8971 w|.1O MATAWAN AREA. Approx, S/4 ncre, 100 ft, Inimaculnto t room Miic«llan«oui lil-levol ranch with brick front Doth. Oil forced nlr hunt, lim'.l, CIIA1HH, cnitchM, cinei, mont, Onrii'o, Plctuioitquo nulli etc, for tent or salt. C'IIIIHO t t l , J19,1)00, ni'coiinlt lavlleil. Mnlnwiti Dmiti, MOHOANVILLI!. D/4 Heron. 200 toot frunUtfto, Almnit now 0 rraim rnncli H.I Mnls Sired. Mulnwtn. Ctll Mill 0021. will liouso. Tiled IIIIMI, III hot water Television licnt, ainnl »(/.oct fliilihcil (knotty plno) n w c n l l a n room with Imur DON'S TV SERVICE fWiliiniil ly|ic Imf, AlKichcd I'ur funt t'flich'Mt rmlni ami H1. i'i'i,nun. MAYER AGENCY tW TV SERVICE 566-1600 KYi'K tttiNSON INfi MAIAWAN I'KJtSONAL IIKHVICK M VMM wjtl CAR PKNTliHTamTbuFfdlnR eont raotor. 1. 0. Met»ner, Florence Ave., Keyport, New homes tutftt, si alterations tad repairs. Ctll Ml 4I»._ w'• 'CICRAMiC'liLE M'lli'.iinvllli', C u l l ilIK ||li,! wll Uphohrery linlilhi 1 . id* VINCl'NI J DIOENNARO DI.IKi. CONTRACTOR I7 SOUTH flKKRS ST.. IIOLMDEI Complete building line Carpentry masofiry, painting * aluminum products 26422t4 MAN for steady einploytiifnt to work In u inmU'rn sctvlre stu'ion. Salary opi'ii tn SI00 p','r week to stnrt ilepi'iKlinj.; on <.'.<pcrii'iicp. Ap. ply In piT'-'un (inly . iilnirk's Station, Ilolnnlcl' UnaJ, Hn/I MA1.K truck driver, experienced, over 2,ri years old, part lime, twice weekly. Call .191-9!32 or Ini|uiro Morganvllle Farm, Gro'.'nwrxid lioad, NliirKiluvlllc. w[l» KMALircItR ci.ndlors, exptTienc. ed or Iwcinners, Hleadv )nl). Call 5119132 or Inquire Morganvllle harm, QrecnwiKid Koud, Morgan. vllle. _ wjl« IMKRCK PILOT. i'ROP, C L K A W N C P V W V M A N hir~St"rath. wlll/IH Would you Illui a modern ceramic more Kanch, own Irnnsportatinn, tilo Imlhrooin or kitchen at a low Cull SIW-7451. "' Top Soil COM. I'rcv entltunlcii. Call 204.1303. WOMAN"iiTwiMy ncivfci; ap| will mwiti l>y teli'plioiii' from yrf TOP SOIL own Lome; npprnxlinutuly .T/4 hourn pi'r ilay, M!« (Mntnsvnn nreii) Clnitnm, bluo stono, drlvnwny «rnv VINCENT GENTILE only in'i'tl npply. Wil(« Hex K In cl, fill dirt, 1'lmlen, ttrnrhlni! nml cam (if Ilil'i McWKpiipiM-. w|30 IlklJ Mt/ILI>INfJ CON'IKACJOH ICKVIlivKiATIOfJ nd-Mi'iiiint full DIETRICH BROS, time, oxprilijiir'.' picfiTrcd, A|iply t'liilom h»nii>«, (((•itliliiiiK, i i l t c r u W.V IINItN.fWK'K AVR, llnyalioro fiiiiiocd, Koutc .IS (ipfio* Ili'lin, l i i l l l n i , l l l r p l ( l ' ' " H , Sl'|lllo « y i MATAWAN »ltu K »f C UtilldliiK. Kcypoit, I r i i t i , (•.,< r c n l n h . l l n i l m r l t d Ul'lI'M.sil-ltY vision »ervlc« call Mill MM, HUALTOH 1IIOIIWAY ;i4 MATAWAN HELP W A N T E D BUSINESS SERVICES | $9200 APPROX. $70 MONTHLY PRICE! STYLE! W[1S Full Price $14 500. See this spark' MATAWAN BOROUGH ling rancher with a giant science kitchen. Full tile bath, oversized Three bedroom Cape Cod, fireplace, bedrooms, large finished garage. full basement, -illy water and sew Beautiful landscaped lot. See This era, reduced to $14,500. One I I I SUBJECT TO VA & FHA APPROVAL FOR RENT FOR RENT Brtad new Cape Cod home, Lochslea Heights area, custom built, 2 bedrooms, r odern kitchen, large livlag room, full basement, 600 foot deep tot, upstairs ready to be finished, complete with slorm doors built nomes on your lot aid screens. Asking only (15,990. COMPLETE LINE OF FOODS M4-S141 OR 56*9890 REAL ESTATE WEDDINGS - HOUSE PARTIES PIRATE SHIP ALL AFFAIRS CLIFFWOOD BEACH wrtf RT. H 566-0001 DOMESTIC and foreign bicycle reWJ16 pair* our specialty. Bayshore Hardwire Co., Front St., opposite KEANSBURG, bungalow 5 rooms i n d bath, 3 bedrooms, large Pott Office, Keyport Call 2M-II4S. wjtf kitchen, large living roam, floor heater. Near churches, schools and shopping. $3500. Inquire Asliall 158GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 160 Main St., Kcansbur;; or call 787-6040. w)16* Blacktop, drives, curbing, sidewalks and patios. All type fencing Installed. Call 671-5134. wjl6 DUTCH COLONIAL WITH TREES FOR "a Job well done feeling' clean carpets with Blue Lustre. 3 bedrooms, living room, den, gaRent electric shampooer fl. West- rage, basement. Convenient to era Auto, 112 Main St., Matawan. shopping and transportation. $17, 300. Call 671-3311 NOWI. VA no j down — FHA minimum down. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE WALKER & WALKER Lot u i be your Secretary, no need to mitt calls; part time or ' ' REALTORS time service. Call M4-7000. wjis 206K Highway 3S FOR LANDSCAPING with a differMiddletown-Holmdel, N. J. ence using Rhododendron and Multiple Listings A n l e a s call Wells Nursery 741-0180. And Trade-ins wJ16 Phone: 671-3311 WILL CLEAN cellars, attics ind Send for Catalog garages. Call Kt-1786 after 12. wJ16 ItUsftctkM •uartatttd. Come I n s e t far yourself. - M him M M Tt VA tad fJOMaVl BICYCLE need flxin'? Bring It in to Western Auto, 112 Main St Matawan. We repair all makes. wlW SAVE «/2 NO DOWN PAYMENT alaall .•Sad. Cal MMIII. Matawaa y, in STROTHER & ECKEL, INC. LLOYD AND N O U N RDS. MORGANVILLE BULLDOZINO a> BACKHOB Oradlac, U a d Clearing, Top Soil, IERVICS TrtachhiB, Lttertls, Fill Dirt etc. Call Mi-MM or SM-1M2. If no ECKEL'S TRUCKING aatwtr call UM52S. w]tf YOU butt 'em, we'll fix 'em. Glass CALL DAY OR NIOHT tnd screen repairs. Bayshore Hardware Co., Front St., opposite »jtt Pott Office. Keyport Call H4-1145. wjtj Dandle, ion roonat I I H and up. Fell ».H, ubsttot and brick tldlni t alto atrttt dMrt t » 7J. •tobtrttvillt arta a tejatrti Rooflag luppfita. Old Brldat I), tomt trt wood- Psair Boad, BaitiiliiniTt ftfl Otbtoo wAtMafaai lmr»sJeitsSr!ll Thnt or four bedroom dining full hutment, oil hot wstcr heat; 1 etr oeUchec gtrtge. Storms aad tcreens. Lot size 4HI4I. Price flS.M. SERVICES which aaiwtra JUavitttt. It It frtt tad It mtv tto obtalatd from tay of tht tf- credit It good yo« caa buj bedroom borne with eo down, located In Unioa Immediate occuptner For iajerautlaa call Icoraa ConatrucU »MII? wJW m-mt itrvite alw MOUMM a booUM. mi Four bedrooms, IH •> «hs. all otoc- • w a r trie, attaehtd sarca*. Fine ar*t, dM I owatr trtaaftrrtd. Your gala for t Ill.ttt. INHfRANCE-REAL ESTATE M MAIN ST. KEYPORT M MBM tali tafomatiM «fllctaf Mir matoytr or fenaer MMtojrtr. Tkt Ultra*! Rtvtwit NO MONEY DOWN A sUNMOMB HEAVY DUTY Tka'afliet «rftt wptytri wka kav* m i n i ttact Jit. I w j r t i to NMra M O M OK. U ckacfc tat M M «f MMtr MMtaa Mfert «•• MM to « • thelrlM tox M l MATAWAN BOROUGH HOUSES FOR SALE Three bedrooms. aJnliu room, ftretUce In Hvlng room, oil heat, b««#- er ours; t h o new hornet for sale Iwd MslW. Prlet IH.IM. Financing erranged. NEW HOMES AVAILABLE KEYPORT BaMattafsal Of aUMUlttf •ad will roomr your taiirt east wtthla thrtt years alter rttlrtpoa rtattt Mthlai at Income rteeiwd art fully HOUSES FOR SALE CLIIFFWOOD BEACH M tadtt t> ataa fjaiacsd frtat- .....SSESS3S HOUSES FOR SALE FREE INSTALLATION ALUMINUM COMBINATION • T M M WINDOW! Thursday, September 16, I94§ All unit fur mint >• n. h Hill Hill" III l|i|v"Hr, llllli" llllU>«t] n i t l l l l ' 1 fill sitinll will m l In ••yii'Mi. w)jj I ; I I I M I ' > : IIM'I I'ln-.'hi Nnlltinhvil" Vlnvl. A N'triMi!, I'-ii Wnililniiinii Klii'i'l, Iv V|i"!l I ill V'M M'iW will NllW S. 5. YX 1 I-.MAl,l'. null"! woiiinii inurnlnKi, Applv liny Diiii!, 27 W, I'mitt St.. tin' linn th'in •'hi-tiiii-.r, n.i|n. A H'IMHT I n l ' i i. i s h fui )'irl (ll-fll HAt, ADCOU CORP. I o f . I MAi'l'ilt Id f.I'Mil I I'.-il, Al • | | - | l , V I | i i N n , ( i / . D . V i i •. *•• A i M i i i l n : : 1 ; I id I I••; I I M M I <; Wi-imn wjlf t I A U I IA i t m l • M l M A ' i l M I I I M : m n | | l v n m l HI" Wnllj, i n i i l l t i l i iillii,' | j n » . n l i n i , i i ' " < |-,i| I J U V I M-iln Kt j ' M l l l l W d i i , Cull Mil) Wlb?" f-Wi.lUO, ' Wjlf \(\',',()U Ml, MALI'. IKI'.t IIOI.D I-T.MALI', How liiihui pin-tile (iiomhli 1 wnrl(, ilo (in (liliil xlilM, b'.i'mly Wink, f o Illnlll iivcldlMi'. I'lll'l hmjillilll/* nun, Init'ivlfwliiit nil«i Id n m , Wjlt) THE MATAWAM JOURNAL. H.J. Hr»t Section — Pag* Thirteen ride*. aeaMfor tkt Uw- CHICKENS- 29 OwarnL A to a raaHea HMr, faaq Waf 41 W M M J flf r t f M tor alder diildrea aad adt«a a n featured arouad tha wildU« lachiaed a n the wild atouae, a •mail roller neater aad acooter it aatt at praaast totae preaf af arevteas driviat eiperSace.. ITat k * driving drWiag teat tetrtejuirement j awy at waives n aives if tki applicant pp Uw hoUtr aff a valid lidaVivar Vi U M I M alatf stale «r eouatry. aiwMeai arftet that mt tm M tmU aOtd aat driving ability. A astaovnd baby dephaat aad a 0-year-old Coney Island carousel provide tntertaiantett for the young at Carousel Park. The carousel has 72 hand-carved wooden animals and two old Germain band organs. M m » r l i tt Tame AatoMle Fair visitors o scan visit two cg ajoriBaa aaatai M'Tota aad Oargantua I I at Ceatlncntal Park, la adCMM4» ClMBtar. A l l fat*. IMvMoa didaa to a Mtnigeria «f taaM ani UT Eaet State St., f>li atormail housed in a teat, than are tot the interior, a * * , aaj- ratr. llva amyifwnt rides. Also, you a n rrqulaad ta taad He Watch a porpsiM slat. P>ay ball erlglaal copy of tftkv t M a He aad clown about; see a seal juggle el n aad a saner ft*aaa)bst ea» and catch rings, all free ai the thle etrrtctkM. (tmStnSf Florida Pavilion Porpois* Show Also part of the Sunshine State's efee). exhibit this year, ti a free Florida Citrus Water Ski Show a the Anv cyela eMvtrlaMaetoM M Jtj aaltbaatrr when visitors will mar A-Ia order to ekuta a. asat v d at the blasce aad deaterity of tie driver Hecate to' sUrted Bat aanonnen M nsn spceo you lautt be IT-ya ,. tlta at rraakald Meglter arauad a circular track U-feet ant taattada ScftaaL Ctartte wiU iacbde widt. ptnatt fora lee af I t * * Operaiioef. Efla we Jaycopter Ride visilore fective Eaejtea, Effective Speakiag. caa aajoy the Mautioa of flyiag Baaataalct 1 tatl Aaalysias Ffatav to a htUoopter, aad at Iks aearby I? cS» Ita'vMo. art hw clal Statements. Log Flume Ride, passengers travel M i , If tad whaa you l a * Aattrican Institute of avak- to a hollcwed-out log along a series complett thcat tNto. M t win be set aa) torka) la tka largest adult adacitiatal af Hveiy Inclines and sharp curves, fiaally shooting down a 45 ' "aa in America. Specially your load tett. If yoa past Mat taad elide into a whirling pc teat you will be (aaaaaf a tetsparary . Mats are written by asjtas-canopied beats carry Motorcycle drivar Icens* (valid perk) ia Hair fields, aad t r * raigers out into Meadow Lake, lor N days). Your permanent aV " * whaa necestary t t * e cease will arrival to A c natal apart always up la daM when past exhibits located aJemg the waterfront. This cruise Includes proximately two watka altar yaar art made in ' guide. Maroda also offers three road test. Official reply fatal thrill rides for older children. . VS. Division of Motor Vtafcka. Replica Of Santa Maria Q—I am preparing for aiy a t t ar HCCDM examination, I aato BM A hU-siied raplka of Christopher driving Mad art livta by, Cthsatbas' fla^Bnip, Santa Maria, Is •eat only. Will you pletta • H H i l en MMdow Lake for vlsi( a from A-Drivlai icita a n five* I f took M M ajar* tort to expkMv. Ths 110 ton ship, appointment only. Tha appoint- m Lake. Tim can built In Spain, ia the result of careaieat may be ebtaiaad Immediate- bottoma aad aide*. ful research by museum curators in Barcelona and Washiagtoa, O.C. Toe International Wax Muaeum pretenta over HM figures of famous <*: character! and personalities, such at Ckopttrt, Supermaa aad five reeewl American presldenta. This aaaaoa, the exhibit also haa a display hi the Paris Pavilion ia the Fair's International Area. • CorHand Tha New York World's Fair is both a schoolroom and a playground. It is helping to cultivate M young minda a tense of pride in America and in the achieveatents of mankind. PICKED FRESH DAILY Speaking of the World's Fair, FROM OUR FARM President Robert Moses aald: "We have featured the temples of religion, domestic and International, ALSO OTHER FRESH FRUITS * VEGETABLES the auto industries, the praductt of the states, the ambitions of new Oonwnick J . LuccartNft republics, the discoveries of space, tha poteatitHtiea of the atom, stadiums and arenas of sport, rides, music, firework*, foods, simple and exotic, aU presented with ingenuity, HIGHWAY38 HOLMDIL originality and good taata. This la (JUST SOUTH Of MATIH. TOVt) a Family Fair." •'*i SpRff, Cwt-ejp %t Qvorttred u 3 3 POT ROASTS 59 - 6 9 RIBS of BEEF SStiSVK ? 851 BRISKET BEEF Arr js«js r 791 GROUND CHUCK ~£Z?Z£l!?* 59». ROASTING FORK — 45: SMOKED PICNICS »£., TW] 451 C it** »S9* World's Fair CkickeN Steers >M CUck ' IOMIMS CALVIS UVILt *• » • Chops a « • • MfAST QUARTEM QUARTERS APPLES 39 JAVi U CHOCOtATI FUME KIO kHvirflefdCrin Crank Square »" ^ ^35* "fc9ot MILD MELLOW COFFEI llb.bij Elfht O'clock 69* 1.99 fonoUiat MclNTOSH APPLES .., 3 .... H_-L IRW9UtW9m» SHDLESS-NONE PRICED HISHFP.I b. 3#)« 2 2 FTMIV-NONE PRICED HIGHCP.1 ITALIAN FREESTONI m * C.lifor-li X49* Campbell Soup 6 " " 7 9 * I-R>.9c jir !»i.| J|t Whit. Ytllow. Davil'l fooJ pVg. I PLAS1IC IASS I I aaatntlal mrirlanltfcimmy aRc« of JanaPvkar WhNeBraaxl. That's what's In H for you. We know tectutt we put Itamthara, V Strawkerry n™?» 3 ( 2 r 1.00 FiacaiMlie '•*••< ^ I ' ^ ^ 1 . 0 0 Ni-Glrishs -"—• 3 ' ^ : : 85' Oceat Saray c':;f." Cocktail ;;,. 49* Hfdrox Cookies NaMMO Fi{ Newteni 10 01. bag Pilbbwy c ^ r Rolls 1-lb.Mt f l f m j i * X n r * | | CRANBERRY SAUCE « |.|b. | Q t VWWtw* a p i f l W vYhoh or JtllW • „ „ , "W I of. M i Pl9-r Orangt Rflftl Slar-KitlCliMkUfMTiiM TURNOVER PASTRIH 9m\ry CmniT ValMtf •aJml aawlaaB-Paataarlit4 Prtcaw Mol-O-litCheeiel ^ 99* HonlHinliriCoffH l-lb.2oi.fjt QsaksrQiifkeais Dig. • • Iwittai SpaglMttisI 2 >io». e * " Hfisx Tsejatf Keitiip bot. S.ifw.1.0. SesiTissss f ntjr «(tum-iH% I T I M Maatlaa ««»ll«yi la MM* AW Uf 39: , tPDAV DEODORANT 1AA • • " Firal Touch fabric Softener htf laal«a» IVAN 1 • " * » FLORIDA ' T # tjftMf) PttJt » _ _ o»t m 4 •wfl rleniT - " mw COT " r*H p«tk <•«»!•» M» 3e »4f Ub«l pact ll"«25lt.roll ilwrolli** — MIEN SvettPMt MMftiOini • ! • (•ns * * ••"« 10 oi. ptgi. ,i 5 « • * CrMM StyU MUSICAROI M can »/i«»|it KIHMI r.gul.r flft i60oi. > '•"••Sa ToilitThm 0 2 ply KlaVMM TajaajUe MttJwtvwai I W i l t PARMieiAN/ Nskstkfcs MOUrHWMN 7oi.botH« aefrUafllt Caber's Btby Cereals 2S137* F ROZEM POOt) VALVES! Mat** f M«f/ 4W»f NO REASONABL! OFFtt UFUSEDI? • r o " ' ••Ot lowskMtPoi Tomatoes M««* 4 «»• 8 9 iibby's PEASICAMOIS 3«~49 f A & P B O O R S rT«nehSlyl>0 »«• 9 9 of SO JUN5HINI JANE PARKER WHITE BREAD '41 RAMMIIt 660. 4-Dr. Sta. Wag., h Cyl., Auto. f A W B Tram., Brown and White , W^ • • • **1 CHRYSLER N . w p o r t Herd Top, V-8, Auto. CA%#B TrMt.. fowt Stctvint], Blu* #«^ v B '41 MERCURY S 55. Sport Coup*, V-8, Auto. Tram., Powtjr StMrin* Wfiil*. '41 RENAULT R-t, 4-Dr. Sedan, 4-SPM(f Tram., P Black. '41 OLOSMOMLE Sitptr M . 4-Dr. Hard Top, V I . Auto. Trans., Power Steering, Blue '42 CHIVItOlIT Impaja. 2-Dr. Hard Top, 6 Cyi, Auto. Tram., Pow»r Steering, Black '44 RAMMJ* 660, 4-Dr, Statkm Wagon, 6 Cyi, Airto. Tram., Power Steering, Green. '42 OLOSMOMif I f , 4-Dr, t Pau., Statbx Wagon, 8 Cyl,, Auto. Tram., Power Steering, P o w e r Bralm, Air Cord., Ten Ik. •Mm PfJU 11% n. tr MfAM tl MUM 11'/, tx. D a MONTE KEADY-TO-StRVI 8 CARS MUST GO! AH Purpose 1.1 It. 11n* Iceberg Lettuce Wltk Itrnrttrrftt tr llnttrrfw Post Corn Flakes Pninos CAKE MIXES Jiffy Cut- USED CAR Itrte till 1b. bag NONE PRICED HIGHEM 49 -39 Swell. 10' 59* Grapes ctn. Cevrett 5 to' OrarifM aiifor«l*V.I.»cU Tomatots Ur9*Sia*| t t 1.39 BILLLANZAROS PRE- | or Drip Dearborn Fruit Farm $PEH>Y$AY$: "Com* On Down To M FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLE BUYS! JANE PARKER BAKED FOODS APPLE ME H fc KHehtn 3lle«« ;;; Wai lean M e * ] CltMtt HOW*»D*MN»«I J^; K»^»M | cam ' lfc - 4 ]£ « If*. ™ tonh, Thril For Dishes Carnation Instant Breakfast lestoil Pint Scent la*.* Lux Flakes Ajo Cleanser 2 ' ^ 25* Glad Sandwich Bags Camay Soap •afKsaMriai Dishwasher All •it. Ivory Flakes 30-DAY 100% OUARANTi eViSsspPawdtr Dcwnv Fabric Softener Lifebuoy Coral Soap Lifebuoy Coral Soap lat.ia.B4i M AUTOSM.ES AP pVkat effetliv* rfrit fat., leaf 1M, fc, MarktH am*) letf-!er*l<e stares enly In New J*r*ty, Orana* • teRtonti Cfyt. All T a t M w Frwltttl., Yi,*h Milk Ornl AMoholle •sfirsaie n * M t 1 lima I'l.W Stamp n«d. IAMTAN (a % IIII • arTFWOOD ts -Mie) Cllrfwtjatj KIANMKMO 9 0 M H " nMvnl aWi Chef Boy Ar Dot 2II1"59« fOtTT MAONMOU1N THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Ttiurtdsy, Sqrfonbw 16, 1961 COMPARE OUR PRICES AGAINST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING PANTRY PRIDI U.S. COVT INfPICTID ' 14*01. < cent <1 FRYERS QUARTERED CHICKEN Pantry Pride '"->''„ GRAPE JELLY I" ITALIAN STYLE VEAL CUTLETS. . » » 1 " BREADED VEAL STBAKS JR.. . . » 68< BONELESS CBOSS RIB ROAST. . »8S< CUBED BBIF S T E A K . S . . . . . . »78* BONELESS CLUB STEAK ..-. . . . .V»1«« LEAN GROUND CHUCK . - . . < * 63« MEATY TURKEY DRUMSTICKS . . » 33* NEWPORT ROAST ».»1" FRESH CHICKEN LIVERS » 68< SHORT CUT RIB STEAK » 78< CHIPPED BEEF STEAK S » . . . . » •!<• FIRST CUT CHUCK STEAK. »3S' MEATY PORK SPARE RIBS . . »4S« CENTER CUT CHUCK STEAK » 4S« . .. RIB ROAST off BEEF ^ u ITALIAN SAUSAGE ». 73' RIB ROAST off BEEF X . DAT CHUMK STYLf ^ . BAART . > # *. « /^Sti COMPARE THE SAVINGS C O T T A G E CHEESE M UK,TOH. . . . . ^ 2 8 * ALL MEAT FRANKS. • • tSB* NISH IMPORTED N A M ' S * &S9* PIXIE SAUERKRAUT . . . . ' ^ 2 2 - ptostk ROAST BBBF^r^r,?. . . SALAMI or BOLOGNA MI inr A M E R I C A N CHEESE WHITI m»M COIOHD • H A M CAPICOLLA . . . . . . MIADIO AlAKAN *• TABLE M« OOUAI >H'l 178' • . . • lli it* UICID 01 HAIVII j r Aft. *f MO $ 1 0 0 n poly bdti I WHITI 0 * . MY 4 "•: 89' Si-197* ...3 TOMATO •ueey aor • • • ^ P I N E A P P L E JUKE Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS t ® | TOMATO JUKE to in i CAIIF. SUNKIST MclNOTHS SILVIIDAU WOZIN PANTHY MIDI M 1 1 0 . CM KINKLI CUT • • (UAF CM CHOffflD) SPANICH JUIT TOAST A IIRVI HARVEST fANTlY PMN KINO M i l M U Y ROLL 3 i 99' YOUR CHOICE PANTIY M I M DRBAKFAST CAKE • . . COPHI PltCM AM LOWIft AT PANTtr PtIDE MAXWBU HOUSB COFFBB*^: SUPREME COFFEE NOILAND HOUSE COFFEE muwtu MMff ' Hr •fECIAtl IFFtCTIVI THRU IUN., MPT. 1»th 10CATIO WtTWN TMIX J. M. NELOI PLAZA Mw. l Tm.,WtAtMI » • ! « « • Ikwt. AW. I«M AM to 10 PM E«fiPifylfff AMff t PM • S M ^ V f AM ta« PM 10^99* 10^99* 10X95 2^29* MIM Stock Up With These Fine Foods- G reciter Savings Than Ever MIMVI INI mm • COMPARE THE SAVINGS FOOD. .15.: 9ANTIV MUM •J: 77- FISH CAKES -I, 6 "••fcBB* RED SALMON STEAK » « , » . . » 88« ••• CAUF. SEtmUS GRAPU^ . . ^ VAUNC^A SNAPPY CAM . U. S. No. 1 "A" SIZE QUHNOt BVAP . 4 - • COMPARE THE SAVINGS I2-M. • BAKE DAY BISCUITS ,, M M N T UODII LIQUID flNlANO IMPORT!. MID. III WHITI men DOVE LAND O' LAKES BUTTER RT.35 * iSy1 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. 14. INI Test Vision For School Mara Uua M a*r c«nt «l aU •chad, t**kt are aaa*4 aa' vlatai, pat iaywalnniily tour out of lea 'trad* achaol chlKrca are viwally fe^^l£Maftd lor adeauat* ichaeJ athlimaiat aceaidiag to Dr. Gerald Ka*i of Loag Braacb, werelary *( the MoaaMuth Ocean Caaattt* Opwmetrle iociaty. lp«ililag ta Iptikiaf la eoaaettiaa eaaactiaa w i t h "lack la fchaal Moatti," Dr. r. Kaaa MM that tfea tragic g part p aaf the •tola tola altaatloa ta Uiat matt cfcild ' aya dUaraan dU drta't caabbe arreafr ea or corraetei II effected «t aa early afa -4 mated promptly. I t e k w to tbii proMtm la a profctiloaaf aya aaamiaation Milch akould ba mriiaa (or every child Mart tatorlas •chool." he Mid. lekoaj vitioa •rotram* thit rely aeaa the w e of letter cKarti or acraaaJag davlca* by wp atoaata *j*a*r*Uy (ail to tfieloa* itrtiihUdiMH, awucultr Imbalaace •ad othar ot«ckaete«. fJhRdraa Wha May "pan" thl. jjrp* a» acraaalag program aad do have aa•wavaiea *l*to» probttmt may have trouble learalai toraad, or have (reqaeat headache* or other •ympMma. Oaly a profeaaloaal eaHaiMthM eaa eVtarmiae the reatftM M of a ehUd'a aye* to pertorai fetcoaipiexlllMofichoalwork. CtaMtR Pratae*'' "Viiion li a' complex proceu." ' Aa tociety official Mid, "and aa -Halle .test for visual acuity at M 'bet cai poaiibly reveal anything •ore thaa a child i ability to tee at M faH. (Ince moat achool work to. atrformed at the desk at a disMace af about 14 inches, this M - IMC teat la of very little value when "UMCEF ia Movie.and Music" will be preienled by Mrt. C. How ard Sanborn of Glen Ridge, State Representative for UNICEF, Thursday, Sept. 3», at l:3f p.m. in Agora on the campus of Douglass College. corner of Nichol Av«. and Suydatn St. Invitations have been sent to presidenls of Women's Clubs and Evening Membership chairmen n! the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs, and to leaders in church, civic and service organizations. : Danny Kaye recently made a color movie called, "A New Fashioned Halloween" In Leonia, with Juniors of the New Jersey Slate Federation of Women's Clubs. Leonia was selected as the locale for the movie because It li representative of many communities across the nation which want a safe, selfless and constructive Halloween. Danny Kaye and the townspeople unfold the story of how Leonia deataa fer tfe ^.•**t Thnraay, adealed by la* veloped a town-wide Trick or Treat •Med at tk* areaeaed atta oa Kaala* M aad « . for UNICEF Program. Mrs. Warren B. Pinney, of South aapiraat Willlaaa HiarOrange, Are* Chairman l o r SKARS Mad by itself." The observant parent or teacher ,taa ba especially helpful in noting possible visloa problems and tbea la making sure the child hat professional nelp, The New Jersey Optometric Assorts! too lists these symptoms to watch for: Losing place while readlag. avoiding ctose work, body regIdlty while looking at distant obJetls, holding reading material closer than ooraMl, aweulve head •Mvenwati white readiag. poor sitting posture and position, or •linking, soowling or squinting, tiltI M head to one side, tending to Mb aye, headache and tension dur lag close work. "The best way to assure your •MM** eyes are ready for school b by a professions! examination at isast once a year," he said. To ShowFilm OnUNICEF Freeway Inspection Second Section — Pag* On* UNICEF, will give some "Helpful BaHlaship New Jartay Ave., Long Branch, is chairmin of raise S500,GCO to pay for moving the Hints" about a Trick or Treat for the battleship committee. New Jersey from the Philadelphia UNfCEF program in another ares. May Ba War Memorial A state-wide committee for the Navy Yard to Long Branch. Last year the children of New New Jersey also has been set up States already having battlesaJa* The movement to have the Bat- by Gov. Richard J. Hughes. Other Jersey collected $137,747.86 for UNICEF while enjoying all of the tleship New Jersey moored off endorsements have been received that were named after them are North Carolina, Alabama and Teaexcitement of a traditional Hallo- Long Branch as a permanent World from state, county and municipal ween. These children were a part War II and Korean War Memorial organizations. The New Jersey Jay- as. ol the world's greatest effort by was endorsed by the Monmouth cees are conducting a campaign to Have you read the classified a * ? children to help other children. C o u n t y Democratic Executive Their assistance has made it pos- Committee. sible for UNICEF to provide 551 P. Paul Campi, county chairman, projects in llfi countries; for the said the committee had voiced supcontrol and cure of disease; for port of the efforts of the Long Thursdays 1 Fridays — 10 A.M. to I P.M. the establishment of maternal Branch Battleship Committee to health centers; and for education Ket the Navy to release the warship leading to better nutrition and sani- for the memorial purposes off Long tation. Branch. Harry Levinc, 475 Bath ENROLL NOW! HILLTOP IALLET md DANCE AITS formerly Malawan Ballet • BALLET Ross W. Maghan Agency Beginner thru Advanced • TAP Creative and Modern • ACROBATIC • JAZZ • BATON • BALLROOM • LADIES'EXERCISING CLASS "Sov* With Scrfcco Auto and Homeowner Policies" Real Estate—Insurance MATAWAN 138 M M Si lOweN 6-0003 1-r.p I n f n r m o l U n hot- Information 566-2222 AndcM Kwlit, Director lttfc M t u t f i A , , W , M Lloyd & Nolan Rdi., Morojnvlt Lowest Price Ever on these Kenmor Double-Oven Gas Ranges V \ Cook Easier and Quicker with • • • Days Only. J? SAVENCm KENMORE Sears Kenmore "Classic" Double Oven Gas Range N yoTneed print!** af~aay Uad, are are here to serve you. Our Mick service and rea-daabU prieM will please you. •INSWANa Built-in Teflon* Coaled Griddle i '•• Kenmore 30-Inch Classic Gas Range No Money Down 25tt Both oveni are thermostatically controlled. Big enough to bake and roast a complete meal for a family or crowd . . . and you still have a full size broiler below. Lower oven has removable Visa-Bake Door. 158°° ta-Taa* ana CHARGEIT on Sears Easy Payment Plan By: CHARUE DIAMOND This la the time ol year when Jupiter Pluvlus crank* up the waterworks In moat parti of the country a n d (hrowi bolt* or electricity a b o u t In carelta* abandon. You know, ol course, t h a t t*tea a wmmer itorm threaten!, M I* beat to gat jndoora a n d May there. Matal-frama bulMHag* ar* ufett and amall •tructurta w i t h o u t lightning rod* are the pooreat bat, Once Indoor*, *tay away (ram open window*, » t o v * » , fireplace*, and wall* aaxt to chimney*, Aim, iteer clear of metal Item* wen at radiator*, *cr**n door*, plumbing flMunt a a d Hazard* present themielvea on all sides of life. But, don't take chances with hatards when you buy a new car, Oot the very b e e t at OEM OLDSMOBILE, INC. . . . 110 Main m,, Matnwan . . , Phono fafMM , . . We upeclallie In modern and up to date facilities , , , Newest igency In lown, TIIIS WEIiK'8 HOUSEHOLD HINT: Stain* on suede ihoes can often lie removed by rubMng them with a niece of bread, 80-in. Gas Ranges Have Handy Built-in Griddb Nan MW wvff 158 1965 Sears Kenmore 20-in. Gas Rangettes Kanmor* Automatic Big 80-in. Gas Ranges 00 Sfea*a latra IMP ariaa • M-low ilmitMt (araan Kewl|r Hyled baahguard haa brio « i y to HMH ffeelfto aloek with 4-hr, timar. Removable Vlal> Bake ioor makea oven eloanlng eailer. Drip IHU/I eatak fplll-overa. Liifo amokalaaa broile* 208°° Plul your ueal . . , lenva lor tlia <l/iy, llm rnnn« uril, etopa M preset llinc* or ln|i(>ri« down, iilll-ln griddle Kllli uuvi'i*, «!OIIVITU lo work ai»H(i«. ltenuvakl* VtaMluko oven <l(«ir. (Hock. K 0hop at Sears and flairs) Chock Hear* low **l«* L«rg« It-Inch avta 78 00 8|)iiMC-»aviii|) raugella ia |>«i'feol answer to lfc*J •iiuill H|)Hrlniciil, tutiiiticr collngfl. 4 lop burner* fully liiHiiluIrd oven, Hiuokoh'iii brollora Bullt4Bj 'l M l H l ' d OV<;II. SEARS - MIDDLETOWN I,-,<K> inr.irwAY s i 0|ir.'! Mon. thru 1*1. lilMtS) 1'ltoue 671-ttttOQ THE MATAWAN JOURNAL N. J. Gurdi Exptnds Thunday. September 16. 1945 Temple Shalom Installs Rabbi visited 50 of the 80 countries and Flrat Pnsayiaftaa Caarea County Holy Nam* raagrsgaiiaa territories where LV/A gilts are at aeute M aad Fraaaas at Rabbi Sheldon Gordon work. In 19S3 he made a survey of To Meet In HowaH Matasfu church - related projects in nine Service* will be held this Friday Br» Chester A Jamee 1. Mclnerney, president countries of Latin America. These at 8:30 p.m. at the Strathmore Elementary School, Church St., in the of the Mooroouth County Federa- included Brazil and Chile, where Morning worship services Sunall-purpose room. A discussion of tion of Holy Name Societies, an- Lutheran World Relief and Church .the goaia and procedure* ol the day are at » J 0 and 11 a.m. Thenounced that the Very Rev. Msgr. World Service jointly supply proReligious School will te held ia pastort sermon topic will be "The Thomas J. Frain, Ph.D., Trenton grams of relief and social we> conjunction wtai A c Oaeg Shab- Implication ol Praying 'Deliver D i o c e s a n Superintendent of fare in co-operation with the Probat Immediately toMowiag *i* ter- Us From Evil,'" Mnn in a **r- Schools, will be Ihe speaker at the testant church ia those countries. vie*. TIM Oaeg Shabbat wrH beie> ot atrmon* entitled "The Im- quarterly meeting of the Federa- In 1964, he toured refugee service projects of the Lutheran World fponeorai a y Mr. and Mr*. Paul Zuckennaa, and Magistrate and plication* ot Praying The Lord's tion which will be held on Sunday Federation in the Middle East and Prayer." Sunday School meets at at St. Veronica's Church, Howell Africa. Mr*. Lloyd EJgart A StUcoth atrviee will he held 9:30 and II a.m. Nursery care is Township, at 7:30 p.m. Benediction Saturday at 10 p.m. at the home provided for children under three- of the Blessed Sacrament will be Temple Beth Ahm celebrated by the Rev. Mitchell J. ol Mr. aad Mra. Stephen Oatrow, year* . of - age. Celkowski, poster of the host par- Hebrew School Hours 42 Ivy Hill Or., Matawan. ish. f i m SaBtaM Cbarca The Hebrew school of Temple A feature of the meeting will be UIMasaft.. Matawaa the announcement of final plans for Beth Ahm has announced an inRev. Donald T. Phillips cr. •ay ley er ajrl, ftwsi aas* H i . the annual patriotic and religious crease in the total amount of Minister R*r. bigsaaT.fireaory,Paatos Is atag la oa* «( tbt live youth rally of members of the 35 parish school time. Students now will ha Sunday at both the 8:43 and 11 Holy Name Societies af.' Mated with attending classes for four and one ' - " - » CHIIwa ai» an Sunday School begins at »:N a.m. services, the pastor's sermon Iha beat of aacrad the Federation and their families. half hours twice a week: Monday a.m. (or aH age* through adults. This Sunday the film. "This Is My topic will be "An Autumn La- The rally will be held in St. Jo- and Wednesday or Tuesday and Son," depicting the parable of the ment." Music wiH be by the chan- seph's School Gymnasium, Key- Thursday. Classes begin this week prodigal son, will be shown. A nur- cel choir. At II a.m. there is jun- port on Sunday, Sept. 26, at 2:30 and Sunday School classes will beM a Ban at CkrMiaa Eeatatlaa sery for infants and toddlers is ior church and a surpervised nur- p.m. The Rev. John Gartner, gin Sept. 19. Each student will reIhe atudy af ate ant* of available each week during Sun- sery. Sunday School meets at 9:45 S.S.S., editor of the magazine, "Eu- ceive a postal card containing hi* day School and church. At the 10:45 a.m. for all ages and grades charist," the official publication of class, room number and instruc1 la nrcaHaail worship etrvfea.m. worship service the pastor from nursery through adult depar*1• Ihe Nocturnal Adoration Society tor's name. will bring the morning message en- ments. At 11 a.m. classes are he 1 will be the speaker. The Rev. MichThere will be Rabbinical superflaaWaftaatai aaaaasaa^Baal^tfl laa> • • n n l l t a i • titled "On the Threshold of Bleat- for pre-school through third grade ael J. Lease, spiritual director of vision provided for the children who nHWH M m R w m difDcnBi Jlte Federation and pastor of St. are dismissed from public school at ing." Baptist Youth Fellowship will in the church house. •aJBPT OTJMBVM) M rVMMHW 4V CAN A.mies Church, Atlantic Highlands, 2:30 p.m. and start Hebrew Clas* meet i t »; 15 p.m. The evening serX. Man'a Episcopal Chare* Ae church offee, StumTor Mm. will direct the religious exercises. at 3:15 p.m. vice is at 7:30 p.m. East Freat St., Keyaorl Writhe, JM-MI1. Junior Congregation tvill be held Rev. Henry K. Male, Rectoi Fto Yea* Cfcalr* Craa* MetbedlM Char* frkad, RabM Lawmce Lawmce N. Mahrtr, apirllval apirllval o n every Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Morning prayer Sunday will be Rev. Rollin Shaffer ell Beta I M Teaafte, Wla. Owmb Choif I ittorkiadarnrft. JaaaaePL B H HIM T t e Kaairtl. Krt W l at rnianaaia in the First Aid Building on Lloyd at 7:4S a.m.; Holy Communion, 8 Friday lea Md Hnt a n * paaUe e a i f e Uahalaaea Rd. and Church St., Mat?wan a.m.; church school and family ser- Silver Tea Speaker fetmtt Fridaye ftwfcel to TM Rev. Harlaa M. Baxter Township. Any parent who has t s t Services will be conducted by the vice, S:30 a.m.; morning prayer On Thursday evening, Sept. 23, registered his child or who wavld dargyaiaa of four eaaomfaatioM Jordoe, Pi.; Morton Bctlin, 41 Idleand address, 11 a.m. pastor at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church like more information may contact the women's organizations of GcthaMeadsd 0m InfMaHori of RabU In additkm to Rabbi Cordon, wild La.; Saul Schussel, 17 Ford- School will meet at 9:30 a.m. Wed- During the week, Holy Commun- semane Lutheran Church, Kcyport, Bernard Klein at 89 fdolslone Lane. o f l k m were iitaUUed during bam Dr.. and Harold Roihman. 1» R m t . Va*» thka danka ia tti* pulpit af thtae ion will he celebrated Wednesday nesday evening at 7:30 p.m., there wiH hold a silver tea for all woaqm toon <:«toVM M > ! Cra> Tempi* Shakw, Matawaa'a Re- the aervlce, whkh waa attended by InRlewood La. at 9 a.m. and Friday at &30 a.m. men of the church. Those attendwiH be Bible study. The New Jersey Optometric A*more tea 2N oonfregaMf tod ing will be privileged to hoar, as sociation states that, although chiltona Jewish CoatrefaUc*. Congratulatory letters and lelefheir fueett: Andrew Sackerman, Craw <H Gtor? _ Chart* at Seyptn guest speaker, the Rev. Rollin O. aVaa^a^jU^^ <aV^ M mm^ ^ -. —— " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 51 Iranutt U . , preaident; Alan grami arrived just prior to the indren today carry very heavy readUithtraa Caarea W i r m ft., Keytart A n a W M f DM OCfMnOflJ WMf FiahroM. M Idlebraok U . , first stallation from Mayor Henry E. Shaffer, assistant director of Luth- ing loads beginning at age six and _ MiiavaavNariaan RabU Mania RubfewMa, tpiiritual vice preaident; Raymond Bieber, Traphagen, Matswan Township; Rev. Sharon T. Schollen, Pastor eran World Action lor the National seven, many studies show that tha ttrathsMre Scheei. Malavaa traSt, Witowaafa fra> I to • leader of Tempta Beth Ahm. MalaTh* two morning worship aerLutheran Council. visual mechanism is not ready for Rw. Richard A. Weeden. Paste* 41 IvyhlU Dr.. teoond vice preai- Luther H. Foster, superintendent aak waa'a CcaasrvaHv* lawlak omtra- dtnt; Alan Gordon. M Andover U . , ol schools; Rabbi Maurice Eisea- viee* will be held at » 30 and at Church ichool will meet Sunday In the intercut of the LWA ap- these requirements until a child i t Adult choir*, which lati lha aa>fatiaa: jttv. OBMM T. Phlila» treaauNr; M n . Morrif Bogdoooff, drath, president of the Union of M:4S a.m., with the pastor preachpeal, the Rev. Mr. Shaffer has eight or nine. ak at aw SuAw *» aai H a m ar., ol lha Pint Maltodiat Church IK Iroogaai La., recording eeere- American Hebrew Congregations; ing. The choir will sing at the at 9 a.m. "Nine Ways to Walk" be the psstor's sermon topic af Matawaa: Paator Rlchtrd Wot- Ury; M n . Arthur Karlm. 11 la- Rabbi Nelson Glueck, president ot 10:48 service. Sunday School wiH will the 10:30 a.m. worship service. day* from M a H M L ~ iaa. «f the Croai of Glory Lutheran gram d r . , oornepondint aecretary, the Hebrew Union College - Jew- convene at M t a.m. in me Church at The pastor's information class will » aaneaa alraaaj era Church. Mstawaa, who delivered and these truateea: Mra. Stanley Mi Institute of ReUgkm; Rabbi Ja- HOUB*. meet at 7:30 p.m. at 136 Deerlleld the Invocation; and Rev. Harold Berkowlu, IS Indigo U . ; Stephen cob W»iBsteln, president of the Cen#JMB two ctaiah aaaie i Lane, Matawan. Mah9CfeMNa (I Deaa, of <ha UacnH (WUriaa tral Conference of American RabOitrow, 42 Ivyhill Dr.; Peter S. p for at Mat aaattar I I wote- a^aVfeft^^uW a^aa^sk A - a s _ _ - _ _ A The Bible Class will meet TuesWallaoh, 77 Bechstein Dr.; Dr. Sid- bis; and Rabbi Joseph Rudavsky, day at 1 p.m. at 136 Deerfield Lane. Re* Cairall I Had Seriaa aad letter are a loaf vtMiruia wtm n n n n o ney Groffman. ]09 Idoblone Dr.; president ol the New Jersey Rectos *ay off hat, rehaanal Urn* U be- Rabbi Gordon wai formally in- Arnold H. Katinsky. » Warrea Conference of Ihe Central ConOld Brick Reformed tas dtvoted la araaarallau or lha The 1 4 * Sunday after Trinity, •Ulled by aa old friend and CIIM- Dr.; Theodore Gerrig, 24 Icemea- ference of American Rabbi*, •radtvell Rd.. barker* Uatsa .Pprttaa, Awa Haadar* fflatt, RabH Uwrence N. Mahrtr. dow La.. Bertram' Morachnicfc, I among ottien. matin* aad Holy Communion will Rev. John Hart. Pastor be at 7 : « a.m.; Family EucharatMaNMawf WfMCaw Waal D t D W a f t tpirttual Itadtr ot Beth HUH Tem"Devotion to Prayer" will be the iat aad church school, »:1S a.m.; theme of the morning worship ser^ -* a / , * . Aayoaa |Mf«t- ple. Keaoaht, Wii., who alio dtHve n d t t e atrmon. Another apeaker Holy Euchariat, II a.m. vice Sunday at 11 a.m. Sunday Holy Communion will be cele- School meets at 9:30 a.m. in the towaa Theodore Bmido, director o l cal Oordoa P. MaceTuMaU. tha New Jersey Council o l the Uabrated Tueaday. the Feast of St. chapel. for nirlhar lafmwtta or I M » ion at AaMricM Hebrew CowraMatthew, at I a.m. and Friday Youth Fellowship will resume gaUoaa. at «:M a.m. (he PaHk Adult confirmation das* meet* meetings at 6:30 p.m. In the chapel. n tytassars A w , i M . aai Path) Ava. Thursday at 1.3* p m . and chilFirst Baptist Rabbi Richard Rfcba ~ P. ~ Steinbrlnk dren'* class Friday at 6:M p.m. Sabbath Eve Services wiH be Rev nieodoreC n i Mala St., Matavaa Sunday School ctaaaea are held held Friday at 8:30 p.m. RabU Rev. Paul Jackson, Minister Cthwiy Steinbrtnk wiH officiate. The Sab- at 1:30, 1 3 1 and II a.m. Worship Church school Sunday is at 1 IWrd ft., bath candies will be kindled by service* wiH be at 9:30 and 11 a.m. At the 10 a.m. worship serRev. David Mrs. Stelnbrink. The pulpit flowers a.m. at which time the pastor will vice, the pastor's sermon topic will Pastor will be donated by Rabbi and Mrs. preach <m the topic, "So I Send be "A Stone in the Rosd." A covSunday worship aervicea ar* at ered dish supper will be held In Stehbrink. During the service, the You." Wgrim Youth will meet at J * . * * * " Pi*!*) who wmNp htm bwNa new born daughter of RabH and 5:30 p.m. lor a box supper and pro- » and 16:45 a.m. w h o the pas- fellowship hall at 5:30 p.m. you to Him h a atoriow spiritual aovmtura. Mrs. Steinbrink will be named and gram In the educational wing. T V tor will speak on "The Diaappointbteaaed. Guest preacher will' be sixth, seventh and tigMh grade ments of Life." The senior choir Temple Belb will sing at the second service. Ribbi Eugene J. Sack of Congre- students are invited. Conservative A nursery is in operation at 10:41 gation Beth Elohim, Brooklyn. An First Aid Blag. a.m. Church school is in seaamo at Oneg Shabbat In ' celebration of Church St., Matawaa 9:30 a.m. for nursery through senthis occasion wiH be held immedRabb! Morris L. Rubinstein SUNDAY, SEPTEMBEt I f ior high. Youth Fellowship will not iately foDowing the service. Candle-lighting time is at 6:43 meet tfris week. Keraeri p.m. Sabbath services will begin On Saturday, religious school will Church ScrvicM A public Bible lecture entitled at 8:30 p.m. In Ihe First Aid Buildmeet at 9 a.m. Lather Meawrul Caafch ing, Church St., Matawan TownOn Tuesday, Hebrew Classes will "What Doe* the Bible Teach About ship. Rabbi Morris L. Rubinstein's be held at 4 p.m. The ninth grade Jesus Christ?" wiH be given by G. •MfflMIK Aljitn, at 3 p.m. Sunday. At 4:1$ Call* Neck aad PieaaaM M a . sermon will be,."The Cult of the chat will be held at 7 p.m. New SWcwflbwy Dead." Mr. and Mrs. Norman RosOn Thursday, Hebrew Claises p.m. the Watchtower Bible study Rev. Daniel D. Reiabelmer enblatt will host the Oneg Shabbat will meet and the confirmation will be held. The subject theme Pastor will be "Turning To Jehovah." in honor of the first birthday of class will meet at 4 p.m. Sunday School and BiMe classes their son, Daniel. { meet at 9 a.m.; worship service, 10:49 a.m. with me sermon by the Adult services will be held Sal pastor. A nursery hi provided. Cot- urday morning at 9 n.m. Junior tage meeting Bible class will meet Congregation services will begin ni at 8 p m .at the home of Mr. and 10 a.m. MATAWAN Saturday at midnight, a Selichos Mrs. John McLearen, 538 SycaWILL SPONSOR A service will be held. It is the pene more Avc, Shrewsbury. tential service wriich ushers in the HUNGARIAN STYLE DINNER The HalmdM Chan* High Holy Days. A social hour will Rev. Thomas H. McNalrf On Sunday, Sap*. 19 at 4:00 P.M. precede the service at 11 p.m. The service will be held in the First It Will Be Preceded By A (Service) "The Voice in the NigfU" wHI be Aid Building. :he pastor's topic on Sunday at the Religious Service and Benediction II a.m. worship; Sunday School, First Church Ol Carts!. SattMte M Brea* St., Keyaart 3:45 a.m.; Youth Fellowship, 7 Location: Off Rt. 79 (Main St.) at Wilton Ava. Sunday • e r v I c e snd Sunda> p.m. at Fellowship Hall. ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND I The congregational committee School, 11 a.m. Wednesday, letti will meet at the parsonage Tuea- mony meeting 8 p m RcadinR roon opt! Saturday from 7 to 4 p.ia day at 8 p.m. "Lay up for yourselves treasures Getasetnaee Latteraa Cfcawt) in heaven, whore neither moth nor Maahi f t , Keyaait rust doth corrupt, and where "Gloss end Mirrorv In Every Slits You Can Break" Rev. Frederick Boos, pastor thieves do not break through nor MATAWAN: 130 LOWER MAIN ST. Sunday church school meets at steal" (Matthew 6:20). 9:45 a.m.; church services, 8:30, OPEN SATS. 711. NOON This passage from the Bible will 9:45 and 11 a.m. Belmar Red Bank Junior confirmation class meets be the Golden Text for nil Christ'atunlay at 9 a.m. and senior class ian Sc'ence churches on Sunday. 1813 H Street 21 Maple Ava. The subject ol the Lesson-Sermon at 10 a.m. is "Mailer," and It will feature the story of Job. Maranalha Baptist Church Hslmdel • Keyporl Rd. aad •rallley Laae. Hazlel The Rev. Albert Hafficy will ho the guest speaker Sunday at the II am. and 7 p.m. services. Susday School, with classes lor all ages, AT meets nt 9:45 a.m. ^MtgBa BAYSHORE CHURCH DIRECTORY INVITATION 18 FOR YOU Quick Installation Authorized Insurance Replacement Service ATLANTIC GLASS CO THE IMPLICATIONS OF PRAYING THE LORD'S PRAYER . Tha ImpRtttion of Pravmf " U* From Evi»' Tin BMRIM Fathers t f Fall WAREHOUSE Clearance! and away we go in our brand new car! tWtJ nfw M i l MM. Wo found financing • ntw car CORvaniont at tha F A M . . . and, tha lew bank rat* metal tha paymantt aaty. Light Touch ly Stan Sl«b«nfc«r« I havt no t>«d htbltt — but I'm willing to l«<rn , , , FIELD FURNITURE New and Uied . . . Tradelm . . . FLOOR SAMPLES FACTORY CLOSE-OUTS — RETURNED — ODD STOCK ARMFRS 5AIIOINAI KRCHANTB HANK I Inow A man whom iftlrtrv ru Info I]«B liqi»M — his w i l d m four (jAiiqM«nl • « • l i who go»i through llf* tt^ncfl*><| * t th«f cb^pl«lnt counter , • , • » • You'll n«»«f eempUIn ll you com* la Stunlay 6 , Siobonbfftf, High' w»y ]<t, Mfltuwnn, 'jdt 1100. ( i f oil ytjur imiiMMeit nv^dt, Ftrtd 6Ul how wt fit" l«ll«t rnoki »n Intiimiut polity to ' I I ypuf Ht.»iJt «nd M yen iny hi II wi 10 menlhi *>. Aute, Hem», lutlnrit, Sf U l r "mninfii, btf«r« yen f#n»w, "WE f«Y HABCM" Pricta1 from t I OOO HOS LIVING ftOOMS MC7IONAIS , 175 •« HDROOM sums oiNirris INNMSPWNG Do you iuppot« they call thtm fclilnli b«cmii> thty Jon'* <onr liii «lfl itloll? WAREHOUSE DEPT. %n ui MA1TRSSSES IUNK BEOS. OAK OR MAPLE ODD ORESSEHS P§ 9,11 RUG5 lit STUDIO COUCHM I SOM ICDS |» HOUYWOOO a i M lit lit REFRIGERATORS It* 1)1 ODD CHAIRS • •'• AND MORE . . . LOTS MORE! CHOOM MOM 10 LOVILY CtMtIM ,n4 Una I Htm OwMlh frkW htm 1171 JAVI uf t. »0% $10 DEPOSIT Will Hold . . . And Pay Ai Little Ai FREE I DELIVERY and STORAGE $1.25 Weekly HELD FURNITURE Warehouse Dept M I E. Front St., Keypwt — Cal 264-3020 SPECIAL TERMS TO SERVICEMEN and VETERANS MONDAY ,«d FRIDAY ~ * A.M. to f ».M, ruES,, WED, utA TMIJRJ, - * A,M. to I P.M. SATURDAY - « A.M. to I P.M. THIMATAWAM JOURNAC, N. X I*. IHO Sign* Of The Times Red Crow Sets Meeting af Caea> IT CMUr mi tte O M M Cnuty " C w N l f MWtfM flMWtt Si l M OMta. ^^' 'Jaetke Proctor win latroaaca Ika auk) eaaaker. Jaaaae Q. da Mat, Mate Ratatbaa raawaaaatatiw treat 1.1. da Pas* da Neaaean aad aiaaWaaat Oaaas) GaMaty aad Moa OMaaa CaMtv eWaaaala tha andtaaoa. Cm. rfafhaa aaa baaa iavit- _ tor tte 'Re* j kept « a minimum _ r to glva Mr. w Pint the floor the tataraeUag (peach, "Pallor locMtr' that hai « • _ J aetioaal acclaim. Tha report of MM aoaunatiaj cemmlMM «IU M irtttaM byHaroM M, KeaMburg, chalruaa He aad his committee aomlMta tar • Dun yaar ttrm: Mn. Of* Ckifpf, Mattel, lac., Keyport; Al •art A. George. CoHa Neck; Joka Urgt Clou Roporh Kay, Uaeroft; O. A. Newaaiat. To NunJno. School Maaiaouth raaarrlldatad Water Co Loaf Braach; WlUtom Wckarda. The larsnt freshman c l a n la Maaasauaa Park, aad Mra. lalta the history of the School of NunIng «flrolled thii week (or "OrlenNaailaatad tor a three year term UtlM Week" at Monmouth Medical The fall Nurse Rtfresher Course ate: Mra. William R. ciotworthy. Outer. Studenti and their parents will begin at Perth Amboy General •rielk; Ralph I. Oamiaao, L o u w«ra greeted at a ipeclal m i i o a Hotpiisl on Monday, Oct. i, hosBraach; Joba T. Uwley Jr., MUd- hcK U the Center's Borden Audito- pitsl director Robert S. Hoyt andfctowo; Doaald MacConaaU, Ut- rium under the direction of Mri. nounced. Ma Illver; tha Rev. Blaackard Ro- Caroline) H. Spahn, director of the Applicants are being interviewed • M J M , Balmar; Mr. Saatay; G. echool. daily in the hoipitsl's nursing ofKeaswth Small, Ban Telephone LaFifty-eight atudeoti from 47 com- fice. Any currently licensed profeskontorlai, Hohwtol. and Jack WVMwCfd rPMnoldi MM Honorsfy munities la New Jersey compriw sional nurse who would like to have Maaibera, Board of Oiraetora: Gor- the d u i . Included are eight mar some experience in today's dynamdoa D. Donald, Rumaon; Mri. Wll- rled women and three men. Moa- ic hoipital field Is welcome to Kua I. How, CoiU Neck; Kaaaalli mouth Medical Ceater'i School of phone Hillcreu 2-3708 for informaK. Huha. Uttla Silver; Mra. Gar* Mining la oae of teven nuriiaB tion or an appointment. The course it free. Some assisaar C. Mala, Waal Long Braaekj Khooli In the state that accepts tance for specisl traniportation or Aathoay L McKlm. Uttla Silver; both man and married ttudeati. CUranea B. Uattrberg, N • w Qoorge J. Bartel, Center Admia- babysitting problems is also availMnwabuiy: Mra. Bernard White, lirator. commenting o n the In- able, Mr. Hoyt said, from a fed•hrawabury aad A. Alvln Whltisg. creased enrollment this year, stated arsl grant administered through that MMC is intensifying its efforta the Hospital Research and Education Trust of New Jersey. Mn. A. C. Norwlne. Holmdal, la la order to do Its part in helping Havre Of Caurae OMktlrman of the Red Cross af- to alleviite the critical shortage of Claiies will be held Monday a i r w . The storage in New Jerfair with Mri. Samuel Kc through Friday from 8:45 a.m. to aev Ii eatimited to be between M a t Meaaant Beach. Mri. 1: IS p.m. for eight weeks. "Nurse 4M» and MM. KeiHaa, Little Silver, la Refresher Couries are one of the tfcwa chairmen. atepa modem hospitals are taking How about buimesi. cards? We to meet the needs of our fast-growcan supply them quickly and at the ing communities," Mr. Hoyt pointright price. Come aid try us. ed out. "Repeated surveys ihow that thousand! of former nurses hesitate to return to their profession because they feel they i r e out of practice. But refresher courses can give them the confidence to return. "Those who have already taken a refresher course have told us how muchth«y enjoyed getting back into hospital activity, "Our spring c l u s was most enthusiastic about how much they enjoyed brushing up their techniques and finding out the new* things that have come along in the list few 1 rXoajioiMl rii^pi School, ' years. "Our nursing staff Is looking torAtlantic Avo.. Mataw«n ward to providing the same kind of experience for the fall class," Nurse Plan At Hospital 40 COURSE ADULT SCHOOL New Parking At Riverview Soeona* Soctioit Pago TKrM limitation of spact, a controlled, attendant ay stem with a fee to cover the cost o( such a system, had been instituted. Sociafy To MaWt A new parking system is now in effect at Riverview Hospital, it was The Radian Valley Chapter of announced by John H. Daniels jr., he American Production and Inadministrator. The area on the ventory Control Society will bemain hospital property is reserved gin the 1965-66 season with a dinpermanently for doctors and clergy ner meeting at 6 p.m., today, at but also has limited space to ac- the Howard Johnson Restaurant, commodate cars leaving patients to Routes I and 18. The newly elected be admitted or picking up patients president, Edward J. Brue.i, of who are discharged. There is no Personal Products Co., will precharge made for short term park- sent the program of chapter activiing of this nature. ties which have been planned for For visitors' convenience the hos- the coming year. pital has provided a parking lot directly across Union St. from Real Estate Listing Carda for Riverview. Attendants will park sale at this office. cars for a fee of 25 cents for one hour or 50 cents for two hours or all day. Hospital visitors may wish to utilize this parking facility rather than park on borough streets or public lots. Emergency patients are driven directly to the emergency entrance of the hospital, where a hospital guard will direct the driver to one of the parkinR spaces there. No fee Is charged here. If It is necessary to re-locate trie car because of an influx of ambulances or other cars bringing emergency patients, the driver will be directed to move Mobil* Horn* Owners his car to the parking lot in front of the hospital and, of course, no Plan Harvest Danco fee Is required. Main Entrance Members at the Mobile Home When a patient is being brought Owners Association of New Jersey to the hospital or being picked i p. and their guests will launch the autumn season with a Harvest the driver of the car will drive to Dance according ta an announce- the main entrance of the hospital. ment from Mrs. Robert Lewis, pro- The car may be left for a short gramming chairman of the stale- time at this area. If it Is necessary wide organization. The event will to leave the car for any length ot take place on Saturday, Oct. 1 In time (to wait for discharge, or the Emerald Room it Buck Smith's treatment) the driver should proRestaurant on Palmer Avt. in East ceed to the paid parking lot where an attendant will take the car. To Keansburg. Plans for the'dance will feature assist In parking on the hospital the selection of a "MoWIe Home property are the hospital's own Quasn" to represent the associa- guards who are on duty in shifts tion at special events. Dancing will 24 hours a day. be to a popular orchestra and a According to Mr, Daniels, the delicious buffet, for which Buck present solution to the parking Smith's Is w«l| known, will be problem at Riverview Hospital is the result of careful study and served.• AH mobile homo residents from thoughtful planning by hospital au throughout the irate have been in- thorities. It was realized that for vited to attend whether or not they several years the parking situation are members of the association. a> Riverview had created problems Tickets may be obtained until Sept. for visitors, patients, and their 25 by writing M.H.O.A. at Box families. 4S1H. R.R. 2. Jamesburg. or by The construction of the new wing, contacting In this area Mr. and started In September 1964, had Mrs. Donald Joyce, W Locust taken a major portion of the parkGrove Mobile Home Park, West Ing space in front of the hospital. Keansburg, phone 787-0928. At that time, to achieve maximum According to the New Jersey OBtomefric Association, H per cent at a child's educatin during the first 12 years is obtained through the Miss Nancy Fadder, U n i o n use of the eyes. Beach, was among the ii passengers aboard the United Airlines Flight which left Newark Airport Sept. S, for Dei Moines, Iowa THE JOHN BIRCH and Central College. SOCIETY The College chartered the plane to transport students from the East Coast. On arrival in Des Moines, they were met by buses which took For information them to the Central campus in Peland Uteraturt la, 40 miles away. Accompanying them on the flight was Darrell AlWrit* ters, assistant director of admissions at the College. ».O. I n III Miss Fedder is the daughter of M«««»<n, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Feddar, 906 Harris Ave., Union Beach. Mba Nancy FodoW On Right To School \\ Sears 1965 Fal« Whiter CATALOG 1 COME IN SOON . QUANTITIES UNITED KEYPORT STORE ONLY "V.' Call 264-6300 SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. 64 f. FRONT ST., KEYPORT Follow the Tower of tight to the New York IVorWi f a i MATAWAM .. COMMUNITY: ADULT SCHOOL, Inc. , FULL PROGRAM STARTS SEPT. 30, 1965 COST $10.00 ^ ^ T ^ Register 7 to 8 P.M. - Sept. 20-21-22 Colkg* Aido The sppointment of John W. Moore. Brick Town, as director of community services and alumni coordinator at Monmouth College has been announced by Robert M. Benham, director ot college relations. Mr. Moore succeeds Charles W. Rltscher, West Long Branch, who left the college to become promotion msnager at the Asbury Park Press. ONNOW! The obj ofyour affection... ;-!f .£*. Sifli- , 4 , ,$ V ( Looktorthft Mil If• tf» sign of uvfng on tH now «nd uMd cart, Vbur proiont oor win n o w Dnflf inofo In tradtl Hwvyl - TOM'S FORD, Inc. Main Sk ^probably doesn 't '• appreciate the ways , electricity helped get him ready for school... Muluwun wathti and dried his chthtt, ironed hi$ \ nhirt,htakdth* waltrfor hu bath, brmhtd I hi$tHtk,nhiind hiit thMH.eooktd his J brtahfaM,»nd wok* him up. / ] ...butyou do! JCP*L NJhL 5M-15OO tmuit t»»tti inline tnmmi -I J» I TH6 MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. J. Obittuurie* HeU b'Gwterct . . ^ w -W^^a^^^ a^a aie^saBBj^ ^a^** He was aara hi Detroit, MM., the saa ef «te awe Ludea Mward aad Easiaa (Cask) Chtav ey. No waa a wiatwar. I A. tveaaaaa. M Dorothy aariaaaa^s* •a^aawadWas eVavad) £*%££. ""• *+ •• K aVOTvit •aftvran. amjw* H , l a e kady was aaat is Oetrest by la Ike First PreabytarlM am sjadH Faatral Home, Keyaart. I k * Star. Orlta C. Haaaor er., jIWl ~ " ettdatai at Ike deabie Mn* AMot) 16. (Hwtartl .totrf, Tt. of M Broad I t , Mesawaa. da* IHMMVllh«M I M at bar KWm Male was gtvaa • mirrlaft Taaoity. lopt. U ktr Mktr. M M ware a street. alaV B^hM •aMaM^aafe afatteM WiAh Mra. •sere M • woe b ba n laIkUdiaM lI l aad IWod mm of btr Me f J l A M . A elreaiar ««M filf ever S • ' 'k^a^ aa^kal M »^ ^ a^^ la^bfts^aa* l^afMa^a^Ml ftatgaatetaVataa. with whom ate lived, and ion, Mrs. Thoreaa HutMa. Craabwy; Mn. Aaaabelle lauaa. Old Bridge, aad Mn. Eda H. RofaNMoa. a , of U A sea waa her* Saturday, Sept. Uarri Ave., Kaaaabtiif. died aud- II, IMS, i« Riverview Hospital to e » Monday. Sept. I I , IMS, at Mr. and Mn- Eageae Sabo, Route » , MorgaaviUe. Bam M'JCeaaaburg,'ke waa a aon af M * la»e*»Mam aad.Eva <E«t Mr, aad Mn. Jatm Caddie, 1 Ave. aMMd) 'Bokbuon, theowelvea laV C., Waat Keansburg, are the parkMg Katubarg reahknU. aats of a daughter, born Saturday. Mr. Roblaaai operated a acrvico atatkn from hia home for maay Sept. II, IMS, M Riverview Hostel. yaara. •arvivug are kii wife. Mn. HelWagaa ea (McOnth) Robiaaon, siatar of A daughter waa born Saturday, AkjanMua McOrath, lormcr Koaaa- Sept. II. IMS. ia Riverview Hoskarg poUce chief; three aona, Km- pital to Mr. and Mn. Francis Woaeth H. Robintoa Jr., MiUwaa; gaa, IS Union St., Matawan. WUUam H. RobiiMaa. Fair Haven, aad Kavia H. RobiMon. at home, Kaaaraa and three grindchUdrea. Mr. and Mn. George Kenavan, Service* will be held today from M Fonat Ave., Keamburg, are the the Laurel Funeral Home, Weal parents of a daughter, born SaturKeaniburi, with Rev. N. W. Gniit- day, Sept. II, IMS, ia Riverview or of the FirM Methoditt Chuck Hospital of Keaniburg officiating. Burial will be in Greea Grove Cemetery, A son waa born Friday, Sept. 10, Keyport.; IMS. ia Riverview Hospital to Mr. and Mn. Edward Herlihy. S Maraaad Dr., Hazlet. was the pjatrea af honor. She ware Fuaaral oarvicaa are beiag held aTgaM aad blae aratade streetiNKft dreaa wNk beat n aschUne aacUine lh» Thursday at'• JabnW. MehlMarab aabaek Feaoral Haaw. Hailet, at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marsh, , - MgtJI r dUU -Maaktj •San* I p.M. wMh the Rev. Tlwadora C. Park Ave., Old Bridge, are parb Mailer. svatar of Fatth Retormed Mr. aad Mra. Joha Dempaty, of a son born at St. H reaebud chjswr aad aba Peter's Hospiacokaslal aoaauet af yet- Ckurek. Hattot, afftdatiAg. Inter- KaoU Terr.. Hailet, are parenti tal. will ill toHaw toH la Halmdal Cema- of a daughter bora Wednesday, Sept I, IMS. at Rivcrvtew Hot#Utpb Meaty, Cartaret, was the pltal. Mr. and Mrs" Richard Perry, bast a»a*IWwriagj|a^ CeraaV Austin Ave., Old Bridge, are parHgaNnOlaHmkl. SI. ef $ South Trollaa ents of a daughter born at St. ar af the bride, i t l l f i n Pine St., Eliubeth, died Monday, Mr. and Mri. Robert Trolitn. Pour's Hospital. eke, Matawaa. last. IS. IM$, at home. He wat a Highland Ave., Keyport, are parittlred omplMoe of the U.S. Met- enU ot a MO born Wednesdiy, Caatigllaae Cbaflaiasa'a Csab, Carttret ala aad RetlnJng Co., Cartent Mr. and Mn. Joseph Castiglione, t V their motor (rip tbrough Bora la louth Amtey. Mr. BieUnnJ Sept. I, IMS, at Riverview Hos- Old Bridge, are parents ot a son pital. Nsw York State Mrs. Svcadsm had moved from Perth Amboy five born at St. Peter's Hospital. a blue lace suit, matching yean ago to Elliabeth. Witt aaeeaaories and a coruae of white Staafcawtti Surviving are a daughter, Mra. Mr. aal Mn. William WiU, ^ .i Mum. When they Mr. and Mrs. John Slanko'vlu, M MUIM — EHoaa Hucfcelberiy. Willow Hill, • l e y will reaMe at II EUukMh Pa.; a MM, Fraaela, Perth Am- Everett Rd.. Holmdel, are parent! Park Ave., Old Bridge, are ,»rents a t . Keypert. boy; two grandchildren; Mi moth- of a son born Thursday, Sept. ents ol a daughter born at St. PetThe bride w u graduated Irom er, Mra. Mkhallna Blelinaki; two I. MM, at Riverview Hospital. r's Hospital. ktatawan Regional High School and •literf, Mm. Francis Raxte and AateaMCCl Puglisi • amploycd by the Jeney Central Mra. Mary Dueker, and a brother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Antonucci, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Puglisi, ftwer and Light Co.. Union Beach. Poter BleUnaki, all of Holmdel; and Collins St., Keaniburg, are parCrescent Dr., Keansburg, are parThe brldegrooat WM graduated two other brother*, Valerius. Forth ents of a diughter born Thurs- ents of a son born Sunday, Sept. Mean Carter* High School and Amboy, and Paul, Red Bank. day, Sept. 9, IMS, at Riverview 12, 1965, at Monmouth Medical CenFuneral lervlcei at 10 a.m. t > Hospital. served three y e a n la the U. S. ter. Army. He la employed by Araerf- day wiU take place m the Muika Funeral Chapel, 235 Halt Ave., eaa Oil Co.. Caiterat. / Perth Amboy. Interment will, be Mr. and Mrs, John Faulkner, Joint Profassional Your advertisement In thla paper in Alpine Cemetery. The Very Rev. Creek Rd., Keansburg, are parents Staff Of Girl Scouts C U M George H. Boyde. D.D.. Rec• T roach aiaspecUve purehaeera of a~ son born Thursday, Sept. 9, a w r y gaamwattv la tha bay- tor of St. Peter's Epftcopal Church, IMS. at Riverview Hospital. Miss Elizabeth Armington, Lin will officiate. aVitaraa. croft, has Joined the professional Carroll Mr. and Mra. Joeeph Carroll, ataff of the Monmouth Council of Main St., Keyport, are parents ot Girl Scouts as assistant executive a daughter born Tuesday, Sept. 7, director. In accepting this appoint 1M. at Mownouth Medical Center. ment, Miss Armington leaves the National Girl Scout staff when she has been a Research Analyst and Weky Mr. aad Mrs. Edward Welby, the Director of the Girl Scouts' Mercer St., West Keansburg, are World's Fair Project for the past parents of a aon born Tuesday, two yean. Prior to that assignSept 7, ISIS, at Riverview Hospi- atent. Miss Armington spent three y e a n based in Heidelberg, Gertal. many as a Field Advisor with the North American Girl Scouts. Pfc. and Mra. Albert H. Babbel, A graduate of Rhode Island ColState St., Union Beach, a n parents lege. Miss Armington started her of a son born Wednesday, Sept, I, career in Girl Scouting in this area IMS, at Riverview Hospital. The as the Executive Director of the ounce, and has been named former Northern Monmouth CounMichael Anthony. cil before that Council merged with two others to become the presOrlta Mr. aad Mn. Felii Ortis, 112 ent Monmouth Council of Girl Front St.. Union Beach, are the Scouts. She has also been active in aareato of a son, born Sunday, Scouting as a volunteer trainer and Seat U, IMS, la Monmouth Medl- volunteer advisor to the Roundup Committee. ' araJ f As assistant executive director. Miss Armington will specialize in the area of program services. Births YOU HAVE A DATE YE COTTAGE KlYfOtT Thursday, September 16. I96f Monmoutfi ley Scouts Ran For^und The MlWMMHh Council Boy Souls will caasWne fee UU-IM* Annual foaat Fnad Drive ached uled (or October with the final phase of Its I M M » Camp Capital xpanslaa program.. E. Donald Sterner, Catta Neck, president of the council, said that the Scouts would teek to raias SIKHa* for its operating program neat year and would add to tWa IUMW for camp development Mr. Sterner said that the Camp Fund Committee had recently reported SMI J H received towards i u capital goal ia caah and pledges. The Scouts a n building i n e w M acre camp aad trainiag center in Manalaaaa Township) and are adding addllioaal property and facilities to iU popular New York State camp tacaM northwest of Port Jervis at Forettburg. N X Mr. Sterner said that the scouts raise about N per cent of their financial aesda from their own scout operated drives in the county aad that it receives the balance of about l » , M t aa a participating number of several Community Appeals ia tha county and from the Aabary Park - Interlaken United Fund. William J. Miners, Rumson, vice president of the New Jeraey Natural Gas Co., will.head.the fund drive. Toastmasteu H#va GaveJ, W l Travel Edward Libutti. President of the Matawan Toastmaaters Club recently announced that hia "Visiting Toastmastera Squad" has gavel aad will travel. They have prepared aa interesting Jo-minute condensed version of a typical Toastmasten meeting. This program is now available free of charge to any interested organisation ia the bayshore area. County Chemical Unit Starts FaH Program The opening ot the tall programs of the Monmouth Section of Ameri• Chemical Society will be held at the River House Inn, Rumson, today. Dinner will be served at I:4S p.m. and a lecture will be delivered by Dr. Stephen Chang at i p.m, Dr. Chang is Profetaor of Food Chemistry at Rutgers University and his subject will t>- 'The Isolation, Fractkmation and Identi(ica> tion of the Volatile Decomposition Products Produced by the Autoa> dation of Lipids." The discussion will present new methodology for isolation of trace amounts of volatile deoomposilioa products from lipids. Dr. Chang will discuss the separation of these products by gss chromotography and their identification by infra red aad mass spectrophotomeuy methods. not amaum n HOHI ,. ONLY M O M MAKE A COOP BANK In every community there are a*en who need and would welcome Toastmastera training if they uadentood its principles and knew it was available. Many such men are members of service clubs and other civic organizations, which often want good programs, and whose members need skills Toastmasters offers. The squad members a n Ed Riche, John Bolendc, Ben Dissin, Barry Kurtz and Jack Naimer. For further information contact the Visiting Toastmasters Squad leader Ed Rlche at 566-4802. for tha vocation of Your Dreams Y M have the run . . aw do the planning and arranging. What's more, there's no e x t n cost for our services A first Merchants Bank Uan . . . b BEST ftf M V MAJOR NRCHASD Brown Travel Bureau Cans: VaUtj Mill - til SaUk at, r«U> 4n*n - Sll(ktl Call COIfal t-i*« NEW LOCATION" MARY'S HAVEN KINDERGARTEN 715 HOLMDEL ROAD aVTUaWa • MTI • TDEIHWI • M I V n m m«y «wwl ICTHMM It hmnmbtt mvmtj, EmurithlW •HMt cticful UulmiSig, UKT* tn llaw »W» a* imttinij at malar n p « M «lli fw nora cadi ISM « H baa « lawk «( U w , Wkj im m IM k E.«y w«4 Flrmta «HH M wT bMMJTK last Mr L—m milten an VSOTiXtoo,win Ur« la the ana •» •cm, u J I m Uu «f cxBtrtewc la Ml>ta« OaacU pnUnw. WIMMTCT YOU awd awwjt Im aay * M 4 I T I U B . jut M M la *> lk«l'lnlMma>aM*UiMiHBrM)'oa. Law «tt aaak iHmit ntM aa4 famaanllf anaaanl RfaTamM maw M ahra;> "<viihUr, HAZLET Registration For Saptambaf CALL 264-2920 Da-actor Rosamary Ross Approvod by Board of Education, Tranton, N. J. Phonetown, N.J. THE THIRD LARGEST CITY IN THE STATE. If a an imaginary town populated by Bell System men and women who live In New Jersey. And it's a big town. It the size ot Phonetown surprises you, so perhaps will aome ot the tacts about the people who bring you the world's best telephone service. A Series E United States Savings Bond, purchased in September IM1, at the cost ot $18.75, today has a value ol $39.13 and is continuing to earn Interest at the rate of I 3/4 per cent compounded semiannually. Saoki SPECIAL Frte Contultollen SYLVIA MYERS. R. N. ILECTROLOGIST Superfluous Hair Permanently Removed 101 Ivy Way VUtawm, N. J. By Appointment AckersM, VanBuskirii I EMoti, IM. 200,000 people. Over 60,600 employees and their families. (There are more than 425 Smiths, 150 Joneses, and 2 Zygalas.) They live up the street or around the corner. And the majority of the Phonetown breadwlners are building ca,ieers with the phone company. Opportunity. Expanding Phonetown offers all sorts of opportunities to today's youth. Each year 6,800 people are hired in New Jersey to Join in the work of bringing you the world's best phone service. CHESTER IAUSIS 1 L Front St. - J M - I I I * Local Agtnh I w HARTFORD FIRI INSURANCE 6 R 0 U * LIFE • AUTO HOME OWNERS and BUSINESS INSURANCE Eltabllih.d I92J •M 1 1 A BBtai mM *- *-•—1— M-- M I M I eVf Ma if Mlty mnCS rMMj f a B * • Ray. I a n M M D M M i M « • Haaol «hMkM| i n r l Wattr Sivar i e a i tatieilm witamatleaNy anvWat M M proper amount or water tor any • M h M Mtd, pametw Wtarrio tyawm raelrculatM water, rttnovlm lint f u n , a M Md aaaa tcum . . . aUtptrttM dawrgant. You also fat t wash ai 2 spin Waaft, I m * eyckM, I «Mh tampanturM, Mfaty atari twitch and porcelain gaimilad » » * * BMkH. Damp dry tptn wave* many pfactt roady for Iron. ' fcif. Olhar faan-ihoad fatturatl One year naalr warranty agalnat manufadurlng defects on the entire washer and dryer with an (SeWene) four-year parts warranty applicabM to tranamlaaton parts af the washer. Quick rapalri for tnoot full o'woal CHILDREN'S COMPOSITION Naw worlds. Keeping ahead In communications It a story of constant research and development. This creatts or fostera the development of whole now Industries, Tho transistor la a clastic example; It was developed by Phonetown people at Bell Laboratories In Now Jersey. Another benefit of Bell research: lha continuing search for new ways to help hold down costs of service. Thoy'ra aN apanoMnf—anal lavfeif—ln Naw Jeraey. Most of Phonetown'a 1476 million payroll goat right Into tha economy of our atata—to buy everything from groceries to appliances to bubblagum. HALF SOUS •AIR ORTHOPEDIC WORK M-M ELECTRIC APPLIANCE, Inc. 1341 MAIN ST., MATAWAN • 566-2277 KEYS MADE While You Walt I SHOE REPAIR Dipt. FAMILY C m C U STORES Hwy, 36 at Pool Ava, HAZLET Tal. 264-7700 4,000 quarts ot ice cream, In ihoir workaday nollvlllos, tolophono men nnd woman consume Iniflo qunritlllos ol locally ouppllod produola nnd norvlcos, Tha Ico orofint? One monlh'a supply bontjlil lor Now Jorstjy ttfill ealelorliis, AMOIIIOI Itileie9flng figure; 12,000 onlloM5 ol citts nre used each wotk'lny In company ears nnd trucks, Jobs for others, Sorvlce Is expanding. New, fldvitncod tynlemfi »te foplfldng oldor lochnlquos. Tho rooull? A vigorous tftlopliono compflriy providing jobs and orders In quantity to buelnoBsoa liiroughout the elate, For Instnnee, e«eh y<i«r W«§lorn Eloclrlo nlbnfl spends over $100 million for product1* flml services tirovldnd by tirw Jersny companion. New Jersey Bill Pm I «l the Nstl«nwM< M lytMm On Urn job and off—Iho slgnlll. enneo of Phonetown li people; People and S i THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. 3. Second Section — l a g * R v t Cliffwood Beach Girl Married Surviving are his wife, Florence; two sons, William jr. and Ralph, both of Cliffwood; a daughter, Mrt. Myrtle Hawthorne, Oiffwood, and five grandchildren. The F. Leon Harris Funeral Miss Doloret Helen Astone, Miss Diane Helen Manning, Home, Red Bank, wat in charg* ; : daughter of Mr. and Mn. Sabato daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Oswald of arrangements. " 1. Astone, 6t Woodthore West, Donat, 21 West Susan St., Hazlet, Mr. M 4 Mm. Tfcttaae I . Cliffwood Beach, became the Mra. laceph Yaaaf became the bride of Chester John l a a i t u r . « COMM ft. KMMburc. bride of Joseph Mario DiSomma, Mrs. Annabelle (Clark) Young, Topolewski jr., son of Mr. and •ad M a r Lawrence Graham, KM son of Mrs. Anthony DiSomma, 25 Mrs. Chester J. Topolewski sr., M 8C, of 13 Church St., Matawan, died • f Mr. tad Mit. Joha J. Graham. Star St., Iselin, and the late Mr. Friday, Sept. It, .965, at her home. Compton Ave., West Keansburg, M Highland Blvd., Keeasburg, were DiSomma, Sunday, Sept. 12, 1965, Saturday, Sept. 11, 1965, in St. She was born in Ireland and came Married by the Rev. Frederick Valin St. Lawrence's Church, Laurence to this area as a young child. She Benedict's Church, Haztet. «e*la», Saturday, Sept, 11. IMS, in Harbor, was the widow ol Joseph Young. •I. A m ' i Church, Kwmburg. The Rev. Gerald Caliahan perThe Rev. Melvin J. StanczewShe was a member of the First Tiw Rev. Frederick Valentino alformed the double ring ceremony ski, pastor, performed the double Presbyterian Church of Carteret; • o celebrated Ike nuptial Mae* at at 2 p.m. ring ceremony at 3 p.m. Raritan Chapter 58, Order of the The bride was escorted by her Eastern Star, and a charter memThe bride was given In marbride waa givca In marriage stepfather. She wore a floor- ber of Harmony Shrine IS, White riage by her father. She wore a fi£« father. She wore • fleerlength silk organza gown with a Shrine of Jerusalem. floor-length gown uesigned with atagtk peau da trie g a m with tpChantilly lace midriff, lace-trima long - sleeved lace bodice, scoop She is survived by a brother, Jo•UDVM ot lace on th« (MM bodice med long tapered sleeves and seph C. Clark, Carteret; nine neckline and crepe sheath akirt MdKabukt ileevet. A dttadMbkt chapel train. Her triplc-ticred fin- nieces, including Mrs. Robert Shafwith detachable chapel train. Her Chapel train fell over the bellgertip - length veil of illusion fell to, Matawan, with whom she made fingertip - length scalloped illusion fhaped akirt and bowt on each from a headpiece of three silk or- her home, and Mrs. Francis Ludveil was held bv a four-tired •boulder accented the tcoop neckganza roses, outlined with seed wig, Hazlet, and two nephews. aurora borcalis crystal crown. She Mae. A clutter e l wring blossoms pearls. She carried a cascade boucarried a cascade bouquet of white Funeral services were held Monheld her tiered chapel-length veilquet of white glamellias, roses, glamelllas and stephanolis. day at 11 a.m. at the Koyen Fuo»veU ol Hetrhcote illusion. She Matron Ot Honor Sister It Maid Of Howr neral Home, Perth Amboy, with Carried a cascade bouquet of white Mrs. Robert Wilson, West Keans- the Rev. Chester A. Galloway, patMiss Veronica Astone, Cliffwood • glamtlliea ' « a lace • covered burg, sister of the bridegroom, was tor of t h e First Presbyterian Beach, was the maid of honor for prayer kaafc. the matron of honor. Her floor- Church, Matawan, officiating. Inher sister. She wore a floor-length — Mttadaafa Wear VtMetr length light turquoise peau de terment was In Alpine Cemetery, gown styled with an Empire rose Met. Frank O. Retkme. Red soie gown featured a Walteau pan- Perth Amboy. Eastern Star and lace bodice with short sleeves an'. Baak, was the antron of honor. el and elbow-length sleeves. A cir- Harmony Shrine services were held scoop neckline, and pink crepe She wore aa Empire theath of pale cular veil fell over her matching Sunday evening. straight skirt. Her tiered peau de yellow ftllk crepe, styled with a headpiece and she carried an soie bow headpiece was ctudded •leevelaaa bodice and floor-length old fashioned bouquet of white ajid with seed pearls and she carried •jfcjs*. A bouffant via) wt» attached turquoise pompons. a cascade bouquet of light pink Misa Dinah Ackenon iFfi^cluster of crepe petals. She Fuji mums, Happiness roses and Miss Theresa Megllo, Holmdel, Carried a catctde bouquet of burnt rose pompons, the bridesmnid wore an identical Weil In California " arange chrysanthemum* and polishThe bridesmaids, who wore iden%own and headpiece. She carried an • d l v y . ..••• ' • • • • • • • . ; Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Ackerson, tical gowns and headpieces, were old fashioned bouquet of yellow 1 The bridal attendanta, who wore Kailua, Hawaii, announce the marMiss Margaret Ann Glandomenico, and white pompons. Identical gowns and headpieces, riage of their daughter, Dinah, to Bayonne, and Miss Patricia AtRobert Wilson, West Keans- James Malcolm Dlaisdell, son of were Mrs. Warren D. Young Jr., tone, Park Ridge, cousins of the burg, brother-in-law of the bride- Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm H. BlaisKeaiaburg, and Miat Geraldine bride; Miss Rosemarie DiSomMRS. ROBERT WALTER IIYLAND groom, was the best man. Gerald dell, Honolulu, Hawaii, on Aug. II, MRS. MARTIN JACKMAN Graham, Keantburg, tietert of the ma and Miss Clara DiSomma, Topotewski, West Keansburg, bridegroom; Mrs. Loui» Miele and Mitt Vcrna Elizabeth Deerin, burg, sister of the bridegroom brother of the bridegroom, usher- 1965, at San Francisco, Calif. The waistline. Floor-length streamers Laurence Harbor, sinters ol the Mist Elaine Ruth Garretson, M a t Nancy Conroy, Keanaburg. bride is the granddaughter of Mrs. bridegroom. They carried cascade daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miss Margaret Muntrick, Union, fell from the bow at the back neckThey carried catcade bouquets of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer line. She wore a matching crown bouquets of dark pink Fuji W. Deerin, 8 Seaglude Circle, cousin of the bride, and Mrs. Jos- ed. William M. Ackerson, Hazlet, and A reception followed at Vaughn's the late Mr. Ackerson. t a n * orange pompom and polish- B. Garretson, 72 Fourth St., Bel- studded with seed pearls and car- mums, Happiness roses and pink Cliffwood Beach, became the bride seph Deerin jr., Stratford, Conn., ford, became the bride of Martin Stow-Away Hotel, Atlantic Highad ivy. pompons. The bride is a graduate of Kailua of Lt. Robert Walter Hyland, son sister-in-law of the bride. They Jackman, M Elitabeth St., Key- ried a cascade bouquet of gold Fuji The flower girls were Barbara port, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. mumi, bronze pompons and polishDeborah and Diane Simone, Ise- of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hyland, 6 carried cascades of variegate, lands. For their motor trip to Can- High School and was attending the ada, the bride wore a navy blue Graham, sitter of the bridegroom, James Jackman, Wexford County, ed ivy. University of Hawaii at the timt lin, nieces of the bridegroom, Lincoln Ct., Keansburg, Saturday, greens. and white checked wool suit with M d Cathy Jo Jennings, sister of frelaad, Saturday, Sept. II, 1965. were the flower girls. They wore Sept. II, 1965, in St. Lawrence's Richard Santangclo, Newark navy blue accessories and a cor- ol her marriage. Her husband it Vincent Halleran, Keyport, was floor • length frocks with rose Church, Laurence Harbor. Ike bride. Their floor-length white a graduate of Acalanes High was the best man. Ushering w«r« sage of white glamellia«. The Rev. August Neumann peraUk organza frocki had Empire formed, the double ring ceremony the best man. Ushering were Reg- lace bodices, short sleeves and School, Lafayette, Calif., aud atJoseph Deerin jr., Stratford, Conn, The Rev. Melvin J. Stanc/ewinald E. Crawford, Croton-on-theThe bride and the bridegroom Mittlines with yellow sashes, cap at I p.m. in St. Joseph's Church, tended the University of .California. scoop neckline* and full skirtt. Hudson, N.Y. cousin of the bride, They carried princess baskete of ski, pastor, performed the douh: brother of the bride; Joseph Tom are graduates of Keyport High ^ftf and bell-shaped skirts. They Keyport. ring ceremony and celebrated the aselli, Belleville, and Thomas and Eugene Barrett, Keyport. School. Mrs. Topolewski is employ• • » » crowns of burnt orange pompink, rose and white rose* and Lieu, Brooklyn. The bride was given in marriage After a reception in the Molly mums and wore rose headpiecet. nuptial mass at 11 a.m. Mrs. Ber- For her daughter's wedding, Mrs, ed in the Credit Dcpt. of Lilygot* and carried princms bssketa nard Fleming, organist, accome l matching pompons and polished by her father. She wore a gown of Pitcher Inn, Red Bank, the couple John Dige jr., Iselin, was the panied Mrs. Joseph Tafaro, solo- Deerin selected a three-piece suil Tulip Cup Corp., Holmdel. The white silk organza, embroidered motored to Canada. For traveling, bridegroom served three years In best man. Ushering were Arthur Di- ist. of beige satin brocade highlightec the U.S. Army and is employed by with flower motifs on the fitted Derscy-Merl ert Geisler, Keansburg, was bodice, Matching motifs were re- the bride wore a pink silk shantung Somma, Laurence Harbor, brother with gold and pink leaf design. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meri, 0 Doyle - Mkiway, Cranford. The bride was given in marriage the best man. Ushering were War- peated on the long tapered sleeves suit with navy blue accessories and of the bridegroom; Gerald Levy, She wore a beige satin blouse Brainard Ave., Port Monmouth, by her father. She wore a floorThey will reside in Keyport Gara corsage of white pompons. ten D. Young Jr., brother-in-law of and scattered on the floor-length Itelin; Peter Caveat, Metuchen, with matching profile hat, pink announce the engagement of their the bridegroom; Thomas Jennings, skirt. A cluster ol silk organza The bride wat graduated from and Frederick Gurovich, Perth length gown of peau taffeta, de- accessories and a corsage of pink dens, Keyport. daughter. Lee, to Richard John signed with an Altncon lace opKeaniburg, brother of the bride, flowers held htr lingertip-length Middletown Township High School Amboy. Dorsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul pliqued bodice, studded with se- cymbidiums with gold ribbon. The and Louis Miele aad Thomas Lopes, tutterlly veil ol French illusion and is employed by Van Pelt a E w t y t t a Heaeymaea ' bridegroom's mother chose a teal Wanagaitis, 120 Crcsant St., Keansquins. The lace was repeated on Keaniburg. After a reception for I7S guetts crepe street-length dress with drapand she carried • cascade bouquet Son Agency, New Monmouth. She burg. A reception followed in- Buck of while Fuji mums, white pompons is secretary of Beta Sigma Phi, in - the Lavender Room of the the front of the bell-shaped skirt ed side ruffles. She wore a matchMrs. Mary SanwaM Miss Mc-ri attended Middletow* Smith's Restaurant, East Keana- and polished ivy. Magnolia Inn, Mttawan, the couple and long tapered sleeves. The fit- ing pillbox hat, matching accessor Phi Tau Chapter, Red Bank. Mrs. Mary Sanwald, 68, ol S Township High School. Her fiance ted bodice had a lace-bordered burg. For their motor trip to the The bridegroom wat graduated flew to Europe. After a month's sabrina neckline, and the detach- ies and a corsage of while cym Oceanview Ave., Kcansburg, died also attended Middletown High Wears Topai Satin ftoconot, the bride wore a pearl bidiums with silver ribbon. Mrs. Bailor D. McCormack, from Glynn National High School, honeymoon, they wiH return on the Friday, Sept. 10, 1965, at her home. School and Is employed by the wool tuit, black accessories Camp Pendtaton, Calif., was the Ireland. He it • member of the SS Raphael, For traveling the able chapel train was held by a Reception At Cobblestones She was born in Newark, the General Motors Corporation, Linbow at the back. Her three-tiered white orchid corsage, bride wore a powder blue brocadAfter a reception in The Cob- daughter of the late Jamea and den. matron of honor for her sister. Her Keyport Junior Chamber of Combouffant French illusion veil was bride and the bridegroom floor-length topaz satin gown wat merce and it vice president of the ed three • piece suit, matching hit blestones, Middletown, the couple Mary Ann (Logan) Connelly and The wedding is planned for thlt are graduates of Middletown Town- styled with a sabrina neckline, el- Keypnrt Democratic Club. He it and accessories and a corsage of held by a headpiece of Alencon motored to the Poconos. For had lived in Keansburg for four fall. lace and sequins. She carried a ship High School. how-length sleeves, fitted basque employed by Bell Telephone Lab- white glamellku. When they re- crescent bouquet of white carna- traveling, tlie bride wore a navy years. turn, they will reside in Iselin. Mrs. Graham it employed In the bodice and A-line skirt with front oratories, Inc., Holmdel. blue suit with matching accessorShe was a retired employee of tions and roses. Now Is the time to advertise Personnel Department of the Bcn- pinch pleats. A tailored self-bow The bride wat graduated from ies. When they return, they wil. the Prudential Insurance Company, those unused articles for sale. A They will reside on DutchMs CCMin Is Honor Maid tlix Corp., Holmdel. The bride- accented the upsweep of the front Ave., East Keansburg. Sayreville High School and is reside in Mobile, Ala. Newark. small ad in the classified eoluma groom la a senior at Seton Hall employed by National Car Rental Mist Catherine Mclaughlin, West The bride was graduated from Surviving are two daughters, will tura them iato cash for you. university. South Orange, where he in the Newark Airport. Deal, was the maid of honor for Madison Township High School and Mrs. Frank Sutoon, Keansburg, and Surviving are a ton, William Is majoring in accounting. The bridegroom a t t e n d e d her cousin. Her Empire gown Claremont Secretarial School, New Mrs. Patricia Zazzali, Neptune; a They will reside ia their new Sttrkey, Union Beach; a daughter, School! in Italy and Woodbridge was styled with a moss green York. She was employed by Chev- son, Robert Sanwald, Neptune; 10 home at 2) Cottage PI., Keanaburg. Mrs. Leonard Brunner, Union Township. He served two years in velvet bodice, and three-quarter- ron Asphalt Co., Perth Amboy, grandchildren, and six great-grandThe bridegroom was graduated children. Mrs. Mat M i a b l a Statfcey Beach; a brother Frank Grey, Lar- service in the U.S. Army. He is length sleeves. Hemline streamers employed by Breen'a Plumbing fell from back bow of the from Bishop Loughlin High School, A requiem high mass was offered Funeral services were held Sat- go, Fla.; five grandchildren and and Heating Co., Iselin. straight • line eggshell crepe floor - New York. He received his Bach Monday morning in St. Ann's urday afternoon at the Day Funer- two great • grandchildren. length skirt. A circular veil fell elor of Arts Degree in Economics Church, Keansburg. Burial was in al Home, Keyport, for Mrs. Mae Q over her matching velve, bow from Rutgers University, where he Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Middletown, Mrs. CMlhardl Laadcrafl Bertram Quackenbush, Marlbo.o Elizabeth Slarkey, 74, of 5215-IOlst headpiece and she carried a cas- v.-as a member of Sigma Phi under the direction of the John J. W. $. WALLACE Township, who died July 23, left Ave., North Pincllas Park, Fla., Funeral services were held Moncade bouquet of variegated greens Fraternity. He has served one Ryan Funeral Home, Keansburg. ait estate to his brothers, Nelson, a former resident of Union Beach, day for Mrs. Bridget Landcraft, cumam highlighted with bittersweet. year of a four-year enlistment in Mra. Leuit G. FarieUe Fred and Joseph Quackenbush; who died Sept. 7, 1965, in St. Pet- widow of Guthardt Landcratt, who The bridal attendants, who wore the U. S. Air Force and is stationGeorge Weber and Nellie Gravatt; Lillian Mein- ersburg, Fla. The Rev. Chester died Thursday, Sept. 9, 1965, at her Funeral services were held Sat- identical gowns and headpieces, ed at Qrookley Air Force Base Gvorge Weber, 68, of Garden sjer; Louella Morgan and Marguer- Galloway, pastor of the First Pres- home, IB Quaid St., Sayreville. A urday for Mrs. Louise M. Far- were Miss Hydith Hyland, Keans- in Mobile, Ala. Park Trailer Ct., Hazlet, died SatItlyjt. Edwards. The Monmouth byterian Church, Matawan. offi- high mass of requiem was offer*! icllo, 73, of 564 Thirteenth Ave., urday, Sept. 11, 1965, in Riverview twftaty National Bank was named ciated. Interment was in Gracoiand at 9:30 a.m. in Our Lady of Vic- Newark, who died Wednesday, M. F r e e * * Hospital, after being stricken while executor, according to terms of the Cemetery. Kenilworth. tories' Church following services Sept. 8, 19(5, at the home of her Ga., and Mrs. Patricia Collins of bowling at the Airport Plaza Lanes, Long Branch, and four brothers, daughter, Mrs. Anna VanSiclen, Will, which was filed recently for at 9 a.m. in the Zamborski Fullazlot. probate in the office of Monmouth Mrs. Slarkey was a member of neral Home. Interment was in the Perth Amboy, with whom she had Delbert and Sidney VnnPelt, EatWilliam A. Meehaa He was born in Passaic and forbeen staying. She was the wile of ontown; Vernon VanPelt, ShrewsCounty Surrogate Donald J. Cun- the Order of Eastern Star and the New Calvary Cemetery, Parlin. William A. Meehan, 66, of 533 Louis G. Fariello. The funeral was bury Township, and Irving Van Palmer Ave., West Keansburg, merly lived in Elizabeth and Roningham. Amaranth. She was a parishioner of Our at 8 a.m. from the Freeman Fu- Pelt, Matawan. selle Park before moving to Hazlet died Friday, Sept. 10, 1965, in Mon- nine years ago. He was a machinist Lady of Victories Church. neral Home, Freehold, to St. Rose moulh Medical Center. He was for the New Jersey Tool and Die Anthony S. Fiederowicz Daughter of the late Mr. and of Lima Church, Freehold, where a born in Brooklyn, the son of the Co., Kenilworth. lie was a memMrs. Patrick (Anna) Bagley, Mrs. requiem mass was offered at 9 Funeral services were held SatLandcraft was born in Brooklyn ».m. by the Rev. Thomas P. Ridge, urday for Anthony S. Fiederowicz late George and Matilda (War- ber of Wheatsheaf Lodge FAAM, Roselle Park; the Faith Reformed and had resided in Sayreville most pastor. Burial was in St. Rose of sr., 47, of Park Ave., New Mon- kiw) Meehan. Mr. Meehan was a member ol Church, Hazlet, and the Matawan of her life. Lima Cemetery, Freehold Town- mouth, who died Wednesday. Sept. 8, IS65, at Rivervicw Hospital. A Caesarea Lodge 64, F&AM, Key Minerological Society. He was an Surviving are three daughters, ship. exempt member and former capMrs. Alfred Baumann, with whom Surviving in addition to her hus requiem high mass was offered at port. Surviving are his wife. Mrs tain of the Lorraine Hose ComMrs. Landcraft lived, Mrs. John hand and Mrs. Van Siclen arc six 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Church, New pany, Roselle Park Fire DepartKrug of Old Bridge and Mrs. sons, Anthony S. Fariello, Mata- Monmouth. Burial was in Mt. Oli- Catherine (Maxson) Meehan; i ment. George Rittman of Spotswood; wan; Louis J. Fariello, Asbury vet Cemetery, under the direction son, William H. Meehan, MiddleThere Is no better way to show Surviving arc his wile, Mrs. Neland nine grandchildren; and five Park, and Charles F. Fariello, of the John F. Pfleger Funeral town; a daughter, Mrs. Everett your lovt) and respect than with Wilson, Oci;anport; a sister, Mrs. lie M. (Norman) Weber, librarian great-grandchildren. Frank F. Fariello, George D. Far- j Home, Middlotown. • Barre Guild Cwtl• '• iello and Arthur A. Fariello, all of j Born in Jersey City, he was a Josephine Tulhlll, Freeporl, L. I.; it the Phyllis Olinsky Memorial LiRetort P. Lyswh fkwiMonument.Carl Freehold; three other daughters, j resident of New Monmoulh lor 10 six grandchildren and one great- brary, Hazlet; a son, George N. Weber, New Lisbon, and a brother, today or visit our Funeral services were held Sat- Mrs. Madeline Dombck, Mrs. Vir- i years. He was a foreman with the grandchild. urday for Robert P. Lynch, 70, of Binia Lench and Mrs. Elizabeth American Can Co., Jersey city. Funeral services wtre held Mon- Arthur Weber, Hailet. monument display. Funeral services were held Wed211 Seeley Ave., Keansburg, who Layton, all of Freehold; a sister, where he had been employed for day at 1 p.m. at (he Bcdle Fudied Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1365. A Mrs, Elizabeth Lcmbo, Brooklyn, ; the jiasl 27 years, lie was an Army neral Home, Keyport, with the Rev. nesday at 10 a.m. In the Faith ReWhcrfof) Mamorialt requiem high mass was offered N.Y.; two brothers, James Fariello Sergeant in World War II. David Propcrt, pastor of Calvary- formed Church, under the direction H*y. 16 mar Mafn St., Kiyporf Saturday at 9 a.m. in St. Ann's and Anthony Fariello, both of MaiMethodist Church, Keyport, officat- of the John II. Mvhlenbeck Funeral Surviving are his wife, Eileen ing. Cremation took place at Rose- Home, llazlot. Firemen's services C I I For Appointment 1M-H14 Church, Keansburg. Burial, under twan, 19 grandchildren and five (Hurdbeck) Fiederowicj; his moth- hill Crematory, Linden. and masonic services were held direction of Ryun Funeral Home, great • grandchildren. er, Mrs. Malvina Ficdorowicz, JerTuesday evening at the funeral was in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Midsey City; two sons, Anthony S. FieMrs. Cwwar I « W M home. Mrs. David Scldeman dletown. di'rinvicz jr. and David FirderoMrs. Ambroslna Rose Biirbnlini, Born in Hartford, Conn., he was Funeral services were conduct-1 wicz, both at home; a daughter, 70, of Tennent Rd., Murganville, Abiaatto Rets the son of the late Michael Lynch ed Sunday at I p.m. at tlio Bod in.. Carol Flederowici, also at home; died Sunday, Sept. 12, 1965, in The body of Alexander Reed, tl. and Mrs. Maria Lynch. He was a Fi!.w»l Home, Asbury Park, for four brothers, Benjamin Firderow- Monmouth Medical Center. She former ri'ti(k>iit of Locust, who U.S. Navy veteran of both world Mrs. Rose Scidcman, 8!l, of 507 icz, and Joseph Fiederowicz, was twin in Austria, and had lived lived in Martha's Vineyard, Miee., wars, having served 29 years. He Summerfield Ave., Asbury Park, Jersey City, John S. Fiederowicz, in Morganvillc for 33 year«, form- teas found Saturday, Sept. II, 1W, was a retired chief boatswain's who died Thursday, Sept. !), 1965. Greensboro, N.C., and Gregory erly residing In Statvn Island. She more than a mile off the MasstchuShe was the widow of David mate. He wat alto retired from Flwferowicz, Holmdel, and three was the widow of Caesar Batbolini. seUs cutit. Mr. Read had htaa reNAD Earlo as a civilian employee. Seideman. She win a communicant of St. torted missing at sea tine* hi* dlfr Mrs. Seideman was bom In sisters, Sister Mary Laureuna ol He wat t member of the Navy ppvnnincfl had bwn noted Sept. 4, Lithuania. She lived at the shore St. Joseph's School, Camilen, and Clement's Church., MtitawiM. Fleet Reserve, Newark. Mrs. Jean Wyhnlt and Mrs. June Surviving are a son, Kmlolph lthough he had last been wen 32 years and wan formerly of NeAug JO. Reportedly ha had Um Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mar- wark. She was a retired dress- Sywinskl, both of Jerwy City. Barlxilini, MorKanville; two d(U||hgaret (Moore) Lynch; three fotter maker. ten, Mrs. Sylvia Jamison, Mor- boating in a one-man kayak, Retort N. Scalt Horn In New York, ha ted llvel sons, William Dolan, Andrew CherJIl, and Mm. Esther Kiddle, Surviving are a son, Sy Seidtry, and Thomas Dunham, all ol man, Charleston, S.C.; a daughFuneral t e r v l c n were hold Fri- Kvnn.sbuig; a brother bh d lister In Locust for I] yean, where Ms and Ketnsburx, and two sitters, Mra, :nr, Mrs. William Sleiwl, Koyport; day morning In D a y Funeral 1 ionic, in Italy nnd 17 grimdchlldrcn. rtnte mad* their horn*. Ha wtt Mary hiutllllcr, Hartford, Conn., three grandchildren, and four Krypnrl, with the Rev, Henry A. A ri'i|uii'in high m t t e w i t cele- an artist and architect and formerand Mrs. Timothy Colllm, Pills- great-children. Male, rector of St. Mnry'j F.pisco- brnled Wednesday at 9 a.m. i t ly bud own »n Inatructor at Mattburgh, Pa. Pal Church, Ktyport, ofllclntin« for St. Joseph'* Church, Keyport. fcv tchuMMe InatHuM of TtchnoJoaff, Patricia treat Prtiter, I M i t t f u t M W l w , Keypnrt, t e r v t d Robert N, Scott, 13, ot US Locust li'Niient, under Hie diivctlon ol the Iloslon, LfMw Vinfell Oaaa Tttk H« it turvlved by t *li!cr, Mn. a* bfidetmaM. Their told satin Funeral lervlcci were held Sal- Grove Park, Route Jf. Wrst Kenns Wnllt I'unprnl Horn*, Marlboro ef Richard Allan Haiineti, turn floor-length gowrm «•«• re ntyled with Ftinenil services were held Sat- urd»y for Lesler Vanl'ell, M, ol HI liurg, who died Sept. 7, l»!'i in Kiv Township, w i n In St. Joseph'! William R. ItanHng, HolmM. m. and Mra, Andrew lltnsen, tabrlna neckllnvs and elbowlcnKlh urday lor G u t Toth, U, ol Cliff- Lewis St., Kalontnwn, whi> died ervlew Hospital. Inti'rineni wn« In Cemetery. Funeral mtvlcm w w t M d Tue#wood Dr., Cliffwood Hetch, who suddenly Wednesday, Sept. H, 1965. Fair View Cemetery, MiddleM Church ft., WaodbridRr, Ratur- •teeve*. dty at 3 p.m. In tht) Contr#ntttflt»al •Jay, lept. II, l«tt, In St, Jowph't John 0 , TrllrMrr Francli Andraaclk, Colonln, w a s died Wednesday, Sept. 8, IMS, at The funeral win held nt II n in In town. Church, Wftt Tl«bur«, Matt, Chare*, Neyport, John C. Trltrhler, « , of MO Clsrk the belt itiit'i. Robert Antlclno, Me- I'crlh Ambuy General Hospital, the Robert A. Brmin Home for I'u- Horn In Glnsijow, Snillund, Mi, WMiamrtpe Tiw daughter of the Into Mr, and tuchen, uihervd, i' Very Rnv. Ctnoii George II. noral.i, Isatonlown, Burial was In SYoll wus u resident of Iliu West Avff., Union l l w h , dlrti Siimltjr. William ttipt, m, o f j e m y Aw., After a r«fntlof) In Buck Smith's Ifciyil, reclor of St. Pcter'a Eplnco- Old Tt'nnent Cemvlery, Tviinenl, Mm, Alsytlut Freltff, MIM freltcr Kuiiiuhurn area most of hli Ille, Sept. 12, IIK15, niter I long lllnvM. Mr, Vunt'etl wat IKTII In Mnlu- Id' wan u Merchant Marino stew lie wnn b o m In Nownik, liio nod of llftwoxl, (Urd I'rldty, 9*pt. 10, NttaMl with her brother and nl«t«r- ReMnurant, I'KM KeannburK, trm ptl Clturrh, IVilh Amboy, conduct' M m , Mr, and Mrs. Aloytlu* couple left lor New York, Cor trsv- ed lite fimrrnl nervier* at II a.m. wail, son of Mrs, LIIIK (Cooper) iird nnd w i n n member of ('iiomimi llm lute Chnrli-n nrul Mary (Welx- MS, In Allmwond Ifotpltal, tftt* I'lliiH, the brlil* wore a blue suit, Vnnl'clt it nil the lute John Vmi- l.ridiie IK, Keyimrt, trio Scullluli IIM) 'I rilrlilcr. frawtr, I Parkvl«w Terr,, IU/.M, K Ul In the Mu»k» Funeral Chiirwl, Tit Tkt Rev, August Neumann of- White coat and accemiwIeN, WIHMI Hull Ave,, I'crlh Amlxty, Crema- Pell, He resided) In Ealontuwn fix Itlip. M I Conslmory ol J e m y City Hi! in mirvlvi'd by IIIM wile, Mi*. Ho W M bora In Ahbcyvllte, Ate,, tWtttid at tlw Amble ring Mrc' they return, they wlH re*itl« In tion win In Kosi'hlll Crematory, yenrn. lie wna • mrmlipr of the mid llm f > < ! « of th« White Shrine Miiile (1'ipwleij Trltclilcri a il«u|fh nd Imd llvol to Cliffwood tor « llrst ilaplist Church of Hitl Dunk of Jerusalem, Perth Amboy, 1 ntd ettefcratrtt iht nuptial Kpypnrt. ler, Minn Cnml Ann Trl(phl<lr, al (In K M a hilokynrd worker, Linden, nttd lite I'ritlcriinl Order til i'.tii at 12 o'clock nonn, Imillei n MMer, Mm, Mill If Ulltle, Itw hrltlf w a t gradimluil (rum Surviving * r o hid wl/r, Mn He wns u prilnlcr liy Inuli' iiml a bride wat •Mortal by her V, M t r y ' i Mliih ftrttmil, Sonlh AMI- member n( llw CiirpwiteriT Union Itli'.t ol I mm !)nuu:h, CMlii,n, mid n giiwiili'lilld, iJiiiulhy (Ti'mpli'lun) S c n I i; n r, Aloyslua Frt'lter. Site wore IK ly, nil'] ifw HIM I Itmik IIUI!IU<M I mill No, 115, I'dIh Ambny, I'tiui'inl l e i v l c e x w e i p held Wed Hc.ilili.'n hln mother, In1 l< iinvlv iliiiiKlilcr, Mrs. D o r o t h y IHlii • Whrtf «MU d« M>!« flUDI'll'lilltll liisllltile, Slit1 Is tMn|>l»ye(l hy the (•(I by hl« wllo, Mm. Mm Ion I'leirn, Wi'st Kennnliiiri!, unit font in"iilny nt H n in. al {In- |.iHy l u Morn In Mi'l<i't'n|iorl, I'u , Mr. .ItM'ury IVntttl I'IIIMT nnd I.IK'I' neiiil Home, KcypDit, follinviM by gnwn with htll tkwv«» and Mbrlnit Viinl'i'll, Mi'il Hunk; nrvii «HII, mill It ltd formeily lomded In IVrth Mm!*, Kt'tirM nnd John Vanl'cll, « liicli innM uf rriiiiiem ni !• a.m. •ejkltne, A crown of cryftitli and ('«., Kfypnrl, AIIIIMV |nlor ID IIWVIUK ID Cliff • I I lie Holy liiinily, llnliui f > l # M d her t'rwtcfi llttifilnn veil TlH' htlllfHIIHIM! Wll<< liriKldllll'll Iti'd Miinli: l.i'Mrr VIIIIIVII jr., rHOTtXlRAI'IIY Allll'lll'llll llllllll,inli|l|,, nil' fnti m e t r r N • ranted* btiuquel from SI, Mnry'n MIMII iii'hiiol, I'crlh iMHul II' 11 ti HI ytittti ngii: " b y , V. il w n r d V.inl'rii, l/i'il IIIMII.III tlml lllll.llii w n r c « llemli, Inli'inii'iil wnn in !jt JiiWIOINNO AIMIMS IN NATURAL COlOt Sliivlvlni! flip ^jji wife, Mm, Hose • f wfiltt ctrnatkmt and wlilt« t*im Anilmy, »tnl (lip N«tv«tll MUH>\ ol Mini! lirmich, siilm v VIIIII'HI, Km ' i l r d In I W 1 ilcnpiti- Hut - - -J u m l Viml'i'lt t'int nwl liiittiM'liil ArH, Hi1 irrvrtl '(irilur) Tiitli: lwij'iliiui!hl«'r<i, fAt» oill'iwn nnil Wlllliuil 'i i l i n l i i i i l n i v li'vli'S U m l iiiiikc 1 Ion/ y « i r * lit Ihf U J , MdftJX-n atiil ilwrtH'n Kuprrvnii, ('llffwnod Ik'ttili 1'fninl if:, tlncp ilniiHlili'M, ,VH« "•MI r o i l fit) I n IMI p e r t'cnl iiiini' H i l t H-I r k , w-liv tbiti'l y i m IIKIII M MAIN t l . , KKVPONT Mn. rktfruf Whltt), Smith Am l(i fiHtilnyi'il tiy I'citcinl Mfnlmiiii1 iiiii Mi«. .liiini'ii SitnitiN, P'-rtli Am Mill inn Khihi'l', SpiiMHll'III, !n fin > li'n r o u n d l < t Hi,in In I l k;lii"ii/:li t i n ' W I M I I I W ! iif y m i t 1 I buy; mid tux Kriimklilldrt'it, M m , l.<ll/.lllnilll S c u l l , (Jrlivi'lowii, I U i l l l i i l toy, ww (he mMtm Di honor, mm I C H L'uft)., Perth church , , , from. ih# ln»ltlc, Couple Wed tmKeansburg Ha/let Girl Is Saturday Bride E gt*g«mcnt Obituaries Funeral Services FORMAL WEAR Will Kited TO HIRE Funeral Services Obituaries FllCLKIDl PAPPA Studios THE MATAWAN JOUHNAE, B. X More Than Just Fishing Diviakw la the Dominican Republic. Pfc. Hick* received the award tor combat against hostile force* ia rha Dominican Republic, ElamcMt of the 12nd are currently ia Saato Oomlnga serving as part of the later-American Peace Force. The M-year-old loldier U a driver Tfiurtday, September 16, I96S in Company B, Id Battalion of the Redfield Jr., son of Mrs. A. Mihle, to the former Angetines G. Caudedivision's SWth Infantry. He enter- 274 Maple PL, Keyport, has been villa from Spain. His father, Jam- Keansburg. has bee/ selected for ed the Army ia September 1961 graduated at Keesler AFB, Miss.. es F. Redfield sr., retiie* at f technical training at Chanute AHL 111., as a U.S. Air Force fire VK& and complied basic training at from the training course for U.S. Myrtle Ave., Metuchen. Fort Dix. He attended Keyport Air Force radio equipment repairtion specialist. men. At Chaaato AFB Hick School. Airman Sherrow, a graduate of Airman Redfield, who attended Airman Third Clas* Gary R. Middietown Township High School, RaaWeM At Keaaler Keyport High School, ii remaining Sherrow, son of Mr. and M n .recently completed basic military Airman First Class James F. at Keesler. The airman is married Marion Martin, It Wilson Ave., training at Lackland AFB, Tei. National Heating •995.00 ; Sears Total Home Comfort to M M aae ecwrate an Aaynrtmw M • atop tewara mtoriag the ante highly arafctllw Hatog i r i a a l i ol Kartiaa aad Saady Haofc Centers It Is a m that Mr. NEWS OF AREA SERVICEMEN CMM ' Atrmaa Fred L. Tavener, U.S. . Navy, MM of Mr. u d M n . Fred L. Tavtaer, 117 Newirk Ave.. Uaioa iariaach, gradual* July 11 from the Aviation Maehanicil FuadamenlaU • d u a l . a t the Naval Aif Technical ItalaJag Caaiar, MsMfMs, T«aa. During the four-week course he war introduced to mathematics, phyiict, and the principles of elec triclty. He received Instruction in atomic structure, s u i i c and dy namlc electricity, magnetic theory, and the theory and construction of aircraft batteries. The purpose of the school's curriculum If to provide selected Naval and Marine Corps personnel with the knowledge and skills basic to entrance into the Aviation Machinist1* Mate Schools and the Aviation Structural Mechanic Schools. SCREENED OR PREMIUM Erosion Control ••• rlonttnQ — Sod L LUCAS, Inc. KOTOW CAU 264-1415 M tiff* BostTimoTo SEED AND FEED A LAWN! $100 OFF •* W r r 4 Days Only B84 TURF WILDER There's no reason for yotf to swelter next iummen ' 32,000 BTU'i of air con< .' dltloning comes with y o u ! furnace system. Coil at* taches to furnace, with th» condenser o u t s i d * y o u | s home. Ryan On Destroyer Boatswain's Mate Third Class Raymond W. Ryan, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ryan of Route 1, Old Bridge, is serving aboard the guided missile destroyer USS Roblson which returned to San Diego, Calif., Aug. 3, after completing a six-week Midshipman training cruise. During the cruise, Midshipmen received training in navigation, communications, seamanship, gunnery, engineering and other basic naval subjects. One of a new class ot destroyer type ships, the Robison is equipped with the latest In lone range anti-submarine weapons. In addition to her anti-submarine warfare capabilities, she is able to operate with fast convoys and amphibious forces, providing gunfire support alter their landings. 25* OFF OWcM la Vietnam Pfc. Lawrence K. O'Neill, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Neill, 49 Stanford Dr., Hazlet, was assigned Aug. 12 to the U.S. Army, Vietnam, as an ammunition supply specialist. Pfc. O'Neill entered the Army In November 1964 and completed basic training at Font Dix. He was last stationed at Fort LewIs, Wash. Pvt. O'Neill was graduated from Keyport ftlgh School in 1901. SCOTTS NO. 35 Whon you buy any ethor Scotti Product. AUTHOWZIO DEALER CerRone's Greenhouses Includes Power *> Humidifier Yes, Sears thinks of every* thing I Imagine h a v i n g spring-like air In every room of your home every winter I Humidifier take! dry, parched air, moisten* and circulates it I Includes Electronic Air Cleaner Buy the Sears "600" Gas Space-Saver Furnace HY. 35 — HOLMDEL 169.9S C O M F O R T OARDINS MOMM AMRTMfNTS KIANSMJK, NJ. m AM • — • - - » > T^v^^h ^^^^•ajAfafp AH ^^eWaaV ^av ^BP^W vi^vaaBi v V^MVV V^W' ^V^F^P^T^PV V^V • ™^»*™TS .• •0 at •. • S avalOAafM faaa\Ojtta%Oj OjVl^BTf^^ s j a a a a / a BkiaawalfSB a\aa,alfVflB^aahO^ awll fflvVVTH a p v r T W v n T i W-Irl ala^as% aaaatf | M T VMJ A M Maa) hm A CWifc i M M a t l , I m «*•* y«« irt atylnf D M iitd will * • ywn to N N » Telke Te Ike Imaae • * • a a e Central NN» C**i R*Hr*»a H»Haa, ia|«y I* tltW MM I *r 4 r t m m4 »««h unlti, ' ' - - - — - - *r H~ Va* w < H * f CWw, CkM O o k « kiak §t»m »---*• vjff w^PwV^W vffW ^fffllP#^rW^^"^rps WAWv V • n l p ^ * *IOIw" • H ^ eTOfw"jB opoCv fll W i l l M N >M« V ,^l Matwti ^ a. iatb . Makwer M. • iMWatK All.lit.W. KltohM wM Wtitln«heut* lour Wwe w l i l Castafi kwMf Hna« «n4 H»frl|w»»#f-"f«»i»f, Oi-U>« f Ana Mlartai Mbata flaw ha* W ftaaaW Mw.Mbwtet fMai U.K MltWef M . N sa4 Ctblmlt, toe Ctrtmlt Til* laftt. tar 0 Uunrffy •••m C»l» OairatW W«li»H > Prytw, t W»itlnih»gn Appllinoti Two Btdroom Aptrtmtnt* $119.00 — For Information Call — Field Office He«dquarton Office Koaniburf 717-9742 Freehold 462*6122 monthly You'll find this a welcome friend. Automatically helpi dear your air <*'• dirt, dust and other annoy* Ing airborne particles, Youfl home stays neater, cleaner* SAVE *20 Kicks Combat-Ready Army Pic. Eddie E. Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lc-roy P. Hicks, 51 Walnut St., Koyport, luis received the Combat Infantryman Badge while with the 82nd Airborne (I*H>MII Htdtt ind 88 Includes Furnace.. • Central Air * Conditioning • M M Coast Guard Seaman Recruit Leon J. Lemanskl Jr., USCG, son of Leon J. Lemanskl sr., of 72 Frances Place, Keansburg, has enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard at the Coast Guard Recruiting Staton in Red Bank. He has been transferred to the Coast Guard Recruit Training Center at Cape May for 12-weeks basic training. WISE OWL SPECIAL I 4 l « p Whon You j SAVE $ 110 Complete! Canraa Pvt. Gene R. Jones. 20. ton of Mr. and Mrs, Ed Jones, 6 Seventh St., Matawan, completed a 14-week automotive repair course at the Army Ordnance Center and School, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Aug. 10. Pvt. Jones received instruction In the maintenance and repair of engines for the Army's tracked and wheeled vehicles. He entered the Army in February of this ye&r and completed basic training at Fort Dfx. Pvt. Jones was graduated from Newark Vocational and Technical High School In 1963 and was a machinist with Jersey Machine in Newark before entering the Army. FARMLAND TOP SOIL . With Motor Pool Specialist Four Donald C. Voorhces, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Voorhees, 2 Raritan Rd., Hnzlet, was assigned to the Walter Rned Army Medical Center Motor Pool, Washington, D.C., July 30. A driver in the pool, Specialist Voorhoes entered the Army in October 1963, completed basic trainIng at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and was last stationed in Korea. Sp. Voorhees was graduated in 1959 from Woodbrldge High School. Before entering the Army, he was employed by the Lion Match Co., Carton*. 149 Even Includes This! -\ 95 75,000 BTIPS Of Healing Comfort HmU • t a n , comfortably Mid •ffl•lontly. Modarn ••ctlonul hwut «xohungar olrculatt* penetrating warm •Ir Into evovy room ot your homt. Compltfta with quality Automatic o n • y w • 11 control*, Factory' Seart Comnlclt Lln« of High Quality «(MT Funwuv- Ar« On Sale All Tlil* Monlli! Buy fli« Kiglit Mont lug for Your Home Phone Sears Toiiuy for Yonc Himitt Ccnlfi' ftTI-.'IIKK) l M Aiitottinlle Gtmfort Omlnil I'll* hrnln of your heating iyi»tomt Now enjoy grMMf Comfort thnn you've ever known. Thermometer hdi nil'llty indicator, and barometer tonnes the oonaltlooj of die nlr In your homo, Vou Always know if y o u ! home Is hentwl ami humidified correctly! I NO MONEY DOWN i\f on H Mmlcml/.iiiK Cn-dlt PIHH A«k How Yon ("an Tiikc |l|» 'I'o !i SEARS-Middle towu 'I'o 1300 IIKillWAY H I Opm MOD, llin» i l l , KtS"''*i
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