PRICE: FREE FEBRUARY 2015 ROUNDABOUT A new command I give you love one another As I have loved you ♥ John 13:34 ♥ 1 Roundabout FROM THE VICARAGE One of the places I was able to visit during my sabbatical leave last year was Whitby Abbey. In the churchyard there is a large cross erected in honour of the seventh century poet, Caedmon. Caedmon was a herdsman at the Abbey. Over the years, he discovered a talent for writing poetry and his work known as “Caedmon’s Hymn” is considered by many to be the oldest poem written in the English language. Although Caedmon was of low status within the Abbey, the Abbess, Hilda, saw his gift of poetic writing to be a gift of God and she encouraged him to develop his talent. Indeed, Hilda considered it most important to identify and nurture the talents of everyone at the monastery – the uneducated as much as the educated. Perhaps here there is a lesson for us all in the twenty-first century, fourteen hundred years on from the days of Hilda and Caedmon. In an age when education seems to have been taken over by bureaucrats and politicians whose only interest appears to be in making sure the right boxes are ticked and the right “targets” are met, we might remind ourselves of the importance of encouraging everyone in our community to develop their gifts and talents, however humble those talents may be, so that they might grow to their full potential as human beings. Not everyone in life can be a highflying academic but, like Caedmon, we all have our gifts and talents which, properly nurtured, can enrich the lives of many. Jesus said (St John’s Gospel Chapter 10 verse 10): “I have come that you may have life, and have it in all its fullness”. “Fullness of life” can never be measured statistically, but we can all recognise when someone has experienced it. Paul Wilkinson 2 February 2015 SUNDAY SERVICES All are welcome to come along and join us. ST BOTOLPH’S 1st February 10.45am Family Service 6.30pm Evening Prayer 8th February 10.45am Family Communion 6.30pm Evening Prayer 15th February 10.45am Family Service 6.30pm Holy Communion 22nd February 10.45am Family Communion 6.30pm Evening Prayer ST JOHN’S 9.00am every Sunday – Holy Communion (except on the third Sunday of the month when there is Morning Worship ) HOLY COMMUNION A short service of Holy Communion is held in the Common Room at Robotham Close in Newbold on the first Tuesday of every month at 10.30am. This service is open to anyone who would like to come along. STREET PRAYER CYCLE 1st February 8th February 15th February 22nd February Lauderdale Close, Long Lawford Wavebeck Court, Long Lawford Coventry Road, Long Lawford South View Road, Long Lawford On these Sundays we pray especially for people living in these streets. If you would like us to pray for something or someone in particular, please let the Vicar know a week before by phone or by email. 3 Roundabout FROM THE REGISTERS BAPTISMS None WEDDINGS None FUNERALS Alma Brodin (79) – cremated at Rainsbrook Crematorium on 15th December Rosemarie Chapman (67) - cremated at Rainsbrook Crematorium following a service in St John’s on 18th December George Harris (86) - cremated at Rainsbrook Crematorium on 22nd December Mary Ann Judge (87) - cremated at Rainsbrook Crematorium on 24th December NEWS FROM THE CHURCHYARD Donations have been received from Darren Porter who continues to raise money at the Barley Mow , for which we are grateful and also thank you to an anonymous lady has donated £20. The kindness of strangers never ceases to amaze me. We are hoping to plant more flowers and small shrubs etc so we have a colourful display next year so any donations of bulbs plants etc would be very welcome. For more information on churchyard matters please contact Barbara Sear. Wishing you all A Happy & Healthy New year, especially all our hard working volunteers. PARISH PRAYER FOR FEBRUARY Heavenly Father, help us to be aware of your presence each new day; teach us to trust your ways and let us respond to you with love and complete trust; hold us fast for Jesus’ sake. Amen. 4 February 2015 ST BOTOLPH’S ORGAN The organ in St Botolph’s has been in the church since 1858 – it is believed to have come from Rugby School Chapel at that time – so a second hand organ has served the church well for nearly 160 years, although its small size and limited range of stops means that it has never been entirely adequate for a church the size of St Botolph’s. This organ is now nearing the end of its useful life and it will cost some £40,000 to restore it. However, modern technology means that alternatives to the traditional pipe organ are now available. Some of you will have seen and heard the loan organ which we had in the church over Christmas and the general reaction to it has been very positive. This instrument has now been returned to the suppliers, but it is our hope to be able to purchase such an instrument in the near future. This would cost us a little less than restoring the existing organ, yet would give us a superior instrument which would enable music to be played which cannot be played on the existing pipe organ, as the proposed new organ has around three times the number of stops. The new organ would be a great asset to the church and to the community, allowing brides, for example, to have a much wider range of music available on their special day. The PCC is now launching an appeal for £40,000 to enable the purchase of such an instrument – we hope that many people who have benefited from hearing the existing organ over the years, particularly at such special times as weddings and funerals, might wish to contribute towards the cost of a new instrument so that our community can continue to benefit in the future. Any donations may be sent to the Vicarage and will be greatfully received. BIBLE VERSE FOR REFLECTION “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119 verses 105) “May God be gracious to us and bless us” (Psalm 67 verse 1) 5 Roundabout SUSANNA’S HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS 2014 was our 10th year making Christmas puddings in aid of charity, and we sold a record 370 puddings and raised £1,700 for the St Martin-in-the-Fields Christmas Appeal. Thanks are due to everyone who supported us by getting orders, making donations, and – of course – buying our puddings! If you have unwanted plastic basins, you can return them for us to reuse next year – each basin returned and reused reduces our costs by at least £1, and enables us to send more to the appeal. And if you would like to be put on our mailing list for next year, please contact us on catherine_jamieson@ or 01788 536690. With best wishes for 2015, Susanna and Catherine Jamieson NEWBOLD FELLOWSHIP Meetings held at 7.30 pm on the first Tuesday each month at The Riverside Academy. Our next meeting is Tuesday 3rd February. Our speaker will be Geraldine Rabone - Reiki Therapy Hostesses: Pat Beevers, Sally Bishop & Ann Watts. NEWBOLD SHORT MAT BOWLS CLUB Meets every Friday 7.30 pm to 9 pm in Newbold Village Hall. Come and join us. We’d love to see you. Don’t know how to play? Don’t worry, we’ll be happy to show you. First night free, thereafter £2 per week. Please bring a pair of flat-soled shoes. FLOWERS Flowers have recently been arranged in memory of Simon Flockhart and Geoff & Joyce Spouse. Flowers can be arranged and placed in the church as memorials, for anniversaries etc. If you have any requests for flowers please phone Dawn Ramshaw 843826 (St Botolph’s) or Sue & Don Moses 542001 (St John’s). 6 February 2015 ST BOTOLPH’S CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL The Festival was particularly successful this year, raising just over £4,400, over £900 more than last year. In addition to this welcome addition to our funds, the Festival was successful on a social level too, allowing people from within our communities and from further afield to come and experience the beauty of our lovely old church at a very special time of year. Thanks are due to EVERYONE who helped in whatever way to make the Festival such a success. Some contributed a lot of time and effort, others contributed a smaller amount, but every contribution helped make the Festival the enjoyable occasion it was. Put the dates in your diary now for the 2015 Festival Saturdays and Sundays 5th and 6th and 12th and 13th December. FOSBOTS Fosbots is now being run by a new team of people. Therefore lots of new events are going to be coming your way. Thank you for all your continued support. November Winners Ist prize Laura Arbuthnott 2nd prize Mary Webb December Winners 1st prize Alison Taylor 2nd prize Shelly Tailby Special Christmas Draw Winner Our Special Christmas draw was won by Mr.& Mrs. T.White. The draw will now take place the last Sunday of each month after Sunday morning church service, and winners will be detailed in the following months Roundabout. Thank-you to everyone who has joined we just need a few more to reach our 200 members, so please contact Barbara Sear on O1788 579109 if you are interested. We wish every one a Happy Healthy & Prosperous New Year. 7 Roundabout CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 2014 RAFFLE WINNERS This years raffle raised a total of £610 which was a remarkable achievement over the old record figure of £296. Many thanks to all the people who donated the prizes and to everybody who bought tickets. Special thanks to Mrs Louise Daniels, the manager of Co-operative food Newbold, whose ongoing support is very much appreciated. Grand draw prize winners are listed below: 1. Large food hamper - value £70 - Ticket number 630 - Mrs Brady. 2. Sweet & savoury hamper - Ticket number 671 -J.Frith 3. Six bottles of wine - 3 Red & 3 White - Ticket number 1065 - Emma Ball. 4. Ladies & Gents watches - Ticket number 321 - Sarah Burrows. 5. Pro detail sander - Ticket number 999 - Mr Wilson. 6. £20 Tesco voucher - Ticket number 866 - Mrs Jean Child. 7. Bottle of vodka (70cl) - Ticket number 417 - Mike Bridgen 8. £10 voucher for The Barley Mow -Ticket number 650 - Paul Gillespie. 9. Bottle of white wine (70cl) - Ticket number 955 -Angela Clewlow. 10. Large bottle of white wine (1.5 ltr) - Ticket number 1171 - Bess Kerridge. 11. “Daisy & Rosie” knitted dolls - Ticket number 284 - Dawn Ramshaw. 12. Two free passes for Cineworld - Ticket number 851 - M.Thompson. 13. Stationery pack - Ticket number 854 - T.Cain 14. Bottle of white wine (70cl) - Ticket number 1098 - Ian Clarke. Please note that all prizes have been claimed / delivered. For the peace of mind of all raffle entrants all phone numbers have been shredded so they cannot be used for criminal purposes! May I take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who helped with the sale of raffle tickets. I am already working on the raffle for the 2015 Festival the details of which will be in the March issue of Roundabout . Clive Bower 8 February 2015 KNIT AND NATTER This small friendly group enjoy getting together to produce knitted items for charity. After many years of supporting the Operation Christmas Child appeal we are now going to suport a different charity - which has yet to be decided so watch this space!! We meet at St John’s, Long Lawford on the second Wednesday of the month, from 2 - 4 pm. The next meeting will be on: Wednesday 11th February 2015 Feel free to come and join us. A massive thank you to anyone who contributed items for or helped with the packing of the 101 shoeboxes that were sent last year. QUIZ AT THE BARLEY MOW In aid of St Botolph’s Church – 8.00pm on Tuesday 24th February. Rounds include General Knowledge, Picture and Music. Entry £1 per person. Maximum of 6 people in a team. All are welcome to come along and join in the fun! LONG LAWFORD GARDEN CLUB Meetings held on the Last Friday of the Month in the Long Lawford Memorial Hall. The next meeting will be on 27th February 2015 - where are speaker will be John Gibson on Plant Portraits. New members will be very welcome! 9 Roundabout 5TH RUGBY (NEWBOLD) SCOUTS, CUBS AND BEAVERS Scouts 10½ to 14 yrs Tuesday 7.00 pm till 9.00 pm John Laing 543685 Cubs 8 to 10½ yrs Wednesday 6.45 pm till 8.15 pm Pauline Roberts 332413 Beavers 6 to 8 yrs Wednesday 5.30 pm till 6.30 pm Kathryn Laidlaw 07795030844 Website: Places are available for girls and boys. LONG LAWFORD CUBS, BEAVERS AND BROWNIES Cubs 8 to 10½ Beavers 6 to 8 yrs Brownies Girls, 7 to 10 yrs Monday 6.30 pm till 8.00 pm Monday 5.15 pm till 6.15 pm Thursday 6.00 pm till 7.30 pm Chris: 547122 Chris: 547122 Helen: 571704 1ST NEWBOLD BROWNIES, RAINBOWS AND SENIOR SECTION Brownies 7 to 10 yrs Monday 5.30 pm till 7.00 pm Rainbows 5 to 7 yrs Monday 5.30 pm till 6.30 pm Senior Section 14 to 25 yrs Monday 7.00 pm till 9.00 pm NEWBOLD GUIDES Guides Monday 7.00 pm till 9.00 pm Karen Barker 330980 Karen Barker 330980 Karen Barker 330980 Leanne Douglas 07814357466 LONG LAWFORD PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Council meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm in the Memorial Hall, Railway Street. All residents welcome. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 10th February 2015. Updates can now be seen on our website: MOBILE LIBRARY The mobile library calls at the shops in Newbold. This service is being reviewed. For more information about the continuation of this service please see: call: 01926 851031or email: [email protected] 10 February 2015 LONG LAWFORD METHODIST CHURCH MESSY CHURCH Church with a difference Starts with breakfast then crafts and a bible story ALL AGE An informal and relaxed service Finished with hot drinks and biscuits Ladybirds – Tuesdays 9.30-11.15am (during term only) Open to everyone who is caring for a baby or toddler (or more than one). There is space and activities for the children and a chance for adults to have a cuppa and a natter. £1 per family, just turn up. Find us at: CONTACT Rev. Clive Fowle: 07817057963 or [email protected] For information about regular services, requests for baptisms, funerals or weddings, information about any group or event that is running, for hiring the building etc. NEWBOLD ON AVON METHODIST CHURCH MESSY CHURCH Church with a difference, crafts and a short Bible story. This takes place on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Find us at: LITTLE STARS, NEWBOLD Thursday 9.15am-11am (During term only) Open to everyone who is caring for a baby or toddler (or more than one). There is space and activities for the children and a chance for adults to have a cuppa and a natter. £1 per family, just turn up. Find us at: Contact Details: If you have any questions or queries about the church, events or services please contact the Minister, Jane Gaffney. Phone: 01788 819891 Email: [email protected] 11 Lawford United Football Club Roundabout LAWFORD UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB Lawford United Football Club Recruiting Now.... All 5-10 year olds Football sessions £3 When: 10.30 - 11.30 Saturday Mornings Where: Cherwell Park Way, Long Lawford Contact Leanne Humphries for more information M: 07557536732 ALL 5-‐ 1 0 YEAR OLDS FOOTBALL SESSIONS £3 WHEN: 10:30-‐11:30, SATURDAY MORNINGS E:lhumphries@premier-‐ Book online… RECRUITING NOW… STARTING 8TH NOVEMBER Contact Leanne Humphries ALL 5-‐ w1ith 0 Y…EAR In Partnership …. OLDS FOOTBALL SESSIONS £3 In Partnership with WHEN: 10:30-‐11:30, M: 07557536732 E:lhumphries@premier-‐ Book online… SATURDAY MORNINGS Pilates & Stretch Classes In Partnership with ……. Friendly classes which will help you to: Improve your balance Enjoy greater flexibility Learn how to prevent back pain Develop a stronger body Monday 9.30-‐10.30am Tuesday 9.30-‐10.30am Thursday 6.10pm-‐7.10pm & Friday, 9.30-‐10.30am Women’s Institute Hall, Southam Road, CV22 6NG Church Lawford Village Hall, School Street, CV23 9EE Dunchurch Village Hall, Rugby Road, CV22 6PN Friday 11.15-‐12.15pm Bourton, Draycote & Frankton Village Hall, Frankton Road CV23 9QS Taught by a Chartered Physiotherapist (HCPC registered) Call 01788 565258 or 07905718136 for more information Full timetable on 12 for more information WHERE: Cherwell W ay Park, Long Lawford STARTING 8TH NOVEMBER WHERE: Cherwell Way Park, Long Lawford RECRUITING NOW… For more information contact Leanne Humphries M: 07557 536732 E: [email protected] Book Online - February 2015 DOTTIE’S SMALL ANIMAL BOARDING Boarding of Guinea pigs, rabbits & other small furries keep your pets warm with a fleece snug chicken jackets for featherless chickens available nails trimmed very reasonable prices open all year phone: 07930 364352 email: [email protected] PHIL PRESTON PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS FAMILY PORTRAITS CHRISTENINGS PROM NIGHTS PET PHOTOS email: [email protected] facebook: telephone: 07926 091305 13 Roundabout PRESS ON IRONING SERVICE ‘Let us lighten your load’ Local fully insured ironing service, Delivery and collection Competitive rates Contact 07419332876 THE FOOT DOCTOR IT WON’T COST AN ARM OR A LEG FOR EXCELLENT FOOT HEALTH SERVICES NAIL TRIMMING - FUNGAL INFECTIONS - CORN REMOVAL DRY CRACKED HEELS - INGROWING TOENAILS - CALLUSES REMOVED SPECIAL DIABETIC CARE TO DISCUSS YOUR NEEDS AND ARRANGE A HOME VISIT, CONTACT: BRENDAN WRIGHTON (DIPCFHP) MPS PRACT (FHP) MVR PHONE: 01788 337672 MOBILE: 07875 674531 [email protected] REGISTERED WITH THE ALLIANCE OF PRIVATE SECTOR PRACTITIONERS MEMBER OF THE VOLUNTARY REGISTER OF FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONERS (24293FHP) BARLEY MOW, NEWBOLD 10% MEAL DONATION COUPON KELLY AND SIMON OF THE BARLEY MOW ARE PLEASED TO SUPPORT ST BOTOLPHS CHURCH. EVERY READER THAT HAS A MEAL AT THE BARLEY MOW AND PRODUCES THIS COUPON, THEY WILL DONATE 10% OF THE TOTAL BILL TO ST BOTOLPHS CHURCH. 14 February 2015 DO YOU NEED LOW COST ELECTRICAL WORK? QUALIFIED TRADESMEN WITH OVER 10 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE? THEN CALL BRADLEY ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TO BS7671 - PART P REGISTERED ALL COMMERCIAL AND DOMESTIC ELECTRICAL WORK UNDERTAKEN DIGITAL AERIAL INSTALLERS CALL TODAY FOR A NO-OBLIGATION FREE ESTIMATE PHONE: 01788 220188 MOBILE: 07974 268094 WWW.BRADLEYELECTRICALRUGBY.CO.UK RUGBY FENCING AND GENERAL GARDENING WORK ALL TYPES OF FENCING SUPPLIED AND ERECTED DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL WORK UNDERTAKEN PROMPT SERVICE, FREE ESTIMATES PHONE: 01788 579427 MOBILE: 07968 009898 EMAIL: [email protected] WWW.RUGBY-FENCING.CO.UK 15 Roundabout LISA HAGGAN EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS AND DESIGNER BASED IN LONG LAWFORD SEWING ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING CURTAINS ALTERED PHONE: 01788 567393 MOBILE: 07980 813315 NOEL O’BRIEN DECORATORS INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PRIVATE OR COMMERCIAL ALL ASPECTS OF DECORATING ALMOND GROVE, NEWBOLD PHONE: 01788 579441 MOBILE: 07931 585835 JOHN LEWIS ELECTRICAL SOLE TRADER BASED IN LONG LAWFORD 32 YEARS EXPERIENCE FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS, SHOWERS, REWIRES, EXTENSIONS FREE QUOTATIONS PHONE/FAX: 01788 544888 MOBILE: 07850 130648 EMAIL: [email protected] PART P REGISTERED INSTALLER 16 February 2015 J C GREENHALGH BUILDING CONTRACTOR CARPENTRY RENOVATIONS CONVERSIONS DOOR AND WINDOW REPLACEMENTS PHONE: 01788 537059 MOBILE: 07970 737742 R J HARRIS & SON HEATING & PLUMBING ENGINEERS GAS CENTRAL HEATING BOILER CHANGEOVERS GAS FIRES & GAS COOKERS FREE ESTIMATES TWO YEAR GUARANTEE LOCAL VILLAGE FIRM PHONE: 01788 568343 OR 01788 565892 c CRESTA CARPETS RUGBY’S PREMIER SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLOORING REQUIREMENTS WE SPECIALISE IN BEATING ANY LIKE-FOR-LIKE QUOTATION & OFFER THE MOST COMPETITIVE PRICES IN THE AREA . . . SO WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! WE ALWAYS PROVIDE FIRST CLASS SERVICE & INSTALLATION, FREE HOME VISITS & SAMPLE VIEWING, INCLUDING MEASURING, ESTIMATING & EXPERT ADVICE, WITH NO OBLIGATION & NO PUSHY SALESPERSONS PHONE: 01788 537873 MOBILE: 07977 184376 (ASK FOR JIM) WWW.CRESTACARPETS.CO.UK 17 Roundabout TAE KWON DO CLASSES NOW STARTED IN YOUR AREA Classes open from age 4 upwards First lesson is free with no join up fees Chief instructor Jason Salisbury with 23 years experience in Tae Kwon Do & as well as other martial arts. Fully insured & CRB checked. Tuesday’s 6pm-7pm & 7pm-8pm. Newbold Village Hall, CV21 9EL Thursday’s 6pm -7pm & 7pm-8pm Methodist Church, Russelsheim Way, CV22 7TB Sunday’s 5pm-6pm & 6pm-7pm. Long Lawford, Memorial Hall, CV23 9BA Contact Jason on 07891461064 Facebook: JasonSTKD ACADEMY DRIVING INSTRUCTION BEGINNERS OFFER: FIRST FOUR LESSONS £50 MALE & FEMALE INSTRUCTORS EXCELLENT PASS RATE PATIENT, FRIENDLY TUITION BEGINNERS, INTENSIVE PASS PLUS & MOTORWAYS BLOCK BOOKING DISCOUNT PHONE: 01788 547718 WWW.ACADEMY-DRIVING.CO.UK NIGEL PORT INSTALLATIONS MAIN STREET, NEWBOLD FULLY FITTED KITCHENS, BATHROOMS AND TILING SUPPLY AND FIT, OR FIT ONLY PRICES TO SUIT ALL BUDGETS GENERAL CARPENTRY WORK UNDERTAKEN FOR ADVICE AND FREE ESTIMATES, PLEASE CALL PHONE: 01788 562138 MOBILE: 07903 237575 18 February 2015 SOOTY & SWEEP LONG LAWFORD BASED LONGEST ESTABLISHED CHIMNEY SWEEP FULLY INSURED ALL AREAS COVERED PHONE: 01788 540825 MOBILE: 07947 451051 Spring into Spring with Sophisticut Too ! Flip in Extensions now available Full head of foils, cut & blow dry £60 T-section, cut & blow dry £50 O.A.P. Discount days on Tues. & Weds. Sophisticut Too 16 Main Street, Newbold Phone: 01788 552255 ARABESQUE DANCE SCHOOL WANT TO DANCE? RAD, ballet, and tap classes from 3 years come and join us at the memoral hall long lawford at 4pm on wednesdays & enjoy the friendly atmosphere first lesson free then pay weekly phone Gill for details: 07770 414793 - [email protected] also on wednesday evenings adult tap classes & bootcamp ballet for those to want to dance a good way to keep fit & for all ages. 19 Roundabout DEADLINE FOR THE MARCH 2015 ISSUE: TUESDAY 3RD FEBRUARY 2015 Items for Roundabout should be sent to the editor, Hannah Wilkinson, who can be contacted on 07581 375147 and [email protected]. This issue of Roundabout is printed free of charge by Newman Estate Agents via their community printing scheme. 01788 820000. The inclusion of information by community based and charitable groups is free. The editor’s decision is final. Fees for advertisements: £10 per issue (£100 per year, 10 issues) Advertising disclaimer: publication of an advertisement in Roundabout does not imply approval of the publishers for goods or services offered. ST BOTOLPH’S & ST JOHN’S METHODIST CHURCHES The vicar welcomes enquiries concerning baptisms, weddings & banns of marriage at any time. The ministers will be pleased to talk about weddings or baptisms, or other concerns. VICAR: Paul Wilkinson The Vicarage, Main St, Newbold CV211HH Telephone: 01788 543055 LONG LAWFORD: Clive Fowle 28 Hibbert Close, Rugby CV22 6DS 01788 576929 NEWBOLD: Jane Gaffney 85 Durrell Drive, Rugby CV22 7GW 01788 819891 This newsletter is produced by the church. It is written and distributed by volunteers. It contains church and village news and is delivered free to every household in the parish of Newbold-on-Avon with Long Lawford. If you would like to help with the work of delivering Roundabout, or have any queries about distribution, please contact Pat Beevers 01788 575252. ROUNDABOUT ON THE WEB The text of the current issue of Roundabout is available via a link on the parish website at: 20
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