Nasser Bin Hamad Uluslararası Gençlik Yaratıcılığı Ödülleri Ayrıntı.

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Avrupa Bir1ii ye Dip IIiki1er Genel Mudurlugu
07/07/20 14
Sayi : 43 145072/310.04/2849404
Konu: Nasser Bin Hamad Uluslararasi
Genclik Yaraticihi Odülleri
Ilgi : Dii1eri Bakan1ii Yurtdii Tanitim ye Kültürel I1iki1er Gene! Müdürlüünün
26/06/2014 tarihli ye 46373548-863.00-2014/666458 sayili yazisi.
Dii1eri Bakan1iindan ahnan ilgide kayitli yazida; Babreyn Kra11ii Gençlik ye
Spor Kurumu Gene! Sekreter1ii (Genera! Organization for Youth and Sports) tarafmdan
düzenlenecek bir yarimada, bilim, mimarlik, grafik, dizayn, fotoraf, sanat ye film yapimi
da!!arinda ayri ayn "Nasser Bin Hamad Uluslararasi Genclik Yaraticilii Odü!leri" verilecei
be!irti!erek, turn ü!kelerden 14-30 ya!an arasindaki genclerin katilimina açik olan yanmayi
kazanan!arin her dalda 11.000 ABD Dolarina varan para ödülleriyle taltif edilecekieri, ödül
törenine katilim masraflarinin karilanacai ye ödüllerin bizzat $eyh Nasser Bin Hamad Al
Khalifa (Bahreyn Kralinin olu) tarafindan veri1ecei bildirilmektedir.
Yazida devam!a; anilan yanmaya katilmak isteyen genclerrn " "
web sayfasi üzerinden veya +97336609090 numarali telefonu arayarak daha ayrintih bilgi
almalarmin ye kayit yaptirma!annin mümkün o!duu vurgulanarak söz konusu yarimanin
ülkemiz genc!erine en genip pekilde duyurulmasi talep edilmektedir.
Gereini rica ederim.
Hatice Kübra AKçAJvI
Bakan a.
Gene! MüdürV.
EK- Yazi ye bröür (3 sayfa)
;; j$?;
Bu beige, 5070 sayili Eiektronik !mza Kanununun 5
mci maddesi gereince güvenii eiektronik imza ile iniza1anmitir
M.E.B. Beevler Kampusu C Biok Beevier / ANKARA
.h,1c,m meb oivtr
Aynntili biigi için: 0. EROOLU
Tel : (0 312) 212 3870/1101
it t
i (.vHet
O4 CrM.Oflr
P-GOYS 2014/170
H. E.
Mrs. Hatun Demirer
Ambassador of Republic of Turkey
Sucasse kin iaj!tInt e rnational Youth Creativity Award (201)
Dear Mrs Hatun.
If is my pleasure to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation for your efforts towards
our Kingdom
am pleased to inform you that the General Organization for Youth and Sports in the
Kingdom of Bahrain has recently launched the Nasser Bin Hamad International Youth Creativity
Award an initiative by His Highness Sheikh Nasser Bin Hamad Al Khatifa, President of Supreme
Council for Youth and Sports and President of Bahrain Olympic Committee, covering six area
science, architecture, graphic design. photography, arts and film making
The objective of the award is to attract and develop youth talent and promote innovation,
by reducing the obstacles faced by many of the worlds youth and providing them with a better
opportunity to express themselves and their talents and appreciating their creativity
The award provides the opportunity for youth between the ages of 14-30 years old from
all over the world regardless of nationalities, to participate with awards reaching up to $11,000
in each area Project submission and more details about the award around through our official
website www nbhaward bh or by callng +97336609090.
We believe that you play an important supportive rote in providing the opportunity for the
targeted audience, and would like to know the possibility of
1 Providing point of contacts with relevant entities and institutes such as universities,
institutions NGOs, and etc to coordinate and encourage participation in the award
2. Disseminating an invitation to participate in the award to those interested from your
embassy or community living in Bahrain
Allow us to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation.
Hisham Bin Mohammed Al Jowder
Presider.t of General Organization for Youth & Sports
Td +973 17114.442, Fill +923 I
For more quiiriru and ro1io% up piea.' ooari:
MrS Ma AbduiaeI7 Head of tareign utfair, i3
• 973171 14460 mayaz4z$oysg0u bi
Abauiralim.n Aizayan - Ads manager
- 97317114457 i.6ttinbh,wurd.Wr
.ujimed Ratndan Award's Ooirrath odnai.w
* 10 1 311729372 thrrediãntr1rain] Sir
a.P.O Box 598MaalanKingdofnQfHabrain
/,// 1 Nasser Bin Hamad