January 28 2015 Special points of interest: • Jan. 28 (Wed.) Ice Cream Social • Jan. 29 (Thursday) Honor Assembly 9:15 • Jan 30 (Fri) NJHS Induction and Re ception 10: I 5 • Jan 31 STEM 'N 0° St_.__ Ma_ r_y__ ___ s___e_W~S_;7)~ "Nurturing a lifelong love for Jesus, each other, and learning" Science & History Fair Projects Registration for 20 I 5 Thank you to all who attend ed out fair and reception. The projects showed a high caliber of work and dedica tion from our students. We would like to thank the 15 judges who took their time and talents to help with this event. Thank you also to our wonderful H.S.A. who provid ed refreshments. See at tached flyer for winners and we congratulate all of our students for a great job. Registration is now open for all families. Current families need only supply a $100 reg istration fee and complete the TADS online application with • Feb 3 (Tues) H.S.A. Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. All Welcome • Feb 4--School Closed for Students • Feb 6 (Fri) Mass & Prek Hot Dog Lunch • Feb 7(Sat) Basket Bingo-6:00 p.m. • Feb 8(Sun) First Penance Workshop 1:00 to 3:00 • Feb 9 (Mon) - Ad vanced Visit • Feb 10(Tues) School Budget Presentation 7:00 p.m. 2nd Quarter Ending 2016 required forms. Tuition rates will be posted as soon as ap proved. If you have any ques tions contact Mrs. Crozier or Mrs. Caniglia. Tuition Referral TAP News Paper orders need to be turned in every Thursday morning. Walk-up sales will take place each Wednesday afterschool. On-line orders can be done at your conven ience. Remember there are only 3 months left in this school year to earn money for next school year. March 31, 2015 will be the last day cred ited to the 2015-2016 school year. Add to your tuition credit by purchasing cards for your every need ...especially those everyday needs, grocer ies and gas. The 2nd quarter will be end ing January 21, 2015. Please check your child's grades and missing assignments on Jupiter grades and help them end the 2nd quarter on a positive note. Check with your child's teacher if you have any ques tions. ALL financial obli gations must be up-to date in order for report cards and Jupiter grades to be available. Jupiter grades will be closed for about a week for all families as teachers must close out grades. Check with the main office if you have any ques Raffle Incentive tions regarding your financial In you are a school family and obligations. Please take care sell two additional tickets of these immediately, so your (above the four mandated child can receive their report tickets) during the month of card on time. January and February, your name will be entered into a drawing to win a 1/2 price Catholic tuition rate for 13735 Notre Dame Place Bryantown, MD 20617 the 2015-2016 school year. If you sell four addi tional tickets (above the four mandated tickets) you will not only be entered into the 1/2 price tuition drawing, but a drawing to be exempt from selling any raffle tickets for the 2015 2016 school year. Start selling those additional in centive tickets now! Pro~ram New and Improved! If you refer a family who registers their student and they remain at the school for the entire year (2015 2016), you will receive a $1000 tuition credit. If there are two students that register you are eligi ble for a $1500 tuition credit. Spread the word of SI'1B's registration, discuss with families all the great things that 5MB has to of fer and help reduce your tuition. Valentine Basket Bingo Our second Bingo fund raiser for the school year is right around the corner! Please consider volunteer ing your time at the event, donating items to fill the baskets, providing valentine themed desserts, sponsor 301-932-6883 301-843-3387 www.bryantown.org Page 2 St. Mary's News ing a prize, or coming out to play Bingo! Many new fami lies have asked, "What does sponsorship mean?" Spon sorship is donating the price of the basket or bag, so that our fund raiser makes a greater profit. Any mone tary amount is greatly appre ciated! With your sponsor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ship, you can submit a dedi cation/message to be includ ed in the program and to be read aloud at the event. In the past, popular messages "God is have advertised businesses, thanked a teacher, or hon ored a student or loved one. not Donations of basket fillers are also needed. Sugges unjust; tions include: bags of valen tine candy, gift cards, can He will dies, lotions, wine, etc. Please contact Amanda Schiavoni not ([email protected]) if you are able to volunteer, forget provide baked goods, or your need reservations! work with their service projects. School Supplies One of our Destination Imagi nation teams is doing a collec tion of school supplies as part of their team problem solving solution. There are boxes throughout the school for any donations. . See the flyer in this week's packet. 5MB Spiritwear Check out the display in the school's foyer. There are samples of clothing and acces sories items that are display ing our special 100th Year Logo. There is information on how to order. Land's End is working with our school to offer this very special logo so our current and alumni fami lies can participate in this year's special celebration of our history of Catholic educa tion. If you need help or fur ther information, contact our parent volunteer, Clare Stine, at 301-934-3412. Free Child Care & Religious Instruction FOR CHILDREN AGES 2 TO 5 will be offered each Sunday from 9:30 to II: 15 a.m. throughout the school year. We hope that this free service will be a bene fit by children with quality care while their parents attend the 10 a.m. Mass. For more information and to register call Lisa Shu maker at 301-870-2220 ext II. Congratulations Beverly Jarboe and James Shirley are our latest win ners of the raffle drawing held at our Spaghetti Din ner. They will split the $4500 dollar drawing. The next $1000 dollar drawing will be held at the Honor Assembly on Thursday, January 29, 2015 (tomorrow). Get your tickets now and get them in before the next draWing! Congratulations Valentine Grams and the NJHS will be selling Valen tine grams again this year. Please review the flyer in love this week's packet for all the details. The funds generat you ed by this event help NJHS Father -Daughter Dance Get your tickets now! See flyer in this week's packet for more details. Only two weeks away for this event! Knowledge Bowl Tearn Madyson Ferrer, Jill Silver stone, Mackensie Dyson, Sophia Rodriguez. Peyton Barnett, Madison Crozier, Allie Harrer, Madison O'Quinn-TOP TEN!!!! I.ave Friday Saint. Blessed or Servant of God-Feast Day or Passion St. Berard and Companions More important calendar dates: • Jan. 28 (Wednesday)-Student Appreciation Day • Jan. 29 (Thursday)-Honor Assembly-9: I 0 a.m. • Jan. 30 (Friday)-Middle School Rock-a-Thon-7-10 p.m. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday, January 25 and runs through Saturday, January 31, 2015. Here is a list of the events planned for this week and there is a flyer in today's packet. • Sunday-Students will be greeters and wear their school uniform to all Masses. We will sponsor a Meet and Greet after the 10 a.m. Mass. • Monday-School is closed for students due to semester break. • Tuesday-Open House--current and prospective parents are welcome to visit the classrooms-I 0 a.m.-Noon and 6--8 p.m. Due Weather-Open House will be ongoing all week!!!! • Wednesday-"Way Back" Wednesday-students will dress in assigned decade clothing and have ice cream sundaes and fun activities. • Thursday-Service Day and Honor Our Community. We will be concluding our Coat Drive and making Snack Packs for less fortunate children in So. MD. • Friday-We will be honoring our newly installed NJHS members and in the evening a Middle School Rock-a-Thon event with a "Superhero" theme. • Best part-NO HOMEWORK OR TESTS ALL WEEK! • All are welcome to attend, volunteer to help, or just plain join in the fun to promote our school during CSW!! IMPORTANT-PLEASE SEND IN TOMORROW!!!!! Snack Pack Service Project-Class Assigned Items: • Pre-K-fruit cups • Kindergarten-granola bars • Ist grade-juice boxes/Capri Sun • 2nd grade-packaged crackers • 3rd grade-pudding cups • 4th grade-applesauce cups • 5th grade-raisin snack packs • 6th grade-snack sized cookie packages • 7th grade-fruit roll-ups • 8th grade-snack size pretzels, chips, Goldfish, etc. • Please bring in your items by January 27, 2015, so we have enough to pack our snack bags for those children in need. Thank you for your support and help with this important service project. Nonpublic Schools C - - - MARYLAND - - Education Credit 2 8:30 am to 1 pm Exper-ence your state government in action! The nonpublic school community needs you! Please bring groups of students, teachers and parents from your school to Annapolis on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, to meet with legislators, see our State Capitol, attend a rally and ask our legislators to Give Kids the Credit! genda 8:30 - 9:15 am Registration, refreshments & instructions 9:15 - 9:30 am Organize at Lawyers' Mall 9:30 - 10:00 am Rally on Lawyers' Mall at the Statehouse 10:00 - 11 :30 am Students observe Senate and House Floor Sessions, visit with their legislators 11 :30 am - 12:30 pm Lunch reception 1:00 pm Buses depart Questions;» Contact Garrett J. O'Day, Esq. Maryland CAPE Steering Commitee Chair [email protected] Or call 443-510-4501 Please RSVP ahead of time to assist with proper planning: www.educationmaryland.orgladvocacyday www.educationmaryland.org·facebook.comIMdEducationCredit·twitter.comleducatemaryiand St. Mary's Bryantown - January 2015 st PreK Class Project -1st Place Kindergarten Class Project - 1 Place Kindergarten - Sophia Wehrs Place First Grade - Libby Wikerson Place nd Emma McDonald - 2 Place rd Garn Godwin - 3 Place rd Burghardt - 3 Place Second Third Grade Fourth Grade st Jacob McKnew _1 Place nd Peter Luster - 2 Place rd Hannah Rison - 3 Place rd Peter Rodriquez - 3 Place st st - Agmaris 1 Place Ava Wehrs Anne Vazhappilly- Peyton Lee _1 st Place Sydney Williams _1st Place nd Ashlyn Hancock - 2 nd Vincent Wort - 2 Madi Crozier Place Kaitlyn Truss Place Fifth Grade - Sophia Rodriquez _1 Place Madyson Ferrer 1st Place Karley Lusby Place Erin McRoy _1 st Place Jill Silverstone Place nd Erika Quenano - 2 Place nd Olivia Jones - 2 Place Wesley Erickson Place rd Scottie Sage - 3 Place Sixth Grade - Ethan Strain _1 st Place Sam Slay - 1st Place Joey Crozier Place nd Karmen - 2 Place rd Autumn Murphy 3 rd Christian Aviles - 3 Place Seventh Grade - Michael Hoffman _1 st Place Courtney Keller nd Nino 2 Allegria Wahle Lindsay Newman Place rd Amanda Stone - 3 Place Place Eighth Grade - Raina Dela Cruz Lexi Crozier Place Sierra Fowler Place Noah Guadagnoli Domenic Guadagnoli Place rd Christen Watson 3 Place Nguyen - 3 rd Place Elizabeth Hooper - 3 rd Grade History Fair: Sixth - Settles - 1st Gwyneth LusterAjay HillPlace Nick Truss - 3rd Place Matthew Harrer 3rd Place Tyler Dorsom - Honorable Mention Seventh - Lilly Bull-1 st Place nd Felecia McKnew - 2 Place rd Gillian Cayabyab - 3 Place rd Katrina Brilliantes - 3 Place Kelly Lewis Honorable Mention P.J. Flores - Honorable Mention Grade Eighth - Jessica Holly Place st Emma Settles 1 Place Julissa Holly Place nd Lauren Standish - 2 Place nd Hailey Hall - 2 Place Martina Suaava Place Valentine Basket & Bag Bingo To Benefit St. Mary's Bryantown HSA Featuring Genuine Longaberger and Vera Bradley Products ~o This Basket Bingo is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by the Long@,ergerCompanyorVera Bradley, though the pnzes to be won are genu me Longaberger and Vera Bradley Products. ***SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES*** REGULAR GAMES $124 Cake Basket wlProtector $101 Small Square Waste Basket X $85 Small Stow Away Basket $106 Social Gathering Basket $100 Note Pal & Pencil Baskets $107 Red Medium Market Basket $83 Irish Festival Basket Set $164 Small Stow Away Basket Set X $92 X $113 X $100 $148 $85 $85 $118 $78 $86 $88 $88 PinklPurple Easter Basket wIProtector Sweetheart Gift of Love & Chocolate Swirl Baskets $65 Pass Along Basket Go To Khaki Check Basket Miller Bag - Mocha Rouge Lg. Duffel -Tutti Frutti Caroline Satchel-Jazzy Blooms Travel Tote-Clementine Vera-VaVa Bloom Laser-Cut Tote - Emerald Paisley Laptop Travel Tote-Paisley Meets Plaid Lg. Colorblock Tote - Petal Paisley SPECIALS DOOR PRIZES $231 Med. Stow Away Basket Set $35 Hang It Up Basket X $46 $99 Double Zip Backpack-Mid. Blues Cracker Basket $198 Lg. Everyday Essentials Basket wi $34 Lunch Bunch-Plum Crazy Protector $112 Grand Cargo Bag-Flutterby X $40 Cosmetic Trio-Tutti Frutti X=Already Sponsored EARLY BIRD GAMES I I $47 I Button Basket I $70 I Mandy-Jazzy Blooms I I Wine & Cheese Basket Set (risers, wine & picnic protectors cutting board lid) XLg. Duffel, Lg. and Med. Bow Cosmetics-Midnight Blues DONATIONS $10 Donation toward any basket I I I $20 Donation toward any basket Name_____________________________Company____________________________ Mailing Address________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________FAX________________________________ **Message, dedication or ad to be listed in program:_____________________________ **Please return this form indicating which item(s) you would like to sponsor along with your check payable to St. Mary's HSA, Attn: Amanda Schiavoni For additional information please call 301-274-2998 / [email protected] All contributions to our SOl(c)(3) agency are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. If needed tax number can be provided. )~ t:.\0 5·~ Valentine Basket & Bag Bingo / To Benefit St. Mary's Bryantown HSA St. Mary's School Hall 13735 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD 20617 Loogaberger and Vera Bradley products as gift items This Bingo is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by the Longaberger Company or Vera Bradley, though the prizes to be won are genuine Longaberger and Vera Bradley products. Saturday, February 7, 2015 Doors Open 6:00pm ~ Games Start 7:00pm Early Bird Games Start at 6:45pm $20 per person for 20 regular games and 4 Specials. Each additional package of 20 Regular Games may be purchased for $5. Additional Specials will be sold for $1 each. Early Bird Games $1 each. *Credit Cards Accepted at the door (VISA, MC, Discover, American Express)* All children must be at least 7 years of age, accompanied by an adult and must have a $20 paid ticket to enter **Raffle, 50/50 Raffle, Great Menu** Daubers For Sale For reservations or information: Please contact Amanda Schiavoni at 301-274-2998/[email protected] ) ROCK-A-THON The 2015 Catholic Schools Week Rock-a-thon is upon us, so mark your calendar for January 30,2015 (Friday) from 7-10pm. No money or pledge sheet is required. There will be no entrance fee. The theme this year is, "SUPERHEROES." This year, in addition to your teams of four, 5MB students are allowed to bring a guest. All participants, 5MB students and guests must be in the 6th, 7th or 8 th grades. Only one guest per student, and you must turn in a Guest Event Application by January 27,2015 to your teacher. No guest will be allowed into the event without this application and prior approval. Each team is responsible for providing their own rocking chair (only one per team). No chairs are to be brought to school early or left at school after the event. Rules are the same, one member of the team (SMB student or guest) must be rocking in the chair at all times. No electronic devices (cell phones, Ipod, other) are allowed. Cell phones seen being used during the event will be taken away until the end of the evening. Decorate your chair and your "area" where you will be rocking any way you like in accordance with the theme. Prizes will be awarded in several categories. Pizza, soda and snacks will be provided. Music provided by DJ Joe Morrison. Parents are required to sign their child and guest in and out for the event. No child will be allowed in or out of the building without a parent escort. Once the children have entered the school hall they will not be allowed to exit for any reason other than to leave the event. Parents must transport the rocking chair to and from the event Chaperones are needed - contact Wendy Guadagnoli [email protected] Name of Non-5MB Home School: __________________________________________________ Parent's Names: _____________________________________________________ Home Address: _______________________________________________________ Home Telephone number AND "'..,...". Cell phone number: ________________ of 5MB family/student responsible for guest: __________________________ 5MB Student/Parent Voucher: I understand that by signing good character and will cause no problems at this event. I verify that my guest is 5MB Parent signature: ______________________________________ Non-5MB Student/Guest a guest for this event, I reproach and that I will be a perfect guest at this event. that my behavior will be Signature of Guest: _______________________________________ Approved_______ Not Approved _ _ __ Principal RM T ITION ASS! me: are questions about Standard Rebate STORE (2%) $ (2%) $50 (2%) $100 Food Lion (5%) $25 Food Lion (5%) $100 Giant (4%) $25 Giant (4%) $50 Giant (4%) McKays (5%) $25 McKays (5%) $50 McKays (5%) $100 of Clinton (5%) $25 of Clinton (5%) $100 Safeway Rita's (seasonal off",; ;pirit of Card Value BJs BJs BJs Safeway * !rica Car Wash -- Charlotte Hall (4%) (4%) order # of Cards Extended Retail I $25 $1 $5 ) $25 (10%) $10 , WRiTE-IN STORES FROM ShopwithScrip BELOW: :>TAL ORDER: $ www.shopwithscrip.com for daily updates & changes will not be issued for lost or stolen cards in a place. offers What is T.A.P.? TAP in a nutshell means "tuition assistance". TAP is a popular fundraiser because families don't have to sell anything. When you purchase TAP cards, you're purchasing gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash . You can use TAP cards to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn tuiition dollars for yourself and support 8t. Mary's Bryantown. e. , r! - AppJebee"s .25 111 \ .:, 1 "•.! 11 amazon.com ': -- .• .-. Howto r---- - - j TAP. Order Form with Check Payment Online Order with Check Payment My8cripWaliet ™ (new mobile app) PrestoPay only Online Order with PrestoPay Place an order for Physical Cards J J J {sent home weekl~ in white envelope} Place an order to Reload a card J (*) (balance is avaialble in 24 hours J after e.a'l.ment is e,rocessedl .. -- .• Place an order for ReioadNow! J (*) (balance available in minutes J after payment is processed) .. Place an order for ScripNow! (these are electronically sent to your email J (*) J after payment is processeg) J(*) =family must wait for school to process payment, all check payments process weekly J= PrestoPay accounts process when you complete the order , " J Find Out More Every registered 8MB family has an online account, if you don't know how to use it, contact your TAP coordinator listed below. We can get you earning additional money today. St. Mary's Bryantown Bob Horecky - TAP Coordinator (301) 645-91 26 or robert_ horecky@comcastnet -1 ___J 5MB SPIRITWEAR AT LANDS' END • 5MB spiritwear items are now available from Lands' End! • A variety of clothing and other items ideal for staff, students and their families are ready to order. • Two choices of 5MB logos: o 5MB's standard logo o A special commemorative loath Anniversary logo • Three convenient ways to order: o Online -- www.landsend.com o By phone -- Lands' End live help 1.800.963.4816 o From the Sears store/Lands' End RioSR at the St. Charles Towne Center mall where by this third method only shipping is r n~d! A customized website of St. Mary's items can be accessed here: http://www .landsend.com/pp/SchooISearch.html?action=land inq&selectedSchooIN um=900 130519 When ordering, please be sure to reference 5MB's PREFERRED SCHOOL NUMBER 900130519 so our school can earn cash bocR rewards on each purchase. For further information, please contact Clare Stine (301) 934-3412. ST MARYS SCHOOL 900130519 Lands' End: your spiritwear source. ..c. Online: Go to landsend.com/school and create or sign in to your account. Include your student and school information in My Account (or find your School using the Preferred School Number Search: 900130519). Start shopping with your personalized product checklist. • Phone: Call 1-800-469-2222 and reference your student's Preferred School Number 900130519, grade level and gender. Our team of consultants is available 24/7 for assistance. sears In-Store: Visit your local Lands' End at Sears store. Our associates can help you with sizing information and you can place your Preferred School order online via the store kiosk. Please note, Lands' End at Sears stores may have a limited product assortment (no logo'd merchandise is available in the store). .. St Charles Towne C r 5000 Rt 301 S Waldorf MD 20603 (301) 870-6338 .. Fa' r Oaks Mall 12000 F ir Oaks Mall Fairfax, VA 22033 • Seven Corners 6211 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22044 (703) 531-6g05 • Westfield Montgomery 7103 Democracy Blvd Bethesda, MD 20817 (3 01) 469-4216 (7 0 3) 385-2235 ~~landsend.com/school===== ds ~End;·--=-==== .---- LANDS'END ® S CHOOL UNIFORM 800-469-2222' landsend.com/school ~ "( , " ~ ~ ~\' 'If \ ~, 'S 5MB Third Annual FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCE ~ ~ 4 l ( ( '\ 'I' . ( Friday, February 6, 2015 7 p.m. to 9 p.m . ., Live DJ, Dancing, and Light Refreshments Girls - bring your Father (Grandfather, Uncle ..... ) $15 per couple (advance sale-ticket price to February 3, 2015) OR $20 per couple (ticket sales at the door) Attire is Dressy Casual to Semi F onnal Name & Grade of Student -------------------------Checks payable to St. Mary's Bryantown Send R.S.V.P. to Mrs. Truss ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4~ •\ VALENTINE CiRArvtS V~9VCUNlY~~~~for~ ~fo9~fo-!:j0"Vv¥" ~o-v ~ v~ 9VCUNlY Wv~ wJ.L ~ ~~ W~j j Fekw-vca-y!:j :1-:1-. ~~ ~ for ~ YWUA-fo- 9~ 0.-- ~ ~ V\bVV-~ ~ for Sf: for V~y D0v0. tMieJ y ~e-vJ y w~ ~ H oypVfvJl T~~ W UJ<.hfo- v~ $200 T~!:j01N for !:j0"Vv¥" ~ Valentine Grams Order Form Student receiving gram: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grade: _ _ Purchased by:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ How many: Candy?_ _ _ __ Non-candy?_ _ _ _ __ Amountdue: (1.50each) _ _ __ Message (optional): Return form by February 5 with money in envelope labeled Valentine Grams in Mrs. Vanni's mailbox in the office (c/o Lauren Standish). NO LATE ORDERS Will BETAKEN. Music has a p,hy~ical Bffect 0:8 kids' br31ins Playing an instrument - affects are&s related to emotions and behavior BY AMY ELLIS NUTr Parents who have patiently sat through countless music recitals and questioned their sanity at encouraging all those trumpet or violin lessons need do so no lon ger. Even ear-splitting dissonance has an upside. . Music training not only helps children develop fine motor skills but also aids emotional and be havioral maturation, says a new study, one of the largest to investi gate,the effects on brain develop J;llent of playing an iIistrument. Researchers at the University of Vermont College of Medicine analyzed. the brain scans of 232 healthy children ages 6 to 18, specifically: looking at brain de velopment in those who played a musical instrument. (The data base they used did not specify who played which instrument.) ~at we found was [that] the more a child trained on an instru .ment, it accelerated cortical or ganization in attention skill, anxi-' ety management arid emotional contro(" said psychiatry profes sor James Hridziak, director of the Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families-. The cortex, or outer layer' of brain, changes in thickness as a child ~ows and develops. PreVi ously, Hudziak and coll~es between cor tical thiCkemng anill thinDing in various areas of the brain that are responsible for depressiQ.l1, ag gression and atten,tion problems. This res~ was different. "I wanted to 10Qk at po~iti.ve t1llpgs, wnat we believe beJ;!efi,ts child development," HudZiak said "What I was smmrised by was the emotion81 regulaton' re gj.ons. Everyone in our cultUre knows if I lift ... weights, my biceps will get bigger. The same is true for the brain. We sllguldn't be surprised we can train the brain." Because the study's partici pants were all mentally heaJ,):hy, Hudzi3.k thinks the positive effect of music training on those who are not could be significint. "A kid may still have ADJP)," he said. "It's the storm around it that inlproves:' Inspired by his own research, the 56-year-old Hudziak decided to take viola lessons last :r.ear. "I had this passion for health promotion in children; it seemed silly not to do it myself," he said. Though music isn't his only health-related extracurricular ac tivity - Hudziak also engages in regular exercise and meditation - l1-e believes the viola lessons contribute to his overall wellness, if not yet to hisplaying ability. He had just one word for his viola skills: "Horrible." found.relationslllP~ r.I Excerpted 'from washingtonpost.coJl1Lblo@/ speaklng.of-aclenc:e Have Extra School Supplies? ATTENTION ALL 5MB STUDENTS: , .~~ ~ ~ The Middle School Destination Imagination Team "Gluesticks" is collecting school supplies that will be donated to Children's Aid Society. We are asking that you take part in this fun project by bringing in a school supply that corresponds with your class theme as listed below. We do ask that the supplies are brand new and have not been opened. The class with the highest amount of items donated will receive an out of uniform day! • • • • • ~ ~ '~~ Pre-k - 12 pack of pencils Kindergarten - Pack of loose-leaf paper 1st Grade - Scissors 2 nd Grade - Pack of glue sticks 3rd Grade - 100 pack of index cards • 4th Grade - 12" ruler • 5th Grade - 12 pack of ink pens (red, black, or blue) • 6 th Grade - 24 pack of crayons • 7th Grade - Box of paper clips • 8 th Grade - 12 pack of markers If you have any questions, please contact Abigail Beall (6 th grade) or Andrew Larson (8 th grade.) THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! , ,,"\ , , ,, ~ IlL " ~ ~~ ~~~ " IlL ' IlL ~ ~ ,, \\: "-, ~ "' IlL ~~ oL ~~ .. NJHS TUTORING SERVICE D D When: Mondays (after school) Time: 3:45-4:30 PM (ifparents are not present after 4:30, children go directly to BAC and will be charged) D Where: 2nd Grade classroom D We tutor students from grades 1 to 5, any subject, and make sure they have fun! Please make sure children return permission slip to respective teacher so they can be sent/collected in office Tutoring permission slip Student's first and last name: Grade: - - - - - Parent's/guardian's signature: ______.......~~-----------_ Are there any particular subjects your chikl~. ~$sistance on? --------~~---- u; , Please check off the days your child can attend tutorjng: February 2 Fet>ruary 9 February 23 ***Please make sure your child will be present at the tutoring session ~o y~~ $60,000 Raffle One in 100 Chances to Win, the Students Win Every Time! • Monthly drawings for cash prizes beginning in October • 20 opportunities to win cash prizes • Your ticket enters you in all $1,000 and $4,500 drawings as well as the $1,000 Drawing sponsored Grand Prize Drawing by Community Bank of the • Drawings will be held on Chesapeake - Thank You Jan. 23, Jan. 29, Feb. 7, Feb. 19, Feb. 27 & Mar. 6. • Grand Prize Drawing of $20,000 held on March 6, 2015 $60,000 Raffle Ticket Form If you would like to purchase a ticket or go in on a ticket, please fill out this form and mail it with your payment of $100 to Sf. Mary's Bryantown, 13735 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD 20617. Attn: Sarah Crozier. Please call 301.932.6883 or 301.843.3387 for more information. Name/s: ------------------------------------------------------ Address: __________________________________________________ Phone Numberls: ___________________________________________ Email/s: _________________________________________________ Name of Ticket Seller: ---------------------------------------- St. Mary's Bryantown • 13715 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD 20617· 301.932.6883 or 301.843.3387
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