1+2+3+4+5+ TV inspiracija 15. uvodnik 4 Dragi prijatelji, uvaženi gosti Dear friends, honourable guests, U ime Meunarodnog TV festivala Bar, grada Bara kao domaÊina i liËno ime, želim vam iskrenu dobrodošlicu na petanesto, jubilarno, okupljanje poklonika televizijskog stvaralštva. On the behalf of the International TV Festival Bar, the municipality of Bar as a host, and myself, I wish you a warm welcome to the fifteenth jubilee gathering of the television devotees. Sa radošÊu mozemo konstatovati da se Meunarodni TV festival Bar, kroz petnaest godina, u potpunosti profilisao i zauzeo priznato mjesto na svjetskoj festivalskoj mapi. We can state with joy that the International TV Festival in Bar, in the course of fifteen years, has completely developed its identity and has taken a recognised place on the world festival map. U prilog ovome, govori i Ëinjenica da su se ove godine na barski festival prijavile 52 zemlje, sa 227 programa, iz više od 140 produkcijskih i televizijskih kuÊa sa svih meridijana. The fact supporting this is that 52 countries with 227 programmes, from more than 140 productions and televisions have applied to the Bar Festival from all quarters of the world. Sasvim je sigurno da su dosadašnji uËesnici, svako na svoj osoben naËin, dali znaËajan doprinos stvaranju ove najveÊe smotre televizijskog stvaralaštva na prostorima jugoistoËne Evrope. Bez njih i njihovog autorskog opusa, koji je uvijek nudio ideju više, drugaËiji pogled, korak naprijed, ni ovaj Festival ne bi bio to što jeste - zato im se ovom prilikom iskreno zahvaljujem. The former attendees, each one in their own way, have surely given an important contribution to the creating of the biggest television spectacle in the region of Southeast Europe. Without them and their authorial opus, which has always offered one more idea, a different view, a step forward, this Festival would not be what it has been - therefore, I take this opportunity to sincerely thank them. Obilježavanje jubileja Festivala ne bi bilo moguÊe bez entuzijazma ljudi koji su davne 1995. godine vjerovali u drugaËiju misiju televizije, od one koja je bila aktuelna tada na prostorima Balkana, koji su vjerovali u ideju meusobnog razumijevanja i stvaralaËkog dijaloga televizijskih autora iz razliËitih dijelova svijeta - iskreno vam hvala za predanost i entuzijazam kojim ste ustanovili i vodili Festival u njegovim prvim godinama. Celebrating the Jubilee Festival would not be possible without the enthusiasm of the people who, back in 1995, believed in a different mission of the television from the one which had been current in the Balkans region at that time, who believed in an idea of mutual understanding and creative dialogue of the television authors from all over the world - sincerely thank you for devotion and enthusiasm with which you have established and led the Festival in its first years. U festivalskim danima koji su pred nama, uslijediÊe nova poznanstva i druženja, ali Êe se, isto tako ponovo rado okupiti i “stari” prijatelji. U društvu dobrih ideja i jedinstvene porodice televizijskih poklonika, okupljenim ljubiteljima medija, komunikacije, produkcije, filma i filmske umjetnosti želim lijepe i plodonosne trenutke. In the following days of the Festival, new acquaintances and contacts will follow, but also the „old“ friends will be gladly gathered. In the company of good ideas and the distinguished family of television devotees, I wish beautiful and fruitful moments to the gathered media, communication, production, film and film arts admirers. Ljiljana –ininoviÊ izvršna direktorka Ljiljana –ininoviÊ Executive Director 5 TV FESTIVAL BAR - POSLIJE 15 GODINA PRIBLIŽAVA LI SE PUNOLJTSTVU, ILI JE VE∆ U FAZI ZRELOSTI Odgovor naslovu zavisi od toga koliko ko oËekuje od medijske manifestacije respektabilnog dometa i velikih moguÊnosti za medijsku scenu Crne Gore, Region, pa i šire. Rodjen u vrijeme nemira i ratova na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije ( u jesen 1994-te donesena odluka o formiranju, prvi Festival održan u maju 1995-te ), u zaglavlju svojih osnivaËkih akata, Statutu i Programu, napisano je da mu je cilj saradnja medju medijima i podsticaj saradnje medju narodima i državama. Bilo je to i vrijeme sankcija prema Srbiji i Crnoj Gori, pa, pošto nije funkcionisao ni poštanski saobraÊaj, neoËekivano veliki broj televizija iz evropskih zemalja, po našem upustvu slali su kasete sa programima na adresu prijateljske TV Skopje, koja ih je nekoliko dana prije poËetka automobilom proslijedila do direkciji Festivala u Bar. Tada je i Bar bio u sankcijama unutar Crne Gore kao opština koja je bila opozicija ratu. U lokalnoj sredini, ipak imao je punu podršku, prije svih od TuristiËke organizacije kao nominalnog osnivaËa, zatim od Skupštine opštine, Kulturnog centra, Radio Bara, Zavoda za izgradnju Bara, Primorke Bar, HTP „Korali“ i drugih. Dogaaji su mu išli na ruku, pa je ubrzo priznat i u svojoj Republici, a sticao je sve veÊi ugled na medjunarodnom planu. Prošao je i prirodan period oscilacija da bi došlo do njegove stabilizacije 2000- te, kada mu je definisan status Nevladine organizacije a osnivaËi preuzeli brigu o daljem razvoju ove manifestacije. Uslovi su se donekle poboljšali, ali i dalje to nije bilo ni približno potrebama i znaËaju Festivala za crnogorsku sredinu. KljuËni iskorak naËinjen je prije dvije godine kada je Ministarstvo kulture, sporta i Medija Vlade Crne Gore uvrstilo Festival u institucije od posebnog nacionalnog znaËaja. Opština Bar i prije toga pokazala je punu spremnost da podrži dalji razvoj Festivala. Nije, nažalost dovoljno definisan odnos TV medija u Crnoj Gori, koji bi mogli da imaju veliku programsku i profesionalnu korist od manifestacija koja na njihovom pragu nudi kreativna iskustva velikih (i malih) televizija Evrope, pa i šire. Kako dalje i bolje - to je logiËno pitanje u svakom ozbiljnom poslu. Novo vrijeme, okolnosti i potrebe, posebno u Regionu, pretpostav6 ke su da se uradi redefinicija Festivala. I programska, i organizaciona, i statusna, te da se stvore još bolji uslovi za dalji razvoj ove manifestacije. U tome bi pomogao primjer iz 2001. i 2002, kada je Festival organizovao Susrete televizija sa EX-YU prostora, kojom prilikom su prvi put poslije rata razgovarali o saradnji najviši predstavnici državnih, odnosno javnih televizija. InaËe, veÊ duže postoji ideja da se razni sadržaji Festivala (nekolike manifestacije) organizuju u toku godine, a da oktobarska smotra bude kruna godišnje djelatnosti. Šta unijeti novo i kako to realizovati, kljuËno je pitanje na koje valjan odgovor zavisi od mnogih Ëinilaca u Crnoj Gori. »eka se, u poboljšanim uslovima, i na osnovu svih parametara, moguÊnosti i nadasve potreba novi bitan iskorak Meunarodnog televizijskog festivala Bar. U sveËarskim okolnostima uz njegov 15. rodjendan, kao sauËesnik u nastajanju i u jednom periodu njegovog razvoju, to mu od srca želim. Pero RadoviÊ televizijski autor, (prim.red. - inicijator osnivanja Festivala i prvi direktor) 7 THE TV FESTIVAL IN BAR- AFTER 15 YEARS IS IT APPROACHING ITS MATURITY OR IT HAS ALREADY BEEN IN THE MATURITY PHASE The response to the title depends on how much one expects from the media manifestation of the respectable range and huge possibilities for the media scene of Montenegro, the Region, and beyond. Born in time of tumults and wars in the area of ex-Yugoslavia (in the autumn of 1994 the decision on forming was made, the first Festival was held in May 1995), in the headings of its founding acts, the Statute and the Programme, there has been written that its objective is the cooperation among the media and the encouragement for the cooperation among people and countries. It was also in time of sanctions on Serbia and Montenegro, thus, since the postal delivery was not functioning, unexpectedly large number of televisions from the European countries were sending the cassettes with programmes, following our instructions, to the address of the friendly TV Skopje, which had sent them by car to the Festival Directorate in Bar several days before the Festival started. Back then, Bar was also under sanctions within Montenegro as a municipality being an opposition to the war. However, it had a complete support in the municipal area, first of all from the Tourist Organisation as a nominal founder, then from the County Assembly, the Cultural Centre, Radio Bar, the Bureau of Development of Bar, Primorka Bar, HTP „Korali“ and many more. The events began going its way, so it has been soon acknowledged in its own Republic, and it has gained ever growing respect on the international scene. The natural period of fluctuation passed, so that the stabilization came in 2000, when it defined its status as a Non-Governmental Organisation and the founders took over the care on further development of this manifestation. The conditions improved to certain extent, but it still was not even close to the needs and importance of the Festival for the Montenegrin milieu. The key step forward was made two years ago when the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media of the Government of Montenegro listed the Festival as an institution of a fundamental national interest. The municipality 8 of Bar had shown the complete readiness before that to support further development of the Festival. Unfortunately, the TV media relations in Montenegro have not been clearly defined, they could have huge professional and programme benefits from the manifestation offering the creative experiences at their door, of the big (and small) televisions of Europe, and beyond. How to go further and be better - that is a logical question in every serious work. New times, circumstances and needs, especially in the Region - all are the assumptions to redefine the Festival. The redefinition of the programme, of the organisation, of the status, and also making better conditions for further development of this manifestation. The examples from 2001 and 2001 can help with that, when the Festival organised the Meetings of the Televisions from ex-Yugoslav countries. It was the first time after the war that the most high-ranked representatives of the national and public televisions respectively spoke about the cooperation. Furthermore, there has been an idea for a long time to organise various events of the Festival (several manifestations) throughout the year, and that the October event should be the crown of the year-long activities. What to bring new and to realise it -it is the key question to which a good answer depends on many factors in Montenegro. In the improved conditions, and based on all the parameters, possibilities and, above all, needs, a new important step forward of the International TV Festival Bar has been waited. Under the festive circumstances, along with its 15th anniversary, as the collaborator in its founding and in one period of its development, I wish this with all my heart. Pero RadoviÊ, television author (note: the initiator of the Festival and the first TV Festival director) 9 10 Još uvijek se dobro sjeÊam kada sam 2000.godine po prvi put uËestovao u debati na Barskom Televizijskom Festivalu : nekoliko profesionalaca sa Balkana je oštro diskutovalo o priznavanju njihovog ponovo pronaenog nacionalnog identiteta odmah po raspadu Jugoslavije. Tenzije su narasle, ali su se odmah stišale zbog našeg zajedniËkog cilja da koristimo televiziju kao sredstvo uzajamnog znanja, dijaloga i mira. Televizija se Ëesto koristi kao okvir za širenje propagande, ali bi trebalo da bude naËin kojim bi se doseglo do raznih zemalja i drugih kultura. Tokom Barskog Festivala sam podržao ovu ideju, koja je, iz godine u godinu, postajala realnost. Upoznao sam mnogo poznatih profesionalaca sa raznih kontinenata, koji su imali moguÊnost da prijave programe o svojim tradicijama i obiËajima. Po mom mišljenju, Crna Gora danas postaje “televizijska raskrsnica nacionalnih kultura” u zemljama u nastajanju, zahvaljujuÊi znaËajnoj ulozi koju je odigrao Internacionalni Filmski Festival u Baru. I still greatly remember when in 2000 I took part in a debate for my very first time in the Bar Television Festival: some professionals from the Balkans were discussing harshly on the recognition of their newly found national identity right after the splitting up of the Yugoslav Federation. Tensions emerged, but were immediately eased due to our shared aim to use television as a means of mutual knowledge, dialogue and peace. Television is often used as a scope for diffusing propaganda but it should be a way to reach out to various countries and other cultures. During the Bar Festival I welcomed this idea, which year after year has become a reality. I met many high profile professionals coming from different continents who had the opportunity to submit programmes about their traditions and customs . In my opinion, Montenegro at present has become a “television crossroad of national cultures” in emerging countries, thanks to the significant role played by the International Television Bar Festival. Antonio Bruni Antonio Bruni 11 SreÊa prati hrabre. Fortune favours the bold. Te1996. godine sve je bilo nestabilno - politiËka situacija rovita, ekonomske prilike klimave, medijska scena uzdrmana. Samo je Pero RadoviÊ Ëvrsto bio uveren da upravo tada treba osnovati novi meunarodni televizijski festival. Podršku je pronašao u gradu Baru, Radio televiziji Crne Gore i grupi saradnika i prijatelja koji su bili željni izazova. Everything was unstable back in 1996- the political situation was raw, the economic conditions were loose, the media scene was shaken. Only Petar RadoviÊ was firmly convinced that it was exactly the right time to establish a new international television festival. He found support in the town of Bar, in the Radio Television of Montenegro and in a group of collaborators and friends, who wanted challenges. hat was happening in the meanwhile, with rises but also with occasional stagnation and crisis, has confirmed that the idea has been a good one, the expectation justified, and the investment valuable both of effort and of money. A decade ago, the Festival was wandering a bit in its conception, as if it didn’t matter anymore about the quality of the competitive programme. However, thanks to the proficiency of the selector and the jury, it has never transgressed in terms of awarding with which it has sent the message about the spectacle, where the undeniable media values has been recognized and acknowledged. By the time, the number of the festival categories has been boiled down to the reasonable extent and it has been defined as a place for the presentation of documentarism (to which, in a broader sense, also belong the ecology and tourism programmes) and of feature drama programmes. The so-called side events, which add to the substantial profusion of the Festival and increase its importance, have always been in the wide range - from the professional counseling and discussions, the artist’s portrayal, the book promotions, the exhibitions, to the creative and masterly workshops for the future television professionals from the region. That regional tone of the Festival, with respect for the participants from all five continents and a constantly increasing number of participating countries, is a special value of this television gathering. Since the national public RTV services haven’t been the only ones in the competitive competition from the beginning, but also the private productions and the independent authors, it has been a real and sustainable climate for spontaneous, straightforward and cooperative communicating, which this formerly common national, economic and cultural region badly needed. Today’s looks of the Festival’s centre of the hotel “Princess” symbolically testifies on how the Festival has been improving through years, how it was been embellished, modernized and professionalized in relation with the first gathering in the hotel “Topolica”. The diligent team of mostly young people is surrounding Ms Ljiljana –ininoviÊ now and they accomplish with their knowledge, devotion and hospitality what is the principal benefit for the hosts: making their good reputation recognisable far away. Ono što se dogaalo u meuvremenu, sa usponima ali i povremenim zastojima i krizama, potvrdilo je da je ideja bila dobra, oÊekivanje opravdano, a ulaganje vredno i truda i novca. Pre deceniju ipo festival je pomalo lutao u koncepciji, kao da mu je vise bilo stalo do kvantiteta nego kvaliteta takmiËarskog programa. Ali se, zahvaljujuÊi struËnosti selektora i žirija, nikad nije ogrešio u pogledu nagraivanja i time je slao poruku o smotri na kojoj se uoËavaju i priznaju nesumnjive medijske vrednosti. Vremenom se broj festivalskih kategorija sveo na razumnu meru i profiilisao kao mesto za prikazivanje dokumentarizma (u koji u širem smislu spadaju i emisije iz ekologije i turizma) i igranih dramskih programa. Takozvani prateÊi dogaaji, koji festivalu pridodaju sadržajno bogatstvo i pojaËavaju mu znaËaj, oduvek su bili u širokom rasponu - od struËnih savetovanja i diskusija, preko portreta umetnika, promocija knjiga, izložbi, do kretaivnih i majstorskih radionica za buduÊe televizijske profesionalce iz regiona. Ta regionalna nota festivala, uz sve poštovanje za uËesnike sa svih pet kontinenata i stalno rastuÊi broj ukjljuËenih zemalja, posebna je vrednost ovog televizijskog okupljanja. S obzirom da se u takmiËarskoj konkurenciji od poËetka ne samo nacionalni javni RTV servisi nego i privatne producentske kuÊe pa i samostalni autori, stvarna je i održiva pogodna klima za neposredno, spontano i kolegijalno komuniciranje toliko potrebno ovom nekad zajedniËkom državnom privrednom i kulturnom prostoru. Današnji izgled festivalskog središta hotela “Princess”, simboliËno svedoËi o tome kako je ceo festival tokom godina napredovao, kako se ulepšavao, modernizovao i profesionalizovao u odnosu na prvo okupljanje u hotelu “Topolica”. Vredna ekipa mahom mladih ljudi okružuje sada gospou Ljiljanu –ininoviÊ i svojim znanjem, predanošÊu i gostoprimstvom postiže ono što je najveÊa korist za domaÊine: da se dobar glas o njima širi nadaleko. 12 Branka OtaševiÊ Branka OtaševiÊ 13 Kada sam, tamo negdje uoËi njegovog 10-tog roendana i osobno došao u Bar na TV Festival, ušao sam u hotel gdje se održava s pomalo pomiješanim osjeÊajima. Sam festival nije mi bio nepoznat, godinama sam veÊ kao koordinator HRT za medjunarodne festivale i suradjivao s Barom, slao našu produkciju, nastojeÊi popuniti sve kategorije. Ono što je, na neki naËin prevagnulo u mojoj odluci da i sam dodjem bila je vrlo oËita iskrena želja vodstva festivala za suradnjom i stalna spremnost na nju. Doima se to kao nešto normalno, ali moje dugogodišnje iskustvo u tom dijelu posla ukazivalo mi je na to da ljudi angažirani oko organizacije nekog festivala to doživljavaju kao „sezonski“ posao, onako kao u turizmu. Ovdje to nije bio sluÊaj, jer su glavni organizatori upravo živjeli za taj godišnji dogaaj. Kažem, pomiješanih sam osjeÊaja ušao u hotel, jer to me iskustvo takoer podsjeÊalo da sustav organizacije (da budem malo pristran!) u ovoj regiji i nije baš uvijek uspješan! To se pomalo rastopilo, jer su entuzijazam i želja za uspjehom svih ukljuËenih u organizaciju ubrzo doveli do toga da u svojim razmišljanjima doem do iste one toËke do koje su svojevremeno došli i inicijatori pokretanja festivala. Vrativši, se u mislima, unatrag na same poËetke, moram reÊi da je upravo tada trebalo politiËke hrabrosti i profesionalne vizije da bi se uËinilo ono što Meunarodni TV Festival Bar danas jest. Zamisao da se, netom završeni ratovi na podruËju bivše zajedniËke države, te još uvijek neriješeni odnosi država u nastajanju na tom istom podruËju prevladaju pružanjem moguÊnosti da se TV profesionalci dobre volje s tog istog podruËja (ali i šire) nau na jednom mjestu i na jednom festivalu „odmjere“ svoje snage, bila je vrijedna svake pohvale. Za poznavatelje je skoro i nepotrebno reÊi da je svako takvo okupljanje bila prilika za brojne razgovore i diskusije. Osobno sam to iskusio u brojnim kontaktima, no još je više sve to doprinijelo jaËanjem suradnje, jer smo se tako upoznavali s nekim drugim, novim poticajima suradnje, pa tako i konkretnim sudjelovanjem na nekim drugim, pa i novim festivalima. Iako ne okuplja brojnu publiku (direktno) TV Festival Bar otišao je veliki korak dalje u zamisli da se program Festivala gleda preko domaÊe (gradske) TV mreže, dakle da ga mogu pratiti najširi slojevi stanovništva. 14 Politika organizatora Festivala da inzistira na meunarodnom segmentu ove manifestacije uvijek je, po mojem mišljenju bila dobra politika, osobito u vrijeme nastajanja crnogorske nove državnosti. Pritom moram naglasiti da je takvo pozicioniranje vodstva festivala imalo i pozitivnog odraza na izbor Ëlanova žirija, koji se uvijek sastoji od veÊinskog dijela gostiju iz inozemstva. Mislim da je time u velikoj mjeri izbjegnuta opasnost od bilo kakve kritike usmjerene na moguÊe nepravilnosti u radu, ili drugim rijeËima neobjektivnosti. Ako se tome pridoda Ëvrst stav vodstva da se ni na koji naËin ne miješa u odluke žirija, onda je ono postupalo na najbolji moguÊi naËin i to je za svaku pohvalu, jer se neki TV festivali u svijetu ne mogu pohvaliti takvom principijelnošÊu. PišuÊi ove retke, sa zadovoljstvom se, dakle osvrÊem unatrag i prisjeÊam brojnih zanimljivih detalja iz veÊ spomenutih susreta, no, nekako ponajveÊe mi zadovoljstvo pruža nagrada Festivala u obliku Povelje kojom me se naziva Prijateljem Festivala. Suprotno, možda nekim razmišljanjima, ovo, zapravo profesionalno priznanje došlo je u vjerovatno pravom trenutku, ali i s velikim znakom upozorenja. Profesionalnost, nije, naime rijeË, a još manje pojam s kojim se poigrava. U prvi mah, može se pomisliti da to pruža neke neograniËene moguÊnosti privilegija (koje li Ëeste rijeËi i još ËešÊe upotrebe!), no ja sam to doživio, najprije kao priznanje, a istodobno kao obavezu s pozivom na objektivnost. Ma koliko me možda ponekad i privlaËila moguÊnost kritike, no, kada je bilo i toga, bila je izreËena (napisana) u najboljoj, dakle prijateljskoj najmjeri. U zakjuËku, uz najljepše Ëestitke lijepoj godišnjici, još samo to da se nadam kako slijede najljepše godine ovom Festivalu, koji poput nekog svjetionika u ovom dijelu svijeta na prepoznatljiv naËin odašilje svoje poruke i one koji ih hvataju upuÊuje u pravom smjeru. Vladimir Špicer Umirovljeni novinar HRT 15 When I personally went to Bar to the TV Festival on the eve of their 10th anniversary, I entered the hotel where it was held with slightly mixed feelings. The Festival wasn’t unfamiliar to me, I had been cooperating with Bar for years as a coordinator for the international festivals for the HRT (Croatian Radio-Television), sending our production, trying to fill in all the categories. What had, in a certain way, prevailed over my decision to come alone, was an obvious, sincere wish of the Festival direction for cooperation and a constant readiness for it. It seems that it is something normal, but my long experience in that part of the work has pointed out to me that the people, involved in an organization of a festival, feel it as a seasonal job, like in tourism. That wasn’t the case here, because the main organisers actually were living for that annual event. As I have said, I entered the hotel with mixed feelings, because experience was also reminding me that composition of organization (to be a bit biased!) in this region had not always been successful! That melted a bit, because the enthusiasm and the desire for success of all the involved in the organization soon brought to the fact that I also came to the same point in my thoughts to which the initiators of the initiation of the Festival had formerly come. Having gone back to the very beginnings of it in my mind, I have to say that it was exactly then, when the political courage and professional vision were needed in order to create what the International TV Festival has been today. The conception of prevailing just finished wars on the territory of the former country and still unsolved relationships of the emerging countries on the same territory by giving the opportunity to the TV professionals from the exact same region (and beyond) to be in one place and to „test“ their strength, was really praiseworthy. It is almost unnecessary to say to the experts that every similar opportunity has been a chance for various conversations and discussions. I have personally experienced that through various contacts, and all that has contributed to the strengthening of the cooperation, because in that manner we have been introduced to another new stimulus of cooperation, as well as the specific participation in some other also new festivals. 16 Although it doesn’t gather copious audience (directly), the TV Festival Bar has gone a step further to enable watching the programme of the Festival on the local (urban) TV network, so that the numerous residents can follow it. The policy of the Festival organiser to insist on the international segment of this manifestation has always been a good one, in my opinion, especially in the time of emerging of the new Montenegrin statehood. At the same time, I have to point out that the positioning of the Festival Direction has had the positive reflexion on the election of the members of the jury, which mostly consists of the majority of the foreign guests. By doing so, I think that the risk of any criticism directed towards possible irregularities in work, or put in other words - the lack of objectivity, has been greatly avoided. If you put a firm attitude of the Direction not to interfere in the jury’s decisions, then it has acted in the best possible way and that has been highly commendable, because some of the TV festivals in the world cannot boast of that kind of principle. Writing these lines, I am going back with pleasure and recalling the numerous interesting details from the mentioned encounters, but the Festival Award in the form of the Charter calling me a Friend of the Festival gives me the greatest pleasure. Contrary to some opinions, in fact this professional recognition has probably come in the right moment, but also with a big warning sign. Professionalism is not only a word, even less a notion which one plays with. In the first place, one can think that it offers some unlimited possibilities of privileges (what a frequent word and even more frequent use!), but I have experienced that, firstly as a recognition and at the same time as a commitment with a call for objectivity. No matter how I have been sometimes even attracted to the possibility of criticism, but when there it was, it has been said (written) in the best friendly intention. As a conclusion, with best wishes for a great anniversary, I would like to say that I hope the most beautiful years for this Festival are coming, which transmits its messages in its recognisable manner like a lighthouse in this part of the world and directs those who catch them in the right direction. Vladimir Špicer Retired journalist of the HRT 17 Važna kulturna poveznica The Important Cultural Link Tokom proteklih petnaest godina Meunarodni TV festival u Baru je, po mom sudu, u potpunosti opravdao svoje postojanje, potvrdio valjanost osnovne zamisli svojih osnivaËa i praktiËne sposobnosti svojih organizatora. U meuvremenu se oslobodio poËetniËkih slabosti i nerealnih ambicija, dobio profesionalno obliËje i prepoznatljivu programsku strukturu, usavršio struËne timove koji ga opslužuju, proširio dobar glas o sebi, a time i krug svojih uËesnika i poštovalaca. During the last fifteen years, the International TV Festival in Bar, in my opinion, has completely justified its existence, approved the significance of the main thought of its founders and the practical capability of its organisers. In the meanwhile, it has freed itself from the beginner’s weaknesses and unreal ambitions, gained the professional shape and the recognisable programme structure, improved the expert teams serving it, spread good voice about itself, and thereby the circle of its participants and admirers. Everything has started from the enthusiasm and in the beginning, as an unpretentious spectacle of the TV arts of the regional countries, and in a relatively short period of time the Festival has gained the international dimension and assured the deserved place in the world’s calendar of the TV events. Soon it has become the place of creative meetings of the public RTV services, commercial stations and independent productions from all over the world; the meetings in which the large media systems can also learn something from those to whom the television imagination has been the strongest weapon and the only equipment. The selection of the total television offer has become more diverse and richer over the years, and the author’s writing has become a trademark of the TV presentation in Bar. It is up to the cultural chroniclers to explore how the Adriatic tradition of the international television gathering has been preserved. The TV festivals in Portorose and Neum have been shut down and then the idea on a new television associating, like a river surge, led by the Mediterranean call, has emerged and established in Bar. In the beginning it might have seemed that Bar had accepted its picturesque guest only for a short period of time, but over time that companionship has become a long-term and an unbreakable relationship. The Festival has quietly and naturally fitted into the multi-layered cultural and multi-ethnical thread of the town. Today, after fifteen years of the intensive pursuit for its own face, the International Festival in Bar has reached the mature phase of its development, gained the status of an important media event and become an important cultural string in the region and beyond. Therefore, its future is becoming a huge obligation which is not involving self-complacency, giving in to inertia, and especially, leaning on the routine because that would lead to ossification and stagnation. Thus, one should always ask himself: what to do if the Festival would be upgrading, refreshing its content and adapting to the dynamic technological changes in this media by stepping bravely toward the world of digital television. Sve je poËelo na entuzijazmu i, u zaËetku, kao nepretenciozna smotra tv stvaralaštva zemalja iz okruženja da bi za relativno kratko vrijeme Festival dobio internacionalnu dimenziju i osigurao zasluženo mjesto u svjetskom kalendaru tv dogaanja. Vrlo brzo je postao mjesto stvaralaËkog susretanja javnih rtv servisa, komercijalnih stanica i nezavisnih produkcija iz svih krajeva svijeta; susretanja u kome i veliki medijski sistemi imaju šta nauËiti od onih kojima je televizijska imaginacija najjaËe oružje i jedina oprema. Lepeza ukupne televizijske ponude iz godine u godinu postajala je sve raznovrsnija i bogatija, a autorski rukopis zaštitni znak barskog tv predstavljanja. Kulturnim hroniËarima ostaje da istraže kako se oËuvala jadranska tradicija meunarodnog televizijskog okupljanja. TV festivali u Portorožu i Neumu su se ugasili da bi se ideja o novom televizijskom druženju poput rijeke ponornice, voena mediteranskim zovom, pojavila i etablirala u Baru. U poËetku je možda izgledalo da je Bar primio samo na konak svog živopisnog gosta, ali se vremenom to druženje pretvorilo u trajnu i neraskidivu vezu. Festival se tiho i prirodno uklopio u slojevitu kulturnu i multietniËku potku grada. Danas, nakon petnaest godina intenzivnog traganja za vlastitim likom meunarodni Festival u Baru je dospio u zrelu fazu razvoja, stekao status važnog medijskog dogaaja i postao važna kulturna poveznica u regionu i znatno šire. Upravo zbog toga, njegova buduÊnost postaje velika obaveza koja iskljuËuje samozadovoljstvo, prepuštanje inerciji i, posebno, oslanjanje na rutinu jer bi to vodilo okoštavanju i stagnaciji. Stoga se treba stalno iznova pitati: šta Ëiniti kako bi se Festival dograivao, sadržinski osvježavao i prilagoavao dinamiËnim tehnološkim promenama u ovom mediju koraËajuÊi hrabro u susret svijetu digitalne televizije. Rade BudaliÊ 18 Rade BudaliÊ 19 20 Selekciona komisija / Selection committee ALEKSANDAR BE»ANOVI∆ / CRNA GORA ALEKSANDAR BE»ANOVI∆ / MONTENEGRO Aleksandar BeËanoviÊ je roen 1971. Filmski je kritiËar dnevnog lista Vijesti. »lan je FIPRESCI - Meunarodnog udruženja filmskih kritiËara. Objavio je Ëetiri knjige poezije: Ulisova daljina 1994., Jeste 1996., Ostava 1998., Mjesta u pismu 2001. i knjigu proze OËekujem što Êe iz svega proizaÊi 2005. Dobitnik je nagrade Risto RatkoviÊ za najbolju knjigu poezije 2002. godine. Objavljivao brojne Ëlanke u Arsu, Plimi i drugim Ëasopisima sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije. Objavio je knjigu Žanr u savremenom filmu (2005). Njegovi tekstovi su zastupljeni i u sljedeÊim knjigama: 501 Movie Directors (2007), 501 Movie Stars (2007), 101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die (2009) i 101 Sci-Fi Movies You Must See Before You Die (2009). Živi u Baru. Aleksandar BeËanoviÊ was born in 1971. He is a film critic of the daily newspaper Vijesti. He is a member of the FIPRESCI-the International Federation of Film Critics. He published four poetry books : Ulysses’ Distance /1994/, It Is /1996/, Store-room /1998/, Places in the Letter /2001/ and a prose book I’m Anticipating What Will Come Out of Everything /2005/. He received the Risto Ratkovic Award for the best poetry book in 2002. He has published numerous articles in the Ars, Plima, and other magazines from ex-Yugoslavia. He published the book Genre in the Contemporary Film“ /2005/. His texts have been presented in the following books: 501 Movie Directors (2007), 501 Movie Stars (2007), 101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die (2009) and 101 Sci-Fi Movies You Must See Before You Die (2009). He lives in Bar. VLADIMIR 22 PEROVI∆ (1955, Cetinje) diplomirao je filmsku i TV režiju na FDU u Beogradu. Dosad režirao kreativne dokumentarce i povremeno kratke igrane filmove. Filmovi su mu prikazivani na svim kontinentima, na velikom broju festivala, meu kojima su najznaËajniji: Amsterdam, Barselona, Berlin, Bilbao, Hamburg, Jihlava, Krakow, Lajpcig, London, Madrid, Monpelje, Pariz, Rodos, Sarajevo, Šangaj, Sankt Peterburg, Tampere, Trento, Trst, Ueska… Osvojio ukupno 60 nagrada. Predavao je na Akademiji umetnosti BK u Beogradu, trenutno je profesor Dokumentarnog filma na FDU Cetinje. Bio je Ëlan žirija više puta, u nekadašnjoj Jugoslaviji, u NjemaËkoj, Rusiji, Iranu, Rumuniji. Živi u Beogradu, a snima i u Srbiji i u Crnoj Gori. Odabrana filmografija: KuÊa ( 1989 ); Saga o Samuraju i Glibu (1992); HodoËašÊe (1996); U/dešavanje glasa (1997); Ura (2000); Sin (2000); Allegria(2000); Ljubav, zavet (2001); Mali kvar na mojoj sjajnoj zvezdi (2001); »uvar (2002); Nestajanje (2003);Dim ; Koraci (2006); Že kamenog mora (2007); Da bude svetlost (2008); Senka; Život, prikljuËenija i održivi razvoj jednog kokota (2010); VLADIMIR PEROVI∆ (1955, Cetinje, Montenegro) graduated in film & TV directing from Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade, Serbia. So far he directed creative documentaries, and occasionally short fictions. His films were screened on all the continents, at many festivals, the most important among them: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bilbao, Hamburg, Huesca, Jihlava, Krakow, Leipzig, London, Madrid, Montpellier, Paris, Rhodes, Sarajevo, Shanghai, St. Petersburg, Tampere, Trento, Trieste…Won 60 prizes and awards. Used to teach Documentary at BK Academy of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, actually he teaches Documentary at Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Cetinje, Montenegro. He was jury member several times in Yugoslavia, Germany, Russia, Iran, Romania… He lives in Belgrade, Serbia, and makes his films both in Serbia and in Montenegro. Selected filmography: A house (1989); The Saga on Samourai & the Mud (1992); Pilgrimage (1996); Tuning Voices / Rigging Votes (1997); The Clock (2000); Son (2000); Allegria (2000); Love, Vow (2001); A Slight Malfunction on My Shiny Star(2001); The Guard (2002); Vanishing (2003);The Smoke; The Steps (2006); The Thirst of a Stone Sea (2007); Let There Be Light (2008); Shadow (2010); Trials, Tribulations and Sustainable Growth of a Cock(2010); 23 24 GENA TEODOSIEVSKA / MAKEDONIJA GENA TEODOSIEVSKA / MACEDONIA Gena Teodosievska je roena 1962. godine u Velesu, Republika Makedonija. Diplomirala je 2009. na prvom privatnom evropskom univerzitetu, na Fakultetu politiËkih nauka - Odsjek za medije i komunikologiju, studirala je žurnalistiku na Univerzitetu ∆irila i Metodija. Bila je stipendista USAID-a na Okland Univerzitetu za medije u San Francisku, u klasi gospoe Džin Finli (1991) i provela je 1 mjesec prakse na „Channel 4“/“BBC“ (1992). Trenutno je šefica za meunarodne odnose i koprodukciju na Makedonskoj radio-televizji. Od 1984. radi kao novinar u odjelu za kulturu i umjetnost na MKRTV; 2000. godine postaje urednik mnogobrojnih programa na odjelu za kulturu i umjetnost na MKRTV; 2003. - Nacionalni koordinator za CIRCOM Regional u Makedoniji; 2003. - Šefica internacionalnih koprodukcija na MKRTV; 2007.- Šefica za meunarodne odnose i koprodukciju na Makedonskoj radio-televiziji (MKRTV). U periodu izmeu 1996. i 2001., Gena je izvršni producent eksperimentalnog filma “Sudija” Zanete Vanelija (prikazan na Venecijanskom filmskom festivalu 2001.g. i na 37 drugih festivala, galerija i muzeja). Bila je Ëlan meunarodnog žirija Ostranenie Video i Filmskog Festivala u Desau, NjemaËka /1995/; Kurator makedonskog videa na EMAF-u u Osnabriku /1999/; Ëlan meunarodnog žirija na UCINAJA Festivalu u Malagi /2001/; producent video rada Na putu iz (ka)Makedonije Irene Paskali /2004/; kurator Antologije makedonske video umjetnosti 1985-2005 za Nacionalnu galeriju Makedonije /2005/; kurator i urednik videografije Dragan Abjanic 1953-1999 KIC, Skoplje /2009/, itd. Selektor je Dokumentarnog Filmskog Programa na ICFF “BraÊa Manaki” u Bitolju 2009.-2010.godine i Ëlan je Asocijacije novinara Makedonije, SEEMO (Medijska organizacija jugoistoËne Evrope). Gena Teodosievska was born in 1962, Veles, Republic of Macedonia. She graduated at the First Private European University, at the Faculty of Political Séance -Department of Media and Communicatory in 2009, studied journalism at the University Cyril and Methodius. She was USAID grant at the Oakland University of Media in San Francisco in the class of Ms. Jean Finley (1991) and spent 1 month residence at Channel 4 / BBC (1992). At this moment, head of international relations and co-production on the Macedonian Radio-Television. Since 1984. she is working as she is working as a journalist in Culture and Art / department in MKRTV; 2000 editor of the numerous program at the Culture and Art Department in MKRTV; 2003 National coordinator for CIRCOM Regional in Macedonia; 2003 Head of International Co productions in MKRTV; 2007Head of International Relations and Co productions in Macedonian Radio Television (MKRTV). In period 1996 - 2001, executive producer of the experimental film The Judge by Zaneta Vangeli (presented at the Venice Film Festival 2001 and at 37 other festivals, galleries and museums). She was member of the International jury at the Ostranenie Video and Film Festival in Dessau, Germany / 1995 /; Curator of Macedonian video on EMAF in Osnabruck / 1999 /; Member of International jury at the UNICAJA Festival, Malaga / 2001 /; Producer of the video work On the way from(to) Macedonia by Irena Paskali / 2001 /; Producer of the video work At this bottom by Irena Paskali / 2004 /; Curator of the Anthology of Macedonian Video Art 1985-2005 for the National Gallery of Macedonia / 2005 /; Curator and editor of Videography Dragan Abjanic 1953-1999 KIC, Skopje / 2009 / etc. In 2009 - 2010 selector of the Documentary Film Programme at the ICFF “Manaki Brothers” in Bitola and she is a member in Association of Journalists of Macedonia, SEEMO ( South East European Media Organization ). 25 26 ŽIRI / JURY RUMUNIJA/ROMANIA CRISTINA OANCEA / ROMANIA / Cristina Oancea was born in 1970 in Bucharest - Romania. Married, mother of a 16 years old daughter. Master’s Degree in Cinematography and Media (2004) National University of Theatre and Cinematography, Bucharest / Film Direction. Doctor in Arts (2008). Since 2000 producer and / or director of several documentaries and documentary series (see filmography). Participation to international film and TV festivals as an author or journalist, providing written and TV coverage for International Film Festivals (Rotterdam, San Sebastian, Locarno). CRISTINA OANCEA / RUMUNIJA / Cristina Oancea je roena 1970. godine u Bukureštu (Rumunija). Udata, majka šesnaestogodišnjakinje. Diplomu magistra kinematografije i medija (2004) stekla na Nacionalnom univerzitetu za pozorište i kinematografiju, odjek režije, u Bukureštu. Doktor Umjetnosti (2008). Od 2000. godine producent i/ili režiser nekoliko dokumentarnih filmova i dokumentarnih serija. UËešÊe na meunarodnim filmskim i TV festivalima kao autor ili kao novinar, izvještavanje pismeno i kroz TV reportaže sa meunarodnih filmskih festivala (Rotterdam, San Sebastian, Locarno). Participated in following international trainings: International seminaries (Hellenic Audiovisual Institute - Greece, Media Academy Holland) Aristoteles Documentary Workshop - ARTE, 2006, ESoDoc European Social Documentary workshop organized by the ZeLig school for TV and Documentary (Bolzano) and Media Programme, 2007. Member of international juries for film and TV festivals (Bar Golden Olive TV Festival, 1998, Bratislava International Film Festival, 2005). Member of the Romanian Union of Cineasts (UCIN, 2005) and of the Union of Professional Journalists in Romania (UZP, 2006) UËestvovala na sledeÊim meunarodnim obukama: meunarodni seminari (GrËki Audiovizuelni Institut - GrËka, Akademija Medija Holandija) Aristotel Radionica dokumentarnog filma- ARTE, 2006, ESoDoc Radionica evropskog socijalnog dokumentarnog filma organizovana od strane ZeLig škole za TV i Dokumentarni (Bolzano) i Medija Program, 2007. »lan meunarodnih žirija na filmskim i TV festivalima (Bar Zlatna Maslina TV Festival, 1998, Bratislava meunarodni filmski festival, 2005). »lan rumunskog sindikata sineista (UCIN, 2005) i Sindikata profesionalnih novinara Rumunije (UZP, 2006) 28 29 italija / italia 30 LUCIANA CAPRETTI / ITALIJA / LUCIANA CAPRETTI / ITALIA / Luciana Capretti je novinarka televizije RAI (italijanske državne televizije). Roena je u Tripoliju (Libija), studirala je u Italiji a radila je u Njujorku preko 20 godina kao dopisnik, prvo za italijanske novine i Ëasopise, a onda za RAI. Luciana Capretti is a journalist for RAI, Italian State Television. She was born in Tripoli (Libya), studied in Italy and worked in New York for over 20 years as a correspondent first for italian newspapers and magazines and then for RAI. Napisala je roman “Gibli” o Gadafijevoj revoluciji u Libiji. Za RAI International je, izmeu ostalih, snimila dokumentarne filmove “Rijeka rata, rijeka mira: Nil”, “Vijetnam: poslednja bitka “, “CvijeÊe od smeÊa “ (o djeci koja rade na poljima otpada) i “Glasovi u tišini” (o zlostavljanim ženama u Gvatemali). Trenutno radi na novom romanu. She wrote the novel “Ghibli”, on Kaddafi’s revolution in Libya. For RAI International she also made amongst others, the documentaries “River of war, river of peace: the Nile”, “Vietnam: the last battle”, “Garbage flowers “ and “Voices in the silence” about children working in the garbage fields and abused women in Guatemala respectively. She is now working on a new novel. 31 australija/ australia MARCUS DINEEN / AUSTRALIJA / MARCUS DINEEN / AUSTRALIA / Nakon što je diplomirao na VCA 1998. godine, Marcus je dobio stipendiju za ekspertsku obuku iz meunarodne kinematografije u Budimpešti, koju su sponzorisali Panavision i Kodak. Radio je kao direktor fotografije na reklamama klijenata kao što su World Vision, Ford i Alannah Hill, na spotovima za grupe, npr. 1200 Techniques i Whitlams, a snimio je brojne kratkometražne filmove koji su prikazivani na festivalima kao što su Sundance, Palm Springs i Tropfest. After graduating from the Victorian College of the Arts in 1998, Marcus was awarded a scholarship to the Panavision - Kodak International Cinematography Master class in Budapest. He has been the Director of Photography on commercials for clients such as World Vision, Ford and Alannah Hill, Music Videos for acts such as 1200 Techniques and the Whitlams and has shot numerous short films which have been screened at festivals including Sundance, Palm Springs and Tropfest. Veoma je iskusan u prekomorskim produkcijama u zemljama u razvoju. Snimao je osiromašene zajednice na lokacijama u IstoËnom Timoru, Nepalu, Ugandi, Keniji, Tanzaniji, Zambiji, Malawi, Laosu i Kambodži. OËekuje se da Êe film koji je Marcus Dineen režirao i snimio, “DjeËak koji namiguje”, postati TV serija u Australiji. 32 He is highly experienced in overseas productions in developing areas. He has filmed impoverished communities on location in East Timor, Nepal, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Laos and Cambodia. “The Winking Boy” - a film directed and shot by Marcus Dineen, is slated to become a television series in Australia. 33 MARIJA PEROVI∆ / MONTENEGRO / crna gora/ montenegro Marija PeroviÊ graduated film and TV direction at the Faculty of Drama Arts in Belgrade. She is an assistant at the Faculty of Drama Arts in Cetinje, Montenegro - subjects TV directing (FTV directing department) and script writing (production department). One of the founders of the production house “Katun movies“. MARIJA PEROVI∆ / CRNA GORA / Marija PeroviÊ je Fakultet dramskih umetnosti završila u Beogradu - diplomirani filmski i televizijski reditelj. Docent na predmetima televizijska režija (odsjek FTV režije) i scenario (odsjek produkcija) na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti, Cetinje, Crna Gora. Jedan je od osnivaËa producentske kuÊe “Katun movies“. »lan je odbora za filmsku umjetnost, CANU i meunarodnog udruženja filmskih kritiËara FIPRESCI. Predsjednik je Udruženja filmskih stvaralaca Crne Gore (2002-2008) i urednik prve filmske edicije u Crnoj Gori, izdanje Nova Knjiga, Podgorica Alumni JFDP programa (ljetnji semestar na RTF department, University of TexasAustin, 2010). Free - lance filmski i televizijski reditelj I scenarista. Member of Film Art Board, Montenegrin Science and Art Academy and International Film Critics Association FIPRESSCI. She is the president of the Association of Film Authors of Montenegro (20022008) and the editor of the first film publication in Montenegro, published by Nova Knjiga, Podgorica. Alumni of JFDP program (summer semester at RTF department, University of Texas-Austin, 2010). Freelance film and TV director and scriptwriter. Director, producer and scriptwriter of feature film “Look at me” and director and co-scriptwriter of feature film “Packing the monkeys, again”. She worked on more than 350 TV productions of various genres, from educational to entertainment and drama productions (RTS-Belgrade, TV Montenegro-Podgorica, TV IN Podgorica, TV Avala Belgrade, TV FOX Belgrade), as well as in over 40 music videos. Reditelj, producent i scenarista dugometražnog igranog filma “Gledaj me” i reditelj i koscenarista na dugometražnom igranom filmu “Opet pakujemo majmune”. Radila je u više od 350 televizijskih produkcija, razliËitih žanrova od obrazovnih do zabavnih i drama (RTS-Beograd, TVCG-Podgorica, TV IN Podgorica, TV Avala Beograd, TV FOX Beograd), kao i preko 40 muziËkih video spotova. 34 35 njemaËka/germany 36 OLIVER GOETZL / NJEMA»KA/ OLIVER GOETZL / GERMANY / Oliver Goetzl je roen 18. jula 1968. godine u Hamburgu, NjemaËka. Studirao je biologiju na Univerzitetu Hamburg /glavni predmet: zoologija - funkcionalna anatomija i evolucija kiËmenjaka, etologija sisara; dalje prouËava geologiju/paleontologiju. Od 1999. godine -pomoÊnik snimatelja slike, tonac i/ili nauËni savjetnik za filmove o divljim životinjama. Oliver Goetzl je radio za NDR, BBC, DISCOVERY CHANNEL, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, ANIMAL PLANET, S4C, ARTE, ARD, WDR i ZDF i snimao u mnogim zemljama: u Indiji, Rusiji, Africi (Tanzaniji, Keniji, Namibiji, Južnoj Africi, Bocvani), Finskoj, Švedskoj, Norveškoj (+ Svalbard), Italiji, Poljskoj, Estoniji i NjemaËkoj. 2004. godine osnovao je produkcijsku kuÊu koja se fokusira na divlje životinje - GULO FILM PRODUCTIONS - gdje je Oliver Goetzl režiser, pisac i montažer, a Ivo Nörenberg glavni snimatelj. Oliver Goetzl was born on 18th July 1968 in Hamburg, Germany. Studied Biology, University of Hamburg / main subject: zology - functional anatomy and vertebrate evolution, ethology of mammals; moreover study of geology / paleontology, Since 1999 camera assistant, sound man and/or scientific advisor for wildlife film. Oliver Goetzl has worked for NDR, BBC, DISCOVERY CHANNEL, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, ANIMAL PLANET, S4C, ARTE, ARD, WDR and ZDF and filmed in various countries: India, Russia, Africa (Tanzania, Kenya,Namibia, South Africa, Botswana), Finland, Sweden, Norway (+ Svalbard),Italy, Poland, Estonia and Germany. In 2004, formation of GULO FILM PRODUCTIONS / Wildlife film company with Oliver Goetzl as director, writer and editor and Ivo Nörenberg as main cameraman. Oliver Goetzl je snimio dokumentarne filmove za mnoge producentske kuÊe: “ŽENKA HIJENE”, ZDF 2003 (režiser + pisac); “HIJENE SA RIJEKE MARE”, NDR 2003 (direktor montaže + pisac); “BIEBRZA - ŠANSA ZA OBILJE “, WWF / ZDF 2004 (režiser na terenu); “POLARNI MEDVEDI NA TANKOM LEDU “, WWF / VOX 2004 (režiser na terenu), a snimio je dokumentarce koje je producirala kuÊa GULO FILM PRODUCTIONS: “GORSKE KUNE - HIJENE SJEVERA”, NDR 2006 (režiser, pisac + montažer); “MRKI MEDVEDI ŠVEDSKE - VOLJENI I OMRAŽENI “, NDR 2006 (režiser, pisac, + montažer). “URAL” (DIVLJA RUSIJA -serijal NDR Naturfilm), NDR 2009 (režiser, pisac + montažer). Oliver Goetzl finished documentaries for various production companies: “HYÄNENLADY”, ZDF 2003 (director + writer); “DIE HYÄNEN VOM MARA FLUSS”, NDR 2003 (editing director + writer); “BIEBRZA - VIERSPURIG INS PARADIES”, WWF / ZDF 2004 (field director); “EISBÄREN IM TREIBHAUS”, WWF / VOX 2004 (field director) and he finished documentaries produced by GULO FILM PRODUCTIONS: “WOLVERINES - HYENAS OF THE NORTH”, NDR 2006 (director, writer + editor); “SCHWEDENS BÄREN - GELIEBT UND GEHASST”, NDR 2006 (director, writer + editor). “THE URALS” (WILD RUSSIA-series of NDR Naturfilm), NDR 2009 (director, writer + editor). 37 38 PROGRAMI PO ZEMLJAMA / PROGRAMMES BY COUNTRIES AUSTRALIJA / AUSTRALIA UKRADENO / STOLEN - 2009 Producent/ Production: UNITED NOTIONS FILM Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY SO / SALT - 2009 Producent/ Production: JERRYCAN FILM Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY CRNA GORA / MONTENEGRO KU»KI KATUNI / KATUNS FROM KUCE - 2009/10 Producent / production: D & RIV PRODUKCIJA Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY AUSTRIJA / AUSTRIA TREBA LI TI »UN ZA NA∆AS / NEED A CRAFT FOR T’NIGHT - 2010 Producent / production: TV CRNE GORE Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY BELGIJA / BELGIUM TUŽNA PJESMA / SAD SONG - 2010 Producent/ production: NVO MONTENEGRIN UNIVERSAL THEATRE Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY ŽIVOT JE ŽIVOT / LIVE IS LIFE - 2009 Producent/ production: DOR FILM Kategorija / Category: TV FILM SADO MAZO SUDIJA / S & M JUDGE / S & M RECHTER - 2009 Producent/ production: CAVIAR FILMS Kategorija / Category: TV FILM BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA/BOSNIA - HERZEGOVINA TITOVA ARKA / TITO’S ARK - 2010 Producent/ production: BHRT - BHT1 Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY GODINE KOJE SU POJELI LAVOVI/YEARS EATEN BY LIONS - 2010 Producent/ production: PRODUKCIJA.BA Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY KOLIJEVKA / THE CRADLE - 2010 Producent / production: NACIONALNI JAVNI SERVIS RTCG Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY ARHIPELAG MALIH ZMAJEVA / THE ARCHIPELAGO OF THE SMALL DRAGONS - 2010 Producent / production: TVCG Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY ZAPAD NA ISTOKU / THE WEST IN THE EAST - 2010 Producent/ production: INDEPENDENT PRODUCTION Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY NOVA KLASA RADNIKA - SMJENA OD 7 DO 15 SATI / NEW WORKERS CLASS - DAILY SHIFT 7-15H - 2010 Producent / production: DD FILM, ZETA FILM Kategorija / Category: TV FILM BUGARSKA / BULGARIA »EŠKA / CZECH REPUBLIC BETONSKI FARAONI / CONCRETE PHARAOHS / BETONNI FARAONI - 2010 Producent/ production: AGITPROP Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY 40 BETON/ CONCRETE / бetoh - 2010 Producent/ production: BULGARIAN NATIONAL TELEVISION Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY PORUKA JANA PALACHA/ JAN PALACH’S MESSAGE / POSELSTVI JANA PALACHA - 2009 Producent/ production: CZECH TELEVISION Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY 41 RITAM U PETAMA / RHYTHM ON MY HEELS / RYTMUS V PATÁCH - 2010 Producent/ production: CZECH TELEVISION Kategorija / Category: TV FILM DANSKA / DENMARK BITKA ZA ZE»JI GRAD / BATTLE OF RABBIT TOWN - 2009 Producent/ production: UIWE Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY FILIPINI / PHILIPPINES POSLEDNJE GLEDANJE / THE LAST VIEWING - 2009 Producent / production: DAVIS ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION Kategorija / Category: TV FILM FINSKA / FINLAND »OVJEK MAGNET / THE MAGNETIC MAN / MAGNEETTIMIES - 2009 Producent/ production: ART FILMS PRODUCTION AFP LTD Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY FRANCUSKA / FRANCE »OPOR BIJELIH VUKOVA / THE PACK OF WHITE WOLVES - 2008 Producent / production: SMALL PLANET - ERT Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY HOLANDIJA / NETHERLANDS POSAO KOJI CVJETA / A BLOOMING BUSINESS - 2009 Producent / production: NEWTON FILM FOR VPRO Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY HRVATSKA / CROATIA ŠTO JE MENI BALKAN - KINO EVROPA / WHAT BALKAN MEANS TO ME - CINEMA EUROPE / ŠTO JE MENI BALKAN - KINO EUROPA - 2010 Producent / production: HRT Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY ZAŠTO? / WHY? - 2009 Producent/ production: HRT Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY 9:06 - 2009 Producent / production: A.A.C. PRODUCTIONS Kategorija / Category: TV FILM POVRATAK ZELENOG RAJA / RETURN OF THE GREEN PARADISE - 2010 Producent / production: HRT Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY RIJE»I LJUBAVI / WORLDS OF LOVE / DES MOTS D’AMOUR - 2009 Producent / production: KWAÏ Kategorija / Category: TV FILM EKO ZONA / ECO ZONE - 2009 Producent / production: HRT Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY FRANCUSKA / ŠPANIJA / SLOVA»KA / FRANCE / SPAIN / SLOVAKIA IRAN IRAN MJESEC U TEBI / THE MOON INSIDE YOU - 2009 Producent/ production: ANDANA FILMS/ UBAK PRODUCCIONES/ARTE Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY 42 GR»KA / GREECE CRVENO, BIJELO I ZELENO / RED, WHITE AND THE GREEN - 2009 Producent / production: ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY 43 ŽIVOT U POMRA»ENJU / LIFE IN ECLIPSE - 2010 Producent / production: ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY IRSKA / IRELAND NJEGOVO I NJENO / HIS AND HERS - 2009 Producent / production: VENOM FILM Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY ITALIJA / ITALY TEGOBAN KAMEN / THE BURDENSOME STONE / EVEN HASHTYA - 2008 Producent / production: THE NATIONAL ISRAELI TV Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY KANADA / CANADA PAMTE∆I INNINIMOWIN / REMEMBERING CREE - 2010 Producent / production: VIS JUELLES PRODUCTIONS Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY RATOVI, LAŽI I TELEVIZIJA / WARS, LIES & TELEVISION / GUERRA, BUGIE & TV- 2009 Producent / production: RAI EDUCATIONAL Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY KINA / CHINA SVETI PLESA» / THE SACRED DANCER - 2008 Producent / production: TERRA S.R.L. & RAI EDUCATIONAL Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY LUKSEMBURG / LUXEMBOURG POSLEDNJI LOVAC / THE LAST HUNTER / L’ULTIMO CACCIATORE - 2010 Producent / production: TERRA S.R.L. Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY BIO JEDNOM JEDAN GRAD BUDALA / ONCE UPON A TIME, THE CITY OF FOOLS / C’ERA UNA VOLTA LA CITTÀ DEI MATTI - 2010 Producent / production: RAI FICTION & CIAO RAGAZZI PRODUCTION Kategorija / Category: TV FILM SJEVERNA SVJETLOST / NORTHERN LIGHT / CRIMINI “LUCE DEL NORD”- 2010 Producent / production: RAI FICTION - RODEO DRIVE MEDIA Kategorija / Category: TV FILM 44 IZRAEL / ISRAEL SUZE SHUANGXI / TEARS OF SHUANGXI / SHUANG XI DE YAN LEI - 2010 Producent/ production: JINHUAQING TRAINING CAMP Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY SADA JE SANIJEVO VRIJEME / SUNNY’S TIME NOW - 2008 Producent/ production: PAUL THILTGES DISTRIBUTIONS (PTD) Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY MA–ARSKA / HUNGARY RU»NE TORBICE I NJIHOVE DAME / HANDBAGS AND THEIR LADIES / NÖI TÁSKA - 2009 Producent/ production: MTV Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY MAKEDONIJA / MACEDONIA BIOLOŠKI MINIMUM/ BIOLOGICAL MINIMUM - 2010 Producent/ production: MAKEDONSKA TELEVIZIJA Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY AUTOBIOGRAFIJA »OVJEKA GOLUBA / THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE PIGEON MAN - 2010 Producent/ production: UNIVERZITET AUDIOVIZUELNIH UMJETNOSTI ESRA/ EFA PRODUCTION Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY 45 SVETI NAUM/ SAINT NAUM - 2009 Producent/ production: MAKEDONSKA TELEVIZIJA Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY ZAMKA / THE TRAP / STAPICA - 2008 Producent/ production: MAKEDONSKA TELEVIZIJA Kategorija / Category: TV FILM MALI / MALI IZVOR/THE WELL/ ECHAG - 2008 Producent/ production: VISUL CULTURAL STUDIES UNIT, UNIVERSITY OF TROMSO, NORWAY Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY MEKSIKO / MEXICO SIRENA I RONILAC / THE MERMAID AND THE DIVER / LA SIRENA Y EL BUZO - 2009 Producent/ production: PRODUCCIONES AMARANTA Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY NJEMA»KA / GERMANY BAMA I IZGUBLJENE GORILE / BAMA AND THE LOST GORILLAS/ BAMA DER GORILLAMANN - 2009 Producent/ production: STUDIO HAMBURG DOCLIGHTS NATURFILM Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY SLIKA NAPALM DJEVOJKE / THE PICTURE OF THE NAPALM GIRL / DAS MÄDCHEN UND DAS FOTO - 2010 Producent/ production: WDR, ARTE Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY MAKOVO OBE∆ANJE / POPPY’S PROMISE / DAS KORNFELD - DSCHUNGEL FÜR EINEN SOMMER - 2010 Producent/ production: NAUTILUSFILM GMBH Kategorija / Category: EKOLOGIJA / ECOLOGY 46 PLANIRANJE PORODICE / FAMILY PLANNING / KINDERWUNSCH - 2009 Producent/ production: EXIL PRODUCTION Kategorija / Category: TV FILM FRAU BOM KAŽE NE / FRAU BÖHM SAYS NO / FRAU BÖHM SAGT NEIN - 2009 Producent/ production: ZEITSPRUNG ENTERTAINMENT GMBH & WDR Kategorija / Category: TV FILM IZA ZIDA /BEHIND THE WALL / JENSEITS DER MAUER - 2008 Producent/ production: ZIEGLER FILM & WDR Kategorija / Category: TV FILM NOVI ZELAND / NEW ZEALAND BILO JEDNOM JEDNO OSTRVO: TE HENUA E NNOHO / THERE ONCE WAS AN ISLAND: TE HENUA E NNOHO - 2010 Producent/ production: ON THE LEVEL PRODUCTIONS Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY POLJSKA / POLAND PASIJA / PASSION / PASJA - 2008 Producent/ production: TELEWIZJA POLSKA Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY PORTORIKO / PUERTO RICO JUAN MELENDEZ - 6446 / JUAN MELÉNDEZ-6446 - 2008 Producent/ production: LRA DIRECTORES/PUERTO RICO CIVIL LIBERTIES COMMISSION Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY RUMUNIJA ROMANIA SVIJET PO IONU B. / THE WORLD ACCORDING TO ION B. / LUMEA VAZUTA DE ION B. - 2010 Producent/ production: HBO ROMANIA Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY 47 RUSIJA / RUSSIA VELIKI RAT / THE GREAT WAR / ВЕЛИКАЯ ВОЙНА- 2010 Producent/ production: STAR MEDIA Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY KOTOVSKI / KOTOVSKIY / КОТОВСКИЙ - 2010 Producent/ production: STAR MEDIA Kategorija / Category: TV FILM SAD / USA AUTOMORFOZA / AUTOMORPHOSIS - 2009 Producent/ production: HARROD BLANK Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY SJEVERNA IRSKA / NORTHERN IRELAND DIJETE ∆ORSOKAKA / CHILD OF THE DEAD END - 2009 Producent/ production: GLASS MACHINE PRODUCTIONS Kategorija / Category: TV FILM SRBIJA / SERBIA KAKO PREŽIVJETI? / HOW TO SURVIVE? / KAKO PREŽIVETI? - 2009 Producent/ production: PL GLOBUS FILM Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY STARAC U 26-TOJ / OLD AT 26 - 2010 Producent/ production: RADIO TELEVIZIJA VOJVODINE Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY SRBIJA / BELGIJA / SERBIA / BELGIUM DUGO PUTOVANJE KROZ ISTORIJU, HISTORIJU I POVIJEST / THE LONG ROAD THROUGH BALKAN HISTORY - 2010 Producent/ production: SEETV Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY 48 ŠVEDSKA / SWEDEN JELEN / THE DEER / RÅDJURET - 2009 Producent/ production: DRAMATISKA INSTITUTET Kategorija / Category: TV FILM UTJEHA / SOLACE / TRŐST - 2008 Producent/ production: DRAMATISKA INSTITUTET Kategorija / Category: TV FILM QUAN - 2009 Producent/ production: DRAMATISKA INSTITUTET Kategorija / Category: TV FILM TAJLAND / THAILAND NEDELJNA ŠKOLA / SUNDAY SCHOOL - 2010 Producent/ production: OLD FOOL FILMS LIMITED Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY TUNIS / TUNIS OPEKOTINA / THE BURN / HARGA - 2010 Producent/ production: AUDIMAGE Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY TURSKA / TURKEY VJEN»ANI ZA KAMERU / MARRIED TO THE CAMERA / MAKERAYLA IZDIVAÇ - 2010 Producent/ production: DELICE FILM & ARTER FRANCE & ARTICLE Z Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY UK OTKOPAVANJE PENKALA / UNEARTHING THE PEN - 2009 Producent/ production: ROCK SALT FILMS Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY UKRAJINA / UKRAINE SAM / ALONE - 2009 Producent/ production: ZAKRYTA ZONA TV Kategorija / Category: DOKUMENTARNI/DOCUMENTARY 49 50 DOKUMENTARNI / DOCUMENTARY UKRADENO / STOLEN - 2009 Producent/ production: UNITED NOTIONS FILM Zemlja/Country: AUSTRALIJA/ AUSTRALIA Trajanje / Duration: 78 MIN Režiser / Director: VIOLETA AYALA, DAN FALLSHAW Scenario / Screenplay: VIOLETA AYALA Fotografija /Photography: DAN FALLSHAW, VIOLETA AYALA Kratak sadržaj: Autori filma Ayala i Fallshaw prate Fetim Sellamija, Saharawi izbjeglice u Sjevernu Afriku da bi se sreo sa svojom majkom. Majka i dijete su bili razdvojeni još od kada je Sellami bio dijete. Ali susret koji je sponzorisao UN otkriva tajnu koja odvodi film u mraËni svijet kojeg autori nisu nikako mogli zamisliti. Crni Saharawi poËinju da priËaju o zabranjenoj temi - njihovom ropstvu. “Ukradeno” je upeËatljivi moderni triler o skrivenoj stvarnosti. Programme summary: Filmmakers Ayala and Fallshaw follow Fetim Sellami, a Saharawi refugee, to North Africa for a reunion with her mother. Mother and child were separated when Sellami was a toddler. But the UN-sponsored reunion reveals a secret which spirals the film into a dark world the filmmakers could never have imagined. The black Saharawis start talking about a forbidden subject - their enslavement. Stolen is a compelling, modern-day, real-life cloackand-dagger thriller. 52 TITOVA ARKA / TITO’S ARK - 2010 Producent/ production: BHRT - BHT1 Zemlja/Country: BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA / BOSNIA - HERZEGOVINA Trajanje / Duration: 32 MIN Režiser / Director: DINNO KASSALO Scenario / Screenplay: DINNO KASSALO Fotografija /Photography: LOLLA KASSALO, VEDRANA MIJI∆ Kratak sadržaj: Poslije završetka II svjetskog rata, odnosi Jugoslavije sa Rusijom su bili loši, a sa Amerikom - nisu bili dobri. Oružjem se zveckalo na sve strane i veliki potop je mogao izbiti svakog trenutka. Vrhovni komandant Josip Broz Tito naredio je da se gradi tajno komandno mjesto, objekat D-0, koji je nosio oznaku “najstroža državna tajna”. Sticajem istorijskih okolnosti, ovaj najtajniji objekat - metaforu politika tzv. hladnog rata, zauzimaju umjetnici… Programme summary: After the end of World War II, relations between Yugoslavia and Russia were bad, and with America - not good. Arms clanged everywhere and great flood was about to break at any moment. The high commander Josip Broz Tito ordered the secret headquarters to be built, facility D-0, that had a label “top secret”. Due to some historical circumstances, this, most secretive facility - metaphor of cold war politics - is now occupied by artists… 53 GODINE KOJE SU POJELI LAVOVI / YEARS EATEN BY LIONS - 2010 Producent/ production: PRODUKCIJA.BA Zemlja/Country: BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA/ BOSNIA - HERZEGOVINA Trajanje / Duration: 58 MIN 30 SEC Režiser / Director: BORO KONTI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: BORO KONTI∆ Fotografija /Photography: SLAVEN KONTI∆ Programme summary: War in former Yugoslavia (1991-1995) was one of the events that marked the last decade of 20th century. Those who lived in that period know that apart from the politicians and soldiers, journalists and media in the region, by means of propaganda reports and hate speech, sped up the outburst of war and enabled its lasting for such a long time. Producers and the author of this documentary have been collecting for a long time examples of propaganda in wartime TV programs, i.e. press of that time. At the same time, during 2009 and 2010, they went on a journey through Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Podgorica. This film tries to answer the question „What happened almost 20 years later to former war reporters from Serbia, Croatia, BosniaHerzegovina and Montenegro? Where do they live, what are they doing, do they remember those days and how do they see today everything that had happened? Kratak sadržaj: Rat u bivšoj Jugoslaviji (1991-1995) jedan je od dogaaja koji je obilježio poslednju deceniju 20.vijeka u svijetu. Oni koji bolje poznaju to vrijeme znaju da su, osim politiËara i vojnika, novinari i mediji sa tog podruËja svojim propagandnim izvještavanjem i govorom mržnje ubrzali poËetak rata i omoguÊili njegovo dugo trajanje. Producenti i autor ovog dokumentarca dugo su vremena prikupljali primjere propagande iz ratnih TV programa odnosno štampe iz tog vremena. Istovremeno, tokom 2009. i 2010. godine krenuli su na put koji je ukljuËivao Beograd, Zagreb, Sarajevo i Podgoricu. Ova priËa pokušava da odgovori na pitanje „Šta se desilo gotovo 20 godina kasnije sa nekadašnjim predvodiocima ratnog izvještavanja iz Srbije, Hrvatske, BIH i Crne Gore? Gdje žive, šta rade, sjeÊaju li se tog vremena, kako ga danas vide? 54 55 BETONSKI FARAONI / CONCRETE PHARAOHS / BETONNI FARAONI - 2010 Producent/ production: AGITPROP Zemlja/Country: BUGARSKA/ BULGARIA Trajanje / Duration: 47 MIN Režiser / Director: JORDAN TODOROV Scenario / Screenplay: JORDAN TODOROV Fotografija /Photography: BORIS MISSIRKOV, GEORGI BOGDANOV Kratak sadržaj: Da li ste ikada vidjeli slavinu za vino i alkoholno piÊe? Ili kuÊu u bojama duge, koja kombinuje estetiku stare GrËke sa PVC stolarijom u jedinstven stil roko baroko? Ili LCD televizor 6 stopa pod zemljom? Dobrodošli u živopisni svijet Kalderaš Roma - zatvorene zajednice sa ne više od 1 milion ljudi širom svijeta. Programme summary: Have you ever seen a faucet for wine and liquor? Or a house in all colours of the rainbow, combining the aesthetics of ancient Greece with PVC joinery into the unique style of rocco-barocco? Or a LCD TV six feet under? Welcome to the picturesque world of the Kalderash Roma - a closed community of no more than 1 million people all over the world. 56 KU»KI KATUNI / KATUNS FROM KUCE - 2009/10 Producent/ production: D & RIV PRODUKCIJA Zemlja/Country: CRNA GORA/ MONTENEGRO Trajanje / Duration: 57 MIN Režiser / Director: DRAGAN JOCOVI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: NOVO VUJEŠEVI∆, DRAGAN JOCOVI∆ Fotografija /Photography: RADE JOCOVI∆ Kratak sadržaj: U filmu je sadržana izvorna dimenzija katunskog života na kuËkim planinama. Data je i sociološka komponenta ali u mjeri da se ne naruši prava slika tradicionalnog katuna. Programme summary: The film contains original dimension of katun (mountain cottage) life in Kuce mountain area. There is a social component as well but as such not to disturb true impression of traditional katuns. 57 TREBA LI TI »UN ZA NA∆AS/ NEED A CRAFT FOR T’NIGHT- 2010 Producent/ production: TV CRNE GORE Zemlja/Country: CRNA GORA/ MONTENEGRO Trajanje / Duration: 17 MIN 17 SEC Režiser / Director: MILORAD MILI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: MILORAD MILI∆ Fotografija /Photography: MIROSLAV POPOVI∆ Kratak sadržaj: Selo Kurilo u Crnoj Gori, oko kilometar udaljeno od Skadarskog jezera i isto toliko od glavne magistrale. Kako se stanovnici tog sela stotinama godina bore i kako ih doživljavaju? »un, taj mali brodiÊ je uvijek bio za njih spas i nada. On povezuje godine i vjekove. Kako je bilo prije pedeset godina? KOLIJEVKA/ THE CRADLE - 2010 Producent/ production: RTCG Zemlja/Country: CRNA GORA/ MONTENEGRO Trajanje / Duration: 16 MIN 17 SEC Režiser / Director: DR RADOSLAV T. STANIŠI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: NADA BUKILI∆ Fotografija /Photography: MIODRAG STRUGAR Kratak sadržaj: Zaboravljeni svijet: Kolijevka-upotrebni predmet iz naše prošlosti, u filmu je simbol djetinjstva i nježnosti, majËinske brige i nade u sreÊniji, bolji i ljepši život Ëovjeka. Programme summary: Forgotten world: the cradle - the subject of our past, and in the film the symbol of childhood and tenderness, mother’s care and hope for a happier, better and more beautiful life of men. Programme summary: The village Kurilo in Montenegro, about a kilometre from Skadar lake and about a kilometre from the main road. How have the inhabitants of this village, for hundreds of years, been struggling and how are they perceived? Punt - that small boat has always been for them salvation and hope. It links years and centuries. What was it like fifty years ago? 58 59 TUŽNA PJESMA / SAD SONG - 2010 Producent/production: NVO MONTENEGRIN THEATRE; NVO COALA PRODUCTION Zemlja/Country: CRNA GORA/ MONTENEGRO Trajanje / Duration: 48 MIN Režiser / Director: DANILO MARUNOVI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: DANILO MARUNOVI∆ Fotografija /Photography: GORAN TRIPUNOVI∆ UNIVERSAL Kratak sadržaj: Fim istražuje socijalni i kulturološki background ljudi koji su prošli, ili tek prolaze kroz zavisnost od narkotika. Njihov život na margini, sniman je u snuff maniru u njihovim spavaÊim sobama, ateljeima i ulicama Podgorice. Programme summary: Film researches the social and cultural background of people that had experienced or are experiencing drug addiction. Their life is filmed in snuff manner in their bedrooms, studios and in streets of Podgorica. 60 PORUKA JANA PALACHA / JAN PALACH’S MESSAGE / POSELSTVI JANA PALACHA - 2009 Producent/ production: CZECH TELEVISION Zemlja/Country: »EŠKA/ CZECH REPUBLIC Trajanje / Duration: 57 MIN Režiser / Director: KRISTINA VLACHOVÁ Scenario / Screenplay: KRISTINA VLACHOVÁ, IVAN BIEL Fotografija /Photography: JOSEF HABERLAND Kratak sadržaj: Ovo je jedistveni dokumentarac sa do sada neobjavljenim snimcima i liËnom ispovješÊu Jana Palacha na samrtnoj postelji. Bio je student koji se zapalio u znak protesta protiv okupacije »ehoslovaËke od strane vojske Varšavskog pakta u avgustu 1968. godine. 16. januara 2009. godine, Ëetrdeset godina nakon njegovog herojskog djela, u znak protesta protiv letargije i malodušnosti koja se sve više širila meu ljudima u njegovoj zemlji. Januara 1989.godine, sjeÊanje na njegovo djelo postao je impuls za sedmodnevni javni protest protiv vlade, za dogaaje koji su konaËno pokrenuli “plišanu revoluciju”. Dokumentarac baca svjetlo na motive njegovog apsolutnog žrtvovanja i tako vraÊa u život mladog Ëovjeka koji je postao samo “primjer heroja iz knjiga” posebno za mlade ljude, a za mnoge od njih Jan Palach je postao samo ime. 61 Programme summary: This is a unique documentary with so far unpublished shots and a personal testimony of Jan Palach on his deathbed. He was the student who set himself into a flaming torch in protest against the occupation of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact armies in August 1968. On 16th January 2009, fourty years passed since his heroic deed, undertaken in protest against the spreading lethargy and faintheartedness of the people in his occupied country. In January 1989, the memory of his deed became the impulse for a week of public protest against the government, events which finally started off the “velvet revolution”. The documentary casts light upon the motives of his absolute sacrifice and thus bring to life the young man who has become only a “text-book hero” particularly for young people, for many of whom Jan Palach has become only a name. BITKA ZA ZE»JI GRAD / BATTLE OF RABBIT TOWN - 2009 Producent/ production: UIWE Zemlja/Country: DANSKA/ DENMARK Trajanje / Duration: 55 MIN Režiser / Director: CHRISTIAN PAGH Fotografija /Photography: CHRISTIAN PAGH Kratak sadržaj: “Bitka za zeËji grad” je priËa od dva rivala lidera u sirotinjskom kraju ZeËjeg grada, Recife, Sjeverni Brazil, tokom izbora za gradsku upravu. Prljava i posveÊena kampanja je bitka izmeu onih koji kupuju glasove - i onih koji to ne rade. Danski dokumentarac nudi rijetki prikaz politiËkih sporednih ulica Brazila, i pokazuje kako posveÊenost buja meu oËajem i korupcijom. Kroz intiman prikaz dvojice lidera zajednice, ZeËji Grad pokreÊe mnoga osnovna pitanja o demokratiji, rasrzanoj izmeu ideala i stvarnosti. 62 Programme summary: “Battle of Rabbit Town” is the story of two rivalling local leaders in the favela of Rabbit Town, Recife, North Brazil, during the elections for city government. The dirty and dedicated campaign is a battle between those who buy votes - and those who don’t. The Danish documentary offers a rare look into the political back alleys of Brazil, showing how political dedication thrives amidst despair and corruption. Through an intimate portrait of two community leaders, Battle of Rabbit Town raises fundamental questions about democracy, torn between ideals and reality. 63 »OVJEK MAGNET / THE MAGNETIC MAN / MAGNEETTIMIES - 2009 Producent/ production: ART FILMS PRODUCTION AFP LTD Zemlja/Country: FINSKA/ FINLAND Trajanje / Duration: 79 MIN Režiser / Director: ARTO HALONEN Scenario / Screenplay: ARTO HALONEN Fotografija /Photography: HANNU-PEKKA VITIKAINEN Kratak sadržaj: “»ovjek Magnet” je film o ljudima koji su pronašli snagu u sopstvenoj individualnosti i stekli moÊna sredstva za liËni razvoj kroz pjesme praktiËno nepoznatog finskog muziËara Pekka Strenga. Jedan od tih ljudi je režiser filma, Arto Halonen, za koga je je proizvodni process putovanje u samootkrivanje. Ljudi u filmu slušaju Strengovu muziku u stanju transa kako bi osjetili povezanost sa osnovnim znaËenjem djelova. Oni teže da stvore vezu izmeu muzike i sopstvenog procesa liËnog razvoja. 64 Programme summary: “The Magnetic Man” is a film about people who have found strength in their own individuality and acquired powerful means for personal development through the songs of a virtually unknown Finnish musician Pekka Streng. One of these people is the film’s director, Arto Halonen, for whom the production process is a journey of inner discovery. The people featured in the film listen to Streng’s music in a trance-like state in order to feel an association with the underlying significance of the pieces. They strive to create a connection between the music and their own process of personal development. MJESEC U TEBI / THE MOON INSIDE YOU - 2009 Producent / production: ANDANA FILMS / UBAK PRODUCCIONES / ARTE FRANCE / STV Zemlja/Country: FRANCUSKA, ŠPANIJA, SLOVA»KA/ FRANCE, SPAIN, SLOVAKIA Trajanje / Duration: 52 MIN Režiser / Director: DIANA FABIANOVA Scenario / Screenplay: DIANA FABIANOVA Fotografija /Photography: JERONIMO MOLERO Kratak sadržaj: Kao mnoge druge žene, Diana pati od problematiËnih menstrualnih ciklusa veÊ godinama. Prilikom svakog novog ciklusa, uvijek isto pitanje :”Zašto bol i smetnje ako sam zdrava?”Njena poËetna radoznalost dovodi do emotivnog putovanja u samu suštinu ženstvenosti i života. “Mjesec u tebi” je novi pogled na tabu temu koja definiše politiËku I društvenu realnost i za žene i za muškarce na dublji naËin nego što društvo želi to da prizna. Programme summary: Like many other women, Diana has been suffering from problematic periods for years. With every new cycle, the same question arises: “Why the pain and annoyance if I am healthy?” Her initial curiosity sparks off an emotional voyage to the very roots of femininity and life. The moon inside you is a fresh look at a taboo that defines the political and social reality of both women and men in a more profound way than society might be willing to admit. 65 »OPOR BIJELIH VUKOVA / THE PACK OF WHITE WOLVES - 2008 Programme summary: The rise of neo-Nazis in Rusia is more than a fact! The biggest part of the world’s neo-Nazis are today concentrated in Russia. Extremist ideas about racial purity and the extermination of immigrants, homosexuals, drug addicts and all the “useless pests that pollute the Russian White Race” find an ever more fertile ground in a population whose national pride was wounded during the years that followed the fall of the Soviet Union. “The Pack of White Wolves” is a hair-raising documentary which records the deadly activities of Russian skinheads, the stories of their innocent victims and the terrible threat emerging at the North of Europe. Producent/ production: SMALL PLANET - ERT Zemlja/Country: GR»KA/ GREECE Trajanje / Duration: 63 MIN Režiser / Director: YORGOS AVGEROPOULOS Scenario / Screenplay: YORGOS AVGEROPOULOS Fotografija /Photography: YIANNIS AVGEROPOULOS Kratak sadržaj: JaËanje neonacista u Rusiji je više od Ëinjenice! NajveÊi dio neonacista u svijetu danas se nalazi u Rusiji. EkstremistiËke ideje o Ëistoti rase i istrebljenju imigranata, homoseksualaca, narkomana i svih “nekorisnih štetoËina koji zagauju rusku bijelu rasu” nalaze sve plodnije tlo u stanovništvu Ëiji je nacionalni ponos ranjen tokom godina nakon pada Sovjetskog Saveza. “»opor bijelih vukova” je jezivi dokumentarac koji belježi smrtonosne aktivnosti ruskih skinhedsa, priËe njihovih nevinih žrtava i užasne prijetnje koja se javlja na sjeveru Evrope. 66 67 POSAO KOJI CVJETA / A BLOOMING BUSINESS - 2009 Producent/ production: NEWTON FILM FOR VPRO Zemlja/Country: HOLANDIJA/ NETHERLANDS Trajanje / Duration: 52 MIN Režiser / Director: TON VAN ZANTVOORT Scenario / Screenplay: TON VAN ZANTVOORT Fotografija /Photography: TON VAN ZANTVOORT Kratak sadržaj: “Posao koji cvjeta” je poetski dokumentarac Ton Van Zantvoorta o ljudima u Keniji koji su zarobljeni globalnom industrijom cvijeÊa. Dilema industrije postaje bolno jasna i otkrivaju se tamni svijet ugnjetavanja, seksualnog zlostavljanja i užasnih uslova rada. Samo je jedan moguÊi zakljuËak: miris uvezenog cvijeÊa nije sladak, veÊ gorak. ZAŠTO? / WHY? - 2009 Producent/ production: HRT Zemlja/Country: HRVATSKA/ CROATIA Trajanje / Duration: 30 MIN Režiser / Director: LJUBICA JANKOVI∆ LAZARI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: LJUBICA JANKOVI∆ LAZARI∆ Fotografija /Photography: TVRTKO MRŠI∆ Kratak sadržaj: Djevojku koja je po svom seksualnom opredjeljenju lezbijka, roditelji su zatvorili u psihijatrijsku bolnicu LopaËa u 15. godini života… Programme summary: A girl who declared herself to be a lesbian, the parents commited to the psychiatric hospital Lopaca at the age of 15… Programme summary: “A Blooming Business” is a poetic documentary by Ton Van Zantvoort about people in Kenya who are imprisoned by the gobal flower industry. The dilemmas of the industry become painfully clear and a dark world of oppression, sexual abuse and terrible working conditions unfolds. There is only one conclusion possible: the smell of the imported rose is not sweet, but bitter. 68 69 Programme summary: “What Balkans means to me - Cinema Europe” is envisaged as a pilot programme of a large series about identity problems within socities in transition in post-political period in the area known as the Balkans. This is a Croatian story. Each programme has the same scheme: an independent proletarian, i.e. an intellectural comes to his hometown from abroad, from the environment he is living for so long that social climate there is much more suitable for him than this one… Responding to the question what Balkan means to him brings to the surface many painful issues. ŠTO JE MENI BALKAN - KINO EVROPA / WHAT BALKAN MEANS TO ME - CINEMA EUROPE / ŠTO JE MENI BALKAN - KINO EUROPA - 2010 Producent/ production: HRT Zemlja/Country: HRVATSKA/ CROATIA Trajanje / Duration: 53 MIN Režiser / Director: INES PLETIKOS Scenario / Screenplay: INES PLETIKOS Fotografija /Photography: MAK VEJZOVI∆ Kratak sadržaj: “Što je meni Balkan - Kino Evropa” zamišljen je kao pilot emisija veÊeg serijala koji govori o identitetskim problemima u tranzicijskim društvima u post-politiËkom vremenu na podruËju država koje se kolokvijalno nazivaju Balkanom. Ovo je hrvatska priËa. U svakoj emisiji ponavlja se ista shema: nezavisni proleter, drugim rijeËima intelektualac, stiže u svoj rodni grad iz inostranstva, iz sredine u kojoj veÊ godinama živi jer mu tamošnja društvena klima mnogo više odgovara od domaÊe… OdgovarajuÊi na pitanje šta je njemu Balkan otvara brojna bolna pitanja. 70 71 CRVENO, BIJELO I ZELENO / RED, WHITE AND THE GREEN - 2009 Producent/ production: A NINETEEN95 PRODUCTION Zemlja/Country: IRAN Trajanje / Duration: 57 MIN Režiser / Director: NADER DAVOODI Scenario / Screenplay: NADER DAVOODI Fotografija /Photography: NADER DAVOODI Programme summary: Last June, the world was shaken by the 10th Iranian presidential election. The events following the election received great media attention. In what were the most violent days since the Islamic revolution, over 65 people were killed, and the world began to wonder just what could cause such wide spread of anger against the government. “Red, white, and the green” is a documentary which takes place during the last three weeks leading up to the June 22nd election. It features over 55 min of never before seen footage in the Iranian capital. The most moving aspect of the film is the great optimism which most people show towards the upcoming election, not knowing the great horror that is around the corner for most of them. Kratak sadržaj: Prošlog juna, svijet su potresli 10. iranski predsjedniËki izbori. Dogaaji nakon izbora imali su veliku pažnju medija. Tokom najnasilnijih dana još od islamske revolucije, preko 65 ljudi je ubijeno, i svijet je poËeo da se Ëudi šta bi moglo da prouzrokuje tako široko rasprostranjeni bijes prema vladi. “Crveno, bijelo i zeleno” je dokumentarac koji je nastao tokom poslednje tri sedmice sve do izbora 22.juna. Sadrži preko 55 minuta nikada ranije vienog materijala u iranskom glavnom gradu. Najdirljiviji aspect filma jeste veliki optimizam koju veÊina ljudi pokazuje u odnosu na predstojeÊe izbore, ne znajuÊi da je veliki užas odmah iza ugla. 72 73 NJEGOVO I NJENO / HIS AND HERS - 2009 Producent/ production: VENOM FILM Zemlja/Country: IRSKA/ IRELAND Trajanje / Duration: 80 MIN Režiser / Director: KEN WARDROP Fotografija /Photography: KATE McCULLOUGH & MICHAEL LAVELLE Kratak sadržaj: 90 godina stara ljubavna priËa ispriËana kolektivnim glasovima 70 gospoa iz unutrašnjosti Irske. Programme summary: A 90-year-old love story told from the collective voices of 70 ladies from the Irish Midlands. RATOVI, LAŽI I TELEVIZIJA / WARS, LIES & TELEVISION / GUERRA, BUGIE & TV- 2009 Producent/ production: RAI EDUCATIONAL Zemlja/Country: ITALIJA/ ITALY Trajanje / Duration: 59 MIN Režiser / Director: AMEDEO RICUCCI Scenario / Screenplay: AMEDEO RICUCCI Fotografija /Photography: DIEGO GARBATI Kratak sadržaj: Snimljen televizijskom kamerom kanala France 2 i emitovano širom svijeta, snimak smrti palestinskog djeËaka Mohammeda al-Dura u Gazi 30. septembra 2000.godine, postao je tokom godina predmet politiËke, novinarske i pravne rasprave. Programme summary: Filmed by the television cameras of France 2 and broadcast all over the world, the footage of the death of Palestinian boy Mohammed al-Dura in Gaza on 30 September 2000 has become, over the years, the subject of a long political, journalistic and judicial dispute. 74 75 SVETI PLESA» / THE SACRED DANCER - 2008 Programme summary: Biswajit is a 15-year-old boy who lives in Dimirisena, a small mud hut village in the Indian state of Orissa. He is one of the last Gotipuas, the sacred children given at birth to the temple, where they spent their childhood learning to dance in honour of Lord Shiva. With make-up and feminine clothes they represent the Devadasi, the Lord’s lovers. Every day Biswajit follows an exhausting training routine. But his time as a Gotipua is almost over and he will soon leave the temple. The boy cannot imagine what life could be outside the temple, he cannot imagine a life without dancing, his unique purpose in life. He asks God to show him a new way. Producent/ production: TERRA S.R.L. & RAI EDUCATIONAL Zemlja/Country: ITALIJA/ ITALY Trajanje / Duration: 30 MIN Režiser / Director: DIEGO D’INNOCENZO Scenario / Screenplay: ROBERTA CORTELLA Fotografija /Photography: MARCO LEOPARDI, MARCO PASQUINI Kratak sadržaj: Biswajit je petnaestogodiišnji djeËak koji živi u Dimiriseni, maloj seoskoj kolibi od blata u indijskog državi Orissa. On je jedan od poslednjih Gotipuasa, svete djece koja su po roenju predata hramu, a gdje su provela svoje djetinjstvo uËeÊi da plešu u Ëast Boga Šive. Sa šminkom i ženskom odjeÊom oni predstavljaju Devadasi, ljubavnicu Boga. Svakog dana Biswajit prolazi kroz iscrpljujuÊu rutinu obuke. Ali njegovo vrijeme Gotipue je skoro gotovo i on Êe uskoro morati da napusti hram. DjeËak ne može ni da zamisli kakav bi život mogao da bude van hrama, ne može da zamisli život bez plesa, njegove jedinstvene svrhe u životu. On moli Boga da mu pokaže novi put. 76 77 TEGOBAN KAMEN / THE BURDENSOME STONE / EVEN HASHTYA - 2008 Producent/ production: THE NATIONAL ISRAELI TV - CHANNEL 1 Zemlja/Country: IZRAEL/ ISRAEL Trajanje / Duration: 97 MIN Režiser / Director: TALI OHAION Scenario / Screenplay: TALI OHAION Fotografija /Photography: RONI AHARON 78 Kratak sadržaj: Ovdje je sve poËelo - i ovdje Êe sve ponovo poËeti… 2002. godine, vodena mrlja je otkrivena na Kamenu Temeljcu. Izvori kažu da su muslimanska sveštena lica tražila da se posavjetuju sa Kabalistima. Obe strane vjeruju da pojava vode u Kamenu Temeljcu pretskazuje kraj svijeta. Po judejstvu, Kamen Temeljac je povezan sa Postanjem. To je mjesto najveÊe svetinje Hrama. Po Islamu - to je mjesto gdje se prorok Muhamed uznio na nebo. HrišÊanstvo pripisuje koncept “mistiËnog temeljca” Isusu kao izvoru svih voda svijeta - blagosti - života. Eksploziv svijeta… Jevrejsko mistiËno razumijevanje Kamelja Temeljca kao “sjemena i Ëakre svijeta” opravdava povezivanje svih religija sa ovim mjestom jedinstva izmeu Boga i Ëovjeka - pluralistiËki pristup koji Ëini nemoguÊnim osvajanje ovog mjesta sredstvima ljudi. Svaki teološki i istorijski dogaaj je manifestacija Božije intervencije i služi da donese spasenje. U ovoj “igri uloga”, Jevreji predstavljaju Sveštenike cijelog svijeta “jer moj dom Êe biti hram svih naroda…” Programme summary: This is where it all began - and where it will all begin again… In 2002 a water stain was discovered on the Foundation Stone. Sources report that Moslem clerics have asked to consult with Kabbalists. Both sides believe that the rising of water in the Foundation Stone presages the End of Days. According to Judaism, the Foundation Stone is connected to the Creation. It is the location of the Holy of Holies of the Temple. According to Islam - this is where the Prophet Mohammad ascended to Heaven. Christianity attributes the concept of “the mystical foundation” to Jesus as the source of the waters of the world - kindness- life. The Explosive of the World… The Jewish mystical conception of the Foundation Stone as the “seed and chacra of the world” legitimizes the connecting of all the religions to this place of union between God and man - A pluralistic approach which makes it impossible to conquer this place through human means. Every theological and historical event is a manifestation of divine intervention and serves to bring about the Redemption. In this “role-play”, the Jews represent the Priests of the entire world - “For my house will be the house of worship for all nations…” 79 PAMTE∆I INNINIMOWIN / REMEMBERING CREE - 2010 SUZE SHUANGXI / TEARS OF SHUANGXI / SHUANG XI DE YAN LEI - 2010 Producent/ production: VIS JUELLES PRODUCTIONS Zemlja / Country: KANADA / CANADA Režiser / Director: JULES A. KOOSTACHIN Scenario / Screenplay: JULES A. KOOSTACHIN Fotografija /Photography: MAHIIGAN KOOSTACHIN, JULES KOOSTACHIN Producent/ production: JINHUAQING TRAINING CAMP Zemlja/Country: KINA/ CHINA Trajanje / Duration: 19 MIN 45 SEC Režiser / Director: FANJIAJU & WANGJUN Scenario / Screenplay: FANJIAJU Fotografija /Photography: WANGJUN Kratak sadržaj: Inninimowin (Cree) se govori u nekoliko domorodaËkih zajednica širom Kanade. Iako se smatra jednim od najoËuvanijih domorodaËkih jezika, prijeti mu nestanak. Cilj ovog dokumentarca jeste da se premosti jaz u razumijevanju izmeu generacija prikazujuÊi grub tretman domorodaca kreÊuÊi se ka izmirenju i isceljenju. “PamteÊi Inninimowin“ belježi izgubljene razgovore izmeu generacija. Kratak sadržaj: Ovaj film otkriva cijenu krvi u ruralnom i urbanom razvoju. Mnogo ruralnih radnika koje je krenulo ka velikom gradu na jugu Kine još od 90tih, otpoËelo je svoju karijeru radeÊi kao nadniËari. Nisu znali za latentne opasnosti i patili su od pneumokonioze. Cijela im je porodica u okeanu tuge. Programme summary: Inninimowin (Cree) is spoken in several Native communities across Canada. Although it is considered one of the most preserved Native languages; it is also at risk of disappearing. This goal of this documentary is to mend the gaps in understanding between generations by exposing the harsh treatment of Native peoples and moving towards reconciliation and healing. Remembering Inninimowin captures the lost conversations between generations. 80 Programme summary: This film revealed the cost of blood in rural and urban development. Plenty of rural workers headed for a big city in southern China since 1990s, began their career as contribute workers. They didn’t know the latent dangers, and suffered from the pneumoconiosis. All their family’s in an ocean of sorrow. 81 SADA JE SANIJEVO VRIJEME / SUNNY’S TIME NOW - 2008 Producent/ production: PAUL THILTGES DISTRIBUTIONS (PTD) Zemlja/Country: LUKSEMBURG/ LUXEMBOURG Trajanje / Duration: 108 MIN Režiser / Director: ANTOINE PRUM Scenario / Screenplay: ANTOINE PRUM Fotografija /Photography: CAMILLE COTTAGNOUD & CARLO THIEL Kratak sadržaj: Dokumentarac prati dugogodišnju karijeru avangardnog bubnjara Sunny Murra-ja, jednog od najuticajnijih liËnosti revolucije Slobodnog džeza. Kroz niz intervjua sa kljuËnim svedocima kao i uz pomoÊ istorijskih i dokumentarnih snimaka sa koncerata, ponovo se procjenjuje odnos izmeu pokreta libertarijanske muzike i politiËkih dogaaja 1960tih Ëije su društvene tvrdnje tako intimno oslikane. Programme summary: The documentary retraces the longstanding career of avant-garde drummer Sunny Murray, one of the most influential figures of the Free jazz revolution. Through a series of interviews with key time witnesses as well as historic and documentary concert footage, it reassesses the relationship between the libertatian music movement and the political events o the 1960s, whose social claims it so intimately reflected. 82 RU»NE TORBICE I NJIHOVE DAME / HANDBAGS AND THEIR LADIES / NÖI TÁSKA - 2009 Producent/ production: MTV Zemlja/Country: MA–ARSKA/ HUNGARY Trajanje / Duration: 54 MIN Režiser / Director: PÁL SIPOS Scenario / Screenplay: PÁL SIPOS Fotografija /Photography: ATTILA KILIAN Kratak sadržaj: Odmah nailazimo na poteškoÊe u vezi sa njenim samim imenom. Zove se torbica, ženska tašna ili jednostavno ruËna torbica? I šta je sa njenom funkcijom? Da li iËemu služi? Ništa u njoj nema dovoljno mjesta. Ili obrnuto, sve što ženi može trebati se može zgurati u nju. Naš dokumentarni film je o predmetu koji se pripisuje ženskom polu stotinama godina. Ona Ëuva tajne, sadrži sitnice i savršen je modni detalj. To je kultni predmet koji može prouzrokovati ekstremne emocije. Ima ljudi koji ih mrze i rado bih ih se riješili, a ima onih koji ih vole i smatraju ih simbolom ženstvenosti. Postoje ljudi koji konstantno tragaju za onom savršenom koja Êe biti za cijeli život, ali nikad na nju ne nailaze. A ima onih koji je drže pored sebe Ëak i na samrtnoj postelji. Baš kao moja majka… 83 Programme summary: We immediately run into difficulties concerning its name. It is called a reticule, a purse or simply a handbag? And what about its function? Is it good for anything? Nothing has enough room in it. Or on the contrary, everything can be crammed in it that a woman might need. Our documentary is about the object which has been the attribute of the female sex for hundreds of years. It guards their secrets, contains their odds and ends and serves as a perfect fashion accessory. It is a cult item which can arouse extreme emotions. There are people who hate it and would get rid of it, and those who love it and regard it as a symbol of femininity. There are people who are constantly on the lookout for the perfect one for a lifetime, but never come across it. And there are those who keep it by their side even on their deathbed. Like my mother… BIOLOŠKI MINIMUM / BIOLOGICAL MINIMUM - 2010 Producent/ production: MAKEDONSKA TELEVIZIJA Zemlja/Country: MAKEDONIJA/ FYRO MACEDONIA Trajanje / Duration: 30 MIN 48 SEC Režiser / Director: IVAN MITEVSKI Scenario / Screenplay: TANJA BITOLJANU PLAVŠI∆ Fotografija /Photography: DIMITAR VLADICKI, GOCE SIMONOVSKI Kratak sadržaj: Više od 1500 sela u Makedoniji je prešlo u zaborav. Ovo je priËa o selu Zdunje koje je nestalo u vodama akumulacionog jezera Kozjak a ispriËali su je poslednji stanovnici koji su polako poËeli da nestaju baš kao i selo. “Biološki minimum” se odnosi na malu koliËinu vode koja je ostala da bi se nastavio život u ovom selu kada brana presjeËe vodu. Programme summary: More than 1500 villages in Macedonia have crossed over into forgetfulness. This story is bout the village of Zdunje that had vanished in the waters of the accumulation Kozjak was captured by its last inhabitants who slowly begin to disappear along with it. Biological minimum refers to the poor quantity of water that is left to continue the life in this village once the dam cuts off the water. 84 85 AUTOBIOGRAFIJA »OVJEKA GOLUBA / THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE PIGEON MAN 2010 Producent/ production: UNIVERZITET AUDIOVIZUELNIH UMJETNOSTI; ESRA/ EFA PRODUCTION Zemlja/Country: MAKEDONIJA/ FYRO MACEDONIA Trajanje / Duration: 8 MIN 20 SEC Režiser / Director: KONSTANTIN PLEVNES Scenario / Screenplay: KONSTANTIN PLEVNES Fotografija /Photography: KONSTANTIN PLEVNES Kratak sadržaj: „Autobiografija Ëovjeka goluba“ je intimna ispovjest Ëovjeka koji je izgubio sve u životu. On je zaboravljen od društva i jedini prijatelji su mu pas i golubovi. Programme summary: „The autobiography of the pigeon man” is an intimate confession of a man who lost everything. He is forgotten by society and the only friend are his dog and pigeons. 86 IZVOR /THE WELL / ECHAG - 2008 Producent/ production: VISUL CULTURAL STUDIES UNIT, UNIVERSITY OF TROMSO Zemlja/Country: MALI Trajanje / Duration: 32 MIN Režiser / Director: SOULEYMANE DIALLO Fotografija /Photography: SOULEYMANE DIALLO Kratak sadržaj: Ovaj film prikazuje Tuarega Igorareina koji živi u tranziciji na sjeveru Malija. U filmu se nadovezuju prošlost predaka (pastoralni život nomada), njihova sadašnja situacija i nade u bolju buduÊnosti, gdje mnogi oËekuju da Êe formalno obrazovanje igrati znaËajnu ulogu. Programme summary: This film shows Igorareine Tuareg of Echag, northern Mali, living in transition. It underlines the juxtaposition between their ancestral past (pastoral nomadic life), their present situation and their feelings about a better future, in which many expect formal education to play a major role. 87 SIRENA I RONILAC / THE MERMAID AND THE DIVER / LA SIRENA Y EL BUZO - 2009 BILO JEDNOM JEDNO OSTRVO: TE HENUA E NNOHO / THERE ONCE WAS AN ISLAND: TE HENUA E NNOHO - 2010 Producent/ production: PRODUCCIONES AMARANTA Zemlja/Country: MEKSIKO/ MEXICO Trajanje / Duration: 80 MIN Režiser / Director: MERCEDES MONCADA RODRIGUEZ Scenario / Screenplay: MERCEDES MONCADA RODRIGUEZ Fotografija /Photography: ALEX CATALÁN, EMILIANO VILLANUEVA, CUCO VILLARIAS Producent/ production: ON THE LEVEL PRODUCTIONS Zemlja/Country: NOVI ZELAND/ NEW ZEALAND Trajanje / Duration: 80 MIN Režiser / Director: BRIAR MARCH Scenario / Screenplay: BRIAR MARCH, LYN COLLIE, PRISCA BOUCHET Fotografija /Photography: BRIAR MARCH Kratak sadržaj: Ovo je priËa o fantastiËnom životu Simbada, ronioca koji se zaljubio u sirenu, koji umire, raa se i odrasta u zemlji Miskito u Nikaragvi. Programme summary: This story is the fantastic life of Sinbad, the Diver who fell in love with a mermaid, who dies, is born and grows up in the Miskito lands in Nicaragua. 88 Kratak sadržaj: Šta bi bilo kad bi vaša zajednica morala da odluËi da li da napusti svoju domovinu zauvijek jer nema dostupne pomoÊi? Ovo je realnost za kulturološki jedinstvenu polinezijsku zajednicu Takuu sa malog koralnog ostrva u jugozapadnom Pacifiku. Dok užasne plimske poplave paraju veÊ uništenu zemlju, zajednica Takuu je suoËena direktno sa razarajuÊim efektima klimatskih promjena. Programme summary: What if your community had to decide whether to leave their homeland forever and there was no help available? This is the reality for the culturally unique Polynesian community of Takuu, a tiny low/lying atoll in the South Western Pacific. As a terrifying tidal flood rips through their already damaged home, the Takuu community experiences the devastating effects of climate change first hand. 89 BAMA I IZGUBLJENE GORILE / BAMA AND THE LOST GORILLAS / BAMA DER GORILLAMANN - 2009 SLIKA NAPALM DJEVOJKE / THE PICTURE OF THE NAPALM GIRL / DAS MÄDCHEN UND DAS FOTO - 2010 Producent/ production: STUDIO HAMBURG DOCLIGHTS NATURFILM Zemlja/Country: NJEMA»KA/ GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 44 MIN 30 SEC Režiser / Director: ERNST SASSE, NICKY LANKESTER Fotografija /Photography: HANS-PETER KUTTLER, ERNST SASSE Producent/ production: WDR, ARTE Zemlja/Country: NJEMA»KA/ GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 53 MIN Režiser / Director: MARC WIESE Scenario / Screenplay: MARC WIESE Fotografija /Photography: HERMANN SCHULZ Kratak sadržaj: Alfred Bama, Ëuvar životinja iz Kameruna ima nevjerovatnu vezu sa gorilama. On vodi o njima raËuna u Centru za divljaË Limbe, rezervatu za primate siroËad. Sve njegove gorile ga vole i poštuju, a on ima blisku vezu sa Nyangom, brdskom gorilom, koji pripada najugroženijoj vrsti velikog majmuna. Film prati Bamu u njegovoj potrazi za poslednjim roakom Nyanga u divljini. Ovo je priËa o izvanrednom prijateljstvu i prikazuju se po prvi put na snimci brdskih gorilla snimljenih u divljini. 90 Programme summary: Alfred Bama, an animal keeper from Cameroon, has an extraordinary connection with gorillas. He takes care of them at the Limbe Wildlife Centre, a sanctuary for orphaned primates. Loved and respected by all of his gorillas, he has a close relationship to Nyango, a Cross River gorilla, the world’s most endangered great ape. The film follows Bama on his quest for the last of Nyango’s wild relatives. It tells the story about an outstanding friendship and shows the first TV pictures of Cross River gorillas ever taken in the wild. Kratak sadržaj: 1972. godine, jedna fotografija je proletjela svijetom: na njoj je bila devetogodišnja vijetnamska djevojËica Kim Phuc, lica iskriveljnog od bola, kako bježi ne bi li se spasila. U svom pokušaju da pobjegne od napada sa napalm bombama koje su uništile njeno cijelo selo, ona je zadobila teške opekotine. AP fotograf Nich Ut osvojio je Pulicerovu nagradu za ovu fotografiju - a i klik njegove blende spasio je život Kim Phuc. Ovaj film prikazuje kako jedna jedina fotografija može promijeniti živote svih ukljuËenih strana. Programme summary: In 1972 a photograph flashed around the world: it showed nineyear-old Vietnamese girl, Kim Phuc, running for her life, her face contorted in pain. In her attempt to escape a napalm bomb attack which destroyed her entire village she suffered terrible burns. AP photographer Nich Ut won then Pullitzer Prize for this shot - and the click of his shutter saved Kim Phuc’s life. The film documents how a single picture can change the lives of all involved. 91 PASIJA / PASSION / PASJA - 2008 Producent/ production: TELEWIZJA POLSKA Zemlja/Country: POLJSKA/ POLAND Trajanje / Duration: 36 MIN 10 SEC Režiser / Director: DAGMARA SZYMAŃSKA- SZYMURA Scenario / Screenplay: DAGMARA SZYMAŃSKA- SZYMURA Fotografija /Photography: DARIUSZ SZYMURA Kratak sadržaj: Ovo je priËa o izvanrednom “životnom putu” (punom pasije) jednog od poslednjih i najstarijih isposnika u Poljskoj. Jozef živi svojim asketskim životom i ne brine o promjenama oko sebe. »ini se da je nalik izumrlim vrstama u modernom materijalnom svijetu. Drži se principa i ograniËenja koja je nametnuo sam sebi i koja su poslediËno ostavila neizbrisiv trag na njegovu sudbinu. On je nesvjestan Ëinjenice da je postao simbol mjesta u kojem živi skoro šezdeset godina - to je neobiËna lokacija: Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (u Poljskoj). 92 Programme summary: This is a story of extraordinary “life voyage” (full of passion) of one of the last hermits and Poland’s oldest. Joseph (Jozef) lives his own ascetic life not bothered by the changes going on around him. He seems to be like an extinct species in modern material world. He adheres to the principles and restrictions which he has imposed upon himself and which consequently have left an indelible mark on his fate. He is unaware of the fact he has become a symbol of the place he has inhabited for nearly sixty years - this is an unusual location: Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (in Poland). JUAN MELENDEZ - 6446 / JUAN MELÉNDEZ-6446 - 2008 Producent/ production: LRA DIRECTORES/PUERTO RICO CIVIL LIBERTIES COMMISSION Zemlja/Country: PORTORIKO/PUERTO RICO Trajanje / Duration: 48 MIN Režiser / Director: LUIS ROSARIO ALBERT Scenario / Screenplay: MAREL MALARET Fotografija /Photography: CLAUDIO CHEA Kratak sadržaj: Ovo je priËa o portorikanskom farmeru migrantu koji je odrastao u Njujorku i koji je optužen za ubistvo u državi Floridi. Iako je tvrdio da je nevin, Juan Meléndez je osuen u roku od pet dana na smrtnu kaznu na Ëije je izvršenje Ëekao 17 godina, 8 mjeseci i 1 dan do oslobaanja od presude 3. januara 2002.godine. Juan Meléndez je bio osuen na smrt za zloËin koji nije poËinio. Ovu priËu priËa sam Juan Meléndez, njegova majka, advokati i prijatelji. Nakon osloboenja od presude, Juan se vratio po prvi put u najveÊi zatvor u Portoriku “Oso Blanco” (Bijeli medved), koji je sada zatvoren kako bi rekonstruisao neke od najtežih trenutaka u zatvoru … 93 Programme summary: This is a story of a Puerto Rican migrant farmer raised in New York City and accused for a murder in the state of Florida. While claiming his innocence, Juan Meléndez was sentenced in five days and put on death row for 17 years, 8 months and 1 day until his exoneration on January 3rd, 2002. Juan Meléndez was sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit. The story is told by Juan Meléndez himself, his mother, lawyers and friends. After his exoneration, Juan returns for the first time to the largest prison in Puerto Rico “Oso Blanco” (White Bear), now closed to recreate some of his most difficult moments in jail… SVIJET PO IONU B. / THE WORLD ACCORDING TO ION B. / LUMEA VAZUTA DE ION B. - 2010 Producent/ production: HBO ROMANIA Zemlja/Country: RUMUNIJA/ ROMANIA Trajanje / Duration: 61 MIN Režiser / Director: ALEXANDER NANAU Scenario / Screenplay: ALEXANDER NANAU Fotografija /Photography: ALEXANDER NANAU Kratak sadržaj: Borac. Pijanica. Vizionar. Autsajder. Umjetnik. BeskuÊnik. Genije. Ion Barladeanu je na putu da postane važan savremeni umjetnik, ali maja 2008. godine, on je još uvijek anonimna lutalica na ulicama Bukurešta. Programme summary: Fighter. Drunk. Visionary. Outsider. Artist. Homeless. Genius. Ion Barladeanu is on his way to become an important contemporary artist, but in May 2008, he was still an anonymous tramp in the streets of Bucharest. 94 95 VELIKI RAT / THE GREAT WAR / ВЕЛИКАЯ ВОЙНА- 2010 Producent/ production: STAR MEDIA Zemlja/Country: RUSIJA/ RUSSIA Trajanje / Duration: 45 MIN Režiser / Director: VALERIY BABICH Scenario / Screenplay: ARTEM DRABKIN, ALEKSEY ISAEV Kratak sadržaj: Projekat “Veliki rat” oslikava najvažnije dogaaje i bitke II svjetskog rata. Zadatak projekta je da ilustruje istoriju rata posredstvom kompjuterske grafike, filma i ratnih snimaka. Programme summary: The project “The Great War” depicts the most important events and battles of World War II. The task of the project is to illustrate the history of the war by means of computer graphics, motion-picture images and wartime actuality shots. 96 AUTOMORFOZA / AUTOMORPHOSIS - 2009 Producent/ production: HARROD BLANK Zemlja/Country: SAD/USA Trajanje / Duration: 76 MIN 38 SEC Režiser / Director: HARROD BLANK Scenario / Screenplay: HARROD BLANK Fotografija /Photography: HARROD BLANK Kratak sadržaj: Šta bi bilo kada biste mogli da promjenite automobil u pokretno umjetniËko djelo i da ga vozite tako da ga svi mogu vidjeti? Kako bi to izgledalo? Šta bi svijet mislio o vama? Kako biste se vi promijenili? “Automorfoza” zadire u umove i srca vesele skupine ekcentrika, vizionara i jednostavnih ljudi koji su svoje automobile pretvorili u umjetniËka djela. Programme summary: What if you could morph your car into a mobile work of art, and drive it down the road for all to see? What would it look like? What would the world think of you? How would you be changed? “Automorphosis” looks into the minds and hearts of a delightful collection of eccentrics, visionaries, and just plain folks who have transformed their autos into artworks. 97 KAKO PREŽIVJETI? / HOW TO SURVIVE? / KAKO PREŽIVETI? - 2009 Producent/ production: PL GLOBUS FILM Zemlja/Country: SRBIJA/ SERBIA Trajanje / Duration: 15 MIN Režiser / Director: PETAR LALOVI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: VITKA LALOVI∆, PETAR LALOVI∆ Fotografija /Photography: PETAR LALOVI∆ Kratak sadržaj: I rode se ponekad prevare i donesu na svijet više mladih nego što mogu da prehrane. Situacija postaje još tragiËnija ako se desi da je „sušna“ godina, kada za rode nema dovoljno hrane. Ovo je dokumentarna priËa o malom rodiÊu, koji je u gnijezdu postao „višak“, o drevnom zakonu i o tome kako roditelji rješavaju taj problem. Meutim, ponekad se u ime humanosti i zakoni prirode, ne moraju uvijek poštovati. 98 Programme summary: Even the storks are sometimes deceived and bring to the world more chick than they can feed. The situation gets even more tragic if is “dry” year when there is not enough food for the storks. This is a documentary of a small stork chick that became “surplus” in the nest, about the ancient law and how the parents solve this issue. However, in the name of humanity, sometimes the laws on nature can be bent. STARAC U 26-TOJ / OLD AT 26 - 2010 Producent/ production: RADIO TELEVIZIJA VOJVODINE Zemlja/Country: SRBIJA/ SERBIA Trajanje / Duration: 26 MIN Režiser / Director: ŽELJKO MIRKOVI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: BRANISLAVA KOVA»EVI∆ Fotografija /Photography: VLADIMIR KARA–INOVI∆ Kratak sadržaj: Zoran MilanoviÊ je u svojoj 24-toj godini doživjeo tešku saobraÊajnu nesreÊu usled koje je ostao nepokretan. Nakon dvije godine provedene u raznim rehabilitacionim centrima, našao se u nezavidnoj situaciji u kojoj je rebalo da odluËi o svom daljem smještaju. Odluka je bila teška i bolna. BuduÊi da je u tom periodu veÊ bio dva puta oženjen i otac dvije djevojËice, a roditelji su mu bili razvedeni, svojevoljno se odluËio da nikom ne nameÊe obavezu i teret o staranju o sebi. Niko od njih nije ni pokazao izrazitu želju da to uËini. UtoËište je, u 26-toj, potražio u staraËkom domu. Programme summary: Zoran MilanoviÊ had a serious car accident at the age of 24 and was left paralysed. After two years spent in various rehabilitation centres, he was in a difficult situation and he had to decide where he would live. The decision was tough and painful. Having in mind that had been married twice and had two girls, and his parents were divorced, he decided on his own not to be a burden to anyone. Nobody expressed his or her willingness to take care of him. He took refuge as a 26-year-old man in a retirement home. 99 DUGO PUTOVANJE KROZ ISTORIJU, HISTORIJU I POVIJEST / THE LONG ROAD THROUGH BALKAN HISTORY - 2010 Programme summary: Two writers, Miljenko JergoviÊ from Croatia and Marko VidojkoviÊ from Serbia take turns behind the wheel of Yugo, the symbol of their youth, driving from one end to the other of the road once known as “The highway of Brotherhood and Unity”… From Slovenia to Macedonia, through Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia. Through the rear window, Marko and Miljenko look back at their youth, research the divisions brought down by history, and ask themselves where the present is taking them. They talk to people trying to find the anwer how did they get here … and where the history highway is going to take them further. Producent/ production: SEETV Zemlja/Country: SRBIJA & BELGIJA/ SERBIA & BELGIUM Trajanje / Duration: 58 MIN Režiser / Director: ŽELJKO MIRKOVI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: ŽELJKO MIRKOVI∆, DUŠAN GAJI∆ Fotografija /Photography: MIODRAG TRAJKOVI∆ Kratak sadržaj: Dvojica pisaca, Miljenko JergoviÊ iz Hrvatske i Marko VidojkoviÊ iz Srbije smjenjuju se za volanom Yuga, simbola njihove zajedniËke mladosti, u vožnji s kraja na kraj puta koji se nekada zvao “Autoput Bratstva i jedinstva”… Od Slovenije do Makedonije, preko Hrvatske, Bosne i Srbije. Kroz retrovizor Yuga, Marko i Miljenko bacaju pogled na zajedniËku prošlost, istražuju podjele koje je donijela istorija, pitaju se gdje ih vodi sadašnjost i razgovaraju sa ljudima od kojih traže odgovor na to kako su dotle dospjeli… i gdje Êe ih dalje odvesti autoput istorije. 100 101 NEDELJNA ŠKOLA / SUNDAY SCHOOL - 2010 OPEKOTINA / THE BURN / HARGA - 2010 Producent/ production: OLD FOOL FILMS LIMITED Zemlja/Country: TAJLAND/ THAILAND Trajanje / Duration: 43 MIN 17 SEC Režiser / Director: JOANNA VASQUEZ ARONG Scenario / Screenplay: JOANNA VASQUEZ ARONG Fotografija /Photography: JOANNA VASQUEZ ARONG Producent/ production: AUDIMAGE Zemlja/Country: TUNIS/ TUNISIA Trajanje / Duration: 27 MIN Režiser / Director: LEILA CHOIBI Scenario / Screenplay: LEILA CHOIBI Fotografija /Photography: LEILA CHOIBI Kratak sadržaj: Film ispituje kako su muke svakodnevnog života isprepletene sa vjerom i crkvom u Zambiji. »ini se da je vrijeme stalo kako se dogaaji odvijaju po jednu djevojku, mladu majku i staricu. Meu temama koje se ponavljaju o smrti i obnovi, ponovo otkrivamo religiju kao silu koja može da zalijeËi rane koje je moderni svijet ostavio davno za sobom. Programme summary: This film explores how the pains of everyday life are intricately linked with faith and the church in Zambia. Time seems to stand still as events unfold for a girl, a young mother and an elder. Amid recurring themes of death and renewal, we rediscover religion as a force to heal wounds that the modern world has long left behind. 102 103 VJEN»ANI ZA KAMERU / MARRIED TO THE CAMERA / MAKERAYLA IZDIVAÇ - 2010 Programme summary: This is a film that shows us the unknown faces of TV world through a very popular show in Turkey called “Marriage with Esra Erol” which aims to marry people in front of the camera. While thousands of people apply to this TV show to marry a complete stranger, millions are glued to their screens to watch it every morning… “Married to the camera” focuses on the people who are looking for a glimpse of hope in the hallways of a huge TV studio: a popular presenter who feels very much at east on stage but prays for good luck in the backstage; a director whispering in her earphone to guide her in order to make the show more exciting; a peculiar spectator whose job is to criticize; audience dancing and clapping when ordered; and a young man dancing to hip hop music without ever being in a disco all his life. Producent/ production: DELICE FILM & ARTE FRANCE & ARTICLE Z Zemlja/Country: TURSKA/ TURKEY Trajanje / Duration: 52 MIN Režiser / Director: DOǦA KILCIOǦLU Fotografija /Photography: CAN KILCIOǦLU Kratak sadržaj: Ovo je film koji pokazuje nepoznata lica TV svijeta kroz veoma popularni šou u Turskoj koji se zove “Brak sa Esra Erolom” koji za cilj ima vjenËanja ljudi ispred kamera. Dok se na hiljade ljudi prijavljuje za ovaj TV šou kako bi se vjenËali za potpunog stranca, milioni su vezani za ekrane i gledaju šou svakog jutra … “VjenËani za kameru” se fokusira na ljude koji traže traËak nade na hodnicima ogromnog TV studija: popularni domaÊin koji je veoma opušten na sceni ali se moli iza pozornice za sreÊu; režiser tiho šapuÊe u njene slušalice kako bi je navodio i uËinio da šou bude još uzbudljiviji; Ëudni gledalac Ëiji je posao da kritikuje; publika koja pleše i aplaudira kad joj se kaže; mladiÊ koji pleše na hip hop muziku a da nikada nije bio u životu u diskoteci. 104 105 OTKOPAVANJE PENKALA / UNEARTHING THE PEN - 2009 Producent/ production: ROCK SALT FILMS Zemlja/Country: VELIKA BRITANIJA/ UK Trajanje / Duration: 12 MIN Režiser / Director: CAROL SALTER Fotografija /Photography: CAROL SALTER Kratak sadržaj: Locheng, mladi kozar u sjevernoj Ugandi Ëezne da nauËi da Ëita i piše. Ali sve se urotilo protiv njega. Prije Ëetrdeset godina, plemenske starješine su zakopale penkalo i bacile kletvu na pisanu rijeË. “Otkopavanje penkala” je intimni portret borbe djeËaka da izmiri tradiciju sa svojom željom za uËenjem. Programme summary: Locheng, a young goatherd in northern Uganda yearns to be able to read and write. But the odds are stacked against him. Forty years ago, tribal elders buried a pen, placing a curse on the written word. “Unearthing the Pen” is an intimate portrait of a boy’s struggle to reconcile tradition with his desire to learn. 106 SAM / ALONE - 2009 Producent/ production: ZAKRYTA ZONA TV Zemlja/Country: UKRAJINA/ UKRAINE Trajanje / Duration: 26 MIN Režiser / Director: SEHIY TSYMBAL Scenario / Screenplay: NATALKA FITSYCH Fotografija /Photography: YURY RADYK Kratak sadržaj: Kostya Buriy ima 14 godina. Ne ide na seoske plesove, on je odrasla osoba, ispred svog vremena i ne priËa puno. Podigla ga je baka koja je kasnije umrla. DjeËak je odbio da ode u sirotište i rekao je da Êe u tom sluËaju izvršiti samoubistvo. Sada živi sasvim sam. Programme summary: Kostya Buriy is 14. He does not attend village’s dances, he is a grown-up, ahead of his years and he doesn’t speak much. He was brought up by his grandmother who later died. Boy refused to go to the orphanage house and told that in that case he would kill himself. Now he lives all alone. 107 108 109 ekologija / ecology SO / SALT - 2009 Producent/ production: JERRYCAN FILM Zemlja/Country: AUSTRALIJA/ AUSTRALIA Trajanje / Duration: 28 MIN Režiser / Director: MICHAEL ANGUS & MURRAY FREDERICKS Scenario / Screenplay: MICHAEL ANGUS Fotografija /Photography: MURRAY FREDERICKS Kratak sadržaj: “So” je kratki dokumentarac o ekstremnim putovanjima fotografa Murray Fredericksa kako bi snimio srce najbezizražajnijeg pejzaža jezera Eyre, Južna Australija. Programme summary: “Salt” is a short documentary on photographer Murray Fredericks extreme journeys to capture the heart of the world’s most featureless landscape on Lake Eyre, South Australia. 110 ZAPAD NA ISTOKU / THE WEST IN THE EAST - 2010 Producent/ production: INDEPENDENT PRODUCTION Zemlja/Country: BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA/ BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Trajanje / Duration: 22 MIN 25 SEC Režiser / Director: NISVET HRUSTI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: NISVET HRUSTI∆, PROF. SEAD HRUSTI∆ Fotografija /Photography: NISVET HRUSTI∆ Kratak sadržaj: Zaljubljenik prirode, sume, vode i astronomije pokušava sam napraviti vikend kuÊu i dovesti do nje neobiËnu šumsku vodu u dužini od 1200 metara. Uz skromne istoËne finanijske moguÊnosti i zapadne ideje koristi neupotrebljiv otpadni materijal, Ëuva okolinu, te nailazi na nerazumijevanje i ismijavanje lokalne sredine. Programme summary: Nature lover, forests, water and astronomy lover, he tries to build a holiday home and bring closer an unusual brook in the length of 1200 meters. With modest Eastern finances and Western ideas, he uses useless waste material and in that way preserves nature, although he is faced with misunderstanding and mockery of the locals. 111 BETON / CONCRETE / БЕТОН - 2010 Producent/ production: BULGARIAN NATIONAL TELEVISION Zemlja/Country: BUGARSKA/ BULGARIA Trajanje / Duration: 27 MIN Režiser / Director: NIKOLAY VASSILEV Scenario / Screenplay: NIKOLAY VASSILEV Fotografija /Photography: BORISLAV GEORGIEV Kratak sadržaj: “Beton” je tužna priËa o gajdama… vatri… smeÊu… i moÊi. Šume ugaraka, planine konzervi i limenki i ljudi koji posjeduju volju da se suprotstave sumornom mentalitetu. Programme summary: “Concrete” is a sad story of a bagpipe…of the fire… the rubbish… and the power. Forests of embers, mountains of tins and cans and people who possess the willingness to stand up against the grim mentality. 112 ARHIPELAG MALIH ZMAJEVA / THE ARCHIPELAGO OF THE SMALL DRAGONS - 2010 Producent/ production: RTCG Zemlja/Country: CRNA GORA/ MONTENEGRO Trajanje / Duration: 20 MIN Režiser / Director: PREDRAG BOJOVI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: ONDREJ VIZI Fotografija /Photography: GORAN TRIPUNOVI∆, ONDREJ VIZI, SAŠA JOVOVI∆ Kratak sadržaj: Na ostrvima Krajinskog arhipelaga na Skadarskom jezeru živi pet endemskih vrsta guštera. SimpatiËni, bezazleni, bore se za opstanak, prostor, ženku… jesu mali, ali imaju zmajevo srce… Programme summary: On the island of Krajina archipelago in Skadar lake, there are five endemic species of lizards. Loveable, harmless, fighting for survival, space, females… they are small, but they have a heart of dragons… 113 EKO ZONA / ECO ZONE - 2009 Producent/ production: HRT Zemlja/Country: HRVATSKA/ CROATIA Trajanje / Duration: 31 MIN 57 SEC Režiser / Director: SANDRA KRPAN SERTI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: MLADEN ILI»KOVI∆ Fotografija /Photography: DRAŽEN LIPKA Kratak sadržaj: Informativna emisija o zaštiti okoliša i održivom razvoju - zašto Hrvatska troši oko 55% više mineralnih gnojiva od prosjeka starih Ëlanica Europske unije, kako oneËišÊeni zrak poveÊava rizik od srËanoga i moždanog udara te senilnosti, zašto Hrvatska neÊe moÊi do kraja 2010. ispuniti cilj od 5,8 posto potrošnje energije iz obnovljivih izvora, što znaËi osnivanje Regionalnog parka Mura - Drava za zaštitu tih rijeka, kako je sedam godina nakon požara Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša zbrinulo opasni otpad odložen na mjestu bivše zagrebaËke spalionice opasnog otpada... 114 Programme summary: Programme about environmental protection and sustainable development - why Croatia spends approximately 55% more of mineral fertilizers in comparison to older EU members; how unpurified air increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and senility; why Croatia will not be able to achieve the objective of 5,8 % energy consumption from renewable sources until 2010; what the establishing Regional park Mura - Drava means for the protection of these rivers; seven years after the fire, how did Ministry of environmental protection take care of dangerous waste deposited at the site of former dangerous waste incineration facility... POVRATAK ZELENOG RAJA / RETURN OF THE GREEN PARADISE - 2010 Producent/ production: HRT Zemlja/Country: HRVATSKA/ CROATIA Trajanje / Duration: 35 MIN Režiser / Director: GORAN ŠAFAREK Scenario / Screenplay: GORAN ŠAFAREK Fotografija /Photography: GORAN ŠAFAREK Kratak sadržaj: Hrvatski i srpski istraživaËi prirode uËestvuju u revitalizaciji tropske kišne šume na Šri Lanci. Programme summary: Croatian and Serbian nature researchers participate in revitalisation of tropical rainforest on Sri Lanka. 115 ŽIVOT U POMRA»ENJU / LIFE IN ECLIPSE - 2010 Producent/ production: ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING Zemlja/Country: IRAN Trajanje / Duration: 45 MIN Režiser / Director: FATHOLLAH AMIRI Scenario / Screenplay: FATHOLLAH AMIRI Fotografija /Photography: ARASTO MADDAHI GIVI Kratak sadržaj: Film ispituje život Ëetiri vrste slijepih miševa kukcojeda: veliki repati slijepi miš, mali repati slijepi miš, listoliki slijepi miš sa tri zuba, slijepi miš dugih krila. Sve ove vrste slijepog miša žive u peÊinama Dehlorana na zapadnom jugu Irana. Programme summary: This film examines the life of four species of insectivore bats: big mouse tailed bat, small mouse tailed bat, leaf nosed bat with three teeth, long winged bat. All of these species live in bat cave of Dehloran in western south of Iran. 116 POSLEDNJI LOVAC / THE LAST HUNTER / L’ULTIMO CACCIATORE - 2010 Producent/ production: TERRA S.R.L. Zemlja/Country: ITALIJA/ ITALY Trajanje / Duration: 28 MIN Režiser / Director: MARCO LEOPARDI Scenario / Screenplay: MARCO LEOPARDI Fotografija /Photography: MARCO LEOPARDI Kratak sadržaj: Od prije više od tri hiljade godina, u moreuzu Mesina lovci na sabljarke jure svoj plijen harpunom. –uzepe je sin jednog od poslednjih lovaca na sabljarke u moreuzu, poslednji naslednik prastare tradicije. Sada je na njega red da hitne ovo oružje svojih predaka i ubije sabljarku. Ali djeËak nije siguran da želi da naruši prirodu, veÊ bi htio da je zaštiti. Ustvari, za nekoliko mjeseci on Êe diplomirati Prirodne Nauke na univerzitetu Mesina. –uzepe mora da odluËi: u rukama osjeÊa težinu ovog smrtonosnog oružja, ali i odgovornost prema hiljadugodišnjoj tradiciji kojoj prijeti da sa njim nestane zauvijek. 117 Programme summary: Since more than three thousand years, in the Strait of Messina the sword fish hunters chaise they prey with the harpoon. Giuseppe is the son of one of the last swordfish hunters of the Strait, the last heir of this ancient tradition. It is now his turn to launch this ancestral weapon and kill the swordfish. But the boy is unsure that he wants to violate that nature; actually, he would like to protect it. In fact, in few months he will graduate in Natural Science at the University of Messina. Giuseppe has to take a decision: in his hands he feels the weight of a lethal weapon, but also the responsibility of a thousand-year-old tradition that with him risks to disappear for ever. SVETI NAUM / SAINT NAUM - 2009 Producent/ production: MAKEDONSKA TELEVIZIJA Zemlja/Country: MAKEDONIJA/ FYRO MACEDONIA Trajanje / Duration: 28 MIN 30 SEC Režiser / Director: KAMELIJA SOJLEVSKA Scenario / Screenplay: KAMELIJA SOJLEVSKA Fotografija /Photography: ZDRAVKO PETRUŠEVSKI Kratak sadržaj: Provodimo interesantno jutro u malom raju u blizini izvora Svetog Nauma. Radujemo se prirodnim ljepotama, osjeÊajuÊi vezu sa netaknutom i Ëistom prirodom. Svega milju od Ohrida, u tom mnoštvu prirodnih rijetkosti, uËimo o istoriji, prirodi, ekologiji, tajnama vode i svjesnosti o Ëistoti netaknute prirode koju bi svi trebalo da Ëuvamo. OdluËili smo da podijelimo ove trenutke i iskustvo sa vama. Programme summary: We spend an interesting morning in a small heavenly place near the springs of St. Naum. We rejoiced in the natural beauties feeling the connection with this untspoilt and pure nature. Only a mile away from Ohrid, in this plentitude of natural rarities we have learned about the history, nature, ecology, mysteries of the water and the awareness of the purity of the unspoilt nature that we should all preserve. We chose to share this moments and experiences with your. 118 119 MAKOVO OBE∆ANJE / POPPY’S PROMISE / DAS KORNFELD - DSCHUNGEL FÜR EINEN SOMMER - 2010 Producent/ production: NAUTILUSFILM GMBH Zemlja/Country: NJEMA»KA/ GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 44 MIN Režiser / Director: JAN HAFT Fotografija /Photography: JAN HAFT, KAY ZIESENHENNE, FELIX PUSTAL, ADRIAN LANGENBACH Kratak sadržaj: Kukuruzna polja - samo površina na kojoj se proizvodi hrana … ili je to zemlja puna tajni? U zapadnim, industrijskim nacijama, kukuruzna polja i šume zauzimaju najveÊi dio ruralnog zemljišta. Ali koliko prirodnog života ima na kukuruznom polju? Zašto su neki stanovnici kukuruznih polja štetni a neki korisni i šta nam šareno cvijeÊe na kraju polja obeÊava? Programme summary: The cornfield - just an area for producing food… or a land full of secrets? In the western industrial nations, cornfields and woods take up the greatest proportion of rural land. But how much natural life dwells in a cornfied? Why are some cornfield inhabitants harmful and others useful and what do the colourful flowers at the edge of the field promise us? 120 122 tv film / tv film Programme summary: The choice shouldn’t be tough for Rocco. Either he serves a jail sentence for getting into a fight or he puts in 100 days of community service at a retirement home. But the gig taking care of old people isn’t as easy as Rocco had hoped for. An that’s not the worst of it. His last chance at rock’n’roll stardom, the finale of the superstar contest is in serious danger. Rocco is so exhausted from his day job that he mises band practice. The band kicks him out and so does his groupie girlfriend… ŽIVOT JE ŽIVOT / LIVE IS LIFE - 2009 Producent/ production: DOR FILM Zemlja/Country: AUSTRIJA/ AUSTRIA Trajanje / Duration: 88 MIN 30 SEC Režiser / Director: WOLFGANG MURNBERGER Scenario / Screenplay: ULI BRÈE Fotografija /Photography: MICHAEL RIEBL Glavni glumci / Leading actors: JAN JOSEF LIEFERS, URSUAL STRAUSS, JOACHIM FUCHSBERGER, BIBIANE ZELLER, LIGBART SCHWARZ, HANS MICHAEL REHBERG, PETRA MORZÉ Kratak sadržaj: Izbor za Roka ne bi trebalo da bude težak. Ili Êe odležati kaznu zatvora zato što se potukao ili Êe raditi 100 dana u staraËkom domu. Ali angažman Ëuvanja starih ljudi nije lak kao što se Roko nadao. A to nije najgore od svega. Njegova poslednja šansa da postane poznat rokenrol izvoaË, finale takmiËenja za superzvijezdu, je ozbiljno narušena. Roko je toliko iscrpljen od svog posla tokom dana da propušta probe benda. Bend ga izbacuje, a ostavlja ga i njegova djevojka… 124 125 SADO MAZO SUDIJA / S & M JUDGE / S & M RECHTER - 2009 Producent/ production: CAVIAR FILMS Zemlja / Country: BELGIJA / BELGIUM Režiser / Director: ERIK LAMENS Scenario / Screenplay: ERIK LAMENS Fotografija /Photography: STIJN VAN DER VEKEN Glavni glumci / Leading actors: GENE BERVOETS, VEERLE DOBBELAERE, DIRK VAN DIJCK Kratak sadržaj: 1997.godine, belgijanska javnost je bila u šoku kada je sudija Koen A. osuen zbog sado-mazo veze sa svojom ženom. Iako im je život bio uništen ovom presudom, Koen i njegova žena Magda ostaju i dalje zajedno. Ovo je film o mraËnoj seksualnosti i pravoj ljubavi, ispriËanoj sa taËke gledišta ljubavnika. Programme summary: In 1997, the Belgium public was in shock when judge Koen A. was convicted for the SM relationship with his wife. Although their life was destroyed by the verdict, Koen and his wife Magda remain together tuday. This film is a story about dark sexuality and true love, told from the lovers’ unique point of view. 126 NOVA KLASA RADNIKA - SMJENA OD 7 DO 15 SATI / NEW WORKERS CLASS - DAILY SHIFT 7-15H - 2010 Producent/ production: DD FILM, ZETA FILM Zemlja/Country: CRNA GORA/ MONTENEGRO Trajanje / Duration: 11 MIN Režiser / Director: DRAŠKO –UROVI∆ Scenario / Screenplay: GORAN ZUGI∆, DRAŠKO –UROVI∆ Fotografija /Photography: RAMO TURKOVI∆, SLOBODAN SPAHI∆ Kratak sadržaj: Dvadeset prvi vijek doveo je na scenu novu klasu proletera, koji svako jutro, posle doruËka idu na svoj uobiËajeni posao. Programme summary: 21st century brought to the stage a new class of proletarians who every morning after breakfast go to their work as usual. 127 RITAM U PETAMA / RHYTHM ON MY HEELS / RYTMUS V PATÁCH - 2010 POSLEDNJE GLEDANJE / THE LAST VIEWING - 2009 Producent/ production: CZECH TELEVISION Zemlja/Country: »EŠKA/ CZECH REPUBLIC Trajanje / Duration: 97 MIN Režiser / Director: ANDREA SEDLÁ»KOVÁ Scenario / Screenplay: JOSEF ŠKVORECKÝ, ZDENA SALIVAROVÁ, ANDREA SEDLÁ»KOVÁ Fotografija /Photography: VLADIMI HOLOMEK Glavni glumci / Leading actors: VOJTĚCH DYK, MARIKA ŠOPOSKÁ, VOJTĚCH KOTEK, FRANTIŠEK NĚMEC, BERENIKA KOHOUTOVÁ Producent/ production: DAVIS ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION Zemlja/Country: FILIPINI/ PHILIPPINES Trajanje / Duration: 115 MIN Režiser / Director: RONALDO M. BERTUBIN Scenario / Screenplay: ROMUALDO AVELLANOSA Fotografija /Photography: GARY GARDOCE Glavni glumci / Leading actors: JANICE DE BELEN, SHERWIN ORDONEZ Kratak sadržaj: PriËa smještena u rane pedesete, kada je komunistiËki režim u »ehoslovaËkoj nemilosrdno eliminisao preostale elemente slobodnog svijeta. Grupa naivnih mladih ljudi povezanih sa džez grupom u jednoj kafani postaje lak plijen nemilosrdnih ljudi iz Državne Bezbjednosti. Programme summary: A story set in the early 1950s when the communist regime in Czechoslovakia mercilessly wiped out the remaining elements of the free world. A bunch of naïve young people associated with a coffee-house jazz band were easy prey for the pitiless State Security men. 128 Kratak sadržaj: Laurin život je okružen smrÊu. Radi kao nadzornik u krematorijumu. Ona se ponaša kao leš dok obavlja posao spaljivanja mesa i mljevenja kostiju i izgovaranja fraza “poslednje vienje” bez ikakvih emocija prije samog procesa kremiranja. Heidi, Laurina kÊerka ne zna šta je smrt. Ona je autistiËno dijete. Šestogodišnja djevojËica sa inteligencijom dvogodišnjeg djeteta. Jedini izvor Laurine sreÊe jeste njena beživotna djevojËica Ëiji jedini naËin da uzvrati ljubav jeste udaranje glavom i uvrtanje prstiju i mrmljanje nerazumnih rijeËi. Tokom uobiËajenog odlaska u kupovinu na pijaci u Manili, Laurin život Êe biti zamijenjen tugom kada se Heidi misteriozno izgubi u gužvi. Laura nije ni sumnjala da je to poslednji put da Êe vidjeti kÊerku živu. Nakon Ëetiri godine, Laura Êe konaËno sresti Heidi unutar krematorijuma… beživotnu… pred kremiranje… kojeg treba da obavi Laura. 129 Programme summary: Laura’s life is surrounded by death. She works as a Supervisor in a Crematory. She acts and feels like a corpse while doing her job burning flesh and grinding bones and uttering those emotionless phrase “last viewing” before any cremation process. Heidi, Laura’s daughter doesn’t know death. She’s an autistic child. A six-year-orld girl with the mind of a two-year-old. Laura’s only source of happiness is her lifeless daughter whose way of reciprocating her loce is banging her head and twisting her fingrs and gurgling meaningless words. On an ordinary shopping trip in a bargain center in Manila, Laura’s life will be replaced with grief when Heidi got mysteriously lost in the middle of a crowded place. Little did Laura know that that’s the last time that she will see her daughter alive. After four year, Laura will finally meet Heidi inside the Crematorium… lifeless… about to be cremated… by Laura herself. 9:06 - 2009 Producent/ production: A.A.C. PRODUCTIONS Zemlja/Country: FRANCUSKA/ FRANCE Trajanje / Duration: 71 MIN Režiser / Director: IGOR STERK Scenario / Screenplay: IGOR STERK, SINISA DRAGIN Fotografija /Photography: SIMON TANSEK Glavni glumci / Leading actors: IGOR SOMOBOR, LABINA MITEVSKA, SILVA CUSIN Kratak sadržaj: U Ljubljani, policijski inspektor istražuje neobiËan sluËaj. Njegova istraga se pretvara u opsesiju i on se krišom preseljava u stan preminulog, kopa sve dublje po životu tog Ëovjeka i postepeno preuzima njegov identitet. Programme summary: In Lubljana, a police inspector investigates an unusual case. His investigation turn into an obsession as he secretly moves into the apartment of the deceased, delving deeper into the man’s life and gradually assuming his identity. 130 131 RIJE»I LJUBAVI / WORLDS OF LOVE / DES MOTS D’AMOUR - 2009 Producent/ production: KWAÏ Zemlja/Country: FRANCUSKA/ FRANCE Trajanje / Duration: 69 MIN Režiser / Director: THOMAS BOURGUIGNON Scenario / Screenplay: THOMAS BOURGUIGNON Fotografija /Photography: SERGIO DELL’AMICO Glavni glumci / Leading actors: ELVIRE DEPPEROIS, DAVID ŠAMI∆ CIP Kratak sadržaj: Dok se polako zaljubljuje u Alis, Erik saznaje da je prerano obolio od Alchajmerove. OdluËuje da sakrije svoju bolest i uživa u životu dok je god to moguÊe, kako ne bi optereÊivao svoju ljubavnu priËu. On Êe otiÊi kada više ne bude mogao da se nosi sa svime. Tog dana Êe otiÊi. Po sopstvenim uslovima. Ali malo pomalo, Erikova se fasada ruši… Programme summary: Eric finds out that he suffers from premature Alzheimer’s disease as he is falling in love with Alice. He decides to hide his illness and to enjoy his life as long as it is possible, not to burden his love story. He shall leave when he cannot handle it anymore. He will leave on that day. On his own terms. But little by little, Eric’s façade is crumbling… 132 BIO JEDNOM JEDAN GRAD BUDALA / ONCE UPON A TIME, THE CITY OF FOOLS / C’ERA UNA VOLTA LA CITTÀ DEI MATTI - 2010 Producent/ production: RAI FICTION & CIAO RAGAZZI PRODUCTION Zemlja/Country: ITALIJA/ ITALY Trajanje / Duration: 2 X 100 MIN Režiser / Director: MARCO TURCO Scenario / Screenplay: ALESSANDRO SERMONETA, KATJA COLJA, MARCO TULLIO Fotografija /Photography: MARCO ONORATO Kratak sadržaj: Kada psihijatra Franco Basaglia, izgnanika iz akademskog svijeta zbog njegovih radikalnih teorija, imenuju direktorom mentalne bolnice na sjeveru Italije, on odbija da ide stopama svog prethodnika. Oni je puštao svoje pomoÊnike da obavljaju prljave poslove držeÊi pacijente pod kontrolom koristeÊi ludaËke košulje, elektrošokove i druge metode koje su više za koncentracioni kamp dok on nastavlja svoja prouËavanja. Umjesto toga, on radi na tome da oslobodi svoje pacijente, boreÊi se sa ustaljenom birokratijom i vjerovanjima tog vremena u pokušaju da pruži mentalno bolesnim osobama život vrijedan življenja. 133 Programme summary: When psychiatrist Franco Basaglia, an outcast in the academic world on account of his radical theories, is appointed director of an insane asylum in northern Italy, he refuses to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor, letting his underlings do the dirty work of keeping the patients under control with straightjackets, electroshock and other methods better suited to a concentration camp while he continues his studies. Instead he works to free his parents, fighting the entrenched bureaucracy and beliefs of the time in an attempt to give the mentally ill a life worth living. SJEVERNA SVJETLOST / NORTHERN LIGHT / CRIMINI “LUCE DEL NORD”- 2010 Producent/ production: RAI FICTION - RODEO DRIVE MEDIA Zemlja/Country: ITALIJA/ ITALY Trajanje / Duration: 100 MIN Režiser / Director: STEFANO SOLLIMA Scenario / Screenplay: GIANPAOLO SIMI, VITTORIO TESTA Fotografija /Photography: VITTORIO OMODEI ZORINI Kratak sadržaj: Inspektor Fabio Derna se sprema da upadne u dom osumnjiËenog krijumËara dijamantima kada shvata da Êe uhapsiti svog prijatelja iz djetinjstva Domenica. Fabio uspijeva da izbaci dijamante van kuÊe prije nego krene operacija. Ali sada Domenica traži šef krijumËarskog kruga. Na istim ulicama gdje su se nekada igrali kao djeca, Fabio traži Domenica, oËajan da ga pronae prije nego podzemlje izvrši smrtnu kaznu. 134 Programme summary: Inspector Fabio Derna is about to storm the home of a suspected diamond smuggler when he realises that he will be arresting his childhood friend Domenico. Fabio manages to slip the diamonds out of the home before the operation gets underway. But now Domenico is wanted by the head of the smuggling ring. In the same streets of Genoa where they used to plaz as kids, Fabio searches for Domenico, desperate to find him before the underworld carries out its death sentence. 135 ZAMKA / THE TRAP / STAPICA - 2008 Producent/ production: MACEDONIAN TELEVISION Zemlja/Country: MAKEDONIJA/ FYRO MACEDONIA Trajanje / Duration: 83 MIN 30 SEC Režiser / Director: ALJOSHA SIMJANOVSKI Scenario / Screenplay: ALJOSHA SIMJANOVSKI Fotografija /Photography: DIME PEJOVSKI Glavni glumci / Leading actors: PETAR ARSOVSKI, SLAVISHA KAEVSKI, NATASHA NAUMOVSKA, MIMI TANEVSKA Kratak sadržaj: Porodica je žrtva komunistiËkog ugnjetavanja, sin (novinar) ne vjeruje u zvaniËni izvještaj da mu je otac stradao u nesreÊi prilikom lova i poËinje da istražuje. Njegovo istraživanje uzburkava moÊnu strukturu policije koja je još uvijek na vlasti u ovoj post-komunistiËkoj zemlji. Ispostavlja se da je oËev ubica porodiËni prijatelj, u stvari njegov pravi otac, koji je takoe ubijen na istom mjestu. Programme summary: A family is a victim of communist repression, the son (journalist) does not believe in the official report about his father being killed in an accident at hunting and starts to investigate the case. His actions sir up a powerful police structure which is still in power in this post-communist country. It turns out that his father’s killer is a family friend, actually his real father, who also gets killed at the same place. 136 PLANIRANJE PORODICE / FAMILY PLANNING / KINDERWUNSCH - 2009 Producent/ production: EXIL PRODUCTION Zemlja/Country: NJEMA»KA/ GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 12 MIN Režiser / Director: WILLY ROLLÉ Scenario / Screenplay: WILLY ROLLÉ Fotografija /Photography: RONALDO ROGÉS Glavni glumci / Leading actors: KEREM CAN, REBECCA LINA, ESTHER MAASS, STEVIE EICHSTAEDT Kratak sadržaj: Zemlja, 22.vijek. Dvoje ljudi dobijaju dijete koje je poruËeno u kompaniji “GenTech BDB”. Joseph nije ništa znao o ovoj porudžbini. Ne želi to dijete i poËinje da se svaa sa Mary. Svaa je toliko intenzivna da muškarac i žena dovode u pitanje svoju vezu. Programme summary: On earth, 22nd century. Two people get a child that was ordered at the enterprise “GenTech BDB”. JOSEPH did not know nothing about this order. He does not want the child and begins to argue with MARY. The quarrel is so strong that the man and the woman call their relationship into question. 137 Programme summary: For over 40 years now, Rita Bohm has been the loyal secretary to the board of directors of a major corporation. Then come new managers. The bosses are young and driven, like the CEO’s secretary Ira Engel. Shortly after the new management publicly proclaims its unswerving loyalty to the company, the firm becomes the object of a hostile takeover. Rita is told to pay out 80 million in bonuses to the managers. Ira uses her knowledge to wheedle out a bonus of 300,000 Euros. But Rita says no. She refuses to pay the bonuses. But can one upright person topple a mighty pillar of greed? FRAU BOM KAŽE NE / FRAU BÖHM SAYS NO / FRAU BÖHM SAGT NEIN - 2009 Producent/ production: ZEITSPRUNG ENTERTAINMENT GMBH & WDR Zemlja/Country: NJEMA»KA/GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 86 MIN Režiser / Director: CONNIE WALTHER Scenario / Screenplay: DOROTHEE SCHÖN Fotografija /Photography: PETER NIX Glavni glumci / Leading actors: SENTA BERGER, LAVINIA WILSON, THOMAS HUBER Kratak sadržaj: VeÊ preko 40 godina, Rita Bohm je lojalna sekretarica bordu direktora jedne velike korporacije. Onda dolaze novi direktori. Gazde su mlade i ambiciozne, baš kao sekretarica izvršnog direktora Ira Engel. Ubrzo nakon što novi menadžment službeno iskaže svoju nepokolebljivu lojalnost kompaniji, firma postaje predmet neprijateljskog preuzimanja. Riti daju zadatak da isplati 80 miliona u bonusima za direktore. Ira koristi svoje znanje da izmami bonus od 300,000 Eura. Ali Rita kaže ne. Ona odbija da isplati bonuse. Ali da li može jedna ispravna osoba da sruši moÊni stub pohlepe? 138 139 IZA ZIDA / BEHIND THE WALL / JENSEITS DER MAUER - 2008 Producent/ production: ZIEGLER FILM & WDR Zemlja/Country: NJEMA»KA/GERMANY Trajanje / Duration: 90 MIN Režiser / Director: FRIEDEMANN FROMM Scenario / Screenplay: HOLGER KARSTEN SCHMIDT Fotografija /Photography: HANNO LENTZ Glavni glumci / Leading actors: HENRIETTE CONFURIUS, KATJA FLINT, EDGAR SELGE, ULRIKE KRUMBIEGEL, HERBERT KNAUP Programme summary: 1947: Heike and Ulrich Molitor are caught as they try to escape East Germany. The regime gives them an ultimatum: either they go to jail or they leave for West Germany with only their sevenyear-old boy. The two-year-old Miriam must stay behind. 1989: Miriam, now called Rebecca, has become a fun-living teen and loves her adoptive parents. She has no idea that in West Berlin, another couple has been writing her letters, that she has never received. As the citizens of the GDR begin to rebel against their regime, it becomes clear to what extent the regime relies on fear and terror to keep it going and on lies and coercion to keep it from imploding. With the GDR sputtering to an end, Rebecca’s two families undergo an ordeal marked by a mixture of giddy hope and gnawing uncertainy, an orderal that will end with a reunion and reunification. Kratak sadržaj: 1947: Heike i Ulrich Molitor su uhvaÊeni u pokušaju da pobjegnu iz IstoËne NjemaËke. Režim im daje ultimatum: ili da idu u zatvor ili da idu u Zapadnu NjemaËku samo sa sedmogodišnjim djeËakom. Dvogodišnju Mirjam moraju ostaviti. 1989. godina: Miriam, sada Rebecca, je postala vesela tinejdžerka i voli roditelje koji su je usvojili. Ona ne zna da joj u Zapadnom Berlinu, jedan drugi par piše godinama pisma koja ona nikad nije primila. Kako graani IstoËne NjemaËke poËinju da se bune protiv režima, postaje jasno do koje se mjere režim oslanja na strah, teror, laži i prisilu kako bi opstao i kako se ne bi urušio. IstoËna NjemaËka puca, a Rebekine obe porodice prolaze kroz teška iskušenja obojena mješavinom besmislene nade i nesigurnošÊu koja izjeda, kroz iskušenja koja Êe na kraju završii ponovnim susretom i ponovnim ujedinjenjem. 140 141 KOTOVSKI / KOTOVSKIY / КОТОВСКИЙ - 2010 Producent/ production: STAR MEDIA Zemlja/Country: RUSIJA/RUSSIA Trajanje / Duration: 45 MIN Režiser / Director: STANISLAV NAZIROV Scenario / Screenplay: ALEKSANDER DRUGOV Fotografija /Photography: VLADIMIR VOLODIN Glavni glumci / Leading actors: VLADISLAV GALKIN, EKATERINA STULOVA, ANDREY GUSEV, MIKHAIL KRYLOV, ALEKSANDER PASHUTIN, VLADIMIR SIMONOV 142 Kratak sadržaj: Grigoriy Ivanovich Kotovsky je roen 1881. godine u Hincesti (sada Republika Moldavija), a umro je 1925. godine u Birzuli (sada Kotovk u Ukrajini). Jedan od najistaknutijih liËnosti ruske Oktobarske revolucije. Život i smrt ovog legendarnog komandanta Crvene armije ostaje obavijen velom tajne do današnjeg dana. Brzo napredujuÊi kroz vojne Ëinove, Kotovsky je postao ugledan i poštovan komandant. Meutim, poËeo je da se opire carskoj vlasti od 1902. godine i nakon što je napustio Carsku rusku vojsku i vodio dvemoldavske pobune 1905. godine i 1915. godine, bio je zatvoren i osuen na smrt. 1916. godine je pobjegao i pridružio se Boljševicima u njihovoj borbi da steknu kontrolu nad Ukrajinom, vodeÊi bataljon koji je ostao neporažen. Film se pored vojnih dostignuÊa Kotovskog podsjeÊa i njegovog djetinjstva. Stari školski drugovi se prisjeÊaju odluËnog i hrabrog mladiÊa sa izraženim osjeÊajem lojalnosti i dužnosti - osobine koje su nagovjestile izvanrednog vojnog vou i heroja graanskog rata. Programme summary: Grigoriy Ivanovich Kotovsky was born in 1881 in Hincesti (now in the Republic of Moldova) and died in 1925 in Birzula (now Kotovk in the Ukraine). One of the most prominent figures in Rusia’s October Revolution, the legendary Red Army Commander’s life and death remain shrouded in mystery to this day. Quickly advancing through the army ranks, Kotovsky became a reputable and respected commander. However, he had begun resisting tsarist rule since 1902 and after deserting the Imperial Russian Army and leading two Moldovan rebellions in 1905 and 1915, he was imprisoned and sentenced to death. In 1916, he escaped and joined the Bolsheviks in their fight to gain control of Ukraine, leading a battalion, which remained undefeated. As well as Kotovsky’s military achievements, this film also recalls his childhood days. Old school friends remember a determined and brave young man with a strong sense of loyalty and duty - characteristics, which hinted at the exemplary military leader and civil war hero that he was to become. 143 Programme summary: Using archive images and dramatic re-enactment, we tell the rags to riches story of Irish novelist Patrick Mac Gill and his attempt to chronicle the lives of the Irish itinerant workers who built the railroads and dams of early twentieth century Britain. Mac Gill started off as a penniless migrant worker before entering the royal court in Windsor and being heralded as the voice of the working class literature. He fought in WWI and wrote about the horror of the trenches. He later emigrates to the US hopng to become a screen writer in Hollywood… DIJETE ∆ORSOKAKA / CHILD OF THE DEAD END - 2009 Producent/ production: GLASS MACHINE PRODUCTIONS Zemlja/Country: SJEVERNA IRSKA/ NORTHERN IRELAND Trajanje / Duration: 83 MIN Režiser / Director: DESMOND BELL Scenario / Screenplay: DESMOND BELL Fotografija /Photography: SAM MITCHELL Glavni glumci / Leading actors: STEPHEN REA, CIAN BELL Kratak sadržaj: KoristeÊi arhivske snimke i dramsko prikazivanje, priËamo priËu irskog romanopisca Patricka Mac Gilla na putu iz dronjaka do bogatstva i njegov pokušaj da zabilježi irske putujuÊe radnike koji su izgradili željeznicu i brane ranih dvadesetih godina u Britaniji. Mac Gill je poËeo svoj život kao radnik migrant bez centa u džepu prije nego je ušao na kraljevski dvorac u Windsoru i postao glas literature radniËke klase. Borio se u I svjetskom ratu i pisao o užasima u rovovima. Kasnije je emigrirao u SAD nadajuÊi se da Êe postati scenarista u Holivudu… 144 145 JELEN / THE DEER / RÅDJURET - 2009 UTJEHA / SOLACE / TRŐST - 2008 Producent/ production: DRAMATISKA INSTITUTET Zemlja/Country: ŠVEDSKA/ SWEDEN Trajanje / Duration: 14 MIN 30 SEC Režiser / Director: TERESE ANDRÉN Scenario / Screenplay: LOUISE POPE Fotografija /Photography: IGA MIKLER Glavni glumci / Leading actors: SIMON J. BERGER, SUSANNE THORSON Producent/ production: DRAMATISKA INSTITUTET Zemlja/Country: ŠVEDSKA/ SWEDEN Trajanje / Duration: 15 MIN Režiser / Director: LINNEA ROXEHEIM Scenario / Screenplay: PIOTR MARCINIAK Fotografija /Photography: MATTIAS SILVA Glavni glumci / Leading actors: SOFIA PEKKARI, ADAM LUNDGREN Kratak sadržaj: “Jelen” oslikava sudar civilizacije i divljine.Ovo je priËa o pronalaženju puta nazad ka neËemu prirodnom, o otkrivanju samog sebe i svojih istinskih osjeÊanja. Film istražuje društvene konvencije, krivicu i tanku liniju izmeu prihvatljivog i neprihvatljivog. Programme summary: “The Deer” reflects a clash between the civilization and the wild. It is a story about finding a way back to something natural, about discovering yourself and your true feelings. The film is exploring social conventions, guilt and the fine line between what’s right and what’s wrong. 146 Kratak sadržaj: 24-godišnja Sara radi kao operater na centrali u švedskoj službi hitne pomoÊi u bunkeru 100 stopa pod zemljom. 21-godišnji Daniel stoji na krovu spreman da svakog Ëasa skoËi. Ali prije nego što to uradi, njegov poslednji poziv ide preko Sare… Film o bespomoÊnosti i kontroli. I da ponekad nešto uradimo ispravno tako što to uradimo dobro. Programme summary: 24 year old Sara works as a call - operator at the Swedish emergency center in a bunker 100 feet under the ground. 21 year old Daniel is standing on a rooftop ready to jump any minute. Before he does, his last call is put through Sara… A film about helplessness versus control. And that sometimes we do it right by doing it well. 147 QUAN - 2009 Producent/ production: DRAMATISKA INSTITUTET Zemlja/Country: ŠVEDSKA/ SWEDEN Trajanje / Duration: 23 MIN Režiser / Director: KARZAN KADER Scenario / Screenplay: LISELOTTE STARCK Fotografija /Photography: JOHAN HOLMQUIST Glavni glumci / Leading actors: NQUYEN VAN LAM, CHU HUNG 148 radionica / workshop “OD RIJE»I KA SLICI” “FROM WORD TO PICTURE” Radionica dokumentarnog filma za TV novinare, diplomirane studente novinarstva bez iskustva, studente režije, dramaturgije i kamere A documentary film workshop for TV journalists, graduated students of journalism with no experience, students of film directing, dramaturgy and photography VeÊina novinara koja doe na televiziju sa fakulteta, iz novina ili sa radija, oslanja se iskljuËivo na rijeË. Isto se dešava i studentima režije pri prvim dokumentarnim pokušajima. Uprkos Ëinjenici da u ljudskoj percepciji stvarnosti preteže vid sa 90%, na sluh ide 9%, a ostatak dijele sva ostala Ëula, mnoge emisije na TV, jesu tek snimljeni radio. MoguÊnosti slike potpuno su zapostavljene. Tako je nažalost i u dokumentarnom prostoru, i na televiziji i izvan nje: emisija ili film najËešÊe jeste Ëovjek koji priËa u kameru. Televizija je, Ëak i u ovom segmentu koji nudi izuzetnu moguÊnost govora slike, postala jedna velika priËaonica. Most journalists who come on the television from the faculties, newspapers or radio, capitalize exclusively on word. The same happens to the students of film directing with their first documentary endeavours. Despite the fact that in human perception, sight prevails with 90%, hearing with 9%, and the rest is divided among other senses, many TV shows are only a filmed radio. The possibilities of the picture are ignored. Unfortunately, that is the same in the documentary realm, both on the television and beyond it: most often a show or a film is a man who talks to camera. Even in this segment which offers a remarkable possibility of a picture speech, the television has become a big chat room. Kako se prestrukturisati, kako poËeti misliti slikom? Kako prilagoditi naËin kazivanja suštini medija pokretnih slika, od koga je televizija dobrim dijelom preuzela i jezik? Koji je odnos izražajnih sredstava, orua, tehnika, metoda... koje se oslanjaju na verbalnu komponentu i onih koje priËu priËaju slikom? Sve ovo, i još mnogo toga, s posebnim osvrtom na dokumentarac, jeste predmet ove radionce. Cilj radionice je približiti polaznicima što više elemenata moÊi slike: informativnost, deskriptivnost, ekspresivnost, ekonomiËnost, likovnost, grafiËnost, simboliËnost, metaforiËnost, intrigu, igru, otvorenost... Radionica Êe se baviti nastajanjem TV dokumentarca kroz sve faze, od uoËavanja moguÊe teme, preko formiranja ideje o njoj, istraživanja, pisanja prvog sinopsisa, pa scenarija, posebno vizualizacije u scenariju, preko snimanja, do montaže i postprodukcije. Vladimir PeroviÊ How to restructure, how to start thinking with a picture? How to adapt the way of telling to the essence of media of moving pictures from which the television has mainly overtaken the language? What is the ratio of means of expression, instruments, techniques, methods... which hold on to the verbal component to those which tell a story with a picture? All of this, and much more, with a special attention to the documentary, is the topic of this workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to bring closer as many elements of the power of picture as possible to the attendees: informativeness, descriptiveness, expressiveness, economy, artistic quality, graphicness, symbolism, metaphoricalness, intrigue, play, openness... The workshop will deal with the creation of the TV documentary through all phases, from perceiving a possible theme, through forming an idea on it, research, writing the first synopsis , then a screenplay, especially visualization in a screenplay, through filming, to editing and post-production. Vladimir PeroviÊ 150 151 radionica / workshop RADIONICA: TV ’sapunice’ - autentiËna televizijska forma Televizijska ’sapunica’ je, uz muziËki video klip, jedna od autentiËnih formi u televizijskom stvaralaštvu. Po brojnosti epizoda, likova, i paralelnih priËa, ovo je jedna od najmasivnijih stvaralaËkih formi, uopšte. Poznata i kao ’tele novela’, ova televizijska forma suvereno predvodi u popularnosti, gde god da se pojavi, i na kom god jeziku da se stvara. TV ’sapunica’ je, na svim meridijanima, u prvim redovima bitke koju televizijski medij bije sa moÊnim i popularnim Internetom, sa virtuelnim društvenim grupama, sa umreženim digitalnim medijima i sa fascinantnim, novim, 3D filmskim spektaklima. Koje su osnovne programske, dramaturške, režijske, glumaËke i tehniËke karakteristike TV ’sapunice’? Koji su to stvaralaËki postupci, i medijske zakonitosti, koje Ëine ovaj format tako popularnim, i sveprisutnim, u televizijskim programskim šemama? Kako se desilo da je, na podruËju ex-Jugoslavije, hrvatska TV produkcija jedina uspela da uspostavi kontinuitet u produkciji TV ’sapunica’? Na ova, i mnoga druga pitanja, odgovoriÊe radionica TV festivala Bar koju Êe 28.10.2010 održati prof.dr Stanko CRNOBRNJA. THE WORKSHOP: TV ’soap operas’ - the authentic television form Television ’soap opera’ is, along with the video clip, one of the authentic forms in the television work. Generally, this is one of the most massive creating forms in terms of the number of episodes, characters and parallel stories. Also known as „telenovela“, this television form dominantly leads in popularity, wherever it shows up, and in whatever language it has been created. The TV ’soap opera’ , in all quarters of the world, is in the forefront of the battles which the television media fights against the powerful and popular Internet, against the virtual social groups, against the networked digital media and against the new, fascinating, 3D film spectacles. What are the new programme, dramaturgical, directing, acting and technical characteristics of a TV ’soap opera’? What are the creating steps, and media rules, which make this format so popular and omnipresent in the television programme schemes? How has it happened that, on the territory of ex-Yugoslavia, only the Croatian TV production has succeeded in establishing continuity in the production of the TV ’soap operas’? The workshop of the TV Festival Bar will answer to these, and many other questions, and it will be led by Prof. PhD Stanko Crnobrnja. 152 153 okrugli sto / round table okrugli sto / round table Okrugli sto „Javni interes - prezentacija manjinskih prava u elektronskim medijima“ ima za cilj da skrene paznju na temu koja je uvijek aktuelna, a naroËito u sredinama koje su u tranziciji. Ovo je prilika da se za istim stolom nadju predstavnici zakonodavne i izvršne vlasti, nevladinih organizacija, predstavnika manjina i medija. Ovo je prilika da se pokaze da se dijalogom može doÊi do rješenja. Elektronski mediji kao moÊno sredstvo komunikacije i kao sredstvo tolerancije. Prilika da svako izrazi svoj stav. Moderator BogiÊ RakoËeviÊ Urednik Prvog programa TVCG The round table „Public interest - presentation of minority rights in electronic media“ is aimed at drawing attention to the topic that has always been a live issue especially in the trasitional areas. This is an opportunity for the representatives of legislative and executive power, non-governmental organisations, minority representatives and media to meet at the same table. This is an opportunity to show that a solution can be reached through a dialogue. Electronic media, as a powerful means of communication and as a means of tolerance. An opportunity for everyone to express their attitude. Moderator BogiÊ RakoËeviÊ Editor of the First Programme of the TVCG 154 Okrugli sto Balkan TV Market Iniciative, mjesto je na kome Êe prisutni profesionalci razmijeniti mišljena o tome kakvo je stanje TV marketa u regionu. Na jednom mjestu Êe se sastati najznaËajniji content provideri i kupci programa iz Crne Gore i regiona. Ovo je jedinstvena prilika da se razmijene mišljenja, pokrene incijativa i zapoËne stvarati regionalno TV tržište. Hotel Princess, srijeda, 27.oktobar 2010. godine / 10h Moderator docent Marija PeroviÊ rukovodilac odsjeka za FTV režiju - FDU Cetinje The round table The Balkans TV Market Initiative, a place where the present professionals will exchange views on the state of the TV market in the region. The most important content providers and programme buyers from Montenegro and the region will meet in one place. This is a unique opportunity for the exchanging of ideas, the launching of initiatives and the beginning of creating a regional TV market. Hotel Princess, Wednesday, 27th October 2010 / 10 a.m. Moderator Docent Marija PeroviÊ The Chief of the FTV Directing Department at the FDA Cetinje 155 prate∆i program / accompanying program Autori, filmovi i nazivi: studentski filmovi I DESAFINADO / MUTLJAVINA, autor: VUK MARKOVI∆ uloge: SR-AN GRAHOVAC, MIŠO OBRADOVI∆, JELENA NENEZI∆ II AN-ELI I KAMIONI, autor: SR-AN STANOJEVI∆ uloge: MLADEN NELEVI∆, IVANA MRVALJEVI∆, VELJKO »UROVI∆ JAVNA PROJEKCIJA ISPITNIH FILMOVA STUDENATA FILMSKE I TV REŽIJE FDU Cetinje i studenata Filmske kamere Evropske akademije filmskih umjetnosti ESRA - Skoplje, Paris, New York Sedam kratkih filmova, sa zajedniËkim datostima dramaturškoprodukcionim odnosima: ‘3 Lika & 3 Prostora’, trajanja do 12 minuta po filmu, savremene i urbane tematike, u kojima se pojavljuje veliki broj znaËajnih crnogorskih glumaca mlae i srednje generacije: Mladen NeleviÊ, Sran Grahovac, Ivana MrvaljeviÊ, Mišo ObradoviÊ, Kristina StevoviÊ, Dušan KovaËeviÊ, Jelena NeneziÊ, uz niz studenata glume, cetinjskog FDU (sa klasa profesora Branislava MiÊunoviÊa i Branimira PopoviÊa). Takoe, vrijedno je istaÊi, ovi filmovi su nastali u saradnji sa Evropskom akademijom filmskih umjetnosti - ESRA Skoplje, Paris, New York, Ëiji studenti kamere su crnogorski snimatelji (njih osmoro, radnici TVCG), tako da Êe kroz ove projekte dodatno biti afirmisana saradnja crnogorskih mladih stvaralaca i meunarodnih institucija. Od ove školske godine, predavaË predmeta FILMSKA REŽIJA, na odsjeku Filmske i TV režije FDU Cetinje, je docent mr Nikola VukËeviÊ, koji je dugi niz godina bio angažovan kao asistent na ovom predmetu, predavaËu Branku BaletiÊu, poznatom jugoslovenskom i crnogorskom sineasti, koji je i jedan od glavnih osnivaËa katedre. 158 III MATCH POINT, autor: IVAN SALATI∆ uloge: MIŠO OBRADOVI∆ i studenti I godine odsjeka za glumu na FDU Cetinje: ANA VU»KOVI∆, BOJANA MALINOVSKA IV JEDAN DAN U ŽIVOTU GROFA DRAKULE, autor: SENAD ŠAHMANOVI∆ uloge: MIŠO OBRADOVI∆, DUŠAN KOVA»EVI∆, KRISTINA STEVOVI∆ V SCARFING, autor: MILANA JOVANOVI∆ uloge: ŽAKLINA OŠTIR, MARTA ∆ERANI∆, BOŽIDAR ZUBER VI MALI NINDŽA, autor: MILUTIN DARI∆ uloge: OLIVERA VUKOVI∆, DEJAN IVANI∆, OGNJEN ŠAMŠAL VII KLJU», autor: GOJKO BERKULJAN uloge: ALEKSANDAR RADULOVI∆, MILOŠ PEJOVI∆, ANA VU»KOVI∆ - studenti I godine odsjeka za glumu na FDU Cetinje 159 students’ films Authors, Films and Titles: I DESAFINADO / MUTLJAVINA (TUNELESS), author: VUK MARKOVI∆ starring: SR-AN GRAHOVAC, MIŠO OBRADOVI∆, JELENA NENEZI∆ PUBLIC SHOWING OF EXAM FILMS OF STUDENTS OF FILM AND TV DIRECTING FROM THE FACULTY OF DRAMATIC ARTS (FDA) CETINJE and of students of Film photography of the European Academy of Film Arts ESRASkopje, Paris, New York Seven short films with particular common conditions, dramaproduction relatonships: „3 Characters & 3 Spaces“, lasting up to 12 minutes per film, of contemporary and urban themes, in which many prominent Montenegrin actors of younger and middle generation are starring: Mladen NeleviÊ, Sran Grahovac, Ivana MrvaljeviÊ, Mišo ObradoviÊ, Kristina StevoviÊ, Dušan KovaËeviÊ, Jelena NeneziÊ, along with a number of students of acting from the Cetinje’s FDA (the class of Professor Branislav MiÊunoviÊ and Branimir PopoviÊ). Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that these films have been made in the cooperation with the European Academy of Film Arts- ESRA Skopje, Paris, New York, which photography students are Montenegrin cinematographers ( eight of them are the employees of the TVCG), so the collaboration between Montenegrin authors and international institutions will be additionaly affirmed through these projects. 160 From this academic year the lecturer for the subject FILM DIRECTING in the Department of Film and TV Directing of the FDA Cetinje is the docent Nikola VukËeviÊ M.A., who has been engaged as the assisstant for this subject for many years to the lecturer Branko BalËetiÊ, the famous Yugoslav and Montenegrin cineast, who is one of the chief founders of the department. II AN-ELI I KAMIONI (ANGELS AND TRUCKS), author: SR-AN STANOJEVI∆ starring: MLADEN NELEVI∆, IVANA MRVALJEVI∆, VELJKO »UROVI∆ III MATCH POINT, author: IVAN SALATI∆ starring: MIŠO OBRADOVI∆ and the first-year students of the Acting Department of the FDA Cetinje: ANA VU»KOVI∆, BOJANA MALINOVSKA IV JEDAN DAN U ŽIVOTU GROFA DRAKULE (ONE DAY IN THE LIFE OF COUNT DRACULA), author: SENAD ŠAHMANOVI∆ starring: MIŠO OBRADOVI∆, DUŠAN KOVA»EVI∆, KRISTINA STEVOVI∆ V SCARFING, author: MILANA JOVANOVI∆ starring: ŽAKLINA OŠTIR, MARTA ∆ERANI∆, BOŽIDAR ZUBER VI MALI NINDŽA (THE LITTLE NINJA), author: MILUTIN DARI∆ starring: OLIVERA VUKOVI∆, DEJAN IVANI∆, OGNJEN ŠAMŠAL VII KLJU» (THE KEY), author: GOJKO BERKULJAN starring: ALEKSANDAR RADULOVI∆, MILOŠ PEJOVI∆, ANA VU»KOVI∆ - the first-year students of the Acting Department of the FDA Cetinje 161 ukrajinsko veČe Zemlja koju su mnogi otkrili zbog svoje skorije istorije, Ukrajina se izdvaja po svojoj prirodnoj ljepoti, nevjerovatnoj istoriji, kulturi, tradiciji, i najvažnije , po duhu i talentu svoga naroda. Profesionalno oko TV kamere Ëini Ukrajinu OTVORENOM ZONOM za gledaoca. IzlagaË: Marina Shkuropat - nezavisni tv producent, ‘Zakryta Zona’ predstavnik na internacionalnim tržištima. Prezentacija: Predstavljanje ‘Zakryta Zona’ (‘OgraniËena Zona’) produkcijski centar/ Ukrajina. - Projekcija 26-minutnog dokumentarnog filma iz dokumentarnog ciklusa ‘Vidkryta Zona’ (Otvorena Zona). - Kompilacija (isjeËci) najboljih produkcija iz ‘Otvorene Zone’ (‘Vidkryta Zona’) i ostalih ‘ZAKRYTA ZONA’- nezavisni produkcijski centar- je poËeo sa radom 2005.godine i stekao je veliko iskustvo u produciranju ambicioznih dokumentaraca (ukljuËujuÊi i dugometražne), istraživaËkom novinarstvu i reportažama. S obzirom da je producirala više od 1000 sati kvalitetnih televizijskih dokumentaraca i publicistiËkih filmova za vodeÊe ukrajinske i ruske TV stanice, ‘Zakryta Zona’ je priznata i nagraena na ukrajinskom i internacionalnim festivalima, a takoe ima iskustva u saradnji sa kompanijama za dokumentarnu produkciju u Americi, Velikoj Britaniji i Finskoj. 162 VIDKRYTA ZONA (‘Otvorena Zona’) je dokumentarni ciklus - niz od 113 26-minutnih filmova. Autor i voa projekta-Natalka Fitsych / Producent: Volodymyr Ariev Ovi filmovi su rasplakali i nasmijali stotine hiljada TV gledaca u Ukrajini, uËinili da podijele radost pobjeda i saosjeÊaju sa tragedijama svojih heroja. Tri godine prikazivanja na vodeÊim TV kanalima u zemlji i svih 113 tako razliËitih filmova uËinili su da dokumentarni ciklus ‘Otvorena Zona’(‘Vidkryta zona’) bude lider u ukrajinskom snimanju dokumentaraca. ‘Vidkryta Zona’ (‘Otvorena Zona’) je TV dokudrama. Razne teme kojima se bave (bilo da su jednostavno interesantne, ili posveÊene društvenim problemima, kulturnom životu, istoriji, tradicijama, itd.) danas su dio ukrajinskog života. One se rijetko pojavljuju na TV vijestima, ali i dalje ima mnogo ljudi u ovoj zemlji, na koje se Ukrajina može ponositi. To nisu politiËari, niti zvijezde iz svijeta šou-biznisa. To su zapravo obiËni ljudi koji su uspjeli da ostanu jaki pod nevjerovatnim okolnostima. Životne priËe stvarnih ljudi , spojene sa estetikom savršenog vizuelnog kvaliteta, i ne-standardnog režiserskog pogleda, stvaraju novi stil snimanja socijalnog dokumentarca. 163 UKRAINE. OPEN AREA A country just discovered by many because of its recent history, Ukraine is outstanding for its natural beauty, amazing history, culture, traditions and, most important, the spirit and talent of its people.The professional eye of a tv camera makes Ukraine an OPEN AREA to the viewer. Presenter: Marina Shkuropat - independent tv producer, ‘Zakryta Zona’ representative at international markets. Presentation:-Introducing ‘Zakryta Zona’ (‘Restricted Area’) production centre/Ukraine. - Screening of 1 x 26’ documentary film from ‘Vidkryta Zona’ (Open Area) documentary cycle. - Compilation (cuts) from the best-of productions from ‘Vidkryta Zona’ (‘Open Area’) and other ZAKRYTA ZONA independent production centre was started in 2005 and is well experienced in producing ambitious documentaries (including full-length ones), investigative journalism and reportage. Having produced more than 1000 hours of quality television documentaries and publicist films for leading Ukrainian and Russian TV stations, ‘Zakryta Zona has been recognized and received awards at the Ukrainian and international festivals, and also has the experience of cooperation with docs production companies in the USA, UK and Finland. 164 VIDKRYTA ZONA (‘Open Area’) is a documentary cycle - a series of 113 x 26’films. Author and project leader - Natalka Fitsych / Producer: Volodymyr Ariev These films made hundreds of thousands of tv viewers in Ukraine cry, laugh, share happiness of victories and sympathize with tragedies of their heroes. Three years on air at the country’s leading tv channels and 113 all so different films have made the documentary cycle ‘Open Area’ (‘Vidkryta zona’) the leader in Ukrainian documentary film-making. ‘Vidkryta Zona’ (‘Open Area’) is a tv docudrama. Various themes tackled in it (let them be either simply interesting, or devoted to social problems, cultural life, history, traditions, etc.) are part of Ukrainian life today. They seldom appear in tv news, still there’re lots of people in this country Ukraine can be proud of. Those are not politicians, neither they are show biz stars. They are rather ordinary people who managed to stay strong under extraordinary circumstances. Life stories of real people combined with the aesthetics of a perfect visual quality and non-standard auteur view make up a new social documentary film-making style. 165 izložba slika 166 Branko StamatoviÊ je roen 24. marta 1941. godine u Kraljevu Republika Srbija. Višu UmjetniËku školu završio je u Herceg Novom 1962 godine u klasi akademika Voja StaniÊa. Studije likovne umjetnosti nastavio je u Zagrebu - Republika Hrvatska. Bio je Ëlan Udruženja likovnih umjetnika Crne Gore, a studijski je duže boravio u Italiji i Francuskoj. Umro je marta 1991 godine. Branko StamatoviÊ je imao trinaest samostalnih i nekoliko grupnih izložbi širom Evrope. Dobitnik je nagrade Osloboenja Titograda 1976 godine, a jedna ulica u Podgorici danas nosi njegovo ime. Istaknuti crnogorski slikar Branko StamatoviÊ je bio tragiËno, „krvno” vezan za slikarstvo i malo toga je bilo u njegovom životu bitnije od slikanja. Slikarstvo je za njega postalo i ostalo njegov život, a život slikarstvo. Izložbu Galatea Gallery prireuje povodom 70 godina od roenja i 20 godina od smrti, tako da ona kao što se i iz samog naziva vidi predstavlja sjeÊanje na ovog našeg vrsnog umjetnika. Na izložbi su predstavljene dvadesetËetiri slike nastale u periodu od sredine šezdesetih pa do kraja osamdesetih godina, zakljuËno sa posljednjom slikom naenom na umjetnikovom štafelaju „Akt”. Ratka ∆etkoviÊ, koja je temeljito pratila crnogorsku likovnu scenu osamdesetih, o slikaru i njegovoj izložbi 1982. zapisuje: “Kameni pejzaži, arhaiËna ljudska obliËja dijaboliËnog izgleda i slobodno interpretiranih proporcija, mitske životinje i Ëudovišta, ptice i puževi i drugi neobiËni detalji povezani su na poseban naËin složenim momentom fabule, najËešÊe ekspresivno nadrealnog zvuka. Ovako bogatu vizuelnu problematiku prati odgovarajuÊi i likovni tretman koji je prije svega doživljen, vezan za subjektivno biÊe umjetnika,… pun napetosti, košmara, agresivnosti.” Branko StamatoviÊ was born on March 24, 1941 in Kraljevo - the Republic of Serbia. He graduated from the Collegiate Art Academy in Herceg Novi in 1962, in the class of the academician Vojo StaniÊ. He continued his visual arts studies in Zagreb-the Republic of Croatia. He was a member of the Visual Artist Association of Montenegro, and he stayed longer in Italy and France to research. He died in March, 1991. Branko StamatoviÊ had thirteen independent and several group exhibitions throughout Europe. He received the Liberation of Titograd award in 1976, and one street in Podgorica carries his name today. The prominent Montenegrin painter, Branko StamatoviÊ, was tragically ‘consanguineously’ linked to painting, so only few things were more important than that. For him, painting became and remained his life, and life became painting. The Galatea Gallery organizes this exhibition to mark 70 years of his birth and 20 years of his death, thus it represents a memory of our remarkable artist, as this is perceived from the very title. Twentyfour paintings has been presented at the exhibition, made from the middle of the ‘60s till the end of the ‘80s, along with the last picture found on the artist’s easel „Nude”. Ratka ∆etkoviÊ, who has thoroughly tracked the visual art scene of Montenegro, has written about the painter and his exhibition in 1982: ‘Stony landscapes, archaic human effigies of diabolic looks and freely interpreted proportions, mythic animals and monsters, birds and snails and other unusual details are connected in a special way with a complex moment of the plot, most often of expressively surreal sound. These rich visual issues are followed by the appropriate visual treatment, which has been previously experienced, attached to the subjective being of the artist,…full of tension, nightmares, aggressiveness.’ 167 izložba slika Izložba “Mladi likovni umjenici Bara”, obuhvata djela mladih, barskih akademskih umjetnika nastala proteklih par godina. Ova izložba želi prikazati trenutno stanje, razvoj i vitalnost barske umjetniËke scene. Na izložbi Êe biti zastupljene razliËite likovne tehnike, od crteža, grafike i ulja na platnu ,do skulpture. Izložba se otvara u utorak,26.10.2010., u 20h, u galeriji “Velimir A.LekoviÊ”. 168 The exhibition “Young visual artists of Bar”, comprises the work of young academic artists from Bar, created in the last couple of years. This exhibition would like to present the current condition, development and vitality of the artistic scene of Bar. Various visual techniques will be represented at the exhibition, from drawings, graphics and oil paintings, to sculptures. The exhibition will open on Tuesday, 26th October 2010 at 20:00h, in the gallery “Velimir A. LekoviÊ“. JELENA JOVAN»OV - IMPOSSIBLE LINK IZ CIKLUSA „ILUZIVNA STVARNOST ILI LAŽNA STVARNOST U REFLEKSIJAMA“ TEHNIKA: DUBOKA ŠTAMPA DIMENIZIJE: 50CM X 70CM X 4 GODINA: 2009 169 koncert Bojana BrajoviÊ je poËela da uËi gitaru u barskoj muziËkoj školi kod prof. Ranka DomazetoviÊa. Završila je Srednju muziËku školu ’Vasa PaviÊ’ u Podgorici, u klasi prof. Srdjana BulatoviÊa i gimnaziju ’Niko RoloviÊ’ u Baru. Diplomirala je sa najvišom ocjenom na MuziËkoj akademiji na Cetinju, u klasi prof. Vere OgrizoviÊ, kao prvi diplomirani crnogorski gitarista. Tokom školovanja, osvojila je brojne prve i specijalne nagrade na republiËkim i saveznim takmiËenjima, kao i dvije II nagrade na medjunarodnim takmiËenjima u Sloveniji i na I Guitar Art Summer Festu u Herceg Novom, 2006. godine. Usavršavala se na master-klasovima i seminarima kod renomiranih svjetskih gitarista kao što su: R. Andia, R. Dyens, E. Karamazov, T. Hoppstock, P. Steidl, S. Prieto, A. Mouzourakis i drugi. Nastupala je u okviru festi vala Barski ljetopis, Budva grad teatar, Montenegro music festival, Bar guitar fest, Guitar Open Festival u Subotici, Guitar festival Kras u Sloveniji, Guitar Art Summer Fest u Herceg Novom, Cantiere della musica u Italiji, i imala solistiËke koncerte u Baru, Podgorici, Petrovcu, NikšiÊu i znaËajnijim salama u Crnoj Gori ( CNP, KIC Budo TomoviÊ, Zetski dom ). Saradjivala je sa crnogorskim Simfonijskim orkestrom i muzicirala u kamernim ansamblima sa flautom, u duu, triju i kvartetu gitara. Od 2005.godine predaje gitaru u muziËkoj školi ’ Vasa PaviÊ ’ u Podgorici. U septembru 2006., izabrana je za predsjednika Udruženja gitarskih izvodjaËa i pedagoga Crne Gore, ’Argus’, koje organizuje najstariji crnogorski festival gitare, Bar Guitar Fest. Program: A. Barrios V. TrajkoviÊ D. BogdanoviÊ A. Piazzolla J. Turina La catedral Balada for solo guitar Blues and 7 variation Campero Sonata op. 61 Bojana Brajovic started to study guitar in her hometown of Bar, Montenegro, with professor Ranko Domazetovic. She finished the High Music School “Vasa Pavic “ in Podgorica in the class of the professor Srdjan Bulatovic. She also finished Grammar School “Niko Rolovic “ in Bar. She graduated at the Music Academy in Cetinje with the highest mark in the class of professor Vera Ogrizovic. She was the first guitar graduate from Montenegrin Music Academy. While still at school, she won numerous first and special awards in state competitions. She also won two second awards - in international competitions in Slovenia (Murska Sobota) and at the first Guitar Art Summer Festival in Herceg Novi in 2006. She perfected her skills participating in various master classes with prominent and world known guitarists such as: R. Andia, R. Dyens, E. Karamazov, T. Hoppstock, P. Steidl, S. Prieto, A. Mauzourakis etc. She performed in public in festivals such as Barski ljetopis, Budva Teather City, Montenegro Music Festival and Bar Guitar Fest. She held solo concerts in Bar, Podgorica, Petrovac, Niksic and in some of the most prestigious music halls in Montenegro (CNP, KIC ”Budo Tomovic” , Zetski dom). She also staged concerts in festivals such as: “Cantiere della musica” (Monterotondo, Italy), Guitar Open Festival ( Serbia), Guitar Festival Kras ( Slovenia - Italy) and Guitar Art Summer Festival ( Montenegro). She was a member of jury at the International guitar competition in Murska Sobota, Slovenia, and at state competitions in Montenegro as well. She has cooperated with the Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra and played in chamber ensembles with flute and in various guitar duos, trios or quartets. She has been teaching the guitar at the Junior and High Music School “Vasa Pavic” in Podgorica since 2005. In September of 2006, she was elected chairman of the Association of Music Performers and Pedagogues of Montenegro “Argus”, whose main activity is organizing the oldest festival for classical guitar in Montenegro, Bar Guitar Fest. Programme: 170 A. Barrios V. TrajkoviÊ D. BogdanoviÊ A. Piazzolla J. Turina La catedral Balada for solo guitar Blues and 7 variation Campero Sonata op. 61 171 projekcije filmova Svjetski trendovi u televizijskom i filmskom stvaralaštvu nameÊu odreene standarde koji se istiËu kvalitetom. Primjeri priznatih ostvarenja biÊe prikazani u okviru netakmiËarske selekcije. Kao poklon Festivala graanima Bara u saradnji sa Kulturnim centrom, u bioskopskoj sali Êe biti prikazani sljedeÊi filmovi: 26.X Pisma Juliji (2010) Mlada Amerikanka putuje u Veronu, grad legendarne ljubavi Romea i Julije. Tamo se pridružuje grupi volontera koja odgovara na pisma Juliji u kojima se traže ljubavni saveti. Posle odgovora na pismo iz 1951. godine, ona inspiriše ženu koja ga je napisala da doputuje u Italiju u potrazi za svojom izgubljenom ljubavi. Splet Ëudnih okolnosti doneÊe u živote obe žene romansu, kakvu nikada nisu mogle ni da zamisle. Glumci: Amanda Seyfried, Gael García Bernal, Vanessa Redgrave Režija: Gary Winick 27.X Džuli i Džulija (2009) Meril Strip i Ejmi Adams tumaËe glavne uloge u obradi proslavljenih bestseler memoara -“Džuli i Džulija” književnice Džuli Pauel i “Moj život u Francuskoj”, koji su napisali Džulija Cajld i Aleks Prudom. PoËeci karijere neumorne Džulije Cajld, žene koja je zauvek promenila naËin na koji Amerika kuva, prepliÊu se sa odlukom blogerke Džuli Pauel, koja na prekretnici svog života osmi172 šljava gotovo nerazuman plan kako bi fokusirala svoju energiju. Scenarista, producent i reditelj filma Nora Efron besprekorno spaja ove dve izuzetne istinite priËe razdvojene prostorom i vremenom u komediju koja dokazuje da ako imate pravu kombinaciju strasti i putera, možete da promenite svoj život i ostvarite snove. Glumci: Jane Lynch, Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci Režija: Nora Ephron 28.X PoËetak (2010) Film “PoËetak” istaknutog reditelja Kristofera Nolana je od poËetka snimanja obavijen velom tajne. Iako se o njemu za sada zna veoma malo, opisan je kao savremena nauËnofantastiËna akcija smeštena u najdublje strukture ljudskog uma. Leonardo di Kaprio tumaËi lik menadžera Džejkoba Hestlera umešanog u skandal, dok Merion Kotijar igra njegovu suprugu. Reditelj Kristofer Nolan, zaslužan za proslogodišnji blokbaster “MraËni vitez” je ujedno i pisac scenarija za ovaj film. Glumci: Ellen Page, Michael Caine, Leonardo DiCaprio, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ken Watanabe, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Režija: Christopher Nolan 173 film showing World trends in television and film creation impose certain standards which stand out with their quality. Examples of the acknowledged accomplishments will be shown within non-competing selection. As a present from the Festival for the citizens of Bar with co-organisation with the Cultural Centre, in the town cinema the following films will be shown: 26th October Letters to Juliet (2010) A young American girl travels to Verona, the town of the legendary love of Romeo and Juliet. She joins a group of volunteers that answers to the letters to Juliet in which love advice is sought. After the answer to the letter from 1951, she inspires the woman who wrote it to travel to Italy in quest for finding her lost love. The combination of strange circumstances will bring romance to the lives of two women they couldn’t have ever imagined. Actors: Amanda Seyfried, Gael García Bernal, Vanessa Redgrave Director: Gary Winick 27th October Julie & Julia (2009) Meryl Streep and Amy Adams share the leading roles in adaptation of the well-known best seller memoirs - “Julie & Julia” - of the writer Julie Powell and “My Life in France” written by Julia Child and Alex Prud’homme. The beginnings of the carier of the strenuous Ju174 lia Child, of the woman who has forever changed the way America cooks, are intertwined with the decision of the blogger, Julie Powell, who figures out almost unreasonable plan at the turning point of her life in order to focus her energy. The screenwriter, the producer and the director of the film, Nora Ephron perfectly connects these two remarkable true stories separated by space and time into comedy that proves that if you have the right combination of passion and butter, you can change your life and fulfill your dreams. Actors: Jane Lynch, Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci Director: Nora Ephron 28th October Inception (2010) The film “Inception” of the well-known director Christopher Nolan has been veiled in secrecy from its beginning. Although very few things are known about it at the moment, it is described as a contemporary science-fiction actioner set within the deepest structures of the human mind. Leonardo di Caprio stars as the manager Jakob Hastley involved in a scandal, and Marion Cotillard stars as his wife. The director Christopher Nolan, meritorious for the last year’s blockbuster “The Dark Night”, is also the screenwriter for this film. Actors: Ellen Page, Michael Caine, Leonardo DiCaprio, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ken Watanabe, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Director: Christopher Nolan 175 nagrade / awards Na Festivalu su zastupljene sljedeÊe takmiËarske kategorije: The Festival has the following competitive categories: • • •• •• • IGRANI PROGRAMI - TV DRAME i TV FILM (do 120 minuta) DOKUMENTARNE EMISIJE: dokumentarna TV reportaža i dokumentarni TV film (do 90 min.) dokumentarne emisije iz oblasti ekologije, do 30 minuta SELEKTOVANJE PROGRAMA Selekciona komisija od tri Ëlana pravi izbor emisija za takmiËarski program. Dva su osnovna kriterija za selektovanje emisija: kvalitet i utvrena dužina takmiËarskog programa. PROGRAMME SELECTION Selection committee consisting of three members selects programmes for competitive category. There are two basic criteria for programme selection: quality and established duration of programmes in competitive category. ŽIRI Festival je smotra takmiËarskog karaktera. Na Festivalu se prezentiraju emisije u zvaniËnoj selekciji. Kvalitet emisija u zvaniËnoj selekciji vrednuje jedan žiri za sve kategorije. Žiri ima pet Ëlanova. Žirijem rukovodi predsjednik, a rad organizuje sekretar žirija. JURY The Festival is a competitive event. Programmes in the official selection are presented in the Festival. Quality of the programmes in the official category is evaluated by one jury for all categories. The jury consists of five members. The jury is headed by its president, while the work is organized by its secretary. NAGRADE Meunarodni televizijski festival Bar 2006 dodjeljuje sljedeÊe nagrade: • U svakoj kategoriji dodjeljuju se nagrade za najbolju emisiju u cjelini. U prve dvije kategorije (igrana i dokumentarna), za najbolje emisije u cjelini dodjeljuju se: prva, druga i treÊa nagrada (Zlatna, Srebrna i Bronzana maslina), a u kategoriji ekologija dodjeljuje se po jedna nagrada za najbolju emisiju u cjelini. • U svakoj kategoriji dodjeljuju se autorske nagrade: a) za najbolji scenarij b) za najbolju režiju c) za najbolju fotografiju d) za najbolju montažu U kategoriji igranih programa dodjeljuju se: a) nagrada za najbolju mušku ulogu b) nagrada za najbolju žensku ulogu c)za najbolju emisiju na Festivalu dodjeljuje se Grand prix Festivala. d)za najbolju selekciju na Festivalu dodjeljuje se producentska nagrada 176 •• F EATURE PROGRAMMES - TV DRAMAS and TV FILMS (up to 120 minutes) DOCUMENTARY PROGRAMMES: documentary TV reportage and a documentary TV film (up to 90 minutes) Documentary programmes on ecology, up to 30 minutes Dobitniku Grand prix-a Festivala, organizator obezbjeuje boravak na sljedeÊem Festivalu, a nagraena emisija Êe biti emitovana na otvaranju Festivala. Na Festivalu mogu biti dodijeljene i druge nagrade pored zvaniËnih nagrada, koje odobrava Upravni odbor posebnim Pravilnikom (nagrada novinarskog žirija ili drugih organizacija). AWARDS International TV Festival Bar 2007 presents the following awards: •• One best programme award is presented in each category. In the first two categories (feature programme and documentary programme) there are the first, second and third best programme awards (the Golden, Silver and Bronze Olive), while one best programme award is presented in the category of ecology. •• Author’s awards are presented in each category: a) For the best screenplay b) For the best directing c) For the best photography d) For the best editing Awards presented in the category of feature programmes are: e) The best actor award f) The best actress award g) Grand prix of the Festival is presented to the best programme in the Festival. h) Producer Award is presented to the best selection in the Festival. The organizer provides the accommodation to the winner of Grand Prix in the next Festival and the awarded programme shall be shown at the opening of the Festival. Other awards may be presented in the Festival aside from the official awards, approved by the Board of Directors by means of a special rulebook (journalists’ awards or the awards of other organizations). 177 o baru Poput veÊine crnogorskih gradova, i Bar je tokom svoje istorije pripadao razliËitim civilizacijskim i kulturološkim svjetovima. Meutim, za razliku od drugih crnogorskih gradova, Bar danas nije prepoznatljiv samo po jednom od svjetova Ëiji je dio, ponekad i vjekovima bio. Na nasljeu jedne epohe, nastajalo je i izgraivalo se novo. U tom novom nasljeu uvijek su se jasno prepoznavale tekovine preašnjeg. Grad maslina, pomorska kapija Crne Gore, vjekovno ognjište suživota, bez obzira na vjeru i naciju, Bar predstavlja spoj modernosti, tradicije i ljepote. ZnaËajan je kao dinamiËni ekonomski centar Crne Gore, ali i kao grad koji Ëuva bogatu kulturno-istorijsku tradiciju. Neki od najznaËajnijih civilizacijskih dometa na prostoru Crne Gore, nastali su u Baru: ovdje su saËuvani ostaci najstarijih pisanih spomenika, ovdje je nastalo najznaËajnije književno-istorijsko djelo crnogorskog srednjeg vijeka, a grad je bio sjedište i najstarije vjerske institucije Crne Gore (Barske nadbiskupije). Pored toga u Baru se nalazi jedno od najstarijih maslinovih stabala na svijetu, Stara maslina na Mirovici, stara preko 2000 godina. Bogata kulturno-istorijska tradicija sjedinjena je na prostoru Bara sa jedinstvenim darovima prirode, povoljnom klimom i izuzetnim geografskim položajem. Prijatna mediteranska klima privlaËi veliki broj turista svake godine. Sa prosjeËnih 270 sunËanih dana godišnje, Bar je jedan od najsunËanijih gradova Mediterana. 44 km morske obale, od kojih više od 9 km Ëine plaže, 67 km obale Skadarskog jezera i planinski masiv koji razdvaja ove dvije velike vodene površine, Ëine Bar idealnim odredištem kako za turiste koji žele da se odmore na prelijepim plažama i uživaju u netaknutoj prirodi, tako i za one koji hoÊe da obiu brojne kulturne i vjerske spomenike ili da svoj odmor aktivno provedu baveÊi se brojnim sportskim aktivnostima. Nije istorijski utvreno kada je Bar nastao. Da je života na ovome mjestu bilo još u praistoriji, potvruju arheološki nalazi iz starijeg neolita i bronzanog doba. Prva naseobina drevnih stanovnika bila je u Barskom 178 polju, od podnožja brda Volujica do Željeznice. Ostaci iz ilirskog perioda, zatim grËkog i rimskog prodiranja, i doba vizantijske dominacije, nalaze se svuda po barskoj opštini, što dokazuje da je bila izuzetno znaËajna svim kulturama i narodima koji su gravitirali ovom podruËju. Pretpostavlja se da se Bar, kao obnovljeni rimski kastel Antipargai pominje u VI vijeku kod Prokopija. Prvi put se ime grada, kao Antobareos, sa sigurnošÊu navodi u X vijeku, u spisku draËkih sufragana, kao i kod cara Konstantina Porfirogenita u XI stoljeÊu kao d’Antibaris. U verziji našeg jezika, kao Bar, ime grada se pojavljuje prvi put u pisanim izvorima poËetkom XIII vijeka u Nemanjinoj biografiji, koju je napisao Stefan PrvovjenËani. U Baru je, u XII vijeku, barski nadbiskup Grgur napisao “Sclavorum regnum” (odnosno, “Barski rodoslov” ili “Ljetopis Popa Dukljanina”), najstariji literarno-istorijski spis u Južnih Slovena. Ono po Ëemu je Bar oduvijek bio prepoznatljiv jeste njegovanje vjerske tolerancije meu pripadnicima razliËitih konfesija. Po tradiciji, svake godine na dan Sv. Trojice pravoslavni, katolici i muslimani iznose na vrh Rumije Vladimirov krst koji, po vjerovanju, Ëuva cijeli kraj od svakog zla. Crkve u okolini Sutomora: Sv Tekle, Sv Dimitrija i Sv Roka imaju dva oltara gdje su istovremeno vršili bogosluženje i pravoslavni i katoliËki sveštenici. Isti je sluËaj i sa manastirom Sv. Vasilije Ostroški na Ribnjaku. Maslina na Mirovici, stara preko 2000 godina, pravi je spomenik prirode, a po legendi bila je mjesto gdje su se mirile zavaene porodice. Pored ove atrakcije Barani se najviše ponose Starim gradom. Sahat kula, amam, barutana i akvadukt, kojim je grad snabdijevan vodom, nastali su u tursko doba. SaËuvani su i ostaci nekoliko sakralnih objekata razliËitih stilova iz razliËitih perioda. Stari grad Bar je najznaËajniji kulturno-istorijski spomenik ovog podruËja sa oËuvanim gradskim bedemima, citadelama, kapijom i kulom u kojoj su otkriveni fragmenti slovenske keramike od XIV do XVI vijeka. Na samoj morskoj obali izgraen je 1885. god. Dvorac kralja Nikole koji se sastoji od velikog i malog dvorca, kula stražara, kapele i zimske bašte, a 1910. god. je dozidana i plesna sala. Utvrenje Haj-Nehaj predstavlja ostatke srednjovjekovnog grada Nehaj koji su u XV vijeku podigli MleËani na nepristupaËnom brdu iznad Sutomora. Sakralni objekti, nekada duhovna središta, danas su najËešÊe spomenici kulture. Od velikog broja manastira, crkava i džamija nastalih u Baru i njegovoj okolini saËuvani su uglavnom njihovi ostaci, rasuti duž obale mora, na ostrvima Skadarskog jezera, u starom dijelu grada i crmniËkom kraju. 179 about baru 180 Like many Montenegrin towns, Bar has belonged to various civilizational and cultural worlds in the course of its history. However, unlike other Montenegrin towns, Bar is not recognizable today only for one of the worlds which it has been a part of, sometimes even for centuries. On the inheritance of an epoch, a new one has been created and built. In that new inheritance, the achievements of the previous one have always been recognized. The town of olives, the naval gateway of Montenegro, the centuries-old hearth of coexistence, Bar represents a bond of modernity, tradition and beauty. It is important as an economic centre of Montenegro, but also as a town that guards the opulent culture-historical tradition. Some of the most important civilizational achievements on the territory of Montenegro have emerged in Bar: the remains of the oldest written records have been preserved here, the most important literary-historical work of the medieval Montenegro has been written here, and the town has been the residence of the oldest religious institution of Montenegro (the Archdiocese of Bar). Moreover, there is one of the oldest olive trees in the world in Bar, the Old Olive Tree in Mirovica, more than 2000 years old. The abundant culture-historical tradition has been merged in the area of Bar with a unique nature’s bounty, favorable climate and a remarkable geographic location. The pleasant Mediterranean climate attracts numerous tourists every year. With 270 sunny days on average per year, Bar is one of the sunniest towns of the Mediterranean. 44 km of the coast, out of which more than 9 km are beaches, 67 km of Shkoder Lake’s shores and the mountain massif which separates these two water areas, make Bar an ideal destination both for the tourists who want to have rest on the beautiful beaches and enjoy the untouched nature and for those who want to see the numerous cultural and religious monuments or to spend their vacation actively engaging in various sports activities. It is not historically defined when Bar was established. The archaeological findings from the older Neolithic and the Bronze Age approve the fact that life existed here in the prehistoric period. The first settlement of the archaic inhabitants was in the Bar field, from the foot of the Volujica Hill to the Željeznica river. The debris from the Illyrian period, then of the Greek and the Roman pervasion, and of the period of Byzantine domination, is everywhere around the Bar municipality, which proves that it has been important for every culture and nation that have ever existed in this area. It is assumed that Bar, as a renovated Roman fortalice Antipargai, was mentioned in the 6th century by Procopius. The name of the town, as Antobareos, was mentioned with certainty for the first time in the 10th century, in the records of the suffragans of Drac, as well as with the Tsar Constantine Porfirogenet in the 11th century as d’Antibaris. In the version of our language, as Bar, the name of the town appeared in the written sources for the first time in the beginning of 13th century in the Biography of Nemanja, which was written by Stefan The-First-Crowned. In Bar, in the 12th century, the archbishop Grgur of Bar wrote “Sclavorum Regnum” (i.e. “The Bar Genealogy” or “The Chronicle of the Priest of Doclea”), the oldest literary-historical script of the South Slavs. The thing Bar was always known for is cherishing religious tolerance among its inhabitants. As per tradition, every year on St. Trinity day, Orthodox, Catholics and Muslims take Vladimir’s cross to the top of Rumija. The cross is believed to protect the whole area from any evil. Churches from the surroundings of Sutomore: St. Tekla, St. Dimities and St. Roka have two altars where both services, orthodox and catholic, were performed at the same time. The same case is with the monastery of St. Vasilije Ostroski at Ribnjak. The fact that 12% of total number of inhabitants are refugees from areas struck by war who found their refuge in Bar demonstrates that solidarity among people remains a constituent part of life philosophy in this area. Olive tree in Mirovica, more than 2000 years old, is a genuine natural monument, and according to the legend, it was the place where families in dispute made peace. Aside from this attraction, inhabitants of Bar are very proud of the Old town of Bar. Clock tower, Turkish baths, powder magazine and aqueduct used for water supply were all constructed in the period of Turkish reign. Remains of several sacral edifices of different styles and from diff erent periods are preserved. The Old town of Bar is the most signifi cant cultural-historical monument of this area with preserved city walls, citadels, gate and tower where fragments of Slavic ceramics from the XIV and XVI century were found. In 1885, at the very coast, king Nikola’s Castle was built. It consists of large and small castle, watch tower, chapel and winter garden, and in 1910, a dancing hall was added. Fortification Haj-Nehaj represents the remains of medieval town Nehaj founded in the XV century by Venetians on the inaccessible hill above Sutomore. Sacral edifices, previously religious seats, today are mostly cultural monuments. Remains of the great number of monasteries, churches and mosques founded in Bar and its surroundings were preserved throughout the coast, on the islands of the Skadar Lake, in the old part of town and Crmnica area. 181 IMPRESUM XV Internacionalni TV FESTIVAL BAR 2010 XV International TV FESTIVAL BAR 2010 Od 25. do 29. oktobra 2010. godine October 25 - 29, 2010 OSNIVA»: Internacinalni TV festival u Baru je organizacija Ëiji su osnivaËi : Ministarstvo kulture, Opštine Bar i Televizija Crne Gore. FOUNDER: International TV festival in Bar is an organization whose founders are: Ministry of culture, The Town of Bar and TV Montenegro. SKUPŠTINA FESTIVALA / FESTIVAL ASSEMBLY : Žarko PaviÊeviÊ, predsjednik / president IZVRŠNA DIREKTORKA / EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ljiljana –ininoviÊ PROGRAMSKI SAVJETNIK / PROGRAMME ADVISOR Nevenka RedžiÊ Toth SELEKCIONA KOMISIJA / SELECTION COMMITTEE Aleksandar BeËanoviÊ ( Crna Gora / Montenegro ) Vladimir PeroviÊ ( Srbija / Serbia ) Gena Teodosievska ( Makedonija / Macedonia ) ŽIRI / JURY Marija PeroviÊ ( Crna Gora / Montenegro ) Luciana Capretti ( Italija / Italy ) Oliver Goetzl ( NjemaËka / Germany ) Marcus Dineen ( Australija / Australia ) Cristina Oancea ( Rumunija / Romania ) PREVODIOCI / INTERPRETERS Danijela »ejoviÊ, Nada BogetiÊ, Ljiljana LukšiÊ VIZUELNI DIZAJN FESTIVALA / VISUAL DESIGN OF THE FESTIVAL MAPA FOTO SERVIS / PHOTO SERVICE: Studio “ PetoviÊ “, Bar UREDNIK KATALOGA / CATALOGUE EDITOR Ljiljana –ininoviÊ PRIPREMA KATALOGA / PREPARATION OF THE CATALOGUE Danijela »ejoviÊ PRESS I BILTEN / PRESS AND CHRONICLE Danilo KaleziÊ, Adrijana HusiÊ POKROVITELJI / PATRONS Ministarstvo kulture / Ministry of culture Opπtina Bar/Municipality Assembly of Bar MEDIJSKI SPONZOR/ MEDIA SPONSOR RTCG FESTIVAL SU POMOGLI / FESTIVAL WAS SUPPORTED BY Hotel Princess Kulturni centar Bar
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