Uvodnik Uvaženi prijatelji i gosti Festivala, Sigurna sam da se neki od vas pitaju: „Šta je to Televizijski Festival?“. Među stotinama i hiljadama drugih muzičkih i filmskih festivala širom svijeta, ne postoji nijedan kao ITF u Baru. Naš fokus je na proslavi televizije kao posrednika: kao medijuma koji nas vraća u istoriju, pokazuje nam gdje smo trenutno i kuda smo se zaputili. ITF posjeduje funkcionalnost tradicionalnog filmskog festivala sa projekcijama i panel diskusijama, ali i opuštajuće večeri uz tematska druženja, mediteransku dušu i šetnju kroz istoriju i geografiju ovog podneblja. ITF je okrenut najvećim ljubiteljima televizije i profesionalcima koji žele da rade i predstave svoje programe širokoj publici. ITF je prepoznao da napredak tehnologije približava svijet, čineći ljudima širom svijeta da lakše komuniciraju jedni s drugima, da razmjenjuju informacije i kulturu. Svjetskoj televizijskoj industriji efekti globalizacije više nisu nepoznanica. Ali dok se neki boje promjena, mi smo ih prigrlili, kao i benefite koji proizilaze iz saradnje sa autorima iz drugih sredina. Svakako, osjećaj saradnje nije ništa novo za ITF. On je i nastao kao želja za širenjem veza prvo sa regionom, a onda i svijetom, a te veze svake godine jačaju na šta smo posebno ponosni. To nam dokazuju premise iz kojih je nastao ITF, da vizuelna umjetnost koja obuhvata riječ, sliku i muziku, prevazilazi religiju, naciju i državne granice. Pamtimo priče koje su dotakle važna društvena, međunarodna ili moralna pitanja, ostavljajući neizbrisiv utisak dugo nakon gledanja – podsjećajući nas, još jednom, da svi živimo zajedno. U posljednjih par godina na ITF-u pored produkcionih centara kakve su velike TV stanice širom Evrope i svijeta, koje su nam ukazale povjerenje, sve više je programa koje prijavljuju nezavisni autori, a 4 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar koji postaju pokretačka sila u zabavnoj industriji upravo na osnovu zasluga svojih nevjerovatnih talenata i zabilježenih priča. Otvarajući vrata festivala i nezavisnim autorima, ITF sa ponosom može da kaže da je njegova misija prevashodno u predstavljanju kvaliteta – nezavisno od statusa u TV industriji. Autori koji se prijavljuju na ITF su studenti, početnici, ali i iskusni TV autori i dobitnici značajnih nagrada na istaknutim svjetskim festivalima. Mi vjerujemo da umjetnici koji obećavaju, bez obzira odakle dolaze i na koji način produciraju svoje programe, zaslužuju da budu ohrabreni i podržani. Oni zaslužuju da imaju podjednaku šansu. U konačnom, važna je priča. U stvari, ona je najvažnija. Danas, život u predgrađu nekog grada na drugom kraju svijeta može biti snimljen profesionalnim HD kamerama, ali i običnim pametnim telefonom. To je svijet koji dopire do svih nas, ta nova geografija perspektive koja reflektuje vašu sposobnost da uhvatite svijet oko Vas i učinite ga dostupnim za globalnu publiku. Danas je rezolucija bitna, ali mnogo manje nego perspektiva. Svijet filma i televizije nije više ograničen prostorom, projekcionim salama. On živi među nama, a mi nismo pasivni posmatrači. Novi glasovi, novi video snimci, novi svijet. Kako ćete se uključiti, u potpunosti zavisi od Vas, a ja imam zadovoljstvo da budem dio onih koji svoje viđenje dijele sa drugima, da budem u društvu onih koji pokazuju širokoj publici moć televizije. Na Vaše pitanje ja Vam odgovaram sljedećim: „Koju televiziju gledate?“ i željom da se publici predstavimo nečim drugim, inspirativnijim i kvalitetnijim od svakodnevne televizije. Želimo da pokažemo da ona može biti zabavna, ali i edukativna, da se nekad i u par minuta može reći i vidjeti više nego što smo navikli. Ovih pet festivalskih dana Vam pružaju mogućnost da iz svog doma proputujete zemljinom kuglom. Zato, budite aktivni učesnici i gledajte Festivalski Televiziju na Extra TV-u. Vi i Vaša cijela porodica, jer ima za svakog po nešto. Sa uvažavanjem, Ljiljana Đinđinović Direktor Festivala 5 Introduction Dear friends and guests of the Festival, I am sure that some of you wonder: “What is a Television Festival?”. Among hundreds and thousands of other music and film festivals around the world, there is no other like the ITF in Bar. Our focus is on celebration of television as a medium: a medium which takes us back to history, showing us where we are now and where are we heading to. ITF possesses functionality of the traditional film festival with projections and panel discussions, but also it has relaxing thematic evenings, Mediterranean soul and walk through history and geography of this part of the world. The ITF is devoted to the biggest fans of television and to professionals who are willing to work and to represent their programs to mass audience. The ITF has recognized that technology progress brings the world closer, making it easier to people from all around the world to communicate with each other, to exchange information and culture. For the Global TV industry the effects of globalization are nothing new. But, while some are afraid of those changes, we have embraced them, as well as the benefits that come as a result of collaboration with authors from different backgrounds. Certainly, the sense of teamwork is not new to the ITF. Actually, it was established from the strong will to enhance, first of all, collaboration with the region and then with the rest of the world, making those relations stronger every year, on what we are especially proud. This is best seen through the premises, from which the Festival has emerged, that the visual art which contains a word, a picture and music overcomes religion, nations and national borders. We do remember stories on important social, international or issues on moral, leaving an unforgettable impression for long time after watching it – reminding us, once more, that we all do live together. Over the last couple of years at the ITF besides production centers such as big TV stations across Europe and the world that have given us their trust, there are more and more programs coming from the independent authors, who are becoming a driving force in an entertainment industry thanks to their incredible talents and recorded stories. By opening its doors to independent authors, the ITF can proudly say that its mission is, above all, presenting the quality – regardless the status in a TV industry. Authors who apply for the ITF are students, beginners, but also established TV authors 6 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar and winners of significant awards on prominent festivals around the world. We do believe that the promising artists, no matter where they are coming from and in what way they produce their programs, deserve to be encouraged and supported. They deserve to have equal chances. In the end, it is a story that matters. Actually, it is the most important. Today, suburb life in a city on the other side of the world can be recorded with professional HD cameras, but it also can be done by regular smart phone. It is a world that can reach to all of us; it is a new perspective geography which reflects your ability to catch the world around You, making it available to global audience. Resolution is significant nowadays, but much less than the perspective. The world of film and television is not limited with space or screening rooms anymore. It is among us and we are not just passive viewers. New voices, new videos, new world. In what way you will get involved, it entirely depends on you, and I have a pleasure to be a part of those who share their viewpoint with others, to be in a company of those who show to mass audience the power of television. To your question I answer by saying: „What kind of television do you watch?“ and with a will to represent ourselves to the audience with something different, more inspirational and more qualitative than the everyday television. Our intention is to show that it can be entertaining, but educative as well, that sometimes even in a couple of minutes can be said and seen much more than we are used to. These five days of the Festival give You a chance to travel the globe. So, be active participants and watch the Festival Television on Extra TV. You and Your family, because there is something for everyone. Respectfully, Ljiljana Djindjinovic Festival Director 7 Uvodnik Televizija je kao medij masovne kulture preuzela primat nad filmom i radiom. U doba konvergencije medija, na internetu sa lozinkama ili bez njih, pronalazimo sadržaje koji objedinjuju sve do sada dostupne medije. Teoretičari i praktičari tvrde da je svijet globalno selo, a katkada nam se čini da je selo najtačnija odrednica postojanja u našem svijetu današnjem. Kao u davno doba prije modernog vremena, prije otvorenih trgova zaštitili smo se touch skrinovima i tastaturama, sakrili se u anonimnost u kojoj nam se čini da smo hrabri - kao učesnici facebook komentara, komentatori talent šoua i mnogobrojnih lifestyle emisija koje misle umjesto nas naše živote. Postajemo posmatrači, svako u svojoj tvrđavi ili zabranu. Iza svog ekrana. Televizijski festival Bar već 19 godina pokušava svojim programima da razbije predrasude. O televizijskim sadržajima, o ulozi televizije, o životu pojedinaca i društava širom planete koji se dotiču i nas. Pokušava da nas probudi, da brzo odreagujemo. Brzina je vrlina. Brzina je i mana. Sve sto čujemo, zaboravimo. Sve sto kažemo, potisnemo. Kada nam nešto ne prija, promjenimo kanal. Već nekoliko godina putem kanala na Extra televiziji, možete da pratite extra takmičarske programe podijeljene u pet pažljivo odabranih selekcija, selektovane od strane selektora na različitim krajevima našeg velikog globalnog sela. Gledajte i budite dio Interancionalnog televizijskog festivala u Baru, na isti način na koji ste aktivni na društvenim mrežama. Televizijski festival u Baru pokušava da skrene pažnju na programe podijeljene u pet kategorija, koji vam na angažovan, duhovit i drugačiji način govore o svijetu oko nas. A zajednički sadržalac tog svijeta je grad koji u sebi tradicionalno odslikava multikulturalnost, koji poštuje sve religije karakteristične za ove prostore. Grad Bar u kojem se živjelo skupa i prije nego je tv ekran bio mjesto okupljanja poput ognjišta. 8 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Zato je Bar dobar domaćin, svim onim gostima koji dodju na okrugle stolove, prezentacije, članovima selekicone komisija i žirija, specijalnim gostima koji su svojim radom obilježili televizijske programe i sadrzaje koje smo voljeli i volimo. Ove godine specijalni gost je glumac i producent Zoran Cvijanovic. Ove godine to je Okrugli sto o boljem Javnom servisu TVCG, koji zasluzuje da kvalitet slike Javnog servisa bude digitilazovan i da publika zaista vidi ono što rade televizijski stvaraoci. Promocija saradnje Ministarstva kulture Crne Gore, Fakulteta Dramskih Umjetnosti Cetinje, kao dobitnika sredstava iz IPA fonda u cilju podržavanja kanala kulture koji predstavljava vizuelne umjetnike pod imenom Artvision. Ljepše je sa kulturom, ljepše je sa zanimljivim, intrigantnim, pametnim i drugačijim slikama. Slikama koje gledate na TV festivalu. Spojenim u dobre televizijiske sadržaje i programe iz cijelog svijeta. Budite dio 19. Iternacionalnog festivala najboljih televizijskih programa u Baru. Pratite programe dostupne i u vašim domovima. Pet dana budite dio drugačijeg medijskog svijeta. Obećavamo da nećete traziti daljinski upravljač. Marija Perović Umjetnički direkor 9 Introduction As a medium of mass culture, Television has taken the primacy over both, film and radio. In an era of convergence of media, on the internet, with passwords or without them, we do find contents that gather all the available media until now. Theoreticians and practitioners claim that the world is a global village, but sometimes it seems to us that the village is the most precise determinant of existence in our world. As in the past, before modern times, before open squares we have protected ourselves with screens and keyboards, we have concealed ourselves in the anonymity in which we appear to be brave – as commentators on Facebook, of talent shows and numerous lifestyle programs that live instead of us our own lives. We are becoming observers, everyone in his/her own castle. Behind its own screen. The Television Festival Bar is struggling for 19 years now to break the clichés. About the television contents, about the role of television, about life of individuals and societies around the world that affects us all. It is trying to wake us up to react quickly. Speed is a virtue. Speed is a disadvantage. Everything we hear, we forget. Everything we say, we repress. When we do not like something, we change channel. A couple of years now via channel on Extra Television, you can watch extra programs divided into five thoroughly made selections, chosen by selectors from different places of our big global village. Watch and be a part of the International TV Festival in Bar, in the same way you are active on social networks. The Television Festival is striving to attract attention on programs divided into five different categories, which in a funny and from a different point of view tell a story about the world around us. As a common denominator of that world stands a city which, traditionally, depicts in itself multiculturalism, respecting all religions characteristic for this area. A city of Bar, in which people used to live together even before the TV screen became a place of gathering just as fireplace used to be before. For that reason a city of Bar is a good host to all of those guests who come to round tables, presentations, to members of Selection Committee and Jury, to special guests who have marked television programs and contents that we used to love and we still do. This year a special guest is an actor and producer Zoran Cviijanovc. This year it is a Round table on enhancing the TVCG Public Service, which deserves its image to be digitalized so that the audience can really see what the TV artists are creating. Promotion of collaboration between the Montenegrin Ministry of Culture and the Faculty of 10 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Dramatic Arts in Cetinje as recipients of resources from IPA Fund, with an aim of supporting channels of culture that represents visual artists named Artvision. It is much nicer with culture, it is nicer with interesting, intriguing, witty and different images. Images that you see at the TV Festival. Connected into good television contents and programs from all over the world. Be a part of the 19th International Festival of the best television programs in Bar. Follow the programs available at your homes, too. Be a part of different media world for five days. We promise that you will not seek for the remote control. Marija Perovic Creative Director 11 SELEKTORI SELECTORS BAR 2014 Selektori SELEKTOR ZA KATEGORIJU: KRATKE TV FORME ALEKSANDAR BEČANOVIĆ / CRNA GORA Aleksandar Bečanović je rođen 1971. Filmski je kritičar dnevnog lista Vijesti. Član je FIPRESCI – Međunarodnog udruženja filmskih kritičara. Objavio je četiri knjige poezije: Ulisova daljina 1994., Jeste 1996., Ostava 1998., Mjesta u pismu 2001. i knjigu proze Očekujem što će iz svega proizaći 2005. Dobitnik je nagrade Risto Ratković za najbolju knjigu poezije 2002. godine. Objavljivao brojne članke u Arsu, Plimi i drugim časopisima sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije. Objavio je knjigu Žanr u savremenom filmu (2005). Njegovi tekstovi su zastupljeni i u sljedećim knjigama: 501 Movie Directors (2007), 501 Movie Stars (2007), 101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die (2009) i 101 Sci-Fi Movies You Must See Before You Die (2009). Živi u Baru. 14 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Selectors SELECTOR FOR CATEGORY OF SHORT TV FORMS ALEKSANDAR BEČANOVIĆ / MONTENEGRO Aleksandar Bečanović was born in 1971. He is a film critic of the daily newspaper Vijesti. He is a member of the FIPRESCI-the International Federation of Film Critics. He published four poetry books : Ulysses’ Distance /1994/, It Is /1996/, Store-room /1998/, Places in the Letter /2001/ and a prose book I’m Anticipating What Will Come Out of Everything /2005/. He received the Risto Ratkovic Award for the best poetry book in 2002. He has published numerous articles in the Ars, Plima, and other magazines from ex-Yugoslavia. He published the book Genre in the Contemporary Film“ /2005/. His texts have been presented in the following books: 501 Movie Directors (2007), 501 Movie Stars (2007), 101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die (2009) and 101 Sci-Fi Movies You Must See Before You Die (2009). He lives in Bar. 15 Selektori SELEKTOR ZA KATEGORIJE: DOKUMENTARNI / ISTRAŽIVAČKI TV PROGRAM I PROGRAM IZ OBLASTI EKOLOGIJE I TURIZMA DRAGAN PETROVIĆ / SRBIJA Filmski kritičar, jedan od urednika Studenta (1985-87), filmski kritičar Borbe (1987-1989), saradnik za stručnu filmsku štampu iz cijele ex-YU (Start, Mladina, Stav, Filmograf, Radio Beograd 2 i 3...), savjetnik selektora FEST-a. Filmskim prikazivanjem i distribucijom počeo da se bavi 1990.godine u Beograd Film-u, potom Metro Film-u, a 1992.godine seli se u Prag, gdje je osnovao s partnerima video i TV distributersku kuću Fine Production. Živio i radio u Češkoj do 2000.godine nakon čega se seli u Portugaliju, gdje je osnovao firme Visionary Thinking i Doda Media, koje se bave filmskom i TV distribucijom i produkcijom, kao i sportskim pravima i zastupanjem velikih programskih franšiza u regionu (TV serija SpongeBob Squarepants, Kung Fu Panda, Penguins of Madagascar...). Posljednjih godina bio je producent dva uspješna projekta, dokumentarnog filma “Kako sam postao heroj” reditelja Mladena Matičevića (zvanična konkurencija IDFA Amsterdam, nagrada za najbolji film na Festivalu u Bukureštu, nagrada Silver Nanook u Permu, nagrada publike na Dokuartu u Bjelovaru...) i TV serije “SFRJ za početnike” (Silver Plaque TV Awards na Chicago Film Festivalu). Posljednjih pet godina član je žirija selekcije “Award for Japanese Drama” International Drama Festivala u Tokiju. Trenutno živi, na relaciji, između Lisabona i Beograda. 16 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Selectors SELECTOR FOR THE CATEGORIES: DOCUMENTARY/ RESEARCH TV PROGRAMME AND PROGRAMME ON ECOLOGY AND TOURISM DRAGAN PETROVIĆ / SERBIA Film critic, one of the editors of the magazine Student (1985-87), film critic for daily newspapers Borba (1987-1989), associate for professional film newspapers and magazines for entire former Yugoslavia (Start, Mladina, Stav, Filmograf, Radio Beograd 2 i 3...), FEST selector advisor. He started with film showing and distribution in 1990 in Belgrade Film, then in Metro Film, and in 1992 he moved to Prague where, with his partners, he founded video and TV distribution company Fine Production. He lived and worked in Czech Republic until 2000. After that, he moved to Portugal where he founded firms Visionary Thinking and Doda Media dealing with film and TV distribution and production, as well as with sports rights and representation of large programme franchises in the region (TV series SpongeBob Squarepants, Kung Fu Panda, Penguins of Madagascar...). In past few years, he was producer of two successful projects, documentary “How I became a hero” directed by Mladen Matičević (official competition IDFA Amsterdam, award for best film at Bucharest Festival, award Silver Nanook in Perm, audience award at Dokuart in Bjelovar...) and TV series “Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for beginners” (Silver Plaque TV Awards at Chicago Film Festival). For the last five years, selection committee member of “Award for Japanese Drama” International Drama Festival in Tokio. He is currently inbetween Lisbon and Belgrade. 17 Selektori SELEKTOR ZA KATEGORIJE: IGRANI DRAMSKI PROGRAM-TV FI LM I TV SERIJE I DJEČIJI PROGRAM NEDŽAD BEGOVIĆ / BIH Nedžad Begović, samostalni filmski umjetnik i reditelj. Od 1985. godine član je Udruženja filmskih radnika Bosne i Hercegovine. Sa svojim filmovima učestvovao je na mnogim svjetskim festivalima: Krakov, Los Anđeles, Berlin, Kan, Amsterdam i mnogi drugi. Njegovi filmovi prikazani su preko 300 gradova svijeta, a za njih je dobio sljedeće nagrade: „Gazeta Festivalow“, nagrada kritike u Krakovu 1985.godine; „Veliki pečat“, nagrada publike ZagrebDOX,2006. godine; „Srce Sarajeva“, za najbolji dokumentarni film, SFF 2011. godine; „Zlatna jabuka“, nagrada za najbolji dokumentarni film, BHFF, New York, 2012, 2013.godine. Za kanal „ARTE“ realizovao je dokumentarni film „Rat u Djeci“, i dokumentarni film „Priredba“ za švajcarsku televiziju. Trenutno radi kao reditelj na Federalnoj televiziji BiH u redakciji Dokumentarnog programa. 18 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Selectors SELECTOR FOR THE CATEGORIES: FEATURE -TV FI LM AND TV SERIES AND CHILDREN’S PROGRAMME NEDŽAD BEGOVIĆ / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Nedžad Begović, independent film critic and director. Since 1985, a member of Film Workers Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With his films, he participated in many world-known festivals: Krakow, Los Angeles, Berlin, Cannes, Amsterdam and others. His films were shown in more than 300 cities around the world, and for some of them, he won the following awards: „Gazeta Festivalow“, critics award in Krakow in 1985; „Great Seal“, audience award ZagrebDOX, in 2006.; „Heart of Sarajevo“, for the best documentary, SFF in 2011; „Golden Apple“, award for the best documentary, BHFF, New York in 2012 and 2013. For ARTE Channel he made documentary „War in Children“, and documentary „The Show“ for Swiss Television. He is currently working as director at Federal TV of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Documentary Department. 19 O selekciji ALEKSANDAR BEČANOVIĆ Kratki film je, u ovom trenutku, možda i najdinamičniji kinematografski format, budući da se unutar njega najlakše realizuju najčešće sasvim oprečni zahtjevi kako za tečno ispričanom pričom, tako i za svojevrsnim eksperimentom i proširivanjem stilskog izraza. Takođe, kratki filmovi su omiljeno područje za promociju mlađih film-mejkera koji svoj medij ne shvataju samo kao neophodni stadijum u vlastitom poetičkom i zanatskom usavršavanju, nego i kao potpuno odgovarajući okvir za zaokruženo estetsko djelovanje i naglašavanje autorske svijesti. U tom smislu, ovogodišnja selekcija nastoji da našim gledaocima informativno pruži presjek onoga što bi mogle biti glavne tendencije u savremenom kratkom filmu, kako kada se to tiče vizuelnih, tako i tematskih preokupacija. Selekcija hoće da naglasi svo bogatstvo i razuđenost današnje produkcije kratkih filmova, unutrašnju raznovrsnost i domete ovog formata koji može podjednako efikasno da razvije zamisli koje su na nivou inteligentnih i duhovitih dosjetki, kao i ideje koje bi inače tražile mnogo širu narativnu elaboraciju. DRAGAN PETROVIĆ Izbor svakog selektora po prirodi stvari je njegov lični izbor, pa takav je i ovaj moj. Verovatno da bi neko drugi na istom mestu sastavio sasvim drugačiju listu programa. Braniti sopstveni ukus, pa i samo ga obrazlagati, u tom smislu deluje kao uzaludan posao. No, ipak... Zadovoljstvo je, a i privilegija u svakom slučaju, imati priliku na jednom mestu videti kreativne poduhvate televizijskih i filmskih stvaralaca iz celog sveta. I upravo ta ideja „celog sveta“ bila je nešto čime sam se prevashodno rukovodio: izabrati ono što će reprezentovati televiziju kao potencijalno verovatno najznačajnije globalno, univerzalno sredstvo kreativnog izražavanja našeg doba. Srećna okolnost je što su mi bili ponuđeni programi sa svih kontinenata (s izuzetkom Australije), pa je moju nameru utoliko bilo lakše sprovesti u delo. I doista, u celom svetu se prave sjajni programi. Bez obzira što je generalni neizrečeni stav savremenog gledaoca da je sve odavno „već viđeno“, program pred nama je na neki način pokušaj da se ovaj stav izazove. Nadam se da će i drugi, 20 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar s ushićenjem kojim sam i ja sam povremeno bio obuzet gledajući neke od izabranih programa, prepoznati i priznati originalnost, svežinu ideja, bogatstvo duha i ubedljivost realizacije koja vraća veru u televiziju, danas neretko poniženu i stavljenu na stub srama usled nametnute joj uloge jednog od jahača apokalipse moderne zabave, komercijalizovane do besmisla i usmerene isključivo na prodaju podjarmljene gledaočeve pažnje žrecima reklamokratskog terora. Neki programi su ovde zato što ih same po sebi smatram veoma dobrim, neki zato što otkrivaju nove horizonte i manje poznate svetove, neki zato što redefinišu žanrove i otvaraju vrata novim izrazima... Ali svaki od njih – i u to nimalo ne sumnjam – donosi perspektivu jednog mnogo boljeg medija od onoga koji nam je danas nametnut. NEDŽAD BEGOVIĆ Nekako mi se vremenski ukomponovalo izvjesno slobodno vrijeme, te sam se studiozno i “na miru” mogao posvetiti selekciju igranog i dječijeg programa za naredni ITF - Bar. Dobio sam zanimljiv, maštovit i raznovrstan program i očekujem da će i festivalska publika dijeliti ovo moje uvjerenje. Bilo je projekata neupitne superiornosti, bilo je i onih nedorečenih i bez dovoljno potencijala, a bilo je i onih od kojih sam “teska srca” morao odustati, jer ne moze sve stati u program. Ovo posljednje se naročito odnosi na Češku TV produkciju koju sam komotno svu mogao staviti u takmičarski program. U nekim dilemama prednost sam davao ljudskoj emociji u odnosu na “velike teme”. Prednost sam davao i art izrazu u odnosu na klišeje, tako da se nadam da ce biti neke svježine izvučene iz zadatog programa. Takođe, karakter ovog festivala je TV (a ne filmski) izraz, pa sam i to nastojao ispoštovati na način kako sam ja to prepoznavao i razumijevao. U prirodi je (eventualno) nezadovoljnih autora i producenata da postave pitanje koji su KRITERIJI selektora ili žirija u procesu donošenja odluka. Ja izjavljujem da je jedini kriterij bio moj osjećaj za dobar projekat, odgovornost prema autorstvu i povjerenje koje mi je ukazano. 21 About selection ALEKSANDAR BECANOVIC A short film is, at the moment, even maybe the most dynamic cinematographic form, since within it, in the easiest way, are being actualized very often completely opposite demands, both for fluent narration and for a kind of experiment and enlargement of stylistic expression. Also, short films are the favorite area for promoting younger film – makers who do not understand their media only as a necessary stage in their own poetical and workmanlike improvement, but as an absolutely suitable frame for the complete aesthetic performing and emphasis on the author’s awareness. In that sense, this year’s selection is aiming to provide to our viewers a kind of informative intersection of what could represent mainstream in a modern short film in both visual and thematic issues. Selection wants to point out the whole richness and range of today’s short film production, its inner variety and the achievements of this form which can equally efficiently develop ideas which are on a level of intelligent and witty puns, as well as ideas which would need much broader narrative elaboration. DRAGAN PETROVIC A choice of every selector is a matter of its own choice, so that is a case with mine. Probably someone else, at the same place, would make completely different list of programs. To defend your own taste or even just to explain it seems to be vain. But, still… Anyhow, it is a pleasure and a privilege to have an opportunity to see in one place such creative efforts of television and film artists from all over the world. Precisely the idea of “the whole world” was something I, primarily, had in mind: to select what will be presented on television as, potentially, the most important global, universal medium of creative expression of our times. A lucky circumstance is that I have been offered programs from all continents (with exception of Australia), so I could easily implement my intention. Certainly, great programs are created all over the world. Irrespective of modern spectator’s general unspoken attitude for everything being” déjà vu”, the program in front of us is, in certain way, an attempt to challenge that idea. I hope that others will, just as I have been occasionally overcome by delight watching some of the 22 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar chosen programs, recognize and appreciate originality, brightness of ideas, richness of soul and persuasiveness of realization that brings back the faith in television, nowadays often humiliated and put on a pillory due to the imposed role as one of the apocalyptic riders of contemporary entertainment, commercialized to the point of nonsense and, exclusively, focused on selling persecuted viewers’ attention to sacrificers of an advertisement - terror. Some of the programs are here because I find them per se very good, some because they reveal new horizons and less known worlds, others because they redefine genres and open doors to new expressions… But, each one of them is – and I do not doubt in it at all – brings perspective of much better media than the one imposed nowadays. . NEDZAD BEGOVIC Somehow it happened that I had a certain amount of free time so I could, at “my own ease”, dedicate it to the selection of feature and children’s program for the upcoming ITF – Bar. I have got an interesting, creative and diverse program and I do expect that the Festival’s audience will share my beliefs. There have been projects of an unquestionable superiority, there have also been those who are left as vague and without potential, while there were those of which I had to give up with “heavy hart”, because not everything can fit into the competitive part of the program. The last especially stands for the Czech TV production which I could easily put into the competition part completely. In some dilemmas I gave priority to human emotions in relation to “big issues”. I also gave priority to the art expression in relation to clichés, so I hope that there will be some novelty drawn from the assigned program. Also, the character of this Festival is TV (and not film) expression, so I was trying to comply with those terms in a way I perceive and understand it. It is in the nature (eventually) of dissatisfied authors and producers to pose a question of what are the criteria of the selector or the jury in the process of making decisions. I claim that the only criteria was my own sense for the good project, responsibility towards the authors and the trust I have been given. 23 ZIRI JURY BAR 2014 Žiri INTI ŠRAJ / SLOVENIJA Inti Šraj je slovenačka glumica sa međunarodnim angažmanom. Nakon završetka Akademije umjetnosti u Ljubljani, studirala je glumu u Parizu. Ima iskustva u plesnom teatru, a bila je dio Nomad Dance Academy. Publika je mogla vidjeti u filmu Nemanje Bečanovića »Posljednje poglavlje«, a za ulogu Vesne dobila je nagradu za najbolju glumicu na festivalu Mojkovačka filmska jesen. Trenutno radi u Ljubljani kao dio pozorišnog ansambla »Pocket«. U septembru 2014. godine premijerno je prikazan film »To the hilt« makedonskog reditelja Stoleta Popova, gdje je glumila glavnu ulogu. INTI ŠRAJ / SLOVENIA Inti Šraj is an internationally active actress. After finishing the Academy of art in Ljubljana she studied film acting in Paris. She has background in physical theatre and she was part of the Nomad Dance Academy. You may have seen her in Nemanja Becanovic's movie »The Ascent«. For the role of Vesna she received an award in the Mojkovacki filmski festival. Now based in Ljubljana she is part of the Pocket theatre ensemble. In September 2014 she premiered the Macedonian movie »To The Hilt«, from the oscar nominee director Stole Popov, where she plays the lead role. 26 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Nakon doktorata iz pozorišne i medijske umjetnosti na Univerzitetu u Beču, on se preselio u SAD. radeći kao producent i scenarista u Los Anđelesu. Počeo je da radi za odsjek filmske produkcije ORF-a 2000.godine. Unapređen u rukovodioca TV igranih programa 2002. godine, i od tada je bio odgovoran za više od sto igranih filmova i serija, između ostalog i brojnih kooprodukcija sa njemačkim, italijanskim, švajcarskim, britanskim i francuskim emiterima. Njegov rad scenariste uključuje i scenarije za međunarodnu miniseriju “Prestolonasljednik”. Njegove produkcije su osvajale nacionalne i međunarodne nagrade uključujući i nagradu Grimme, nagradu njemačke televizije, Bambi, Fipa d’Or, Šangai TV nagrada, kao i nominaciju za međunarodnu Emi nagradu. Član je Fakulteta Akademije Filma Beča i Linz Univerziteta umjetnosti. Produkcije (izabrane) “Sarajevo”, “Anatomija osvete”, Braunschlag” “Blank “, “360”, “Tragovi zla”, “Dan čuda”, “Incident sa kebabom”, “Babica”, “Ludvig 2”, “Nestala”, “Prestolonasljednik”, “Život je uživo”, “Večera za dvoje”, “Margarete Steiff”, “Konačni pad”, Stauffenberg”, “Franz Fuchs”, “Kopakabana”, “Zakrpe” “Zodijak”, Crni Lav”, “Prvi dan”, itd. Jury KLAUS LINTSCHINGER / AUSTRIJA KLAUS LINTSCHINGER / AUSTRIA After obtaining a Ph.D. in Theater an Media Arts from the University of Vienna, he relocated to the U.S.A. working as a producer and screenwriter in Los Angeles. He joined the film production department of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) in 2000. Promoted to Head ofTV Features in 2002, he has been responsible for more than a hundred feature films and series productions, among them numerous coproductions with German, Italian, Swiss, British and French broadcasters. His work as a screenwriter included the screenplays for the international mini-series "The Crown Prince". His productions have won national and international awards, including the Grimme Award, the German Television Award, the Bambi, the Fipa d'Or, the Shanghai TV Award as well as a nomination for the International Emmy Award. He is a member of the faculty of the Vienna Film Academy and the Linz University of the Arts. Productions (selected): "Sarajevo", "Anatomy of Revenge", "Braunschlag", "Blank - Die Ausloschung", "360", "Spuren des Bosen", "A Day for a Miracle", "The Kebab Incident", "Die Hebamme", "Ludwig 2", "VermisstAlexandra Walch", "The Crowne Prince", "So wie Du btst", "Live is Life", "Dinner for Two", "Margarete Steiff", "Der Untergang" "Mein Morder", "Stauffenberg", "Franz Fuchs", "Copacabana", "Patchwork", "Zodiak", "The Black Lion", "The First Day","Mein Morder", "Mindwalk"... 27 Žiri NIMA SARVESTANI / ŠVEDSKA Nagrađeni režiser Nima Sarvestani započeo je svoju karijeru kao novinar u Iranu i skoncentrisao se na snimanje dokumentaraca nakon preseljenja u Švedsku 1984. godinu. Fokusirajući se na socijalna i politička pitanja, inspirišu ga ljudi koji se strastveno bore za svoje ciljeve. Među filmovima koje je režirao su: Goli i Vjetar (2002), Gost mrtvaca (2003), Mnogo godina kasnije (1999), Zli krug (1998), Iranska rasprodaja bubrega (2006), Na granici očaja (2008), Vrijedila sam 50 ovaca (2010). Njegova posljednja produkcija je dokumentarac ”Nema vela iza rešetaka” (2012). NIMA SARVESTANI / SWEDEN The award winning director Nima Sarvestani started his career as a journalist in Iran and has been concentrating on documentary filmmaking since moving to Sweden 1984. Focusing on social and political issues, he is inspired by those who fight passionately for their cause. Among the films he has directed are: Naked and Wind (2002), Dead Man’s Guest (2003), Many Years Later (1999), The Evil Cycle (1998), Iranian Kidney Bargain Sale (2006), On the Border of Desperation (2008), I Was Wort 50 Sheep (2010). His latest production is the feature documentary ”No Burqas Behind Bars” (2012). Today Nima Sarvestani is working on his up coming film, expected to be released 2014. 28 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Željko Sošić je rođen 1980. godine u Podgorici. Bio je student prve generacije odsjeka za režiju na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti na Cetinju. Poslednjih deset godina radi kao reditelj, scenarist, producent i montažer igranih i dokumentarnih filmova, umjetničkih video radova, pozorišnih predstava, reklamnih i muzičkih spotova. Jury ŽELJKO SOŠIĆ / CRNA GORA Diplomirao dugometražnim igranim filmom “Imam nešto važno da vam kažem”, koji je premijerno prikazan 2005. godine. Drugi Sošićev dugometražni igrani film „Mali ljubavni bog“, premijerno je prikazan na Montenegro film festivalu u Herceg Novom 2011. god. i osvojio nagradu Fondacije Živko Nikolić. Uporedo sa filmskom bavi se i pozorišnom režijom. Režirao predstave: Hanđo, Jukia Mišime (Crnogorsko narodno pozorište), Pra vednici, Albera Kamija (Kraljevsko pozorište Zetski Dom) i Slijepi, Morisa Meterlinka (NVO Atak). Osnivač i direktor produkcijske firme Dogma Studio. Živi i radi u Podgorici. ŽELJKO SOŠIĆ / MONTENEGRO Željko Sošić was born in 1980 in Podgorica. Her was a student of the first generation of Faculty of Dramatic Arts Cetinje, Directing Department. For the past ten years, he works as director, screenwriter, producer and editor of TV films and documentaries, artistic videos, theatre plays, commercial and music videos. Graduated with film “I have something important to tell you”, premiered in 2005. His second film “The Little God of Love” premiered at Montenegro Film Festival in Herceg Novi in 2011 won Živko Nikolić Foundation award. He is parallely involved in film directing and theatre directing. He directed plays: Hanđo, Jukia Mišime (Montenegrin National Theatre), The Just Assassins (by Albert Camus) (Royal Theatre Zetski Dom) and The Blind by Moris Meterlink (NGO Atak). Founder and directors of production firm Dogma Studio. Lives and works in Podgorica. 29 PROGRAMI PO ZEMLJAMA PROGRAMS BY COUNTRIES BAR 2014 Programi po zemljama ARGENTINA / ARGENTINA NAHUAL - 2013 Producent / Production: LA ACADEMIA DE ANIMACION Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS BUĐENJE / THE AWAKENING / - 2014 Producent / Production: ALEJANDRO GABRIEL CUBEROS Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS AUSTRALIJA / AUSTRALIA DOM POD OPSADOM / HOME INVASION / - 2014 Producent / Production: HONEY POT FILM PRODUCTIONS Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS BEBA / BABY - 2012 Producent / Production: FRANCES WARD-WARD Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME AUSTRIJA / AUSTRIA LISTOV NASLJEDNIK/ THE HEIR OF LISZT - 2014 Producent / Production: CREATIVE MOVIES SL Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME AUSTRIJA - NJEMAČKA / AUSTRIA - GERMANY HEK TIK TAK / HEC TIC TAC - 2013 Producent / Production: APEIRON FILMS Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS AVGANISTAN / AFGHANISTAN CRNA LICA / BLACK FACES - 2014 Producent / Production: S. SHAHABUDDIN AHMADYAR Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY 32 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar ODLUKA / DECISION / QARAR - 2013 Producent / Production: GUDRAT HAMIDOV Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS BELGIJA / BELGIUM OČISTI PRAŠINU / DUST AWAY - 2014 Producent / Production: KIDSCAM Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA / BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Programmes by countries AZERBEJDŽAN / AZERBAIJAN LJUTA SAM / I AM ANGRY - 2013 Producent / Production: BHRT Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY BRAZIL / BRASIL BJEKSTVO CRTAĆA / CARTOON AWAY / FUGA ANIMADA - 2014 Producent / Production: AUGUSTO BICALHO ROQUE Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS DJELIĆI / FRAGMENTS / PEDAÇOS- 2013 Producent / Production: BRUNO AUTRAN Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS BEZIMENA NOĆ / NAMELESS NIGHT / NOITE SEM NOME - 2014 Producent / Production: HELVECIO PARENTE Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS RIO, OLIMPIJSKI GRAD / RIO OLYMPIC CITY / RIO CIDADE OLIMPICA Producent / Production: RIO DE CINEMA PRODUCOES CULTURAIS Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS 33 Programi po zemljama CRNA GORA / MONTENEGRO PLANETA BOKA / THE PLANET OF BOKA - 2014 Producent / Production: TV BOKA Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY CRNOGORSKE MEGASTRUKTURE / MOST NA MALOJ RIJECI I LUTOVSKA GREDA / MONTENEGRIN MEGASTRUCTURE - 2013 Producent / Production: TVCG Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY PRAVEDNIK/ THE RIGHTEOUS - 2014 Producent / Production: TVCG Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY LUD ZA TOBOM/ CRAZY ABOUT YOU - 2013 Producent / Production: KOALA PRODUCTION Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY ČEŠKA / CZECH REPUBLIC ZAUVIJEK ZAJEDNO / TOGETHER FOREVER - 2013 Producent / Production: STEPAN ETRYCH Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS TELEVIZIJA DOLAZI / TELEVISION IS COMING / TELEVISE BUDE - 2014 Producent / Production: CZECH TV Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY ZVIJEZDE IZA GVOZDENE ZAVJESE / THE STARS BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN / HVEZDY ZA ŽELEZNOU OPONOU - 2014 Producent / Production: CZECH TV Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY PIKNIK / PICNIC - 2014 Producent / Production: CZECH TV Kategorija / Category: TV FILM 34 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar ČEŠKA - HRVATSKA / CZECH REPUBLIC - CROATIA OKUPACIJA, 27. SLIKA/ OCCUPATION, THE 27 PICTURES - 2013 Producent / Production: 8HEADSPRODUCTION I MITROPA Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY ČILE / CHILE Programmes by countries ZALJUBLJEN U SAMOG SEBE / SELF-LOVER / SESEMILENEC - 2014 Producent / Production: CZECH TV Kategorija / Category: TV FILM VIKTORIJA / VICTORIA - 2013 Producent / Production: CATALINA AQUAYO GARCIA-HUIDOBRO JAYNE MORGAN Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS DETONATOR / EL DETONATOR - 2013 Producent / Production: SEBASTIAN DIAZ CORRAL Kategorija / Category: TV FILM SVINJSKI POSAO U ČILEU / PIG BUSINESS IN CHILE - 2013 Producent / Production: TRACY WORCESTER Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY DANSKA / DENMARK O, TE ČISTOTE U POSMATRANJU PREDJELA / OH PURITY IN WATCHING LANDSCAPES - 2014 Producent / Production: FRIGGE FRI Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY EGIPAT / EGYPT MRAČNO VRIJEME / DARK TIME - 2014 Producent / Production: ROMANY SAAD Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS 35 Programi po zemljama ESTONIJA / ESTONIA NAMJESTIO DJEČAK: MASAKR LIZALICA/ FRAMED BY A KID: LOLLIPOP MASSACRE - 2012 Producent / Production: KASPAR AINELO Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS FRANCUSKA / FRANCE BORILAČKI KLUB / THE CLUB / CLUB COMBAT - 2014 Producent / Production: ALEXANDRE BERGER Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS PRSTEN / THE RING / THE BAGUE - 2013 Producent / Production: PHILIPPE DE LYON Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS CRNA NOĆ / BLACK NIGHT / NUIT NOIRE - 2013 Producent / Production: JEAN LUC BAILLET Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS. TAKO SLATKO / SO VERY CUTE - 2013 Producent / Production: KARINE BLANC / MICHAEL TAVARES Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS. VRIJEME JE ZA RAZLAZ / TIME 2 SPLIT - 2014 Producent / Production: FABRICE BRACQ Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS. FRANCUSKA - JAPAN / FRANCE - JAPAN LAMI - 2013 Producent / Production: CHRISTOPHE DEFAYE Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME 36 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar KOAN PROLJEĆA / KOAN OF SPRING / KOAN DE PRINTEMPS - 2013 Producent / Production: PANDA MEDIA Kategorija / Category: TV FILM FRANCUSKA - SAD / FRANCE - USA MUZIČKI ŽIVOTNI VIJEK / A MUSICAL LIFETIME - ALLEGRO - 2014 Producent / Production: ERWAN LE GAL Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS Programmes by countries FRANCUSKA - JUŽNA KOREJA - VIJETNAM / FRANCE - SOUTH KOREA - VIETNAM HOLANDIJA / THE NETHERLANDS NE UBIJAJ GLASNIKA / DON’T KILL THE MESSENGER - 2014 Producent / Production: MARTIJN DAAMEN Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS SAMO JE JEDAN DOM / NO PLACE LIKE HOME - 2014 Producent / Production: NICOLIEN OPDAM Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME HRVATSKA / CROATIA DRAGI LASTANE / DEAR LASTAN - 2014 Producent / Production: ARTIZANA Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME POVRATAK POSLJEDNJEG / RETURN TO AUSCHWITZ - 2014 Producent / Production: IGOR PAULIĆ Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY STARCI / HOME IS WHERE MY AGE IS - 2013 Producent / Production: VANJA JAMBROVIĆ Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY 37 Programi po zemljama INDIJA / INDIA SLATKIŠ OČI / EYE CANDY - 2013 Producent / Production: NEERAV DOSHI Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME GODIŠNJICA BRAKA / THE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - 2013 Producent / Production: CENTRE FOR SOCIAL COMMUNICATION & CHANGE Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME IRSKA / IRELAND VIDOVITA SJU / PSYCHIC SUE - 2013 Producent / Production: APEIRON FILM Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS ITALIJA / ITALY 370 NOVI SVIJET / 370 NEW WORLD - 2014 Producent / Production: MARCANTONIO LUNARDI Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS ISPOVJEDAONICA / THE CONFESSIONAL / IL CONFESSIONALE - 2013 Producent / Production: DAVIDE POMPEO Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS PREVIŠE LOŠ / TOO BAD - 2014 Producent / Production: ALESANDRO D’FELLICE Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS ISAK / ISAAC / ISACCO - 2013 Producent / Production: FEDERICO TOCCHELLA Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS 38 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar POSLEDNJI PENAL / THE LAST PENALTY / IL RIGORISTA - 2013 Producent / Production: MAX MIECCHI Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME BRENTOV SAN / BRENT’S DREAM - 2014 Producent / Production: RAI Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME Programmes by countries U DŽEPU OD KAPUTA / IN THE COAT’S POCKET / NELLA TASCA DEL CAPPOTTO - 2014 Producent / Production: MDG PRODUZIONI Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME KULTURNI ŠOK / CULTURAL SHOCK / - 2014 Producent / Production: RAI Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY STARA VREMENA / OLD TIMES - 2014 Producent / Production: RAI Kategorija / Category: TV FILM IZRAEL / ISRAEL DAKTILOGRAF / TYPIST / MAKLID - 2013 Producent / Production: OMANA FILMS Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS SAGA O JEDNOJ FOTOGRAFIJI / SAGA OF A PHOTO / SIPUR HAMATCHIL BI TMUNAH - 2013 Producent / Production: SADOT FILMS / IBA CHANNEL ONE Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY JAPAN / JAPAN CRVLJIV / WORMY - 2013 Producent / Production: MIZUI KAKERU Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME 39 Programi po zemljama JUŽNA KOREJA / SOUTH KOREA ISKLJUČIVO ISTINA / NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH - 2014 Producent / Production: MYEONG - HAN BAE Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS KANADA / CANADA A PRIORI - 2014 Producent / Production: SPIRAFILM Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS PRINC / THE PRINCE - 2014 Producent / Production: FRANCESCO GIANNINI Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS KENIJA - UGANDA / KENYA - UGANDA REZ / THE CUT - 2012 Producent / Production: ANDREAS FROWEIN Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY KINA / CHINA PUT BEZ KRAJA / ENDLESS ROAD / BEN PAO DE HUANG HUN - 2014 Producent / Production: HUAQINQ JIN Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY KOLUMBIJA / COLUMBIA KAMUSI KAMUSI / CAMUSI CAMUSI - 2014 Producent / Production: YACK REYES R Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME 40 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar SVETA VODA/ HOLY WATER / AGUA BENDITA - 2013 Producent / Production: ELISA TORRES ADAM Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY KUBA / CUBA KURT - 2013 Producent / Production: ARLEY PERERA Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS LUKSEMBURG / LUXEMBOURG Programmes by countries KOSTARIKA - ŠPANIJA / COSTA RICA - SPAIN ASTA - 2013 Producent / Production: NICK ROLLINGER Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS MAĐARSKA / HUNGARY ČUDNA LJUBAV / A STRANGE KIND OF LOVE - 2012 Producent / Production: PETER VARSICS Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS MAKEDONIJA / MACEDONIA ŽILE – PRIČA O ISTRAJNOSTI/ ZHILE – NEVER GIVE UP STORY / ЖИЛЕ – ПРИКАЗНА ЗА ИСТРАЈНОСТ Producent / Production: REVOLUTION PRODUCTION Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY MALEZIJA / MALAYSIA FIKS / FIX - 2013 Producent / Production: CATHERINE TAN Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS 41 Programi po zemljama MAROKO / MAROCCO HIKI - 2013 Producent / Production: FOUAD LAZRAK Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS MEKSIKO / MEXICO RITUALI POPRAVLJANJA / FIXING RITUALS / EL RITUAL DE LAS COMPOSTURAS - 2014 Producent / Production:YAIR PONCE Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS MOZAMBIK / MOZAMBIQUE TROPSKA NEDELJA / A TROPICAL SUNDAY - 2013 Producent / Production: FABIAN RIBEZZO / SILVIA BOTTONE Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS NORVEŠKA / NORWAY NESPOKOJ / INQUIETUDE - 2014 Producent / Production: FIN FILM / MORGAN DAVIDSEN Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS ŽIVOT U MINUTI / LIFE IN A MINUTE Producent / Production: PEDRO COLLANTES Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS NOVI ZELAND / NEW ZEALAND TAJNI SVIJET FILMA / THE SECRET WORLD OF TIM - 2014 Producent / Production: HAYLEY SHEPPARD Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS NJEMAČKA / GERMANY ZAMRZNUTI KABARE / KABARET FREEZE - 2013 Producent / Production: REDPINATA Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS 42 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar LIZA LILI / LISA-LILLY - 2013 Producent / Production: KOCH Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS GRIZLI / GRIZZLY - 2013 Producent / Production: ARVED LINDAU Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS NJEGOVA BORBA / SEIN KAMPF - 2013 Producent / Production: TONIO KELLNER Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME Programmes by countries POVRATAK ZA PONETI / COMEBACK TO GO - 2013 Producent / Production: FLORIAN SAILER Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS KAPETAN I NJEGOV PIRAT / THE CAPTAIN AND HIS PIRATE/ DER KAPITAN UND SEIN PIRAT - 2012 Producent / Production: BROCKHAUS / WOLFF GbR Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY IZVAN ZIDOVA/ BEYOND THE WALLS - 2013 Producent / Production: WILFRIED STREHLAU / NORBERT VOGLER Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY DŽUNGLA U DVORIŠTU/ THE BACKYARD JUNGLE - 2014 Producent / Production: NAUTILUSFILM GMBH & DOCLIGHTS GMBH Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY SAN FRANCISKO - ZVUK ZALIVA / SAN FRANCSICO - THE SOUND OF THE BAY / SAN FRANCSICO - FLOWER UND POWER - 2014 Producent / Production: A&O BUERO FILMPRODUKTION GMBH Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY GENERACIJA VALDSTERBEN / GENERATION WALDSTERBEN – THE FOREST DIEBACK GENERATION / GENERATION WALDSTERBEN - 2014 Producent / Production: RK - FILM Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA/ ECOLOGY 43 Programi po zemljama SLUČAJ HEGEDORN / THE HAGEDORN CASE / MORD IN EBERSWALDE - 2012 Producent / Production: WDR Kategorija / Category: TV FILM POLJSKA / POLAND NA KRAJU KRAJEVA / AFTER ALL - 2014 Producent / Production: LODZ FILM SCHOOL Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS PORTUGALIJA / PORTUGAL POTPUNA REMISIJA / COMPLETE REMISSION - 2014 Producent / Production: MONICA DINIZ Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS RUSIJA / RUSSIA ROBOZEC / ROBORABBIT / ROBOKROLIK - 2014 Producent / Production: YULIA TRAVNIKOVA Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS SIVE NIJANSE / SHADES OF GRAY / OTTENKI SEROGO - 2014 Producent / Production: OLGA AGRAFENINA Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME ŽIVE SLIKE TATJANE SKORLUPKINE / LIVING PICTURES BY TATIANA SKORLUPKINA - 2012 Producent / Production: TATIANA SKORLUPKINA Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME SAD / USA RUPREHT / RUPRECHT - 2014 Producent / Production: GEROLD WUNSTEL Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS 44 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar ZDRAVO MAMA / HELLO MOM - 2014 Producent / Production: ELENA AKSENOVA Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS EKSTREMA / EXTREMA - 2014 Producent / Production: PAULA JACKSON Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS BOLJE JE SKOČITI/ IT’S BETTER TO JUMP - 2013 Producent / Production: GINA ANGELONE Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY Programmes by countries ZOVEM SE OSKAR / MY NAME IS OSCAR - 2013 Producent / Production: SUSAN EINHORN / ROBERT CLEM Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS JAVNA UCJENA / A PUBLIC RANSOM - 2014 Producent / Production: PABLO D’STAIR Kategorija / Category: TV FILM SAD - GRČKA / USA - GREECE VEČERA ZA NEKOLICINU / DINNER FOR FEW - 201 Producent / Production: NASSOS VAKALIS / KATERINE STERGIOPOULOU Kategorija / Category: TV FILM SINGAPUR / SINGAPORE CENTAR GRADA/ DOWNTOWN - 201 Producent / Production: NGUYEN TUAN ANH TRAN Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS SLIKA / LA PEINTURE - 201 Producent / Production: NTU SCHOOL OF ART MEDIA AND DESIGN Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS 45 Programi po zemljama SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA MEKO KAO KAMEN / SOFT AS A ROCK - 2013 Producent / Production: TV SLOVENIA Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY SRBIJA / SERBIA IGLA / THE NEEDLE / - 201 Producent / Production: ĐORĐE STOJILJKOVIĆ Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS ŠPANIJA / SPAIN BLAUMAR - 2014 Producent / Production: HELHERPHOTO Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS RADNI MRTVI / THE WORKING DEAD - 2014 Producent / Production: FANDA FILMS Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS DOMINGO - 2013 Producent / Production: JORGE CASTRILLO Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS LJUDSKO OGLEDALO / THE HUMAN MIRROR / EL ESPEJO HUMANO - 2014 Producent / Production: MARC NADAL Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS ODRASLI / GROWN UPS / CASITAS - 2014 Producent / Production: VISUALIA C.A. Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS ROĐEN U ZIMU / BORN IN WINTER - 2014 Producent / Production: JOSSIE MALIS Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS 46 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar DOBROVOLJAC / VOLUNTEER / VOLUNTARIO - 2014 Producent / Production: JAVIER MARCO RICO Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS S VREMENOM / OVER TIME / AVEC LE TEMPS - 2013 Producent / Production: IVAN DIAZ BARRIUSO Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS UPRAVO SAM SANJALA / I’VE JUST HAD A DREAM / ACABO DE TENER UN SUENO - 2013 Producent / Production: VIBRISA Kategorija / Category: DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME Programmes by countries GOSPODIN DENTON / MR. DENTONN - 2014 Producent / Production: IVAN VILLAMEL SANCHEZ Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS EKVADOR, SA ZATVORENIM OČIMA / ECUADOR, WITH THE EYES CLOSED - 2014 Producent / Production: DANIEL CHAMORRO Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY U SRCU OKEANA / IN THE HEART OF THE OCEAN / EL CORAZON DEL OCEANO - 2011 Producent / Production: ANTENA 3 Kategorija / Category: TV FILM ŠPANIJA - PORTUGALIJA / SPAIN - PORTUGAL DJECA RIJEKE / CHILDREN OF THE RIVER / OS MENINOS DO RIO - 2014 Producent / Production: TEMPLE AUDIOVISUALES & RIOT FILMS Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS ŠPANIJA - SAD / SPAIN - USA ARDE LUCUS / ARDE LUCUS - 2013 Producent / Production: EVERNIAMEDIA SL Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY 47 Programi po zemljama ŠVAJCARSKA / SWITZERLAND TOPLI SJAJ / WARM-GLOW - 2013 Producent / Production: GOLDENEGG PRODUCTION Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA/ ECOLOGY ŠVEDSKA / SWEEDEN ONAJ DRUGI SPORT/THE OTHER SPORT - 2014 Producent / Production: MATTIAS LOW Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY TAJVAN -TAJLAND / TAIWAN - THAILAND LUDI ZAPADNJACI /THE EXPATZ - 2013 Producent / Production: CHIA – LIN YEH Kategorija / Category: TV FILM TURSKA / TURKEY M JE ZA MOBILNI / M IS FOR MOBILE - 2013 Producent / Production: OZAN OZKIRMIZI Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS UKRAJINA / UKRAINE INSTINKTI /INSTINCTS - 2013 Producent / Production: CEGLA PRODUCTION Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS VELIKA BRITANIJA / UNITED KINGDOM DILER / DEALER - 2014 Producent / Production: SPENCER DODD Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS 48 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar DESILO SE JEDNOG DANA / IT HAPPENED ONE DAY - 2013 Producent / Production: RAINER NIEMANN Kategorija / Category: KRATKE TV FORME / SHORT TV FORMS Programmes by countries VELIKA BRITANIJA - NJEMAČKA / UNITED KINGDOM - GERMANY 49 DOKUMENTARNI DOCUMENTARY BAR 2014 Dokumentarni CRNA LICA / BLACK FACES - 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: RG AFGANISTAN / AFGHANISTAN 33 MIN S.SHAHABUDDIN S.SHAHABUDDIN Kratak sadržaj: Ovaj film govori o decenijama Univerziteta Kabul tokom perioda mira, rata, novih vlada i pokazuje da je uobičajeno da političke partije koriste univerzitet u svoje ciljeve stvarajući anarhiju. Programme summary: This film is about many decades of Kabul university during peace, war and new government and it shows that is usually that politic parties take there advantages from university by making anarchy. 52 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: KOALA PRODUCTION CRNA GORA / MONTENEGRO 50 MIN DANILO MARUNOVIĆ DANILO MARUNOVIĆ VLADIMIR VUČINIĆ Documentary LUD ZA TOBOM / CRAZY ABOUT YOU - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Film prati živote pacijenata u Zavodu za mentalno zdravlje “Komanski most” tokom jedne godine. U hiperrealističnom maniru, film se bavi najitimnijim aspektima njihovih života. Kroz različite situacije – komične, šokantne I tužne – junaci ovog filma otkrivaju svoje svjetove koji su paralelni s našim, tzv. normalnim. Tema je, prvenstveno, bazirana na dramatičnoj ljubavnoj priči Ismeta I Vladane, nekadašnjih ljubavnika koji su još uvijek u tajnoj vezi, uprkos tome što su, u međuvremenu, pronašli nove partnere. Programme summary: Film follows lives of patients in Mental Health Institute “Komanski most” for a period of one year. In a hyper realistic manner, film deals with the most intimate aspects of their lives. Through various situations - comic, shocking and sad - protagonists reveal their worlds parallel to our, so-called normal one. The topic of the film is based, first of all, on dramatic love story of Ismet and Vladana, former lovers who are still meeting in secret, in spite of the fact that, in the meantime, they have found new partners. 53 Dokumentarni PLANETA BOKA / THE PLANET OF BOKA - 2014 Producent / Production: TV BOKA Zemlja / Country: CRNA GORA / MONTENEGRO Trajanje / Duration: 60 MIN Režiser / Director: BRANKA KNEŽEVIĆ Scenario / Screenplay: BRANKA KNEŽEVIĆ Fotografija / Photography:ŽELJKO STARČEVIĆ, IVO LACMANOVIĆ Kratak sadržaj: Emisija kolažne strukture koja se bavi civilizacijskim i kulturološkim, istorijskim i umjetničkim naslijeđem Boke Kotorske. Pored istorije, mitova i legendi PLANETA BOKA tretira i dokumentarne zapise o institucijama kulture, ali i portrete ljudi koji su ostavili trag u životu i trajanju Boke Kotorske / Sv.Leoplod Mandić, Josip Bepo Benković, Zuko Džumhur idr. Programme summary: Collage-like programme dealing with civilisation, cultural, historic and artistic heritage of Boka Kotorska Bay. Apart from history, myths and legends, The Planet of Boka treats documented records on cultural institutions, as well as portraying people who left their mark on life and existence of Boka Kotorska Bay / St.Leoplod Mandić, Josip Bepo Benković, Zuko Džumhur et al. 54 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: TVCG Zemlja / Country: CRNA GORA / MONTENEGRO Trajanje / Duration: 26 MIN Režiser / Director: SAŠA TERZIĆ Scenario / Screenplay: SINIŠA ADAMOVIĆ Fotografija / Photography:SVETOZAR ČAĐENOVIĆ Documentary CRNOGORSKE MEGASTRUKTURE / MONTENEGRIN MEGASTRUCTURE - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Kroz moderan pristup program opisuje detalje izgradnje i trenutno stanje najvišeg željezničkog mosta u Evropi i jedne od najtežih dionica željezničke mreže na kontinentu. Programme summary: Through a modern approach, the programme presents construction details and current status of the highest railways bridge in Europe and one of the most difficult railway network sections in the continent. 55 Dokumentarni PRAVEDNIK / THE RIGHTEOUS - 2014 Producent / Production: TVCG Zemlja / Country: CRNA GORA/MONTENEGRO Trajanje / Duration: 60 MIN Režiser / Director: NATAŠA BARANIN Scenario / Screenplay: NATAŠA BARANIN Fotografija / Photography:DRAGAN TOMAŠEVIĆ Kratak sadržaj: Zaboravljeni događaji i sudbine iz Drugog svjetskog rata koji svoj rasplet pronalaze skoro sedamdeset godina kasnije. Različite vjere i nacije, ujedinjene u stradanju i preživljavanju najveće apokalipse u istoriji čovječanstva. Programme summary: Forgotten events and destinies from World War II finding their resolution almost seventy years later. Different religions and nations, united in suffering and survival of the greatest apocalypse in the history of mankind. 56 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: CZECH TELEVISION Zemlja / Country: ČEŠKA / CZECH REPUBLIC Trajanje / Duration: 55 MIN Režiser / Director: JAN BUŠTA Scenario / Screenplay: RADIM PROCHAZKA, JAN BUŠTA Fotografija / Photography:BRANO PAŽITKA Documentary TELEVIZIJA DOLAZI / TELEVISION IS COMING / TELEVISE BUDE – 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Dokumentarna drama “Televizija dolazi!” je rekonstrukcija prvog televizijskog emitovanja u bivšoj Čehoslovačkoj 1950-tih. Popularni glumac nije svjestan da će njegova improvizacija ući u istorijske anale i da će za pet godina biti sniman rimejk. Za njega, to je još jedan nastup pred kamerama. On će ironično imitirati svog čuvenog kolegu u šminkernici prilikom probe Molijerove “Škrtice”. Za Ministra Informisanja ovo je veoma napet trenutak: da li će uspjeti da ubijedi svoje drugove da je televizijsko emitovanje zlatno jaje komunističke propagande? TV tehničar je fasciniran slikama i zvukom koji se emituju na daljinu i pretvaraju u pokretne slike. On je došao iz istraživačkog instituta kako bi postao član tima odgovornog za prvi prenos – ima posao o kojem nikad nije ni sanjao. Ali da li iko može ispuniti svoje snove u komunističkoj Čehoslovačkoj 50-tih godina 20. vijeka a da se ne upetlja u režim? Ko će od njih najviše potčiniti TV? A koga će potčiniti televizija? 1953.godine, postojalo je svega par desetina TV uređaja u Pragu, a deceniju kasnije bilo je na milione gledalaca širom zemlje. Rođena je televizijska nacija. 57 Dokumentarni 58 Programme summary: Docudrama “Television is Coming!” is a reconstruction of the first television broadcast in the former Czechoslovakia of the 1950’s. A popular actor is unaware that his improvisation will enter the annals of history and within five years a remake will be shot. For him it’s just one more showtime in front of the camera. He will parody his famous colleague in a dressing-room rehearsal of Moliere’s “The Miser”. For the Minister of Information it is a moment full of tension: will he persuade his comrades that TV broadcasting is the golden egg of communist propaganda? A TV technician is fascinated by the transmission of pictures and sound over distance and turning them into moving pictures. From a research institute he has moved to become a staff member responsible for the first transmission – he has work he never even dreamt about. But can one fulfil one’s dreams in communist Czechoslovakia of the 1950’s and not become entangled with the regime? Which one of them will subjugate TV the most? And whom will television subjugate? In 1953 a mere few dozen TV sets in Prague, a decade later millions of viewers throughout the country. A television nation is being born. XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: CZECH TELEVISION Zemlja / Country: ČEŠKA / CZECH REPUBLIC Trajanje / Duration: 57 MIN Režiser / Director: PAVEL JIRASEK Scenario / Screenplay: PAVEL JIRASEK Fotografija / Photography:PETR VEJSLIK Documentary ZVIJEZDE IZA GVOZDENE ZAVJESE/ STARS BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN / HVEZDY ZA ŽELEZNOU OPONOU – 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Kulturološki dokumentarac o stranoj muzici kao nosiocu demokratskih tendencija i slobode u Čehoslovačkoj u periodu 1965 - 1990. godine. Jedinstven i sveobuhvatan pogled na kulturni i politički značaj posjeta poznatih ličnosti popularne i alternativne kulture koji su dolazili u bivšu socijalističku Čehoslovačku. Dokumentarac prati arhiva i savremeni intervjui sa Manfred Manom, Džastinom Hajvardom, Suzi Katro, Džoan Baez i članovima Roling Stonsa. Kroz ekskluzivne istorijske snimke, ilustruju se značajni kulturni događaji. Programme summary: Cultural documentary about foreign music as bearer tendencies of democracy and freedom in the Czechoslovak area in period 1965 – 1990. Unique and comprehensive view of the cultural and political significance visits of western popular and alternative culture personalities who were brought to the former socialist Czechoslovakia. The documentary is accompanied by an archive and contemporary interviews with Manfred Mann, Justin Hayward, Suzi Quatro, Joan Baez or members of the Rolling Stones. Through exclusive historical footage are illustrated significant cultural events. 59 Dokumentarni OKUPACIJA, 27. SLIKA / OCCUPATION, THE 27th PICTURE - 2013 Producent / Production: 8HEADSPRODUCTION I MITROPA Zemlja /Country: ČEŠKA I HRVATSKA / CZECH REPUBLIC, CROATIA Trajanje / Duration: 71 MIN Režiser / Director: PAVO MARINKOVIĆ Scenario / Screenplay: PAVO MARINKOVIĆ Fotografija / Photography:MARIO MARKO KRCE, ALEŠ BLABOLI, JAN ŠUSTER Kratak sadržaj: “Dvadeset i sedma slika” je dokumentarni film koji istražuje kulturni skandal koji je nastao krajem sedamdesetih godina prošlog vijeka pojavljivanjem filma “Okupacija u 26 slika”, ali i posljedice tog skandala koje se povlače i u osamdesetim i devedesetim godinama prošlog vijeka, a na sebi svojstven način, se osjećaju još i danas. Programme summary: “Twenty seventh picture” is a documentary researching cultural scandal that occurred at the end of seventies of the last century with the film “Occupation in 26 pictures”, as well as consequences of this scandal that dragged also in the eighties and nineties of the last century, and which is in a way felt even today. 60 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: FRIGGE FRI Zemlja / Country: DANSKA / DENMARK Trajanje / Duration: 38 MIN Režiser / Director: FRIGGE FRI Scenario / Screenplay: FRIGGE FRI Fotografija / Photography:EMIL AAGAARD Documentary O, TE ČISTOTE U POSMATRANJU PREDJELA / OH PURITY IN WATCHING LANDSCAPES – 2014 Kratak sadržaj: 'O, te čistote u posmatranju predjela' je dokumentarac zasnovan na koncertu orkestra "O, Te Čistote". Pjevačica Trinelise Vaering nas vodi kroz muziku detaljima i mislima. "O, te Čistote" je saradnja između rok pjevačiceTrinelise Vaering, džez klaviriste Jonasa Berga i baroknog ansambla Barokksolistene. Auditorij kakav nikad ranije nije viđen. Programme summary: 'Oh Purity in Watching Landscapes' is a documentary based on a concert by the orchestra Oh Purity. The singer Trinelise Vaering is leading us through the music with details and thoughts. Oh Purity is a collaboration between rock singer Trinelise Vaering, the jazz pianist Jonas Berg and the baroque ensemble Barokksolistene. An auditory meeting there has never been seen before. 61 Dokumentarni STARCI / HOME IS WHERE MY AGE IS – 2013 Producent / Production: VANJA JAMBROVIC Zemlja / Country: HRVATSKA / CROATIA Trajanje / Duration: 22 MIN Režiser / Director: ANJA STRELEC Scenario / Screenplay: ANJA STRELEC, TOMISLAVA JUKIĆ Fotografija / Photography:ANJA STRELEC Kratak sadržaj: Tri životne priče i tri različita načina razmišljanja vezana za jednu priču. Ovaj film pokazuje koliko su u stvari ljudi različiti: pjesnik, bivša direktorica staračkog doma i bračni par završili su na istom mjestu, u jednom staračkom domu gdje su osuđeni da čekaju svoju smrt. Ovaj dokumentarac zagrebao je po monotonoj površini ljudi trećeg doba otkrivajući njihove karaktere, pokazujući njihove svakodnevne živote i dajući priliku da budu ono što jesu a ne samo stari. Programme summary: Three life backgrounds and three different ways of thinking related to one story. This film shows how entirely different people: a poet, a former headmistress of the home for elderly people and a married couple end up in the same place, in one Home for elderly people, where they are doomed to wait for their death. This documentary scratches under the dull surface of third age people revealing their specific personalities by showing their everyday lives and it gives them the opportunity to be themselves and not just old. 62 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: ZENIT ARTI AUDIOVISIVE IN COLLABORATION WITH RAI EDUCATIONAL Zemlja / Country: ITALIJA / ITALY Trajanje / Duration: 26 MIN Režiser / Director: PAOLO CERETTO, DAVIDE TOSCO Scenario / Screenplay: PAOLO CERETTO, DAVIDE TOSCO Fotografija / Photography:PAOLO CERETTO Kratak sadržaj: "Kulturni šok" je više me dijski obrazovni i zabavni projekat ko ji cilja mlade i daje glas novoj generaciji di gi talnih pripovjedača is tražujući, s nove tačke gledišta, pitanje građa nina svijeta i kulturne raznolikosti. Kulturni šok je program koji vas vraća korjenima. Tokom 2 mjeseca virtualnog biranja, 45 kandidata se bori da osvoji avanturističko putovanje u sopstvenu zemlju porijekla. Kako bi ispunio misiju, italijanski putnik mora da se pridržava 5 pravila: nema CO2, nema hotela, nema taksija, nema suvenira niti brze hrane. Avantura, sa ograničenim budžetom i improvizovanim sredstvima transporta. Rasid i Anjeze su osvojili prvi izazov i sada su suočeni sa najvećim, 10 dana za upoznavanje Balkana. Documentary KULTURNI ŠOK / CULTURAL SHOCK – 2014 Programme summary: Cultural-Shock is a cross-media edutainment project targeting young audiences and giving voice to a new generation of Digital Storytellers exploring with a fresh angle the issue of world citizenship and cultural diversity. Cultural Shock is the program that takes you back to your roots. During 2 months of online casting 45 candidates battled to win an adventurous trip to their country of origin. A mission to be accomplished, an Italian travelling companion to find and 5 rules to follow: No CO2, No Hotels, No Taxis, No Souvenirs and No Fast-food. An adventure, on a tight budget with makeshift means of transport. Rasid and Agnese won the first challenge and are now faced with the greatest one, 10 days discovering the Balkans. 63 Dokumentarni POVRATAK POSLEDNJEG/ RETURN TO AUSCHWITZ – 2014 Producent / Production: IGOR PAULIĆ Zemlja / Country: HRVATSKA / CROTIA Trajanje / Duration: 44 MIN Režiser / Director: IGOR PAULIĆ Scenario / Screenplay: OLEG MANDIĆ, IGOR PAULIĆ Fotografija / Photography:IGOR PAULIĆ, DAMIR JEVTIĆ Kratak sadržaj: "Povratak Poslednjeg" je dokumentarac koji nas vraća skoro sedamdeset godina unazad, u vrijeme kada je pojedinac bio samo broj, i u mjesto gdje je sudbina mnogih postala dio užasne statistike nacističkih logora smrti i njihove industrije smrti. Naš protagonista, gospodin Oleg Mandic koji je imao jedanaest godina u vrijeme njegovog zatvaranja u logor zajedno sa majkom i bakom, postao je poslednji zatvorenik koji je napustio živ najveći i najozloglašeniji nacistički logor. Trenutak njegovog zvaničnog oslobođenja je zabilježeno kamerom ruskih novina kao što ćete i vidjeti u ovom filmu. Sada, sedam decenija kasnije, vraćamo se u Aušvic zajedno sa Olegom koji je most između naše sadašnjosti i užasavajuće prošlosti kojoj je bio svjedok. S jedne strane, imamo Olega kao jedanaestogodišnjaka koji se bori da preživi, a s druge strane, imamo našeg savremenika koji nas vodi kroz logor i svoju nevjerovatnu priču. Ovaj dokumentarac prevazilazi našeg protagonistu kao pojedinca jer je kapija logora Aušvic koja se zatvorila za njim kada je izašao kao poslednji zatvorenik, označila kraj i početak nove ere. Programme summary: "Return to Auschwitz" is a documentary film that takes us back almost seventy years to a time when life of an individual was nothing but a number and to a place where the destiny of many became a part of a frigthening statistics of Nazi death camps and their industry of death. Our protagonist, Mr. Oleg Mandic who was eleven years old at the time of his imprisonment along with his mother and grandmother became the last prisoner who left the biggest and the most infamous Nazi camp alive. The moment of their official liberation is caught on film by a Russian news camera as you will see in this film. Now, seven decades later, we return to Auschwitz along with Oleg who is a bridge between our present and the terrifying past he witnessed. On the one side, we have Oleg as an eleven-year-old boy fighting for his life and on the other our contemporary who leads us through the camp and his increadible story. This documentary surpasses our protagonist as an individual because the Auschwitz prison camp gate that closed behind him as he left that place as the last prisoner marked an end and a beginning of a new era. 64 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: IBA CHANNEL ONE Zemlja / Country: IZRAEL / ISRAEL Trajanje / Duration: 82 MIN Režiser / Director: MOOLY LANDESMAN Scenario / Screenplay: MOOLY LANDESMAN Fotografija / Photography: DANOR GLAZER, TSLIL LANDESMAN Documentary SAGA O JEDNOJ FOTOGRAFIJI / SAGA OF A PHOTO / SIPUR HAMATCHIL BI TMUNAH – 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Jedan trenutak u vremenu, iskaz sreće na vjenčanju dede i babe autora fima Moli Landesman 1926.godine u Berlinu. Trenutak kasnije, sve se promijenilo naglavačke. Ovo je priča o ljubavi i ljubavnoj priči koja prelazi granice - i fizičke i emotivne. Programme summary: For a moment in time one photo exposed the joy of filmmaker Mooli Landesman grandparents` wedding in 1926 in Berlin. A moment later, everything will turn upside down. This is story about love and a love story that crosses borders – both physically and emotionally. 65 Dokumentarni REZ / THE CUT - 2012 Producent / Production: ANDREAS FROWEIN Zemlja / Country: KENIJA, UGANDA / KENYA, UGANDA Trajanje / Duration: 43 MIN Režiser / Director: BERYL MAGOKO Scenario / Screenplay: BERYL MAGOKO Fotografija / Photography: JOSEPH KYASI, BERYL MAGOKO Kratak sadržaj: Obrezana djevojčica je kao kamen... Kurije u Keniji i Tanzaniji još uvijek praktikuju kao ritual sakaćenje ženskih genitalija. On je bolan, pa čak i opasan. Starije generacije i njihov pritisak da se održi nasleđe predaka... ali efekti prakse generacija stvorilo je mješano osjećanje kod mlade generacije u 21.vijeku. Pa šta mogu uraditi borci za ljudska prava? Programme summary: A circumcised girl is like a stone... The Kuria in Kenya and Tanzania are still practicing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) as a ritual. It is painful and even dangerous. The older generation and peer pressure want to uphold the legacy of the ancestors... but the effect of generational practice has created a mixed feeling in the young generation in the 21st century. So what can human right activists do? 66 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: ELISA TORRES ADAM Zemlja / Country: KOSTA RIKA / COSTA RICA Trajanje / Duration: 82 MIN Režiser / Director: OCTAVIO GUERRA QUEVEDO Scenario / Screenplay: OCTAVIO GUERRA Fotografija / Photography:ROBERTO ROMÁN / MARC GONZALO Documentary SVETA VODA / HOLY WATER / AGUA BENDITA – 2013 Kratak sadržaj: U malom selu u Kosta Rici, stanovnici nikaragvanskog porijekla predviđaju veliku sušu tokom ljetnjih mjeseci. Jedanaestogodišnji Geiner vjeruje da su duhovi jedini koji mogu, uz pomoć šamana, dozvati kišu. Programme summary: In a small village in Costa Rica, the residents of Nicaraguan origin forecast a great drought during the summer months. Geiner, an eleven years old child, believes that the spirits are the only ones that can make rain through chamans. 67 Dokumentarni ŽILE - PRIČA O ISTRAJNOSTI / ZHILE - NEVER GIVE UP STORY / ЖИЛЕ - ПРИКАЗНА ЗА ИСТРАЈНОСТА Producent / Production: REVOLUTION PRODUCTION Zemlja / Country: MAKEDONIJA / MACEDONIA Trajanje / Duration: 25 MIN Režiser / Director: SASE DIMOVSKI / MERI JORDANOVSKA Scenario / Screenplay: SASE DIMOVSKI Fotografija / Photography:TRAJČE ANTOVSKI Kratak sadržaj: Priča o psu (Žile), koji je ranjen na šarplaninskom masivu u Makedoniji. Njegova priča se nastavlja u invalidskim kolicima. Pokreće se humanitarna akcija za njegovo zbrinjavanje I on biva odnešen u Americi. Tamo se susreće sa djevojčicom koja se zove Morgan I koja ima potrebu za konstantnog čuvara. Emotivna priča o životu jednog psa, nakon svega što je preživio I nije se predao. Programme summary: A story about a dog (Zhile), who was wounded in Sar Mountain range in Macedonia. Its story continues in a wheel chair. A humanitarian action is initiated and the dog is taken to America. There, he meets a girl Morgan who has need for constant guard. Emotional story of the life of the dog who survived so much and did not give up. 68 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: NAUTILUSFILMS GMBH Zemlja / Country: NJEMAČKA / GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 88 MIN Režiser / Director: JAN MICHAEL HAFT Scenario / Screenplay: JAN MICHAEL HAFT Fotografija / Photography:KAY ZIESENHENNE, JAN HAFT, STEPHAN KRASSER, JOHANNES BERGER Documentary DŽUNGLA U DVORIŠTU / THE BACKYARD JUNGLE - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Vrt već dugo ovaploćuje raj, i mnogi od nas pronalaze zadovoljstvo stvarajući sopstveni rajski vrt Eden. Uz pomoć prirode, stvaramo svijet opojnih mirisa i boja. Ali mnoga bića koja u njemu žive su neprimjećena. Vode tajnovite, misteriozne živote. I mnogo više skriva bašta nego što se to u prvom trenutku čini. Programme summary: The guarden has long epitomized paradise, and many of us derive great pleasure in creating our own Garden of Eden. With the halp of nature we fashion a world of beguiling scents and colours. But many of the creatures taht live here go unnoticed. Leading a secretive and mysterious lives. And there is more to the garden that meets the eye. 69 Dokumentarni SAN FRANCISKO - ZVUK ZALIVA / SAN FRANCSICO - THE SOUND OF THE BAY / SAN FRANCSICO - FLOWER UND POWER - 2014 Producent / Production: A&O BUERO FILMPRODUKTION GMBH Zemlja / Country: NJEMAČKA / GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 59 MIN Režiser / Director: CLAUS BREDENBROCK, PAGONIS PAGONAKIS Scenario / Screenplay: CLAUS BREDENBROCK, PAGONIS PAGONAKIS Fotografija / Photography:SABINE ROLLBERG (WDR-ARTE), PETER SOMMER (WDR) Kratak sadržaj: San Francisko – glavni grad hipija, centar Moći cvijeća, proslavljen u pjesmama “San Francisko” Skota Mekenzija ili “Noći San Franciska” Erika Bardona. Hitovi nastali 1967. godine, godine koja je ostala zapamćena kao "Ljeto ljubavi" u istoriji popularne muzike. Pored starih i novih hitova iz San Franciska, ovaj film pokazuje poseban značaj muzičke scene grada. Programme summary: San Francisco – Hippie capital, center of Flower Power, celebrated in songs like “San Francisco” by Scott McKenzie or “San Francisco Nights” by Eric Burdon. Hits that emerged in 1967, the year that went down as the “Summer of Love” in the history of popular music. In addition to old and new hits from San Francisco, this film shows the special significance of the city’s music scene. 70 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: BROCKHAUS / WOLFF GBR Zemlja / Country: NJEMAČKA / GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 85 MIN Režiser / Director: ANDY WOLFF Scenario / Screenplay: ANDY WOLFF Fotografija / Photography:ANDY WOLFF, TOBIAS TEMPEL, YUSUG GUUL Documentary KAPETAN I NJEGOV PIRAT / THE CAPTAIN AND HIS PIRATE / DER KAPITAN UND SEIN PIRAT - 2012 Kratak sadržaj: Njemačkog kapetana broda drže kao taoca na njegovom kontejnerskom brodu četiri mjeseca. Kada se pritisak poveća i kada mu posada okrene leđa, ispostavlja se da mu je jedini pratilac bivši neprijatelj. Programme summary: A German captain is held hostage on his container ship for four months. When the pressure rises and the crew turns away from him, the former enemy turns out to be his only companion. 71 Dokumentarni IZVAN ZIDOVA / BEYOND THE WALLS - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: WILFRIED STREHLAU / NORBERT VOGLER NJEMAČKA / GERMANY 50 MIN WILFRIED STREHLAU WILFRIED STREHLAU, NORBERT VOGLER WILFRIED STREHLAU Kratak sadržaj: Grupa muzičara invalida i muzičara ne-invalida čine maršni bend Lautenbache. Ovaj dookumentarac priča njihovu priču tokom perioda od godinu dana. Kao dio kulturnog festivala Kufe 12, udružuju se sa profesionalnim muzičarima i izvode konceptualno specifične koncerte na temu četiri elemenata. Granice postaju mutne po pitanju "invaliditeta" i "ne-invaliditeta" i sve to gubi na značaju tokom zajedničkih umjetničkih procesa stvarajući novo iskustvo za sve. Publika može vidjeti koliko su često teške probe kao i osjećaj zadovoljstva kada uspiju. Istovremeno, film daje uvid u živote nekih od protagonista npr. Rolanda koji voli svoj saksofon, ali mu je potrebno fizički da naporno radi na konkretnoj radionici kako bi se uravnotežio fizički. Jena Kristof koji je osnovao maršni bend prije više od dvadeset godina, priča priču o izazovima sa kojim se suočavao i šta znači za njega i muzičare da istraju u ovome. Uključivanje je centralna tema koja se istinski istražuje. Suočeni smo sa simboličnim zidovima i barijerama koje treba srušiti. Ovaj dokumentarac želi da ohrabri i da uvid da je tako nešto moguće. 72 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Documentary Programme summary: A group of disabled and non-disabled musicians make up the Lautenbacher Marching Band. This documentary tells their story over the course of a year. As part of the cultural festival Kufe 12, they team up with professional musicians and perform conceptuallly specific concerts to the theme of the four elements. Borders become blurred categories of "disability" and "non-disabled" lose their significance during the joint artistic processes creating a new experience for all involved. The audience can witness the often difficult rehearsal work as well as the feeling of joy when they succeed. At the same time the movie offers an insight into the lives of some of the protagonists ' e.g. Roland who loves his saxophone but also needs the labour intensive work at the concrete workshop to balance himself physically. Jena Christophe who set up the Marching Band more than twenty years ago, tells the story of the challenges he faced and what it means to him and the musicians to keep going. Inclusion is a central theme that is investigated deeply. We are confronted with symbolic walls and barriers that need to be broken down. This documentary wants to give the courage and insight to make this possible. 73 Dokumentarni ONAJ DRUGI SPORT/ THE OTHER SPORT – 2014 Producent / Production: MATTIAS LOW, VALENTINA SANTI LOW, ORVAR ANKLEW Zemlja / Country: ŠVEDSKA / SWEDEN Trajanje / Duration: 44 MIN Režiser / Director: MATTIAS LOW Scenario / Screenplay: MATTIAS LOW Fotografija / Photography:MATTIAS LOW, ORVAR ANKLEW Kratak sadržaj: Dokumentarac o razvoju ženskog fudbalskog tima u Švedskoj: od formiranja prvih klubova sredinom 1960-tih do danas. FIlm ne zanemaruje teškoće sa kojima se ovaj sport suočio u iznenađujuće neravnopravnom skandinavskom društvu. Programme summary: A documentary on the development of women’s football team in Sweden: from the formation of the first clubs in the mid 1960’s up until today. The film does not shy away from the difficulties the sport has faced in a surprisingly unequal Scandinavian society. 74 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: GINA ANGELONE, MOUNA STEWART, CINEMA LIBRE STUDIO Zemlja / Country: S.A.D. / U.S.A. Trajanje / Duration: 73 MIN Režiser / Director: GINA ANGELONE Scenario / Screenplay: GINA ANGELONE Fotografija / Photography: PATRICK A. STEWART Documentary BOLJE JE SKOČITI / IT'S BETTER TO JUMP - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Ovo je dokumentarac koji daje glas arapskim stanovnicima antičkog, zidom opasanog grada, Ake (koji se nalazi na sjevernoj obali Izraela) gdje su i njegovi stanovnici i sam grad suočeni sa neizvjesnom budućnošću. Kako Aka prolazi kroz teške ekonomske pritiske, ogromnu društvenu promjenu i stalne probleme među arapskim stanovništvom, aktuelna situacija prisiljava palestinske porodice da napuštaju mjesta gdje na desetine generacija ima svoje korjene i koja su oblikovala bogatu kulturu preko hiljadu godina. Unutar njihove trenutne dileme, skakanje sa antičkog morskog zida u kamenite vode postaje ne samo izraz ekstremnog raspoloženja, već i pitanje samoodlučnosti. "Bolje je skočiti" tka magičnu priču o istorijskom mjestu, njegovim ljudima i nadama koje imaju uprkos svim ograničenjima kako bi u životu činili velike korake. 75 Dokumentarni 76 Programme summary: This is a documentary that gives voice to Arab inhabitants of the ancient walled city of Akka (located on Israel's northern coast) as both the people and their town face a very uncertain future. As Akka undergoes harsh economic pressures, vast social change and on-going problems among its Arab populace, the present-day situation is causing Palestinian families to leave the places where they have grown roots for dozens of generations and shaped a rich culture for over a thousand years. Within their current dilemma jumping from the ancient sea wall into the rocky waters below becomes not only an expression of extreme exhilaration but also a matter of self-determination. It's better to jump weaves together a magical story of a historic place, its people and the hopes they hold beyond all limitation to make giant leaps of faith in life. XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: RTV SLO Zemlja / Country: SLOVENIJA / SLOVENIA Trajanje / Duration: 50 MIN Režiser / Director: ZVEZDAN MARTIČ Scenario / Screenplay: ZVEZDAN MARTIČ Fotografija / Photography: ALEŠ ŽIVEC Documentary MEKO KAO KAMEN / SOFT AS A ROCK - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Marjan Fabjan, sa tri olimpijske medalje, tri medalje sa svjetskih šampionata i 24 sa evropskih šampionata, je jedan od najuspješnijih džudo trenera na svijetu. Šest njegovih sportista je osvojilo medalje na većim takmičenjima, ali ako uzmete u obzir međunarodnu konkurenciju, onda je to zaista mala vojska. Koja je tajna njegovog uspjeha? Sportisti i treneri iz svih krajeva svijeta dolaze u njegovu gimnastičku salu da otkriju recept uspjeha. Bezuspješno. Programme summary: Marjan Fabjan, with three Olympic medals, with three medals from World championships and 24 from the European Championships, is one of the most successful judo coaches in the world. Six of his athletes have won medals at major competitions, but if one counts the other international competition, it is a veritable small army. What is the secret of his success? Athletes and coaches from all over the world come to his gym to discover the recipe for success. Unsuccessfully. 77 EKOLOGIJA ECOLOGY BAR 2014 Ekologija LJUTA SAM / I AM ANGRY - 2013 Producent / Production: RADIO TELEVIZIJA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE Zemlja / Country: BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Trajanje / Duration: 25 MIN 18 SEC Režiser / Director: DINNO KASSALO Scenario / Screenplay: DINNO KASSALO Fotografija / Photography:DINNO KASSALO Kratak sadržaj: Rijeka Ljuta formira se od Bijele, Srednje I Božije rijeke, ispod planine Treskavice. Na svom nedugom toku od 11 kilometara, izdubila je veličanstveni kanjon I pitka je cijelom dužinom. Uliva se u rijeku Neretvu, ispod Uloga. Administrativno I teritorijalno pripada Opštini Konjic. Mještani istoimenog sela Ljuta kažu: “Sve naše nevolje proizilaze upravo radi prirodnih dobara kojih smo imali na pretek, a prije svega šuma I voda!” Cijeli sliv rijeke Ljute, zbog svojih bioloških, pejzažnih, hidroloških I geomorfoloških vrijednosti, planiran je da bude dio nacionalnog parka. Ali, kao grom iz vedra neba dolazi vijest da je rijeka Ljuta predata slovenačkom koncesionaru koji na njoj planira izgradnju sedam protočnih I tri velike hidrocentrale. Time se rijeka Ljuta 100% stavlja u funkciju proizvodnje električne energije. “Nacionalni parkovi, a ne brane” , “Izvozimo struju, uvozimo vodu. Niđe veze!” protestvuju Zeleni. Sve paradoks do paradoksa u vodi, pod vodom, u zraku i na zemlji apsurda. 80 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Ecology Programme summary: River Ljuta/means "angry"/ is formed from White, Mid and God's river, under mountain Treskavica. On its short course of 11 km, she carved a magnificent canyon and is potable in its entire course. It flows into river Neretva, under Ulog. Administration and territory-wise, it belongs to Municipality of Konjic. Inhabitants of the village Ljuta say: “All our troubles come precisely because of natural wealth we had in abundance, forests and water in particular!” Entire confluence of river Ljuta, due to its biological, landscape, hydrological and geomorphological values, is planned to be a part of National park. However, news out of the blue - river Ljuta is given to Slovenian concessionaire who plans to construct 7 run-of-river hydroelectric power stations and three big hydroelectric power stations. In such a way, river Ljuta would be 100% used for power production. “National parks, and not dams”, “we export electricity, and import water. Where's the logic?!, Greens are protesting. Paradox after paradox in water, under water, in the air and in the land of the absurd. 81 Ekologija SVINJSKI POSAO U ČILEU / PIG BUSINESS IN CHILE - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: TRACY WORCESTER ČILE / CHILE 40 MIN TRACY WORCESTER TRACY WORCESTER ALASTAIR KENNEIL, CAMILO LANFRANCO Kratak sadržaj: Stanovnici Freirine, Čile, su blokirali najveću fabriku za proizvodnju svinjskog mesa koja se nalazi nedaleko od grada a koja ih truje otrovnim smradom i crpi dragocjenu vodu iz doline. Specijalne jedinice su napale blokadu, a njihov glasnogovornik je ozbiljno povrđen od strane privatnih zaštitara. Kao reakciju na pobunu na nacionalnom nivou zbog nasilja nad demonstrantima, vlada je objavila oštre ekološke zahtjeve kojima se kompanija nije mogla povinovati te je stoga morala da se zatvori. Programme summary: The residents of Freirina, Chile, blockaded the world's biggest factory pig farm just outside the town which was sickening them with toxic stench and depleting the valley's precious water. Special forces attacked the blockade and their spokesman was seriusly injured by privated security guards. In response to nationawide outrage at the violence against the protesters, the government announced stringent environmental requirements which the company was unable to comply with and so closed the factory farm. 82 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Fotografija / Photography: HUAQING JIN KINA / CHINA 42 MIN HUAQING JIN HUAQING JIN Ecology PUT BEZ KRAJA / ENDLESS ROAD / BEN PAO DE HUANG HUN – 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Janina majka nije poslušala kćerkin savjet i prijavila zagađenje koje prouzrokuje fabrika papira u selu, čak iako je pretrpjela odmazdu. Jan se brine puno za svoju majku i kako ovo može uništiti njenu porodicu. Rano proljeće 2014.godine. Janina majka ponovo pokreće peticiju. Voz ide kroz hladnu noć. To je dug put kome se čini da nema kraja. Programme summary: Yan's monther did not take hear daugher's advice and kept reporting the pollution issues caused by a paper-making factory in the village even after suffering the revenge. Yan worried a lot about her mother and that the whole family would be torn to pieces. It was early spring in 2014. Yan's mother started her petitioning around again. The train runs at the chilly night. It's a long way as if there is no end. 83 Ekologija GENERACIJA VALDSTERBEN / GENERATION WALDSTERBEN - THE FOREST DIEBACK GENERATION / GENERATION WALDSTERBEN - 2014 Producent / Production: RK - FILM Zemlja / Country: NJEMAČKA / GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 90 MIN Režiser / Director: REINHARD KUNGEL Scenario / Screenplay: REINHARD KUNGEL Fotografija / Photography:REINHARD KUNGEL, ANDREAS HEINRICH Kratak sadržaj: “Šuma umire!” – Ko se ne sjeća horor priča s početka osamdesetih. Da li je to bila sve uobrazilja? Ili je zaista šumi prijetio nestanak? Za jednu cijelu generaciju, umiranje šuma je bila omiljena tema i svakako glavni razlog njene politizacije. Autor filma Reinhard Kungel ne samo da je uspjeo da dā počast šumi, već i da oslika veoma ličan portret svoje generacije i da filmski iscrta period političkog buđenja. Programme summary: “The forest is dying!” – Who does not remember the horror stories of the early 80s. Was it all imagination? Or was the forest really coming to an end? For an entire generation the forest dieback was the favourite theme and at any rate, the main reason for their politicization. Fimmaker Reinhard Kungel has not only succeeded in creating a tribute to the forest, but also in drawing a very personal portrait of his generation and a cinematic sketch of the period of political awakening. 84 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: DANIEL CHAMORRO ŠPANIJA / SPAIN 20 MIN DANIEL CHAMORRO Ecology EKVADOR, SA ZATVORENIM OČIMA / ECUADOR, WITH THE EYES CLOSED – 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Ekvador je zemlja puna promjena koja se bori sa se sama razvije. Manos Unidas/ Ujedinjene Ruke/ pomaže u tom pravcu. Pjesništvo nas vodi da to otkrijemo, zatvorenih očiju. Programme summary: Ecuador is a country full of changes that fights for develop itself. Manos Unidas is helping in that way. A poetry guide us to discover it, with the eyes closed. 85 Ekologija ARDE LUCUS – 2013 Producent / Production: EVERNIAMEDIA SL Zemlja / Country: ŠPANIJA - SAD / SPAIN - USA Trajanje / Duration: 60 MIN Režiser / Director: OSCAR BRAIS REVALDERIA PRIETO Scenario / Screenplay: BRAIS REVALDERIA Fotografija / Photography: IVAN CARRASCO Kratak sadržaj: Prije 1700 godina, zid Lucus Augusti je bdio nad tadašnjim svijetom. Danas, potomci rimskog i keltskog naroda koji su živjeli u toj oblasti oživljavaju najvažniji festival o Rimskom carstvu na svijetu. Prije 13 godina, sve je počelo proglašavanjem gradskog zida Svjetskim nasljeđem, a tom proglašenju je prisustvovalo svega par ljudi tog dana. Danas, cijeli grad postaje mali dio antičkog Rima vraćajući iz prošlosti gladijatore da se bore za svoje živote u pijesku Cirkusa Bogova, mitološka bića koja jure gradom i Vojnike i Pretorijance koji čuvaju Cara Cezara Avgusta od prijetnje.Veliki Lucus Augusti oživljava svakog drugog vikenda juna kako bi se napravio jedan od najoriginalnijih i najinteresantnijih istorijskih oživljavanja ikad. Programme summary: 1700 years ago, the wall of Lucus Augusti watched over the so called world. In the present, the descendants of the Roman and Castrexo's (Celtic) people that lived in the area recreate the most important festival about the Roman Empire in the world. 13 years ago, everything began because of the proclamation of the wall of the city as World Heritage only a few people were attending that day. Today, all the city becomes a little part of the ancient Rome bringing back the Gladiators fighting for their lives in the sand of the Circus Gods and mythological creatures running all over the city and the Soldiers and Praetorians looking to keep safe the Emperor Cesar Augusto from the Castrexos threat. The Great Lucus Augusti comes to life again every 2nd weekend of June to make real one of the most original and interesting historic recreations ever seen. 86 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: GoldenEgg Production ŠVAJCARSKA / SWITZERLAND 50 MIN MARINA BELOBROVAJA VINCENZO CAPODICI, FRANZISKA TEUSCHER, MARTIN BÄUMLE, SANDRA ANNE GOBELBECKER, YVES NIDEGGER, JURY SAPIGA, PETER SCHUHMACHER, HUMBERT MOOSER RAPH MARINA BELOBROVAJA Ecology TOPLI SJAJ / WARM GLOW - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Učestvujući u putu koji je organizovala putnička agencija i Zeleni krst, grupa političara, novinara i turista odlazi u Černobil. Razgovaraju sa unesrećenima, posjećuju opštinu , učestvuju u komemoraciji i razgledaju napušteni grad duhova Pripyat. 5 dana, reditelj prati i snima intervjue sa putnicima fokusirajući se na njihove utiske, strahove i uvide. Film je sniman IPhonom što je omogućilo režiseru da se uklopi kao običan član grupe putnika. Programme summary: Participating in a trip organized by a travel agency and Green-Cross, a group of politicians, journalists and tourists travel to Chernobyl. They speak with affected people, visit the town-hall, take part in a mourning ceremony and inspect the abandoned ghost town of Pripyat. For 5 days, the director accompanies and interviews the travelers focusing on their impressions, fears and insights. The film was shot on an IPhone which allowed the director to blend in as a regular member among the travelers. 87 KRATKE TV FORME SHORT TV FORMS BAR 2014 Kratke TV forme BUĐENJE / THE AWAKENING – 2014 Producent / Production: ALEJANDRO GABRIEL CUBEROS Zemlja / Country: ARGENTINA Trajanje / Duration: 9 MIN Režiser / Director: ALEJANDRO GABRIEL CUBEROS Scenario / Screenplay: ALEJANDRO GABRIEL CUBEROS Fotografija / Photography:PEDRO ROMERO Kratak sadržaj: Tridesetih godina dvadesetog vijeka, Vito Liberatore odlazi u Argentinu kako bi pobjegao od dugova mafiji iz S.A.D.-a nadajući se da će im umaći na drugom kraju svijeta, baš kao što je i njegova porodica pobjegla iz istih razloga sa Sicilije u Ameriku nekoliko godina prije toga. Međutim, njega odmah po silasku sa broda prate gangsteri. Ponovo im bježi iako sa metkom u tijelu. Na kraju puta, on mora da se suoči sa sopstvenim strahovima i da ih ubije. Na taj način će sačuvati porodično nasleđe i završiti sa njima jednom za svagda. Programme summary: In the 1930s, Vito Liberatore goes to Argentina escaping from the ebts of the mob at the US believing he could lose them on the other side of the world just like his family thought when they escaped from Sicily to the States for the same reason several years ago. However, after getting off the boat, he is followed by the gangsters. He escapes again as far as he can even with a bullet inside him. At the end of the road, he has to face his fears and kill them. That way, he will be prepared to save his family legacy and deal with them once for all. 90 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: LA ACADEMIA DE ANIMACION ARGENTINA 1 MIN LULA GÓMEZ, JORDI PIULACHS Short TV forms NAHUAL - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Kombinujući tehniku usporenog snimka, piksela i papira, možemo vidjeti kao će se protagonistkinja transformisati na uznemirujući način (uz zlokobnu muziku) . Programme summary: Combining the technique of stop motion pixilation and paper, we can see how the girl protagonist of the film will be transformed (in time to the ominous music) in a disturbing one. 91 Kratke TV forme HEK TIK TAK / HEK TICK TACK - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: APEIRON FILMS AUSTRIJA & NJEMAČKA / AUSTRIA & GERMANY 5 MIN DAVE LOJEK SVEN - FRIEDRICH WIESE PHILIPP NEUBAUER Kratak sadržaj: Mladi par demolira stan očekujući da će uskoro imati bolji. S obzirom da se 90% svih nesreća desi kod kuće, trebalo bi da na ovaj film gledate kao na upozorenje od ekstremnog ponašanja. Programme summary: A young couple plays havoc with their apartment expecting to own a better one soon. Since 90% of all accidents happen at home, you should watch this film as a warning against extreme times. 92 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: GUDRAT HAMIDOV Zemlja / Country: AZERBEJDŽAN / AZERBAIJAN Trajanje / Duration: 6 MIN Režiser / Director: GUDRAT HAMIDOV Scenario / Screenplay: GUDRAT HAMIDOV Fotografija / Photography:FARID BAGHIROV Short TV forms ODLUKA / DECISION / QARAR - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Čovjek u očaju zbog žene koja boluje od raka kostiju. Ne može da podnese njenu bol i želi da joj pomogne koliko je to moguće. Postoji samo jedan način da prestane jednom zauvijek bol dok njegova žena spava. Programme summary: A man in despair of wife who suffers bone cancer. He can't stand her pain and wants to help her as soon as possible. There is only one choice to stop the pain once and for all while his wife is sleeping. 93 Kratke TV forme OČISTI PRAŠINU / DUST AWAY - 2014 Producent / Production: KIDSCAM Zemlja / Country: BELGIJA / BELGIUM Trajanje / Duration: 3 MIN Režiser / Director: KIDSCAM COLLECTIVE WORK Scenario / Screenplay: KIDSCAM COLLECTIVE WORK Fotografija / Photography:KIDSCAM COLLECTIVE WORK Kratak sadržaj: Prodavac usisivača pada u san ispred TV gledajući film o vanzemaljcima. Slike mu ulaze u um i nastavljaju da odzvanjaju u mislima. Sa katastrofalnim posljedicama. Programme summary: A vacuumcleaner salesman falls asleep in front of his TV watching a film about aliens. The images creep into his mind and continue to resonate. With disastrous consequences. 94 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: AUGUSTO BICALHO ROQUE Zemlja / Country: BRAZIL / BRASIL Trajanje / Duration: 4 MIN Režiser / Director: AUGUSTO BICALHO ROQUE Scenario / Screenplay: AUGUSTO BICALHO ROQUE Fotografija / Photography:AUGUSTO BICALHO ROQUE Short TV forms BJEKSTVO CRTAĆA / CARTOON AWAY / FUGA ANIMADA - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Crtanog lika muči njegov stvaralac, čovjek, kroz vježbe animacije. Tokom jedne od tih vježbi, animirani lik pronalazi put van papira na sto i bježi od ruku animatora. Programme summary: An animated drawn character is tortured by his creator, a human, through animation exercises. During one of the exercises the animated character opens a way out of the paper to the table and escapes from the hands of the animator. 95 Kratke TV forme DJELIĆI / FRAGMENTS / PEDAÇOS - 2013 Producent / Production: BRUNO AUTRAN Zemlja / Country: BRAZIL / BRASIL Trajanje / Duration: 17 MIN Režiser / Director: ATHANASIOS KALOGIANNIS Scenario / Screenplay: BRUNO AUTRAN Fotografija / Photography:KAUÊ ZILLI Kratak sadržaj: Jedna žena se budi u nekoj čudnoj kući i mora da sastavi djeliće lošeg sna kako bi shvatila šta je stvarnost. Programme summary: A woman wakes up in a strange house and must piece together the fragments of a bad dream to figure out what is real. 96 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: HELVECIO PARENTE Zemlja / Country: BRAZIL / BRASIL Trajanje / Duration: 16 MIN Režiser / Director: HELVECIO PARENTE Scenario / Screenplay: EDUARDO DRYSDALE Fotografija / Photography:GUSTAVO GUIMARÃES Short TV forms BEZIMENA NOĆ / NAMELESS NIGHT / NOITE SEM NOME - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Narko dileri preuzimaju Rio de Žaneiro. Dva prijatelja ugledaju jednu djevojku samu na ulici i odlučuju da je odvedu kući. Programme summary: Drug dealers take over the city of Rio de Janeiro. Two friends see a girl alone on the street and decide to take her home. 97 Kratke TV forme RIO, OLIMPIJSKI GRAD / RIO, OLYMPIC CITY / RIO CIDADE OLIMPICA - 2012 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: RIO DE CINEMA PRODUÇÕES CULTURAIS BRAZIL / BRASIL 7 MIN CLAUDIO FELICIO PIFANO SILVA CLAUDIO FELICIO DESIRE TACONI Kratak sadržaj: U Brazilu je postojala državna novinska agencija pod nazivom Nacionalna Agencija stvorena u Novoj državi koja je trajala do okončanja civilno-vojne diktature 1985. godine. Ova Agencija je imala nenamjeran humor zahvaljujući temama koje je obrađivala, vizuelnim karakteristikama, neobičnom i otmenom jeziku pripovjedača, govoru dobro prilagođenom hvalisavom planu. Kratki film "Rio, olimpijski grad" predstavlja upravo to. Sa jezikom prilagođenim vijestima nekadašnje Nacionalne agencije, ovaj film oponaša dokumentarac o Olimpijskim igrama u Rio de Žaneiru u 2016.godini. Programme summary: In Brasil, there was a state news agency created in New State that lasted until the end of the civil-military dictatorship in 1985 called the National Agency. This Agency has a unintentional humor thanks to the themes of the stories, the visual feature, unusual and lofty language of the narrators speech finely tuned to the vainglorious scheme. The short film "Rio Olympic City" plays exactly that. With a language modelled on the news of the former National Agency, the film is a mock documentary - not so misleading as well - about Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. 98 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: STEPAN ETRYCH Zemlja / Country: ČEŠKA / CZECH REPUBLIC Trajanje / Duration: 6 MIN Režiser / Director: STEPAN ETRYCH Scenario / Screenplay: STEPAN ETRYCH, KATKA MESTANOVA Fotografija / Photography:STEPAN ETRYCH Short TV forms ZAUVIJEK ZAJEDNO / TOGETHER FOREVER - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Samo je jedna prava ljubav. A to znate napamet kada ona dođe. Radnja kratkog filma "Zauvijek Zajedno" dešava se na Badnje veče. Duša zaljubljenog Petra je ispunjena nježnošću kao i Dvorakova melodija simfonije "Iz novog svijeta" koja svira na gramofonu. Petar zna da je dan kada je upoznao Barbaru promijenila njegov život. Zauvijek. Programme summary: True love is just one. And you know that by heart when it comes. The short movie Together Forever takes place at Christmas Eve, the soul of enamoured Peter is overflowing with tenderness as well as the melody of Dvorak’s From the New World symphony playing on a the turntable. Peter knows the day he met Barbara changed his life. Forever. 99 Kratke TV forme VIKTORIJA / VICTORIA - 2013 Producent / Production: CATALINA AQUAYO GARCIA HUIDOBRO, JAYNE MORGAN Zemlja / Country: ČILE / CHILE Trajanje / Duration: 16 MIN Režiser / Director: CATALINA AQUAYO GARCIA HUIDOBRO Scenario / Screenplay: CATALINA AQUAYO GARCIA HUIDOBRO Fotografija / Photography:PEDRO OLIVARI Kratak sadržaj: "Viktorija” je priča o ženi koja nakon veze odlučuje da ponovo upozna svoje tijelo; kroz njene fantazije i trenutke introspekcije, ona pokušava da upozna sebe i svoj novi život u samoći. Programme summary: "Victoria” is the story of a woman after a relationship who decides to discover her body again; across her fantasies and through introspective moments she tries to get near to herself and her new life in solitude. 100 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: ROMANY SAAD EGIPAT / EGYPT 7 MIN ROMANY SAAD ROMANY SAAD Short TV forms MRAČNO VREME / DARK TIME - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Slijepo dijete ostaje kod kuće samo sa svoje dvije starije sestre u odsustvu roditelja. Sestre se brinu o njemu, sve do nestanka struje. Onda su sestre te koje se plaše, a on postaje osoba koja se brine o njima u vremenu mraka. Programme summary: A blind child stays at home alone with his two older sisters, in the absence of their parents. The sisters take care of him, until a power cut occurs. Then, his two sisters become afraid, and he becomes the one who takes care of them in the time of darkness. 101 Kratke TV forme NAMJESTIO DJEČAK: MASAKR LIZALICA / FRAMED BY A KID: LOLLIPOP MASSACRE - 2012 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: SANDER MARAN, JAN ANDRESSON, KARL HANS ÕUNPUU ESTONIJA / ESTONIA 2 MIN SANDER MARAN SANDER MARAN, JAN ANDRESSON, KARL HANS ÕUNPUU SANDER MARAN Kratak sadržaj: Susret pješaka sa snajperistom sa krova. Programme summary: A pedestrian encounters a rooftop shooter. 102 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: ALEXANDRE BERGER FRANCUSKA / FRANCE 14 MIN ALEXANDRE BERGER ALEXANDRE BERGER BERTRAND NOEL Short TV forms BORILAČKI KLUB / THE CLUB / CLUB COMBAT - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Martial je najveći obožavalac "Borilačkog kluba". On odlučuje da otvori sopstveni klub poput onog iz filma Dejvida Finčera. Prvi sastanak "Kluba" je na podzemnom parkiralištu. Programme summary: Martial is the greatest "Fight Club" fan. He decides to open his own club as seen in the David Fincher's film. The first meeting of "The Club" takes place in an underground car park. 103 Kratke TV forme VRIJEME JE ZA RAZLAZ / TIME 2 SPLIT - 2014 Producent / Production: FABRICE BRACQ Zemlja / Country: FRANCUSKA / FRANCE Trajanje / Duration: 5 MIN Režiser / Director: FABRICE BRACQ Scenario / Screenplay: FABRICE BRACQ Fotografija / Photography: PHILIPPE BRELOT Kratak sadržaj: Par, malo dijete. Život je takav da je ponekad vrijeme za razlaz i da svako za sebe živi svoj život. Programme summary: A couple, a young child. Life is such that sometimes it is time to separate and live one's life independently. 104 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: JEAN LUC BAILLET FRANCUSKA / FRANCE 8 MIN JEAN LUC BAILLER JEAN LUC BAILLER DAVID WOJTKOWIAK Short TV forms CRNA NOĆ / BLACK NIGHT / NUIT NOIRE - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Nakon glupog izazova drugara, Itan, mladi srednjoškolac je sam noću, i pod svjetlošću ručne lampe, na jednom od gradskih groblja u potrazi za starom grobnicom... Programme summary: Following a stupid challenge with his friends, Ethan, a young high school student finds himself alone at night in one of the cemeteries in the city in search of an ancient grave by the light of his torch... 105 Kratke TV forme TAKO SLATKO / SO VERY CUTE - 2013 Producent / Production: KARINE BLANC, MICHEL TAVARES Zemlja / Country: FRANCUSKA / FRANCE Trajanje / Duration: 11 MIN Režiser / Director: VITAL PHILIPPOT Scenario / Screenplay: VITAL PHILIPPOT Fotografija / Photography:ROMAIN LE BONNIEC Kratak sadržaj: Negdje u Istočnoj Evropi. Djevojka ide na audiciju. Programme summary: Somewhere in Eastern Europe. A girl goes to a casting. 106 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: PHILIPPE DE LYON FRANCUSKA / FRANCE 7 MIN ESTRAGNAT SARAH-LAURE ESTRAGNAT SARAH-LAURE JOSÉ GEREL Short TV forms PRSTEN / THE RING / THE BAGUE - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Luda žena isprobava nečiji vjerenički prsten, a potom ga ne može skinuti. Programme summary: A lunatic woman tries someone else's engagement ring and cannot take it off. 107 Kratke TV forme MUZIČKI ŽIVOTNI VIJEK - ALLEGRO / MUSICAL LIFETIME - ALLEGRO – 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: ERWAN LE GAL, HILARY HAHN FRANCUSKA, SAD / FRANCE, U.S.A. 3 MIN ERWAN LE GAL Kratak sadržaj: Crno-bijela poetska alegorija života u muzici. Od kolijevke do groba... Programme summary: A black and white poetic allegory of a life in Music. From the Cradle to the Grave, at Least... 108 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: APEIROS FILMS IRSKA / IRELAND 13 MIN DAVE LOJEK GEMMA SWAIN CAINNEACH MAC EOIN Short TV forms VIDOVITA SJU / PSYCHIC SUE - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: "Ne govori jer se bližim prolazu između svjetova!" Sju radi kao vidovnjak loveći vjernike u život nakon smrti. Njena predstava ima mana. Zamislite njen šok kada otkrije da se duhovi zaista mogu pojaviti živima! Vrijeme je da se konsultuje "pravi" medijum! Programme summary: Speak not for I am nearing the threshold of the worlds! Sue works as psychic to prey on believers in the afterlife. Her show has some flaws. Imagine her shock when she discovers that ghosts can indeed appear to the living! Time to consult a "real" medium! 109 Kratke TV forme PREVIŠE LOŠ / TOO BAD - 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: ALESSANDRO DI FELICE ITALIJA / ITALY 18 MIN LORENZO BERGHELLA LORENZO BERGHELLA LORENZO BERGHELLA Kratak sadržaj: Putovanje kroz Bangland, grad koji se nalazi u distopijskoj Americi, gdje je novoizabrani predsjednik Republikanac objavio rat Mahabi, afričkoj zemlji, započinjući terorističku propagandu koja smatra svakog ne-kavkaskog građanina potencijalnim teroristom. Programme summary: A journey through Bangland, a city situated in a dystopian America, where the newly elected Republican President has declared war on Mahaba, an African country, starting a terror propaganda, that considers every non-Caucasian citizen as a potential terrorist. 110 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: DAVIDE POMPEO Zemlja / Country: ITALIJA / ITALY Trajanje / Duration: 10 MIN Režiser / Director: DAVIDE POMPEO Scenario / Screenplay: DAVIDE POMPEO Fotografija / Photography: VALENTINA VERNA Short TV forms ISPOVEDAONICA / THE CONFESSIONAL / IL CONFESSIONALE - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Ovaj kratki film je odavanje počasti otporu u Italiji tokom II svjetskog rata. Radnja se odvija u malom selu poslednjih mjeseci 1943.godine. Mladi se partizan, kako bi pobjegao grupi nacista, sakriva u ispovedaonicu crkve, pretvarajući se da je sveštenik. Biće prinuđen da sluša ispovjest njemačkog oficira protiv kog se borio prethodnog dana a koji je odgovoran za smrt njegovog brata. Programme summary: This short film is a tribute to the resistance in Italy during Second World War. It takes place in a small village in the last months of 1943. A young partisan to excape from a group of Nazis hides in the confessional of a church pretending to be a priest. He will be forced to confess the German officer against whom he fought the day before as well as responsible for the death of his brother. 111 Kratke TV forme ISAK / ISAAC / ISACCO - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: FEDERICO TOCCHELLA ITALIJA / ITALY 15 MIN FEDERICO TOCCHELLA FEDERICO TOCCHELLA DANIELE CIPRI Kratak sadržaj: Dijete u parku se igra sa figuricama od plastelina koje je samo napravilo. Njegova omiljena figurica je Isak. Isak je mali dječak kao i on, koji sanja, nada se i vjeruje u svijet. Isak je sretan jer je ovo dan kada će ići sa svojim ocem u planine da mu pomaže. Isakov otac se zove Avram. Priča koju dijete prikazuje je "Isakovo žrtvovanje". Programme summary: A child is in the park playing with his plasticine figures that he modeled himself. His favourite character is Isaac. Isaac is a little boy just like he is, who dreams, hopes and confides in the world. Isaac is happy because this is the day he will accompany his father to the mountains to help him out. Isaac's father is named Abraham. The story the child is staging is "Isaac's Sacrifice". 112 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: MARCANTONIO LUNARDI Zemlja / Country: ITALIJA / ITALY Trajanje / Duration: 5 MIN Režiser / Director: MARCANTONIO LUNARDI Scenario / Screenplay: MARCANTONIO LUNARDI Fotografija / Photography:ILARIA SABBATINI Short TV forms 370 NOVI SVIJET / 370 NEW WORLD - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: "370 novi svijet" je priča o ljudskoj usamljenosti i smrti snova. Ovaj film se poigrava sa dve vrste usamljenosti: prva je nametnuta, a druga se istražuje. Obije stvara novi svijet sa kojim se moramo suočiti. Programme summary: "370 New World" is a story on the human loneliness and the death of dreams. This work is played on two kinds of solitude: the first one is imposed, the other is researched. Both are generated by the new world that we have to face. 113 Kratke TV forme DAKTILOGRAF / TYPIST / MAKLID - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: YANA KLUVAK IZRAEL / ISRAEL 15 MIN SERGEY VLASOV SERGEY VLASOV DANIEL BAR Kratak sadržaj: U podzemnom svijetu, grupa daktilografa kuca stalno tekstove. Iznenada se jedna od mašina pokvari i daktilograf mora da izađe iz prostorije kako bi pronašao novu. On je prva osoba koja će izaći iz te prostorije ikad. Programme summary: In an underground world, a group of typists are typing texts constantly. Suddenly, one of the keyboards gets broken and the typist has to exit the room to find a new keyboard. He is the first one to exit this room ever. 114 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: MYEONG-HAN BAE Zemlja / Country: JUŽNA KOREJA / SOUTH KOREA Trajanje / Duration: 7 MIN 30 SEC Režiser / Director: WOO-SEOK JEON Scenario / Screenplay: WOO-SEOK JEON Fotografija / Photography:HYEONG-GEUN JO Short TV forms ISKLJUČIVO ISTINA / NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Sekretarica dobija odobrenje od nadređenog iz kancelarije. Troje zaposlenih i čistačica to gledaju. I mi (publika) gledamo ovu osobu preko ekrana za nadzor. Film "isključivo istina" pokazuje grešku, pojedinci samo prihvataju njihove neophodne informacije i donose zaključke iz sopstvenog ugla kroz svakodnevno ponašanje među zaposlenima u kancelariji. Vjerovatno će čak i publika koja gleda preko ekrana za video nadzor doneti drugačiji zaključak o sadržaju na ekranu. Šta je lažno a šta istina od onog što gledam? Da li je ekran video nadzora objektivan? Zar na ovaj ekran ne gledam ja, sa sopstvenim predrasudama i pristrasnostima? I zar nije moderno društvo puno nepovjerenja, i pakuje istinu kao laž, a laž kao istinu? Programme summary: A female secretary is obtaining an approval from the superior in the office. Three staff and a cleaning woman are watching it. And we (audience) are watching this figure through CCTV screen. The film ‘Nothing But The Truth’ is showing the error individuals only accept their necessary information and make judgment in their own position through the daily behavior among staff in a space of office room. Probably, even audiences watching the CCTV will make a different judgment on the contents of CCTV screen. Which is false and which is true about what I am watching? Then, is CCTV screen objective? Isn’t even CCTV screen I am watching viewed by my own prejudice and bias? And isn’t it a figure of modern society full of distrust, which packed the truth as falsity, falsity as truth? 115 Kratke TV forme PRINC / THE PRINCE - 2014 Producent / Production: FRANCESCO GIANINI Zemlja / Country: KANADA / CANADA Trajanje / Duration: 5 MIN Režiser / Director: FRANCESCO GIANINI Scenario / Screenplay: FRANCESCO GIANINI Fotografija / Photography:RICCARDO MARRONE Kratak sadržaj: Koje bi bile Vaše poslednje riječi ocu koji umire? Arogantni mladić posjećuje svog oca koji se čini da je na samrtnoj postelji. Sin, naš "princ" ne dolazi da plače niti da se oprosti. On dolazi samo kako bi pitao oca gdje je skrio novac. Čovjek na samrti daje kratak, zagonetan odgovor. Ponavlja i ponavlja i ponavlja isti odgovor ostavljajući sina u čudu i frustriranog. Međutim, poslednjeg dana njegove posjete on konačno dobija odgovor. Jasno i glasno. Programme summary: What would be your last words to your dying father?An arrogant young man visits his father who appears to be on his deathbed. The son our „Prince“ is not coming to shed tears or to say farewell. He has only come to ask his father where he’s hidden the money. The dying man answers with a weak cryptic response. This same response is given again and again and again leaving his son bewildered and frustrated. On the last day of his visit however he finally gets an answer. Loud and clear. 116 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: SPIRAFILM KANADA / CANADA 9 MIN CATHERINE BRETON CATHERINE BRETON FRANÇOIS GAMACHE Short TV forms A PRIORI - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Avgust je osoran čovjek koji ima radnju elektronike više od pedeset godina i koji se gadi većeg dijela svijeta, posebno onih lijenih. Dženi živi na ulici, ali nasuprot Avgustovom vjerovanju, to je više iz ideologije, a ne lijenosti ili delikvencije. Niz događaja, uključujući iznenadni otkaz Lukasa koji radi u Avgustovoj radnji, primorava Avgusta da se suoči sa svojim predrasudama prema Dženi. Programme summary: August is a surly man who has owned an electronics shop for over fifty years and who loathes the better half of humanity especially the lazy. Jenny lives in the streets but contrary to what August believes, it is more out of ideology than laziness or delinquency. A series of events including the sudden quitting of Lucas from August's boutique forces the latter to face his prejudices towards Jenny. 117 Kratke TV forme KURT - 2013 Producent / Production: ARLEY PERERA Zemlja / Country: KUBA / CUBA Trajanje / Duration: 7 MIN Režiser / Director: LEONARDO MANCINI, ABEL ÁGUILA Scenario / Screenplay: LEONARDO MANCINI Fotografija / Photography:LEONARDO MANCINI Kratak sadržaj: Situacija u kojoj se nalazi protagonista kada ne može da pronađe svoj novac. Programme summary: Situation in which the character is when he can't find his money 118 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: NICK ROLLINGER Zemlja / Country: LUKSEMBURG / LUEMBOURG Trajanje / Duration: 15 MIN Režiser / Director: OLIVER KOOS Scenario / Screenplay: KOOS/NEUMAN/ BAUSCH Fotografija / Photography:JERZY PALACZ Short TV forms ASTA – 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Plemić Henrik L. se prijavljuje u hotel Grand sa svojom porodicom. Međutim, svrha njegove posjete je prilično neprijatna: njegov sin je ozbiljno bolestan i treba liječenje. Zabrinut stanjem bolesnog sina kao i zbog kraha međunarodne berze akcija, par se suočava sa teškim vremenima. Frustriran i usamljen Henrik upoznaje kičastu fatalnu ženu Astu Nielsen, čuvenu filmsku zvijezdu u kafiću hotela i Henrik brzo podliježe njenom opijajućem flertovanju i prevari ženu. Ko je ubio Astu Nielsen? Programme summary: The nobleman Henrik L. checks in the Grand Hotel wih his family. However, thereason for his visit is rather unpleasant: his son is seriously ill and needs treatment. Troubled by their sickly son's condition and the international stock market crash, the couple faces hard times. Frustrated and lonesome Henrik makes the acquaintance of the flamboyant femme fatale Asta Nielsen, the famous movie star at the hotel bar and Henrik quickly falls for her intoxicating flirtations and commits adultery. Who killed Asta Nielsen? 119 Kratke TV forme ČUDNA LJUBAV / A STRANGE KIND OF LOVE - 2012 Producent / Production: PETER VARSICS Zemlja / Country: MAĐARSKA / HUNGARY Trajanje / Duration: 14 MIN Režiser / Director: PETER VARSICS Scenario / Screenplay: FERENC WOSTRY Fotografija / Photography:DÁNIEL SZÖKE Kratak sadržaj: Priča o slijepoj djevojci koja mora da preboli svoju užasnu prošlost kako bi nastavila da se bavi umjetnošću kao slikarka i kako bi osvojila ljubav mladog obožavaoca. Programme summary: Film about a blind girl, who has to get over her terrible past, in order to both pursue her art as a painter and win the love of a young admirer. 120 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: CATHERINE TAN Zemlja / Country: MALAZIJA / MALAYSIA Trajanje / Duration: 9 MIN Režiser / Director: WE JUN CHO Scenario / Screenplay: WE JUN CHO Fotografija / Photography:WE JUN CHO Short TV forms FIKS / FIX - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Jan je policijac na tajnom zadatku koji izigrava sitnu ribu u lokalnom narko krugu. Uprkos redovnim telefonskim pozivima od svog misterioznog nadređenog koji ga uvjerava da će neko zauzeti njegovo mjesto, Jan postaje sve više paranoičan. Programme summary: Yan is an undercover cop posing as a small-time pusher in the local narcotics ring. Despite regular phone calls from his mysterious handler reassuring him that someone will eventually take his place, Yan grows increasingly paranoid. 121 Kratke TV forme HIKI - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: FOUAD LAZRAK MAROKO / MOROCCO 3 MIN RÉDA SABILE RÉDA SABILE Kratak sadržaj: Hiki je mladi astmatičar Hikikomori (neko ko nikad ne napušta kuću). On provodi svoje dane posmatrajući tiho animirane filmove i čitajući stripove. Jednoga dana je slučajno slomio svoj inhalator pa se suočio sa svojim najvećim strahom - da izađe van. Programme summary: Hiki is a young asthmatic Hikikomori (someone who never leaves home). He spends his days quietly watching animes and reading mangas. One day, he accidentally broke his inhaler so he was forced to face his biggest fear witch is going out. 122 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Fotografija / Photography: YAIR PONCE MEKSIKO / MEXICO 17 MIN SHANDOR BARCS OSWALDO TOLEDANO Short TV forms RITUALI POPRAVLJANJA / FIXING RITUALS / EL RITUAL DE LAS COMPOSTURAS - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Tokom porodične svađe, Montserat objavljuje svoje namjere da se odseli. Ovaj komentar narasta i vodi nas na put u privatni život svih članova porodice: odsutnog oca, zapovjedničke majke, zamjene za majku, i kćerke koja vodi razgovor između udobnosti i slobode. Programme summary: During a family conflict, Montserrat announces her intentions of moving out. This argument evolves and takes us on a trip into the private world of each family member: an absent father, an over-bearing mother, a substitute mother figure, and a daughter who debates between comfort and freedom. 123 Kratke TV forme TROPSKA NEDELJA / TROPICAL SUNDAY - 2013 Producent / Production: FABIAN RIBEZZO, SILVIA BOTTONE Zemlja / Country: MOZAMBIK / MOZAMBIQUE Trajanje / Duration: 14 MIN Režiser / Director: FABIÁN RIBEZZO Scenario / Screenplay: FABIÁN RIBEZZO Fotografija / Photography:PIPAS FORJAZ Kratak sadržaj: Maputo, Mozambik. Liza, Babu, Gito i Nuno žive na ulici. Nedeljom, provode vrijeme u zabavnom parku, pokušavajući da uskoče i ponovo se osjete djecom. Programme summary: Maputo, Mozambique. Lisa, Babu, Gito and Nuno live on the streets. At Sunday they spend the time at the Funfair, looking for a chance to jump on a ride and feel like children again. 124 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: MARTIJN DAAMEN Zemlja / Country: NIZOZEMSKA / THE NETHERLANDS Trajanje / Duration: 12 MIN Režiser / Director: WENHARDT TESS Scenario / Screenplay: MARTIJN DAAMEN Fotografija / Photography:RALPH LINDSEN Short TV forms NE UBIJAJ GLASNIKA / DON'T KILL THE MESSENGER - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Dostavljajući paket kompaniji koja se bavi rekvizitima, poštar i ne sluteći postaje upetljan u igru gdje su ulozi život i smrt. Programme summary: When delivering a package to a prop company, an unsuspecting postman becomes enbroiled in a game with life and death stakes. 125 Kratke TV forme NESPOKOJ / INQUIETUDE - 2014 Producent / Production: FIN FILM/ MORGAN DAVIDSEN Zemlja / Country: NORVEŠKA / NORWAY Trajanje / Duration: 12 MIN Režiser / Director: MORGAN DAVIDSEN Scenario / Screenplay: MORGAN DAVIDSEN Fotografija / Photography:MAGNUS FLATO, KIM DILLEVIG AAS Kratak sadržaj: Ana je u Njujorku kako bi postala plesačica. Jureći za svojim snom, ona nema drugog izbora niti drugačijeg načina. Kratak film o umjetničkoj ambiciji koja tjera ka cilju ponekad na granici između muke i ludila. Programme summary: Anna is in New York to become a dancer. In her pursuit of a dream, she has no other choice and know no other way. A short film about the artistic ambition that drives towards a goal sometimes on the verge of fatigue and madness. 126 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: PEDRO COLLANTES Zemlja / Country: NORVEŠKA / NORWAY Trajanje / Duration: 1 MIN Režiser / Director: PEDRO COLLANTES Scenario / Screenplay: PEDRO COLLANTES Fotografija / Photography:TROND ELIASSEN Short TV forms ŽIVOT U MINUTI / LIFE IN A MINUTE Kratak sadržaj: Starac razmišlja o ljubavi i o tome kako je život kratak. Programme summary: An old man reflects on love and the brevity of life. 127 Kratke TV forme GRIZLI / GRIZZLY - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Fotografija / Photography: ARVED LINDAU NJEMAČKA 9 MIN ARVED LINDAU FLORIAN MICHAELSEN Kratak sadržaj: GRIZLI - On je tu, došao je! U obližnjim šumama oko sela Meminiecz vreba teror stariji od sjećanja. Teror koji je počeo da lišava grada ono što ga prvenstveno i čini gradom, ako me shvatate. Teror počinje da jede mještane. To je potpuno zeznuto. Programme summary: GRIZZLY - It is here, it has come! In the forest surrounding the village of Meminiecz lurks a terror older than memory. A terror that has started to drain the town of that very thing that makes a town a town in the first place, if you know what I mean. I mean, the terror is starting to eat the Meminisczians. It's totally fucked up. 128 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: REDPINATA Zemlja / Country: NJEMAČKA / GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 3 MIN Režiser / Director: MAXIME BILLON Scenario / Screenplay: MAXIME BILLON, DAVE LOJEK Fotografija / Photography:MAXIME BILLON Short TV forms ZAMRZNUTI KABARE / KABARET FREEZE - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Vrijeme staje uz kreativne ljude Hamburgerkina. Možemo pogledati njihova lica i posmatrati situacije u kojima se nalaze. Najveća otvorena filmska radionica u Evropi koja okuplja talente i umjetnike iz svih oblasti. Programme summary: Time stops around creative people of Hamburgerkino. We can take a look at their faces and observe the situations they inhabit. The biggest open filmmaking workshop in Europe gathers talents and artists from all fields. 129 Kratke TV forme POVRATAK ZA PONETI / COMEBACK TO GO - 2013 Producent / Production: FLORIAN SAILER Zemlja / Country: NJEMAČKA / GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 12 MIN Režiser / Director: FLORIAN SAILER Scenario / Screenplay: FLORIAN SAILER Fotografija / Photography:JULIA VOGEL Kratak sadržaj: Lu (22), kuvarica u oronulom azijskom restoranu brze hrane i njen redovni mušterija Harald (67) sanjaju o boljoj budućnosti muzičara. Dok jedu sa rezance sa pikantnim sosom, snimaju pjesme za youtube i na zahtjev daju autograme, njihova iluzija može i nestati ali njihov duh nastaje da živi. Programme summary: Ly (22), a cook at a worn out Asian takeaway and her regular customer Harald (67) are dreaming of a better future as musicians. While eating noodles with spicy sauce, recording Youtube songs and singing autograph request, their illusions may fade but their spirit lives on. 130 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: KOCH NJEMAČKA / GERMANY 10 MIN KOCH FELIX JULIAN KOCH FELIX JULIAN MAXIMILIAN HILLMER Short TV forms LIZA LILI / LISA LILLY - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Osamnaestogodišnja srednjoškolka Liza snima seks filmove pod sinonimom "Lili". Ali s obzirom da ima moralnih briga i da nastavlja da trpi psihološki, ona zamišlja da je njen školski drug Leo koji radi na kiosku potajno zaljubljen u nju. Nakon što ona i Leo prisustvuju zabavi sa koje ih izbacuju zbog tuče, ona govori Leu o svojim strahovima te ono što se čini da će imati romantičan, sretan kraj ispostavlja se da je samo maštarija osmišljena kao odbrana u njenoj glavi. Programme summary: The 18-year-old schoolgirl Lisa shoots sex films under the synonym "Lilly". But since she has moral concerns and continues to suffer from psychological damage, she imagines that her school friend Leo who works in a kiosk to be secretly in love with her. After she and Leo are attending a party and getting kicked out of it because of a fight, she tells Leo her fears and what seems to end as a romantic happy ending turns out to be pure imaginary protection construct in her head. 131 Kratke TV forme TAJNI SVIJET FILMA / THE SECRET WORLD OF FILM - 2014 Producent / Production: HAYLEY SHEPPARD Zemlja / Country: NOVI ZELAND / NEW ZEALAND Trajanje / Duration: 7 MIN Režiser / Director: HAYLEY SHEPPARD Fotografija / Photography:HAYLEY SHEPPARD Kratak sadržaj: Prethodno sakriven svijet se otkriva nakon ispitivanja procesa koji ulaze u stvaranje štampane ploče. Programme summary: A previously hidden world is uncovered through examination of the processes that go into the creation of a circuit board. 132 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: LODZ FILM SCHOOL POLJSKA / POLAND 5 MIN BOGNA KOWALCZYK BOGNA KOWALCZYK Short TV forms NA KRAJU KRAJEVA / AFTER ALL - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Priča o umjetničkom nastupu gdje se vizija izvođača ozbiljno ne slaže sa vizijom publike. Programme summary: The story of an art performance when the vision of performer hardly miss match with the vision of an audience. 133 Kratke TV forme POTPUNA REMISIJA / COMPLETE REMISSION - 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: MONICA DINIZ PORTUGAL 14 MIN CARLOS MELIM FREDERICO FERREIRA Kratak sadržaj: Potpuna remisija je metafora između društvene i fizičke bolesti. Ovo je priča o dva prijatelja, gdje je jedan od onih ljudi koji ne vode računa ni o kome i ni o čemu da bi postigao svoje ciljeve. Programme summary: Complete Remission is a metaphore between social and physical disease, it's a story about two friends, where one of those doesn't look to anyone or anything to achieve his goals. 134 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: YULIA TRAVNIKOVA Zemlja / Country: RUSIJA / RUSSIA Trajanje / Duration: 9 MIN Režiser / Director: SERGEY TSYSS Scenario / Screenplay: SERGEY TSYSS Fotografija / Photography:DMITRY SAVINOV Short TV forms ROBOZEC / ROBORABBIT / ROBOKROLIK - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Robozec je mali heroj velike porodične svađe. Programme summary: RoboRabbit is a little hero of a big family quarrel. 135 Kratke TV forme ZDRAVO MAMA! / HELLO MOM! - 2014 Producent / Production: ELENA AKSELOVA Zemlja / Country: S.A.D. / U.S.A. Trajanje / Duration: 2 MIN Režiser / Director: VLAD AKSENOV Scenario / Screenplay: VLAD AKSENOV, SCOTT GIST Fotografija / Photography:VLAD AKSENOV Kratak sadržaj: Ovo je priča o životu osobe koja je provela svoj život a da nije donela ni jednu jedinu odluku sama. Život ljudskog bića je mnogo komplikovaniji nego što se to u prvi mah čini. Programme summary: This is a story about a person's life who spent his life without single choice made by himself. A human being's life is much more complicated that it looks like. 136 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: GEROLD WUNSTEL Zemlja / Country: SAD / USA Trajanje / Duration: 11 MIN Scenario / Screenplay: GEROLD WUNSTEL Fotografija / Photography:JAMES R STOLZ Short TV forms RUPREHT / RUPRECHT - 2014 137 Kratke TV forme EKSTREMA / EXTREMA - 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: PAULA JACKSON S.A.D./ U.S.A. 12 MIN RICARDO JABARDO Kratak sadržaj: Konkvistadoru se na samrtnoj postelji materijalizuju svi njegovi užasni postupci u Americi. Programme summary: A conquistador on his deathbed sees the horror of his action in America materialize. 138 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: SUSAN EINHORN, ROBERT CLEM SAD / U.S.A. 11 MIN SUSAN EINHORN, ROBERT CLEM DAVID LITTLE Short TV forms ZOVEM SE OSKAR / MY NAME IS OSCAR - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Za vikend tokom kojeg je dodjela Oskara, u svom kupatilu u Los Anđelesu, nezadovoljni glumac vježba govor koji nikad neće održati. Programme summary: On Academy Award weekend, in his bathroom in Los Angeles, a disgruntled actor rehearses the Oscar speech he will never give. 139 Kratke TV forme VEČERA ZA NEKOLICINU / DINNER FOR FEW - 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: NASSOS VAKALIS, KATERINA STERGIOPOULOU SAD, GRČKA / USA, GREECE 10 MIN NASSOS VAKALIS NASSOS VAKALIS Kratak sadržaj: "Večera za nekolicinu” je alegorijski prikaz našeg društva. Tokom večeri, "sistem" radi kao podmazana mašina. Samo hrani par izabranih koji na kraju, glupavo, troše sve resurse dok ostali preživljavaju od otpadaka sa stola. Neizbježno, kada se smanji snabdjevanje, borba za ono što ostaje vodi do katastrofalne promjene. Nažalost, plod ove duboke tranzicije ispostavlja se da nije znak nade, već slika i prilika svojih roditelja. Programme summary: “Dinner For Few” is an allegorical depiction of our society. During dinner, "the system" works like a well-oiled machine. It solely feeds the select few who eventually, foolishly consume all the resources while the rest survive on scraps from the table. Inevitably, when the supply is depleted, the struggle for what remains leads to catastrophic change. Sadly, the offspring of this profound transition turns out not to be a sign of hope, but the spitting image of the parents. 140 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: NGUYEN TUAN ANH TRAN SINGAPUR / SINGAPORE 2 MIN NGUYEN TUAN ANH TRAN NGUYEN TUAN ANH TRAN Short TV forms CENTAR GRADA / DOWNTOWN – 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Centar grada: tamo sijaju sva svjetla. Programme summary: Downtown: There all the lights will glow. 141 Kratke TV forme SLIKA / LA PEINTURE - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: NTU SCHOOL OF ART MEDIA AND DESIGN SINGAPUR / SINGAPORE 4 MIN CHAN YIN FONG, HUANG YAOHUI CHAN AND HUANG CHAN YIN FONG, HUANG YAOHUI CHAN AND HUANG Kratak sadržaj: Vizuelna muzička meditacija o transcedentalnosti. Programme summary: A visual music meditation about transcendence. 142 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: DJORDJE STOJILJKOVIĆ Zemlja / Country: SRBIJA / SERBIA Trajanje / Duration: 3 MIN Režiser / Director: DJORDJE STOJILJKOVIĆ Scenario / Screenplay: DJORDJE STOJILJKOVIĆ, NENAD VELJOVIC Fotografija / Photography: DJORDJE STOJILJKOVIĆ Short TV forms IGLA / THE NEEDLE - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Krojačica nakon napornog dana ne zna šta joj se dešava... da li je ovo san ili stvarnost? Programme summary: Tailor girl after hard work does not know what is happening with her... is it dream or reality? 143 Kratke TV forme RADNI MRTVI / THE WORKING DEAD - 2014 Producent / Production: FANDA FILMS Zemlja / Country: ŠPANIJA / SPAIN Trajanje / Duration: 8 MIN Režiser / Director: FERNANDO GONZALEZ Scenario / Screenplay: FERNANDO GONZALEZ Fotografija / Photography: GONZALO ARACIL, FERNANDO GONZALEZ Kratak sadržaj: Kada je sve izgubljeno, jedina nada je ustati. Programme summary: When everything is lost, getting up is the only hope. 144 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: HELHERPHOTO Zemlja / Country: ŠPANIJA / SPAIN Trajanje / Duration: 2 MIN Režiser / Director: HELHER ESCRIBANO Scenario / Screenplay: HELHER ESCRIBANO Fotografija / Photography:MARCO CANEDA Short TV forms BLAUMAR - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Silvija se srušila. Svuda je tražila ali nema ničega. Shvata da je nestala. Nikada nije mislila da će ovaj trenutak doći... sada obavijena zvukom mora, ona plače, bez snage, čekajući da ova noćna mora prestane zauvijek. Programme summary: Silvia collapses. She searched everywhere but there's no sign. Realizes that has disappeared. She never thought this moment would come... Now enveloped by the sound of the sea, she cries without strength, waiting for this nightmare to end forever. 145 Kratke TV forme S VREMENOM / OVER TIME / AVEC LE TEMPS - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: IVAN DIAZ BARRIU ŠPANIJA / SPAIN 5 MIN IVAN DIAZ BARRIU IVAN DIAZ BARRIU Kratak sadržaj: Vremenom sve odlazi, lica nestaju. To je naslutilo ovo gore jednim pogledom, kome vjeruješ bez znanja zašto, danas je ništa. Vremenom si prestao da voliš. U čast francuskog pjevača Léa Ferréa. Programme summary: Over time everything is gone, the faces disappear. That intuited to above with a single glance, at who you believed without know why, today is nothing. Over time you ceased to love. Tribute to french singer Léo Ferré. 146 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: IVAN VILLAMEL SANCHEZ ŠPANIJA / SPAIN 9 MIN IVAN VILLAMEL SANCHEZ IVAN VILLAMEL IGNACIO AGUILAR Short TV forms GOSPODIN DENTON / MR. DENTONN - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Jedne hladne, zimske noći, Laura čita svom bratu priču o čudnom stvorenju koje napada djecu. Iznenada, jeza prolazi kroz Laurino tijelo i ona osjeća čudno prisustvo u kući. To je on. Programme summary: On a cold winter night, Laura reads his brother David the story of a strange creature that attacks children. Suddenly, a shiver runs Laura's body feeling a strange presence in the house. It's him. 147 Kratke TV forme DOBROVOLJAC / VOLUNTEER / VOLUNTARIO - 2014 Producent / Production: JAVIER MARCO RICO Zemlja / Country: ŠPANIJA / SPAIN Trajanje / Duration: 4 MIN Režiser / Director: JAVIER MARCO RICO Scenario / Screenplay: BELEN SÁNCHEZ-ARÉVALO, JAVIER MARCO Fotografija / Photography: IÑIGO IGLESIAS Kratak sadržaj: Hime želi da živi u Holivudu. Njegovi roditelji žele da on stigne još dalje. Programme summary: Jaime wants to live in Hollywood. His parents want him to go a bit farther. 148 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: JORGE CASTRILLO Zemlja / Country: ŠPANIJA / SPAIN Trajanje / Duration: 10 MIN Režiser / Director: JORGE CASTRILLO Scenario / Screenplay: JORGE CASTRILLO, MIGUEL CASANOVA Fotografija / Photography:CARLOS RIGO BELLVER Short TV forms DOMINGO - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Aleks se budi jedne nedelje... Programme summary: Alex wakes up one more Sunday... 149 Kratke TV forme ROĐEN U ZIMU / BORN IN WINTER - 2014 Producent / Production: JOSSIE MALIS Zemlja / Country: ŠPANIJA / SPAIN Trajanje / Duration: 4 MIN Režiser / Director: JOSSIE MALIS Scenario / Screenplay: JOSSIE MALIS Fotografija / Photography:JOSSIE MALIS Kratak sadržaj: Video istražuje smjenu života i smrti i u kosmičkom i u ljudskom smislu - i neraskidivu vezu između te dve stvari. Programme summary: The video explores the circle of life and death in both the cosmic and human sense - and the inextricable link between those two things. 150 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: MARC NADAL Zemlja / Country: ŠPANIJA / SPAIN Trajanje / Duration: 15 MIN Režiser / Director: MARC NADAL MANZANARES Scenario / Screenplay: MARC NADAL Fotografija / Photography:MARC NADAL Short TV forms LJUDSKO OGLEDALO / THE HUMAN MIRROR / EL ESPEJO HUMANO - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Zasnovano na istinitoj priči. Sedamnaestogodišnja djevojka gleda svakodnevno okrutnost koja se pojavljuje u vijestima i njen um se sve više i više okreće opasnom načinu života. Programme summary: Based on a true story. A 17-year-old girl sees each day the cruelties announced in the news and her mind is getting closer and closer to the dangerous lifestyle of society. 151 Kratke TV forme ODRASLI / GROWN UPS / CASITAS - 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: VISUALIA C.A. ŠPANIJA / SPAIN 10 MIN JAVIER MARCO BÉLÉN SÁNCHEZ-ARÉVALO JAIME MARTINEZ Kratak sadržaj: Karlos i Marta imaju oboje po 35 godina i žive životom o kom su oduvijek sanjali... kuća sa baštom, pas i očekuju svakog časa bebu... ali savršeni život ne postoji. Programme summary: Carlos and Marta, both 35 years old, are living the life they've always dreamed of... a house with a yard, a dog and they're even about to have a child... but there's no such thing as a perfect life. 152 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: TEMPLE AUDIOVISUALES Zemlja / Country: ŠPANIJA & PORTUGAL / SPAIN & PORTUGAL Trajanje / Duration: 14 MIN Režiser / Director: JAVIER MACIPE Scenario / Screenplay: JAVIER MACIPE Fotografija / Photography:JAVIER CERDA Short TV forms DJECA RIJEKE / CHILDREN OF THE RIVER / OS MENINOS DO RIO - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Na rječnoj strani Oporta, sva djeca dokazuju svoju hrabrost skačući sa nevjerovatnog mosta Luis I u rijeku Duero. Leo to nikad ranije nije uradio. On je drugačiji ali je umoran od toga što svi smatraju da je kukavica. Programme summary: In the riverside neighbourhod of Oporto, all the children prove their courage by jumping from the stunning bridge Luis I into the Duero river. Leo has never done it before. He is different but he is getting tired of everyone thinking he is a coward. 153 Kratke TV forme M JE ZA MOBILNI / M IS FOR MOBILE - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: OZAN OZKIRMIZI TURSKA / TURKEY 3 MIN BARIS ERDOGAN BARIS ERDOGAN TANER TAMER Kratak sadržaj: Vezane ruke. Zapušena usta. Očajni čovjek prepušten na milost i nemilost hladnokrvnog mučitelja koji dobija naređenja putem sms poruka od nepoznate osobe. Šta će sledeće desiti? Da li ovoj noćnoj mori ima kraja? Programme summary: Hands tied. Mouth gagged. A desperate man is at the mercy of a coldblooded torturer who receives his orders as text messages from an unknown person. What will happen next? Will this nightmare ever end? 154 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: CEGLA PRODUCTION Zemlja / Country: UKRAJINA / UKRAINE Trajanje / Duration: 17 MIN Režiser / Director: VITALY POTRUKH Scenario / Screenplay: VITALY POTRUKH Fotografija / Photography:VOLODUMUR GALITSKY Short TV forms INSTINKTI / INSTINCTS - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Instikti je vode van iz skrovišta, vodi je potraga. Njima je stalo do krvi i oni daju nadu. Ali u potrazi da spriječe slijepilo, vide se prilično drugačiji instinkti. Programme summary: Instincts take it up out of den, and being driven by the search. They care about the blood and inspire hope. But in pursuit of preventing blindness see that it – quite different instincts. 155 Kratke TV forme DILER / DEALER - 2014 Producent / Production: SPENCER DODD Zemlja / Country: UK Trajanje / Duration: 12 MIN Režiser / Director: BEN DAWKINS Scenario / Screenplay: BEN DAWKINS Fotografija / Photography: OLIVIER CARIOU Kratak sadržaj: Sa filmskom muzikom pretećih tonova sa Burialovog albuma Diler Rival u pozadini, Ben Dokins donosi ovaj dramatičan i uzbudljiv kratki film. Za fotografiju je bio zadužen Olivier Cariou a snimano je u Londonu noću. Dokinsov film pun napetosti i straha, može se pohvaliti velikom filmskom postavom koju predvodi Osi Okerafor u ulozi Kurtisa, narko dilera koji je rastrzan između svjetle i mračne strane svoje ličnosti - zarobljen u najsiromašnijem dijelu glavnog grada... Programme summary: Soundtracked by the cinematic and menacing tones of Burial's Rival Dealer, Ben Dawkins delivers this dramatic and thrilling short film. Photographed by Olivier Cariou and shot in London at night, Dawkins' film full of tension and fear boasts a large cast headed by Osi Okerafor who plays Curtis, a drug dealer who is torn between the light and dark sides of his personality - caught up in the seedy underbelly of the capital... 156 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: RAINER NIERMANN Zemlja / Country: UK, NJEMAČKA / UK, GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 10 MIN Režiser / Director: RAINER NIERMANN Scenario / Screenplay: RAINER NIERMANN Fotografija / Photography: HELMUT SEISENBERGER Short TV forms DESILO SE JEDNOG DANA / IT HAPPENED ONE DAY - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: DESILO SE JEDNOG DANA je romantična komedija, nijemi crno-bijeli film sa muzičkom osnovom. Tom, stidljiv mladić očajnički želi da razgovara i osvoji divnu Melani. Ali, kad god mu se za to pruži prilika, on ne može da skupio hrabrost. Kako bi konačno napravio prvi korak, treba mu šansa ali i Melanin šarm i dobra volja. Kada im se napokon ukaže prilika, Melani mu daje broj telefona na novčanici od 5 eura...koju Tom slučajno koristi da bi platio račun. Očajan da stupi sa njom u kontakt, Tom mora da pronađe novčanicu ili izgubi Melani zauvijek. 157 Kratke TV forme 158 Programme summary: IT HAPPENED ONE DAY is a silent, music based, romantic comedy in black and white. Tom, a shy young man, desperately wants to talk to and win over the wonderful Melanie. But whenever he has the chance, he cannot muster the courage. It takes chance and Melanie's charm and goodwill for him to finally make a move. When the two of them at long last have hit it off, Melanie writes down her phone number on a 5-Euro-note... with which Tom then accidentally pays a bill. Desperate to get in touch again, Tom has to find that note or lose Melanie forever. XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: KAROLINA BERKELL-KIRK Zemlja / Country: AUSTRALIJA / AUSTRALIA Trajanje / Duration: 12 MIN Režiser / Director: TREVOR SMITH Scenario / Screenplay: TREVOR SMITH Fotografija / Photography: BRAD FRANCIS Short TV forms DOM POD OPSADOM/HOME INVASION – 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Dva okorjela kriminalca iz Istočne Evrope sprovode užasnu oružanu pljačku porodičnog doma u predgrađu. Napeta i klaustrofobična drama o teškoj provali dok su stanovnici u svom domu. Programme summary: Two hardened criminals from Eastern Europe execute a terrifying armed robbery on a suburban family home. An intense and claustrophobic drama aboout aggravated burglary on an occupied residence. 159 DJECIJI TV PROGRAM CHILDREN'S TV PROGRAMME BAR 2014 Dječiji TV program BEBA / BABY - 2012 Producent / Production: FRANCES WARD - WARD Zemlja / Country: AUSTRALIJA / AUSTRALIA Trajanje / Duration: 6 MIN Režiser / Director: DANIEL BIGGINS Scenario / Screenplay: DANIEL BIGGINS Fotografija / Photography: DANIEL BIGGINS Kratak sadržaj: Mladunče kengura bez majke podižu jedan mali dječak i njegova majka. Programme summary: An orphaned kangaroo joey is raised by a young boy and his mother. 162 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: CREATIVE MOVIES SL AUSTRIJA / AUSTRIA 60 MIN NATALIE HALLA - VILLA JIMÉNEZ NATALIE JOHANNA HALLA PAULA LUNA Children’s TV programme LISTOV NASLEDNIK / THE HEIR OF LISZT - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Kako nastaje muzički genije? Dokumentarac LISTOV NASLEDNIK govori o neobičnom životu jedanaestogodišnjeg genija pijaniste i kompozitora Mihaela Andreasa Haringera i rasvetljava manje poznate djelove biografija njegovih čuvenih predaka Franca Lista i Sofi Menter. Programme summary: How does musical genius come about? The documentary THE HEIR OF LISZT tells about the unusual life of the 11-year-old piano genius and composer Michael Andreas Häringer and sheds light on some of the lesser known aspects of the biographies of his famous ancestors Franz Liszt and Sophie Menter. 163 Dječiji TV program LAMI / LAMI - 2013 Producent / Production: CHRISTOPHE DEFAYE Zemlja / Country: FRANCUSKA / FRANCE Trajanje / Duration: 2 MIN Režiser / Director: CHRISTOPHE DEFAYE Scenario / Screenplay: CHRISTOPHE DEFAYE, OLIVIER DEFAYE Fotografija / Photography: CHRISTOPHE DEFAYE, OLIVIER DEFAYE Kratak sadržaj: La je stidljiv plavooki dječak. On uvijek pjeva sam. Jednog dana, sreće djevojčicu po imenu MI koja plače i otkriva prijateljstvo. Otkriva da pjevanje sa prijateljima stvara melodiju. Programme summary: La is a shy little blue boy. He is always singing alone on the line. One day, he meets a little girl MI crying and discovers frinedship. He finds out that singing together with friends becomes melody. 164 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: ARTIZANA Zemlja / Country: HRVATSKA / CROATIA Trajanje / Duration: 85 MIN Režiser / Director: IRENA ŠKORIĆ Fotografija / Photography: DARKO HERIČ Children’s TV programme DRAGI LASTANE / DEAR LASTAN - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Najtiražniji dječiji časopis u Jugoslaviji, zvao se “Modra Lasta”, u kojoj je, 1969. godine nastao Lastan. Za stotinu hiljada djece , Lastan je bio mitski junak. Junak koji je pomogao nesrećnim I zbunjenim dječijim dušama. Svako je dijete drugačije zamišljalo njegov lik, ali je u njega imalo povjerenje da mu može reći ono što se nije usudilo ispovijediti nikom drugom. Vijekovima, Lastan je bio legenda I najčuvenija tajna novinarstva. U ovom filmu otkriva se Lastanov identitet. Programme summary: Best selling children's magazine in Yugoslavia was called “Modra Lasta” /"Blue Sparrow"/ where Lastan was created in 1969. For hundreds of thousands of children, Lastan was a mythical hero. He was a hero who helped those children in need or confused children. Every child imagined his character differently, but they trusted him with things they would not confess to anyone else. For ages, Lastan was a legend and the most preserved secret in journalism. This film reveals Lastan's identity. 165 Dječiji TV program GODIŠNJICA BRAKA / THE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - 2013 Producent / Production: CENTRE FOR SOCIAL COMMUNICATION & CHANGE Zemlja / Country: INDIJA / INDIA Trajanje / Duration: 1:20 MIN Režiser / Director: VIJAY S. JODHA Scenario / Screenplay: VIJAY S. JODHA Fotografija / Photography:VIJAY S. JODHA Kratak sadržaj: Smješten na ivici pustinje Tar i usred najvećeg svjetskog vašara kamila, ovaj film govori o negativnoj strani jedne od najposjećenijih i najfotografisanijih turističkih destinacija na svijetu. Film naglašava izazov sa kojim je suočeno 2,5 milijardi ljudi na planeti svakog dana - pristup ulju za kuvanje. Ovo je takođe i oda ljudskoj genijalnosti i dobroj ekološkoj praksi - pretvaranje životinjskog otpada u energiju koja smanjuje zavisnost o biomasi i čuva ekologiju. Programme summary: Set on the edge of the Thar Desert and in the middle of worldş biggest camel fair, this film looks at the underbelly of one of the most visited and photographed tourist destinations in the world. The film highlight a challenge faced by 2.5 billion people on our planet everyday – access to cooking fuel. It is also a tribute to human ingenuity and sound environmental practice – turning animal waste into energy that reduces dependency on biomass and conserves the ecology. 166 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: NEERAV DOSHI INDIJA / INDIA 5 MIN NEERAV DOSHI Children’s TV programme SLATKIŠ ZA OČI / EYE CANDY - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Kratki film o dječaku opsjednutom parom naočara! Film pokazuje kako se dječakova "percepcija" mijenja kroz njegove avanture. Programme summary: A short film about a boy obsessed with a pair of spectacles! The film shows how the boy's "vision" changes through his adventures. 167 Dječiji TV program U DŽEPU OD KAPUTA / IN COAT'S POCKET / NELLA TASCA DEL CAPPOTTO - 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: GIUSEPPE DALSASSO ITALIJA / ITALY 12 MIN MARCO DI GERLANDO MARCO DI GERLANDO SIMONE CARIDI Kratak sadržaj: Luka je veoma introvertno dijete i njegovi jedini prijatelji su Kralj Bendžamin i paž Spartakus. Dvije lutke sa kojima mora da brani svoje malo kraljevstvo od dolaska okrutnog Princezojeda. Programme summary: Luke is a very introverted child his only friends are King Benjamin and the squire Spartacus. Two puppets with which it must defend his small kingdom by the arrival of cruel Eat Princesses. 168 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: MAX MIECCHI ITALIJA / ITALY 14 MIN MAX MIECCHI MAX MIECCHI ALESSANDRO BIANCHI Children’s TV programme POSLEDNJI PENAL / THE LAST PENALTY / IL RIGORISTA - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Izvođač penala i golman stoje jedan naspram drugog. Loptu je pažljivo postavio igrač. Treba da izvede poslednji penal. Sjećanja, emocije, trenuci i najvažnije odluke u životu padaju na pamet igraču dovodeći priču do neočekivanog kraja. Programme summary: The penalty kicker and the goal keeper are opposite each other. The ball is positioned carefully by the penalty kicker. He's about to kick the last penalty goal. The memories, emotions, moments and important decisions made in his life come to mind bringing the story to an unexpected end. 169 Dječiji TV program BRENTOV SAN / BRENT’S DREAM - 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: RAI ITALIJA / ITALY 26 MIN Alessandro Belli Kratak sadržaj: Brent Vinters voli drum, vozi sve što ima točkove i na taj način se oslobađa težine gravitacija koja neumoljivo vuče nadole njegovo tijelo. Od djetinjstva, on je išao na trke kako bi uživao u efektu centrifugalne sile koju je proizvodio njegov otac, profesionalni motociklista, čija je želja da sin bude njegova slika i prilika. Programme summary: Brent Winters loves the road, he rides whatever has wheels and frees him from the gravity weight which inexorably drags his body down. Since childhood he is thrown on racetracks on order to savour the effect of the centrifugal force by his father who is a professional motorcycle racer who wants to shape him to his image and temper. 170 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: MIZUI KAKERU Zemlja / Country: JAPAN Trajanje / Duration: 5 MIN Režiser / Director: MIZUI KAKERU Scenario / Screenplay: MIZUI KAKERU Fotografija / Photography:MIZUI KAKERU Children’s TV programme CRVLJIV / WORMY - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: "Staru knjigu" je napisao pisac a pročitali su je mnogi. Interpretacija namjere pisca i čitalaca ove knjige je nalik "životu". Stvorio sam ovo djelo sa temom "životi riječi su zatvoreni i otvoreni" što predstavlja koncept života i obnavljanja. Programme summary: "An old book" was written by a writer and was read by many people. The interpretation of the intention of the writer and readers of this book is just like "life". I created this work with a theme about "words lives are close and open" which represents the concept of life and regeneration. 171 Dječiji TV program KAMUSI KAMUSI / CAMUSI CAMUSI - 2014 Producent / Production: YACK REYES R Zemlja / Country: KOLUMBIJA / COLUMBIA Trajanje / Duration: 4 MIN Režiser / Director: YENNY SANTAMARIA AMADO Scenario / Screenplay: YENNY SANTAMARIA AMADO, DIEGO FERNANDO SÁNCHEZ BALLEN Fotografija / Photography:CHRISTIAN PAUL VALENCIA Kratak sadržaj: Remi i Sol, kao i većina djece tog uzrasta, vole muziku, zabavu i igru. Zato su i izmislili Kamusi Kamusi, igru gdje je muzički instrument protagonista zabave. Smiješne riječi, interesantni zvuci i smijeh je ono što ćete pronaći u Kamusi Kamusi. Programme summary: Remi and Sol, like most kids their age, love the music, fun and play. That´s why they have invented Camusi Camusi a game where a musical instrument is the protagonist of the fun. Funny words, interesting sounds and laughter is what you'll find in Camusi Camusi. 172 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: NICOLIEN OPDAM NIZOZEMSKA / NETHERLANDS 7 MIN NICOLIEN OPDAM Children’s TV programme SAMO JE JEDAN DOM / THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Visoki čovjek živi u maloj kući. Nizak čovjek živi u maloj kući. To baš i nije praktično. A ponekad je i bolno. Čini se da je zamjena kuća najbolje rješene. Ali da li lakši način uvijek donosi sreću? Programme summary: A tall man lives in a little house. A short man lives in a small house. That’s not very handy. That’s even painful sometimes. Change houses seems to be the best solution. But is the easy way always the happy way? 173 Dječiji TV program NJEGOVA BORBA / HIS STRUGGLE / SEIN KAMPF - 2013 Producent / Production: TONIO KELLER Zemlja / Country: NJEMAČKA / GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 17 MIN Režiser / Director: JAKOB ZAPF Scenario / Screenplay: JAKOB ZAPF, TONIO KELLER Fotografija / Photography: YOLISWA GÄRTIG Kratak sadržaj: Boris (16) želi da bude pravi skinhed! (bar ono što on smatra da to znači). Danas, stari Jevrej koji je preživio Aušvic dolazi da sa njima razgovara u školi. Ali njegov brat Marsel (18) ima plan... Boris se slaže da provociraju Dejvida (83). Ali nije računao na njegovo ponašanje i snagu njegove priče. Programme summary: Boris (16) wants to be real skinhead! (At least what he thinks that is.) Today an old Jew who survived Auschwitz is coming to talk to them at school. But his brother Marcel (18) has a plan... Boris agrees to provoke David (83). But he didn’t reckon with the presence of that old man and the power of his story. 174 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: OLGA AGRAFENINA RUSIJA / RUSSIA 6 MIN ALEXANDRA AVERYANOVA ALEXANDRA AVERYANOVA ALEXANDRA AVERYANOVA Children’s TV programme SIVE NIJANSE / SHADES OF GRAY / OTTENKI SEROGO - 2014 Kratak sadržaj: Početak 20.vijeka. Sant Petersburg. Dječak i djevojčica se sreću na željezničkoj stanici Tsarskoselsky a onda se razilaze nekoliko trenutaka kasnije. Dok odrastaju, oni dvoje hodaju istim ulicama Petersburga. Međutim, tek dvadeset godina kasnije, mistična veza koja se između njih javila u djetinjstvu ih dovodi ponovo na mjesto gdje su se prvi put sreli. Programme summary: Early 20th century. Saint Petersburg. A boy and a girl meet at the Tsarskoselsky railway station but get separated a few moments later. As they grow up the two walk the same streets of Petersburg. However, only twenty years later the mystical connection which emerged between them in childhood brings these young people back to the place where they had first met. 175 Dječiji TV program ŽIVE SLIKE TATJANE SKORLUPKINE / LIVING PICTURES BY TATIANA SKORLUPKINA - 2012 Producent / Production: TATIANA SKORLUPKINA, FEDOR FEVER Zemlja / Country: RUSIJA / RUSSIA Trajanje / Duration: 8 MIN Režiser / Director: TATIANA SKORLUPKINA Scenario / Screenplay: TATIANA SKORLUPKINA Fotografija / Photography:TATIANA SKORLUPKINA Kratak sadržaj: Originalna muzika određuje raspoloženje i ritam filma koji oživljava slike umjetnice i čini trodjelnu priču. Bijela ptica je filozofska meditacija o vječnosti, ljepoti prirode i ljudskoj taštini. Riba je humoreska koja govori o ribarevim snovima. Muzička akademija je priča o bubašvabi koja luta učionicama, sreće sve muzičke instrumente a na kraju pada u kandže emotivnog cimbaliste...ali... sve se ipak završava dobro! Programme summary: An original score sets the mood and rhythm for the film's bringing the artist's paintings to life and forming a three-part story. White bird is a philosophical meditation on eternity, the beauty of nature and human vanity. Fish is a humoresque which tells of a fisherman's cherished dreams. Music academy is the story of a cockroach who wanders into the classrooms, meets all the musical instruments and eventually falls into the clutches of an emotional cymbalist... but... it all turns out for the best! 176 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: VIBRISA Zemlja / Country: ŠPANIJA / SPAIN Trajanje / Duration: 7 MIN Režiser / Director: JAVIER NAVARRO MONTERO Scenario / Screenplay: JAVI NAVARRO, PEDRO HERRERO Fotografija / Photography: CARLOS CEBRIÁN Children’s TV programme UPRAVO SAM SANJALA SAN / I'VE JUST HAD A DREAM / ACABO DE TENER UN SUEŇO - 2013 Kratak sadržaj: Irena je osmogodišnja djevojčica i upravo se, nakon užasnog sna, probudila. Programme summary: Irene is eight and she just woke up from a horrible dream. 177 TV FILM TV FILM BAR 2014 Igrani program PIKNIK / THE PICNIC - 2014 Producent / Production: CZECH TELEVISION Zemlja / Country: ČEŠKA / CZECH REPUBLIC Trajanje / Duration: 80 MIN Režiser / Director: HYNEK BOČAN Scenario / Screenplay: HYNEK BOČAN, JIRI STRANSKY Fotografija / Photography: VLADIMIR HOLOMEK Kratak sadržaj: Devet bivših političkih zatvorenika se sastaju na pikniku. Svako od njih dolazi u društvu nekog člana porodice, sa ženom ili odraslom djecom sa unucima. Od početka, očekujemo da ovo nije samo obično putovanje u prirodu. Prvo, akteri imaju oko 80 godina. Uprkos tome što su neki ozbiljno bolesni, ne nedostaje im duha i smisla za humor. Iako je piknik na običnoj livadi, to nije običan piknik: postepeno saznajemo da je ova livada blizu ostatka nekadašnjeg komunističkog logora Vojna gdje su ovi zatvorenici proveli najbolje godine svog života. To vrijeme ih je povezalo i njihovo prijateljstvo je prekalila nesreća i nije imalo vidljivih pukotina na svojoj fasadi. Ali pukotine postoje: pristupom fajlovima Državne Bezbjednosti, otkrili su da je jedan od njih izdao ostale logoraše. Tokom ovog dvodnevnog piknika kojeg su organizovali oni žele da otkriju doušnika. Međutim, čak ni otvaranje ove stare rane koju je naneo jedan od njih, ne može da promijeni njihovo prijateljstvo. 180 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Feature programme Programme summary: Nine former political prisoners get together at an outdoor picnic. Each of them is accompanied by someone from their family, a wife or grown-up children with grandchildren. From the beginning, we anticipate that it is not just an ordinary trip into nature. First, our protagonists are around 80 years of age. Despite some of them being seriously ill, they don’t lack a resilient spirit and a characteristic sense of humour. Although the picnic takes place on an ordinary meadow, it is not an ordinary picnic: gradually it comes to light that the meadow is near the remnants of the former Communist camp called Vojna where these prisoners spent the best years of their lives. Those times bound them into a mutual friendship which was tasted by misfortune and did not allow for finding cracks in the façade. But the cracks exist: through access to the State Security files, they have found out that one of them had turned in other campmates. It is during this two-day picnic that they put paid to their suspicions and find out the name of the informer. However, not even opening this old wound caused by one of them can change anything about their friendship. 181 Igrani program ZALJUBLJEN U SAMOG SEBE / THE SELF LOVER / SESEMILENEC - 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: CZECH TELEVISION ČEŠKA / CZECH REPUBLIC 90 MIN FILIP RENČ EVA PAPOUŠKOVA, FILIP RENČ PETR HOJDA Kratak sadržaj: Opčinjavajuća psihološka drama o emotivnoj ucjeni i opasnoj, čak i patološkoj, vezi između jednog muškarca i jedne žene. Da li je biti sam zaista najgora stvar na svijetu? Dobićete odgovor iz ove jezive priče zasnovane na istinitim događajima u životu autorke Simone Monyove čija se lična veza pokazala po nju fatalnom. Uspješna poslovna žena Libuše, srednjih godina, na vrhuncu svoje ljepote, dobija zaista neočekivani rođendanski poklon od svoje dvoje prijatelja. Na ovaj način, usamljena Libuše sreće šarmantnog "kauboja" Ota koji donosi ljubav i sreću u njen život. Libušina sreća, međutim, ne traje dugo i euforiju zbog novog početka zamjenjuje stres i patnja. 182 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Feature programme Programme summary: A gripping psychological drama about emotional blackmail and a dangerous, even pathological, relationship between a man and a woman. Is being alone really the worst thing in life? You will get the answer from the chilling story which is based on true events in the life of author Simona Monyova whose own relationship proved fatal to her. A successful businesswoman, Libuše who is a middle-aged woman at the height of her beauty receives a really unexpected birthday surprise from her two best friends. In this way, the lonely Libuše meets the charming “cowboy” Ota who brings love and happiness into her life. Libuše’s happiness, however, doesn’t last very long and the euphoria from getting a fresh start in life is replaced by stress and suffering. 183 Igrani program DETONATOR / EL DETONADOR - 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: SEBASTIAN DIAZ CORRAL ČILE / CHILE 68 MIN LEONARDO CONTRERAS LARA Kratak sadržaj: Ambiciozni bokser sa svojim trenerom traži šansu da oživi boks u gradu Ovalle, nikad i ne sanjajući da će kroz potragu pronaći nepoznata mjesta i raznolika iskustva. Programme summary: An aspiring boxer with his coach, looking for an opportunity to revive boxing in the city of Ovalle, perhaps never thought that the search will lead to finding the most unknown places and experiences dissimilar. 184 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: PANDA MEDIA Zemlja / Country: FRANCUSKA, JUŽNA KOREJA / VIJETNAM - FRANCE, SOUTH KOREA, VIETNAM Trajanje / Duration: 74 MIN Režiser / Director: LOU MA HO Scenario / Screenplay: LOU MA HO Fotografija / Photography: OLIVIER COHEN BACRI Kratak sadržaj: Učitelj Truong, stari, carev Neustrašivi, bliži se kraju svog života a još nije našao svog naslednika. Zemlja se mora spremati za rat i Car je užasno nestrpljiv. Daje mu dvije sedmice da pronađe naslednika. Učitelj Truong odlazi u posjetu Čuvenom Generalu (Učitelj Wing) koji je nestao kako bi postao običan ribar. On živi sa svoja dva sina (Tin i Tan) i kćerkom (Lan sa otmenim licem) na obali jezera Ba Be. Napokon je pronašao osobu koja ima sve kvalitete naslednika. Nažalost, još jednom, stvari nisu tako jednostavne. Učitelj Truong će se vratiti u palatu bez naslednika ali sa nečim još vrijednijim. Feature programme KOAN PROLJEĆA / KOAN OF SPRING / KOAN DE PRINTEMPS - 2013 Programme summary: Master Truong, the old Fearless of the emperor is nearing the end of his life and he has not yet found his successor. The country has to be prepared for war and the Emperor is furiously impatient. He gives him two weeks to find it. Master Truong goes to visit an illustrious General (Master Wing) who had disappeared to become a simple fisheman. He lives with his two sons (Tin and Tan) and her daughter (Lan with a distinguished face) on the shores of the Lake Ba Be. He has finally found the person who has all the qualities to succeed him. Unfortunately, one more time things are not so simple. Master Truong will return to the palace without a successor but with something more precious. 185 Igrani program STARA VREMENA / OLD TIMES - 2014 Producent / Production: RAI Zemlja / Country: ITALIJA / ITALY Trajanje / Duration: 2X100 MIN Režiser / Director: MARCO TURCO Scenario / Screenplay: ALESSANDRO SERMONETA, MARCO TURCO Fotografija / Photography:ALESSIO GELSINI TORRESI Kratak sadržaj: Prije dvadeset godina, siromašno siroče, Madalena, pala je u šake advokata koji je silovao i napustio, ostavljajući je u drugom stanju. Djevojčica je rođena. Madalena nije imala sredstava da izdržava bebu te je završila, uprkos svemu, u bordelu. U tom trenutku ona je obelježena za cijeli život i može da radi samo kao prostitutka. Kako bi svojoj kćerki pružila budućnost, donosi bolnu odluku i daje djevojčicu na usvajanje. To je za nju tačka bez povratka. Programme summary: Twenty years earlier, a penniless orphan, Maddalena had fallen into the clutches of a lawyer who had raped and abandoned her, leaving her pregnant. A baby girl was born. Maddalena had no way to support the baby and ended up, in spite of herself, working in a brothel. At that point she was branded for life and could do nothing other than work as a prostitute. To give her daughter a future, she made the painful decision to give her up for adoption. It was a point of no return for her. 186 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: WESTDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK (WDR) Zemlja / Country: NJEMAČKA / GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 90 MIN Režiser / Director: STEPHAN WAGNER Scenario / Screenplay: HOLGER KARSTEN SCHMIDT Fotografija / Photography: THOMAS BENESCH Feature programme SLUČAJ HAGEDORN/ THE HAGEDORN CASE / MORD IN EBERSWALDE - 2012 Kratak sadržaj: "Slučaj Hagedorn” zasnovan je na autentičnom slučaju koje je obelježilo njemačku istoriju. Trostruki ubica djece, Ervin Hagedorn, je bio poslednji civilni delikvent nad kojim je izvršena smrtna kazna u Istočnoj Njemačkoj. Ronald Zehrfeld glumi kapetana Heinza Godicke, koji sumnja da su ubistva dva devetogodišnjaka u šumama Eberswalde 1969.godine djelo mentalno poremećene osobe. Ali ovakvo nešto ne može i ne smije da se dešava u pravom socijalizmu. Tek kada se desi treće ubistvo, Godicke kreće u istragu na svoj način i hvata ubicu. Programme summary: “The Hagedorn Case” is based on an authentic case that went into German history. Triple child murderer Erwin Hagedorn was the last civilian delinquent to be put to death in the GDR. Ronald Zehrfeld plays Captain Heinz Godicke, who suspects the murders of two nine-year old boys in the woods of Eberswalde in 1969 to have been the work of a mentally ill person. But something like this cannot and may hot happen under Real Existing Socialism. It takes a third murder before Godicke can follow up on his investigations on his own terms and, indeed, catch the killer. 187 Igrani program JAVNA UCJENA / PUBLIC RANSOM - 2014 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Glavni glumci / Leading actors: PABLO D'STAIR S.A.D./ U.S.A. 100 MIN PABLO D'STAIR PABLO D'STAIR, GOODLOE BYRON CARLYLE EDWARDS, HELEN BONAPARTE, GOODLOE BYRON Kratak sadržaj: Stiven (Karlajl Edvards) je sebični, nemoralni autor. Kada naiđe na poster ispisan bojicama "nestalo dijete" sa ispisanim brojem telefona, pomišlja da je bezopasno i odlučuje da napravi priču oko toga. Programme summary: Steven (Carlyle Edwards) is a self-serving, amoral author. When he stumbles on a crayon-scribbled “missing child” poster with a telephone number scrawled on it, he figures it to be harmless and decides to base a story around it. 188 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: PABLO BARRERA ŠPANIJA / SPAIN 70 MIN PABLO BARRERA PABLO BARRERA, CHUS VALLEJO, MANUEL VALDIVIA, CESAR VIDAL GIL, ELENA GONZALEZ DE SANDE Feature programme U SRCU OKEANA / IN THE HEART OF THE OCEAN / EL CORAZON DEL OCEANO - 2011 Kratak sadržaj: Priča je smještena u 16.vijeku. Kralj Španije, Čarls I je zabrinut zbog sve većeg broja međurasnih parova u španskoj Americi i odlučuje da finansira ekspediciju sa 80 mladih španjolki kako bi se naselio Novi svijet. Putovanje će trajati šest godina, a tokom ovog perioda ove žene su u stalnoj opasnosti. Baš kao i u stvarnom životu, ekspedicija će se morati suočiti sa napadima pirata, praćenjem urođenika, portugalskom konkurencijom za dominacijom nad ovim prostorom, i 2000km pješačenja koje ove žene moraju izdržati kroz džunglu kako bi stigle do svog odredišta. Programme summary: The story is set in the 16th century. The King of Spain, Charles I is worried about the growing number of inter-racial couples in Spanish America and decides to promote an expedition of 80 Spanish maidens to repopulate the New World. The journey will last six years, during which these women will live in constant danger. Just as it happened in real life, the expedition will have to fight against pirate attacks, natives stalking them, the Portugese competition to dominate these lands, and the 2000 km trek that these women had to make by foot through the jungle in order to reach their destination. 189 Igrani program LUDI ZAPADNJACI / THE EXPATZ – 2013 Producent / Production: Zemlja / Country: Trajanje / Duration: Režiser / Director: Scenario / Screenplay: Fotografija / Photography: CHIA - LIN YEH TAJVAN / TAIWAN 27 MIN JIMMIE WING JIMMIE WING JIMMIE WING Kratak sadržaj: Ludi bijelci divljaju u Aziji. Programme summary: White trash go crazy in Asia. 190 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar PRATECI PROGRAM ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMME BAR 2014 Prateći program Specijalni gost 194 Druženje sa... Srijeda, 22.oktobar 2014. godine u 20h; Dvorac kralja Nikole Specijalni gost je poznati glumac Zoran Cvijanović - producent i glumac koji je ostvario nezaboravne uloge u jugoslovenskim filmovima u poslednjoj četvrtini dvadesetog vijeka. Iza sebe ima mnogo uspješnih projekata. Zoran Cvijanović je rođen 1958. godine u Beogradu. Diplomirao je na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu. Odmah poslije diplome uspio je da se dokaže u seriji “Sivi dom”. Bio je to veliki momenat u njegovoj karijeri jer je poslije serije uslijedilo preko 50 TV serija i filmova kao što su “Lepa sela lepo gore”, “Mi nismo anđeli”, “Mile protiv tranzicije”, “Policajac sa Petlovog brda”. Od 1982. do 1987. bio je član dramskog pozorišta, a osim kao glumac dokazao se i kao režiser pa je tako režirao i nekoliko filmova. XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar A special guest is a famous actor Zoran Cvijanovic – producer and actor who has made unforgetable roles in Yugoslavian films during the last quarter of the 20th Century. In his carreer he has had numerous successful projects. Zoran Cvijanovic was born in 1958 in Belgrade. He graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. Right after obtaining his degree he managed to show his talents in a serial „Sivi dom“. It was a great moment in his carreer after which he participated in over 50 TV series and movies such as „Pretty Village, Pretty Flame“, „We Are Not Angels“, Mile vs Transition“, „The Policeman from the Cock’s Hill“. From 1982 untill 1987 he was a member of Drama Theatre, while beside as an actor he established himself as a producer as well, so he has produced a couple of movies. Accompanying programme Special guest Evening with... Wednesday, 22nd October 2014; at 20h King Nikola’s Palace 195 131 Prateći program Okrugli sto Okrugli sto “Digitalizacija i konvergencija Javnih servisa - Contitio sine qua non“ Petak, 24.oktobar 2014. godine; 10h Hotel Princess Imajući u vidu jedinstvenu priliku da se na jednom mjestu nađu ljudi sa različitih meridijana koji imaju različita, dobra ili manje pozitivna iskustva na ovu temu planirano održavanje skupa bi trebalo da omogući predstavljanje i razmjenu informacija i iskustava različitih subjekata koji su na direktan ili indirektan način uključeni u ovaj proces i koji će u većoj ili manjoj mjeri biti nosioci poslova vezanih za usaglašavanje crnogorskog zakonskog okvira i prakse sa EU tekovinom. Distinkcija obavezujuće digitalizacije spektra i neobavezujuće, ali neophodne digitalizacije proizvodnih resursa Javnih servisa i važeća regulativa. Period prelaska na digitalnu distribuciju signala i kampanja RDC Crne Gore u toku. Regionalna iskustva i gdje su u procesu digitalizacije stigli Javni servisi regiona – od Crne Gore koja ima želju da krene sa procesom, do Slovenije koja je proces odavno privela kraju. Promjena tradicionalnog novinarstva u multimedijalnu redakciju je izuzetno zahtjevan proces za sve uključene strane: novinare, tehniku, rukovodeći kadar. Svi emiteri se susreću sa sličnim problemima. Uvijek je stvar novca. Budžetski rezovi i programi štednje dovode do smanjenja broja novinara u redakcijama. Novinari ne žele da sjede u zajedničkoj redakciji sa svojim kolegama iz radija i portala. Međutim, jedinstvena TV, online i radijska redakcija je isplativija, a proizvodnja programskih sadržaja prilagođenija za različite medijske platforme. Veći izazov u implementaciji takvih sistema predstavljaju ljudski nego tehnički aspekti takvog poduhvata. Da li je neophodan? Odgovor je jasan. DA. To je način da Javni servisi opstanu konkurentni. Konvergencija je neophodan proces. Moderatori: Dejan Vujović, tehnički direktor RTCG i Marija Perović, umjetnički direktor TV Festivala 196 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Having in mind the unique opportunity to gather in one place people from different meridians who have different, but good or less positive experiences regarding this subject, the planned meeting should allow presentation and an exchange of information and experiences of different subjects who are directly or indirectly involved in this process and who will to a greater or lesser extent be in charge when it comes to issues related to harmonization of Montenegrin legal framework and practice with the EU heritage. Distinction of obligatory digitalization range and non – obligatory, but necessary digitalization of productive resources of Public service and relevant regulations. A period of transition to digital distribution of signal and a campaign of RDC Montenegro are in progress. Regional experiences and at what point are the regional Public services in the process of digitalization – from Montenegro who has a will to start with the process to Slovenia which has almost finished with it. Accompanying programme Round table Round table “Digitalization and convergence of Public TV Services – Conditio sine qua non” Friday, 24rd October 2014; at 10h Hotel Princess A change of traditional journalism to multimedia redaction is an extremely demanding process for all those involved: journalists, technical and managerial staff. All of the broadcasters do face similar problems. It is always a question of money. Budget cuts and saving programs lead to reduction in number of journalists in redactions. Journalists do not want to be at the same redaction with their radio and portal colleagues. But, the unique TV, online and radio redaction is more convenient, while the production of programs is more suitable for different media platforms. In the implementation of such systems much bigger challenge is in human than technical aspects of such attempt. Is it necessary? The answer is obvious. YES. It is a way for the Public services to stay competitive. Convergence is a necessary process. Moderators: Dejan Vujovic, technical director in RTCG and Marija Perovic, TV Festival art director 197 Prateći program Master class 198 Kao dio pratećih programa XIX ITF Bar, biće održan Master class na temu „Montažni procesi kao nezaobilazni dio u kreaciji igrane strukture na filmu i TV“. Predavanje će za studente crnogorskih fakulteta umjetnosti održati redovan profesor na FDU u Beogradu Snežana Ivanović. Srijeda, 22. oktobar 2014. godine; 10h Hotel Princess Snežana Ivanović je redovni profesor na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti u Beogradu od 1991. godine, na predmetima Filmska montaža i Montaža dugih igranih formi. Uža naučna, odnosno umjetnička oblast joj je Filmska montaža.Radi na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti od 1991.godine. Diplomirala 1984. godine na Katedri za filmsku i televizijsku montažu. Dobitnik je nagrade Slavko Vorkapić kojom je Katedra nagrađuje za najboljeg studenta.Izabrana je u zvanje redovnog profesora 2008.godine. Kao samostalni montažer debitovala je u filmovima: „Bal na Vodi“, „Već viđeno“, „Kuća pored pruge“, „Put na jug“, „Sabirni centar“, „Preci i potomci“, „Urnebesna tragedija“, „Kao rani mraz“, „Zajedno“, „Falsifikator“, i dr. Dobitnica je Plakete Jugoslovenske kinoteke za izuzetan doprinos razvoju filmske umjetnosti.Kao supervizor montaže predstavila se u igranom filmu „Dječaci iz ulice Marksa i Engelsa“. XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Snezana Ivanovic is a full – time professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade since 1991, for the subjects of Film montage and Montage for feature forms. Her more scientific and artistic area relates to Film montage. She has graduated in 1984 from the Department of film and television montage. She has been awarded by the Department with the Slavko Vorkapic Award for being the best student. In 2008 she has been appointed as a full – time professor. As a freelance montager she made her debut in fims such as: „Dancing in Water“, „Deja Vu“, „A House Near Train Tracks“, „Journey to the South“, „The Meeting point“, „Ancestors and Descendants“, „A Hilarious Tragedy“, „An Early Frost“, „Together“, „The Falsificator“ etc. She won an award of the Yugoslav Film Archive for her outstanding contribution to development of the film industry. In a feature film „The Kids from the Marks and Engels Street“ she appeared as a montage supervisor. Accompanying programme Master class As a part of accompanying programs at the XIX ITF Bar, there will be held a masterclass on „Montage processes as an essential part in creation of performing structure in film and on TV“. A lecture will be held by the full – time professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade Snezana Ivanovic for the students of Montenegrin faculties of art. Wednesday, 22nd October, 2014; 10h Hotel Princess 199 Prateći program ArTVision Prezentacija filmova Fakulteta Dramskih Umjetnosti sa Cetinja u okviru projekta ArTVision Četvrtak, 23. oktobar 2014. godine, 12h, Hotel Princess ArTVision - a.live.art.channel - je projekat finansiran od strane Adriatic IPA CBC programa 2007-2013. Partneri u projektu su : (Italija) Muzej savremene umjetnosti Pino Paskali, Regija VenecijaDirekcija za kulturne i izvođačke djelatnosti, Akademija lijepih umjetnosti iz Venecije, (Crna Gora) Ministarstvo kulture Crne Gore, Fakultet Dramskih Umjetnosti Cetinje, (Albanija) Ministarstvo Kulture Albanije, Univerzitet Umjetnosti iz Tirane, (Hrvatska) Primorskogoranska Županija i televizijski kanal RI iz Rijeke. Pridruženi partneri u projektu su su Euronews (Francuska), Artribune i Servizi-Italiani (Italija), Radio Televizija (Crna Gora) i RTV Now News (Albanije). ArTVision je projekat koji promoviše interaktivnu, kulturnu i međuinstitucionalnu inovaciju, među svim zemljama jadranske regije i Evrope. Misija projekta je da se pruži maksimalna vidljivost umjetničkih radova, lokalno produciranih ali visokih komunikacionih vrijednosti na internacionalnom nivou, tako da postanu dostupni najširoj publici. Cilj ArTVision-a je emitovanje znanja o savremenoj vizuelnoj umjetnosti, putem mreže komunikacionih kanala, televizija, web stranica, društvenih mreža, muzeja, javnih i privatnih institucija. Djela nastala tokom realizacije projekta će biti predstavljena široj javnosti kroz audiovizuelne radove umjetnika koji će raditi u međunarodnim TV ekipama. Na XIX ITF Bar biće prvi put javno prikazani i predstavljeni javnosti i medijima dokumentarni filmovi u produkciji Fakulteta Dramskih Umjetnosti sa Cetinja proizvedeni u okviru velikog međunarodnog projekta ArTVision-a, koji je tehnički partner u projektu i ima za cilj produkciju 50 audioviozuelnih programa na temu savremene crnogorske kulturne scene kao i edukaciju i usavršavanje studenata kroz proces proizvodnje tih programa. Na prezentaciji će biti prikazani filmovi i predstavljene projektne aktivnosti iz ugla crnogorskih partnera, tako će na prezentaciji govoriti: Sehad Čekić, dekan FDU Cetinje, Edin Jašarović, projektni menadžer i Dušan Kasalica,reditelj. Moderator prezentacije biće Svetlana Sošić. 200 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar ArTVision – a.live.art.channel – is a project financed by the Adriatic IPA CBC program 2007 – 2013. Partners in this project are: (Italy) The Museum of Contemporary Art Pino Pascali, Region of Venice – Directorate for cultural and performing activity, The Academy of Art in Venice, (Montenegro) Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, The Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje, (Albania) The Ministry of Culture of Albania, The Tirana University, (Croatia) Primorsko – Goranska County and the Television Channel RI from Rijeka. Conjoined partners in the project are Euronews (France), Artribune and Servizi – Italiani (Italy), Radio Television (Montenegro) and RTV Now News (Albania). ArTVision is the project which promotes interactive, cultural and coinstitutional innovation among all the countries of the Mediterranean region and Europe. The project mission is to provide an optimal transparency of artistic works, locally produced, but of excellent communicational value on the international level, so they can become available to mass audience. The aim of the ArTVision is to broadcast knowledge about the contemporary visual art, via communication web channels, televisions, web sites, social networks, museums, public and private institutions. Works created during the realization of the project will be presented in public through audiovisual works of artists who will be engaged in international TV crews. Accompanying programme ArTVision Presentation of the films of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje within the ArTVision projects Thursday, 23rd of October 2014, 12h, Hotel Princess At the XIX ITF Bar will be, for the first time, presented to the public and media documentary films produced by the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje created within a large international project of ArTVision, which is a technical partner in the project, and has an aim of producing 50 audivisual programs on contemporary Montenegrin cultural scene as well as for the education and specialization of students through the process of producing those programs. 201 Prateći program Solistički koncert Milica Raičević – solistički koncert Četvrtak, 23. oktobar 2014. godine, 20h; Svečana sala dvorca kralja Nikole Rođena 1989. godine u Baru. Srednje muzičko obrazovanje stekla je u muzičkoj školi Vida Matjan (Kotor) i Vasa Pavić (Podgorica), u toku kojeg je osvojila brojne nagrade na takmičenjima mladih solo pjevača. Godine 2008. upisuje Muzičku Akademiju u Splitu (Hrvatska) u klasi prof. Nelli Manuilenko (Ukrajina), gdje usavršava svoj pjevački talenat. Uz veliki broj koncerata po Crnoj Gori i Hrvatskoj, od posebnog značaja je njen debitantski operski nastup u Hrvatskom narodnom pozorištu u Splitu, u operi Adel i Mara (J.Hatze) gdje se publici predstavila sa ulogom Iviše. Nastupala je i u operama Slijepi miš (Strauss), Dioklecijan (Tjardović). Od 2011-2013 zaposlena je kao honorarni saradnik hora Hrvatskog narodnog pozorišta Split, sa kojim je učestvovala u radu na operama: La gioconda (Ponchielli), Nabucco (Verdi), Machbeth (Verdi), I vespri Siciliani (Verdi), Povratak mornara (Suppe), Ukleti Holandez (Wagner), Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni). Pjevačko izvođenje usavršavala je sa Vladimirom Vanjejevim (Rusija), dirigentom Hari Zlodrom (Hrvatska), Anom Šabašov (Hrvatska). Takođe, imala je priliku sarađivati sa poznatim dirigentima: Nadom Matošević, Lorisom Voltolinijem, Tonći Bilićem, Nikšom Barezom, Ivom Lipanovićem, Blaženkom Juračićem, Domenikom Briškim. Milica Raičević je 2013. godine stekla zvanje magistra opersko-koncertnog izvođenja. REPERTOAR: 1. S. Rachmaninov: Ne poj krasavica pri mne 2. D. Pejačević: U lovu je mjesec na sunce 3. L. Delibes: Les filles de Cadix 4. E. Cossetto: Quien es esto a la ventana? 5. J. Hatze: Suzi 6. X. Montsalvatge: Canto negro 202 7. C.M.Schönberg: I dreamed a dream 8. A.L.Webber: Think of me ~~~~~ pauza ~~~~~ 9. G. Puccini: Vissi darte ( "Tosca") 10. J. Strauss: Mon cher marquis ("Slijepi miš") 11. G. Verdi: Morro, ma prima in grazia ("Bal pod maskama") 12. E. Kalmaan: Heia,heia! ("Kraljica čardaša") Solo concert She was born in 1989 in Bar. Milica has gained her high - school music education in a music school Vida Matjan (Kotor) and Vasa Pavic (Podgorica). During that time she has won numerous awards on contests for young solo performers. In 2008 she gets enrolled in a Music Academy in Split (Croatia) in a class of prof. Nelli Manuilenko (Ukraine), where she ameliorates her talent. With a great number of concerts in both Montenegro and Croatia, of a special importance is her debut at the Croatian National Theatre in Split with the opera Adel and Mara (J. Hatze), where she represented herself in a role od Ivisa. She performed in other operas such as “The Bat” (Strauss), Dioklecian (Tjardovic). From 2011 – 2013 she is employed as a part – time assistant at the Chore of the Croatian National Theatre in Split, with whom she collaborated on operas such as: La gioconda (Ponchielli), Nabucco (Verdi), Machbeth (Verdi), I vespri Siciliani (Verdi), Sailor’s Return (Suppe), The Flying Dutchman (Wagner), Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni). She was practicing her singing performance and abilities with Vladimir Vanjejev (Russia), conductor Hari Zlodor (Croatia), Ana Sabasov (Croatia). Also, she had a chance to work with famous conductors such as: Nada Matosevic, Loris Voltolini, Tonci Bilic, Niksa Barez, Ivo Lipanovic, Blazenko Juracic, Domeniko Briski. In 2003 Milica Raicevic obtained her MA degree in opera and concert performance. Accompanying programme Milica Raicevic – solo concert Thursday, 23rd October, 2014; 20h; King Nikola’s Palace 203 Prateći program " Atomski zdesna" Besplatna projekcija filma Srđana Dragojevića „Atomski zdesna“; petak 24.oktobar 2014. godine u 20h; Bioskopska sala, Centar za kulturu 204 Riječ je o gorkoj komediji koja se tematski naslanja na njegove prethodne filmove «Lepa sela lepo gore» i «Rane». Osamnaest izuzetnih glumaca iz čitavog regiona (Srđan Todorović, Branko Đurić, Tanja Ribič, Nataša Janjić, Uroš Đurić, Bojan Navojec, Mima Karadžić, Ana Kostovska, Miloš Samolov, Hristina Popović, Zoran Cvijanović, Mira Banjac, Goran Navojec, Isidora Simijonović, Mladen Nelević, Dubravka Drakić, Brane Sturbej, Mirko Vlahović, Momo Pićurić, Božidar Zuber i dr.) i preko 50 statista iz Ulcinja, Bara i Podogrice koji su svih pet nedjelja učestvovali u snimanju . „Ovo je film koji će vas nasmejati ako vam je posle dve decenije ostalo želje za smehom, ali i rastužiti, ako vam je ostalo volje da razmišljate o sopstvenim životima”, kaže reditelj i scenarista filma, Srđan Dragojević. „Atomski zdesna“ prati grupu prodavaca „tajm šering“ apartmana ljudima iz bivše Jugoslavije. Najuspešniji agent Mladen (Srđan Todorović) je u tajnoj vezi sa Sonjom (Tanja Ribič) koja je udata za glavnog menadžera Metoda (Brane Sturbej). Saznavši za ženinu prevaru, on Mladenu dodeljuje najtežeg klijenta Omera (Branko Đurić), ratnog veterana iz Bosne i njegovu suprugu Maju (Nataša Janjić). Situacija se dodatno komplikuje kada u posetu dođe glavni menadžer iz „centrale“, Ditrih Fajzer (Uroš Đurić) koji je nezadovoljan rezultatima prodaje i saznavši da će ostati bez posla, tim prodavaca se baca na svoje „žrtve“ sa žarom očajnika. Film je snimljen u Ulcinju i Baru, u korpodukciji Delirium filma (SRB), Artikulacije (MNE), United Media, RTCG i RTS-a.Veliku zahvalnost dugujemo Ministarstvu kulture Crne Gore koje je prepoznalo potencijale ovog filma, bez čije podrške ne bismo dobili još jedan crnogorski film! XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar The film „From Zero to Hero“ follows a story of a group of sellers of „time sharing“ appartments to people from ex – Yugoslavia. The most successful agent Mladen (Srdjan Todorovic) is in a secret relationship with Sonja (Tanja Ribic) who is married to the main manager Metod (Brane Strubej). After discovering on his wife cheating, he assignes to Mladen the most demanding client Omer (Branko Djuric), the war veteran from Bosnia and his wife Maja (Natasa Janjic). The situation gets further complicated when the general manager Ditrih Fajzer (Uros Djuric) comes to visit, disatissfied with the sales results and finding out that they will remain out of work, the salesmen team throws on their „victims“ with a desperate fervor. The film has been shooted in Ulcinj and Bar, in cooproduction of Delirium film (Serbia), Artikulacija (Montenegro), United Media, RTCG and RTS. We are very grateful to the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro which has recognized potential of this movie, without whose support we would not have another Montenegrin film. Accompanying programme It is a bittersweet comedy which is thematically connected to his previous films „Pretty Village, Pretty Flame“ and „The Wounds“. Eighteen extraordinary actors from the whole region (Srdjan Todorovic, Branko Djuric, Tanja Ribic, Natasa Janjic, Uros Djuric, Bojan Navojec, Mima Karadzic, Ana Kostovska, Milos Samolov, Hristina Popovic, Zoran Cvijanovic, Mira Banjac, Goran Navojec, Isidora Simijonovic, Mladen Nelevic, Dubravka Drakic, Brane Strubej, Mirko Vlahovic, Momo picuric, Bozidar Zuber etc.) and over 50 supernumerary actors from Ulcinj, Bar and Podgorica who have participated in the screening for the whole five weeks. „This is a movie which will make you laugh if, after two decades, you still have a will for laughing, but it will make you sad if you still have a will to think about personal lives“, says Srdjan Dragojevic – director and screenwriter of the film. " From zero to hero" Free screening of the film „From Zero to Hero“ by Srdjan Dragojevic; Friday 24th of October 2014; at 20h Cinema, Cultural Center 205 Prateći program Starobarska promenada Stari grad Bar je smješten u podnožju planine Rumije, na krečnjačkoj stijeni, s pogledom na prostranu ravnicu koju je od vajkada kontrolisao utvrđenjem, od praistorije pa do 19. vijeka. Osobenost Starog grada Bara ogleda se u njegovom položaju jer nije kraj mora kao ostali primorski gradovi, što mu daje posebno obilježje, a ostaci nagovještavaju da se radilo o gradu izuzetne i produhovljene ljepote. Stari Bar je grad sa više od 2500 godina postojanja. Mediteranska klima, obilje voda i blagorodno polje učinili su ovo područje jednim od najstarijih staništa civilizacija istočne obale Jadrana. Ispod današnjih ostataka Starog grada pronadjeno je mnoštvo fragmenata keramičkog posudja koje okvirno datiraju od 8. do 5. vijeka p.n.e., kada je ovaj predio naseljavalo Ilirsko pleme Enhelejci. Kasnija iskopavanja otkrivaju nalaze i iz rimskog i ranovizantijskog vremena (3. do 5. vijek n.e.). U pisanim istorijskim izvorima iz IX i X vijeka Stari grad se prvi put pominje kao Antibareos, a zatim kao Antibaris i u XI vijeku kao Antibari kod cara Konstantina. Ambijentalna cijelina Starog grada Bara i njegovo okruženje, upotunjeno kulturno-prirodnim spomenicima - maslinama starim preko 2.000 godina, zatim činjenica da današnji urbani čovjek želi vidjeti i doživjeti svjedočanstva prošlih vremena, još ako su upotunjena rijetkostima, mogli bi biti osobena preporuka barskog kraja na svjetskim turističkim mapama. Za sve posjetioce Festivala biće upriličen dnevni izlet do Starog grada sa obilaskom Stare masline, gdje će moći uz pratnju specijalizovanog vodiča da se upoznaju sa bogatom kulturom i istorijom ovog kraja. Posjeta je planirana za petak ujutru, kada je inače pazarni dan u Starom Baru, pa će gosti imati priliku i da osjete pravu atmosferu, ali i da uživaju u degustaciji lokalnih specijaliteta. 206 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar The Old town of Bar exists for more than 2500 years. A Mediterranean climate, riches of water and good soil have made this area one of the oldest habitats of civilization on the East Adriatic’s coast. Under the remains in modern times have been found plenty of fragments of ceramic pottery which are believed to date from the 8th to 5th B.C. when the Illyrian tribe Enheleys were settling down in this area. Later excavations show traces from Roman and Early Roman period (3rd to 5th A.C.). In written historical sources from IX and X century the Old town of Bar is mentioned as Antibareos for the first time and later on as Antibaris, while in XI century during the time of Czar Constantine it is known as Antibari. The environmental entirety of the Old town of Bar and its surrounding, enriched by numerous cultural and natural monuments – like olive trees dating from over 2000 years ago, then a fact that modern people are eager to see and experience evidences from the past, especially if they are complemented by rarities, all of these could be such a unique recommendation of this area on a world’s tourist maps. For all the visitors of the Festival will be organized an excursion to the Old town with a visit to the Old olive tree, where accompanied by a tourist guide everybody will have a chance to learn more about the rich culture and history of this area. The excursion is planned for Friday morning and all the guests will have an opportunity to experience the real atmosphere and enjoy in tasting the local dishes. Accompanying programme Old town of Bar promenade The Old town of Bar is located at the foot of the mountain of Rumija, on a limestone rock with a view on a vast plain which has always been controlled by a fortress, from prehistory until the 19th Century. The uniqueness of the Old town of Bar lies in its geographical position because it is not built by the sea coast as other seaside towns are, which gives to this city a special characteristic, while the ruins indicate that the Old town was a place of an exceptional and divine beauty. 207 O nagradama Na Festivalu su zastupljene sljedeće takmičarske kategorije: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dokumentarni program/ istraživački TV program (do 100 minuta) Igrani dramski program – dramski i serijski program (do 100 minuta) Dokumentarni program iz oblasti ekologije i turizma (do 70 minuta) Dječiji program ( do 35 minuta ) Kratke TV forme – reklama, muzički video, eksperimentalni / umjetnicki video, kratki igrani film ( do 15 minuta ) SELEKTOVANJE PROGRAMA Selektor pravi izbor emisija za takmičarski program za sve kategorije. Dva su osnovna kriterijuma za selektovanje emisija: kvalitet i utvrđena dužina takmičarskog programa. ŽIRI Festival je smotra takmičarskog karaktera. Na Festivalu se prezentiraju emisije u zvaničnoj selekciji. Kvalitet emisija u zvaničnoj selekciji vrednuje jedan žiri za sve kategorije. NAGRADE Internacionalni TV festival Bar dodjeljuje sljedeće nagrade: Za najbolji program na Festivalu dodjeljuje se GRAND PRIX Festivala. Nagrada se dodjeljuje autoru programa. Dobitnik Grand prix-a Festivala je u obavezi da napravi kratak TV film o Baru ili Crnoj Gori, a organizator mu obezbjeđuje boravak na sljedećem Festivalu. Dokumentarni program 208 • Zlatna maslina - najbolji dokumentarni - istraživački TV program u cjelini • Najbolji autorski pristup ( režija / scenario / produkcija ) • Najbolji vizuelni identitet ( fotografija / montaža ) XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Igrani dramski program • Zlatna maslina – najbolji igrani ( dramski ili serijski ) program u cjelini • Najbolja režija • Najbolji scenario • Najbolja fotografija • Najbolja montaža • Najbolja muška uloga ( glavna ili sporedna ) • Najbolja ženska uloga ( glavna ili sporedna ) Dokumentarni program iz oblasti ekologije i turizma • Zlatna maslina – najbolji dokumentarni program iz oblasti ekologije i turizma u cjelini • Nagrada za najbolji autorski pristup ( režija / scenario / produkcija ) • Najbolji vizuelni identitet ( fotografija / montaža ) Dječiji program • Zlatna maslina – Nagrada Dragan Radulović najbolji program u cjelini Kratke TV forme – reklama, muzički video • Zlatna maslina - najbolja forma u cjelini • Nagrada za najbolji autorski pristup ( režija / scenario / produkcija ) • Najbolji vizuelni identitet ( fotografija / montaža ) Producentska nagrada se dodjeljuje za najbolju selekciju na Festivalu. Na Festivalu mogu biti dodijeljene i druge nagrade pored zvaničnih nagrada, koje odobrava Savjet Festivala posebnim Pravilnikom (nagrada publike ili drugih organizacija). 209 About awards The Festival has the following competitive categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Documentary programme / research TV programme (up to 100 minutes) Feature programme – TV film and TV series (up to 100 minutes) Documentary programmes on ecology and tourism (up to 70 minutes) Children’s TV programme (up to 35 minutes ) Short TV forms – commercials, music video, experimental / art video, short fiction ( up to 15 minutes ) PROGRAMME SELECTION Selector selects programmes for competition for all categories. There are two basic criteria for programme selection: quality and established duration of programmes in competitive category. JURY The Festival is a competitive event. Programmes in the official selection are presented in the Festival. Quality of the programmes in the official category is evaluated by one jury for all categories. AWARDS At the International TV festival Bar, the awards are as follows: GRAND PRIX of the Festival is awarded to the best programme at the Festival. Grand Prix is awarded to the author of the programme. The winner of Grand prix of the Festival is obliged to make a short TV film on Bar or Montenegro, and the organizer provides him with the accommodation for the following Festival. Documentary programme 210 • Golden Olive – best documentary – research TV programme as a whole • Best author’s approach ( directing/ screenplay/ production) • Best visual identity (photography / editing ) XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar Feature programme • Golden Olive – best feature (TV film or TV series) programme as a whole • Best directing • Best screenplay • Best photography • Best editing • Best actor ( lead or supporting) • Best actress ( lead or supporting) Documentary programme on ecology and tourism • Golden Olive – best documentary programme on ecology and tourism as a whole • Best author’s approach ( directing / screenplay / production ) • Best visual identity (photography / editing) Children’s TV programme • Golden Olive – Dragan Radulovic Award best programme as a whole Short TV forms – commercials, music video • Golden Olive – best short TV form as a whole • Best author’s approach ( directing / screenplay / production) • Best visual identity (photography / editing) There is Producer’s award for the best selection at the Festival. Apart from the official awards, other awards may be given, approved by the Festival Council through separate Rulebook (audience award or award of other organizations). 211 O BARU ABOUT BAR O Baru Poput većine crnogorskih gradova, i Bar je tokom svoje istorije pripadao različitim civilizacijskim i kulturološkim svjetovima. Međutim, za razliku od drugih crnogorskih gradova, Bar danas nije prepoznatljiv samo po jednom od svjetova čiji je dio, ponekad i vjekovima bio. Na nasljeđu jedne epohe, nastajalo je i izgrađivalo se novo. U tom novom nasljeđu uvijek su se jasno prepoznavale tekovine pređašnjeg. Grad maslina, pomorska kapija Crne Gore, vjekovno ognjište suživota, bez obzira na vjeru i naciju, Bar predstavlja spoj modernosti, tradicije i ljepote. Značajan je kao dinamični ekonomski centar Crne Gore, ali i kao grad koji čuva bogatu kulturno-istorijsku tradiciju. Neki od najznačajnijih civilizacijskih dometa na prostoru Crne Gore, nastali su u Baru: ovdje su sačuvani ostaci najstarijih pisanih spomenika, ovdje je nastalo najznačajnije književno-istorijsko djelo crnogorskog srednjeg vijeka, a grad je bio sjedište i najstarije vjerske institucije Crne Gore (Barske nadbiskupije). Pored toga u Baru se nalazi jedno od najstarijih maslinovih stabala na svijetu, Stara maslina na Mirovici, stara preko 2000 godina. Bogata kulturno-istorijska tradicija sjedinjena je na prostoru Bara sa jedinstvenim darovima prirode, povoljnom klimom i izuzetnim geografskim položajem. Prijatna mediteranska klima privlači veliki broj turista svake godine. Sa prosječnih 270 sunčanih dana godišnje, Bar je jedan od 214 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar najsunčanijih gradova Mediterana. 44 km morske obale, od kojih više od 9 km čine plaže, 67 km obale Skadarskog jezera i planinski masiv koji razdvaja ove dvije velike vodene površine, čine Bar idealnim odredištem kako za turiste koji žele da se odmore na prelijepim plažama i uživaju u netaknutoj prirodi, tako i za one koji hoće da obiđu brojne kulturne i vjerske spomenike ili da svoj odmor aktivno provedu baveći se brojnim sportskim aktivnostima. Nije istorijski utvrđeno kada je Bar nastao. Da je života na ovome mjestu bilo još u praistoriji, potvrđuju arheološki nalazi iz starijeg neolita i bronzanog doba. Prva naseobina drevnih stanovnika bila je u Barskom polju, od podnožja brda Volujica do Željeznice. Ostaci iz ilirskog perioda, zatim grčkog i rimskog prodiranja, i doba vizantijske dominacije, nalaze se svuda po barskoj opštini, što dokazuje da je bila izuzetno značajna svim kulturama i narodima koji su gravitirali ovom području. Pretpostavlja se da se Bar, kao obnovljeni rimski kastel Antipargai pominje u VI vijeku kod Prokopija. Prvi put se ime grada, kao Antobareos, sa sigurnošću navodi u X vijeku, u spisku dračkih sufragana, kao i kod cara Konstantina Porfirogenita u XI stoljeću kao d’Antibaris. U verziji našeg jezika, kao Bar, ime grada se pojavljuje prvi put u pisanim izvorima početkom XIII vijeka u Nemanjinoj biografiji, koju je napisao Stefan Prvovjenčani. U Baru je, u XII vijeku, barski nadbiskup Grgur napisao “Sclavorum regnum” (odnosno, “Barski rodoslov” ili “Ljetopis Popa Dukljanina”), najstariji literarnoistorijski spis u Južnih Slovena. 215 O Baru Ono po čemu je Bar oduvijek bio prepoznatljiv jeste njegovanje vjerske tolerancije među pripadnicima različitih konfesija. Po tradiciji, svake godine na dan Sv. Trojice pravoslavni, katolici i muslimani iznose na vrh Rumije Vladimirov krst koji, po vjerovanju, čuva cijeli kraj od svakog zla. Crkve u okolini Sutomora: Sv Tekle, Sv Dimitrija i Sv Roka imaju dva oltara gdje su istovremeno vršili bogosluženje i pravoslavni i katolički sveštenici. Isti je slučaj i sa manastirom Sv. Vasilije Ostroški na Ribnjaku. Maslina na Mirovici, stara preko 2000 godina, pravi je spomenik prirode, a po legendi bila je mjesto gdje su se mirile zavađene porodice. Pored ove atrakcije Barani se najviše ponose Starim gradom. Sahat kula, amam, barutana i akvadukt, kojim je grad snabdijevan vodom, nastali su u tursko doba. Sačuvani su i ostaci nekoliko sakralnih objekata različitih stilova iz različitih perioda. Stari grad Bar je najznačajniji kulturno-istorijski spomenik ovog područja sa očuvanim gradskim bedemima, citadelama, kapijom i kulom u kojoj su otkriveni fragmenti slovenske keramike od XIV do XVI vijeka. Na samoj morskoj obali izgrađen je 1885. god. Dvorac kralja Nikole koji se sastoji od velikog i malog dvorca, kula stražara, kapele i zimske bašte, a 1910. god. je dozidana i plesna sala. Utvrđenje Haj-Nehaj predstavlja ostatke srednjovjekovnog grada Nehaj koji su u XV vijeku podigli Mlečani na nepristupačnom brdu iznad Sutomora. Sakralni objekti, nekada duhovna središta, danas su najčešće spomenici kulture. Od velikog broja manastira, crkava i džamija nastalih u Baru i njegovoj okolini sačuvani su uglavnom njihovi ostaci, rasuti duž obale mora, na ostrvima Skadarskog jezera, u starom dijelu grada i crmničkom kraju. 216 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar About Bar Like many Montenegrin towns, Bar has belonged to various civilizational and cultural worlds in the course of its history. However, unlike other Montenegrin towns, Bar is not recognizable today only for one of the worlds which it has been a part of, sometimes even for centuries. On the inheritance of an epoch, a new one has been created and built. In that new inheritance, the achievements of the previous one have always been recognized. The town of olives, the naval gateway of Montenegro, the centuries-old hearth of coexistence, Bar represents a bond of modernity, tradition and beauty. It is important as an economic centre of Montenegro, but also as a town that guards the opulent culture-historical tradition. Some of the most important civilizational achievements on the territory of Montenegro have emerged in Bar: the remains of the oldest written records have been preserved here, the most important literary-historical work of the medieval Montenegro has been written here, and the town has been the residence of the oldest religious institution of Montenegro (the Archdiocese of Bar). Moreover, there is one of the oldest olive trees in the world in Bar, the Old Olive Tree in Mirovica, more than 2000 years old. The abundant culture-historical tradition has been merged in the area of Bar with a unique nature’s bounty, favorable climate and a remarkable geographic location. The pleasant Mediterranean climate attracts numerous tourists every year. With 270 sunny days on average per year, Bar is one of 217 About Bar the sunniest towns of the Mediterranean. 44 km of the coast, out of which more than 9 km are beaches, 67 km of Shkoder Lake’s shores and the mountain massif which separates these two water areas, make Bar an ideal destination both for the tourists who want to have rest on the beautiful beaches and enjoy the untouched nature and for those who want to see the numerous cultural and religious monuments or to spend their vacation actively engaging in various sports activities. It is not historically defined when Bar was established. The archaeological findings from the older Neolithic and the Bronze Age approve the fact that life existed here in the prehistoric period. The first settlement of the archaic inhabitants was in the Bar field, from the foot of the Volujica Hill to the Željeznica river. The debris from the Illyrian period, then of the Greek and the Roman pervasion, and of the period of Byzantine domination, is everywhere around the Bar municipality, which proves that it has been important for every culture and nation that have ever existed in this area. It is assumed that Bar, as a renovated Roman fortalice Antipargai, was mentioned in the 6th century by Procopius. The name of the town, as Antobareos, was mentioned with certainty for the first time in the 10th century, in the records of the suffragans of Drac, as well as with the Tsar Constantine Porfirogenet in the 11th century as d’Antibaris. In the version of our language, as Bar, the name of 218 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar About Bar the town appeared in the written sources for the first time in the beginning of 13th century in the Biography of Nemanja, which was written by Stefan The-First-Crowned. In Bar, in the 12th century, the archbishop Grgur of Bar wrote “Sclavorum Regnum” (i.e. “The Bar Genealogy” or “The Chronicle of the Priest of Doclea”), the oldest literary-historical script of the South Slavs. The thing Bar was always known for is cherishing religious tolerance among its inhabitants. As per tradition, every year on St. Trinity day, Orthodox, Catholics and Muslims take Vladimir’s cross to the top of Rumija. The cross is believed to protect the whole area from any evil. Churches from the surroundings of Sutomore: St. Tekla, St. Dimities and St. Roka have two altars where both services, orthodox and catholic, were performed at the same time. The same case is with the monastery of St. Vasilije Ostroski at Ribnjak. The fact that 12% of total number of inhabitants are refugees from areas struck by war who found their refuge in Bar demonstrates that solidarity among people remains a constituent part of life philosophy in this area. Olive tree in Mirovica, more than 2000 years old, is a genuine natural monument, and according to the legend, it was the place where families in dispute made peace. Aside from this attraction, inhabitants of Bar are very proud of the Old town of Bar. Clock tower, Turkish baths, powder magazine and aqueduct used for water supply were all constructed in the period of Turkish reign. Remains of several sacral edifices of different styles and from diff erent periods are preserved. The Old town of Bar is the most signifi cant cultural-historical monument of this area with preserved city walls, citadels, gate and tower where fragments of Slavic ceramics from the XIV and XVI century were found. In 1885, at the very coast, king Nikola’s Castle was built. It consists of large and small castle, watch tower, chapel and winter garden, and in 1910, a dancing hall was added. Fortification Haj-Nehaj represents the remains of medieval town Nehaj founded in the XV century by Venetians on the inaccessible hill above Sutomore. Sacral edifices, previously religious seats, today are mostly cultural monuments. Remains of the great number of monasteries, churches and mosques founded in Bar and its surroundings were preserved throughout the coast, on the islands of the Skadar Lake, in the old part of town and Crmnica area. 219 / SATNICA / UTORAK, 21. OKTOBAR 08:10 - 08:25 UKLJUČENJE U JUTARNJI PROGRAM - RTCG 1 09:00 - 19:00 ZVANIČNA SELEKCIJA - DOKUMENTARNI PROGRAM / EXTRA TV 09:00 - 10:25 10:25 - 11:03 11:03 - 12:00 12:00 - 12:26 12:26 - 13:26 13:26 - 14:48 14:48 - 16:01 16:01 - 16:51 16:51 - 17:50 17:50 - 19:00 Kapetan i njegov pirat, Brockhaus/Wolff GbR, Njemačka O, te čistote u posmatranju predjela, Frigge Fri, Danska Zvijezde iza gvozdene zavjese, Czech TV, Češka Kulturni šok, RAI, Italija Pravednik, TVCG, Crna Gora Saga o jednoj fotografiji, Sadot Films / IBA Channel One, Izrael Bolje je skočiti, Gina Angelone, SAD Meko kao kamen, RTV SLO, Slovenija San Francisko – Zvuk zaliva, a&o buero filmproduktion GmbH, Njemačka Okupacija, 27. slika, 8HeadsProduction / Mitropa, Češka / Hrvatska 18:45 20:00 21:05 “RADNI DAN” – HRONIKA FESTIVALA / RTCG 2 OTVARANJE FESTIVALA / Dvorac kralja Nikole OTVARANJE FESTIVALA / RTCG 1 SRIJEDA, 22. OKTOBAR 08:15 - 08:25 UKLJUČENJE U JUTARNJI PROGRAM - RTCG1 09:00 - 21:45 ZVANIČNA SELEKCIJA – DOKUMENTARNI PROGRAM / EXTRA TV 09:00 - 09:44 09:44 - 10:17 10:17 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:45 12:45 - 13:15 13:00 - 13:58 13:43 - 14:20 14:05 - 14:46 14:31 - 16:08 16:08 - 16:58 16:58 - 17:53 17:53 - 18:18 18:18 - 19:08 19:08 - 21:15 21:15 - 21:45 Povratak posljednjeg, Igor Pauilic, Hrvatska Crna lica, S.Shahabuddin Ahmadyar, Afganistan Džungla u dvorištu, Nautilusfilm GmbH & Doclights GmbH, Njemačka Planeta Boka, TV Boka, Crna Gora ITFbarski - festivalska emisija Rez, Andreas Frowein, Kenija / Uganda Starci, Vanja Jambrovic, Hrvatska Crnogorske megastrukture, TVCG, Crna Gora Sveta voda, Elisa Torres Adam, Kostarika / Španija Izvan zidova, Wilfried Strehlau/Norbert Vogler, Njemačka Televizija dolazi, Czech TV, Češka Žile – priča o istrajnosti, Revolution production, Mekedonija Lud za tobom, Koala production, Crna Gora Onaj drugi sport, Mattias Low, Švedska ITFbarski / festivalska emisija / repriza 10:00 - 13:00MASTER CLASS „MONTAŽNI PROCESI KAO NEZAOBILAZNI DIO U KREACIJI 220 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar IGRANE STRUKTURE NA FILMU I TV”, Hotel Princess 13:30 KONFERENCIJA ZA NOVINARE - hotel Princess 18:45 20:00 “RADNI DAN” – HRONIKA FESTIVALA / RTCG1 DRUŽENJE SA ZORANOM CVIJANOVIĆEM / Dvorac Kralja Nikole / SATNICA / ČETVRTAK, 23. OKTOBAR 08:15 – 08:25 UKLJUČENJE U JUTARNJI PROGRAM / RTCG1 09:00 – 13:30 ZVANIČNA SELEKCIJA – DJEČIJI TV PROGRAM / EXTRA TV 09:00 – 10:00 Listov nasljednik, Creative Movies SL, Austrija 10:00 – 10:26 Brentov san, RAI, Italija 10:26 – 10:43 Njegova borba, Tonio Kellner, Njemačka 10:43 – 10:50 Samo je jedan dom, Nicolien Opdam, Holandija 10:50 – 10:58 Žive slike Tatiane Skorlupkine, Tatiana Skorlupkina, Rusija 10:58 – 11:10 U džepu od kaputa, MDG Produzioni, Italija 11:10 – 11:17 Upravo sam sanjala, Vibrisa, Španija 11:17 – 11:22 Crvljiv, Mizui Kakeru, Japan 11:22 – 11:28 Sive nijanse, Olga Agrafenina, Rusija 11:28 – 11:33 Slatkiš za oči, Neerav Doshi, Indija 11:33 – 11:39 Beba, Frances Ward-Ward, Australija 11:39 – 11:41 Lami, Christophe Defaye, Francuska/Japan 11:41 – 11:45 Kamusi Kamusi, Yack Reyes, Kolumbija 11:45 – 11:59 Posljednji penal, Max Miecchi, Italija 11:59 – 12:01 Godišnjica braka, Centre for social communication and change, Indija 12:01 – 13:30 Dragi Lastane, Artizana, Hrvatska 13:30 – 14:00 ITFbarski - festivalska emisija 12:00 – 13:00 PREZENTACIJA ARTVISION PROJEKTA, Hotel Princess 13:30 KONFERENCIJA ZA NOVINARE - Hotel Princess 14:00 – 19:30 ZVANIČNA SELEKCIJA – EKOLOGIJA & TURIZAM / EXTRA TV 14:00 – 15:00 Arde Lucus, Everniamedia SL, Španija / SAD 14:00 – 16:30 Generacija Waldsterben, RK-film, Njemačka 16:30 – 16:55 Ljuta sam, BHRT, BIH 16:55 – 17:45 Topli sjaj, Golden Egg Production, Švajcarska 17:45 – 18:05 Ekvador, sa zatvorenim očima, Daniel Chamorro, Španija 18:05 – 18:45 Svinjski posao u Čileu, Tracy Worchester, Čile 18:45 – 19:30 Put bez kraja, Huaquin Jin, Kina 19:30 – 20:00 ITFbarski - festivalska emisija / repriza 221 / SATNICA / 18:45 “RADNI DAN” – HRONIKA FESTIVALA / RTCG1 20:00 KONCERT – MILICA RAIČEVIĆ / Dvorac Kralja Nikole PETAK, 24.OKTOBAR 08:15 – 08:25 UKLJUČENJE U JUTARNJI PROGRAM / RTCG1 09:00 – 21:45 ZVANIČNA SELEKCIJA – IGRANI PROGRAM / EXTRA TV 09:00 – 10:20 Piknik, Czech TV, Češka 10:20 – 11:34 Koan proljeća, Panda Media, Francuska / Južna Koreja / Vijetnam 11:34 – 12:01 Ludi zapadnjaci, Chia-Lin Yeh, Tajvan / Tajland 12:01 – 13:40 Stara vremena, RAI, Italija 13:40 – 14:10 ITFbarski - festivalska emisija 14:10 – 15:18 Detonator, Sebastian Diaz Corral, Čile 15:18 – 16:48 Slučaj Hagedorn, WDR, Njemačka 16:48 – 18:18 Zaljubljen u samog sebe, Czech TV,Češka 18:18 – 19:58 Javna ucjena, Pablo D’Stair, SAD 19:58 – 21:15 U srcu okeana, Antena 3, Španija 21:15 – 21:45 ITFbarski - festivalska emisija / repriza 10:00 10.00 – 12:00 18:45 20:00 OKRUGLI STO „DIGITALIZACIJA I KONVERGENTNOST JAVNIH SERVISA – CONDITIO SINE QUA NON“ , Hotel Princess STAROBARSKA PROMENADA “RADNI DAN” – HRONIKA FESTIVALA / RTCG1 BESPLATNA PROJEKCIJA FILMA “ATOMSKI ZDESNA” SRĐANA DRAGOJEVIĆA Bioskopska sala centra za kulturu SUBOTA, 25. OKTOBAR 08:15 - 08:25 UKLJUČENJE U JUTARNJI PROGRAM / RTCG1 09:00 - 19:06 ZVANIČNA SELEKCIJA – KRATKE TV FORME / EXTRA TV 09:00 - 09:07 09:07 - 09:19 09:19 - 09:33 09:33 - 09:37 09:37 - 09:47 09:47 - 09:59 09:59 - 10:10 10:10 - 10:20 222 Mračno vrijeme, Romany Saad, Egipat Ne ubijaj glasnika, Martijn Daamen, Holandija Borilački klub, Alexandre Berger, Francuska Bjekstvo crtaća, Augusto Bicalho Roque, Brazil Ispovjedaonica, Davide Pompeo, Italija Povratak za ponijeti, Florian Sailer, Njemačka Zovem se Oskar, Susan Einhorn/Robert Clem, SAD Odrasli, Visualia CA, Španija XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar 10:20 - 10:29 10:29 - 10:33 10:33 - 10:45 10:45 - 10:56 10:56 - 11:12 11:12 - 11:25 11:25 - 11:35 11:35 - 11:47 11:47 - 11:50 11:50 - 12:02 12:02 - 12:16 12:16 - 12:30 12:30 - 12:46 12:46 - 13:01 13:01 - 13:06 13:06 - 13:07 13:07 - 13:15 13:15 - 13:25 13:25 - 13:28 13:28 - 13:35 13:35 - 13:47 13:47 - 13:55 13:55 - 14:02 14:02 - 14:07 14:07 - 14:24 14:24 - 14:29 14:29 - 14:39 14:39 - 14:50 14:50 - 15:07 15:07 - 15:16 15:16 - 15:19 15:19 - 15:20 15:20 - 15:22 15:22 - 15:29 15:29 - 15:38 15:38 - 15:45 15:45 - 15:47 15:47 - 16:02 16:02 - 16:06 16:06 - 16:15 16:15 - 16:33 16:33 - 16:42 16:42 - 16:51 16:51 - 16:55 A priori, Spirafilm, Kanada Slika, NTU School of Art Media and Design, Singapur Nespokoj, Finfilm/Morgan Davidsen, Norveška Tako slatko, Carine Blanc/Michel Tavares, Francuska Bezimena noć, Helvecio Parente, Brazil Vidovita Sju, Apeiron Films, Irska Domingo, Jorge Castrillo, Španija Diler, Spencer Dodd, Velika Britanija Hiki, Fouad Lazrak, Maroko Ekstrema, Paula Jackson, SAD Čudna ljubav, Peter Varsics, Mađarska Potpuna remisija, Monica Diniz, Portigalija Victorija, Catalina Aquayo Garcia-Huidobro/Jane Morgan, Čile Isak, Federico Tocchella, Italija Princ, Francesco Giannini, Kanada Nahual, La Academia de Animacion, Argentina Radni mrtvi, Fanda Films, Španija Desilo se jednog dana, Rainer Niermann, Velika Britanija / Njemačka Igla, Djordje Stojiljkovic, Srbija Rio, Olimpijski grad, Rio de Cinema Producoes Culturais, Brazil Dom pod opsadom, Honey Pot Film Productions, Australija Crna noć, Jean Luc Baillet, Francuska Timov tajni svijet, Hayley Sheppard, Novi Zeland S vremenom, Ivan Diaz Barroiuso, Španija Instinkti, Cegla Production, Ukrajina 370 Novi svijet, Marc Antonio Lunardi, Italija Liza/Lili, Koch, Njemačka Rupreht, Gerold Wunstel, SAD Djelići, Bruno Autran, Brazil Gdin Denton, Ivan Villamel Sanchez, Španija M je za mobilni, Ozan Ozkirmizi, Turska Život u minuti, Pedro Collantes, Norveška Centar grada, Nguyen Tuan/Anh Tran, Singapur Prsten, Philippe De Lyon, Francuska Grizli, Arved Lindau, Njemačka Kurt, Arley Perera, Kuba Zdravo mama, Elena Aksenova, SAD Ljudsko ogledalo, Marc Nadal, Španija Na kraju krajeva, Lodz Film School, Poljska Fiks, Catherine Tan, Malezija Previše loš, Alessandro Di Felice, Italija Buđenje, Alejandro Gabriel Cuberos, Argentina RoboZec, Yulia Travnikova, Rusija Dobrovoljac, Javier Marco Rico, Španija 223 / SATNICA / 16:55 - 17:10 17:10 - 17:13 17:13 - 17:30 17:30 - 17:33 17:33 - 17:39 17:39 - 17:42 17:42 - 17:56 17:56 - 18:11 18:11 - 18:16 18:16 - 18:22 18:22 - 18:29 18:29 - 18:31 18:31 - 18:33 18:33 - 18:38 18:38 - 18:52 18:52 - 19:02 19:02 - 19:06 Daktilograf, Omana Films, Izrael Zamrznuti kabare, Redpinata, Njemačka Rituali popravljanja, Yair Ponce, Meksiko Muzički životni vijek, Erwan Le Gal, Francuska/SAD Odluka, Gudrat Hamidov, Azerbejdžan Očistiti prašinu, Kidscam, Belgija Djeca rijeke, Temple Audiovisuales & Riot Films, Španija/Portugalija Asta, Nick Rollinger, Luksemburg Hek Tik Tak, Apeiron Films, Austrija/Njemačka Zauvijek zajedno, Stepan Etrych, Češka Isključivo istina, Myeong-Han Bae, Južna Koreja Blaumar, Helherphoto, Španija Namjestio dječak: masakr lizalica, Kaspar Ainelo, Estonija Vrijeme je za razlaz, Fabrice Bracq, Francuska Tropska nedjelja, Fabian Ribezzo/Silvia Bottone, Mozambik Večera za nekolicinu, Nassos Vakalis/Katerina Estergiopoulou, SAD/Grčka Rođen u zimu, Jossie Malis, Spain 13:30 KONFERENCIJA ZA NOVINARE / Hotel Princess 20:00 ZATVARANJE FESTIVALA – DODJELA NAGRADA / Dvorac Kralja Nikole NEDJELJA, 26. OKTOBAR 18:00 224 REPORTAŽA SA CEREMONIJE ZATVARANJA TV FESTIVALA / RTCG1 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar 08:15 - 08:25 FESTIVAL LIVE – MORNING PROGRAMME / RTCG1 09:00 - 19:00 OFFICIAL SELECTION – DOCUMENTARY / EXTRA TV 09:00 - 10:25 The captain and his pirate, Brockhaus/Wolff GbR, Germany 10:25 - 11:03 Oh purity in watching landscapes, Frigge Fri, Denmark 11:03 - 12:00 The stars behind the iron curtain, Czech TV, Czech republic 12:00 - 12:26 Cultural shock, RAI, Italy 12:26 - 13:26 The righteous, TVCG, Montenegro 13:26 - 14:48 Saga of a photo, Sadot Films / IBA Channel One, Israel 14:48 - 16:01 It’s better to jump, Gina Angelone, USA 16:01 - 16:51 Soft as a rock, RTV SLO, Slovenia 16:51 - 17:50San Francisco – The sound of the bay, a&o buero filmproduktion GmbH, Germany 17:50 - 19:00Occupation, the 27 pictures, 8HeadsProduction / Mitropa, Czech republic / Croatia / SCHEDULE / TUESDAY, 21. OCTOBER 18:45 “WORKING DAY” – FESTIVAL’S CHRONICLE / RTCG1 20:00OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE FESTIVAL / In front of King Nikola’s castle 21:05 OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE FESTIVAL / RTCG1 WEDNESDAY, 22. OCTOBER 08:15 - 08:25 FESTIVAL LIVE – MORNING PROGRAMME / RTCG1 09:00 - 21:45 OFFICIAL SELECTION – DOCUMENTARY / EXTRA TV 09:00 - 09:44 Return to Auschwitz, Igor Pauilic, Croatia 09:44 - 10:17 Black faces, S.Shahabuddin Ahmadyar, Afghanistan 10:17 - 11:45The backyard jungle, Nautilusfilm GmbH & Doclights GmbH, Germany 11:45 - 12:45 Boka Planet, TV Boka, Montenegro 12:45 - 13:15 ITFbarski - festival tv show 13:00 - 13:58 The cut, Andreas Frowein, Kenya / Uganda 13:43 - 14:20 Home is where my age is, Vanja Jambrovic, Croatia 14:05 - 14:46 Montenegrin megastructures, TVCG, Montenegro 14:31 - 16:08 Holy water, Elisa Torres Adam, Costarica/Spain 16:08 - 16:58 Beyond the walls, Wilfried Strehlau/Norbert Vogler, Germany 16:58 - 17:53 Television is coming, Czech TV, Czech republic 17:53 - 18:18 Zhile never give up story, Revolution production, Mecedonia 18:18 - 19:08 Crazy about you, Koala production, Montenegro 19:08 - 21:15 The other sport, Mattias Low, Sweden 21:15 - 21:45 ITFbarski - festival tv show / replay 225 / SCHEDULE / 10:00 - 13:00MASTER CLASS „MONTAGE PROCESSES AS AN ESSENTIAL PART IN CREATION OF PERFORMING STRUCTURE IN FILM AND ON TV”, Hotel Princess 13:30 PRESS CONFERENCE - Hotel Princess 18:45 “WORKING DAY” – FESTIVAL’S CHRONICLE / RTCG1 20:00EVENING WITH… ZORAN CVIJANOVIĆ Special guest star – King Nikola’s castle THURSDAY, 23. OCTOBER 08:15 - 08:25 FESTIVAL LIVE – MORNING PROGRAMME / RTCG1 09:00 - 13:30OFFICIAL SELECTION – CHILDREN’S TV PROGRAMME / EXTRA TV 09:00 - 10:00 The heir of Liszt, Creative Movies SL, Austria 10:00 - 10:26 Brent’s dream, RAI, Italy 10:26 - 10:43 Sein kampf, Tonio Kellner, Germany 10:43 - 10:50 No place like home, Nicolien Opdam, The netherlands 10:50 - 10:58 Living pictures by Tatiana Skorlupkina, Tatiana Skorlupkina, Russia 10:58 - 11:10 In the coat’s pocket, MDG Produzioni, Italy 11:10 - 11:17 I’ve just had a dream, Vibrisa, Spain 11:17 - 11:22 Wormy, Mizui Kakeru, Japan 11:22 - 11:28 Shades of gray, Olga Agrafenina, Russia 11:28 - 11:33 Eye candy, Neerav Doshi, India 11:33 - 11:39 Baby, Frances Ward-Ward, Australia 11:39 - 11:41 Lami, Christophe Defaye, France/Japan 11:41 - 11:45 Camusi Camusi, Yack Reyes, Columbia 11:45 - 11:59 The last penalty, Max Miecchi, Italy 11:59 - 12:01The wedding anniversary, Centre for social communication and change, India 12:01 - 13:30 Dear Lastan, Artizana, Croatia 13:30 - 14:00 ITFbarski - festival tv show 12:00 - 13:00 PRESENTATION OF arTVision PROJECT, Hotel Princess 13:30 PRESS CONFERENCE - Hotel Princess 14:00 - 20:00 OFFICIAL SELECTION – ECOLOGY&TOURISM / EXTRA TV 14:00 - 15:00 Arde Lucus, Everniamedia SL, Spain/ USA 14:00 - 16:30Generation Waldsterben-The forest Dieback generation, RK-film, Germany 226 XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar / SCHEDULE / 16:30 - 16:55 I am Angry, BHRT, Bosnia and Herzegovina 16:55 - 17:45 Warm-Glow, Golden Egg Production, Switzerland 17:45 - 18:05 Ecuador, with the eyes closed, Daniel Chamorro, Spain 18:05 - 18:45 Pig business in Chile, Tracy Worchester, Chile 18:45 - 19:30 Endless road, Huaquin Jin, China 19:30 - 20:00 ITFbarski - festival tv show / replay 18:45“WORKING DAY” – FESTIVAL’S CHRONICL / RTCG1 20:00 CONCERT – MILICA RAIČEVIĆ / King Nikola’s castle FRIDAY, 24.OCTOBER 08:15 - 08:25 FESTIVAL LIVE – MORNING PROGRAMME / RTCG1 09:00 - 21:45OFFICIAL SELECTION – FEATURE FILM & TV SERIES / EXTRA TV 09:00 - 10:20 10:20 - 11:34 11:34 - 12:01 12:01 - 13:40 13:40 - 14:10 14:10 - 15:18 15:18 - 16:48 16:48 - 18:18 18:18 - 19:58 19:58 - 21:15 21:15 - 21:45 The picnic, Czech TV, Czech republic Koan of spring, Panda Media, France / South Korea / Vietnam Expatz, Chia-Lin Yeh, Taiwan / Thailand Old times, RAI, Italy ITFbarski - festival tv show Detonator, Sebastian Diaz Corral, Chile The hagedorn Case, WDR, Germany Self lover, Czech TV, Czech Republic A public ransom, Pablo D’Stair, USA In the heart of the ocean, Antena 3, Spain ITFbarski - festival tv show / replay 10:00 ROUND TABLE „DIGITALIZATION AND CONVERGENCE OF PUBLIC TV SERVICES - CONDITIO SINE QUA NON“ / Hotel Princess 10.00 - 12:00 OLD TOWN OF BAR PROMENADE 18:45 “WORKING DAY” – FESTIVAL’S CHRONICLE / RTCG1 20:00 free screening of movie “From zero to hero” Srdan Dragojevic Movie theatre SATURDAY, 25. OCTOBER 08:15 - 08:25 FESTIVAL LIVE – MORNING PROGRAMME / RTCG1 09:00 - 19:06 OFFICIAL SELECTION – SHORT TV FORMS / EXTRA TV 09:00 - 09:07 09:07 - 09:19 09:19 - 09:33 09:33 - 09:37 09:37 - 09:47 Dark time, Romany Saad, Egypt Don’t kill the messenger, Martijn Daamen, The Netherlands The Club, Alexandre Berger, France Cartoon away, Augusto Bicalho Roque, Brasil The Confessional, Davide Pompeo, Italy 227 / SCHEDULE / 228 09:47 - 09:59 09:59 - 10:10 10:10 - 10:20 10:20 - 10:29 10:29 - 10:33 10:33 - 10:45 10:45 - 10:56 10:56 - 11:12 11:12 - 11:25 11:25 - 11:35 11:35 - 11:47 11:47 - 11:50 11:50 - 12:02 12:02 - 12:16 12:16 - 12:30 12:30 - 12:46 12:46 - 13:01 13:01 - 13:06 13:06 - 13:07 13:07 - 13:15 13:15 - 13:25 13:25 - 13:28 13:28 - 13:35 13:35 - 13:47 13:47 - 13:55 13:55 - 14:02 14:02 - 14:07 14:07 - 14:24 14:24 - 14:29 14:29 - 14:39 14:39 - 14:50 14:50 - 15:07 15:07 - 15:16 15:16 - 15:19 15:19 - 15:20 15:20 - 15:22 15:22 - 15:29 15:29 - 15:38 15:38 - 15:45 15:45 - 15:47 15:47 - 16:02 16:02 - 16:06 Comeback to go, Florian Sailer, Germany My name is Oscar, Susan Einhorn/Robert Clem, USA Grown ups, Visualia CA, Spain A priori, Spirafilm, Canada La peinture, NTU School of Art Media and Design, Singapore Inquietude, Finfilm/Morgan Davidsen, Norway So very cute, Carine Blanc/Michel Tavares, France Nameless night, Helvecio Parente, Brasil Psychic Sue, Apeiron Films, Ireland Domingo, Jorge Castrillo, Spain Dealer, Spencer Dodd, UK Hiki, Fouad Lazrak, Morocco Extreme, Paula Jackson, USA A strange kind of love, Peter Varsics, Hungary Complete remission, Monica Diniz, Portigal Victoria, Catalina Aquayo Garcia-Huidobro/Jane Morgan, Chile Isaac, Federico Tocchella, Italy The Prince, Francesco Giannini, Canada Nahual, La Academia de Animacion, Argentina The working dead, Fanda Films, Spain It happened one day, Rainer Niermann, UK/Germany Needle, Djordje Stojiljkovic, Serbia Rio, Olimpic city, Rio de Cinema Producoes Culturais, Brasil Home invasion, Honey Pot Film Productions, Australia Black night, Jean Luc Baillet, France The secret world of Tim, Hayley Sheppard, New Zealand Overtime, Ivan Diaz Barroiuso, Spain Insticts, Cegla Production, Ukraine 370 New World, Marc Antonio Lunardi, Italy Lisa/Lilly, Koch, Germany Ruprecht, Gerold Wunstel, USA Fragments, Bruno Autran, Brasil Mr Dentonn, Ivan Villamel Sanchez, Spain M is for mobile, Ozan Ozkirmizi, Turkey Life in a minute, Pedro Collantes, Norway Downtown, Nguyen Tuan/Anh Tran, Singapore The ring, Philippe De Lyon, France Grizzly, Arved Lindau, Germany Kurt, Arley Perera, Cuba Hello Mom, Elena Aksenova, USA The human mirror, Marc Nadal, Spain After all, Lodz Film School, Poland XIX Internacionalni TV Festival Bar 13:30 / SCHEDULE / 16:06 - 16:15 Fix, Catherine Tan, Malaysia 16:15 - 16:33 Too bad, Alessandro Di Felice, Italy 16:33 - 16:42 Awakening, Alejandro Gabriel Cuberos, Argentina 16:42 - 16:51 RoboRabbit, Yulia Travnikova, Russia 16:51 - 16:55 Volunteer, Javier Marco Rico, Spain 16:55 - 17:10 Typist, Omana Films, Israel 17:10 - 17:13 Cabaret Freeze, Redpinata, Germany 17:13 - 17:30 Fixing rituals, Yair Ponce, Mexico 17:30 - 17:33 Musical lifetime-Allegro, Erwan Le Gal, France/USA 17:33 - 17:39 Decision, Gudrat Hamidov, Azerbaijan 17:39 - 17:42 Dust Away, Kidscam, Belgium 17:42 - 17:56Children of the river, Temple Audiovisuales & Riot Films, Spain/Portugal 17:56 - 18:11 Asta, Nick Rollinger, Luxembourg 18:11 - 18:16 Hec Tic Tac, Apeiron Films, Austria/Germany 18:16 - 18:22 Together Forever, Stepan Etrych, Czech Republic 18:22 - 18:29 Nothing but the truth, Myeong-Han Bae, South Korea 18:29 - 18:31 Blaumar, Helherphoto, Spain 18:31 - 18:33 Framed by a kid:lollypop massacre, Kaspar Ainelo, Estonia 18:33 - 18:38 Time 2 split, Fabrice Bracq, France 18:38 - 18:52 A tropical Sunday, Fabian Ribezzo/Silvia Bottone, Mozambique 18:52 - 19:02Dinner for few, Nassos Vakalis/Katerina Estergiopoulou, USA / Greece 19:02 - 19:06 Born in winter, Jossie Malis, Spain PRESS CONFERENCE / Hotel Princess 20:00OFFICIAL CLOSING – PRESENTING THE AWARDS / King Nikola’s castle SUNDAY, 26. OCTOBER 18:00FESTIVALE’S CHRONICLE FROM AWARDING CEREMONY / RTCG1 229 XIX Internacionalni TV FESTIVAL BAR 2014 XIX International TV FESTIVAL BAR 2014 Od 21. do 25. oktobra 2014. godine October 21 – 25, 2014 OSNIVAČ: Internacinalni TV festival u Baru je samostalna nevladina organizacija čiji su osnivači : Ministarstvo kulture i Skupština opštine Bar. FOUNDER: International TV festival in Bar is an independent non – governmental organization whose founders are: Ministry of culture and Municipality Assembly of Bar. PROGRAMSKI SAVJET FESTIVALA / FESTIVAL PROGRAMME COUNCIL Dragica Milić, Ministarstvo kulture / Ministry of culture, predsjednica / president Ilija Subotić, Ministarstvo kulture / Ministry of culture Osman Subašić, Opština Bar / Municipality Assembly of Bar Boris Mijović, Opština Bar / Municipality Assembly of Bar Radojka Rutović, RTCG Jovanka Kovačević Đuranović, RTCG DIREKTOR / DIRECTOR Ljiljana Đinđinović UMJETNIČKI DIREKTOR / CREATIVE DIRECTOR Marija Perović IZVRŠNI PRODUCENT / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Marko Đinđinović PR & MARKETING Svetlana Sošić PRESS Maja Popović PREVODIOCI / INTERPRETERS Danijela Čejović, Jelena Jurić SELEKTORI / SELECTORS Aleksandar Bečanović ( Crna Gora / Montenegro ) Dragan Petrović ( Srbija / Serbia ) Nedžad Begović ( BIH / Bosnia and Herzegovina ) ŽIRI / JURY Željko Sošić ( Crna Gora / Montenegro ) Inti Šraj ( Slovenija / Slovenia ) Nima Sarvestani ( Švedska / Sweden ) Klaus Lintschinger ( Austrija / Austria ) UREDNIK KATALOGA / CATALOGUE EDITOR Ljiljana Đinđinović PRIPREMA KATALOGA / PREPARATION OF THE CATALOGUE Danijela Čejović, Marko Đinđinović DIREKCIJA FESTIVALA / FESTIVAL DIRECTORATE Ana Drašković Brankica Glomazić Boris Peković DIZAJN TV VIZUALA / TV VISUAL DESIGN Tony Pendo GRAFIČKI DIZAJNER / GRAPHIC DESIGNER Katarina Lučić FOTO / PHOTO Sergej Zabijako POKROVITELJI / PATRONS Ministarstvo kulture / Ministry of culture Opština Bar/Municipality Assembly of Bar KOPRODUCENT / CO-PRODUCER JAVNI SERVIS RTCG / PBS MONTENEGRO FESTIVAL SU POMOGLI / FESTIVAL WAS SUPPORTED BY Kulturni centar Bar Agencija za elektronske medije Crnogorski Telekom Atlas Hotels Group - Hotel Princess Luna Travel
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