1 F TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (INSTITUTION BUILDING) KAYSERI-ERCIYES TECHNOPARK REGIONAL INNOVATION CENTRE EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR 2nd PROGRESS REPORT Reporting period 21 May - 20 November Dec 02, 2013 st 1 Progress Report Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. iii TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (INSTITUTION BUILDING) KAYSERI-ERCIYES TECHNOPARK REGIONAL INNOVATION CENTRE EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR 2nd PROGRESS REPORT Dec 10, 2013 nd 2 Progress Report Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre iv V1 20131205 nd 2 Progress Report Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre v Project Title: Technical Assistance (Institution Building), Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark, Regional Innovation Centre Project Number: EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Beneficiary Country: Turkey Main beneficiary Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology – DG for European Union and Foreign Affairs, IPA-Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme Coordination and Implementation Directorate Address: TOBB İkiz Kuleleri C-Blok 23. Kat Eskişehir Yolu 9. Km. 06530, ANKARA Contact Person: Mr. Ayhan KARACA Director of DG for European Union and Foreign Affairs Date of report: EC Contractor G&G Consulting and Consortium Head-Office Address: Farabi Sok. No: 14 Kavaklıdere, Ankara Tel. Nr. +90 312 468 63 33 Fax Nr. +90 312 468 63 36 e-mail: [email protected] Contact Person: Mr. Bülent ÇAKIM- Project Director Kayseri Office Address: Erciyes Technopark rd 3 Building No: 17 / Melikgazi Contact Person: Leif GRAHM - Team Leader Tel. Nr. +90 352 224 10 38 +90 544 515 45 01 e-mail: [email protected] Dec 10, 2013 Reporting period: May 21, 2013 – Nov. 20,2013 Author of report: Team Leader Contracting Authority Senior Representative of End Recipient Ayhan Karaca [name] Sinan KABALOĞLU [name] Operation Coordination Unit Bilgin YAZLIK [name] Team Leader nd Leif Grahm [name] 2 Progress Report Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre [signature] [date] [signature] [date] [signature] [date] [signature] [date] vi Contents PROJECT SYNOPSIS ............................................................................................................................ 1 1. 2. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 3 OVERVIEW OF THE FULL PROJECT ...................................................................................................... 4 3. 3.1. SUMMARY OF PROJECT PROGRESS SINCE THE START 21 NOV 2012 ....................................................................... 4 3.1.1 Preparatory work before project start ........................................................................................................ 4 3.1.2 Kick off Meeting...................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1.3 Inception period ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1.4 Project Implementation starts. The first reporting period ................................................................ 4 3.1.5 Empirical investigations. The second reporting period ...................................................................... 5 3.1.6 Overview reflection ............................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT PLANNING FOR THE REMAINING PROJECT ..................................................................... 6 3.2.1 Catching up with training. Third reporting period. .............................................................................. 6 3.2.2 Networking and roll out activities will characterise the fourth reporting period. ............... 7 3.2.3 Timetable, work plan, and planned outputs from 21 May 2013 on............................................... 8 3.2.4 Timetable for the rest of the project, demonstrated as Gantt-scheme ...................................... 10 3.2.5 Milestones for the rest of the project ......................................................................................................... 11 4. PROJECT PROGRESS, REPORTING PERIOD 21 NOV 2012 - 20 MAY 2013, DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............ 12 4.1 PA 1 EMPIRICAL STUDIES ......................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.1 Stakeholder analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.2 TNA-analysis, according to best practice ....................................................................................... 13 4.1.3 Workshop on the SNA and TNA-study ............................................................................................... 14 4.1.4 ET/YIC assessment......................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1.4 Integrative stakeholder analysis .......................................................................................................... 17 4.2 VISIBILITY ACTIVITIES DURING THE PERIOD............................................................................................................... 18 4.2.1 Transforming the Erciyes Technopark’s web site to a web portal .................................. 18 4.2.2 Development of our own web page...................................................................................................... 19 4.2.3 Visibility by marketing of the Training Programme............................................................... 20 4.2.4 Innovation fair ................................................................................................................................................ 20 4.2.5 Preparatory work for project competition............................................................................................ 20 4.2.6 Other mass media reactions ......................................................................................................................... 21 4.2.7 Visibility gadgets ................................................................................................................................................ 21 4.3 CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT........................................................................................................................................ 21 4.3.1 Development of training programme ....................................................................................................... 21 4.3.2 Development of training packages ............................................................................................................ 23 4.3.4 Coaching, customised consultancy to individual firms ..................................................................... 24 4.3.5. Specific Consultancy support to ET organization .............................................................................. 26 4.6 ORGANISATIONAL ISSUES DURING THE PROJECT PERIOD ........................................................................................ 27 4.7 RESOURCE UTILISATION FROM START TO 20TH NOVEMBER 2013......................................................................... 28 5. PLANNED PROJECT ACTIVITIES FOR FORTHCOMING REPORTING PERIOD, 21 NOV 2012 - 20 MAY 2013, DETAILED DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................... 30 5.1 SUPPLEMENTARY ANALYTIC WORK RELATED TO PA1, EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATIONS .............................................. 31 5.2 VISIBILITY EFFORTS INCREASED, PA2 ....................................................................................................................... 31 nd 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre vii 5.2.1 Innovation fair ..................................................................................................................................................... 31 5.2.2 Business competition ........................................................................................................................................ 31 5.2.3 Profiling, branding and marketing as visibility means .................................................................... 31 5.2.4. Special efforts for marketing training ..................................................................................................... 32 5.3 CAPACITY BUILDING. PA3 IS THE MAIN FOCUS FOR THIS REPORTING PERIOD....................................................... 32 5.3.1 Preparation of training material .............................................................................................................. 32 5.3.2 Training of trainers .......................................................................................................................................... 33 5.3.3 Study visits ............................................................................................................................................................. 33 5.3.4 Organisational development cooperation with ET/YIC ................................................................... 34 5.3.2 Coaching and consulting to individual firms continues .................................................................. 34 5.3.3 Coaching of entrepreneurs start up in relation to the Incubator and preincubator .......... 35 nd 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre viii LIST OF ACRONYMS AC BAN CA DTL EEN ET ETTO FDI FRT GDP HRM ICU ICT INNOREG IPR IASP ISKUR KOSGEB MC M&E MIS MOG MoM MoSIT OCU ORAN PA PEST PNA PSC PT RTDI SME SRER STE SWOT TAT TDZ TL TNA ToR TTGV TTO WG YIC nd Advisory Committee Business Angels Network Contracting Authority Deputy Team Leader Enterprise Europe Network Erciyes Technopark Erciyes Technopark’s Techncology Transfer Department Foreign direct investment Field Research Team Gross Domestic Product Human Resource Management Innovation Consulting Unit Information and Communication Technologies TA Kayseri Erciyes Regional Innovation Center Intellectual Property Rights International Association of Science Parks Turkish Employment Agency Small and Medium Industry Development Organization Management Committee Monitoring and Evaluation Management Information System Market Orientation Group Minutes of Meeting Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology Operation Coordination Unit Middle Anatolia Development Agency Principal Activity Political, Economic, Social and Technological Preliminary Needs Assessment Project Steering Committee Project Team (TAT, SE, JE, G&G Backup Team) Research, Technology Development and Innovation Small and Medium Enterprises Senior Representative of End Recipient Short Term Experts Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Technical Assistance Team Technology Development Zone Team Leader Training Needs Assessment Terms of Reference Technology Development Foundation of Turkey Technology Transfer Office Working Group Yozgat Innovation Centre 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre ix List of appendices 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 35 37 38 39 nd 1 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 5 6 7.1 7.2 8.1 8.2 9.1 9.2 10 11 12 13 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 15 16 17 18 19.1 19.2 page no Summary of the report from SNA-study:" University Potential Analysis Report for Improving Collaboration in between Erciyes University and Erciyes Technopark" Summary of the report from TNA-study:" Assessment of Innovation Capacity of SMEs and Training Needs Assessment" Agenda of the workshop on TNA and SNA studies Participation list from the Workshop Presentation of the TNA-study Presentation of the preliminary Training programme Presentation of the SNA-study, STE Press reactions to the Workshop Assessment of Erciyes Technopark and Yozgat Innovation Center Integrative stakeholder report ET's web portal. YIC's web site. ToR and offer to respond to the Tor ToR for Regional innovation project's web site Some illustrations of the web-site image English brochure on the Training Programme Luncheon marketing meeting in social media Photos from ET's participation in "Innovation Turkey 2013" Persons and organisations met at "Innovation Turkey 2013" Tubitak recommendations for project Competition Other mass media reactions Visibility gadgets Training programme ToR for 3 Senior trainers in HRM ToR for 3 junior experts in HRM ToR for Senior trainer and junior expert in Project Management ToR for Senior trainer and junior expert IPR ToR for Senior trainer and junior expert on Open Innovation Strategy development ToR for Senior trainer and junior expert on entrepreneurship training ToR for Senior trainer and junior expert on Basic Business Development ToR for Senior trainer and junior expert on Marketing ToR for Senior trainer and junior expert on Business Administration Programme for training of trainers Tenant companies that have applied for Tubitak R&D support ToR for legal support for Transfer of Technology ToR for consultancy on ISO-certification support Agenda for PSC meeting in Kayseri Presentation of progress of the Regional Innovation project in Kayseri 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 37 40 45 46 49 53 58 68 69 91 95 97 99 107 111 113 124 127 130 143 145 149 152 156 159 163 167 171 175 179 180 184 187 189 191 1 1. Project Synopsis Project title: Project number: Beneficiary Country: Technical Assistance (Institution Building), Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark, Regional Innovation Centre EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology – DG for European Union and Foreign Affairs, IPA-Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme Coordination and Implementation Directorate Turkey Project Objectives and Beneficiaries The overall objective of the Project according to the ToR is to increase competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, Innovation, Technology and ICT environment. Immediate objectives are: To provide technical assistance to support the Research and Technological Development & Innovation Initiatives and Strategies in Kayseri and Yozgat provinces. Specific objectives are: Enhancing the capacity of the Erciyes Technopark Management for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for the development of technology based and innovative businesses; Improving performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of the Erciyes Technopark management as well as companies and knowledge intensive SMEs in the region; Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres; Increasing awareness relevant to innovation support programmes. Main project beneficiaries/partners Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology is the main beneficiary, and the end recipient is Kayseri Technopark and Yozgat Innovation Centre. Project activities PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY I. FIELD RESEARCH AND STUDIES -Stakeholder and target group analysis -Preparation of survey/study tools, questionnaire-Field and market research-Analysis of empirical material-Training needs assessment-Assessment of status of Erciyes Technopark and YIC-Organising workshop -Preparing report PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY II. VISIBILITY AND PUBLICITY -Preparing project communication strategy -Web site development for Erciyes Technopark and YIC and for the Project itself -Preparation of Brochures and other promotion material PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY III. CAPACITY BUILDING -Evaluation of applications, selection -Providing trainings -Consultancy support to Erciyes Technopark and YIC tenants, or other entrepreneurs -Study visits -Establishment of MOG and ICU Designing MIS and CRM for Erciyes Technopark management -Misc. assistance PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY IV. ESTABLISHMENT OF NETWORKS FOR INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT -Establishment of Erciyes Technopark-BAN and YIC-BAN business angel networks and obtaining membership from EBAN -Access to international networks, obtaining membership for Erciyes Technopark to International Association of Science Parks (IASP) -Promoting Virtual Enterprise applications for academicians -Organising international conference on TDZs PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY V. PROJECT CLOSURE -Organising project closure event -Preparing draft final and final report Expected outputs/results Result 1: Enhanced training needs assessment capacity for innovative business, after interaction with organisations, management and at least 100 SMEs visited and video recorded after getting the written permission of them. Result 2: Awareness of EU’s IPA activities will increase in the region and the Technopark concept and the existence of support programmes will be known by stakeholders. Curricula and manuals will be 2 elaborated and disseminated after practical testing, and especially successful success stories will be published. The final summarising report should be in use by future generations. Result 3: Improved performance by training of Erciyes Technopark and YIC management staff and 140 existing tenants and new entrepreneurs. 1. At least 240 entrepreneurs and/or SMEs benefitted from training activities by the end of the project; 2. TTO’s assistance to at least 11 SMEs per year in their applications process for TÜBİTAK, TTGV, or San-Tez funds in Erciyes TDZ to be ensured; 3. TTO’s assistance to at least 4 SMEs per year in their application process for TÜBİTAK, TTGV, or San-Tez funds in YIC to be ensured; 4. At least 50 entrepreneurs per year benefitting from services of “project and research studios in Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre; 5. At least 30 entrepreneurs and/or SMEs benefitting from full equipped offices by the end of the project in Erciyes Technopark; 6. At least 15 entrepreneurs and/or SMEs benefitting from full equipped offices by the end of the project in YIC; 7. Reports relating the analysis about stakeholder and target group, effects of R&D supports to the sector, target group, etc.; 8. Review and current analysis and SWOT analysis of Erciyes Technopark and YIC; Road Map Report of Erciyes Technopark and Technology Transfer / Innovation centre model 9. At least 40 Resident firms and outside entrepreneurs will benefit from consultancy services. ; 10. Visibility, publicity and internationalization plan developed; 11. Website established. Result 4: Provision of national and international innovative networks, for the innovation centres. 1 international conference will be organised. 2 project competitions and 2 Innovation fairs will be organised to generate new good business plans. Project Starting Date: 20.11.2012 Project Duration: 24 Months. nd 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 3 2. Introduction TAT will follow a reporting periodicity with interim reports every 6 months. This second progress report will follow a structure as recommended by EU guidelines. It starts with a project synopsis, which is a short overview of the whole project. The introduction will be followed by a presentation of past and present and future project activities; the first part of chapter 3 will give an overview of what has happened since start of the project, and the second part is devoted to what has been planned for the reminder of the project. Chapter 4 will go deeper into the present project period and underline what concrete achievements have been attained during this last reporting period. Chapter 5 outlines the detailed projections for next six months. These are based on the ideas presented in the Inception report and the initial proposal. Under the assumption that the project and its beneficiaries work as “learning organisations” we assume that the presented material will be discussed by the “steering committee” (or equivalent decision-makers), and there will be suggestions for improving the proposed programme. This means that some minor changes of time order and modifications can be made as a result of practical experiences on the functionality of the present programme plans. A graphical presentation of the report shows the following structure. PRESENT PERIOD FUTURE PLAN PERIOD Inception period Reporting period 1 Reporting period 2 21 Nov 2013 -20 Maj 2013 21 May2013 - 20 Nov 2013 21 Nov 2013 - 20 May 2014 Chapt 1, Synopsis Chapt 2, Introd Chapt 3 Chapt 4 Chapt 5 nd From start till now, OVERVIEW Present period DETAILED Final reporting period 21 May - 20 Nov Remaining period OVERVIEW Future period DETAILED 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 4 3. Overview of the full project 3.1. Summary of project progress since the start 21 Nov 2012 3.1.1 Preparatory work before project start The proposal for the project is a document concentrating temporary ideas about innovation policy and practical means how to fulfil general ideas in connection to this. It summarises and integrates experiences from international consultancy partner organisations from Spain, Greece, Sweden and Turkey. Before project Kick Off the partners were convened to a couple of days meeting in Ankara, to discuss their common approach to innovation development in Turkey, and to prepare the project start. Teambuilding in the consortium, and closer contact to the TAT staff in order to perform the proposal relevant services, was also on the agenda. An enthusiastic group also used the time to prepare to forthcoming Kick Off meeting, in order to convince the MoSIT staff, the Techno park representatives, and other stakeholders that they had hired a creative and able Contractor and team. 3.1.2 Kick off Meeting The MoSIT organized the Kick Off meeting. The MoSIT took this opportunity to explain their views on administrative and financial matters as well as how they would like to see the project proceed. This was followed by a standard presentation of the project and the TAT. The TAT started to Inception Period work on the following day. 3.1.3 Inception period Admittedly Inception Period has lasted more than usual. We feel that this was due to the fact that this project was one of the earliest of the kind. However, the differences relevant to the content were settled thanks to the good will of the parties and in its final form the Inception Report was satisfactory not only for all concerned but also for all practical purposes and thus became an overall guide for the project implementation. 3.1.4 Project Implementation starts. The first reporting period In formal sense the implementation period started within the last stages of the Inception period which has lasted more than expected as a result of required modifications. One important setback for the project implementation was that various forthcoming activities were not dealt with by task managers or the local beneficiary, until the IR was approved. The basic structure was kept up, however, and activities were started before incidental period was finished. We deem the basic project structure as follows: nd 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 5 Field Studies (Stakeholder analysis, Technopark status review, local indstrial amrket analysis and Technopark tenants TNA) VISIBILITY (communication strategy, Web page, visibility Strategy, on ET/YIC and IPA) Training and coaching (of trainers, TTO staff, regional industrialists, technopark tenants and others) Networking ( Business angels connections, appl for membership in IASP, Internat Conference events) Field studies are supposed to be the main instrument for designing a training programme based on regional needs. The most important activities will be the capacity enhancement programme, the second box, the structure of which will be decided in the light of results to be derived by the assessments indicated in the first box. The third box adds the idea that networking also should be done, to improve overall capacity of the Technopark. Across these three boxes floats the “visibility cloud” as some kind of “oiling for various mechanisms” in order to make the project work better by creating awareness both of the Technopark and the IPA project. 3.1.5 Empirical investigations. The second reporting period The field studies, as noted in the upper located box in the figure below, have now been implemented and the empirical phase has finished. These include the SNA-study of university academic professionals, students and others, a TNA study of regional industry, also comprising a study of training preferences and marketing investigation of awareness of ET/YIC. This last study also made an overview of the status of regional industry, concluding with a SWOT analysis. The assessment of ET and YIC based on participant observations, interviews, but mainly on the TNA and SNA studies has been published in its present form. This analysis will go on in the future, as a part of continuous cooperation with the ET (and maybe YIC in the future) management. A workshop with stakeholders has been implemented, for fine tuning of the Training Programme that the SNA/TNA-studies have resulted in. On the Visibility side, a strategy has been formed gradually. It is not formalised in a comprehensive document yet, but lots of activities have been generated. These include e.g. innovation exhibitions, luncheon meetings with mass media, various kinds of info material etc. A communication action plan was elaborated during last reporting period, and the Web portal development is just about to be finished. Concerning the main focus of the activities, the Capacity Enhancement in the fat framed box below, formulation of the training programme is finished, the training of trainers approach is agreed with ETTO, and the project development and coaching of individual firms has started. And this is the direct connection to work to be done during next reporting period. nd 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 6 SNA, University assessm TNA,Preference study, Marketing (SWOT) ET/YIC status assessm Visibility strategy Workshop VISIBILITY WEB portal, web-pages Web-based adm Communication Action Plan Train SME ToT, TTO HRM Proj Dev Study trips Coaching ET branding Networking ( Business angels connections, appl for membership in IASP, Internat Conference events) ET marketing ET recruitment CRM MIS 3.1.6 Overview reflection The importance of understanding correctly what would be the best approach to adopt with a view to improving the capacity of ET and YIC, to render them pivotal players for improving regional competitiveness has grown as time went by. The project is now approximately half way through and despite the fact that the training programme is lagging behind the original schedule by about two months. However, we believe that this delay is not unsurmountable and we believe that there will be no problems in catching up the original timing eventually. It is our earnest belief that with minor modifications of scheduled activities the required technical support trainings would be delivered as foreseen. Especially positive are the increased priority of coaching and project support activities to individual companies, and we expect to have some real success stories during the forthcoming period. 3.2 Summary of the project planning for the remaining project 3.2.1 Catching up with training. Third reporting period While the second period was concentrated on empirical observations and formulation of questions and ideas for future work, the third reporting period, which is just about to start, will be very much focused on Capacity Building. Training will be the main theme, and it will have several targets: Training of regional industry, in accordance to needs observed at the TNA-study Training of trainers, which means that staff in ET (and YIC if established according to plans) will have train together with other groups in the common training programme, but also be prepared to take over the training material thus worked with for future deserving of training themselves. The ET/YIC staff will also have special training related to consultancy activities and project management under the Technopark regime. Capacity building will also be made by making study trips. nd 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 7 Two of them are destined to Technoparks in central Turkish regions. They will be made in the very beginning of the report period. An international joint three state visit will be made during spring or early summer, which is in the middle of the reporting period. Capacity building in the form of consulting and coaching to individual firms, both Technopark tenants and other regionally located firms, and potential entrepreneurs within the Technopark’s incubator/pre-incubator, some of these as result of the business competition to be organised in cooperation with our project Viability effort will increase and other technical assistance will continue. 3.2.2 Networking and roll out activities will characterise the fourth reporting period. A few networking activities will have started before this reporting period, but during the last period of the project there will be larger concentration on these efforts, mainly in order to secure sustainability of the Technopark Relations to international Technoparks and their organisations will be spent more resources on. Relations to international stakeholders of other kinds, e.g. FDI-organisations, will be searched. Further elaboration of financial relations on the market will be done, and special efforts will be made to connect to or start financial organisations like Regional Business Angels, Further development of fruitful relations to business angels’ European organisation EBAN will also be made. A large international conference will be held. The “Roll out” phase means that all activities will be finished off; Training material will be properly documented and experiences disseminated. Visibility activities will be finished off by producing new brochures using the achievements on profiling of the Technopark as point of departure, success stories will be published etc. The final report will be published and lessons learned from the project disseminated. The roll out activities, however, also demands that there should be presented ideas and possibly also preparations for future ways of following up ideas and activities planted by the project. In this way sustainability will be still more reinforced. The following sections will give a more systematic overview of activities to come for the rest or the project. nd 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 8 3.2.3 Timetable, work plan, and planned outputs from 21 May 2013 on Task Name Duration (days) Start Finish RESULT AREA 4. Increased awareness of teknopark and innovation support programs in the region. 456 Mon 11.02.13 Mon 10.11.14 456 Mon 11.02.13 Mon 10.11.14 PA2 Activity 2. Improving existing web site of KET and creating new web site for the YIC 23 Mon 09.12.13 Fri 01.02.14 Fully Operational Erciyes Technopark Web Portal Fully Operational YIC Website PA2 Activity 4. Preparation of an animated slide show 20 Tue 29.07.14 Mon 25.08.14 Animated Slide Show 30 Mon 02.12.13 Fri 10.01.14 Project Prestige Book PA2 Activity 6. Additional visibility and publicity activities 391 Mon 13.05.13 Mon 10.11.14 Innovative projects developed Innovative ideas and designs developed PA2 Sub-Activity 6.2. Organizing innovative project competition 256 Mon 13.05.13 Mon 05.05.14 Innovative Project Competitions organized 325 Mon 22.07.13 Fri 17.10.14 Innovation Fairs organized Principal Activity Two: Visibility and Publicity PA2 Activity 5. Preparation of project brochure PA2 Sub-Activity 6.3. Organizing innovation fair PA2 Sub-Activity 6.4. Increasing the Visibility of the Project by Using Various Media Tools PA2 Sub-Activity 6.5. Organizing final dissemination event RESULT AREA 2. Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Teknopark management and companies and knowledge intensive SMEs in the region Principal Activity Three: Capacity Building Outputs Brochure 30 Tue 17.12.13 Mon 27.01.14 Local TV & Radio Programmes Information Bulletin Promotional Materials Visual Materials such as Photographs and Videos 11 Mon 27.10.14 Mon 10.11.14 Final Dissemination organized 405 Mon 06.05.13 Fri 21.11.14 395 Mon 20.05.13 Fri 21.11.14 Event Methodology for evaluating applications developed Directive for Applicant Evaluation Applications evaluated PA3 Activity 1. Application Evaluation 395 2013-0624 Fri 07.11.14 PA3 Activity 2. Providing Trainings 374 Mon 17.06.13 Fri 12.09.14 5 Mon 09.12.13 Fri 21.12.13 Training Training Customized Materials PA3 Sub-Activity 2.2 Training of Trainers 15 Mon 02.01.14 Thu 18.01.14 The Erciyes Technopark and YIC Staff trained PA3 Sub-Activity 2.3. Delivering Trainings 305 Mon 23.12.13 Fri 12.09.14 Trainings delivered 394 Mon 20.05.13 Thu 20.11.14 335 Mon 20.05.13 Fri 29.08.14 PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing training plan and required training materials PA3 Activity 3. Consultancy to Resident Firms and Outside Entrepreneurs PA3 Sub-Activity 3.1. Providing customized consultancy for individual firms nd Curricula Manual Training Customized Consultancy services provided 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 9 PA3 Sub-Activity 3.2. Suggestions of additional consultancy for incubating firms PA3 Sub-Activity 3.3. Establishing pre-incubator in Erciyes TP 394 Mon 20.05.13 Thu 20.11.14 Consultancy for Incubating Firms 30 Wed 30.10.13 Tue 10.12.13 Pre-Incubator established PA3 Activity 4. Organization of Study Visits 73 2013-1109 PA3 Sub-Activity 4.1. Study visit in Turkey 51 Wed 10.07.13 Wed 18.09.13 Mon 03.02.14 Mon 09.11.13 Mon 07.02.14 Fri 13.11.13 Study visit to Istanbul 5 Study visit to Ankara 5 National and international study visits organized Study visit reports Two national study visits organized Study visit reports International study organized Study visit reports visit PA3 Sub-Activity 4.2. Multi-country visit 10 PA3 Activity 5. Establishing MOG and ICU 17 Mon 17.03.14 Tue 08.04.14 Guidelines for establishment of MOG and ICU prepared Job descriptions made 115 Tue 10.06.14 Mon 17.11.14 Patent Office established, Ateliers for Prototype Production established, Library established 272 Mon 02.09.13 Tue 16.09.14 272 Mon 02.09.13 Tue 16.09.14 PA3 Activity 7. Providing Assistance on Additional Areas RESULT AREA 3. Provision of Networking Scheme for the Innovation Centres Principal Activity Four: Assisting KET Networking with Innovation Centres PA4 Activity 1: Establishing KET-BAN Business Angels Network (BAN) and YIC-BAN and obtaining membership from EBAN 36 Mon 13.01.14 Wed 26.03.14 Erciyes Technopark-BAN and YIC-BAN establishment documents Review report on feasibility of Erciyes Technopark-BAN and YIC-BAN PA4 Activity 2: Accessing to international business networks, obtaining a membership of the KET to International Association of Science Parks (IASP) 29 Mon 02.09.13 Thu 14.11.13 Prepared documents for membership applications PA4 Activity 3: Promoting Virtual application for academicians 32 Mon 13.01.14 Mon 31.03.14 2 Mon 15.09.14 Tue 16.09.14 57 Mon 01.09.14 Tue 18.11.14 9 Thu 06.11.14 Tue 18.11.14 270 Mon 13.05.13 Fri 23.05.14 PA4 Activity 4: Conference on TDZs Organizing an Enterprise International Principal Activity Five: Project Closure PA5 Activity 3. Preparing Project Final Report Preparing Project Reports Report on management principles and system for Virtual Enterprise International Conference organized Next table shows the same activities in a Gantt-scheme, i.e. graphically illustrated distributed over the project time. nd 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 10 3.2.4 Timetable for the rest of the project, demonstrated as Gantt-scheme Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Principal Activity Two: Visibility and Publicity PA2 Activity 2. Transforming the existing web site of ET into a web portal by integrating various IT applications used by ETP Management and creating new web site for the YIC PA2 Activity 4. Preparation of an animated slide show PA2 Activity 5. Preparation of project brochure PA2 Activity 6. Additional visibility and publicity activities PA2 Sub-Activity 6.2. Organizing innovative project competition PA2 Sub-Activity 6.3. Organizing innovation fair PA2 Sub-Activity 6.4. Increasing the Visibility of the Project by Using Various Media Tools PA2 Sub-Activity 6.5. Organizing final dissemination event Principal Activity Three: Capacity Building PA3 Activity 1. Application Evaluation PA3 Activity 2. Providing Trainings PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1. Developing training plan and required training materials PA3 Sub-Activity 2.2. Training of Trainers PA3 Sub-Activity 2.3. Delivering Trainings Block A Human Resource Management Trainings Block B Innovation Management Trainings Block C Economic Management Trainings PA3 Activity 3. Consultancy to Resident Firms and Outside Entrepreneurs PA3 Sub-Activity 3.1. Providing customized consultancy for individual firms PA3 Sub-Activity 3.2. Suggestions of additional consultancy for incubating firms PA3 Sub-Activity 3.3. Establishing pre-incubator in ET PA3 Activity 4. Organization of Study Visits PA3 Activity 5. Establishing MOG and ICU PA3 Activity 7. Providing Assistance on Additional Areas nd 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Principal Activity Four: Assisting ET Networking with Innovation Centres PA4 Activity 1. Establishing ET-BAN and YIC-BAN and obtaining membership from EBAN PA4 Activity 2. Accessing to international networks, obtaining a membership from IASP PA4 Activity 3. Promoting Virtual Enterprise application for academicians PA4 Activity 4. Organizing an International Conference on TDZs Principal Activity Five: Project Closure PA5 Activity 1. Organizing project closure workshop PA5 Activity 2. Preparing Draft Final Report PA5 Activity 3. Preparing Project Final Report 3.2.5 Milestones for the rest of the project Following two tables show the milestones. The first diagram, a Gantt-scheme, shows graphically the distribution of the critical points in time distributed over the whole project period. The second illustrates the same milestones in a logical sequence of time in a flow chart. Milestones in a Gantt-scheme: Month Principal Activity Two: Visibility and Publicity Preparation of project brochure Organizing final dissemination event Principal Activity Three: Capacity Building Developing training plan and required training materials Delivering trainings Establishing pre-incubator in ET Organizing Study visits Establishing MOG and ICU Providing Assistance on Additional Areas Principal Activity Four: Assisting ET Networking with Innovation Centres Establishing ET-BAN and YIC-BAN and obtaining membership from EBAN Accessing to international networks, obtaining a membership from IASP Promoting Virtual Enterprise application for academicians Organizing an International Conference on TDZs Principal Activity Five: Project Closure Organizing project closure workshop Preparing Draft Final Report Preparing Project Final Report nd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 M9 M20 M5 M8 M18 M5 M17 M6 M10 M6 M6 M6 M11 M11 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre M15 M12 M13 M14 M16 M18 M19 M21 12 4. Project progress, reporting period 21 Nov 2012 - 20 May 2013, detailed description The main focus on this second reporting period has been on implementation of the empirical studies. The presentation will start with briefing about them, but the work done will not follow time order of their accomplishment. Instead there will be descriptions made according to the three principle areas (PA1 –PA3), where substantial work has been done so far. 4.1 PA 1 Empirical Studies 4.1.1 Stakeholder analysis Stakeholder analysis is supposed to be a substantial point of departure in Best practices for most studies which are promoted by European Union. By understanding the various stakeholders’ different kind of interests in a programme target area, you create understanding not only for the stakeholder’s different kind of involvement in the project. You also can show that there will be variation in the kind of perception of the consequences that will be considered as project results for different participants. Against this background the first level of stakeholder analysis was introduced as a general characterization of the project setting as a demand on the preparatory study in the ToR, to be presented in the Inception Report. Hence this first step was presented according to the demands, showing different kinds of attitudes and preparedness vis à vis the Regional Innovation project and the Technopark from the different stakeholders. On the whole, however, all interviewed parties showed positive attitudes, and were more or less prepared to support the project with resources from their own organisations. During the following period of project implementation a discussion was introduced from OCU where intentions were expressed to go much deeper in the stakeholder analysis, especially concerning the relations between the regional universities and industry, and the role of Erciyes Technopark as an intermediate part in this relation. Subsequently a second level of stakeholder analysis, a university assessment, was planned. Some basic ideas behind this can be described by the following figure: The university should be assessed concerning its innovative possibilities, capacity, obstacles and other restrictions, and their actual output, in order to make the relations between academic work and industrial cooperation understandable. Ideas for improvements should be discussed, where especially ET’s role should be paid interest to: Needs for services should be in focus of this SNA-study. nd Technopark measures to meet potential problems University assessment Technological achivement Commercially viable output 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 13 There were intense discussions with OCU on how to cover all relevant parts of the university and what methodology would suit the focus on commercialization best. We agreed on using a professional expert very experienced in the regional academic system, and because of resource restrictions primarily using group discussions for data collection (combined with other methods). A short summary mainly of the investigation process is presented in Appendix 1. Results: The study shows a very complicated path between formulation of an idea, the project elaboration and financing, and following cooperation and commercialization. There are lots of obstacles within the academic system. However, most important problems seem to be the lack of mutual understanding between the academic and the commercial industrial cultures. There are no easy ways to overcome mistrust just by organizing cooperation (but it is a good first step). Erciyes Technopark can play a more important role here also as an intermediary with “one foot in each camp”. A conclusion, indirectly understood from the report, is that ET should provide an commercial environment with a Business Community, where academic entrepreneurs should abide time to learn the intricate commercial culture, and where industrial development departments might come closer to understand the creative spirit of the technological front from university people. Given the importance of the role of the Technopark, it is surprising how limited the knowledge of the opportunities still were at the time of the data collection in the project. There are indications that these conditions have improved later, but more must be done to this. Output: A draft report “University Potential Analysis Report for Improving Collaboration in between Erciyes University and Erciyes Technopark” is available on the Regional Innovation project’s web page www.etbim.tr. 4.1.2 TNA-analysis, according to best practice TNA-analysis is also an instrument which is regarded as Best Practice according to EU standards, to be used before implementing training programmes. TNA analysis can be made in many ways. If the target is a single person, a company or local industry the approaches will be different. Sometimes you compare existing experiences to needs which are derived from job instructions. Sometimes you compare the actual experiences with necessary characteristics for a successful industrial segment. The TNA-study of the Regional innovation project has chosen a method that identifies essential capacities of the industries. If low qualifications are found, it shows needs where qualifications need to be increased. If qualifications are very high, there might be an opportunity to improve the companies’ competitive edge. This means that high as well as low qualifications are searched for in essential areas for commercial success. In this way “needs” for training are located. The study has also asked about the “preferences” for training. The results of the studies show different, but partially overlapping results. When the companies state a problem, they are not always aware of the fact that there is training available as a remedy for the problem. Hence the risk is that they might pronounce preferences for conventional training courses instead, just because of ignorance. 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 14 Results: Three main approaches crystallize as areas where training is needed. The most striking result is that almost all companies express problems related to recruitment of labour force with the proper qualifications. Even if people have got the right education in the region, they leave for better jobs in more central areas of Turkey. If they are trained on the job, which may be a heavy investment for the firm, the risk for mobility increases instead of the opposite. The second large area of need for improvement is concerning economic management. A large amount of companies have a surprisingly low capacity utilisation, and other indicators of low economic efficiency. If this is an effect of low precision of the survey instrument or not can be discussed, but it is a well-known fact from science of work that high creativity often comes together with low efficiency. A good project manager (aiming at introducing change) is seldom a good production manager (aiming at maintaining efficient production). And the results show that the investigated sample of companies show an unexpected high degree of R&D activities and high degree of innovativeness (which may be explained by the large proportion of Technopark tenants in to total sample). The project has resulted in a report, which is summarised in Appendix 2. A very interesting database has also been delivered, which offers opportunities for further processing, to go closer into the relations between various subgroups of the sample, and the variation of the results. The project has also resulted in a structure for a training programme, where the basic results from the needs analysis is a base for three main blocks. The first concerns the overwhelming problem with personnel issues, which will be overcome by Human Resource training. The second block concerns the competitive edge of the industrial structure, viz. Innovation Management, where we believe that further specialised training really can increase competitiveness. The third concerns economic management, as a base for increased “institutionalisation” which seems to be a real need for, especially if the international orientation of the industry will be stimulated. The specification of the training blocks has used results from the preference investigations made in the same survey. Output: A draft report “Assessment of Innovation Capacity of SMEs and Training Needs Assessment Report”. This report is available at our web page www.etbim.tr. The report also contains presentation of data from supplementary on-line survey, issued for Erciyes and Bozok Universities’ students, mainly concerning attitudes related to entrepreneurship a supplementary on-line survey, issued for Erciyes and Bozok universities’ academic professionals concerning academic project planning 4.1.3 Workshop on the SNA and TNA-study The SNA and TNA studies and the preliminary reports from them were processed in workshop, according to the original plans of the project. The purpose of a workshop is not primarily to disseminate results, but to require an input from participants. In this way the most important stakeholders were given an opportunity to participate in 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 15 the finalizing of the reports, as well as exert proper influence of the Training Programme, that was developed as an outcome of the results from the mentioned studies. Another important purpose, not to be forgotten even if this workshop is seen as a part of the empirical work of the project, is the visibility effect of this event. The seminar was a high profile event, opened by the deputy rector Professor Dr. Abdulhakim of Erciyes University, and rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Uçar of Bozok University and TL Prof. Dr. Grahm. DTL Ass. Prof. Dr. Colakoğlu and Deputy Director of Erciyes Technopark Mr. Yazlık were moderating and summarizing the event. The agenda and participation lists are attached as Appendix 3.1 and 3.2 In the first part of the workshop the TNA-study and the following training programme was presented by the senior expert Erdal, who had managed the study. (The introductory speeches are presented in Appendix 3.3 and 3.4) The open auditorium workshop was concentrated around the training programme, and some of the dominating viewpoints were recommendations to Select courses which were not easy to find elsewhere on the market, e.g. from university or private training institutes Concentrate the resources around a few courses for better quality and marketing, rather than shallow coverage of too many subjects Try to use unconventional pedagogical approach to profile the courses as adapted to existing regional industry’s needs. Adapt as much as possible to participating companies If possible, try to use homogeneous participant groups for classes Do not forget Yozgat in the planning More comments can be read as appendix to the final TNA-report. The second part of the workshop was concentrated on the SNA study, where participation of the academic auditorium was part of the project design. (The presentation of senior expert Prof. Dr. Kiper is attached as Appendix 3.5) Intensive discussions ended in recommendations on extended ways of cooperation between university and industry, where ET should play a more central role. A third part of the workshop was devoted to an overall evaluation from OCU’s side, where the conclusions and recommendations from the auditorium were considered. On the whole, it was stated from OCU’s side that the empirical investigations had corresponded to their demands, and they were satisfied with the conclusions made by the experts. OCU also agrees at large with the general statements made at the workshop. Press reactions to the seminar I shown in Appendix 3.6. 4.1.4 ET/YIC assessment The SNA-study shows that inventions from university projects that are intend to for commercial markets need much more than general information on entrepreneurial development. Various kinds of service will be required to make products viable for the market, and a business culture is needed to transform an academician into a real entrepreneur. The academic system recognizes the great value of industrial utility of their education and research, but the system does not offer the necessary means. Does the Technopark do it instead? 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 16 Education and training is always needed to have a successful industry in the region. But is University attendance enough for industrial managers, or do they demand training that is especially adapted to industrial needs? And, if so, who will supply it? The TNA-study shows that there really are specific problems, many of them especially large in the Kayseri region. These issues are raised in the Assessment against the background of the SNA and TNA studies. A frame of reference has been formulated in terms of the five main dimensions, in line with what best practice prescribes for a general assessment. The conclusions are made in an ongoing process where change happens faster than the report is written. Subsequently this kind of assessment will not be a final presentation of the status of things. The assessment continues during full project period, to be presented as part of the final report. In this way experiences will successively be developed together with ET management, and, if feasible, implemented in the organization. Preliminary results: The first issue concerns if the ET is doing what Technoparks “are supposed to do”. Relevance is supposed to be shown by recruitment of “leading edge” tenants, and by playing a local significant role. This means that politicians and other important players proudly should present the Technopark as representative for the city and regional industrial development. – Relevant ambitions can be recognized at ET, but there is still some way to go. The second issue concerns effectiveness. This means doing the right things. To correspond to the demand from the SNA study and provide a Business Community and the demands from the TNAstudy in terms of presenting needs oriented services (much more than those presented in the TNAstudy) means effectiveness. ET corresponds to these demands, and shows a proper organizational structure, even if there is needed some development here also. When it comes to efficiency we believe that the young and dynamic staff will make a good job, especially after some training of trainers has been implemented and maybe some recruitment of financial professionals have been done. The property management function (PMC) does not show efficient result, however, and there is needed creative action to elaborate new supplementing sources of income, in ways already performed by other Technoparks. A Technopark needs several decennia to wield impact on regional industry. Both SNA and TNA study shows little awareness so far in University and Industry of Technopark possibilities. But the organization is young, and significant indications of change have already started to appear. Sustainability is the last dimension to be analyzed. Favored conditions that exist at present, stipulated by Law and by treatment of state organisations, might give a good start. Planning must be done, however, with the ambition to have a development in the long run independent of market obstructing incitements for change. Output: The report “Assessment of Erciyes Technopark and Yozgat Innovation Centre” is available in Appendix 4 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 17 4.1.4 Integrative stakeholder analysis Stakeholder analyses have been done on two levels before, as described under 4.1.1 above. The first level was general interviews during inception phase on various stakeholders’ attitudes vis a vis the project proposal. The second was a deeper analysis with special focus on university and industry. We will now make the analysis still more sophisticated by regarding all social institution that have interest in or can exert influence on the Technopark as stakeholders. We regard this as the third level of the analysis. We will use all empirical studies and observations made by us so far as basis for inferences. We will not only try to integrate the SNA, TNA and the ET/YIC assessments, which one by one presented their own perspectives on what was regarded as the most important stakeholders. In order to make it possible to discover general trends or patterns we have sorted the numerous numbers of stakeholders, which are possible to recognize in our material, into five main groups. Besides these we have the management of the Technopark, which is regarded as the Technopark itself. Following figure summarizes how the groups are sorted: Technopark org The green boxes are marking the most significant players in each group OWNERS POTENTIAL ENTREPRENEURS Municipal POTENTIAL organisations’ TENANTS INUSTRY Students, targets State innovation Dev.dep. Graduates, orgnisations’s intrapreneurs Academic targets Universities as professionals R&D system University Chamber of commerce and Industry Industrial zone org. Chamber of Commerce and trade Management The four categories of stakeholders are: OWNERS POTENTIAL ENTREPRENEURS/ POTENTIAL TENANTS USERS OF THE TECHNOPARK INVESTORS, and OTHERS ET, Technopark YIC, Innovation Centre Mass media Hi Tech Industry Private consumers Outsourced R&D, large corporations USERS ET Tenants Serivice providers Venture companies INVESTORS Tubitak Bank and accounting Business angels FDI Innovation funds Kosgeb TTGV ORAN MoSIT When generalizing the tendencies based on observations related only too few of the players of each group we oversimplify the picture, of course. We accept this for the sake of the discussion. The first group is dominated by the main owner, the university. This stakeholder has not accentuated returns on investments of capital as primary or even secondary purpose of the Technopark. Some discussions in the SNA study points at the fact that some owners regard the Technopark as the research organization of the university. This is a position that really needs further discussion. The second group consists of potential tenants, which regards the Technopark as an important opportunity for finding the most fruitful environment for developing new innovative ideas into 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 18 commercial products. It is possible to trace some bias in the SNA study, but it is also existent in the TNA study, where stakeholders mainly are supposed to be academicians. -More innovations emanate from industry than from university, which the ET-assessment points out. Do not forget the special interests of the significant role played here by Industry. The users are a well-defined group of Tenants, but the ET-assessment makes clear that more subgroups should be included here. Not only leading innovators, but also more service providers. The issues are brought up in the SNA study, but few concrete recommendations are made. The fourth group that seems to have increased their notice of the Technopark significantly during the ongoing project period is the Investors. Maybe some visibility activities start to give effects. In this group we have defined state and other organisations as “investors” in the sense that they want to use their available funds, grants or loans, for good projects in order to simulate returns in the form of innovation and growth. The Technopark has started to fill this very important role. Sorry to say, however, private investors on the market, e.g. the attractive FDIs, have still not found the Technopark. The ET-assessment points this out. There is a group of “other” stakeholders also. Mass media might be the most significant of these. Obviously press and TV have started to discover opportunities for telling good stories from the Technopark environment. This progress report gives a few examples. More is there to come when the big success cases (or new scandals) will occur. A stakeholder analysis makes a point in discussing the proximity between stakeholders and the system they have stakes in, and about the variation of power between different stakeholders. This makes it possible to predict were the most fruitful campaigns or other efforts to promote change can be done. It is also used to fore say what main changes are to be expected, and makes possible to propose actions to support or mitigate these. The integrative report, Appendix 5, gives examples of this. 4.2 Visibility activities during the period 4.2.1 Transforming the Erciyes Technopark’s web site to a web portal The objective of this particular activity is to transform the existing Website of the Erciyes Technopark into a full-fledged Web Portal by integrating various IT applications used by the Erciyes Technopark Management essentially for administrative financial and technical operations. There is also an intention to replicate it for use by YIC, when this organisation will be elaborated after proper registration as legal person. The development of ET’s website is intended for multipurpose use, and the following sections are planned: Erciyes Technopark website (Tenant information, business applications, announcement system, survey system, etc.) YIC website; (Tenant information, business applications announcement system, survey system, etc.) TTO website; (All TTO activities must be presented online.) nd 2 Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 19 Project website A system for the reports on the company activities; (A system where the necessary legal reports to be given to the Ministry by the tenants in the region every month regularly are found in it) TTO management/job tracking and expert panel; (Following up the business processes; monitoring TTO staff; performance analysis etc.) All these sub-sections are supposed to communicate with the database of the current software, TEKPO, and the general information will be stored at the same place. The system is prepared under direct control of ET management. CVs for Proposed consultants are sent to SRER and CA for approval. They are supposed to finish the job soon after approval ToR for the job is attached as Appendix 6 Output: A preliminary system based on the above ideas is working, but further elaboration is expected. A new web address is also registered for YIC, under the domain name www.bozokteknopark.com. It is expected to be in service next month 4.2.2 Development of our own web page The implementation of the web page of the Regional Innovation project is in principal ready. The STE involved for the job has finished his mission, but is still at our disposal for minor changes. The web page includes a calendar of events, showing the project’s main activities and events, but also larger events arranged by other organisations, if they are of general interest for innovation development. A special section will be used for the time schedule of the training programme, which is just under implementation. Other main categories of the web page are Home About Us Services News Announcement Links Gallery Surveys Contact The fact that the first web page structure is finished does not mean that development has stopped. Special interest will be paid to further elaboration, not only of the substance but also of the structure of the web page. Appendix 7.1 shows the ToR for the developer’s work Appendix 7.2 gives examples of graphic looks of the web page. 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 20 4.2.3 Visibility by marketing of the Training Programme The training will need special marketing to be noticed by industry. Attention is created by mass media, posters, and advertising and general information activities. In order to make regional companies send managers for participating in courses on working hours, there is needed more. The value added of participation and learning must be properly understood. A number of efforts have been made. These will also have general effect on visibility if the activities performed by the Technopark: The project will require from each involved trainer that s/he can formulate the most important arguments for attending their course. This will be used in marketing. Brochures have been developed for creating attention. (Appendix 8.1) A Special data base is prepared, offering participants of the TNA study priority when choosing course. Direct marketing by telephone will be used. 2 lunch meetings have been held for general promotion of the Technopark and special marketing of the training programme. The first was targeting local mass media, and the second focused on important local stakeholders. Reactions in social media are shown in Appendix 8.2. These events have also been seen as occasions for testing various methods for increasing visibility in general 4.2.4 Innovation fair At the end of last project reporting period we took part of an event organized by ETTO in cooperation also with Erciyes University, Kayseri Chamber of Commerce, and Kayseri Chamber of Industry, the Organized Industrial Zone and an Engineering club of students. The “Project Park” showed many examples of creative students and also more advanced entrepreneurial projects. A few of them have later been in contact with our office, to discuss ways to organize participation in entrepreneurship development. This event gave a number of experiences. These were supplemented by others in “Innovation Turkey 2013”, in Istanbul, which was initiated by the Regional Innovation project. Erciyes Technopark was the official participant and four advanced tenants from the park were co-exhibitors. The participation generated insights not only in the way good marketing by exhibitions should be done. It also made comparative material from other participating Technoparks in Turkey available, and created lots of contacts in general. Some photos from the fair are attached (Appendix 9.1) and a preliminary list of organisations met Appendix 9.2). The activities inspired to participation in new events, in order to increase contact net as well as experiences on how to use this marketing medium the best way. Consequently ET participated in the “Istanbul Innovation week”, shortly after this reporting period’s end, and an event with Turkcell is planned in Kayseri. Next project report will have more comments on this. 4.2.5 Preparatory work for project competition The first project competition organized in cooperation with the Regional Innovation project will take place during next reporting period. In the recently finished period, however, various kinds of preparations for arranging a business competition have been taking place. Among other objectives, the idea is that the competition will end up in a number of selected candidates for participation in 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 21 the incubator/pre-incubator activities in ET. This department will be established as soon as building 4 is ready. At present the plan is March 2013. Preparations have been made on how to Formulate a attentive Title of the competition Select target groups and market the competition vis à vis them Discuss general rules and what preparatory material that should be distributed to the participants Composition of jury, decision of rewards Attempts to find challenging new ways of formulating demands to the participants: Requirements of formulating a striking pitch, e.g. by means of using You Tube Time and process Appendix 10 shows the basic recommendations form Tubitak. 4.2.6 Other mass media reactions The TAT has pronounced the ambition to work closer to mass media. A few personal contacts have been built up, but no large effort has been made so far to use these. In examples above we have shown attendance by press and media at luncheon meetings and on the Workshop event. A couple of more examples will be given here. One is from the important Project Steering Committee. The other concerns attention to the Bozok Technopark, where we have some ongoing contacts with the University rector (though not in the specific occasion mentioned by the appended article.) Other mass media have also shown attention, but it is not listed here. Appendix 11 gives some examples. 4.2.7 Visibility gadgets The project is also working with traditional means for creating attention, as recommended in the communication strategy: Pens, notes blocks, paper files to be used as brochures, suitcases with discrete logos. To be used for marketing in combination with events. And we have used our incidental budget reservations also for some more conspicuous exhibition billboards. Appendix 12 illustrates. 4.3 Capacity enhancement 4.3.1 Development of training programme A programme has been developed by TAT in accordance to the main results of the TNA-report based on needs for training for regional industry. It is also related to preferences expressed during the same study. The programme was slightly altered according to the comments from the Workshop described above. Hence the Training programme has been divided into three blocks (as described in Appendix 13). The first block concerns Human Resources Management, and contains three subtitles for courses Leadership training Talent Management 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 22 Learning Organisations All three are seen as strategic issues for industrial development in the globalizing world today, to meet the challenges of fast changing labor markets with new demands on labor force. The second block aims at strengthening the competitive advantages of the regional industry, by improving Innovation Management. The best way of doing this is learning how to be good at accomplishment of Project management Intellectual property rights Open Innovation Strategy management Entrepreneurship development The third block concerns the necessary demands for making efficient organisations of companies that have spent their resources more on innovative development than standardization of production. Increased efficiency is needed to meet new competitors, national or international. Basic Business development Marketing Business administration, other Subsequently 10 different courses have been developed. Courses will be delivered in modules lasting for 2 – 4 days. The goal is that minimum 242 participants will be attending the classes according to demand in the ToR for our project. The ambition, however, is that we will reach the double amount of participants. We will not follow the distribution of training courses the way it is suggested in the ToR, where almost all training capacity is concentrated to the four compulsory subjects (Project management, IPR, Entrepreneurship training and sustainability). Our intention is to distribute the training capacity more even between all 10 courses mentioned above. By using a system with call off-agreements with the trainers, we intend to adapt the supply of courses also to the areas where the demand is the largest. In practice this means that all courses will be presented in two rounds, in this way spending around 70% of the resources. Then an evaluation will follow, after which only the courses with high demand will be called off. If demand is to low, we will discuss transferring resting training resources into other technical support (after agreement with OCU). A training calendar including the first two training rounds in every group will be presented at the end of December. Full day training courses will, according to experiences from the Elazığ project, start early afternoon, and last to late evening, including break for a meal and social interaction between participants. Participants should be allowed to change course time, including use of weekends, if there is consensus within a group and with trainer. Output: training programme, Appendix 13 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 23 4.3.2 Development of training packages For all senior trainers there has been reserved preparatory time for development of the training package for respective course. For each of the three blocks one of the senior trainers also has been assigned time for coordination of all courses within the block. It should be noted that the preparation is not only made for presenting the course twice or more times. The preparatory material is representing packages of knowledge to be used later by ET and YIC (or by other organisations in EU). Two rounds of performing the training course are supposed to be needed for practical testing if the packages are good or need improvement. In reality the packages in themselves represent a more important future output of the project than the trained persons, who might change positions, forget or sometimes not learn properly. The packages should thus be regarded as the legacy of the whole training project. Output: The output so far contains the ToRs developed for the 10 areas. Basic directives of the substance to be developed by the senior trainer are specified there. Appendix 14.1-14.9 shows ToR for all senior and junior experts. 4.3.2 Development of special programme for training of trainers General training ToR for the Regional Innovation project states that the TTO-staff of the Technoparks shall take part of the training to be able to take over after some first round. The intention is that they shall be trained in order to be responsible for the training themselves when the project is finished. In practice ET management will appoint two persons from the ETTO staff for each training block, with the purpose that there always should be one person available at every course. Besides learning from the training, these persons will give feed-back and have a tight relation to the senior trainers that are responsible for the course. An internal expertise profile will be delivered vis a vis the training blocks. Special training for trainers Certain courses are not aimed at private industry. Project cycle management, PCM, is never practiced as project management method by private companies. The method is very timeconsuming and used mainly to gain control. Private companies that use project management methods for creativity and demand efficient time use would, for example, prefer benchmarking instead. PCM, however, is used by public organisations or international donors, who finance large projects, which might be future tasks for ETTO. Conclusion: PCM should be mastered by ETTO but not trained by regional industry. The same thing is true for a method like Result Oriented Capacity Change, ROACH. In this method training projects will be implemented based on strategic capacity change, and results will be measured not only by test of learnt subjects. It will also be measured by the real effects of using these new skills or qualifications that are gained by the training. This is another example of an 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 24 expensive but safe method of controlling results of implemented training, seldom used by private companies. Large international organisations use it to make safe investments in training. These two examples indicate that here are several methods which are good for project managing organisations like a Technopark, but not feasible for individual firms. A set of these kinds of methods and models were discussed during the TNA, made with the staff of ET. At another occasion with it was practiced with a few persons connected to the Bozok University. Based on conclusions from these small investigations a short programme on training for trainers will be introduced. It will have the form of internal seminars for small groups of ET staff, maybe also potential staff from YIC (or Bozok Technopark) and other selected persons. A preliminary time schedule will be presented at the end of January, but dates will be adjusted from meeting to meeting, dependent on time available from the participant persons. The seminars will be led by TL or DTL from the Regional Innovation project. If there is possible to transfer resources from other activities (e.g. left over training capacity from the ordinary programme) external trainers might be assigned for support. We have discussed the special need for this e.g. when it comes to financial training. Output: A tentative Training programme for trainers is presented in Appendix 15. 4.3.4 Coaching, customised consultancy to individual firms General support, application for special support, and mentoring Project planning during Inception period formulated the objective of coaching as providing assistance to resident firms of ET on financial and administrative issues including sales. Marketing and contact work for creating partnerships abroad with companies working in similar fields are also good examples of common tasks. The point of coaching in difference from tutoring is that the consultant never takes the initiative from the client. In principle the consultant works reactive, and stimulates by supplementary proposals or general advice related to whatever problem the client raises. The contacts so far have been within the Technopark Tenants and in one case a large non-resident company. Discussion has been on general economic conditions, product development, and market relations. In a few cases international contacts have been searched for future introduction of new market relations. Several sessions have been dealing with the Turkish innovation stimulation system; in form a grants or loans, mostly those provided by Tubitak. In order to generate experiences for training in coaching in the Training of Trainers programme (see the section above) we are elaborating and working with a CRM module for customer relations in coaching. Reports on coaching cases handled so far are possible to print out (classified). The database contains detailed information from the sessions. A booklet about Tubitak’s “1507 Program” has been prepared. 100 copies of it have been distributed to tenants by ETTO, and a A letter has been sent to invite SMEs for mentoring on the 1507 Project 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 25 preparation. Information has also been given on how to register to ARBIS and PROBIS databases of TUBİTAK. Notice about patent search related with the companies’ own fields of R&D are also distributed. Output: A few international relations have been tested as distributors for export of products, and one example of international partnership in product development has been handled. Help with applications for support from TÜBITAK’s R&D program has been delivered to 10 companies. In a few cases, support has been granted. Lately one of our coaching companies was granted 250.000 USD for development project from Tubitak. At the moment we have indications of that at least one more company will soon be granted support. The list of Tubitak firms where applications are supported is appended as 16. Support to cluster formation Modern innovation policy usually includes cluster formation objectives. The idea is that several functionally related conglomerates of companies from the same geographical area can mobilise the critical mass needed. This is supposed to increase both internal creativity and strength, and external visibility on the market. Cluster formation means that a step is taken from the common network economy, where relations means a lot but the organisation is weak, into a strong organised system with shared goals. Many ideas exist on how to organise a cluster, and international experiences tell different stories from sector to sector, from one geographical area with its specific characteristics to another. Ministry of Economy supports the formation of clusters. For this purpose a group has been formed, URGE, for Improving International Competitiveness Support Program. Erciyes Technopark can offer five separate projects for this program from different industrial sectors. The first cluster was organized in connection to the software sector, including 23 enterprises. A second cluster is formed, KAYMOB, related to the furniture industry. It involves 21 small and medium sized enterprises. i The number of members is expected to increase. The elaboration of the application dossiers for applying ministry has been supported by TAT. Business training and consultancy needs of cluster members were analyzed. These clusters will be followed by new formation of clusters and application for support. Next in line are the machinery sector, electrical appliances and food industry, where applications are supposed to deliver during 2014. TAT has experiences on cluster formation and cluster management from earlier international projects, and is prepared to support by request. Output: Preliminary approval was obtained from the Ministry of the program. When the program starts for increasing the businesses' export the training, consulting, international business trip, purchasing committee and qualified professionals supports will be provided. The support for each one is about 3,250,000 USD, which is 80% of the project budget. This will be provided as a grant by the Ministry of Economy. 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 26 4.3.5. Specific Consultancy support to ET organization Capacity building on Technology transfer. Guiding manual for contracting when license bound rights are commercialised. PA3, on capacity building, includes all headlines in this section so far, but there is also reserved means for “providing assistance for additional areas” (PA 3.7). As the project’s TAT is supposed to support establishment of a patent office connected to Erciyes Technopark, which has not begun yet, we have seen as a first step to support capacity building in relation to use of Intellectual Property Rights. For the practical purpose of developing the necessary juridical documents, and knowledge how to use them when licenses are negotiated and sold in transfer of technology processes, two short term experts have been assigned (STE and JTE). In a situation where university research patents will be traded it is necessary to establish a structure within the framework of internal directives and policies, then to prepare reference agreements to serve as basis for contractual relations. The fact that part of the income will be obtained by State Universities must be taken into consideration. ToRs for the assignments, attached in Appendix 17, gives details on how the tasks have been approached. ET Management and TTO were informed about the latest status of Intellectual Property Rights. Output: A minor English comment on the job is presented by the consultants, but no comprehensive report will be delivered. The output however is materialised in the documents (only in Turkish) that are available in ETTO’s archive. These document catalogues include: Erciyes University Invention Disclosure Form Erciyes University Intellectual Product Disclosure Form and Measures Erciyes University ETTOMER (Erciyes Technology Transfer Office) Regulation Incubation Service Agreement Pre-Incubation Service Agreement Employee Confidentiality Agreement Confidentiality Agreement Agreement for the Distribution of Rights between the University and the Investor Company Agreement for the Distribution of Rights between the University and the Investor Company Agreement for the Distribution of Rights between the University and the Instructors Agreement for the Distribution of Rights between the Investor and the Entrepreneur Service Agreement Agreement for the Distribution of Rights between the Investor and the Entrepreneur Project Agreement University Service Agreement Project Agreement University – Industry Cooperation Agreement Project Agreement ETTO – Industry cooperation Agreement 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 27 Support on ISO-certification ET plans to certify its organisation according to ISO 9000 standards, by the Turkish Institute for Standardisation. In the process, which is supposed to last for about two months, the Regional Innovation project will supply short term expert support. The proposed consultant has not started during this reporting period. Networking The concentration on networking will be expressed in several kinds of efforts during the final reporting period (that start the 21st of May 2014). General work, mainly in relation to visibility promotion, has networking effects however. New contacts are continuously created. Some first efforts for contact with IASP, the world Wide Technopark professional organisation, have been taken. A planned travel to an international conference was cancelled, however. First preparatory drafts for application for member ship in the European organisation for business angels have also been prepared. There is no substantial progress to report for the first reporting period, however. 4.6 Organisational issues during the project period MoSIT (SRER and CA) has decided to follow a rational system of coordinating Project Steering Committees, PSC, for all three (so far only two: Elazığ and Kayseri/Yozgat) Regional Innovation projects and the corresponding Construction projects. This gives a better overview on what happens in relations to these three Technoparks, but detailed information will get lost instead. Hopefully this can be compensated with good direct relations between the Technical Assistance Teams, TAT, and the Task Managers at MoSIT and responsible persons in the EUD. TAT has requested information from SRER during this period on their intentions to introduce a parallel management system of more advisory character, in accordance with ideas launched by the project ToR. No such intentions have been expressed, however. During the reporting period the 4th Project Steering Committee meeting was convened in Kayseri, including also Elazığs Technopark project and both construction projects. It was a positive and very informative meeting, followed by a dinner with mingling opportunities. New important contacts were established. The agenda from the meeting is attached, Appendix 19.1, and the presentation made by our TL, Appendix 19.2. 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 28 4.7 Resource utilisation from start to 20th November 2013 The empirical phase has finished. A few work days reserved for short term experts, which are exclusively related to this period are not used. We will propose reallocation of them to the continued work, after discussion with OCU and decision by CA. The following table marks unused working days during the PA 1 with yellow highlighting. Other Task Name JE SE Planned Used Remaining Planned Used Remaining 58 46 12 132 105 27 21 10 11 32 27 5 8 8 0 3 3 0 PA1 Activity 3. Field and market research 10 10 0 100 78 22 PA1 Activity 4. Analysis of field survey results 7 7 0 PA1 Activity 5. Training needs assessment 5 5 0 4 3 1 Inception Phase RESULT AREA 1:Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for the development of technology based and innovative businesses. Principal Activity One: Field Survey and Studies PA1 Activity 1. Stakeholder and Target group analysis PA1 Activity 2. Preparation of field survey/study toolsquestionnaire research PA1 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing methodology for field PA1 Sub-Activity 2.2 Developing the questionnaire PA1 Activity 6. Reviewing and assessing the current status of the KET and YIC PA1 Activity 7. Organizing a workshop One PA1 Activity 8. Preparing Synthesis Report for Principal Activity 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 29 Following table gives an overview of the resources utilisation for the first 12 out o4 24 available months. Half project time has passed, but what about the resources? Project Title: Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Planning Period 21 May 2013-20 Nov 2013 Country: Turkey Resources/Inputs Personnel: Team Leader Deputy Team Leader Personnel STE: Senior (Instructor) Senior Expert Junior Expert Total Planned Period Planned Period Realized Total Realized Available for Remainder 350 350 120 120 81 106 173 196 177 154 209 191 300 50 67 137 0 45 113 0 50 113 209 141 187 Expert Total: 1 400 868 Incidentals: EUR 235.000 EUR 223 137,38 14 200,00 11 862,62 11 862,62 As can be see, the spending of working days of the TAT (TL and DTL) are almost exactly half of the resources available. A little less for the TL and a little more for the DTL, this is in accordance with the more detailed plans. Concerning short term consultants a little less than 40% is spent, which also is according to plan, given that the rather resource consuming training period is about two months late, compared to the original plans. This resource gap will be compensated during the present reporting period, after which also the training component is supposed to be on schedule. At large, the project is on schedule; empirical investigations are concluded, and technical assistance in relation to capacity building, besides training and study tours, is a little ahead of schedule. The incidental budget is almost untouched. Expected travelling and networking with other projects etc. have been suppressed in comparison with expectations. And the very resources consuming study trips are just about to start. So there is no surplus to be expected here. As a summary there are reasons to claim that the project is in balance, with small time delays possible to catch up in one sector, and reasonable extra advancements in other. 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 30 5. Planned project activities for forthcoming reporting period, 21 Nov 2012 - 20 May 2013, detailed description The reporting period starts by producing the Progress report for the second reporting period. Besides this there are several tasks on-going from last period. Most important here are some minor finalising of written reports from the empirical studies, recruitment of new short term trainers and experts, and some fine tuning of the ToRs for these together with OCU, and the decision making process also including SRER and CA. The training programme is decided, but the schedule for classes and other forms for training is not possible to decide until there is final approval of the ToRs and the agreements are made with the trainers. Besides these going tasks, there are a number of new tasks to be performed during this intermediate reporting period. The incidental period proposed the following in the list below. However, the order in between them has been shifted in a few cases, and it is expected that even more changes will be done during the period, after discussion and approval by OCU. The presentation that follows after this table will not follow the time order, but is demonstrated in relation to the Principal Areas (PA) where they belong. Following timetable shows the specific activities to be introduced during next reporting period according to plan. # Start Finish 14 Mon 17.12.13 Fri 27.01.14 25 Mon 09.11.13 Fri 13.11.13 15 Mon 17.12.13 Fri 27.01.14 26 17 18 19 Mon 20.05.13 Fri 29.08.14 Mon 09.12.13 Mon 21.12.13 Tue 02.01.14 Thu 18.01.14 Tue 23.12.13 Mon 12.09.14 31 Mon 03.02.14 Fri 07.02.14 20 23 Mon 22.10.13 Fri 18.10.13 Mon 20.05.13 Tue 20.11.14 29 Mon 24.06.13 Fri 07.11.14 30 Mon 17.03.14 Tue 08.04.14 32 Mon 17.0314 Fri 10.06.14 33 Mon 10.06.14 Fri 17.11.14 35 Mon 07.04.14 Fri 12.04.14 Activity Increasing the visibility of the Project (local TV & radio programmes, Info Bulletin) Organize a study visit to Ankara; prepare a Study Visit Report Provide trainings for the Erciyes Technopark and the YIC managements in media relations Provide customized consultancy to individual firms Prepare Training Curricula and develop training materials Training of Trainers Delivering trainings Organize a study visit to Istanbul; prepare a Study Visit Report Organize an Innovative Project Competition Provide business support activities to develop the incubating firms Develop a methodology for selection of firms for tenacy in the Erciyes Technopark; prepare a Directive; application evaluation Establish Marketing Orientation Group and Innovation Consulting Group; prepare Guidelines Establish pre-incubator in the Erciyes Technopark Additional capacity building activities: Patent Office, Prototype Production Ateliers, Library, etc. Organize a joint study visit to 3 EU countries Input DTL & SE TL & DTL DTL & SE Act.# PA-2.6.4 PA-3.4 TAT TAT TL,DTL & SE SE PA-2.6.4 PA-3.3.1 PA-3.2.1 PA-3.2.2 PA-3.2.3 TL & DTL PA-3.4 TAT TAT PA-2.6.2 PA-3.3.2 TAT PA-3.1 TL & DTL PA-3.5 TL & DTL PA-3.3.3 TAT PA-3.7 TL & DTL PA-3.4.2 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 31 5.1 Supplementary analytic work related to PA1, empirical investigations The empirical period is finished. In principle all studies are reported. However there are some interesting data available, which still are not processed. And information from these might be very valuable when it comes to final reporting of this project in the last reporting period. Subsequently there will be some continued minor work on the TNA study. There are reasons to elucidate the variation between various sectors, geographical areas, industrial zones, sizes of firms etc., of the already described problems and opportunities. There will also be some further elaboration of the SNA-study to summarise patterns of explanatory chains for hindrances of collaboration between academic and industrial parties, and discussion of the Technopark’s role here. These discussions will also connect to on-going assessments of the Technopark’s activities, in order to make recommendations both on practical issues of economic gainful activities and on policy issues. The last issue mostly concerns profiling of the Technopark 5.2 Visibility efforts increased, PA2 5.2.1 Innovation fair Organizing and taking part of exhibitions and innovation fairs is in principle an going activity, that continues from last year. During this period, however, the ambitions will increase and qualitatively new approaches will be tested. If this will be made in combination with appointment of award winners in the business competition or not has yet not been decided. It will be discussed with ETTO first. If so decided, it will be organized in early spring. If they will not be combined, the exhibition can wait until early summer. 5.2.2 Business competition The business competition will be organized in early spring. As mentioned in the report from last reporting period, preparation has already started. Basic principles are mentioned above. Working title for our project is “Kayseri Cup”, and we will try to focus on new or unconventional marketing approaches, as one of several criteria for evaluating the business plans. The basic idea is that price winners and other clever entrepreneurs that will be discovered during the competition will be offered favourable conditions in the new incubator of ET. Support from ET/the Regional Innovation project will be both introductory training and then individual coaching. We hope that it will be possible to find some good example to be characterized as a success, where the project has had the opportunity to follow the case from the beginning. 5.2.3 Profiling, branding and marketing as visibility means The communication strategy of the Technopark will be further elaborated, and some critical factors from the Technopark assessment will be brought out for further development. To a large degree this is about creating a real positive image for the Technopark that up till now has been rather ”grey” in people’s mind (in spite of the neon lights). It is time to try to find a real profiling issue, and start 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 32 working on branding. The ambition should be that at least 80% of the academicians should have a concrete idea of what a Technopark is doing, and at least 50% of regional industry should show a very positive attitude to the existence and role of the Technopark in promoting regional industry. What kind of organization will be needed to reach this position within a year? 5.2.4. Special efforts for marketing training Training is a way to make regional industry to come closer to the Technopark, and feel a little more comfortable with the environment, and loose a little respect for the “technological giants” who are supposed to rule inside the walls. Subsequently attendance to training courses is not only - a direct way of improving regional industry, but also an - indirect way of developing material that could make a small piece of the puzzle that will generate income to ET in the future, but also - a way of making industry coming closer to know and understand the Technopark. Hence the new reporting period will start with intense development work related to marketing of training and indirect also the Technopark per se. 5.3 Capacity building. PA3 is the main focus for this reporting period 5.3.1 Preparation of training material This issue is prepared during last reporting period. (See above). As soon as the training experts are assigned, however, “preparation of the materials” will take place. TL, DTL or the persons in reach of the TAT that are available for the purpose and qualified in respective block (HRM; Innovation; Economic management) or the 10 specific subjects in the Training programme will act as ball plank and controller that the instruction of the ToR will be followed. Before launching the first courses’ presentation round the TL will approve the substance. Special attention should be paid to use of unconventional training methods, according to recommendations from the Workshop and others. TAT has a few ideas, but we hope for creative actions from the experts. Maybe the junior experts can play a special role here doing an intensive contact work with industries in order to find ways of collaboration in new ways? The large importance of the training packages per se has been noticed in the review from last reporting period. 5.2.2 Delivery of training Here is the heavy point of this whole reporting period. 3 senior trainers will also be block coordinators, coordinating not only within their blocks, but also considering that there will not be too much overlapping between the blocks. 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 33 10 courses will be presented in two rounds. We will consider these rounds not only as training for the participants, but also as instruments for developing the courses to a mature level, to become interesting enough for use as a commercial product in the future. The ETTO staff with special responsibility for each course will communicate with the block coordinators, and make clear that their comments and feed-back from evaluating participants will be documented properly before final evaluation. After evaluation the courses will continue where there is demand, at least until the targeted number of participants have been trained (242), but hopefully many more. 5.3.2 Training of trainers ET staff and especially ETTO staff are supposed to visit all 10 courses for their own training, but giving extra attention according to the demands expressed in the section above. There is also formulated a special program only for trainers, open for ET and YIC staff and other relevant persons that have been invited. The issue has been described in the section concerning planning of activities during last reporting period. Besides these courses seminars and other forms of training that will be used, there is training available that has started in collaboration and discussion with TAT. For example is training is also offered to ETTO staff from Tubitak, Turkish Patent Institute and Ministry if Economy. 5.3.3 Study visits Study visits are important parts of the capacity building for the management in ET and YIC as well as for central administrators related to the activities. TAT will organize two study visits in Turkey, both for 5 days including travels. The first trip will be made to Ankara in the beginning of December 2013. The purpose is to create a better understanding of the existing circumstances in Turkish TDZs. How do they elaborate their profiles? What kind of tenants’ qualifications characterizes the Park? How do they market their business community? What kind of services do they offer? What is their approach on economic management? – There are several important questions to be formulated, and much to be learnt from those who met the problems and opportunities long before ET and YIC. In Ankara we are supposed to meet - Bilkent Cyberpark - Hacettepe Technopark - Gazi Technopark - ODTÜ - Ankara Üni. Technopark - TTGV After digesting the experiences and finding out that there are much more questions to be answered by organisations of similar kind as ET, the trip will go to Istanbul and its environment. This is planned to happen in the beginning of February 2014. Preliminary planning have included visits to 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 34 - ARITEKNOKENT, - Yıldız Teknokent and - Sabancı University There will be added more by supplementary planning to come. In late spring or early summer ET should have increased their market communication capabilities, formulated a new and more precise profile, and started to recruit tenants and organize business community and services according to this. International networking will have started, but not developed to a contact net necessary to maintain yet. Successful projects in the Technopark should be several at this time. In this situation the international multi-country study trip will be made. Normally such a trip would be planned to parks with similar profile as the one ET aims to develop. It should be planned to parks where future contacts are expected to be especially valuable (and these are usually built on various kinds of similarity), and the trip should be planned to Technoparks that will relate themselves to interesting projects from ET, in exchange of their efforts to host the visiting professional guests. During the inception phase of the project it was proposed that the international roundtrip should be made to Surrey Research Park in UK, Adlershof in Germany, Sophia Antipolis in France. After finishing the domestic study trips it is time to confirm if these parks still are the ones that best correspond to the wishes for capacity building for the concerned management and other participants. If so, an intense preparatory work will start directly, to see what kind of mutual interests that can motivate all parties to a fruitful joint meeting. 5.3.4 Organisational development cooperation with ET/YIC Organisational development at ET (and YIC if requested) will continue, and new impulses from the study trips will be considered The customer relation management system, CRM, will be further elaborated, under support also forms TAT, e.g. related to experiences on how to administrate coaching cases. The recruitment system for Tenants might be further elaborated if new selection principles will be established. A special Market Orientation Group, MOG, will be considered to support recruitment of profile supporting tenants. The idea of ICU will be tested. TAT support with successive evaluation of applications will continue. 5.3.2 Coaching and consulting to individual firms continues Coaching of Tenants have so far been successful and will continue. The way of approaching the companies by explaining the basic principles for granting support from state and other organisations is a popular way of starting the collaboration. Extended work including international contacts, local cluster formation, and recognition of dynamic areas for future projects or just simple inspiration for continued development will be added. 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 35 Coaching will be done to tenants as well as established regional firms outside the Technopark, in a few selected cases. The ambition can be to connect and even locate their development departments to the Technopark. They might function as commercial magnets for more entrepreneurial SMEs that could use subcontracting relations as a springboard for future development. 5.3.3 Coaching of entrepreneurs start up in relation to the Incubator and preincubator A Technopark thrives because of its advanced tenants, but survives because of renewal injected by new entrepreneurs in the system. This is often the reason for hosting a non-profit incubator system also in strictly commercial private technoparks. The entrepreneurship development in ET, however, will be extra important because of the basic ownership interests from the University. It also gives a trusted position in the municipality and the political sphere. At the moment it is also accentuated by the fact that the new buildings are conditioned to certain work, where entrepreneurship development might be a proper activity. The conclusion is that our project will give high priority to the entrepreneurship development, and the TL will pay special attention to these issues. This also comes natural because of the specific qualification profiles of our TAT staff. 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 36 APPENDICES 2nd Progress Report EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 37 Appendix 1 University assessment with focus on service needs to improve cooperation between University and Regional industry Summary of the report University Potential Analysis Report for Improving Collaboration in between Erciyes University and Erciyes Technopark Stakeholder and Target Group Analysis1 The Consultant has carried out this activity in close cooperation and collaboration with the OCU (Operational Coordination Unit) as envisaged, although there were certain delays, due to certain unforeseeable hindrances, which are partially elucidated in the introduction section above on the one hand and throughout the rest of the report when and where relevant. 1. Objective The overall objective of this Principal Activity is twofold: Initially what is aimed at is to take a snapshot and analyse the present day outlook of stakeholders, as well as target groups comprehensively. This would be followed by paving the way towards closer cooperation and collaboration between the University and Technopark in the first place and accelerating the commercialisation of the accumulated knowledge and knowhow of the University thereafter. This second part would be carried out by formulating comprehensive recommendations based on the assessment of the outcomes of this activity. 2. Background The main challenge of this activity was to form a clear and precise opinion of the existing capabilities, dimensions and directions of the target groups. Another likely input envisaged would have been to propose improved legal framework on a “need to” basis. As stipulated in the proposed methodology, we have carried out Stakeholder and Target Group Analysis and then assessed the outputs on the one hand and in the light of the ensuing conclusions, we have briefly regarded the corresponding legal framework from the standpoint of incentives, assistance and financing of R&D initiatives and activities. We believe current rules and regulations as well as financing thereof that dominate the RDTI scene needs a careful and in depth reconsideration. Bearing in mind that Erciyes University, being the biggest shareholder of the Erciyes Technopark has a special importance for the success of the Technopark in general and this project specifically in it deserves 1 PA1-1 Stakeholder and Target Group Analysis 38 particular attention. Moreover, our initial impression was as such that there was a direct correlation between the success of the Technopark and the involvement and contribution of the University. 3. Implementation The work was carried out through the following three phases: Initial Phase: During this phase, the TAT has developed the theoretical base of required processes and documents including the questionnaire for the activity in close cooperation with the University in general and the Planning, Innovation and R&D Coordination Board (“The Board” hereinafter) established therein in particular. The work plan as well as the questionnaires were finalised in full collaboration with the Board. First Operational Phase: Capacity Assessment This phase has started with a meeting held on 12 July 2013. The meeting was primarily attended by 96 teaching staff and researchers. The main aim hence the agenda of this meeting was to share the work plan and the proposed schedule with the participants. The Manager of the ET has made a presentation with regard to the capacity and the capabilities of the Technopark per se. One of the cornerstones of this phase was the interview sessions held with the institutional Units of the Erciyes University between 29 July and 1 August. Seven sessions were organised in accordance with pre-arranged appointments with 93 academicians and researchers. However, the real participation has surpassed the projections and the total number of participants totalled 121. The participants were asked to fill the questionnaire they were presented with during these sessions. At the end of the activity, 40 questionnaires were received. The other cornerstone of this phase was individual interview sessions that were held on 19-23 August 2013 in ten groups as scheduled. Although 88 academicians were invited to participate in reality only 57 of them were able to make it. The participants were again asked to fill a questionnaire. Significantly 62 questionnaires were received meaning five academicians who could not make it to the sessions were interested enough to make their contributions. A similar work was carried out for the institutional units of Bozok University on 4th and 5th of September 2013 during 39 which 29 university staff members were interviewed and requested to fill the questionnaires. Once this session was concluded, personal interviews were held with 17 academicians and they were also requested to fill the questionnaires. Second Operational Phase: Capacity Development Suggestions The TAT has prepared the “University Potential Analysis Report” based on the findings and data ensuing from the questionnaires, analysis and assessments thereof as well as certain recommendations submitted to the Board on 10 October 2013. The Report was reviewed in the light of the comments by the Board and was presented in the workshop that was organised on 23 October 2013 in the University of Erciyes. The Report was finalised to include the conclusions derived from the deliberations that took place during the workshop and submitted to OCU on 11.10.2013. 4. Outcome Probably the most important outcome of this activity was to induce the participants to reflect on issues that were not very high on their personal and professional agendas as a result of their academic obligations. This particular outcome became evident during the deliberations of the workshop and from the views of the participants shared privately with the members of the TAT. Combined instruments used during various phases of this particular activity, which comprised of informative meetings, questionnaires and semi-structured meetings. These semi-structured meetings did not only that gave food for thought to participants and induced them to be forthcoming but also provided interviewers with insights that went well beyond simple fact-finding exercises. 5. Outputs Stakeholder and Target Group Analysis Paper, Comments on the Regulation and amendment proposals, University Potential Analysis Report for Improving Collaboration in between Erciyes University and Erciyes Technopark Potential Analysis Report within the scope of Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Knowledge in Bozok University 40 Appendix 2 Training Needs Analysis for Regional Summary of the report Assessment of Innovation Capacity of SMEs and Training Needs assessment Report Field and Market Research and Training Needs Assessment1 Broadly speaking, technoparks thrive on creating synergy and to a certain extent symbiosis between their residents as well as interested enterprises that do not physically present in their premises for various reasons. This is why capacities and capabilities of these enterprises should attain certain level so that they can benefit from the opportunities and possibilities Technoparks offer. 1. Objective The objective of this principal activity is to determine the capacity building needs of the stakeholders including the ET management and ET resident firms as well as SMEs involved in RDTI activities. Given that the conclusions of this activity will clearly denote capacity levels hence the training needs of the project audience, our TAT has placed a particular importance for properly planning specific tasks addressing all aspects of the assignment with a special care. Within this general framework, one of the most important tasks was to develop customised methodology and questionnaire(s) and other tools for field surveys that will on the one hand and open new horizons for the participants by inducing them to reflect on new possibilities on the other. 2. Background The main idea behind this approach was to highlight the RTDI capabilities in firm-based, sectoral and regional terms. The outcome thereof was supposed to classify the region in general and target firms in particular with regard to their respective development levels. The aim was to elaborate a pertinent investigative tool that could be used to not only evaluate the RTDI capabilities of the scrutinised SMEs, but also for market analysis these firms would or could be targeting. Certainly, the Situation Analysis that was carried earlier would have contributed in adopting the right approach and methodology in determining innovation capabilities, competitive capacities as well as their strengths and weaknesses of the SMEs that would be subject to this particular activity. 1 PA1-2 Preparation of field survey /study tools / questionnaires PA1-3 Field and Market Research PA1-4 Analysis of Field Survey Results PA1-5 Training Needs Assessment 41 Our contract stipulated visiting at least 100 SMEs with a view to exploring the level of engagement of individual companies in the field of technology development through collaboration with the Erciyes Technopark and more specifically the TTO staff. We were to set out by holding discussions and exchanging ideas with stakeholders with a view to obtaining detailed information on SMEs and then pilot test the questionnaire with selected SMEs. Having accomplished that, we were going to carry out face-to-face surveys and complement their findings by carrying out an electronic survey to expand the sampling size in the light of the experience gained in the light of first phase of the activity. 3. Implementation Within the framework of fieldwork, particular attention was paid to socio-economic background of the region in general and Kayseri and Yozgat in particular, with a view to ensuring methodology proposed corresponds to realities instead of being theoretical. The questionnaire was then prepared taking all relevant factors that have an impact on economic activities in the region. The questionnaire comprised of the following four sections: Data relevant to R&D structures, production, marketing and sales; Innovation structure, HR management etc.; Information regarding the preferences of potential training beneficiaries with respect to training topics; Perception of interviewed firms with regard to the ET and YIC and their expectations therefrom. The draft questionnaire was placed under close scrutiny in collaboration with ET management as well as representatives of other principal stakeholders. Next, it was pilot tested with four enterprises through face-to-face interviews before it was finalised. Once ready, Google Documents version of the questionnaire was forwarded to all SMEs with a view to keeping them abreast with what was going on as well as with the hope that those who are interviewed could also provide some feedback. Implementation Process of the Field Work Preliminary Phase: a. SME visits and data collection b. Electronic data collection Operational Phase I: Operational Phase II: Report based on innovation Presentation of report at the Workshop Preliminary Phase – Pilot Interviews 42 As stated above, the questionnaire was pilot tested with four enterprises pre-selected by the ET management on their merits of cooperative spirit. The aim of the pilot testing was to gauge whether the customisation was pertinent and pave the way for contributions from stakeholders. Within this framework, certain aspects of the questionnaire, such as the logical sequence and discernibility as well as the sufficiency of data it would help collect were verified. Consequently, necessary amendments and revisions were made and the questionnaire was given its final form by making a proviso for feedbacks regarding the difficulties faced during the interviews. Operational Phase I: Visits to SMEs and Collecting data This phase has started on July 11th, 2013 and ended on August 29th, 2013 in Kayseri and on September 5th, 2013 in Yozgat during which the TAT members visited production lines and laboratories of the 133 selected enterprises in accordance with the agreed action plan and collected data by conducting faceto-face interviews with the responsible personnel. These interviews were carried out in line with the semi-structured interview technique. The only departure from this technique happened when responsible personnel of Kayseri and Yozgat sugar factories were collectively interviewed by the force of circumstances. Elsewhere, electronic form of the questionnaire was sent to an enterprise group. This online questionnaire which was somewhat simplified by eliminating open-ended questions; hence it was shorter. It was also sent to academicians and selected university students. Questionnaires were duly filled by raw data obtained from respective enterprises. Moreover, this raw data was enriched by personal impressions, comments and assessments of our expert interviewers at the end of each interview. Operational Phase II: Preparation of an innovation based report that contains needs analysis of enterprises The most important output of this activity is the determination of training needs. These needs were indeed pinpointed by combining the data derived from questionnaires with technological and commercial data and information obtained from international, national, regional and sectorial reports. Evaluation of enterprises was made on the following three principal directions: Innovative capacity and innovation management Economic management capacity HR management capacity 43 The TAT has prepared a detailed draft report that contains analysis and assessments on enterprises visited and general outlook of their respective sectors nationally and globally as well as SWOT analysis with respect to capacities and capabilities of the subject audience. Furthermore, in the light of projected technological developments in related sectors, our experts have developed recommendations concerning training and consulting needs and included them in the draft report. According to principal conclusions of the report the findings of the TNA indicate that trainings should be focused on the following five principal sectors: Principal Sectors: Furniture IT Metal goods Machinery Textiles As far as trainings are concerned needs could be categorised under two modules as stipulated in the ToR: Training Modules Main Training Modules 1. Entrepreneurship 2. Project Planning and Management 3. Project sustainability 4. Intellectual property rights (incl. patent, trademark, useful model, etc.) Management Modules 1. Human Resource Management a. Leadership b. Talent c. Learning Organisations 2. Innovation Management a. Open innovation strategies b. Technology Management c. Application for State Supports d. Design and Redesign 3. Economic Management a. Sales and marketing b. Foreign Trade c. Financial Management d. Quality Management As far as modules and their contents are concerned, priority was placed on topics that Could be introduced into day-to-day operations immediately Are more practical than theoretical Would remedy shortcomings in terms of knowledge and capability 44 Moreover, particular emphasis was placed on to maintain the compatibility between the results of the TNA and stipulations of the ToR. Finally, the planning of modules includes a leeway for meeting additional training requirements or demands that could emerge during the implementation of the programme. 4. Outcome Overall 133 SMEs were visited which means that the number of visited enterprises is 33 per cent more than targeted. The activity per se has clearly indicated the sectors and areas, where capacity-building activities are needed. This was very helpful in the process of planning the trainings. One salient yet unintended outcome of this exercise was directing the managements of the firms interviewed to reflect and consider various options with respect to RDTI. Indeed, our experts felt that good number of SME personnel interviewed left the meetings with a changed optic on the importance of RDTI and with some additional motivation. Finally, the activity has also served as an awareness-raising component as planned. Indeed, good number of firms has become aware or more aware of the ET and the opportunities and possibilities it offers, an outcome, which was as efficient and useful as a fully paid communication activity. 5. Output 133 SMEs visited, Electronic surveys conducted TNA Report RDTI Assessment Reports of Kayseri and Yozgat SMEs Appendix 3.1 45 AGENDA 09.30 10.00 -10.15 Tea, registration Opening speeches Erciyes Universitesi Dep. Rector Prof. Dr. Abdulhakim Coskun Bozok Universitesi Rector Prof. Dr Tamer Uçar 10.15 - 10.30 Introduction Team Leader of the Innovation Project, Leif Grahm Presentation of the empirical investigations, and their expected contribution the project at large 10.30 - 13.00 Training Needs Assessment of regional industry 10.30 - 11.00 Senior Expert Yasemin Erdal, Presentation of results and findings of the TNA-study on ET technopark tenants and industry Kayseri - Yozgat region 11.00 - 11.30 Discussion. Moderator: Dep Team Leader Mustafa Colakoglu 11.30 - 11.45 Coffee break 11.45 -12.05 Senior Expert Yasemin Erdal: Presentation of framework for training programme, with concrete courses specified 12.05 -12.35 WORKING GROUPS 3 working groups, one on each programme sector, will discuss programme proposals Presentations from each group 12.35 - 13.00 Summarising discussion. Moderator: DTL Mustafa Colakoglu 13.00 Lunch buffet, mingle 14.00 - 15.30 University Assessment on needs for commercialisation 14.00-14.25 Senior Expert Mahmut Kiper: Presentation of unversity assement and proposals to increase cooperation between university and industry 14.25-15.00 WORKING GROUPS Working groups will elaborate organisational variations of the proposals presented to them in the draft report from the project, with sepcial attention to the roles of ET and YIC 15.00 - 15.20 Presentations from each group 15.20 - 15.30 Summarising discussion. Moderator: DTL Mustafa Colakoglu 15.30 Coffee break 15.45 - 16.30 Summary of the workshop's bearing on the future Technopark/innovation center activities 15.45 - 16.15 Dep. Director Erciyes Technopark Bilgin Yazlik: Presentation of ET/ETTO's short, medium and long term visions, and the importance of the recommendations from the two workshop sessions for these. 16.15 - 16.30 Concluding discussion, Moderator DTL Mustafa Colakoglu 16.30 Closing the meeting: TL Leif Grahm: How do we proceed from here? Appendix 3.2 46 47 48 Appendix 3.3 Presentation of the TNA Study 49 Projenin Amacı Erciyes Teknopark Bölgesel İnovasyon Merkezi Teknik Yardım Projesi Kasım 2012 tarihinde başlamıştır. Projenin amacı Kayseri’deki üniversitelerde Ar-Ge çalışması sonuçlarının sanayi işletmelerine aktarılarak ticarileştirilmesinin sağlanması, uluslararası bilgi ve teknoloji tabanlı yenilikçi girişimcilerin piyasalara açılması suretiyle Kayseri’nin rekabet gücünün artırılmasıdır. Eğitim İhtiyacı Belirlenmesi (TNA) Aktivitesinin Amacı Söz konusu çalışma Kayseri ve Yozgat’ta bölgesel sanayinin eğitim ihtiyaçlarını belirlemek, yenileşim potansiyellerini değerlendirmek ve Erciyes Teknopark ile ilgili farkındalık seviyesini tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır Uygulama Süreci Veri Toplama Metodolojisi 1. Aşama: a. Firma ziyareti ve veri toplama b.Bilgisayar ortamında veri toplama Çalışma uygulanırken kullanılan metodoloji yüz yüze gerçekleştirilen görüşmeler ve e-posta ile gönderilen kısa soru 2. Aşama: Yenileşim ve TNA esaslı ortak rapor 3. Aşama: Çalıştay ile paylaşım formu şeklinde olmuştur. Kayseri ve Yozgat’ta Temmuz- Ağustos aylarında 5 uzman tarafından toplam gerçekleştirilmiştir. 133 firma ile yüz yüze görüşme 50 TNA, Bölgesel Sanayi Saha Çalışmalar, Görüşme, Muhatap Sayısı YÜZ YÜZE GÖRÜŞMELER Erciyes Teknopark Görüşme Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Görüşme Kayseri Serbest Bölgesi Görüşme Kayseri: Diğer Görüşme Yozgat OSB Görüşme Toplam Bir Eğitim Programı için Niyet Beyanı YÜZ YÜZE GÖRÜŞMELER Erciyes Üniversitesi Akademisyenleri Görüşme ONLINE ANKET Erciyes Üniversitesi Akademisyenleri Online Erciyes Üniversitesi Öğrencileri Online Bozok Üniversitesi Akademisyenleri Online Bozok Üniversitesi Öğrencileri Online Yüz Yüze Görüşme Formu 47 66 5 10 5 133 Dört bölümden oluşan soru formunda ilk olarak şirketlerin istatistiki verileri içerisinden; Ar-Ge yapıları, üretim, satış, planlama, pazarlama ve yatırımlarına ilişkin veriler derlenmiştir. Formun ikinci bölümünde şirketlerin yenileşim yönetimi, ekonomik yönetim ve insan kaynakları yönetimi becerileri irdelenmiştir. Formun üçüncü bölümünde potansiyel eğitim katılımcılarının eğitim konularına ilişkin tercihleri ile ilgili bilgilerin temini amaçlanmıştır. 90 Son bölümde ise işletmelerin Erciyes Teknopark’ı algılamaları ve Teknopark’tan beklentileri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. 30 874 19 60 Şirketlerin Genel Profili Uygulamada Yaşanan Sıkıntılar Şirketlerin yüz yüze görüşmelere umduğumuzdan daha az ilgi Anketi uyguladığımız kuruluşların; %87’si anonim veya limitet şirket statüsünde bulunmakta olup şahıs şirketleri yalnızca %13’ü oluşturmaktadır. Şirketlerin %56’sı organize sanayi bölgesinde, %34’ü ise teknoloji geliştirme bölgesinde yer almaktadır. İşletmelerin %41’i 15 yaş üzerinde %18’i ise 8-15 yaş arasındadır. Görüşülen işletmelerin yaklaşık %26’sı yazılım, %24 metal eşya, %22 mobilya, %15 makine, %8 tekstil, %5 diğer sektörlerde (enerji, gıda, vs.) faaliyet göstermektedir. Görüşülen işletmelerin yaklaşık %75’i Ar-Ge faaliyetlerinde bulunduğunu ifade etmiştir. göstermesi nedeniyle hedef örneklemi tam olarak tutturamamamız Görüşülen şirketlerin bir kısmında istediğimiz bilgileri verebilecek, ilgili pozisyondaki muhatapları bulamamamız Çalışmanın gizliliğini belirtmemize rağmen, firmaların verilmesinde sakınca olmayan bilgileri paylaşmaktan imtina etmesi Daha önce de benzer çalışmalara dahil olmuş firmaların, bu çalışmalardan hiçbir somut yarar görmemiş olması nedeniyle çalışmamıza önyargılı yaklaşmış olmaları Olumlu Bulgular İşletmelerin bir çoğunun ulusal ve uluslararası standart ve uygunluk gereklerine uyumlu üretimler gerçekleştirildiği görülmüştür. İşletmelerin çoğunluğu yöre kısıtı olmaksızın Türkiye geneline satış yapabilmektedirler. Aralarında uluslararası düzeyde iş yapan işletmeler bulunmaktadır. Proje bazlı olarak üniversitelerle bazı konularda işbirliği yapıldığı görülmektedir. Alınmış olan patentler fikri haklar stratejilerinin oluşumuna öncülük etme potansiyeli bakımından önemli görülmektedir. Girişimci kültüre sahip, ticarete yatkın oldukları görülmektedir. Büyük çoğunluğu geleneksel birer aile şirketi olmaları nedeniyle hızlı karar alabilmekte ve uygulayabilmektedirler İyileştirilmesi Gereken Bulgular Üniversite ile işbirliği yeterli seviyede değildir. İşletmeler arası, sektör odaklı işbirliği platformları eksiktir. İşbirliğine yatkın olmayan bir kültüre sahipler. OSB’de bulunan firmalar arasında Erciyes Teknopark ile ilgili bilgi ve ilgi eksikliği bulunmaktadır. Kamuya iş yapan işletme sayısı yok denecek kadar azdır. (%10) Önemli bir pazardan faydalanamamaktadırlar. 51 İyileştirilmesi Gereken Bulgular İşletmelerin çoğunluğu, Ar-Ge yaptıklarını iddia etseler bile, düşük - orta düzeyde teknolojik ürünler üreten işletmelerden oluşmaktadır. Devlet desteklerinden, özellikle Ar-Ge faaliyetleri İyileştirilmesi Gereken Bulgular bilince sahip değildirler. için olanlardan, yararlanan işletme sayısı çok az. Ar-Ge projesi yönetim sisteminin Ulusal/uluslararası ilişki ve işbirliği ile proje yürütme konusundaki deneyimsizlik göze çarpmaktadır. İşletmelerin çoğunluğu Ar-Ge faaliyetlerinin ve yatırımlarının sonuçlarına yönelik ölçme- izleme- değerlendirme yapmamaktadır. İşletmeler; lojistik, tedarik zinciri, satış sonrası izlenebilirlik gibi kritik unsurlarda sistematik, otomasyona dayalı süreç yönetimi uygulamamaktadırlar. kurumsallaşmadığı anlaşılmaktadır. İşletmeler kurumsallaşmanın önemi ve nasıl olması gerektiği konusunda yeterli İşletme ölçeğinde kapsamlı ve stratejik planlama eksikliği; yıllık ve uzun dönemli hedefleme/gerçekleşme yaklaşımının bulunmadığı gözlenmektedir. Fikri haklar yönetimi ile ilgili daha etkili bir strateji yararlı görülmektedir. Finansman sorunları ağırlıklı olarak; alacakların tahsili ve vadeli satışlardan kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu, finansman yönetimi konusunda bilgi ve beceri eksikliğinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Yenileşim Ekseni için Öneriler İyileştirilmesi Gereken Bulgular Ürünlerini piyasada yeterince tanıtma ve marka olma konusunda sıkıntı İşletmelere Ar-Ge ve yenileşim süreçlerinin anlatılması ve işletmelerde yeni iş modellerinin oluşturulması için gerekli bilgilendirme yapılmalıdır. ETTO personeli Üniversite- Sanayi arasında aktif köprü görevi görmeli, iki tarafı da çok iyi tanımalı, arz ve talebi birleştirmeye çalışmalıdır. Firmalar ve akademisyenler sık sık ziyaret edilmeli, eşleştirmeler yapılmalı, TTO personeli için üniversite – sanayi arasında gerçekleştirilen işbirliği başarı ve performans değerlendirme kriteri olarak belirlenmelidir. OSB’de açılacak Teknopark uzantısı da bu konuda faydalı bir çözüm olabilir. Türkiye’de Ar-Ge ve inovasyonun geri kalmasının bir nedeni de yüksek bütçeli AR-GE yatırımların gereksiz görülmesidir. Ar-Ge alanında verilen devlet desteği ve teşviklerin büyüklüğü konusunda Türkiye dünyanın başta gelen ülkelerinden biridir. İşletmeler bu destekler ve finansman kaynakları hakkında bilgilendirilmelidir. Dünya pazarlarındaki yenileşim konusunda en iyi başarı hikayelerinin işletmelere tanıtılması ve onların teşvik edilmesi gerekmektedir. yaşanmaktadır. Rakipler karşısında rekabet edebilmeleri için düşük fiyat stratejisi benimsemektedirler. Bu da işletmelerin karlılığını azaltmaktadır. Daha etkin ve sistematik bir tanıtım/pazarlama yaklaşımı benimsenmesi gerekmektedir. Kalifiye eleman bulma ve şirkette tutamamak; büyüme, karlılığın sağlanması ve rekabetçiliğin artırılması önünde en önemli problem olarak belirtilmiştir. İnsan kaynakları kapsamında performans değerlendirme, ödüllendirme, yetenek yönetimi gibi politikalar izlenmemekte, bu nedenle işletmelerde işgücü devir hızının yüksek olduğu görülmektedir. Üst yönetimce belirlenen strateji ve planların çalışanlarca algılanmasının sağlanması ve çalışanların motivasyon ve aidiyetlerinin artırılması konusuna verilen önem artırılmalıdır. Yenileşim Ekseni için Öneriler Ekonomik Yönetim Ekseni için Öneriler Üniversite öğrencilerinin, temel araştırmanın yanı sıra, pazarın ihtiyaçlarına araştırma cevap alanlarına verebilecek, uygulama yönlendirilmesi alanı konusunda olabilecek Kurumsallaşma konusunda eğitim ve danışmanlık hizmetlerinin verilmesi, atölye çalışmaları ile kurumsallaşma sorunlarının tartışılması, çözümler önerilmesi ve içselleştirilmesinin sağlanması gerekmektedir. Kalite standartları, yönetim bilişim sistemleri, insan kaynakları yönetimi, muhasebe ve finansman standartları vb. konularda eğitim ve danışmanlık hizmetleri bu proje kapsamında verilmelidir. Ekonomik/ idari yönetim konusunda uygulamalı eğitimler verilmesi ve başarı kriterlerinin oluşturularak tanıtılması gerekmektedir. üniversiteye önemli görev düşmektedir. Üniversite ve sanayiyi bir araya getiren platformların etkin hale getirilmesi ve yaygınlaşması gerekmektedir. Başta üniversite olmak üzere tasarım ve araştırma merkezlerinin sanayiye tanıtılması gerekmektedir. Önemli rekabet avantajı potansiyeli olduğu düşünülen bazı önemli konular için Ar-Ge projeleri belirlenerek, üniversitelerle işbirliği halinde yapılması için pilot çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmelidir 52 İnsan Kaynakları Ekseni için Öneriler İstihdam açığı olan sektörler tespit edilip, bu sektörlere yönelik mesleki eğitimlerin düzenlenmesi gerekmektedir. Mesleki ve teknik eğitimin kalitesinin yükseltilmesi, nitelikli eleman açığının kapatılması için önemlidir. İnsan kaynakları yönetimi gözden geçirilerek çalışanların sürekliliği ve sadakati sağlanacak biçimde geliştirilmelidir. Nitelikli işgücü temini ve sürekliliği konusundaki zorluklar; performans yönetimi modelinin oluşturulması, kariyer planlaması, yetenek yönetimi, yedekleme sistemi, ödül sistemi vb. sistemleri geliştirerek aşılmalıdır. Personel performans değerlendirme ve ödüllendirme süreçlerinde Ar-Ge sürecindeki öneri ve katkılarının da bir kıstas olarak ele alınması yararlı sonuçlar verebilecektir. Proje kapsamında bu konularda ilgili eğitimler sağlanmalıdır. TEŞEKKÜRLER 04.12.2013 Appendix 3.4 Presentation of the Preliminary 53 Training Programme Eğitim ihtiyacı analizi nedir? Eğitim ihtiyacı analizi, bilgi ve becerileri artırmaya ihtiyaç duyulan bir konu olup olmadığının, varsa bu boşluğu doldurmak için ne gibi bir eğitimin verilmesi gerektiğinin belirlendiği metodolojidir. 2 Eğitim İhtiyacı Belirleme Süreci Lokasyona göre işletmelerin eğitim tercihleri OSB • Kurumsallaşma • Verimlilik artırma • Satış- pazarlama • Devlet desteklerine başvuru • Yenilikçi ürünler geliştirme • Zaman yönetimi • İş planı geliştirme • İnsan kaynakları yönetimi • Liderlik • Kalite yönetimi • Raporlama • Dış Ticaret İhtiyacın tespit edilmesi Eğitim sonucunun değerlendirilmesi Eğitimin planlanması Eğitimin verilmesi ET • Devlet desteklerine başvuru • Satış- pazarlama • Mobil uygulamalar • Teknojinin ticarileştirilmesi • Sözleşme yönetimi • Zaman yönetimi • Fiyatlandırma • Proje yönetimi • AB fonları ve proje çevrimi yönetimi • İş planı geliştirme • Kurumsallaşma 3 Çalışan sayısına göre işletmelerin eğitim tercihleri • • • • • • • • • • 1-10 Devlet desteklerine başvuru Satışpazarlama Teknoloji ticarileşmesi Mobil uygulamalar Sözleşme yönetimi Proje yönetimi AB fonları ve proje çevrimi yön. Inovasyon yön. Yenilikçi ürün geliştirme Zaman yönetimi • • • • • • • • • • • • 11-50 Devlet desteklerine başvuru Satışpazarlama Kurumsallaşma Iş planı geliştirme Liderlik Raporlama Dış ticaret Zaman yönetimi Verimlilik Finans & muhasebe İş güvenliği Proje yönetimi • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 51-250 Kurumsallaşma Verimlilik Satışpazarlama Iş planı geliştirme Zaman yönetimi Raporlama Yenilikçi ürün geliştirme IK yönetimi Devlet desteklerine başvuru Liderlik Kalite yönetimi Risk yönetimi Inovasyon yön. Finans & muhasebe • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 251-1000 IK yönetimi Yenilikçi ürün geliştirme Verimlilik Satışpazarlama Kurumsallaşma Iş planı geliştirme Zaman yönetimi Liderlik Kalite yönetimi İş güvenliği Problem çözme Proje yön. Raporlama Finans & muhasebe Sektörlere göre işletmelerin eğitim tercihleri Metal Eşya Satış- pazarlama Makine Yenilikçi ürün geliştirme Tekstil Dış Ticaret IT Mobil uygulamalar Mobilya Kurumsallaş ma Diğer Finans & muhaseb e Kurumsallaşma Satışpazarlama IK yonetimi Kalite yönetimi Kurumsallaşm a Yenilikçi ürün geliştirme Devlet desteklerine başvuru Satışpazarlama Verimlilik yönetimi İşçi sağlığı ve güvenliği Yenilikçi ürün geliştirme Satış teknikleri IK yönetimi Verimlilik yönetimi İnovasyon yonetimi Teknolojinin ticarileştirilme si Devlet desteklerine başvuru Is planı geliştirme Proje Yönetimi Sözleşme yönetimi Mobilya tasarımı Raporlama Satış teknikleri Devlet destekleri ne başvuru Verimlilik yönetimi Yenilikçi ürün geliştirm e Proje yönetimi Satış teknikleri İş planı geliştirme Devlet desteklerine başvuru Zaman yönetimi Sunum teknikleri Zaman yönetimi Satışpazarlama Kalite yönetimi Raporlama Liderlik İş planı geliştirme Satış teknikleri Zaman yönetimi Proje yönetimi Liderlik İş planı geliştirme İnovasyon yonetimi Zaman yönetimi Devlet desteklerine başvuru Girişimcili k Kurumsallaşm a AB fonları ve proje çevrimi yönetimi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 İşçi sağlığı ve güvenliği Verimlilik yönetimi Girişimcil ik İş planı geliştirm e İnovasyo n yonetimi 1 04.12.2013 54 Gelişim eksenlerine göre eğitim önerileri 1. Proje yönetimi 2. Fikri Mülkiyet Hakları (FMH) Yönetimi 3. Girişimcilik 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Açık inovasyon stratejileri Teknolojinin ticarileştirilmesi Devlet destekleri ve hibeler Kalite yönetimi Tasarım 1. 2. 3. 4. Dış ticaret İş planı hazırlama Finans & Muhasebe Satış- pazarlama 5. Liderlik 6. Yetenek yönetimi 7. Öğrenen örgütler 8. Maaş ve teşvik yönetimi 9. Küreselleşme 10.İşçi güvenliği, memnuniyeti Ana modüller 1. Eksen: Yenileşim Yönetimi Kabiliyeti 2. Eksen: Ekonomik Yönetim Kabiliyeti 3. Eksen: IK Yönetimi Kabiliyeti Ana Modüller için eğitim önerileri Eğitim programı 2: FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI (FMH) YÖNETİMİ İçerik: - FMH oluştururken dikkat edilmesi gerekenler - FMH tescil süreçleri - FMH teşvikleri ve başvuru süreci - İlgili mevzuat Hedef katılımcı: İşletmelerin FMH (patent, faydalı model, marka tescil) alanında çalışan veye bu alanda görevlendirmeyi düşündüğü personel Beklenen sonuç: İşletmeleri FMH konusunda bilinçlendirmek ve patent, marka tescil, faydalı model başvuru ve buluş bildirim formlarını yapabilme; FMH alanında sağlanan devlet desteklerine başvuru yapabilir hale getirmek Ana Modüller için eğitim önerileri Eğitim programı 1: PROJE YÖNETİMİ İçerik: - Proje nedir? - Proje çevrimi yönetimi - Mantıksal çerçeve - Problem tanımlama - Risk ve varsayım - Strateji belirleme - Finansal planlama - Takip Hedef katılımcı: İşletme yöneticisi- işletmelerde proje yönetimi alanında çalışan personel Beklenen sonuç: İşletmeleri, faaliyetlerini belirli bir zaman, bütçe ve kalite standartları çerçevesinde yönetmeleri konusunda bilgilendirmek ve disipline etmek Ana Modüller için eğitim önerileri Eğitim programı 3: GİRİŞİMCİLİK İçerik: - Yeni iş fikri geliştirme - Yeni iş fikri için pazar analizi - Fizibilite çalışması - Start-up sürecini planlama– SWOT, Problem çözme teknikleri - Detaylı pazar araştırması ve planlama - Organizasyon planı yapma - Bütçeleme& finansal planlama -İş planı taslağı yapma -Yatırımcıya (iş meleği ve yatırım fonu) sunum yapma -Kurumsallaşma Hedef katılımcı: Kendi işini kurmayı hedefleyen son sınıf öğrencileri, akademisyenler, yeni şirket kurup büyütmeyi hedefleyen girişimciler Beklenen sonuç: Bölgede girişimciliği özendirerek, start-up’ların sayısını artırmak, yeni iş kurmuş girişimcilerin karşılaştığı sıkıntıları aşma konusunda yetkinliklerini geliştirmek Yenileşim Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri Yenileşim Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 4: AÇIK INOVASYON STRATEJİSİ Eğitim programı 5:TEKNOLOJİNİN TİCARİLEŞTİRİLMESİ İçerik: - Akademi ve sanayi arasındaki arayüz - İşletme içi eğitim için yönetim teknikleri - Yeni uygulama alanlarının tespiti - Bilgi değiş tokuşunu teşvik etmek (iyi uygulama örnekleri) İçerik: - Teknoloji Yönetimi - Teknolojik Yenilik Stratejisi - Teknoloji Transferinin Genel Sistemi - Teknoloji Transfer Modelleri -Etkin Teknoloji Transferi İçin Planlama ve Değerlendirme -Başarılı Teknoloji Transferinin İndikatörleri - Lisanslama Hedef katılımcı: Akademisyenler, araştırmacılar, işletmelerin yöneticileri ve Ar-Ge faaliyetlerinden sorumlu personeli Beklenen sonuç: Açık inovasyon, işletmelerin inovasyon yapabilme kapasitelerini dış kaynaklar yardımıyla geliştirmeleri olarak nitelendirilebilir. Bu eğitim sonucu; işletmelerin Ar-Ge faaliyetlerini müşterileri, tedarikçileri, çalışanları, üniversitelerle işbirliği içerisinde yapması teşvik edilecek ve işletmelere gerekli yol gösterilecektir. Hedef katılımcı: Akademisyenler ve yenilikçi Ar-Ge faaliyetleriyle uğraşan tüm işletmeler Beklenen sonuç: Akademik çalışmaların sanayiye aktarılması, pazara sunulması ve ticarileşmesi; Ar-Ge ile uğraşan işletmelerin Ar-Ge çalışmalarını katma değeri yüksek ürünlere dönüştürebilmesi 2 04.12.2013 55 Yenileşim Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 6: AR-GE FAALIYETLERİNİN FİNANSMANI (DEVLET DESTEKLERİ) İçerik: Aşağıdaki her bir program ve başvuru süreci ilgili genel bilgilendirme - TÜBİTAK Destekleri - KOSGEB Destekleri - EU- HORIZON 2020 - San-Tez Programı - Teknogirişim sermaye desteği Hedef katılımcı: Akademisyenler ve yenilikçi Ar-Ge faaliyetleriyle uğraşan tüm işletmeler Beklenen sonuç: Ar-Ge yapan firmaların ve akademisyenlerin yüksek maliyetli Ar-Ge faaliyeteri içi kaynak yaratarak Ar-Ge’ye daha fazla kaynak ve zaman aktarmalarını sağlamak Yenileşim Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 8: TASARIM İçerik: - Mobilya tasarımı - İleri tasarım (makine ve metal eşya sektörü için) Hedef katılımcı: İşletmelerde Ar-Ge ve tasarımdan sorumlu personel Beklenen sonuç: İşletmelerin tasarım becerilerini geliştirerek, farklılık yaratmak ve marka olmalarını sağlamak. Mobilya ve ileri tasarım eğitimi farklı eğitimler olarak düzenlenecektir ve eğitimlerin tam içeriği katılımcıların istekleri doğrultusunda belirlenecektir. Ekonomik Yönetim için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 10: FİNANS & MUHASEBE Yenileşim Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 7: KALİTE YÖNETİMİ İçerik: - Toplam Kalite Yönetiminin Temel İlkeleri - Verimlilik yönetimi - Kalite sistemleri - Müşteri ilişkileri yönetimi - Organizasyon ve kalite -Kalite yönetiminde kullanılan teknikler Hedef katılımcı: Işletmelerin kalite yönetimi departmanlarında çalışan ve belgelendirmeden sorumlu personel Beklenen sonuç: İşletmelerde, verimliliği ve kaliteyi arttırma, şikayetleri ortadan kaldırma, maliyetleri azaltarak eldeki kaynakların optimum kullanımını sağlama, işlem zamanını kısaltma ve gelişmelerin sürekli izlenerek kurumsal faaliyetlere aktarılması için katılımcıları bilgilendirmek. Ekonomik Yönetim için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 9: İŞ PLANI HAZIRLAMA İçerik: - Iş planı nedir -Stratejik düşünme -Mevcut durum analizi -Organizasyonel konular- şirket misyon-vizyon ve hedefleri -Pazar analizi -Finansal analiz Hedef katılımcı: İşletmelerin strateji oluşturma ve karar verme aşamasında etkili orta ve üst düzey yöneticileri Beklenen sonuç: Kurumsal bir yapıya sahip olmayan ve iş planı yapmadan faaliyetlerine devam eden işletmeleri iş planının önemi konusunda bilgilendirmek ve iş planında olması gerekenler, iş planı yapılması ve revize edilmesi ve raporlama konularındaki bilgi ve becerileri artırmak. Ekonomik Yönetim için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 11: SATIŞ- PAZARLAMA İçerik: - Finansman Fonksiyonu ve Temel Finansal Kararlar - Finansal Tablolar (Bilanço, Gelir Tablosu, Nakit Akış Tablosu, ...) - Finansal Tabloların Analizi, Karşılaştırmalar ve Yorumlanması - Finansal Planlama ve Bütçeleme - Paranın Zaman Değerine İlişkin Uygulamalar - İşletme Finansman Kaynaklarının Secimi - Finansal Riskler Ve Yönetim Teknikleri İçerik: - Temel pazarlama prensibi -Müşteri ilişkileri yönetimi -Pazarlama stratejisi oluşturma - Segmentasyon oluşturma - Satış teknikleri - Satış sunumu - e-ticaret - Değer zinciri analizi Hedef katılımcı: İşletmelerin finans muhasebe alanında çalışan veya bu alanda kendini geliştirmek isteyen personeli Hedef katılımcı: İşletmelerin satış-pazarlama faaliyetlerinden sorumlu personeli Beklenen sonuç: Finans ve muhasebe alanında kendini geliştirmek isteyen işletme çalışanı ve yöneticileri için finansal yönetimin temel kurallarını öğreterek, işletmelerin bu konudan sorumlu çalışanlarını, yöneticilerini, öğrendiklerini iş hayatına uygulayabilir seviyeye getirmek Beklenen sonuç: İşletmelerin satış-pazarlama faaliyetleri uzun vadeli çizilmiş ve stratejik olarak belirlenmiş esaslara göre yapmalarını sağlamak 3 04.12.2013 56 Ekonomik Yönetim için Eğitim Önerileri İK Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 12: DIŞ TİCARET Eğitim programı 13: LİDERLİK VE ETKİN YÖNETİCİLİK İçerik: - Dış ticarete başlangıç ve temel esaslar - Dış ticarette teslim ve ödeme şekilleri - Temel dış ticaret belgeleri - Dış ticaret mevzuatının tanıtılması - İhracat – ithalat iş akışları - Gümrük mevzuatı ve gümrükleme işlemleri - Serbest bölgeler ve ithalat-ihracat işlemleri - Dış ticarette teşvikler, devlet yardımları İçerik: - Liderlik ve yöneticilik kavramı - Liderlikte duygusal zeka - Yöneticilik ve etkili takım çalışması - Değişim yönetimi - Yöneticilik ve problem çözme - Liderlikte koçluk becerisi - Yöneticiler için imaj ve beden dili Hedef katılımcı: Dış ticaret yapan veya yapmak isteyen tüm işletmelerde dış ticaret faaliyetleri ile görevlendirilmiş personel Beklenen sonuç: İşletmeleri dış ticaret konusunda bilgilendirerek uluslararası pazarlara yönlendirmek. Bölgeden yapılan ihracat oranında artış sağlamak Hedef katılımcı: İşletme sahipleri ve üst düzey yöneticiler Beklenen sonuç: Katılımcılara, günümüzün rekabet ortamında özgün çözümler üretecek, modeller geliştirecek ve uygulayacak yönetici kadrosunu yetiştirmek ve onlara bütünü görmeyi sağlayan bir perspektif kazandırmak İK Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri İK Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 14: YETENEK YÖNETİMİ Eğitim programı 15: ÖĞRENEN ÖRGÜTLER İçerik: -Yetenek havuzu yaratma, yetenekli personeli etkileme ve istihdam etme -Yetkinliklere dayalı eğitim ve geliştirme - Kariyer yönetimi ve geliştirme -Performans yönetimi ve değerlendirmesi - Terfi sistemi İçerik: -Bulunduğu ortamın farkında olan; -takım arkadaşları ile ortak bir vizyonu paylaşan kişilerden oluşan; -yeni düşüncelerin beslendiği, geliştirildiği ve uygulandığı; - öğrenmenin öğretildiği; geleceği şekillendirmede etkili olmak isteyen örgütler oluşturulması hedeflenmektedir. Hedef katılımcı: - Bölgedeki tüm işletmeler, özellikle insan kaynakları yönetiminden sorumlu personel Beklenen sonuç: - Işletmeleri IK yönetiminin önemi konusunda bilinçlendirmek. İşletmelerin en büyük sorunu olan kalifiye eleman bulma ve işletme bünyesinde tutma becerilerini geliştirmek ve personel yönetimi konusunda yaşanan sıkıntıları azaltmak İK Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 16: MAAŞ VE TEŞVİK YÖNETİMİ İçerik: - Etkili maaş ve ödüllendirme sistemi - Maaş yönetimi ve yan haklar - Genel personel yönetimi Hedef katılımcı: - Bölgedeki tüm işletmeler, özellikle insan kaynakları yönetiminden sorumlu personel Beklenen sonuç: - Işletmeleri IK yönetiminin önemi konusunda bilinçlendirmek. İşletmelerin en büyük sorunu olan kalifiye eleman bulma ve işletme bünyesinde tutma becerilerini geliştirmek ve personel yönetimi konusunda yaşanan sıkıntıları azaltmak Hedef katılımcı: - Bölgedeki tüm işletmeler, özellikle insan kaynakları yönetiminden sorumlu personel ve şirket misyon- vizyonunu belirleyen üst düzey yöneticiler Beklenen sonuç: - Işletmeleri IK yönetiminin önemi konusunda bilinçlendirmek. İşletmelerin en büyük sorunu olan kalifiye eleman bulma ve işletme bünyesinde tutma becerilerini geliştirmek ve personel yönetimi konusunda yaşanan sıkıntıları azaltmak İK Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 17: KÜRESELLEŞME İçerik: -IK yönetiminde çok kültürlülükten faydalanma - Küresel pazarlarda demografik engelleri aşmak - Yabancı pazarlardaki ihtiyaç ve talepleri anlamak Hedef katılımcı: - Bölgedeki tüm işletmeler, özellikle insan kaynakları yönetiminden sorumlu personel Beklenen sonuç: - Işletmeleri IK yönetiminin önemi konusunda bilinçlendirmek. İşletmelerin en büyük sorunu olan kalifiye eleman bulma ve işletme bünyesinde tutma becerilerini geliştirmek ve personel yönetimi konusunda yaşanan sıkıntıları azaltmak 4 04.12.2013 57 İK Yönetimi için Eğitim Önerileri Eğitim programı 18: İŞÇİ GÜVENLİĞİ, MEMNUNİYETİ VE ÇALIŞMA ORTAMI İçerik: - Motivasyon unsurları - İşyerinde cazibe unsurları ve itici faktörler - Yeni İşçi sağlığı ve güvenliği kanunu hakkında bilgilendirme Teşekkürler Hedef katılımcı: - Bölgedeki tüm işletmeler, özellikle insan kaynakları yönetiminden sorumlu personel Beklenen sonuç: - Işletmeleri IK yönetiminin önemi konusunda bilinçlendirmek. İşletmelerin en büyük sorunu olan kalifiye eleman bulma ve işletme bünyesinde tutma becerilerini geliştirmek ve personel yönetimi konusunda yaşanan sıkıntıları azaltmak 5 04.12.2013 Appendix 3.5 Presentation of the SNA Study 58 Takım Üyeleri Mahmut Kiper Tülay Akarsoy Altay Mesut Deren Şükrü Çam 2 Amaç ve Hedef Teşekkür Bu iş paketinde; - Prof. Dr. Sayın Abdülhakim Coşkun’a - Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon Kurulu Üyelerine, - Toplantılara katılan ve anket formlarını dolduran ERÜ ve Bozok Ü. Mensuplarına, - Sayın Bilgin Yazlık’a tüm süreç boyunca katkıları nedeniyle teşekkür ederiz. 3 Amaç: Erciyes Üniversitesi ile Erciyes Teknoparkı arasında daha ileri ilişki ve işbirliği yaratılarak, bu yöndeki gelişmelerin etkisiyle üniversitedeki bilginin ekonomik değere dönüşme/ticarileşebilme ivmesini artırmak, Hedef: Yukarıda belirtilen amacı mümkün kılacak üniversite potansiyelinin analizi ve üniversitedeki bu potansiyelin işbirliğini geliştirici yönde kullanılabilmesini sağlayacak ve/ya kolaylaştıracak yöntem ve önerilerin geliştirilmesi olarak ortaya konmuştur. 4 Görüşme İstatistikleri -Görüşmeler ve Soru Formları 12 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde, ağırlıkla görüşme yapılacak Üniversite Yapıları (merkez, enstitü vb.) ve araştırmacılarından yaklaşık 96 kişinin katılımı ile ve “İş Planlarının ve Zaman Planının Paylaşımı” ana gündemiyle yapılan açılış toplantısında ayrıca Erciyes Teknoparkı Yöneticisince Teknopark Yetenekleri ile bir bilgilendirme de sağlanmıştır. 29 Temmuz – 1 Ağustos 2013 tarihleri arasında onaylanan randevu planına göre Erciyes Üniversitesinin “Kurumsal Birimleri” ile 7 grup halinde görüşme oturumları yapılmış ve katılımcılardan hazırlanan soru formlarını doldurmaları istenmiştir. 19-23 Ağustos 2013 tarihleri arasında onaylanan randevu planına göre Erciyes Üniversitesinin farklı birimlerinden Akademisyenler ile 10 grup halinde bireysel görüşme oturumları yapılmış ve katılımcılardan hazırlanan soru formlarını doldurmaları istenmiştir. 5 6 1 04.12.2013 59 Girişimci ve Yenilikçi Üniversite Endeksi-2013 Bilimsel Araştırma Yetkinliği YÖK tarafından 2010 yılı için 131 üniversite için yapılan SCI, SSCI, AHCI'te yayımlanan yayınların yayın sayısına göre oluşturulan sıralamada Erciyes Üniversitesi, toplamda 667 adet net yayın ile tüm üniversiteler arasında 9. sırada yer almıştır Erciyes Üniv. tarafından 2012 yılında TÜBİTAK’a 119 adet proje başvurusunda bulunulmuştur. Bu rakama göre Erciyes Üniversitesi, 11. sırada yer almaktadır. Destek oranlarına bakıldığında ise 2012 yılında 22 proje kabulü ile %18’Lik bir başarı oranından söz etmek mümkündür. Bu rakamlar kendisinden yukarda yer alan üniversitelerle karşılaştırıldığında kendisinden daha çok proje başvurusunda bulunan üniversitelerden daha yüksek bir başarı oranına sahip olduğu görülmektedir. 7 8 Bilgi Üretim Sistemleri EÜ’nin (Raporun 3. Kısmında açıklanan) temel ve disipliner araştırmalarda yoğunlaşan ‘Mode 1’ Bilgi Üretim yaklaşımında oldukça iyi bir konumda olduğu, ekonomiye doğrudan katkı ve bu amaçla bilginin ticarileşmesi ve teknoloji transferi ile ilgili süreçlerde yoğunlaşan ‘Mode2’ bilgi üretim yaklaşımında ise oldukça mesafe katetmiş olmakla birlikte özellikle uygulama ve planların yaygınlaştırılması ve disiplinler arası ve işbirliği ağyapılarında kurumsallaşmış ortamlarda ortak çalışma ve teknoloji transfer süreçleri için araştırmacılara kolaylık sağlayacak şekilde sistemlerin kurulmasında ve bu yöndeki motivasyonun artırılması konularında halledilmesi gereken meselelerin olduğu gözlenmektedir. Erciyes Üniv. Kurumsal ve Bireysel Anket Sonuçları 9 Kurumsal Anket Sonuçları 10 Kurumsal Anket Sonuçları 11 12 2 04.12.2013 60 Kurumsal Anket Sonuçları (Sanayi Hizmetleri) Kurumsal Anket Sonuçları (Fon Kaynağı ve Çıktılar) 13 Kurumsal Anket Sonuçları (ETP ile İşbirliği) 14 Kurumsal Anket Sonuçları (ETP ile İşbirliği) Erciyes Teknopark ile işbirliği yapan birimlerin oranı %18. Bu birimlerin Teknopark ile hangi konularda işbirliği yaptıkları sorgulandığında en çok verilen yanıt “Bölümde Teknoparkta işletme sahibi akademisyenlerin bulunması” olmuştur. Onun dışında verilen diğer yanıtlar şöyledir: Ortak seminerler düzenlenmesi Endüstriyel Tasarım Merkezinde ortak çalışma yapılması Bölümün sunduğu imkanlardan Erciyes Teknopark çalışanlarının faydalanıyor olması Teknopark yetkililerinden çeşitli konularda görüş alınması 15 Bireysel Anket Sonuçları (Sanayi İle İlişkiler) 16 Bireysel Anket Sonuçları (Projeler ve Ortaklıklar) 17 18 3 04.12.2013 61 Bireysel Anket Sonuçları (Proje Fon Kaynakları) Bireysel Anket Sonuçları (Proje Çıktıları) 19 Bireysel Anket Sonuçları (Bilginin Ticarileşmesi Önündeki Engeller) 20 Bireysel Anket Sonuçları (Bilginin Ticarileşmesi İçin İhtiyaçlar) 21 22 Kurumsal ve Bireysel Görüşme Sonuçları ETP İle İlişkiler Fikri Haklarla İlgili Sorunlar: 23 Fikri mülkiyete konu bir buluş gerçekleştirildiğinde başvuru süreci yeterince bilinmiyor ve takip edilemiyor. Ayrıca fikri hak süreçleri ve yapılması gerekenler ile ilgili yazılı prosedürler mevcut değil. Neyin orijinal olduğu bilinmiyor, buna da bağlı olarak fikirler ve buluşlar korumadan yoksun bir biçimde dışarıya açılıyor. Araştırmacılara patent başvuru ve alma süreçleri konusundaki bilgilendirme, yönlendirme ve destekler yeterli değil. Bazı projelere ve çıktılarına yurt dışından ilgi olursa ne yapılması gerektiği bilinmiyor. Hoca ile sanayici doğrudan karşılıklı geliyor ve hoca hak kayıplarına uğruyor. Hocaların spesifik alanda yaptıkları çok değerli araştırmalar yayına dönüyor ve Türkiye değil başka ülkeler bunlardan yarar sağlıyor. 24 4 04.12.2013 62 Kurumsal ve Bireysel Görüşme Sonuçları Kurumsal ve Bireysel Görüşme Sonuçları Proje Kaynakları, Destekler ve Destekleme Mekanizmaları/Mevzuatla İle İlgili Sorunlar: Döner sermaye süreçlerindeki yetersizlikler ve bu süreçlerin karmaşık olması ve ödenen payın yeterince motive edici olmaması bu kanalın kullanılması için istek yaratmıyor. Genel olarak desteklerle ilgili kanun ve mevzuatlarda da yetersizliklerin olması ve süreçlerin çok karmaşık olması proje yapma motivasyonunu etkiliyor. Pek çok araştırma kaynak sıkıntısı nedeniyle gerçekleştirilemiyor. TÜBİTAK’ın, YÖK’ün, Üniversitenin farklı uzman veri tabanları var, her birine ayrı girmek gerekiyor, bu da bıktırıcı ve caydırıcı oluyor. Araştırma desteklerinde giderek artan şekilde güdümlü projeler önem kazanmaya başlıyor ancak bu konularda üniversite ve ET’ten yeterli açıklama ve destek gelmiyor. Ticarileşmede San-Tez önemli bir program ancak ortaya çıkacak FH firma tarafından sahipleniliyor ve paylaşılmak istenmiyor. EÜ yayın sayısında ilk onda ancak Girişimcilik ve Yenilikçilik Endeksine göre 21. Sırada, YÖK’ün akademik yükselme kriterleri ticarileşme konusunda motive edici değil. Üniversiteye ya da araştırma merkezlerine yeni gelenlerin oryantasyon sorunları oluyor, kime danışacaklarını ya da destek alacaklarını bilmiyorlar. Türkiye’deki onay sistemindeki sorunlar yaşam bilimleri alanındaki ticarileşebilir çalışmalarda motivasyonu düşürüyor. Yurt dışı fonlardan yararlanacak çok fazla proje önerisi geliştirilemiyor. 25 Kurumsal ve Bireysel Görüşme Sonuçları Birimlerde ve Birimlerarası İşbirliklerinde Yaşanan Sorunlar: Araştırmalarda en önemli unsur olan öğrencilerin bu süreçler için yeterince motive edilememesi, onlara yeterli finansmanın sağlanamıyor olması (mevzuatlarda sorunların yaşanıyor olması) en değerli proje unsurlarından birinden mahrum kalınmasına yol açıyor. Bölüm ve merkezlerin altyapı olanaklarının diğer bölümlere yeterince açılamaması, bölümler arası işbirliklerinin fazlaca yapılamıyor olması disiplinler arası çalışmaların önünü tıkıyor. Üniversite altyapısının en son teknolojiler ile teçhizatlandırılmamış olması, bu teçhizatları edinecek olanakların bulunmaması pek çok yönden olumsuz etkiler yaratıyor. Kurulan Araştırma Merkezlerinin kendi kadrolarını oluşturamaması, fakülte elemanlarının bu merkezlerde de görevlendiriliyor olması merkezlerin kurumsallaşmasını ve fonksiyonlarını yerine getirmesini güçleştiriyor. Laboratuvarlarda yapılan test/analizler pahalı ve akredite değil, bu nedenle sanayicilerce tercih edilmiyor. Kurulan araştırma merkezlerinde mühendislik fakültelerinin fikirleri ve bir çok bölümün yetkinlikleri dikkate alınmıyor. Üniversite yönetimi ile bölümler arasında iletişim kopukluğu var. Erciyes üniversitesinde, üniversite-sanayi işbirliği için varolan birimin tanınmaması, işlevlerinin bilinmemesi ve söz konusu birimin hali hazırda çalışmaması proje sayısının artması önünde engel teşkil ediyor. Akademisyenlerin İş Yükü, Yaklaşımları ve Farkındalık İle İlgili Sorunlar: Eğitim yükünün ağır, Ar-Ge ve buluşların ticarileşmesini motive eden / güdüleyen mekanizmaların yetersiz olması proje yapma ve bilginin ticarileşmesini olumsuz etkiliyor. Değişime tepki ve direncin kolay aşılamaması bu tür çabaların ivmelenmesini önlüyor. Başarılar ödüllendirilmiyor. Üniversitede oldukça fazla fikir var, ancak motivasyon yok. Yükselmelerde bilimsel makale önemli olduğundan kültürel olarak ve mevzuatlar nedeniyle hocalar ve araştırma görevlilerinin ticarileşmeye odaklı araştırmalara vakitleri olmuyor. Yönetimin baskısı ile proje desteklerine başvurulması da yararlı sonuçlar vermiyor. Hoca proje yürütürken çok fazla birimle muhatap oluyor ve enerjisini ve motivasyonunu kaybediyor. Temel bilimler bölümleri için temel araştırmalar ve eğitim ticarileşmenin önünde geliyor ve ticarileşme ve sanayi ile ilişkiler konusunda neler yapabileceklerini bilmiyorlar. Hocalar bu konulardaki mevzuat ve sistemleri pek bilmiyorlar. Proje yapmak akademisyenlere bir itibar sağlamıyor. Eğitim sisteminin ezbercilik ve problem çözme üzerine olması, Ar-Ge’nin kaynağı olan problemin tespiti üzerine olmaması proje konularının belirlenmesinde zorluklar yaratıyor. 26 Birimlerde ve Birimlerarası İşbirliklerinde Yaşanan Sorunlar (Devam) 27 28 Kurumsal ve Bireysel Görüşme Sonuçları Kurumsal ve Bireysel Görüşme Sonuçları Bölümler arası ortak lisansüstü programların açılamaması disiplinler arası çalışmalar için önemli bir aracın devreye girmesini önlüyor. Öğretim üyelerinin teknolojinin ticarileşmesi ile ilgili kavram, süreçler ve destekler gibi konularda yeterli bilgileri yok. Hocalar alanlarında gelişen teknolojiler ile ilgili kendilerini yenilemiyorlar, ilerlemeleri yeterince izlemiyorlar. Üniversitenin yeni spin-off yaratma konusunda destekleri yeterli değil ve önemli çabaları gözlenmiyor. BAP uygulamaları hakkında oldukça şikayet olmasına rağmen bunların çözümü konusunda yönetimin yeterli çabası görülmüyor. Hocalar arasındaki kişisel sorunlar ve sıkıntılar da pek çok işbirliğini engelliyor. Yenileşimin esas ayağı olan temel bilimlere gerekli önemin verilmemesi ve bu alanların da proje işbirliklerinde dikkate alınmaması bu bölümlerin motivasyonunu azaltıyor. Fen Bilimleri fakültelerine yeterince araştırmacı öğrenci gelmiyor. Sosyal Bilimler, Eğitim gibi enstitülerin çalışma alanları daha çok kuramsal kalıyor ve mühendislik gibi teknoloji ve ticarileşmesine çok yakın olunamıyor. Üniversitenin Endüstriyel Tasarım yetkinliklerinden yeterince yararlanılmıyor, projelerde yeterince yer verilmiyor. Sanayi ve Diğer Aktörlerle İlişkilerde Yaşanan Sorunlar: Proje Yönetim Sistemleri İle İlgili Sorunlar: Bulunmuş yeniliklerin tekrar tekrar çalışılıyor olması, araştırma öncesi taramaların yeterince yapılamıyor olması ticarileşebilecek proje sayısını azaltıyor. Dokümantasyon ve bunların sistematiği ve paylaşıma açılması konularında önemli zaafiyetler bulunuyor. Sarf malzemeleri vb. gereçlerin teminlerinin çok vakit alıyor olması; izin, olur süreçlerinin uzun ve zaman alıcı olması, mevzuatın yıldırıcı olması proje yapmayı güçleştiriyor. Proje formları hocalar tarafından yazılıyor, alınan projelerde gerekli form ve bürokrasi de hocalarca yürütülüyor ve proje almak eziyet haline geliyor. Tezlerin belirlenmesinde sanayi ile ilişkiler kapsamında belirli esaslar yok. 29 Sanayinin kısa vadeli beklentileri işbirliğini engelliyor, sanayiden çok küçük sponsorluk destekleri bile alınamıyor. Üniversite de sanayinin beklediği çözümler için hazırlıklı değil, onlara öncelik vermiyor. Belediye gibi bölgedeki büyük kamu kuruluşları da üniversite ile ilişki kurmuyor, danışmanlık almıyor. Yöre halkından da üniversiteye beklentileri konusunda talepler gelmiyor, üniversite üzerinde toplumsal bir baskı oluşmuyor Sanayiye yapılan hizmetlerin karşılığı alınamıyor. Bölgedeki çiftçiler üniversiteden yeterli desteği göremediklerini belirtmektedir. EÜ hastaneleri özel hastanelerle rekabet etmek zorunda kaldığı için araştırmalara yeterli zaman ayrılamıyor. Sanayi ile ilişkiler kurumsal değil kişisel bazda oluyor. Bölgedeki sanayiciler Erciyes Üniversitesi’ndeki öğretim elemanlarına güven duymuyor ve yeterli değeri vermiyor, başka illerdeki Üniversite Hocaları ile çalışıyor. Ülke olarak bir kalkınma planımızın bulunmaması nedeniyle akademisyenlerin hangi alanlara yönelebileceklerini bilemiyor olması. 30 5 04.12.2013 63 Teknopark Faaliyetlerinin Geliştirilmesi İçin Öneriler Teknopark’dan Beklentiler Sanayi için önemli problemlerin gelmesi ve bunların ilgili bölümlerle ilişkilendirilmesinde ET önemli bir işlev görebilir. ET’ten alınabilecek hizmetler ve destekler konusunda araştırmacılar sürekli olarak bilgilendirilmeli. ET öğrencilere özel destekler tasarlayabilir. Bu kapsamda staj, proje vb. konularda öğrenciler ile sanayi eşleştirilmesinde TP aktif rol oynayabilir. ET’te firması olan hocaların yaşadığı pazarlama ve pazar araştırma konularında TP destek olmalı. ET web sitesi iyileştirilerek, ET’teki firmaların tanıtımları daha etkin yapılmalı. Teknoparktaki işletmelerin ERÜ ve imkanlarını yeterince biliyor olmasında ET’e önemli sorumluluklar düşmektedir. Teknopark sanayi ile bölümler arasında buluşmalar düzenleyebilir. ET küresel ölçekte işbirliklerine ve ilişkilere de aracılık etmelidir. ET da proje başvurusu ve yönetimi konularında destek birimleri oluşturmalıdır. 31 ET’te bazı öne çıkan başlıklarda çalışma grupları oluşturularak talep görecek proje konularının belirlenmesi ve bu projeler için sanayi ve üniversite eşleştirmeleri yapılması önerilmektedir. Yukarıdaki öneri ile de ilişkili olarak TP endüstriden gelen problemlerin toplanmasında ve üniversiteye yönlendirilmesinde daha sistematik ve aktif bir rol üstlenebilir. Teknopark yetkilileri ve işletmeleri ile disiplinler bazında ve öğrencilerle (lisans, lisansüstü) karşılıklı tanıtım toplantıları, çalıştaylar vb. yöntemlerin devreye alınması ve böylece ilişki ağlarının geliştirilmesi önemli işbirliği fırsatları yaratabilecektir. ET’te proje ve değişik konularla ilgili formal ve tanımlı bir danışma biriminin oluşturulması çok yararlı olacaktır. Üniversite tarafından Devreye Alınması Önerilen “(Buluş) Beyan Formu”nun Hızlıca Sonuçlandırılması: BAP ve benzeri desteklerle yürütülen projeler için Proje Sonuç raporu, yayın vb. araştırma çıktılarının alıcı ortama açıklanması öncesi zorunlu bir aşama olarak geliştirilen bir beyan formunun doldurulması sisteminin üniversite rutinlerinden biri haline getirilmesi için hem araştırıcı tarafından kolayca doldurulabilecek bir formun tasarlanması hem de doldurulan bu formlarla ilgili patent taraması, ticarileşebilme potansiyeli vb. konularda hızlı bir değerlendirme ile fikri hak potansiyelinin değerlendirilmesi ve sonucun hızlıca ilgili araştırmacıya bildirilmesi önemli bir aşama olarak görülmelidir. 32 Teknopark Faaliyetlerinin Geliştirilmesi İçin Öneriler ET, bölgedeki sanayilerden öne çıkanların gruplandırılarak, kümelenme vb. işbirliği ağyapıları çalışmalarına ve buradan da üniversite ile köprüler kurulmasına öncülük ve aracılık etme fonksiyonunu yerine getirmelidir. ET bölge sanayine yeni üretim alanları, konularındaki teknolojik gelişmelerle ilgili bilgilendirme sistemleri oluşturmalı ve bunu yaparken de üniversite potansiyelini ve katkılarını dikkate almalıdır., ET, EÜ merkezleri ile ilişkilerin kurulması ve geliştirilmesine özel bir önem vermeli ve bunun ilk adımlarından olarak ET’te Merkezlerin tanıtımı amaçlı faaliyet ve metotlar kurgulamalıdır. ET sermaye temininde yol göstermeli, mümkün olan durumlarda aracı olmalıdır. ET teknolojinin ticarileşmesine önem vermek isteyen ya da ilgilenen hocalardan oluşan bir uzman havuzu oluşturabilir. ET’te de kişiler arasında işbirliğine yönlendirecek ARBİS benzeri bir veri tabanı kurulması değerli işbirliklerini mümkün kılabilir. Bozok Üniv. Kurumsal ve Bireysel Anket Sonuçları 33 Kurumsal Anket Sonuçları 34 Kurumsal Anket Sonuçları 35 36 6 04.12.2013 64 Bireysel Anket Sonuçları Bireysel Anket Sonuçları (Projeler ve Ortaklıklar) Fikri Mülkiyet Hakları Durumu Sanayi ile işbirliği düzeyi 37 Bireysel Anket Sonuçları (Bilginin Ticarileşmesi Önündeki Engeller) 38 Bireysel Anket Sonuçları (Bilginin Ticarileşmesi İçin İhtiyaçlar) 39 40 Üniversite ve Alt Birimler Bazında Üniversite Koordinasyonunda Politika, Strateji Oluşturma ve Kaynak Planlamalarının Yapılması ÖNERİLER 41 Görüşme ve anketlerden de görüleceği gibi , üniversitenin stratejilerinin çok bilinmediği, fakülte ve bölümler bazında ise yeterli seviyede ve dokümante edilmiş stratejilerin bulunmadığı gözlemlenmiştir. EÜ’nin ATGİ süreçlerine nasıl baktığı ve ne şekilde ele alacağı ile ilgili temel bir politika oluşturup iş ve dış paydaşlarla paylaşması ve bunu destekleyen stratejileri oluşturması ve mevcut olanları bu çerçevede iyileştirmesi süreç için en kritik unsurlardan biri olarak görünmektedir. Bu politika üniversite birimlerine de yol göstermeli ve onların olası kaynaklar, çok çeşitli teknolojiler ve bilimsel alanlar içerisinde ticarileştirme için hedef sektörler, hedef teknolojiler belirleyerek uzmanlaşmaya gitmelerini, uzmanlık alanları ile ilgili araştırma altyapılarına yoğunlaşmalarını sağlamalıdır. 42 7 04.12.2013 65 Üniversite ve Alt Birimler Bazında Üniversite Koordinasyonunda Politika, Strateji Oluşturma ve Kaynak Planlamalarının Yapılması Üniversite ve Alt Birimler Bazında Üniversite Koordinasyonunda Politika, Strateji Oluşturma ve Kaynak Planlamalarının Yapılması Bu çalışmalarda özellikle dikkate alınması önerilen iki husus şunlardır; İlave olarak bu temel politikayı destekleyecek şekilde; Teknoloji transfer ve ticarileşme uygulamaları ile ilgili yaklaşımlar, kural ve rehber dokümanlar, Araştırmacıları ve toplumu da rahatlatacak şekilde bu süreçlerde toplumsal yararın nasıl sağlandığı, Değişik durumlarda çıktıların hak sahipliliği esasları, Sorumluluklar, haklar ve kurallar düzeni, Ticarileşen çıktıların paylaşım esasları, Teknoloji transferi-kariyer ilişkileri ve uygulamaları gibi ana unsurlarda ve yeterli seviyelerde dokümanların hazırlanması ve paylaşılması bu tür çalışmaların önünü açacaktır. Disiplinler arası çalışmalar özendirilmeli, bu amaçla birimler arası iletişim ilerletilmeli ve üniversite yönetimleri bu süreçlerde aktif rol almalıdır. Ayrıca, disiplinler bir araya gelerek ortak tezler oluşturmalıdır. Tezlerin ve araştırmaların teknolojinin bugünkü durumundan daha ileri götürülebilmesi için gelişen teknolojilere paralel şekilde altyapılar da geliştirilmeli ve tez ve araştırma konuları bu gelişmelere göre belirlenmelidir. Yine bu çerçevede henüz TT ve bilginin ticarileşmesi için konumlarını belirlemede sıkıntı yaşadıkları görülen bir çok bölümün sanayi ile ilişkiler ve teknolojinin ticarileşmesi konusundaki potansiyellerini (örneğin Hukuk Fakültesi fikri haklar, iletişim fakültesi tanıtım ve pazarlama, Endüstri Müh. Bölümü sistemler ve yönetimleri vb.) öne çıkaran stratejiler geliştirmesi çok değerli sonuçlar doğurabilecektir. 43 Uzmanlaşmış Birimlerin Varlığı İletişim stratejisinin oluşturulması ve uygulanması En fazla sorun belirtilen alanlardan biri olarak Üniversitenin kendi akademisyenlerinin fikri mülkiyet haklarına başvuru ve tescil süreçlerinde yardımcı olması başta olmak üzere görüşmelerde aşağıdaki şu hususlarda da bazı gelişmeler sağlanması beklendiği anlaşılmıştır; Araştırmacılara ulusal ve uluslar arası destekler için Proje hazırlama ve yönetimi konusunda destek verecek bölüm(ler) bazında ya da merkezi bir birim oluşturulması çok yararlı sonuçlar verebilecektir. Teknoloji transferi, ticarileşmesi, Fikri haklar, Araştırma, Teknoloji Geliştirme ve İnovasyon (ATGİ) sistem ve politikaları, Proje yönetimi vb. pek çok konuyu kapsayan “Teknoloji Yönetimi ve Politikaları” gibi bir lisanüstü program açılabilir ve bu program aynı zamanda üniversite içine ve dışına da eğitim ve seminerlerle yaygın bir hizmet sunmayı hedefleyebilir. Böylece bu konularda eksikliği hissedilen uzmanların da yetişmesi sağlanabilir. 44 Merkezler disiplinler arası projelerin hayata geçirilmesi ve yürütülmesinde önemli ve aktif bir rol oynayabilir. Bu kapsamda özellikle GenKök örneğinde olduğu gibi kendi sistemlerini ve proje yönetim yaklaşımlarını geliştirmeleri önemli görülmektedir. Merkezlerin başta EÜ bölümler, enstitüler ve merkezler arası olmak üzere, yurt içi ve dışına doğru işbirliği ağyapısını geliştirmeleri pek çok başarı öyküsü yaratabileceği gibi, araştırmalarda ve bunların ticarileşmelerinde kritik bir büyüklüğün yaratılabilmesinde önemli işlevler 45 görebilecektir. İletişim stratejisinin oluşturulması ve uygulanması Yapılan görüşmeler ve değerlendirmelerde hemen her bölümde bilginin ticarileşmesi ve teknoloji transferi ile ilişkili olabilecek çok sayıda çalışma gerçekleştirildiği ancak bundan sonraki süreçler için destek alınamadığı için araştırma sonuçlarının daha ileri götürülemediği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çabaların merkezi ve birimler içinde kurulmuş bir önceki maddede açıklanmaya çalışılan kapsamda belli merkezlerden yönlendirilmesi ve başarı hikayelerinin yaygınlaştırılması önemli bir unsur olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda üniversite çapında gerçekleştirilen faaliyetlerin iç ve dış paydaşlarla paylaşılabilmesi için bir iletişim stratejisinin oluşturulması ve paylaşılması önemli görülmektedir. 46 Sanayi ile ilişkiler Bu kapsamda özellikle aşağıdaki şu hususların dikkate alınması yararlı sonuçlar verebilecektir; Başarıların ödüllendirilmesi ve başarı öykülerinin yaygınlaştırılması için Üniversite yönetiminin sistem(ler) kurması yararlı olacaktır. Üniversite bölümleri arasındaki etkileşimi ve iletişimi artırıcı formal ve informal kanallar oluşturmalıdır. Bu kapsamda farklı bölümlerden araştırmacıların bir araya gelmelerini sağlayan sosyal ortamlar ve alanlar da yaratılmalıdır. Bu kapsamda ayrıca bölümler arası proje buluşmaları da ortak proje sayısını artırıcı bir yöntem olarak dikkate alınabilir. Üniversitenin Teknoloji Transfer ya da Sanayi İle İşbirliği Yapabilecek bölüm, enstitü, araştırma ve uygulama merkezleri vb. birimlerinin bu çerçevede sunabilecekleri hizmet ve altyapılarını tanıtmaları ve bu süreçleri nasıl yöneteceklerine dair yönergelerini oluşturmaları ve tüm bu süreçlerde TTO ile ne tür işbirlikleri yapabileceklerini belirlemeleri oldukça değerli sonuçlar doğurabilecektir. 47 Sanayinin sürekli olarak üniversite ile işbirlikleri kurmasını sağlayacak ilk ve değerli araçlardan olan test ve analiz yapılarının sanayinin ihtiyaç duyacağı şekilde iyileştirilmiş ve akreditasyon ve uygunluk onay belgeleri alınmış şekilde geliştirilmesi yararlı olacaktır. İletişim stratejisinin bir parçası olarak tespit edilecek hizmet alanları ile ilgili broşürlerin ve web tabanlı tanıtım ve bilgilendirmelerin hazırlanması ve bu ve benzeri araçlar aracılığı ile öncelikli sektörlerde, bölüm bazında, hizmet odaklı tanıtımlar gerçekleştirilmesi önerilmektedir. 48 8 04.12.2013 66 Sanayi ile ilişkiler Fikri Haklar Sanayi ile ilişkilerin geliştirilmesi için öne çıkarılabilecek diğer bazı hususlar da şunlardır; BAP ve benzeri desteklerle yürütülen projeler için Proje Sonuç raporu, yayın vb. araştırma çıktılarının alıcı ortama açıklanması öncesi zorunlu bir aşama olarak geliştirilen bir “buluş beyan” ya da sadece “beyan” formunun doldurulması sisteminin Üniversite ile sanayi arasında eleman rotasyonları için mekanizmalar oluşturulması bilinen ve değerli bir ÜSİ mekanizması olarak gündeme alınmalıdır. üniversite rutinlerinden biri haline getirilmesi hem buluşların ticarileşmesi ve bu Kritik önemde olan Belediye ve diğer kamu kurumları ve bölgedeki büyük firmalarla ortak projeler için çabalarda üniversite yönetiminin öne çıkması beklenmektedir. Sonuçlandırılmasını sağlayacak şekilde çalışmalıdır. BAP ve benzeri desteklerle kapsamda fikri hak sahipliliği hem de TTO ile direk bir bağ olması bakımından çok önemli bir aşama olarak değerlendirilmektedir. TP’da bünyesindeki TTO aracılığı ile Üniversite tarafından Doldurtulan “(Buluş) Beyan Formu”nun Hızlıca yürütülen projeler için Proje Sonuç raporu, yayın vb. araştırma çıktılarının alıcı ortama açıklanması öncesi zorunlu bir aşama olarak geliştirilen bir beyan formunun doldurulması sisteminin üniversite rutinlerinden biri haline getirilmesi için hem araştırıcı tarafından kolayca doldurulabilecek bir formun tasarlanması hem de Sanayici ile üniversiteyi bir araya getirebilecek proaktif bir koordinasyon merkezinin kurulması ve bu merkezin sanayi projelerindeki hukuki, mali vb. konuları da dikkate alan esnek bir yapıda kurgulanması beklenmektedir. doldurulan bu formlarla ilgili patent taraması, ticarileşebilme potansiyeli vb. konularda hızlı bir değerlendirme ile fikri hak potansiyelinin değerlendirilmesi ve sonucun hızlıca ilgili araştırmacıya bildirilmesi önemli bir aşama olarak görülmelidir. 49 50 Eğitim ve Rehber Dokümanları Destekler Mevcut yapıda Ar-Ge desteklerinin ağırlıklı olarak BAP koordinasyonunda yürütüldüğü belirtilmektedir. Ancak sağlanan destekler ağırlıklı olarak idari takipten ibaret olup, idari ve mali konular daha çok projeyi gerçekleştiren akademisyenlerin takibindedir. Bu durum benzer konularda farklı akademisyenlerin sürekli öğrenme gerçekleştirmelerine neden olmakta ve verimsizliğe yol açmaktadır. Bu nedenle projelerin idari ve mali kısımları ile ilgili daha etkin bilgi sağlanması ve proje prosedürleri ile ilgili yüklerin araştırıcıların üzerinden alınması gerektiği düşünülmektedir. Ar-Ge destekleri kapsamında güdümlü projeler genellikle öne çıkan alanlarda yoğunlaştığından, yayın taramalarındaki yoğunlaşmalardan teknolojik gelişmelerdeki gidişi değerlendirecek ve bu konularla güdümlü projeler konusunda bilgi sağlayacak üniversitede bir mekanizma kurulması da yararlı olacaktır. Bu kapsamda yaygınlık ve erişilebilirlik unsurları da önemle ele alınmalıdır. Gerçekleştirilen görüşmelerde akademisyenlerin ticari süreçlerle çok ilgilenmedikleri, akademik kaygılarla hareket ettikleri ve sürecin başta fikri mülkiyet olmak üzere çoğu aşaması hakkında bilgi sahibi olmadıkları belirlenmiştir. Akademisyenlerin iş yoğunluğuna göre belirlenecek tarihlerde bu alanlarda deneyimli kişilerce, gerçek vakalar üzerinden verilecek eğitimlerin önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Ticarileşme süreci için dışarıdan alınacak eğitimler ön plana alınırken, destekler gibi konularda özellikle üniversite içinde çok sayıda proje gerçekleştirmiş akademisyenlerin gerçekleştireceği eğitimlerin daha başarılı olabilecektir. TÜBİTAK girişimcilik, BSTB SAN-TEZ destekleri gibi alanlarda çok sayıda destek almış, ilgili komisyonlarda hakemlik gerçekleştirmiş çok sayıda öğretim üyesi bulunmaktadır. Fikri haklar kanunları ve uygulamaları ile ilgili ya da diğer konularda olduğu kadar, bu süreçlere destek sağlayan kurumların kural ve süreçlerini de açıklayan rehber ve tavsiye dokümanları süreçlerin kolaylaştırılması ve anlaşılır kılınması için faydalı olacaktır. 51 Üniversite Bölümlerinin Niteliklerine Özel Plan ve Sistemlerin Geliştirilmesi Sürekli İzleme ve Etki Değerlendirme Sistemi 52 Uygulamaların periyodik olarak bağımsız sistemlerce değerlendirilmesi, bulgulara göre iyileştirme ya da sonlandırma çalışmaları ülkemizde yaygın değildir. Bu nedenle sorunların tespit edilmesi ve çözümler için gerekli verilerin elde edilmesi oldukça zorludur. EÜ bu amaçla kurduğu Takip, İstatistik Veri (TİV) birimi bu anlamda çok önemli bulunmaktadır. Bu birimin daha sistematik ve kurumsal bir yapılanmaya kavuşturulması hem süreçlerin değerlendirilmesi ve hem de iyileştirme önerilerinin geliştirilmesinde öncü rol oynayabilecektir. 53 Sorun ve beklentilerden de anlaşılacağı gibi her bölüme has durumlar da olabilmekte ve bunların kendi özelinde ele alınması gerekmektedir. Bölümlerin beklentilerine ve önerilerine ilişkin bazı örnekler aşağıda sunulmaktadır. Çevresel etki değerlendirmesine yönelik raporların yanısıra ‘ekolojik endüstriyel alanlar’ üzerinde de Kayseri’de çalışmalar yapılmaya başlanması İmar planları, atıkların kontrolü, çevre, nakli alanların tasarlanması gibi konularda Çevre Mühendisliği ile Şehir ve Bölge Planlama bölümlerinin daha yoğun işbirliği yapması Bazı bitki islah ya da gen çalışmalarının kabul görmesi için bu tür çalışmaların ihtiyaçlara ve taleplere göre seçilip, planlanması ve planlama aşamalarında pilot uygulama ve yaygınlaştırma çalışmalarının da (tohumların ücretsiz dağıtımı, hasat ile ilgili danışmanlık vb.) ele alınması 54 yararlı olacaktır. 9 04.12.2013 67 Spin-Off’ların Oluşumu için Çerçeve Şartlar Görüşmelerde Öne Çıkarılan Diğer Öneriler Ülkemizde ayrı ayrı sistemlerle bu destekler sağlanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Mevcut durumda BSTB, TÜBİTAK, KOSGEB tarafından sağlanan farklı girişimcilik destekleri bulunmaktadır. Bu destekler oldukça dağınık bir yapıdadır ve akademisyenlerin alışık oldukları akademik desteklerden farklı koşulları bulunmaktadır. Bu aşamalarda akademisyenlere yardımcı olacak uzman personelin varlığı önem taşımaktadır. Riski minimize etmek, başarısız ticarileşme oranlarını azaltmak üzere “Girişimci fikirlerinin işletme inkübatörüne aktarılmadan önce pazar potansiyelinin test edilebileceği, riskin azaltıldığı gerçek veya sanal ortamlar” olarak tanımlanan ön kuluçkalıklar da bu kapsamda giderek önem kazanan diğer bir araçtır. Bu kapsamda KOSGEB’in değerli destekleri bulunmaktadır. Uzun vadede ise girişimcilerin çeşitli finansman imkanlarına erişimlerini sağlanması ve bu finansman imkanlarının oluşturulması öncelikli hedefler arasında olmalıdır. Bireysel katılım yatırımcısı (melek yatırımcı) ve ilgili risk sermayesi ağlarının yerel bazda oluşturulması, bu amaçla bölgedeki diğer işbirliklerinin oluşturulması ve Erciyes Üniversitesi’nden çıkan buluş sahiplerinin bu fonlara yönlendirilebilmeleri hedeflenmelidir. EÜ bünyesinde bulunan Akademik Girişimcilik Kurumu bu amaç için doğru bir yapılanma olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Üniversiteye ya da araştırma merkezlerine yeni gelenlerin oryantasyon sorunlarını minimize etmek üzere, karşılaşabilecekleri sorunlar, bunlarla ilgili birimler ve sorumlular, üniversite tanıtımı, sosyal imkanlar vb. konularda yol gösterici bir kılavuz ve rehberlik hizmeti verebilecek bir birim hayata geçirilebilir. Üniversite “Endüstriyel Doktora”benzeri programları gündemine alabilir. Bu konuda TP’da önemli bir arayüz işlevi görebilir. Bölgedeki sanayicilerin ve çiftçilerin öncelikli ihtiyaç ve beklentileri analiz edilerek, onların da katıldığı organizasyonlarla yaygın etkili projeler önceliklendirilebilir. Merkezlerin kendi uzmanlık alanlarında dünyada ve Türkiye’deki gelişmeleri ve gelecek için beklentileri içeren Strateji Raporları hazırlamaları hem öncelikli proje konularının belirlenmesinde, hem de merkezlerin prestij ve bilinirliklerinde önemli bir rol oynayabilecektir. 55 56 Görüşmelerde Öne Çıkarılan Diğer Öneriler BAP’ın da ikiye ayrılarak TÜBİTAK 1001 ile 1507’e benzer iki farklı sınıf destek (akademik ve sanayi odaklı) oluşturulması gündeme alınabilir Bu tür çalıştayların sürekli hale getirilmesi yararlı olabilecektir. Öğrencilerin de mutlaka bu süreçlerin içine sokulması için çalışmalar yapılmalıdır. Üniversitenin Tıp alanlarına sağladığı destekleri temel bilimlere de sağlaması beklenmektedir. Cihaz envanteri çalışmasının akademisyenlerin talepleri doğrultusunda daha kapsamlı yapılması ve paylaşılması önemli görülmektedir. Fen bilimleri için de bir bakım-onarım-kalibrasyon birimi kurulması (varolan birim sadece Tıp Fakültesine hizmet ediyor) yararlı olacaktır. Eğitim, danışmanlık, araştırma, vb. hizmetler ve bu kapsamda da araştırma ve uygulama merkezleri de ayrıştırılmalı ve akademisyenlerin hangisine ağırlık vermek istediklerine göre tercihleri dikkate alınmalıdır (mevzuatlar da buna müsaade etmeli). Tasarım, işbirliklerinde daha yaygın olarak dikkate alınmalıdır. Bölge ihtiyaçlarını belirlemek üzere çalışmalar yapılmalıdır. Teşekkür Ederim… Mahmut Kiper [email protected] 57 58 10 68 Appen ndix 3.6 Prress Reacttion to thee Worksho op 69 Appendix 4 ET/YIC assessment 1 Assessment of Erciyes Technopark and Yozgat Innovation Centre Technical assistance (Institution building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation center TAT/ draft 2013 11 19 70 2 Assessment of Erciyes Technopark and Yozgat Innovation Centre Table of content Foreword............................................................................................................................................... 3 Background .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Target for analysis ................................................................................................................................. 3 Empirical base for future project activities........................................................................................... 4 Methodology and Frame of reference for this summarising report......................................................... 5 1. What characterizes an ideal Technopark or Innovation Center? – The “relevance” aspect examined 6 Clearing out the concepts ..................................................................................................................... 6 Comments and conclusions .................................................................................................................. 7 A general perspective on the principles governing the organisation of the Technopark .................... 8 Comments and conclusions .................................................................................................................. 8 2. What are the main functions of a Technopark. – The aspect of “Effectiveness” examined. ............... 9 3. How does a Technopark accomplish their tasks? 4. Has the Technopark brought considerable change to the local community yet? – Analysis of “Visibility and Impact” aspect of the Technopark. .................................................................................................... 19 5. Independence and long term development. – On “sustainability” of technoparks under recent legal conditions ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 - The aspect on “efficiency” investigated Disclosure: The following memo is a normative analysis. It is based on a few larger empirical analyses and several personal observations on the job. These data are related a normative structure, describing what is supposed to be Good European Practice on Technoparks. As such a model does not exist in any official documentation, the reader should be aware of that it is based on the writer’s own experiences, and this opinion does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the project’s TAT. The purpose of the publication is merely to be a bit provocative, in order to raise questions for further discussion with ET management, MoSIT and s smaller groups of persons related to ET. In this way new issues may be formulated, to be thoroughly analysed before the final report of the Regional Innovation project will be produced within a year. 15 71 3 Assessment of Erciyes Technopark and Yozgat Innovation Centre Foreword In last Progress Report (PR 1) a large “fact finding” report was appended regarding Assessment of Erciyes Technopark and Yozgat Innovation Center. The main text in the progress report presented shortly the frame of reference, which is used for this report. By now we have made a number of systematic studies (a wide Training Need Analysis, TNA, containing several approaches, and a university assessment, presented as a Service Needs Assessment, SNA, covering the expectations on the Technopark as an intermediate between University and Industry). We have also made a number of studies of ET in our roles of participant observers. Similar has been done with YIC. A smaller TNA for staff in ET and YIC has also been conducted. The report presented here is a result of those empirical approaches in combination with general experiences regarding these kinds of organisations. The purpose, however, is more to wake a number of new questions than presenting final statements on status of things. We interpret that the overall purpose of the Regional Innovation project is to exert influence on regional industry, by increasing its competitiveness in relation to other parts of Turkey and surrounding markets. The main idea is that this should be done do by improving the abilities and capacities of ET and YIC. This means in practice that the kind of overview presented in this report will be done also in the final report. Subsequently this second report should only be regarded as an intermediate report. More final positions will be presented later. Leif Grahm, TL/ November 2013 Background Target for analysis ToR for our Regional Innovation project prescribes that we shall make an assessment of Erciyes Technopark and Yozgate Innovation Center. Erciyes Technopark is a limited Corporation started in 2004, with Erciyes University holding 84% of the shares and a founding capital of 300.000 TL. The Equity has increased by grants from the Government with approximately 7 MTRY bound basically in 20.000 m2 internal space in the buildings, and there is approximately 7 MEUR more under transfer from EU, bound in 10.000 m2 more building space. The ground space covers a park of approximately 28 Ha. Yozgat has planned an Innovation Center with the Bozok University as main owner, but it is not realized. A new building is under construction by private sponsors, and it is expected that it will be ready to use within next half year. The vision has grown from “Innovation Center” to Bozok “Technopark”, where Bozok University is the main shareholder with 75% of the setup capital of 500.000 TRY. The building will probably be rented, maybe to an insignificant price. No legal person (Technocpark) is still registered, however, and this means that our Innovation project still has no counterpart in Yozgat. We regard the present rector as “vision owner”, 72 4 however, and our project stands by for support if required when formulating the basic principles for future elaboration of the organisation. The conclusion is that we still cannot include Yozgat innovation Center in our assessment, but will come back to this issue when the Technopark is realized. Empirical base for future project activities Two different approaches to assess the Technopark are more usual than others. The first approach is the very common expert evaluation, where the consultant just gives process recommendations based on literature, and, in the best cases, their former experiences form international cases. We call this the “besserwisser method”. In the second approach, as proposed from the Regional Innovation project, we take for granted that we should adapt international experiences to local and regional conditions. This is done by paying serious attention to empirical studies, to work as general knowledge base when elaborating our framework for general assessment. Two main studies have been done: The first is a Training Needs Assessment, TNA, also including a simple technological audit, TA, and a study of training preferences. Besides this there is a basic market investigation of awareness and interest in cooperation with Erciyes Technopark. The Final report is published on the projects web site, www.etbim.tr, as “Assessment of Innovation Capacity of SMEs and Training Needs Assessment”. (Draft report) Connected to the TNA-study is an on-line study, where a large number of University students have showed their interests in training in general, and especially in entrepreneurship issues. There is also an interview study of professional academicians, presenting their views on starting and developing commercial projects. These two studies are presented in the TNA study above. The second main study concerns the universities’ relations to industry. Problems and opportunities are interviewed about, in the perspective of what the intermediate role of the Technopark might mean. We have called this a Service Needs Analysis, SNA-study. It is also presented on our web site: “University Potential Analysis Report for Improving Collaboration in between Erciyes University and Erciyes Technopark” (Drat report). Connected to this study is a mixed approach of interviews of industrial representatives training needs and university professionals’ opinion on industrial needs. So far it is only published in Turkish. In our Inception report we have proposed the following first steps of our Technopark assessment: @PA1-6. Reviewing and Assessing the Current Status of the Erciyes Technopark and the YIC The objective is to assess the current status and capabilities of the Erciyes Technopark and the YIC. Methodology: The Consultant will first evaluate the capacities of the Erciyes Technopark and YIC with regard to their internal organization and then will assess their capabilities in terms of playing a pivotal role in improving the R&D potential of the region, IT and technological infrastructure, quality of services provided and increasing economic development of the region. The review will include desk research, consultations with stakeholders and relevant government bodies and the findings will be compiled in a detailed report. A TNA analysis for Erciyes Technopark’s staff and especially the TTO members will be carried out meticulously. 73 5 Both an assessment in relation to standards agreed about with OCU and self-assessment, presented as desirable training issues like the following will be made: i. Technology audit (Which has been done and presented both in the TNA report mentioned above ) ii. Market investigations (Which is presented in the same TNA report) iii. Partnership search (A study trip to IASP conference planned, but refused as it did not coincide with ToR restrictions for international study trips. Other contacts approached but not determined) iv. IPR-strategy (First step ready, by preparing contract templates and others. Reported only in Turkish so far, at web page. The training programme, see appendix PR2, also include IPR issues) v. Project planning and cost estimations (coaching activities, on-going, Cluster projects for ET supported so far) vi. Funding of projects, application process (On-going. Principles reported in PR1. Will be evaluated further.) vii. Commercialisation (Included in Training of Trainers programme, see below) viii. Business law, legal consultancy (Part of the legal assignment as mentioned above. Comparative legal study of conditions for Technoparks in Europe still waiting for decision) ix. Networking strategy (Left for the 4th reporting period) x. HRM (Important part of the training programme. See PR2) xi. Economic growth strategies (Temporary SWOT analysis delivered in TNA study. A deeper analysis will be done in 3rd reporting period, as basis for strategy and road map for future development.) xii. Other requirements that could emerge in the process. The report will include SWOT and recommendations what needs to be done so that the Erciyes Technopark and the YIC assume a pivotal role in terms of regional development in general and RTDI in particular. In other words, the report will outline the principal milestones of a specific road map for the development of the region and with a particular emphasis on the Erciyes Technopark and the YIC. The TTO and YIC staff will work on the review process together with the TAT. The report will not only analyse the problems but also put forward the possible solutions. Output: Report on “Capacity Assessment of the Erciyes Technopark and the YIC” Methodology and Frame of reference for this summarising report The methodological approach for making a summarising assessment of present status of ET is based on data collection as described in the section above, and some supplementary observations and interviews with staff from management and the TTO of ET. These data have been related to an “ideal type” of a Technopark. “Ideal” does not mean that this kind of Technopark exists in reality. In principle the ideals represent normative statements of what is supposed to be a good Technopark. The ideals do not state what is right or wrong, but are based on more or less wanted values. The final decision on these ideals should be taken by the ET’s board, and this report mainly aims to raise the issue of discussion these matters. The ideals will be formulated as narrative demands on a good Technopark, with the ambition of making it simple by concentrating them into a few most important criteria. These will be presented within a frame of reference for making the assessment, which stands on classical scientific ground. 74 6 This frame of reference depicts the five most important aspects to be analysed: Relevance Effectiveness Efficiency Impact Sustainability 1. What characterizes an ideal Technopark or Innovation Center? – The “relevance” aspect examined Clearing the concepts There are no authoritative (meaning disciplinary) definitions of Technoparks, Innovation Centres etc. On national basis you can define whatever, and a society can institutionalise it by providing the proper regulation by Law. However, an industrial agglomeration of whatever kind can avoid to be classified as “technoparks” or “science centers” etc. by using fantasy names, which is very common way to avoid prejudiced expectations on what they should do. See for example Symbion, Technopolis, Ideon etc. With the intention to create a little order in chaos, however, I will try to make a tentative assortment of the concepts here, to make clear what kind of Technopark the following analysis is based on. – And this is not necessarily conforming to the present legislation in Turkey on TDZ. The following table will try to sort the industrial organisations by “level” of knowledge, and “kind” of purpose of industrial cooperation. See the following table: Figure 1. Placing the Technopark in a context of level and kind of organisation Purpose of org. Park Center Targeted support area Level of org. Industrial Techno, Innovation Scientific, Research Organised Zone Industrial Permanent exhibitions, e.g for industrial sectors Technopark, classical Innovation Center, type technical service centres Science Park Dissemination center for new knowledge. Fund supported Univ research Regional support area Incubators, incubators pre- University research on budget state 75 7 In accordance to this table, a Technopark should provide an organisation for industrial cooperation on a technical level between normal industrial work and development, and the most advanced scientific research level. The Technopark is advanced but is not, however, an organisation primarily for making research . The commercial aspect related to innovation is more important. With the main commercial focus, the Technopark is “inner directed”, which means that the park tries to include participants to increase its own strength and commercial capabilities. This is different from the Innovation Centers’ ambitions to be “outer directed”, which means that they primarily aim at making new knowledge available for the surrounding society. If it is a scientific center, in principle they are altruistic in their ambitions to make new findings known. To be a targeted support area is not the main idea of a Technopark, because it is supposed to stand on its own legs. An incubator, however, that might be included in a Technopark organisations for recruitments purposes and others, is not supposed to be profitable. Hence it is legitimate that the society in some was support this organisation, e.g. with the general purpose of increasing entrepreneurial activities in the region or country. From EU perspective regional support is a bit problematic. We will come back to this issue later in the project. A basic definition of a Technopark (similar to what is used by IASP) is: A Technopark is a structured community aiming at developing innovation, i.e. the commercial application of the invention. A Technopark usually brings together in one location the components necessary for making innovations happen: academicians, research institutions, and industry. The organisation mostly relies on momentum and long term vision elaborated by community leaders and other stakeholders, and articulated by the board. The intangible side (social energy, scientific knowledge, social consensus, entrepreneurship) is as important as the material side (hard infrastructure, technological facilities, R&D investments). Comments and conclusions There is no doubt that ET’s existence so far can be regarded as relevant to these basic ideas of what should be considered as a Technopark. Some comments, however, questioning in which degree the mentioned conceptions has been lived up to, will be formulated under the aspects of “effectiveness” and “efficiency”. We will discuss if the “leading edge” strand of companies have been in focus of recruitment, or if “good enough” has been the criterion, in order to safeguard the Technopark’s function of taking care of university entrepreneurs’ commercialisation opportunities. We will also comment upon the tendency of marketing the Technopark with the economic advantages given by the Law, thus advocating a tendency of creating a giant incubator rather than an innovative profit generator. We are aware of, however, the special legal and regulatory conditions of Turkey, which explains these and other deviances from the ideal model used for this assessment. – So, the conclusion still is that the “relevance aspect” of the assessment is approved. 76 8 A general perspective on the principles governing the organisation of the Technopark Criterion 1. Leading edge activities A technopark should represent the leading edge concerning technology and general knowledge about industrial development in the region. For this, pooling of resources is necessary. The management and technical staff cannot carry out all of the missions and services needed by its users or stakeholders. Pooling of financial resources, special international competencies, technical resources etc must be done, providing national and international connections for developing capacity-building services, for expert services, for collaborative projects, and for cross-fertilization of competences developed within the Technopark and those developed in other Technoparks. Criterion 2. Focus on tenants, not on management The tenants are the most important resource of the Technopark, when creating a business community that makes the leading edge concept possible to meet, the Park attractive for future recruitment. The concept of “critical mass” not only referring to number of tenants, but also the quality of the resulting collective competences, should always be considered by the Technopark management. In practice this means that relations to tenants should be treated especially respectful, to make it possible for the Technopark management to rely on their competence and loyalty. Criterion 3. Local identity Regional integration is a must. A technopark should be considered as one of the city’s main functional organisations. It creates jobs, knowledge, stimulates exchange between industry, university, and social and political organisations. In the extension this means economic value for the region. Its promotion to the city population and economic actors, its accessibility and links with other innovation players in the city should be addressed with special care. The management of the technopark should reflect this integration Comments and conclusions There is no doubt that ET’s existence so far can be regarded as relevant to these basic ideas of what should be considered as a Technopark. Some comments, however, questioning in which degree the mentioned conceptions has been lived up to, will be formulated under the aspects of “effectiveness” and “efficiency”. We will discuss if the “leading edge” strand of companies have been in focus of recruitment, or if “good enough” has been the criterion, in order to safeguard the Technopark’s function of taking care of university entrepreneurs’ commercialisation opportunities. We will also comment upon the tendency of marketing the Technopark with the economic advantages given by the Law, thus advocating a tendency of creating a giant incubator rather than an innovative profit generator. We are aware of, however, the special legal and regulatory conditions of Turkey, which explains these and other deviances from the ideal model used for this assessment. – So, the conclusion still is that the “relevance aspect” of the assessment is approved. 77 9 2. What are the main functions of a Technopark. – The aspect of “Effectiveness” examined. Figure 2: Difference of focus of knowledge. The following section will try to go a little more into details than the Relevanceaspect has done. The aspect of “effectiveness” is next. First we want to illustrate the difference between “effectiveness”, in this section, and “efficiency, which will be presented in next. EFFECTIVENESS EFFICIENCY INPUT Output Doing right things Input OUTPUT Doing things right Subsequently the main issue for this section is to describe what should be the main tasks to be done by a Technopark. Literature about Technoparks suggests a number of good practices and discusses what good government should be. However, nowhere we find a good overview of services to be provided. If we look at various Technoparks own homepages we find enumerations of services actually provided, but seldom or never classified in a proper way. Cleaning services are presented in the same list as international networking and financial services. Hence, we have made an own classification scheme, and based on this an overview of potential services. We also added a number of categories for contexts in which the services may be used, in such way elaborating a scheme possible to use for empirical observations of what services are used in reality. We have not made any empirical survey using this instrument for hard documentation of all activities in Erciyes Technopark. Partly because no resources are reserved for this in the project proposal, and partly also because ET still is under a period of developing its service arsenal, and it would give an unfair picture showing a temporary situation at the moment. We have, however, used the matrix for soft overview discussions with several persons well acquainted to the actual work in the Technopark. PROBLEMS, OPPORTUNITIES (E.G.UNUSED CAPACITY) Scientific and other capabilities for technological development, intellectual or physical Scientific publications (national or international), quantity References, quotations R&D projects: No. of supported projects, amount of money Scientific awards, qantity/period No of post graduates (prop. of these Dr-level) Intellectual property achievements, realised or pooled No of patents applications/period No of international (world?) patent applications No of patents granted/period No of utility models/industrial designs Interaction and cooperation with significant national or international organisations No of joint innovation projects with industry/period No, and amount received support for univ.industry coop No of projets in internat cooperation (proj-proj, proj-org-proj) Total amount/period ggrants received for interantional coop No of students/grduates, academic professionals invovled today Entrepreneurship and innovation culture No of courses/year in entrepreneursip, no of students involved No of ongoing AL-programmes on Entreprneurial projects No of academic professionals working fulltime at present with technology transfer, technoparks, incubators or other innovationtion support orgs Involvement in commercial or industrial activities No of academic professionals owing commercial companies No of employees of firms ownd by academic professionals No of academic professionalscontracted/employed by external industrial firms No of firms based on own patents, utlity models No of firms based on licensces Physical conditions Business services Profiling and marketing of the Technopark itself Business plan development Branding (leading edge technology) Recruitment and selection policy Promotion (of Technopark itself)-awareness Marketing (awareness) Maintenance of community (activity and event planning) Activity and event planning HRM-policy and leadership (of Technopark itself) Leadership Talent management Project management Recruitment policy (of tenants) Leading edge Stars (or dev. Dep. From Stars) Critical mass Synergy stimulation PMC-stake Networking Value chain organization of tenant firms (vertical integr.) Sub supplier and subcontracting Cluster formation See cluster manual (cluster administrator etc) Cluster promotion etc Team building · Internal (and external) communication strategy Office space support Subsidised rents Meeting space and forum (meeting rooms) Technical services Laboratories, workshops, do it yourself, or sales of services Access to professional lego-work Adm services Rented admin services, ( accounting, auditing, tel exchange Book-keeping, accounting, auditing, teleservice (e,g, exch Office technology, collective use or rent Subscrption of info system Business advisory services (BAS-org) Access to BAS-org (Kosgeb, TTGV, et al) Access to other, e.g. CoC Access to event planning Business support servicces (consultancy) MOG (marketing orientation group) ICU (Innovation Consulting group) Coaching services Legal support Entrepreneurship development Market introductions (incubator services, supported or not) Marketing and sales (Branding, NB Techno park profiling) Training (preferably non disciplinary courses) Transfer of technology (brokerage) Technological brokerage (license sales or procurement) B2B International nodes Spec services (like EEN, EBN,) Incubation services Pre incubation Incubation trad menus Financial support In-house capital Business angelse network Venture capital Other capital syndicated Social infrastructure Restaurants, catering services Shops Banking services Social services Security services General and specific IT security Water Telecom/internet, dimension and security Waste treatment Good environment, parking sites External communication (travelling) Physical infrastructure Flexible office space Electricity for park profile purposes 10 78 Fig.3. Service matrix for Technopark observations Business community formation 79 11 Criterion 1: Good physical infrastructure Basically the services are classified in three categories, which we use as the base for formulating criteria on a well-functioning Technopark. The first concerns the physical infrastructure. This is a very important part of the Technopark. It should be technically satisfactory for the kind of activities that will be performed within the park, but it will also create the image that will reinforce the profile of the Technopark, which will be marketed externally to catch attention of future tenants as well as other stakeholders. It also includes the social aspects, when constructing the necessary social meeting places, which makes occasional contacts stimulate development of the Business community, which will be discussed below. Large and serious criticism has been formulated to the fact that the Technopark at the moment is not able to provide restaurant services, and not even a café. This means that tenants have to travel to city for lunch break or representation with other companies, if they want to go outside their own office premises. As this first service aspect belongs to a separate construction project we will not dig deeper into it. Criterion 2: Adequate business development service The second kind of services to be provided concerns what generally is called Business development services. The criterion on business services shows a large variation from Technopark to Technopark. The list in Business services (to individual firms) as mentioned in our matrix includes Financial support Office space support Technical services Administrative services (and control) Business advisory services (BAS-org) Business support services Transfer of Technology (brokerage) Incubation services Our specifications of the services listed above shows many variants which are not taken care of by ET (yet), but at large it is possible to say that the organisation are handling the right tools (with exception of financial services, which should be expected in the future, at least via external pooling, and incubation services, which are not about to be delivered yet because of delay of incubator premises in the new building). Our SNA-report, however, tells that the services are not enough. In spite of the fact that ET established a daughter, ETTO, in the organised industrial zone, commercial couplings between university and regional industry is still much lower than what should be expected. – This is, however, an issue for next section on “efficiency”. Criterion 3: Capability of building a Business Community To develop an invention from recent academic research into commercial innovation training e.g. in business administration is seldom enough. Often availability or entrance into a business community is the best way to promote commercialisation. A business community in short means a private and secure environment for various organizations, who want to share basic values and norms. It also helps sharing knowledge, information on promotions, offers, services, products or events. It connects to networks, support establishment of new contacts or reinforce current ones. An academic professional might accelerate a commercial career considerably by shifting the Academic Community for a Business Community. 80 12 The Business community formation as a decisive issue for the success of a Technopark is not a task of formal organisation, as it is based on the realisation and development of a normative structure collectively adhered to by tenant companies and their closest relations. However there are many tasks, more or less service related, for the Technopark management that play an important role in this formation process. In our service matrix we have noted the following tasks (collective services to the business community): Profiling (of the park’s business community) Promotion of the community on the market Maintenance of the community HRM-policy and leadership (of the TP itself) Recruitment policy Networking Cluster formation Team building Especially important is that the Tenants identify themselves with the Technopark profile, and feel that they are a part of this collective, and are prepared to proudly present themselves as representatives for this when they are on business missions. In this way the collective competence of the Technopark reinforces their market value, and vice versa, they contribute to the collective competences and the market position of the Technopark. Subsequently conformity with the Technopark profile is he most important selection criterion when recruiting new tenants. So far we have seen little of management’s work on profiling, but the project has had discussions about it. And preliminary proposals for selection instruments have been under scrutiny. On the whole, however, we can see that work has started on all the headlines summarised in the list above (but not an all practical applications mentioned under the headlines in the matrix). Our conclusion is that the process has started, and the direction of development is right. Besides the service functions related to Business development and Community formation, there is another fundamental task of the Technopark. This is the basis for Criterion 4: The Technopark should maintain a Property Management Function on at least sustainable level. Some technoparks, usually private, or in private public partnership, PPP, claim that the main function of the Technopark is to produce returns ofthe investments in the Technopark property. The fact that the Tenants make profits is not the ultimate goal, but only a condition for making them economically strong enough to pay rents and service fees. Public owners, however, might have a little different view when stating that the ultimate objective is to generate innovations, economic growth, industrial renewal, increased employment or other social values. However, this should always be done under a self-sufficient economy. A Technopark should never rely upon subsidies (in principle). 81 13 In organisational terms this means that we should regards the Technopark as having a dual structure: Business service and Community formation on one hand, and Property Management on the other. This is the reason for the commonly used acronym PMC, the Technopark is considered as a Property Management Corporation. This dual structure is well reflected in Erciyes present organisational structure; Two deputy managers are responsible for each half: One for the Business Development part, and the other for the Property Management. There is no official organogram over the organisations which are delivered by ET. This means that our interpretation of the relations of responsibility not necessarily are the final, as they are not confirmed by the board. And some issues are still uncertain for us. We will continue developing a clear picture of the conditions. It can be seen, however, the important Business Community formation functions seems to cut across the two areas. The important recruitment issues are under the PMC-manager, while international relations is under the Business development manager. In reality there is close cooperation, and it might even be an advantage that al parts of the organisations regards the overall business community formation as part of their responsibilities. Some uncertainties remain. However, to be straightened out in the future. Marketing of the Technopark will need reinforcement (which will be discussed in next section). The project proposal has discussed a Market Orientation Group, MOG, as support for the TTO-department. Marketing must be natural already for the small TTO-group, while the Technopark itself really would need some systematic approach to the issue. (CRM would be a helpful tool, when doing this). Other small idiosyncracies will be discussed in the future. In summary the conclusion is that ET seems to have a proper organisational structure at the moment. We expect that several new functions will be added in the future. A few has been proposed in our SNA report. Financial requests from Tenants will ask for others. But there is no reason to start a process of increased institutionalisation in itself. That would only create unnecessary bureaucracy. First there should be a staff available to handle the problems. And this will be one of the issues of next section. 82 14 Figure 4. Erciyes Technopark ORGANISATIONAL CHART Board MoSIT (Vacant) CEO YIC (Bozok rector) Dep manager Business developm Dep manager Constr & Property management Management of Business Community . Adm OCU TTO ETTO Incubator Preincubator Internat. relations Real Estate Managemt RECRUITM & tenant relations . Procurement . Accounting . Tax exempt . Restaurant Social meetingpl. ET/YIC Project Consultancy Training ToT Training Center Univ Coop unit MOG Construct. Project Maintenan. Cleaning Security. Info unit Incubation center CRM 83 15 3. How does a Technopark accomplish their tasks? The aspect on “efficiency” investigated - ”Efficiency”, as shown in the Fig 2, stands for doing things the right way. The figure shows that focus is changed from “input” to the “output” of the activities. Here it is important, however, to make clear that efficiency in principle means the quotient between input and output, between cost and benefits. When discussing efficiency below we will subsequently discuss the expected output in relation efforts made in the organisation to reach the intended results. With these points of departure we will discuss the success criteria for recruitment and fostering (1) qualified tenants, in order to achieve the collective strength that is the main qualification of the Technopark. We will also discuss criteria for (2) the qualifications of the Technopark staff. We will then look at success criteria for the especially important functions of (3) transfer of technology and (4) attracting investments. The section will be closed off with the basic function for long term survival – (5) the PMC’s ability to make money. Criterion 1: Tenants should be outstanding in several respects, e.g. as defined by various ranking lists Most analysts claim that the most important resources of a Technopark is its Tenants. What makes the park most interesting for new firms to be recruited is not the services offered by the TTO or the office space in itself. It is the advanced environment of professional colleagues that build up the collective competence, which also makes the Technopark interesting for politicians and people from other organisations as a change agent for the region. MoSIT made a ranking of Technoparks 2011, and out of the around 60 existing Technoparks in Turkey ET was given the very good ranking of No 8. It is interesting to note that criteria used were for example to tenant companies R&D capabilities, strategic investments for the future, successful export orientation, contacts to commercial networks etc. (And some indicators of the Technopark’s own organizational capabilities, of course.) Tubitak and other similar organisations also use scientific and other capabilities for technological development, intellectual property achievements, entrepreneurship and innovation culture etc. A simple conclusion is that high occupancy rate of high profile Tenant companies is most essential, NB that these companies usually are private independent companies, not managed by but of course fostered by the culture developed by Technopark. How this culture is built up by giving priority to stimulation and suppressing the necessary part of control is an important task to be further discussed. ET seems to have succeeded reasonably well with recruitment. Our TNA study shows that the Tenant companies on average are more technically advanced than regional firms at large. A few success cases may be noted. Few if any “stars” are seen (market leading companies with cutting edge technology). A few cases were noted as “tax evaders” only, which is a problem that must be actively approached by the management in the future to increase the level of efficiency. (The problem of taxation advantages as motive in competition with the attraction of the Business Community will be further elaborated below.) 84 16 Criterion 2: Professional staff that knows industry from all perspectives: Technical, economic and cultural Lindholmen Science Park in Gothenburg is hosting 10.000 tenants. Very professional Technopark staffs of about 7 persons only take care of all issues on strategy and policy for profile development, and project as well as current management of the park. Administrative and service functions are procured form external organisations. In Erciyes Technopark 3-4 persons take care of the management, 6 persons perform TTO-services, supported of 3 juniors on internship, and in close cooperation with a couple of persons in a daughter company located in the Organised Industrial Zone. 3 persons take care of the administration, supported by 1 secretary. Construction maintenance, cleaning and other services need a few persons. The whole organisations besides these mentioned is supported by7-8 service providers. This organisation takes care of approximately 150 companies, employing around 4-500 employees. Is this an efficient organisation? – it is hard to tell. Most tasks are handled internal, while the external resources needed for the example of Lindholmen above are not known by us! The big difference, however, is that we know that while the management of Lindholmen can buy properly qualified persons for different tasks, ET is bound to the existing staff. A quick look at management, central administration and TTO-staff tells that most of them seem to be recruited from the academic system. If you will commercialize ideas from universities or from other industries it means that you will make ideas materialize in new industries. Most important then is that you can understand and speak the language of industry. It is probably very controversial when we claim that the intermediary role of a Technopark between academy and commercial adaptation should not mix equal parts of culture from university and industry. You are only there to make industry! You should know industry from technical, social, economic, political and cultural perspectives. Not primarily from disciplinary approaches taught at universities. This explains what private technoparks, and larger public owned ones, usually recruit their managers from industry or finance, rather than from research and academy. Let us conclude by softening the statement a bit by stating that a balanced mix of experiences from academy and industry is good, but maybe not always optimal. All personnel at ET we talked to seem to have some industrial experience, but their academic experience still is dominating. Let us assume that future recruitment will have in mind to strengthen industrial and financial experiences in the staff. The TTO-staff, which will have most of the client/customer related contacts, are young, but seem to be a very dynamic group. They will build new experiences in relation to projects developed within the Technopark. A simple TNA-analysis made showed wide differences in prior and present work tasks, and also experiences from earlier projects and assignments. We agreed That the TTO staff (and other persons in the staff ass the needs will tell) will follow selected parts of the training programme, which is constructed to reflect regional industrial needs, according to out TNA-study (see www.etbim.tr ). We also agreed on a training program for trainers, to strengthen already existing knowledge and build new where it is needed. Following program was proposed to start next calendar year, with a couple of training sessions each month. 85 17 Figure 5. Priority themes for training of ET (and YIC) staff Commercialisation process IPR and licensing, contractual isses, evaluation issues Approach when University is source of innovations Approach when Industry is source of innovations Standardised techniqes for project planning PCM (or MBO or Benchmarking) SWOT ROACH TA and TNA Feasibility studies Methodology for survey investigation Development of investigation model Measurement, scales Cross tabulation and interpretation of soft data Practical cases Coaching, mentoring Reacting and acting Business models to be used Creativity, network and process Entrepreneurship development Orientation on basic methods SYB, IYB (or other ILO-methods) OPM (open proj management) Cluster development Preparation Implementation Change Financing Incubator financial approach Business angels and other market financial means Business development (Compulsory to follow parts of econoomic courses below Our conclusion is that the present staff does not meet the assessment criterion in a long term perspective, but with training and some recruitment the problems will be solved. Criterion 3: Transfer of Technology– including commercialization, should be a profitable activity in the long run The dominating service provided by technoparks is often called “transfer of technology”, performed by an TTO-department. The TTO-concept is often given a very wide interpretation including everything in a commercialization process. This means that the outcome of the process in terms of all firms established in the Technopark with innovative ideas should be regarded as results. Efficiency of the Technopark than is equal to the occupancy rate, and is actually more dependent on the marketing and recruitment department than the TTO. An interpretation of the TTO tasks comprising all services delivered includes much more than transfer of technology, and, if used, should not be measured by services delivered. This would be focused on means instead of goals. From efficiency perspective the results should be measured by profits generated from these 86 18 activities. So far ET’s ETTO-department shows no results in this respect. The activities are still under development, and the more will be expected from a mature organisation within a couple of years. However, we should be aware of that this kind of income usually plays a marginal role in the economy of a Technopark The most narrow operationalisation of the transfer of technology concept, which actually is common in international comparisons, measure the number of contracts that have been intermediated by the TTO. How many license agreements have been made? The numbers may be low but the license fees can be high, if you are dealing with really good inventions that are placed on the market. So far, ET’s activities here have not shown any remarkable results. However ET’s membership in the EEN-system is one way to improve this. The EEN is interesting by the fact that it is not only focusing on transferring university research results to industry, but works very much with distributing ideas in between industrial units in different countries. EEN is a “shiny” system where pure participation demands lots of resources before real output will be expected. More trivial but in reality much larger amount of technology is transferred through planned or random business contacts. Various kinds of exhibitions represent a well-known medium, where ET has made a timid but promising start. Most fruitful activities for transfer of technology, however, is normal business to business contacts. In organized form they are often called B2B. Here the value of large industrial networking is obvious, domestic and international. It is part of ET’s ambitions, and further development is expected soon. Criterion 3: The Technopark’s capability of attracting investments It should be easier for an innovative company to attract investors for new technology if they are Tenants in the Technopark compared to any other location. The environment should be regarded as “knowledge collateral” by the investors making the investments safer. The Tenants might also be supported by financial management of the Technopark in syndicating various funds and investors to cooperating risk sharing financers. The financial managers of Technoparks should also work to attract financially strong companies to allocate development departments from them in the Technoparks, to make these companies share the innovative ideas of the Business Community. This will, in turn, attract subcontractors or cluster partners to the same environment. This kind of marketing of the Technopark is very much dependent on the profiling of the park. An IT-park will naturally attract a Microsoft development daughter company (in hard competition with 30 other Technoparks in Turkey with similar profile), while a Technopark profiled around furniture technology and design would attract IKEA or Bontempi. ET does not have an Investors Department (yet) and lacks staff with financial competence. At present they are in no position of financial means for investing neither in incubating firms (seed financing) or in the more advanced ordinary Tenant companies. Through the Regional Innovation project, however, there are plans to connect and regionally organize business angel’s networks; preparatory activities are going on. The conclusion is that ET is not very efficient when it comes to attracting foreign direct investments, FDI, but some tentative activities on joining ideas like EBAN have started, and discussion on local “Business Angels” goes on. 87 19 Criterion 4: PMC activities should generate profits ET owns property of considerable value: Besides the initial capital delivered from the owners, grants related to real estate should be worth around 15 MEURO, based on deflated value of the original investment. (The intention of this assessment is not to make an audit, so we do not need the registered or real values. We just want to know very approximately, in order to understand how it is used.) Half this capital (the new building is not ready yet) generates an income from rents and all the activities related to these means of about 700.000 EUR. As return on capital placed in building this seems to be a little low. And the rent level is, as a quick survey told us, slightly under market prices compared to office space in the city, but considerably higher than the organized Industrial Zone’s rents for space for manufacturing purposes (which should be expected). The conclusion is that rents seem to be a little too low, which probably is decided with the intention to make it attractive on the market. This might be an initial strategy, before capacity utilization has reached targeted level. In the long run, however, low prices should not be an argument for attracting advanced companies to the Technopark. As the income is generated from the company’s equity, there is no interest cost. Subsequently 75% can be used for covering costs of staff, doing much more than maintaining and administrating the buildings and tenants. These “much more” activities should generate extra revenues (or be closed down according to economic efficiency criteria). As the profit and loss statement shows a red saldo, the conclusion is that the PMC aspect of the Technopark is not satisfactory at present. Considering the short period this staff has been working the figures are less frustrating. Given also that a period of building capacity of the staff, parallel to increased market orientation and visibility actions increasing awareness off the Technopark in Industry and university is going on, the situation might be seen as temporary acceptable. There must be a discussion in the near future how to use rent incomes for further income generating activities. Experiences from Technoparks abroad should show the way tdo a situation that needs no external financial support. 4. Has the Technopark brought considerable change to the local community yet? – Analysis of “Visibility and Impact” aspect of the Technopark. Seen from historical point of view Erciyes Technopark might have left the baby-status and started to grow in the child period. Silicon Valley, which is not a Technopark but a local network economy, is supposed to have originated in the 1950’s , became known at the end of 1970s represents a trend shift in the 1970-ties (including several Technoparks). In the 1980’s Scandinavian economies, especially Finland, copied these ideas, and they show their success cases in the 2000’s. 20 – 30 years might be seen as reasonable time for a Technopark to develop and find out if conditions have made a success or a failure come out. 88 20 Erciyes Technopark has at least one year left to its 10th birthday and still not grown out of the youth problems. It is still very much dependent on its main founder, The Erciyes University, and tend to be seen as its organisational extension as research organisation. Future will tell if the University will establish its own research in all faculties (not only research centers) and let the Technopark rely upon commercialisation of the products. No radical changes of these systems are seen yet, and making the Technopark to a research organisation would not be a commercial success. Subsequently it is too early to evaluate impact, before basic buildings are ready, reasonably sized professional staffs is on site, and the basic service functions of the park are organised. Hence we limit the assessment to criteria by focusing on visibility. Criterion 1. Innovative regional industry and university professionals should be aware of the existence and the basic functions of the Technopark The Technopark should be visible for all categories in the region that might be regarded as potential clients. What meets most people is the outside, that will look modernistic and create the image of an high Tech Temple. Present light ramp creates attention and reinforces this kind of impression. However, the Technopark should not only be known for its name or looks. There should also be expectations of potential services for entrepreneurial activities as well as technical support to regional industry of a kind difficult to find in other ways. Most important, however, is that the small target group of very advanced entrepreneurs or representatives of market leading technologies identify the Technopark as the Business Community in which they think they will match their qualifications in stimulating industrial culture. Discouraging results from out SNA study show that very few , only around 25% of academic professional really know what is going on in these new buildings close to the University. Several cannot even identify the physical buildings. The TNA studies show similar results with even lower attention to what is going on in the Technopark. The market investigations made parallel to the TNA-study shows that very limited groups of potential clients are interested in using the services of the park, still fewer are prepared to locate in the premises. These investigations are made under very limited resources, and we should be very careful not to generalise the results made on these small samples. There are reasons, however, to make some deeper cross analysis to find out, which groups are interested and which are ignorant. Based on these hypothesises can be formulated for future testing. The conclusion is that the visibility so far is far too low to what should be expected if the Technopark will work as the attractive technopole that we all think it will be. We should note, however, that recent activities have changed the described satiation essentially. We do not have data to prove it, but the investigation in themselves have worked as alarm watches, a few good events planned, meetings and activities, where also the regional Innovation project has played a part, have changed the information flow. Lots of positive indications have begun to be seen in the project environment. We hope it will spread in the region at large. 89 21 Criterion 2. The “flagship function” must be the vision of the day for mass media Local mass media need good news (or scandals). Today the Technopark is an abstraction, because figures about occupancy rates or turnover do not make “news”. And it is difficult to understand what the organisation really is doing. There are two ways to overcome this. The first is about telling success stories. ET has so far started to prepare this approach, and the Regional Innovation project will help formulating the scenes for these descriptions. The basis for these, however, must be true stories. Opportunistic exaggerations will create a risk of opposite effects. There are a few really good ideas in a the Technopark worthy of having their stories told for a wider audience. We want more. The second, and more pervading approach is, however, to connect to the necessary work on profiling. Every time mass media will characterise the region’s an industrial dynamism the first voice should be from the Technopark. If the sectors which usually are associated with the Kayseri/Yozgat region are furniture, metal industry, and food, it should be considered it they also are the most innovative ones. In such case related advanced software production, chemistry and nanotechnology might be the most exciting recruits for the Technopark (if such companies exist in Kayseri) Profiling is not enough. To make it easy in communication and creating attention branding is a well-known marketing technique that must follow up. Start with giving the Technopark a good fantasy name. “ET” is not possible. “Symbion”, “Technoppolis”, “Ideon” are already occupied. Think hard. – When the city Governor during next TV interview characterises the city by mentioning the historical environments, the exclusive ‘Erciyes University and the Industrial whip: the Technopark-name, the “flagship” objective is reached. 5. Independence and long term development. – On “sustainability” of technoparks under recent legal conditions Sustainability means that the Technopark will survive and develop in a long term perspective. It will manage to keep an active business community under an attractive profile. This will make the “stars”, externally recruited or internal success cases, stay in the system, which in turn attracts more promising firms. A number of criteria to make this possible are described below. Criterion 1. The Technopark must show that it is useful (“generates value added”) for the regional society at large. If common man on the city street as well as politicians have the impression that the Technopark is doing something good it is much easier to survive. The positive image can be based on very vague ideas, such as improving the climate for industrial change, or creating employment in the long run. The point is that it is not necessary to beat the wind and defend the organisation every time some problems occur. In a positive business climate you are much more prepared to be experimental and take risks. Active ambitions are always better than conservatism, even if present positions may be stable. So far the general awareness of Erciyes Technopark in Kayseri or the region at large is low, as discussed in last section. The few common persons you meet in town (taxi drivers, shop owners) has a very weak conception of the organisation, but all reaction met so far are positive; “it sounds interesting”. Academicians and industrial contacts also know little, but show positive expectations; Mass media shows curiosity, and has 90 22 in several cases of contacts reacted directly by publishing something after contacts. The conclusions are that so far we do not find proofs for basic conditions for sustainability in this respect, but the conditions and tendencies point in the right direction. Criterion 2. The Technopark must stand on its own legs. There are reasons to point out again that our normative approach is a Western Technopark model. A TDZ in Turkey has other legal regulations, especially concerning tax exemptions. A Technopark that survives only if granted subsidies is not a Technopark, but rather some kind of incubator. The tenants of a subsidized system will risk a tendency to get stigmatized for not being full scale “stars”. Companies in free economic zones, FEZ, also have a tendency to be value depreciated, because a sale of the company is bound to restrictions. Similar might happen to Turkish Technopark tenants. There is also a risk that tenants have decided to locate in the Technopark simply because of tax advantages. It will be more difficult to build up the Business Community, if tenants not have a predisposal for this. Initial capital free from demands for economic returns is usually accepted, however. It is common in Europa that Technoparks are started with “cheap capital”, especially in PPP-ownership (Private Public Partnership), where the public part often is based on in kind property. From sustainability point of view there are also reasons to consider if the favored positions of Technopark companies will last over the tenant firms’ life cycles. Of course the technopark’s tenants will receive their tax exemptions as long as present regulations exist, and as long as they fulfill the conditions for it . It would be good, however, if awareness was raised on the advantages of a fast development to a profit level above the subsidy threshold. The conclusion is that the Technopark administration should regard the existing legal system as a temporary period on their road map to the future sustainable Technopark. Criterion 3. The PMC system should generate profits. A Technopark should be composed by tenants representing the best companies in according to the Technoparks’s profile. These complies should be prepared to pay high rents, and in some cases fees for services, in order to be located in a synergetic industrial environment, which is outstanding when it comes to attract investors’ attention. To show these Technopark characteristics, the income generated by the Technopark should be covering necessary costs for management with one foot in the university and the other foot in industry and financing. As shown in the section above on efficiency, the Technopark has not reached this level yet. Our conclusions, however, after discussion with management and staff, we believe that after some changes are about to come. There will be special attention paid to recruitment of leading tenant companies to support formation of the critical mass, some recruitment of staff with supplementing qualification will be made, and proper training and successively gained experiences all over will generate the necessary base for profitable PMC. 91 Appendix 6 Erciyes Technoparks Web Portal TERMS OF REFERENCE for short term Junior and Senior Expert on Improving Existing Web Site of ERCIYES TECHNOPARK and Creating New Web Site for the Yozgat Innovation Center Project title Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Activities PA2.2: Improving Existing Web Site of ERCIYES TECHNOPARK Duration, and total Senior Expert 32 wd’s amount of working days Junior Expert 20 wd’s Prepared by TL To SRER/CA, OCUD Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 an SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. The ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, the “ETBİM Project”, will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Regional Innovation project are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark’s management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive SMEs in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment The objective of the assignment is the development of Erciyes Technopark existing website. Activities and tasks of the assignment PA2.2: Improving Existing Web Site of Erciyes Technopark Software Architecture: The system will be developed by using Java Programming Language. The system can be run on any server that has Java VM. (Microsoft Windos or Linux) 1 92 Mysql database will be used. System interface will be designed by using ExtJS. Web-based system will work in all browsers that support WebSocket technology. Users will be able to login to the system with their username and password. Each user authority can be adjusted on the basis of role. The system will have mobile support. TTO Interface Software Framework Performance Measurement of ETTO Experts – Performance Card: The admins will register every expert to the system. The experts will be able to log-in to the system with their user names and follow all their activities under their own accounts. The experts will able to see their responsibilities such as active duty lists, reminders etc. The reminders will alert until the duties are finalized. The admins will automatically or manually direct the requests, and each expert will be responsible for a duty. The admins will be able to track the experts reply durations, duty status etc. The admins will have authority to change the duties between experts. A simple evaluation will be requested from the person who has delivered the service fully or when the service was not able to be completed. This evaluation will to scoring of the quality of service and a summary on the service evaluation. This will enable to measure the performance of the experts. The performance reports will be presented to the board of management regularly. Recording all information and documents about the service delivered: Official documents received will be scanned and saved into the system. Electronically received applications will also be saved into the system. Saving service past person based or enterprise based: The person or enterprise registered to the system once will be tracked with ID No or Tax No. The experts will check if the person or enterprise is already registed and act accordingly. This will enable the new experts registered to the system to be able to check the enterprises and the technology transfer qualifications of the academicians, the integration will be easier. The system will enable to create Black List or White List. Saving Various Databases: i. Company contact details and area of expertise database ii. Database for Researchers outside Erciyes University and Contact details iii. TUBITAK Application database iv. Invention Declaration, Pre Research Report and Patent Application database v. As a summary, all services and all data necessary will be saved onto the system systematically. Applying different authorities to users: Beneficiaries, experts, admins will have different level of authorities. Online Presentation of all ETTO Services: Beneficiaries can log-in with their own accounts to follow their past technology transfer services and be able to apply for a new service. Automatic Twinning Suggestions: The system will scan the database periodically with the parameters identified by the admins and will determine the twinnings (for example if a new electronics company’s’ qualifications match with and academician from the electronics department the system will automatically make the match). The admins will appoint an expert for the duty and track it. 2 93 Periodic Activity Setups and Reminders: The experts will be able to setup the system and reminder in order to follow the trainings, meetings, one on one consultancies etc. The system will operate the setup according to the scenario and remind the experts. Special Reports and Producing Statistics: The system will have a special statistic and report production section. Deliver Requests such as Contact, Info, Service, and Appointment: The beneficiaries will send their requests with online forms and the admins will appoint the expert. Creating e-mail lists and sends e-mails to special e-mail groups: The announcements will be saved, archived. The beneficiary will be able to choose whether to or not to receive notices. Periodic Notices / Publish News / Set Reminders: The experts will make announcements of activities, supports...and the beneficiary will choose to be reminded by clicking “remind me”. Providing Visual Content and documents: The visuals of activities, sample projects, forms, standard documents will be open to public and can be downloaded. User Friendly Simple Interface: The system will be very simple and user friendly. Integration with AVES: The new system will be integrated with the university’s database. The experts will be able to use AVES in routine operations. Web Based: The system is targeted to be independent and easily reach from outside. Automatic Backup: The system will back up the system periodically. Calendar of Events: The beneficiary will see the calendar. The registered ones will be able to track their appointments. Administrative and Financial Process: The projects will be followed from this screen. The process from contracting to payment will be followed. Producing Automatic Contracts: The system will remind the necessary contracts to the experts and will fill in the blanks when necessary. Integration to Erciyes Technopark Automation Software for Incubation Processes: The system will connect to the automation software and get necessary information. Social Account Integration and Automatic theme sharing: The announcements made via the system will be publishing in social media. Compatible with Mobile Devices: A mobile interface will be developed. SMS Reminders: Users and experts can set SMS reminders. Create Documents automatically: The standard documents, official correspondence templates will be created automatically by the system. Presentation of Support Programmes: Basic information about the supports will periodically be update. Bulletins: ETTO bulletins will be published through the system. Success Stories: Success Stories will digitally present via the system. Surveys: There will be a survey system that online forms can be created, and the replies will be archived. Project Request Registry and Reply Forms: The industrialists will register their technology needs, their problems and requests for solutions. The experts will analyse and reply and do the necessary. Functions that will be added through the years: - Investor Functions 3 94 - License Marketing and Sales Functions - FH Portfolio Management Functions - Other TTO Connection Functions - TUBITAK 1513 Programme Monitoring Screens Deliveries On the basis of the above explanations, the deliverables of the assignment will be as follows; Senior Expert - Needs analysis report for web portal of Erciyes Technopark and YIC - System developed - Work instructions to Junior Expert - Assignment report Junior Expert - Developed Erciyes Technopark web site Trained Erciyes Technopark Experts for the maintenance of web portal and development of its content Expert Profile The experts should have the following qualifications; Senior Expert - Experience in relevant and most frequently used website design software Planning, design and implementation of complete and improved web sites Design with standards compliant codes with emphasis on browser compatibility, accessibility, and search engine optimization Audio and video editing for the web Experience on technoparks is an asset Junior Expert - Experience in relevant and most frequently used website design software Planning, design and implementation of complete and improved web sites Design with standards compliant codes with emphasis on browser compatibility, accessibility, and search engine optimization Audio and video editing for the web Training capacity on web design, updating and maintenance Assignment Reporting The Senior Expert will elaborate after the completion of their mission, a report covering the overall assignment. The report will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of the final report will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries, if so required. Report will be given to TL not later than 7 calendar days following the end of each activity. TL may ask ad hoc reports. 4 95 Appendix 7.1 ToR for Regional Innovation Project Website TERMS OF REFERENCE For short term Junior Expert on Creating Project Website Project title Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Activities Duration, and total amount of working days Prepared by To PA2.3: Establishing a project web site for INNOREG and YIC Duration: 10 days - Junior Expert Mustafa Hilmi Çolakoğlu, DTL SRER/CA, OCU Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004, a SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map for the implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project “INNOREG Project”, which is implemented by Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the “INNOREG Project” are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive SMEs in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment The objective of the assignment is the creating a new website for INNOREG Project. The INNOREG Project website will contain detailed information about the project activities and relevant announcements. It will be interactive and user friendly for the general audience. It will explain the objectives and rationale of the Project–with photographs and other visual graphics and will comprise a calendar of events, success stories of the companies as well as documents, materials and reports approved by the End Recipient. 1 96 Visual design of website will have modern smart lines. In order to combine these two features, the website will have a clear and well-tailored main page welcoming all types of visitors and providing guidance to users with different concerns with a view to enabling them to reach their point of interest without confusion. The source codes will be copied to a CD and delivered to the Erciyes Technopark Management. Activities and tasks of the assignment The fully operational INNOREG ana YIC Project web site should include the following possibilities for users; - Tenants, industry representatives, university professionals and students will be predetermined categories when registering into the system as new users. - Information, such as area of expertise/ interest, e-mail address, will be requested from the user during their registration to the system. - To create e-mail lists for different topics and send group e-mails to listed addresses - To add, delete and update project announcements and events - To send e-mail messages to registered addresses about project activities, technical services and job applications - To post information about the trainings/ seminars or remove the existing ones - To display the names of the people who are registered for trainings and consultancy assignments - To serve as a forum for messages, questions and answers - Other common useful functions Expert Profile The Junior Expert should have the following qualifications; - At least 5 years’ experience in relevant and most frequently used website design software Planning, design and implementation of complete and improved web sites Design with standards compliant codes with emphasis on browser compatibility, accessibility, and search engine optimization Training capacity on web design, updating and maintenance Assignment Reporting The Junior Expert will elaborate after the completion of his mission, a report covering the overall assignment. The report will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of the final report will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Report will be given to TL not later than 7 calendar days following the end of assignment. TL may ask ad hoc reports. 2 97 Appendix 7.2 Some Illustrations from the Website 98 Appendix 8.1 Brochure of the training Programme 99 1 TRAINING PROGRAMME to be performed within the framework of Erciyes Technopark and Yozgat Innovation Centre by the ongoing Regional Innovation Project in order to increase capacity for regional industry November 2013 st 1 Progress Report Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre 100 Training programme for regional industry and potential entrepreneurs in Kayseri – Yozgat region Empirical studies show startling results on training needs of regional industry, and the Universities need accomplishment of closer relations to industry. Recent studies made in the Regional Innovation Project show that Industry has a very innovative profile. However, improved business success needs better handling and achievement of new knowledge, in order to increase trade with new products or licenses for new ideas. Most industry experiences shortage of labour force with the right qualifications. And in spite of the fact that capacity utilization in industry in general is low, there is needed capacity increase for specific market related purposes. It is obvious that there is a need for training, which has been dammed up during last years’ fast economic development. Based on the studies1 and contemporary international experiences three basic training blocks have been planned. Participation in training during this first year will be free of charge for staff, managers and potential entrepreneurs. These blocks that will be presented below concern (A) Human Resource Management, (B) Innovation Management, and (C) Economic Management. The largest challenges for regional industry in the near future will be Human Resource problems International studies today tell that the real problems facing innovative companies in the near future concerns managing talent, managing in demographics, becoming learning organisations, managing change and cultural transformation. Our regional training needs assessment, TNA, confirms that similar problems are relevant for the Kayseri region. The survey point out that most companies have problems on recruitment of qualified staff, and problems to retain them if they are given proper internal training. Career planning is seldom made, and the awareness of various kinds of incentives and salary system to attract, stimulate and keep labour is low. 1 The studies are available for downloading from ,www.etbim.org 101 We have formulated a training programme on these issues. And we are just about to assign domestic and international experts to formulate training courses containing Talent Management and other issues, according to the latest bearing ideas of Europe, and also other measures related to advanced Human Resources practices. The outline below gives the basic structure, from which concrete courses will be presented. Block A. Human resources management 1. Leadership Training Vision and value base The leadership role Basic organisational framework Legal and regulatory framework Recruitment and personnel policy Labour environment and health issues 2. Talent management Selecting, sourcing Attracting, incentive systems, incl salary formation Training and developing, retaining Promotion systems, career management Moving employees in the organisation 3. Learning organisations Creative organisation Lifelong learning, comparative advantages Training will be provided partly at Erciyes Technopark’s premises, and partly in the Industrial Zones of Kayseri. If demand is high for the courses for Yozgat, we will consider giving classes also there. The intention is to provide training during work hours, but if participants prefer evening lectures and weekend classes, this form will be considered. Training will be provided in course modules corresponding to 2 – 4 days, and the first modules are planned to start in the beginning of December. 3 102 Good skills in project management are necessary to bring innovative ideas or products to markets – and it helps a lot for receiving support for flying start Our study on service needs assessment, SNA, for entrepreneurial innovators and other, show many interesting results. Special interest was focused on various kinds of organisation and arrangements to improve connection and cooperation between University and Industry, with special focus on the intermediate role of Technoparks. Most obvious is that there is needed training on project management, in order to make it possible to launch new concepts or products on the market. An overview of project management methods will be provided, where classical approach, such as it is standardized by the international organization Project Management Institute, PMI. Also more pragmatic methods like management by objectives, MBO, Benchmarking and other techniques will be presented. The ideal is that the Technopark and Innovation center will foster sustainable and profitable firms, definitely not dependent on subsidies. There are, however, a number of economic incitements of state or other organisations available for innovative firms, to trigger faster decision making in when launching new projects. Special courses will be prepared in how to use these means e.g. from Tubitak, KOSGEB, Oran and others, for stimulation of good project development. When it comes to projects on cluster formation Ministry of Economy might support. Concerning international research cooperation projects EU’s new project on Horizon 2020 might be considered. The main impression from the SNA-study, however, is the high importance of upgrading the knowledge of Turkish knowledge and use of the Patent institution. Courses on Intellectual property rights, IPR, will be presented including practical use of patent registers for finding new ideas, for checking the possibility of registering own ideas, and informing about the procedure of protection among many other things. High priority will be given to these courses. A supplementary strategy will also be presented, which so far very seldom is seen in Turkey: Open innovation strategies. By openness, instead of keeping your ideas secret, you reach potential and contributors to your idea. After selective partner search you win success by fast/first market penetration, rather than protection. This new strategy has been successfully used in Western Europe and America the last decades. Entrepreneurship development will have its own kind of contribution. It will be provided in relation to the new incubator/pre-incubator premises that will be opened soon in Erciyes Technopark. The course modules will be distributed over a longer period, and will intersect a parallel ongoing coaching programme for selected entrepreneurs. 4 103 Block B. Innovation management 4. Project Management Basic Project Management methods PMI approach Financial support on R&D projects (state, sector, Internat. coop etc.) Managing a practical design project, e.g. by FEM 5. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Establishment of IP-strategy Conditions for patentability Granting procedures at National, European and International levels Management of an IP-portfolio 6. Open Innovation strategies Interface between academy and industry Management tools for in-company training Exploring new application fields Stimulate exchange of knowledge (best practice) 7. Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship development (incl Spin Offs, Spin Outs) Training program e.g. according to ILO Coaching programme by ETTO Conditions for training will be similar to Block A, as presented above (with the exception of the entrepreneurial courses, as mentioned). The courses will start a little earlier, however. The preliminary plan tells that project management courses will start at the end of November. Regional industry shows the common combination of high creativity and low efficiency. – Increasing the capacity as well as the capacity utilization is the remedy for improvement. The TNA-study shows surprisingly low capacity utilization. This might be an effect of blunt survey instrument. However, it is actually consistent with organization theory, which predicts that companies’ interest in creativity and renewal often is developed at the expense of elaboration of efficient routinized economic management. The study shows several examples of low degree of institutionalization with lack of (written) business plan, marketing plan, human resource plan and routines etc. The ambition of the project is to increase the capacity of industry, mainly in the form of skills and qualifications for the staff. However, it will also be done by stimulating proper use of capacity in the form of production equipment, real estate, personnel at large, and capital. This means that we are into the discipline of Economic Management. Our courses will have two main parts. The first concerns business planning in general. We intend to introduce training on formulating a business plan for general use as guidance and coordination of the company’s activities. This will be combined with general economic management, as it is seen from the manager’s view: The main components is 5 104 to decide what activities lead to highest effectiveness, what capacity adjustments will be done accordingly, and how will financing efforts provide the necessary liquidity to perform these actions? The second part will concern some basic component of necessary business administration in every company. These entire components are disciplines available for studies in the university at the institute of business administration. Our ambition here is, however, to be a little more adapted to the needs as expressed by the participants of the courses, to use training pedagogics closer to the companies’ ongoing activities, using practical cases and trying to elaborate some projects as show cases for the groups. The list below shows three components. There have been requests for more, e.g. procurement. At present we do not decide the content, but will let this open to the senior trainer expert that will be assigned for the purpose. We also leave it open if the second part will be one course model of 6 days, or if these resources will be divided into several shorter sub courses. Block C. Economic management Basic business 8. development Business plan development Economic management from leadership perspective 9. Business administration Sales and marketing Pricing Risk management Brand management Distribution and trade Import/export e-trade Financing Attractiveness of investments, basic guide Seed financing Venture finance, Business angels Other market financial opportunities Project support (domestic, international) 6 105 The first course is supposed to start in the beginning of December, and the conditions are similar as those demonstrated above. There is an ambition, however, to be a little more pragmatically oriented on this last block, when trying to be more coaching oriented and responding to practical problems of the participants. 7 106 Appendix 8.2 Marketing Lunch on Media 107 Tekn noparkE ERÜnü ünenak ktifkuru umu12Kasım 2013S Salı E ErciyesTek knoparkBö ölgeselİnovvasyonMerkeziTeknikDestekP Projekapsa amında, projeorrtaklarıvedestekleyicileriyerellbasınileb birarayage eldi.Projehhakkındabilgiler verenE ErciyesÜniv versitesiRektörYard dımcısıveT TeknoparkBaşkanıAbbdulhekim Coşkun n,Teknoparrk’ınErciye esÜniversittesininenaaktifkurum muolduğunnuvurgulad dı. ErrciyesTekn noparkBölg geselİnovaasyonMerk keziTeknikDestekProojekapsam mında, projeorrtaklarıvedestekleyicileriyerellbasınileb birarayage eldi.Projehhakkındabilgiler verenE ErciyesÜniv versitesiRektörYard dımcısıveT TeknoparkBaşkanıAbbdulhekim Coşkun n,Teknoparrk’ınErciye esÜniversittesininenaaktifkurum muolduğunnuvurgulad dı. mmerOtel’dedüzenle enenyemekklitoplantıy yaErciyesÜniversitessiRektör Om Yardım mcısıveTek knoparkBaşkanıAbdu ulhekimCo oşkun,Tekn noparkGennelMüdür Yardım mcısıBilginY Yazlık,ErciiyesTeknooparkGenellMüdürYa ardımcısıSeelahattin Gönülatteş,ErciyessTeknoparrkBölgesellİnovasyon nMerkeziT TeknikDesttekProjesi Takım LideriL LeifGrahm,,ErciyesTe eknoparkB Bölgeselİno ovasyonMerkeziTeknnikDestek kProjesi TakımL LideriYard dımcısıMusstafaHilmi Çolakoğlu,,ErciyesTe eknoparkB Bölgesel İnovasyyonMerkezziTeknikD DestekProjeeasistanıA AliMuratPancar,ErciiyesTeknop park Bölgeseelİnovasyo onMerkeziTeknikDe stekProjeSorumlusu uDuyguYazzıcıvebasıın mensup plarıkatıldı. EKNOPARK K’DABÜYÜ ÜKADIMLA ARATTIK TE Dü üzenlenenttoplantıdaTeknoparkkkonusund dabilgilerv verenErciyyesÜniverssitesi RektörYardımcısııveTeknop parkBaşkaanıAbdulheekimCoşku un,Teknopaarkların yapılan nmasıkonusundayapıılandeğerleendirmeto oplantıların ndaeksiklikklerinortay ya çıktığın nıvebuekssiklikleriba azalarakçaalışmaların ndahadikkatliyapıldıığınıbelirte erek,” Eksiklik kleringiderrilmesiaşa amasındabü üyükadımlarıdabera aberindeatttık.BizErcciyes ÜniverssitesiTeknoparkolara akdahaku urumsalilerrliyoruz.Ya aptığımızinncelemelerrve çalışmaalarınsonundaTeknoparkErciy esÜniversitesininenaktifkurum mlarındanbiri oldu.”ŞŞeklindeko onuştu. ER RÜTEKNOPARKTÜR RKİYE’NİN ENÖNEMLİKURUM MLARIARA ASINDA Co oşkun,“Teknoparklarr,birüniveersiteveyaaraştırmak kurumundaave/veya öncülüğğündeürettilenbilginiinticarileşm mesineimk kânsağlamakveböyleecekatmad değeri yüksekürünlereld deetmeksuretiyleböölgeveülkeekalkınmassınakatkıssağlamayıa amaç edinen;;Ar‐Geveiinovasyonttemellifirm malarıbüny yesindebarrındıran,yööneticiveya işleticib birşirkettarafındany yönetilenvvemevzuattındaöngörrülenbirtaakımdestek k mekaniizmalarınasahiportam mlardır.Teemelfelsefeeveamaçla arıaynıols adaülkele erin kendisosyo‐kültü ürelyapıları,kalkınmaamodellerii,idarivehukukisisteemleriv.b. nedenleerleteknop parklarlailg gilifarklıissimlendirm melerortaya açıkmıştır..Birbilimv ve teknolo ojiparkıolaaraktasarla ananErciyeesTeknopaark,Türkiye'ninönem mliaraştırm ma 108 merkezlerindenbirisiolanErciyesÜniversitesiKayseriMerkezKampusalanındailk etabı147binmetrekare,ikincietabı130binmetrekareolarak,toplamda277bin metrekarealanüzerindebulunmaktadır.Bölge;Kayseri’deSivasCaddesiileTalas’ı birleştirenAşıkVeyselBulvarıüzerindekonumlanmaktadır.Şehirmerkezi,üniversiteler vesanayikuruluşlarınayakınlığınınyanında,ulaşım,haberleşme,tümaltyapı imkânlarındakikolaylığınyanısırakamukurumvekuruluşlarınayakınlığıilehem araştırmaalanındaişbirliğiniarttırıcıhemdekamuylayakınilişkilersağlayacakbir konumdadır”dedi. “160KADARAR‐GEPROJESİÜZERİNDEÇALIŞMALARINADEVAM ETMEKTEDİR” “4691sayılıTeknolojiGeliştirmeBölgeleriYasasıkapsamındaErciyesÜniversitesi TeknolojiGeliştirmeBölgesi’nin(ErciyesTeknopark)yöneticişirketiolarakgörevyapan ErciyesTeknoparkA.Ş.2005yılındakurulmuş,2007yılıNisanayıitibariileaktif faaliyetegeçmiştir.ErciyesTeknopark’ınvizyonununveamaçlarının gerçekleştirilmesindenbirinciderecedesorumlutüzelkişiliktirveKayseri’deki3 üniversiteErciyesTeknopark’aortakdurumdadır”diyekonuşanErciyesÜniversitesi RektörYardımcısıveTeknoparkBaşkanıAbdulhekimCoşkun,,“ErciyesTeknopark 2013yılıKasımayıitibariile140’ınüzerindekiAr‐Gefirmasınatoplamda20.300m2’lik nitelikliofisalanlarıileevsahipliğiyapmaktadır.İleriteknolojiürünüyazılımlardan, robotiksistemlere,savunmasanayisiürünlerinden,medikalcihazlarakadarbirçok alandafaaliyetgösteriliyor.ErciyesTeknoparkfirmalarıbünyelerinde300’denfazla niteliklipersonelçalıştırırken,160kadarar‐geprojesiüzerindeçalışmalarınadevam etmektedirler.Bölge,kurulduğugündenbugünekadartoplamda70MilyonTL’yiaşan birar‐gecirosunaulaşmıştır. ERCİYESTEKNOLOJİTRANSFEROFİSİ(ETTO) ErciyesÜniversitesiRektörYardımcısıveTeknoparkBaşkanıAbdulhekimCoşkun, ErciyesTeknoparkbünyesindeyeralanTeknolojiTransferOfisi2009yılındailkolarak ProjeOfisiadıaltındakurulmuşvezamanlayenifonksiyonlaredindiğinibelirterek açıklamasınaşuşekildedevametti,“Bugünofisgelişmişfonksiyonlarıilefaaliyetlerine devametmektedir.ErciyesTTOiçinhâlihazırda577m2alanasahipdiğertüm teknoparkfonksiyonlarındanizoleözelbirçalışmaalanıtahsisedilmiştir.AyrıcaETTO faaliyetlerindekullanılmaktaolanKayseriOrganizeSanayiBölgesindeÜniversite– SanayiİşbirliğiİrtibatOfisibulunmaktadır.ErciyesTeknoparkuzunyıllardır sürdürdüğüteknolojitransferofisihizmetiiçinyalnız2013yılıiçindeyaklaşık700Bin TLharcamıştırvebirbukadardahakaynağı2014yılıiçinplanlamıştır,devameden dönemdedeTTOfaaliyetleriiçinartanbirbiçimdemaddikaynakplanlamasıyapılmıştır. ErciyesTeknoparkA.Ş.TTOfaaliyetlerinigerçekleştirmekmaksadıile2013yılında limitedşirketstatüsündebirşirket(ETTOLtd.Şti.)kurmuştur.ProjeDestek,Üniversite –Sanayiİşbirliği,FikriHaklar,GirişimcilikveKuluçkabirimleriTTO’nunaltıbirimleri olarakhizmetvermektedirler.2014yılında10patentbaşvurusuyapılmasınısağlamak, enaz40girişimciyeücretsizkuluçkahizmetvermekamaçlarıileyolaçıkanETTO, çalışmalarınahızladevametmektedir”şeklindekonuştu. http://www.kayserimac.com/haberdetay.aspx?id=4800 109 Appendix 8.2 Lunch with Media Representatives and Local Chambers Invitation and Photos from the Events 110 111 Appendix 9.1 Photos of ET’s Participation in “Innovation Turkey 2013” 112 Appendix 9.2 Persons and Organizations met at "Innovation Turkey 2013" 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 Appendix 10 Reflections on Tübitak’s rule-set on business competition Reflections on Innovative Project Competition The mission of the Innovative Project Competition is mainly to rise; - The level of awareness in the region about the Erciyes Technopark and its capabilities The level of awareness in the region about the state RDTI grants and use much more sources by the regional SMEs To motivate the university students, new graduates and young employees in industry to be an innovative entrepreneur in KET To accelerate the start-ups To support the young entrepreneurs in KET Pre-incubator To meet the new project ideas with investors To pull the attention of business angels and venture capitalist to the region To develop the network between the enterprises and institutions So, the following steps will be discussed and clarified for organizing Innovative Project Competition; 1. The time schedule of the project competition - The name and logo of competition will be designed by KET - The place (Erciyes University, live broadcast by local TV’s) - The date and channels of announcement - Web sites of KET, YIC and Project - Erciyes University TV and Radio1 - Web sites of regional universities - Web sites of other technoparks - DÜNYA Newspaper2 - Local newspapers, TV’s and radios3 - Posters and brochures - Sectoral journals (i.e. KOBİLIFE4) - Others - Date of announcement for sponsorship - Date of evaluation of sponsorship applications by KET Management Board - Date of start and finish for application to competition, way of application - Date of meeting of pre-selection committee of the projects - Date of the competition of the pre-selected projects in front of the jury and the award ceremony 2. Target groups and sector of competition 1 http://medya.erciyes.edu.tr/ http://www.dunya.com 3 http://www.sanalbasin.com/sehir-gazeteler-yerel-yozgat-gazeteleri-oku http://www.sanalbasin.com/sehir-gazeteler-yerel-kayseri-gazeteleri-oku 2 4 http://kobilife.com/ 125 Who will compete? (Students and new graduates of Erciyes University, Melikşah University, Nuh Naci Yazgan University, Abdullah Gül University and Bozok University) - Audience groups of the competition. (SMEs, students, financial organizations, professors, investors) - Cooperation with student clubs5 - Cooperation with university alumni associations6 - Cooperation with supporting state organizations (TUBİTAK, TTGV, KOSGEB, ORAN, etc.) - Determination of the sectors to compete (IT and software, machinery etc. which will reflect the capacity of the region, universities and technopark.) 3. Sponsors - Determination of rules for sponsorship - Call for sponsorship - Big enterprises (The big enterprises from Kayseri in the list of ISO 1000) - Banks and other financial organizations - Local TV’s and newspapers - Universities - - Application for TUBİTAK Project No: 15037 by Erciyes Technopark 4. Application, Evaluation and Granting8 - Preparation of application forms to apply from web sites - Preparation of pre-selection criteria - Generation of pre-selection committee - Constitution of the jury (ET, University, Chambers, Investors, Financial Organizations) - Determination of the grants and rules - Free office and other facilities in pre-incubator for 12 months - Business plan consultancy support - Networking support - IPR consultancy support - Financial consultancy support - Training (attendance to special training programs of the Project) - Print of projects identification catalog - Determination and invitation of opening speeches - Recruitment of moderator 5. Reporting about the activities and precautions for the next years to KET The activities will be summarized and some precautions will be give for the next project competition. Proposal for Action Plan: 5 http://bilgiedinme.erciyes.edu.tr/ogrenci_kulup_topluluk.asp http://ermed.erciyes.edu.tr/ 7 http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/destekler/sanayi/ulusal-destek-programlari/icerik-1503-proje-pazari-destekleme-programi 8 http://www.aricekirdek.com.tr/web/uploads/2013/Cekirdek%20%2713%20Girisimci%20Bilgilendirme%20Kitapcigi.pdf 6 126 Overview of similar national activities New Ideas New Businesses www.yfyi.info Young Minds, Bright Ideas www.gsb.gov.tr Research Project Competition of TUBİTAK http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/yarismalar/icerik-arastirma-projeleri-yarismasi Detailed Time Planning Composing the Coordination Committees for Project Competition and Innovation Fair Determination of the place Luncheon ceremony Determination of conditions for accession to competition Determination of sector/s Definition of the function of Erciyes Technopark in activities Definition of the function of Yozgat Innovation Center in activities Selection of local TV Channel for Innovative Project Competition Criteria for attending to Project Competition or Innovation Fair Determination of stakeholders/target groups for Project Competition Determination of stakeholders/target groups for Innovation Fair Organizing the jury for project competition Determination of the awards and sponsors for Innovative Project Competition Preparation of Application Rules Preparation of preselecting and selection Criteria for project competition and innovation fair. Preparation of communication plan for activities Grant policy project competition Price policy for innovation fair Will be a service provider in innovation fair? Appendix 11 Other Mass Media Reactions 127 Erü Teknopark 70 Milyon Liralık Ar Ge Cirosuna Ulaştı 12 Kasım 2013 15:56 Erciyes Üniversitesi (ERÜ) Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi (TEKNOPARK) kurulduğu günden bugüne kadar, 70 milyon liralık Ar Ge cirosuna ulaştığı belirtildi. Erciyes Üniversitesi (ERÜ) Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi (TEKNOPARK) kurulduğu günden bugüne kadar, 70 milyon liralık Ar-Ge cirosuna ulaştığı belirtildi. Erciyes Teknopark Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Prof. Dr. Abdulhakim Coşkun, Teknoparklar'ın, bir üniversite veya araştırma kurumu öncülüğünde üretilen bilginin ticarileşmesine imkan sağlamak ve böylece katma değeri yüksek ürünler elde etmek suretiyle bölge ve ülke kalkınmasına katkı sağlamayı amaç edinen, Ar-Ge ve inovasyon temelli firmaları bünyesinde barındıran mekanizmalarına sahip ortamlar olduğunu söyledi. ERÜ Teknopark'ın 2005 yılında kurulduğunu, 2007 yılında ise aktif olarak faliyete geçtiğini ifade eden Coşkun, şunları kaydetti: "Bilim ve teknoloji parkı olarak tasarlanan Erciyes Teknopark, Türkiye'nin önemli araştırma merkezlerinden birisi olan Erciyes Üniversitesi Kayseri Merkez Kampus alanında ilk etabı 147 bin metrekare, ikinci etabı 130 bin metrekare olarak, toplamda 277 bin metrekare alan üzerinde bulunuyor. Erciyes Teknopark 2013 yılı Kasım ayı itibari ile 140'ın üzerindeki Ar-Ge firmasına toplamda 20 bin 300 metrekarelik nitelikli ofis alanları ile ev sahipliği yapıyor. İleri teknoloji ürünü yazılımlardan, robotik sistemlere, savunma sanayisi ürünlerinden, medikal cihazlara kadar birçok alanda faaliyet gösteren Erciyes Teknopark firmaları bünyelerinde 300'den fazla nitelikli personel çalıştırırken, 160 kadar ar-ge projesi üzerinde çalışmalarına devam ediyorlar. Bölge, kurulduğu günden bugüne kadar toplamda 70 milyon lirayı aşan bir Ar-Ge cirosuna ulaştı." Erciyes Teknopark'ın, Avrupa Birliği ile etkin işbirliği içerisinde de faaliyetler yürüttüğüne dikkati çeken Coşkun, bu faaliyetlerden katılım öncesi mali yardım aracı (IPA) kapsamında devam eden Erciyes Teknopark Bölgesel Yenilikçilik Merkezi adlı Avrupa Birliği projesinin Teknopark ve bölge için büyük önem taşıdığını vurguladı. Proje kapsamında Erciyes Teknopark'a tam donanımlı 10 bin 200 metrekare kapalı alana sahip iki adet bina, Yozgat'a 2 bin metrekare kapalı alana sahip bir bina veErciyes Teknopark'a 200 kişilik bir konferans salonu inşa edilmekle beraber Teknopark ve Erciyes Teknoloji Transfer Ofisi'nin (ETTO) kurumsal kapasitesinin artırılmasına yönelik aktif faaliyetler yürütüldüğünü ifade eden Coşkun, "Toplamda yaklaşık 7,8 Milyon avro bütçesi olan proje bittiğinde yüzlerce girişimciye ücretsiz kuluçka ofisi ve hizmeti sunulacak bir kuluçka merkezi de kurulmuş olacak" diye konuştu. - Kayseri http://www.haberler.com/eru‐teknopark‐70‐milyon‐liralik‐ar‐ge‐cirosuna‐5297443‐haberi/ 128 Girişimciye kuluçka k ofisi o Erciy yes Üniver rsitesi (ER RÜ) Tekno oparkı, yöne etim kurullu ve çalış şanları ile e gerçe ekleştirdikleri basıın toplanttısında, Tekn nopark'ın faaliyetle erini değe erlendirdi.. 14 Kasım m 2013 Perşembe 08:48 ERÜ Tekknopark Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı vve Erciyes Üniversitesi Ü Rektör Yaraadımcısı Pro of. Dr. Abdulha akim Coşkun n, Erciyes Üniversitesi Ü Rektör Yard dımcısı Hasa an Yetim, K KOSGEB Kay yseri Hizmet Müdürü Erd dal Çınar, te eknopark idaarecileri ve çalışanların nın katıldığı toplantıda ERÜ E Teknopa ark hakkınd da bilgiler ve erilirken faaaliyetleri de ele alındı. AVRUPA A'NIN SİSTE EM VE STAN NDARTLARII UYGULANIIYOR İsveçli B Bilim Adamı ve Takım Lideri L Leif G Grahm'ın da katıldığı toplantıda konnuşan ERÜ Teknopa ark Yönetim m Kurulu Başkanı ve Ercciyes Ünive ersitesi Rektör Yardımcıısı Prof. Dr. Abdulha akim Coşkun n, Teknoparklar'da Avrrupa'nın 100 0 senedir uy yguladığı sisstem ve standarttları uyguladıklarını ifad de ederek, buna alışma aya çalışıldığını ifade ettti. Coşkun,, Türkiye''deki Tekno oparklar içerrisinde ERÜ Teknopark k'ın gerek faaliyet noktaasında, gere ekse donanım m noktasınd da iyi seviye elerde olduğ ğunu belirterek, bugüne e kadar gerrçekleştirdik kleri çalışmallar ve proje eler hakkında bilgiler veerdi. 20 BİN METREKAR RE AKTİF AL LAN ERÜ Tekknopark'ın çalışmaları, ç fiziksel özeellikleri, donanım özellik kleri ve faaliiyet alanları ile ilgili bilgiler vverilen topla antıda ERÜ Teknopark''ın 20 bin metrekare m ak ktif alanda ffaaliyetlerin ni yürüttüğ ğü ifade edildi. Bugüne e kadar hayyata geçirilen ve geliştirrme aşamassında olan projeler p hakkınd da da bilgilerin paylaşıld dığı toplantııda, ağırlıklı olarak yazılım sektörüüne dair Türrkiye ve dünyada a kullanılan birçok projjenin hayataa geçtiği ve e üretilen ya azılımların yüüzde 55 kad darının yurt dışına pazarlan ndığı ve şu anda aralarrında Atak Helikopterle H eri için yakıt pompası üretimi, elektron nik hastane yatakları, fa arklı ve fon ksiyonel optik okuyucu u, mikro rüzzgar türbini gibi bir çok projjenin geliştirildiği belirttildi. 70 MİLY YON LİRA AR-GE A CİROSU ERÜ Tekknopark Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı vve Erciyes Üniversitesi Ü Rektör Yaraadımcısı Co oşkun, ERÜ Tekknopark'ın kurulduğu k günden g bug güne kadar geçen süre içerisinde 770 milyon liralık ArGe cirossuna sahip olduğunu o ifade ederekk, ERÜ Teknopark'ın Erc ciyes Üniverrsitesi içerissinde en aktif birrim olduğun nu kaydetti. Coşkun, Errciyes Ünive ersitesi ve Teknoparkı'nndaki gelişm melerin, çalışmalların toplum mu ve ülkeyii etkileyecekk olduğunu bildirerek "Türkiye " arttık inovasyo onun, yeniliğin n kaçınılmazz olduğunu anladı. Buraada medyay ya da büyük k sorumluluuk düşüyor. Medya daha ço ok sansasyo onel haberle erin peşindee koşuyor, ancak bu gib bi teknolojiyye, gelişmey ye dair haberlerin yapılmassı, bunların öne çıkarılm ması gelişen n bir ülke için gerekli. B Bunlara önccelik verilmessi dileğimizd dir" diyerek bu konuda ki düşüncellerini dile ge etirdi. İsveççli Takım Lid deri Leif Grahm iise, teknolo oji faaliyetleri konusund da teknoparrk ve medya anın işbirliğii içerisinde olması gerektiğ ğini dile getirerek, med dya temsilcillerine işbirliği çağrısında bulundu. 129 GİRİŞİMCİYE ÜCRETSİZ 'KULUÇKA OFİSİ' Gerçekleşen toplantıda, gelecek mart döneminde faaliyete geçecek; girişimcilere danışmanlık yapacak ve akademik destek verecek olan 'kuluçka ofisi' projesi hakkında da bilgiler verildi. Toplam yaklaşık 7,8 milyon euro bütçesi ile 'kuluçka projesi' faaliyete geçtiğinde, yüzlerce girişimciye ücretsiz kuluçka hizmeti sunulacağı belirtildi. Kurulacak olan kuluçka ofisine, aklında projesi olan herhangi birinin gelerek, burada bu projesinin geliştirilmesi adına her türlü yardımı alacağı ifade edildi. Erciyes Teknoloji Transfer Ofisi (ETTO) hakkında da bilgiler verilen yoplantıda, Teknoloji Transfer Ofisi'nde, kurumların kapasitelerinin artırılmasına yönelik aktif faaliyetler yürütüldüğü, buna dair projeler üretildiği de vurgulandı. HABER:KAAN AKBAŞ http://www.kayserianadoluhaber.com.tr/haber/Girisimciye‐kulucka‐ofisi‐7655 Appendix 12 Visibility Gadgets 130 GİRİŞİMCİLİK PROJE YÖNETİMİ YETENEK YÖNETİMİ AR-GE DESTEKLERİ KALİTE YÖNETİMİ AÇIK İNOVASYON KÜRESELLEŞME TASARIM İŞ PLANI LİDERLİK DIŞ TİCARET ÖĞRENEN ÖRGÜTLER SATIŞ VE PAZARLAMA FİNANS VE MUHASEBE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI MAAŞ VE TEŞVİK YÖNETİMİ TEKNOLOJİNİN TİCARİLEŞTİRİLMESİ İŞÇİ GÜVENLİĞİ, MEMNUNİYET VE ÇALIŞMA ORTAMI 131 132 133 ERCIYES TEKNOPARK BÖLGESEL INOVASYON MERKEZI TEKNIK DESTEK PROJESI TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (INSTITUTION BUILDING) ERCIYES TECHNOPARK REGIONAL INNOVATION CENTRE EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR KOBİ AR-GE BAŞLANGIÇ DESTEK PROGRAMI TÜBİTAK 1507 134 TÜBİTAK 1507 KOBİ AR-GE BAŞLANGIÇ DESTEK PROGRAMI YENİLİK NEDİR? A- Ürün Yeniliği 1. Şirketinizde mevcut bir ürünün yeni modellerinin geliştirilmesi (temel bir üründe yapılan değişikliklerle yeni ürünler geliştirilmesi veya mevcut bir ürünün yeni bir alana uygulanması için yapılan uyum çalışmaları) 2. Şirket için yeni bir ürün geliştirilmesi (benzerleri pazarda veya sektörde mevcut olup firmanın ürün ailesinde olmayan bir ürünün geliştirilmesi) 3. Şirket için yeni bir ürün platformu geliştirilmesi (kendisinden yeni modellerin türetilebileceği temel bir ürünün geliştirilmesi) 4. Ülke için yeni bir ürün geliştirilmesi 5. Dünya için yeni bir ürün geliştirilmesi (yeni bir fikir odağında dünya pazarlarında olmayan bir ürünün geliştirilmesi) B- Süreç Yeniliği 1. Maliyet düşürücü veya standart/kalite yükseltici sonuçların elde edilmesi amacıyla yeni tekniklerin geliştirilerek uygulanması 2. Üretimle ilgili olarak yeni bir yöntem veya teknoloji geliştirilmesi 135 1507 PROGRAMININ AMACI NEDİR? Yeni ürün üretilmesi Ürün kalitesi veya standardının yükseltilmesi Maliyet düşürücü ve standart yükseltici yeni tekniklerin geliştirilmesi Yeni üretim teknolojilerinin geliştirilmesi Proje ve kaynak yönetimi yeteneğinin kazanılması Ar-Ge kültürü ve Ar-Ge yapılanmasının oluşturulması, Bilgi kazanımlarının dokümante edilerek kalıcılığının ve sürekliliğinin sağlanması Üniversite - sanayi işbirliğinin oluşturulması Ticari başarının sağlanması Dünya pazarlarında rekabet edebilir başarılı firmalarımızın sayılarının arttırılması Rekabet gücünün arttırılarak daha çok ihracat yapılması İthalatı azaltıcı yerli ürünlerin geliştirilmesi Üretim teknolojilerinin geliştirilerek verimliliğin ve üretim kalitesinin arttırılması Nitelikli işgücü istihdamının arttırılması 1507 PROGRAMINA KİMLER BAŞVURABİLİR? KOBİ tanımına uyan ve sektörüne bakılmaksızın firma düzeyinde katma değer yaratan Türkiye’de yerleşik ve daha önce TÜBİTAK’tan destek almamış tüm sermaye şirketleri proje başvurusunda bulunabilir. Bir şirketin ikisi ortaklı olmak üzere en fazla 5 projesi desteklenebilir. 1507 PROGRAMINDA SAĞLANAN DESTEĞİN ORANI NEDİR? Projenin toplam bütçesi, 500.000.- TL ile sınırlandırılmıştır. Destek oranı her dönem için sabit olup proje bütçesinin %75’tir. BAŞVURU NASIL YAPILIR? PRODİS- Proje Değerlendirme ve İzleme Sistemi http://eteydeb.tubitak.gov.tr PROJE BAŞVURUSU İÇİN YETKİ ONAYI NASIL ALINIR? Kuruluşa ait en son tarihli Noter Onaylı İmza Sirküleri (ıslak imzalı ve kuruluş kaşeli kopyası) Kuruluşun tesciline ilişkin Türkiye Ticaret Sicil Gazetesi (Ana sözleşmede yapılan sonraki değişiklikler dâhil ve ıslak imzalı ve kuruluş kaşeli kopyası) Kuruluşa ait onaylı Vergi Levhası (ıslak imzalı ve kuruluş kaşeli kopyası) Proje Başvurusunda Bulunan Kuruluşlara Ait Başvuru Kriterleri Değerlendirme ve Tasdik Formu (Proje Başvurusunda Bulunan Kuruluşlara Ait Başvuru Kriterleri Değerlendirme ve Tasdik Formu Hazırlama Kılavuzuna göre düzenlenecektir). 136 HANGİ GİDERLER DESTEKLENİR? a) Personel giderleri b) Seyahat (yalnızca ulaşım) giderleri c) Alet, teçhizat, yazılım ve yayın alım giderleri d) Ülke içindeki üniversiteler, TÜBİTAK’a bağlı Ar-Ge birimleri, özel sektör Ar-Ge kuruluşları ve benzeri Ar-Ge kurum ve kuruluşlarına yaptırılan Ar-Ge hizmet giderleri e) Yurtiçi ve yurtdışı danışmanlık hizmeti ve diğer hizmet alım giderleri f) Malzeme ve sarf giderleri g) Proje dokümanları danışmanlık hizmeti alınarak hazırlatıldığı durumlarda, AGY101 dokümanı için en fazla 5.000 (beş bin) TL ve AGY301 dokümanları için toplam en fazla 5.000 (beş bin) TL olmak üzere proje bazında en fazla 10.000 (on bin) TL destek sağlanır. h) Yeminli Mali Müşavir giderleri i) 1512 Bireysel Girişimcilik Aşamalı Destek Programı 3. Aşaması kapsamında desteklenen projeler için proje genel gideri (projenin her bir AGY301’i için belirlenen dönemsel desteklemeye esas harcama tutarının %10’u) PROGRAMDA HANGİ GİDERLER DESTEKLENMEZ? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) Katma Değer Vergisi, Her Türlü Kar, Fırsat Maliyeti, Sermaye Kullanım Maliyeti, Sözleşme Masrafları, Amortismanlar, Depozitolar, Avans Ödemeleri, Dağıtım, Pazarlama Ve Reklam Giderleri, Patent, Faydalı Model, Endüstriyel Tasarım, Coğrafi İşaret Tescil Giderleri, Marka Tescil Giderleri, Muhasebe Giderleri, Sekreterlik Vb. İdari Giderler, Huzur Hakkı, Murahhas Azaya Ödenen Üyelik Ücretleri, Brüt Ücretin Yanında Teşvik, Motivasyon, Vb. Prim Giderleri, Personele Nakdi ya da Ayni Olarak Verilen Yemek Ve Servis/Ulaşım Giderleri, Kuruluş Ortaklarına Ait Bağ-Kur Primleri, Sosyal Yardımlaşma Vakıf Ödentileri, Konaklama Giderleri Şehir İçi Nakliye Giderleri (Gümrüklerden Ve Limanlardan Yapılan Nakliye Hariç) Ve Posta Giderleri, Seyahatlerde Araç Kiralama Giderleri, Özel Oto Ve Kuruluş Otosu İle Yapılan Seyahatlerde Kullanılan Yakıt Giderleri, Proje Ar-Ge Faaliyetleri İle İlintili Olmayan Üretime Yönelik Altyapı Yatırımı Ağırlıklı Giderler, Fotokopi Makinesi, Projeksiyon Cihazı Gibi Büro Makineleri, Büro Mefruşatı, Isıtma, Aydınlatma Ve Üretimde Sarf Edilen Enerji Masrafları, Su Giderleri, Telefon, Faks, Haberleşme, İnternet Kullanım Maliyetleri, Vergi Mevzuatında Kabul Edilmeyen Giderler, r) Ofis, Depo, Stant Kira Giderleri, s) İnşaat Ve Tesisat Giderleri, t) Kırtasiye Giderleri, u) CE (Test Giderleri Desteklenir) Ve Kalite Belgelendirme Giderleri. 137 I. ENDÜSTRİYEL AR-GE İÇERİĞİ TEKNOLOJİ DÜZEYİ VE YENİLİKÇİ YÖNÜ 1 Günümüz teknoloji düzeyini ileri götüren bir projedir. 2 Çalışma uluslararası bazda yenilik içermektedir. 3 Proje sonuçları şartname, standart veya teknik regülasyonun geliştirilmesine yol açabilecek niteliktedir. 4 Farklı teknoloji alanlarında yeni uygulamalara veya araştırma çalışmalarına yol açma potansiyeli vardır. 5 Proje çıktısının tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi için gereken teknoloji proje sonunda ülkemize kazandırılarak teknolojik dışa bağımlılık azalmakta veya kalkmaktadır. 6 Kendisinden yeni modellerin türetilebileceği temel bir ürünün (firmanın mevcut ürünlerinden farklı yeni bir ürün platformu) geliştirilmesi projesidir. 7 Çalışma ulusal teknolojik bilgi birikimine katkı sağlamaktadır. 8 Konu başlığı ile ilgili varsa eklemek istediğiniz diğer kriterler II. PROJE PLANININ VE KURULUŞ ALTYAPISININ PROJE İÇİN UYGUNLUĞU 1 Projede bilgi akışı ve karar alma süreçlerini gösteren kapsamlı bir yönetim planı yapılmıştır. 2 Kuruluşta, projenin gerektirdiği tüm alanlarda bilgi birikimi vardır. 3 Kuruluşta Ar-Ge birimi ve Ar-Ge faaliyetlerine ayrılmış personel ve donanım bulunmaktadır. 4 Kuruluş, Ar-Ge projelerinden elde ettiği bilgi ve deneyimin kalıcılığını sağlayacak yöntem ve mekanizmalara sahiptir. 5 Kuruluşun, Ar-Ge sürecinde gözden geçirme ve iyileştirme sistemi vardır. Verilerin (zaman, kaynak, maliyet, hedefler v.b) izlenmesi, değerlendirilmesi ve sürecin geliştirilmesine yönelik adımlar bir sistematik içerisinde gerçekleştirilmektedir. 6 Proje ekibinde bilimsel yetkinlikte araştırmacılar vardır. 7 Kuruluşa Ar-Ge projeleri yapabilme altyapısı ve sürekliliği kazandıracak bir projedir. 8 Firma projedeki risk unsurlarını ve olası aksaklıkları yönetecek önlemleri planlamıştır. 9 Konu başlığı ile ilgili varsa eklemek istediğiniz diğer kriterler 138 III. PROJE ÇIKTILARININ EKONOMİK YARARA VE ULUSAL KAZANIMA DÖNÜŞEBİLİRLİĞİ 1 Proje çıktısı firmanın küresel pazarda yer almasını sağlayacaktır. 2 Proje çıktısı yeni bir pazar veya kullanım alanı oluşturmaktadır. 3 Proje sonucunda ulusal güvenlik için gereken ve/veya tedarikinde güçlük çekilen ürün veya teknoloji geliştirilecektir. 4 Doğal/sınırlı kaynakların değerlendirilmesi ve etkin kullanımı sağlanacaktır. 5 Teknoloji tabanlı firmalar ortaya çıkarma potansiyeli bulunmaktadır. 6 Projenin ve çıktılarının bölgeler arası gelişmişlik farklılığını azaltma etkisi olacaktır. 7 Proje çıktısı yeni iş alanları yaratarak istihdamı arttıracaktır. 8 Projenin bilimsel araştırmalara katkısı vardır. 9 Projenin Ar-Ge yeteneklerini geliştirerek, Türkiye’nin küresel rekabet gücünü artırma potansiyeli vardır. 10 Proje faaliyetleri ve çıktısının çevreye ve canlılara doğrudan olumlu etkileri vardır ve projenin temel hedeflerinden birisi budur. 11 Proje faaliyetleri proje sonrasında firmaya uluslararası projelerde yer alma yeteneği ve olanağı kazandırabilecektir. 12 Proje faaliyetlerinin Ar-Ge işbirlikleri oluşturma etkisi vardır. 13 Projedeki işbirliklerinin yan sanayi geliştirme ve yan sanayiye bilgi aktarma etkisi vardır. 14 Proje, konusuyla ilgili veya farklı çalışmalarına katkıda bulunmaktadır. sektörlerdeki Konu başlığı ile ilgili varsa eklemek istediğiniz diğer kriterler araştırma SİZE HANGİ HİZMETLERİ SUNACAĞIZ? 139 1. Sizinle ile birlikte işletmenizin teknolojik hedeflerinin belirlenmesi 2. Ar-Ge imkânlarınızın tespit edilmesi 3. Proje fikrinizden yola çıkarak proje konusu ile ilgili sektörel analiz yapılması 4. Proje fikrinizin amacı, kapsamı ve gerekleri konusunda bilgilendirilmeniz ve istenen bilgiler - Proje ve kuruluş bilgileri Limited veya anonim şirket ana sözleşmesi Son tarihli bilanço Yetki kararı ve imza sirküleri Proje sonucunda beklenen ürün Projenin endüstriyel Ar-Ge içeriği, teknoloji ve yenilikçi yönü Proje planının ve kuruluş altyapısının proje için uygunluğu Proje çıktılarının ekonomik yarara ve ulusal kazanıma dönüşülebilirliği Proje bütçesi (TL) Proje süresi (ay) Proje yürütücüsünün özgeçmişi ve diploma sureti Proje ekibi Varsa daha önce yapılan projeler hakkında bilgi 5. Ar-Ge Projesi başlatma gerekçeleri ve amaçlarınızın belirlenmesi 6. Ar-Ge konusuyla ilgili tarama yapılması, - Patent taraması http://www.epo.org/searching.html http://twpat.tipo.gov.tw/tipotwoc/tipotwekm http://www.uspto.gov/patents/process/search/index.jsp http://ipri.ngb.co.jp/japan/japanese-patent-search/ http://www.asiapatent.net/ - Bilimsel makale taraması - Kitap vb. yayın taraması http://libgen.org - Tez taraması YÖK - AB mevzuat taraması Eurolex - Ulusal standartların taraması - Uluslararası standartların taraması - Konu uzmanlarının taraması ARBİS - Üniversite öğretim üyelerinin taraması ARBİS - Benzer ürünlerin taraması - Benzer konuda çalışan şirketlerin taraması - Konuyla ilgili konferans ve kongrelerin taraması - Konuyla ilgili ulusal ve uluslararası fuarların taraması - Konuyla ilgili kuruluşların taraması - Konuyla ilgili laboratuarların taraması - Dış ticaret verilerinin taraması - Konuyla ilgili cihaz ve ekipmanların teknik özellikleri ve temin kaynakları 7. Ar-Ge Projenizin ekonomik yarara ve ulusal kazanıma dönüşebilirliğinin tespiti 140 8. Ar-Ge Projenizin çıktısının işletmenizin verimliliğine ve rekabet gücüne etkilerinin ortaya konulması 9. Ar-Ge Projenizin çıktısının satış ve pazar tahminlerinin yapılması 10. Ar-Ge Projenizin yeni teknolojilere katkısının belirlenmesi, 11. Ar-Ge Projesi başarı kriterlerinin belirlenmesi, 12. Ar-Ge Projesi metodolojisinin belirlenmesi, AR-GE aşamalarının planlanması, bu kapsamda yararlanılan yöntem ve teknolojilerin açıklanması, 13. Ar-Ge Projesinin kapsadığı faaliyetler doğrultusunda detaylı proje planının yapılması, iş akışına uygun olarak iş paketlerine bölünmesi, proje ara çıktılarının belirlenmesi, 14. Ar-Ge Proje planı ve iş paketleri doğrultusunda, proje teknik anlatımının yapılması ve proje kapsamında yapılacak faaliyetlerin açıklanması, 15. Ar-Ge Projesi için gerekli olan personel, teçhizat, donanım, yazılım, seyahat, sarf malzemesi, danışmanlık ve hizmet alımlarının belirlenmesi ve yapılacak harcamaların teknik olarak gerekçelendirilmesi, 16. Ar-Ge Proje bütçesinin ve nakit akış tablolarının oluşturulması, 17. Başvuru Dosyasının hazırlanması 18. Proje yürütücünün Hakem Heyeti görüşmesi için hazırlanması 19. Dönemsel ve Final Raporlama yönteminin anlatılması 20. Proje muhasebe işlemlerinin anlatılması 21. ARBİS kaydınızı yapmanız https://giris.tubitak.gov.tr/kullaniciadiilegiris.htm 22. PRODİS Hesabınızı açmanız https://giris.tubitak.gov.tr/yenikayit.htm;jsessionid=63175D1EE15DAFA9F98819F4B6 D51C8D 23. Proje İş Akış Şeması hazırlamak için kullanabilirsiniz; http://www.vertex42.com/ExcelTemplates/excel-gantt-chart.html Koçluk Hizmeti: Erciyes Teknopark 3. Bina 2. Kat Tel: 224 81 12 141 142 143 Appendix 13 Training programme Block A. Human resources management 1. 2. 3. Leadership training Vision and value b ase The leadership role Basic organisational framework Legal and reulatory framework Recruitment and personnel policy Labour environment and health issues Talent management Selecting, sourcing Attracting, incentive systems, incl salary formation Training and developing, retaining Promotion systems, career management Moving employees in the organisation Learning organisations Creative organisation Lifelong learning, comparative advantages Block B. Innovation management 4. Project Management Basic Project Managment methods PMI approach Financial support on R&D projects (state, sector, Internat coop etc.) Managing a pratical design project, e.g. by FEM 5. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Establishment of IP-strategy Conditions for patentability Granting procedures at National, European and Management of an IP-portfolio 6. Open Innovation strategies Interface between academy and industry Management tools for in-company training Exploring new application fields Stimulate exchange of knowledge (best practice) 7. Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship development (incl Spin Offs, Spin Outs) Training program e.g. according to ILO Coaching programme by ETTO Block C. Economic management 8. 9. 10. Basic business development Business plan development Economic management from leadership perspective Business administration Sales and marketing Pricing Risk management Brand management Distribution and trade Import/export e-trade Financing Attractivity of investments, basic guide Seed financing Venture finance, Business angels Other market financial opportunities Project support (domestic, international) 144 § TENTATIVE TRAINING SCHEDULE PROGRAMME FORFOR - staff at ET and YIC - Regional industry, including tenants in ET - Potential entrepreneurs among students, studnets, ToR + selection Prep 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Block Y. Training of trainers, for ET staff in their role as future trainers a. Pedagogic approach:, how ro teach SMEs, EU best practice Not b. forCommercialisation publ process c. d. e. f. g. h. Standardised techniqes for project planning Coaching, mentoring Entrepreneurship development Cluster development Financing of projects in incubator Business development (follow the programme for industry in general) Block A. Human resources management 1. 2. 3. Leadership training Talent management Learning organisations Eval Eval Eval Block B. Innovation management 4. 5. 6. 7. Project Management Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Open Innovation strategies Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship development (incl Spin Offs, Spin Outs) Eval Eval Eval Block C. Economic management 8. 9. Basic business development Business plan development Economic management from Business administration Sales and marketing Distribution and trade Financing Eval Eval Module performed by trainers' trainer Module performed by Senior expert Module performed by Junior expert 145 Appendix 14.1 ToR for 3 Senior Trainers in HRM TERMS OF REFERENCE for short term senior instructors on training in Human Resource Management Project title Activities Duration, and total amount of working days Period of performance Place of performance of coordination, development and delivery of training Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing training plan and required training materials in Human Resource Management, and 2.3 delivering training 1. Senior Expert (Instructor and coordinator)on Leadership training with estimated 25 wd (work days) within a total framework off 34 wd at most 10 wd for preparatory work 2. Senior Experts (Instructors) on Talent Management with estimated 21wd within a call off framework of 29 wd at most 5 wd for preparatory work, and 3. Senior Expert (Instructor) Learning organisation training with estimated 12 wd within a total call off framework of 16 wd at most 4 wd for preparatory work According to Scheme decided in cooperation with the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) Kayseri, and to some extent in Yozgat. TL CA, OCU Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 an SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. The ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, the “ETBİM Project”, will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Regional Innovation project in Kayseri - Yozgat are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes’ management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive SMEs in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment This activity aims to increase the capacity and knowledge of the SMEs in Kayseri in the specific field of the training program. The specific training topic is decided according to the TNA results. We have found out that most of the SMEs need to be trained in this field to increase their competitiveness, improve their productivity and upgrade their functional performance. We will try to reduce their inefficiencies in the required field through up-to-date, comprehensive and interactive training programmes. Moreover, we shall organise experience-based and target oriented training programs aiming at developing multi-functional skills. 1 146 Activities and tasks of the assignment Position 1. Coordinator for the Human Resource Management Block, and Developer and Trainer for Leadership Training The consultancy service will concern coordination within the HRM block. As the three proposed components for Human Resource Management, as presented below, might be partly overlapping each other, a coordinator will be responsible for the overall structure on how the components will be composed. In practice this means that proposals for planning the other two components will be read and edited in relation to the coordinators own component. After finished training the coordinator is supposed make a very short summary of the final composition of the three components. This first position also includes development of the Leadership component. For coordination and development preparation 10 days are reserved. The training package is supposed to be contained in a unit comparative to 3 work days (wd). The expert is supposed to organise this training time in the most fruitful way, which should be made in cooperation with the TAT. The substance of the Leadership training course will include classical issues such as - Vision and value base for the company - The leadership role - A company’s basic organisational framework - The legal and regulatory framework for private companies - Main policy areas (like personnel policy, health and security, environmental policy, gender policy etc) When elaborating the training module the developer, however, should have freedom to propose alternative or supplementing approaches in accordance with their experience as HRM-consultants. If possible the specific interests of participants (if known in advance) should be considered. Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – November 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. 2 times 3 wd will be reserved for the first course and a repeated performance of it (i.e. two “rounds”). Then a general evaluation of demand from regional industry and other factors will decide if more rounds of the course will be called off (within the framework of 34 days). It is estimated that at most six rounds more will be called off, but this will depend on circumstances as mentioned. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. Position 2. Developer and Trainer for Talent Management For development of the Talent Management component 5 days are reserved. The training package is supposed to be contained in a unit comparative to 4wd. The expert is supposed to organise this training time in the most fruitful way, which should be done in cooperation with the TAT. When it comes to substance, “Talent Management” today has become the key wording of human resources development. It is used both in strategic perspective, concerning long time supply of qualified labour under cultural and demographic transformation, and the more short term oriented problem. These might concern solving issues related to ideas on keeping labour force by the jobs where training investments have been made, instead of losing them to external markets. The concept of talent management today has become a theme for consultancy rather than academic discipline. This means that the whole lot of topics often includes recruitment and selection, sourcing of labour force, training and developing labour force and retaining the staff, promotion systems, incentive formation, and career management and others. It is the task of the developer to show what the most interesting issues for training are, given that this is the area where the project’s TNA-study shows the largest problems. Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – November 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. 2 times 4 wd will be reserved for the first course and a repeated round. Then a general evaluation of demand from regional industry and other factors will decide if more rounds of the course will be called off (within the framework of 29 days). It is expected that at most four more rounds will be called off, but this will depend on circumstances as mentioned. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT 2 147 Position 3. Developer and Trainer for Learning Organisations For development of training for Learning Organisations 4 days are reserved. The training package is supposed to be contained in a unit comparative to 2 wd. The expert is supposed to organise this training time in the most fruitful way, which should be made in cooperation with the TAT. Learning Organisations as concept for training organisations has existed on the consultancy market for several decades by now. In spite of this it actuality has lately been accentuated as the needs for corporations to prepare their employees to cope with new complexities have accelerated. These activities have been especially important where national education systems are failing to arm new workers with the skills they will require to keep pace with competitors’ development. In such an environment companies will succeed or fail based on how well they link employee training to their business strategy. Classical training modules have used Peter Senge’s conceptual approach around Personal mastery, Successful conceptualization, sharing the visions, team learning, and systems thinking. There are several acknowledged successors to Senge, which have developed practical concepts for corporate training. The substantial task of the developer is to adapt recent knowledge on Learning Organizations to an industrial environment as described in the TNA-study. If the 2 days module as proposed does not seem feasible for the training, the developer is free to propose, after agreement with TAT, a 3-days module. In this case, however, the number of times to perform the course will decrease within the same resource frame. Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – November 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. 2 times 2 wd will be reserved for the first course and a repeated round. Then a general evaluation of demand from regional industry and other factors will decide if more rounds of the course will be called off (within the framework of 16 days). It is expected that at most four more rounds will be called off, but this will depend on circumstances as mentioned. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT Required qualifications and skills Education and Skills - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy - Good command of English is necessary for documentation according to EU standards and communication with TAT General professional experience - Minimum 5 years general professional experience in development of curriculum and delivery of training - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience Working experience in - Designing training programs - Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues - Familiar with techniques on monitoring and assessing training impact - Good communication and presentation skills Deliveries Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. Trainers should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning methods and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Expert should submit the participant list and photos taken during the training rounds as well as evaluation of each training round. Training Package The training package from each component above should include development of curriculum, and instructions for training sessions. Purpose of the course, and goals for the training should be specified. A general description of target groups, and how adaptation to these is made, is expected. Training material should be presented in English and Turkish, preferably in ppt-format, and hand-outs, and modules for social media such as You Tube, if any, should be documented. 3 148 The training module should have the ambition of being tailor made in relation to needs from regional industry. Basic information on these needs is documented in the TNA-report (available at www.etbim.org). The reporting of the development work will be made as a preliminary overview before starting the course, and the full documentation is supposed to be delivered within one week after finalising the last round of the course by the Senior Trainer. A short evaluation based on participants’ view is expected to be appended to this report. Overview report A short overview report and internal evaluation of the training components of Human Resources Management should be delivered based on the coordinators planning instructions and separate internal evaluations delivered by the trainers from the different components. Mission Report After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. These reports will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. All reports and training material will be delivered English and translated into Turkish. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. LG20131116 4 149 Appendix 14.2 ToR for 3 Junior Experts in HRM TERMS OF REFERENCE for short term junior experts on trainings in Human Resource Management Project title Activities Duration, and total amount of working days Period of performance Place of performance of coordination, development and delivery of training Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing training plan and required training materials in Human Resource Management, and 2.3 delivering training 1. The Junior Experts on Leadership will have estimated 12wd (work days) within a call off framework of 18wd; 2. The Junior Expert on Talent Management and Learning Organizations 24wd within a framework of 36wd; According to Scheme decided in cooperation with the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) Kayseri, and to some extent in Yozgat. TL CA, OCU Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 an SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. The ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, the “ETBİM Project”, will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Regional Innovation project are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark’s management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive SMEs in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment This activity aims to increase the capacity and knowledge of the SMEs in Kayseri and Yozgat in the specific field of the training program. The specific training topic is decided according to the TNA results. We have found out that most of the SMEs need to be trained in this field to increase their competitiveness, improve their productivity and upgrade their functional performance. We will try to reduce their inefficiencies in the required field through up-to-date, comprehensive and interactive training programmes. Moreover, we shall organise experience-based and target oriented training programs aiming at developing multi-functional skills. Activities and tasks of the assignment Position 1.Junior Expert for Leadership Training. This first position will assist the responsible Senior Trainer in preparing and delivering training, in accordance with guidelines given by the senior trainer in consensus with TAT. If the Junior Expert will take over training or pedagogic workshops or group work after some introductory period by the Senior Trainer, at least one lecture should be performed in joint action between the two of them. The substance of the Leadership training course will be decided by the Senior Trainer, and include classical issues such as 150 - Vision and value base for the company The leadership role A company’s basic organisational framework The legal and regulatory framework for private companies Main policy areas (like personnel policy, health and security, environmental policy, gender policy etc) Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – November 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Senior Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. The Junior Expert in Leadership training will assist the senior in all necessary parts. Basic support will last for 12 days. An extension may be called off by the Senior Trainer in cooperation with TAT within a framework of 18 days (including the first 12 days). If the Junior Expert will take over training classes after the Senior Trainer, at least one lecture should be performed in joint action before. The Junior Expert should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. Position 2. Junior Expert for Talent Management and Learning Organizations This second position will assist the responsible Senior Trainers in preparing and delivering training, in accordance with guidelines given by the senior trainers in consensus with TAT. If the Junior Expert will take over training or pedagogic workshops or group work after some introductory period by the Senior Trainers, at least one lecture under each subject should be performed in jointly with the Senior Experts. When it comes to substance, “Talent Management” today the concept of talent management has become a theme for consultancy rather than academic discipline. The whole lot of topics often includes recruitment and selection, sourcing of labour force, training and developing labour force and retaining the staff, promotion systems, incentive formation, and career management and others. The Senior Trainer will show what the most interesting issues for training are. Learning Organisations as concept for training organisations has existed on the consultancy market for several decades by now. In spite of this it actuality has lately been accentuated as the needs for corporations to prepare their employees to cope with new complexities have accelerated. These activities have been especially important where national education systems are failing to arm new workers with the skills they will require to keep pace with competitors’ development. In such an environment companies will succeed or fail based on how well they link employee training to their business strategy. The Senior Trainer will decide the training substance and module after agreement with TAT. Delivering training will be done within the period November 2013 – November 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Senior Trainers and decided in cooperation with TAT. The Junior Expert will assist the senior expert in Talent Management and senior expert in Learning Organisations trainings in all necessary parts. Basic support will last for 24 days. An extension may be called off by the Senior Trainer in cooperation with TAT within a framework of 36 days (including the first 24 days). If the junior expert will take over training classes after the Senior Expert, at least one lecture in each subject should be performed in joint action before. The Junior Trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT Required qualifications and skills Education and Skills - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy - Training will be in Turkish language, but good command in English is necessary for communication with TAT and for support at documentation. General professional experience - Minimum 2 years general professional experience in education and/or training - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience - Familiar with techniques on monitoring and assessing training impact - Good communication and presentation skills Deliveries Training Support to Senior Trainers, and TAT if requested. Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. The Junior Expert should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study 151 visits, Action Learning based on practical pilot cases may be valuable, and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Methods based on social media may be elaborated together with participants. Training Package Supplementing material to training package and instructions for training sessions shall be delivered by the Senior Trainer. The Junior Expert shall inform the Senior Trainer on administrative and other conditions for the training taken care of as well as Junior Expert is responsible for keeping the attendance sheets of each training sessions together including the relevant photos taken during the training sessions as well as evaluation of each participant participated to the trainings. Mission Report After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. This report will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. All reports and training material will be delivered in Turkish and English. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. LG20131116 152 Appendix 14.3 ToR for Senior Trainer and Junior Expert on Project Management TERMS OF REFERENCE for short term Senior Instructor and short term Junior Expert on training in Project Management Project title Activities Call off agreements duration, and total amount of working days Period of performance Place of performance of coordination, development and delivery of training Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing training plan and required training materials in Project Management, and 2.3 delivering training in the same area. 1. Senior Expert and Instructor for estimated 25 wd (work days) within a call off framework of 34 wd. 2. Junior Expert of training for estimated 12 within a framework of 18 wd. According to Scheme decided in cooperation with the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) Kayseri, and to some extent in Yozgat TL CA, OCU Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 an SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. The ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Regional Innovation project in Kayseri - Yozgat are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark’s management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive industry in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment This activity aims to increase the capacity and knowledge of the SMEs in Kayseri in the specific field of the training program. The specific training topic is decided according to the results of a training needs assessment, TNA, and an assessment of needs for service/support from Technopark or Innovation Centre, SNA, concerning commercialisation of innovative ideas in industry and research in connection to the universities. We have found out that most of the SMEs need to be trained in this field to increase their competitiveness, improve their productivity and upgrade their functional performance. Activities and tasks of the assignment 1. Coordinator for Innovation Management, Developer and Senior Trainer for Project Development Block B of the training programme refers to Innovation management. The Senior Instructor of Project Management will also be responsible as coordinator of the Innovation Management block. As the four proposed components for Innovation Management might be partly overlapping each other, the coordinator will be responsible for the overall structure on how the components will be composed. It can also mean that if 1 153 some of the Senior Trainers from the same block claim that some essential aspect of Innovation Management is missing, decision should be taken together with TAT in which component this aspect will be brought in for training. In practice the coordination means that proposals for planning of the other three components will be read and edited in relation to the coordinators own component. After finished training the coordinator is supposed make a very short summary of the final composition of all four components. The assignment also includes development of the substance of Project Management training to cover the needs for knowledge and practical skills. Preparatory work for coordination and development of the project management component renders 10 wd (work days). The training package for Project Management is supposed to be contained in a unit comparative to 3 wd. The expert is supposed to organise this training time in the most fruitful way, which should be made in cooperation with the TAT. Concerning the substance of the component the following should be noted: Goal oriented activities under limited resources to be managed under time restriction usually are called projects. They can belong to two main classes. The first type concerns reproductive projects, where a known processes will are repeated, to achieve known goals under known conditions. This is not the main concern of our training. The second type concerns projects where new ideas, products or market relations will be developed, without taking for granted that the solution on how to do it is known from the beginning. This kind of creative projects is the target for our training. Typical areas to establish control over are - Project time management - Project cost management - Project quality management - Project human resource management - Project communication management - Project risk management - Project procurement management Several complex methods as well as simple techniques have been developed, and presented in the literature. Some of them focus on control, other focus on stimulation of creativity. Management by objectives, MBO, Project cycle management, PCM, Benchmarking, are some of the classical techniques. Several others are possible to mention. The substance of the training to be developed for training will give a short overview of the rich flora of approaches in academy and praxis. Then there will be presented some useful examples of commonly used project management models in commercial context (not from bureaucracy or international cooperation). If conditions are favourable in training groups, it is recommended to manage a pilot case related to some of the participants’ on-going activities. The developer, however, should be allowed to demonstrate approaches from own experiences in practical applications. If possible, these should be selected close to the specific interests of participants (if known in advance). Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – November 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Senior Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. 2 times 3 wd will be reserved for the first course and the repeated performance of this course (i.e. two “rounds”). Then a general evaluation of demand from regional industry and other factors will decide if more rounds of the course will be called off, within the framework of 34 days (incl. the first 25 days). It is expected that at most six rounds more will be called off, but this will depend on circumstances as mentioned. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. 2. Junior Expert for Project Management training The Junior Expert in Project Management training will assist the Senior Trainer in all necessary parts in accordance with guidelines given by the senior trainer in consensus with TAT. If the Junior Expert will take over training or pedagogic workshops or group work after some introductory period by the Senior Trainer, at least one lecture should be performed in joint action between the two of them. The substance of the Project Management training course will be decided by the Senior Trainer, and include classical issues such as 2 154 - Project time management Project cost management Project quality management Project human resource management Project communication management Project risk management Project procurement management Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – October 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. Basic support will last for 12 days. An extension may be called off by the Senior Trainer in cooperation with TAT within a framework of 18 days (including the first 12 days). If the Junior Expert will take over training classes after the Senior Trainer, at least one lecture should be performed in joint action before. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. Required qualifications and skills 1. Education and Skills for Senior Trainer - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy - Good command of English is necessary for documentation according to EU standards and communication with TAT General professional experience for Senior Trainer - Minimum 5 years general professional experience in managing commercial projects, with practical use of some of the relevant methods like MBO, Benchmarking, Props, Lean or similar methods. - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for Senior Trainer Working experience in - Designing training programs - Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues - Familiar with techniques on monitoring and assessing training impact - Good communication and presentation skills 2. Education and Skills for Junior Expert - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy - Training will be in Turkish language, but good command in English is necessary for communication with TAT and for support at documentation. General professional experiences for Junior Expert - Minimum 2 years general professional experience in education and/or training - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experiences for Junior Expert - Some experience as lecturer or group leader for training issues - Good communication and presentation skills Deliveries 1. For Senior coordinator, developer and trainer Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. The Trainer should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning based on practical pilot cases may be valuable, and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Methods based on social media may be elaborated together with participants. Training Package The training package should include curriculum, and instructions for training sessions. Purpose of the course, and goals for the training should be specified. A general description of target groups, and how adaptation to the needs of these groups is made, is expected. Training material should be presented in English and Turkish, 3 155 preferably in ppt-format, and hand-outs, and modules for social media such as You Tube, if any, should be documented. The training module should have the ambition of being tailor made in relation to needs from regional industry. Basic information on these needs is documented in the TNA-report available at the projects web site (www.etbim.org). The reporting of the development work will be made as a preliminary overview before starting the course, and the full documentation is supposed to be delivered within one week after finalising the last round of the course by the Senior Trainer. A short evaluation based on participants’ view and progress is expected to be appended to this report. Overview report A short overview report and internal evaluation of the training components of Innovation Management should be delivered based on the coordinators planning instructions and separate internal evaluations delivered by the trainers from the different components. Mission Report After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. These reports will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. All reports and training material will be delivered English and translated into Turkish. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. 2. For Junior Expert Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. The Junior Expert should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning based on practical pilot cases may be valuable, and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Methods based on social media may be elaborated together with participants. Training Package Supplementing material to training package and instructions for training sessions shall be delivered by the Senior Trainer. The Junior Expert shall inform the Senior Trainer on administrative and other conditions for the training taken care of as well as Junior Expert is responsible for keeping the attendance sheets of each training sessions together including the relevant photos taken during the training sessions as well as evaluation of each participant participated to the trainings. Mission Report After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. This report will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. All reports and training material will be delivered in Turkish and English. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. LG20131116 4 156 Appendix 14.4 ToR for Senior Trainer and Junior Expert on Intellectual Property Rights TERMS OF REFERENCE for short term Senior Instructor and Junior Expert on Training in Intellectual Property Rights Project title Activities Call off agreements duration, and total amount of working days Period of performance Place of performance of coordination, development and delivery of training Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing training plan and required training materials in Intellectual Property Rights, and 2.3 delivering training in the same area. 1. Senior Expert and Instructor for estimated 20 wd (work days) within a call off framework of 29 wd. 2. Junior Expert for estimated 12 wd within a framework of 18 wd According to Scheme decided in cooperation with the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) Kayseri, and to some extent in Yozgat. TL CA, OCU Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 an SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. The ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Regional Innovation project in Kayseri - Yozgat are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark’s management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive SMEs in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment This activity aims to increase the capacity and knowledge of the SMEs in Kayseri in the specific field of the training program. The specific training topic is decided according to the results of a training needs assessment, TNA, and an assessment of needs for service/support from Technopark or Innovation Center, SNA, concerning commercialisation and protection of innovative ideas in industry and research in connection to the universities. We have found out that most of the SMEs need to be trained in this field to increase their competitiveness, improve their productivity and upgrade their functional performance. Activities and tasks of the assignment 1. Senior developer and trainer of Intellectual Property Rights The assignment includes development of the substance of training to cover the needs for knowledge and practical skills concerning Intellectual Property Rights, IPR. For this purpose 5 days are reserved. The training package is supposed to be contained in a unit comparative to 3 work days (wd). The expert is supposed to organise this training time in the most fruitful way, which should be made in cooperation with the TAT. The substance of the IPR training course will include basic commercial issues such as 1 157 - Establishment of an IP strategy for the company - Conditions for patent and other IPR registration, and the basic process - Granting procedures at national, European and international level - Management of and IP-portfolio, including issues about trade with licenses The course should also include pragmatic issues like - Availability of patent registers for simple search tasks - Use of patent registers as source for generating new ideas When elaborating the training module the developer, however, should have freedom to propose alternative or supplementing approaches in accordance with their. If possible the specific interests of participants (if known in advance) should be considered. Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – November 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. 2 times 3 wd will be reserved for the first course and the repeated performance of this course (i.e. two “rounds”). Then a general evaluation of demand from regional industry and other factors will decide if more rounds of the course will be called off within the framework of 29 days (including the 20 wd already spent). The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. 2. Junior Expert on Intellectual property rights The Junior Expert in Intellectual Property Rights training will assist the Senior Trainer in all necessary parts. Basic support will last for 12 days. An extension may be called off by the Senior Trainer in cooperation with TAT within a framework of 18 days (including the first 12 days). If the Junior Expert will take over training classes after the Senior Trainer, at least one lecture should be performed in joint action before. Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – October 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. Required qualifications and skills 1. Education and Skills for Senior Trainer - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy - Trainings will be made in Turkish or English General professional experience for Senior Trainer - At least 5 years’ experience in working with intellectual property right management, IPR contract management, application evaluation in IPR - International experiences on use of the patent institution - Minimum 5 years general professional experience related to education and/or training - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for Senior Trainer Working experience in - Designing training programs - Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues - Familiar with techniques on monitoring and assessing training impact - Good communication and presentation skills 2. Education and Skills for Junior expert - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy - Good command of English General professional experience for Junior expert - At least 1 years’ experience in working with intellectual property right management, IPR contract management, application evaluation in IPR - Minimum 2 years general professional experience related to education and/or training - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for Junior expert 2 158 - Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues Good communication and presentation skills Deliveries 1. For Senior developer and trainer Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. The Trainer should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning methods and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Methods based on social media may be tried together with participants. Training Package The training package from each component above should include development of curriculum, and instructions for training sessions. Purpose of the course, and goals for the training should be specified. A general description of target groups, and how adaptation to these is made, is expected. Training materiel should be presented in English and Turkish, preferably in ppt-format, and hand-outs, and modules for social media such as You Tube, if any, should be documented. The training module should have the ambition of being tailor made in relation to needs from regional industry. Basic information on these needs is documented in the TNA-report (available at the project’s web page www.etbim.org). The reporting of the development work will be made as a preliminary overview before starting the course, and the full documentation is supposed to be delivered within one week after finalising the last round of the course by the Senior Trainer. A short evaluation based on participants’ view is expected to be appended to this report. Mission Report After finishing the assignments the expert will prepare a mission report. These reports will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. Reports and training material will be delivered English and translated into Turkish. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Center in their future work. 2. For Junior expert Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements with TAT and schedule from the Senior Trainer. The Junior Expert should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning methods and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Methods based on social media may be tried together with participants. Training Package Supplementing material to training package and instructions for training sessions shall be delivered by the Senior Trainer. The Junior Expert shall inform the Senior Trainer on administrative and other conditions for the training taken care of as well as Junior Expert is responsible for keeping the attendance sheets of each training sessions including the relevant photos taken during the training sessions as well as evaluation of each participant participated to the trainings. Mission Report After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. This report will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. Reports and training material will be delivered English and translated into Turkish. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Center in their future work. 3 159 Appendix 14.5 ToR for Senior Trainer and Junior Expert on Open Innovation Strategy Development TERMS OF REFERENCE for short term Senior Instructor and short term Junior Expert on training in Open Innovation Strategy development Project title Activities Call off agreements duration, and total amount of working days Period of performance Place of performance of coordination, development and delivery of training Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing training plan and required training materials in Open Innovation Strategy, and 2.3 delivering training in the same area. 1. Senior Expert and Instructor for estimated 14 wd (work days) within a call off framework of 20 wd. 2. Junior Expert of training for estimated 6 wd (work days) within a framework of 8 wd. According to Scheme decided in cooperation with the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) Kayseri, and to some extent in Yozgat TL CA, OCU Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 an SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. The ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Regional Innovation project in Kayseri - Yozgat are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark’s management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive industry in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment This activity aims to increase the capacity and knowledge of the SMEs in Kayseri in the specific field of the training program. The specific training topic is decided according to the results of a training needs assessment, TNA, and an assessment of needs for service/support from Technopark or Innovation Center, SNA, concerning commercialisation of innovative ideas in industry and research in connection to the universities. We have found out that most of the SMEs need to be trained in this field to increase their competitiveness, improve their productivity and upgrade their functional performance. Activities and tasks of the assignment 1. Developer and Senior Trainer for Open Innovation Strategy development 160 The assignment includes development of the substance of Open Innovation Strategy development training to cover the needs for knowledge and practical skills. Preparatory work for coordination and development of Open Innovation Strategies component renders 4 wd (work days). The training package for Open Innovation Strategies is supposed to be contained in a unit comparative to 2 wd. The expert is supposed to organise this training time in the most fruitful way, which should be made in cooperation with the TAT. Concerning the substance of the component it should be noted that during the latest years, open innovation has become increasingly important as it enables companies to be able to respond in a quick and flexible way to changes in the environment. Open Innovation strategy also makes companies remain competitive despite the shortening lead time of products to market. In the European business context, this shift is noticeable. The advantages of open innovation for large corporations working worldwide are apparent. However, also smaller companies can benefit from cooperation with other parties. Although the increasing mobility of highly educated employees, the growing amount of entrepreneurs and the emergence of venture capital might at first sight seem to be a threat to the survival of the current business, it also creates opportunities. Hence when cooperation with innovative entrepreneurs and with universities in order to promote innovations new technologies occur, that do not fit the current strategy. Those innovations can be brought to external markets through new alliances. Managers of European companies are increasingly discovering open innovation as a major challenge to speed up their innovation process and to improve the innovation based growth strategies. So far we have seen little of this in Turkey, so it would place the Kayseri /Yozgat region on the map by making real efforts to stimulate growth this way. The developer should consider the following main characteristics when proposing training for developing an Open Innovation Strategy: - The strategy should function as an interface between academia and the needs of practitioners - It should pay special attention to developing management tools and in-company training - New application fields for open innovation should be looked for - The training shall contribute to awareness with respect to open innovation in Europe - Training should give an overview of research and publication in the field of open innovation focusing on the best practices in Europe and around the world - Training shall also stimulate exchange of knowledge (e.g. best practices) between experienced practitioners. Delivering training will be done within the period January 2013 – October 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. 2 times 2 wd will be reserved for the first course and the repeated performance of this course (i.e. two “rounds”). Then a general evaluation of demand from regional industry and other factors will decide if more rounds of the course will be called off, within the framework of 20 days (incl. the first 14 days). It is expected that at most six rounds more will be called off, but this will depend on circumstances as mentioned. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. 2. Junior Expert Open Innovation Strategy development training The Junior Expert in Project Management training will assist the senior in all necessary parts. Basic support will last for 6 days. An extension may be called off by the Senior Trainer in cooperation with TAT within a framework of 8 days (including the first 6 days). If the Junior Expert will take over training classes after the Senior Trainer, at least one lecture should be performed in joint action before. Delivering training will be done within the period January 2013 – October 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. 161 Required qualifications and skills 1. Education and Skills for Senior Trainer - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy - Training will be made in Turkish language, but reporting and a large part of communication in the project will need good command of English language General professional experience for Senior Trainer - Management of at least 1 practical training based on Open Innovation Strategy - Minimum 5 years general professional experience in managing commercial projects, with practical use of some of the relevant methods like MBO, Benchmarking, Props, Lean or similar methods. - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for Senior Trainer Working experience in - Designing training programs - Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues - Familiar with techniques on monitoring and assessing training impact - Good communication and presentation skills 2. Education and Skills for Junior Expert - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy - Good command of English General professional experiences for Junior Expert - Minimum 2 years general professional experience in managing commercial projects, - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experiences for Junior Expert - Some experience as lecturer or group leader for training issues - Good communication and presentation skills Deliveries 1. For Senior developer and trainer Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. The Trainer should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning based on practical pilot cases may be valuable, and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Methods based on social media, e-learning and similar techniques may be elaborated together with participants. Training Package The training package should include curriculum, and instructions for training sessions. Purpose of the course, and goals for the training should be specified. A general description of target groups, and how adaptation to the needs of these groups is made, is expected. Training material should be presented in English and Turkish, preferably in ppt-format, and hand-outs, and modules for social media such as You Tube, if any, should be documented. The training module should have the ambition of being tailor made in relation to needs from regional industry. Basic information on these needs is documented in the TNA-report available at the projects web site (www.etbim.org). The reporting of the development work will be made as a preliminary overview before starting the course, and the full documentation is supposed to be delivered within one week after finalising the last round of the course by the Senior Trainer. A short evaluation based on participants’ view and progress is expected to be appended to this report. 162 Mission Report After finishing the assignments the expert will prepare a mission report. These reports will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. Reports and training material will be delivered English and translated into Turkish and. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. 2. For Junior Expert Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements with TAT and schedule from the Senior Trainer. The Junior Expert should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning based on practical pilot cases may be valuable, and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Methods based on social media may be elaborated together with participants. Supplementing material to Training Package Supplementing material to training package and instructions for training sessions shall be delivered by the Senior Trainer. The Junior Expert shall inform the Senior Trainer on administrative and other conditions for the training taken care of, as well as Junior Expert is responsible for keeping the attendance sheets of each training sessions including the relevant photos taken during the training sessions as well as evaluation of each participant participated to the trainings. Mission Report After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. This report will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. All reports and training material will be delivered English and translated into Turkish. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. LG20131117 163 Appendix 14.6 ToR for Senior Trainer and Junior Expert on Entrepreneurial Development TERMS OF REFERENCE for short term Senior Instructor and Junior Expert on training in Entrepreneurial Development Project title Activities Call off agreements duration, and total amount of working days Period of performance Place of performance of coordination, development and delivery of training Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing training plan and required training materials in Entrepreneurship Training, and 2.3 delivering training in the same area. 1. Senior Expert and Instructor for estimated 31 wd (work days) within a call off framework of 46 wd. 2. Junior Expert on Entrepreneurship training for estimated 20 wd within a call off framework of 30wd. According to Scheme decided in cooperation with the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) Kayseri, Erciyes Technopark, the incubator TL CA, OCU Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 an SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. The ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Regional Innovation project in Kayseri - Yozgat are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark’s management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive industry in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment This activity aims to increase the capacity and knowledge of the SMEs in Kayseri in the specific field of the training program. The specific training topic is decided according to the results of a training needs assessment, TNA, and an assessment of needs for service/support from Technopark or Innovation Center, SNA, concerning commercialisation of innovative ideas in industry and research in connection to the universities. 1 164 Activities and tasks of the assignment 1. Senior developer of training course and expert on Entrepreneurship development The assignment includes development of the substance of Entrepreneurial Training to build up a general 1 understanding of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship and correspond to practical needs for making the company in progress work satisfactory. For this purpose 6 days are reserved. The training package is supposed to be contained in a unit comparative to 5 work days (wd) but this unit will be implemented over an extended period, as needed by the project development. The expert is supposed to organise this training time in the most fruitful way, which should be made in cooperation with the TAT. The participant potential entrepreneurs will all bring their visions for starting their own companies. Before starting their project to build up their own business, they will be introduced about various possible models for entrepreneurship development, such as - Individually oriented functional models, which dominate the courses around the globe today, teaching about legal conditions, administrative planning, accounting, basic financial planning etc. - Collectively oriented models, e.g. for start of cooperative, a la Mondragon, or group oriented private commercial approach, a la Saiolan, also from Spain. - Network oriented trial and error models in open systems, such as we know them from the Stanford School and related to the Silicon Valley syndrome. A practical mix that will be agreed on (with TAT), probably based on functional training. We find this kind of training as standardised models in UN by UNIDO or ILO, or the World Bank by IFC or IBRD. The resulting training module will distribute 5 days, one by one. These formal training sessions will be cutting across the continuously on-going coaching scheme for some of the same participants. Hence the developer should consider how to make a course possible to coordinate with a multifunctional coaching system. Delivering training will be done within the period from the end of December 2013 until November 2014. As it is important that the training corps will be part of building a business community within the Technopark premises, which is seen as an essential aspect of the identity formation of the entrepreneurs, the starting date will also be dependent on when the new facilities for ET’s incubator and pre-incubator are available. The five training days will not necessarily be delivered in blocks of 5 consecutive days. As the course participants will be involved in parallel coaching sessions, there might be reasons to make some split ups in the training schedule to fit the ongoing process of developing new companies. If so, this will be agreed with the TAT. The basic 5 days module will be performed for 2 rounds. Then an evaluation will take place. If there is positive response and course participants enough more courses will be called off within the total framework of 46 days (including the 15 days already worked so far). The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. 2. Junior Expert on entrepreneurship development The Junior Expert in Entrepreneurship training will assist the senior in all necessary parts. Basic support will last for 20 wd. An extension may be called off by the Senior Trainer in cooperation with TAT within a framework of 30 days (including the first 20 days). If the Junior Expert will take over training classes after the Senior Trainer, at least one lecture should be performed in joint action before. Delivering training will be done within the period from end of December 2013 – November 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Senior Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. Required qualifications and skills 1. Education and Skills for the Senior Expert - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy 1 Intrapreneurship is used as term for Spin Out activities for starting new commercial units originated within a company, corresponding to entrepreneurship as a Spin Off from research activities at universities or elsewhere. 2 165 - Training will be delivered in Turkish - Good command of English General professional experience for the Senior Expert - General knowledge on existence of various schools of entrepreneurship training - Leadership training, with special focus on creativity is an advantage - Minimum 5 years general professional experience in training issues related to SME’s - Been involved, management position, in at least 2 substantial projects on entrepreneurship development - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for the Senior Expert Working experience in - Designing training programs - Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues - Familiar with techniques on monitoring and assessing training impact - Good communication and presentation skills 2. Education and Skills for the Junior Expert - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy - Good command of English General professional experience for the Junior Expert - Been involved in at least one substantial projects on entrepreneurship development - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for the Junior Expert - Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues - Good communication and presentation skills Deliveries 1. For Senior developer and trainer Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. The Trainer should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning based on practical pilot cases may be valuable, and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Special focus should also be on the course participants’ own ideas and possibility to use them as pilot project for the whole group (with owners’ permission). Methods based on social media may be elaborated together with participants. Training Package The training package should include curriculum, and instructions for training sessions. Purpose of the course, and goals for the training should be specified. A general description of target groups, and how adaptation to the needs of these groups is made, is expected. Training material should be presented in English and Turkish, preferably in ppt-format, and hand-outs, and modules for social media such as You Tube, if any, should be documented. The training module should have the ambition of being tailor made in relation to needs from regional industry. Basic information on these needs is documented in the TNA-report (which can be downloaded from www.etbim.org) The reporting of the development work will be made as a preliminary overview before starting the course, and the full documentation is supposed to be delivered within one week after finalising the last round of the course by the Senior trainer. A short evaluation based on participants’ view and progress is expected to be appended to this report. Mission Report After finishing the assignments the expert will prepare a mission report. These reports will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. 3 166 Reports and training material will be delivered English and translated into Turkish. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. 2. For Junior Expert Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements with TAT and schedule from the Senior Trainer. The Junior Expert should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning methods and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Special focus should also be on the course participants’ own ideas and possibility to use them as pilot project for the whole group (with owners’ permission). Methods based on social media may be elaborated together with participants. Training Package Supplementing material to training package and instructions for training sessions shall be delivered by the Senior Trainer. The Junior Expert shall inform the Senior Trainer on administrative and other conditions for the training taken care of as well as Junior Expert is responsible for keeping the attendance sheets of each training sessions including the relevant photos taken during the training sessions as well as evaluation of each participant participated to the trainings. Mission Report After finished assignment the, expert will prepare a mission report. This report will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of this report will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. Reports and training material will be delivered English and translated into Turkish. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. LG20131117 4 167 Appendix 14.7 ToR for Senior Trainer and Junior Expert on Basic Business Planning TERMS OF REFERENCE for short term Senior Instructor and Junior Expert on training in Basic Business Planning Project title Activities Call off agreements duration, and total amount of working days Period of performance Place of performance of coordination, development and delivery of training Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing training plan and required training materials in Basic Business Planning, and 2.3 delivering training in the same area. 1. Senior Expert and Instructor for estimated 17 wd (work days) within a call off framework of 21 wd. 2. Junior Expert on Basic Business Planning training for estimated 8 wd within a call off framework of 12 wd. According to Scheme decided in cooperation with the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) Kayseri, and to some extent in Yozgat. 8 out of 9 days preparation for the Senior Instructor might be work at home office TL CA, OCU Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 an SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. The ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Regional Innovation project in Kayseri - Yozgat are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark’s management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive industry in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment This activity aims to increase the capacity and knowledge of the SMEs in Kayseri in the specific field of the training program. The specific training topic is decided according to the results of a training needs assessment, TNA, and an assessment of needs for service/support from Technopark or 168 Innovation Center, SNA, concerning commercialisation of innovative ideas in industry and research in connection to the universities. Activities and tasks of the assignment 1. Coordinator for Economic Management, Developer and Senior Trainer for Basic Business Planning Block C of the training programme refers to Economic management. The Senior Instructor of Basic Business planning will also be responsible as coordinator of the Economic Management block. The block has been given three sub-components. The first, “Basic Business Planning” is supposed to be general creativity oriented and is targeted for the top management in the company (and the TTOstaff at the Technopark and Innovation Centre). The second have more of a business administrative character, in medium sized firms usually taken care of by middle management, responsible for functional sectors of the business. The third component is mainly concentrated on finance. As the three proposed components for Economic Management might be partly overlapping each other, the coordinator will be responsible for the overall structure on how the components will be composed. Not only overlapping parts should be looked for, but also missing fundamental parts of the very wide concept of Economic Management. If claims will be raised for supplementary parts, the coordinator should consider to restructure the use of resources in the second and third component on business administration, and decisions will be taken together with TAT. In practice the coordination also means that proposals for planning of both components will be read and jointly edited. After finished training the coordinator is supposed make a very short summary of the final composition both components. The assignment also includes development of the substance of Basic Business Planning to cover the needs for knowledge and practical skills. Preparatory work for coordination and development of the project management component renders 9 wd (work days). The training package for Basic Business Planning is supposed to be contained in a unit comparative to 2 wd. The expert is supposed to organise this training time in the most fruitful way, which should be made in cooperation with the TAT. Concerning the substance of the component the developer might consider a general approach and propose a structure intended for executive management overview, if referring to established research and literature. One common approach is to base the view on three central concepts for managing the company: - Activity. This refers to decision making on change or development of the kind of services or goods will be produced, under which conditions, for which markets etc.- Capacity. Is capacity utilization high or low? Is the most important strategic issue to reduce capacity (“rationalisation”) or to acquire new? Related to which kind of activity? - Liquidity. Success in sales might lead to bankruptcy if the cash flow is not secured. The managers task is to make sure that all operations are properly financed. It is not enough that the creative mind of the manager keep these basic dimensions in mind for long term planning. S/he should also make sure that a “business plan” as a coordinating instrument, always under development but available at any time, is made visible for staff and customers. Three basic components often makes the base - The product (goods or services) - The market - The company’s qualifications for this It is possible to dig very deep into the “art of formulating business plans”. Many consultant firms have made as their speciality to present ready-made concepts for “happy consulting”, as this is the most common way to start coaching or support to private enterprises. It is the task of the developer to find a fruitful concept among these, in order to make sure that also the practical part of the Basic Business Planning will be satisfactory. (Here we are approaching the area where coordination with the second component of Economic Management will be needed.) 169 Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – October 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. 2 times 2 wd will be reserved for the first course and the repeated performance of this course (i.e. two “rounds”). Then a general evaluation of demand from regional industry and other factors will decide if more rounds of the course will be called off, within the framework of 21 days (incl. the first 17 days). It is expected that at most four rounds more will be called off, but this will depend on circumstances as mentioned. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. 2. Junior Expert training of Basic Business Planning The Junior Expert in Basic Business Planning will assist the senior in all necessary parts. Basic support will last for 8 days. An extension may be called off by the Senior Trainer in cooperation with TAT within a framework of 12 days (including the first 8 days). If the Junior Expert will take over training classes after the Senior, at least one lecture should be performed in joint action before. Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – October 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. Required qualifications and skills 1. Education and Skills for the Senior Expert - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy is requested - Training will be delivered in Turkish - Good command of English is expected General professional experience for the Senior Expert - Minimum 5 years general professional experience in training issues related to SME’s - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for the Senior Expert Working experience in - Designing training programs - Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues - Familiar with techniques on monitoring and assessing training impact - Good communication and presentation skills 2. - Education and Skills for the Junior Expert University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering Computer literacy is requested Good command of English is expected for communication with TAT and reporting General professional experience for the Junior Expert Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for the Junior Expert Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues Good communication and presentation skills Deliveries 1. For Senior developer and trainer Training 170 Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. Trainers should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning methods and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Expert should submit the participant list and photos taken during the training rounds as well as evaluation of each training round. Training Package The training package from each component above should include development of curriculum, and instructions for training sessions. Purpose of the course, and goals for the training should be specified. A general description of target groups, and how adaptation to these is made, is expected. Training material should be presented in English and Turkish, preferably in ppt-format, and handouts, and modules for social media such as You Tube, if any, should be documented. The training module should have the ambition of being tailor made in relation to needs from regional industry. Basic information on these needs is documented in the TNA-report (available at www.etbim.org). The reporting of the development work will be made as a preliminary overview before starting the course, and the full documentation is supposed to be delivered within one week after finalising the last round of the course by the senior trainer. A short evaluation based on participants’ view is expected to be appended to this report. Reports and training material will be delivered in Turkish and English. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. Mission Report. After finishing the assignments the expert will prepare a mission report. These reports will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. 2. For Junior Expert Training Support to Senior Trainers, and TAT if requested. Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. Training Package Experiences and administration of trainings will be reported to the Senior Trainer, in order to be included in the Training (which will be delivered by the Senior Trainer). Junior Expert is responsible for keeping the attendance sheets of each training sessions together with administrative and other conditions for the training taken care of including the participant list and relevant photos taken during the training sessions as well as evaluation of each participant participated to the trainings. Reports and training material will be delivered in Turkish and English. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. Mission Report. After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. This report will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. 171 Appendix 14.8 ToR for Senior Trainer and Junior Expert on Business Administration – Sales and Marketing TERMS OF REFERENCE for short term Senior Instructor and Junior Expert on training in Business Administration-Sales and Marketing Project title Activities Call off agreements duration, and total amount of working days Period of performance Place of performance of coordination, development and delivery of training Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing training plan and required training materials in Business Administration, and 2.3 delivering training in the same area. 1. Senior Expert and Instructor on Business Administration-Sales and Marketing training for estimated 21 wd (work days) within a call off framework of 29 wd. 2. Junior Expert on Business Administration-Sales and Marketing training for estimated 16 wd within a call off framework of 24 wd. According to Scheme decided in cooperation with the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) Kayseri, Erciyes Technopark 4 days out of 5 days preparation for the Senior Instructor might be work at home office TL CA, OCU Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 an SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. The ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Regional Innovation project in Kayseri - Yozgat are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark’s management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive industry in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment This activity aims to increase the capacity and knowledge of the SMEs in Kayseri in the specific field of the training program. The specific training topic is decided according to the results of a training needs assessment (TNA), and an assessment of needs for service/support from Technopark or Innovation Centre (SNA), concerning commercialisation of innovative ideas in industry and research in connection to the universities. Activities and tasks of the assignment 1. Senior developer and trainer for Business Administration-Sales and Marketing The Training Needs Assessment (TNA) shows that the regional industry in Kayseri is relatively advanced when it comes to innovative capabilities. In line with general knowledge in organisational theory we could also see that the same industry seemed to be relatively inefficient, in terms of not showing the generally expected degree of institutionalisation. Low proportion of written business plans, low degree of elaborated schemes for human 172 Resource management, lack of organised plans for sales, market development or trade etc. Subsequently it was decided to elaborate training in business administration, and disciplines or subjects shall be presented in harmony with depicted themes appointed as preferences in the TNA-study. Hence, the he assignment also includes development of the substance of selected areas of Business Administration – Sales and Marketing to cover the needs for knowledge and practical skills at regional companies. Preparatory work for development of the Business Administration-Sales and Marketing component renders 5 wd (work days). The training package that will be the output of this is supposed to be contained in a unit comparative to 4 wd. The expert is supposed to organise this training time in the most fruitful way, which should be made in cooperation with the TAT. Concerning the substance of the component the developer might consider disciplinary approaches in training, or mixed approaches in connection to selected cases. In either case it is expected that the 4 days unit will comprise - Sales and marketing. This is the most dominating theme and can be elaborated in various ways. As important elements are considered o Branding, which is a specific aspect of profiling or specialising the market activities o Pricing, and the most common methods used by different types of markets o Risk management, which is related to, has a much wider bearing than marketing - Distribution, which includes o Specific trade strategies o Technical and administrative aspects on export and import o e-trade, and other new forms of trade Business administration includes a vast number of disciplines that will be excluded because of the limited resources at disposal. If any specific demand will be formulated, however, on essential parts missing for the basic business training needed for regional industry, the developer should propose adding these under same resource framework, and propose it for TAT for joint decision. Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – October 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Senior Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. 2 times 4 wd will be reserved for the first course and the repeated performance of this course (i.e. two “rounds”). Then a general evaluation of demand from regional industry and other factors will decide if more rounds of the course will be called off, within the framework of 29 days (incl. the first 21 days). It is expected that at most four rounds more will be called off, but this will depend on circumstances as mentioned. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. 2. Junior Expert for Business Administration-Sales and Marketing The Junior Expert in Business Administration-Sales and Marketing will assist the senior expert in all necessary parts. Basic support will last for 16 wd. An extension may be called off by the Senior Trainer in cooperation with TAT within a framework of 24 wd (including the first 16 days). If the Junior Expert will take over training classes after the Senior Expert, at least one lecture should be performed in joint action before. Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – October 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. Required qualifications and skills 1. Education and Skills for the Senior Expert - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy is requested - Training will be delivered in Turkish - Good command of English is expected General professional experience for the Senior Expert - Minimum 5 years general professional experience in training issues related to SME’s - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for the Senior Expert 173 2. - Working experience in Designing training programs Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues Familiar with techniques on monitoring and assessing training impact Good communication and presentation skills Education and Skills for the Junior Expert University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering Computer literacy is requested Good command of English is expected for communication with TAT and reporting General professional experience for the Junior Expert Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for the Junior Expert Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues Good communication and presentation skills Deliveries 1. For Senior developer and trainer Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. The Trainer should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning based on practical pilot cases may be valuable, and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Special focus should also be on the course participants’ own ideas and possibility to use them as pilot project for the whole group (with owners’ permission). Methods based on social media may be elaborated together with participants. Training Package The training package should include curriculum, and instructions for training sessions. Purpose of the course, and goals for the training should be specified. A general description of target groups, and how adaptation to the needs of these groups is made, is expected. Training materiel should be presented, preferably in pptformat, and hand-outs, and modules for social media such as You Tube, if any, should be documented. The training module should have the ambition of being tailor made in relation to needs from regional industry. Basic information on these needs is documented in the TNA-report (which can be downloaded from www.etbim.org). The reporting of the development work will be made as a preliminary overview before starting the course, and the full documentation is supposed to be delivered within one week after finalising the last round of the course by the Senior Trainer. A short evaluation based on participants’ view and progress is expected to be appended to this report. Reports and training material will be delivered in English and translated into Turkish. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. Mission Report. After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. These reports will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. 2. For Junior Expert Training Support to Senior Trainers, and TAT if requested. Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. Study visits, Action Learning based on practical pilot cases may be valuable, and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Special focus should also be on the course participants’ own ideas and possibility to use them as pilot project for the whole group (with owners’ permission). Methods based on social media may be elaborated together with participants. Training Package Experiences and administration of trainings will be reported to the Senior Trainer, in order to be included in the Training (which will be delivered by the Senior Trainer). Junior Expert is responsible for keeping the attendance sheets of each training sessions together with administrative and other conditions for the training taken care of including the participant list and relevant photos taken during the training sessions as well as evaluation of each participant participated to the trainings. A short evaluation based on participants’ view and progress is expected to be appended to this report. 174 Reports and training material will be delivered in Turkish and English. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. Mission Report. After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. This report will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. LG20131117 175 Appendix 14.9 ToR for Senior Trainer and Junior Expert on Business Administration - Finance TERMS OF REFERENCE for short term Senior Instructor and Junior Expert on training in Business Administration-Finance Project title Activities Call off agreements duration, and total amount of working days Period of performance Place of performance of coordination, development and delivery of training Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA3 Sub-Activity 2.1 Developing training plan and required training materials in Business Administration, and 2.3 delivering training in the same area. 1. Senior Expert and Instructor on Business Administration-Finance training for estimated 11 wd (work days) within a call off framework of 15 wd. 2. Junior Expert on Business Administration-Finance training for estimated 8 wd within a call off framework of 12 wd. According to Scheme decided in cooperation with the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) Kayseri, Erciyes Technopark 2 days out of 3 days preparation for the Senior Instructor might be work at home office TL CA, OCU Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 an SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. The ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Regional Innovation project in Kayseri - Yozgat are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark’s management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive industry in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment This activity aims to increase the capacity and knowledge of the SMEs in Kayseri in the specific field of the training program. The specific training topic is decided according to the results of a training needs assessment (TNA), and an assessment of needs for service/support from Technopark or Innovation Centre (SNA), concerning commercialisation of innovative ideas in industry and research in connection to the universities. Activities and tasks of the assignment 1. Senior developer and trainer for Business Administration-Finance The Training Needs Assessment (TNA) shows that the regional industry in Kayseri is relatively advanced when it comes to innovative capabilities. In line with general knowledge in organisational theory we could also see that the same industry seemed to be relatively inefficient, in terms of not showing the generally expected degree of institutionalisation. Low proportion of written business plans, low degree of elaborated schemes for human Resource management, lack of organised plans for sales, market development or trade etc. Subsequently it was 176 decided to elaborate training in business administration, and disciplines or subjects shall be presented in harmony with depicted themes appointed as preferences in the TNA-study. Hence, the he assignment also includes development of the substance of selected areas of Business Administration – Finance to cover the needs for knowledge and practical skills at regional companies. Preparatory work for development of the Business Administration-Finance component renders 3 wd (work days). The training package that will be the output of this is supposed to be contained in a unit comparative to 2 wd. The expert is supposed to organise this training time in the most fruitful way, which should be made in cooperation with the TAT. Concerning the substance of the component the developer might consider disciplinary approaches in training, or mixed approaches in connection to selected cases. In either case it is expected that the 2 days unit will comprise - Financing. Special preferences have been formulated for o General ideas on attractiveness of investments (for easy financing) o Various forms of market financing: Venture finalising on several levels, Business angels, and other forms o Financial supports for R&D projects, economic grants and various forms of subsidies (international, e.g from EU projects, or State and other domestic organisations like Tubitak, KOSGEB, Oran and others). Business administration-Finance includes a vast number of disciplines that will be excluded because of the limited resources at disposal. If any specific demand will be formulated, however, on essential parts missing for the basic business training needed for regional industry, the developer should propose adding these under same resource framework, and propose it for TAT for joint decision. Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – October 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Senior Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. 2 times 2 wd will be reserved for the first course and the repeated performance of this course (i.e. two “rounds”). Then a general evaluation of demand from regional industry and other factors will decide if more rounds of the course will be called off, within the framework of 15 days (incl. the first 11 days). It is expected that at most four rounds more will be called off, but this will depend on circumstances as mentioned. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. 2. Junior Expert for Business Administration-Finance The Junior Expert in Business Administration-Finance will assist the senior trainer in all necessary parts. Basic support will last for 8 days. An extension may be called off by the Senior Trainer in cooperation with TAT within a framework of 12 days (including the first 8 days). If the Junior Expert will take over training classes after the Senior Expert, at least one lecture should be performed in joint action before. Delivering training will be done within the period December 2013 – October 2014, in accordance to a scheme proposed by the Trainer and decided in cooperation with TAT. The trainer should be prepared to work evenings and weekends, if requested by participants and agreed with TAT. Required qualifications and skills 1. Education and Skills for the Senior Expert - University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering - Advanced computer literacy is requested - Training will be delivered in Turkish - Good command of English is expected General professional experience for the Senior Expert - Minimum 5 years general professional experience in training issues related to SME’s - Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations - Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for the Senior Expert Working experience in - Designing training programs - Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues 177 - Familiar with techniques on monitoring and assessing training impact Good communication and presentation skills 2. - Education and Skills for the Junior Expert University degree (BS or BA) in Social Sciences or Engineering Computer literacy is requested Good command of English is expected for communication with TAT and reporting General professional experience for the Junior Expert Practical business experiences from cooperation with industrial organisations Familiarity with SME training needs Specific Experience for the Junior Expert Experienced lecturer or group leader for training issues Good communication and presentation skills - Deliveries 1. For Senior developer and trainer Training Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. The Trainer should have a general ambition to use progressive and unconventional training pedagogics to supplement traditional training classes. Study visits, Action Learning based on practical pilot cases may be valuable, and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Special focus should also be on the course participants’ own ideas and possibility to use them as pilot project for the whole group (with owners’ permission). Methods based on social media may be elaborated together with participants. Training Package The training package should include curriculum, and instructions for training sessions. Purpose of the course, and goals for the training should be specified. A general description of target groups, and how adaptation to the needs of these groups is made, is expected. Training materiel should be presented, preferably in pptformat, and hand-outs, and modules for social media such as You Tube, if any, should be documented. The training module should have the ambition of being tailor made in relation to needs from regional industry. Basic information on these needs is documented in the TNA-report (which can be downloaded from www.etbim.org) The reporting of the development work will be made as a preliminary overview before starting the course, and the full documentation is supposed to be delivered within one week after finalising the last round of the course by the Senior Trainer. A short evaluation based on participants’ view and progress is expected to be appended to this report. Reports and training material will be delivered in English and translated into Turkish. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. Mission Report. After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. These reports will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. 2. For Junior Expert Training Support to Senior Trainers, and TAT if requested. Training should be delivered according to call off agreements. Study visits, Action Learning based on practical pilot cases may be valuable, and training connected to industrial sites and actual problems might be used. Special focus should also be on the course participants’ own ideas and possibility to use them as pilot project for the whole group (with owners’ permission). Methods based on social media may be elaborated together with participants. Training Package Experiences and administration of trainings will be reported to the Senior Trainer, in order to be included in the Training (which will be delivered by the Senior Trainer). Junior Expert is responsible for keeping the attendance sheets of each training sessions together with administrative and other conditions for the training taken care of including the participant list and relevant photos taken during the training sessions as well as evaluation of 178 each participant participated to the trainings. A short evaluation based on participants’ view and progress is expected to be appended to this report. Reports and training material will be delivered in Turkish and English. Copyright of the material will belong to European Union. The documentation may be used by Erciyes Technopark or Yozgat Innovation Centre in their future work. Mission Report. After finishing the assignment the expert will prepare a mission report. This report will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of these reports will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries. Reports will be submitted to the Team Leader within 7 calendar days following the end of each mission. LG20131117 179 Appendix 15 Training of trainers Block Y. Training of trainers, focusing on ET staff in their role as future trainers a. Pedagogic approach:, how ro teach SMEs, EU best practice Attention factors Basic principles for result orientation Result control, attitude formation and feedback b. Commercialisation process IPR and licensing, contractual isses, evaluation issues Approach when University is source of innovations Approach when Industry is source of innovations c. Standardised techniqes for project planning PCM (or MBO or Benchmarking) SWOT ROACH TA and TNA Feasibility studies d. Methodology for survey investigation Development of investigation model Measurement, scales Cross tabulation and interpretation of soft data Practical cases e. Coaching, mentoring Reacting and acting Business models to be used Creativity, network and process f. Entrepreneurship development Orientation on basic methods SYB, IYB (or other ILO-methods) OPM (open proj management) g. Cluster development Preparation Implementation Change h. Financing Incubator financial approach Business angels and other market financial means Business development (Compulsory to follow parts of economic courses stand progr) 180 Appendix 16 Tenant Companies that have applied to TUBITAK R&D Support Tenant companies at ET that have been coached and delivered applications to the TÜBİTAK 1507 R&D Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Nivera Bilgi Teknolojileri Turizm Tic.Ltd.Şti. - Reseliva Lean Yazılım ve Bilişim Teknolojileri Argetek Elektronik Tasarım ve Yazılım San.Tic.Ltd.Şti. Emar Proje Yazılım Danışmanlık Ltd.Şti. Yaprak Yazılım Bilişim Teknolojileri San.Tic.Ltd.Şti. Pronic Yazılım Otomasyon Danışmanlık Ltd.Şti. Code 5 Yazılım Donanım Otomasyon Sistemleri San.Tic.Ltd. İpek Yolu Yazılım Hizmetleri Bilişim Bilgisayar Ltd.Şti. ISD Yazılım Danışmanlık Eğitim ve ArGe San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Atlas Sayaç AŞ Nalbantoğlu Paper Co. Appendix 17 ToR for Legal Support for Transfer181 of Technology 1 TERMS OF REFERENCE For Short Term Junior Expert (STSE) on Field and Market Research Project title Activities Duration, and total amount of working days Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA 1.3 Field and Market Research PA 1.3- 15 man-days (4 days will be performed in Kayseri) TL CA, OCU, SRER Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 a SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Project are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive SMEs in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment Specified activities of these tasks aim at the following objectives; - increase the knowledge and capability of TTO staff about intellectual property rights management - increase the knowledge about the legislation on the necessary areas; such as legislation on IPR issues, deals between the entrepreneur and investor, deals between the Erciyes Technopark and tenant - provide consultancy services to ETTO in terms of contract management 182 2 Activities and tasks of the assignment The STEs will provide consultancy in the following areas: 1) Analysis of the existing legislation, evaluation of the existing legal documents and a situation analysis 2) Developing the written rules and procedures: - Directives - Regulations - Templates for application forms 4) Preparation of the standard contracts - Contracts that will be prepared for the usage within the University - Contracts that will be prepared regarding the coordination between University and TTO Deliveries The short term experts are expected to provide the templates for the following contracts; Legal assistance that will be provided to Erciyes University: 1. Intellectual Property Rights Regulation of Erciyes University will be prepared (or revised if there is an existing regulation) 2. Academic Entrepreneurship Regulation of Erciyes University will be prepared (or revised if there is an existing regulation) 3. Erciyes University Innovation- R & D Coordination Committee Regulation will be prepared (or revised if there is an existing regulation) 4. Erciyes University Research Coordination Regulation will be prepared (or revised if there is an existing regulation) 5. Erciyes University Research, Strategy and Political Decisions Template (ERÜ Araştırma Strateji ve Politika Kararları Taslağı ve Şablonu) Legal assistance that will be provided to Erciyes TTO: 1. Draft Pre- incubation center office allocation and / or rent contract (that will be finalised/completed following the establishment of the pre-incubation center) 2. Draft incubation center office allocation or rent contract (that will be finalised/completed following the establishment of the pre-incubation center) 3. Revised version of the existing Technopark rent contracts 4. Draft Intellectual property rights sales contracts 5. Draft Intellectual property rights licensing contract 6. Draft Intellectual property rights transfer contract 7. Draft Privacy contracts between the academician / entrepreneur, University and the TTO 8. Draft Contract for service and consultancy given by ETTO 9. Draft Contract based University- Industry project contract 10. Draft Commercialization contract for academic projects 183 3 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Investment Fund contract Business Angels Network contract Invention declaration form Academic entrepreneur application form Application file of the applicant companies to Technopark Mission Reporting: The expert will elaborate after the completion of his/her mission, a report covering the overall assignment. The reports will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of the final report will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries, if so required. Report will be given not later than 7 calendar days following the end of each activity. Qualifications needed The non-key experts are required to have the following qualifications: University degree in the relevant social/economic or engineering sciences Good command of English, At least 5 years of experience of working in connection to a Technopark or Technology Transfer Office At least 5 years of experience in intellectual property right management, IPR contract management, application evaluation in IPR Experience in providing consultancy for the establishment and capacity building of a technology transfer office model Delivery of trainings to SMEs Experience in training of trainers Good knowledge of IPR legislation in Turkey and familiarity with IPR legislation of different countries 184 1 TERMS OF REFERENCE For Short Term Senior Expert (STSE) on Application Evaluation and Providing Assistance on Additional Areas Project title Activities Duration, and total amount of working days Prepared by To Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR PA 3.1 Application Evaluation PA 3.7 Providing Assistance on Additional Areas PA 3.1- 3 man-days PA 3.7- 12 man-days (4 days will be performed in Kayseri) TL CA, OCU, SRER Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 a SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the Project are to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes Technopark management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive SMEs in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment Specified activities of these tasks aim at the following objectives; - increase the knowledge and capability of TTO staff about intellectual property rights management - increase the knowledge about the legislation on the necessary areas; such as legislation on IPR issues, deals between the entrepreneur and investor, deals between the Erciyes Technopark and tenant - provide consultancy services to ETTO in terms of contract management 185 2 Activities and tasks of the assignment PA 3.1. Application Evaluation The STE will prepare a directive for evaluating the applications, managing the whole application evaluation, IPR and commercialization process. The necessary forms and flow charts will be prepared for the selection of innovative projects. PA 3.7. Providing Assistance on Additional Areas The STEs will provide consultancy in the following areas: 1) Analysis of the existing legislation, evaluation of the existing legal documents and a situation analysis 2) Developing the written rules and procedures: - Directives - Regulations - Templates for application forms 4) Preparation of the standard contracts - Contracts that will be prepared for the usage within the University - Contracts that will be prepared regarding the coordination between University and TTO Deliveries The short term experts are expected to provide the templates for the following contracts; Legal assistance that will be provided to Erciyes University: 1. Intellectual Property Rights Regulation of Erciyes University will be prepared (or revised if there is an existing regulation) 2. Academic Entrepreneurship Regulation of Erciyes University will be prepared (or revised if there is an existing regulation) 3. Erciyes University Innovation- R & D Coordination Committee Regulation will be prepared (or revised if there is an existing regulation) 4. Erciyes University Research Coordination Regulation will be prepared (or revised if there is an existing regulation) 5. Erciyes University Research, Strategy and Political Decisions Template (ERÜ Araştırma Strateji ve Politika Kararları Taslağı ve Şablonu) Legal assistance that will be provided to Erciyes TTO: 1. Draft Pre- incubation center office allocation and / or rent contract (that will be finalised/completed following the establishment of the pre-incubation center) 2. Draft incubation center office allocation or rent contract (that will be finalised/completed following the establishment of the pre-incubation center) 3. Revised version of the existing Technopark rent contracts 186 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Draft Intellectual property rights sales contracts Draft Intellectual property rights licensing contract Draft Intellectual property rights transfer contract Draft Privacy contracts between the academician / entrepreneur, University and the TTO Draft Contract for service and consultancy given by ETTO Draft Contract based University- Industry project project contract Draft Commercialization contract for academic projects Investment Fund contract Business Angels Network contract Invention declaration form Academic entrepreneur application form Application file of the applicant companies to Technopark Mission Reporting: The expert will elaborate after the completion of his/her mission, a report covering the overall assignment. The reports will be prepared in English; a Turkish translation of the final report will be made available to the relevant beneficiaries, if so required. Report will be given not later than 7 calendar days following the end of each activity. Qualifications needed The non-key experts are required to have the following qualifications: University degree in the relevant social/economic or engineering sciences Good command of English is an asset, At least 7 years of experience of working in connection to a Technopark or Technology Transfer Office At least 7 years of experience in intellectual property right management, IPR contract management, application evaluation in IPR Experience in providing consultancy for the establishment and capacity building of a technology transfer office model Delivery of trainings to SMEs Experience in training of trainers Good knowledge of IPR legislation in Turkey and familiarity with IPR legislation of different countries 187 Appendix 18 ToR for Consultancy on ISO Certification 1 TERMS OF REFERENCE for Providing Assistance on Quality Management System of Erciyes Technopark Project title Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project EuropeAid/128636/D/SER/TR Activities PA3 Sub-activity 3.2 Suggestions of additional consultancy for incubating firms Duration, and total amount 12 working days of working days Prepared by DTL To OCUD, SRER, CA Background In the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2004 a SME strategy and an action plan defined a road map to implementation of national policies for SMEs and increasing competitiveness in the EU harmonization process. The Regional Competitive Operational programme (RCOP) was put into effect, and works as an umbrella for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project, which is implemented by the ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). The RCOP aims to concentrate on strategies in order to improve the productivity of SMEs, to upgrade their R&D infrastructures, to increase ICT usage, and to improve their service quality, advertising and marketing capabilities. ToR for the Regional Technopark and Innovation Centre Project will give more details. Project Objectives The overall objectives of Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Centre Project is to increase regional competitiveness by supporting enterprises and improving business, R&D, innovation technology and the ICT environment. Accordingly the general scope of the project comprises four distinct but highly interrelated processes; - Improved performance, competitiveness and entrepreneurship of Erciyes’ management, and for the connected companies, as well as the knowledge intensive SMEs in the region - Enhanced capacity for better assessment of needs and potential in the region and required actions for development of technology based and innovative businesses - Provision of networking scheme for the innovation centres - Increased awareness of the Technopark and the innovation support in the region. Objectives of the assignment Assisting to Erciyes Technopark and incubating firms for developing their quality management system and preparation to apply for ISO 9000 Certification. To this end, consultant will provide the necessary consultancy for preparing the ground work relevant to application initially and on what needs to be done thereafter. Activities and tasks of the assignment - - Briefing to Erciyes Teknopark and incubating firms’ experts and managers about quality management system Review of existing documentation of Erciyes Technopark related with incubating firms 188 2 - Start of quality documentation according to ISO 9000 standard Comparing Law No: 4691 on Technology Development Zones with existing applications Integration of processes into ET’s regular routines Organizational development and change of job descriptions Preparation of documentation by department Defining quality standards Preparation of procedures Supporting on quality management system and documentation Deliveries Erciyes Technopark managers and experts and quality handbook of Erciyes Technopark will be ready to apply ISO 9000 certification to any certified quality organization. Qualifications needed Non-key expert is expected to meet the following requirements: University degree in relevant field to the assignment Good command of English, At least 5 years of working experience in field of quality management systems Practical experiences Necessary condition: At least 5 years’ experience of working with ISO 9000 Experience in organisational development Experience in consultancy given to technology based Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Experience in ISO 9000 consultancy General experiences Experiences in issues of quality management Experience in training, event organization and training of trainers Experience of international networking Language capabilities Fluency in English Formal training Necessary condition: BA degree in social sciences (Business Administration, Economics, International Relations etc.) or engineering. MBA would be an asset Appendix 19.1 Agenda and Participation List of Steering Committee Meeting 189 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey AGENDA OF STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING-V DEVELOPMENT OF THE RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF GAZİANTEP TECHNOPARK PROJECTS ERCİYES TECHNOPARK REGIONAL INNOVATION CENTRE FIRAT RAINBOW SURROUNDING ENTERPRISE TASKFORCE(FIRASET) SUBJECT VENUE DATE STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING / GENERAL ASSESSMENTS OF THE PROGRESS OF THE TDZ PROJECTS ERCİYES TDZ PREMISES / KAYSERİ 17th of SEPTEMBER, 2013 PARTICIPANTS Mr. Özgür ALTINOKLAR (Delegation of European Union to Turkey) Mr. Haluk HANGÜL, Mr. Enver YALÇIN, Mr. Serhat UĞUR, Ms. Emel ÇİMEN, Ms. Hande MERÇAN AYGEN, Mr. Mehmet AŞICI, Ms. Mehtap ALPER,Mr. Gökhan KAYA (MoSIT / RCP-CID) Mr. Sinan KABALOĞLU, Mr. Hasan Tahsin ÇOBANOĞLU, Mr. Halit ATEŞ, Mr. Emre ALKAYA (MoSIT / DG for S&T) Mr. Murat KALEM, Mr. Murat ALTUN, Mr. Cihan TATAR, Ms. Özlem DEMİRTAŞ (MoSIT / Internal Auditors Department) Mr.Turgut SAYILIR, Mr. Bilal KENAR (Board of Treasury Controllers) Ms. Deniz KURAN GÜN , Ms.Türkan ÇAKMAKYURDU (Gaziantep Technopark) Mr. Cemal ÇETİN (Grontmij A/S, Supervision of the Construction of the Gaziantep Technopark) Mr. Abdulhakim COŞKUN, Mr. Bilgin YAZLIK (Erciyes Technopark) Ms. Ahu Nur IRGATOĞLU (The Representative of Bozok University) Mr. Hakan ELMALI, Mr. Brian O’SULLIVAN,Mr. İbrahim TOK (PM Group Ltd., Supervision of the Construction of the Erciyes Technopark) Mr. Leif GRAHM, Mr. Mustafa Hilmi ÇOLAKOĞLU, Ms. Duygu YAZICI, Mr. Murat PANCAR (G&G Consultancy, Consultant of the Technical Assistance for the Erciyes Technopark) Mr. Erhan AKIN (Fırat Technopark) Mr. Edin BEGOVIC, Mr. Vladimir BABAMOV, Mr. Mehmet BAYDAR (Roughton International Ltd., Supervision of the Construction of Fırat Technopark) Mr. Michel SETUAIN, Mr. Javier CASANOVA, , Ms. Nehir MUTLU (Idom, Consultant of the Technical Assistance for Fırat Technopark) 190 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey AGENDA OF STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING-V Opening remarks by Co-Chairmans, Mr. Sinan KABALOĞLU (SRER) and Mr. Prof. Dr. Abdulhakim COŞKUN (Chairman of Erciyes TDZ) Adoption of the agenda 14:30 Assessment of the progress of Works & Supervision Activities for the TDZ’s 14:40 SESSION - 1 (15 Minutes Presentation / Lot 1-Supervision of the Construction for Gaziantep TDZ ) WORKS & SUPERVISION Presentation of Mr. Cemal ÇETİN (Team Leader) on behalf of Grontmij A/S. Presentation of Mr. Brian O’SULLIVAN (Team Leader) on behalf of PM Group Ltd. (15 Minutes Presentation / Lot 2-Supervision of the Construction for Erciyes TDZ ) Presentation of Mr. Vladimir BABAMOV (Team Leader) on behalf of Roughton Int. Ltd. (15 Minutes Presentation / Lot 3-Supervision of the Construction for Fırat TDZ ) Questions & Answers Thanks the Engineers for participations. 15:40 15:50 SESSION - 2 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (INSTITUTION BUILDING) Break Time for 10 minutes to start Session - 2 Assessment of the progress of Technical Assistance & Supply Activities Presentation of Mr. Leif GRAHM on behalf of G&G Consultancy (15 Minutes Presentation / Lot 2- Technical Assistance/Institution Building for Erciyes TDZ) Presentation of Mr. Javier CASANOVA on behalf of IDOM (15 Minutes Presentation / Lot 3Technical Assistance/Institution Building for Fırat TDZ) Questions & Answers Thanks the Consultants for participations. 16:40 17:00 SESSION - 3 SUPPLY COMPONENT AND OTHER ISSUES Break Time for 20 minutes to start Session – 3 (Coffee Break) Supply Components for the TDZ Projects General Assessment of the overall components of the TDZ Projects Discussion and evaluation of any other problems or suggestions related on implementation of the relevant activities Any other issues The adoption of the possible date and location of the next Steering Committee Meeting 18:00 CLOSURE OF THE MEETING 191 192 193 194 195 9/16/2013 196 Appendix 19.2 Presentation of Progress of the Regional Innovation Project Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri‐Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Center Overview of project progress 2013-09-17 For Project Steering Committee meeting 1 2 Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Ecriyes Technopark Regional Innovation Center TNA, Field studies of Regional Industry , full interview, no. of respondents INTERVIEWS a Erciyes Technopark b Organised industril zone c Kayseri Free zone Interview Interview Interview Total 57 70 5 132 Interview ………………………Total 6 TNA, Field studies in Yozgat, full internview, no of respondents d Yozgat Organized Industrial Zone ON LINE SURVEY TNA, for industry, Limited approach, Kayseri e Erciyes Technopark f Kayseri Industrial zone f Kayseri Sugar Factory On line survey On line survey On line survey Total 7 50 20 77 TNA, for industry, Limited approach, Yozgat h Boğazlıyan Sugar Factory On line ……….…...…….…..Total 10 225 Expression of interest for a training programme INTERVIEWS, KAYSERI i Erciyes University Professors Interview…………...………..total 90 ON LINE SURVEY, KAYSERI ii Erciyes University Students iii Erciyes University Professors On line survey On line survey Total 874 30 904 Total 19 60 79 ON LINE SURVEY, YOZGATI iv Bozok University Professors v Bozok University Students Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Ericyes Technopark Regional Innovation Center 3 On line survey On line survey Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Center 1 073 4 1 9/16/2013 197 ET/YIC assessment, basic variables RELEVANCE University assessment on service needs, no. of respondents Field sudies in Kayseri Group interviews 122 Suppl. Individ. enquetes answered Academicians private views, 10 Group interviews sessions Erciyes University, 9 sessions: 57 Suppl. Individ. enquetes answered 179 Total Field studies in Yozgat, Univ assessment combined with Academicians' TNA Bozok University, 1 session Group interviews Total suppl from these 44 17 EFFICIENCY Current status of tenant capabilties (Compare Tubitak eval, EU‐ innovation etc) Rational organisation (incl recrutment mecanism) Property management: profit and loss satement, assets balance 17 Total Yozgat Innov Center Make money 61 32 Academicians private views, 1 Interviews session Eriyes Technopark Locally ancohored profile Leading edge tenants Commercialisation orientation EFFECTIVENESS Providing locally needed services (by their own or by pooling or subcontr.) Managing the Technopark/center Business Community (profiling) Capabılıty to attract capital (FDI, venture, state support etc) IMPACT 49 Awareness of Technopark and Innovation center, from industry and university Use of ET/YIC in local economic politics Single succes cases, or general change agent SUSTAINABILITY Mature organisation Independency of external support (still attracting capital, of course) Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Center 5 Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Center 6 Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Ericyes Technopark Regional Innovation Center 7 Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Ericyes Technopark Regional Innovation Center 8 2 198 9/16/2013 Thank you for listening Technical Assistance (Institution Building) Kayseri-Erciyes Technopark Regional Innovation Center 9 3 The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the G&G Consulting Consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
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