DERYA YORGANCIOĞLU CURRICULUM VITAE MAY 2014 Address phone fax e-mail Languages Interests : Department of Architecture, School of Engineering and Architecture, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Mahmutbey Dilmenler Cad. No: 26 Bağcılar, Istanbul / TURKEY. : +90 212 604 01 00 / 4029 (office) : +90 212 445 8171 (faculty) : [email protected] / [email protected] : Turkish (mother tongue), English (advanced), German (introductory) : Theory and research in architecture, architectural design, architectural education, architecture-phenomenology relationship, history of education. Education Record 2004 – 2010 Ph.D. in Architecture, METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. (dissertation: Re-Constructing the Political and Educational Contexts of the METU Project”; supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel Aközer, co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vacit İmamoğlu) 2002 – 2004 M.Arch. in Architecture, Master of Architecture Program, METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. (thesis: Steven Holl: A Translation of Phenomenological Philosophy into the Realm of Architecture, supervisor: Prof. Dr. F. Cânâ Bilsel) 1996 – 2000 B.Arch. from Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture. Employment Record April 2011 – present: Asst. Prof. Dr. at Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, School of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Istanbul. 2006-2010: Project assistant at METU-RICBED, Research and Implementation Center for Built Environment and Design, Unit for Strategy Development and Knowledge Base in Education, METU Faculty of Architecture, Ankara. 2000-2002: Employed as architect at PEMA Architecture and Planning LTD.CO., Istanbul. Administrative Positions October 2011-present: Chairperson, Department of Architecture, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University School of Engineering and Architecture. Courses Taught Istanbul Kemerburgaz University Department of Architecture (2012- ) 2012-2013 Fall Semester: ARCH 101 Basic Design I 2012-2013 Spring Semester: ARCH 102 Basic Design II 2013-2014 Fall Semester: ARCH 101 Basic Design I 2013-2014 Fall Semester: ARCH 201 Architectural Design I 2013-2014 Spring Semester: ARCH 202 Architectural Design II CONFERENCES International Conference Paper (published) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. “Steven Holl: A Translation of Phenomenological Philosophy into the Realm of Architecture”. The First International Architecture and Phenomenology Conference in The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, I.I.T. Haifa, Israel, 20-24 May, 2007. Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. “Re-defining the Researcher’s Subjective Position as an ‘Interpreter’: The Epistemological and Ontological Insights derived from the Related Philosophies of Hermeneutics and Phenomenology”. The Second International Architecture and Phenomenology Conference in Kyoto Seika University, Japan, 26-29 June, 2009. Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. “Geographical and Intellectual Interactions in the History of Architectural Education: Progressive Pedagogies Re-Shaping the First Half of Twentieth Century.”ARCHHIST ’12: International Conference on History of Architecture. Istanbul. Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center (DAKAM), 23th-26th May 2012. Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. “Turgut Cansever’s Ideas on Architecture: An Ontological and Ethical Inquiry in the Twentieth Century Turkish Architecture.” Ethics & Aesthetics of Architecture & the Environment Conference. School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, New Castle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, July 11th13th 2012. Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. “Toward a More Integrative Learning: Reconsidering the Scope and Value of Liberal Education in Architectural Curricula.” Educating the Future: Architectural Education in International Perspective. EAAE International Conference and Workshop on Architectural Education, Istanbul Kültür University, 21-23 March 2013. Yrd. Doç. Dr. Derya Yorgancıoğlu. “Praxis as a New Conceptual Tool for Architectural Education in the Changing University Context”. International Conference on Unspoken Issues in Architectural Education, Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Architecture, 3-4 April 2014. International Conference Paper (unpublished) Yorgancıoğlu, D., Soyöz, U., Çetin, D., Akçay, A. “Revitalization of the Seafront Strip around Old Galata Bridge.” 2nd Biennial of Architectural and Urban Restoration: Migration and Multiculturalism. The Conservation of Small Scale Architectural Structures Against Fading Away and Natural Hazards. 30 October, 2013. Istanbul Kemerburgaz University. National Conference Presentation (published) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. “Yirminci Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Bauhaus Fikirlerinin Amerika’daki Yolculuğu”. Türkiye'de Mimarlık, Sanat, Tasarım Eğitimi ve Bauhaus Sempozyumu, Marmara Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, İstanbul, 14-16 Mayıs, 2008. Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. “Mimari Tasarım Eğitiminde Disiplinler Arası İşbirliğinin Önemi: Tarihsel Arka Planın Yeniden İnşası.” Mimari Tasarım Eğitimi: Bütünleşme; 2. Ulusal Sempozyum, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi, İstanbul, 20-21 Ekim 2011. National Conference Presentation (unpublished) Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. “Istanbul Kemerburgaz Üniversitesi Mimarlık Bölümü Eğitim Programı.” XXXV. Mimarlık Okulları Bölüm Başkanları İletişim Grubu (MOBBİG) Toplantısı, Yaşar Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi, İzmir, 8-9 Kasım, 2012. PUBLICATIONS Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. “Steven Holl: A Translation of Phenomenological Philosophy into the Realm of Architecture.” Invitation to ArchiPhen; Some Approaches and Interpretations of Phenomenology in Architecture, eds. Iris Aravot and Eran Neuman, pp. 25-27. Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. “Yirminci Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Bauhaus Fikirlerinin Amerika’daki Yolculuğu.” Bauhaus: Modernleşmenin Tasarımı. Ali Artun ve Esra Aliçavuşoğlu. İstanbul: İLETİŞİM Yayınları, ss. 153-168, 2009. RESEARCH PROJECT EXPERIENCE Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. Responsibility: Architecture School Workshop Designer. Supportive Corporation: İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı Çocukların ve Gençlerin Girişimcilik, Beceri ve Geleceklerini Destekleme Mali Destek Programı Project Title: İstanbul Kemerburgaz Üniversitesi Çocuk ve Gençlerin Beceri ve Geleceklerini Destekleme Araştırma ve Uygulama Koordinatörlüğü Projesi (İSTKA/2012/GNC-265) Duration: December 2012-November 2013 Yorgancıoğlu, D., Akçay, A. “Designing the Architecture Design Studio as an Integrative Learning Space: A Model Project. ”İstanbul Kemerburgaz University Scientific Research Fund. Duration: October 2011-May 2013. WORKSHOP EXPERIENCE Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. Workshop Designer. “I Am Now, Here!”. Istanbul Kemerburgaz University Psychology Research and Application Center Children’s Workshops, September 29, 2012. Yorgancıoğlu, Derya. Workshop Designer. “I Am Now, Here!”.My Friend Biennal: 2012 International Çanakkale Children Biennial Exhibition. October 17-December 16, 2012. Yorgancıoğlu, D., Bianco, A., Malec, T. “Spring School: Communicating Architecture and Built Environment.” Istanbul Kemerburgaz University School of Engineering and Architecture, 03-07 February 2014. CURRENT MEMBERSHIPS 1. Scientific Committee of BRAU2. 2nd Biennial of Architectural and Urban Restoration: Migration and Multiculturalism, 2013. 2. Turkish Supportive Team Member. EAAE Project of “Improving Turkish School Relationships with EAAE and Member Schools.” Educating the Future: Architectural Education in International Perspective. EAAE International Conference and Workshop on Architectural Education, Istanbul Kültür University, 21-23 March 2013. 3. Scientific Board Member. First International Symposium. “The Integrated Approach of Urban Sustainable Development through the Implementation of Horizon/Europe 2020.” Reggio Di Calabria, Italy 6-9 MAY 2014. CURRENT AFFILIATIONS Turkish Chamber of Architects (2005-)
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