February 2015 The Challenger Heidelberg United Church of Christ … A Faith Community with a Place for YOU 1101 Cowpath Road, Hatfield, PA 19440 Website: www.heidelbergucc.org the downstairs part of the house. I soon realized it was my own heart beating, amplified in my ear as I lay sleeping with my head resting on my hands – and yet, this heartbeat was exquisitely articulated. It was as though I was listening with an amplifier that could differentiate the most minute detail of each component of my beating heart. The beautiful articulation of that sound was so profound that I entered an almost ecstatic state of joy listening to the miraculous sound of my own heart, the hearing of which was clearly a gift of God. From Pastor Adil’s Desk Dear Friends and Family at Heidelberg, Some days, don’t you just sit at your kitchen table, put your chin in your palms, and say to yourself: “Oh Lord, I need a miracle!” We’ve all been there – times when we’ve tried everything but nothing works; times when our powers are all but spent. “Maybe giving up is my best option” we start to think. But then, after we’re done blowing off steam and we’re a little sick of listening to ourselves complain, and even though we think no one is listening, there can be a dawning awareness: God is listening. God is right there. And that is the start of our miracle. Several weeks ago as I was recuperating from illness, I experienced this miracle of God’s providence. This was a vulnerable time of my life. Though I had taken some time off from work, I apparently had come back to work too fast, and so I had a relapse. It was unusual for me to ever be sick for more than one day, so I wondered how this had happened. Usually I can just rest a day and come back fine, but not this time. Two things happened: First, while trying to mend and as I lay fast asleep one night, I woke up suddenly. I was suddenly not feeling well. This provoked me to have some anxiety which (fortunately, because I realized there was probably nothing else I could do!) I soon gave to God and went back to sleep. After this, as I was sleeping, I started to realize that I was hearing a strange noise - It seemed like a heartbeat. At first, it sounded like it emanated from Telephone: (215) 368-0442 For several days, I could feel jubilant whenever I recollected the sound of my heart beating in all its complexity and mystery. Each and every heartbeat, I realized, is a miracle – a gift from our Maker and a sign of the one who made us and sustains us. The second thing that happened was hearing a podcast by Breneè Brown, a doctor of social work. Brown has done incredible work on the power of vulnerability and our ability to deepen our connections with other human beings by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. Her message is this: People who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they are worthy of love and belonging. People who fear that we are not worthy prevent themselves from getting connected – with others, with God, with life. All we really have to do to experience a miracle every day, I think, is to say “I love you” first. To be a person who has a rewarding life, we have to believe that what makes us vulnerable also makes us beautiful. We have to take risks in life, which is not to trust in ourselves, but to trust in a God who made us and is present with us in every beat of our heart throughout our whole lives. Warmest regards, Pastor Tom, Interim Make note of our new office e-mail address: [email protected] Page 1 of 10 Stewardship Activities Sunday School —Roger Freidinger Your generous contributions to Haven of Hope and the Food Cupboard (given to Manna on Main Street) were recently delivered. Thank you for these contributions as well as those to the Souper Bowl, which will also go to Manna. —Judy Stimson On February 8, Carol taught a class about the Apostle Paul meeting with Priscilla and Aquila. The children were dressed in costume as Carol invited them into her tent for a visit. More Sunday School news on Page 8. The next UCC special mission offering will be One Great Hour of Sharing on March 15. The Stewardship Committee is organizing a local mission trip to Old First Church in Philadelphia on Monday, March 16. We will arrive there at 5:30 PM to prepare and serve dinner to homeless men. We will also be accepting donations of gently used winter coats to take with us. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex if you would like to participate. You may also contact any member of the Stewardship Committee. Women’s Fellowship News —Bev Lersch The Women’s Fellowship will be meeting at 6:00 on Tuesday, March 3 to make soup for our Maundy Thursday service. All of the ladies are invited to attend and share in this time of fellowship! Thanks, Diane! —Sue Camuso At our Congregational Meeting on January 25th, we recognized Diane Yarbrough for her almost 30 years of service as our church secretary. We surprised her with a cake, a gift, and the best wishes for a happy retirement from the entire congregation. Thanks, Diane, for all you have done for our church, and have a wonderful retirement! SPRING is COMING... —Fund Raising Golf Committee That means it is time to take out the golf clubs, clean them up and get them ready for the Heidelberg-Grace Open Golf Tournament. When: Saturday May 9th 2015 Where: Mainland Golf Course Save this date and get your team together for our annual Vacation Bible School fund raiser. We will provide dinner and prizes for everyone who plays in the tournament. Sponsors are a valued part of our team so you can sponsor a hole - or more if desired during our tournament. We have enjoyed winter but now it is time to look forward to some heat and sun. More details and signup sheets will be coming in the near future. Loosen up and get ready! Page 2 of 10 Search Committee Update Bible Jeopardy —Judy Stimson Angels and Demons 1. In Luke 1, the angel Gabriel appeared to this young woman, saying “Do not be afraid for you have found favor with God.” 2. The only people in the Bible known to have seen a multitude of heavenly hosts, singing and praising God were these men in Luke 2. The angels were announcing that Jesus had been born. 3. In 2 Corinthians 11:14, this Biblical bad guy is said to disguise himself as an “angel of light.” 4. In 1 Peter 5, Peter encourages the faithful to be alert and soberminded, because their adversary the Devil roams about like this sort of animal. 5. This archangel appeared to Zechariah in Luke 1 to tell him that he would be the father of John the Baptist. (Answers on Page 5) —Glenn Snyder Our church profile has been completed and Rev. Sharon Morris at the Conference Office has signed off on it. Our committee met with Rev. Morris after our worship service on Sunday, February 8, to begin familiarizing ourselves with the next steps in the process. As of February 11th, the opening for a full-time pastor has been posted on the “Ministry Opportunities” section of the national UCC website (http://www.ucc.org/) where it can be viewed by pastors who are searching for a new position. Some information about our church, as well as a link to our website, is available as part of that posting. Any pastors who would be interested in more information about our church and potentially meeting with our committee, will contact Rev. Morris, who will assist in the process. As Rev. Morris said when she was here on the eighth, we’re entering an exciting time! What Goes into a Worship Service? —Pastor Adil Article 4: – About Lent Lent is the forty-day period from Ash Wednesday to Easter (not counting the Sundays!). The word, Lent, comes from the Anglo-Saxon lencten, which is to lengthen, and has to do with the lengthening of the days in springtime. The number forty can be said to correspond with the number of weeks it takes for a baby to gestate…in fact, all of the Bible’s stories that include the number 40 are stories about birth (in one form or another - as a nation of God’s people, as a prophet, as God’s Son), rebirth, or second birth (service, ministry). When Lent rolls around each year, Heidelberg participates in an inter-community program of worship that includes Ash Wednesday, followed by five weeks of Wednesday worship, and culminating in Holy Week, with no Wednesday service, but worship on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Some churches add a holy vigil on Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. This conjoined worship helps us to remember our connectedness with the church universal, and reminds us that God’s plan of salvation will emerge in the church yet again as surely as Easter will return. The Sunday before Ash Wednesday is often a significant time to prepare for Lent. As part of its liturgy, the church often removes its “Alleluia” banner as a symbolic way to connote the loss the church will endure before our Savior is completely restored to us on Easter Sunday. Page 3 of 10 Recipe Corner —Judy Stimson If you ever take out your Heidelberg’s Family Favorites cookbook, you may find that the very first recipe is submitted by Diane Yarbrough. In 1987, just a couple of years after starting work as Heidelberg’s church secretary, Diane made the time to share one of her special recipes, Stuffed Bacon Balls. Mmmmmm. Reading the recipe, I can’t help but think of winter football games, family gatherings, or….. maybe, appetizers for the church’s Progressive Dinner. Whatever the reason, Diane’s recipe is worth sharing with everyone. Give it a try; I know I will. Stuffed Bacon Balls by Diane Yarbrough 3 Tbsp. butter or margarine 1 1/2 c. herb seasoned stuffing 1/2 c. water 1/4 to 1/2 lb. pork breakfast sausage with skins removed 1 egg 10 -12 strips bacon toothpicks Put butter in mixing bowl. Boil water and pour over butter; stir until butter melts. Add egg and beat slightly. Add stuffing and sausage; stir thoroughly. Cover bowl with wrap and refrigerate until mixture is firm enough to roll into small balls (about 20 minutes). Stuffing balls should be approximately 3/4 inch in diameter. Cut bacon strips into thirds and wrap pieces around stuffing balls; secure with toothpicks. Arrange in a shallow pan and set on a rack and bake until bacon is golden brown (for approximately 35 minutes). Serve hot. Makes about 36 bacon balls. Community Lenten Schedule - Sue Camuso Join us for The Parables of Lent, a special series of services for the season of Lent. Each service in this series focuses on a biblical parable that connects to Lenten themes. We will host on March 18th, so watch for a sign-up sheet for refreshments closer to that date. This year, the services will begin at 7:30 PM once again. Ash Wednesday, February 18 (Heidelberg) Wednesday, February 25 - Grace Lutheran Church, Pastor Glenn Lambert preaching Wednesday, March 4 – Emmanuel EC Church, Clay Moyer preaching Wednesday, March 11 – St. Maria Goretti., Rev. David C Lutcher preaching Wednesday, March 18 – Heidelberg UCC, Father Brownholtz preaching Wednesday, March 25 – Hatfield Church of the Brethren, Pastor Tom Adil preaching Please plan to attend these weekly services where we join with others in our community to worship, learn, grow, and enjoy fellowship time together. Light refreshments are served after each Wednesday service except Ash Wednesday. Make note of our new office e-mail address: [email protected] Page 4 of 10 Please confirm committee meeting dates and times with your chairperson. Sunday 15 Food Cupboard Alternative Worship Challenger Distributed Communion 22 Monday 16 Tuesday Christian Ed 7:00 PM 23 February 2015 17 24 Worship Committee 7:30 PM Wednesday 18 Ash Wednesday Service @ 7:30 Altar Communion Al Stimson, Elder Choir Rehearsal after service 25 Community Lenten Service @Grace Lutheran 7:30 PM Glenn Lambert Preaching Thursday 19 Friday 20 Saturday 21 26 27 28 Upper Room Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM Please confirm committee meeting dates and times with your chairperson. Sunday 1 Monday 2 Prayer Breakfast Children’s Message Membership & Stewardship Committees 7:00 PM 8 9 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS! 15 Food Cupboard Alternative Worship 22 Challenger News Due Tentative Worship Committee at Noon March 2015 Tuesday Women’s Fellowship 3 10 Consistory 7:00 PM 16 17 23 24 Christian Ed 7:00 PM Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Community Lenten Service @Emmanuel EC 7:30 PM Clay Moyer Preaching Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM Property Committee 7:30 PM Community Lenten Service @St Maria Goretti 7:30 PM David Lutcher Preaching Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM 11 18 Community Lenten Service @HEIDELBERG 7:30 PM Father Brownholtz Preaching 25 Community Lenten Service @Church of the Brethren 7:30 PM Pastor Adil Preaching Make note of our new office e-mail address: [email protected] Page 5 of 10 6 Saturday 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 EASTER EGG HUNT 10:00 AM Upper Room Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM The Challenger will be distributed on PALM SUNDAY, March 29. Friday Answers to Bible Jeopardy: An Update from the Williams Family January 2015 Dear Friends in Christ, We hope that this finds you enjoying your January. Ours has been a good one, and we can hardly believe that we are almost in February as I write. We have seen some fruit from our labors this January that we are pleased to pass along to you. As you know, Andrea has been teaching students English in Tyndale’s Preadmission English Program. We received news that all four students have passed government standards for English competency and can now officially enter into Tyndale’s master program. Here are Abby and Sam with two of the students in the program and one of their friends. From left to right are: Vladimir Larushko (Ukraine), Paul Schoeneveld (USA), San Atoo (Myanmaar), Abigail, and Sam. Vladimir and San have now successfully completed the program. Congratulations Vlad and San! Please pray for these gentlemen as they begin their program of study at Tyndale. This January I also received good news that my friend in India, Daniel Kamaraj has finished the translation of my book Making Sense of the Bible: ten key themes traced through the Scriptures from English into Hindi, what many consider the national language of India. Last April I preached at Daniel’s church, “Logos Faith Foundation” in Ambale Cate, India. Following the message at the church on a 100 degree Fahrenheit day, Daniel took me to lunch. I gave him a copy of Making Sense, and he felt that it should be translated into Hindi for the growing first generation Christian church in India. I was flattered that he offered to do this, but I also feel this is an important thing for helping those without Christian resources. Hindi is one of the top five languages spoken worldwide. There are 310 million Hindi speakers in the world which is over 4.5% of the world’s population. It is also a strategic and influential language since it is used in many governmental affairs. It is fair to say that Hindi is the most influential language in India, which is also the second most populous nation in the world. You may know that Christianity is growing in many places in India. Much of Christian literature, though, is in the languages of English, German, French, and Spanish. Very few books are in Hindi. There is a great need to get Christian resources in the hands of believers in India. Some in India even resist growing in the faith because resources are not in their language. I am thankful for brothers in the faith like Daniel who want to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others and also want to distribute Christian literature. Please join me in praying for Daniel and his family as they reach out to those in northern India. This picture was taken 26 April at the Logos Faith Foundation. From left to right are Mercy and Daniel Kamaraj. I am in the middle. Their daughter Grace and son Franklin are on the right. Their other son Jeremiah was taking the picture. Thank you for your prayers and support. With Christian Greetings, Drake, Andrea, Henry, Abby, and Sam Williams (You’ll find contact information for the Williams Family at the top of page 7.) Page 6 of 10 Williams Family Contact Information: Contributions can be made out to the mission and sent to our mission address with “Drake and Andrea Williams” on the memo line. Home address: The Williams Family Prunuslaan 113`` 1829 HV Oudorp The Netherlands email: [email protected], [email protected] Mission agency address: European Christian Mission PO Box 1006 Point Roberts, WA 98281 USA Website for Tyndale Theological Seminary: www.tyndale-europe.edu Website for European Christian Mission: http://www.ecmna.org/ News from Our Scout Troop 141 - Michael DiBerardino My name is Michael Collins. I am in 11th grade at North Penn High School. For my Eagle Project I will be building a split rail fence around the flower garden at the Morgan Log House. It will better isolate the area. I plan to start in late March to early April as soon as it gets warmer outside. I am also fundraising and would gladly accept donations. Check can be paid to Troop 141 or the Morgan Log House and say "Michael Collins" in the memo line. Scout Troop 141 current has 42 scouts and 14 leaders. We are proud of the young men who have pursued or are pursuing the designation of Eagle Scout. Seamus Hanrahan earned his Eagle Scout Rank in 2014. Evan Peters and Cody Paxton completed their Eagle projects in 2014 and are finishing merit badges. We have two other scouts who are working on their Eagle projects, and we’d like to share with you what they are working on: My name is Matt Stark. I am in 11th grade at North Penn High School. My Eagle project will be supporting Montgomery Township Historical Society. This spring, I will be refurbishing the historic Knapp Farm ‘milk house’. This building was used to store the milk after milking the cows until the dairy came to pick it up. The Farm is located on the corner of DeKalb Pike (202) and Knapp Road (131 Montclair Drive, North Wales, PA). The project will involve the cleaning out the building of debris and unwanted items, tearing down the old ceiling, repairing the doors and a window, as well as painting both the interior and exterior of the building and cleaning up the immediate grounds. This will allow the historical society to use the building as storage, as well as preserving a part of our township’s history. Page 7 of 10 Make note of our new office e-mail address: [email protected] FLOWER, BULLETIN, AND GREETER CHARTS ARE UP! SIGN UP NOW! MORE Sunday School NEWS —Judy Stimson GIVE UP TO GIVE BACK FLOWERS GIVEN BY: Mar 1 – Doris Gerges in loving memory of her husband, Jim Mar 8 – Barb Clipsham and Gwen Heinel in loving memory of their Father Mar 22 – Joan Baack in honor of Anthony and Christine’s wedding Our Sunday School has been very dedicated to mission projects as part of our giving. Over the years, we have donated to Heifer International, purchased Bibles for crisis centers, made donations to have Bibles translated into other languages, and we are now sending our offerings to World Vision. Many children in our country do not have proper clothing, particularly during these cold winter months. With the help of corporation partners of World Vision, our gift is multiplied 8 times. As Lent approaches, our Sunday School will be sending a donation to World Vision and extending our giving to Heifer International. - GIVE UP TO GIVE BACK. - 40 DAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE During Lent, Sunday School will be dedicating our mission offering to Heifer by using “Ark Banks”. By giving up something important in our lives daily, we can fill the Ark Banks. If you would also like an Ark Bank, please see Judy Stimson or Carla Cunningham. A sincere thank you to our Sunday School members who have generous hearts. BULLETINS GIVEN BY: Mar 8 – Barb Clipsham and Gwen Heinel Mar 15 – Mary Adams in memory of Doyle Adams GREETERS: Feb 15 – Jan and Ed Kachinsky All other dates open!! NURSERY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! In order to keep the Nursery open during worship services, we need more volunteers to staff the nursery. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex, or speak to Laura Viveros or Kristin Currie for more information. Membership Committee – Save the Date! —Jerry Yarbrough As this issue is going to press, the Membership Committee is working on some very interesting plans for the next Friends Club dinner, scheduled for April 18th. Stay tuned, watch your bulletin for more information. Page 8 of 10 For Kids of All Ages LENTEN CRISS-CROSS Lenten Maze (Words in the Criss-Cross: ATONE, CROSS, EASTER, FORTY, PRAYER, PURPLE, WEDNESDAY) Can you find your way to the Cross at the center of the maze? Page 9 of 10 Heidelberg United Church of Christ Rev. Thomas Adil, Interim Pastor February 2015 Heidelberg United Church of Christ 1101 Cowpath Road Hatfield, PA 19440 Phone: 215-368-0442 Website: www.heidelbergucc.org Interim Pastor: [email protected] Secretary: [email protected] Don’t forget: Communion on Ash Wednesday (2/18/15) and on Sunday, 2/22/15 Make note of our new office e-mail address: [email protected] Inside: From Pastor Adil’s Desk .................................................................. Page 1 Stewardship Activities, Women’s Fellowship, Thanks, Diane! Sunday School, Spring is Coming: GOLF! .................................. Page 2 Bible Jeopardy, Sponsors, Search Committee Update, What Goes into Worship?............ Page 3 Recipe Corner, Community Lenten Schedule .................................. Page 4 Calendar, Bible Jeopardy Answers................................................... Page 5 Williams Family Update .................................................................. Page 6 Williams Family Contact Info, Scout Troop 141 News .................... Page 7 More Sunday School News, Flowers/Bulletins/Greeters Membership Committee SAVE THE DATE ............................... Page 8 For Kids of All Ages ......................................................................... Page 9 Page 10 of 10 Our Mission Statement The mission of Heidelberg United Church of Christ is to know our Savior and to let Him work through us as we reach out in worship, service, and witness to all. Our Vision Statement As Heidelberg United Church of Christ, we hear God calling us to accomplish the vision He has provided through: broadening the base of His church’s membership within our own congregation; communicating His gospel more effectively; serving the local community with greater commitment; to grow and strengthen in the faith with which God has entrusted us; and, in obedience to His command and call, ministering in those ways that will assure the growth and enrichment of congregational identity and Christian discipleship.
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