REPORTER Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron Volume 75, Issue 3 March 2015 It is hard for me to believe that in a few short months I will have served as your minister for six years. I can still remember my very first Sunday in the pulpit in August of 2009. I was really nervous and so worried about making a good impression. But the nerves did not last for long. And the reason is all of you. From the beginning of my ministry here at the UU Church of Akron, you have made me feel so at home and offered me so much love and goodwill. And I have to say that as we approach our six year anniversary together, love and goodwill are still in the air. We’ve accomplished many wonderful things and the future is so very bright. In fact, I can’t wait to find out what the next six years will hold! Now that I’m approaching the end of my sixth year as a Unitarian Universalist minister, I’m also beginning to think about my own ministry. I’m asking myself what I would like to accomplish in the coming years and how I would like to grow as a minister. In fact, one of the goals I have set for my sabbatical next year is to explore and begin to work on some those areas for growth. In order to do that, I need your help. At my request, the Committee on Ministries (COM) will be conducting an assessment of my ministry here at the UU Church of Akron. Later this month, you will be receiving a brief online survey in which you are invited to provide feedback about the various aspects of my ministry – worship and preaching, teaching, pastoral care, social action, etc. Please take time to complete and then submit the survey. Although the survey requires that you share your name, I will not see any of the individual surveys. Rather, the COM will write summary reports of the answers to the various questions which will then be shared with me. And one more thing. Please be honest in your assessment and your feedback. If there is an aspect or aspects of my ministry that you feel are especially strong or well developed, please say so. And if there are areas in which you feel I need to improve or grow, please share that as well. Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated. My goal in requesting this assessment is to grow as a minister. I want to grow so I can better serve you and so that we can become an even more amazing church community than we are today. The future is so bright and the possibilities are endless. So please, take a few minutes to complete that survey! Blessings, It is Survey Monkey time again! At the request of Reverend Tim, the Committee on Ministries has developed a ministerial assessment to allow our members to comment on Reverend Tim’s strengths in his ministry as well as his opportunities for growth. The online survey is concise and will only take a few minutes of your time. There are nine questions covering all aspects of Reverend Tim's ministry, and a general comment field at the end for anything you wish to comment on further. Our goal is to provide Reverend Tim with the most complete overall picture possible, so we thank you in advance for taking the time to share your feedback. Look for the survey to launch on March 17th. We need all results back by April 5th please. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 MINISTER’S MUSINGS Religious Education News, Classic Concert & Art Auction Organ Update, Community Garden Sunday Services; Mental Health 5 6 7 8 1 Worship & Spiritual Enrichment Opportunities HAPPENINGS , UUWA Calendar; Attendance Info Staff Hours and Info; Board of Trustees; UUCA Mission RELIGIOUS ED NEWS Social Action Coalition is co-sponsoring a free training March 26-27! UUCA will host ~ come one or both days 9am-5pm ~ lunch provided! The Children Are Watching In her fascinating book All the Joy and No Fun - The Paradox of Modern Parenthood, author Jennifer Senior points out that raising children can have a redemptive effect on the lives of parents, and that this in turn helps parents become better persons and role models. THEATRE OF THE OPPRESSED WORKSHOP So you want to change the world? / Don't spectate! Participate! Theatre of the Oppressed is used around the world to: -Examine structural oppression -Collectively propose solutions -Activate bottom-up change This FREE T.O. training uses theatre-based activities to examine and overcome oppression. Audiences get actively involved and suggest actions and ideas. This leads to concrete action that can change the world through immediate application in communities, schools, and organizations. Please RSVP your presence at [email protected] since lunch is provided, or contact Sarah at [email protected] or 330-327-4600. For more info: Citing social research, she concludes that parents serve their children's development well by telling their own stories of successes and failures, building up a “redemptive narrative” which shows that life's challenges can be met and overcome. In the section titled “Legacies” researcher Dan McAdams says that ”adults most concerned about bequeathing something meaningful to the next generation are more inclined to tell stories about renewal and reinvention. They invest considerable time, money and energy into long term ventures whose long-term payoff is hardly a sure bet. Raising children, teaching Sunday School, agitating for social change, working to build up social institutions --- involve as much frustration and failure as fulfillment. Yet they show again and again that suffering can be overcome; that redemption typically follows life's setbacks.” Senior, in examining parents’ pride in their children’s development says this; Parental pride “can stem, and often does, from their simple transformation into moral, compassionate creatures. All children start their lives as tiny narcissists. Yet somewhere along the line --almost without your noticing-- they begin to appreciate suffering and want very much to assuage it. They bring you soup when you get sick. They tell you about keeping their mouths shut at lunch because their friends were discussing a birthday party and not everyone present was invited. And you realize that all the love you showed along the way, all the lectures you gave about compassion and grace and respect – it has somehow all managed to stick.” A core message in Senior’s book is that parents are being shaped by their children at least as much as they are shaping the children themselves. We are, in effect, redeeming one another as we listen to the stories of each other’s lives. And our children are learning by watching what we do. In faith and Love, [email protected] Rich MARCH RE SCHEDULE 3/1 YOUTH SERVICE/COYA 3/8 REGULAR RE CLASSES 3/15 NO RE CLASSES 3/22 COYA LEADERSHIP 3/29 REGULAR RE CLASSES 2 Important organ uupdate You may have noticed less organ music (or occasional strange noises coming from the pipes) during our Sunday morning worship services. Although our pipe organ has long been an important part of worship services, the instrument has reached the end of its useful service life. The organ has stops that no longer work, missing registers, and the instrument no longer holds pitch for extended periods of time. Last year, a task force explored options for repairing or replacing our current pipe organ. Here is a brief summary of the task force findings: • The estimated cost to repair the current pipe organ is approximately $45,000. • Purchase of a new pipe organ is not only cost prohibitive, but there are also significant routine maintenance costs associated with this type of instrument. • Advances in new technology allow electronic organs to reproduce the sound and feel of pipe organs without the costs and ongoing maintenance requirements. Last year, members of the Organ Task Force visited a local church to hear a Rodgers electronic organ…..the sound was truly amazing! The group learned that even in mint condition, the sound quality of our pipe organ would be no match for a high quality electronic organ like the one we heard. We also learned that we can transition to a new, electronic organ while preserving the existing look and feel of the sanctuary. So the task force recommended the purchase of a Rodgers electronic organ and the Board of Trustees approved that recommendation. Now our attention has turned to how we will pay for a new organ. Earlier this church year, the Board of Trustees appointed another task force to explore funding options to raise the almost $56,000 needed to purchase a Rodgers electronic organ. It was immediately decided that none of the required funding will be drawn from the annual budget or from your pledges that support the budget. Instead, the task force is recommending a brief, targeted capital campaign to fund the purchase of a new organ. The task force will share more details on the capital campaign during our upcoming congregational meeting in April. The task force is also planning an informational meeting and field trip(s) for congregation members interested in learning more about the state of our current organ and hearing the sound quality associated with an electronic organ. For many years, the leadership of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron has demonstrated good stewardship of our precious resources. After careful deliberation, members of both the Board and the Task Force have concluded that replacing our current organ with a high quality, electronic organ is the best path to support our beloved music ministry. We recognize that the prospect of a new capital campaign and the purchase of a new organ is a process that is certain to generate questions and comments. The Organ Task Force welcomes the opportunity to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to be in touch with Rev. Tim or any member of the task force. And we look forward to sharing more information with you at the congregational meeting in April. Sincerely, Rev. Tim, Don Malarcik, Bev Hurd, Jack Ryder, Dottie Clark, Toby Rosenthal It’s time to THINK SPRING! And that means opening up our church garden for the upcoming growing season. Our first work day has been planned for Sunday, March 29th following the service. We will be preparing the beds, planting seeds and cleaning up the garden area. You do not have to be an accomplished gardener to participate. Most of us are learning as we go. All you need are garden gloves and a willing spirit. Please join us on the 29th! Questions? Contact Karen Hoch 3 SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:30 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday, March 1 at 10:30 a.m. Youth Service — Perception & Deception The Kaleidoscope Join us as we explore our human senses; their perceptions and limitations, their differences among us, how they can mislead us, and those things that cannot be perceived by our human senses but are nevertheless real. The UUCA High School Class Sunday, March 8 at 10:30 a.m. “Visionary Radicals: The Transcendentalists” Rev. Tim Temerson & Rob Sturr Transcendentalism was a radical intellectual and social movement that flourished in American life during the middle of the 19th century. Led by former Unitarian minister, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Transcendentalism sought to break down dead tradition and to unlock human potential by inspiring people to develop, in Emerson’s words, “an original relationship with the universe.” Join us as we explore some key aspects of Transcendentalism and its importance for Unitarian Universalism. Today’s service kicks off an upcoming class on Transcendentalism and you are invited to sign up for the class during Coffee Hour. Sunday, March 22 at 10:30 a.m. “A Long Time Coming: Celebrating Marriage Equality Carol Dobbins & Linda Hale, Katie Fry & Sue Lacy, Rev. Tim Temerson In just a few short months, marriage equality will, at long last, be the law of land, including here in Ohio. Join us as we celebrate this long overdue victory for love and commitment, justice and civil rights. Two recently married couples from our congregation will share their stories and the impact marriage equality has had on their lives. Sunday, March 29 at 10:30 a.m. Be the Lion Rev. Kristen Rohm, Southwest Unitarian Universalist Church Sunday, March 15 at 10:30 a.m. The Water of Life: An Interdependence Day Celebration Water sustains our lives and all of life. Water quenches our thirst, nourishes our food, stirs our souls, and excites our imagination. Today we will explore and celebrate the place of water in our lives and on our planet through story, song, and ritual. We will also consider the connection between water and justice through the work of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. Today’s service is intergenerational and features the musical talents of the UU Band. What does it mean to have spiritual courage, to live our lives truthfully and boldly? Let’s explore how we can all be brave and authentic in our daily lives rather than the grand or heroic actions we might imagine with the word courage. Today we welcome Rev. Kristen Rohm from the Southwest UU Church in North Royalton to our congregation as part of a pulpit exchange with Rev. Tim. Mental Health Ministry Updates: “There is no health without mental health” We are pleased to announce two new components of our mental health ministry program, based on input from our church community. First, beginning in March we will launch a support group for UUCA community members. It is open to anyone in our church community who has a mental health disorder or a family member or friend with a mental health disorder. The group will meet on the 3rd Monday of each month, beginning on 3/16/2015 at 7:00 P.M., This peer-support group will be co-facilitated by Becky Dempster and Pam Garn. The group will provide a safe, confidential, community for people to be honest about mental illness and its impact in their lives. The group will provide needed support to reduce isolation and will empower people to face their situation and help give validation that they are OK as a person while dealing with mental illness. It will provide positive role models and encouragement that it is recovery is possible. If you are interested in learning more about the group, or would like to join the group, please email Becky Dempster or Pam Garn Nunn .Before joining the group, potential members will need to review a description of group guidelines and goals and agree to abide by them. These can be accessed from Pam or Becky and will also be available during coffee hour on Sunday, March 1. We will also be offering a workshop in April for families and friends of those dealing with mental health disorders. It will be open to both our church community and to the public. Attendees will learn about the understandable emotional reactions of family members and friends who are caring for people with mental health disorders, and more effective ways of communicating with them. Information about NAMI Summit Country will also be included. More information will be available during coffee hour on March 1. We promise that you will be both comforted and enlightened! 4 WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES Visionary Radicals: The Transcendentalists “FIRST FRIDAY” HIGH-ENERGY DRUM CIRCLE! FRIDAY, MARCH 6 AT 7:00 P.M. Rev. Tim Temerson & Rob Sturr Transcendentalism was a radical intellectual and social movement that flourished in American life during the middle of the 19th century. Led by Ralph Waldo Emerson, a visionary philosopher and former Unitarian minister, the Transcendentalists sought to break down dead tradition and to unlock human potential. This course will explore the ideas and impact of this small but fiery group of writers, poets, and reformers. We will seek to define what Emerson meant when he called for human beings to have “an original relation to the universe” and to pursue a “religion by revelation” instead of inheriting the stale creeds and rituals of past generations. Throughout its history, Unitarian Universalism has been shaped by Transcendentalism, and modern UUs can learn a great deal from the writing and ideas of Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Henry David Thoreau, Theodore Parker, and others. Five Sessions offered in two sections Tuesdays 7-8:30 PM & Thursdays 10-11:30AM Classes begin on March 24 &26 and will meet every two weeks There is no charge for the class. Please contact the church office to register. [email protected] The First Friday Intergenerational Drum Circle is energizing, relaxing, fun and great for all ages. Please bring a drum or something to drum on— it can be as simple as a pot and wooden spoon! Drum, dance, chant or just sit and groove out to the beat!! No experience needed. Discover your inner drummer! UU CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP WEDNESDAY, March 11 AT 7:00 P.M. Do you find truth and wisdom in the life and teachings of Jesus? If so, you are invited to join the UU Church of Akron Christian Fellowship. We are now finishing our discussion of T he Hidden Gospel:Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus by Neil Douglas-Klotz, and we will be selecting our next book. The Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship (UUCF) is a national movement interested in exploring liberal Christianity and composed of non-creedal followers of Jesus. If you have questions, please contact Ruth Huber FREE HOT NEWCOMERS CIRCLE Volunteers needed! REV. TIM’S OFFICE HOURS SUNDAY, MARCH 15 12:00 - 12:30 P.M. The Membership committee invites you to join us for a monthly Newcomers Circle! Rev. Tim Temerson and several lay leaders will be available to discuss Unitarian Universalism and our church community, and to answer your questions. No sign-up is required, just drop in for 30 minutes of fellowship and conversation. 4th SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH 12:00 P.M. Join Rev. Tim for a Brown Bag Lunch every THURSDAY AT NOON. Drop-in hours on Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Tim is also available by appointment Tuesday through Thursday; some evening hours available. 5 MEETINGS & EVENTS ►SACRED SINGING CIRCLE .►SPANISH CONVERSATION Tuesdays, March 10 & 24, 7 pm Women’s Sacred Singing Circle Look into your sister’s eyes and share voice and spirit through song. All women are invited to join. No experience necessary. Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. For more info contact Linda Hale, Sacred Women's Singing Circle is having a potluck Tuesday March 24th at 5:30 pm. Come bring your family, listen to heart touching and healing music. Sing or listen you will enjoy this gathering. Children welcome no child care. Here is a great opportunity to improve your Spanish. Native speaker. Carlos Vara , from Spain, will offer 45 minutes of Spanish conversation, March 1st , 8th, and 15th. We will have discussion from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Get your coffee and bring it to the session in 403. ALL ARE WELCOME! NO SIGN UP NECESSARY! ►LUNAFEST FILM FESTIVAL THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2015 AT 7:00 P.M. March 14, Saturday 3 pm and 7 pm (childcare available at this showing) Tickets: $10 online at $12 at door (subsidized tickets available, email [email protected] if in need) The LUNAFEST® film festival is dedicated to promoting awareness about women's issues, highlighting women filmmakers, and bringing women together in their communities. This unique film festival highlights women as leaders in society, illustrated through nine short films by women filmmakers. The films range from animation to fictional drama, and cover topics such as women’s health, motherhood, body image, aging, cultural diversity and breaking barriers. All proceeds from LUNAFEST will benefit the Breast Cancer Fund and UUWA programming. ►UU MEN’S LUNCH ►NONFICTION BOOK GROUP The next book for the UU Non-Fiction Book group will be "Miracle of the Kurds" by Stephen Mansfield. The highly acclaimed book recounts a remarkable story of hope reborn in Northern Iraq. The next meeting of the group will be Monday, March 16, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the church. Please join us for energetic, thought provoking discussion. No advanced notification is required. Just show up. TUESDAY, MARCH 10 AT 12 NOON The UUCA Men's Group usually meets for lunch at Papa Joe's in the Valley on the second Tuesday of every month. For more info or to let the group know you plan to attend, please contact Leon Marker ►UUWA MEETING March 20, Friday ►2ND ANNUAL UUCA SPRING ART 10:30 business meeting 11:15 Program: Changing Roles of Women through History 12:00 Lunch, $8, reservations required [email protected] , 330.666.5921 Although American women won the right to vote in 1920, broader economic and social change has been a longer time coming, and the pace of progress often has been uneven. Join us as we explore the changing roles of women through history. SHOW Sponsored by the UUWA and the UUCA Artisans Guild Opening reception Thursday, April 9, 7-9 pm Exhibit runs April 10-26 This year’s show is the second in the tradition of past art shows sponsored by prominent UUCA members. It celebrates art as a symbol of the re-creation and blithe spirit that we welcome and glorify in the Spring of the year. All members of the UU Church of Akron are invited to display a sample of their art work. If you are interested, applications are available in the office, from Carol Dobbins or downloadable from our webpage at Applications are due by MARCH 27th. Spring ►WOMEN’S BOOK GROUP WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver will be discussed at the March 4th meeting of the Women’s Book Discussion Group. The group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the church. All women are welcome to join this friendly group for a lively discussion. Questions? Contact Mary Petrich Cleaning! Saturday March 21! See Linda Ryder! ►TAI CHI CLASS EVERY MONDAY AT 6:00 P.M. Taught by our own Diana Pawloski! Yang Style Tai Chi is used to gently stimulate the internal organs, exercise the body, calm the nervous system and loosen the joints. It may be done standing or sitting. Tai Chi is for people of any age, requires no special equipment and can be performed in ordinary street clothes. An art for peace of mind. For more information, contact Diana Pawloski 6 Sunday Service starts at 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Hour takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SUNDAY MONDAY 1 2 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 3 4 5 11:30am—UUWA Equal Exchange Store 11:45am—Blood Press 11:45am-Spanish Conv. 11:45am—July Fair Mtg 12:00pm—Caring 12:00pm—COYA 12:00pm—Young AdUUlts 6:00pm—Tai Chi 6:30pm—Grief Group 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 9:30am—CC 11:00am—Staff Mtg. 10:00am—Spanish 6:30pm—FAA 7:00pm—Women's Book Group 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA NO BB LUNCH 7:00pm—CC 7:00pm—Spanish 7:00pm—SAA 6:00pm—Yoga 10:00am—Daisy 7:00pm—Drum Circle Scouts 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10:00am—Spanish 12:00pm—UU Men’s Lunch at Papa Joe’s 1:30pm—Staff Mtg. 6:30pm—FAA 7:00pm—UU Band 7:00pm—UUCF 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA 12:00pm—Brown Bag Lunch with Rev. Tim 6:30pm—COM 7:00pm—Spanish 7:00pm—SAA 6:00pm—Yoga 7:00pm—Noetics 10:00am—OMD SI 3:00PM—LUNA FEST 7:00PM—LUNA FEST DAYLIGHT SAVING 6:00pm—Tai Chi 6:30pm—MSVMB TIME BEGINS!!! 11:30 SAC TABLE 7:00pm— FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 11:45am-Spanish Conv. 12:00pm—PUURLS 4:00pm—Art of Living Enlightenment Experience 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11:45am-Spanish Conv. 12:00pm—Newcomers Circle 12:00pm—Young AdUUlts 4:00pm—Art of Living 6:00pm—Tai Chi 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 7:00pm—Mental Health Support Group 7:00pm—Non Fiction Book 9:30am—CC 10:00am—Spanish 7:30pm—Sierra Club 11:00am—Staff Mtg. 6:30pm—FAA 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA 12:00pm—Brown Bag Lunch with Rev. Tim 7:00pm—SAA 7:00pm—Spanish 7:00pm—CC 10:30am—UUWA 6:00pm—Yoga SANCTUARY CLEANING 10:00AM—Food for Thought 7:00pm—COYA CLASSIC CONCERT 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 12:00pm—COYA Ldrshp. 4:00pm—Art of Living 6:00pm—Tai Chi 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 7:00pm—Artisans Guild 5:00pm—Sacred Singing Potluck 7:00pm— Transcendentalism Class 11:00am—Staff Mtg. 6:30pm—FAA 7:00pm—Board 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA 9:00am—Theatre of the Oppressed 10:00am— Transcendentalism Class 12:00pm—Brown Bag Lunch with Rev. Tim 7:00pm—SAA 6:00pm—Yoga FJM Hot Meal Prep 9:00am—COSE 29 30 31 12:00pm—Young AdUUlts 2:00pm—Family Promise Walk 4:00pm—Art of Living 6:00pm—Tai Chi 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 9:30am—CC 4:00pm—Pastoral Assoc 7:00pm—Sacred Singing Circle STILL WORKING ON CALENDAR PAGE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS ON SUNDAY, MARCH 8 REMEMBER TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD ONE HOUR SERVICE ATTENDANCE January 4 January 11 January 18 January 26 12:15PM— FREE MEAL 143+ 67 RE 171+ 71 RE 175+ 76 RE 155+ 64 RE 7 PRESIDENT REPORTER Published monthly Deadline: the 15th of every month Articles for submission may be sent to the church, faxed to 330-836-3106 or emailed to [email protected] Minister Director of Religious Education Church Administrator Sexton Director of Music Keyboard Artist RE Assistant Bookkeeper Reporter Layout & Design Reporter Editor Brown Bag Lunch at noon every Thursday Drop-in hours on Thursday 10:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Tim is also available by appointment Tuesday through Thursday; some evening hours are available. DRE RICH: Call for appointment. Yamini Adkins PRESIDENT-ELECT TREASURER Sandy Auburn Deb Johnson BOARD MEMBERS Rev. Tim Temerson Rich Roberts Carolyn Stevens Brittney Gustavel Bob Carlyon Brian Laakso Carolyn Stevens Sue Michael Carolyn Stevens Margaret Olds OFFICE HOURS: TUES. — FRI. 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. REV. TIM: SECRETARY Don Malarcik Andy Agrawal, Administration Bev Hurd, Mission Dave Cremers, Priorities Diane Rasey, Program The UUCA is a “Welcoming Congregation” that warmly and openly encourages the full participation of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in the life of the congregation. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH 3300 MOREWOOD RD. AKRON, OH 44333 Phone: (330) 836-2206 Fax: (330) 836-3106 Email: [email protected] Website: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED MISSION OF THE UU CHURCH OF AKRON We are a welcoming and loving community for all, dedicated to meaningful and inspirational worship and lifelong spiritual growth. We find strength in diversity and commit to be a prominent force for social justice and stewardship of the earth. We aspire to take very good care of ourselves, each other and the world. Developed by the Congregation at Searching for the Future Mission–Vision Workshops February 26th – 28th, 2010 Approved by the Congregation April 25, 2010 IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO RECEIVE THIS NEWSLETTER, CHECK HERE ____ DETACH, APPLY CORRECT POSTAGE, AND RETURN. 8
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