for. LIII-NO. 46 WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1961 'Ill I.. oard of Education eceives Wukovets Succumbs at 57 Resignation Letter WOODBRIDOE - With a little more than a week left before Christmas, The Inrtepei\dent»Leader Christmas Fund must raise an additional 51,619.05 if we are to be able to tnke .'IDOK -The iesin- care of the 114 Township needy families recommended to Krancis Wukovets, by local, county and stnte welfare aiiencies. The minimum i: Mie Board of Ed- needed is $4,000. At press time we raised a total of $2,;i80.9B ... ;i:n\i'd from Ven- That sum was swelled by a ,1 u is understood;$500 donation from a Perth! led to the Board as Amboy friend of Charles E.: i MUCUS lart night. Gregory, editor and publisher! .niton will be acted'of this paper, who died Sunday ' v, Wednesday nighty „ 8ufflclent m o n e y ta ^ j rung of the Board. a n d t h e C n r l B t m i l s p ^ , s a))le , mnatlnn. Mr. Wuk- to take care of the 114 families; | It will be the largest number1 renret that because ever assisted by The Inde-' , commitments I wlir pendent - Leader Christmas n continue as a mem- Fund in the sixteen years of Its W'xxibrtd«f Board of existence. COLONIA - Eleven-ytwDonations received this wwk old Eileen Wolf, Gaywond in ilmnk all concern- were a« follows. Avenue, knows the meaning !ped in making my ,5M . v|»<r!e!ice In which I _ _ . . „ , . of pain and because she does, many p l e w n t and F r o m ft P e l t h A m b °y F r l c n d - she did the best for other children who are 111 v nvmories.1' , WH n understood that August P. Qrelner ln memory; , Eileen has had two opera• VW.PI, who was o' Charles E. Gregory. | tions on her spine and will have to wear a brace on her p Town Committee IM.00 | back until she is grown up. eel will assume his Schwenwr Brothers. i Despite her handicap, she a*. First Ward repU5.06 rang doorbells in six blocks .lanuary 1. will also Molnar Electrical Contrac- in her neighborhood, seeking :i u»imtlon to the tors, Woodbridge Lions Club. collections for the Sister •>!>• Dvcmber 20 Everett 0 . Reid, Dr. Sitfmund J. dayman. Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny Drive. Pappas. Her efforts were brought to i). ulliitr Sr4 the attention of Mayor Fred120.00 County Supertax Schools Robert R Michael J. Amodlo in mem- erick M. Adams who wrote to Eileen as follows: ,:;red that Thurs- ory of Charles E. Gregory. JI5.M "As honorary chairman of • 4 at 4 P. M . Is the Sister Kenny Drive, I • i<)r persons who. From an Amboy Friend. SIM* was thrilled and inspired by • r.ominatliiR uvtl-j :::didHtes for the' Women'l Club of Iselin, Mr. the report I received of your .(iiimUon. Th« an- and Mrs. Herbert B. Williams, outstanding work during our .' Kducation elec- Mrs R. 8 KlllenberKer. Mr. recent drive. Irs. Jack Laden, Mr. and "I know about your two 1) (Mrs. Frank Hirth. Mr. and Mrs. operation* and that you wear jWilllam Johnson, Woodbridge! a brace and this is what o «IM, w vote Junior High School. Room 28: makes your activities so com•ciNi must be *" Dr Joseph 3. Mark, Mrs. Pet- mendable. •I 40 days prior to er9On ., r l f l n O r a ( l e m aewaren "Please accept my sincere the Township S c n o o l l n 1 | e u o ( „ , exc hange personal thiuiks for your eflh(1 C o u n t y B o B r d of xlfu. Edward J. Gallagher, forts, I hope and pray that lit (1 on PR«e 2' Dorothy McfCenna. Woodbridue in His merciful goodness AlCamera Club, Anonymous, Mr. mighty God will see fit to reand Mrs Carl Schmidt. Mr. ward your unselfish help for and Mrs Norman R. Pape other sick children by granting you relief from your own illness. Theta PI Sorority. "May you have a Very A Friend, Anonymous, from a' Merry Christmas and a Hap1 Prlend, Mr and Mrs. Louis P. py and Healthy New Year." UX.1K — Efforts Kantor, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.' • "f home of the Re- Scheldt, Aufnista Jensen, A •: the Town Com- Wend from Avenel, Mrs. Quig- I « f p l * C p r « | l f t f l ure a job for Town'ley m memory of Hugh p , : l l l I C 1 O C ^ U U 1 1 r Carl P, Wheeler. Qutgley. an Avenel Friend. have evidently oiyn Valentine Cohen, Joseph A. Modreski, Harold J. Bailey, •iei was appointed Mrs. Daniel Gibson, Daisy A and his term runs Rusl1 ' u d i e f l A u x l l i R r ? ° r C o ' AVENEL - The dangerous 1 when the Demo- l° nl » F t r e District 12, Anony- R o u t e i-Avenel street intersecV<T the admlntstra- mous, 8 Whitaker, Mr. and tioll t o o k a n o ther life Tuesday Mrs. L. R. Potter. In memory >HfU,rnom,. , of Charles E. Oregon', Mr. and T h ] s t i m e l h e VK:Um w a s 29| Mrs. Julius Blake in memory 'yettr-old J. C. DuRtiin. Avene «adv of Charles E Gregory. Street, formerly of GermanWheelers term WillilUI1 to Patrolmen Jo- MayogLauds 11-Year-Old For Charity iicH alld it CharleB was attempting ttM Mrs. Ullian Rossiwr, ;tor . u . a ii eri o w a e d by Ryder Naricy and Ellen Burk.W. Ko-; T a l l k L i n e s orcensooro, N. C, walczyk. a Friend, Clyde and ! a n ( 1 drjVen by William Clifton the Conway, 27. Stoneville, N. C, Frank RuUn ll-i'll'Ct crashed into the driver's sidi ^ A r i . u , u d , M rs. M « . ^ e t Cat of the cur. alano, Miss Peggy Cutalano. Witnesses, including a *'»ni l..i:i:e ' 1(n who was stopped alongsid PARTY TONIGHT '.Uuifgln's cur waitiiw for the WOODBRIDGE-The Atner- lislit to chuiwc and an off '•d ^adisori was the en-lcus Chapter Order of DeMoluy duty patrolman trav^luiK tn unjler the previous will have a Christmas party to- opposite way, gave the liaht hud chanRi-d tc Admlrustration. Heniglit, 8:00 at the Masonic that iContinued on Pane i> »(i last yew. |TvmpU\ 94 Green Street. • III' .,f PRICB TEN CENTS Last Rites Held For C. E.Gregory Many At Messages From All Over Editor's /V./. Express Deep Sorrow Funeral [\wl Vogel Christmas FundVshort ''lBoartl $1,619; Case Load Heavy i •ntnad M Ind CftMi IttU At P. O.. Woodbridne, H. 1. I Farewell to Publisher: W( x UJBRIDGE—Messages of tivity in the communities he Able and civic endeavors. His und sympathy have served. He could write well loss will be keenly felt by me, W O O D B R I D G l ~ A t i pouriiiK in from all over and without hestitancy and he personally, and I am sure by all s i m p l e but impreartv* Jersey on the death of did not fear controversy. His my associates on the governing iClmili-s Edwyn drogory, pUti- pen and hta voice will be missed. body. Our sincere condolences funeral services Tuesday afternoon at The First go out to "hid wMow, Lucy,, :h.ili>-r of Tlw Ift4«p«r 'Leader, Carteret Press, B nd| Assemblyman "i. E a w a r fl well as to me staff-*f his news- Congregational Churtto, the municipality said faro! Edison Township-Fords Bea-|Crablel: The citizens of Mid- paper. well to Charles Edwyn con dlesex County and Woodbridge Former Maybr August in all cases they note MrJ.Tuwnshlp tb particular have t h e Greiner: The death of Charles Gregory, publisher of The CHARLES EDWYN GREGORY , ^ . . , u . y s accomplishments fI ao rrijSf ™ d » , j ^ w people,accompiuunenu not only in the comgH1f i n g of Charles E Gregory E. Gregory is Indeed a great Independent Leader, Carof though thought loss to the aommunity and a teret Press and Edtopn irrtinities his papers served, but ' " independence to ut great personal low to me To«jiahlp-Fords Beacon. f "^^ ,, P , throughout the county. thoughts in writing will be Charles was devoted to his The messages read as follows: friends and had a sincere desire Rev. Boyd Johnson, who missed Governor Robert B. Meyner: to aid at all times for the bet- officiated, read Mr, Gregew Jersey lost a good citizen Mayor Frederck M. Adams: terment of the community. He ory's favorite Psalms— the m : will be sorely missed in the 23rd, 46th and 121st. Other ind journalism a good man in j The death of Charles E. Greg- future. readings from the New ,he death of Charles E. Greg- ory is a tragic loss to this com>ry. His career had followedjmunlty which he loved and Mayor-eleet Walter Zirpolo: Testament included Rom"Let each man think himself »n act of God, pattern that once was classic!served with his pen, his heart, The communty has suffered a ans 8, Second Corinthians, n the trade— from a news and his labors so long and so great loss in the pausing of Chapter His mind a thought, bis life a breath of God; Ch 4 ti 4; Revelations, iesk at the State Capital to:well. For years, both as a pri- Charles E. Gregory. He was And let each try, by great thoughts and good deeds, 21 and John, p iwnership of his own papers.lvate citizen and the Editor of dedicated to his chosen pro- Chapter To show the most of Heaven he hath in him." C h t 14. ts editor and publisher, he'our local newspaper, he has fession and he steadfastly and Chapter ;ave his work almost been in the of those iorption and so large total was abhis working for vanguard any project that courageously applied its prin- Men and women from all :oncept of a newspaperman's; he felt was for the good of our cipal to his dedicated devotion over the State ^-were jreseat A great man passed away Sunday. calling that he was identified Township; he gave of himself to the many thousands who for the services. At tfie family's request there were no with every aspect of civic ac- unstintingly to numerous chariThe light which had been so strong and (Continued on Page 2) flowers, except for a beautiful which had shown the way to many, suddenly blanket on the casket but doflickered . . . and died out. nations to The IndependentLeader Christmas Fund or But the strength that was his, the true Perth Amboy General Hospital charity that was an important part of him, and Building Fund, in ilfri Gregall his efforts on behalf of o t h e r s j l j ory's memory, will be'tytpreelated. ''!'/>/'' live on, For, it is said, it Servurf as honorary . I ' we live, but how. trier's cpnctlUon r* is, natiu'&Uy beareet w*re th« Board of j ^ p lbiW K, To T make mat Governors of Perth Amboy to"be-jolly, the old uneraplbyiWe .Charles Edwyn RT aymp goes, but there is no ters worse file children have General Hospital, the Board of lical three score years and ten, but in the years cheer been ill quite a bit the past few of the First Bank and which were his, he was a decided factor in all Mrs. the home of Mr. and Donations to The Inde- months. The only income is Directors Trust Company and staff pendent-Leader Christmas that was good for the community. It seems Mr. X has been out 1'und may be sent to The from the Welfare Department. members of The IndependentLeader. Disabled Fearless and conscientious, with the welfare of work for quite some time andi I n d e p e n d e n t-Leader, 18 he bills have piled tip sky high. Green Street, Woodbridge. Present at Rites The head of the household in of the Township always uppermost in his mind, There are three pre-school should be drawn in this case tU4) was recently re- Among those attending were he was always a'true crusader—unafraid to children and Mrs. X is expect- Checks the name of The Indepen- leased from the hospital with a Archibald Alexander. Secreng a fourth child next month. dennt-Leader C h r i s t i n a s permanent disability. Social tary of State Edward J. Patten, speak out in defense of what he believed to be This week Mr. X finally got a Fund. right, Security and County Welfare representing Governor Robert ob, but the income is insuffiThe Independent - Lender applications are pending and B. Meyner, Warren Wilentz, We, who were closest to him, often felt he cient to meet the day-by-day contributes all costs of ad- meantime the Welfare Depart- Middlesex County Counsel, Assapped his strength by working hard and long expenses. The Independent- ministering the fund. Every ment is assisting. There are six semblyman Norman Tanzman, hours for the many causes in which, he was in- Leader Christmas Fund will penny donated goes directly children in the family — three Freeholder George Otlowski, out .... if sufficient funds to aid the needy In the form pre-school and three in school. Mayor Frederick M. Adams, terested. Even though nature sent him several help are donated. (Case 10P of food baskets, clothing ln Because they are young the Mayor-elect Walter Zirpolo, warnings to slow down, Mr, Gregory continued Christmas can be a sad time sizes not donated and in ex- mother cannot leave them to Carteret Mayor Stephen Skiba to give of his best—for somehow he could never for the old as well as the young, ceptional cases, some cash. and members of the Medical find work. if there is no money. Case 103 Fruit baskets are also sent to say no to those who sought his assistance. Staff of Perth Amboy General The Independent-Leader has Hospital. is a widow, without family. She Day after day, the meek and the proud, the has been ill for some time — Township patients in the set a goal of $4,000 — expecting Mr. Gregory, 57, who resided of area hospitals. All to take care of approximately rich and the poor, the ordinary citizen and top suffering from both diabetes wards donations are acknowledged 100 fajnilles. But the list has at 129 Green Street, died Sunand ulcers. Because of her illofficials called to seek advice—and the latch in The Independent-Leader grown to 114. We can take care day at Perth Amboy General ness she cannot work. We will unless otherwise requested. string was always out. of the additional cases, only If Hospital after a long illness. do our best to make Christmas additional contributions are re- He Is survived by his widow, It is no wonder that Mr. Gregory was held more cherrful for her this year Lucy, nee Ferguson; a sister, ceived. Mrs. Hilding L. Person and a in high regard, respect and esteem by all who t h r o u g h The Independent- best to find cures, but meantime when mental illness strikes Checks should be drawn in m e M ) M i s s Suzanne Person, Leader Christmas Fund. had the opportunity to know him. Mental Health is in the lime- a family, it becomes difficulty. the name of Independent- Holden, Mass. As we write the symbol, 30,—the newspaper- light a great deal these days. There are five children in this Leader, 18 Green Street, Wood- Mr. Gregory was born ln Winthrop, Mass., November 27( man's way of indicating the end—somehow we The scientists are doing their family and because of the fa-'bridge. 1904. He was of old New Engdo not feel it is the end, but really just the land ancestry. He received his beginning. bachelor's degree from Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., and We do not believe that a man's good works his Master's degree from Harend with his passing. We feel the memory of vard University. Charles Edwyn Gregory—his faith in people, his He worked on newspapers in belief in spiritual existence, his humility, h i | Boston and New York, before kindness and his understanding will live on. WOODBRIDGE — Exactly "Parent's should urge their ed space or equipment. Fitness coming to New Jersey in 1927, 8,836 and girls in grades children to participate in suiiu for living is something we can- when he became head of the And as for us, here on the newspaper, Charles one toboys six in Township schools sport such as hiking, skating not buy. No one can give it State House Associated Press Edwyn Gregory has not passed on. He lives in were given the Kraus Weber cycling, swimming, rowing to us. Wt- must work for it. OurBureau In Trenton. the hearts of each and-every one of us—a bright. Minimum Muscular Test — a tennia and golf. Children can bodies aie only as strong as we In Wondbridge 28 Yean Mr. Gregory came to Wflodshining light urging us on to do bigger and bet- physical fitness test — and 44,8 do exercises at home. Push ups, make them. Our muscles can bridge in January, 1934, as edlonly be madii strong as we make per cent failed, Ernest Dubay.jsit ups, floor touching can be ter things. (Continued on Page 2) Physical Education Supervisor, conducted without much need- them through use." -30— announced today. The national average of failures is 57.9 per —30— Charles rfdwyn Gregory Christmas Case List for Township Needy Continues to Grow^teadily How to Give 44.8% of Students in First 6 Grades Flunk inPhysical Fitness Examination cent. Mr. Dubuy noted that the failurt rate Of European children, despite la relatively poor standard of (living, is only 8.7 per cent. PavsiiiR the test Here 4.881 pupils -•- 4,570 boys were tested, with 2.264 passing for an juvn-iiiu' of 47.3 iwi1 cent. Also Itcsled were 4.266 BH'ls. with 12.617 iJiissini* for an nverune of l(il.;f per cent,. j Mr. Dubiiy explained that the ite.iiinn program revealed a we:ikne.v, 111 the abdominal muscle .sire IIB th IWct in the •tlcMbilu.v i>l the lower buck liaiseKs and lininstrliH' muscles ,1)1 I lie !'"'.x I KI Much Sitting 'I'lil: amdltion, lie exiihuned, i:, lirnip.'lit. about by "tou much tiiil'i:^" Cm'teeUuu. the .silperviMii1 's;ilil, .sli'.iuld tiih* p'iti'e ut In onl 'r to correct this couUluiim. I lie PMVMCHI education jinijirfiin has been einphustanu j i u u r e i:aHbtlit'iiic», walking, rumiiim and jumping activities. TO HELP K1IHHK.S; Tlmmas, boys and girU chairman, Krewuts a check te eiiUs can do much at $200 to fast I'resident Julm Molnar, who will present it to the Kiddie Keen Well C»»f, STUDENT8 ATTEND SEMINAR school honor itudent* »t »nirleiiib »r, Dorothy ScblHi G»il Ntvrrau»l»y; Cart! DobM; third row, to a grouii uf WoodbrldKf Lift to right, first ruw: Juatiiie Baumgarten, Diane Dabul, Elisabeth SUhl, Marjarle Oslraek, Mary Uw Smyth, Carol Siraun. Susan Marjwnaa, Ollm Cooiwman, Andrew. Futey, Robert Brown and James Mehesy. nomt; to encourage theh' child- duriiiv Tuetday ninht's meeting of the KiwauU Club. In the photo, from left to rujbt, a n ren to be more active tn their Ueor«e Kurica, nrt-sldent-de.t; Mr. lUiiralwn, Mr. Multisr, J*hu Sehwan, tmwurcc, M 4 Krank Ktenen, »ke preikienU. leisure hours," Mr. Dubay said. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1W1 PAGE TWO 1 Messages Express Sorrow Last Rites Held helping hand. His low to the1 Imitation And the ever-present .sUmuUtlm Influence and flower m :-.w lapel merely « n - l a n » hasbeen a £ » t help to community 1* Indeed tragic. Catholic Mothers development Agency. He resigned both posts lairt year due to tailing health. M FASHION (Continued from Page 1) tor of the old Woodbridgt Inbeautiful gifts llmpact on our i-li. Alexander: It was a shock toj EilCCl U t l l C C r S dependent. In 1943. he became 'Continued from Page 1> tender and worn and a soli that my great lovB;profound and of great publisher of The IndependentThe very short <,f. hear of the passing of Charlie looked to him for guidance and that sms too Renfrew and selfGregory through'Cfsnce. 8EWAREN—Membent of the d Edl Leader, Carteret Press and Edi- 'Continued from Page l) <* the girls „..•,'-. iQretory. a very personal friend. 1. My family joins me less He. a man who had the 10 secret.; son Townahip-Ford» Beacoh'oreen when Duggin started or knock knees T powrr to punish and in mourninp hi* death wear them a, and president of the Wood-:across the highway. m o , v*M««»ir., * learned munttr will mi« his wise coun-,""" *"° — alvisys used that jxnwr ~ » . .. meeting on ;n:i I d to becomirtlfiiy I Duggin, married and the do heartfelt sorrow about the sel and hi* comforting words;**™". , . ih catholic bridge Publishing Company. Nwman Tarn- g i w g n d build, and did tbte .combined °tner 7 all the j j ^ He served as president of the I father of two children. i l l tan be worn m u c h I.;. h l l suaaer, death of Mr. Gregory.^ encouragement. Mrs. A J n - ' J * ™ ^ man; The trasfc death of j ^ , , , ,.hP j g c t that he Welfare Bure u m<M we His death li a tragedy to thislander join* me In expressing * ' Board of Oovernors of the; thrown from his car by the lm-tight ones. ft Charle? Edwyn Gregory is an o t understand or tolenU ^ahedI «*»• H e « » w o f h l n > i e U mre-isjuipnthy to Mr* Oreitory and Officers elected for 1962 were Perth Amboy General,' Hospital -pact and the body dragged 146 ftunnmg blow to all the people foimejs, much less dishonesty., ' - for everything good his family in their hour of named a» follows: prealdent, for 16 yean At the time of hls'fwt by the tank truck, Detec- Beautiful " g ^ of'the Raman Say area and a No> D M tood for He will be bereawmmt Mr*. Qeorge Polkowskl; vicedeath he was in the midst oljtlve Joseph Wildman Mid. The«hoirn in the si mined In Carteret. [president. Mrs. Thomas Hen- plans for a second drive for!young father was pronounced holiday Knon t : Grocery unselfishly de- m]Xh Of himself for his torn all died a Uwii S. Jaertton: His ac- nessey: recording secretary, funds now beinc conducted tordead on the scene by Dr. Irv-fc«H lai nj colors \o<fd £;< life to wrrinf hi* He was a priceless treasure to of state Edward J. the touch that a pa,. ;f>?T.i:: a: prat, sacrifice woodbridge and one of the ratten: In the death of Mr. AMemblrmaB-eleet GoM» J. complishmenU for and behalf Mr*. Robert Colgan; Corres- a second addition to the ho»-iing Zuckerberg. of end ir. complete disregard tr ^*nt<» j mtat precious posseodevoted Brifiani: "It is with deep regret the Perth Amboy General Hos- ponding secretary. Mrs. Robert pltal—construction of which is Detective Waldman said yes- ..jfoh", we lost a h:s {iriff.r.a; wli-brtng Hf wa? friend whose example will re- that 1 notice the passing of pttal by his untiring efforts and Braian and treasurer, Mrs now going on t'nder his dlrec- terday that Duggin had been [-L I* ™ o r f a r ' erIorlls! traly R champion of the people, he'mala «n inspiration for all HUCharlei K. Gretory. In the years time, marks him as oni of the Joseph Segreto. Uon. the institution gained holding t^p Jobs. He wnrltrd '' hl, modest cnrsntly FlrMnp to prrtMt philantrophlati of our, A chrurtnua basket »ai given recognition all over the coun- for thr western Electric at H am bu~a~M • wt; - l n , I w n » i . | e r f w « t o Perth Amboy Oen-he ha* been publisher of j p h l l f for; f to Birter Paull to t dde-try as beintnne of the finest Clark during the night shift gift* may run '« •••' :r.urp*t»«» we heart, tne c o w e w n e * , , ^ Uosm\ will be forever Independent-Leader he has time. He pave off hlnuelf c^muntty and :t.« in- the protector, th# guardian and n U 1 l (I nH/VT !J U 4 earned the respect ot everyone this prat job. He will be missed Wer to Morrig Hall, Home for khospitals In \tir nation. and «for *the Acme Mill andmtm o r c o l ! a ~ '", !•:.<• Ki5 marf aceom- the real hope ot a better Woodfor hte " " for { o r• h l s" jeartoaroess, candid-to •" ' Uimber Company durlna the add glamour to Honored by 1 ,. . r:T5 arc arkr, Pledge-bridge. And yet, he> was 10ft and n , ^ M , v«irl. C«mmltte«-^^ g n d mmeas. By his death pronounced qualities and dedonateB by the group. BOMS of day. He was returning U> the oogtumt and a >, m'-nu; hif 5jcc*f5 iv-rard this understanding — the PerfM^nun-etaet: It ' a s with deep woodbridge and this county serred distinction. Christmas cards were also sent In 1956. the Woodbridge lumber *""•>»«*» wiih far U wrvMr, Township Council of Civic md. Al! tf us who had the priv-personification of his favortte w m ) W t t l a t j leirned «f * ' h a r e lost a great force for good. • :to each Individual at the home * M Clubs named Mr. Gregory the when the accident •eourred. i>e« n| knoTinp Mr Gregory phrase. -Sweetness and Light."j degth 0 ( m gOod friend andM a y j tender to his family and' n 1 f I to send to their relatives and Members of the Detective Panw »;P b ,: 'Man of the Year" for "merlhad the Frpflt?5t admiration Hf was a most attractivei M i g h b o r Charles E. Gregory higjuffmy heartfelt sympathy | D O . 0 1 .friends. torious'civic advancement." Hc|Bureau said yesterday that at some of the shopnr.d refpM for him. We have character in so many unusual to w t K ) m 1 o j w n looked for ta ^^ bereavement and loss.'-, , _ .. . ^^, _ ,. I Final arrangement* w e r e also received the Citizenship!least 40 per cent of all themlnded. with ;... been enriched by his friendship and varied ways. His very 6P-guidance He wa* always ready: ., 'Continued rrom page v made for preparing a Chlrstmas Citation from Bnal Brlth and) traffic fatalities they cover bodice. For the •• and-will sure!? miss his wise pearanoe at any tune, at any i y, i ^ j shaTid to those In need j Coaunltteeman thomas J.of Hections offlce, Perth A 'counsel and cuidanre.. His un-place, fas a strikirtg contradJc-'j^d g»ve of hi* time to fatiCitttio: With the death of boy. ' ^ ^ j o r % n r t ^y funlly in the "Heart of Oold Certificate occur at the Avenel Street- this creation mufrom Deborah Hospital uul Route 1 Intersection. tAcal po-linen and1 timely passing leaves a void it Uon of unpresBions. His severe-, wise counsel to many whOjCharles E. Gregory, a serious There is a great deal of con- W o w j b r i ( j™ Township il rarely cover turnpike and panto wit, , will be imposible to fill. ly dignified manner, and bear-ijoug^t it. His death Is a. greatjyoid WUJ be felt by this oom-iJecture ts to who will run for At the close of the businew Sanitorlum because of hU to help the *iek 'parkway accident* which are ing three quarts ing. and clothes could not eon- \0$s t 0 our Township. imunity for he was a courage- the five vacancies. d voted efforu" meeting the group wrapped 1 He was also prrsented a clta- handled umially by the State It may aluo ha Qavid T. Wtlenta, former At- ceal the warmth and aflectlon principled and out-j William Bihler. who was re toUetries which will oe ous ll h 'sasli. toriry General: This fine, hum-of his soul His all embracing Mayor Stephen SkAa, Car-.spoken ^ _advocate of good gov- center appointed to the seat distributed to Infants at 8 t tton by thr Middlesei County:W»llee. We,'simple, lovable human be-smile spired by that little t«et: This community re«r«*, e r n ment. ent Hl» voice was the vacated by Ruth Kahree, will g n s a b e t h Maternity Home, tog was. Just too good to live, touch of Kew England twang, the untimely passing of a most R of a fearless, knowledge- undoubtedly run for the full Yardvllle, N. J. He had given too much 0.' a revealed a spirit and a spark, dedicated and inspiring per-able critic whose motives were r e i„J term The terms _ of James j ^ t n e x t regular meeting of Mr. Gregory was a member b y T T " u ' t heart that was already Uwanc! a personality that defied;sonal:ty._ His 'exceptionally ;>]y>Ts 0J) ^ h l ? h M l pi^e. Mullen",'Woodbrtdgeind'aydethe'poup'wlU His counsel, whether It met Edrtngton, Cotonia, also expire u t r y 4 u 8 2 a t the Catholic ntsi B a n k a n dT r u s t n"rnn"" It was hf vho organlied tin — - favor or disfavor. *as an In- m d as far u Is known n o v ^ p f f ^ Bureau, Fords. Independent -Lender Christma.' >"» Ol S valuable asset to us, who are tajthey will be candidates for re-^^ ! I'und 18 year* aco The Fund public sen-ice, because JJ — - • - • now takes rare ef 100 family forthright and fair Hi* pas$-H lannually:rx is to be mourned by all of , 3 3 , ^ , to submit ft full ' during World War U. Mr u.« who knew him. , r f flT( w u l U l m Brenner, of ;Orefoni wrv»d at head ot the Ak - Rail - StnmaUp - Hotel ifi«h 1 1 thsA area, has obtained five pejMiddlrscx County Rationlnc T « Co lector \T..1t ti tlttom. A single petition was alland Prlre Control Board wlthTrainer: In the TOUR AND CRUISE M»ER\ATI()sv death o f . . o b t a t n f d ^ p ^ C a p o n i ;out comper-satlon. He was acCharles E. Qregory. Woodhrldge Orand Avenue. Iselin. Julius E., THI WORLD OVT.R tive in many war-Ume activiTovmsh:p has lost a mogt Izso, Fords. Bsked for and reZetuth Radio Corporation hat [ties and at the conclusion of Phone VA M M I announced it» imnllest and 'hostilities srn'ed as chairman lightwt bearind aid—weigbinj f thf welcome home celebrao lerment of manlcina at all only on«-ihird of an ounc» l l o n f o r Township veterans Not .Ml On Key time* I have always oonsidered Th e inscription on the memori;-,im a true friend. He was a A quartft Is four people whe with battery. al to the Township's war dead very charitable person and at,think the other three can't , Ul Miplf Mr» In WoodbridRe Park was writall times ready to extend a sing. rERTH AMB01 N J ten by Mr. Gregory. i Mr Greqory .vrved on thi' WORID WIDE •:; Towns::ip Planning Board for MEN'S KINGS SPBCTAUSTS F;v " ,R:X years and for a short tiiw was a member of the Re- Claims Victim e S ^ STl££l ^ «^m^ake,! Uni,d^7.,, ZENTFH tfffert NEW SMALL HEARING AID WATCH MART BUSINESS Travel Burvuu $14-50 to $175-00 LADIES RINGS from S7.50 to $500-00 RON SCHOFIELD MEN'S and LADIES' / • POWSETOAS WATCHES • CHRISTMAS TKEES 17 Jewel — Name Brands • GRAVE BLANKETS to GENERAL ELECTRIC! *» OFF! • CENTERPIECES • WREATHS - GREENS • CORSAGES - err nowots CULTURED PEARLS The transistorized unit, the "Signet" li »o small that micro• cupet are required in the manufacture and asaemblv of paru. Thij l«elundthe-ear type »id in available at vour Authorized Zenith Hearing Aid Denier. Heater fitatnpk Dtiltrar .MEN'S JEWELRY SET "We Delher Knnni Ua Corner *r ArMUd U>' World' $6-oo to $35-00 RONALD SCHOFIELD Florist Sterling and Silver 105 Lake Avenue, Colonia, >. J. PLATED HOLLOWARE Power Shower PERTH AMBOY HEARING AID CENTER Cffl FU 8 ^ 1 1 Hi Smith St.. Perth Amboy VA 6-4888 (Nrit to Boj»l TheilrK \Kt Hindlr Billrrlfi uid Actrjwriri tor Mott Hurlni kit* from $3-50 Cigarette and Table Lighters $3.50 to $22-00 BE A Leather Wallets from $4-50 Necklace and Earring SETS from $5-00 OMtwtutm AH Oriun Hood N«*d> Scraptag N* . loll* W l t M b . . . CWOM tKNITI Iss4 ssik, d CHRISTMAS (HARMS flnkss One klai fin to" ' $4.00 to $3Q.oo MMs4Ms» MSMB|. Plrtslis.KSSKINS to soi Uucti tMSkbuttot Hf Mtbl kisdla-uit J I»CI IKlt REMINGTON Electric Shavers $1585 BELGIAN GLASS VVM JEWEL BOXES BUT NOW from $15-00 whila qvonfrfits lostf 40 CASH DOWN! Sterling Flatware CHILDREN'S JEWELRY F t n i . Pearl Drops Necklaces - Medab Watches - I D Bands $2.00 to $7-00 TRANSISTOR RADIOS $27-00 Complete Kit from LEATHER BOUND Travel Clocks $6-00 up RELIGIOUS JEWELRY LUGGAGE CLOCK RADIOS GIFT CERTIFICATES No Free Gifts... No Stamps . . . No Coupons WATCH MART'S DISCOUNT PRICES GIVE YOU FULL VALUE IN YOUR PURCHASES! WATCH MART The Discount Jewelry Store h A WEEK Colonia Shopping Plaza Route 2 7 , Colonia OPEN TIL 9 P. M. EVERY NIGHT'TtL CHRISTMAS Turn frowns to smiles! Cut kifchen clean-up time! A PORTABLE DISHWASHER CAN BE USED IN ANY KITCHEN Q Simply roll to link and attach to fauat. & Holds 12 place settings. @ Pn-rinm, washes, rinmanddriu-automatuaUy. ^Dishesand glasses ame sparkling dean. « / r A DttHWAwnt AT row Mvownr t r o w i PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY TAXPAYIN* SERVANT OC A • 5 J Z T " - " mol Eltctric Diihwathwi ry a 1-yaar rtpair or r«MaMM warranty tiadudMrvk*, labor iMcawaryl inn nanufodwlMg <M«cti Mtirt dbhwaikw. Sf U\ I* I, •iin.i,, OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 10 O'CLOCK "HteAqtsarters for / o y Water Softe$ters' AuUwriici Franchise Dealer G§ Salci uaA Service I A M A Y TELEVSIO IN L U I f l A A APPLA INCES 51 MAIN STREET WOODBK'11 (,l PAGE T H R U THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1981 Held at 0 ,(l 'resent rol Story Home' " Party Saturday Education mas dinner termediate Girl Scout Troop at the CD Director Addresses Lions Club Javcees Plan First carols at the Danish Home lr ship Jayceei announnd 5 Improvement. 6:30 and dinner at 7. Mas .[BRIDGE—Rev. Catherine Mansiero Is chair- WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. Jo- Metuchen. Carol Chrtetensen Ineedy children h»ve been in Among the gcmli for the — . „,„„,,„ U l c , i ™ , . . „ . ,..., ,,„• Evangelical and man. sfph Varey ways and means'senior scout tide, was narrator '«.-"' -....-—— ,i; church, announced c o m m i t t e e chairman, an- and Joseph Van played several vlted to the JaycAi first Christ coming year, Mr. Mann, anjnounced at a meeting of Em- accordlan selections. Eileen mas party and Santa Clsus will nourvced is to establish a blood ivjsit them from 1 to 4 P.M. donor service lor club members .,,,.• will be told In the] iiblpm 35) Monday Monday night, night, HaVC |blpm Club p l u b 35) ISatuntey at the Cotonla Civiclby Januarv 1. Details are bentures In carol* by the1 (several working events are be-'girls on the piano. (improvement Club. jing reviewed by Cy Bromberg. , of the Youth Choir lor the near At the completion of the pro,'lng planned Transportation to being fur-jcommlttee chairman. 1 "rt'iy Scl' 00 ' members liram Amy Airoe distributed ntahed by th» Jayeees. Refresh- , In the *plrii, of community: •future. l P.M. in the pariah ments and gift* contributed by cooperation they plan to aid , n auditorium. many local businesses will be;the Woodbrldge Township Con' Leslie Egry will be the dWtributed to all. jcert Orchestra in obtaining . soloists will be RwStanley Maun, president, ad-necessary musicians and asJoyce vised the December moving ofislst*nce to srr»#< a series of P have the s p o m l Debbie the Jaycees ended an activeiconcfrU during the year b y '& well-knowni knon! WOOtmRlDGE - Fallout raciiiitioi; slu-itm, and survlv«; wnvr disrusised at at the thi rwu)nr mrc'inB ol the Woodoridge .. _. l.ion? cinh. StanleV Minn. prngrum rhnlrraan. Introduced 'John M Cn;n. operational director of Civil Detense. wrw M'olw in thr wav» Individuals f cm best protect themselves from iad.aiion and the hatard* of nuclear WB! Dr O n l 1 Hutner, chalrmRii nf the children's Chrtstmns tinrtv, rpquerted members to attend the annual affair to hp held December 23. 10 A.M. . at the state Theater, Main Street, for children of WoodibrttUe. Port fleadln?, and 8*- Hospital Party w 7 p r ^ ,f jesus win i n d l e l w at p « M. for the hos-;,, T h p « , charlotte £u«het : n at% ard P«*>Anyone Interested In at- l d o n » U o n :,]:rks. John m L eLeBder Bder nn ddl nl > ^ t r t J h John K Biidwsh, and ferity to Head Rehearsal Set Dec. 26th <?!«•»» ,f" For Holly Debutante Ball mimoers will parti- A Christmas donation was, ,i,rt use lighted eandflesmade to Our Lady of Mt. Car-] mine the blesaed carols mel Church. Plans were made ,',(,„! the entire program, for a penny nale, January 10, , Clmis will be portrayed 1882 with Mrs. Rose Kovacs . ,,. Kovach who will and Miss Ann KOTO as co-chalr-: l Sunday School mem- men. A donation was also made ™ <1 \taff with gifts. [to two needy families fer ' ' • ,m.« led by; Christmas Mrs. Andrew Fenyar •U In charge of the project. Independentp nd WOODBRIDG1 - publT«herorThrin-! aerit J- *»bw vnrtn Leon J AVem "' Plain are progressing for the next w m l evetrt which win be Inclirs Nieht and Charter .Night, February 17. according to n report by Edward Ooulllon, entertainment chairman. Dr Isadore Rablnowite. prect> dent, advised the board of directors approved donations to ]the March of Dimes and t h e [Tuberculosis League. ; A five year perfect attendance pin was awarded to Robert Hirsdifleld and a one year ipin to Andrew Muska. Francis hH8 l ier. been appointed chairman of WOODBRIDGE — Final ar-.Sufcch. ticket chairman, o? Miss s'made by Mrs the 1962 New March of Dimes rangements are being made byjRuth Wolk general chairman jthe Woodbrldge Township Bus-| All reservations will close on Chairman on,campaign. It was , lness and P^esslonal Women'siMonday at 5 P. M. All those( ltt8l today by M. • ' Club for the Holly Debutanteiwho have returns to make on :<:ounty ol The N a - B a l i to ^ held; December 28 at'tlckets are a&ked to do so a.s ,i™ th. since im flrTt Scotch Plains Country Club. jsoon as possible. ttonal Foundation not Debutantes who is serving as Debutantes are requested to for the third report at the Country Club Mrs. William jyear. will head a group of vol- Tuesday. December 26. prompt- Brennan at the Brennan Agenat "6:30 P . M . lor a final unteers who will seek funds a a mg u wlth| gentM , to The Little Servant January "for fighting three rehearsal. They are asked tol6" > Main Street, Woodbrldge. ;Kti Carroll. Joyce SI-at jMrs. Prances Nemeth and Miss" j Unda of the Immaculate Con- crippling' diseases: birth de- bring their escorts, If possible 'BOPP was installed as a new The night of the Ball debs; at St. Joseph's Convent Ifects, arthritis and polio. imember, and Francis Champ* Mrs Ann child with ;who do charitable work and Commenting on what can be anfl escorts are asked to be at | was welcomed into the club. igensen. jnui'sing care In the area. Mrs done for those born with birth the Country Club no later than otto Mayer, holiday dttrsur' 8 p. M. The debutantes will (Stanley Berlnsteln, publiclty'defects Mr. Oerlty said: requested members planntof to receive the guests from 8:30 to chairman, reported the nuns[ ,,^m,oVt experience attend the affair. December 27, 19 P.M. were very appreciative. .technique* perfected In . . . . _ , . „ . * „ ticiteu rere- A V E N E L — Congregation 6 15 P M to contact Mm at ; Further plans were discussed treatment and rehabilitation of 9-6000 not later than D i for a Membership tea to be ? mbrr 20. Sons and daughters held at the home of Mrs. severely crlppli i m a y be .cured b, Cling any,* ^ £ £ g £ * £ c MRS TER J. TALMONT members who are of high [George Oerek, president, Sun-, The National . munlty Center, according to 'day afternoon January U, In jhetped the medical profession :hool or college ace wf& to galn a vast reservoir of knowlannouncement today by Maruests • •I.NFT. — A candlelight ments, under the guidance of |the hope of encouraging the edge applicable 'to victims of tin Lltinger. - - FtraVMrs. • ' - • Field - ••• and Mrs. i wives of members of the Wood»;1! be held at the Hartley other erlpplen such M Youth activities, under the ibridge B.P.O.E. 2116 to become • , -:nn Church. Sunday/Andrew Hunter I defects. j direction of Jules Isler, nclude M. All five choirs. A Bell Choir from the second members. 'New and improved apa program as follows: , direction of Vern (Presbyterian Church In Prince- The Initiation of a group of relleve specific t Fourth, fifth and sixth grade Minister of Music, ton will sing before the Christ- new members will take place proaches wlth music and mas pageant. Patricia Wight Is at the January. meeting, and | birth defects problems are be AVENEL — The purpose, students, under the supervision installation of new officers will ing developed continuously In duties and responsibilities of j o f mUm j ^ . p r e -u.s,Y. group AVENEL — Saturday after-(brown accessories and a beige rhristmai story as It the director. Clinical Study Centers and WOODBRIDGE — Mr. John g^de B n d eigm ... the Scriptures, The service will conclude be March 12 with Mrs. John! Special Treatment Centers sup- being a member of a Lions club(for menib at Kirkpatrlck Chapel.jcoat with mink trim. r. Wilson. Supertatendent Ot were heard by members of thel s t u d e n t S | up to Bar Mitzvah noon Qraziano, supreme president, Charles 8Macwith the lighting of candles. Rutgers University, Miss Eve-| Mrs. Talmont, a graduate o . Or officiating. This will be a ported by the March of Dimes. Avenel Lion's Club at theiri age u n d e r ^ e leadership of lyn Fay Womelsdorf, daughter Woodbridgf High School, at the Transportation Department ,• . d s Scriptures, about singing of "Silent NiRht" and .|Yale Abranu, will all meet of Mr. and Mrs. E. Guy Wom- tended Grove City College. Pa I at the American Smelting and single event and not a joint af- And research has shown that meeting at Stanley's Diner. •iiiicsy. Annunciation, Benedlcition by the pastor, some conditions resulting from Daniel Flanzbaum, first yiceiTuesdays from 7:30 to 9 P. M elsdorf, 370 Avenel Street, be- and Is employed at Rarltan iRefvnlng Company, was given a :it Birth of Jesus, A- R*"v Bruce Larson, field sec- fair as originally planned. birth defects may be prevented testimonial dinner by the emat the center. The Ufl.Y. teenof Shepherds and the retary for Paith at Work, will In charge of hospitality was through early detection and president, presiding officer, inIcame the bride of Tek J. Tal- Valley Broadcasting Company ployees of the Perth Amboy Mrs. Zoltan Mayer. troduced Lion Governor Arthur agers meet Mondays from 7:30 mont, son of Walter Talmont, New Brunswick, as a continuity |Plant, Tuesday at Coby's Restableaus will be preach at the 9 and 10 A. M treatment." • • • Jim - to 9 P. M. with their leader, Lance and his coblnet, 1 Garden City, L. I,, and the late director. i'1'picting the scenes, services. Dr. MacKenne will taurant. Mr. Oerity is the owner of Molbey, deputy governor; Ab-Harold Melti. Mrs. Talmont. taking part in the preach at 8 and U A. M oi the| .v « ? f i B r ! < U ?I d Her husband, a graduate o ^Hungarian-A merican the Leon J. Oerity Funeral ner Peldman, gone chairman Regular services will be held Uv Mr. Wilson will retire on lAbemethy officiated at the( ^ S o l e b U r y S c h Q N e w H o p f i i:>- from the Christian topic "JPSUS the Home. Active uv civic and pro-and Dick Splvack, secretaryDecember 31, after 35Vj years tomorrow at 8:30 P, M. SponIdouble ring ceremony. : and Drama Depart- Folk Who Toil." Club Meets Tonight fessional |Pa.. and Rutgers University, of service with the American fessional affairs, affas, he Is a mem- treasurer. All spoke on the sub-sors of the Oneg Shabbot after The bride, given In marriage employed at the same place as i Smelting and Refining Comil ber of the Middlesex Council ject which was of great interest the services will be Mr. and Mrs. by her father, was attired In a a sports and newswnter. WOODBRIDOE — The Hunpany. He started as a Weigher Sol Slotnick; Mr. and Mrs. gown of rosepoint Chantilly | nanan-Amertcan Citizens Club Knights of Columbus, Rev jto the men. 1 John J. Griffin Assembly 4th I in the Baltimore Plant and Charles Goldberg and Mr. and 5'will meet tonight 7:45 at the' Degree, N. J. State Funeral Dl- Mr. Lance awarded five year Mrs. Herman Jutkowitz. AU lace with a sweetheart neckline worked his way to his present R! Hungarian Reformed Church, pins to Nathan Temkin. Geoand long sleeves, and featuring position as Superintendent of IUIS no- W Keta(&berg, Daniel Flanz- will be celebrating their wed- tiers of lace over permanent I the Transportation Departding anniversaries. baum, W»» y , Anclent W«J|er Pry stock, Vince pleated nylon tulle. Her fingerment:1 He has been In the Perth Winter vacations for Hebrew " ' Tveil ~ "-•-' "'•e u 0 of I Order of Hibernians. He Is a Ricciardont and«Beter ficciar school children has been set for U P len i Amboy Plant since 194 W *™ "eucu umPlans are being made for a Yachtjdone. He tt past president of WM December 24 to January 1. s l o n f e u from a crown of se"Ladies | quins and pearls. Kid she car- AVENEL — The Woodbridge 10 and 25 Tear dubs and The men V4lt _ . _ School will resuKe January 2, . Woodried a cascade bouquet with; waren O u t b o a r d Motorboat Night" at th Mothers held a special treasurer ot the Salaried Credit iSunday school will not be held I Hall. Carteret, lilies of the valley and white | meeting with Mrs. William Ber February 21. Ray Maier ibridge, n. nn.v maun « ^ . . « . . W J lUnion. I Krupftiich and Steven Kertesi . land Joseph and December 31, [carnations. p Winquist are chair- iDecember nath, Harvard Avenue, to make Mr. Wilson reside* at 234 stated Sol24 Slotnick. | as co-chairmen. Music wiu will ue, be; w Mr VGerity if married and is an •n. .YIUSK JWJ — Matron of honor was plans for the Kadets' North Park Drive, Woodbrldge. men of the aflair. S furnished by •'The Caravans", the father of lour children. Robert M. Smith, Red Bank, Christmas party which will be Buiova is truly t r * gift qualand serving his brother as best eld SCOUTS YULE PAETY SET man was Conrad Talmont,, La|n Sunday, ity waled . the *»tc»i you WOODBRIDGE—The Mothtan give with pride, wear || Plata, Md. Ushers were Robert Mrs. Robert MUler is chairers' Club ol Boy Scout Troop 37 with pride . btituit it's M. Smith, Red Bank, and man of the aflair which Is will have a Christmas party tor m*de with prid«. Roger Womelsdorf, Avenel, scheduled from 2 to 4:30 P. M.the boys Wednesday, December at the the American American L Legion Hall, at g e ADULT BOOKS • BIBLES brother of the bride. 20, at VTW Hall, Pearl Street. bld After a trip to the Pocono Berry Street. Woodbrldge. • COOK BOOKS "DICSmall gifts will be distributed The mothers group'* next I) Mountains, Pa., the couple will! TIONARIES • ATLASES po the boys and all mothers a n regular.meeting will be Janumake their home in New Brunsurged to attend. Refreshments • SELECTED CHILDREN'S wick. For traveling, the brideary 8. The Kadets next drill BOOKS • WRITING PABoxed . . . Individual . . . Special Titles . . . PER and NOTES • DOLLS • RAGGEDY ANN and ANDY • NANCY »nd SLUGGO Th« Diamond Drum • STUEFED ANIMALS Exquisitely carved «na • EDUCATIONAL TOYS pieces hold two shim SET SC %\ix S i - i - - • - ~ i r ; Synagogue Lists Youth Program Choirs to Take Part n Candlelight Service I ; matain te A t i H '»* «**" J'TM ILions Receive Five-YearPins Miss Evelyn Womelsdorf iS&R Workers Bride of Tek /. Talmont Honor Wilson Next to the Tree- Kadet Mothers PlanYule Party BULOVA cay "Merry Christmas' „, — ^ best' 8 For Christmas Books for Every Age! Fi [ Norcross and Paramount Christmas Cards Don't Buy an Artificial Christmas Tree meiiiig d i t m o n d i . H • Gift Boxed Cigars Whitman s Boxed Candy Christmas Wrappings Reduced! Engagement, Autograph and Trip Books • Diaries • Photograph and Scrap Albums • Doll Clothes • Games for All Ages 79 SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBOY The e»ecutive look-tap level i» perto'mjnie tut not in puce, the Sen»tor has 1/ ie*els, is s h o c k resistant B(K)K SHOP The S M Clipp"'- GOLD !Plain *nd Snow Covered) Sunday 6 A. M. - 1 P. M. FREE PARKINQ AT REAR ENTRANCE OPEN KVKRY NIGHT T i l , CHRISTMAS ive " i«w«ls, stl<wmdi"g. Ctitilied watetpfoo) , shock resistant, luminous handi and dial. •»• pension bracelet WATCHES ENGRAVED FREE! OPpN EVEKV NIGHT TILL 9 O'CLOCK MARTIN LAWRENCE GRAVE BLANKETS Wreaths $Q50 $179 and Artificial Uvet and Woodbridge I Outdoor Decorations Jlowert from WaLU'i Whether it's the tradition*] poinsettia* in aribbon-tiedcontainer or a magnificent bouquet of mm, flowers add zest and color to| Christmas. They cost so little, yet repay many times over in pleasure . . . and, remember, if you're in doubt about the right gift—don't hesitajte, send flowers. . . . and lor your far-away friends and ntftttTts, what better Yuletide immafaftact tfean Piemen by Telegraph? fcteet From Our Oomplek M M * MBUY WREATHS HOLIDAY GREENS MISTLETOE OQLOBFUL BDuyUCTU WAVE COVERS DAINTY CORSAGES 4-1636 Snow-Flok Kits Of All Typ<* (MR1STMAS CARD SPEdAL! To Spraj Your Tree With Snow! WINDOW CANDLES I Reg. 1.25 Box) With purch»ie of 3 or More r Boui-21 Cudi Box In Box. Remember The tods At Christmas . . . For Your Manjer Wild Bird Seed 5 lbs. for 60c I MErcury Tinsel Garland Tree lop* Wrappings Tab'" r»«icorations t POTTED MDVK CUNTBUFWOm WALSHECK'S FLOWER SHOP SOS Amboy Av«n««, Woodbridft, N. J. >t Main Street PINK - GREEN - SILVER Open Daily 6 A. M. - 9 P. M. OppotUt M»y(»lf Super Mirket Phone VA 6-0*85 BEAUTIFUL TREES erner Ljiri&tmai Stylish bracelet * » « * High (sshion ov»l moiil it carried through to > perfect blend ol case and bracelet The CrMc«Ml«, 17 jewel). [Buy on Easy Cndit Term CEASAR'S 120 Main Street, Woodbridge . . . UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OURSr E*. U U - OPEN EVKEY NIGHT TIIX S - W. OeUver! 279 New Brunswick Avenue . « « . »< o* I M I Perth Amhiy - HI * THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1961 PAOE FOUR rority. She Is al*o a member of MA&tlAGF. INITIATED much confusion nuiroundtnf Doctor: "Why COXONIA - Miss Barbara the staff of the school paper. the law at this time to give a Prank, daughter of Mr. and that A-B9J7 tatto,'. definitive statement. HOT, TASTY SANDWICH Prank, 315 Chain When hungry guests show up, back?" However, he added, something will be done to clarify the into serve then corn bread and Patient: "ThB;, O'-Hllls Road was entire picture of why one group COfcONIA-Joseph Fennelly, Sigma Tau Delta, national obeese sandwiches. That's »),«, Bake corn computing county taxw so ft: It elldble when another is not ehatnnan of the March of English honorary fraternity, at ^reti ^ t n g . ^ ^ , 0 , ^ p ^ ran Into me whn< ; NEW BRUNSWICK - The ^ ^ ^ n unfair and InHIW BRUNSWICK — Sen. eluded themselves from operatDime* Campaign announces Davla and Elklru College, El- using a mix. Bpltt bread hori- In the garage <i(,(,r Middlesex County Board of ^,"u"|t,blp fflun.j John A. Lynch, D-Mlddlesex'ing games of chance at county the appointment of Vincent kms. W. Va. Taxation has been asked by the zontally and place bottom half pp win their said today It was not the tnten-land state attractions by voting: DeCosler Appointed t in the ap- MLas Prank Is a 1959 gradu- on cooky sheet. Sprinkle gen- I HOPE SO municipal assessors to give I ( Reni as coordinator ueMson would t»on of the legislature to ex-!for the referendum. them a credit In excess of 1100,- p ^ t To Heart Fund Po$t Iproach to blshessmen for funda ate of Woodbrldge High School erously with crisp cooked bacon Hungry custom*: charitable organisations ( Lynch said he would take the 000 In county taxes that hsre gnni Uie munictpaMiej t'etatt and special nlfU. and is a junior at DavU and bits. Cover with thin, seasoned counter-"One their 1962 county tax from conducting games oL qUfS tion to the attorney gen- WOODBRIDOK — Ctfunty Mr. Rent Is well-known In Elkins College, majoring In ele-jtomato slices. Top with second wlch." been paid to the Board of Free. QTfiii Treasurer Joseph C. De Coster, eral's office for a ruling, and he holders for the current year mentary education. She Is a half of corn bread and heat Walter—"Will }-''j b i l ] m the game manner that Ii'Chance „ „ The assessor? estimate the gives credit* for reductions in He said it has come to hi* added, "if the work. He has been chairman dean's list student, a member thortrughly In moderate oven. * talw it with j source satisfactory 1 will take proper urer of the New Jersey Heart credit at $111,600. but It may t*x appeal case*. ' 'attention for several tunA raising cam- of the college choir, the SJJ - Serve cut in squares, with Customer _ fire action in the legislature to right Association, it m announced paigns fro hidher when complete lists N o r t h Brunswick Mayor Fred of m e m with the St. John Vian E.A. and the Chi Omega So- cheese sauce topping. both." by Dr. Arthur U Roth. today of allowances granted to elderly j H e r m a n n a n d o ther munlcl- companies, civic clubs, church the wrong, «** Middlesex ney Church. Presently he Is ascitizen? it reported to the ^ o m c i a i 8 t r f nrpportmt the groups and similar organlM-j Burled In the fine print of islstlng as a coach In basketball!] boar' Trier also want the tax ^^g^jf m their fttht for the t'0™ may be barred from hav-jthe Amusement Games JJcensthe county!' 01 the CYO. board to (rrant a credit In 196J U x ^ ^ Ing concession' at fairs under mg Law Is the section that will] h u beenj Mr. Reni formerly resided in and subsequent years Based on Incomplete report* *n amendment 'to the Consti- receive Lynch's attention. j active for many years in bothiJersey City, and was She'll love her gift.. if The elderly cittern Uw On the total concessions grant- tution approved by iM voters I t s a y s . ,Vo ntaft o f s m y ; ^ - ^ ™ a n d ' c o u n ^ " h w t " M - ' a i ' • leader In froi granting all property owner* 6S ^j to the elderly citlsens, the '**t month | C ( a l affairs of that city, k t n d m g y be conducted under jocj^yonj years or older who reside in municipalities would neetve It is contended bv some that licenses Issued pursuant to this ..,---• , - , ,,. A former vice-president of; Cardinal Cigonanl sent him a their own dwellings a maximum these credit*: the voters opened the midways ftCt where the applicants there- t ) w P i r M ^ ^ IUjA ^ ^ c jijtter for his enthusiasm and i MOO cut In -assessment*. It cost carteret. $7,140; Cranbun1. of 20 New Jersey fairs to lnde-;fore are within a class of or-^j pwiil A m b o y , n d c u r r e n U y : e f I o r t s l n heading a drive toP| Assessors Seek the reduction. The u s e u o n assert that It does not wem reasonable that It vat the Intent Amusement Game Rule Bar Charity Group Renz Appointed M. of D, Aide?* pendent professional operators,ganization to whom licenses,, p gni B n estimate $646 755 this year s)i.030: Dunellen, ISJ20: East p Bank.'gatJier clothing for the poorl of t h e $ and closed them to firemen fi d may be issuedd nnder d the th raffles ffl and may reash iBBOOOO OO.OOO next Bninnwick, ll.JM: Edison. $7.and an active'and indigent people living In rear , 310; Relmetta, I2«5: Highland other civic groups. 'licensing law." imember of many county volun-'IUly. In granting the reductions, p u t , 13,110: Jamesburg. 1905; volunteer firemen said they' Assistant Atty. Gen, Theo-;teer orsanixatlons Including; Mr. Rent Is employed for the f no provision was made for tafc- Madison Tom&hip. $4,510: Me-< p r f ^ aw&rf ^ n a d n.,im L g , , ^ ^^ there is too; the Americiui Cancer Society ofAmerican Can Co. of New T o r k | ing a credit for the allowance tuehen, 13.150 'which he he 'is is a director, thejcity u supervisor of methodsji [which ln county taxes. The municipal Middlesex. »2,50O: Milltown, _ tax collectort paid tht taiet as $2,02s: Monroe Township, 12,apportloned by the county 275: New Brunswick. $9,000; 1 board. North Brunswick. $3,000: Perth; It had this effect: the mun-Amboy, $10,100: Plscataway: lelpalltiet paid about tl 11,«W Township. $4,175; Plalnsboro, tnore ln county taxes than it»j205: SayrevUle. %3!»Sb. was pos«tbl< t« collect because south Amboy. 14.175: Bouth of the tax concession. iBrunswick. $2,725: South PlainThe law is mute as to how field, 11.430: South River, $8.ttch municipality Is to be re- 325: 8potswood, *6J0; WoodImbursed lrom the county for bridge, $21,800, American Red Cross and the and research. The company re-" Boy Scouts of America. qulrei him to travel consider-!! De Coster jrtth his wife re- ably throughout the country.' sides at 225 Water Street, PerthlWhen he Is at the home office. 1 Amboy. He Is a former resi- he headed the United Fund | dent and e»-mayor of High- Drive for New York City t o n Hand Park American Can. , "The March of Dimes HU Proper Setting: ^ p r o u d to h a v e , m n Warden — What Is your oc-]reeognliable esteem In theli cupatlc!:'1 community to work on thli|j Convict—Composer of popu- worthy project," said Fennelly^ lar song?. !»t a recent executive meeting. Warden — Put him tn the: Mrs Renz Is chairman forji copyfng department. the Mothers March of Dimes. GLAMOR GIRLS OPEN tVEBY NIGHT TIM, t The most wanted are wrapped in a Paramount box! SMALL INVISTMINTB - LINGERIE - - DRESSb. Vanity Fair Kajrwr Harbison Bobbie Brrmki. VilUKrr CaUling - ROBES- -Sl'ITSPetti OFTEN YIELD SURPRISING RESULTS IN THE OVER-THE-COUNTER MARKET Promising new issues. . . stocks of little known companies . . , tomorrow's blue chips—all may be found in the vast and vital Over-the-Counter market It's the oldest and largest securities market in the world . . . the major market for distribution of new issues, including U. S. government bonds, bank and insurance company shares. It's the incubator for future corporate giants and it can be the source of excellent profit opportunities for you. Would you like to know more about OTC securities and price trends. . . how and where they're bought and sold? Just mail the coupon below, call or stop in for a copy of "Understanding the Overthe-Counter Securities Market," and our latest list of recommended securities. No cost or obligation, of course. •K FKMC Cmt M R * WnM OIC-ll * BLOISF.S - KayseT Berkshire Hanes Judy Bond Ship'n - GLOVES- -HANDRA(,<- Kayser Fownes Meyen Lady Gay Rona\ Morris White V. 8. Handhaf FREE GIFT to our customers! N E W 1 9 6 2 - SWEATERS and SPORTS^F \. ST. JOSEPH Jantten Catalina Bobbie Brooks CALENDAR containing 6 official Cruttenden.Podesta & Co. 288 Madison Avenue, Perth Amboy, N, J. Phone mBcreat 2-87*7 Phon*.. - HOSIERY- Weber ^ Mnbvr Nta roil, AiwicM. tM«M Bobble Brixikv Wipctte "What a perfect way to get even with Aunt Myrtle!" $37,500 PRIZE CONTEST PARAMOUNT GIFT CERTIFY COME IN FOR YOUR FREE CALENDAR TOOAYI Publix Pharmacy Point your bet like to for holiday fun. In Inky black patent or velvet, with perky bows, iparklings of btedt, tiny heels. See i//the ttyiu for children in Kirmty's new party-best collection. And show Mother the prices-amazing for so much quality. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10 O'CLOCK OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY (lncludln; Christmas Evf) It's all in knowing how women s \ It U Christina* when you can give luxury like this tor so little. Kinney's has the furry thing she wants for warmth, in the most mouthwatering colors imaginable. See our whole collection. Successful saving, like expert skiing, calls forplenty of practice and control If you're one whofindsit difficult» to "stay on your feet" financially] well [gladly provide the banking sjervica you ijieed to balance your budget, control spending and speed up saving. holiday priced Back; Bow pump with rhmestones, prirxess heel. Sties 12'Ato4, BUckNflwVtNtt. SwiveitUsp ttyle, pancake heel. Sues 5» to 4 Join our , CHRISTMAS CLUP sure r«k btve the extrt tub ior a cuetrae holiday n o t Btftn stvinc some o! paiNsheok i s t thrifty handbags, S1.00 B O U K S : M«t>«*i - T ) » o r t 4 » , » A . M . ] F.M. K r l d i , t lit PEBTH AMBOT Savings Institution mm *M»ot. ww IVKU1 DVOilt MuuHd • dub vita ttttii Utoni to ftt your poclttlxulr tsu) -I r . M . Salety (or Sanugs Sine* ISO The P u Ft r with a writing a last line for a jingle about this fabulous 30 page full color calendar with nearly 150 fascinating features and over 200 tuler illustrations. 91 Main Street, Voodbridge ME 4-0809 N«m»_ Helen Harper Jane Inrffl Mr. Thomson or let her $elect her own c First prize $10,000—just for •ntry bl»nk§ for 7 Stella Fiftn BarUion Campus Girl Lynn DeUe OfBN U A.M. U I r.M- at ITMI Street Cirtle ioDction EoulM 1 and 91SEIJN Woodbridae At Green Street Circle THURSDAY, MCBMBBR 14, ln,lurtion Set Church wind in an attempt to discover the 1»«1 is estimated at 12.520.000.- i'Club Itotor Talk ISEUN - • ThankB to combined M fort s o l the /,., m _ The Women's A of the First Presbyterian ' , fh plpcted officers for 1962 pTwntedTrom oeeunn« in the to the same situation as thel first place. But m t.hp mean-British, "_the welfare stawj time „hM that STORY OF THE CENTURY •»•*s v«w>-~ •" «• — — - uiuot billion dollars a year. s t r e 5 s e d t i m P bodyetAbe Betn Sholom, fleers was held at the veaular 1 urge all readers of this' l! / 30.290 glasses o[l milk l will be •meeting of the Mothers Club;iW_ i n thiscolumn that early column to secure this Issue of 7»—'-.,_. n f . , _..„._ The Reader's Digest and read ,,.,v1(ipnt. Mrs. S t a n l e y distributed by the United Na- of Troop 47 at the First Pres-!all adults should have at least, Children's byterian Church on Monday* «ood general physical cheek- In Doctor Talk o .... »eek . ,„. secretary - treasurer, carefully and up yearly by their family phy-the troubles with thr Donnfrlo; promm Emergency Fund 'UNICEFi, vp j very existChlldm: from the First ' . _ _ sleian—In this way any ab-lState and socialised „,„,., Mrs. Roger Sldmer: upon the conr e : PreMdet t M r s Presbyterian Church who col i«mu ^* *' normalities found can be work-itn England was ,.lilp chairman. Mrs. jay AmerlWorld Service lerted nn Halloween for UN1- William Doerr and treasurer.^ o u t a n dl f treatment ts since writing this column ..._ Bnc . U .necessary this can be liisti- :writjf r h u -been privileged to „,,,,,, Mr*. John VUale CEF, a total of $60.58 were Mrs Thomas Bowen. Attending were Mrs. Russell tuted. This preventive practice r_,_l an article appearing In ,,,«• slate will be Installed SStiflin S'vartz, Fred Hanna. Htrray crrpmnny. r>- Chailrs Hanna, Gail Kauf- Ecltcn8berger, Mrs, Edward jof medicine is what all physi- •_•_„> Reader's Digest entitled mann. Marine Wood. Peter R •«•« Mrs. Stephen stepnen Mihallk.clans MinaiiK.clans hope for. not the type so "America-Beware wei- Sunday Scnool T e a c h e r ,. "America—Beware ol the Weil.'iflllAt*, QlnAir \f... ill. *. . 1 , . , . , L . Jl _ . . . . ,. .. « U tl,.»iw Mckhay. Ann Conlorno. KaBlack. Mrs. TRoboften seen in which the disease. f.a r e state" by Qrahain Hutton "Now children you must never I lve that Wilt Not Let ihy Tmpenny. Kann Siden- Mrs en Ackrrman. Mrs. Bowen, process has advanced beyond t n this article it is stated that do anything in privaw w»i p was the ordor of vor- rr, Jpannp Sidener, Peggy and Mrs. Doerr. the point of cure or arrest. the cost of, British Nattonal you wouldn't do in puonc d for * ""'C1*' thanks Kmley Colette Olvivi. John 1 It was announced that the A recent article in The Jour-;Health S e W l n 1950 was II.- Sammy: Hurray, no more. f from thr Rose Karen Groch, Nancy Scout who sold the largest n »i o f the American Medical 324.d00.000 and the total forbatns. number of Christmas cards Association illustrates this need; will be given a prize Quail- for complete examinations, in lying for the prize is is Edward t_n nj_s 6 Ccase in women women rpatients. a«e in ».. the church's mlsstoft Barrett, son of Mr and Mrs. Dr J H Ferguson of Miami, , ,ran. for Christmas, nrocritm w,vn „ g d w d Barrett. O»k Tree ;F i a . hM msUtuted >< program procram oonimura continued w|th ;,k Pr?vlpw by Mr«. Stanley Doarom Seeh Hflp *Mi- w h 0 x™ " ,^«> ° m'°l performing a complete pel Any scoul w h 0 sold chrl8tmM n "Yankee 81" by Ed-1 v u • i„ i v i c examination on all in and 1 f o r lf '"r b Hotpitd Project<-ard? '""s'ble for s«immlngj0Ut p a t l e n U ^ a hi the MiamiSeverall members 1 Y o n e e a tn0I tn of'* ^ " "' , . ; - ^ J a c k o n Hospital. If the patlon t+ie work of ISEUN _ . - the _ _ Deaconsv_ J° now? u?e are... the First PtesbyUJan Churcl,;by ^ g ^ m a y p&y ui^^taSST'aiSr'te 100 With th« openinf o( ito new Woodhridfrf Store, the quality MORET URUE Launderen and Cleaner* now have 100 sale*; outlets in three ' states! 75 years of being; tint in personal service . . plus the us* ol the nMMt modem techniques and equipment . . . made this amaiing growth possible. GLAMOR GIRLS missionaries. i*i Xmdite For Direct Tn Your Door ROITF.MAN SERVICE 2-5000 So Convenient: So Fast! Quality... LAUNDERERS • CLEANERS i a n d t h U S b e a b k t 0l 0 i n i n te:«»«r,™ lone. By February, Iswlmming. If the scout stays, 1 M 1 , total of 1,500 e n n l m iin the Troop (or at least ' Of helin ¥ellow$hip to assist the patients tl.60 of the being in women who were IB — The Senior High In playing bingo. The patient* D« id n t u u ! years ol age or less. of the First Presby- •nfnv tVil. r»«i,a««A« ..-—. _ . . . v >""" hip of the First Presbyjenjoy this recreaton very much . , , , „ „ . _ „ . In the past It has been the rs tm Church hM be«i vfry;.nd up until the present time . V ^ r , " P 22 common practice to Omit the od r the r during the last month, t h m w u a good response. In " ° J ? » /re^nVeVntWalotHKk^ ^ e First Presbyterian; ion for cancer mm, with i worth, wo]«t " *W 0 " n y P r o ] e c l ' 1 t lk:th I tf k l ft ,. WOODBRIDGE STORE examtaat -,,T with a blind couple. Mr. have dwindled to the same few C h u r c h m e e t l n g h a l 1 ' in the younger female patients, A vfrs CoateHo u fruestsjpeople. I T h e n e ) ( t meeting of the'rather examining completely o t h e r s CTub w W b e J L rostelk) played the planoi If there are any men or worn- M Febmary those women in the age group | V i Co*tel!o works a full Bible.ien eightlevening, likeTuesday! tahelp r26o 'o m f* l l h e. c h u r c h meetlnghaving the highest prevalence read from a Braille who who havewould a free |vn,,1r _jBy tnd travels back andthe •deacons on this project,! • • ] of cercival cancer. With the jr,rf'h to work on the bus. [pleaie. call Mrs. Frank Fennea. COSTLY FARE finding of early preinvasive cancer in these young women must be concluded that If the of #rvie*i rate of practically too badly in need of repair they came down the hill from the manent cure these Irins cake. 'may be brought to the church. hotel to the station, the cab 100 per cent, are to be found All high school students are driver suddenly skidded at high then a complete pelvic examitivi'fd lo Jow. speed a vuxv steep cuivc curve and must be done uu on •»•• all feUICK CURE sprea around annum » n u uii nation n a n o n muai up uuuc ^ QUICK I i _ rrn. . ».. 11 <**;*.rt + ist*\ H i n t III MOST I Woman• to ~ Psychiatrist—I'm * -/•»«-- ••"—* "»shouted, "The brakes are gone.;males. The only limitation that Ithe patient is old enough to Bachelor to newlywed: "Howlalways forgetting things. Doc- I cannot stop the car!" ... What „..». v-.. j MacPherson,.terribly excited.jhave such an examination. tor. can .I -v, do? vnu like married life?" 1 s»wlywe<l: "Juit great It's Psychiatrist-Pay me Hi ad- called out, "Well, at least man. We must all remember that STORE HOPES: 7 A.M. U 7 P . M . M«n4»r tkrwuh 108 MAIN ST. ' I* • me 'Tlteiftm bog far rVEvdfed if jort bowfarYOCTVEwalkerl* like being in love." W e . Tape Recorders! Now... thru Dec. 30th Hi-Fi Record Players! Goldblatts r JEWELERS Transistor Radios! ..tolasting Gift! of RAHWAY "Rshwaj-s (Xdrwt Kstabli«h«d > ' 84 E. CHERRY STREET # Phone FT 8-1667 Open an Account Pay as Little as Imported Austrian CRYSTALS For thf . . - S2 WEEKLY tt low, low prices • DRESSER SETS • MEDALS • CROSSES and CHAWS • • Mans Diamond Ring First Garment At Regular Price , . . Second Garment At Half Price! Now thru Dec. 30th—with every garment sent in to be cleaned and finished at regular price, yon can send along another garment at half prize. SIMILAR OR LOWER PRICED GARMENT AT HALF PRICE. from m $95 Famous PARKER CLEANING ENGAGEMENT RING ^ Purchases Pen and Peucil Sets f nir f'fi WRAPPED Twist-o-Flex We Have All Standard Brand WATCH WRIST WATCHES Including Omega BANDS Parking Space frum ^t .«L !iWWw*»»^ use our Convenient payment In TirnlibFrouf Cut » $ 22 5 U ? ROSARY and CASE up ||| —in Service . . . in Savings! , ;S GIFTS CULTURED Beautiful Silver Dinner Service for Kight! Never Outdone By Anyone of t£\ In Stwk! American Tourlster ^ w. Now To Serve > ou Better . . . 100 .Sale* Oullets! LUGGAGE $495 liuin HOCK KADIOS BIRTIISTONK KIN(iS t CHARM BKACELKTS GOLDBLATTS JEWELERS 84 E CHERRY STREET R A H W A Y PHONE FU 8-1667 ..1 —1 • • WHWIWlMIWIWInH^ Quality ... UUNDERERS • CLEANEiS Rug Cleansing-Storage THITHSDAY. DECEMBER 14. _, PAGE SIX PhilipSaldutti Jif» Fire Chief rrnx. c— Tl banning Installation ^"lm'al . ., Women Help i r rh.'Mrpn Jrf^SZ _ * s husband and mi, ,_«._, SaVUl2S ACCOUIlt i«m « * • are t»aita " out charge, Mi win,. i Gift Suggestion i ' S E PORT READING -- Funeral of JnPirti Women. Cert-, CC services for Peter C Reynolds t n f colonia Country MothSection, held a, ^ Q O D B R I D G E - A unique nrini Jowpti f x n-. 75 Blair Rnnd »hn died last Rarftan Bay W00D*RnX3E-P»*n» * m*-W "Thursday, we---- held Monday " i erg . ^ j ,o { t h f m* meetinf lti L i n " jflej jOr a Christmas (lft fo^Ir. OSulllvan is s l lttilo n off .offletrs """7 f ^ » imade lor I n f l a ..... . .morning at th< Orrinrr FunerKEIJN-PhUip Saldutti w»l; Jmw l n^ g women of the e o " " " ' ^ , , , , •jpeclal" penom on Ui ,he Federal Hnm , meeting meeting of of ; i n w J^ ^ h l l I , f fnr children, forth Bank Board Home, B, a e ^ M t Grrrr, Street. n R n w d c h l f f Of isehnFlrr Com-j ^ j Sunday , ^ Th-lma* party. at 2.30 P J t n u w 7 i, 11 >> 66 22 at EEICK WATFRHOISF turn RI M Nicholas Church.lal hall* for c h l l d m l irhrt*tIM!i lls wa- in St. James 1 Woodbridff 1 at White Church Guild Mon, „ s w u l e y , j r . . . * * * ? of th |M. at Madison Park ftre.hmne.. _ , ^ , . n , , , ^ ritittd Won-._ ».. ta l B M l T h l r t , w U , be aetit t o , ™ c h A1 4 f, DBRIDGB - Funfra! ford* . Buv;> y S: A H h o w i Street ^ ^ r a f , B l r w i n be l|he ior, to y ,... n Bodlt »nr nne eed w addition to"therj^Jf «Aheri p r e g l f c n t o f ^ MMercury Fed-, ... for Frpdi-irk W . W - O m r t n r V Buna. » « • < St. Ge. Crotby was „, neheflulei) tomrrive at J P Mp - m in. Ira U e C a b * . ^ , a n d R a m P S Mrs Lawrence If f g l S a v l n R f ^ j Loa n AJiocl-(Coun»el to 62 fiP Wi'Sn Street, for- Born ir. A;;<:vm-Hun*ary. the ~f^cn latlon, who suggested o»enln* a;Loan B»nk 0! N ant I Monday, • P V at Hill Unes, M r s W ( U K . , Thompaon, and ^ ^ ^ , 5 p r M tded. ' nf 1 .-•»,ft«!. *hr. d.ed d ) , r P M I . d -'-s.ded in Hopela*H]tnide C resident ond assistant — 1 ^ u w*. riven on the ,„'„. >a<vl <int In anvw nirwl/irc William^riton Bawemon. Mtt »n aocount in UM Un n name^f Dlreclors Route I, the mother* will alio ,M„ r. .i . William A ^ j ^ ^ s BIVPII on « « •P1,-, and- WB? a com-i The tewasrd wai elected captain and •i... _ ntwiitmoc UMn*th a Chnntmas nartT party at the A• l**»•» ieth and and Mrs Mrs Donald Donaia United united Nations NaUons meeting wnicn «' n i r a ;| t h e or peraom £b'-i»lwin WiUey w r e Jciim r t jjemeth py have a cair . SawlCT. lieutenant. _ . _. in charte . L . r n of th»pronro-W M . . R ttended .t*»_ii><i by K»rMrs. MmMichMlj Michael h • tft u t 0 n f the giver and pre-lham A MeGoiri of rwrular meettnc Exchange " Officer*- elected inclufle ram. l / r a n r n n m ,,Mn« mif ™ |ui — - ~~— jsenunp in^ iwfinfi book for'^tfrn. l^jnrst W o< ^ ^ tephnned Ott, president for his fourth _ M l » Bman Kruirer was v e l - « r . and Mrs. Gerald Sandak, i C h r l l t m M t , r j , w o r k ! »n, w u^ or st vearF Oeorge Chambers vice ^ o e h l l f r n l l l a n "^ j ^ . w i i r t e d ; , . ^ ^ ,'VeV'mefflbeT " and "J "~ ; A « v i n e s account mwndrt Walter Mmun , ] ( J o w , president Leonard Feuer_ re- ^ M r | H f n r v Q u ( . n t n , r MrB. ]Mrl g ^ t j P l i e n and Mm u a Chnstma* gift may be Hl.-clnrdcnu'. .lr Marparet M—VHIB «•• \ daughter cordini secretary : *"""™- 8 t W ) l e y c j uula ^ Mrs Peter K o v - ! H w w d ^^imtn u piejUi. Peter K f.,,ri b-rn Vivitir p..- lr . Ambo?. anfi Mrs ^ A ^ h M , M l i r r B "••*.' • ' " opened with any amount de- and Dr Eutene A . M n Poreda. 1™™\*}_™™£ ^is. Mn.Oor^e C*or*e Harrli Harris.Mrs. Mrs. Kmg[)f t h f c n g u , , . . doi>, .Show - - - „ „., _ . . - may n_ si-.r. mrvviriF I-™, straaier. Newark, a w . . rranK. . U Theme OJ ,ired and maybtbein the name KathlPfr. 8 : r ( m l t . B M»I WUiam and M r s ••Family Fa*hiOM":of an individual. « jointly tn Humphrey 1 •tknu voted by the Guild was OBITUARIES boy. and Joieph. Cartcret. William Knou. reuruw «.»^'reported a total of Zi fire calb H o / > S*1/ floJ^ 110 to each of thf church homeilwU] ^ , theme of the annual the name$ of two p«ramu w e " ^ ^ . „ I at Haddonfleld and Belrldere tuhim to be aponMMfl' • ^ ^ r r . . . - - - « - - ' - " " 1 tar the pleaiure of their fl**4*^y cw L«d>- of Peace WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING CO durirtf uring the t e holiday! 'March 21, 1962. according to 18 GBEEM STREET WOODBRIDGE. N J. Q Encloied piea»e find $4 00 tot 0: v( subicriptioD to: • INDEPENDENT-LEADER • CARTERET PRESS Q EDISON TOWNSHIP-FORDS BEAC • The annual Chriatmas party . , „ announcemen! by Mrs John was held in Pellowihtp Hall and Oaalewslcl. president Mrs CteM p^terron led M«tlieaacakjiy and Mrs Steve VeJmM ( J_ M e aa ll on rr tt t, tl«k« A total of "65 fire calif FORDS — A holiday hop M ^ i c n m , iru (twcluly l n o H n o « . •f^th> entif vear surtrng'last will be Held a; School 25 Satmedttation on thr ja iek ate co-chairmen to rlimJ'l urtUy • " t o * by t h r RaB0t ftatlTltr and tn ainirtni Chriat- Cmnmlttee chairmen are Mr« To be lent to MrT1Jrme;"^e-:Mr8".R.lph;Mr. Eleanor Daltna. h o ^ K b u n . Mr, W«ler Hel«l- ity: M«r Anr, L « ™ . mata- •"- Phea«e?. up, and Mr« Tcre&a publktty NAME eijc*. ADDRESS — ^ s t e of ;he home t,-o daugh--a«vd« Mago GREEN STAMPS Church, he had membership in S 1 5 t e r s Dayton ! M r s A m v Mi Holy Name Society. Elizabeth arid Miss Agness Surviving are his widow. .McEwer.. Plainlield Clara; four children. Joseph. I. ANN R. JARDOT John, Clara and Jo-Ann, all at home: his mother. Mrs. Mary WOODBRIDGE Funeral Uplnski. Cranford, and two (services for Mrs Ann R. Jardot. fcnrthm. Alex. Cliff wood Beach, 192. 309 Main Street, who died • n d Walter. Clark. jMonday at Perth Amboy Geniera! Hospital, will be held this CHAEUES A. FFEIFFER morning. 8:30 at the Greiner FORDS—Funeral services for iFuneral Home. 44 Green Street. Charles A. Pfeiffer. 127 Horns- with a solemn high Mass of fcy Avenue, formerly of £eas- |requiem at 9:00 in St. James fcey. who died last Thursday. Church. Buria! will be in the cemetery. Son Funeral the Plynn The deceased was the widow of Lucien Jardot and a lifelong resident of Woodbridge. She was a communicant of St. Cemetery. James' Church. . BonrivinK axe a daughter. Surviving are a daughter. Mrs. Charles Schuster, and & Mrs. Leo Mandel; two sons. ""n, Charles A., Jr.: three sisJames D. and Edward G. all Palmer. Mrs. of Woodbridge: eight grandand Mrs. and two children and ten great-grandchildren: also a brother, Mi- fcothers. Gift of Love... Her CHRISTMAS IF YOU PUtCHASf $10 OK MORE G( i o l | Enrv<lop«di<i ond Coupsn G « 100 t < 0 r«rm»M 01 IOC litre J K H I • » J • DiaiiBd 6 8 si 100 ( S&H GREEN STAMPS < Vegamato Cocktail 3 1.00 iWith SI0.00 Purchase I 5 1.00 Fruit Cocktail — Bumble Bee Tuna Allsweet Margarine 2z 49° OR Chock Full 0'Huts Coffee :69c FRB! 200 GREEN STAMPS , Asco Instant Coffee 4 9 ' WHhS&H$15.00 Purchase . Ideal Coffee ^^ *«59' Very fine Apple Sauce 11 ~: $1 Princess Margarine - ' 1 5 ' FREE! 3 0 Ideal Shortening 3 - 69« S&H GREEN STAMPS SM< M fc Crackers T«"£r" " *29« FUNK & WAGNALL5 Cainpb«lt! 8»rl-Que you (Mirdw** (15^00 at waft Taw or* _ MBS. MARY MESZAROS HOPELAWN — Funeral servtes jor Mrs. Mary Meszaros, 116 Weat Pond Road, who died last Thursday in Perth Amboy Oeneral Hospital, were held Honday morning at Kain Mortaaries Inc., 424 State Street, fertti Amboy, with Divine Li- in oddtliO* I* vow r»g«4w itainpt i I Addrni CHRISTMAS GIFT ROBERTS for Father - Mother Slater - Brother Gift Booklet o[ IQI.II> Lip.'ii Sol, DM. i in, Qucdity Jeuelert 88 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY m SC WASHES 0 omnnlng an OLD» F381 ml*r «.W) Value1, Up Toon Today »i | g *NB THIS COUfW The Ideal 4 ,. U H C I K N STAMPS P I H WITH THIS CO ' j Every engine an eight Tomatoes ^^0^** . . . every inch an OLDS Enjoy up to 185-h.p. action from a lull eight-cylinder engine I 1 r'rfi* ENCYCLOPEDIA 4«-• 1 Tomato Sovp Aluminum Foil ^ 3 * 85 C Toilet Tiss* ^ ** Tang Orange Dn«« I I and you'll d i t c o m r . . .there's nothing to match the * tmocthnsce and zip ot proved V-8 action I And it's yourt in every fabulous, tun-to-dnve new F-851 Daihinrj new Cutlass models feature the ultri high-compression Cutlai* 185 Engine—an aluminum V-8 that putt 115 horsepower at the tip of your toel And every F-85—ied»n, station wagon. •WDM WITH TBIDE Vi A CLEAN CAB" M l Rahway Avenue WOODBRIDGE '•'* £ ' ^ ' ' +-O1 jor 7-oz.jor LANCASTER BRAND OVEN READY LANCASTER BRAND OVEN READY LANCASTER HAND convertible or low-priced club coupe—ha* smartness to match tt* liveliness . . . plus Olds quality and reliability I , SHOUI« Rl» Lamb Chops -59> ' ROAST TEL. HE 4.4SU Higher COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS Ib. 59 FtUITS 4 VKETAiLES — leiwln fc c Leg Lamb *55« 63 Chuck Roast Combination,—too*, Chop*, Stew Chucks Lamb Lawumw fc Iranei 29« Chuck Steqk 69= Lamb h W* 25« h 23« Ground Chuck Fir** 1 s MhW • Sliced Bacon *"* 49 Corned Beef DAMY SPfCUli FtOZtN FOOO SKTION AND INSURE THEM ThAnksgiviug it d 11 '*• thankt, for the euinKi and poMcitora acquired over the yean. lt'» altu nectttary to iafeguaid theic potictaioiu with adequate miurtact. Special coniideratMS ihould be given to tlkt hom« which ii con i l thr«ten«(t by «nli M wia4, fir* eft See u< todiy ANDY BOY Broccoli 25< Apples 3:25 £ Green Beans MclNlOSH •ttMtavd tqutpIMM in tht tmoM ^77. nadtl. lh» utt-nni Citrus Salad Hallowi Dates *-*• fc 39« 475 Rahway Ave. TV ,g ^ K T S^ Woodbrld^, N. J. vew « * • • * ttawtt * ? ^*" Swiss Cheese ' Muffins •*• 33« ** White Breod Do nuts "£*£ lu IAKMY Manicotti *T YOU* LOCAl aUTHOIIIZtD OtDSMOBia QUALITY O U L » 1 WOODBR.DGE AUTO SALES Gfeam Cheese A Waffles Corn Muffins 6 Jl 1 VM»MelH Pooch Pit 2 (••* _. PAGE S E W THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1961 THF SII.VFB The familiar itrm of ns:'»iicy 5 sinre 1878, known M the silver 1 LiTicat* will dlsappff from | rircuUtlon if Congress approves | Prcsidfnt Kennedy'* w * iilver = police. The President tuw »'i lmmrdlat* end to T sHifs of stiver at art loi* prices. All II and $2 bills ar rertlf icates. as are untlf $5 and g $10 hills. These would V r e - • placed In the next 25 K 30 | years by Federal- Re*er <• notes f which are backed by go.rt ISELIN PERSOXALS STMT aturday m n l n i . Mr. Murr M . ' A n y o n e Theodore Citendo.; joining „ ! „ * £ , Place emtertalned 0036 or U 8-3881 TVh cainnoa. J r , MI*J . fcund.T mrniwick and Vincent .S <*"T h e m m h f r s .. Newark; Mr. and . ..[T.nn Mlnieri. Rtrltan Mr and Mn. Waller II1' ' and wll the and children. Carol f d A. Coloia is in charge, assistoy Mrs C r- and Mr. and Mrs i,- irido. Iielln. •: l d Mrs. Walter Brady. « m choir of the helm AsChurch irtll held rehearsal tomorrow M at th ^ of Mr. mnd Mm. Jo)Ci*H'lc Trenton. ^ Monday. John /Under- "to SUfet, Tliited Mr C. Beink C t '*°m«' U8 4-rt Monroe the fiert ol ' ™ i r * * l > a ns. a.. the Harold MMSI', and Jin'i* l Iwhn A» h( Clmrtn «»"»«. The «,- » * enterumnwnr l h e chlWrfn *i" * held •t the . received awards at Mrs. Sc*nk and her R cirty of Church ; Park were Mrv Ofor«e Max- The Aduit Inquiry Class of _ _ 8t. Cecelia's will me*t tonight : Mr^ Harry Evam. a t , t n R o o m m g t t h ( , ^ ^ p.ace had M jvietti A continuation of the discussion i- Mr « w l « r t . W o t . M ihe "Uaig'citl be nmiijaed 1 bfruon and chil- b y R e T j ^ . , M l y f r m o d . «:d and Majamn n%U)r catholic as w»;: as non-Catholics, are Invited THRITEENTH BABT I.tVF,« BOUTHW1CK. Maw. first baby to survive of ' him to Mrs. Ernest F he me from the hoiptta' The baby, a flrl, ' i-TO-DO FRfTT CAKE It's tru'.v as simplp u or.p- only 22 ounces when y:>> w», two-tnrff putting toiPthrr Light Fruit Cikr ' for the bom prematurely. Th* mother Chrirmas season W M permitted to toke :• home F;:sr, prepare trie coi.tenU ot a package of pound take mix. when her weijht rose to a Thpr. tow together crunchy slivered »lmond«. xrhole caijdied healthy five and a half ;munds. chernes, ihced fresh dates, blti or candied pineapple, grated Mrs. Hosier's first, twelve lemon rind and flour Finally, fold the mixture Into the batter children were stillborn >: died - a n let the oven do the real! goon after birth. Qvlek fY»HC»k« package • 17 or. > pound 1 cup illced frrah California cake mix dates cup Wanelwl illvered 2 tlleei candled pineapple, cut almondi up L cup wholt ctndied ; cup lilted all-purpoif flour cherrlei 3 teatpoon fitted lemon rind Prepare pound cake mix according to package directions. Toss together remaining ingredient* and loM Into batter. Turn into "• e « « e d and floured 9-inch flute* tube pan or kugelhoff pan Bftk * ^ 325-degree 'moderately ilowi oven 1 hour and 15 minutes. Let cool in pan 10 minutei, then turn out onto wire rack to cool. Cake may be used at once, or wrap in cheeieeloth soaked In brand? and store In tightly dosed tin. Makes 1' large fruit cake. tmtmrmmmamwiamimmkmn 1895 CHRIST^NSEN'S "The INCLUDING SATURDAYS! Lingerie and Housecoats by.. Kavser - Scamprufe - Barbizon - Lyfl Delle - Schrank Lovely Hosiery b y . . . Gotham Gold Stripe - Berkshire - Hanes Etlendwell and Loclrwood Sarah Ann's Cooking Beautiful Warm Jackets and Car Coats Blouses - Skirts - Dresses - Pajamas • Bags • Gloves • Hankies • Raincoats - Luggage • Costume Jewelry - Jewel Boxes - Umbrellas Handsome Gifts FOR MEN Nationally Advertised Brands! Ties • Gloves - Shirts • Jackets Belts • Hats - Socks • Shoes Jewelry • Wallets • Slippers - Sweaters Underwear - Slacks - Pajamas Raincoats - Umbrellas • Luggage , Handkerchief! • Robes FQI MtR • • • i Of WOMfl Glaied Sweet Potauei 4 lame *weet poutoes, i cup brawn s'Jgar FOR BOYS and GIRLS oreico Rotary Blade Shavers! Health-Tex Stantogs Gnderella Dresses Fur Muff and Hat Set Kaynee Boys Wear - Leroi and Bonnie Doon Socks • Snow Suits j Jackets Raincoats • House Coats - Pajamas Underwear • Robes - Slippers • Sweaters Margaretten Travel Breaks the Price Barrier with the Travel Buy of A Lifetime FEAST • • t t 3 IAYS 19 I M S 3 MYS 3 BAYS - YOUR GIFTS FOR BABY Health-Tex Stantogs Quilt Sets • Blankets - Pram Robes Sweaters - Sweater Sets'- Novelties Nannette Dresses Socks • Underwear - Carter's Infant Wear Hants Christinas Sleeper Sets EYES O N THIS: 2 NIGHTS IN EXCITING LOS ANGELES 10 NIGHTS IN EXOTIC HAWAII 2 NIGHTS IN FASCINATING SAN FRANCISCO 2 NIGHTS IN FABULOUS US VEGAS Including ALL TRANSPORTATION - ALL HOTELS MANY MEALS SIGHTSEEING - EVEN TIPS AND TAXES A FANTASTIC 3-WEEK TRAVEL HOLIDAY Gifts for theHOME Ntw NoreJco 'Floating-Head' Sp«edshavtr • 'flooting-headi' hug every curve of your face! Blankets - Bedspreads Comforters • Table Cloths Novelty Gift Sets - Towel Sets Sheets and Pillow Cases • Adjust automatically to beard density! • Rotary Nadei tok» * • pindi-and-pull out of shaving! • Give the world's most comfortable shaves! Nortlco's oth«r gifts of shaving comfort i Wonderful Selection of Slippers e *\ ik.\ > u. ^ ^ H BEAUTIFULLY^ GIFT WRAPPED For FOR ONLY EVE^Y MEMBER of the FAMILY! Optional 4-1) »J 3->H*' Ha»auan Ouler - Oulj I16T ™ If In Doubt Give A 4 Departure •Jaiuary 27,1962 • Return February 17 NEW SportMtion Op«rul« 0#2 liGihhghtfaattcrict. lop cleaning. Limited Amount of Reservations Still Amiable f TALI. OK WBI'I'K 1MMKD1ATELV Margaretten & Co., Inc. ' bv.,. Helen Harper and Cole Brook KEEP UPWITH YOUF HOMETOWN NEWS I AN Friendly Store' OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 O'CLOCK The iiteel potato, one of. the Salt :•.' Christian Family rim Presbvtenan Church Meld mo6t typically southern foods. 'i cup butter ^ 8t Cecelia's , w t n n u < ] Chnstmas panv on ofler» a wide variety in the l i cup hot water •• Sunday withi Mr Saturday A 50-cent grab Dag menu. Boll potatoes until partially Robert Matthew*. W M ne i,j pMtures of the -ve• > The Sanieviere \r_g w f r f c a r o ! s m j n r i | a n c ; - F . Sweet FoUtoei with Roast Park done. Peel and cut in quarters Place raw. peeled sweet pota- lengthwise. pia c e in » buttered THIS SHIMMERING theater up which was to frwhmems toes around pork roast in the baking dish. Make a syrup of ensemble is an award i-.nner J[ r December 15. at * o n man > counts. The ',,a;. s o * : the rectory will The s;:ts of a:i enem' are roastme pan. during the Uit the sugar, butter, water and hour of co«lcing the roast, salt. Pour over the potatoes. I fashion wise, is straig:.- with „ ,,;) December 20 with ]u.«t!y to be dreaded Basic them once in a while Bake in an oven 350 degrees all-in-one sleeves. Thr side ft '.:-•. William Burk- There :s no little enemy until potatoes are brown, bast- swept skirt with soft flattery | .•:•:. Street, and the -Benjamin Pra::thn with the mea: drippipngs. ing frequently with the syrup.'and the fitted bodice with ap- w Swert Potato Saairie If desired, when ready to serve peBling bare yoke and straps « : cups masned sweet potato sprinkle with chopped pecan* we held in perfect harmony | with Talon's 16" Magic Zip. hot milk praise-worthy zipper with sewJ tablespoons sugar Sweet F * » U Biscuit d line l h side d of fI 2 cups cooked mashed sweet ^^ guide on each : teaspoon sail the chain for easy application g 1 lablespoorts butter potatoes It' M d R h pattern tt N It's Modes RoyaJe No i eggs >2 cups flour 1 teaspoon nutmeg 2 tablespoons sugar ; cup raisins 4 tablespoons shortening I IP * \ l > MAIL THIS COITON TODAY '.» cap chopped pecans 'j cup buttermilk smooth. Sift and measure Sour. I Marshmallows '< teaspoon soda ' add sugar, spices and soda Sift | l •< DBR1DGE PUBLISHING CO again. Add to sweet potato* Add sugar, sail and butter to t teaspoon cinnamon arrins until 44 teaspoon nutmeg mixture. Make into a soft | thf hot milk, stirring JKEES STREIT melted Add to the mashed! Add the shortening to the-dough. Roll and cat,, into b i s - 1 KDRRIDGE. N J sweet potatoes Beat until light hot mashed potatoes. Mix well.• cults. Bake in an oven 400 de- j and fluffy. Beat e«g yolks and Add buttermilk and mix until grees for about 25 minutes. 5 ; £r,:.O5ed please find $4 00 tor one-year add :o mixture. Add nutmeg. • suDscrtptloD to: raim*. and auu Beat at •; INDEPENDENT-LEADER whites stiff Fold qto po»w ] CAixTERET PRESS mixture. Pour into 1 buttered bak:r.g dis:1. Arrange the :, EDISON TeWNSHTP-FORns W %COS marshmnllows or. top Bake m an oven 350 degrees until the' IT " sent to: souffle is .«et and the marshmallows roasted a delicate browr.. Serve at once. A DRESS 1961 f O l THE LADIES... Perth Amboy HI 2-0900 Gift Certificate Select your gats from our host of famous brands tor ill the FREE GIFT BOXES mitty pink and gray, with The recipient will then have the opportunity to make his or her personal selection. Plenty of FREE PARKING In Our Newly PAVED • LIGHTED PARKING LOT Tb« U i y Nw«lc*. Two-lww tliopwl. Pwtty, puk, p**m*t. (AC/OO. TRAVEL DEFT 276 Holwrt Street Shop at Home, where you always receive Prompt, Courteous Service. PtMIH COMMNY, I K . Enjoy C h r i s t m a s carols wfcile you shop i s m store , Htm ¥«*. N M b M t at Bear Entrance to Stow HFrKMRKB H. 19«1 Foundation $L900,000 Scholarsh PAOE EIGHT Township to Get Largest Share of Education Aid A WOODBRIDGE — Wood- been set asiU* for lUtc lid for bridec Township. Middlesex ne* school iwlWlng in MiddleCounty s largest school district, not County, hit the ahares for will r'TPivp IM8T.7M in nut* each dirtrlet will depend on •Id for operational expenies their buikUnj profrap*. The during the 1962-63 school rear, planned progrmmi muat be far-! compared with »1,140.227 Oil* warded to Mr. Blunt before; jra: ertiMMei M» b* determined. Thf the largThf ctal ctal rrepresent* pr 7011753 in i FUte rs? tfcar* of 17.011753 aid to: operational exprnw* in school district* m v P ijfri Ttir ^ r * Jersey acbooU rerpiv.ii!! jranij< sir Bloomfleld Cn!W" BlrXimflPld. Collf?' Of SR:V F1i?alvth, Convrnt Siato ;in: Drr* University. Med'air Fa-rifiiih D'rtinron Uni, I? F'Vr Vi-,;\f:>.!v t'T-incrion^ Seton AIDNJJ1. rho ftH»!l t'r.ivrnitv South Orangf. Wni 11 houK. Sir^:is !ii'tltui." of Technology K*M**T »rr» !.• H<-^k'-;; and l"p.«al» College her. xas". F.,v' i"Va:-,:'f titrate B*n-aT • F'' ;r>: r! th<- 37" total grant,' yesterday gn -^ Nn\ .Jrr^rv CollfB'is *nd T h ' Amb/ji,: . U: ; I T ' : : I " Pr'^n^pton and to breaking »-•' Srnrrs rr'Mvcd capital Urtnte f n y Wit pVad"! P:;:;'-ion »>o r»>cfl»ed a «pe- the amo-.uii 0' #:»] eront for Near Eittem ttoi said h<- •! . «:t•:riif« .'vi a <hfir.twl en<ti- H» van h'lrt • nfrrlii.- f--!V*.'hip All of th« i u n and hm :;. >r!-i'»li> receivMl unre-was • contirrjtr! ; or-.Mrir'.d irant* and Falrlel^h reprfsentrd b> » • ir.'tiiv-n rTrired a sewmfl «<J itt*n«T JfH-. ••:,•!".! fo: (he purchafe of laSi>r(it vi "Mjulpmfnt ' n • . The Foundation, wtablu'hed • TWCimi \Un ,r. 19?S "i> Sr«nd»rd Oil Cnm•wiv NPW Jerwr of which C OL O N I A Driver in Hotpitid .;->•/.•-,.4u, TO WFD VFXT MONTH Mr and Mr* John Wexan- '*k#C* C«tona. inttotinr? the enticement of tbrir fcwhtrr, thtf Of $4*7.067 Jan* \lexmndri. u Richard rear and amount? to an aver- SISTERHOOD SPONSORS Michael Fwnrnko WB of Mr. aer of approximately m In aid yoRDS-^Thf Sisterhood of and Mrt. Michael Famrnko per p-jpil Tbe cost of edti- parkway jfTish Center spon;; Chanukah party FJITTIW ATejior CM«HI». eannr a child in Middlesex M ^ m Tbf r^n»W *rf «ra4aat« Cmirty :< ruinated at over jor a,» nr«-lj formed eflcpror WeaArMfr Htrb W»ool WM -jrttioR last week at School X An additional II.322,34?. hag Mrt Lionel Wolpen.rtc«p m i - * 4 Mb* F w » WUPJOTH fry dent, directed the program | »| inih the assistance of Mrs Opprnbetn Coihw of Mrnlo i T WO JUVCIUieS Ct after Theodor* Sanderi. wilt of the p . *C . .S Mr. .S. Foment R p « mr ;BPintual ifacen. U * I i»>planned. N I T iWin weMinc , and Hebrew School in* ta Children of the Sunday tfcr r.S.S. RinOolph A, J I M clauec entertained with festive - Two jure- g ^ j l n d 4 ^ ^ Toys and re- Itf/tr/ twwn !**'«.ore There of M n and onf attempted robbery Menlo Park. Pelt, head er liveinCTIfWnny TUev es^ped from the Center October 31 and were picked up by Jersey d t f police this p u t grand Mr * n d^ ^ A n t i W n y ' S * * * i n d Mr- ^ ^ (Dewtr B BMM. and her aunts and uncles. The children preI sent were were Kerin KerinPa Parcel]: DonSgt. Van Pelt said the rob- 5 0 N B B O ' ! ' I sent D beries occurred October 31 and ^K08—Announcement hai na Pagano, Andrea Lynn Dom b e e n r celT d toUl o f durmg the first wee* of No* * °* *** ••init. Viola De Palco. and Carol durmg the first aro Ann Piccln N o Ann Picclni all of Newark; vember He said said money money waa waa the the K" to M r " ^ Mr »- Harold vember. He * Cynthia Knapp, Totoira and Lieb 24 V N **nd only thing taken, although the L * ***'vender 27 at Muhlenberg Hos-ijogeph Saph^e. T Lynn Marie Marie b exact amount* have not been ^ j ^ y e t e g u ^ fonner saphire and Debra Ann's da- " T S PeJt added the ar- ™ »*^ V ' ^n_aU^5ewaren rest leaves only a few robbertes u ^ J^J K A I£SSO!J in the toiraship nnacemmted gEWABEN — Mrs. Margaret for and "ire expect to haw ga^ga, Charles Street, informthem solved within » Ie*e( j police Monday that her weeks." was entered through an CHRISTMAS AITAIE ISELIN"-The annual Christmas party of the Ladies AuxGreen Street Firehouse the firemen as guests. Now Modern Student! that schools out for ) outh nil ON LEAVE ,„(, to tbr r-v,-. ; Bv (or: rrir Bro/tim ^ Party in in Menlo Park being Tnteing r<» been ' « NEW YORK — Eight New .Mr. Rathbonr u. Jersey college* and unlveraitleslalK Kiipported n arc among Uv 295 privately-1tic affiligtp.v nj supported educational instltu- ard: Humbl" n tloTin *nd organizations sharing Company. E«V. the fl.WKi.000 Fwo Education Inc. E^o Rev;, Foundation im»nts announced tlnr-crine c-irr.;. trKiav tn M J Rathbonf. chair Pipe Line O m ^ mn:i "f DIP Foundation. "~"J" "' ' j AVENEX -- NmeteeO-yMir-- % y . - ^ old o»^B»*KhU:. Mttnrt. F t a r • wr.d f bo»r-1ini on Avertel Stn-n «»n «ertmwt]>. 4njur«d Sunday nitht whrti he waa M1«I M. f BAGS BIG ONFS: Robert ShilUnf k m m f in rnvicd tanntrr durinc thr pan «ffk by <th«ottnt t«« d m out in bv a car operated by rania IIHJ the ether in Nrv Imrr. On lhf left. Mr. Stullinc disphls tht ^rrrn-yoint, U5-pound buck hr dropped In Prtinioo"i'(i KucWe.- 4*. L f h W j ^ *rh-ania while with t hahtinit part; which indadrd Zoltm Miyn Joe Rjan and J w Mltko. On thr ritbi. fhf u m r gf^ , a mu Decemy- "3 ' Mr. Shillinr ftands with hi* ri<ht-point 165-pound derr shot tbf fir»t d»r of the New Ira*? seaMm In Voorhen SUU Avenue. " 'oti-Avfnel Street Beeghly *a» walking on th* . j , f N l i : o r i S " K . Park. Al Seaoaaitiek aod M Seaminxk. Jr. arraKpanied the Hoodbridxr hnntcr inU tbe H»nunlo r ( auntr »Md». south side of Arenel Street eon'f r> when the accident occurred. He n l 0^ Edna Ma,-a:gai and Mrs EI chanukah Celebrated Civic Club's Yule _ WM wrn w r r u j w mr wit t«ten to Perth Amboy Oen- SEWAREN HOIK ^r:-£\™rr B>-Mi,**,school Wilson. Mf.uchen. - T h e Birjioay Club cele- p^u*<«***^«$%*££«£ FORDS - A Chanuian cele- SEWAREN - T h e Sewaren ^ 3n ,iion wa* held Sunday by Democratic and Civic Club uiu ^ ^ # ,f r K . lacerattona o( the lm anUami H G««ge Street. Arenel with a lun-heon at Koos Broth school where an assembly pro- day, 7 3 0 P M with Mrs. John 0 N HONOR EOIX m a iun neon »i iww» uium- acjiuoi wnnr u MOCUUIV H»« —*• — - — — i j Rihuay —. .. foUowed *.n«-.^ by krcarch ^or-^c ^i^ .-•_ .•«« . . . . Riven „„.... for inr the tK» stuttn- Surick Rnrirk as »s chairman chairman AU Au mem-^ mem-i WOODBRIDGE a j r v m H B m o F — Harvey ME t-MSl , = 1'tbe "home of Mrs. F J dent* A Chanuiah party was bers have been assigned to a C o n e n „ , ] i t h grader atteiw!_ T h e Gufld of bt. J o n n A r i . m . W e M A v e n ue. Prize held later for all of the young-committee ' m g Montclair Academy, haa will meet this evening ' • . - ^ tmjj^ dinnej n. be ^ h ^ ^ j n i] distinction v? a nas ucru « A *"«» *"«»• ? i I U , ^ «w » » — vU! wi hO p hear add Part in C«/i Or ro "*exch*Il!!S-1'»r ^ * r o n ( 1 markmg ^ ^ « h *T R TYank AnizelHat T 30 o'clock. There will be ^ , ^ j ^? l v e n w each and entertainment provided.. H s m y ^ ^ t ^ n (,f M r . and f P h A Hr " L France wfflino ch01r rehearsal at church ^ K E D child. ' Musk for dancing will be to-,Mrs J o s f p n cohen. 226 North ^emif.^«i, R AC *30-d*r « e* Contract » ^ ™ D ^ ^ L e u l s TraUn.ted 8 a e t °*OODBRUJUb-u«Ha ;Park „ „ . hto DaVents Mrfcmltlus andi - T« n Club mmet * ' - - On * e samer day Mrs ^ Uegh j ^ iii^hed by 'The Galahads DefinHin IHOt'SE ENTEEED In Eggf" *M: K S ^ i n g | M o n d a y evenly a: the home ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ S held open ho»e for the parenU Hollvwood: Where the girls WOODBRIDGE - A thief foj a three-.!* and to make prepare- of ' e streets carefully and entered the home of A Joanuin, enburg Cone:that someone had WIFE MISSING •s recklessly - T h e Bee- Pine Tree Drive, Colonia. Sun- Mr Rusza* haye riage to Miss j ind ransacked the A V E N 1 K L - - Peter : broker. hive, Kodiak. Alaska. |dw. through an unlocked win- Muh.enheK and evidently fail- T _ „ _ , vTfpOr\*l his wile, do* and Etole a quart of Scotch Woodbndc^ ;-.. Mis? Preemar.. Other? plant c to map Antfrom home and then make Boehm. Chicago, THURSDAY, DECEMBER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11th GOLONIA DRUGS 566 INMAN AVENUE COLONIA Corner of Jordan Road Slop! Look! Read! Then hurry-burn-hurry to the greatest, most exciting Grand Opening you've ever attended! Every modern facility for your convenience! Everything bright and ahining . . . including our face* as we welcome you. (.onie see what we've done to make your shopping most pleasant... and also MOST REWARDING, value-wise! GRAND OPENING SUPER SPECIALS FOP* DAYS ONLY, THIKSDAY, FRIDAY, 8ATCMAY AXD SUNDAY MIIK CANDY DISH WITH A.NY II M ri'RtHASt OK While FREE DIXIE CUPS Mi BALLOONS HOURS 8 » JL M TO II P. H. DAILY Colonia Drugs for Prescriptions Time • c - * » - r«rri*tai ««k » * • - « - * — • • F»ir rric« on All Your Mfiieation*. Call FC 1-liM to tb« kiMkc* wke« WE'RE PROUD COLONIA DRUGS CHAR6E ACCOUNTS INVITED WE FEATURE FANNY FARMER CANDIES LABGE seizonos or cawantAB own •Hie ntanwey With Uw DRIVE IN Proaiption 566 INMAN AVENUE Comer J « d « Road CoM*, N«r Jmey P h o n e . . . FU 1-340C PAOI mn THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1961 SILVER WALLS BIRDS .<-^r--<-^o-o-c^' asked for suggestions from a l m . - i"wt<w»T. The suggestion w M \\r and Mrs Jowpn Por-(to line the wall with silver dol- Worth Street, entertained lar* and the customer handed 'i-d Mrs. Vincent D'Amato, over a silver dollar. ,.,,,,' L. I,, for Sunday, Armeneau drill* a hole In the wall, the customer pound* the Mn. Anthony coin Into the wall and Mn. Ar ,, jersey City, were weefc-jmeneau puU a small plaque r ,,, s ts of Mr. and Mrs under the coin with the donor's Beverldge. Worth name. rJc IN YOUR ACKYARD * Additional Hours Set by Po»tm(titer tact a one-day affair. Some the greatest rmnber of these clubs spend th« entire preced-j Impressive winter Tlgitan from Ing month, or ewn months, the Arctic In ant a decade combine every acre in their of- This Snowl Owl fllpht dipped ficial circle to determine where tnto New England, some evenj birds are wneentratmg; where appearing as far vmth as some vagrant or rare bird visi- Pennsylvania, Maryland. Dels-', .ware and the District o! Co-i tor is lingering. ilumhla. One of tne.v maimlflThis Interest and enthusiasm ISELIN - William T. Reedy, postmaster of M l n Post Ofllee, Rnnminced additional servwC iri'.i V1 efvprt bpftnntng tomorroir as fnllowj Tomorrow and Saturday 1:30 A M to « P M . Sunday. DeC!r.b"r 17. noon until 4 P M.; Me-dqT. TKr»mb»T 18. »:M A. M •:r.1il« P. M : Twsday, Wednp"lav, a?d Thursrtny. Decnnb»r 19. :o. and 21. 8:J0 until I P M snd Priday and BahirduT, iv-omber 12 »n«1 W b o a R 30 A M until 6 P. M. f" south M Diton, f more public support essential, rorwrvatlon laws and l*Rlsla-nOly H o l y Hntir L WLuted tton will receive. The objective " „ ™ of the National Awlubon So-i B y Rotary Society y •eiety are not only to create! I Taylor Is 3S milei iwrtliwttt Gertrude Haasett, Jer-.of Dawson Creek on the Alaska {• ty was a weekend guest Highway. y y ! XSEUH St. C<*<lias RosM , Rnd Mrs. William Has\ SITIVIVAI. PLAN more Interest In the world of ^y Society win h » . " n Holy W'pstbury R « d . THE EASY KIND K Cn!lf"mta sctentW Wfnature, but to Insure the c o n - i H o u r m preparation !ir ChristA modern mother and her N ;.,Cl»ra Porter Newman, eerts that the Dmt«l BUtes scrv&tion and wise use of o u r , , ^ Monday, f n » f 30 to 9 30 , .,. . street, attended the De- young son were shopping In a natural rrwmrcM ernrcn build UT> a "national food t l 'i p M in the h ' ,; chivalry of trie Odd Fe'.-jsuper-market. The child, trying : But the Christmas 8 J . rPRftit of, csche" Food enongh for two and ftebekahs, Rose Lodge to help, picked up a packate ^ C o u n t s are useful In mar«r FordT vpitrs ahoiild n<> ataitabie BT A U A N D . Hackensack High School and brought It to her. "No. no, k t n i u k High Schol snd brought It to her. No. no, - C«n(KSHANK o t h w n j t r b n M t t , rough wii: officiate. • within easy walking distance 1 .«, protested a ~-^« the vm. mother. uiumu, The uic annual »IUJU»L Christmas v^ni ,>uiiiui Bird DUU annual KIIIIUAI inventory uivenwjry of 01 the LOe birds uirusi j^ sJiOTt business rv^tiHE will Attending wah Mrs honey," of every American in event of *-as Mrs. Jar.e put ft It back back. You have to Count sponsored b by th the N Na- ffound North America a r o ud n d ^ n e y a fte r thp Holy H^ur. .... u , . T.r.. w i i . Ko put d IIn N rth A i nuclear war." ..,.,MetuChen. cook that." tiona.1 Audubon Society started Christmas time. They ofteniRefreshments will b' " r v d . Dr Perry R. Stout, tt Uw in 1900 and has developed into reveal sharp declines or In-! Univrslty of California, mad* the greatest cooperative bird- creases in the numbers of * F A S H I O N S FOB ANIMALS this statement to t component watching activity in the entire species. Some game officials, N E W YORK—PeM are going I institute of the National Reworld. Ln.«t year 629 reports carefully study the Christmas to ^ b e l t w d r e s s p d , h a n m o s t ALMOST AS PROID M the ofricen and dlrwton of Axi* Sitlnrt and L*»n AMotUtlm search Council and further *"v published, more than 10.- Bird Count reports before Is-' oplft RCCor dlng to a recent Is Mayor Kotwrt F.. Hrndrnon, IUhw»j who»r city beneflti trrnn the handsome nrw | U M ! stated that a »15.000,OM*W nnn people participated These miinz hunting regulations 'orVshion by the National Asso- and marble fronted Alls bnildint for which Iw happily mt the official riblwn. Hrlplnj him emergency food mpply sbould with his QfflcUl daties at 1591 Irvine Street are director* Harry Pressman, A. H. Schaefer, be widely distributed. He added, rts totaled more than 52 the following years. Irtntlim of the Pet Ir.durtrf. million- birds representing 50« Chriitmas Brrd CounU often]""~item»"lnciuded a mink coat D. R. Minh, Fresident Hddolph J, Saaer, Bnildim Chairman A. V, CaraM, Mayor Hen- that agriculture in Uw TJnlled derson. Execntlre Vlfr President N. W. Morris, directors t. T. Kttne and. back row. Fred States could not be restored undifferent spwlffl. .reveal the extension of wlnter-t for (tLn\nMf w u n iming to ......Ing grounds for some species, l i n a U , n i p r l c e j i M » cocktail Voorhles, A. H. LeWr, E. E. Horrn, EL B. Herman, J. F. Oeyer, Cwnuel, C. A. War*. til It ((Industrial base. « H "reIT. * M rbot* Servte, Inc.) established " the purpose of theselor widespread invasions of a c - ^ g j w l t h r hlnestonc coUar, a niir's What do they proTe? cidental visitors from the far v e l v e j lounge coat trimmed Of what use are they? If the? north, and other data wanted gabardine trench •*r. I'd no other purpose than in biological research. A recent terry cloth bath;•) arcuw more interest and loology bulletin issued by Yale unequivocally y^ n^'jy.vm in bird bird wavhmK. wavhmK. University University states states unequivocally," a v ereryng{ h cats (that have erery- have increased during the third Uiat the rate Russia early next year for a may go even •:.- National Audubon Society that no scientist studying a n l - ( t h l n g _ m 0 U ntcd scratching become even settlement of the Berlin cri»i». Army is increased W w o 8imual 0, *<;•!'.& feel they were fully jus- mal populations can afford U ) ^ ^ 0 ( n a tural logs or covered final Thej wiil be designed to ul»r dl^tslons. '.'.-(! Ti:e .scores of letters rei-overlook the Christmas Birdj m c a r p etlng to match a decor. strenthen U» security of West Pentagon sources » M reived annually praising the'Counts sponsored by the Na;Berlln agalnat Communist pres-;Whit* House fhrx.mas Bird Court, and tlonal Audubon Society. jBESERVISTS 7B0BLEMS ieconomic advisers FtrglreUi O K DtVU 'Wre» and to ww^e f r e e access agreed wtth unequivocally that it Last year's Cliiiitmas Bird, In a recent M f « c o n f e r e n w . j ^ »"*>"' ' w o p e i j c ^ t 0 J " ; n f Running into debt Isn't so to Uie city from West Germany, fense more club ir.t.-r, s- than Counts dearly indicated a ma-!President Kennedy sought to' r » t e <>« April, MaF, and June. - _ - - . .,-,1,™. — stion I* h ; . . . • an:v:tv durlni? the jor flight of snowy owU acrofsllmprea OB reservists who have! Ordm for factory Roods rose Sad. K » ninntag into " ^ ' u ™ . Ford Foundation offers new be lncrpasea Irotn ar iustliies its con-the eastern half of southernjbeen called into uniforms that in September to their hlghert that hurts.-The Tribune, cni- grants to-musicians. sixteen divisions. To many it ^ not Canada. Some areas reported he understands their problems, level in two years, to >15.700- cago. 111. Ion.' , , , i l t r o \ HOLIDAY AMBROSIA > i .rier* ; fruit ; -, :hr light, refreshing de'.er.?.b;i'-.v .-if i:.e !: . • called Ambrosia—scrvrd a"; a f!l'::.^ f.t.ale to:. often_ • , hra\7 holiday meals. Eu:nv»ear..s have always a -xiated ,;,-< with Christma.', too. ar.d thfrp is no better s'ason for ' c up this luscious, sweet dessert than now, when the ;;cy oranges and grapefruit F!ortd* sends us e&ch year ./plentiful. • ,»t picture a big sparkling brand? snifter filled to the •i -h plump, mouth-wateruu orange and grapefmt seeBesides their lovely appearance, these ettrus sections i bonus In good ealing because of their abundance of •: Ml viumlh C and their low caloric content. - claw Ambrosia, sprinkle the top of the terring bowl, dividual compotes, with the clean white of flaked coconut i canned or frozen strawberries, purple grapes or other s of your choice will add appetizing color. Some version* ' - toasted marshmallowj and pecans. FWrtta AmbrofU :-"jnd» rrapefruit 3 tablespoons fujar. •; F.or'.da oranges optional l . jp »trawbeirW's, sliced 4 cup flaked coconut • cranifs and grapefruit beror* preparing. Cut slice then cut off peel in strips from top to bottom, cut•••'•• enough to remove white membrane Then cut slice • . •iirn. Or, cut off pe*l round and round. »ptral fashion. !ru;t again, removing any remaining white membrane. ,rap*fmit and two of the oranges by cutting alon«• cAch dividing mfmbrme from outside to middle o! . : :;•. •-,<• sectior. by section, over bowl, to retain juice ir.»:r.!r,s or» crosswise. ir.ick. Combine ;>!„.•, otangei and itrawbemesi « » r i n » wtth «war if ' • ' * Turn Into ser-ing bowl o; individual dunes snd •. i . ' w'.Di coconut. Y^ld; 6 Ml, ^ f „„ "Santa's Workshop In Woodbridge" Where DOLLS and PLUSH TOYS are MADE and SOLD at REASONABLE PRICES! FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! Craftsmen WALLETS Men» Electric SHAVERS Art Cinred Beautiful 24" DIAMONDS by: Lonfine Omegt Qunilton Bulova Wittnauer WyWr Ronwn Ic Zippo UGHTERS UdySchick SHAVERS WALKING DOLL Silverware Gifts for Exquisite and Jewelry Crystal Ware Baby I Rings of BALL PENS FOUNTAIN PENS Beautifully dressed; lovely bail I that can be washed and combed 2 1 8 (watch Bands | by rarter. Wa^raaan by SpekW I Reg. 14.95 Value 6 This doll talks in a loud, dear PLUSH TV TURTLE G«Uea Shield »y 8 voice and says many things. Washable, Combable Hair. Twenty-two Different Clothing Changa in Stock! JQ95 9 The Doll House is the only doll factory in Middlesex County. Since we manufacture the dolbf we sell, j e pass on to you EXCLUSIVE! Wonderful Selection of! the greatest savings possible in dolls. Remember, there is NEWBORN PLUSH ANIMALS! NO middleman, at the DoU House. Buy direct from our BABY DOLL! aa4 Gemex TRANSISTOR and CLOitK RADIOS factory and SHOWROOM OPEN 9:00 A.M. to 9;00 P.M. NOW T I L CHRISTMAS U Karat •* Charms i ] •CUUUJ • MANTLE • eocioo OPEN EVERY SUiHT Til. 9 M<>NKV - T I B M O M THAT 8AVtS *<>' STATE JEWELERS 23 WALKING TALKING DOLL GIANT 3 1 " WATCHES Street, Woodbridge-TeJ.J ME 4-1671 416 (MIX* t USE OUR LAY (CLOSED ALL DAY srNDAYl THE DOLL HOUSE 414 OUTER MAINMILKSTREET, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. VVKST OF ROUTE 9 OVERPASS) 14. THURSDAY, PAGE TEN MAKING GOOD AS PRO - By Alan Mover 'itchen •wise Hollywoojt News by LVDIA "DauEhte: of Silence" Is the Richard p*odurutm by By Altar CatlibertMB MM Oak Tree Iwltn h h A C;ifi foriln. hU ^ Richard,iMary MartJr. does not perform. ; Harwell Wood Avenue, enterPayne has been signed —Mis* Nancy Kwiat. Closter. talned several people for Sun-; Was « weekend guest of Mr'day d;nne; Quests were Mr.j ,j 0 hi* 'first rote since- his1 and Mrs, Robert FiUsimmoni, and Mrs Phillip Albert! «nd m N w York He will jpp^j. Bemel Avrnur. On Sunday, sons. Larry And Phillip. tri( General Electric' ..Mitt Kriat and Robert Fitz- Mr and Mrs Sal De BobUe production of "The; "(atamans Jr., attended the the- grandson. Joe Casimirt, Hours" j •tei In New York, where they and Richard Kennedy, Newark j . «njoy"ed Dhrrin McGavin in i The Kingston Trio will make "Blood. Sweat, and Stanley , , . \ - „ _ _ . , _ _ itheir aattng debut in an eplroo\r- f ItnW I oungner -Mr and Mr« waiter KJOner. and cniWfcCEwo! and Grand ISEUN I Mil.t.a K • 1 it Ch#dfi3> c•il "« m y other « 1 brq» r m • v a U c S P»rTmt * Gltltf c h c t i j^p of «Mr6i G. Goes to Col- riatwl Winner^ _ Rich&rfl T h o gMm ^ * ^ ^ Priie P'-'«« tftr thf *<"' " T i e : « i r Walter, Wood Avenur. » e r e n , . f . ""•""• l d KTi ^ u,. ! guesU Saturday of Mr and • ' ^ ^ m Worth; TODATS FILM *rVTJE I Mrs Joseph Grodeck Trenton ^ W M t h e mn& Bachelor In Paradiee ! prla>! While there they al«> ™ " « T m n a r o f | 2 500 ir, the Beauti-: The plot to this movie sets ltr. and Mrs, Larry Martin. . Ju , ^ ^ C o n t < a r t n e W by the Bob Hop* down m a tiuge Cali-j —On Saturday afternoon, JJ P V York News, . fornia housin* development Mr and Mrs Walter Kronen Richard was ffted at a din- tnown as Paradise It is a * i d son, Walter, visited M rn e r m the N e w building and;funny satire on community > n d Mr*. Ralph Caliendo. Sr.,W M honored at own house held living m a development. I •Kewark. on their Mth wedding b > hii family Sunday, fie has BOb working under an alias, Anniversary. ltWD brothers Albert. Jr.. who ^ iomf a book on the Ameri« —Mr. and Mr*. Alexanderjis 19 and Robert, 16 i Can scene, particularly the! •CBthbertwjc and wn and' • "~ ' 'typical American housewife.i Richard and Mau-j The g u industry's most spec- The fact that he is a bachelor j Oak Tree Road, wweiucuiar hole — a Texat well wof'fclng in a community occu«unday guests of Mr. and Mr».,nearly five milei (Jeep—his pied solely by husbands, wives! louis Schmitt. Rahway. ;been abandoned by its drillers and uncounted little ehildrenj ^ —Mrs Anastasia MiLskiewia. u a "duster after failing to addf to the comedy 1 <lKKcln. Poland, who has been;produce either natural gas or one oJ the outstanding jWUnp Mr. and Mrs Stanley,oil. The world's deepest man- gcenes is the woman traffic 01Jllukiewici, Oak Tree Road.imadf hole—one of thousands ftcer handling the children as Jeft Saturday to visit In Cali-:of "dry" wells abandoned last they get on and ofl the school •fomia with relatives Mrs Ma*-year—cost some $3 million and'bus Another is the one in the Ifewia. who Ir the mother of required more than two years' ;super-market during thehouseBteniey MaDdewtcz. arriwl taidrffllr*. |wife's day The veteran actor iiandleg littl* fOBICintH Oth I.,,- t»rd nt pic u v d to n)R »pr.'»(i Or quantity :t. r R/ti6 F£C£f>~iyi E SArff #£lL ToP TH£ CIU0 fiacoRP OF fS. MORFT U K I f S \ F W WOODBKIPr.r SIORf.: Tnmlnf Uir ker h> the Jw* ««r offlrial openint of Morey URur't nrw -Xart at 1M Main S t m t It frank Srott. Jr.. pr df«t of the firm. Looking on. left to rirht. »r* Le«t«- H. Wrlfht, rtt frmMent tn fh of adverttoint and »lr» pnmwtkm. and HareW B. Cneaal. rtorr ait* manater. THE TWIST AND HEALTH Alabama Ch'ropractk A«oci«- wa« opposed to it morally beiruvrevnXJL. Ala—A chlro- uon th»t the new dance l t d is cauae he wm« a parent and praetor who it alio a dance l n - l t yte»Hh ruaard. and ia tot nhjratcmily be/au»e of the etstriictor «ays th# "Twiat" I* lot , the sptne Um the birds |mQna Dr W H Plimpton toM the! The chiropractor said that heifad c»n cause MAKE iTAMUJJCALCHRKTMAS fi " i CONN MINUET! Low Down Payment Bank Financing Firft European fairs ia the Middle Ages started becaute tarwerj and ON tisens were afraid to travel oiont to get ts market tosr.:, Tfc ; «*«i and highwaymen w « n a constant p e n a c t . Fair Days were designated — one peopn liuvcteu to town in large groups for safety's sake—to gooip, barter and seek nent CRASHING COURTSHIP look around i n M h r n com* ki and aM tin tuptrfa Minuet that givti you mart ti everything yon want in • horn* organ-man briliianot and depth of tone, mor» venatility, more choict at d«sisn...ind mart of all, raw* enjoyment for tvtrv member of the family. Tht Minuet it «uy to own and it b Miy to play-cvm for begame* Conn's "Initant Muse" method sees to that! Coma in toon Firtf fairs in America were held at harvttt time wncn merrymakers, then as now, celebrated bountiful crops with good food, good fun ond taTO'ift drinks made with Antique Kentucky Straight Bovrboa. -set, hear, play tht Minuet. f * O N N Take that fiat itep toward ^ * ^ i , v L ^ r _ k i tliletimeo{plea(uii...tbda7t O R Q A N JARDOT Piano Company 448 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge Expert Piano Tuning and CONN ORGANS and KIMBALL PIANOS Op«n Brery Night Till 9 — Tri. ML 4-54M iBMrncOou «• PnadKi hr QulUke* tueken YonmtattlmCtn /ftm.T*ii ittiu NuaipO Sport Coupe XHCASO M ihm lunty a l i a l i M whty. K'd ttwff, CONN ORGANS FROM $995.00 SHOP 111 Main M First fain were held in. Ancierrt Egypt! * CONFUSED I Each year, when rhe waters o* the NBe I Stranger — When doe* the flooded the lowlonds, tormers crowded j;five-fifteen leave? , trie large citwi wfiere merchanh »c4d rheir w a r e s . . . otrobch and jugglen I' Trainman—At a quaner past entertained. 5 flv* I Stranger—Thanks I get all 1. mixed up over this changing niof time. Incomparable stmas ARDS i •MMMMMMMMK a hit weil-knowfT personal t p • peaiinces*LanaTtinwr i» the I bachelor girl in the community. I Much credit should go to Jim £ Hutton and Paula Prentiss In • their youthful roles. Their en-j I thusiasm showf a great capac1 ity for comedy. ! Gmtfae Put ch» p^:' ol doufci. Luxury and kwprice were never blended so beautifully first a* of tix wort) "Dannytrook" re'r-'ed to tht foir held each year ir Donnybrook, Ireland! k i i known ior tr,« lighting that took piace there, the Dor.nybrook fair a t v source of tne word corinyhrook"—meaning nny I I Who bat Chevrolet could've done it? Price, spice and everything nice! A car that's bustin' with room, zoom and richness. One that's deep in convenience and comfort. One that won't let you squander a thing bui affection and may I I 1 well have you dreaming up every excu.the sun for getting in and going. TV beautiful new Chevy II Nova for you. I over here. And light out in it right soon at your Chevrolet dealer's. NEW CHEW H NOW I I I Beautiful Gift Decanters! FOR HOME WORKSHOP (Eej. 15.95 MADE V4 ELECTRIC DRILL SANDING KIT TOOL BOX &ABEB 19" POWER SAW $ (Rec. (Re(. J 12" 99' HUNDREDS OF OTHEB "GIFTS FOR HDT IN OCR HARDWARE DEFT. FBJDOU Imported and Vmrritu CftAMPAGM uul 8PARRLING BURGUNDY (IMcinur) Schenley Decanter __ 4 79 % Seagrami V.0 6 41 % Foot S«Mt DecinW 6MQt flennewey Cognac „ 1,51 % Taylor Wine* _ LM *k Christian Broi-Wbies hii * WV HiB Be Ctot*< WATER SOFTENER Sunday December 21th Monday, December 2Sth 159 FREE IELIVERY it A_M to 5 P.M Onlyl Call VISIT Olia 8HOWEOOM OFEN EVERY EVENING 11LL « — SATURDAY TILL 6 ^ Hardware - Paint - Electrical Departmento AVENEL PLUMBING SUPPLIES ME 4-M»M ME 4-1889 I I 1 STRIKING NEW STYL 1M.. Ttiui im(.''s huts are so crisp mid clean we're to call ihfcin (except that very expensive, and Chevy U ia anything but that!). MADE TO WOODBRIDGE 574 AMti )Y AVENUE, WOOOBR1DGE Of • S UA1U • A. II TO It r. V. ' , if LlkE. And like you pru not ju»t becaune th«ry !H Chevy II per(ormani:r. but tht-s re contoured !"r • jHidded with thick de*p-i U«K, covered in rich uvinyl. YOUM at eitr» cut.' Sport Coupr and Convi: SPECIAL GIFT PACES AND BASKETS LIQUOR STORE, he tICH UHNIp INTH. EVEN BUCKET FREE GIFT-WRAPriNG NO DOWN PAYMHNT— COMTULtt FINANCING A&KANGUt 0 Here'* where you ait ir. t>- luxury. Lettheruke vuiyl - : Foam^ruaiuofied, of course ' '-" and acuff m a u . Vinyl -• Cnromt! tnm. That'* in* •••> on every Chevy II Nova U L . Sport Coupe or Wagon. Dail Pre-Qirnitmat) Special! Aveurl A SIX WITH W >( AT Yu- u k e a limiii'y, u^ii'.y S a 1J(J hp -:ru:.j , twira U wnb a car hundwla o! puunda lighter than t-he bit; j<ibe—and. ;>artnel, you'vt gut yuuneil some reai Ou.' Lay ia a ttuck tl botiday apirHi I u U be wi (w a leatiic teaaoo I of craciutu hwpiUUtr. W i n e » 1 and bquur* make haf|tj tiftt. | BOMARC Rente N«. 1 |Hw<k i rut 1 EASIER GOING BIDE. N t w M o n o - P i a t e rear springB take the place of gque&ky, old-lashioned multi-leaf springs. Big and tough—but ever so gentle— they help give you & nde that puts you in mind of the big Chevrolet—and you know bow smooth Hut k. ate aetocna « taDftrM A FULLY AUTOMATIC Self-Regenerating $ 1 I X I I ORDER EARLY! I HERE'S A GIFT the whole family will enjoy all year 'round . . . 1 1 4.7J \ s 7 Crown 1 ! ! Set the new Cheey 11, '6t Vkaroid and '62 Cormir at your local mdhomed CkmoUt IN tVUITPHPT ttmntot, IK. IN JIM Cbtvr*!, IK. T I # da1 PAGE THURSDAY, DEC1MBER 14. 1961 Two Bi(b—fttnglc (•*!» Mf.:i Minors 79.V Wn: i v m Ir.i •«2, Pr.nrM» Pairtcij TS:, Tf,m Hltb—TJinr Gaum .\'en»i Si)op-R!t« 2519, Fl A: :TP-T i f'7o 24W. Daidntip a O a o r Strikes and Spares^ of O»c«»lwr a i m SJ ( ../_ 2* i „. V,' » chi.d* i>r-M Tram Hlih—Slnslf i'-ivtt o - w Phurmar- R~4 D»l- Uolmr'i T*«rn '•» •>iir.cT''! 8tT, f w w . EUop- center Btr , HarVs BoOv Shop WlJTl M«R nnwiERFTTro 11 . - h . C f - "irrv !'.<! L •• J - ^ I n d . v i d i i i l H i c k — T I M I <.»m> H 12 Wiilt* H.iu«i> T , - r .. ; • : : ' » k'mrr ; ~ ; - r • '1' _. . 23 LJ ttrr.:«>> K 1- , - ' . 2.1 !3 f. it M.. .. 23 U r i K . H P .::.•>, .... i : 1» A, T O r » : : . - ' 13 : : H«nnr Hull i ?«i O r m :J n iH M 2 3 M a r - .*:--.., ••)•, M « . 1 " ! i . 3 f ,,' R J '.(TV Individual Hlch—Thrr# ••' Or; "da 53(1. K ;:»!. D Honor Run <!•« or Brttft C.»m«, ' a t . fM or B»tt« Sfti) ^fi 150. J. Orae-a :f.V P ym ) Ait» 2-.!. R Si'. * R ! . ?am?s D. BattA W. J. An* 50•j:i. « . F»tr»» Mi. * •)fSjr."< im J Surft 506 nt. r » S M-irtin'trt "11. O 203 * P'-TO 301 3. Ttr«r>it M t r MtNs I E A M gunn, •im «ir f r-»"i77i 303. W D-v*r 3;1 m o t h»tO Hiandmtt a> of 207, J Y'i.uf am. r ! ; • • ' . LE.M'.IT ''M;rr'i,-]W i > - > . - - , *" ' T»»-nunr wlno»r« _ W CO OW »s.ih! B«r. « • rent FontJ BpnrtiM_ Q" u o( Dtrtmkrr I *n '.'• : n M-a- Mk'.. : P It -MotwJty th* ThlAl Ward Oemoerktic t s d StindlBr •» • * S K " " 1 " * Tfum...-. - • — oj Aveael WM-Qvle Qttb m w u »t the H1H=. held by Mrs. JoJn E«an. Jr. - r « t Inn »t 8:M P.M. Sportir. • at bw home on Owrge Btxetl -Jralor Wotnan >• Club '). M»rv'! DIMS Shop iMri Eeati. preildent. eiplalivd Avenal mil celrtnte tnett :o ^ 2; j W T u m s MIXED Mrmrtr. Uie purwae ot Uw club and th* ?hrtstjn»» pwty TWs duties and responsmilitIM ol ihe ATmrt-Coloni* Tim * l d 4 l m ^ . . _ Landtags an of i S ? * £ * * . Anendmn were: Squad taUdln*. A Chrwmat ttm- ^ . a». A 33 14 Mr? Bobert Brlnley. Mrs. Ed- pattant. "Christum Around '• ward Spir€j Mrs. Petn Dint- th« World" w;H b» prwn:«! Junif 17 ' and Mrs. Jamrs Kenna W th* a u w drpartmfr.: TroptfWi 1» 80WL-M0B . MUOCT 1* wsxn. wnr.irts or I Co. If , "5 J T'.> CO. . . , ...-...'.' DonKSy Dul»nl' A^nrj _ '-3 111 Milt *, Honor lull !* . .J« ti.'vjfs', !nn ! .M * Bnd'> H,r. •• !« t) r , , . Maid B l « « 7 '" ^Tprtr1. Cord fc Oil •— . 24 '.I • ,-.<v-r Inn '.9 Avenel P h » n i » r y 11 .. 51 1 \^pif' B.nrfirir* Tend Shoprttf :T :': • m T- Crtm! » 3 •Jij 2: A \ ! Tr... ;..:! :»'.• ; Ar Hnpi '.':• .. a .. iki) nf Hull: > "»n nr ( i n t . , ( i u i P v ' * " " — ' " • • • r M -«oiris. 1»»•» * • « f —Tomorrow the Prid" o» * w . r t 51". Harold 8its:t S13 Women VJ»r, { n e w *3« '.*' \ , „ „, , „ .. Council. Son* and Y!»n Oieokna « 9 . M«rt* Sun-, *:J i j - u e h t < r l ' o f UlKI'.v, Will elect Diti»r m t r I wirlclwr». R»' Wn.. n f T Officer* a t l-HV mm.TlB 1 iT»r Dii:a-,;> Asecia t t ^ f Av^nel School 4 aud:- B- .'. - '..4 > -v(! "iio-Md B ' \: ,»:' .•()":".:.: H' . !., 5. L Hi»ai.. K ::;*T j u t "Bav". a' of * . 5 sa 2 t ; r ^ , s ^ ° - „ .= ';»' £ . : K * ' aa B BO o* •„,: :,T» HI. K. Jltt „„»,«, _ ...Hi % *am t«r.t-T . „., „ of OmM*rl t - !! J I , , . T - ' SIS'! " •-•• B Mo.:-.»: , ' . * " V> .-• H .'••* T l 7 « T . ! * B M S':::p'.7 C"J .... ':..?** P', -rr.sinff L f r.-» . . It Hill 11 nf llrrrntT.> r « linn"! R"l( 1 :"* iw B " " Km nr fV-ttrr Sft *"""">-'<" ••• , T '., r •« ? i i M * r '; \ i [ L r .. I a ., .-- •-.!• ;•;; B e n O o ; : i V - T ; r a A.eI(, ^'- A^:.f 1 „ „ c .. . : 'rn^r^ ' "~~" Enjoy an Evening .41 Swallich Fai/ern, //ic • Berr • Wine f orn*T William * Vir 8 WOODBRIDGE and ALBEA :s:-:c- r ~~~ ^ s « - . v i ' r R « . t & won torium. A Chrtatmas party , ,'• will also be featared at 8 P M T. nrnin ****** ^ , 7. .~... '7 StindlnC »» • ' p«*nii»T J i , "Tiie Dost >u-t oHered rt» an, -Youni^UdU'f SodaliW of _ 13 : 1 "":wj;fti " •«> Honor loll (!•• of Brtt« G n n , I«inir»1 r-.l^.ttd ;. •• interest in the businra?. the St. «.ftdre*'i Church rK'«vr (M w BMIM Setsl roouw ! P»'.rv .— -• ."'•; oung clerk confidwl to the Holy Cnnununicm in a body »t t Hr,,,«i..- ~-m '--..i' _ M I r> O»k T T « Dni».-..— - „ IT irettj -tenoitrapber the 10 A.M Maw Sunday R»~i,-S! 500-".H(l-2H—«02. D, BT»difT '*'.!r. SilOP P-!T' " ~ "He did?" she asked in sur- Their monthly metung is 3t. J, Kdpl IIS. J. Ba'.io :"•• r' r^r««-» » » » » • ' " -.ntu: 2:3. G Karo? Jll. A. U w t - "T'» Dr»* SlWP - _ f ;: ) n s e scheduled for Monday «t 7:45 ••» D Anrt^rwn 307, « Jtuko!* 2B4. «Th!'f Blr:» inn . • *>'• Yeah" the voung man re-'P.M. In tRe new church ' "" fi Llrflk 103. C Pimuro '-K. G P - n - n n " ?hartr.»cT . , illed reflectively. "He uii i f - \ -Sunday the WoodbrMsr hon't tak? an Interest In the Kadets will have v:es •Cnrwt fouslnes pretty soon hell fire mas part? at the American ' - ' H»U. Berry Strff ••• :'"' R A . ; - i l t l 2C? , i n . , t Clrclr 0! the Church u-ill _ at th!".r rr Hallt Tfrrr.insl O«<Tin. Mr. 1 LIQUOR STORE ,-, u ?; Route 27. (x)lonia * rs » r. t. (In the Cotonia Shopping Plaia) , - M «r knttr nr kttl«r • " • ) .'(;:• A.d C •• ' *-j B i i o C S 51« r * • * , - . » 109 c J JOS <• • »« J » ' I Jn .7 :;m« H o r n ' s 2 , 1 ... •»»-•<#>-: 13 • ; 3S Hfinnr Hv; 1 'n* nr B f ' i " ' l i n " «n« or B r l t r r Srt% •3 llnn.r Roll • Hith-T»i. P . - - . •,. 4s; 7 - . - • . ' • • Ma- ° "0 ' ».;.n<*M> A:.hi !..q -^ Inr. . - i x » w." ' • :..••: I T : , n : I "• i« B' r -" r 'S WORLD P:"- Salon l.'i.'^ A\»'iirl Street Ir. thr Proiissionjl Buildinc .WhNELVJ. WINES I LIQUORS (ilFT DECANTER* SAVE TIME--Shop for the Entire Family IMPORTED ind DOMESTIC (HAMPAGM1* GIFT BASKETS Mad? To Your Ordrr UNDER ONE ROOF AT "The tpparel Cmler « / I m<"> ""I MiddlfSM tounliM^ "( oldrini: a Specialty' Full Linf of liuvnumkip v c for v a . . ~ - . f •' .• C h n J t m i i ,.•:., '.:•• '.- f o l i o * O i - * J ' Beautv Culture 9 V. M. to 10 P. H. MARKS HARRIS of Rahway (»PIA n VII.V » \ M TO 6 F M n.ootn \VEDNF>D.*YS ME 4-7U5 • 'fi : :- c ! i . : ... v . r y :,,-, x-nl u- For Christmas Cheer . • tor' .:.:; :';-jr. the mc.rts ih* . JS i at IK t and Comfort All Year! ;. f i r »irrr.!h, *. , j - tr.ica unUt-r UJ . ^-J:J" fun »hi.r. • ptcul!\ isorcs »nd : sjciery » o m a ire . ciaffliaedfor «:!':. - •! Shop hi>< . ••' ,j K> checi if lurmcn: tnd in - •: -h ire nol reiJi!» Evans jr. depth,' ami '.: s i p UuJ 1 coal h " HAND TURNED -,:sr.cJ. Vital poinn »a\a, pocketi, batk : -x ;;ucrv—all whjeci to ;,ouid h » « thick' u: t-r.Jcr tur. 1 jr.'I aJwW /1 • • htr.riShop, Six Big Departments To Serve You! SLIPPERS Lach I-air Boy's Dept. Men's Shop Thrifty Fashions Youth Outer linen Closet 107 Vtt* '.,, l o r i , N. Y for t! or mil dim $Olt't M . • wop m to ut ut .. ' j - . r »uiy | « r c y •-.•:!- I*i«m »i«A J*'-'" •:tm to mi far <W Your duide to ye bed in Mm Slippm Available in Anv Amount Shop In Wood bridge OPEN EVERY NITE 'TIL 9 FREE! ONLY Beautiful Christmas Gift 8 B o u t With Purchase SHOPPING DAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS GIFTS SAY "Open me ^first!" OPEN EVERY NIGHT T H Schwartz Shoes All KITS 13', O H ! One of PUBLIX PHARMACY 'idui Mrret, t r f , tvtSil^u» TUX M "CI > u x IUV liiu,ma.,,, chmuuu OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9 THRU DECEMBER J3 *HOt 1519 STREET RAHWAY, N. J. MARKS HARRIS rhrutmas Gift HeadquarUn for hamtly Apparel Sim* 1907" (X)NVEMENT M41IS STREET In Ufibted Muuicip*l Let at (*t the beai) Wnt Eatnacc to Ow » w r IAHWAY. N. J. THTJRSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1W1 PAGE TWELVE pttlent* saved while In 1982, U O | M If,, one out of every three cancer patient* will live. "With our * « .. present knowledge we could when dusting „,,,, save an additional 87,000 pec- iraRlle Christ mhs . : pie who will probably die o f " * ™ , NEW BRUNSWICK - "Ap- cancer In 19W." Bpauldlng said, 1 Drooptnn froth,-, proximately 1.500 new cancer "If they would get • routine canes will occur In Mlddlewx Unnual physical examination, a ^ ' e e l like new ,r rt: County In 1962/ warned M - and if they would .we their automatic dryc,•„.,,, physicians when »ny of can- 'Make sure thei e „,-, iwln B, BpauldlnR, President aeven danger signals l a s t s f o r t n e fathers t,, i,, ( , I the Middlesex Chapter of the \tm fro week* or more." These ^ f . * " »vera«e s17l, ; American Cancer Society, County Reports On Cancer Cases GLAMOR GIRLS Christmas Recipe Tops With All the Small Fry Thf CrowN Have you tu-r met, the Christm«s snmvmrin? He i.« a bit' rr;;x'd ^p, o! course, and a •tnfl'- nuttv Olistoninir whit*. vi iy frlendr*: he often wears n 'vown of "purpst" gold paper • Ai. a riessfii centerpiece for I thf festive table he is a deliffhl! Halr-colorln* Id and ha* »1-; !—litprally sweet enough to eat.: wa >'s been a subject for feml-; jrarcfully packed as a gift toinlrie experiment, Henna Is older! wrs and friends, w h a t t n a n the Sphinx and the ladles be R more original and of ancient Rome sat in the sun! of th* hour wearing bleaches made of alum, black sulphur igoori will greetings'1 *and honey to change the color I Snowman t"»kf :of their crowntaR glory. Today; | iSerm 161 we have hundreds and hundreds Anthony (Juinn and | « r«» of shades, rinses, and tints to in a «<rnp from Carl Fore- | coconut choose from. man's "The Guns of N»vi- | rnnc." a new (nlombU re- | p lea»f also starring Grttfory Pinch m Mtwied Prrk and David N'ivtn in !'• i« vou are not «Urfied with; Cinema Srnpr and Eastman n women; Color, <<UrtinK December 17 HEALTH aid BEAUTY At the Typewriter: It if difficult to wnti a column uh<'n your heart \t breaklns T'nr pasting of our publisher. C h a r I f * Edwyn Gregory. »a,c. a grfnt sha-k to Us pvpn though « T knew »ny down d"rp that ho had ovc:Veorked lhat great big hrari of hte Hf was more than an employer tn u.>v—and even mnre than a friend—'hf was more like a big brother, somfone you tc when the join, beroush.' Now he is no JW ,. Bl ,' with lit,- but wf \\:\] continue to work hard nnri do our level bPft m bfhalf nf the community for Wf arr sure he would want it that way, . . . I worked fo v Gre^ for a good many years. AUhough I met him for the first time when the 800,000 Americans who will be under medical care for cancer." 8 p a u l * i « oonUnwd, '275,000 will die of the diaewe, about one every two minutes. However, this note of pessimism -*=F can be tempered by the fact! that deatfi rates in general w e ; leveling and in some cue* dropping off." Spaulding » l d . | According to the figures of the; American Cimctr Society. 1937j sa* only one In seven cancer 1 •Meat Packer Oeto Divorce; from taWfrfng Wife." In other; When choosing the new color worts lie canned the tongue, j —Clyde Moore in the dependent-Leader ddi I really ter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles mature face than a mopfor your hair It Is best not to (mixing Ohio State Journal i e t to know him. Larry Cam- Kurta. 21 Grace Street: ixing bowls. MI*. » briVhtiv colored hhair i tthat h tU is be drastic The best guide Is a ninn from^ Port Reading, a daugnshade lighter or a shade darker, -neaiea 350 JSU deae»,.-«i Bake in a pre-heated ±™*™L plon was was kind W n j henough e n j ^to brine ^ ^ ^ Rnd ^ CorneliU8 20 m minutes for not natural. from the ter to Mr. ana MIS. ^orueuuoig,.^ r OTen _ 20 d make any Hair-cclorin, * - modern * » Work from there aand "!methods, Hair-coloring !d I became,e a a staff staff Grondin, Grondin, 15 15 Second Second Street; Street; a t ^ ^ j n c a n 45 to 51 under the dlrecHonoi more changes necesaary, alowly. of the new paper. So,daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Juan for c a ^ e 6 ^ bowls. or fWin V P S r S II worked BUI » I U toros. «. | V d , *W I c g ^ P S W st done. Cool 10 to 15|» professional, 135 rrB Street: — a daugh-| Our Speedj Aft U out on wTth 0re(i - c r u s a d i n g whenter tosMr. and Mrs. Charles; Mowed New» from^JIoUywood. via from the need arose and trying to re-.Fleck. 85 Blair Road: . . . from m e nrea <w*«^ •»"- » * — - -[Life: Mrs. . . ., .._ as . . .lselta .,_ v _ ^0 Mr. jjj. and g n( j jjjg part the news as obiecUv§Jy, Is very little different* "Once m a lifetime" has crosswise. Put TODAY, DEC. 14 mmrfble He taught me never Emest jjarotr, , Trieste imr»« 0Street; . . ^ . ,icake , ^ ^ in , n nhalf , crosswise, rui " " " " ::"• . j , t ) 81 Bl been purchased for production. , suacepan mdjbetween a dye and • ttnt. E anything for g r a n t e d - a son to Mr. and Mrs. T h e o - | c o r n ^ p tato The title has been changed to eck double check and dore Ruschak, 1046 Oreen; b r i n g to a m Beat reserved|are liquid and a r e r "Twice a Day." aaain to make sure my Street; . from Colonia. a s o n i e g g w h l t e s a n d fflit u n t u theyiperotide to w*™? FORDS V ntTDOISE *^re right. He taught me neer to criticize without suffident and good reason and I learned true humility umility and charcha to Mr and Mrs. John 8 a n e h e s . [ g t a n d i n s o f t ^HULI,. GraduallyjBoth color by oem 770 Wood Avenue; . . . from ^ j ^ the hot syrup and con-|the hair & Woodbridge. a daughter to Mr. t l n u e y^ung until frostlng;on. Many and and Mrs. M Francis Caro. 71 Cut- n o l d s i t s ^p. Beat in vanilla." 8 a temporary Cirtwtt, W 1. «« from him. It was Greg who ters Lane; a son to Mr. and upp wwith The Sme u i t h tthe h e idea of T h e Mrs. Edward E d w a d Sesko 585 Rah- " Independent-Leader m Hope Hoped Christmas Chitmas way Avenue, A u . f r ofrom a RITZ Theatre b w , j cgkes M are two together M^SE/s s Ct -as * iv has brought happiness and bope to many a needy family, street. Because I was close to him. TRICKS WITH DRIED BEEF jj Dried beef 1 sometimes cajledj T U R N P I K E DRIVE-IN THEATRE , . n I M shipped bfteft makes a hearty ] t. tntf Irrail cases the recipient Q I f l , r ; . f m a « J Y e e g main dish out of a baked mar-1 r i . w from where the " ' ^ ' aroni and cheese casserole. If n TODAY THRU SATURDAY hehv came. Greg's greatest A few simple precautioniscan j p j a n n i n g t o serve creamed dried Measure was in helping others, help keep holiday accidents L j o y e r toast { o r l u n c h ^. "Journey To The Center And now as Greg looks | from happening. The following1 Of The Earth" down uoon us we want him to suggestions are offered by thecheese sauce rather than a regPit Boost - iimrs MUOD know that w will doo our level!Connecticut State Departmentular white sauce. - Plus best to continue in his foot-i of Health. "SINK THE us icicles: \I J flame-resistant icicles: SUBSTITUTE FOR BEEF 1 Use « Iiame-resasiam BISMARCK" :»-*•*, ^ . ^ j When preparing spaghetti Kfnnfth Moi« - Dam Wyntn Here U There: '•"••on f,AM n ItrrLo irttriOrV O1 Marine _. for the .^r, nof f \ff Mrs. ,. . . , _, Isubstitute s a l a m i for Wheeler, son Mr. Bnrt and Mrs.; b J Lbefore, befo" l s u Qb sutni tdu t e^ js a !Qar jmn di half the base B. W. Wheeler, Grove A v e n u e ^, ' ajc r ^o s s u p salami and cut the other half Woodbridge. is undergoing six j holder holder containing water watr and in narrow strips. Sliced mushweek? of instruction at the fill'' daily. l Remove the dry tree Naval School of Pre-Plight at [immediately after the holidays. rooms are always a delightful „ , ''addition to a spaghetti sauce t , Ppnsacola, Fla. . . We received] to The Do not attacn too many Ught' too an annual annual ccontribution nt Independent-Leader Christmas 1 strings to one outlet and he m " CarT/n l VV lat i= • « R a t i o n is not worn or|I fuses fund Z from Caroy 1 are the right size. Never sockets lose. Cohen, formerly of Woodbridge use a penny in a fuse socket Do not put candles on or 1 •nd now of Tavernier, Fla Do not hang metal-foi Carolyn writes "Makes me fee jnear the tree. sure the good to be even a tiny partt of! Be -- — — "snow" the hometown observance, and the tree base will not burn, ! your fund is surely a fine ac"" * ' " tivity. To all'of you a Merry, Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with all good things" . Ronald MacKenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie, Alden Road, AveFRIDAY THRU TUESDAY SPECIAL RATES TO nel, has been designated a reGROUPS John Wayne in cipient of a Merit Award from Grove City College, Grove City Every Night I i |C Pa. MacKenzie is a junior Except Monday majoring to history... 7;30 to 11 P. M. Also Momd ISELIN 85' Matmw, Saturday, Sundays & Holidays Z:M P.M. to 5 P.M. 50' Pfc. Ronald R. Marsh, 24 son of Henry Marsh, Worth Street, Iselin, recently achieved ppbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Dbxb vx Stevens & 6th, South Amboy recognition as a top Arm •marksman by qualifying for the expert marksmanship badge 1 during range.Ilring with the! Army's new M-l4 rifle in Germany. Marsh is a 1950 graduTODAV THRl1 SATURDAY ate of Seton Hall University. Paul Newman He has been overseas since last Joanne Woodward Sidney Poilifr February. . . . Pvt. Gloria J. Casterline, 19, whose parent*. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. DiFabbi, live on Falmouth Road, Iselin j e eently completed eight weeks of Frank Blnatra - Tony Curtib basic military training at the Women's Army Corps Center, "KINGS GO FORfH Fort McClellan, Ala. She is a 1961 graduate of Woodbridge BUNDAV, MONDAY. TUESDAY p i g h School. . . . Airman Basic Paul S l u m s C'laudettt Stvms Elbur H. Richards, Jr., Adelaide Avenue. Woodbridge, is being j assigned to the United States Air Force, technical training - »fd course fqr communications center equipment specialists at "WORLD BY NIGHT Sheppard AFB, Texas. He comIH-CAI MIIIH WWII* " « " • pleted his basic military train- OUTCABRIOCE 'TO P ^ £ K U " In* at Lackland AFB Te^as. ; JBtman Richards is a WjHS jfraduate. ' — Uld — Bill WlUUlr. "— HA'tenon "A Dog's Best Friead" KIDDIE SAT. AND SL-N.2.P. * • WtbWsDAV TH»lTMO!fD*Y Dart* Udd . Arthur OConnfU PUB Smith "MISTY" - and Stuut Whitnun • JuUtl PTOW« EXTRA! KOLOR KARTOON KARNIVAL FRIDAY NIGHT "THE FIERCEST HEART" SPKCIAL KIDDIE MATTNKE SAT. t SUS. AT \M T. M. "THE PIT AND THE PENDULM" CHATEAU LOMAINC "CQMANCNEROS" With John W n SATURDAY MATINEE "THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM"—2:00 DAY OF THRILLERS AND I AMERICAN SPA.RKUNG Bottled In SCOTLAND Pitk 86.8 Proof Every Drop 8 Years Old LAUGHTERWEDNESDAY, DEC. 20 Sparkling Burgundy .49 $1.79 4 1 "Hiigariai Show" Full 4/5 Ot "MIDNIGHT LACE" Darts D»j . tott Hitrlson Csmini Krdotsd "THE MASK11 Boi Officf Oftm 5:30 P. M. Show s u n s 7:15 P. M. KLU DAMt »l«kb«T» MAMOY - fill 70 Pn«< 4 SO* WITTY'S Sxprenn WHISKT 4 S ftt. OUMIARTON UNADiAN WHISKT 4 5 « . — WITTY'S Undo* 1 GIN 4 SQI. '3.49 6UWAT MIST IRISH BANKER'S VODKA 4 S « . WHS I KY - 4 i uai ROD t GUN VODKA-100 r r M < 4 / S « . ROD I SUN LM4*« » . — $ II» I M9 SCOTCH WHISKY 4 5 « t . NOW THRl SATVRDAV M i Sf«W M *n Paul Newman Joanne Woodward Ernie Kovics - Cjd Charisse No Shows W>d, and Thur§ . BLENDED WHISKY SUNDAY - TUESDAY DEC. 17 - 1 9 Rock Hudson - Jtin Simmoru - Plw - By Popular Request SPECIAL KIDDIE SHOWS NFW YORK STAn SCOTCH With Vtownt P r t o SOUTH RIVER CL 7-1198 WHITE'S DAY OF THRILLERS AND LAIGHTER" "This Earth Is Miie" "PARIS BLUES" SATURDAY AND SUNDAY RAHWAY • FU1-6T1I LIQUOR BAR PERTH AMBOY HI MSS0 SINDAY THRV TrtSDAY "THE COMANCHEROS" i GOLDEN HOURS" SOUTH AMBOY ARENA STARTS SUNDAY CKLWB EXCLUSIVE at PUTTS! 24-HOUR SERVICE UK mot fHnntcalm (WAfilW UVSMV AWBD BARGAIN MATINEE KRIIIAY THRV "PARIS BLUES" THIRS •;-*"•t MON THKU f'RI. TUX CHRISTMAS: "5c TO 3 P. M. Laurence Hirve) •THE LONG A.ND THl. GALA HOLIDAY SHOW SHORT AM) THt TALL' STARTS FRIDAY, DEC. M NOW THRl "THE MASK" , fnnf Hm Sot Leatt: 'THt YOUNG SAVAGES" 453 St.fitorgtsAvt. I I Haia Street Com*' FRIDAY AND SATIUDAY DEC. 15 - It i S ? " o v e r ™ es or tree ROLLER SKATING In the MaSbag; M I-5W NOW THRU MONDAY DEr. i) - u Bqrt Liacjsirr • ShrUy V l o U n Unusual bleeding or di« jfor the last 30 mi1; dlachwge. ^rlor Is from drying . A lump or tiUckenlng In en. the b r e n t or «J»ewhere. A sore that floe» not heal. Cellar steps <•», Change tn bowel or Wad- » ' « " by painting ti der hablU, : w h l t * o r • v e r y brie! Hoarsene* or oough. vtvti\ paint odn( s Indigestion or difficulty In! If you put a tables;,, swallowing. imonia In a large p,. Change in a wart or mole. In the room 296 Smith Street SPANISH FILMS lot«, 1. FROM WONDERFUL COPENHAGEN Tl KSDAY OIK tntIK Wrtk' Spciuer Traty Kuiik Sinatra ROYAL DANE FINEST FRUIT ' "DEVIL AT 4 O'CLOCK MONTCALM CANADIAN De VINCI I CORDIALS | WHISKY WINES Plu>-"MAN TRAP 1 .ORDER TODAY READY TOMORROW! "Kahway*s N^weht ami Finest Rt'htauraul" t\< pn'ki Amhav Genjgon to Mr. and Mrs. Harold ' daughter to Mr. and Mrs. An- STATE The CROSS KEYS RESTAURANT and HOTEL THEATRE - Woudhridje, N. J. TODAY THRU SATURDAY wtdw»r4 and Paul Newman in "PARIS BLUES" at 7 and 9 IVNDAY THRU TUESDAY Paul Steven* in "THE MASK" - Plu» - "WOULD BY NIGHT* Beautitui SUtioaery - Gift Boxed and Personallzedln 61ock, Script or Monogram Lettering. Choice of Gold, Silver, Red or Black ink. Ideal Gift for Everyone on your list. JIM featuring - FOOD and COCKTAILS FAMILY DINNERS - CHILDREN'S MENU LUNCHEON SERVED DAILY from 1 1 : 3 0 Catering on Premises or to Take Out OPEN 7 DAYS - SUNDAY FROM 1 P. M. 37 W. Cherry Street, Rahway, N. J. *"ree Pwfcinc - T«L TV 1-HW — „ Birthday Partit* * Office Partial * Service Groups and All Clubt " ' , Boied Christmas Curds by Norcross. Rustcrafl and Barker Personalized with your gignature in 24 hours! Excellent selection of cards to choose from. Order Today-Ready Tomorrow! MtNOflSON AMIBCAN HUM WMB , Cktrry I CMCW4 V * * OPEN SUNDAY u Woodbridge OPEN DAILY I : N 1 H. TO 9.S9 P. M ifi U N U I S IKK I RYI 41 Prttl. 4 S ftl. PlAn STATIONERY 100 Main &rt& W • Aktvi H « M tiGtetlvt witti Wrtty'i h ! • « AMPLE FREE PARKING I * Carteret Press Independent-Leader Edison Township and Fords Beacon NIWB and A Ntanpap* Dedicatedtothe rf ttu Rcstdento ft tlw OMWBodttei We 8 c m . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1961 o b' Bailey Raise WOODBRIDGE — P»-dinRnd Kath. who will t 90 \ivirs old Saturday, w; i be feted during an open mise n Irbralion tit the Ami ican U-eton Post home, B vrv Htifft. on thai date ft m 2 to 10 p.m. His son. Thomas, w.,1 tx> host for the occasion. ,HHUlCiF,-Health Of.;,) ,) Bailey, known .',. his many fripnd« ,, ..iiary boost of .,-„- bnard of Health I T>ii'.-(!«y n i g h t ... «;><j Ma* b"Pii a n . ••;, n '.iid l o r t h e . •.;',) -I-m rCrt'ive ; .FanwoodMan Hurt in Crash Friend* to Honor Ferdinand Kath. 90 WOODBRIDOE - A F»nwivid man sufffTfd fadal lacrin:;ons.rrfiUirins? 33 sutures, pwiMf head tnjurif 5. frr.ctured ':irm Hiid abrasions of the (cne« m a four-vehicle accident Tiic-rtav nluht on Route 1. THken bv Woodbndjte Emer•tiny Squad to Penh Amboy OIVTAI Hospital where'he ii p a r t e d ;n fair condition WM H .-v.ifri H Wheaton. 32. J'.itioimen OfofRP McCabe and .Fotir, Kiimclt reported the a••• id-T.t w i r e d when Wfh«a'or-, ri'-.vnia fouth In the north Vmr.d Line of Route 1, near Riune » intersection collided uth a car driven by William Shaffer. 21, Woodruff 8treet, l,<plin Wheaton's car continued ii for approximately 90 feet :\nd then collided with a Me- ' ond ear operated by Ronald D. Yule Program Set for Sunday ,.-. alvo includes 1 i- '.iii-.ittirmn a n d ,, !(,]-. T1'.'1 viilse 1 .- ••(!'•{] by Mir S t a w , i' MnMiivUni. WOODBRIDGE ..--Th' Kins H.i* C'umr" m the th<;n* of; tli" Clinstniiis piouram •» be' iM-i'-i'nicrl by the Sunday School P'lpiN of thp Woodbridgi Gos•,»•! nr.irc!'. at the Sund:r. eve'niiu srrvicrs beeinning m 7:00 unrii-r the direction of T 'nmas' Uiirn^. senior toucher. Pi rents and friends are invited in atpud Toniaht a! 6:30 the sixth annuni banquet of the Men's Association will be held in the lower auditorium of the church. Guest speaker jiWill be Rev ...In raise was Mrs. , , ••m.irit. chief dertt • nffiiT. Her salary , rrt from I3.P09 to ",i« hffn an *m: r David T MilMiiIng on M r . ,• tiud UP " h a s '.firs of vrvirt" of in on •i;:1 ,.i1r & q | r v e x * P»* (.rtmt Kntrhi Prirr M H inn n.ninn M,r i' :hc "department » m d danof.. Shownn rirhaniMnE u u n e r.i\H n ; « | a r c led to .i.jalt to purchase Rrx. (',. ROOT. A n d r r w J*o«»ny. : t it thii time. Res) nrr.plftlnpd of odors 'mm the Biiunhall Santa. IB. Almon Avenue, Woodbrtdw. The officers said the which continued on'further for another 300 feet and then careened into a truck owned • T S n a c l f ' X ' ^ C h u r c h . i M™ FROM CRUISE Mr. Womlhridtr Mrs. .it t testimonial dinnrr South Rlvfer ight Robert Muchanic, Saturday 230 P M and McCann. . r r * rMltly ™'u™ed from a cruisr .iboard thr 1TSS ^arim-uth, Thry Thomas Vlnton, 39, Or-tam, N. C. Police said the three oth« drivers escaped injury. the n i * h t sightseeing, swimmlnf and shopping In colorful NMMU. Mrs. Miss ( a f Mln Ichoir of the Sunday School willj P »°'meet for a final rehearsal for; the Christmas program. At 3 R sh P.M. the other pupils partici" Woman t Club Plan* pating in the program will \ gather for a combined re Yule Entertainment WOODBR1DGE Exttt MoA Slum hearsal. ' service service hours hours for for the the C Christmas ISELIN — At a meeting of Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., the Pilrush at Woodbridge Poet Offi Office lthe Chain OHllls Woman'i . - The children of .grins « 5 Colonist, of the Pl- COLONIA — DisUict Cap-Mrs. John Flemm. Mrs. L. De- are as follows: Club, plans were made to visit Hamilton's third WOODBRtDGE „„„_.„...„. - Faith in tached to Morey LaRue's main oneer Girls will hold a Christ- itains for the Sister Elizabeth!reck, Miss Lynne Brusaw. Miss Saturday, 8:30 A.M., to 6 the Roosevelt Hospital Monday * grade class at School 22. pie- t h e (futt l l r e off woodbridRC wodbridR and and Linden Linden headquarters. headquarters mas "Pal Qal" tea. and conduct Christmas enter|Kenny Fund Appeal made 11-Nancie Brusaw Miss Gail MUes. P.M. 1 ; s**nted an " *"' •—• ~m its Mam Street .In . . .murey . . „ _ LaRue's' William tainment for the patients from ncui,™ an m»,i"»'j ••"• Street shopping snoppmg in charge cnarge of oi Morey uanuca, Captain captain Uli wuimju Butters BUIIHI of «I|J.«'"VF * , \Z H , tn Colonia Gives $804.44 {To Sister Kenny Fund 'Children Have Grand Opening Features I, Meeting ^ Half Price Sale, Gifts Held bv Club;. ' Mrs. Marion Lee, captain; Sunday. 10 A. M., to 3 P. M. until 8:30 P.M. The Sotaren n e ws pronrtm. The lesson was a r ( . a w a s v ( n c e d t n i s ^ i by retail store outlets is Harold B. Battalion 1090 of the Christian nal returns lor the aoor to ( Co-Chairman jMrs. Irene Amsel, Mrs. Dorothy' Next Monday through Friday drive last Wednes- p i » n n e d to stimulate, interest in p ^ , ^ ^ , o t t j r p r e a ident ef Cucual. well known in his pro-(service Brigade announced the door drive toE. Co-Chairman SWhite. ;8 JO AAI... to 1 P i t . , December A donation of flO was made Wisnlewski, lute. Janlna he recent recent natureiMrs. natu to The Independent-Leader -n Frw Public rfadinj through a mock pro- t n e M o r f y LaRUe Laundercrs fession for the Quality achieve-jwinner of the which amounted to 1804.44. , Mrs. Ruth Stebbins, captain: 123, 8:30 A.M., until noon, : Christmas Fund for the needy eonteSt IsRnhprt. Robert m.^tln* was gram in tune with modern liv- a n d cleaners, »aners. as a she u eofficially u i n t i i i n j ments U « . H M he ^ has '••— made ••—*•- in the dry — - I ^- w ™™ . ~ »-. o» n, .i"w . , ^nt<.» ~ - . . — - i« ------•M> readiru of » [ n g p art i C ip llU ni( children d i d " jfamliies of the Township. his firms new store at cleanlni? field over the pastiReid, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mayor Frederick M. Adams JMrs. Gail Jones, Mrs. Florence The next meeting will be held -----Ham Reid, 328 DeSota Avenue is honorary chairman and Mrs.| Jacques. •Tc5i« ^.^^"^.^^''""'^WMalnawt." "'three decades. Alyce Moody lAlyce Mooay is Chairman ^imuiuaii for w Mrs. Elinore Todt, captain — " i —" a i. ..n.suna* pray- mA vegetables in order to e r e - . , . , . . . , January 13, 1962 at the firethe Woodbridge township drlve.jMrs. Oleta Hair. Mrs. R. Peni tiy M i s . C l a r m c e a t e t h e i r o w n K r | D t A half price dry cleaning sale house and installation of ofa w tneir o * n script. ^f.^^ 3 0 p l u s n o w lhml%h The district t i s anfll™^ M r s J ' I * r r t o n e : *"• £ ficers will take place. The anPawlMU were. Kathy Sul»«a, f r e e g i f t s a r e highlwhting. inual Christmas party was held Fire Auxiliary O c ^ ™ - M o r e , URue, "Get AcquaintMrienne Kafka. Jo-Ann Stan-; ed W l t h cjuallty" grand open-, ' - Patricia G»bnel, Debbie!itl(I ce ie br ation. Troop Conducts Unit Planning ^ ^ ^ rf I PORT READING—The board (after the business meeting and jof directors of the Ladies Aux-jgifts were exchanged. EnterDorothy Clpperly. Mrs. Alyce Moody, captain; ilary of the Port Reading Fire tainment was provided by a COLONIA — Troop 44 B.S.A. meet- tain: Mrs Alyce Mooay, cHpumi.'uary oi tne con ncuumis t u M i u u n ™ »«• p.«.~™ -., already owned Mr Russel Moody, Miss Carol Company will meet this evening'commlttee of club members under the direction Mailas. Miss Mailas Miss Diane Diane Gambo.'at 8 8 oclock o'clock at at the the home home of ol Mrs. Mrs, under the direction of Mrs. Miss Carol Poloskl, Miss Marl- p a u y taRusso. Clumbus Ave- John Williams with the assistMr.. lloot Scout being added to unit Chandler, Clifford Newman ! nue, Woodbridge. New elected ance of Mrs. George Kacfeinko, roster. | Trinity Episcopal Church will bara Garfingel, Mrs. Yetta lyn Moody. John now total and route sales belber. Mrs. Dorothy Herits, "officers are invited to attend. | program chairman. Ebner. chairf h i h 1 Mrs. Mary IdeU, Mrs. Patricia •::are Opartmeiu A * « * <W B o o k " ^ '?„.»«». , KKaua „ Ladies Auxiliary will hold itsj SCOUTS HELP NEEDT yKashmeier,. Mrs. Marie Ken••• -.•ick»«c» sent ou-.childi*n of all a«e» was held: Ir_ c o m m ei,ting on bi» ' r n n s l T e n d e r f o o t and w w k B o o l t 6 w e r e K]e d FORDS — Girl Scouts of Mrs, Marion Lamont, mv at8 •;•'•• • w U T i u a and b* T rtf«.«ons for coming to W o o d - i g ^ j n , ief to Glfen Troop 179, sponsored by School Mary Malley, Mrs. Joan Clark dranu ehair-*»• t h ( > Educational Reading b n d f , p t h , M o r P y L a R * p r e s i - K e a m y w n i l . o Scoutmaster tuuuuu r House, A Christinasand social will 7, at a meeting Monday, worked Mlllroy, Mrs. Mary Radler, Mrs. $2 gifts " , i ' sic has a piav Service from hsw wcommenaea d e n t w ,; d . . W p f i r m i y believe i H e r s c h e i T a r v e r welcomed The ^sjiouow or January 1TV1962, 7:30 P. M. Virginia Thall, Mrs. Frances WQODBRIDGE WmJUBKiuut — - inc me metmie wiu •-. s " » |on a crepe-paper wreath and ular nreeting of School i-il m be exchanged. Mrs. Joseph . -l- Must Tali" toby the Ubrary Journal and the t h a t t h i s c o m m u n i t y is stand- nK e. w >» ^ Ui»^ » ^ »^ l h e - i w Mrs. Michael Parrell reported ular nreeting of School i-il i w m be exchanged. Mrs. Joseph on a crepe-paper wreath an Weiss. PTA _ ndd M Kalina paper Christmas tree orna••ri t.i the club late- Children's Catalog. They in-. i n g o n t h e threshold of a re- During an impressive candleM r s J o n n Kalina Society are sellTA will ill be b held h l d Tuesday Tuesday aftera f t e |NeviSi rNi r s Jonn Mrs. Hedy Ott, captain; Mrs. ^ uhospitality chairmen, to beiments which they wU donate U ' s o n who »» 5 eluded old favorites as well as n P W e d e r a o f p r0S pe r ity " noon at 1:30 in School 11 a u d i -,! M u o 4Mi i calendars. 1 il of'the btztar the b** oflmngs of numer- .. W( , m t h e M o ,. p y L a R u e or- w ; s c o m m e n d e d by Scoutmas-i .ft torium. A check for $5 will bela^igt^^M^rFTank'Batbato" to a needy family. The girls distob- Helen also worked on their "badge presented to Miss Caroline ^ ciardello. Mrs'. N-.-..-mwr M. an-ou» PuWtahen. intend to do even- Ut T a r v e r f o rh i s effort In; . rani/»tlon t e n b e d r i d d e r l WoodJames Edrington, Mrs. Ann Bianco, a fourth grade student, J o g e p h C o v i n o a n dM r , AnHi _ sheets" which are used for their ...: ,i * M a success: Mr«. Florence Augustine, thing possible to help makertis e a r a i n g W s star Badge. Mr ^ . ^ b y M r s w i l Roberta . e own reference. Gronski, Mrs. Ida Qillam, Mrs who wrote the winning —•— > -—._. ' ;. C«Midv m » r t « i nrincip-1 stated the fair was f j r m conviction a reality, he S p e n c e r presented the Star .,. .. ^ . 1 rTel u ucll! 1 "*' M s * date | T n 15 very successful and the school declared Badge to his son, and Billy save"?" il.-i*4 with all the will be able to secure science Many of the important un-; hta m( «her' a miniature Star| u h *" " " Miss Bianco Winner LJEr" £%£ ££?£ Of PTA hll ContestT v™- & «» ™* porothy Hahl, Mrs. Florence \ Mrs. Helen Mason Mrs; t h e m e o f the |Korte, ^ p r i n ted _-Hetprul TeUer."I newspaper belng thepTA vs^T^^s^^-r^sTre^^^ ^ ^ ^ Cnrlstffias| ^ ^ ; ^ y,f „ the children childr at the o rthe" chairman, Mrs.jRue.s main Linden p.ant -Jnimsters John Cody and Gus t ^ c < m t r i b u t i o n to s t . JAis^ _ J ^ , _ ^ \ f « ^ ^ ^ t h hild t theffi to (^'Anne's memories was a Christmas skit. .younger children. Mrs. John Byoris was pro- iTundermann. u»..^w mv._ performed ... •••'..i:. aiff Road. Co- M r , fo Ro»enth«l. gram chairman assisted by Mrs. Mrs. Evelyn Stehnach, cap[Troop's dance team. A film of 'ods mia. Bll.lj» MB,., •• , „ , ^ <ili be Mrs. Harry , jr i Wat Denny, y Mrs. _.. In addition to Its laundering previous camping trips was Farrell, Mrs. Joseph Sipos, Mrs.tain; Mrs. Walter Mr- Clark and Mrs _,„ James Bennett, Mrs. Stephen Derby Denson Mrs. A. Boyter, SlSternooa Elects Mrs. A. Boyter, Derby Denson, mrs. A. w i m , 'and dry cleaning *> and tacinues, shown. Shaffer Mrs Allan Stewart • A ' ;rxb , rg . RALE HELD M W Mrs. Jean Corrigan, Mrs. W gl #a f Officer* £ fl o C __ i . v m i U U r A n a ••—— MUirji u " » > '•"" - - - " . . . Macfie, Mrs. Jean Judd, Mrs, ° " " e O}u'Jlcers | the Troop's Mothers' Circle. i: \ HASH TARTY iA white eleph»nt »ale was Utf j n ga n d renovating plant which C. Ammann, Mrs, Mimi Fried- T e-FORDS — The Sisterhood of $ BRIDGE - Plant ire highlight of 1 meeting of the i s e n t e r e d to be among the In place of the regular scout Wolny, and Mrs. William land, land, Mrs. Mrs. J. J. Karpa, Karpa, Mrs. Mrs. AA. . m P l e Emanu-El electeda reIts S 5 meeting tonight at 1:30 the Wedemeyer, I i r s by the Woodbridge'Americin Jewish Congress, ( l n p s t l nt n e nation >Its huge Mrs. A. E. Kiel played the Bengston, - — * — »,„„ Dr f ho 7, m\n. first' slate of officers at a re- S Mrs. u Bertha Zurla, C r Sidney,R c Troop will hold a Christmas " " * Bengston _MT«. « ™ " » meeting. Mrs. Sidney,1 n t carol music. Hostesses were M A Haley «it l d ssiuiagc t o r a ge vaults forr •• Chrtstmw Chnstmw Middlesex Middlesex County u n u m Chapter, V.M»K»-. at — cCooia . . ^ have . . . , , .a - ca- party planned piannea by Dy the me Mothers' muuicis carol musc O ™*;t-lt^ l Beth B t h Sholom Sholom last last nUht. night pftcjtij t off .60,000 .6o000 garments. garments Strain was named president.| 21 Dr Walter Temple [Circle. Scouts are urged to Mrs. David Hair, Mrs. C. O. IMrs. H Other officers officers are: Mrs.'S enlist w u »c.'Mr». Nathan Boydman was in R t , f ; e c t l n r Morey URues (bring clothing and toys inDupree. Mrs. Joseph McGook- Mrs. R a u g Olive Wolf, captain; Marvin Rosmarini in, and and Mrs Mrs. Prank Frank Meszaros. Meszaros. Mrs. Gloria . member . i a meet-charge. Refreshments were r e c o r d o f steft dy progress over .good condition to the meeting in J first vice Wojcik, Mrs. Marithe past 75 years was the ror- for The Independent-Leader lyn Lane, Miss Eileen Wolf. [president; Mrs. Richard Ellner. d d t L a d e r ROBBERY REPORTED second vice president; Mrs imation two and a half years Christmas Fund. OPEN EVERY WOODBRIDGE - Mrs. Lil- Mrs, Evelyn Artz, captain; Norman Rolband, treasurer; ago of the Morey LaRue InMrs Winifred Drrutia, Mrs, ~ dustnal Supply Company, a!"' lian Rossner, School Street, reNIGHT UNTIL Helen Breese, Mrs. Wendy Doll, Mrs. Milton Saltzman, financlsubsidiary of the main firm. SWECT TOCloverMEET ported the theft of a leather iMrs. Emrich Artz, Mrs. Paul secretary; Mrs. Irving Patch 9 O'CLOCK ISELINADELINES - The Iselin Mrs. Emrich Artz, Mrs. riuiiiiKUEiiuj, ^ _ Morey LaRue's Industrial .^af Chapter of Sweet Adelines case containing $90; a pay en- lUUtLlWtutut, Duesterdick, Mrs. D o r o t h y en, corresponding secretary,if _ _ Company is entertained the PTA of Port velope containing $125 and* a IRonge, Mrs Elizabeth Bartlet- and Mrs. Samuel Arons, re..„ more than 50 of the1 Reading School 9, Tuesday yellow gold wrist watch with ti, Mrs. Norma Donchevsky, cording secretary. •st industries in the area [evening. The group is planning [diamond studded band valued Mrs. Ann Craft, Mrs. Marge1 Trustees are Mis. Sheldon »i.n uniforms, cuats. towels Christmas party Monday I at $750 from her apartment. Miller, Mrs. Eleanor Nesbitt. Schiffman, Mrs. Meyer Friedii :id allied items. Its operations 8:30 P. M. at St. Cecelia's for !There was no sign of forced Mrs. Thelma Miles, captain man and Mrs. Herbert Pine, conducted in a recently the d l s - f T ° U * h V '*« ^ t « « }^^^fT±J^T^Tt SS ^ 5£°Sci Knopf, Mrs^H. A " " 1 I Something from •ialls Jewelers [entry, poilce said. |s Always Something Special! S « our unique selection ol . • # Diamonds FREE \ Gift Wrapoin* Watched UI-AWM Handl-ChMfe ; • China f Silverware § Crystal Til » P J | . NIGHT ; % Pearls ; * brittmat El* 111 • t Sail 4.19 i i I i 91 Main »tn*t Woodbridge Ml 4-UJ3 Rings For Gifts for anil Decorations EVERY MEMBER CM UirME 4-8U0 Hell Deliver of the * I Aromatic Evergreens and • Ottjer Holiday Greenery WRfeAT POTTED P BEAUTIFUL BOUQUETS Member • PLANTERS FLORISTS' CORSAGES TELEGRAPH DELIVERY and fpr those departed Attractive Grave Covers FLOWERS WIRED EVERYWHERE Somert Slower Slower Jfoude "The Living 60 FREEMAN STREET t WOODBRIDGE t HfR HIW FAMILY! CHOPERS I 81 MAIN STREW WOODBR11MJE | | OPEN [ m HIGH! TIL CHRISTMAS |' FREE l'AKKINC • HATSDUJiARGE Tailored and Dress Bags from fi .as to $25. 100 MABV STRt:ET Jtthepen&ettt-'jGeabcr Wi\t (Eartpret CHARLES EDWYN GBEOORT November 27, 1904 — December II, 1961 Tht Indtpfndfnt-Lfxlrr ind Idltan Towmblp rordi Bticon pnbllshMl WMHIJ on Thnridt} 1B-20 Gr«n Strrtt ME *-UII Woodbridir, N«w tntj n . ctrtertl Prfw pnbllihta wetklj on rrtdij 131 RooHTflt A'fHu» HI t-MJO Cwertt, N*w Jenej WOODBRIDGE PrBLISHINQ COMPANY Lawrence F. Campion. Vice President «nd Treawrer Bj Currier, It Centi Pir Copy Ralnchptlon r u n fcy null, Inda'dlnf poitife, one y*»r, «4.nO; sl« monthi, $2,JJ; tMw roontti, |l.!s[ !lnile roplfi by null, IS «*nt«. AU P»Jibl» la tdvtnce. enough to offset this aid outflow and the results is that the dollar's stability is seriously threatened. The drain An our gold and the dollar's weakening position in the world of finance has now continued at a fast pace for some three years. The trend must be arrest ed and rather quickly, or the Kennedy Administration will be forced to take forceful action. Whfle the U, S. dollar has been sound for so many years that we do not think of the possibility of a loss of confidence in it, nevertheless the dollar is today the subject of much nervous speculation in various financial centers all over the world. There has been speculation of a readjustment, or devaluation, but this is not contemplated. But such an eventuality could occur, if the inbalance continues very long at a rate of three billion dollars a year, and our gold reserves continue to shrink, Reportjrom Washington CHINAMAN'S CHANCE \ ' 88 Patricia Avenue Colonla, N. J. December 9, 1961 Editor The Independent-Leader Wopdbrldge, N. J. Deaf BIT: One thing which has pleaaed me regarding the "yes" vote for the school referendum last week la that apparently many parochial school folks have voted for a public school pxpendlture. Of course, vfr nil have a right to school our children publicly or privately a* we Individually see It, However, wouldn't this be ft wonderful time fof all of us to re-evaluate the possible Pentagon Reveals Shelter Plans For Safeguarding Metropolitan ftd river, since he already ln: GOP conference - n would have to give up WASHINGTON, D. C. -Cities ,_ hlRh-rankltu; mem i By EDWARD H, SIMS and WES HAVIHN w i t h carefully - mapped and W V P V ,i important cm,,,,, elaboraU mas* evacuation plane if galtonstBll r.tnv, n,,, may as well Junk them and'a battle could well sin;,, start thinking more In terms tween liberal bnrk" of providing some sort of near- OeorKe Aiken n[ Wriu.i by shelters if they are going conservatives who \y*m\ to stay In line with current fer either Bourlce Hi:-!;,. Civil Defense theories for pro- I of Iowa or John Wim, tection against nuclear ittaclt.jDelaware Pentagon authorities now! charged with the Job of safe guarding the country's popuj lntton against a possible atomic assault have now come around JUST PARAGRAF, and actual blessings of a public'to the views first advanced school education. Inome three or four years ago byj •«•'< That our children can and,then-Civil Defense' Director, t!iai f. should be taiiRht religion by the Leo Heough-that In moiit e 1 rfnfd.i areas the popula-:" '" " pl churches and secular education metropolitan by the public schools ls suggest- tion couldn't escape far enough - T h e ed In the following statement and fast enough to avoid an; by Horace Mann In a discussion Initial major blast or Its subI>*flnitli n fallout. of the Massachusetts School, sequent . Romance1 OCM •> („; Elementary School Curriculum Law In 1846: F° r that reason. CD people t U m 8 , u n ., 1 l i n ( , r r t by The Pllsrlm Pathers con-j here are currently working on l t eeived the mapnlflcent Idea, not'a general plan to guide munlI only of a universal, but of a legalities in revampmj their; 8,.n Ui U.I free education for the whole respective programs to take unA R ll At people , . Two divine UUasJto account practical shelter ar Hollywood is Hie ,. ; filled their great hearts - their; rangenifnts -even while conthe world duty to Ood and to posterity, ceding there will have to be For the one, th-y built the specific variations of it for each beautiful frames in , church: for' the'other, they area concerned. j ..-n, opened the school . .:" > ! Meanwhile, they expect to! NonLet all who love awl pay for earmark a sizeable chuni of] . _ " - Ihp public school system con<«he Civil Defense biidjtet for; r»MtMw itlnup to work to make I! n olace fiscal 1961 for provision of pub- Matt Amor;m<; ,,. to whlrh the general public will lie shelters in new federal.Mweajed in thr i-: be encournsed to send their buildings planned for early,«P<i« proabirs children for a secular education construction and In KIW «ucni<»rklnf! and elc, i second to none. j buildings constructed within1 —™ Fwnv, P.:,-; Very truly yours, 'lie past two or three years. T I WARREN L, WELLER Such ft move would, of cotin* •Quotation from Mann is fo-nd .cqulrc Congressional approval. .._ tin o«"7e 305 of Emily Davles' >ut even ln the plnnnln? stages1 J \ , " Profile-of America.) Indicates which way the C D ' S . „ wind Is bluwini?. .,, A practicing scientists has some advice for elementary school teachers. In the True Spirit of Christmas He is Dr. A. R. Hibbs, Director of the As this Is being written, donations Division of Space Sciences at the Jet to The Independent-Leader Christmas Propulson Laboratories of the CaliFund^are but a little over the half-way fornia Institute of Technology. mark. Even the generous, annual con- - Dft Hibbs states that the four items tribution of $500 from a Perth Amboy necessary In the elementary school friend leaves us a long way to go to- education, if a student is eventually raise the $4,000 needed to assist over to develop into an effective member of 100 needy Township families, some of a technological society, are reading, them with as many as nine or ten writing, mathematics and a scholarly attitude. What the student is taught children in the family. about science is unimportant. What If the goal is not reached, it will mean that Christmas will be cheerless matters is that teachers inspire in in several homes—perhaps in a home their students enthusiasm for intellecof one of your neighbors. Santa Claus tual exploration and learning. 57 Cypress Drive - l l l e Tr:bune- C u By I Joseph Grlbbiis Colonla N. J. T"6 c n t n * e u P a r t v C 0 I »Ntw \\' will just have to eliminate some of his Beading is important to a future December 8, 1861 - n a n d coming up a* the result. If a United Si.,'.: scientist, because to the extent that of House Speaker Earn Raycalls—and who can face a child who TRENTON — Governor-elect cratic candidate for Congress.vatlon and Economic Develop- Editor . „. jburn's death may not be the „ feels Kris Kringle has forgotten him? reading is done quickly, easily, and Richard J. Hughes is about n « t November, may be reap-lmeiiL. c;.i:f of Staff, State De-,The IndcpendnU-Lead-nly squabble marking the start'. .? — t:) ( pointed until he announces hls'partrnent of Defense Statt^O Green Street to callo a c s n w u t Each year the Fund sends fruit bas- with understanding, then to that ex- ready to announce his two most candidacy !of the second session of the f, " f -' next spring. Under Highway Commissioner. State Wond*rirt?e, N. J. ll)nc c a a n advOr!ls Important appointments to his 37th Congress. " kets to lonely folks who are ward pa- tent will the individual quickly, easily, cabinet in preparation for his 1961 law, Middlesex County Commissioner of Health, State ""<"" Sir: n vl w»s been designated asS the Commissioner of ° has'been"de the fiffif-lc.mmlssioner of Labor Ubor and and InI n 1- . II". vHv of your very n V , - 1 , 0 ^ p u p b J ^ s t o °- g ^ . ^ C h W a S 1 ' tients in area hospitals. These, too, and with understanding assimilate inaugural on January 16. Signated"a teenth congressional district of!dustry; State Treasurer, and leading bold type headline in Under the provisions of the will have to be curtailed if funds are scientific information which he needs State our Clever At Lfast issue of December 7. accessor to tile late Sen; Constitution, a new Gov-New Jersey and Patten Intends1 President ot the State Board of'>' not available, It's hard enough to be to develop. ernor must first appoint an to run for the congressional Public Utility Commissioners. !statin* "Mvndy L»9("ership styles Bridges of New Hamp-! Architects cover tli. sick and friendless, but we haye found Writing, according to Dr. Hibbs, Is Attorney General and a Secreipp.mtvcnu. n , » «.«.,-HIM Gnins. etc.", I frel morally oh-'s" 1 " as Republican Policy u k e 5 w l t h i v y AacU). tary of State upon taking ofthe fruit baskets perk up these pa- also essential, because the effective- fice. Other cabinet posts may of Attorney;at New Jersey's nenal institu-'[«« tc J *« ^ the I ot A Taceful1 t h i t i o n tients who feel exceptionally alone at ness of a scientist is limited too often be filled later after he is safe- are the only two top posts proportion*. Woodbrid'se will r,^-examinp the *'ould be likely if Sen. facts and question the validity iSaltonstall (R-Mass) is wlUlng — Christmas time. by his inability to communicate his ly seated in the Qovernor's'which must be filled uDon a' chair. Qovernorswhlch must be Itliea upon a, T h e Wew J m c > Supreme of „,, R , a , " t !to accept the Job, since he Will fmtr" The Independent-Leader pays for all ideas and discoveries to his colleagues. For Attorney General the new i ^ e ™ j i _ t ^ « . « » 1 ? j - i 0 o u r t took official cognizance; „ „ ,' J,. , . ' . _ , „ /would br Hcce.ptable to both One man to will ano:i.' expenses so that every penny donated Elementary students must be taught choice will probably be Arthur of Education, extends to July [ | • -v-uv,.—^JI.. i.,, .u» „—1_ wholeheartedly by 3f cers of Metuchen, a memTi • S. He is frid to be reluctant to give up goes directly to assist the needy. the pleasure and ease of mathematical J. Sills,the law firm of former akc on that Tiie population of Annandale T,he $4,000 we ask. of the people of manipulation, rather than having Attorney General David T. WiInstitutions andiReformatory nas reached 735;honestly-, stafr that he has the municipality we- ask as an offer- them leave the elementary school with lente, Perth Ariiboy, who ls now •Agencies =*w selected by their which represents 40 per cent'achieree- a "moral victor}'" the Democratic leader of of thanks for the blessings which a fear of mathematics. ''over-crowding while the Re-,when tlwse sam4 people turned dlesex County. SUls Is a close respective boards. are theirs. We ask it in behalf of fel- In discussing the importance of personal friend of the new All other cabinet posts ire formatory at Bordeiuo'An isiovrrwhrlrrin"!:: asninst him by 129 Years of Service for grabs when the newjhousiiig 83S iumates which ru-voting in tbe poslMve for the low Township residents who by a quirk an elementary student developing a Governor and recently accom- up Hughes on a post-elec- Governor takes office. They In-] fleets 33 per cent above normal rcfer-idum he »o vigorously o^to our Customers of fate—illness, desertion, old a g e - scholarly attitude, the Science Direc- panied clude State Commissioner ol | population. pof°d? Couldn't we more hontion Carlbbeah cruise. Reformator> p s ' l v pxnl ' )l " n>° "»"" ,vot'"s need their assistance. a tor pointed out that this included curi- Secretary of State Edward J. Banking Si Insurance, Presi-] A ll Annandale f r o m th n h p r d i s t r i c t s of Perth Amboy. who dent of Civil Service Commis.-'liti n a s Deen n « ; ^ a r to con" ' We ask it In the name of the true osity, the courage of one's conviction: Patten, of same ibec"as" t n e is""expected to be the 'Demo-'sion, ComaiUsiooer of Conser-; verL U o w ; i l | s 0{ „„ f the spirit of Christmas. We ask it in the to stand against a host of criticism building into dJUble-decked wln n o t b" rt>cl P'" llts oof iormuoi-les and at Bordeniown benefits of this referendum, but 1 name of faith, hope and charity. Intellectual competitiveness, and the .irge numuLrs of inmates are ""'er-theJess must s i i n r e th» 183.' Will you respond? Know Your Representatives attitude of doubt (for the scientific .oused in the cjrrWon oi tne f i n i i n c l B l burdf>n? T h l s s e p m s ' ,-injj by far. the most logical exnlan; scholar). ation for t'v slim margin of apTht oe«t citapn is an active citizen one «no is »ien Sapreu • Court pointed proval, aand n d {I sseriously 3rlo question During recent years, we have gone and goes to the source to secure the oesi oossiDle in- jutTnethai Renting Status while mow severe t h , rfe , of M r v's pres1 formation The best representative is one who cooperates RfMd-nl Parlnrr through a period of history when the jver^rowdins u found ui tne Unfortunately, many of us try to apse in view of the fact that his with hi.< constituents and is ready and eager to reeelv< .wo nia,e American public has demanded of its former backers not only withpear to be something other than what MtMBbR NtW YORK AND theii views aK jj the other 'drew their support, but fought AMERICAN STOCR Herewith are the names of your representatives Keep il*» teeing Uie prepare o l •we are. We fail to realize that status, in schools more emphasis on science. a g a j I . , t h i m CQ ( m . p n t l y . llie btaw; !„„„»„ m(1 bewildered to any field of endeavor must be earned. There has also been pressure in the in touch with them 'i-iaon U erth Ambay Natloaal Bank ; that you would have Many people attempt to impress field of education during recent times I). S. Congress ess challenging had it Al (hf 5 Cornrri Ml *••!*•» .,100; t h , State Home lor Boy. others with the fact that their family for greater emphasis ' on foreign SENATE presented as per Mr. a? popul 10n 11 Jt VKARS IN KfcRTH languages, even in the elementary 8enator Harrison A Williams Jr <Q> SenaU Office " \ " Mund>- in "separate questions , Income is much higher than it is. uftft , jt B OO in quurMn designed loi w n ? n U i e ^mU,s 5 t u l M Building. Washington. D C Home— Westfleld schools. Quite frankly, we ate happy' There are many examples of this. >00. and tne Reiormaiu;y lot .continued on Page 18) Senatoi Clifford P Case 'R1 Senaw Office Building at Clinton i.s liouiin,, Some years back, it was fashionable to learn that some one else believes' Washington 25 D C Home—345 Elm Avenue Rahway /14, winlc its normal capacity among many people who did not even that the emphasis in the elementary, HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES • j 169. have adequate plumbing facilities and schools should be on the three R's —' Representative Petei Prelinghuysep JT >R' fifth "on Tue court recuaunendwd lun pessionai District House offi« Building. Wasmng JX Oi prooaiion 10 iivoid mu electrical power to buy big new cars. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. too 25. D. C Home—Morrlstown ..emendouti COM of • uuilaum They were trying to buy status. nd mainialning HCA pLnal mState Legislature In many big cities, such as New High School English STATE 8ENATO& :— With 105 onkt> York, it is no longer necessary to buy According to Dr Albert R. KitzhaJohn A Lynch New Brunwlc* 4 the 37tt-mile inierstate road status—you can rent it. If you want ber, Dartmouth College Research Pro.onstructioi. yio 0 raiu uU'eady MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY op«n to ui»[uc, New Jersey b to impress someone, you can rent a fessor, the nation's high school English Norman Tanzman Woodbndge ls ahead oi J Edward Crable) Mill town $27 thousand automobile with chauf- program has become more of a reINftREST Joseph Doren Dunrtlen Prepare now to be financially feuer for about $9 an hour. The ,wife ceptacle than a curriculum. He com-; K, ti. Falmer reporu> Paid On nat Mil Jera-y approacheu ready for next Christmas can rent a $5 thousand chinchilla plains that among the studies dumped Board ot Cbosei Freeifllders uie probiem iruai u realis thru our 1962 Christmas stole, or even a full length cjmt for into the program are literature, rheto- Karl; E Mewger President Rutgers University Ne" jtaiiupoiiit by tht Club now forming. Brunswick .oughest parw fUsl, nu>^ad ui $35 to $40 a day. You tan everi rent a ric, grammar, career advice, telephone George L Burton. Jr.. 19 &gate Road. Uawrence Brook xtimg to build mile* ui nighswanky business address, which would technique, group dynamics, choral With the added Village New Brunswick i A'ays wnere tne need u. no t imperative ln UK eany sut|je« pi good cheer of include an elegant office, secretary, reading, placement tests, business cor- BdyttM 8 McAndrewt New Bmnswick^ .n« program. In many utact* Joaepb R Costa 123 Hlllcrest Avenue Edison ready holiday telephone listing and mailing address respondence, and propaganda analysis the State focused on coiwtrucThomu ft Lee. 140 Front Street South PlainfHd money it pays to — and Just for the day! .oa ul AX. eigut ana iveu i Oeorge OUowskl 841 Kennedy Street Perth Amboj Dr. Kitzhaber says that the high BEOIXAK uine highways in heavily popu«ay a year ahead William J Warren S7S Main Street Fords BANKING HOI Itschool English program is further; .ated areas. . . . every year. Woodbrldge Township Committee hampered by a Jack of continuity inj Trade Balance Dips Monday Thru All of the major rouu» u There's a plan j u w i a r m *ui OK tmuintwd MA^YOR—Predertcl M Adams Colonia The drain on U. S. gold^and |ft| dgl- study, the absence of a £ore of good! jy 1965-66, Palmer rei>om to fit your purse. FIRST WARJJ—Charles Molnar Woodbndw M lar, has speeded up again in the third library works to be read, and repeti* t A. M. to 1 .veil ahead of the 1072 t'edtra Maynard Winston Woodbrldge Jovenunent's deadline for. coinquarter of the year, after what had tion of the same old writing topics year You may open your ChrUtSECOND WARD—Joseph Nemyo, Hopelawn Friday pietiou of the enure system mai Club and duke weekly Leon Blanchard. Pordi hopefully appeared to be an easing of after year. I A. M. to 6 r M ile states the remainmii mile payment! at both our THIRD WARD—Rooert Jacks Avenel a serious situation. age will not pre&ent any piuuWhjk admitting that some progress Woodbrldge offlcr and our John Hughes Woodbndge leai, either in terms of time or Uelln Branch Office. Figures for the third quarter, just ls being made, the Professor believes; FOURTH WARp—Thomas J CoateUo l6eUn the tremendous costs involved David Nicola. Iielln In, show that the Inbalance is running that the following steps should also be ,in construction of urban super rUTTH WARD—John Evanko Colonla j Highways. fit an annual rate of three billion dol- taken: recognition by school adminiDavid T Miller Colonla. fEACEMAKEB: — Governor lars. This is not quite as high as was strators that only qualified persons elect Richard J. Hughes uluu Boroigb of Carteret the rate during the last years of the ibpuld teach Englkh,- reduction of to becoms a peacemaker be aUyOR^Ittphti) 8kU>» tveen N»* J«§#j and New Eisenhower Administration but it is teaching loads (so that teachers, can President of Borouih Council—Walter Sullivan York even before ne a&sume disturbing. assign more writing and correct It COUNCILMiilN the office of Governor ln Jttnu Thomu Deverin Walur auuivan arr. The fact ls that actual trade leaves carefully), assumption of a more reJohn Rutntck John D^urilla For several years, peaceful the dollar in a strong position, As far sponsible attitude by college English Alexander Such Adam Symborikl rftlationi between the two states teachers toward the problem of lower as the value of exports and imports have been stained alonu many TiwnbH if U\m goes, the Unitsd States sells more thaA schools (including a willingneu to fronti. U » t year when th MATOR-Anthow U YeltDoalci Port of New York Authority MAW OFFICE it buys. The trouble comes because of work with high school colleagues as PreHdent ot Council-Nell A. UcDonald ornci lUggettfd that New Jersey Cor. Moort Avc. and Berry St. (>ur large aid programs — which send •quals), and maintenance of standCODMCTUOtN UtllUe a ilx square mile area H i t Oak tnt UU WOODMUDQE, N. j . wmum r. Aihtoo rnwk J. rum of prime ruidential land in some four or tlu billions of dollar* out .ardifil good EnfMi byteacher*of all IBEUN, N. J. tmm i DW7« or. wmiajn Tott> Morrli County tor a huge air subjects to establish an excellence of • Into the foraign market every year. Member: Peiwal Btmn* l r t t « i a M ft««al D*»«it I U W M M Corporation pert to relieve Idlewlld Airpon wuuan N Itonoiu Waltw H. Wood " (Continued on Paft II) Our exports surplus is not large. performance. Under the Capitol Dome L. WATSON & CO. MONROE A. WMAM Stay a Year Ahead RAVINGS ACCOUNTS Woodbridge National Bank PAGE FtFTEBW THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1961 )ol,lh Units Miller Elected Holy Name HeaJ New Slate Is Elected By Auxiliary Mrs. Paul Ablonczy New I load of Hospital Branch COIONIA - New offlceri were elected at a meeting ot ,81. John Vlanney Holy Nam* Society Monday night. They !nre: Dnvtd Miller, president; ,Fred Nowosad, first vice preslIdent: OeorRf White, second (vice president: Vlto S a p i e n s jrecordliiK secretary: Stanley iSMlmnch, corresponding seeiretary; James McNtChol, vmp isuier; and William Kllgallon, imcrnhal. COU)NIA - Mrs. Paul At a meeting at the home of ;Ahlnnozy. newly elected prcai- Mrs. Zirpolo a large group atidi'iit, was in charge of the De- ;ended to fill and wrap tollMrs. Martin A\ cember meeting of the Colonla Jtrles kits to be distributed to COI.ONIA—The l*d(es Auxc y chairman, branch of the Perth Amboy ward patients the day- before iliary of the First Aid Squad of , ||, P Youth Oroups uewrai Hospital Guild. Mrs. Christmas and to cardiac paColonla. District 12 held I ,,,,,1 n f Temple Beth blonczy Is successor to Mrsrents during the month. chrstmfts party and election o: ,, i,,n of activity. Zirpolo who WAS presl- The next meeting will be In officer!; Monday night. Hostess ,,l ;,,id sixth groups lent of the volunteer group for the form of a membership tea es wore 1961 officers including .,,. tickets for the w<> years. Mrs, Zirpolo will re- In February. Members will reMrs. Cornelius Oberdlck, pres"The Crying plliy, main on the executive board ceive Invitations when the date ident; Mrs Anthony Baslle, vice ll() the Golden Ooose" Is set. president: Mrs.GDuB DiBella, program chairman. | Retiring officers are: Thorn- 1 . ,.ntrd Sunday, 1:30 treasurer; Mrs. Rudolf Orewe Mrs. Peter Siderls, nominatias McCann, president; KUger* I.1IP Temple. The TAKINO COURSE: Airman secretary. ;Helser, first vice president: AnfSY uroup will par- Basic Prtrr Wplchhan, ,on of ing committee chairman, preNcwiv elected officers are 'drew Horvath. second vice prtt- > ,v serving refresh- Mr. and Mrs, Rolf Welch- sented a slate of officers which was approved as follows: Mrs xs. Orewe, president; Mrs jldent; Charles RuSclano, treahan, 30 Broadway Avenue, Le3 Chlodlni, first vice presl Alex Boli, vice president; Mr surer; O e o r » e Evans, eorreand crafts and Colnnla, Is feint iMiined to KISS MARTANN HOFFMAN Baslle, secretary; Mrs, DiBella arts Isponding secretary; Q e o r g e future activities are the United States Air Force dent; Mrs. Charles Baksa 1 BETROTHED: Announce- treasurer: Mrs. Belt, chaplain second vice president; Mrs. , j Schwab, recording secretary, ' (.nch meeting and technical training course for ment has been made n( theMrs. Oberdlck, liaison officer ind James Brennan. marshal. Charles Parks, treasurer; Mrs. HONORED BY SAFETY GROUP: A. Oeorje <Tex) Perry nested In Joining aircraft maintenance specialencatement of MlfS Maryann Mrs. Melvln Lane and Mrs. Ed A report was made on the Daniel Plcaro, corresponding Was presented with i plaque for his work In the safety rt Mrs. Hanen Isaac Is at Sheppard AFB, Texas. Loralne Hoffman, dau«hter ward Wolfe, trustees; Mrs. Cal secretory; and Mrs. Edward Held at the first Christmas party held by the Iselln Safety recent spaghetti dinner With Airman Weichhan, who has Welnsteln, ,,,,,-ny ,ny W e n of Mrs, Florlan Hefftnin, vln Donnelly, publicity; Mrs Nadler, recording secretary, Club at Fireside Building Sunday. With Mr. Perry, left. 600 In attendance. A report wai ,kah show was held completed bis basic military also given on the recent musiCommittee chairmen report-, ISELIN — Members of St559 West Side Avenue, Perth Nicholas Krletz and Mrs. Be Is Harold II. Burns, safety organizer of the club. tralrilni at Uckrand AIB, .,i n y and a kitchen cal review given by Robert ed on the activities of the past Cecelia's Holy Name Society Amboy, and the late Mr. sold cross; Mrs. Baslle and Mr Tmii, was selected for the I s charged as adHoffman, to Rojw H. Thaiss, Wolfe, alternates, Wllms. The a f f a i r « « very well year. Just slightly less thanl CLUB AIDS LIBRARY paid tribute to the men who \irfi. Murray Heller. advanced tralnlnx on the 1,100 hours were devoted to sened at presidents since the ton of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Named as chairmen weje Mrs. COLONIA — Announcement accepted and by popular debasis of hlg Interests and president, an Thaiss. 35 Archanrel* Ave- Lane, trip club; Mrs. Oberdick, x\cr [Various hospital volunteer work parish was organized, has been made the Federated mand a repeat performance ,„,, ,how, "Calendar aptitudes. nue, Colonla. and $638,36 was raised for hosproperties; and Mrs. Krletz, Woman's Club Of Colonla has will be held at the Woodbrldge was directed by The airman Is a graduate pital equipment. Next year the Among those present to re- Miss Hoffman attended the membership. M,h chosen as one of its major proj- High School, February 10,1982. ,,, fnl d Brody. 8aul of Middlesex County Voca- group plans to make bibs and ceive the society's recognition Barbixon School for ModelMany future plans were dlsects this year "trie raising of Charles Parks announced the and thanks were Leo Parley, tional and Technical High ,,,!)(ieKatlonal hospital gownB for adults and Ing, New York, and Is pres- Icussed. Mrs. Oberdlck is arfunds for the Colonla Public annual communion breakfast Qeorge Emery, Francis C. Fo8ehool, Perth Amboy. , i he narration which I children. ently attending school for ranging for a card tmrty at the ISEUN—Children who were Library. The club recently held will be held at The Pines, Meley, Robert Deerln and William .,,rrrt by Mrs. Jack lucky winners of silver dollars a raffle for the benefit of thetuchen, after the 1:45 A. M. 3ihler. TJiose who also held beauty culture In Wood- First Aid building late In FebruNt, K Franclne Bergbrldge, Her fiance jraduated ary. The installation dinner of In a grabbag at the chrlstmaBj... r a r y 'Mass, January 28, 1962. the top office but were unable ' piiinist, Mrs. Charle party of the Iselln Safety Club"" to attend were Patrick A. Boy- from Middlesex County Vo- the squad and auxiliary is also . doreographer, Mrs were Gary Ballschneider, HarIan, William E. O'Neill, Ray- cational and Technical Hleh scheduled fot February. Mrs. .,|'.,i\rd handled the [old Burns, Jr., and VIcKe mond Caffery, Kenneth Beck- School, Perth Amboy. He IsLane reported the group will go R ,,„! Mrs. W«lnit«ln a graduate of the V. S. N.I to New York City during March. Burns. er and Robert Peterson. „ ,,.,,ii the scenes. The auxiliary is Interested In I Dance winners doing t h e | Radar School, Norfolk, VirEach man received a small ... »f the cast were Increasing membership and gift as a token of the members' ginia, and Is a non-commis- Mrs. Krlete announced prospec- "twist" included Mark Brachen 8 ,!•. Charles Bobkler. COLONIA — Mrs. John Ya- mental In organizing a Library Harold Burns, Jr., Michelle & sioned officer aboard the appreciation. tive members are Invited to at-t i, n,- r. Saul Straus, tublk, 65 Stratford Drive, hasStudy Group within the CoThe occasion was the regular U.S.S. Valley Forge, long tend two meetings as guests and Caravella, Pattie Burns, Andrla « .,: .-lit. Monroe Berger, Seen appointed to the Com- lonla Branch of the American jRfcepinskl, and Qarr^erry. jjj Beach, Calif[monthly Communion Breakfast if Interested they may become A. Oaorgt (Tex) Perry, new- $ "\v,-;*b'rot. Leo Price, mittee mmee for ror National National Library Library Association of University WomWorn- matting bald on Sunday, In a Member at the third, meeting „ ; Albert Ooldmin, peek lnltew In Hew Jamy Jamy 1% l«jfltt«,«i whtoh^bi )IM serve* *s Our I*dy-of Lourde* Rail. Joly eleeted ohalrnftn ohairnftn • of the then [,,vin, Ralph Anyone wishing further Infor- Wnodbrldge Safety Council andjg p Lttser, Announcement of Mrs. Yaku- president for the p u t year and seph Shields, president, made mation concerning the organiz- member of the board 01 dlrec-'| Arnold Flatt, bile's appointment was made at a half. This study group has the presentations. , man. ation Is urged to contact Mrs. i tors of the Iselln Safety Club 8 man. Arthur Ber-an organization meeting erf the.prepared a list of 125 basic ref- Guest speaker was Rev. An Krelte, PU 1-9105. i .Steven Qlisser. committee at Princeton earlier! erence books and plans are nowjgelus NeUer, O.F.M., Conv (was presented with a plaque £ .•»(« were served by this week. for his "outstanding service in R | In progress to survey the vari- member of the faculty of Tren .shwnberg, hospt- Mrs. Yakubtk has served M O U S libraries In Woodbrldge ton Catholic Boy's High School ISELIN - The Board mem- faffa I f o r o Engaged safety to his community". Har-iJ( ninii, find her coin T o h l bers of Sisterhood Congrega_ n .,D • old H. Burns, safety organizer ;s nearly * see how h l who spoke on "Life of St. a member of the Board of Township to tlon tion Beth Beth Bholom Sholom met met Monday Monday I O Uavi(l "Ptry, Jr. of the club, made the presen- X Trustees of the Colonla Public they come to providing these Francis of Aslssl." R essential research volumes. Bert Murray, chairman Vof. evening, with Mrs. H. B. Din- COLONIA—The engagement tation. ItOCMtill VV1UU1CS. XJC1 t WUilJft/, bll(MlUU»ll Library for the past two years |V«fblttMl r gott, Grand Avenue, with Mrs.0 { Miss Cella M. Moro to David The children Several fund raising projects the Decent Literature commitand recently completed a fiveDavid Weissman presiding. E . Perry, Jr., son of Mr. andsafety cartoons, were shown; tee reported that with the exare planned by the Colonla week seminar tor New Jersey Mr. and Mm. Hy Gllckman Mrs. David Perry, 60 Mldwood were served, andrefreshments dancing en-; Library Trustees at the New-Branch to support this project. |ceptlon of one local merchant, Invited Sisterhood to attend Way, has been announced by iJoyed. the storekeepers' are cooperatServing as co-chairmen of !« ark Public Library. The semithe Bar Mitzvah of their son, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jose ing with his group to rid the Victoria Burns, president, an-jg Our Low Prices Cut Even Deeper During This nar, was sponsored by the Li-the Library Study Group are Moro, 49 Mornlngslde Road. fnounced the next meeting ofjS \:A A meeting of th brary Trustees Association ofMrs. George Marks, Colonla magazine stands of Indecent Stephen, January 13. Discount Sale! Check and Compare^— Mrs. Laurence Steinberg, Miss Moro graduated from and Mrs. Harry F. Burke, [and ana Immoral unmoral books OOOKB and ana magainuga- M r s . uuueuce uw-muoiB, wuao B » » S " " " 1 ^ . •"•"" the group will be January 23,i" : vAay lodge of B'nal •New Jersey and the Public and Yakubl ! 1962, 10 A.M. at the Chamberj .: be held tonight ml lines. He suggested members fund raising chairman, was un- w^dbridge High School and ••..' Rahway Temple iDlvlslon of the New Jersey! look for the shield displayed by able to "attend due to illness^ att .nded Rutgers University Hall, Fireside Building. Cherie Barby, secretary, announced "We are Indeed fortunate in cooperating merchants. ' and best wishes were sent for College. She Is employed by .-•rect. Rahway. Jules I State Library. ina very specuj speedy rrecovery. 8he 10 is uuiuiauu Johnson ouu and ./wmi*™*,, Johnson, New nor. Shields oiilPiaA paid paiu tribute bruiuw; ui g very e w r c u . owe *.*... there will be no further dueslj* will conduct the 'having as co-chairmen and Mr. memory of Joseph Zllczewski a patient at Perth Amboy Gen- Brunswick, as a secretary to collected this year. •:,<-nmt the director of sales service, women who have had academic who died last week after a heart eral Hospital. • i ill bo given by eom- National Library Week attack. Mrs, Ira Welser, handbag Her fiance, a graduate of the i:men as follows: • cWalrman stated she still has same high school, is serving in ],mmerman, treuurs o m e evenlng bftgsttvall ab ei h s avy tatl0 at ,::.nd Haftel, fund! Rugged, Mah Jong tournament chair- Lakehurst Navai Air Station. i:.<l bowling touroa- the shortage of properly trained! School and Mrs. Burke _ „ All-Steel He attended the Naval Avia- ISELIN — Total membershipjS man, Mrs. Seymour Klepner, : vrt Kaye, antl-defa- personnel It is also stressing brarlan at Iselln Junior High Frame tion Electronics School in In the St. Cecelia's Free Catho" advised play is in M l swing -iiTi.-iel Sagan. mem- the need for "academic" li- School. Others In the study Construction Jacksonville, Fla., and has i lie Library reached 4,067 with and will end after IS weeks, iii.ii Morris Pecker- braries which can provide the group are: Mrs. Richard RoseFoolproof Steering served 14 months overseas. the addition of 80 new mem.with a dinner and show. Mah man, Colonla, who Is a former ISELTN — The monthlyl bers during November, Rev. necessary research facilities for [jong rules for next year will be short | the nation's mushrooming atu- librarian and research editor meeting of the Iselln First Aid ,.-ram, CYO SESSION Robert E. Mayer, parish assistfor Encyclopedia Americana, Squad was held Sunday at sold at the next meeting. experiences m jdent population. ISELIN — A general CYO ant and library moderator, anMrs. Peter Kravint, Kravita, dress club CIUQI — — = Mrs. John Casteras, also of Cobe Irving Jacobsquad headquarters, Lincoln nounced today. "Pioneer Flyer" tonla. Mrs. Bruce N. Reed, Ave- Highway. Captain Edward Bar chairman, announced the club meeting for all the members Detroit In commenting on her apnit for the — will be held tonight at 7. inCirculat Circulation records show an is in its tenth week. Three e pointment. Mn. Yakubik said ' nel, nel, Mrs. R A. Pad and Mrs. Irett announced 51 calls were J.ike Wood, MMld drawings will be held the next Our Lady of Lourdes Hall. Re- increase over October. Of the THIS IS IT!! .ports, refreshments and plans •(: the Detroit Tilers; she was gratified to have tht John McLellan, Iselin and Miss made in November, 683 miles 4.394 books available, 2,517 meeting. Mrs. H. A. Selig, opportunity to serve on the The lift every boy wants! Dorothy Garls, Woodbridge. ;•!.: Williams, ; National covered and 121 man hours cookie chairman, announced I are to be discussed. All CYO , were borrowed andd 2,347 Set has locomotive reefer used. John Bobak was selected that two pound cookie canls- members are urged to attend n-.pire. A film hlgh- committee in this particular were returned. During NovemI year because of IU Interest In car, gondola, caboose, transso they can be*advised of the chairman of the annual fund •. :!:i events of Uw 19M 19110',*™ ""-•"•* « •» •<>«'"> —; ber, 140 books were added to Iters are still available. former, etc. schedule of events. There will drive for the coming year. will be shown andi llbrw y research facilities. With f o u r New Iff ember $ the shelves. Mrs. Belle Klein, Oneg1 will answer quet- several yean of teaching ex Election of officers for 1962Shabbot chairman, notified the be no "CYO Nite" this week be- The prize-winning film, "The ipertence In Woodbridge Towncause of conflicting affairs. was held and named were ROYALE CHORD Miracle of Marcellino," will be1 l«hlp Public Schools, Including I8ELIN—The Junior Choir of [Captain, Charles Carew; as- Board that ther^ are still dates held a shown to thechildren of St. open for January and Febru1 8 nlor families moving into the area. t C Church h h sistant captain, Charles Dough ••••ikfait Sandu at HIthe ™ ""«""'"« * Klgh.the First Presbyterian ;t k r 1 1 1 8und*y Cecelia's Grammar School durii'iai-Jacob AtenS m i 8 c h o 0 1 ' M r > - Y » k u b l k »«W|of Iselln has welcomed four new [erty; first lieutenant, Pau ary. Anyone wishing to cele- The UNICEF Drive In con- ing school hours today and toMusic Book Ittchided •i with the Ttmolti1*1* *» w e l 1 • * * " ° ' h o w dUH'imembers, Jane Musstlmen, Kvalkauskas; second lieutenant brate an anniversary or birth- junction with the First Pres- morrow. Public school children '-•:••> Philip L u »1 the c u t t it Is U> prepare senior Barbara Mlsodoulakls, SuzanneHarry Van Buskirk; president, day is asked to contact her. byterian Church was very suc- (attending religious Instructions Mrs. Bernard Llllien, sabbath cessful. Mrs. Louis Lewis, chair, Aa Advertlied Daniel Cole; vice president, New Jersey Councll' hl * n • c n o ° l s t u d e n t * t o r col -|Ellis and Dorothy Miller. will' be. able to see it Saturday On TV! B'rith was guest >**' f""1' w o r k w n t n t h ' yd O i T n e members have been prac Frank Rosol; corresponding luncheon chairman, advised the man expressed the appreciation morning. Adults and preBoard that the children are ento parents for their cooperation [not jnot have proper research resmen ticing and will Join with witn the ine secretary, Gary Kraft; recordschoolers are invited to attend joying the lunches. In order to and the children "for the wonResonant chords at the touch of i infer ivolumes available to them In1 gentorChoir Sunday at both ing secretary, William White; the tomor2 full chromatic ocUvet. E u j to ltsrn child's birthday ' j^errul job the CYO C O presentation p job they did." did. ••;i!i* for home re-!thelr public libraries treasurer, Donald Eberhardt; celebrate a c d ill b sponsoring a Sabbath luncheon xjjg n e x t meeting of Sister- row, 7 P. M. Proceeds will be S years, Larry PearI Because of her Interest In' Plans have been completed [trustee trustee - a years, miry r e m - -•• . . . . ihood will be December 18, atused to purchase new books for this particular phase of library 'or the Christmas party Saturson: trustee - 2 years. Edward members are asked to make: ar[the Temple. the library. service. «he h « been instru-day Barrett; sergeant-at-arms, j.rangements with Mrs. Lilllen y, liHlbbell; chaplain, Ray West orms. Sylvia Mrs. Milton MAM Attaches to waU or and historian, John Barby. brarian, advises than many itands on counter. books of Jewish interest are YULE PARTY Optni any size or shape ISELIN — A combined available for adults as well as un. Bottle opener inrKU CITY AND SIBl'RBAN D1UVBRY Christmas party and pack children. Books may be kept cluded. out as long as needed. meeting will be held tonight AN ESTIMATE ANYWHEKE Mrs. S. A. Jacobs, good cheer for Cub Pack 48 at School IS, Pershlng Avenue at 7:30. As chairman, requested names of usual the families of the Cubs persons who are on the sick list • Bulldlui Materials • Doors * Windows Mrs. Arthur Frelrman, memOnly o pttfttt diamond are asked to attend, and anj • Mlllwort • WaUboard can r»«Mt full beauty exchange of 50c gifts will be bership chairman, requested • Kootini ^ k •Nwrin* held as part of the festivities. 'members to advise her of new and brilllancf . . . Holy Name Fetes Past Presidents Children's Yule Party Success Mrs. Yakubik Appointed To Library Week Group ; , • ; , • : • / DISCOUNTS LIGGETTS Program Readied By Sisterhood . DRUG STORE Highway 2 7 , Colonia Imports Readied I1, li'nai B'rith PHONE FU 1-8455 ZJu^^^ZlT^ "-• BEST SAVINGS ANYWHERE! ' N P W Slfltp N a m w l - - - ^ ? • - - -" * --.- FIRE TRUCK or Ride 'emJEEP Library Membership j! Rises in November 3" By Iselin Squad AMERICAN FLYER Freight Train Set 993 Join Junior Choir ORGAN only ONE There is only one ELECTRIC CAN OPENER "1.99 |The gift to remember I] WOODBRIDGE LUMBER C O . 365 days a Quality Keeps Is in Business... THREE SPEED UNIVERSAL MIXER W LCOME w \<;ON • Mouldln, I • Hardware • Paint i ^ £ DOING IT YOURSELF? »•« # Knotty Pine ^ • CablneU MErcury 4-0125 ^Viuhw.VAv.., , „ D . k . . « *»«.. Woodbridge anttn (wrftttkm * The BEST GIFT of All! Is aGIFT for the HOME! and t, Ready-Mada GIFT MIRRORSl lnfurimUon on In COLONIA AVENEL ISELIN Shower Doors • Storm Windows t Jalousies OFKN DAILY t A. M. TO t P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT - CALL FU I-7S1I WAREN I'ORT READING VISIT OUR SHOWROOM . . . It's J u t H Block from Kahway Ballroad Station CALL MK 4.9340 c»wrcd) IONGMONT $SOO.OO|g Also $300 and 575 5 = Wedding Ring 150.00 MILTON GLASS CO. 8-H ROTO-BROIL ROTISSERIE Barbecues, Coasts, Broils, Toasts, Warms by Infra-Red Heat NATIONALLY ADVERTISED Ke e p_s ajke GENUINE REGtbTERED We Als« Carrj Sensational low rtplaciminl lingi diluted to thaw detail. F O R M A N ftlc« Include SW«.l T u . W e d d i n g Ring roc Every Fvrpow • Living Room • Bath Room t Door Mirrors Stop in and let us show you our fine selection of quality mirrors. . . . They make a most welcome Christmas Gift. UUERET KI'ISIDENTS Its own IITI. hi writfai, (or CUSTOM riptrltaee (*•ml will la life 1 Whip! Beat! Mil! Ejector beat ers for easy cleaning. Stands on and Knptol« guor- D I A M O N D R I N G S You Can Pay More But You Can't Buy A Finer Diamond Ring Than A Keepsake OPEN TILL 9 P. M. DAILY Beautifully Gift Packaged! Lanvin - Arpege - Coty's - Max Factor Lentheric - Tabu • Yardly - Rubenstein • Shultons - Prince Matchabelli KJngsmen and Evening in Paris Pertames, Toilet Waters and Gift Jtems!!! (Except Saturday—6 P. M.) Now Till Christmas WATCH MART Authorixed Keepsake Jeweler St. Gwrge Avenue, Rahway W. lVnniLLA tat J. rOUL, Pwprtatoti "Ewythlnf in Qbuw and Aluminum" Ctloiia Skofflig Plaza, Routs 27, Ciloila 5224 79 E. Milton ATMIHC, Rahway Tel. FU 1-M11 - FREE FAUUNQ at tlu> Plan CHRISTMAS CARDS Headquarters for WHITMAN and and GIFT WRAPS Chocolates OPEN DAILY TILL 9:30 P. M. FRIDAY TILL 10 P. M. SUNDAY TILL 2 P.M. , mmmmmmmtmmi i. i • THURSDAY, DBCKMBIft 14, 1W1 PAGE SIXTEEN TyCy<vC><><vCyCy<5y<>C><|O 1 Cln<'k.'' Also Capitol. WOOLWORTH'S i Here '$ a Present for - * i the Entire Family... i you'll love -them! i young {parakeets I Teach them to talk • Easy to linger-train Re*. 3.49 Each 1 VL SHIP linn APAAfirui T nReprise Records offer In true NEWRECORDS « »° and h | s Barcelona Caballero* r Tucbd Turkey fi^s MARTHA LOGAN-* \ S IIIC IlLtl M.UUIUJU with Adlo« MnrhMhoi and K, Fflli (The Cat) Brown «»«"<> * « « » • Both Good! Alreleased by the same commis week we will devote the - record column to 45'i. We no- P™? l s » c a t c h y "1ttle " o v ' 1 . t ' i! tk-e that, there It a wide variety,re>a»e-~Tlcl Tl-Tlci To-TIci 8 of (.elections and mention a f e w ^ " ™ Ta and 0 Mlo Papa.. 3 for your consideration. ^ M o l l l « d o e » t h e v o c a l » ty " 5 We»tauwnh.noldle,8w«t:"ngs°nthe**tw0I Otorrl. Brown by fee Chan-! "»"'• " e 1 J} k I tonei, This h M a g«d musical a t r M t s T h a t ' » A U « • « " *n<) »be»t to back up the lyrics. «->«b«. Both have a good beat S Equally good la the nip »ldeiRnd w e ^M you 11 like the* KiSiormy Weather. Capitol. ! f o r d a n c l n i f u>0jj Tommy Sands, accompanied1 5 by The Jordanalrei comes u p 0 N (H RISTMAS LEAVES « with a couple of good numbers; „ , . . . _ _ . „ ., ..... will Rive Jlmmj's Song and Wrong The Army say it many Christmas leave to Idc Of Love. Om of the four Phone Co,. Names Hone Insurance Fin Manager of Local Office To Open ()(| WOODBRIDQE ] , ropolltan Life Insuinh WOODBRIDOE - The New pany announced it mi] Jersey Bell Telephone Companew office, at 541 Ruin , ny today announced the apnue on or about IVI, , pointment of Oliver W. Hone to service Metropolis. as manager of Its Woodbrldge holders in WoodbrkUv : business office. ship, Carteret and p,,,. Mr. Home, who lives In New Rahway and Forth AIM , Market, has been an assistant The attractive brick >,'• ntaff Ruporvlfor In the general will be of Colonial am,.•,' ^commercial supervisor's office provide approximate]'. of the company in Newark. square feet of usm,;, He Joined New Jersey Bell In apace and lncorporntj. i 1957 as a customer sales repremodern construction •,,sentative In New Brunswick, siRii features Then- . land held various commercial parking facilities fnr 5(i, I department posts until his The pernonnel of ovn •, | Newark assignment In Pebru people and clerks win ,,, ary, 1981. aged by Benjamin Fui, i Mr. Hone was graduated of Colonla, who lias t)>, » Once Around The Block and 16000 draftee* ordered to re'from Metuchen High School the company 27 yen is H S The Seine—«l»o a Capitol re- Port for processing within Uie Did yi'U know that you n««l nrrir I n m n liirfcci- again? That's and attended Rutgers Univerbe assisted by MiWr^i 8 lease. first fifteen day* of December. ^ thf very finost plump, juicy frown turkeys are marketed sity before earning a bachelor's (.lerlcRl supervlnor,B ! ,| 8 The Hollyrldge Strings and Tlie Marine, Navy, and Air wTui't^ .Immstioks tucked in't-i a »IU of skin nt the base of the degree In economics from BowasKlslant managers, . Bchorus offer therrie* from two Force has not issued definite body cavity. The drumstick* cnn J* slipped quickly out and into doln College In 1957. Robert Morton of Isr'.j He I* active in Bowdoln - f f l ^ U o.n favor!,, recipe you alumni Stephen Purdy of WnJ programs, and was a ^ ^ y k t u r k * y t h t l j( r i B d y . t 0 . g t l ) f f . After th»winB th. turktr, " "" slip thr drumsticks out of the tuck. Remove; the neck whith m former member of the Me-|™ BIOHT PET-THE\ imp picked inside the body cavity iind fill the turkey loosely with ituf- tuchen First Aid Squad, the E 0 G S E U , S F 0 R $30,»»0 VENICE, Fla.-Tlir i Snt. V\*e? the drumsticks into th« tuck once more and th« bird i» Westfleld Rod and Oun Club LONDON — An Eaater egg ney family has a pet rtcdy for the oven. and the Metuchen Coin Club. auction named Posle. He was f... Did you know that you need nol bothtr nil* making ifM^litf He Is currently president ofj WM "M • ' •when prrparinir. turkey? How handy it is to buy the froxtn turkey Metuchen Junior Chamber oiirooms for 130.100. Dealer's summer while Juit »n that is n!rii>dy stuffed with a Usty old-fashioned br«ad itufTinir. Potle's defense mechu,, The froftn ntuffed turkey may pi into th« ovm without pre- Commerce and a Charter menvj 4 g r e e d ^ w l l probably the removed by operation. thawinc I* many homemaken store the bird in th* refrigerator ber of Plscataway Townshlp'^iQfjd record price for an egg Recently Posle CMH;» orerniffht b«for« routing to cut the roasting time. Complete Junior Chamber of Commerce! ^ ? g g ft , l u l e m o r e ^ , the family has been .. He is married and hat three directions for storing and roasting are. given on the wrapper of Inches from end to end, w u for It ever since. Finn children. ButUrball Swift's Premium Frozen Alre»dy-«tuffed Turkeyi. made of turned up The fntti., When buying turVey allow 14 pound» per person of reidyloWoodbrldg. bua^a. of d 1H 2p dp th already-stuffed l d t f f d flee serves telephone company"enamel,.ornamented with gold to put a collar on him 1' i stuff turkey key and d Hto 2 pounds perpperson off the turkey. This allows for generous extra servings later. Posle. They now havi ship ana Ctrteret. TUBKEY ALMOND DELIGHT It w u made for the Dowager skunk. Before ventur YWd. 1M cup* Aboot 11:M r.M. Empresa Marie Feodorovna u clou the family f-r p diced toartd taik«r y, nip maroona!** She: My father take* thlngi i n Easter season present from ang« thi* one—at * (|i" 1 hard-cooked »qg chopped 1 tablMpooa l»(|oe |ule» apart to tee why they don't the Ruwian Cur Nicholas II to be sure. '/i cup chopped [oa*t*d unfalandwd % ttoipooh prapaitd hotwroditk go. Nasser, Nehru and Tito Congolese resist mnv He/SowhatJ Combine LngTtdimU wilk lork. Isliiaq until vtU bltodcd. Urn m • pledge efforts for peace. qulry. She: So you'd better go. tilling, wlad. M app«ti*« ipraadL ,Mna*im^MM)miMiiiinmnK;i| Unusual Entertainer*—Th«y climb, they play, T h e n sturdy birds make wonderful pets, lovabl* companions. Simple to car* lor and easy to train. Health and Beauty Alrmft A M Ham m*mtml JUST ARRIVED!! 1! GUARANTEED SINGING CANARIES 4 97 It's not so hard to make a wonderful wife think you're wonderful. A little thought in gift-giving I for example, the Lady Norrlco rotary shaverl ran convince her she has a husband who is "a doll"—every day of the year. FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS IT'S 10Y SPECIALS! MARX'S MARX-A-COPTER (Reg. 5.98) 1 Regular $16.98 Value! THE KEYS TO BAGATELLE Reg. " Value i 3 .99 7 .99 BENGALI TIGER | I 7.98 Value 3 99 H 6 49 261 Madison Avenue SHARK RACER Prowling - Growling Reg, Value ' . L , » « » *~. « .relation to the capabilities ofiR v ir this treatment does not u t d v f r M r C T 5 help, it may be necessary to ap-1V* " u " *""•• •" ply a rich cream to all of the xposed areas of the body after your oil bath. This Is only for extreme cases. There are times when nothing seem* to help; then you should consult your Christm u Rer. 12.98 Value 5 S FASHIONS for CHILDREN OPEN EVERV NIGHT TILL 9 O'CLOCK. 1 SOLDIER TWINS FORT DLX, N. J. — Polk* around thia army post understand why there has been a lot of trouble Identifying John and Joseph Marcliesseault In their home town of Moosup, Conn. The 23-year-old brothers are identical twins and wear the same, kind of army uniforms, Both work In the personnel office. Soldiers pass John's desk then are stunned when seeing an identical lace behind Joseph's desk, • CADILLAC YOUR FINEST US£D CAR BUY - - 1961 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD 1961 CADOLAC COUPE DeVlLLE 4-dr. btrdMp, llniibed In a gleaming Iboni with * color keyed Interior that'i • mait«n>l«c« of genuine leather and fabric. ^11 the power leaturM Including (-war power Mat, power windows, power Tent wtndowi, crulie control, and air Mndltlonlng. If you want the f i n e s thl* U tor you. Arctic White lotcrtof with a epotle* tnurlor of genuine laather aid nylon. AU th* power taulpfoeot tncltM)lo| power wlndowi anf 4-wa.y power Mat. AbtoluW perfection both b and out. II you hare a dlacemlbf «T« J<m'U «lltlj choon thli one. ^ RINGS for MEN and WOMEN .Bridal 8«ti - Skftitt • Birth Stonr - (m A gift of Jewelry is not only warmly welcomed on Christmas morning, but Is dearly cherished for years to come. Choose your gifts now from onr great selection of beautiful Jewelry, sure to delight every person on your list! IRIDESCENT, CRY8TAL, MAHCA SITE. PEARL AND GOLD NECKLACES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Matching Necklace and Earring H-0 TRAINS & ACCESSORIES at REDUCED PRICES! OPEN EVER* NIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK! F. W. WQQLWORTH 107 Main Street Woodbridge Free Parking at Rear Entrance «*- 1 Sets • Religious Jewelry • Silverware • • Compact* • Jewel Boxes t See Our Window (or 1958 CADILLAC 62 COUPE 1960 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD A ]-door hardtop fluUhed In a Wlllvw UUt with a color k*«*d Inutioi that u >ho*room clean. All the power feature* Included. A luiury car that we ire offerlni at a bargain price. Kleetwood, the word* that mtaju tb* fln*!t in a motor car, loony blaflk with an toterkir that ahowa yovl why PlMt Ronson Zippo Lighters Baby Gifts Other Gift Ideas B2B MEN'S JEWELRY SKTS OPEN EVENINGS Available in SeU or Separate Boxu • Handsome Penonallied Belt Bui-kk • Pocket and Table LlghUn • Wallets and Key Cases From Now UNTIL CHRISTMAS SHOP US SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY Uldcit JtwtUr IIJ SMITH STKKU PERTH AMBOY 118 Main St., Woodbridge The Bank with ALL the Services • • No matter vchal your financial need, you wll find our courteous staff ready to advi$e and oiiUt you a* all times in any of these services . . . • Commercial Accounts # Loans of AH Types • ChrirJtmai dub # Traveler* Checks • , Money Orders § Trait feniccs Foreign Department • ' • Mortgage Department • Curb Teller and • Drive >Up PLUS 3% INTEREST ON SAVINGS , STARTING JANUARY 1, 1962 hw prtmlum tlrea. If you want the but tot UM leut, tbli'u tb» ow. V } I R S I BANK AND Ttuisr COMHWY Ford* *nd Perth Amboy, N«w Jersey CADILUC SALES ft SERVICE HI um Gift Boxed! A mull OMdt wUl hold jour MlMtlon Chilitmu w«* U IftUttiwi JW « • fWN» turea T i MORTON MOTORS -231 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE Hamilton Bulora Loottne WlttnaiMr Tlmex WeitfleM By • Brlitol Blue cotintttBU with a SuUhIng UtM top Inur^pT U luah mainincenc* of hand atwrt ftp s n l n USI1M done in bucket a*a>jk. All th* p o m featui»f Included to make thle beauty oulc)(efl any puiic. •r • • • t • • Anson 1961 CADILUC CONVERTIBLE Arctic white with a white VWi«c Toot which perfectly compUmtnu * • aolt and tupple black leather inUrtor. flawitMly clean, Doth lo and out. All th* power feature* to h*lp malt thla on* a liure pleasure to own and drift. WATCHES Newest Style* (or Men and Women •All Toy Items, Limit 1 to a Customer 1980 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE Famous Make KREILSHEIMER'S BUY WITH CONFIDENCE! 49 .33 Perth Anihoy VA 6-9191 TRICK SHOT GUN Reg. 3.9K Value Fairly new to the beauty doctor about your diet, tor scene U the scented bath oil. In diet deficiency often causes dry, w any number of scents, it ls a cracking skin. He will probably IR recommend a vitamin suppleblendinR of rich Imported oil* ment »in' i medicated cream, to soothe and pamper the akin There arc some cues where and give a fragrance that lasts batting is prohibited and an oil to the whole body. bath is recommended. Baby oil Bath oil was designed for is usually an excellent choice, to luxurious living, a bath prepar- be applied with sterile cotton. ation that leaves a delightful Houses that are too hot or aftermath of scent to comple- too cold will aggravate this conment the well groomed woman's f h final touch of perfume. It U a ^ ^ a type ^ a t real aid to skin care during U i e ^ n a t u r a , m o l s t u r e ( r o m n cold winter months as it helps , _ ^ a n o u t e t a n d l n g offend-1 to combat Bkln drynes*. i er in this condition. !« The oil and the scent ming-j 'S .ing with the steam of the bath QTRONO 1 are doubly effective, The p e n e - T O K E E r u ' 8 ' S T * 0 N « | tration of the oil ls much deep- President Kennedy says t h e * r because of the warmth of United States packs military the staam. If chapping still per- power »econd Vo none in the slid, y * *hottld smooth a body M lotion W f all affected areas w o " a > . t t. „ alter^ach bath. If you will take! He proposes to • keep the | the few minutes of extra time United States position by s e e k - | required lor this treatment, ^ additional money for de-;5 you will find that rough red f e n s e . t o « e t ***& { o r nuclear g hwids and arms will be a t e 8 t l n B ta t n e atmosphere and|g thing of the past for this win-i to * « P a steady eye on U. S.;« P K T H AMBOT OHM vm mmti msoan mvmm CORPORATIOH PAGE 8EVINTHBK THURSDAY, DBCiMBHR M, 1WH Tin1 (irrat H(M»ks Sj»ak to Today Duckling Can Make Fineli Dinner on Christmas Day The Cowboy Typf AH these people do not live circumscribed territories ;in California desiKncis go to 'many CHUWH of strife Rrlae bei length on thr blouse docs not meter I)tirklin t)e |,u R XP , 1 Ui l l ' ' tween them; they quarrel about front. The newest blouse.* 1n1 (,,r A holiday meal. Even 4 3 -. to 4 pound ducklin«s wn.sle Ifliid a* wertoabout InHud the torso tickler - - and; duck is the i cup berf consomme Iherltiincefi. Thus they find Ihr tall tails The elonaated' > •fluent, owaRions (m war. In iii m " Rn y. Uinlngoutln ft cup orange tnpninRS rrnch to hl)i mid thigh1, n, irtnuranlon Thanks- , disputps in relation either to level. i Jcftsnoon salt I found four or five thcii Imntinn, their fishing m v , i , V entree Choices, In- ' lo»M)oon lemon Juice and pasture for their rattle. For the woman who I ravels, I -Charles de Montesquieu diickllnp. One of otir Orjiv<e slices tlif stole Is Indispensable. A-i ,, questing the duck * a s p m n mjm vailnble In everything from mo I |«891755 'irtlr to chiffon. II pucks fl«t Fimrh polltlcnl philosopher! ia i Rn m a w Pttroiw had R i l | ) d nnd provides R handy wrap Bt a The Scythians of every age f o r it the supply was ex- w i l h l r m n n w * I it — "• have been celebrated as bold (1 M O n though on nrk 5,. nnd skillful riders, mid con allnwlnn '.10-30 inlnuti pci When you shop for clothed. stunt, practice has seated them CLASS PRESIDENT: Mr n t.Mtdei. delicious and pound. Fifteen minutes ... . .. .,. „ ., _ io firmly on horseback that Richard Napoll, of 139 Inmwi ' ,IllC, it is al«o econom (l cklinl< i s d n l l r 1 i . «™.^ " ' Win »f Hinut (it easily and feel comfortable. hey were supposed by strang- Avenue, Avrncl, has been primps L v Is not s e m d it. Blond in The very loose silhouette and MISS SILVIA ANDRKCH1CK ,T8 to perform the ordinary tt**U4 president of the C U p drippings, ,i iiortic because - • . , . home.. ... SRUW ••«'•»''- t>«n will, (nmsommc, or- the skinny skirt are both out. ' N,ANS .lANl'ARV WED- duties of civil life, to eat, toChum of 1965 at Monmouth DING Mr. and Mm. mlstakenly think It dif- m^ U l l f r ,„„ a n ( | ]rmm drink, and even to sleep, with- Collfff, WMt Lone Branch. , pn'pare. Tnls l« not j u | w Thickrn slightlv if de- l l r w p ' n o l e : ^ p a l ' ft '""cklace Andrrchtck. 1042 Kin out dismounting from their Mb-. Napoli. » I960 Woodbridre High School graduate, sired Place birds on bed of ' werod with the samp fabric as Road, Ford*, have announced [steeds, the sppronchlnn marriage of It majoring In pollttokl -Edward Oibbon '1134-11941 Y '" host bet l« the smaller orange or wild rice, serve at votir costume. The idea come aclmce, and Plan* to study '«'m Pauline TrlRere..the de- thflr daughter, MIM SUvIa i i.'klitiK- about S',4 pounds, once witli hot smice. English historian law. siicculent and tender, Instant Oranee Rice slnnef, who for spring showed S. Andrechlbk to Robert J. rst of nil. require abso- 2 ^iipp-ninnRf tuir« « -^rles of necklaces so made. Leiko. non of Mr. and Mri.I INTERFACING 8I< RET Hear the Ear Trumpet ,in carving. At serving"., cup butter AH the "beads" were chunky in Frank Usko, 527 (iarden Ave- Select Interfacing with Mrs. Songster — I sing ennur, Woodhridgf. The wedmuch care u the itarment ma<•'">'• . • im ply cut duckling In *,\ teaspoon suit ding will take place January terial Itself. It mutt be as wash- tirely .by ear. jheatl, allowing j 1 cups Instant rice o n r i c MA1^>n,,R(,F l t K M AI able as the garment itself, and Mln Swwt—I hardly thought 27, 1962. per serving. Porj Comblnp oran«e Juice with " ' . * c"llKSt such Cl elimed h a m ovei celeiy MIM Andrechlck Id « trad' suitable In weight to the t - [that one could make 1 but «uiy andbutter nnrl salt in sauce pan. ' carrot corn bread squares | frightful noises with one's mount of ftlffneM or softness try DuckuaU of Woodbrldfe High a boil, stir In uate o i Itnouth. that you want. School and Barbiion School nt MndeHnf, New York. She h presently ewplojed M a OPEN EVERY NITE 1 before preparing batter. Bake secretary at Kramer Brother! ' ,»I;CP according to direction!!, cut Into Frtliht Lines, Inc., MetuchTILL CHRISTMAS squares, split and top with en. Her fiance, a graduate of Woodbtidie High School, Is creamed ham. at present a student at the Supermarkets make big gains University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Conn. 'u Europe. ,1,,, ,„ Gifts The Perfect Gift for "AT HOME COMFORT" SERVTSOR SWEATERS as the 14 to 22 from 6.98 WATER SOFTENER HEADQUARTERS SPORT SHIRTS in Middlesex County byKAYNEE and ROB ROY |1££9CHOLIDAY SPECIAL I our largest e l e c t i o n yet " High Faihlon Colors Christmas Season Only m •if and Styles SIZES WITH THIS COUPON Six .Months Supply of Salt f| 0 to 22 from 2.98 With the Purchase of » SPORTCOATS WATER SOFTENER AT OUR OFFICES | Pure Wool and Orion blends in solid color blazers or neat Continental Plaids SIZES 6 to 12 from 13.98 13 to 22 from 16.98 SLACKS A i|Uiti«tiahUmHHnMwM1|"M"M*twl"IWfmt*'mHt"'m'"n"*tf"^l for early morning I S •I I 11 II I Pcrftctty Fitting Ciaule Soft lultrout Vidikm, full-tight h « l , durable tol* with supporting inturtu Dirk blut. Widths: Narrow, nudium «ridt. Sim 5 to 10. 4 . 9 9 Elitlic lide gor« for parftct (It. Foarn cuthioned. Soft, waihsbl*, long-wearing lopt. Durabla har^ io!t. Black, U,',e, blue. Widths; N, M, W-I-DE, Size* 5-10, 3 , 9 9 UNCItTAIN? GIFT CERTIFICATE ANY AMOUNT r KK> UP WITH YOUR li HOME TOWN NEWS 1 Open Daily 9-9 TILL CHRISTMAS Fine Tailored Woolens and { Orlons in Ivy or Continental Models SIZES 6 to 12 from 4.98 13 to 22 from 8.98 6 I F T SUGGESTIONS l! home delivery CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODA1 VESTS-From $298 • KNIT S1IIKTK . CELEbRATING SIXTH CHRISTMAS 6 to 12 from 4.98 >1ZKS IS r, our pullover and Coat Models by I arnpun and Puritan in orlon ,nd wool blends. t •1 • RAINCOATS • OUTERWEAR • PAJAMAS t (.LOVES & MUFFLERS • ACCESSORIES • OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT GIFTS TOO1! I I: I 1 i I I i t WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING CO. 18 GRESN STREET WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Q Enclosed please find $4.00 for one-year subscription to: • INDEPENDENT-LEADER D CARTERET PRESS D EDISON TOWNSHIP-FORDS BEACON To be sent to: . IIAM)I( HARGF. IOWN opr. c. • . a. PARKISI. m i Ideal Christmas Gift lor women... m Forgiftsmen...ofshaving comfort NAME ADDRESS OPEN » TO » EVEBV 1MV - - OPEN EVERY NIGHT '111 9 - .. f ore/co forecast TOI ENERGY Rotary Blade Shavers Your LOCAL Newspaper The new Norelco 'floating-head' Speedshswr America's growing industries will demand twice as mjjch energy by 1980 • 'floating-heods' hug every curve of your facel • Adjust automatically to beard density! • Rotary Blades take pinch and pull out of shaving! (AC/CCI 110-130 WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING CO. 18 GREEN STREET WOODBRIDGE, N. J. • Give the world's most comfortable shaved i .lustrul retearch hat «P»"n« d » h s l o f n e w ix.iducts that's almost rndtau. more «>n iiw way. Fw Initanw. output of *yrtttietic rM.ipi,ali- including fiben, plastics, wbber - » » t r i p M in th» p«»tton>M.ra. Ne* u * « for u w , and aluminum . . . ne* *pa(-« "Ke int-iali... all require heat for manufacturing ami processing. And h«at is «""»*• Wh.rt will it coma from? Much will w m . f-om p r M M H W r V ' l o a t t M , »oma Horn ' « « ones. Whatfvtr tha wurce, a large » h i » oi energy in Its molt •fficwnt and usabl. forms w.ll be transported yia.pipelines- i a x « Ustern's natural gas'plpallrie*. Which iU.t Please arrange to have the paper checked below delivered to my home weekly. Enclosed please find $4,00 for onje year subscription by mail delivery. \ i (Home delivery by carrjer boy is also avail, able at 10c a week.) If this service is'prlferrid call Circulation Dapt., ME 4-1111. NEW 'flip-top' Sp«Mlahavtr*. 110 volti only. (AC/DC). World'i largest t«1lw. hom tht M«ican border to the Mtanlie Seaboard, haw capacity to fuel thousands o NEW Norelco Sportsman. Operates on 2flashlightbat-, ttrMt. 'Flip-top' cltoning. • INDEPENDENT - LEADER • CARTERETvPRES3 Q-EDISON TOWNSHJIP- FORDS BEACON K M T H i L A D I f S . . . M M lady Norelco. Two-tone misty pink ond lictoriat and hMt millions of homes, our little Big Inch pipeline system, largesoHt gray, with caw. ( A C / D O . The Coquette. Prttty, pink and p»ffumed Shaped like a «pt«ck, (AC/DC). hind, delivers liquid petroleum products tram V Cull Coast retm.rjes to Midwest markets, looking to the future, Te*as E « U r n M » • Inn and divartlfcinc today _te « ' « ' t 0 " 1 0 ' ruw's cinerjji needs. TEXAS © EASTERN« - « . i • ENERGY To be sent, to: JOIN OUR 1962 MERCHANDISE CLUB NAME STOP IN AND A8K FOR DETAILS ADDRESS . nAiK.rciM.Tit'A HOUSTON, 315 MMUMTO Avemw • Avbor • «-W« THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1961 PAGE EIGHTEEN ^ ~ ^ Mercer Counted ^ ^ ^ . X X tofln.1vote tttff. A CO* ttjajand M g t ^ ^ n o t at the vote breakdown , have been as heavy as it was illusions. I miRht add this and district poInU out ftfy so that the rtrurfg negative vote jdearly that the slim manln included Civil i t t m u l d t r o . H« *««• i K S T t K l ^ K<> by thP;25; Ne , ^ was not caus«d by trie, leader- of the other areas would have qualities »• of »• Mr. Mundy. In M d feed customers into Man- boards, five were to deal with! failed to pay attention, snip IUHIHC. -•'&**** the Pr°P°S81my opinion. It Is more logical to} Neither Mr. Mundy nor any conclude that hla leadership lio l h e r ^fo o f f l c i a i i s to be to th*? Mnin • „ |7-45 p. M. did not begin until for supporting r e . crltlclMd i t e for an airport. was » »P" .m -."• - - - _ . h utation icontinued from Edit Page> ' g ; 3 0 p M nfir rPRS0!1 for New York State lias also gram. . . X f L ^ H k Attorney lone, of of course, course, wns wns Imlty to the controversial Pree-icerely believes that his stana is 7•G e n - h ( l v ( , r(imi,jneti in this area, I .«-a]tlna thisj lone, ttrved notice on New Jersey it New operator,• o l ^ ^ ^ / " eral S S Dnvid S . ' D. K F\nman m . n «warns. increase g m n O t con dernnlng nor con- "l n n e ff ort t 0to lng an effort increasetheir man Estates alte on which a l n l n e be,t Interests of the County Judges and probation d o n l n | t h |g typ< of voting, but a l t e n ( j a n 0 . Frankly, this is senior high school l» to be built. , b U f , t | g e v e n nicely [officers have been ordered By J u | t o f , e r l r ,g m , personal m- -dflmned r l | h f mde to the few 1 New n •><<«•• nt T» Mrronnell Admin- t*t<nr»titlAn for the small m a r - i , , j i , , | j . , « t i « h n tint to the meet- of their TJZ2SSLSZ- - «• - 1 " -:'CLASSIFIED:RATES - INFORMATION |1.0» for IS words te each additional "«rd Payable In advance De.dlln* for adi: Tue*«h, 10 A. M for the unit pnblleatlon NOTE NO CIA8SIFIED ADS TAKEN OVER PHONF MUST BE RENT IN. MErenry 4-1111 MlRCKM-ANEOtS EMPL6YMENT WANTED • roit mi* 'for Better Schools" were direct-'Mr. Mundy honestly believed OENERAL OFFICE WORK' : ed to of Colonia. tnc thatcommon the Bondnouu Issuenwas not for part-time ln Certoret or vi- 1947 BU1CK. Excellent rum,, ov?r the new siaiion. *»««" ^ — • » • • - . . . . . , quew. i n s m c i u a r ™ « ™ « » g»» . - u « « ~ » » » " \ „„, Yet It the was people the overwneiming « .«*—F Y J I G S A H : - A further 8tate Edward J.Pattm has re-, .fflrmatlve slon common Is had. however, all cinlty Call KI i-6868, Yet It was the overwhelmm&'the good. Thefrom Impresn m U o( M r . Mundy. unrealistic movios were shown. » ' condition-, Rood body. «, •'the propoifd sale reived an "Ouwandlng C\ti- ftamfly , h f m r i o{ MUC&-several minutes later aftw ^ - , J , M f ^ u n d y . , o w n C o . o f h |* actions since being elect12.14Vradio and tire*. 140 on c buy the packace deal. extension on ,fthe proposru »».r Rariun Arsenal wnship Award Horr T h e - ^ flUr p T A 8 n d P.T.6 tening to aome "dry ""'"tua '. iME 4-0104. c a u | e d h ) |d e , M l l e d ^ ^ 8 c h O 0 | Board, that ii r...f». "..« ••-•-•im,;.» ~ — •••• --• I , _ . I I lonia wnicn causea n » m i n i . f New YorR State• Mftrtata are ^ ^ - - ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ : A m e r i c a n Heritage U Mr Mundy la not as much In- • FEMALE HELP W A N T E D ^ rl n ltate ei l m ftlso being charged with work- has Deen requ « «. »*^ P ^ ?lf-. T lf «« "-«.-i^ .hntlilThis showing can acarcely be terested ln what is rJght or v procedu procedure for S t a t e ^ r h u r cour hfs A n d 1ot h<. r inter-leaning" -CD official*, about ARE TOO HOME PURNISHINOS a*v tug hard to kidnap New Jersey's Rooert B . of secondary schools in*vtrtiial« tno nnmerous «ix neoDle walked out. Including deemet! even a moral victory wrong for the people of Wood- Fixing your play worn? Redec- tlr>', four-poster bed n, only television station, WNTA. a w a e y ^ u n l n p ^ h M have for him. aa was atat«d ln your bridge a* he Is In opposing the orating a room? Bam 130-150 slonal tables, lamps, hi';Channel 13. which changedI paper What did cause the vote to other Board members regard H week with AVON COS- brae, settee, wing chair.-. hands last Friday. The comturn out so close was the clear- leu of the intrinsic merit* of IMETIC8. TOUi CREDIT PLAN tlques, professtonnl drum n•;•• »uter tax fight between New cut evidence of "aectlonal self-the Issues, with AVON. Call Mr«. Lewis, MI baby tender, 10 rooms of fi, v6urs very truly, tahness" In the final tally. The! fills Is not a healthy sltutand New Jersey also white and 2-5146 for home Interview. 'ture. Call MB 4-1257. I'" •• • . . . muiivro ui wit o w n .,.^..«. j I. PIRTEL voters of Woodbrldte proper,] tlon and can seriously Impede >;Fair, is the new manager of t n lg" ^lp!^ j CB 12 14 12 c a n onU' accuse them Its liquor law . . . John R. Trainn. Moores-'New Jersey State Fair at Tren- !°! '' ' " °"»» « « " " ";48 Cypreaa Drive Sewaren, Port Reading andjthe steady progress ln educato HOUSE CLEANER WANTED. DOLL COACHETTE, na\v :, the drinking age town, and Fred H. Totten. Rin-ton.; . Penalties totaling HO,-1™ I17'1"* f 0 I o s t ^ r " " J f e d u " Fords ,whlch «re relatively dls-jtlonal matters which has been Colonia, N. 1. <"»t h«vp been re-elected to,075 have been assessed "0 e s - i C a l °" • n ° Apply KI 1-7830. i originally $30 00, no* ti<< • tant from Colonlt voted against; clearly evident in this TownDecember 7, 161 01 12.14-12/21 Caaco baby Jumper chair I 'tMrs.i the propo*al, w they wouldshlR during the pa«t five years rankled New Jersey offlciala ln the _S ate boH t .|pharmacists by the State Board ,Dear Sir: lraf ,—_ _ - « - •-'-- — 7 iTtylor-tot walker 43 on i i , , . _ In tht 'interest of the public have without Mr. Mundy'siWhlle Mr. Mundy may have • the mut. .Comln« « ; ; e * J a f c r £d 717'of Pharmacy for violattoni of: 1 yp WANTKDTOSUY • jng atool 12.00. Wmitrei, the educational and business Iteroeful campaigning, whereas " 164 Cypress Drive d th welfare, would you please prlnf TELEVISION:- G o v e r n o r « " » ^ J ) [ ™ ^ J J ?he New Jersey Pharmacy Act Colonia, N. J. ..~——.;tin>tr<c roturter mdbroilers background n needed for a 8chool of i N J the following in your "Letter. Colonia, the, site of the ,the following n y w e e k l y television thus far t h i « ' " ' h e J M ^ i C A P I T O L C A P E R S : - Oover-.xhe Independent-Leader 'ANTED - Oood used l«r " ^ b l n e l 115 00 Phont LI M r til Board member, this entirely E i ti f the man EsUUs and nearby EsUUs, Iselin 'to the Editor' section of the Vi--, t voted overwhelmingly in favor negative and Incisive attitude 24-lnch bicycle Call KI 1I Independent-Leader: dependent of It despite all of hU efforts to,to thr other Board membert |7695. f l l h The following headline ap ,the contrary. It would seem completely nullifies his Inherent 12 14 • „ . D-jpeared on Page 1 of the ttde Md' ti le potential The public should be IHI '"S?!!"', " • - S . I . W S S S S w S i ^ Pharmacy or 7:" 3 H 3 s : 'rs3S ^KSSSTT HivicM~ FOR RENT Adding Machines - 39 RAYMOND i.5O up NOW! SMITH • CORONA Typewriters WOODBRIDGE BUSINESS MACHINE CO., LTD. Guaranteed Lehigh 250 Amboy Ave., V'oodbrldge (Nfit to Turnpike) SALES & SERVICE Tel. ME 6-0010 (for 2 rooms and bath) plus 6* Insulation Also construct dormers, rec room* extensions, porches, garages LOWEST PRICES and SON NUI OR STOVE PEA OAL BUCK COAL PIANO - ORGAN ACCORDION We Will FRAME ATTIC JACKSON Authorized^ Agent for Druggists Nothing Down— Pirn Pijment t UODUH 88 Main Street CaL Now — FU 8-3373 THALER INSULATION & ROOFING CO. Woodbridge, N. J. Telephone MErcurj 4-0554 1859 Church S i FrrraU Instrnetlona by Qualified Teacher*. Bcrinnen and Adfaneed Students Accepted. Call ME 4-5446 Authoriifd Sales & Service CONN ORGANS KIMBALL PIANOS Rahwai Mobilheat MMITHEOR FUEL OIL 826 Rahway Avenue Avenel HU 6-2726 HU 6-0059 C R n Q r ft \J T\ U O Funeral Homes C0KL ld " co LUMBRR FUEL OIL PROMPT DELIVERY fC" AutomtUc "KKP Filled" Itrrlet ELECTRIC OFFICE TYPING A T - m FULLY GUARANTEED! FU 8-1667 ME 4-0012 LINDEN. N. J. 23 Ford Avenue Forda, N. J. OIL (.OAL • LUMBER BUILDING MATERIAL rDMRAL BOMII EsUbUthed 1900 424 East AveDue Perth Amboy, N. J. HEAT 3 f»[oy tk» n i l , ipMd ind Konomf of «lKlrlc typing il tht coit of • maiml Mdilna. King Silt I?" Ct.ritgt, Full Shi Kiyboatd. Full Width K.yboird Tib•btlon. Choict ol iiKutix typ« itylik EASY TERMS Trade-In Accepted olFvllValm LIMBER CO LET US Phone Bring Results HEATIH6 PROBLEM K & O HEATING from Service to Complete Heating Installations 4-1400 AVENEL COAL i OIL CO. Dellcatessea *klU Cbuich) • SALAUI »l Tnd* ft*«J • SODA FOUNTAIN • nun BAttsr OOODI Hj WARM Alfi or HOT WAIEK ¥nt Kbllmalti - Time Payment! Call {Opt - » HtlnMr &fc. AttntL N. i HE 4115ft OIL - ELECTRIC MErcurj III Rabwai Avenue Woadbridic Beauty Salon GAS KEROSENE TREAT SHOPPE "it; QUALITY HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING bj 124 Ruhwaj Avenue, Avenel Beautician Heating-Air Conditioning Solve Your 250 Amboy Avenue Wuodbridje, N. J. Phone: MErcury 6-OOK Directory Ads 84 Eut Chern SUcet Opra U H K II:M r N Omtt All Dw Rooflig & SMIig - • Hone Improvement MODERNIZE ' YOUR HOME Partial or Complete Bath Rooms, Kitchens Ceramic Tile, Vanities, Bars, Etc. Older Homes pur Specialty Quality Work ME 4-0952 CUSTOM CRAFTSMEN Henry Jansen & Son Ttnnlnf and Rooflnr MeUl Cellini and FnnuM Wwk JANUARY SALE IN DECEMBER T. R. STEVENS Reoftnf iBd SbMt MeUl Woik Telephone MErcorj 4-1819 MS ST. GEORGE AVE. WOODBRIDGE 374 AMBOY AVENUE WOODBRIDGE, N, J. WAMPADS CTWG-H0ME BACON Glte a I'imcn or suppliti for CMtUBu Buy now it o«f low pricn, »nd toin our L»y-Aw»y Plu. Ttmt ilk I'I About Our Frti f i l a run Riptrt DtTtlopini * M n U a i ItrTltp on 4^1 Typ« ol rtb*i Quick LimlntUon * PhotaiUt acrrlcti AlrtoBdlUonlm Wtnn Air Hnt Induitrti] Kihauit i Motor Guinli roi r u n MTIMATEH MI 4-Z14S or HE I-UH Service Statimt r. BERENC8I (Colonia) Phene FU 1-9306 Moving & Tricking ME 4-J651 485 AMBOY AVENUE Woodbridge Plmblng & HeaUig We'r» SpecUUiti In • BEAR WHEEL AXlGN MENT and BAUNCB • BRAKE SERVICE more GLAMOR GIRLS Woodbridii i Water Softeners SALES SERVICE RENTALS SERVISOFT OP WOODBRIDGE 121 8L G M T I * A » t n « Wo**dkrld<e ME 4-1815 FOR QUALITY "lt'% wet <mt-»eir your mbben." PRINTING FOR BUSINESSIS OUR BUSINESS 14-1111-2-3 DIAL FRtYS WTRE CRAFTSMEN O F 1 THE HIGHEST CLASS, A N D AMY >PlUMBIN6TESr Sewing Machines SEWING MACHINES Sales & Service CALL TODAY Special Chrtftmaa Oder No Job loo large or loo Small 30% Off Our Regular Low Prices On All New Machines Call FU 1-4M1 ALLIED Phone FU 8-3914 ~AG!NT"NATIONAL VAN Sewing Machine Co. LINES LOCAL MOVKS 1 Men i n * TuU't, 114 Hour SCUBALAND Johnson urgei medical aid. J. t. Gardner A Son 547 Amboy Avenue Woodbridge, N. J. Move "IDEAL WAY" 1286 St. Georce Ave., Avrnrl SPECIAL WINTER RATES ithe REEF W'* that a,. J ^ dconstruction dunn,; ,: for Sixties. Forecasts Indira:*- • Industry will operate Hi b.; worth of facilities In 1969 n : U. S .ipared with less than $20 b:'.!> lat the end of 1959. GALLARD'S PHOTO T O M GARAGE - Mason Contractor Repairs of All Types Uae Oar Lar-Awar Flao Call ME 4-0071 rllllon cubic feet ln reaerve for winter d e m ^ d ^ n m i g h .. meet the nation's gas need< d (or the two coldest months ol the year. Prilling Monday tbni Friday 1 0 - 1 Saturlar 10 - 6 MErcurj 4-1544 > Brick f Stone • Concrete • Stucco Work t Waterproofing for the SKIN DIVER Water Softenei Salt Soft Water Soap BhrimjalBf Pool Supplies WE DELIVER! Complete Stock of Domeitlc and Imported Winei Been and Liquon Skin Diving Woodbridge, N. J. Telephone HErenry 4-1246 Liquor Stores KI 1-9187 588 Alden Street Discount Prictt 922 KING GEORGE KD., rORDI Sales & Service WOODBRIDGE BuslnessMachineCo.,LtfJ. COAL and COAL Rthwij'i Oldest EiUbUihed Jewclti VAlley 6-0358 HI 2-0180 n c GOLDBLATT'S Photography WOODBRIDGE Liquor Store, Inc. RYNNandSON Frfd Oil Burner Bertie* to Out Cuitomtrs Tir Rtdloi Strvicti) Fromptl; Sheet Metal Work Over 25 Years of Friendly Service S1M0NE BROS. 169 Arenel Street, Avenel Repair Eitlmitea Fret! intoaou LuUUH tiMt »«ted rtM tt om ai*rf OPIN DAILl M-» - * * 1 . >••• ALL WORK COMPACT SALES and SERVICE 448 Kahwiy Avenoe Woodbrldcc 1 Mobil I For Fast Service Just Oiv« I s a Call HOVANEC Sewing Machiie Service PIANO COMPANY JOHN J . BITTING eoow a problem, Aicoho; SEWAREN — Attractive unfur-Anonymou* can help you c» nlshed studio apartment.BI 2-l»U or writ* P. 0 H i Three roomi and bath. Imme- 253, Woodbrldge Hate occupancy for couple. ME 1 2 V . * ~1-1923. 13-7 tf HAVINO TROUBLE with yo :: • RIAL tSTATt WANTED • ! leweraget Electric Seweroo:• " • er removei root*, filth. «»r/i ONCt AOAIM and stoppage from cloggy WJ ARK ALMOST ^ i n , »nd a«wer» No Dipel BOLD OUT OF BOM18I digging, no damages - rap:i Nt tiave many protpecU and l n j efficient. Call Tonyi rour property may b« lust what pmmbtng and Heating. ME 4they art looking for. We will 8Oo7. iladly look over your home and i : M : :j Vit REPAIR Slnftr - Pbtff • Whin . Ntechi glvt you a ruggtited sale price No ObUgation JACKO REAL t ANTIQUES • tn* Wtittn(houM • New Homi Kldrich • Domntlc • »nd i l l ESTATE AOENCT. 1013 Bute I. CAMEO SHOP, 200 Freenun r*Rltd Mtk* Macblnti I Street, Woodbrldge. Fine n1631 12/7-U/28 lwt' o n <'' old furniture, sp1.: • |nlng whtels, desks, cradle, p The gaa utility and pipeline tu«», p , china and f ' tures, lamps, FRANK HOVANEC industry has Increased 1U un (flaw. We buy and sell C O T 657 Roosevelt Avenue iderground natural gas storage>nd browie. ME 4-1022^ 12 CARTERET. N. J. capacity 11-fold since 1947. when 70 storage reservoirs ln H states had a combined ca-^ . ..,., J: 1 >acity of only 260 bUlion c u b i c i 1 0 " , " " . *"*" u " " t y teet. Today's 217_ i t o r a * poolsjP»P«llne lndu .« tr l r ' w h l c h some $14 billion to expand n 20 SMWS states o c»nn nom hold UP upto CHRISTMAS GIFTS n 2U W 24 Sewiig Machlie Service ARTS RADIO & TELEVISION JARDOT Jewelers Fuel Oil Set Need REfAIR Call ME 4-43M Learn To Play The 8AVB MONEY with a local contractor IT'S WISE TO ORDER J Mule listrnctioi • Radio & TV Service - Home Improvement - Dregs Coal & Fuel Oil iKlTCHKN cfiAIR8 RE( I ; ERED. Easy-to-clean |ii> AVENEL — Five room apart- or durable leatherette. FH<->. ment. Available January lit. l P r | C ei. U 0-2B6& after s on : Sincerely. {Supply own utilities IM.0O. M. Maurice 0 . Miglione [Call ME 4-5251. 12 14 ; 12' 14 — . . • — (IRONINQ done at my :<• APARTMENT - Thr« or four! dence. $1 SO per hour, m r. rooms;runft|rnl*hed. inquire fANT CARE. KI 1-565?. at Miriam 8hopp*,' i r ' S a l n ' • l i - ;t Istreet, WoodbrldW. -j---—-^- ^ ^ SERVICE DIRECTORY BUSINESS « CLASSIFIED ADS BRING 1 RESULTS Whether It's a form to expedite your office operations or a booklet to itlmuiate your « ! « • we'll design and print it to your best advantage Our deliveries will w right on the dot » n d our prices will make arise, tool FREE ESTIMATES PRESS THE WOODBRIDGE rUBUIHINO CO. lHOGmnltrMt MHJDLEStX PRESS Pr*ti on »n;UUn| anj Umt, Juat call u OKUN aTurr WOODBRIDUl PAGE NINETEEN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, ,1961 Lesson-Sermon to (M heard .the heart: the commandment at Christian Sdeneejof the Lord Is pure, enlightening the eye*" churches. Also pointing up the wprem* Rtr. (Won ft. •*»»• Opening the Scriptural read OriMMi: Hdl* JactfeHn »n« are corretatlTe of Inw will be thl§ ptMU* from! power MJM BwUra rttUcbi from "Science tod _*,. - passages passa Psalm IB: "The heavens deMatin Service 1:15 A. M. with Key to the Scripclare the (lory of Ood; ind the Health Main Service 10:45 tures1 uy Mary Baker tddy •", firmament iheweth His handyHoly Communion work. Day unto day uttereth which Include <p. 273); "Ood First Sunday 10:45 speech, and night unto night Is the divine Principle ol all Third Sunday 8:15 that represents Him and o f , . , FtRST PRESBYTERIAN Sunday School and Bible aheweth knowledge. There Is all that really exists." no speech nor language, where 5 CHURCH OF ISEUN Classes 9:30 A. M. , Wednesday: Junior Choir, '30 P M.. Junior InfrinedlHoly Day* [their voice Is not heard. . . The Oak Tre* Rial 10.00 A, M., Holy Com-:3:15 law of the Lord Is perfect, con- Oldest pitcher on the rotter KM. K«i«r D, ll««B«r, HtUit ST. JOHN'S 1 Wedntsday: Adult Choir. 7:30 munlon. verting the soul: the testimony of the Los Angeles Angela H EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday flmtets ! Friday Brownie Troop, 7:00 of the Lord Is sure, making Art Fowler. 38. from Convene. ,Z> Orianliatlons Stwsm <^(ornint Worship: 1:48 A. M CONGREGATION ADATH wise the simple. The statutes 8. C H« WM 5*1 with On Trinity Vrttry. third Mon- Friday: Girl ScouU, 7:00 »:30 A. M. Bvmltr School and 11:11 A. M. ISRAEL Saturday: Confirmation class day, 7>30 P.M. of the Lord are rifrht, rfjoiclng Angel* in 1981. Church School: N u r s e r y Bundaj School 8:45 A. M. Amboj Avtnm, Woodbrldgt St. Anne's Unit, (Irtt MonRev. William F. Forrest R»lii)l Summl N(wb»r|«r through third grade, S:45 A. M day. 8:00 P.M. celebrant of Hoi; Communion. Kindergarten through sixth COLONIA GOSPEL CHAPEL 8 M P M.. Friday Sabbath Choir Rehearsal, «:30 P. M St. Margaret's Unit, (Irst Servloes 4S6 Inman Avenue at West grade, 10:00 A. M. Junior High each Thursday. Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. Fellowship, 10:00 A. M. to 12 »30 A M. Saturday Servlcet, -«„,*,„,. v Street, Colonla ftrttj M l 8tlUrd y Jun or iBd B fcnoon; Adult Bible Study, 10:00 WORSHIP TOGETHER THIS WEEK nd the strengti for your life... TKMPLt . riXFSBVTERlAN ,,. ,, OF AVINBL B ftHlttt *PTI8T CIH'RCH Boulevard and c i «"««<n» 2/,| ".; • — | "Tsrtjsr *' Con : ' iMonZ T:00 P. M. |__TrinliT AlUr Guild, oSfruSuf lot each month at 1:00 P. M. I Thursday ! Female Choir Rehearsal. 8:00! P. M. Confessions Every Saturday 11 A. M. until noon 4 to « P M. and 7 to 9 P. M. and tometlmet on days before Holy Dayi of Obligation. OIH REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH Z« Fourth Street. Fordi * |r5tSteB5i5>uStS- Bt. ft«f. MMr. ChtrUi 0 Oospel Service Sunday. 7:30; W ^ ^ P . 7 : M P M * B : l ° MtCWTtlJln, Putor [P.M. |P-M-.! R*t. Wllllim Hooi, Young People's Fel''''«" ...... AuliUnt Ptilor Women's Home — every Sunday, 7:00 ilOWShlp. ^ ,v., w . . . V •! CbrUtian U..U.,, ..,, , BonhiB, Th.M R«f. Donald J. Rrlllr, TEMPLE EMANUEL p. M Bible Class Thursday. 1 30 PM sundiv AIMiUBt P*itor j Trinity Olrl»' Friendly So- Voun? People's Meeting Fri 129 Pleasant Avenue, Edison •,i,-,,v«itilp. 8. », 10 »nd|Oontmu«ilon Service Sunday Masses: 6:45. 7:45. KM. William Kitty. Pntor SUbW M»nhill Hnnrlti dety. second and fourth Hies- day 7:*5 P.M. t |8:45, 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. | rtursery open 10-12 lor clillSunday Services: Sabbath Service— •,,;CKii t, 10 and llidren biith through 3 Novena services every Tues9 45 A M., 8uhday School ly. «:46 P M. Filday. 4:30 P, M. Trinity Cub Scout Pack 34: ST. ANDREW'B CHURCH day, 7:30 P. M. * I 1:00 P M . Evening Woishlp for all ages. Avenel Weekday Masses. 7:00 and 8 P M. v ' 11:00 A M. Morning worahlp. Den Meetings, Thursday; 6:30 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN R»T. John U | « n , Putor Fellowship, 1 FIRST BAPTI8T CM Rill Junior Church conducted l n iP. M,: Pack Meetings, fourth 7:30 A. M. . , ,„ _ CHURCH w V/eelcdmr M a n e s 7:30 A. M lower auditorium by Mrs WU- M t , u D l , Market and High Mtrtrt Sunday Masses, 1:00. 9 0 0 Rahwar Avenue anoVCarteret ; JEWlStt COMMUNITY Trlnlt Fellowship, T Ham KiriJy > 3*n'«" Choir Pfae- 10:00, 11:00, and 12 noon Road. Woodbrldce i Penh Amboj CENTER OF COLONIA 1 1 R(T. Alet N. Nftneth, Puttf ! 7:45 P, M. Evtfilna Ooio.1 g *' P " " , ^ , ! ™ ° Confes Confessions Saturday. 4-5. JiiriM Mirth, Mlntiter AntiUnt i • I t " fwer Rowilchuk, . ...„, l i t Inman Avrmir Sftturdayi, 3:00 P. M. 7:30-8:30 P. M. R*Dbi DiTld SchtlnftM T«rr7 L. H»*l, Oriullt ! 11:00 A. M..Morning Worship I v ' " Prac1 lrlnuy Jumor Trinity Junior Choir elll'RCII OF • CotUM Services Friday night at 8:30 »:45 VM Sunday School * w Sunday M s CHRIST • t 0 l w » e | U c e , Saturdays,,9:00 A. M. CONGREGATION Sunday School 10:30 to 12 S;l! P.M.. Baptist Youtti 8:30 A M.. Church School Junior Services Saturdays WASSAIL! WASSAIL! WASSAIL!: Why do we sty ttW M Wednesday: Bible B'NAI JACOB d,. * Pfllowsnlp. 11:00 A. M. Morning WorST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL Lord Street. Avenel from 10.30 te 12 IKiprliwn "wassails"? On Twelfth NIRIU. back In the reign of CngitBd's 7:30 P M Evening Gospel Study, ship CHURCH SUbbi PhlUp Brand a 00 P M , First Monday ol Hebrew School Tuesdays and Henry VII. the king's steward cried "was**il" three time* U Service 8:00 P M., Junior Christian nroli. Orsanlit 8:30 P M. Friday I Thursdays 3:30 to 5, and 5 to he entered bearing the steaming wassail bowl. 2 " ^ " ^ u n - !^ ?! h, ' ™ c h " s a n d W o r k e « ! " " " * ^ Ford* ning Worahlp H 00 AM.Commanlon SSun10:00 A. M. Saturday, Junior Endeavor 8:30 P. M. The word is a combination of two old English vorfli: day first Sunday of each C o n f n e n « ' 8:00 P. M, Junior High Ktr WMIlB B. rarot, Vk«r Congregation y cn "waes" meaning "be" and "hal" meaning "well." WamtttO*. month * 8:00 P M., Second Monday United Presbyterian Youth. Holy Communion, 8:00 A M GRACE EVANGELICAL ,oi. 9 15 A M. B o a r d Mtetln an ancient form of toasting, dates back to the middle aces Wednrtday. 8 P M \t . Praye: OUR LADI OF PEACE 7:00 P. M., 8enior High na>e: 6 3 0 p M «2 nLUTHERAN CHURCH 2nd and ,4 th Mon- MOrmng Prayer and Sermon. when, according to custom, the host would hand his ChriatBMa CHURCH i United Presbyterian Youth 11 A.M. 600 New Brunswick Avenue days. Misstonettes under direcguest a cup of spiced beer or nle with the greeting "Waaa Perth Amboj New Brunswick Avenut^fordi! Meeting* ew Brunswick Aven, i,,,,inr High tion of Mrs J. Waldheim at Church School, 9:45 A.M. hal!" or literally "Be well!", and the guest, holding his UBkaift R«r. jMtph •nttawtkl, Putor |Rev, H«Tbert V. A. Heeht, pastor Seafioo. first TuestUr 4 P . M her home, 184 Cooper Avenue aloft, r«plied, "Drink tn good health!"Tfassamng *ax M maeh CHtRQI j KoMoat, AllUtUI. Sunday Masses, 8:00. 9:00.1 Board of Finance, second WORSHIP SERVICES EVANGELICAL AND .Iwlln. a custom In the monasteries as In laymen's houMS and DOUeruin 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. and 12'Tuesday Cetnrr Protpert Avenue and 9:30 and 11:00 A. M. REFORMED CHURCH aoo P M , first 'Friday ol men's castles In Chaucer's time, The term waa later applied ,.. nfld at the Conoon. Junior Choir, Fridays, 4-5 'Nursery during both services) Ridcrdale A»fnuf 94 Jtmei Street Month Women's Missionary to the feasting and general revelries of the Chriitmt* season. il, jn School every , Ptttor Weekday Masses, 6:45 and IP. M. Woodbridgc ME 4.1751 and particularly to the bowl ot spiced beer or ale which t a t CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ,vc»» 45. T : « . » : « , | •:« •rSrs^fcTsThoo. council under directions Mr» 8 A M.; Friday, 6:45, 8:00 and Superintendent*, last TuesIn, lull* «irj, Mlnltter an Important part of the celebrations. CHURCH ,nd 13:1ft. Confes* for all agea. Ernest Barbas R W o r l t m » n 8 45 A day. 10:00 A. M.( Sunday Services: The custom of the wassail bowl continued and WM Masonic Temple , i vri before maatei. Buperlntrndtnt. Adult Bible Church school, 2nd WednesOrder of Sunday Services ! Monday NEW DOVER extended. For example, the townsfolk of many small B 1548 Irving Street, Railway . -v 7 30 and 8:00 Class at name hour, teaoher day " 10:00 A.M.. Sunday School ; Novena, 7:30 P. M. METHODIST CHURCH hamlets would go Into the orchards and drink a "wuaaa Sunday at 11:00 A. M. Runyon Ernst 10.00 A. M., EnglUh Service | Male Choir ReheattaJ 8:00| White church Guild, second Sunday School 9:30 A. M. (90 New Dover Road, to the apple trees to assure their future abundance. Thus II c olcndile Road ;and fourth Mondays 11:00 A M , Morning worship Alktrt R. IwMt, Putor I 11:00 A. M., Hungarian Ser-P'M. has become customary to decorate the wassail bowl write Wednesday, testimony meetLadies Aid Society, second iservlce. Nursery is provided. J'VOA'M'; Early Church 'andineV ' Altar-Rosary Sodiety. first apples. Ing at 8 00 P. M. , 8:00 P. M, Senior youth K a r l y 8 u n d a y gchoo,. ' 700 P M Youth Fellowship j Monday after first Sunday atand fourth Wednesdays The wassail bowl makes an unusual and inexpensive hot Reading R o o m Tuesday \sTHONV8 R. C. Association, first Woman's 8:00 P M. 10 A. M., Church School and First Sunday of the month. Thursday, 2 to 3 P. M.; Wed- punch for holiday parties: each serving costs approxtmttclir ( llfRCK - 7 : W p M , Evening Gospel second! Thursday 11:30 A. M., Sunday School 2:30 P. M, Udles Aid Society Holy Name Society, nesday 6 to 7:30 P. M.; Friday thirteen cents. What t delightful way to ladle out cheer alter i-.rt Reading Service. 7:00 P M. Youth Group an evening of Christmas caroling, or to celebrate New Tear's Monday: Religious Training. Monday after second Sundayj Cancer Dressings, first and 7 to 9 P. M. third Wednesdays . utui Mllo«. PMUr M. 2:30 Eve! Westfield Boy Scouts, Friday*, 7:30 M^.Mts. 7:04, 8:00. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST TRINITY KK18COPAL . Tuesday i noy Tuesday: (First) Lorantffy WaasaUBowl 422 East Broad Street , »:,d 13:00 noon. ORTHODOX GREEK CHURCH lOulld, 7:30 I PTA meeting third Tuesday P. M. (Hot Spiced Beer) Sunday 9:30 and 11 A. M. :wv« at 8:00 A M CATHOLIC CHl'RHI Woodbridfe. N. J. Tuesday: 'Second) Officers, 12 small apples Va teaspoon etch, (Infer Sunday School 11 A. M. honor Of 8t An- Broad and DIviiinn Strreti RM, Wllllim H. SchBial, l i « , and Elders 7:30 12 teaspoon* brown sugar, and nutmeg Wednesday, 8:15 P. M. Rmtor lursday at 1:15 Pfrlh Amboy i Tuesday: (Fourth) 1 cup sugar iv 2 cups orange Juice Alton Brindti, Urtkhiit Reading Rooms, 116 Qulmby l •ft. Itcphrn Utat. Puttr hood. 7.30 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 k cups cranberry Jukf Street 10 to 4:30 weekdays; 7 Sunday Services Sunday Matin*. r00 A M 2 quarts beer or ale to 9 P M. Mondays. (Ul'RCH Early English Mau. 8:00 A M 8:00 A M, Holy Communion Core apples and fill each with 1 teaspoon brown sugar. 9:30 A M., Family 8ervlce Church Pchool. 9.00 A. M. ADD CHURCH CALENDAR Place in baking pan and cover bottom with VR inch water. , Wllul. PlltW Ve«p«fs Saturday nights and a n d ° ^ * ^ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Bake In a moderate oven (350* F) 30 minutes, or until tender. ,, M.V 6.30, 8.00 -ilore hulidays at 7.00 P M. LESSON - SERMON "' |.Combine sugar and spices in a 4-quart saucepan. Add oranft 10 10. 10:00. 10:14 10:l& childretM Communio ' n d "Is the Universe, Including juice, cranberry Juice and beer or ale. Heat, but do not boil, Chlldrpii^ Holy Holy Communion, Morning Prayer and 30 and 12 noon n r i l 8 u n ( U , 0 , f V f r y m o m h |iMan, Evolved by Atomic 15 minutes. To serve, pour mixture Into punch bowl and float (Second and fourth \iiMH, 7:00 and Force?" is the subject Of the baked apples on top. Yield: 12 servings. CONGREGATION BETH SIIO1.OM I |p3l«]e8l0g1lBX)S»«M:MS^ in: l MiM.KMiATIONAL N Cooper Aftnut, Iwlln ii of W0OOW10OI K t Ba^B^^^B^^B^^^^s^BKS^^Ba^B^^B^B^HHaME^^flBaH .i, 81 •AkM ntnui rr>Bk*l Dt. XttNK KuiMl, Ctolor flir: ..D .mil (ir»ve AveaajM Sabbath ServtCH Friday evr So Fine So Famous . i f f , vtmitwr •« • ning 8.00 nnrCh So Sure Saturday Mommi Service an vni of rhnnk tc to Please Ul u.hiifKi urgaaM 8 30 sunday HOODBRIDGE M Church Schoo. Installed Onlv "•?v -rmrr sr; '^i'A • 1 1 - - ' ^ .si! METHODIST CHIRCH M Church. S c h o o l . ^ ,.':; trcond irafle aotittal Piit«r 'or _ _ •»«* ' .-WKV. 1 a ISEIIN ASSEMBLY OF ! 1 0 : 0 ° A ' M - Sunday school CHURCH j( Or a ] 1 a g M 48 RtrkeleT Boulerird i 11:00 A M , Worship Service Ivlln, New Jtntj Z CULLIGAN HOLIDAY SPECIAL Soft Water ••I- M, CortW HOUt • » • I Orfinlll t n ' j . a u i lb>r»r« HI. lMj»rt»l»n<»M •» Churrli FtllowMrtilnt* H ,».d. 8 00 Sunday Services »:4S A M , Church Schoo and Biolr 11 00 A. M . MoriU!)* WorP. M. CALL NOW iliip. - ;.*;! Staff, flnt PM '.'vingi first and 4av 1 30 P.M. . -..'..rd Monday RCA VICTOR COLOR TV PUBLIX Pharmacy ..i. second and 00 P M 91 Main St., Woodbridge with Christmas Club savings | OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10 OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY (INCLUDING irS MOT TOO LATE | • • n.o OVBftLAV a prurtioul, purposeto be CERTAIN of need for Christmas , "!'ili\ ]>erlett i"M-s in jewelry i' ill quality, in .in overlay of i"'il, 14 Kt. gold 't'l'-to w l i d g o l d • tlmig l>ut- prioi,' PLUS DIVIDENDS EARNED. ' • » O'CLOCK AND LOAN ASSOCIATION In WOOUBHIIM.K: 935 Amboy Avenue In PERTH AMBOY. » » 8tate Street* In tBISON; Amboy Avwiu at &tb Strwt OOtt •Hoiqt Om»» "Where FIRST in the Name Meant YOU!" i%2 RCA VICTOR COLOR TV in Deluxe Decorator Cabinet by Gordon... Now RCA Victor Color TV ractivu both c»l»r and black & jwhitt program «n Us big 21* pithir» tub« (w«r«!l dlogonot—240 iq. ir J Wilk ill omoiing "N«w Villa" Tuner and tiiw High rid«lily Col« Tub*, ICA Vldtf Color TV dtlifiri a quOlily ol pitlurt ntvir btlor* pailiblt, 1 y«or warranty on pktuft tub* and parti. ln|oy 3,000 heufi ef labvl*«i color program! throughout th4 y«ar. Eaiy Term Armng«d, $ '200 LESS than comparable '62mdtls! Convertible Coupe For Only: 2194 LESS OUR USUAL HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE NIGHT 111 Coupe For Only: rf<*onuii muchhappine.a Wre-Christmas Limited Offer J '62 BUICK . . . and for ihe I| youugslern. This weekly bv tittle" adds up to «« \\\ wsj WILL SELL YOU A BRAND NEW A ful, . you having en Set your own shopping! 1 goal. goal . . • ll>«*" a <lub f o r { every pocketbook MU 6-1661 DR 9-5100 CHRISTMAS EVE) POLKOWITZ to join a 1962 | Christmas Club I Club 12 Holmes Street, Millburn, N. J. POLKOWITZ MOTORS 233 New Brunswick Ave. Hi2.0100 Perth Amboy Central Jersey1! Largest Volume Buick Dealer Serving the Public for Over 45 Years 90 Dayi Free Service by RCA Service Company. Free Demonstration | No Cash I m ! 3 Years t i Pay! Free Delivery! Open Every Night 'til 9 O'clock BOB'S APPLIANCE MART 33 MAIN STREET WOODBRIDGE, N. J. (At Pennsylvania R.R. Crossing) Prompt Service - Call ME 4-2913 M«wami«WM«ii»nM*^ ! u THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1961 PAGE TWENTY YOUR GARDEN THIS WEEK Ciittinfn to Dtcoratc There's an extra satisfaction in decorating your home (or Clirlstmas when you can cut the greens from your own yard. Many owners of holly trees wait until n o * to shape and prune them, urtng the cutting! to make the traditional decorations. Yow trimmings also come. In handy at Christmas.. Both these plants can be cut back rather severely withou harming them becauie dormant buds remain on the old wood and you can expect favorable growth next spring. That's the word from Donald B. Lacey, extension home ; grounds specialist at Rutgers But If you want to use cuttings from hemlock, pine or arborvittte it's better to take just the tips, to avoid spoiling the shape. Some Better Outdoor* Hemlock i a d gpnio* *r* better for outdoor decorations than for Indoors because they am apt to drop their needles in warm, dry rooms, An srborvitae table arrangement will 4a6t longer if you can keep the stems In water. If your holly didn't come through with a satisfying crop of berries you can add touches of color Irom dome of the other berried plants. „, Thereof wlnterberry, for Instance—Ilex veftlcillata. It's a " deciduous holly and be found growing wikL But don't cut tt bectfuse it's one of the plants protected by conservation laws. Lacey recommends winterberry for the home landscapesomething to keep in mind next spring when you go shopping for new shrubs. Bittersweet it a handsome addition to an arrangement, too, and you're lucky if you have some of your own. It's another of our native shrubs that can be expensive if John Law catches you helping yourself to some in the woods. And how about honeysuckle berries? The specialist says the ones from Mac's honeysuckle are especially pleasing. Tree From Own TardT You may even cut your Christmas tree in your own yard. It's been done, you know. It happens like this: Someone buys a little Christmas tree In a tub, enjoys it until after Christmas, then plants it. Years pass, and the little tree has more ambition than . anyone expected. It grows tall enough to become unpleasing in the landscape scheme, so the best thing is to saw out the top for a Christmas tree and see the nurseryman about a replacement that will be more at home in the yard. Age Is the Limit The condition a man is in can best be judged from what he takes two at a time—stairs or pills.—The Bluejacket, Memphis, Tenn. "We Will Buq You!" •ays WK1TA KHRUSHCHEV Khrushchev h u told Americans, "We will bury your1 He means to "bury" the United States! His timetable lor world conquest u on ttheduU! Bat m Eastern Europe the progress of Communism is held in check... is on the defensive! One powerful weapon is winning for m. It is RADIO FREE BDROPEl But to go on, RADIO FRRE EDSOPR needs pm help! Moil yew contribution *>w to: RADIO FREE EUROPE FUND Box taoa, ML VMMM. H. V. PvUttM <u a pMc ternct t* eo-op- tntim vilk The Aimtitint Council FORMER N I W YORK DIVISION STORES MOW OWNED AND OPERATED IY First National Stores T00W 1WW MtWKMY, DKCMMI Nik M M Wt»«»r*t ot all N«w Jtnty. P«rl llvtr «nd MWdWwn Star*. W. m i n i Itw rlgkl H Bonus Stamps EXTRA OOIO BOND SFAMPS with purchoM of a 120 count jar LOOK HNAST VITAMINS EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS 50 with purchaie of a half gallon i a CREAM . . . Any Brand EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS 50 London Broil with purchase of a 24 ounce bottle Gold Bond Stamps GOLDEN BLOSSOM HONEY 25 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS 25 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with purchase of a 10 ounce package No Coupon* tvy AH You Want. KRAFT JET PUFFED MARSHMALLOWS Otftr fiffvdiv* thru Saturday, Dxtmbtr 16, 1W1. with purehaM of a 6 ounce can RICHMOND LIGHT MEAT CHUNK TUNA 25 HNAST SALAD OIL fXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with purahote of an 8 ounce bottle UBKTY RED CHERRIES WITH STEMS 25 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with purchaie of half pound FfRRIS SLICED BACON 25 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with purchate of 1 powid FRANKFURTERS Thu W«dk'i Bakery SptdaU- 2 CRUST LEMONPIE DATI NUT LOAF 16 oi 33* 20 M. Seafood Specials Sea Scallops Fancy Smelts teting 65c No. 1 Gradi CHUCK ROAST PORK BUTTS 25 (oo. ro« 1 9 , UvEAN SPRAT Libby's Peaches Geisha King Crobmeat 6™ 1.05 Flat Anchovies ch i°. f 2 ^ , 2 7 ^ Van Camp Pork & Beans 2 1 : 2 5 C Presto Cake Flour " £ i * Coleman's Dry Mustard 2^ 17 e Ralston Purina Dog Chow " £ 3 5 * Red Heart Cat Food 3 ™ 2 5 < 2 :29« Fairmount Juicy Whole Berries Hegulst 10 2 ™* 35* Large S i i « . . . 4 to Corton... Rnt for Slicing or Salads or Molve* CHRISTIAN SCIEXCK MONITOR Interesting Accurate Complete l*n •••—•• VvYWVOJfJ M M C * Monitor T., Witcn 15, - Stnd your r»wipap«r for I t * tints chtclMd. EncloMd ( M my chick or moruy ardw. Q 1 yaar ^22, 0 6monrtnJII Q 3 mentts 20th FOX RECORDS cartons 29 FANCY BANANAS % 2 2 9 FRESH SPINACH '••19< MclNTOSH APPLES • 3 2 9 1.98 BRUSSELS SPROUTS 2 S MILLION SELLER HITS I Alton Silectim Including 'The iftHe Drummer Boy" *Merry Chritrmm 855Ky.y*w MUTUAL SUPER MARKETS Rahway Ave. at Main S t WOODBRIDGE Oppoiito Town Hall Ib 45 39 Beef, Chicken or Turkey More lavings m Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Herti anotUf group of new reduced price*. Look for the t4-NEIGHBO«" rtduted MH ma*k»* throughout (He itore. Boneless Fresh Pork Ib. MORTON PIES 25ftroll PIE CRUST MIX POPPY SEED VIENNA BREAD U S. D. A. Choiice Frozen Foods plus valuable Qold Bond Stamps! Heavy Duly Aluminum Foil 39c Ctingtiked 99* MIRACLE WHIP •""• 4 9 KRISPY CRACKERS '"" 27 SPRY SHORTEHING •' 3 69 DEL MONTE CORN "• 347c with purthaM of a quart bottle 2l Shouldtr Cul National Brands at Savings... EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS H i f f t l f n M f f REDUCES PRICES BOSTON, LOS ANGELES LONDON CHUCK STEAK i ib pkg. NESTLES CHOCOLATE BARS Milk Chocolate or Almond pound uit l«miry bar 59 FINAST STUFFED OLIVES Jumble Pack 4 1.00 PEM HAlVtS Richmond fxtra Dtlkiou* 21 16 oi un KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ Rich Cifinny PAOB TWENTY-0N1 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1061 weather. I.EOAI. NOTICES Kroup ABOUT YOUR HOME I-EOAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEOAI. NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES | I.EOAL NOTICM LEOAL NOTICES - ,, 1 - - ' BoiithMMerlji ,| rtl ol » 7.00 foot! The within described property V Bltuste. iylng »nd twine In the 52.VR nf Woo<1nrlrt«i> Township Tai operative then In any of fuel) .„. said day. at the BhirtlTt CMm NOTICE i Assessment, M»p, whlrh miip Is events, title shall automatically re- Take notice thit NHL J. CRANE. in the City of New Brunswlak, » . J. upon the expressed condt- Township of WoodhrliiKf. In the file In thr MldrtleseK County vert to the Township of Woodbrldgs t/a Oreen Street Liquors, has ap- All those certain lots of land safl . ._ ..._J th» sume »h»H he used County ot Mlddlewx, in nil- State office, belli* part of the same without sny further notice or de.plied to the Township Committee of premises herein and after p*rtleufor the purpose of constructing s of New Jerney; (J) Northwesterly the Township of Woodbrldne for alarly described, situate, lying and llel witti hospltsl, nnd that failure to use the BROlNNiNO s i ft point on thejprpmtws rnnvcvecl to Stephen De mnnd whatsoever. , ,„, HIT a "do it yourself" 8lith Strut a w (MV t h e n c ( Instructions. /\vi-nni>, saldltrtclc »nrt Helen Detrlck, his wlf«, Upon spreptarioe of the minimum Plenory Retail Distribution license being In the Township of Wood* property herein described for the westerly side of (J) Northen.terly p»r»lld with purpone dedicated by virtue of this polpt Mini dUtont 7.00.40 feet also known as Stephen Liiclna snd bid. or bid above minimum, by thefor premises situated at 1161 Oreen bridge ln the County nf MlddlMW, ,,,,, su-r- of the tendency to Another often made mistake fltate of N. J Being known MM provision, ahull emiw the said prop- nTjrtlrtrly from the intersection Helen Luctns. his wife, by y Deed Township Committee snd the natStreet, Iselln, New Jersey. ....ihiiiRSln the belief that " the painting department" ment. thereof rjy the purchaser ac- Objectlona, If any, should be made described on the WoodbTtdg. TW erty to revert to the Township of formed by the suld wi-slrrly side of from Andrew I.iidna. also knnwn ; thfnro In overdoing the use of the q i,-suit In better worfcEllli Avenue »nd the northerly side Andrew I,«7,lnn. dated May 18. 10S5.cording to the manner of purchase Immediately tn writing to B J Assessment Map as lots 123* to 3JM 14) Southeasterly and slonn the Upon nri>eptnnce of the minimum of Hyatt Street and from suld point rworded July 15, I9M, In the Mld-In accordance with terms nf salt Dunlgan, Township Clerk, Wood- Inclusive In Block 478C. iii one example of overSouthwesterly side of Binh Rtnil hid, or bid above minimum, by the Being the premises conunontf rupnitif thtnc* (1) North M dutreei County Clerk'a oOlre In Book (in Me the Township will deliver bridge, New JerMy. ,, work U often found tn Of WilmoatlkI tnown and deslunated as No. 141 (Signed) a bargain and sale deed for Mid 5 TQ»n«hlp Commute, ind the p»y- minutes SO wcontls West 100.0 1833. p»ne 5. last deorge Place, Woodbrlctgs, H. J. NEIL J. CRANK ntem!«#a Belnn the premises commonly t theno |2) North n-diiiR wood surfaces. u™ a oiush too small for thr thereof by the purchaser »(•• t/a Qreen Street Liquor: The approximate amount of t M nt « point, the fol» ment Kconda known and designated as No. IS? DATBD: December «th. I9S1 cording to tha mnnner of purchase g ,,[ snnding l« necfigary in work Involved. This result* t n Judgment to be satisfied by said Ml* Ptrawberry Avenue, Wnoodhrldne I.-Ii 1J/7. H/«l B J. DUNIOAN, Is the sum of One Thous»nd On* M0 ftet to a pnlnt: Ilienco 13) N. J. Townahlp Clerk '. nil manner of reflnlsh- •n, uneven surface. The mP" Hundred and sixty-eight (11,118.00) The approximate amount of the JUDGMENT To b» advertised December 1th, " " I f f " * ** brushes blK ;,,;,., hut over-sanding can Judgment to be satisfied by said nale 1981, and December i«th, lMl, in It Is on this Sth day of December, Dollars, more or leas, together wtth It them. Their idea she ccwta of this sMe, the sum of Fife Hundred and . liu(p things to the ap I.-L. J1T7, 1M1, on MCitlon of 8. HERBERT Together wllh nil and slDIUlS* Twenty-eight (1328.00) Dollars, more ,,„,. nf wood. All wood l« JAFFI, Attorney for said Plaintiff: the rights, prlvllegps, heredlt«iii«M NOTICE mlnutti 90 fMOBdl Went i n n feet or l»»«. tAretrier with the eoets of OrUnmm) and ADJUDOSD, tn«t and nppMrtennnces tUere«»*» •••» . (I The darker veins are Take notice that ANTHONY andd pl»r" of BKOIN- this sale. WaLIAM JOHN McORATH be au-lonrlnK or In anywise appertalnls* Together with all and singular CBRAM1 has applied to the Town thorluid to assume the name of ; ,u,d the lighter wood U Tho subscriber reserves th* right to BIlrTO »1«O known »« Part ot Lots the rlKhtfi. privileges, hereditament* »hlp Committee of the Township of WILLIAM JOHN BEARS, from and adjourn said sale from tlm» to l!fl»# i )Vi r-sandtng results in . / } l 7 purmiel with ndependent'Letder T and appurtenances thereunto be- Woodbrldgs for a Plenary Retail after the 9th day of January next: 14 snd 75 In Block in «s ihown on 00 f Tappen Rtrwt 50 00 fret nlong the longing or In anywise mid rippled flirfaoe which Distribution License for premises and thai within ten days from this nibtcct only to such limitations Of the WoodMldge Tsi M»p. South.»,terly .Id. Id of f The subscriber reserves the right to •Hunted at 1388 OfUt Tree Road. Hate, the said Plaintiff rtor<i cnnae •eslrlcttons upon the exercise ot the final blow of the hamBIIMO commonly known M #281 SUPERIOR COURT OF hcnime* mow pronounced meb power u msy b« specially p y p proy adjourn said sale from time to time Iselln. New Jersey. a copy of this Judgment to be pubKlls Avenue, ATenel, Woodbrldge, subject NEW JERSEY ttnleh sinks the nail-head nf which havliis hrrpiofore been C or rules of Court. ., prntfd efforts to smooth only to such limitations or Objections, U any. should be made llahed ln The Independent-Leader, •Ided by Inw or w t ht h e vacated; thence CHANCERY DIVISION n. 3. ROBERT H. JAMTBOH, ., ' ' wrface 1, just restrictions upon the exerclee of Immediately In writing to B. J. MIDDLESEX COUNTY |a<<d premises Include s tmh power as may n« specially propublic newspaper printed in said <}' "orthweateriv parallel with Bherlff. The moftgiMd right and usually a light blow at Sixth Dunigan, Townihtp CWft, Wood- County of Middlesex, and that withDOCKET NO. M-1S35-I1 Wlncroft bulit-tii 8-reet 6.00 feet; thenre ullt-li wall oven »nd 4vided by law or mien of Court. JKRALD W KOLBA. Attorney. >,nMv the most overdone brldg., New JerstT. 0 0 I t e n th ID twenty d»y« from thin date, he JOAN ANH POYUIS, table top cook units. (3) Northtaateriy pnrallcl with « enthusias- T»pp«n Street 60.M f t; thence ntn ROHTOT H. JAMISON, Sinned: homeowners' efforts Is M«c o 7 ° shall file and record the Complaint, .-L. ii/3o: ij/7, ii, H/8I Plaintiff, BCINu the sims premises conM ANTHONY J. CIRAM1 Judgment and Affidavit of Publica() v>. (4) 1oiith«a«terlyy p >ro veyed to J. Wyzykowtkl and •VANS. HAND, KVANS, | « | with r o ii|«| n Many people who are" Saturday carpenter not on- Sl«th NOTICE t.-L. la/7-14/81 l«th HtfMt JOO f tion with the County Clerk of MidJAMKS TURNER BOTLI8. ly drives the nail Into the wood Arllne WyiykOWiM, hl« wife, by deed J.OO feet to the point in experience Insist on but leaves the Impression of the or p!»o« of Beflnnlnu dleasi County and that twenty days Take notice thit LOUTB D1CTBUS Defendant. from Shore Contrsctlnn Co., Inc., a ALI.ABOUC1H & AMORieAin). eflnl Attorneys jWOmiNO »V » ,, 0 | n t m the from this date a certified copy of «s applied to the Township ComCivil Action NOTICE eorpomtlon of the State of New Jer- I.-L. 12/7. 14, 21, JJ/B1 nniim the paint they hammer there as well. 150,77 mittee of the Township of WoodIknithwesterlj side of Fifth Street NOTICK TO ABSENT DEFENDANT «ey. dsted. M»reh I, mi, and reTake notice that WILLIAM A. this Judgment be filed with the brldge for a Plenary Re* Ml Distribui his i.i usually done to Many a Well-meanlne gar- sjld point beln* therein distant OP OJIDER POR PUBLICATION corded March 13, 1»S9. In the Office Secretary of State ot New Jersey QiJLltTEY T and ELIZABETH tion License for premises situated Refsr To: W-811; W-2M WOO feet Northwesterly from the HTATS OP NBW JBRflEY: provision ot the according to the of the Clerk of Middlesex County In • .,!• paint spread better. dener has killed hl» prize plants LimrY partners T/a Tlie Alibi hs*e statute ln such cases made and at the corner of Rahway Aftnu* Intersection of stld Md» of Fifth TO: JAMBS TURN1R BOYLBB, Book 30*1 of Deeds for •nlfl county NOTICE OK PUBLIC »ALB anplled to the Township Committee protided, , : think that the thicker ? ' o m - , f e ' t « k l n i t them. Ajnln Street and Nell«on Street, Av«n»l, Mew snd the Northwesterly slds • DEPENDANT at p*ge 373. of the Townshln of Woodhrldge for Ts,ppen Street and ninnlnii By virtue of an Order of the Sir The approilmate amount of theTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ,. - t l ' V . 8/ MITCHELL H. COHEN, Jersey. this could be avolled if the di- of a transfer of Plenarv Retail ConAl a regular meeting of the TownObjection*, If any, should bem»de perfor Court of New Jeriey. Chan- Judgment to be satisfied by said J.C.C first croup wonders why rections on the container were thence: Committee of the Township of sumption llcenae #C-50 for premises On Motion by Immediately ln writing to B. J. (II Southwesterly pursllel with cery Division, made 6n the JBth day Sals Is the sum of Fifteen Thousand ship Woodbrldge, held Wednesday. De- situated at 780 V. 8. Highway # 1 , S. Dunlgan, Township Clerk, wood,: Tit lacks gloss or wean followed tfe the letter. This way Tapper. Street 73.00 i,,t along the of November. 19SI, In R dull action Nine HBRBERT JAFTJ, Attorney Hundred and Seventy-four 6th. lOfll. I was directed to Iselln, New Jersey. New Jersey. I.-L. 12/14/J bridge.Signed: when exposed to you will not only save time and Southeasterly side of « TOO foot wherein Joan Ann Bayles, la the1(19,974.00) Dollars, more or less, to- cember h advertlne the fact that on Tuesday Take lurther notice that WIL• wide slleywsy, the public rlirhts plaintiff and you art the defendant, evening. December 19th, 1W1, the LIAM A, OELBTHY and ELIZABETH LOUIS DECTBUB money but have a more beauti- of which having heretofore been you are hereby required to answer gether with the costs of this sale. SHERIFFS SALE Together with all and MnRulnr the Township Committee will meet at 8KELETKY partners T/a The . Alibi, I.-L. 12/14. Jl/81 vacated; thence the complaint of the plaintiff on orrights, lUrKRIOR COURT ful garden to boot. privilege*, hereditaments and P. M. (E8TI ln the Committee Chamthe present holders of Plenary ReOr NEW JERSEY 121 Northwesterly purnllel with before the 30th day of January, appurtenance* thereunto, belonging bers. Memorial Municipal Building, tail Consumption license #0-59 have NOTIOl IM3, by Hiring an muwtr of L*on- « in anywise sppertalnlnu. The WoodbrldRe, New Jeraey, and eipo«i> made application for permission for riflh Btr«#t t.OO d ( t ; thenoe LAW DIVISION plalntltl'i subucriber reaerrea the right to ad-and sell at public sale and to thean addition to the present building, ESSEX COUNTY THERE 8 ALWAYS ONE (3| Northeasterly parallel with nrd •••- Flnkelateln, _..,...,..., Esquire, ,.JM...... ..... Take Notice that JOHH PAFPA8, Docket No. J-411I-80 L-462<l-<» pp eet 75,00 75,00 feet feet to to thelnttorney, the t/» Port Reading Liquor Stow, h u y, whose »ddreis Is 32S Hlgh- journ said sale from time to time highest bidder according to term* of Including first floor premises, apartBtf>et Leaving the plush Stork Club! Tappen Southwesterly tide of Fifth Street; way 18, Old Bridge, New Jersey, and subject only to such limitations or sale on file with the Real Estate De- ment to rear and excluding barber Qenersl Investment Corp, a cor-applied to the Township OommlMM poration nf New Jersey, Is Plaintiff of the Township of Woqdbrldge for nrie night, a miserly gentleman1 In default thereof w h Judgment restrictions upon the eternise of partment and Township Clerk'open shop for premises situated at 7B0 8ollt he«»terly along the shall be rendered against you as thesuch power as may be specially pro- to Inspection nnd to be publicly read U. S. Highway # 1 , Iselln, New and Edward L. Turek and Lillian Y a Plenary Retail DMtrnHRHni "It* stalked right past the doorman! . ' * ' Turek, are Defendants, Writ of Exe-cense for premises situated at SOS itj Court shall C t h l think h k equitable i t b l and d vided by law or rules of Court. prior to sale, l o t s 1 and 2 In Block Jersey, without tipping him. Neverthecution for the sale of mortgaged Wojdbrldgo Avenue, Port Reading, Junt. You shall file your answer and ROBIRT H. JAMISON, 590, on the Woodbrldge Townnhlp Objections, If any, should be premises dated October list, 1961 proof of service in duplicate with less, the doorman helped t h e , Woodbrldge Township, N. J. Assessment Map. i.EE MlLtAH Sheriff. made Immediately ln writing to B. the Clerk of the Superior Court, < Objections, If sny, mould M nude Take further notice that the J. Dunlgsn, Township Clerk, Wood- By virtue of th* above stated Immediately man Into the car with a flour-;iT ^ T™7 g n . WHundred C * 8 state House Annex, Trenton, New McCARTOR * JfflOLISH. In writing to B. J. Writ, to me directed and dellverei Attorneys. Ish Township Committee has, by reso- bridge, New Jersey Model Railroading said pleasantly, "In (»ioo.oo» noiiars, in cmh, to be p«id Jersey, ln accordance with the rules D u n l i n , Township Clttfc, WOOdI will expose to sale at public ven lution and pursuant to low fixed a Signed: Cft h u f »ew.8s ,, ii/a, so; an, u/«i case on WEDNESDAY, THE 27TP brldge, New Jersey. : railroadlni: it a y*ir «« you happen to ioRe" your , nl J ' ™ ° <i«»"rv ot The" minimum price at which said lots WILLIAM A. OaXTTBY due The object of said action l« to 0 7 DECEMBER, A. D. 1H1, si Signed: In said block will be sold together ELIZABETH OH.KTEY DAT l,hy, But for many; buffs, pallet on trie way home, sir, WHIRBAS, the Township Com- obtain a Judgment of divorce be anxKirrs IALE the hour of two o'clock by the thet JOHN PAPPAB hM with all other details pertinent. »I<1 T/a The Alibi •nson provide* aiiust remember that you didn't!""!*' "•'•rniined thit said tween the mid plaintiff and you. prevailing (Standard or Dayllgh •VnsBIOR COURT OP T/a Port Madlni Uqoor M e n minimum price being $500.00 plus T..-L. 12/7-14/(1 lands, owned by It, are not needed Dated: String) time, ln the afternoon IOW JERSEY I.-L. 13/14, 21/411 rlunlty to add newipull It out here." co«t» of preparing deed and adver• " public use s,nd should be sold December 4, 1MI LAW DIVISION tising this sale. ^,-e scenic effects, and ' upon certain condltl therefore. 9.. NOTICB LKONARD DWOtte J H l O D U I f k COUNTY Said lot* ln «Ald block must br Bl IT • pniCB up the pike, j h l W T TRIP the TownAttorney for Plaintiff DOCXB1 I S . J-9,M-59 Take notice that BVBLYN MOR-II paid for ln cash on night g of sale. ship Committee ot the Townihlp ofi t.-L. 12/7 14 21 28/81 fthO ( r n A smft!I lr T/a The Post Store has apCom' Fair Lawn-IUdbum Trust Subject to the condition tha-t the RI8ON " w m^? u:. ; « I went to church Woodbrldge, In the County of Mid-' plied to the Township Committee of I pany, a banking corporation of Newherein conveyed premise! be used by graridmoth(,r SHERIFF1!) BALE the Township of Woodbrldge for e l Jersey, Plaintiff, and Stephen LUworked histor- | ^ e a non-profit organization Incorpor|on December 8, JOfll, as follows: SUPERIOR COURT OF clna snd Helen Ludna, Defendants. ated under the laws of the Stnte Plenary Retail Distribution license »as ic battle icenn 1. The offer made by Joseph Orso NEW JERSEY Writ of ftecuflon for the sale of of New Jersey for the construction for premises situated at 1 Railroad I «»»d at the a«the same hereby ls, apinto their layCHANCERY DIVISION mortgaged premises dated October and use of recreational facilities Avenue, Colonla, New Jersey. subject to final approyal at! MIDDLESEX COUNTY out., .making l * ° r t m e n t ot *>llli »nd change proved 20th, 1M1. Only. Ssld recreational facilities to Objections, It any, Bhould be made I the neit Regular Meeting of thlsl DOCKET NO. F-2M5-W l ln l writing iti to t B. B J J.I || By virtue of the above stated Writ, be constructed within three yenrs Immediately pigtt (if and then quietly deposited her Oovsrnlng Body which 1« scheduled anv a cor / Kg pauy, cur me directed, and delivered, I will and completed within five years DtmlRan, Township Clerk, Wood-|| history tome dime. When they arrived home lor, and will be h«ld on December! p o r a l i o n o f t n , 8 t a t 6 o t N e wJ e r to expose to sale at public vendue on brlrtue, New Jersey. f h d f th ithi deed from the date of the within deed. •live fur school she remarked ln bewilderment, It. 1M1. Is Plaintiff, and Edward J. WEDNESDAY, THE 3RD DAY OF In the event nny or all of Hie 8lgned 2. That the salt be made upon sey, Wyzykowskt, and Alice Wyzykow EVELYN MORRISON || young;it«ri. A, D. 1992 aforementioned conditions are lint "I don't know why gome people . . — , „ condition that the property b« con-ski, his wife. New Jersey Bank st theJANUARY, T/a The Post Store hour of two o'clock by the met or ln the event that the grantee Whether it's had to pay a dollar ln ChurchJJJ*,'^ ^ t h e •dJolnlnj property and Trust Company, a corporation, then prevailing (Standard or Daycorporation censes to exist or beI.-L. 12/7-14/61 West, .modern indu«- ;j n a d , ROOd M t t f o r , d l m e „ Knaucr's Fur Shop. Inc., a New Jer- light Saving) time, In the afternoon 1 That KoUce of said further • i-ur rail traffic through corporation, Lake Food Service, of the said day, »t the Sheriff's Ofmeeting of the Oorernlng Body, sey a New Jersey corporation, First fice In the City of New Brunswick, ak.. musill ba«t, th« raw contalnlnt u l d offer of puchaie Inc., The 8lmpl« Uh Savings & Loan Association, N. J. with a description of the aforesaid Capitol , for realiim art at and l m Walter I . Black, Jr., Ancillary Is that BEOINNINO at a point on to be th« nrlrn (h«r»nf * "»" « *• imaci, , Ancillary , y.,ur local hobby shop. R i ip t jlr .S i & westerly side of Stmwherry Hllll 1 g all you have .aid £ ?be h°>«"" f for F Firstt C Cpltol Saving. & Avenue, said point being distant 364 said Sft sale, .shall AFTER 60 YEARS Loan Association, Inc., are De' .i n, published In the WoodbrldKe Indeweight I.i to bathe—The pendent-Leader, a newspaper pub- fendants. feet north of the corner formed by •lil railroad? A carnival the westerly side of Strawberry Hill Scoop, Winter HarWrit of Execution for the tale of llahed and circulating In the TownAmiliUrybandtAiplit side of shlp of Woodbrlcl«e on December 14, mortgaged premises dated October Avenue and the northerly running k i l ? N b Benjamin Street: thencs 1M1. which IJ not leas than two days 23r<l, 1961. ; westerly : i-arc j u s t a f e w o f hunnor more than ten (10) days before By virtue of the above stated Writ, 11) northerly along the LEGAL NOTICES to me directed and delivered, I will side of Strawberry Hill Avenue 40 uld further meeting. •ilra* nlready d«vt!op#d' to a point; thence (2) westerly 4. That at ,wld further meeting, expose to sale at public vendue on feet '•! railroad fani. and parallel with Benjamin Street NOTICI WEDNESDAY, THE 20TH DAY |b«relnataovo scheduled ^and desig;i farm landi, woodloti ____ ^ _ 101.87 feet to a point; thence (3) aiSOI.l'TION Of DECEMBER, AD. 1M1, u u c [ nated, the said offer to purchase! i ijinit in your own town. WHEREAS, Joseph Urw has msdi|iriJ"p'ro'p7rty~»'h«ir'bVcmisld'e're'dmbsu t t h e h o u r o f l w o °' c l o c l c b? t B e southerly and parallel with the first course 40 feet to a point; thence 1 rrhlMl p ur tWl O o v n l n t t ,.„, It M realistic that * T7V" !. "?"«•« i " - ;' « l ! »""? *hlch may ^ .prevailing (Standard or Day (4) easterly and parallel to the sec '1 ..-InallT f » l lh»v'r« « « - » . «« amended,.then reject the same, or may con-light Saving) time, ln the afternoon ond course 101.87 feet to the point said —>• day, "• at»™ the Sheriff's .,1 aauailT J t « tne-y re p r o p , r l y , n t h , Township or Wood-orm and ratify .aid ule under said -of the— " - •Of-"- or place of beginning. flce l n t n e c l t ot New ,::iler tn» lamp post in bridn* mown ind deierlbed sitermtaniJ conditions provided thst ? Brunswick loUo Wonderful idea (or a "difBeing known and designated Hii k'»uK» station! "*11UKlun , Ino higher price shall then b« paid BK11NNINO at a point in thilfor said property by any otbei All that tract or parcel of land, Lots Nos. 130 B and 131 A, ln Block ferent" gift—a Savings Ac...• u *ip from this old model tide of Slith StrNt.lptrson • ' ' ' ' ' ' ! f:m, and look for new SouthweiUily count here in the name of ssld point bring therein distant) j . That at said further meeting • i,.lil life to that track of •4 00 feet Norihweuerly from thi'thlt Oovernlng Body shall, It It apyour favorite parson (or intersection of uld Ude of Sixth prove, the aale, authorize the proper i v n holiday action. Gtt persons). Make it for any i !vi into th« act, too. 8trt*t and the Northwe.terly «ld«'offlc«s to make a Deed of Conveyof Tappen 8trw. and runnlnj i n c e to the aforeaalrt offeror. or to amount you wish. We'll lh ',! in, I them mighty handy "v i the purchaser or nald lands. e turnery dtpartnwntl enclose the Savings BooR in Ill Southwnter.y parailel wtthi BE IT FUBTBEREESOLVED,that Tappen swttt MOO feet along the( certified copy of this Resolution a handsome gift-card with thai! be published In the said Woodhridge Independent-Leader on space for your own perthe day above designated which sonal greeting. I shall constitute the Notice required M by the quoted section of the Rett vlHd Statutes.of A Saving! Account dtrt Ii Id* gift that "poyi c/ivWtnrf Sl B. J. DUNIOAN Continental, Heritage, Century, Kling, Fancher, Ill tht "diffinni" gilt thai grows with iht / t a r i i g Township Ctsrt " 1-L. l l / U / « l Pennsylvania • House, Sanford, Pullman and ^?bn2T *W Hobby orner T GIVE THE GIFT THAT GOING OUT OF DUE TO ILLNESS $200,000 STOCK OF FURNITURE PUBLIX PHARMACY a 2 OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY I INCLUDING CHRISTMAS EVEi f^erionat Service Do Jit %;tL ! At a rtgulsr meetlnK of the Town12Woodbrld«e ship .Committee of the Township o held Wednesda-y, Dtcem-; Mount Airy; also bedding by Sealy, Restonic, Englander; Carpet by Gulistan, Firth & Artloom Throughout btr «th, 1M1. I was directed to »dXvertlse the fact that on Tuesday evefining, r>cember 19th, 1SM1, the Town-j 1 ihlp Committee will mfft at K P M j 2 IEST) In the Commlf.H! Chambers.i I Memorial Municipal Building. Wood-< *' bridge. New Jerwy. »nd expose anil m\\ <it public sale anil lo the highest uibldder according to termi of sal<| S o n file with the Real E«tate Dupartyj ment and Township Clerk open to J Inspwtlon and to be publicly read • •prior to mile, LyU 29 and 30 In 3) nio-i 529 UH on the Woodbrldge Township AsMismeni Map. Tane further notice that the j) Town»hip Committm has by reso* and pur.uant to lawfl«ed» i iniiiMiium price at which slid lots S |H .aid block will ue sold togethei B with all other details pertinent, said J mlni:nuin price being *100 piu» B n)iij of prcparlns deed and sdverS ilaliig this «a!e. Said lots ln said I ii:,n-k must be paid for In cash on £ nislii uf sale ercury ederal CREDIT TERMS ARRANGED nfiailieiex County GREINER 8 8 Choose from these makes: J ver a Christmos Gift I Refer To: W »!3 If PUBLIC SALE Headquarters in Woodbridge \ jTO NOTICE WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10 AT C O S T OR BELOW C O S T WHITE CROSS FURNITURE 446 ST. GEORGES AVE., RAHWAY FUNERAL HOME OVEN DAILY 10:30 TO 9 P M. DAILY Eat. 1904 — AUGUST P. QREINER, Director Phone ME 4-0264 • • SATURDAY 10:30 TO 5:30 P. M. 44 Green Street Woodbrldge avings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 117 Main Street, Woodbridge HOURS: 9 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.—Friday 9 AJff. to 7:30 VM, ,:7\ phonemm \ kitchen l^tmt ' • : ' - Large Selection of • - • • • t t • COSMETICS PERFUME CANDY CARDS CAMERAS • MEN'S TOILETRIES t PHOTO EQUIP, • SMOKERS BAR t GIFT WRAPPING • FILM Suggests • : • • . . • • • • : . • : • . y : ; : * - ' : < • • • • : . • : ' : • ; lcofa?lil Largett Selection of HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS IN WOODBRIDGE ALL PACKAGES GIFT WRAPPED FREE PUBLIX PHARMACY Mi 4-0809 WOODMIDGE MAIN STRIIT Convenient Free Purklng In Rev PUBLISHING CO. BTR1ET , N. J. 1(1 I..] Enclosed pleaae find 14.00 for subscription to: ' t ] INDIPENDENT-LIADBR 11 CARTERET PRE8S 11 EDISOM TOWNSHIP-FORDS BEACON be wnt to ' , CHEVROLET — from — ^•^v: 1 -^::-: SODENY CHEVROLET 30 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret Order NOW for Christmas Delivery Good Selection of Ail Models! ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS. Wall phones and table models in color, Princess phones, Bell Chimes, Home Interphones, second phone lines. We'll driver in time to go under the tree, and install right after Christmas. Just a l l theTelephone Bysiness Office, ^ NEW JERSEY BELL OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 O'CLOCK • E«p«Jr Work by Factory Twined Mechanics At BnuMiubl* Kttei TOWN KI1-5123 t THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1061 P y PAGE TWENTY-TWO ******************************************** NOW HEAR THIS Department to Hold Free Basketball Clinic WOODBRIDOE—The Town ship Recreation Department in conjunction with Leisure Un-i limited will sponsor a free bgs[ketball clinic, featuring the world-famous Harold Bunny »;Levltt on December 22 at the JjWoodbridge HiKh School nym.1 Levitt, i n outstanding figure i in basketball and handball,! holds the worlds free throw j Fourteen years ago I was summoned to the In- championship—499 consecutive, free throws without a mlAs.1 dependent-Leader's second floor office by Mr. This a m a z i n g performance Charles Gregory, a man I had admired for his landed him In Ripleys "Believe versatility as a writer but had never met formally. It or Not." In a later exhibiBunny shot free throw I did not know exactly what he had in mind, and tion, seven and one-half solid h6urs, the unknown made me nervous. As I climbed the missing only two out of 8711 stairs to his office, my knees began to tremble and tries. He has demonstrated his skill -by the time I reached the. door I couldn't decide before audiences totaling over whether to knock or run Courage and curiosity 250,000 basketball players and coaches at clinics, coaching finally overtook my fear and I g&ve the paneling schools and at innumerable two short taps arid immediately received a soft Army and Narcy posts. In many of his exhibitions throughout response, "Come on in." the country, Bunny has travOnce inside his domain, I walked toward his desk eled as a main attraction with professional basketball Irtiere he greeted me with a firm handshake and leading teams. the request to be seated. Mr. Gregory then asked . The sole purpose of this exme if I was the St, James football coach and au-Ihibltlon is to promote more inin basketball—to amplify thor of the team's weekly press releases. He also terest teaching methods so that "inquired if I was the same Johnnie Royle who .younger players as well as seaedited the All-Hi News a few years back, I replied Isoned veterans can derive the' most out of the game. Bunnyi 'to all questions in the affirmative. Without batting •tides to,fundamentals, aijd in an eye, he asked, "How would you like to be the no way does be disrupt or Interfere .with any coaching iports editor of this- newepaJJw?" II someone hftd, system.' asked if I wanted to be a member of an AU-Ameri- Bunny demonstrates and excan football team I could not have been more plains basketball shooting in as well as passing, dribstunned. After locating my tongue, which seemed detail bling, pivoting, offense and de to have disappeared from my mouth, I replied, fense. He also gives a valuable discourse on rules and answer "Yes." questions on rule interprets He proceeded to tell me what my duties would tlons. At part of the exhibition be and informed me that the staff would be of there will be shown sound mov assistance to help me get started on my new job. ies of the season's major cham iplonship basketball games # B v Host to Bomb fry Johnnie ftoyU Tonigh A Amboy 5 Garners Yictorv Hoop Season Plans Begun WOODBRIDOE—John Zullo. .,_ Township Recreation Supeiin- f tendent, stated earlier this week| *'' thnt. plans for the 1962 b ^ k " ' bull season are still being fi mulated and interested tefim&j are requested to contact his office fet 5 Main Street. once attain four leagues are scheduled to function throughout the township. The Junior Division will Include boys from nine to 12 years old, Babe Ruth I from 13. to 15, Light Senior from 16 to 18, while the Heavy Senior, ns usual, has unlimited 'age restriction*. | A -set of rule.1! and regulations can DP obtained at any time bf request from members -<Sf the .present Recreation staff. WOODBRIDGE l)is,, ;; . pointed with Ills chili's r>n- ,f| defeat nt the hands nl Pi: 11, Amboy In t h e home upi;,. ;• earlii'r this week. WoocllHiri.e coach Jim Iiake Is honlni< t! •• ithe Bartons will improve MI::.. 'cli'ntly to hnndle R:vvir. •'.••,• Hwh toniKht. In a game *lm-| • scheduled to be played w <•, 4oe:tl gym . fl i Thi> Bomtwin, u n d n i • ieoach John Dftntix dmp,,, jthelr Initial MWne of ^he sen « to P r r t h Amboy St. M « n « n 55-41 score. The enrlv smt,;,. can be attributed to \w\\f 'ence due to t h e urnduatHi key players last J u n e Tony Rolls A 668 Set TEAM STANDINGS W iFoodtown-Witting .. 27 Ryan's Plumbing ... 25's Sisko & Fedor 25 However. Dana, n sine • jeoach from Pennsylvania, i> •. pectcd to have his club up • j tonight's encounter with <: •Barrens. He has a n except;••:• ally tall starting five mid u , |a lull court press t o hanus < •, ponents. His leadlna point p-, duccr Is Joe Oemetskl. n s.: 'ho consistently drives fni <\ loops. L 12 As I walked toward the door beaming from head to 13'i foot, he called out, "Hey, Johnnie, aren't you in14 terested in your weekly salary?," With one foot WUURC. OMsmobile .. 24 15 Mauro Motors 20 19 over the threshold and a big grin on my face, I Lake is well aware that \ s jMayer's Tavern 19 20 1 ,wo former football stars, w ;t replied, "Nope." My answer made him smile and ,Burke Insurance l? ^ lurzeja and George Fair i., State-Tobak's .... shake his head. Saturday afternoon a t the St., Team Standings: binding the transition from \u: _ 17^ 20Vi W L James court. St. Peter's meets Metro Motors Once out on the sidewalk, I stood in front of the Team Standings: gridiron to the floorboard dif: • O'Boston College in the first con-Wdbge. Liquors 16 23 .. 1 iult. Since they are key mwnCollege building and it looked as tremendous as the Em0 test at one o'clock, Belmont Bomers 12 27 .. 1 jers of the present Barron cl,u, 0 Abbey clashes with Niagara atjCollege Inn 12 27 pire State Building. I could hardly believe that I seton Hail 2 Lake will have to wait patini'h •! 1 two, and St, Joseph's tangles WOODBRIDOE — The pins mtll the pair regain the fn::n St. Peter's — ° was going to work for Mr. Gregory. And little did Iona ; -2 1 with St. Francis in the finale! | really flew in the Woodbridge ISELIN — The Iselin Boysjseason. In order to register ihat made them import i n Belmont Abbey . _ 0 I know at the time that I was starting a fourteen- M a r S a V ' Z Z Z ' r . 1 ijat three. JKnlghts of Columbus Bowling League Is offering a Winter each applicant must be accom- sompeltors on last years wSt. Joseph's ° year association with one of the finest men I have Holy cross ........ZZI. 1 League as Tony Czajkow&ki pet llinic for boys who will be panied by a parent, furnish ilty. e arae WOODBRIDGE — B o s t o n a season's high series of 668 to :lght or nine years old before proof of age, and pay the regis- When Jack Burke, a sop!" ever met, He never at any time questioned my ^ htt ^ ~ J Jollege upended St. Joseph's lead Ryan's Plumbing on past August 1, 1962. The Clinic will tration fee of $2.50. I t will not |more, gave a demonstration »'. 47-40 in the St. James Big methods or my policies. He never failed to grant vftianova "ZZZZZ 0 Sisko & Pedor Transportation x held each Saturday morning be necessary for a parent to His all around ability in u. Basketball League as David into second place. Czajkowsk from 10 A. M. to noon begin- aocompany a boy after regis l»ayvee game, Lake inuneHiut... a request or hesitated to finance a proeram which wwDBRnxjE^seton Bixel starred in final minutes rolled his record series on ning January 6 through and tration. might assist my sports department. His true |james Grammar "school Little |beckoned him to the varsitv am! • • ™ - L-_._ made it two straight in the St. of the game with a timely scorgames of 234, 227 and 207. I including ;he ,young scored * cluding February 24, 1962.^ All ....boys . must wear sneaker „ . . , .eager _ ( friendship, however, asserted itself whenever I was - — • „_ ing spurt which produced vic, Czajkowskl was aided by Joe lach of the two-hour sessions their own baseball points against the Panthe: Seton Hall Bixel Produces Victory Wins 15-12 For BC in Final Minutes Iselin Boys League Plans Winter Clinic Sessions Tournament Tomorrow . . . . . . . . I , L »-• m . . t a n 15-12 a t t h e local Amboy tory In the season's opener. PRINCETON—Lawrenceville i Ryan's 212 and 202, and Prank will be held in the gymnasium; ;an(1 n a v e |w>ll no doubt be heard fron i> - past The Boston College quintet School will play host to seven Rudolph's 209 and 200 in the of the Iselin Junior High j gloves. Additional equipmen unjustly criticized. I never went to him for assist- Avenue the close of the season two will be supplied by the Iselir held the upper hand until mid other secondary schools repre- Plumbers' triple win over iSchool. Tuesday night's Rame v ^ ance whenever an unpleasant situation arose, but with only two weeks way through the fourth quar- senting six states in the 14th .Woodbridge Liquors. Sisko & The season's registration fee Boys League. For further in far from a superior peri u s somehow or other he would always find out about %£\£S% ^ Iona with ter when Dan Stanclk's field jannual Invitation Hockey Tour- Fedor slipped into third ptac of $2.50 includes participation1 formation call: D. Essex a' ance by either team. Tin- lull are tied for first place 2-0 records. goal balanced the score and Inament at "Baker Rink here after wrapping two games tc In the Winter Clinic as well as Fulton 8-09d7 or C. Jenkins a handling by the Woodiim! it and get into the game. He did the same for every identical Richie Smith, the Pirates' seconds later Ed Golden hit and Lavino Park in Lawrence- Van Tassel's and George Kar the regular 1962 Boys League Liberty 8-7061. and Perth Amboy clubs •.* member eager, was high man with another accurate shot to ville this weekend. dos' 222, also Pete Bltwinski' mediocre and more >i amily. of the staff, which helped make us a close versatile on the floorboards with fonr give th the scrappy St. Joseph's All four of last year's seml- 203. Tonny Russo's 211 was top family. bounced off the hoops tii His Ability to make everyone feel at ease in his field goals and a foul for nine give team a 36-34 lead. flnalisLs will be on hand again, for the Truckers. dropped through the nets presence was one of his many attributes. Three points, while Jimmy'Parr and With his team trailing, Bixel including Deerfleld, Mass. Acad- Al's Footown and Wlttln Warren Luhrs hit the sc»: I Jim Lafchinsky each tossed in found the range and hit with emy, the defending Robert Piel Tools held onto first place column first for the Barmi. years ago, he accompanied a few members of the I four for the Jaspers. tosses from the floor to Memorial Trophy winner. Nich- the league with a double wlr the opening period with A : Heard* Square Syndicate on a skiing trip to Split Iona gave a demonstration of two send Boston College ahead 38- olas School of Buffalo, the 1960 over Harry Burke Insurance shot, but the slim inkm,1. all around strength by of the Insurance Rock Lodge, and a few of the fellows were a little its was soon erased when I' 36. The margin failed to hold runner-up; Choate School ofDick„ Ungvary „ # „ trouncing Forewarn by a one(games to one. Gene Farley up, however, as Stancik and Wellington, Conn., and Taft team had a 614 with games Amboy's Jerry Convery hit TEAM STANDINGS nervous about his presence on such an informal sided 20-4 count. Golden once again dumped School of Watertown, Conn., 221 and 201 and Steve Poo for the Druggists and two accurate Jump slim W trip. Mr. Gregory left a little earlier in the day, The big gun from a scoring field goals into the nejts to move round out the top quartet, added 209, but the Foodtowners Harold Scheubek a 210 for make it 4-1. From this 25V4 for the Rams was St. Joseph's to the front, 40-38. A l s o participating are Phil- got a 237 from Nick Ballo, 222 Cross Keys Wlshbow, ' the Panthers steadily and I, along with two companions, was scheduled standpoint Qulgley Esso 25 17 Jim Snyder, who hit the nets Bixel took charge for the Andover Academy. And201 from Jim Vash and a 203 Duerscheidt Ins Oak Tree Claaners hit top ahead and with a 25 17 to meet him and Ed Kruetzberg, our circulation for 10 counters. His teammate second time during the fourth oUvpesr i M a s s . Burrillvllle (R.I.) an from Tom Steinbach to win the Oak Tree Drugs 24'A 17% form by shooting a 2847 set,, mahilng in the session Bob Toryak was next down the two manager, at a restaurant for dinner. Before arriv- line in the scoring column with period with a the Hill School match. 24 18 high for the night, to take two 17-11 advantage. Secoim Majestic Lanes pointers, which sent Boston ot p o ttstown, Pa., and the host Mauro Motors, behind Bill Petco Plating 19'i games from Iselin Lumber. fore the conclusion of tin ing at the designated site, one of my friends, who eight markers. k Mik D Mike Dryer College roaring to the topside gchoo], xhe two-day tourha- Roberts1 232 and Frank Zeny 20 George Sedlak finally found ter. P»ir hit with a Un>v 22 Preside Realty racked up , Fordham's point had never met the Boss, was reluctant to stop. He l 42-40, 4240 After Aft Bixel's Blxel's m e n t of the tally, c a u s for a _ . narico's 204 and 200. climbed a Olivers Tavern 22 20 the range with a 211 and 203 play to close it up, n - H: production of four. Each team will few notches into fifth place Ciccone Welding .... 22 20 for the Cleaners. very wa« high man !" gave me the excuse that he was not dressed prop- Paced by the accurate shoot- splash, the Saints fell behind Of j 2 and were seven points off the p j a y ies each. with a triple win over Metro 8t. George Ph'm'cy . 21 21 Mauro Motors took the odd Panthers during the em l> erly arid was not at all hungry. An empty stomach ing of Dan Hutnick, St. John's pace at the whistle First-round contests will be Motors. 21 21 [game from Mlele Excavating with nine points, whil, Shop-Rite finally conquered his fear and we walked into the manipulated a 13-10 decision Mark Plisko was the most held at 10 A. M. and 3 P. M Mayer's Tayern, behind John Iselin 20 22 A 202 by John Ciajkowskl was'towed In five for the over Holy Cross in a well played consistent point producer for Friday. The semi-finals will Einhorn's 906 series with' games Mauro Motors 1 [needed to salvage pr»e game for' Botnteam» * <->"** dining room. The sensitive Mr. Gregory immedi- game. Mlele Excavating . 19 *,. Boston College with 16, while start 7:30 A. M. Saturday with of 224 and 201, won three from Wlshbow Bros Items durlm the «rl>_ \t Excavators, 194 23>,4jthe Excavators. i ately recognized my friend's symptoms and to put Hutnick scored 11 points by his teammates, Dennis Monte- the consolation final at 11:15 State J(ewelers. Woodbridge f Walter Frank, Ahooting hUl the lecond quarter . 18 24 of five field goals and one calvo and Bixel, each tossed to The championship contest, will Oldsmobile whitewashed 8om- Duffy's TV my friend entirely at ease, he said,' "Royle, where way • h first 600 §et of the year, a nett visitors increased St. Cecelia No. 1 17' j 24'i free throw. Jim Healy and Anh ers Flower "House Ed Golden paced the St. be held 2:30 P. M. " • " 'in " *the " fina} i Iselin Lumber .. the heck have you been? Can't you drive more than drew Ahmovlc flipped In four 10 16 26 601, v. as-still not enough u I«- Ito a 30-20 count »t.<Joseph attack with 14 points First-round pairings will send contest. Oak Tree Cleaners .. 13 29 elln Shop-Rite tost two g»me»JM»nwI. Larry Kovaci counters each for the Crusadtwo miles away from Woodbridge without getting with Ronnie Witkowski and Andover against Lawrenceville to Ciccone Welding. Q. Ange- ConverySunk field K<» er . . M I Dan Stancik close on his heels Burrillville against Taft on the ISEI4N — After losing con- lina's Ml and P^Je Cttternlc- time running OM be! lost?" Everyone started to laugh; the ice had been l ; ^ r, Notre Dame reached the win "collecting * " °™" c11 * each. „„„,, Lavinn T?inir «nd Lavino P»rir Park Rink, and rhc».t* Choate siderable ground prevlous ^ t o i -m for u,e Welders were half, Woodbridge "broken and from that moment on, all of us had a column for the first time this Niagara made its season's de- against Nichols and Deerfleld week. Otk Tree Drugs com- more than enough to offset 34.26 only to have season after hanging a 15-12 •terrific time., bute a most successful one by against Hill on Baker Rink. pleted a three game sweep over Frank s big set. Convery sink IMA reversal on Villanova.. Fireside Realty to take a major Petco Plating, with a 201 crease the PantheiV l<-a Mr. Gregory's overwhelming desire to help oth The big scorers for the Irish romping to a 32'22 victory over nl s e r a o f a r Peter's. * ^' * ranging step in —„ _.closing„ the gap fn> tint ggme from Angelo Barbato, it the period t*rmtii"t' ers became apparent one Sunday afternoon as we were Bill Szabo and Ed Fitz- St.johnny Fuery was the big football players, the Colorado place to a game and one-half downed Olivers Tavern two The third period \ugerald with clusters of six and 1 watched a baseball game together. I asked him four, respectively. George Van man on the floor for Niagara State College team is somein the St. Cecelia Knights ofi ( a m i (Continued on Pato with eight counters, while thing of an oddity, Only four winter carnival w l Columbus Bowling League Vhy he didn't relax and make things easier for Tassel, the sharp Wildcat shoot- Bruce Ferraro and John Zim- of its 36 players are from out- the year old Berlin Mountain The week being bumper j TWO members of Coach Bowwas high man in the game • himself. His answer jwas, "If I can't live the way Ier, merman each accounted for side Colorado. By contrast, of Ski Area1 February 2-8, Ski night, ..„..., Quigley Esso continued|den Wyatt's football staff atll VILLAGE INN with eight points. seven. St. Peter's offensive star the 70 players listed on the to close In on Cross Keys Res- Tennessee a n former headj want to, there is no place for me on this earth," The Coach Ralph Townaend an schedule resumes SatTe d Tom Delaney, who ran his University of Colorado roster at nounced this week. taurant by taking Bob Woodruff, line II Bar & Rettaanmt - the odd ,Kame ,poaches. — •At first I did not get the full meaning of his quote, urday morning at the- Amboy was the season's start, only 18 were The ski area, completed lastr during their recent individual total to 10. match fcoaeh. ,ls a former head coach Aveune gym with four games I Green St., Woodbrldr in their home State, •but later I learned what he actually meant. He had listed for the day's court ac- A well balanced St. Francis |year,"wiU be the site of the Also remaining within sUlk-'&t Florida and Baylor. Harvey club took on Belmont Abbey in (Cor. IWiwij »"•' ing distance, the Duerscheidt Robinson, offensive backfleld grown so accustomed to helping others that he did tivities. Fordham engages Notre downhill slalom and Jumping t round of games \n the Back In 1924, Ernest E events of the Friday-Saturday Insurancemen took two games coach, was Wyatt'i predeceuor not know how to stop, and above all, he derived a JDame in the first game at 8:30Jleague and encountered little (Clabber* Williams made Au- carnival. It Is located less than from Majestc Lanes, using KUU head coach t t Tennessee. Hone Cooked Iona faces Villanova a difficulty chalking UP a 37-19 burn football history when he five mllei trora WiUiamstown. Canevarl'g 222 game, high for certain amount of satisfaction from being in a po- o'clock, 9: JO, Holy Cross takes on Mankicked two field goals totaling UKIWOIS aul Dinners Cross • country competition the night, and Mike Lakomski's '" sition to offer his hand. Perhaps his philosophy hattan at 10:30 anB St. John's triumph. The most outstanding per- 96 yards in one game. The kick will take place at nearby Savoy 201 to pood advantage. Mike Tod Sloan, America's greatjest Jockey before the turn of battles undefeated Seton Hall Served Daily former in the game was Dennis of 51 and 45 yards enabled Au State Forest. The dates mark Wachter's 209 helped stave'off was brought about by his association with restric- at 11:30 the century, rode five winners 1 Mlnkler, who sank 11 field burn to defeat Clemson. They a shutout lor the AUeymen. II A, H. till Ctoiioi, liAi tion before becoming one of the best newspapertwo scheduling changes. In the on six race cardj three times in goals and one foul for 23 points, bettered the modern record of Duffy's TV, after a long p , Bill Harper, slippery quarterSunday from 3:00 I*. : ' men in the business. Dyas. Wil- past, Dartmouth had held its dump, bounced back with Ray! 1889. ttotal t l which was high in 83 yards set by Ed Dyas in the the 83 back for the Cameron, Okl was Cloiinf (Midnlfbi Sparkler's 201 game to takctl Rookie Jake Wood! of the He was- known as Charlie and Greg to a lot of police. The seven city chief. j li Rose fiowl player of the year zar came through [three from Slf. Cecelia's No. 1. Detroit Tigers made fives.hits Authentic host tty second. This year .people, but I could never call him anything else for his part'in the Aggies' 28- counters to top the Belmont who held' the ball was Dean been St. George Pharmacy defeat-Sin a game against the Chicago the schools agreed to revert* now a city commlsWishbow Brothers two!White Sox last August 8. but Mr. Gregory—he commanded that much re- [20 upset victory over Bakers- Abbey scorers. are slated for Peterson, the order. sioner. Three games , California. spect in our long association' as friends and coworkers. Yet, on the other hand, Silent Pete, the BIG CAR COMFORT AT COMPACT PRICES former Main Street custodian, always took pride BOWL-MOR LANES V to calling the Boss "Charlie/1 and Mr. Gregory It sounds ridiculous, BUT A SWIMMING POOL Ii Now Located At loved it. He had a certain affection for Pete and FOR CHRISTMAS MAKES SENSE. A |25 de346 Main Street, Woodbridge . when Pete's wife was in the hospital, he asked me posit will hold your pool, and WE'LL pay tor the T&I1-OUT (Actun Krum Breu Butktt) if the senior member of the Heards Square Syndiexcavation when you want it installed. Get a Complete Witb LEAGUE CAU. ME •*«« COCKTAH LOUNGE ani beautiful Gift Certificate to put under the tree. cate was in any financial difficulties. Mr. Gregory ENDURANCE-BUILT »nd OPEN Thrill your family thi* year. BREAKFAST. worried about everyone; he put everyone else's SNACK BAK BOWUNO LUNCH, DINNKB ANDHKW V. HOSPODJW, Pro>ri«Wr-M»imer problems above his own health. If ever a man gave SANDMAR POOL CO. IB <>»' " " ' his life for his fellow citizens, it's our own Mr. 49 Tennyson Street Cutaret i'411 363 WviiioB Street Perth Aiuboy KI l-MM Gregory. His memory and work will never vanish on Page tt) 1UU11U w«' »»».B»' ^1 bCllU iW)«W" w . . ~ , 3 ~ —- Oak Tree Drugs Upends Realty; Gap is Closing 0 - • !:• . » iii_ „ n A U i\f f w n . <•>*(.< n . * .• . . . 1 .~ . > Ski Carnival At Williams £K V62 LARK J. ARTHUR APPLEGATE, INC. SANTA CLAUS IN A BATHING SUIT? D '• THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, lfl PAGE TWINTY-THKOJ Winter Activities at Woodbridge Sr. High) Evening:' Sessions Enjoyed WOODBRIDGK-Tlit gTzn(ly rnlnrjrd program of cbrripptitivr sports at WoodbrMfe Senior High School has «r«tdir icd the faculties of the school !almost to the breaking poiuj.. JTiip pictures on thlj rage sho*L |the extremes to •1ll(5h Vft building Is put to hOUH On* evening's activities. A Bcen» from the senior play, which takes nearly tbne months of prattle* to product has the vise of the auditoritw. , stner, dressing and music rooms. y Wrestling practice und«r the rection of Jerry Delanty, ft Ivld in a CPfrterla room.- Thte area, normally a study hill and ja liomrroom, contains300 t a t t t t arm chnirs which must Ba moved and stacked for eve© practlvc.'Then the matg art Wd out and corned with a speettl material that enable a floito couples to exercise their arts i t r: one time. In the long corridor, ten ftBt ^ wlrtp mid 485 feet long, the trunk u>&m gets Into condition. This is not a particularly Ideal situation, inasmuch as 20 or morr doors open upon it an<I another corridor intersect* a t rlsht RIIRIR near the gymnislum. Herbert Hollowell coaches these- boys. The large gym at the. end of Ihri building can be divided Into three rooms, each containing a regulation basketball "iurt. The varsity, Junior varsity, and soohomore s n " ^ hold forth on two of them under head coach Jame* T-fikr and his two assistants, Robert JBtsler anil Hnri""1 M"ho<i. The third gym room is used by th" fl"M rmi of t1"* track squad nnd hurdlers. M r HP11<V well Is r-soonKN" f">r this group. ' 0 . On tb° ovrninqs when on" r" more of 1 IT™ fon^l'iir nrp, pinvin? aw&" trop\ v <: ?"W"i ll v ' v\ 11 Hi" ^i ' orf "" PIT'----. When n' 4 '-'" 1 "'"'] t'™p <<i *' • ' - ; ed. onf of the In)'1"1.. sl^om, for tpr1""' " r " n-.r.,i.- ; ' -''•••' f « 0 <> r M-,- 1,-* _ tli«s w " , d . Not s h o " n in Mr i l - ' ' r "S " the cii"n-lnp'l"vs "'id t-ir 1 "- , fort" a!lr>""thBr, T V ' f nrT 1 '"" on tiie s'aT1; or in R vn»-nt. t*—i) ro^Mi v,h"'icv"r "0«ll)'"j permit. Tim overall arrangements for |th« snores program is the duty jof Jc^in Tomc9!iik. athletic d> rector nf thn school. Dr John P. lozo. Principal, by virtu 9 of his iposltion, is responsible for th» {entire athletic program of the' Institution. Assistant' V$k Principal Louis Gabriel Is llsagg man between the adrnlni«traj tlon and thR personnel of ttte sports program. >« Soccer Team Plays Sunday >9 WOODBRIDGE—After spend. jlng three weeks on the rOa«lt the Woodbridge Hungarian so&r er team is scheduled to return to the local high school stadium Sunday afternoon to eri* gage the Linden 8. C. In a Ne^ Jersey State League gams SOME OF THE ACTIVITIES can be seen in the photos on this pase. On tlif top left, ;i group of youngsters practice which will begin a t 2:30 P. M. wrestling in the school cafeteria. Keluw this k a scene, of arliery prucliiT in the hallway. The spacious hallway Is shown The Hungarians got oft to » used for track practice in the photo below. I'lio bolluiu photo left shows the three men responsible for the activities, poor start when the nucleus of with the gym in the background, They are, left to tight, Lo lis (ialniel, assistant vice principal; Dr. John P. Lozo, princl- the team quit flve days before and John Tomczuk, athletic director of the school. The next three photos show the three courts of the gym, all being the season's Inaugural. The r(N put into use at the same time. Top photo shows the court on the north side being used for basketball. In the center court building job by manager John Herczeg was a tremendous one unother game is In progress and the southern court is being used for loth high nnd low hurdles, and shotput. with a lot of new faces appearing on the club for the first time with | little league experience. nijed truni sjpor! Continued from Sports Pagei ! After being shellacked 12-0 I ! After being shenacKet frame with neither The Woodbine Junior Varfrom Ot)r local ScenEf—hp has become ai\ important In a one-sided opening game team hitting the hoop, consis- ^ saved the, evening from aiiunst the Royal Lions, the , ., . . complete fnt uerlby sinking the part of our history. All oi YOU can thank Heaven Hungarians continued to Imtently. Tha Panthers went out p o r l h A n l b o y J a y v e e s 3 9 . 3 6 . for leading him to Woodbridge where he gave us prove, and last week hit their front 40-37 before two free J i u . k B w t o ,t 0,erl o r stride for th« first time by the best years of his life, throws by Luhrs and a jump u y o ^ l t h lfl conquering the Sparta club, shot by Jim Floresch narrowed , t As I reach the end of this page I find it difficult 8-1. the gui) 40-31. When'the score . v n m m l M n r K .... to express my true feeling, I feel a certain alone- On December 24, the Hunreached 44-35 late in the- (marWOODBBID&E ( a 0) sarlan team will meet the Oar-, ter. the Amboyant r a t t * ^ off CaiiUU, t .......... -I have lost the helping hand, the encourag- field B squad In a minor Hgue sevm straight counters to ease K-wzeja I ing word—the true friend. 9 19 |ol«mh slated for 12:30 P. M. • ahead 51-35 Luhrs' two baskets U i m s - r - A on? llvar This Play Host to Bombers uu^n 51-39 as the session g ^ ; - — • ; ; 2 1 2 0 3 0 0 4 1 4 6- Sports Notes Ploresch, g At the start of thefinal , frunie, Manuel made It 53""'Burke, g Linebacker Bill George of for tlie Panthers, then Luhrs,i Covlna ' s the Chicago Bears Is playing Burke, and Carlisle found th> his 10th National Football 18 U 5'0League camnalgn! He Is from e( with perfect shots to, , clost' it up 53-47. Kpvacs con-' «*EP'l'H AMEjOV (56) Fore£( 1 C . . nected with a good shot from;Manuel, f ; 7 2 Tackle Bubby Jack Oliver of the floor and Bernstein, a fouliKoehler, f 1 4 the Montreal Alouettes was tow, to make 1W 66-48^ With Bhapinetz, c 1 •limed tlft most valuable play(time miming 6^, (tonveryi tank Convcry, g 1 a free throw and Luhrs hi*-»ith|Sachs, g ........:.' 0 2 j;*r In the Eastern Pooiball Cona one-hander to freeze the final'Kovachs, g 5 4 ^iference this past veek. tally at 56-60. Any of the foxhound breeds, and effectively control. Ion toys .and children's Warren Luhrs and Kurt Car-! 21 14 66can be easily tralnjed as dperforethought can prevent ture may, if unawed by todd- Christmas is a feast of de-lisle were high men on the Score by periods: hounds. The coonhound breeds, j attain this end, care should lers, produce ltad poisoning; light for children. It Is the re- <*>urt for Woodbridge with clus- Woodbridne.... 14 13 13 11-50 and even beagles can also be , MtrclMd In the iwlw""" « sponslblllty of adults to make ters of 19 and 14, respectively Jp. Ainboy 17 21 13 5-56 and snmll objeata may b« swalused with success. children, tu be sure luwed with serious, even tragic, certain, therefore, that Christ- convery matched Luhrs' total! ttiay are not potential results. All electrical coiujec- mas' posea no threat for chil- for Perth Amboy with seven Exterminator was the only When defenseman Jack (Tex) of Injury or Illness. We dren's health or tafey. Keep field goals and five free throws, race horse to score a triple in Evans scored a goal for Chitlons oft equipment and " remember l Christmas mm by keeping It while his teammates, Walt|stakes races at Plmllco. He won cago against Detroit on October • »toproperly • i points Manuel and. Larry Kovacks, ac- ;fhe Plmllco'gup In 1918-2831 15, it was his first goal in 195 and of gaiety. Incto'rs."An'moblle toys should safe. Michael S. Newjohn, MD. counted for totals of 15 and 14. at the Maryland track. should be preserved games. as the child can easily «{ «Flef, ' " * * '/•*„..J.~- _ •"• THOMAS JOSEPH COSTELLO Funeral Homes Gret»n St & Cooper Av», belli). N J. Tel. LI 8-4641 State &'Center SU. Perth Amooy N. J. HI 2-0076 THURSDAY, DBUEMUJjll H, PAGE TWENTY-FOUR 1 They include recordings. s l l d e s . U u C/it/> any andGwynne dances with Uw 5 W 1C . . - J , , . , ^#>linfll film strips, motion pictures ; Later In the evening flurry 7 Moor* Snarl at a "Brotherhood Club O U n Q d y lUJIOUl •and such common nldes as MakeChrirtmm i, Carol »re on the Garry \. isk. who at the station house. . . I _^_ J blackboards charts, maps, Show Diana Trask, -.— dance — ISE1JN - Thr 4-H i m ers. models, and printed pic- Club of Iselin met MondnirecenU, signed a five-year con- 20th Century-Fox * " ' • " * Blanchard iitract with NBC, will leave«eriesln the test-scrlpt-prepaMrs. nlng with the leader. Mr ilSing Along With Mitch to take ration stage. Three of the title* Kummler. on more Burst roles. . . . Pral-are Dateline. San fturim. STEVE AU.EN MENTIONmCommunist China to an upLawford'« The Great American Family i, ^'IchrWaw^CompBnri* preparing and The Commuters. as a po*siblr Jack "Fireprooflng ChrlsttniK comedy srrles to star Keelej fourth Is still n » m e ™ • ; ^according to a recent report. J;ifk Paar on Work was complct. show It was Jack who Each department of the Christmas glfU and tin Strvf In the .vame spot ... ii planning speattempt to unheads the Droduction.... feature films on the TV market. y>ars ago Others mentioned The bers RISO worked on •.. . . Singer clal ,--. suprruiicuuciiwv < i n ; projects. {or the show are Johnny C»r»rtment will have, five pianist*, a generalsuperin- Nursery Department will have Thursday. Decem-! Canned gooda were tu tendent, attendance secretary. ' lt(p p . M.; klndergar-|for the ba*ett for th. ^ 2 1 [tteaaurer and librarian, and hypnosis off c.n«l_tKm l 4 ^for Ci your T V Progr — TOIW AM TOHMIIOW department, Saturday Ito Xi \' YrrlViY M< IKVIK CAKf F - rifiJciOU5 j t : ;;*t Mocha .'.,«•;.:•, Dntf (. •;-•• rounr r 4 < n;i?.]':< .ip|)f-t!7ii'.E in t h . - cried. ,-,lr>r _.„,«..>, - - the first nighttime versionCm 54 s h w in Thf Corniptorf takes a poke at of the show on January 2 oomes whfii lh_''_"__'oot- U ' i i v t s 8ii(i <<• and either will a-'"r.;.-hmt: spp-'ri or.rc i: ^ !HH P O diSBP;-:') Pnrk,n:> (1 pound eflkp n n \ s-impUfiw thf preparation Pitted; frefh C'I';,! 'viiia c!;it<s are arothor timc-.-aM: fo: the rook They are iii>« or, p m e v y shelu-? in pound and half-pound packages to HUi.'i]]f"it f]v.<ih.dat-fs found in producf sections of storef '•Mocl.a Date- C'B'•:<•', e. true holiday treat combining luscious chopi» d dates, cocoa, instant cottee powder:nuts and olhfr festive fortdf. is certain to make this Vuletidr a memorable one for family and friends alike. Mochi Date CUr j 1 package '17-oz1 poundcake. y, ciip powdered cocoa mix or 2 package* 9-oeJ 2 tablespoons powdered each1 fucar 15 cup evaporated milk 2 tablespoons instant >i cup water colfe* powder 3 egge i-^cups pitted fresh 2 teaspoons rum extract * California dates 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup nuU, chopped i.j cup sifted all-purpose BS "• YpugjearnJ-hrough YOU CAN COUNT THE FOOD DOLLARS YOU SAVE AT "2 GUYS W l t t t t l - n * *»W.«d «AINIY-175P<m«<iL t IWWSWICK-lo-* II WMCMK-** II * « » • • » « - • . « « , 9 ~d«40 MAXWELL HOUSE or CHASE & SANBORN (tiff ) SUNDAY TIL 9 1-lb. W\ Hrease and flow a loaf pan ' 515 X 3 Irenes' atid a coTfee can il lb>. Blend cocoa, sugar and coffee ptwdei together inj small bowl. Chop dates Add dates, nuts and flour to cocoa mix-1 ture. Prrpare pound cake as directed on package, except sub-j stitut* evaporate milk and water for liquid called for and use; 3 eggs. Fold in cocoa-date mixture and flavorings, pour into; pan and can, filling about half full. Bake in 325-dfgree |mod-j erately slowi oven about 70 to 80 minutes or until cakes test< done. Remove from pans and cool. Wrap well and .'tore 2 to 3> days. If desired, top cakes with a thm frosting of powdered sugar blended with milk or orance juice in spreading consistency. Garnish with date slivers. Makes 1 loaf and 1 round cake. ARMOUR STAR-SWIFT'S PREMIUM TENDER-JUICY REMEMBER- Quick Soup for Cold Weather DOUBLE FOOD STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY! GROUND CHUCK Every food item purchased on Wednesday, is worth DOUBLE THE REGULAR NUMBER O f "2 Guys' FOOD STAMPS. With over a hundred thouwnd gifts to choose Irom, why not get the Wednesday shopping habit and, (id your stomp books falter than ever before. Each K I M book b worth SWIFTS SOLD CREST 60VT. INSPECTED CROSS RIB ROAST FRESH AND LEAN BACON FRANKS 17 hi. o n d u p TURKEY 2.25 UAN SWHT. STOUKAND -HTMAMD ZIPPER-SKIN "-SUGAR SWEET In Trade In Any Department Winter menus invite piping hot soup, and nothing warms and Bi/urisb-s more quickly. Even though time is short, a good soup can ra-ily be prepared. Use canned bouillon, or stock made with bouillon cubes, as a base. QUICK FRENCH ONION SOUP 4 large onions, sliced 2 tip. talt '/4 cup butler, melted Vj t«p. paprika 6 cupt beef bouillon % tsp. pepper 1 Tbsp. Lea & Pentai 2 hard rolls Worcestershire sauce dated P a n n m chaw* Peel onions and slice thin. Add to melted butter and cook slowly until tender but not brown. Add bouillon, Lea & Ferrini Woicwtershire, salt, paprika and pepper. Bring to boiling point, cover and simmer gently for 20 to 30 minutes, until onions are leader. Serve in deep bow'a, each lopped with a slice of hard roll sprinkled with checn. II pottible, place individual servings is heat-prooi soup bowls and slide them under the btpiler to melt cheese just beiora serving, Jhii soup develop* tlavor an ttttands, and u eiceUeot when reheated. Now isthe time! 2 GUYS' CHICKEN BARN LIQUOR WINES • BEER 10 _ 3 t GREENPEPPERS 2 . 2 7 ORANGES 2 GUYS-LARGE WHITE BEST QUALITY CHICKEN BARN* BLENDED WHISKEY QT-3.69 FIFTH FRESH CITRUS . „_< g~» FRUIT SALAD MARGARINE A 2 s 49 GOLD MEDAL ENRICHED '/2-GAL-7.29 '2 GUYS'* IMPORTED 5-LB. BAG SCOTCH WHISKY FIFTH MORTON DINNERS Z 2 °35 POTATOES P07 ROUT, TU1KET. CHICXEI BUITONI "2 GUYS"* CORDIALS FIFTH Apricot, Blackberry, Cremt de Menthe, Anisette, Cherry, Creme de Cocoa Peach and Kummel. CAN Have Your Gala HOLIDAY DRESS Beautifulh Dry Cleaned & Pressed CRACKERS i mtv WHITE ROSE GIANT S 1,05 1.69 1.14 *1.79 VALUE DRY RED %-GAL. DRY WHITE GAL Vi-GAL GAL ' • A l l AMVE MOOUaS ACE CHICKEN BARN INC H W A t l M A N H AT THW IVHYOAV U>W rWOB SUNDAYS) HM No. tmfy .it.1; •Toiufnlent Oriw-W Service" DUIKUi UU.TINB only at GariMd. KMrny, ToV>-». WeodbrUgt, L ln>-»tdi. 1-b.boji 18 BRILLO SOAP PADS ZnSAUERKRAUT -10 1 SSSS-L* CORN '• 2 °33' SSSPTENDABIG PEAS t: 2 ?33C DAPPLE JUICE *:. 291 ^ ' W A X BEANS ssr . ;c Swiss Cheese E 67^ Bologna SUNSHINE HYDROX COOKIES HRf HYGIAOf •N*»eu_..-»«lil. n u v i_-T-M-iH--ski KX»NKISiFfiCflVITHnJSA.T-OK.16lfc.mHSilV[THi MGHTTO LIMITQUANTITKS HOT tfSPC*tS»U K » TYPOC«A#H(CA1«1K)«.
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