Alexandre Toumarkine Publikaktionsliste, 2014-02-06 Page 1 of 3 Dr. Alexandre Toumarkine – Publikationen 1. Monographien Alexandre Toumarkine, Les migrations des populations musulmanes balkaniques en Anatolie (1876-1913), Istanbul, Isis, 1995. Alexandre Toumarkine, Les Lazes en Turquie (XIXe-XXe siècles), Istanbul, Isis, 1995. Élizabeth Sieca-Kozlowski & Alexandre Toumarkine, Géopolitique de la mer Noire. Turquie et pays de l'ex-URSS, Paris, Karthala, 2000. 2. Herausgeberschaften Alexandre Toumarkine (ed.), Mémoires posthumes et inachevées de Jacques Abravanel, juif portuguais salonicien de naissance, stambouliote d'adoption, İstanbul, Isis, 1999. Jeanne Hersant, Alexandre Toumarkine (eds.), European Journal of Turkish Studies (EJTS), online journal (Thematic issue on hometowns associations in Turkey), 2005. Noémi Lévy, Alexandre Toumarkine (eds.), Osmanlı'da Asayiş, Suç ve Ceza (18-20 yy.), İstanbul [Public order, crime and punishment in the Ottoman empire 18-20 th centuries], Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2007. Nikos Sigalas, Alexandre Toumarkine (eds.), Demographic Engineering (Thematic issue), European Journal of Turkish Studies (EJTS) online Journal, 2008 (I) and Winter 2011 m8II). Noémi Lévy, Nadir Özbek, Alexandre Toumarkine (eds.), Jandarma ve Polis: Fransız ve Osmanlı Tarihçiliğine Çapraz Bakışlar [Gendarme and Police Crossing perceptions: French and Turkish Historiography], Istanbul, Tarih Vakfı, 2009. 3. Zeitungsartikel und Buchkapitel (Nach 2000) "L'Abkhazie et la Circassie dans le Cihan-nüma de Katib Çelebi: Un regard ottoman sur le Caucase du Nord-Ouest", in: Raoul Motika and Michael Ursinus (eds.), Caucasia Between The Ottoman Empire and Iran. 1555-1914, Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2000, p.31-39. (A Turkish version is available, see "Katip Çelebi`nin Cihannüma`sında Abhazistan ve Çerkezistan: Kuzeybatı Kafkasya`ya Bir Osmanlı Bakışı", Toplumsal Tarih, sayı 40, Nisan 1997, p.28-34). "Oulémas originaires du Lazistan, d'Adjarie, de Circassie et du Daguestan pendant les dernières décennies de l'Empire ottoman (fin XIXème siècle - début XXème siècle). Approche préliminaire [Ulemas from Lazistan, Adjaria, Circassia and Daghestan during the last decades of the Ottoman Empire. End of the XIXth Century- Beginning of the XXth century. Preliminary Approach]", in: Raoul Motika and Michael Ursinus (eds.), Caucasia Between The Ottoman Empire and Iran. 1555-1914, Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2000, p.49-67. "Balkan and Caucasian Immigrant Associations: Community and Politics", in: Yerasimos, Stephane; Seufert, Günter; Vorhoff, Karin (eds.), Civil Society in the Grip of Nationalism, Studies on Political Culture in Contemporary Turkey, Istanbul, Orient-Institut, 2000, p. 403-432. (A Turkish version of this article is available, see "Kafkas ve Balkan Göçmen Dernekleri : Sivil Toplum ve Milliyetçilik", Yerasimos, Stefanos, Seufert, Günter, Vorhoff, Karin (eds), Türkiye'de sivil Toplum ve Milliyetçilik, İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları, 2001, p. 425-450.) Alexandre Toumarkine Publikaktionsliste, 2014-02-06 Page 2 of 3 "Le nationalisme de diaspora nord-caucasien en Turquie", Dieckhoff Alain, Riva Kastoryano (eds.), Nationalismes en mutation en Méditerranée orientale, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2002. "Türk Kökenli olmayan Balkan ve Kafkas Göçmenlerinde Milliyetçilik: İthal Milliyetçilik ile Etki altındaki Milliyetçilik arasında" [Nationalism among the non Turkish Balkanic and Caucasian Migrants: Between imported nationalism and nationalism under influence], in: Tanil Bora (ed.), Milliyetçilik. Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce ,Volume IV, İstanbul, İletişim, 2002, p. 934938. "La politique turque dans les Balkans. Volonté d’intégration, risque de marginalisation", Le courrier des pays de l’Est, no. 1039, October, 2003, p. 40-51. Jeanne Hersant, Alexandre Toumarkine, “Hometown Organisations in Turkey: an Overview”, European Journal of Turkish Studies [Online], 2 | 2005, Online since 22 nd of July, 2009, Connection on 15th of October, 2010. URL: "Le développement des associations de hemşehri en Turquie (1933-2003) à l’échelle nationale et départementale", European Journal of Turkish Studies [Online], 2 | 2005 (Online since 22th of July, 2009, Connection on 15th of October, 2010. URL: "Les protestations écologistes en Turquie dans les années 1990," in: Gilles Dorronsoro (eds.), La Turquie conteste. Mobilisations sociales et régime sécuritaire, Paris, CNRS éditions, 2005, p. 69-86. "The Stakes of Testimonies: Memoirs of "Ottoman" Wars in the Dardanelles", in: Mete Tunçoku (eds.), Gallipoli in retrospect 90 years on / 90. yıl dönümünde Canakkale Savaslarını düsünürken, Onsekiz Mart Canakkale University, ÇOMU/AGCRC, 2005 p.101-105. (In this book, an Turkish version, see "Tanıklığın önemi: Çanakkale üzerine "Osmanlı" Savaş Anıları": p.107-112). "Avrupa Çeçen sığınmacıların yeni adresi mi?"[A new place for the Chechen refugees in Europe?], Kafkasya. Artaştırma-Analiz, no 2/II, April-September 2006, p.24-25. "Çanakkale Bilançosu" [Dardanel’s assessment], Popüler Tarihi, no 74, October, 2006, p.54-57. "Ottoman Political and Religious élites among the Hemshin: the mid-nineteenth century to 1926", in: Hovann H. Simonian (ed.), The Hemshin. History, society and identity in the Highlands of Horth East Turkey, London New York, Routledge, 2007, p.100-123. "Kırım savaşı sırasında hayırseverlik, Filantropi ve vatansever bağışlar" [Charity, philanthropy and patriotic donations during the Crimean War], in: Savaştan Barışa: 150. yıldönümünde Kırım savaşı ve Paris Antlaşması (1853-1856), İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi - Tarih Araştırma Merkezi, Istanbul, 2007, p.45-52. "Fransa'da suç ve cezaevleri ile ilgili tarihyazımı üzerine birkaç değerlendirme (18.yüzyıl sonu - 20. yüzyıl)" [Some thoughts on the historiography of punishment and crime in France end of the 18th-20th centuries], in: Alexandre Toumarkine and Noémi Lévy (eds.), Osmanlı'da Asayiş, Suç ve Ceza [Public order, crime and punishment in the Ottoman empire], Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İstanbul, 2008, p.33-45. "Adli doktorlar, ruh doktorları ve şeyhler: Kummerau olayı (1880) ve bilirkişilik meselesi" [Forensic doctors, alienists and sheikhs: The Kummerau’s case (1880) and the issue of expertise], in: Alexandre Toumarkine ve Noémi Lévy (eds.), Osmanlı'da Asayiş, Suç ve Ceza [Public order, crime and punishment in the Ottoman empire], Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İstanbul, 2008, p. 96-115. Alexandre Toumarkine Publikaktionsliste, 2014-02-06 Page 3 of 3 "Ingénierie démographique, génocide, nettoyage ethnique. Les paradigmes dominants pour l’étude de la violence sur les populations minoritaires en Turquie et dans les Balkans", with Nikos Sigalas, European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue no. 7: Demographic Engineering Part I, 2008. URL : "Tarih ve Sosyal Bilimlerin Etkileşimi Çerçevesinde Savaşı yeniden Okumak: Birinci Dünya savaşı tarihçiliğinde Fransa örneği" [Crossing History and Social Sciences, a new look at the Warfare: French historiography on WWI], in: Ferdan Ergut, Ayşen Uysal (eds.), Tarihsel Sosyoloji. Stratejiler Sorunsallar ve Paradigmalar, Ankara, Dipnot Yayınları, 2007, p.165-174. "Dumézil'in Türkiye'deki Kafkasya çalışmaları [Dumezil’s Caucasian Investigations in Turkey]", Toplumsal Tarih, no 186, May 2009, p. 60-65. "Türkolog Jean-Paul Roux'nun Ardından (1) Orta Asya'dan Anadolu'ya Türklerin Tarihi Bir Süreklilik mi?" [The turkologist Jean Paul Roux: an historical continuity of Turks From Central Asia to Anatolia?], Toplumsal Tarih, no 190, October 2009, p. 34-39. "Türkolog Jean-Paul Roux'nun Ardından (2) Türklerin İslam Öncesi Dinlerinden Fransa'da İslam Sanatına" [The turkologist Jean-Paul Roux: From the religions of the Turks before Islamization to arts of Islam] , Toplumsal Tarih, no 191, November 2009, p. 42-47. "Türkolog Jean-Paul Roux’nun Ardından (3) Türk-Moğol Halklarında Tolerans" [The turkologist Jean-Paul Roux: Tolerance among Turko-Mongol peoples], Toplumsal Tarih, no 192, December 2009, p. 76-81. "Fransız Subayı Sarrou" [French Officer Sarrou], Toplumsal Tarih, no 201, September 2010, p. 5258. "L’invention permanente des soldats inconnus en Turquie" (The permanent invention of unknown soldiers in Turkey), in: François Cochet and Jean-Noel Grandhomme (eds.), Les soldats inconnus de la grande guerre. La mort, le deuil, la mémoire, SOTECA 14-18 éditions, 2012, pp.191-206. "L’officier Sarrou: un homme qui en savait trop? La connaissance du pays comme une ressource professionelle dans la carrière d’un officier français dans l’Empire ottoman et la République turque (1904-1932)," in: Frédéric Dessberg and Eric Schnakenbourg (eds.), Les horizons de la politique extérieure française. Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang 2011. 183-195. "Girit adası ve Dersaadet arasında: II. Abdülhamit döneminde Müsülman Giritliler ve Osmanlı okulları" (Between Crete and Dersaadet: The Crete and Ottoman Schools in the Reign of Abdülhamit II.), in: Müfide Pekin (ed.), Mübadil Kentler Türkiye. İstanbul: Lozan Mübadilleri Vakfı Yayınları 2012, p. 223-230.
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