CHURCH OF SAINT GREGORY THE GREAT 242-20 88TH AVENUE, BELLEROSE, NY 11426 Week of November 23, 2014 LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE THANKSGIVING LITURGY Wednesday, November 26th at 7:30PM in the Church All are welcome to share in prayer and song of thanksgiving to God for His many gifts and blessings. Hospitality to follow. Parish Mission Statement: St. Gregory the Great Parish, established in 1936, is a welcoming Catholic community serving the people of Bellerose, Floral Park, and environs. Pursuing holiness through the Eucharist, we strive to live out Jesus Christ's mandate of service, evangelization, and establishment of justice for all. Embracing the diversity and talents of our members, we seek the participation of everyone on the journey. Parish Staff: Contact Information: Msgr. Edward A. Ryan, Pastor Rev. William Dulaney, Parochial Vicar Rev. Johnson Nedungadan C. M., Parochial Vicar Deacon Arthur Cutter Deacon Robert Zeuner Sr. Patricia Anglin, O.P., Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Ms. Lynn Alaimo, School Principal Mr. Bart Haggerty, Director of Music Ministry Msgr. Eugene A. Feldhaus, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Joseph Cunningham, Pastor Emeritus Mr. John Reh, Civil Trustee Mrs. Patricia Brandt, Civil Trustee Parish Office: Mass Schedule: Office of Faith Formation Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM; 9:15AM; 11:00AM; 12:30PM; 5:15PM Sunday in Gregorian Hall: 9:15AM (when Religious Ed Classes are in session) Weekdays Monday - Friday: 7:00AM; 9:00AM, Saturday Morning: 9:00AM Holydays: Vigil Mass: 7:30PM 7:00AM; 9:00AM; 12:00Noon 242-20 88th Ave. Phone 718-347-3707 Fax 718-347-0583 Parish Website: Parish Email: [email protected] Mrs. Lois Brady, Parish Receptionist Miss Jennifer Kalin, Parish Receptionist Mrs. Patricia McMenamin, Parish Secretary Mr. Peter Varol, Parish Bookkeeper Office Hours: Weekdays 9:00AM - 8:00PM Saturdays 9:00AM - 3:00PM Sundays 9:00AM - 12:30PM Gregorian Hall Phone 718-347-0525 Sr. Patricia Anglin, O.P., Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Ms. Kathy LaVache, Secretary Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Wednesday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Thursday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Sunday 10:15AM - 11:30AM St. Gregory the Great School Eucharistic Devotion: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Tuesday from the conclusion of the 9:00AM Mass until 10:30AM. Address 244-44 87th Ave. Phone 718-343-5053 School Website: Ms. Lynn Alaimo, Principal Mrs. Camille Gunning, Secretary Baptism: Baptism is celebrated on the Second Sunday of each month at 2:00PM and on the Fourth Saturday of each month at 12:00Noon. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment to meet with Deacon Zeuner. Sacrament of Penance: The Sacrament of Penance is offered each Saturday at 1:00PM. and at other times by appointment with one of our priests. Marriage: A couple planning marriage must make an appointment with one of our priests or deacons at least 6 months in advance of the marriage. FAITH FORMATION Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit upon His glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before Him." Christ, the Good Shepherd, challenges His disciples to carry on His works of mercy. For adult reflection: Which people do I find it most difficult to love? Religion classes for children in Grades 1 through 8 attending public school are held on Sunday mornings following the 9:15AM Family Mass in Gregorian Hall. Diocesan Guidelines require two years of preparation for First Holy Communion. Children 6 years of age or older who have not been baptized must receive two years of instruction before receiving the sacrament of Baptism. In all cases parents/guardians must make an appointment to speak with Sr. Patricia Anglin at the Office of Faith Formation 718-347-0525. FIRST SACRAMENTS ENROLLMENT MASS for those children in second grade preparing for the Sacraments of Penance and First Communion, takes place today at the 9:15AM Mass in the Church. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their preparation. For children: When I pray, what do I ask God to give me so that I will become more like Jesus His Son? Looking Ahead First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b, 64:2-7 I Corinthians 1:3- 9 Mark 13: 33-37 Today, as we begin reading from the Gospel According to Mark, we hear Jesus summon us to alert watchfulness. WEDDING TYLER HINKLEY And MICHELLE WALSH Saturday, November 29, 2014 - 3:00PM For adult reflection: Do I ever feel like crying out to God, "Oh, that You would rend the heavens and come down?" For children: Have I ever awakened early because I was excited about a visitor or a special event? Am I as eager for Jesus to visit me and my family? REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: CHRIST the KING reigns FOREVER FOR ALL THE SICK: Maureen Coyle, Gabriela Dulfo, Elsa Barbagallo, Jesse Wagner, Daniel McCarthy, Natalie Moody, Michael Zummo, Dale Demidow, Maureen Luther, Mary Sullivan, Rosemary Myers, Jennie Gerardo, Grace Leuze, Ann Boland FOR ALL THE DECEASED: Matthew Simeone, Kenneth Roth, Lucrezia Mastandrea CALENDAR OF EVENTS Week of November 23, 2014 SUNDAY CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE 8:00AM-2:00PM Oak Room RCIA 11:00AM Office Basement ATHLETIC ASSOC. 1:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall ALCOHOLICS ANON. OPEN 8:00PM Convent Basement MONDAY ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall BEREAVEMENT GROUP 4:00-5:30PM Office Basement EMOTIONS ANON. 7:30PM Convent Basement LIVING THE EUCHARIST 7:30PM Office Basement TUESDAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 9:30AM-10:30AM Church GOLDEN AGE LEISURE 1:00-4:00PM Oak Room ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall TEEN GROUP 6:00PM Gregorian Hall Kitchen ADULT CHOIR 7:30PM Church CHAMBER SINGERS 9:30PM Church WEDNESDAY DIVINE MERCY 3:00PM Church ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-6:00PM Gregorian Hall CILL CAIS 7:00PM Office Basement THANKSGIVING LITURGY 7:30PM Church THURSDAY HAPPY THANKSGIVING! FRIDAY PARISH OFFICE CLOSED NO 7AM MASS ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall ALCOHOLICS ANON. STEP 7:00PM Convent Basement ALCOHOLICS ANON. CLOSED 8:30PM Convent Basement MASSES FOR THE WEEK November 23, 2014 SUN. NOV. 23RD 8:00AM Gabriele Mancini 9:15 Members of the Purgatorial Society 9:15(Hall) Gabriela Dulfo, Yvon Dorcean, Joseph Cardosa 11:00 William Campbell, George Brandt, Martin Lydon, Donald Horan, Kenneth Roth 12:30PM Rosina Lucari 5:15 All People of the Parish MON. NOV. 24TH 7AM Ryan LaRosa (L) 9AM Martin Lydon TUES. NOV. 25TH 7AM 9AM WED. NOV. 26TH 7AM 9AM THURS. NOV. 27TH 9AM Loretta & Denis Donovan FRI. NOV. 28TH 9AM Gertrude & Lester Cashin SAT. NOV. 29TH 9AM Joseph Brady, Mary Moore, Agnes & Thomas Flanigan, Helen Pav 5PM Rajbahar Family SATURDAY ATHLETIC ASSOC. 8:00AM-5:00PM Gregorian Hall PENANCE 1:00PM Church THE ALTAR BREADS AND WINE which will be used at the celebrations of the Eucharist throughout the week of November 23, 2014, have been donated in loving memory of William Campbell, requested by Rose Marie Campbell. THE SANCTUARY LAMP AND ALTAR CANDLES burning throughout the week of November 23, 2014, have been donated in loving memory of Angelina Galvani, requested by Irene Santora. LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Cont. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK As always our model is the Virgin Mary who "treasured all these things, storing them up in her heart." May we follow her example this Advent. We may not be able to sit still for six hours and come away able to remember 500 items with exactitude. But a little quiet time will help us to know afresh our own capacity to receive the gift of new life in Christ. Let's remember that. 11/23/14 "My message is this: When you know your own capacity, when you get rid of your distractions, the power of your mind is immense.” Munishri Ajitchandrasagarji Munishri, known to his family and friends as Ajay, came under the influence of a wandering guru at the age of 10 and is now, at 24 years-of-age, a Jain monk. More than that, Ajay has become something of a prodigy because of his phenomenal memory. ++++ SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Recently he sat quietly for more than six hours as a steady stream of visitors approached him, showed him a random object, posed a math problem or spoke a phrase in one of a half-dozen languages. The 500th visitor whispered the number 100,008. Munishri then opened his eyes and calmly repeated each and every item in proper order. Wow! I once found myself driving east on the LIE from Maspeth when I realized that I could not remember where I thought I was going. Thank God that, before I got all the way to Riverhead, it dawned on me that I had really meant to continue down 69th Street to pick up the BQE at Queens Blvd. At least I must have remembered where I put my car keys earlier that morning. "Get rid of your distractions." I know that the monk is correct. We need to quiet down and focus our minds - and hearts. This is a season for remembrance. Whose mind will not turn to the Thanksgivings of our youth when an older generation was still with us here on earth? And Christmas, too, will bring a wealth of memories. In another week we will enter once again the season of Advent. "Be still and know that I am God," the Psalmist proclaims. And while stillness is the last thing we expect to find in the pre-Christmas rush, it is vital to our lives. HELP We are still $12,435 short of our goal for the 2014 ACA. If we do not reach our goal by December 31st, we will have to make up the difference from parish funds. Ushers will be at the doors of the Church next weekend taking up a special collection to get us closer to goal. If you are still contemplating making a pledge, please do so soon. If you wish to make an anonymous gift, you can do so in the special collection on November 29th and 30th. COLLECTIONS last week amounted to $10, 030. Thank you for your generosity.. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014 Welcome, Father Randy We extend a hearty welcome to Father Randall Rentner C.S.C. to our parish. Father Randy is a member of the faculty at Holy Cross High School in Flushing. He will be assisting us by offering Sunday Mass here at St. Gregory's. So when you see him - especially if you are a Knight or a former Knight or the parent of a Knight - please say, "Welcome, Father Randy." CHURCH DOORS - The front doors of the Church have been reset and rebalanced to make them easier to open and close. We are looking into the possibility of having one door fitted with a self-opening device. Your October Collection contributions are at work. Also please be aware that we have replaced most of the lights in Church with energysaving LED bulbs. All the light switches have been rewired and renewed after the damage caused by the water leak last May. FOOD DRIVE - Thank you to all our parishioners who were so generous in donating items. A big thank you to the Knights of Columbus, St. Anne’s Council, who delivered four truck loads of food to Our Lady of Lourdes Food Pantry this past week. CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE - Last chance today! Stop by the Oak Room to do some shopping. You will find lovely holiday decorations and gifts for everyone! The Craft Sale is open 8:00AM2:00PM. All proceeds go to charity. THANKSGIVING LITURGY A Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, November 26th, at 7:30PM in the Church. All are welcome to share in prayer and song of thanksgiving to God for His many gifts and blessings. Hospitality to follow. GIVING TREE will be set up in the Gathering Space next weekend, the First Sunday of Advent. There are cards on the tree listing various gift items that will be delivered to families in need. Please return all gifts with the colored gift card attached to the Gathering Space the weekend of December 13th/14th. ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SCHOOL ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Edison Zhang - 7th Grade “The Blue Dragon” BOOK MARK CONTEST WINNERS - Theme: “Fall For a Good Book” Kindergarten - First Grade - 1st - Samantha BoniniCappello, 2nd - Sydney Farrand, 3rd - Anmol Ehsan Second - Third Grade - 1st - Kaylee Antezana, 2nd - Luke O’Hagan, 3rd - Karalyn Lydon Fourth - Fifth Grade - 1st– Samantha Burgos, 2nd Amanda Maharaj, 3rd - Fiona Clabby Sixth - Eighth Grade - 1st - Jasleen Kaur, 2nd - Kaycee Dominguez, 3rd - Allyson Quintillan These winning bookmarks will be displayed at the Queens/ Bellerose Library. ROSARY SOCIETY CHRISTMAS PARTY - Members will be selling tickets in the Gathering Space after the Masses this weekend for their annual Christmas Party to be held on Monday, December 1st, at 7:00PM in the Oak Room. Tickets are $35, which includes dinner, dessert & coffee. RENAISSANCE GOUP will have its annual Christmas Dessert Party on Friday, December 6th, at 7:00PM in the Oak Room. Please bring a dessert if you are joining us. If you would like to share a holiday drink with your friends, please BYOB and we will supply the glasses and ice. Any questions, please call Maureen at 718-347-8781. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA - Bring the whole family on Saturday, December 13th, 9:3011:00AM, in the Oak Room. Come and enjoy bagels, donuts, juice, coffee, games, gifts and a photo session with Santa. Admission: $6. Tickets will be available to purchase in the Parish Office in December. Hosted by the Family Life Committee. WORLDWIDE CANDLE LIGHTING AND PRAYER SERVICE will take place on Sunday, December 14th, at 7:00PM, in the Church. This special prayer service unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles to honor and remember all children who have died. After the service there will be refreshments and fellowship in the Oak Room. If you wish to hve your child’s name read at the candle lighting, call the Parish office at 718-347-3707. LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE VOCATION NEWS ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE PROJECT ANDREW is an opportunity for young men to learn more about the priesthood. Join Bishop DiMarzio and other priests and seminarians for an afternoon of prayer, dinner and conversation today, November 23rd, at 4:30PM, at the Saint John Paul II House of Discernment, 341 Highland Boulevard, Brooklyn. _____ THE CATHOLIC MEDIA & THE NEW EVANGELIZATION SYMPOSIUM present In the Service of the Word - The symposium will take place on Saturday, December 13th, at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, starting at 9:15AM with registration and coffee, followed by Mass, then discussions and reflections, ending with a closing reception at 4:30PM. Seating is limited. To register or for more information call Kerry Goleski at 212-515-0153 or [email protected]. “YOUR LIFE, YOUR LEGACY” SEMINAR - R. Stutzmann & Son Funeral Home will be hosting this seminar on Thursday, December 4th, at 3:00PM, at 224-39 Jamaica Avenue, Queens Village. This seminar addresses the importance of making your arrangements in advance, necessary steps to take and how to share your final wishes with the ones you love. Please call ahead to reserve a seat (718465-3210). Light refreshments will be served. TD BANK “AFFINITY MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM” If you are currently banking with TD or will be opening an account, mention to a representative that you are a parishioner of St. Gregory. St. Gregory’s will earn credit and receive an annual contribution from TD. There are no costs involved and your privacy is guaranteed. TRIPS Resorts Casino in Atlantic City - Wednesday, December 10th - Roundtrip bus transportation. Movies and light refreshments on bus. $25 free slot play. Cost is $27 per person. If interested contact Finbar at 718-343-0676. Virginia Beach - Colonial Williamsburg, Historic Jamestown & Yorktown - May 17-21, 2015 - Trip includes four night stay at Sandcastle Ocean Front Hotel, four breakfasts and three dinners, a visit to Douglas MacArthur Memorial, guided tours of Norfolk Naval Base, Historic Williamsburg, Yorktown Victory Center/ Jamestown Settlement, $499 pp/dbl or $453 pp/triple. A deposit of $50 is due now. Make check payable to Golden Age Leisure Club. For additional information, call Finbar at 718-343-0676. SAT. NOV. 22ND 5PM Evan Noblesala, Emma Noblesala SUN. NOV. 23RD 8:00AM Ryan Bowe, Thomas Nugent 9:15AM Sephora Baksh, Maria Flynn, Caelin DeJoie 11:00AM Justin Brown, Aaron Torres, Robert Brandt 12:30PM Alexis Sarabia, Jared Sarabia, Darla Polanco 5:15PM Mateo Caamal, Katherine Anne deGuzman, Gbemisola Faba SAT. NOV. 29TH 5PM Robert Lewis, Daniel Lewis SUN. NOV. 30TH 8:00AM Grace O’Connor, Allyson Quintillan, Fiona Clabby 9:15AM Jazmine Bergancia, Joanne Bergancia 11:00AM Courtney McMahon, Samantha Roy, Angelina Valentino 12:30PM Jasmin Pagba, Timothy Perez, Rodger Recker 5:15PM Jonathan Mulligan, Christopher Tuffy, Michael Smith CHRISTMAS FAIRS: American Martyrs’ Church - December 6th & 7th. Located in in the Sullivan Center, Bell Blvd. & Union Tpk. St. Josaphat’s Church - December 6th 10:00AM4:00PM, December 7th, 9:00AM-2:00PM. Located in the Parish Hall at 35th Ave. & 210th St., Bayside. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament School - December 4th, 9:00AM-9:00PM and December 5th, 9:00AM1:30PM. Located at 203rd St. & 35th Ave. MARTIN A. GLEASON FUNERAL HOME - ANNUAL ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN HOLIDAY DRIVE begins now and will continue through December 8th. Please bring your donations to any of the three Funeral Homes. Donations such as store gift cards to pharmacies, Target, WalMart, metro cards are welcome. Also, check with Babies R’Us registry #51243065 for suitable gift ideas for children. Any questions, please call 718-359-6300. DOMINICAN VILLAGE is a not-for-profit retirement community in Amityville. It provides both independent living and assisted living apartments for senior citizens. Residents live in a supportive environment in which the sacredness of life and the dignity of each person are held in the highest regard. For more information and/or to arrange a visit and tour, please call 631-842-6091.
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