For Sue and I personally this New Year feels very different from last New Year when we had no idea of where we would be going or what the challenges of following Gods call would bring; but we need not have been concerned for the fears had disappeared following our very first visit last January. The kindness and warm welcome that we received, both then, on all further visits and in communications, has stayed with us and helped us achieve a smooth transition into this community. It does not of course mean that everything is easy, and there are always things to challenge and take us down rabbit holes, but I draw strength, as does Sue, from the love and kindness that surrounds us. Last January at the forefront of my mind was the death of South Africa's Nelson Mandela, one of the world's most revered statesmen, who died in December 2013. His life offered a wonderful example to all of us. In the many tributes that came over the airwaves before Christmas, two characteristics struck me as very special exemplars for all Christian people. Firstly, the way he helped South Africans look for "soft vengeance" for all their suffering, and secondly, that the mark of each civilised life should be "kindness". New Year is a good time to put past hurts behind us. Soft vengeance means showing the one who has wronged us the better way by refusing to hold a grudge, not allowing their meanness (or whatever) to control our life! Hard, but so worthwhile. No, it is not always easy, but as Christians we are promised all the help we need for the journey, if only we will put our hand into the hand of the Living God. One of the recurring themes in Mandela's life was his kindness spontaneous as well as thought-through kindness. That familiar broad smile was not just for the cameras; it was for every person whose life touched his. People said how his kindness made them feel good about themselves and gave them hope in a harsh world. 1 go to page 2 Dear Friends, Happy New Year to you all! I do hope 2015 will be a happy year for you. Some people look forward to a new year with eager anticipation for the opportunities and new challenges it brings, but others, I know, find it a little daunting. What will it bring? Will I cope? An unknown journey can be a quite scary. One way people try to take the future into their own hands is by making New Year Resolutions. I am afraid I haven't a very good track record with that strategy! I think I must be in good company, since somebody once offered a very powerful wish: "May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions”. Amen to that! Minister’s Letter from page 1 Can our kindness be like this? Not just for those we love and care about, but for all that we meet; the loved and the unloved. Our kindness, like his, can be love in action and a personal way to reflect the deep unconditional love that our God has for all those who bare his image. In affirmation I offer some wise words, not mine but a direct quote from John Wesley; “Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” So may I wish you a Happy 2015, in the hope that, as we travel through this year together, we may remember the wisdom of both Nelson Mandela and John Wesley and, in doing so, let Wesley’s words, above, become our mantra as we seek to serve our God in this community. Every Blessing Rev Steve Frontispiece - Blessed New Year You crown the year with your goodness, Abundance flows wherever you pass. Psalm 65:11 Birds of the Bible - The Ostrich Did you not give good wings to the peacocks or wings and feathers to the ostrich? Yet she leaves her eggs in the earth to warm themselves in the sand, whilst forgetting that a foot may crush them, or that a wild beast may break them. She is hardened against her young ones, as though they were not hers: her labour is in vain without fear; Because God has deprived her of wisdom, neither has he imparted to her understanding. What time she lifts up herself on high, she scorns the horse and his rider. (Job 39:13-18) The ostrich is a strange creature which lays the largest of all bird eggs. This flightless bird has a wingspan of two metres with feathers which lack the tiny hooks that lock together the smooth external feathers of flying birds. The wings are used in mating displays and to shade chicks and being so soft and fluffy, provide excellent insulation to cope with the wide variations between daytime and night temperatures in the tropics. Furthermore, ostriches can run at over 43 mph and can cover up to 16 ft in one stride, hence their middle eastern name of “flightless camel“. In the book of Job it seems that God is using the ostrich metaphorically as a warning to the over indulged - as worthy a message today as it was some 2500 years ago! Arthur No room …… Once again, Christmas has come, with all that it means to us. For some, it has meant the familiar story of the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem with all that that implies. For many, it has meant a frenzy of shopping and preparations; witness the “Black Friday” shopping behaviour. For some it means being with the family; for others it means loneliness. For some again, it has meant a deliberate attempt to take the Christ out of Christmas; in this inclusive, multi-faith and secular society the Nativity Play with its familiar characters is reported to have been replaced at some Primary Schools with a “Winter Festival” play featuring modern cult characters. There are many memorable phrases in the Christmas story. Surely one of the most poignant is that “there was no room in the inn” for Mary and Joseph. For many people, that is only too true at Christmas. What happened to the couple and their baby – God becoming human - is God sharing in something only too real for much of humankind. There are refugees, homeless, hungry, so many in need. God has been there in Jesus. He knows all about it. If we care, we should show that we care. But there’s another sense in which there was no room in the inn. Of course there was no room! How could there be room for the Son of God in a village inn? Jesus came from beyond time into time, from the everywhere into the here. He isn’t smaller than the world, as we are smaller than the world; he is greater than the whole universe. He isn’t subject to time, as we are children of time; he is greater than time. Of course there was no room for him in the inn because there wasn’t enough room. No human structure or system, not even our churches, can contain him. “Our God, heaven cannot hold him, nor earth sustain”. Dennis 2 continued on page 3 The Ostrich from page 1 Fine feathers make proud birds yet, for all its finery, the ostrich is a foolish bird showing scant concern as it hides its head in the sand or disregards its offspring. Wisdom and beauty do not necessarily go hand in hand. Other breeds of bird do not envy the ostrich’s fine apparel; why then should we be envious if we see others wearing better clothes than we can afford to wear? God gives his gifts variously, and those gifts are not always the most valuable that make the finest show. Paul, in his letter to the Christians at Corinth might well have said, � If I have the beautiful wings and feathers of the ostrich, the display of the peacock or the voice of the nightingale but have not any natural affection, then I am as just about as much use as a clanging cymbal.’ 3 Praying in the Methodist Tradition. Charles Wesley and Prayer Reflection on the greatness and goodness of God leads to a recognition of the fallibility and sinfulness of humanity and, in John Wesley’s words, �a need for cleansing from our sins’. The need and God’s gracious provision to meet that need is graphically expressed in Charles Wesley’s great hymn: Saviour, and can it be that thou should’st dwell with me? The hymns of Charles Wesley are noted for their theological content and scriptural allusions; for the brilliant way the writer often captures complex mysteries of our faith in a few words. Mysteries there may be; but the mercy of God revealed in Jesus is a reality. That fundamental truth shines through so often in Wesley’s hymns, where prayer and praise intermingle so naturally. Charles Wesley knows the importance of a close relationship with God, cultivated constantly: Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal, while here on earth we rove, Speak to our hearts, and let us feel the kindling of thy love. Wesley is well aware of the tensions and temptations that assail us, and the need to seek God’s forgiveness and help to live more closely in accordance with God’s will. So he longs for a heart that will enable him fully to praise his God, �a heart from sin set free’ and prays: �Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart; come quickly from above, Write thy new name upon my heart, thy new best name of love’. So many of Wesley’s wonderful hymns are inspired by his overwhelming sense that the love of God, the mercy of God �that found out him’ is good news for all, and that Christians are called, as a matter of urgency, to spread the good news and invite others to find the reality of that love for themselves. But it is God’s work: we are humble servants, saved by g race. (From an article by Dr. Derek Nicholls, a local preacher in the Cambridge Circuit and based on material from a service he lead in a series entitled �How to Pray’. Printed with permission from “met connexion” the magazine of Methodists Evangelicals Together.) Gerald P.) 4th 11th 18th 25th The Annual Circuit Team(x4) Quiz will take place at Boston Spa on Monday March 2nd at 7.30pm. Appleton Roebuck who, for the first time, won the trophy last year, by a single point,, will be putting up a strong challenge to retain it ! Team entries should be notified to Gordon (tel 01937 845290) before or at the latest by 20th February. The individual cost is £5, which includes light refreshments; all proceeds will go towards our Methodist care arm , Action for Children. Give Thanks for:- Joyful celebrations, our families and friends. Graham & Kathleen McGuire Dennis & Carmen Ashton Jean W, Jackie M, Sheila A. Bob & Wendy W., Gerald P. Brass Rota Jan 5th & 19th Angela & Mavis Feb 2nd & 16th Mary & Norman Mch 2nd & 16th Audrey & Dennis 3rd Heather Grant 10th Brian & Jackie M. 17th Mike & Jean W. 24th Mavis & Kath. Cleaning Rota Jan 5th & 19th Jean W. & Angela B. Feb 2 & 16 Heather G & Barbara H. Mar 2 & 16 Diana & Chris Mellor Boston Spa – Church Family January Birthdays – W.F.G. Amy Fearon on 21st. Please Pray for :- Our church its worship and all its activities, our Preachers and Worship Leaders and all who contribute to the upkeep of our building. 4 5 Boston Spa Rotas – January 2015. Boston Spa Services & Events – January 2015 Door Stewards 4th Tony & Molly Rushworth 11th Heather & Clare Grant 18th Mike & Jean Henzell 25th Roger & Christine T. Flower Rota Mary Ruston Phyllis Reynolds Margaret Smith Kathleen McGuire Sunday Coffee Saturday Coffee SUNDAY 4th 10.30am Revd. Steve Jakeman. 6.00pm No Service. Friday 9th 1.00pm Lunchtime Concert with “Serendipidy” with familiar words and popular music. Light Lunches from noon. SUNDAY 11th 10.30am Mr. David Mountain. 3.00pm at Tadcaster M.C. – Plough Service. Tuesday 13th 2.00pm W.F.G. Gerald Payling 14th 7.30pm Men’s Group – David Aldred – “Western Scotland, Highlands and Islands.” Open Meeting – All invited to attend. SUNDAY 18th 10.30am Revd. Steve Jakeman. 4.00pm At All Saints, Bramham United Service in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. 6.00pm Mr. David Ashton – Reflections. Monday 19th Noon In Chapel - Short act of worship marking the Week of Prayer followed by soup & roll. Tuesday 20th 10.30am Evergreens’ Luncheon Club. Wednesday 21st Noon In St. Mary’s Short Act of Worship and soup. 6.30pm Outside St. Mary’s Silent Act of Witness for 30 minutes to show solidarity with friends in the Middle East. Candles in jars/lanterns optional. Friday 23rd Noon in St.Edward’s, Clifford – Act of worship and soup. SUNDAY 25th 10.30am Revd. Steve Barlow with Molly Fowler. Homelessness Sunday. th Wednesday 28 3.30pm Messy Church February SUNDAY 1st 10.30am Mr. Joseph Kwallah – Education (Transport required). Until definite word has been received from the Planners we are unable to give rigid timescales for the redevelopment but, rest assured, we shall let you know as soon as possible. At present, the Grants Team is busy preparing documentation and updating the Business plan to support applications to a variety of potential Grant Providers outwith Methodism, enabling grant applications to be made as soon as permission is granted. A further meeting of the Reference Group was held on Saturday 29 November and it was heartening that so many folk turned up to find out how the redevelopment plans were progressing. Thank you to everyone who came along. It is so encouraging to know that you are supporting us. We shall let you know when the next meeting is to be held. As I write this update, I am aware of the excitement and busyness of everyone as we prepare for our first Community Christmas Tree Festival. A huge thank you to everyone who has helped in this fantastic project. I am sure it will have been a huge success. ST CRUX FUNDRAISING EVENT - WEDNESDAY 27th MAY 2016 I am pleased to inform you that we are now able to confirm the above date following a cancellation. Please keep the date free so that we can repeat the success of last August. All help will be appreciated on or before the event. Thank you, Heather Grant Help needed!! Friends will be aware that a number of our regular worshippers need transport to and from chapel. If you can help occasionally please let me know or sign the list (Help needed!) in the Wesley Room Gerald Payling Tel: 842027 Email: [email protected] Dates for your Diary Saturday 24 January 2015 Burns Supper – Clifford Village Hall (tickets from Brian Marsden) March – Film Night (tbc) Saturday 11 July 2015 – BBQ – Clifford Village Hall –(provisional date) We hope you will be able to come and support some of these events and bring your friends along as well. Help us to share our vision for Boston Spa – bringing Church and community together. Wednesday 6 B4G Update Our revised and updated plans have now been submitted to Leeds City Planners and we await their reply. We are engaged in active conversation regarding initial concerns about the planned house on the land adjoining the Church. These concerns centre around conservation of trees on and near the site. There have been no comments about the redevelopment of the Church itself. 7 Notes from Yorsay - The District Newsletter Prayer of the Week O Holy Spirit, giver of life and light, breath of all creatures, purifier of all souls and healer of all wounds: be fire to my heart, light on my path and friend for my journey; and this for your own love's sake. Amen. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) “We are very much looking forward to welcoming the President and Vice President of Conference to the York and Hull District early in the New Year. Plans are already underway to showcase some of the exciting work that Methodists are involved in. It was felt that due to the large geographical spread of the District the visit should be focused around one particular area, that being Hull. The main event will take place on Saturday 31 January at Hull City Hall. It is hoped hundreds of people from across the District will attend the celebration, being inspired to share the gospel in new and exciting ways in our local communities All Local Preachers and Worship Leaders are invited to have Breakfast with the President & Vice President 9.30-10.15am The event will be opened by the Lord Mayor at 10.30 followed by worship and opening address led by the President. A drama will remind us how Methodism came to Hull, focussing on the ministry of William Clowes. Various projects will be showcased throughout the day that share Jesus with specific, vulnerable groups in todays’ society in dynamic ways, including the work of “Open Doors” with asylum seekers, “CAP- Christian’s against Poverty” with those in debt, the long term unemployed, and those struggling with addictions and the “Lighthouse Project” supporting women street workers. Huge “Messy Church” 11.30-12.30 for all ages but aimed at our children and young people. Lots of fun, messy activities following the theme for the day of each of us being “a light in the darkness” 12.30 -1.30 Lunch . An opportunity to visit many of the stal ls and exhibits and network whilst being accompanied by some of our local choirs and groups. 1.30 – 2.30 More inspirational stories including supporting young people into further training or work, and supporting an increasing number of people with mental health issues. The event will close with a time of praise and worship from 2.30-3.00pm,that will leave us challenged, empowered and inspired to bring light into the dark places of our world. The President & Vice President will then be allowed to rest for a while before hitting the busy city streets, shadowing a duty with Princes Avenue Street Angels and a visit to �Night Church’.” 8 Discernment That’s the title of an article I read some time ago, probably in a publication from the Evangelical Alliance. It was concerned with the desire we have to �get things right’ when we are faced with the complexity of opinion and attitude today especially in the realms of politics and even morality. A dilemma for me has to be the continuing conflict in the land of our Saviour’s birth. I used to be glad that I could generally see both sides of an argument; I’m not so sure it’s a good thing now. I remember also being told that I should speak to God about all the decisions that I have to make that affect my life and the lives of others. Now I know that God does communicate with us in many ways, but I’m not one of those who actually hear a voice. So it can be difficult to be sure that my decisions are right, but help is at hand. Mark Townsend has written a book entitled “The gospel of falling down” (at my age a physical possibility!) The book’s subtitle is “the beauty of failure, in an age of success.” It’s that concern about making the wrong decision that causes some of us a problem. Another quandary can be how we regard the Bible. I shall always believe that what I find in our Holy Book is the inspired word of God; I’m glad to end a reading with the words, “This is God’s word.” But what exactly does that mean? We know that God’s Spirit does communicate with us and one sentence from the article I referred to at the beginning is helpful – “Discernment is about where your spiritual energy is. What is it that really brings us to life?” The Gospel tells us that God is a God of life. Think about the “I am” sayings of Jesus in the Gospel according to John: “I am the bread of life,” “I am the resurrection and the Life”, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. Some time ago there was a frequent use of the letters w.w.j.d. standing for “What would Jesus do?” We sing the hymn “May the mind of Christ my Saviour live in me from day to day.” StF 504. That’s the source of our spiritual energy. God is always calling us to life and He wants the best for us. Gerald P. 9 CLIFFORD METHODIST CHURCH JANUARY 2015 SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 10.30 a.m. Do come and join us JANUARY 4th Revd. Uell Kennedy 11th Revd. Steve Jakeman - Covenant Service 18th Revd. Brian Tibbetts 25th Mr. David Mountain – Homelessness Sunday Feb.1st Revd. Steve Jakeman Holy Communion on Education Sunday. OPEN HOUSE COFFEE MORNING We will be open as usual on Tuesday 6th January 2014. Come along and bring your friends IMPORTANT NOTICE The access gate on Nursery Way will be closed from 6p.m. on 31 st December 2014 until 6p.m. on 01st January 2015. METHODIST POST A very sincere thank you to everyone who helps to deliver the Methodist Post throughout the year. Your loyalty and effort is greatly appreciated DOOR STEWARDS FLOWERS 4th 11th 18th 25th 1st Margaret Suggate Mavis Rodgers Catherine Catton Ros McCall Barbara Shaw Catherine Catton S & K Biercamp Margaret Suggate Ros McCall K & C Smith VESTRY Michael Whalley Barbara Shaw David Mountain Jason Turner CLEANING ROTA – JANUARY – David Barrow ALL ARTICLES TO SHEILA BY THE 10TH JANUARY 10 CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 2014 11
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