1 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME � NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Welcome to St. Catherine of Bologna Parish “A Family of Families” SCHEDULE OF MASSES MASS INTENTIONS DAY Monday-Saturday 9:00am Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00am Mon Nov 17 Confession Schedule: Saturday 4:00-4:30pm or by appointment TIME STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE 9:00am Collection for the Week of November 9: Regular Collection Total: $ 7,346.00 Thank you for your generous support. Wed Nov 19 9:00am Thu Nov 20 9:00am Fri Nov 21 9:00am Bread & Wine Altar Candles Sanctuary Lamp 2014 Mass Book Call now to request a Mass date & card Mass dates & cards will now be available after Sunday Masses in the Sacristy at the rear of the Church For additional information, please contact the Parish Office (973) 962-7032 ext. 4. REQUESTED BY Kay Allison Marion & Steve Tuttle Robert Gentile The Agresta Family Orsana Wanser Franciscan Sisters & Muriel Lester Kirby Linda Coan Richard Joseph Straub The Family 9:00am Tue Nov 18 Remember your loved ones in a very special way by offering a memorial in their name: INTENTION Connie Nani Visconti Edwin McGlew Lester Kirby Helen Wilhelm Michelina Ferrente Diane Rojek Raymond Wilhelm The Agresta Family Regina Theresa Machalski Priests of the Parish Speranza Nick The Nick Family Thomas Maskery Jr. Barbara & Fred Barbi Ella McCormack Mr. & Mrs. R. Lyons Rafael Conception The Conception & Lozano Families Mary Schweighofer Marie Jenkins Walter Petri The Petri Family 9:00am Sat Nov 22 5:00pm Memorials November 16, 2014 7:30am Mass 7:30am Bread and Wine: Jennie & Antoun Nashawaty Requested by: Charles & Clair Brown Sun Nov 23 Bible Study Mondays November 17 10-12 noon in the Msgr Panos Room We will be using the "Catholicism" series created by Rev. Robert E. Barron BRING YOUR BIBLE! Hanna Zbigniew Kolodziej Marion & Steve Tuttle 9:00am Charles J. DiFrancesco The Palomba Family 11:00am Sr. Maureen Collins Anne & Jean DeNunzio LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Nov 22 & 23 Altar Servers Holy Communion Lectors 5:00 pm (Sat) 7:30 am (Sun) � Tronolone 9:00 am (Sun) 11:00 am (Sun) Rocklein, Buononno Hajek, Figliuolo K Fekete © D Minissale K Nick K May G Wolfe © J DeNunzio A DeNunzio L Van Eck© C Harwick M Scilingo M Bitzer F Bouley © J Macaluso A Badia A Babbitt M Pierre D Minnissale F Bouley M Cannici A Chirles, Jr. 2 THIS WEEK AT ST. CATHERINE’S Sun Nov 16 7:00am –12:00pm 9:00am –12:00pm 4:00pm – 5:30pm 6:30pm – 8:30pm Mon Nov 17 3:30pm – 5:00pm 5:00pm – 9:00pm 6:30pm – 8:00pm Tue Nov 18 1:30pm – 3:30pm 2:30pm – 5:00pm 6:00pm – 10:00pm 7:00pm – 8:00pm 7:00pm – 10:00pm 7:30pm – 10:00pm 7:30pm – 10:00pm Wed Nov 19 2:30pm – 9:00pm 3:30pm – 5:00pm Thu Nov 20 3:30pm – 5:00pm 5:00pm – 9:00pm 6:30pm – 9:00pm Fri Nov 21 6:00pm – 9:00pm Sat Nov 22 10:00am–11:30pm Sun Nov 23 9:00am – 12:00pm Pro-Life Bagel Sale- Gathering Area FROG- School, Art Room, Msgr. Panos Room Youth Group-Year 1-Msgr. Panos Rm Youth Group-Year 2-Msgr. Panos Rm Girl Scouts Troop 4673- Art Room CYO – Practice- Gym Patron of Arts- Art Room Seniors Meeting- Gym First Penance Class- Art Room, Msgr, Panos Room & Gathering Area HSA General Mtg- Msgr. Panos Rm Respect Life/Cenacle of Life- Church Men's Basketball- Gym Music Ministry Adult Choir- Church AA Meeting- Art Room Family Faith Formation- Msgr. Panos Room, Main Parish Center Girl Scouts Troop 4119- Art Room Girl Scouts - Troop 4828- Art Room CYO - Basketball- Gym IROC- Msgr. Panos Room, Art Room, School, Gathering Area Cub Scouts - Pack 96– Parish Center Elvis-Main Parish Center FROG- Msgr. Panos Room, Art Rm, School Flu Season is quickly approaching. We ask that all parishioners that may be sick with the flu to please stay home and take care of your health. In addition to this, it is ok for parishioners to wish their fellow church goers peace during the sign of peace at mass without shaking of hands. One can even nod their heads to one another. Once the flu season is in high season, we will discontinue the distribution of the precious blood at all Masses. If the Northern Passaic County schools are closed, along with Saint Catherine of Bologna School, due to snow and or state of emergency, all parish offices and parish/school/ secular activities in the parish will also be canceled and buildings will be closed for the night. Because of safety reasons, the daily Mass will be canceled for the public and will continue to be celebrated by the priest in private in the rectory for the Mass intention(s). So please, be wise, and stay off the roads during State of emergencies and or inclement weather. If the weather is bad on Sunday, we will continue with the liturgies as planned. Thank you for understanding and let’s pray for a nice and quiet winter season. Daniel Breslin Charles Donnelly Michelle DeBlasi Carol Ann Devlin Thanh Cao Genevieve Puso Amy Law Stephan Jacobson Joyce Gibb Christopher Schmitt Jonathan Dean Joseph Sanders Catherine Greco Lisa Ransom Patrick Rutherford Dorothy Peplowski Jenny Takter Johnny Takter Pierre Gladh Brandon Rifflard Josephine Myshkoff Charlotte Smith Frank D’Amico Heather Gallagher Tim Conway Emily D’Amico Eric Florio Brandon Swan Erin Carty Joyce Colon Tom Firenze Only immediate family members can call the Parish Office to have a name added or removed. Parish Office: 973-962-7032 If you or a member of your immediate family would like to receive a visit from Fr. Michal please call the Parish Office 973-962-7032 A Positive Response to a Serious Prenatal Diagnosis More than 100,000 expectant couples each year receive the devastating news of a so-called poor prenatal diagnosis. It may be the detection of a heart defect, spina bifida, or genetic syndrome, but whatever the diagnosis, the parents are shocked and bereaved. With little or no information or resources available that support the option of carrying to term, 80% of these pregnancies end in abortion. When offered a service of comprehensive support, however, 80% of parents chose to carry to term. A ministry which will offer this comprehensive support to couples experiencing a serious prenatal diagnosis and carrying to term is being developed for North Jersey. Peer ministers and volunteers are invited to be part of this important ministry. If you have carried to term following a prenatal diagnosis consider becoming a peer minister. Interested persons who may not have experienced a serious prenatal diagnosis can volunteer to support parents in other ways such as sewing, knitting, photography An information presentation will be given at St. Catherine of Bologna Parish Center, Ringwood on Monday November 17th at 7:30pm. For more information on this ministry see isaiahspromise.net and benotafraid.net. Questions call Kathy Ranft 973-962-9152. St. Catherine’s Craft & Vendor Fair Saturday, December 13, 2014 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For information call Caryl Romeo 973-728-3651 or email [email protected] 3 A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUNDAY READINGS HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 “When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls. Her husband, entrusting his heart to her, has an unfailing prize. She brings him good, and not evil, all the days of her life…the woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” The Proverbs of Solomon extol the virtues of a wise and prudent woman. Perhaps today we are reminded, never to take a woman for granted. The sacrament of marriage calls us to recognize the giftedness of women. Think for a moment of the roles they play. God chose Mary to be the Mother of our Savior. Women ministered to Jesus throughout His ministry. It was they who were steadfast at Calvary when others abandoned Him. The first accounts of the resurrection found Jesus present to Mary and other women. The first disciples to announce the Resurrection were women. In the history of the church, we find heroic women, doctors of the church. Founders of religious communities and missionaries, mothers and spouses. We are able to include the names and faces of so many models of Christian behavior. As I read the words of proverbs, may I express gratitude for the outstanding persons raised by the Lord in the life of the church. May I express my respect and regard for the women in our community who reflect the virtues extolled by Solomon. May I include my spouse, or my daughters in my life on the list of the pearl of great price. THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 An encomium for a good and worthy wife, this passage from Proverbs extols all the virtues which a worthy wife possesses – fidelity, industriousness, skill, charity to the poor, and fear of the Lord. Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Once again, Paul reassures the Thessalonians, who are anxious about the coming of Christ, that they need not fear being unprepared because they are “children of light.” Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus narrates the parable of the talents – in the story, the silver pieces given to the three men. Two of the men invest their coins and double their worth, but the third buries his coins in the ground and earns no return. The message of Jesus is that we must use to the fullest the talents we have received. THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sunday Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 Monday Rv 1:1-4, 2:1-5; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk 19:1-10 or, For The Memorial of the Dedication, Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday Rv 4:1-11; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday Rv 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44 Friday Rv 10:8-11; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday Rv 11:4-12; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 4 IN OUR SCHOOL Value of the Month: Humility November 26 Thanksgiving Prayer Service 10am Congratulations: Congratulations to Chris Tronolone in Gr. 8 for achieving the State Recognition for the S.A.T. He received a Grand Award – a Trip to Washington, DC. Chris scored higher than the Junior and Senior High Schools. Vacation Raffle Win a Vacation Valued at $3,500. Tickets are just $25 and the prize will cover a 4 day Disney Vacation for a family of 4 with accommodations, park passes and food. Or pick your own vacation! Please review this flyer for ordering details and contact Heather Werner with any questions, [email protected] http://tinyurl.com/stcbvacraffle Dine to Donate Enjoy a meal that’s filling… and fulfilling! Each month, lo cal restaurants have graciously agreed to donate a perc entage of your bill back to St. Catherine’s HSA. Please mark your calendars with the dates. If you need a copy of the individual flyers, please contact the HSA at [email protected] or find them on our website, Dine to Donate Dates: http://tinyurl.com/stcbdinedonate Dine to Donate Flyers: http://tinyurl.com/stcbdine School Rewards Amazon Program! Use the Amazon link below and you will be directed to Amazon.com, log in using your own user name and password and then shop as normal. Every purchase earns for our school. Share with family and friends. http://tinyurl.com/stcbamazon Gertrude Hawk Chocolates Web ordering and shipping available until 12-13-14. Please review this flyer for more details. Please contact Colleen Benedetto: [email protected] or 201 -689-7372 with any questions. Sign up using our group number, 119354, at http://tinyurl.com/ stcbgertrudesignup For full details: http://tinyurl.com/stcbhawkdetails SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMITTEE FAITH IN ACTION Thank you for your generous donations to this month's Poor & Needy envelope that will help provide Thanksgiving turkeys for patrons of Ringwood's Center for Food Action! Give Your Neighbor Warm Hands this Winter! During the month of December we will be collecting gloves and mittens for our needy neighbors. Please help us keep our neighbors' hands warm this winter by filling the collection basket in the parish Gathering Area with new gloves and mittens of all sizes. "Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but also everyone for those of others." Philippians 2:2 Youth Ministry [email protected] CONFIRMATION ONE & TWO The next time we will meet is on Sunday November 16 Year One: 4:00pm-5:30pm Year Two: 6:30pm-8:30pm CONTACT US All questions or concerns regarding Confirmation and youth ministry can be directed to Matthew Romeo at: [email protected] Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/scobantioch and follow us on twitter: @SCOBANTIOCH for up-to-date information. Religious Formation IROC parents! Please look for an email from your child's catechist concerning the... *Thanksgiving boxes, *Jr. Youth Group (Nov.13) *and our very own "Teaching Mass!"(Nov.20) FROG There IS FROG on Sunday, November 9!!!! Please make attendance a priority! Consistent Faith Formation is KEY! Would you Give 20 Minutes Once a Month to Save Lives? The Respect life committee of St. Catherine of Bologna Church sells bagels on the third Sunday of each month. It is our only fundraiser and is used to enable those who are active in working to Save Lives. In 2014, we have sent checks to the following organizations: Thomas Moore Society, American Life League, Priests for Life, Several Sources and Good Counsel. These organizations support Life in various ways such as housing and caring for mothers and babies, educating the public, and supporting those Pro-life Lawyers who work on Pro-life issues. Our basic committee has dwindled to 3 people due to death, aging and relocation. Once each month we need 3 people after each Sunday Mass for approximately 20 minutes to assist in selling our bagels. We have been blessed to have a loyal crew of people who have assisted us at our bagel sales in the past, however, we have recently lost the help of several of those good people. We ARE DESPERATE FOR HELP Won’t you step up to the plate? Please look into your heart and call one of the following to offer your help: Nadine Shaw: 973-962-6481 Helen Wilhelm: 973-962-7861 Charlotte Anderson: 973-903-0356 If necessary, please leave a message and we will happily return your call. Thank You 5 Thanksgiving Prayer Service When: Where: Tuesday, November 25 St. Catherine of Bologna Time: Prayer Service @ 7pm Followed by Refreshments Come and Give thanks to God with the clergy of the area. All Are Welcome! To Praise God for life… To Praise God for Family… To Praise God for ALL… Can foods will be collected for the local food bank Bagel Sale– Respect Life The Monthly Bagel Sale will continue on the 3rd Sunday of the Month from 7:30am-12:30pm In the Gathering Area of the Church The next Bagel Sale will take place on November 16th We are looking for volunteers to help with the sale!! Spiritual Adoption Program Many years ago Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen made a suggestion that has endured and been promoted to this day. He proposed that those who cared for the unborn promise to pray, each day for the nine months of normal gestation, for one newly conceived baby who is in danger of abortion. The prayer can be brief, but persistent in entreating God's mercy. There is no way to estimate how many thousands of lives have been saved with this simple effort. If you or your family would like to be a life saver, look for a Spiritual Adoption prayer card in one of the baskets at the exits of the church beginning on November 1. You need not know of a specific case to participate. Put a baby's name of your choice on the card in recognition of the humanity of this individual, unborn child. Sign the commitment and return that half to the basket on your next visit to church. Pray for that baby by name as faithfully as you can in daily prayer, and pray for his or her parents too. Who knows, but in the next life God may bless you with the happiness of meeting the person whose life you saved with so little effort and such great compassion! Christmas Mitten & Angel Trees On Christmas Eve, the children at St. Joseph’s Hospital and NYU Langone Medical Center will be nestled and all snug in their hospital beds. Your gifts will certainly raise their spirits on Christmas morning. Please choose a mitten, buy and wrap a gift, attach your mitten to the gift, and indicate what the gift is on the mitten. Every season Straight & Narrow embarks on our annual Angel Tree Campaign providing support to clients in need during the holidays. The Angel & Mitten Trees will be up from Friday, November 28th until Sunday December 14th. Thank you for generously supporting the Mitten & Angel Trees! St Catherine of Bologna Mobile App! For all School & Parish News & Events Download to get a sneak peak of 2014-2015 events! Stay informed of School and Parish events and news from your mobile device! Available for iOS & Android devices. iOS LInk: http://tinyurl.com/stcbappiOS Android Link: http://tinyurl.com/stcbappAndroid Or Scan the QR code below. To view School & Parish Information use login of "school" with password "school". To view Parish Information only use the login of "church" with password “church” Upcoming Events at St. Paul Inside the Walls The Holy Spirit and Evangelization Presented by: Allan Wright December 6 10 AM - 12 PM The Holy Spirit is the director of all evangelization. While it is impossible to predict what the Holy Spirit may do in the future, we can explore what the Spirit has done throughout the New Testament to inform and guide our efforts to share the Gospel today Speaking of Faith With Karol Corbin Walker Madison: December 10 7:30 - 9 PM Join Fr. Paul Manning as he interviews Karol Corbin Walker, Past-President of the New Jersey Bar Association about her encounter with and response to God and the integration of faith into work & life 6 7 8 9 Parish Contact Information 973-962-7032 Rev. Peter S. Glabik Pastor [email protected] Ext. 5 Rev. Michal Falgowski Parochial Vicar [email protected] Ext. 6 Mr. James Elliott Deacon Ext. 4 Mr. Richard Michalski Deacon - Baptism Preparation Ext. 4 Sr. Theresa Firenze, O.S.F. School Principal 973-962-7131 Mrs. Janis Agresta Director of Religious Formation [email protected] Ext. 3 Mr. Matthew Romeo Confirmation, Youth Ministry [email protected] Ext. 8 Mrs. Kim Marie Schroll Parish Secretary [email protected] Ext. 4 Mrs. Debbie Amati-Wolfe Grounds Manager [email protected] Ext. 7 Finance [email protected] Ext. 7 Calendar [email protected] Ext. 7 Mr. & Mrs. Ted & Eva Hajek Music Directors [email protected] Mrs. Janet Spirko Music Minister Rev. Msgr. Patrick G. Panos Pastor Emeritus Mr. Joseph Agresta Trustee Mr. Douglas Kunzle Trustee Parish Office Contact Information Phone: (973) 962-7032 Office: [email protected] Bulletin: [email protected] Website: www.scobp.org Address: 112 Erskine Rd, Ringwood, NJ 07456 (not in residence) NEW PARISHIONERS New Parishioners are asked to register at the Parish Office by stopping by or calling the office at(973) 962-7032. We also appreciate notification of those moving or changing phone numbers. SACRAMENTS Parish Office Hours: Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00-4:30 pm or by appointment. NOW LOCATED in the PARISH CENTER Baptism: Please contact the Rectory to make arrangements. Celebration of Baptism is on 2nd & 4th Sunday Beginning at the 11:00 Mass. Baptism preparation class is on the first Monday of every month at 7:30pm in the Church. Parents must attend one class before the Baptism of their first child. Class will only meet when families preregister. Mon - Thurs: 9:30am - 3:30pm Fri: 9:30am - 1:30pm A priest will always help as needed. Religious Formation Office Phone: 973-962-7032 Hours: Monday 9:30-4:00pm Call or email to make an appointment. RF Office is Closed on Wednesday St. Catherine of Bologna School Phone: (973) 962-7131 Website: www.stcbschool.org Address: 112 Erskine Rd, Ringwood, NJ 07456 Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:00am - 4:00pm BULLETIN DEADLINE Information to be included in the weekend church bulletin must be submitted by Monday at 4pm prior to printing. This includes inserts. Please use the email address below for bulletin submissions. Email: [email protected] (Word & Publisher documents only) RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation In Adults): We welcome all people 18 yrs of age or older who have not received Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist, or Confirmation, as well as those who wish to enter the Roman Catholic Faith to please contact George Wolfe at 973-962-7010. New Classes will begin in Sept. 2014 Marriage: Please contact the Rectory as early as possible; mandatory preparation one year in advance. Ministry to the Sick: The rite of Anointing and Communion of the Sick will be celebrated for any person homebound or hospitalized. Please notify the Rectory. The Sacrament of Anointing is available per request. NEED MEETING SPACE? To schedule use of the Parish Center, Church and Gathering Area please email [email protected] All requests for the Church must first be sent to Fr. Peter ([email protected]) for approval.
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