Welcome to Ss. Gregory & Barnabas Parish 5TH SUNDAY IN LENT United In Christ Pastor Rev. Robert L. Ruston Daily Mass: (See inside for locations) MARCH 22, 2015 MISSION STATEMENT As Catholic Christians, we will live to serve God and each other. And do His will as one family united in Faith. We will teach, serve, and be an example to the youth of the parish that they will come to a full understanding of Christ and His plan for their lives. We will nurture the gifts and talents of all parish members and use them wisely for the glory of God. We will compassionately implement the Spiritual and Corporal works of Mercy for those in our Parish, Diocese and throughout the world. Through the celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, we affirm our Communion with Christ and each other. All are welcome. 8:00AM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 6:30PM Thursday Weekend Liturgy: Saturday: 4:00PM (Daisytown) 5:30PM (Bon Air) Sunday: 8:00AM (Bon Air) 11:00AM (Daisytown) 120 Boltz Street 408 Luzon Avenue Johnstown, PA 15902 "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. Now is the time of judgment on this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself." - Jn 12:24, 31-32 Reconciliation: Saturday: Noon—12:30PM (Daisytown) Saturday: 3:15—3:45PM (Daisytown) & 6:30PM (Bon Air) Phone: 814-536-6818 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 2:00PM Visit us on the WEB! www.ssgregbar.org Join us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/ groups/SSGregoryBarnabas/ Sacrament of Baptism: Parents are to be examples to their children by being registered, active members of the Parish. Please call the rectory office to make arrangements. Sacrament of Marriage: Couples planning to marry are to make arrangements at least nine months prior to their wedding date. Diocesan Guidelines regarding Marriage Preparation must be followed. The Catholic party/parties is/are to be registered, active members in the parish. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the church office if you have a family member or friend in the hospital who would like to receive the Sacraments. The homebound and parishioners in nursing homes should also receive the Sacrament of the Sick and Holy Communion. Parish Membership: New members are always welcome! If you are moving into, within, or out of the Parish, please call the Rectory Office and let us know. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): All who would like more information about membership in the Roman Catholic Church are invited to call the Church Office. March 22, 2015 Welcome to SS. Gregory & Barnabas Parish WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday, March 22nd Gertrude Hawk Candy is in!! K-11, Rite of Commitment 11AM/D (10th grade) Service Project for the 10th/11th - arrive 9AM D/hall Stations of the Cross 6:30PM/D Tuesday, In Stitches6:30-8PM/RB Stations of the Cross 7PM/BA Wednesday, Adult Choir Friday, Fish Fry Daisytown Last Fish Fry for Bon Air Next Sunday, March 29th K-11, Rite of Sending 11AM/D (11th grade) Sponsors Required at class and Rite of Sending - Class starts at 9:30AM (10th/11th arrive 9AM hall) Family members are asked to present Offertory Gifts at weekend masses being offered for their loved ones. MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 3/22 (SG) 6:30PM Stations of the Cross (Incense) Monday (SG) 8:00AM Larry LaBar by Rich & Betty Kelsey Tuesday (SB) 8:00AM Delores (DeDe) Barkley by Gary & Doris Barkley Wednesday (SG) 8:00AM Herbert Kessler–Birthday Remembrance by Wife, Eva & Families Thursday (SG) 6:30PM Paul Van Nest by Charles Respet (SB) 7:00PM Stations of the Cross (Incense) Lead by 8th Grade Class Friday (SB) 8:00AM Dennis Yewcic by Sister Donna, Bob Wisz Saturday (SG) 4:00PM William Brunetto–Anniversary by Family (SB) 5:30PM For the People Sunday (SB) 8:00AM Helen K. Zelek by Husky Children-Gene, Mike, Diane, & Joan (SG) 11:00AM Larry Keyser–Anniversary by Family Liturgical Reflection… The Church stated in 1963 that the “more complete form of participation in the Mass by which the faithful, after the priest’s communion, receive the Lord’s Body from the sacrifice, is strongly endorsed.” With the third edition of the Roman Missal, the Church reiterated, “It is most desirable that the faithful, just like the Priest himself is bound to receive the Lord’s Body from hosts consecrated at the same Mass…” Such a pracRELIGIOUS EDUCATION do, tice highlights the participation in the sacrifice of the Mass actually being celebrated. 3/22: K-11, Rite of Commitment 11AM/D Rather than regularly going to the tabernacle for Communion distribution, the Church (10th grade) 10th/11th arrive 9AM hall would see this as the exception. Communion distribution should normally be those 3/29: K-11, Rite of Sending 11AM/D (11th grade) Sponsors Required at class hosts consecrated at that particular Mass. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Number 55. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, Number 85. and Rite of Sending - Class starts at 9:30AM (10th/11th arrive 9AM hall) In your prayers please remember 4/5 Easter Sunday - No class - Family Day DOLORES BARKLEY 4/8 Confirmation Rehearsal 6:30PM student & sponsor must attend Mother to Robert, Richard, Tracey Hipp and David; and Grandmother to 4/9 Confirmation 7PM St. John arrive by numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren 5:45PM CHOIR REHEARSALS Youth Choir Practice Thursdays, Daisytown: 6:30-7:45PM April 16, 23, Sings Apr. 26th May 7, 14, 21, Sings May 24th Adult Choir Practice Wednesdays, Bon Air at 6:30PM April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13, 20, 27 A LOOK AT WHAT’S AHEAD 3/27: Fish Fries both loca ons 3/28 Palm Sunday Rite of Sending (11th) Pictures Noon 4/3 Good Friday Fish fry in Daisytown 4/5 Easter Sunday 4/8 Perogie Mee ng 6:30PM/BA Easter Egg Hunt 11-1 April 4th Rectory Front Yard Donations needed for eggs. Please drop off at rectory - no hard candy please. Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. Donations of $160 were made to the memorial fund Donations of $40 to the Building fund In memory of DOLORES F. BARKLEY By: Dave Birch, Mark Seitz, Cynthia & Don Simpson, Mark & Mary Vibostok and William & Michelle Neiderhiser Donations of $210 were made to the memorial fund In memory of HELEN K. ZELEK By: Don & Roxanne McCarty, Stefan & Franke Becker, Helen P. Zelek, Gene Hutsky, Mike Hutsky, Diane Michura, Joan Laukhoff Easter Flower Offering Stations of the Cross Remaining Dates: Sunday, March 22nd 6:30PM/D Please return envelopes by March 25th to be included in the memorial lis ngs in the Easter bulle n. Again, we remind you to “PRINT” legibly so that your memorials may be published correctly & Tuesday, March 24th 7PM in Bon Air Lead by 8th Grade Class FROM THE DESK OF FATHER BOB It is a Wednesday a ernoon as I write this ar cle and we will have had a parish council mee ng by the me this bulle n is printed but one of the items on the agenda is what one parishioner has described as “spiritual apathy” here in the parish and I would have to agree. We are wonderful at fund-raising and that is a very necessary part of any parish community but as pastor I am concerned about a number of different symptoms that reveal we are in need of some type of spiritual booster shot. Here are a few of the symptoms that greatly concern me: Parents who are sending their children to religious educa on class but not bringing them to Mass; many mes the lack of parental support in helping us to fulfill the requirements set by our diocese for the recep on of the sacraments, in par cular those for Confirma on; pi ful a endance at addional liturgical services such as Sta ons of the Cross and Eucharis c Day on the Sunday closest to 9/11; liturgical ministers not fulfilling their ministries of Lector, Eucharis c ministers and altar servers at our weekend liturgies or taking the me to sign the lists in the ves bule of each worship site where they might be able to render service according to their own schedules; general a endance at weekend Masses does not merit having four Masses on the weekend any longer. These issues will have been discussed at parish council by the me this bulle n is in your hands. Hopefully they will give me input on what steps we need to take as a parish to correct these spiritual maladies. Those ideas/sugges ons will be reported in next weekend’s bulle n for all parishioners to offer their insight and what steps we might take to become spiritually alive again. Perhaps we have all just become so comfortable with the way things are and we need to move in other direc ons but first we have to admit that there is a problem which might just be the biggest obstacle of all. Stay tuned for further developments! As a Church we should be a major force in dealing with the evils of this world yet, more o en than not, we remain silent and unconcerned as long as it doesn’t affect me. We are coming to the end of our Lenten season and there are many opportuni es in the area to receive the Sacrament of Reconcilia on within the next two weeks. Please check the bulle n for the various penance services that are being offered in our area. With many confessors, various days and mes, there should be no reason why we cannot take advantage of these services. I will not rush the sacrament so if you understand that, I don’t want to hear complaints that someone had to wait in line for an hour or more. There will be no confessions scheduled here in the parish a er Wednesday of Holy Week and this is in accordance with diocesan regula ons. RITE OF COMMITMENT for our Confirma on candidates takes place this weekend at the 11:00AM Mass. This ceremony celebrates the candidates’ formal and public commitment to their Catholic faith as they prepare for full ini a on into the Church with the Sacrament of Confirma on during the Easter Season. Garret Lovejoy ~ Megan Ponczek ~ Ka e Pribish ~ Logan Reese Seth Roberts ~ Nathan Roberts ~ Sco Rykala ~ Allison Toth CONFIRMATION Rite of Sending for our Confirmation candidates takes place next weekend March 29th at the 11:00 AM Mass. This is our formal recognition that our candidates have successfully completed their preparation for confirmation and we send them to Bishop Mark for completion of the sacrament. Pictures to follow. Sacrament of Confirmation is Thursday April 9th at 7:00PM (students must arrive at 5:45PM) at the Cathedral of St. John Gualbert. A rehearsal for all candi- dates and their sponsors will be held on Wednesday, April 8th at 6:30PM. You must be present for this practice as one missing candidate or sponsor will throw the entire procession and seating arrangement into disarray. Please remember that this is a sacred place and dress appropriately for the rehearsal. We have been anticipating this event for some time so we ask family members to please join the candidates for this milestone in their journey of faith. Your presence and prayers on Thursday, April 9th, will be greatly appreciated for: Eben Blaisdell Brandon Galasso Alexandra Smith Marina Sumrada Gabrielle Vogel Alyssa Washington HOSPITALIZED Be y Stuart Tanya Mikesic Do you know someone who needs prayers? Please contact Debbie Washington at 5363616 or [email protected] to place a name on the parish Prayer Chain! Boxes for requests are also located in the vestibules of our worship sites. If you have a loved one admitted to the hospital or nursing home please contact the office. The hospital sometimes fails to call and notify us, then Fr. Bob does not know to visit. Thanks for your help. Prayerful remembrance for all serving in the military: Ryan Wood, Army; Nathan Brezovic; Fr. Frantisek Halka, Army; Major David Dietz, Army; Petty Officer Tony Pinkas, Navy Please contact the parish office (536-6818) if we need to add or remove any of our military personnel from this list. Thank you. LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES: Our Mother of Sorrows Westmont Monday, March 23 6:30 PM St. Mary Nanty Glo Tuesday, March 24 7:00 PM St. Patrick Moxham Wednesday, March 25 7:00 PM Transfiguration Conemaugh Wednesday, March 25 7:00 PM *St. John Gualbert Johnstown Thursday, March 26 6:30 PM *This is a diocesan penance service. St. John Vianney Mundy’s Corner Thursday, March 26 7:00 PM Visitation Roxbury Sunday, March 29 5:00 PM St. Benedict Johnstown Monday, March 30 5:00 PM IN STITCHES Daisytown 3/24 6:30‐8PM PIEROGIE SCHOOL MEETING April 8th at 6:30PM/BA Families & the Gospel March 22 Jn 12:20-33 Relationships come with a price tag. We must be willing to entrust ourselves to another, to let go of our autonomy and die to our independence. It is in dying to our independence that we find inter-dependence with others. FINANCIAL NEWS Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 Offertory Totals for the week of March 15, 2015 Weekly Offertory Misc. Income $3,327.50 $339 Weekly Needs $5,000 3/15 $4049.50 (Over/under) $950.50 Votive Candles $78 5th Sunday of Lent YTD surplus/ "Whoever serves me must follow me, Building $117 (shortfall) ($18,359.91) and where I am, there also will my servant be." In Fuel $138 Ash Wednesday $5 today's Gospel, Jesus speaks about death. He Easter Flowers $50 Black & Indian $5 gives the analogy of the grain of wheat that must Catholic Relief Services $251 fall to the ground and die in order to produce Total $4049.50 TV Ministry $82 much fruit. Later, he speaks about how he will be Perquisites $250 "li ed up from the earth," making reference to his ACA 2016: $605 Lent/Honduras $54.35 (to date: $73.85) crucifixion. He says that the fruit of this will be that he will "draw everyone" to himself. Jesus is telling us that death yields a greater good, that it producLAY MINISTRY SCHEDULE es fruit. So, when he insists that we must follow him, we can take courage. Yes, following Jesus means accompanying him all the way to the cross. It means that we too are called to carry our own cross and die to ourselves: Liturgy March 21/22 March 28/29 "Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life." But this death leads to a greater kind of life. 4:00 pm Lector: Cathy Kessler Lector: A. Hiner When we stay connected to Jesus through thick and thin, we receive eterD EM: Sherri Slavick EM: Paul Harteis nal life in the end! Jesus says, "The Father will honor whoever serves me." Servers: Slavicks Servers:Roberts/Chandler The season of Lent is designed not only to help us reflect a bit more deeply on the sufferings and death of Christ, but also to prepare us Lector: JoAnn Kopco 5:30 pm Lector: 11th Grader for the glory that follows. The joy of Easter and the triumph of the ResurEM: Janet Pribish BA EM: Ron Moot Servers: 11th Graders Servers:___________ rec on are all the more powerful precisely because they emerge out of the darkest, most "hopeless" of situaLector: Moot 8:00 am Lector: MB Rykala ons. When we cling to Jesus even through these kinds EM: MB Rykala BA EM: Moot of circumstances in our own lives--whether they be sickServers:___________ Servers: S. Rykala ness, unemployment, conflict, or disappointment--we 11:00 Lector: JoAnn Kopco Lector: MH Percinsky are those servants that Jesus spoke of, the ones who go AM EM: JoAnn Kopco EM: Bob Sweeney where Jesus goes, even when the going gets tough. But D Servers H. Chandler Servers: H. Chandler let us remember, as we march through Lent, that this journey will bear much fruit. IN THE COMMUNITY: Spaghetti Dinner: Cover Hill Volunteer Fire Co., Mar. 22nd, 11:30-2:30, Take out available Cost: $7 Adults, $4 for 12 & Under. BMCHS Scholarship Funding Day March 25, 2015 MANY INDIVIDUAL GIFTS MAKE ONE BIG IMPACT! With three out of four students qualifying for financial aid, funds raised through 25/25/25 will help students experience a complete education in mind, body and spirit. Please give $25 (or more) on March 25 for student aid at 25 Osborne Street. You can donate on the website: www.mccort.org/252525 or by phone at 814-248-3867. Thank You For Your Support! Lucky Leprechaun Cash Bash: hosted by St. Andrew School on Sat., March 28th, 6-10PM. You must be 21 to attend. The $20 ticket includes delicious food and drinks and 17 chances to win a cash prize every 15 mins beginning at 6PM – a total of $3,400 will be chanced off. Winners need not be present to win. Doors will open at 5:00 pm. Please contact the school office (814-288-2811) for more information or to purchase tickets. Annual Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the West End Improvement Group, Saturday, March 28th at the skate park, corner of J St. and Fairfield Ave. Registration begins at 12:30. Hunt starts at 1:00. Candy in every egg, free to everyone, 4 age groups (3-4, 5-6, 7-8 & 9-10). Bring a basket or a bag for your eggs. Rain date Sunday, March 29th. CCW 13th Annual Paschal Festival The Carmelite Community of the Word invites you to our 13th Annual Paschal Festival, Friday, April 10, 2015, at Holy Name Church Hall, 500 N. Julian St., Ebensburg. Join us - good food, storytelling, music Our Hands and Hearts Ministry Fѐt (Celebration) will include a buffet dinner, silent auction, an opportunity to purchase Haitian art and a program to highlight our recent Haiti Mission. Doors open at 5:45 p.m.; Social at 6 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. Program begins 7:30 p.m. Tickets $30/adults $15/children under 13. Contact the CCW Incarnation Center at 814-886-4098 for tickets or for more information. Ticket deadline is March 30, 2015. All proceeds will help us continue our ministry in Haiti. STAMPEDE 5K RUN/WALK-Conemaugh Township High School's Track and Field program will host the Township Stampede 5K Run/Walk on April 18th. The event begins at 9AM at the High School Stadium, with registration at 8AM. Refreshments are included for the participants and a bake sale will be held. Entry forms are due by March 25th to be guaranteed a T-Shirt. Registration information is available by e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]. Tenebrae Cantata-Tenebrae: A Service of Darkness by Hal Hopson will be performed at 7:30pm Friday, April 3, at St John Gualbert Cathedral, 117 Clinton Street, Johnstown. The Greater Johnstown Diocesan Festival Choir and Vivace Strings will perform this service portraying the solemn drama of the final hours of Christ's life on earth. A free-will offering will be taken. WALNUT GROVE FOOD PANTRY 536-1811: Open on the 1st & 3rd Thursday each month if you are or know of a family in need. INFORMATION FROM THE DIOCESE www.dioceseaj.org 2015 Engaged Couples Marriage Preparation Weekends Fulfills diocesan marriage preparation requirement. Can attend Feb. 6-7-8, March 27-28-29, May 8-9-10 or Nov. 6-7-8. Begins Fri. 8:00 pm and ends Sun. 3:00 pm. Held at the Sacred Heart Spirituality Center on Munster Road, Portage. For more information, call Diocesan Family Life Office 814-886-5551 or go to www.dioceseaj.org. Gift certificates available. Is Your Marriage Hurting? MARRIAGE CARE is a new, free, diocesan couple-to-couple ministry for couples or individuals in stressed marriages who don’t know where to turn or what to do. Find hope, help, and healing, as a MARRIAGE CARE couple walks with you, offering confidential guidance and faith-filled support, through prayer (if you wish), discernment., resources and referrals you can trust. This is not counseling. (Professional counseling is available through Catholic Charities on a sliding-fee scale.) You are not alone! MARRIAGE CARE couples are available throughout the diocese. Contact [email protected]; 814-886-5551. Natural Family Planning…Heard about this Family Planning Method? Husband and wife share the responsibility; no health risks; costs nothing; works with your fertility, not against it; scientifically researched; can improve marital communication; 98-99% success rate. NFP is an updated, scientific, Church approved method. For information/instruction, call the Family Life office 814-886-5551; [email protected]. Certified instructors available throughout the diocese. Faith & Light – Sharing Faith & Friendship with Intellectual Disabled Persons A faith sharing group which also includes family members, caregivers, friends. Meets monthly, Sundays, 1:00-4:00 pm at a handicap accessible location. Call Gaye (814) 472-7317 or Family Life Office (814) 886-5551. www.faithandlight.org; www.faithandlightusaeast.org Is your marriage tearing you apart? There is hope through Retrouvaille, a Christian peer ministry. Retrouvaille (French for “rediscovery”) is Catholic, but open to all couples. See www.retrouvaille.org; for brochure or to talk to couples in our diocese who have used Retrouvaille contact diocesan Family Life Office (814) 886-5551 or [email protected] Your marriage is meant to be a Sacrament—a source of life and energy. You owe it to yourself to heal. Know someone married 5 or 10 years? A son or daughter, sibling, niece or nephew, or you yourselves...Bishop Mark has a message for you! To receive this letter, send the couple’s name, mailing address, email and whether married 5 or 10 years to the Family Life Office, 5379 Portage St., Lilly, PA 15938; 814-886-5551; [email protected]. Be sure to indicate it is for the anniversary letter from Bishop Mark. ANGEL FUND 2015 Consider giving a gift now that will enrich the life of a young camper in the Summer of 2015! Camp Zacchaeus Grades 4-9 and Camp Timothy Grades 10-12 (and newly graduated seniors 2015) We are looking for people, groups, parishes or organizations to sponsor a child to attend Camp Zacchaeus 2015 or Camp Timothy 2015 through the Angel Fund. We will accept full or partial sponsorships of any amount to help cover the cost of camp. If you are interested in sponsoring a child, or for more information, please contact Francine Swope at the Diocesan Youth Ministry Office (814)693-9605, or mail your contribution directly to Camp Zacchaeus or Camp Timothy Angel Fund, 933 S. Logan Boulevard, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. Become an Angel Fund sponsor and help send a needy child to camp to experience a wonderful week of Faith, Fun and Friendship in the great outdoors ATTENTION - ALL YOUTH GRADES 6-8: YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH DAY 2015! SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2014 – BISHOP CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL, EBENSBURG Featuring keynotes by Will Smith. Through music, humor and fatih sharing, will is able to help young peole have a great day and a real faith connection! The day will consist of uplifting keynotes, challenging games, and Liturgy with Bishop mark. There will be lots of faith, fun and friendship for all! To register, contact your pastor, parish Director of Religious Education/ Youth Ministry or Catholic Elementary School Principal. Deadline to register is march 6th! WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 Young adults aged 18-35 who are interested in attending World Youth Day 2016 are invited to join the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown on its pilgrimage to Krakow, Poland. Dates: July 24 to August 3, 2016. An all inclusive package with Proximo Travel is available. For more information and registration packet, contact Francine Swope in the Youth Ministry Office (814) 693-9605.
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