The Messenger Richmond Congregational Church March 2015 1801 - 2015 The Richmond Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, is an Open, Welcoming and Affirming Church Sunday Worship 10:00 AM September-June, 9:00 AM July & August • Sunday School & Nursery care provided Reflections From the Pastor Dear Friends in Christ, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS SUNDAY, March 8th at 2:00am. Don’t forget to set your clocks AHEAD ONE HOUR! Church Office Hours Regular office hours for the Administrative Assistant are: •Tuesday - Thursday from 8:30am - 3:00pm. Please feel free to leave a message whenever the office is not open and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Phone at (802) 4342053 or email: church@ Pastor Katelyn’s Office Hours: •Monday: Day Off •Tuesday: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Church Office •Thursday: 9:30-11:00am at Sweet Simone’s 3:30-5:30 PM Church Office Pastor Katelyn is also available by appointment. Please call the church office (802) 434-2053 or email: [email protected] to schedule a meeting. On a very cold Ash Wednesday, our church offered “Ashes to Go” for the first time in the Richmond Town Center Parking lot in the morning and later in the day in front of the Richmond Market. Ashes to Go is part of a nationwide movement. Though the air was chilly, I was warmed by the several interactions I had with people. People who stopped to receive ashes included church members who could not attend the Ash Wednesday Service, people on their way to or from work, a couple new to the area, parents with a young child who saw the ad on Front Porch Forum but knew they couldn’t make it to an evening service, an elderly Catholic woman returning from a doctor’s appointment, and several others who were curious. In the morning at the Town Center, one of our Deacons, Ingrid, also joined me. We waved to the cars and school buses passing on Bridge Street. Next year, I think we should also have free coffee. Though Ash Wednesday is often a somber occasion marking the start of Lent, it was incredibly joyful to talk to people, wave to them, and offer them a ritual blessing and reminder to seek God’s way. If this isn’t spreading the Good News, I’m not sure what is! A recent article published in the Hartford Courant, “How Often Do We Go To Church? In New England, Not That Much,” cites that New England has among the lowest rates of church attendance in the United States, according to a 2014 Gallup Poll. Vermont occupies the number one spot on that list with an estimated 17% of the population attending church regularly, compared to 20% in Maine and New Hampshire and 22% in Massachusetts. Critics of the survey suggest that even these numbers are inflated! How do you respond to these numbers? As a pastor, this just reinforces my belief that people need to know, see and hear why we, in all of our diversity of opinions and experiences and backgrounds, chose to be a part of a faith community like RCC. Making faith relevant is not a new conversation. Jesus’ ministry centered on reaching and teaching people using parables, stories, and lessons from their common experiences. I wonder, where do you find places of resonance or dissonance between your life, the life of our congregation and your relationship with the Holy? How can we make our faith more visible in the Richmond community? What could we do to encourage and empower each other in these efforts? Lent is the ideal time to delve into such questions together. As we continue through this Lenten season, I pray that God, who fashioned us each from dust, be made more relevant and real to you. See you in Church, Katelyn Re-Lent 2015 Lent Devotional Resurrection. What Lent is really all about? Lent: a 40-day journey to the grand finale of our faith on Easter Sunday. Make every day count with ReLent: 2015 Lent Devotional written by The Stillspeaking Writers' Group. The booklet is comprised of daily devotionals with Scripture verses and prayers taking you from Ash Wednesday, February 18th to Easter Day, April 5th. Your journey will be full of twists and turns, highs and lows—and a brand new perspective on Lent. You will find copies on the table in the Parlor. A suggested $4.00 donation to cover the cost of the booklet is appreciated, but not expected. Altar Flower Sign-Up Thank You Celebration For Duane LaRose After 15 years of faithful service as our church Sexton, Duane has submitted his letter of resignation A celebration to honor his years of service will be held on Sunday, March 8th following our morning worship service. All are invited to gather for this special celebration! This Newsletter is printed on 30% post-consumer stock! Please recycle. Don’t forget to visit us on Facebook at www. “Like Us” and we will keep you connected! Please let Pastor Katelyn or the church office know if someone is ill, hospitalized or in need of a visit. The deacons would like to give Church members the opportunity to honor a special person(s) in their life by providing a bouquet of fresh flowers for the altar for Sunday Services. These can be bought from a florist or picked from your garden. A sign-up sheet has been placed in the parlor and the contributor and who they are honoring or remembering will be published in the weekly bulletin. The Messenger March 2015 - Page 2 Mark Your Calendar Now For These Events During the Lenten Season! Lectionary in Lent Bible Study Tuesdays 9:00-10:00 AM Pastor Katelyn’s Office March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Lent is the perfect time to engage in spiritual renewal. Together let’s deepen our understanding of our sacred Biblical texts as we discuss the Lectionary scriptures assigned for each Sunday in Lent. Come to one session, or come to all. Greening Our Faith, Greening Our Lives Film Series March 12, and March 26 from 6:00-8:00 PM in RCC Fellowship Hall • 6:00 PM Simple Soup Supper • 6:30-8:00 PM Movie and Discussion • February 26th Movie: The Wisdom to Survive: Climate Change, Capitalism and Community Climate change is here. Will we Wednesday Lenten Vesper have the wisdom to survive? Services at the United The film features thought Church of Hinesburg leaders and activists in the realms of science, economics We are invited to join the and religion discussing how we United Church of Hinesburg can evolve and take action in for traditional Vesper services the face of climate disruption. during the season of Lent each Interviewed: Bill McKibben, Wednesday at 7:00pm. Each Joanna Macy, Roger Payne, service will consist of selected Herschelle Milford, Quincy Psalms and hymns, a scripture reading, a brief reflection, a time Saul, and more. for prayer, and Communion. Discussion led by Betsy Hardy, Each service runs about half Vermont Interfaith Power and an hour and will focus on one Light of the last encounters of Jesus. • March 12th Movie: “Going Services will be held at the Green” segment from the United Church of Hinesburg, movie Renewal 10570 Vermont 116, Hinesburg, In New Jersey, GreenFaith, an VT. interfaith coalition helps houses • March 4, 2015 – “Judas” Rev. of worship make their buildings Katelyn Macrae, preaching more environmentally sound • March 11, 2015 – “Pilate” Rev. and the members of their Jared Hamilton, preaching congregations more spiritually in tune with becoming better • March 18, 2015 – “The stewards of Creation. From Soldiers” Rev. Katelyn workshops that invite people Macrae, preaching to explore their personal • March 25, 2015 – “The impact on the environment, to Criminals” Rev. Jared implementing recycling and Hamilton, preaching composting, on up to the installation of solar panels, congregations in New Jersey are making remarkable strides. As GreenFaith’s Executive Director says, “The hardest thing about taking action is sometimes just taking the first step.” Discussion led by Peter Swaine, former Director of Sourcing, Seventh Generation • March 26 - Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy & Greening Your Home Movie: TBA Join in a lively discussion about the benefits and challenges of living more sustainably in Vermont, both in our homes and as a congregation. Have a solar panel success story to share? Thinking about heat pumps, wood pellet stoves, a home energy audit or starting a compost pile? Whether your changes are big or small, it makes a difference y’all! Discussion led by Chris Schuft, RCC member and Betsy Hardy, Vermont Interfaith Power and Light. Holy Week and Easter Worship Schedule Palm Sunday Service Sunday, March 29th - 10:00am with Palms and Palm Sunday Brunch to follow worship Lenten Events, continued on page 4 The Messenger March 2015 - Page 3 Lenten Events, continued from page 3 Maundy Thursday Service Thursday, April 2nd - 7:00pm worship service to include a remembrance of Jesus' last supper, betrayal, and arrest Good Friday Ecumenical Service Friday, April 3rd - 7:00pm worship with the Williston Federated Church, at RCC Easter Sunrise Service Sunday, April 5th - 7:00am at Volunteers’ Green bandstand followed by a light breakfast served at RCC Easter Sunday Service Sunday, April 5th - 10:00am with the church choir singing Peace Vigil Join us every Thursday evening from 5:30-6:00pm. We have been holding a vigil for peace on the front porch or the front lawn of the church since the beginning of Lent in 2005. It is a very informal meeting. People bring a candle to light and often something in the way of readings and prayers. If you are concerned about the current state of the world and would like a place to gain some peace of mind, maybe you would like to join us. All are welcome! One Great Hour Of Sharing Offering Will Be Received On Sunday, March 15th The One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) special mission offering of the United Church of Christ involves you in disaster, refugee/immigration, and development ministries throughout the world. When a disaster strikes or people are displaced or made refugees by violence or extreme poverty, you are part of the immediate response and of the long-term recovery. Through OGHS you engage in holistic development programs including health care, education, agriculture, food sustainability, micro-financing and women’s empowerment. Because the UCC relates in mutual partnership to churches and organizations through Global Ministries and worldwide response & recovery networks, your contributions to One Great Hour of Sharing put you in the right place at the right time for the relief, accompaniment and recovery of the most vulnerable. You meet immediate needs and you address the underlying causes that create those needs in the first place. Thank you for your generous contributions. The RCC Book Discussion Group The group has chosen "The Faster I Walk, the Smaller I Am", a Norwegian Literature Series by Kjersti A. Skomsvold and translated by Kerri A. Pierce for our next book. Mathea Martinsen has never been good at dealing with other people. After a lifetime, her only real accomplishment is her longevity: everyone she reads about in the obituaries has died younger than she is now. Afraid that her life will be over before anyone knows that she lived, Mathea digs out her old wedding dress, bakes some sweet cakes, and heads out into the world—to make her mark. She buries a time capsule out in the yard. (It gets dug up to make room for a flagpole.) She wears her late husband’s watch and hopes people will ask her for the time. (They never do.) Is it really possible for a woman to disappear so completely that the world won’t notice her passing? The Faster I Walk, the Smaller I Am is a macabre twist on the notion that life “must be lived to the fullest.” We will meet on Wednesday. March 18th at 7pm, place to be determine. New members always welcome! The Messenger March 2015 - Page 4 Richmond Congregational Church Night at Cochran's Ski Area Friday March 6th Richmond Congregational Church 20/20 Team Mission Statement and Vision Come and enjoy wonderful skiing under the lights, great friends and a yummy dinner on Friday night March 6th at Cochran's Ski Area. Time: 5pm to 8pm The RCC Council is looking to form a team of about six to eight RCC members/participants/ contributors/supporters of all ages to develop our Mission Statement. This will be one or two sentences that articulate “who we are today.” Refining our Mission will lead us to defining our Vision of “what are we striving for?” Then we can begin to plan how we move forward to achieve our Vision. From Jim Thomas, UCC Conference Minister: The RCC 20/20 Team will: - Be trained by Connie VanEegan on the Mission, Vision and Plan process. - Meet, poll and communicate with members, participants, contributors and supporters to determine RCC’s Mission (What we are called to do?). - Create a Mission Statement that can be articulated by all participants. - A maximum of two sentences. Lift ticket Price: $5.00 (if you do not have a pass) FREE for Richmond residents with ID. “Visioning is crucial. It points you to the mission and ministries you are called to do. And it makes a gateway for others to join you.” - Present Mission Statement to Council and congregation. Cost for dinner: $12 adults and $6 kids. The menu will be posted on Front Porch Forum closer to the date or visit Cochran's website at: for more information about this wonderful local ski area! Visioning is: Please contact any member of the Council with questions regarding this team or process. Everyone interested will be considered and Council will determine the RCC 20/20 Team composition. Hope to see you all there for a fun evening! - Intentional work to find your congregation’s voice. - To find the thing (or things) that a large enough core group of the congregation feels passionately about; enough to be willing to take time and talent and treasure from their already busy lives to support. - It’s living into your future as a missional church. - It’s joyfully and expectantly being about God’s work. RCC Sunday Driver Schedule for March Sunday 3/1 3/8 3/15 3/22 3/29 Driver Dave Thomas Ingrid Cichoski Ray Houston Martha Alexander Dave/Jacky Estes Comments Communion Choir Sings Ensemble Choir - Commit to three to six months to complete this work. If you are interested in being involved with this work or know of someone who may be interested please contact me directly. In faith, Ed Roberts P: 434-4481, E: norm.ed.roberts@ Check out Rev. Katelyn's Pastor's blog at http:// illuminatecultivate.blogspot. com/. You can also connect through a link on the church website at using the Pastor's Blog and Sermon link! The Messenger March 2015 - Page 5 New Supper Committee? At the Annual Meeting, I mentioned that the Vermont Old Cemetery Association has booked Fellowship Hall for Saturday, October 3rd and was wondering if we had a group of folks who would be interested in preparing lunch (for a fee) for their meeting. They are expecting about 35 people. We no longer have a Supper Committee and thus I am looking to see if there is anyone interested in taking on this task. I know there are plenty of people willing to help at such an event, but we need someone or someone(s) to head it up. These events can be great fundraisers, I also know they can be a lot of work. And maybe with an October date, it is just too far out to commit to. Please contact the church office 434-2053 or email [email protected], with any thoughts, ideas, or willingness to help. Thank you, Meredith March 1 Another Chance To Be Active in RCC’s Vision 20/20 Have you looked around our church sanctuary or parlor and had ideas for updating our look? We want you! As part of our mission to make our church a more welcoming place, we are in the ideas-gathering phase for updating our parlor and sanctuary. Reasons to change our look include: 1. Improve energy efficiency to lower our use of fossil fuels and save money for future years. 2. Update the sound and video system to allow for different ways to worship. 3. Provide more room for the growing choir, and better layout for the organ and piano. 4. I mprove the inspirational feel of the alter 5. M ake the parlor more welcoming with possible re-configuration, updated lighting and more comfortable furniture If any of this is inspiring for you, or if you would like to share your own ideas, please contact me, Robin Rabideau, 434-4138, or email: [email protected] Deadline for APRIL Messenger: SUNDAY, MARCH 15th At Annual Meeting there was a lot of discussion about our needing to do a better job of communicating, not only within our congregation but with the community as well. As our newsletter goes out to over 220 households as well as posts on our website, it is an excellent but under used way to communicate! me some highlights, including upcoming events, we could all keep better informed! If each Board, Committee and group took a few minutes to send Thank you for your help! Please email any information you would like included in the APRIL issue to the church office: church@ by MARCH 15th at the latest. March Schedule for Readers, Ushers and Greeters ReaderUshers Greeters Gretchen & Marshall Paulsen Gretchen & Marshall PaulsenTess Starecheski March 8 Preston family Preston familyKathy Kort March 22 Jo Ellen Swaine Jo Ellen & Peter Swaine March 15 March 29 Peterson family Ray Houston Peterson family Ken & Nancy Remsen Ray & Ann Houston Sylvia Peet The Messenger March 2015 - Page 6 Barb Willis March 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Ted Wyman 3/1 Grace Wolaver 3/5 Emma Parent 3/7 Jill Perras 3/7 Sean Plumer 3/7 Alexandria Perras 3/9 Tess Starecheski 3/9 John Roberts 3/10 1 2 3 •AA - 7 pm 8 9 •WORSHIP 10:00am Duane's Celebration Following Worship DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS •AA - 7 pm 15 10 VOTE! •Lenten Bible Study 9-10am •7:00pmOperations 16 •WORSHIP 10:00am Intergenerational Choir Sings 17 •Lenten Bible Study 9-10am •AA - 7 pm NEWSLETTER DEADLINE! 22 23 •WORSHIP 10:00am 11:30-1:00 Coordinating Forum •12 noon - Valley Stage set up • 4:006:00pm Concert •Lenten Bible Study 9-10am •6:00-7:30pm Outreach Committee •AA - 7 pm 29 •WORSHIP 10:00am PALM SUNDAY - Ann Gnagey's last day Special Music •PALM SUNDAY BRUNCH •AA - 7 pm 24 30 FRIDAY SATURDAY Jerry Carpenter 3/15 Ed Roberts 3/19 Katelyn Macrae 3/25 Abigail Burachowski 3/26 Suanya Slayton 3/26 Linda Parent 3/28 Jennifer Supple 3/28 4 •WORSHIP 10:00am THURSDAY •6:30-8:00pm Choir Rehearsal •7:00pm Lenten Vesper Services at the United Church of Hinesburg 11 •6:30-8:00pm Choir Rehearsal •7:00pm Lenten Vesper Services at the United Church of Hinesburg 18 7:00-8:00pm RCC Book Group •7:00pm Lenten Vesper Services at the United Church of Hinesburg 5 •Bible Study Richmond Terrace 3:305:30pm •Peace Vigil 5:30pm •7:00pm Music Committee 12 •Peace Vigil 5:30pm •Lenten Supper & Film Series 6-8pm 19 6 •5:00-8:00PM RCC NIGHT AT COCHRAN'S SKI AREA 13 26 •6:30-8:00pm Choir Rehearsal •7:00pm Lenten Vesper Services at the United Church of Hinesburg •Peace Vigil 5:30pm •Lenten Supper & Film Series 6-8pm 14 •Friday Food Affair at 5 20 21 •11:00am-2:00pm Deacons Meeting and Retreat at Sinnamon's •Peace Vigil 5:30pm •6:308:00pm Memorial Planning •Soul Friends 7:008:30pm 25 7 •Friday Food Affair at 5 •Friday Food Affair at 5 27 28 •Friday Food Affair at 5 31 •Lenten Bible Study 9-10am Please let the church office know your birthdays & anniversaries. We'd love to add you to the calendar. Call the church office 434-2053 or email us at: [email protected] The Messenger March 2015 - Page 7 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Richmond, VT Permit No. 4 1801 - 2015 Richmond Congregational Church United Church of Christ P.O. Box 302 Richmond, VT 05477 802.434.2053 <<firstname>> <<lastname>> <<address>> <<city>>, <<state>> <<zip>> March 2015 We’re on the web! Visit us at Address Service Requested Easter Flower Order Form 2015 Would you like to help fill the Sanctuary with flowers for Easter in honor of or memory of loved ones? This year you can choose between mini daffodils, field daffodils, hyacinths, or tulips in a 7” pot. There are about 5 flowering bulbs in each pot at $11.00 per plant. Please return this order form with your check, made payable to Richmond Congregational Church no later than March 29th. Your name:________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________ Name (s) to be remembered: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ____________________________________ Name (s) to be honored: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ ____________________________________ Number of Mini daffodils___________________ Number of Hyacinths______________________ Number of Field daffodils___________________ Number of Tulips_________________________ Check enclosed for: $__________________ Please indicate whether you will be picking up your flowers after the Easter Service__________ or you wish to donate them__________.
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