Evrak Tarih ve Sayısı: 19/03/2014-14406 *BEL5TLAM* DEVLET MALZEME OFİSİ GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ Sayı Konu : 48419571-105.99: İhale Duyurusu E-POSTA T.C. İSVEÇ, AVUSTURYA, FRANSA, İSPANYA, DANİMARKA BÜYÜKELÇİLİKLERİNDEKİ İLGİLİ MÜŞAVİRLİKLERE GÖNDERİLDİ. Davet mektubunda yer alan malzeme, ihale suretiyle Ofisimizce satın alınacaktır. Bu ihalemizin ülkenizdeki imalatçı firmalara duyurularak, teklif vermelerinin sağlanması hususunu arz ederiz. Hasan Hüseyin AKARSU Kırtasiye Şube Müdürü Davut KINACI III Nolu Satınalma Daire Başkanı EK: İhale davet mektubu (1 adet) 1 Evrakı Doğrulamak İçin : http://takip.dmo.gov.tr/enVision.Sorgula/Validate_Doc.aspx?V=BEL5TLAM Adres :İnönü Bulvarı. No. : 18 06041 Yücetepe / Ankara e-posta : [email protected] Elektronik Ağ : www.dmo.gov.tr Pin : 57761 Telefon Santral : (0 312) 410 30 00 Faks : (0 312) 418 71 28 Telgraf : MALOFİS P.K. 173 Mevcut Elektronik İmzalar HASAN HÜSEYİN AKARSU (Kırtasiye Şube Müdürlüğü - Şube Müdürü) 19/03/2014 15:59 DAVUT KINACI (III Nolu Satınalma Daire Başkanlığı - Daire Başkanı) 19/03/2014 18:58 Bu belge 5070 sayılı Elektronik İmza Kanununun 5. Maddesi gereğince güvenli elektronik imza ile imzalanmıştır. Evrak Tarih ve Sayısı: 19/03/2014-14282 *BE84T4F5* DEVLET MALZEME OFİSİ GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ Sayı Konu : 48419571-105.99: Lever Arch Mechanism E-POSTA . TENDER RECORD NUMBER: 2014/ SYSTEMS B.V COMMODITY Narrow Lever Arch Mechanism Broad Lever Arch Mechanism Compressor Finger hole rings Rado eyelet Rivet (pin) QUANTITY 600.000 units 1.200.000 units 1.800.000 units 1.800.000 units 3.600.000 units 7.200.000 units Dear Sirs, The commodity mentioned above will be purchased by taking open bids from foreign market in accordance with the stipulations of the commercial and technical specifications attached herewith. The tender document is with charge and its price is 130.-TL Candidates can obtain the tender documents from the General Directorate of the State Supply Office in Ankara without any charge for the aim of getting information. However, the candidates to submit a proposal for the bid should make the payment of the cost price of the tender document mentioned below to any of our Office’s cashiers or our Office’s bank accounts. The original and a copy of the bank or cashier receipt must be put in the outer envelope by adding to the tender document. The original of the receipt will be returned to the bidder after opening all the bids. The required tender documents must be put in two envelopes as one inside the other. Only the bid forms indicating quoted prices must be put in the inner envelope. The letter stating the technical and commercial specifications and their annexes are accepted, the original and a copy of the bank or cashier receipt, the documents specified in the 2nd and 5th articles of the commercial specification, also the inner envelope should all be put in the outer envelope. The bids should reach or be submitted to III Nolu Satınalma Daire Başkanlığı at our Headquarters Office latest by 01.04.2014, at 12:00 A.M. Bids submitted after this time will not be taken into consideration, regardless of the delays due to mail. The firms to participate in the tender must give 2.500 sets of wide and narrow mechanisms samples (with accessories) with their bid letter. After inspection, upon written request, the cost of samples will be paid by Basım İşletme Müdürlüğü (DMO İstanbul Printing Establishment) to bidders whose 3 Evrakı Doğrulamak İçin : http://takip.dmo.gov.tr/enVision.Sorgula/Validate_Doc.aspx?V=BE84T4F5 Adres :İnönü Bulvarı. No. : 18 06041 Yücetepe / Ankara e-posta : [email protected] Elektronik Ağ : www.dmo.gov.tr Ek Üzerindeki Mevcut Elektronik İmzalar Telefon Santral : (0 312) 410 30 00 Faks : (0 312) 418 71 28 Telgraf : MALOFİS P.K. 173 DAVUT KINACI (III Nolu Satınalma Daire Başkanlığı - Daire Başkanı) 19/03/2014 10:39 EKREM CANDAN (Genel Müdür Yardımcılığı 1 - Genel Müdür Yardımcısı) 19/03/2014 14:48 Pin : 86141 *BE84T4F5* DEVLET MALZEME OFİSİ GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ offer samples are in conformity with technical specification and intended use, against invoice through the lowest unit price in the tender. In tenders from foreign market, unit prices will be converted into Turkish Liras at the rate of buying exchange announced by The Central Bank Of Turkish Republic at:15:30, a day before the delivery of samples . Outer envelopes of the bids will be opened at 14:00 P.M. on the last day of the bid to submit. The samples provided by the bidders will be inspected on the base of technical specifications and in respect of usage purpose. The authorities of the bidders will be ready at our Printing Establishment Directorate while the samples are both inspected in view of complying with technical specification and tested on file manufacturing machine for usage purpose. The results of inspection and tests will be recorded clearly and these records will also be signed by the bidders’ authorities participated in this period. The offers must cover the whole quantity. Partial offers shall not be taken into consideration. The offers shall be given in Euro. The inner envelopes of the bidders whom samples are found in compliance with technical specification and usage purpose shall be determined separately and these envelopes shall be opened in the date and time to be announced to the bidders. Those whose samples are not found in compliance with the requirements shall be returned with all the other documents and samples without opening. If required, bidders will be cautioned and urged for inspection in terms of financial and technical sufficiency. The validity duration for the bid prices is at least sixty (60) days starting from opening date of the inner envelopes in accordance with article 7 of our commercial specification that is the basis of this tender. The tender shall take place by receiving open bids, whereby bidders shall present their initial price quotations in writing, and continue by underbidding orally. Representatives (Power of Attorney with specimen signatures) are needed to participate in underbidding and if they are unable to attend, written price on bid form shall prevail. In determining the most appropriate bid price DAP DMO İstanbul Printing Establishment Directorate price of a set including one unit lever mechanism, one unit finger hole ring, one compressor, 2 rado eyelet, 4 pin shall be base to provide the suitableness of the mechanisms and proper usage. However, the prices of each item shall also be submitted separately. This work which is subject of the tender is exempted from Public Procurement Law in accordance with the paragraph (g) (exception) of the article 3 of this Law. The Office reserves the right to terminate the tender, partially tender, or award the tender to whomever it may please. 3 Evrakı Doğrulamak İçin : http://takip.dmo.gov.tr/enVision.Sorgula/Validate_Doc.aspx?V=BE84T4F5 Adres :İnönü Bulvarı. No. : 18 06041 Yücetepe / Ankara e-posta : [email protected] Elektronik Ağ : www.dmo.gov.tr Telefon Santral : (0 312) 410 30 00 Faks : (0 312) 418 71 28 Telgraf : MALOFİS P.K. 173 Pin : 86141 *BE84T4F5* DEVLET MALZEME OFİSİ GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ We trust you will give your utmost attention to our letter and, hope to receive your offer prepared according to the terms of our commercial specification. Best Regards, Abdurrahman ÜÇBAŞ Davut KINACI III Nolu Satınalma Daire Başkanı Ekrem CANDAN Genel Müdür Yardımcısı BIDDING DEADLINE:01.04.2014 BANK ACCOUNTS: - T.C. Ziraat Bankası Ankara Kurumsal Şb. : TR79 0001 0017 4537 7118 7650 07 - T.C. Ziraat Bankası Ankara Merkez Şb. : TR14 0001 0000 0137 7118 7666 59 - Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası Ankara Merkez Şb.: TR19 0001 5001 5800 7293 8232 26 1-Commercial Specification, 2-Technical Specification and Drawings (x2), 3-Bid Form, 4-Additional Sheet for Commercial Specification, 5-Additional Conditions Concerning the Tender 3 Evrakı Doğrulamak İçin : http://takip.dmo.gov.tr/enVision.Sorgula/Validate_Doc.aspx?V=BE84T4F5 Adres :İnönü Bulvarı. No. : 18 06041 Yücetepe / Ankara e-posta : [email protected] Elektronik Ağ : www.dmo.gov.tr Telefon Santral : (0 312) 410 30 00 Faks : (0 312) 418 71 28 Telgraf : MALOFİS P.K. 173 Pin : 86141
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