Worcestershire Villages Circulation to Childswickham, Murcot, Aston Somerville, Broadway and Leedens Park, Willersey, Hinton, Bretforton ( Buckland) Over 1100 hits each month so far on the Net ! V illage-News April 2015 Sunday 5th Morris Dancing at The Fleece Thursday 23rd Asparagus Festival Launch Day at the Fleece Sat 25th Primark to Prada th Wednesday 29 & Thursday 30th April 2015 Music Makers Spring Concert May 3rd Howzatt! The start of the new season for Childswickham Cricket Club 4th May the 4th be with you ! June 7th Childswickham Fun Golf Day at the Vale How many Easter Bunnies can you find ? Can you find 18? NOTA BENE Next month articles please April 10th http://www.village-news.org.uk If you use an advertiser let them know where you got their number. This magazine was printed by Bear Print &Media Ltd Tel No. 01386 852522 07775 726543 See what they can do for you Send emails to [email protected] Visit the Childswickham web site Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th http://www.childswickham.org.uk Village News April 2015 Childswickham Church Service Regular Monthly Events We invite you to share in the events of Holy Week & Easter at Childswickham Parish Church. An th Easter journey through Holy Week (29 March – 5th April) l Palm Sunday – 10.30 a.m.Gather at the Cross as we begin Holy Week and commemorate our Lord’s entry to Jerusalem by processing to church for our Service of Holy Communion. Monday – Tuesday - Wednesday 7.00 p.m. John Thompstone will lead a series of meditations on 3 famous ‘Crucifixion’ works of art + readings and music. About 45 minutes in length Maundy Thursday – – at Agape meal and Celebration of the Lord’s Sup- per. 6.45 for 7.00 p.m. at The House of the Open Door. Please book in (£6) in church or by telephone. (852930) Good Friday - 10. 30 a.m. The Proclamation of the Cross – Reading of the Passion according to St Mark with hymns, music, prayers and quiet. Easter Day Easter Praise of hymns, readings and prayers: a short break when those who prefer to, may depart: then, moving into the Holy Communion service at 11.15 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. We invite you to join in this journey – in all or in part: - praying that our life together and individually may be enriched, spiritually. St Mary The Virgin Rotas April 2015 Cleaning Mar 27th & April 3rd Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Hawkins April 10th, 17th Mrs Thompstone &Mrs Kennedy April 24th & May 1st Mrs Barnett Contacts Childswickham David Matthews, Churchwarden 852712 Joan Barnett, Churchwarden 858309 Canon John Thompstone ( temp vicar ) 852930 Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Coffee April 5th Joan Barnett Village News April 2015 Tax Reclaim and giving Childswickham church was able to reclaim tax in excess of £2000 for the year 2014. This was made up of a claim on tracked giving with regular envelopes and standing orders and a claim for cash donations to a ‘community building’ ie the church. The latter is a government allowed tax reclaim on donations of £20 or less a week up to £5000 a tax year. Basically this means that the church or any club or association that has donations can recover £1250 each year. Childswickham Church as many others has an obligation to upkeep and to pay a central diocese a parish share. In that respect they rely on collections and or donations to pay this and maintain upkeep, insurance, heating etc. . As there is a maximum the churches can recover through cash collections by far the best way of making your money count is to give by envelope or a trackable standing order to the church account. If you are a tax payer then every £10 you give is worth £12.50 Your donation is confidential only known to the treasurer and the inland revenue appointed person. You receive an assigned numbered envelope so confidentiality is maintained. You can give at any time. HOUSE OF THE OPEN DOOR COMMUNITY MENS PRAYER BREAKFASTS These are held at 8.30am on the first Saturday of each month, and gentlemen you are weLcome to come and “taste and see”. Good food followed by good singing and prayer, if you would like to stay. No charge, but donations welcome. Let us know in advance if you are coming and if you have any particular dietary requirements. LUNCHES AND EVENING MEALS We also cater for small groups who would like to book in for a meal. Number of courses, menus and costs can be discussed with Klara, the head cook! Please contact Chiara at: Childswickham House, Buckland Road, Childswickham WR12 7HH Email: [email protected] Tel: 01386 852084 FRIDAY NIGHT MEETINGS You are welcome to join us on Friday evenings at 8pm for a time of prayer and praise, teaching or Bible study. The meetings conclude with light refreshments at 10pm. Friday 27th March “Walking with Jesus the way of the Cross” Rt Revd John Went (former Bishop of Tewkesbury) Friday 24th April “Come up to me on the Mountain” Derek Williams, Catholic Evangelist. (Derek will be with us for the whole weekend, giving inspiring talks and leading times of intercession) No need to book to come to any of the Friday night events – just turn up! For details of all our events, please see our website www.houseoftheopendoor.org Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 Childswickham WI Report There were a lot of dates for forthcoming outings and events this month: 28th April Spring group Quiz on at Badsey, 11th May. Annual Group Meeting at The Lenches Wed 20th May. Trip to Jinney Ring Craft Day making enamelled jewellery or bead bracelets at £15 for a one hour session. There are many other craft shops, a garden centre, gallery and gardens plus a restaurant. Thurs 18th June Trip to The Mary Rose Cost £35. Our speaker this month was Mr Ted Watson, who joined the RSC in 1966 as a theatre musician. His talk was entitled “Music in Shakespeare” and he explained that many composers have been inspired by Shakespeare’s Words and he referred to numerous musical quotes from Shakespeare plays. At one point he donned a cape and hat and acted out a short scene from Othello – not only a talented musician but also a great actor! There was a wonderful array of instruments set out in the hall including clarinets of different sizes, saxophones, a penny whistle, a recorder and more obscure, crumhorns, an Australian outback saxophone, and a waterphone. These he demonstrated in turn. We were also treated to several pieces of music used in plays over the years, including one of Mr Watson’s own compositions. The talk concluded with a song about Shakespearce called “A Warwickshire Lad”. Next Meeting: ‘Passion for pearls’ by Frances Benton, where jewellery will be on sale. Competition is an item of Pearl Jewellery . Visitors welcome £4 Contact: Marilyn 01386 854661. Parish Council There have been some attempted burglaries around the area from out buildings & garages. Please could householders be vigilant! There has been notification about future gas works in Broadway & Childswickham which will involve some disruption on roads in & around the village but no road closure. The County Council are requesting more foster carers or adopters. Residents thinking about becoming foster carers or adopting a child can find out more information on www.isfostering4me.co.uk or calling 0800 0282158 Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 Memorial Hall Lettings: Anne Wood 854955 Art Class Keep Fit Quilting Evergreens WI Parish Council Friday weekly Monday Thursday Wednesday weekly TT 2nd & 4th Wednesday Ist Wednesday Last Thursday Ballroom Dancing Latin American Thursday TT = Term Time Charges per Hour: Main Hall Snooker Villagers £6.50 £4.50 Memorial Hall or http://www.childswickham.org.uk 10.00 - 12 .00 am 01684 592374 10.00-11.15 Tess 9.15-10.15 10 .00 -12.00 pm Georgina Oldham 2.00 – 4.00 pm Peggy Maudsley 7.00 – 10.00 pm Marilyn Watts 7.15 pm Jacqueline Shields 01242 01386 01386 01684 820423 852316 854661 773236 7.00-8.00 Beginners 8.15-9.15 Intermediate Kleo 858905 Non Residents £11.50 £5.00 Please note increase in charges as of April 1st 2015 Thank you again to those who deposited old clothes and footwear and material in the Rag Bag bin at the rear of the Memorial Hall. This raised £412 last year which will be used to improve facilities in the Memorial Hall Robert Simms CHILDSWICKHAM FUN GOLF DAY SUNDAY June 7th 2015 Yes, its that time again, get those clubs out from the garage and head down for our annual fun four ball mixed Texas Scramble at the Vale Golf Club. Registration 10.30 am First Tee off 11.04 am over the 9 Hole Lench course Please phone Bill Watson 01386 852959 to book your slot and be included in this very social & Friendly Event. £20 for players £12.50 for guests to include a main meal/coffee &biscuits and prizes. Proceeds to new Boiler Fund. “A great Day out” CHILDSWICKHAM CRICKET CLUB The Club has a full programme of matches this season, starting on Sunday 3 May when we play Offenham here at the Sam Perry Ground. Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 Outdoor nets are now running at the cricket gr For all walkers Vale of Evesham Blossom Trail Mid March - Mid May The Vale of Evesham is home to one of the ‘Top Wonders of Spring’, the Blossom Trail. From mid March through until mid May, The Vale becomes engulfed with the beautiful blossom colours. The blossom trail, now in its 31st year is an enchanting 45 mile route signposted by the AA taking you on a journey through some of the most delightful villages the area has to offer. The Blossom Trail is among five major blossom events on earth. To see the others you would have to travel as far as Japan and USA! Places to visit along the trail include the village, Bretforton. An ageless village built almost entirely in the 17th Century appealing to visitors from all over the world. It has been used in the making of a number of films and TV shows, including Martin Chuzzlewit, Robbie Coltrane’s ‘B Road Britain’, ‘The One Show’ and most recently the BBC period drama ‘Land Girls’. The Fleece is open all day throughout the season, why not enjoy lunnch amongst the blossoms of our very own orchard! Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 Broadway Music Makers Wednesday 29th & Thursday 30th April 2015 7.30pm (doors open at 7.00pm) at The Lifford Hall, Broadway Tickets £7.00 each (includes nibbles and a glass of wine or juice) BYO other drinks –Raffle In aid of local Guides, Cubs, Beavers and Pilots youth groups Tickets available from Shopwright Post Office Tourist Information Office Any Choir member BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 ASTON SOMERVILLE Service Times. 3rd. April Good Friday. Characters around the Cross. 2-3 p.m. 5th April Easter Day. Holy Communion Celebration. 10.30 a.m. 19th April Morning Worship 9.45 a.m. 3rd May Holy Communion. 9.45 a.m. 17th May Morning Worship 9.45 a.m. Additionally there will be a Coffee and Gift Day on Saturday 11th April at 10.30a.m. in the Village Hall. Please come and enjoy a time of fellowship. You will soon be seeing a new notice board outside your village church. It is a leaving present from the Reverend John Partington and is much appreciated and will, I am sure, be much admired. You will see from the service rota above that I have included a Good Friday Service. I believe this will be a new addition to your services. My feeling is that if we are to fully appreciate Easter Day, then we must realise the deep darkness of the cross on Good Friday. Our service will take the from of prayers, hymns and silences interspersed with a monologue from three separate people who had an input into the death of Jesus Christ. You will find this an interesting and unusual departure from the usual Good Friday Service. Then of course we have the uplifting and joyous celebration of Easter when Jesus Christ defied death. This service will be at 10.30 a.m. in order to be more convenient for you all. You will also see that I have changed the alternate Sunday service to 9.45 a.m. and trust this extra half an hour will be more acceptable to us all. By now Aston Somerville residents will have received a letter from me talking of the changes and that I am available for pastoral and Home Communion visits. 01242 269956 or [email protected]. Do have a wonderful Spring, made joyous by Easter Day. Many blessings Wendy Foulger (Rev) The annual Coffee Morning and Gift Day will be held in Aston Somerville Village Hall on Saturday 11th Aprill, 10.00 am-12 noon . Do come along and meet the Rev Wendy Foulger, who is now looking after our church. Our Summer fund raising Event will be a buffet in the garden of David & Rosemary Bates’ home, 4 woodland Close on Sat, 20th June . More details to follow BROADWAY GARDEN CLUB BROADWAY Rob Cole will give a talk entitled "The Spring Garden" at our next meeting held in the United Reformed Church Hall, Broadway at 7.30pm on 27th April. Our competition will be 3 cut stems of Hellebores. For further details please contact Jo Love 01386 859131 BROADWAY REMEMBERS Debbie Wiliam’s book has to date raised over £2200 and she will be presenting a cheque to the Royal British legion for their Poppy appeal in the next few weeks . She would like to thank everyone for so generously supporting her in Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 Raising funds for Campden Home Nursing ‘ Who nurse the terminally ill free of charge in their own homes in all the villages in and around Chipping Campden and Broadway and in and up to Evesham Wickhamford Gardening Club The next meeting of the Club is on Wednesday 22nd April 2015 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, when we welcome back Peter Ralph who is giving a talk entitled "Getting away from it all in the Royal Forest of Dean". It is several years since Peter last visited us, but we look forward to another entertaining evening with an excellent speaker. For further information contact Dorothy Turpitt – 01386830834 Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 WILLERSEY MINI TENNIS Weekly coaching club at Willersey Village Hall for children between 4 and8. www.kenstenniscoaching.co.uk. Did you know Willersey has a facebook page. As well as http://www.willersey.org HINTON ON THE GREEN ST PETER’S CHURCH Our services are held every second and fourth Sunday of the Month. The second Sunday is an evening service at 18:00pm and the fourth Sunday is a morning service at 11:15am. The last Tuesday has afternoon tea from 3.00 pm . Chat and cakes GWR at Toddington Easter Monday 6th April - Easter Eggspress, fun for all the family on Easter Monday. Normal ticket prices apply; http://www.gwsr.com Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 BROADWAY DOG GROOMERS A professional dog grooming service where our number one priority is your pet. Lucie is ‘City & Guilds’ qualified and operates from a well equipped, relaxed luxury parlour in Broadway Please contact 07807 666859 or http://www.broadwaydoggroomers.co.uk Pick up and drop off available to fit in with your busy lifestyle NEW! Pooch Wrap– Spa Quality Mud Wrap for dogs Going away on holiday? I can have your pooch staying with me in the comfort of my own home . WWW.COTSWOLDHOLIDAY.COM Mobile Hair and Beauty Holiday Homes Whatever direction you wish to follow from Broadway we offer a select range of distinctive Holiday Homes located in the and around the area. So for a short or long stay contact our office in Broadway or visit our website Long Term Rentals We also specialise for those who wish to stay for longer and have a personal and professional service with landlords and tenants. Visit us at our web site for full details Complete Salon-Style Service in the comfort of your own home. Fully qualified and experienced hairdresser and beauty specialist. Only professional products used Wella L’Oreal Jessica etc. Flexible appointments and personal attention. WWW.COTSWOLDPROPERTYLETTINGS.COM Saddlers Barn, Kennel Lane, Broadway 01386 858147 Sue Williams 01386 832152 ( Call anytime, but best time is 6 pm ) CAB Citizens Advice Bureau at SignPost in Broadway 01386 859029 Sessions usually last Thurs in month 1.00 pm –3.00 pm Hares Tree Work & Garden Services Anthony Halling A local independent company. NPTC certified and fully insured. Garden Machinery Specialist Tree Surgery & Felling Hedge Cutting Garden Clearance Tree & Hedge Planting For More information, please call Dave on : 07790 794 321 Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Sales New and used machines Service , Repairs & Sharpening fully equipped workshop Hire Mowers, Strimmers, Hedge trimmers, Cultivators I also sell spare parts , All leading makes Hayter, Honda, Atco, Stihl, Masport,Tanaka, Mountfield Westwood, Countax, Briggs & Stratton and many more All at very competitive prices Over 35 years Experience Tel No 01386 858713 Or call into Pry Farm Workshop, Cheltenham Road, Broadway, WR12 7LX Village News April 2015 Merstow Green TUITION "Tuition by fully qualified, experienced teacher. If you think that your child could benefit from one-to-one teaching in literacy and numeracy at KS 1 or KS 2 please contact me for an informal chat . Sally Murray-White Local Independent Family Run Funeral Directors Private Chapels of Rest Golden Charter Prepaid Funeral Plans (please contact us if you would like to arrange a free no obligation home visit to discuss a prepaid funeral plan) [email protected] or tel: (01386)882253” At Merstow Green Funeral Home we are here to provide practical guidance and emotional support when grief and intense feelings of loss can make even the simplest of tasks overwhelming. Tel. 01386 49903 (24 Hours) www.merstowgreen.co.uk HINTON PEST CONTROL LTD A local Company with 15 yrs of Pest Control Experience Speedy Response to Domestic Calls Commercial Quotes Available Wasps, Flies, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Carpet Moths/Beetles, Biscuit Beetles, Ants, Cockroaches, Rats, Mice, Rabbits, Squirrels, Birds, Moles. Fully Insured, BPCA/RSPH II Qualified Staff Very Competitive Rates Telephone: 01386 41762/ 07775 168666 Website : www.hintonpestcontrol.co.uk Your local, legal specialists offering quality professional services and advice assistance in the following areas:Residential and Commercial Conveyancing Bespoke Will Drafting Service (*to include free drafting for the over 55’s) Probate/Administration of Estates Lasting Powers of Attorney & Court of Protection Matters For further information or to book an appointment please contact our officesThe Old British Schoolroom, 47b High Street, Broadway WR12 7DP Tel : 01386 858107 Fax: 01386 859454 *Terms and Conditions apply Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th , Email: [email protected] Village News April 2015 Your Local Taxi Service BLUE CABS 07770 175 175 Any Distance 24/7 PRE_BOOKED Philip Tomlins FREDERICK C TAYLOR Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons APPROVED ELECTRICIAN 40 yrs experience Tel ( 01386) 765133 24 Hr Service Private Chapel of Rest The Leys, Evesham WR11 3AP Pre payment Plans Availa- Alan Aston Motor Engineers First For Service Eastwick Garage, Eastwick Drive Evesham Worcs. WR11 2LG Tele. No 01386 760700 All types of installations large & small Prompt, friendly, personal service TEL : 01386 852297 The Old Forge, The Cross, Childswickham, LINDSAY BECKMAN & CO LTD Chartered Accountants Business & Tax Advisors For all your accountancy needs 8, Bloxham Road, Broadway Worcs, WR12 7EU 01386 853653 HELEN KEEP Mobile Podiatrist-Chiropodist HPC Reg, Bsc(Hons), M.Ch.S “Professional footcare in the comfort of your own home” 14 years experience in the NHS and Private Practice. 01386 854708 / 07946 235683 Broadway Road, The Perfect Venue from only £10.50 per hour If you’re looking for a spacious venue for your event or activity, our hall in the beautiful village of Childswickham could be just the place for you Kitchen facilities-snooker Room available-Separate meeting roomDANCE CLASSES– MEETINGS-ART GROUPS– DEMOS– TALKS- PLAY GROUPS-CHRISTENINGS-FUNCTIONSRECEPTIONS etc 15 Antique Dealers Under one roof Open 7 Days A Week Antiques Displayed Over Two Floors And Seven Rooms Antiques Bought As Well As Sold Old & Interesting Items Wanted Parking-disabled facilities FOR FURTHER INGFORMATION Please phone Anne on 01386 854955 or Rob on 01386 853752 Tel: 01242 300556 Abbey Terrace, Winchcombe, GL54 5LL Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 BUZZ ELECTRICAL LIMITED LOCAL ELECTRICIANS FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS Domestic - Commercial - Industrial EXPERT RELIABLE SERVICE FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS LARGE OR SMALL NICEIC & Part P fully approved Contractors Testing & Inspection Reports www.buzzelectrical.co.uk For free no obligation quotations call:Tel: - 01386 423600 April Events Sunday 5th April from 12pm During lunch on Easter Sunday our resident Morris sides, Pebworth Morris and Belle d'Vain visit the courtyard to dance. Why not visit us for an Easter Sunday roast and watch the traditional Morris dancing. Sing in the Spring Weekend Friday 10th - Sunday 12th April BOOK NOW! Tickets £25, including Camping (tent or vehicle) with full English Breakfast, all workshops and Concerts. £15 with no camping. Saturday Evening Concert Only tickets also available at £9 A weekend of singarounds, shanties, workshops and warbling, all washed down with The Fleece ales & ciders! Asparagus Festival Launch Day Thursday 23rd April Kicking off the celebrations for the annual British Asparagus Festival will be the St George's Day launch from the Fleece Inn. Early in the morning Asparagus Festival supporters will gather at the infamous pub along with special guests Gus the Asparagus Man and St George himself to launch the annual Asparagus Run. Join us to celebrate 2015's Asparagus season in the Vale with Morgan cars, morris dancers and more. Do you own a Morgan or a Classic Car? Would you like to take part in this years Great English Asparagus Run? This years asparagus run is commemorating the 750th anniversary of the Battle of Evesham and visiting Simon De Montfort's Earldom in Leicester. Email us to get involved Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015 01386 852461 STEAK NIGHT Every Thursday £11.95 per person 10 oz Ribeye, Sirloin or Rump Bookings Essential WR12 7HP www.childswickhaminn.co.uk EASTER WEEKEND GOOD FRIDAY 3RD APRIL EASTER SATURDAY BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY FULL MENU & SPECIALS BOARD EASTER SUNDAY TWO COURSES £17.50 FIZZ FRIDAYS These nights have become very popular Prosecco £12.50 Champagne £24.50 THREE COURSES £21.50 Book early to avoid disappointment We are looking forward to having the garden up and running again for the end of March. And with our new chef a new dimension to our creative kitchen team . MOTS & SERVICING CLUTCH/ FLY WHEELS TIMING BELTS BATTERIES/ EXHAUSTS WELDING UNDERTAKEN DIAGNOSTICS ALL OIL & SUNDRIES WE CAN COLLECT? DELIVER CARS LOCALLY COURTESY CAR AVAILABLE WE ARE A FAMILY RUN BUSINESS AND WANT PEOPLE TO TRUST US ALL THE WAY. OUR SERVICE COSTS START AT £95 AND WE ONLY CHARGE FOR THE WORK WE DO AND FOR THE TIME WE TAKE ON THE JOB NOT BOOK TIME AS SUGGESTED BY CAR MANUFACTURERS Station Road, Broadway WR12 7DE T: 01386 858117 M: 07972 506248 broadwaymotautoservices.co.uk Next issue May 2015 Deadline April 10th Village News April 2015
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