A Newsletter for Oak Meadow Residents Presented By The Oak Meadow Homeowners Association Oak Meadow Woman’s Club Oak Meadow Swim Club OAK MEADOW Meadowlark Oak Meadow Homeowners Association News Happy 2015 to all! We hope this year brings you and your family good health, memorable experiences to share, and a renewed commitment to life-long learning and to helping keep Oak Meadow a wonderful neighborhood. The Oak Meadow HOA invites all residents to the second annual Coffee Klatsch. What is a Coffee Klatsch? Well, it’s a “casual social gathering for coffee and conversation.” We’ll have a light breakfast of pastries, juice, and coffee on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at the Oak Meadow United Methodist Church. We’ll gather from 10:00 –11:30 am. Our theme is “What’s brewing on your block?” We would like your opinion on important issues facing our neighborhood in order to serve the needs of our community. We hope to visit with many residents so that everyone has a voice in our neighborhood’s future goals. We will have an area with activities for children so that parents can also attend the breakfast. Please put Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 10:00 am on your calendar. Come tell us what’s brewing on your block. JANUARY 2015 www.neighborhoodnews.com/oakmeadow OAK MEADOW HOA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2014 - 2015 (PLEASE PRINT THIS IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION) Name(s):_____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ San Antonio, TX 78231 Phone: ______________________________________________ E-mail:______________________________________________ Please sign up for the new EBLAST Alerts. This is our new and important way to immediately alert you of Cellular on Patrol (COP) issues, urgent information that affects the neighborhood, events & meetings, etc. Our promise is no more than one eblast per month, unless it’s absolutely necessary ___yes ___no. Membership Annual Dues: $40.00 Make your check payable to: OMHOA Mail your check, and this is important, with your completed Application Form to Olive Whelan, 2703 Roundleaf Ct. San Antonio, TX 78231. You can also pay on line with PayPal at www.neighborhoodnews.com/ oakmeadow, just hit the PayPal link and follow the directions. You will be charged a $1.50 processing fee in addition to the $40 membership dues. The Oak Meadow HOA membership continues to increase. We are at 456 members. It is not too late to join. You can download our current Oak Meadow HOA membership application at www.neighborhoodnews. com/oakmeadow. You can send your application along with your check for $40.00 dues to Olive Whelan at 2703 Roundleaf. You can also pay via PayPal on our website. There is a $1.50 charge to use PayPal. Remember that our goal is 500 members -so let’s all do our part. Veronica Gonzalez, Co-President A Neighborhood News ™ Publication Meadowlark Oak MeadowWoman's Club News & Events Happy New Year to all our Oak Meadow Neighbors! It is hard to believe another year is underway, even though some of us are not quite finished with the old year. Looking back, we can see new activities added and the traditional ones polished up! New activities include working with our neighborhood school to provide needed school supplies and to help with their drive to provide pajamas for children at a sister school. Also, the Women’s Shelter received assistance with a collection of hygiene items. OMWC joined HOA and the Swim & Tennis Club for some community activities that benefit us all. We provided desserts and volunteers for the Fall Festival and Chili Cook-off and for swim meets. With HOA another Garden Symposium was held to keep us up to date on gardening and landscaping techniques. Our by-laws were rewritten. An all new Welcome Packet for new residents was made. A number of new side groups were formed including a playgroup for young ones. The Hiking Group and the Bicycle Repair and Safety Workshop were added to help us be more active. It took many volunteers giving time and effort to make the holiday bow project a great success. Hundreds of bows adorned the boxes throughout December. Colette Langdin and Pam Thomas organized the canvassing, the mass producing and the attaching of the bows. Profits from this endeavor fund activities throughout the year. Traditional activities will continue with the Wine Tasting in February, the Progressive Dinner in March, and the Installation Luncheon in May and the 4th of July Parade. The membership directory and the Yard of the Month are also projects by dedicated WC members. Some do a little, others do a lot, and together things get done. It is never too late to join this great group of Women. It is never too late to try a Side Group; you will meet new friends, learn new skills, have some fun and contribute to our community. It is a new year…perhaps it is time to give a try. Here’s wishing each family a healthy and happy 2015! Norma Murphy, President OMWC DOUBLE PANE WINDOWS • MIRRORED WALLS REPLACEMENT GLASS • SHOWER ENCLOSURES GLASS TABLE TOPS Free Estimates B&T Glass & Mirror TOMMY MOON BRIAN MOON 656-8507 2 OMWC Side Groups These are social groups which host fun activities of special interest and a great place to meet and make new friends. You may join as many groups as you wish, or suggest a new group. Contact Carmen Sandoval at [email protected] for information on side groups. Book Club: This side group meets every fourth Thursday of the month from 1-3 pm at members’ homes to discuss selected books. Contact Celia Glasgow at 492-5593. Bridge: You will be put in touch with different bridge groups. Contact Tudy Dick at 492-3989. Bunco: Subs are always needed to fill in or replace members of different groups. No experience necessary. Contact Mary Neumann at [email protected] Crafts: In this group meets monthly and for a nominal fee provides all the supplies/instructions needed to complete a seasonal craft that day. Previous projects include wreaths, faux pumpkins, and decoupage boxes. Look for Evites with exact dates/times/locations. Contact Betty Myrvang at 889-7678 or Colette Langdin at [email protected] Sidewords, Groups Information Scrabble: If you love this group will provide a fun evening. Contact Barbara Clark at 492-4288. Not available online. Trivial Pursuit: This group meets the last Saturday of the month for a potluck dinner and a “guys vs. gals” team game of pop culture trivia. Couples and singles are welcome. Look for Evites with exact dates/ times/locations. Contact Sherry Cruz at [email protected] Walking: Call Barbara Clark for time and place to meet for a brisk walk and talk. 492-4288. Cookie Exchange: This annual event allows for members to share baked goods at holiday time. Watch for an Evite or call Betty Myrvang at 889-7678. Lunch Bunch: This side group plans to meet every third Wednesday of the month but could vary. Look for Evites with exact date/time/ locations for each meeting. Contact Linda Perkins at linda.p@om-wc. org Movie Time: Join others for an afternoon at the movies. Contact Linda Perkins at [email protected]. Day Trips: A chairperson is needed to plan short trips in and around S.A. Hiking: This side group meets Saturday mornings Sept-March for hikes through local parks and greenways. Look for Evites with exact date/time/locations for each meeting. Contact Julie Niemann at [email protected] Play Group: Join other moms with preschoolers for play dates at the park, library or homes. A leader is needed. Mah Jong: Call Marge Present to join this group of experienced players. 492-492-5153 Angels of OM: This group needs a leader to coordinate meals for neighbors during times of need, such as illness in the family. www.neighborhoodnews.com/oakmeadow January Activities: Tuesday - Caregivers, 10am Wednesday - Life Skills, 7pm Sunday - DIG, 9:30am 4 4 7 8 10 11 14 28 Evening Service, 5pm Nanny Support Group, 2-4pm NO SERVICE Coffee at the Curb, 7:30am FREE Fluids Check (car), 10am Bike Ride, 2pm Rev. Dub Jones, 7pm Wellness Wednesday, 7pm For more info: northwestag.org 210-492-5531 Northwest Assembly of God 3 Meadowlark OAK MEADOW WOMAN'S CLUB (OMWC) MEMBERSHIP FORM (Sept 2014 - Aug 2015) Name __________________________________ Birthday ____________ Spouse's Name _______________________ Address _________________________ E-mail ____________________ Home Phone _________________________ Cell phone __________________ Children (ages) ___________________________________________________ OMWC's goals and purpose include participating in charitable projects, establishing an atmosphere in which new and current residents can develop new friendships and promoting social activities. The membership year runs from September to August. Dues are payable in September. New members are encouraged to join anytime but will not be included in the directory if they join after October 1st. Each member is encouraged to participate in at least one of our fundraising activities. Choose one. FUNDRAISER (Holiday Mailbox Bows) Activities OMWC has at least one fundraiser each year. This year's fundraiser is the Holiday Mailbox Bows. OMWC may decide to add other fundraisers. Help with ribbon cutting and bow tying of the Holiday Bows. Training provided (Oct. and/or Nov.) Help with canvassing of homes for the sale of Holiday Mailbox Bows. (Late Nov and early Dec) Please check activity/activities you would like to participate in. VOLUNTEER HOSPITALITY Help with 4th of July Parade Host wine-tasting event Help with National Night Out Host Progressive Dinner (need 3 homes) Host Cookie Exchange PHILANTHROPY EDUCATION Participate in charitable projects Assist in contacting speakers Provide assistance to members/families Assist with Lawn & Garden Symposium in time of need (Angels of Oak Meadow) SOCIAL GATHERINGS Wine-tasting event 4th of July Parade National Night Out Progressive Dinner Cookie Exchange Ladies Luncheon Please check any group(s) you are interested in joining. SIDE GROUPS Book Club (meets monthly and discusses selected book) Crafts Club (women meet monthly) Day Trips (go on short trips in and around SA) Lunch Bunch (women meet monthly at different restaurants) Movie Time (women meet together at the movies) Play Group (for Moms with younger children) Trivial Pursuit (singles/couples meet monthly) Bunco Bridge Hiking Scrabble Walking Group Have any suggestions for new activities or side groups? Just email Carmen at [email protected] Membership is just $10.00 a year. Please make checks out to OMWC. Attend our membership drive or mail check to: Carmen Sandoval, 2919 Sky Cliff, San Antonio, TX 78231 Dues Paid: cash check#_ received by RENE PIÑA A.D.S. ELECTRIC Oak Wilt Specialist 389-4166 ASK FOR DAVID 7380 Grissom Rd. San Antonio, TX 78251 REPAIRS, REMODELING Providing Quality Service Since 1989 Happy New Year RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE _____ 210.561.0155 www.artistictrees.net Certified Arborist #TX-3713A Professional Tree & Landscaping Service Experienced • Dependable • Caring www.neighborhoodnews.com/oakmeadow Toudouze Real Estate Resources Commercial and Farm & Land Sales Acquisitions Consulting Wilson Toudouze, LREA Oak Meadow Resident AI Realty, Broker 210-347-9609 [email protected] Meadowlark Babysitter: Casey Chambers: Responsible, CPR certified, High Teen Services Information school student. Available: Weeknights 5-10pm. Weekends (hours to be arranged). 210-241-4275. Not available online. Lutz Lawn Business “We Cut the Green Clean”. High School Students. Contact Conner Lutz 210-551-4035 or [email protected]. Babysitter: Francesca Arzola: Babysitting certified, CPR certified, high school student. Available only on weekends. 210-630-2342. Oak Meadow Fruit and Vegetable Co-op Every other week, an Oak Meadow family shops at the San Antonio Produce Market. Their mission is to bring back fresh produce to twelve Oak Meadow families. Each family pays $15 per box for an assortment of produce items, twice each month. The produce is typically fresher and less expensive than in grocery stores. If you would like to become a part of this healthy and economical treat, please call Barbara Clark at 210-492-4288. GUIDED HIKE ON THE SALADO CREEK NATURAL TRAILS 4 Hi, I’m your neighbor Julie Niemann and I will be leading a hike again in January on the natural trails of Salado Creek that leads north to Huebner Rd. from Hardberger Park. There will be one hike a month in the winter through March of 2015. The January 2015 hike will be SATURDAY, Jan 24th, 2015 at 8AM. We will meet at the overflow parking of Hardberger by the old Voelker Farm at 1201 Voelker Lane San Antonio, 78216. Please park as close to the farm as you can. We’ll walk down to the trail near the bridge, down the hill from the overflow parking, and hike north from there to Huebner Road. That will be a 2 mile hike and on the return trip we will stay on the paved trail and walk back. Please wear comfortable hiking shoes and bring plenty of water and maybe a snack for a 4 mile hike/walk. I also suggest that you bring a hat, gloves and also a light windbreaker if the weather is cool that morning. If you have any questions you may email me at mniemann1@ satx.rr.com or call me on my cell at 210-859-2755. You Must Be 55 To Live Here... GrowinG up is Optional! No matter the age... the desire for a fun filled lifestyle is still there. You’ve retired so let us do the work and you do the “play!” Full Service Apartments, Assisted Living and Neighborhood of Homes (210) 209-8404 20450 Huebner Road San Antonio, Texas www.independencehill.com Lic #100102 www.neighborhoodnews.com/oakmeadow 5 Meadowlark C I TI ZENS O N HAPPY NEW YEAR! Serving NC Area & Oak Meadow Residents MARIA MAJOR, ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES, Realtor Parking in Cul-de-Sacs Several neighbors have asked about the parking in cul-de-sac streets. The same rules apply to all streets. You must park PARALLEL to the curb, park in direction of traffic flow,not block driveways and not for over 24 hours. Parking in the middle of cul-de-sacs is a towable offence because it blocks emergency vehicles. Parking is readily available on Hunters Green, Vantage Hill and other thru streets if you cannot find parking in a cul-de-sac. Also a suggestion is for residents to use their driveways and keep the street free for visitors. Certified Residential & Relocation Specialist Ranked #1 Realtor in Oak Meadow! ********************************** TEL: (210) 264-3206 www.mariamajor.com Email: [email protected] *** FOR SALE: Garden Home, 3/2/2, NC area *** Selling or Buying - Call me for a free consultation. Communication * Dedication * Experience * Results SAPD 20 CALLS FOR SERVICE RETURNED IN OAK MEADOW NOVEMBER 2014 Disturbance 11/1/2014 141XX Woodstream 2:01 AM Theft Welfare Check 11/1/2014 141XX Woodstream 10:23 AM 11/4/2014 Hunters Green Dr / Bee Cave 11:01 PM Traffic Related 11/4/2014 141XX Oakland Mills Dr 11:10 PM Suspicious Person 11/6/2014 4:59 AM 14XXX Fairoak Crossing Miscellaneous 11/9/2014 141XX Emerald Hill Dr 1:55 PM Suspicious Vehicle 11/10/2014 14XXX Red Clover 3:40 AM Animal Related 11/11/2014 146XX Hook Dr 4 PM Accident 11/13/2014 10:1 14XXX Cedar Mill Private Property 4 AM Disturbance 11/14/2014 2:51AM Missing Person/ 11/16/2014 Runaway 4:23 AM Theft 11/17/2014 9:36 AM Suspicious Person 11/17/2014 7:07 PM 14XXX Cedar Mill 141XX Kings Meadow 141XX Oakland Mills Dr 14XXX Oakhill Way Ordinance Violation 11/18/2014 6:08 PM 14XXX Woodstream Fire 11/19/2014 8 AM 144XX Tara Oak Burglary Vehicle 11/22/2014 3:47 PM 141XX Oakland Mills Dr Theft 11/18/2014 11 PM 28XX Barrel Oak Minor Accident 11/21/2014 8 PM 146XX Leatherwood Dr Minor Accident 11/22/2014 6:26 PM Information 11/27/2014 10:13 PM 141XX Gray Wing Dr San Antonio Police Department Non-emergency number 207-7273 Making Calls to SAPD: If you see or suspect something illegal is happening, do not confront possible offenders. Just leave the immediate area and then call in a report to the police dispatcher. Use your own judgment when deciding to call the emergency or non-emergency number; you will know if immediate help is needed. Mike Glasgow, Citizens on Patrol Coordinator All Creatures Great & Small Veterinary Hospital Published and distributed by: Formerly: North Central Veterinary Hospital Neighborhood News, Inc. 3740 Colony Drive Suite 120 San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 558-3160 * (210) 558-3163 fax Dr. Annette Davis, DVM Dr. Herbert Ernst, DVM Located at: 11015 Belair Drive San Antonio, TX 78213 Located near the intersection of Lockhill Selma & NW Military Now Accepting New Clients Call For An Appointment Today Hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-6PM Saturday 8AM-2PM 210-349-3969 www.AllCreaturesGreatAndSmallVH.com 29XX Oak Sprawl [email protected] www.NeighborhoodNews.com For advertising sales and information please call or send an email to [email protected] Articles that appear in the Oak Meadows newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of Neighborhood News, Inc. and their publication does not constitute an endorsement therein. The appearance of any advertisement in Oak Meadows newsletter does not constitute an endorsement by Neighborhood News, Inc. of the goods or services advertised. Neighborhood News, Inc. is not responsible for errors beyond the cost of the actual ad space. Any publication of Neighborhood News, Inc., whether draft or final is the sole property of Neighborhood News, Inc. and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way, whether in print or electronically, without the express written consent of Neighborhood News, Inc. ©Neighborhood News, Inc. www.neighborhoodnews.com/oakmeadow 6 Meadowlark Have a Question about the Neighborhood? GIVE ONE OF US A CALL! OMHA BOARD Veronica Gonzalez (Co-President) 492-7122 [email protected] Eleanor Settle (Co-President) 492-2771 [email protected] Mike Glasgow (VP) 492-5593 [email protected] Olive Whelan (Membership Chair) 492-0766 [email protected] Mary Neumann (Treasurer) 493-9320 [email protected] Stephanie Logan (Secretary) 489-0807 [email protected] Mike Glasgow (Cellular on Patrol (COP) 492-5593 [email protected] Eleanor Settle (Landscape) 492-2771 [email protected] Morgan Matson (Co-Codes & Compliance) 614-6400 [email protected] Elias Abdulahad (Co-Codes & Compliance) 408-7090 [email protected] Mary Neumann (Editor) 493-9320 [email protected] Webmaster (Neighborhood News) 775-5837 [email protected] Ed Dohman (Member-At-Large) 408-1371 [email protected] Michael Logan (Member-At-Large) 838-6831 [email protected] Aaron Kluger (Membership) 441-2810 [email protected] OAK MEADOW WOMAN’S CLUB BOARD Norma Murphy (President) 492-1888 [email protected] Colette Langdin (1st Vice President) 408-440-7301 [email protected] Carmen Sandoval (2nd Vice-President) 956-286-7530 [email protected] Sandra Westerberg (Treasurer) 492-2793 [email protected] Carolyn Banz (Corresponding Secretary) 492-1442 [email protected] Celia Glasgow (Publicity/Notifications) 492-5593 [email protected] Linda Perkins (Recording Secretary) 492-5354 [email protected] Sherry Cruz (Communications/Notifications) 493-9965 [email protected] Historian - OPEN Betty Myrvang (Hospitality) 889-7678 [email protected] Board and Committee Information Carmen Sandoval (Side Groups) 956-286-7530 [email protected] Pam Thomas (Fundraiser) 493-2141 [email protected] Colette Langdin (Fundraiser) 408-440-7301 [email protected] Karen Slaven (Directory Chairperson) 493-8864 [email protected] Sherry Cruz (Hostess) 493-9965 [email protected] Debra Lara (Yard of the Month) 213-4930 [email protected] Karen Slaven ( Parliamentarian) 493-8864 [email protected] Emily Marshall (Philanthropy) 493-1015 [email protected] Marcia Krolic (Philanthropy) 492-2816 [email protected] Rivka Schechter (Angels of Oak Meadow) 479-5422 [email protected] TRASH CAN STORAGE REMINDER Your trash and recycle containers must be stored out of sight of the street, by city ordinance. Containers are not to be stored on your driveway. Please keep the containers in your garage or backyard. If they are in your side yard, they must be blocked by vegetation or a fence or hidden in some way that they are not visible to your neighbors or from the street. Not available online. OAK MEADOW SWIM AND TENNIS CLUB BOARD Lee Anne Seabolt (President) 601-6820 [email protected] Greg Hokenson (Vice-President) 995-3918 [email protected] Stephani Walsh (Secretary) 493-8004 [email protected] Michael Frontz (Treasurer) 764-2576 [email protected] Stacy Hajduk (Swim Team Coordinator) 386-9882 [email protected] Frank Menchaca (Tennis Liaison) 479-0732 [email protected] Eric James (Tennis Pro) 396-3063 [email protected] Jeff Kraft (Member-At-Large) Tommy Peterson (Member-At-Large) 259-3091 [email protected] Matt Gruene (Member-At-Large) 219-8136 [email protected] Jason Scalf (Member-At-Large) 279-5536 [email protected] Chris Young (Member-At-Large) 378-6145 [email protected] Gretchen Hokenson (Member-At-Large) 482-0160 [email protected] Anna Clark (Pool Manager) 722-9679 [email protected] Pool Telephone 408-7230 Deadline for articles is the 10th of the month prior. Please send articles and classifieds to: Mary Neumann at 493-9320 or email maryn58@ sbcglobal.net www.neighborhoodnews.com/oakmeadow for calling advertisers in your neighborhood newsletter FIRST! They appreciate your business. Neighborhood News, Inc. 210-558-3160 www.neighborhoodnews.com/oakmeadow 7 Meadowlark Oak Meadow OAK MEADOW SWIM AND TENNIS CLUB 2015 APPLICATION **MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOW SUBJECT TO SALES TAX MEMBERSHIPS AND PRICING - DISCOUNTED RATE VALID THROUGH JANUARY 2015* *Payment must be postmarked by the last day of January for discount FAMILY MEMBERSHIP - DISCOUNTED RATE $199 + 8.25% SALES TAX Covers: all members of the household, plus any children in your care, plus nannies/baby sitters as long as accompanying minor children. Eligible for discounts on parties, swim lessons, and swim team. ADULTS ONLY MEMBERSHIP - DISCOUNTED RATE $150 + 8.25% SALES TAX $162.38 $194.85 SENIOR MEMBERSHIP - 65 AND OLDER - DISCOUNTED RATE $150 + 8.25% SALES TAX $162.38 $194.85 Covers: two person, adults only household. Eligible for discounts on parties, swim lessons, and swim team. Swim Club News Join Early and Save - If you join the pool between now and January 31st, you will save some money and help the pool pay its expenses in the off season. The pool has monthly expenses for chlorine, filtration, water, and security lighting whether it is in use or not. The 2015 membership form is available in the newsletter and online at www. oakmeadowswimclub.com. DISCOUNT* REGULAR w/ TAX w/ TAX $215.42 $259.80 Covers: two person, adults only household. Includes (2) one week grandchildren passes that covers all grandkids listed on the application. Eligible for discounts on parties, swim lessons, and swim team. TWO WEEK FAMILY PASS - $80 + 8.25% SALES TAX $86.60 Covers all members of the household. Come as many times as you like within a two week period (14 consecutive days), during the hours the pool is open. NOT eligible for discounts on parties, swim lessons, and swim team. TENNIS ONLY MEMBERSHIP - $100 + 8.25% SALES TAX $108.25 Includes one free clinic with our Oak Meadow Pro, Eric James. PARK SUPPORTER - SUPPORTS UPKEEP OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK $50 DONATION - NOT A SWIMMER, BUT WOULD LOVE TO HELP $ METHOD OF PAYMENT CASH CHECK (PAYABLE TO OMSC) The Oak Meadow Swim Club is a private, non-profit membership Swim and Tennis Club. RULES OF OPERATION: For the maximum enjoyment and safety of all members, the board of directors has established rules of operations, which from time to time may be altered, changed or amended. Rules are posted on the property and on-line at www.oakmeadowswimclub.com GUEST PRIVILEGES: Guests will be allowed if they are accompanied by a member, agree to abide by the club rules, and pay the established guest fee. Members are responsible for their guest's conduct. NAME:* ADDRESS:* EMAIL ADDRESS: DEPENDENTS NAMES AND AGES:* GRANDCHILDREN NAMES AND AGES (FOR SENIOR MEMBER'S GRANDCHILDREN PASSES):* PHONE #:* *Required entry (if applicable) CELL #: EMERGENCY #:* AGREEMENT: I agree to accept and abide by all the rules, regulations, and bylaws of the Oak Meadow Swim and Tennis Club. I further agree that my family and guests will be bound by such rules, regulations and bylaws. Any violations of the Club rules, regulations or bylaws by me, my family or guests may result in the suspension or cancellation of my membership with forfeiture of any or all of the annual dues previously paid. Annual dues shall cover the period from November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2015. MEMBERSHIP SIGNATURE: Mail application to: OAK MEADOW SWIM AND TENNIS CLUB, 14330 Vantage Hill, San Antonio, TX 78231 Wondering how to promote your business? Advertise Here! 210.558.3160 go green LET’S DO OUR PART IN HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT! We are proud to announce we are now offering YOU to “opt-in” to having your Neighborhood Newsletter delivered electronically! [email protected] Ask about discounts, ad sizes, & other neighborhoods in your area How? 1 Visit www.NeighborhoodNews.com 2 Click on: “Let’s do our part” and follow the instructions. What wil l change? Well... nothing! You will begin receiving your neighborhood newsletter by email on the very next publication! We’ll be sure to remove your address from the mailing list, while you enjoy your digital copy. We are so pleased to be offering this new service! ® Questions? Feel free to contact Albert Prieto at (210) 558-3160 with any website related questions. www.neighborhoodnews.com/oakmeadow Oak Meadow P.O. Box 780744 San Antonio, TX 78278 www.neighborhoodnews.com/oakmeadow Time Dated PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN ANTONIO,TX PERMIT NO. 1568
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