9.NAFF MEĐUNARODNIFESTIVALANIMIRANOGFILMAMEĐUNARODNIFESTIV INTERNATIONALANIMATEDFILMFESTIVALINTERNATIONALANIMATED NEUM DUBROVNIK MOSTAR NEUM 28.06.- 04.07.2014. DUBROVNIK 28.06.- 04.07.2014. MOSTAR 28.06.- 04.07.2014. NEUM 28.06.- 04.07 M 9. MEĐUNARODNIFESTIVALANIMIRANOGFILMAMEĐUNARODNIFESTIVALANIMIRANOGFILM NAFF 2014 INTERNATIONALANIMATEDFILMFESTIVALINTERNATIONALANIMATEDFILMFESTIVALINTE NAFF 2014 3 4 POKROVITELJI UNDER THE AUSPICES FEDERALNO MINISTARSTVO KULTURE I ŠPORTA MINISTARSTVO CIVILNIH POSLOVA BIH FONDACIJA ZA KINEMATOGRAFIJU FBIH FEDERALNO MINISTARSTVO ZAŠTITE OKOLIŠA I TURIZMA VLADA REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE TURISTIČKA ZAJEDNICA HNŽ “OVAJ PROJEKAT JE OMOGUĆILA VELIKODUŠNA PODRŠKA AMERIČKOG NARODA PUTEM AMERIČKE AMBASADE U SARAJEVU .” NAFF 2014 5 9 M IMPRESU I PRESUM NAFF 2014 9.INTERNACIONALNI FESTIVAL ANIMIRANOG FILMA _9th INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ANIMATED FILM Pokrovitelji festivala _Under the Auspices Organizator osnivač_ Organization Founder Suradnici_Collaborators Direktor i umjetnički direktor festivala_ Festival Director and Art Director Jurinko Rajič Dizajn, idejno rješenje _ Design and Art Concept STUDIO NEUM, KAN Mostar Selekciona komisija_ Selection comitee Maja Lasić Tomislav Bubalo Mladen Đukić Žiri_Jury Members Joan Gratz Tsvetimira Nikolova Namik Kabil Elvedin Nezirović Darko Kreč Rajna Rajič, Ivana Miličević, Aleta Rajič, Dragan Marijanović Nikolina Matić, Vedran Marijanović Aleta Rajič, Sanja Rajič Banjac, Studio Neum Federalno ministarstvo kulture i športa FBiH Ministarstvo civilnih poslova BiH Fondacija za kinematografiju FBiH Federalno ministarstvo turizma i zaštite okoliša Ambasada SAD-a u BiH Vlada Republike Hrvatske Turistička zajednica HNŽ Prevod na engleski_ translation in English Aleta Rajič Tehnička služba_Tehnical Department: JosipPutica, Nikola Galić, Predrag Solomun Tehnički realizator programa_Tehnical realization of the Program MC Pavaroti/Mostar, Sejo Zaklan, Mili Tiro Tiskara_Printing House Generalni sponzor _General sponzor HT Eronet Prijatelji festivala _Friends of the festival Elektro privreda HZHB, Grad Mostar, OKC Abrašević, Grad Dubrovnik, Kinematografi Dubrovnik, Hotel Sunce, Zvečevo Lasta Čapljina, PRINT team, Kartis, Grafit, Mostar Medijski pokrovitelji_ Media Auspices: Tiraž kataloga_Catalogue Circulation 700 BH1, FTV, TV1, RTRS, RBH1, Pink TV, Nova TV, Aljazeera, Oslobođenje, Dnevni list, Večenji list, Nezavisne novine, Slobodna bosna, Glas srpske POBJEDNIČKI FILMOVI NAFF-a 2013_THE AWARD WINNERS OF THE 8.th NAFF 25.06.-01.07.2013. Grand prix: “Junkyard” *Hisko Hulsing / Nizozemska_Netherland film: “Fallin Floyd” *A. 2D Hoofa, P.Vinca / Francuska_France grafički art i dizajn_art: “Lost&Found’’ * *Joanlutke_doll: “Autumn leaves’’ Gratz /SAD_USA A. Danseta, C.De Carvalha / Francuska_France 3D film: “The Game” *Marcina Janieca/ Poljska_Poland *“Thepublika_publica: good bad and a horse ” Ben Smith /UK_UK film_students film: *“Istudentski am Tom Moody ” 6 Ainslieu Hendersonu /Škotska_Scotland “Kufor ” Julii Kolenakovoj /Slovačka_Slovakia muzika_music:“Miserere” *Maria Serrana Hervasa / Španija_Spain 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 NAFF 2014 SADRŽAJ CONTENTS Uvodna riječ_Introduction 6 Međunarodni žiri_International jury 8 Selekciona komisija_Selection comitte 10 Takmičarski program_Competition program 11 Panorama_Panorama 33 Prijatelji Festivala_Friends of Festival 39 7 9 R UVODNA IJEČ INT ODUCTION Dear guests and friends NAFF’s. Dragi gosti i prijatelji NAFF-a. Radujemo se Vašem dolasku i nadamo se da će Vaš boravak na našem Festivalu proteći u obostranom zadovoljstvu. Kao i prethodnih osam godina, potrudili smo se da Vam pripremimo izvrstan filmski program, ali također da budemo dobri domaćini. Vjerujemo da smo u tome uspjeli. NAFF 2013 je proglašen kulturnim događajem godine u BiH, te nas je to obavezalo da dodamo neke nove sadržaje. Naime, od ove godine osim u Neumu program NAFF-a će se istovremeno održavati u Mostaru i u Dubrovniku. Te projekcije će i Vama pružiti šansu da posjetite ova dva prekrasna grada. Isto tako te projekcije će omogućiti da publika u Mostaru i Dubrovniku vidi najbolja svjetska ostvarenja animiranog filma. I oni će imati mogućnost da izaberu film koji se njima najviše sviđa. Vjerujemo da će idućih godina program NAFF-a biti redovno prikazivan u još nekoliko gradova BiH i Hrvatske. We are looking forward to seeing you and hope that your visit will result in a mutual satisfaction. As it was the case during the previous eight years, this year too we tried our best to select and prepare an excellent film programme for you and also, be good hosts. We believe that we have succeeded in doing so. NAFF 2013 was proclaimed to be the cultural event of the year in Bosniaand Herzehovina which committed us to add a new content to its life. In fact, starting this year the programme of NAFF will be (aside from Neum) simoultaneously held in Mostar and Dubrovnik. These projections will offer you a chance to visit these two wonderful cities. Also, these projections will allow the audience of Mostar and Dubrovnik to see the world’s best animated film achievements. And they will have the opportunity to choose the film they like the most. We also believe that the programme of the NAFF 2015 will be screened not only in these but in several other cities of BiH and Croatia aswell. We wish you a pleasant stay during NAFF 2014! Želimo Vam ugodan boravak na NAFF-u 2014! Direktor festivala_Festival director DOBRO DOŠLI _WELLCOME ! 8 I STRUČNI ŽIR NTERNATIONAL JURY JURYZIRI NAFF 2014 9 9 I STRUČNI ŽIR NTERNATIONAL JURY Darko Kreč je rođen 1958. u Varaždinu. Diplomirao je na Rudarsko-geološkonaftnom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Profesionalno se bavi animiranim filmom, stripom i ilustracijom. Radio je u Zgreb filmu od 1984. u svojstvu animatora i redatelja animiranih filmova. Svoj prvi autorski animirani film “Duet” realizirao je 1988. Autor je više filmova koji su prikazani i nagrađivani na svjetskim festivalima. Predaje klasičnu animaciju na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, odsjek animirani film i nove medije od 1999. Pri Ministarstvu kulture RH radio je kao umjetnički savjetnik za animirani film od 2005.-2008. Član je Vijeća svjetskog festivala animiranog filma -Animafest od 2006. i predsjednik vijeća od 2010. Darko Kreč Joan Gratz 10 Redateljica, umjetnica i animatorica, Joan Gratz je pionir animacije u tehnici poznatoj kao claypainting . Osvojila je Oscara 1992. filmom “Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase”. Joan živi u kući na vodi u Portlandu, Oregon. Tijekom rada s Willom Vinton Studios 1976.-1987. njezin rad između ostalog uključuje rad na dizajnu i animaciji na filmovima koji su također nominirani za Oscara: Return to Oz, Rip Van Winkle, The Creation, koji je bio prvi film koji je istaknuo claypainting. Otkako je osnovala svoj vlastiti studio, Gratzfilm, 1987. , dobila je brojna priznanja za svoj osobni i komercijalni rad. Učestvovala je na više festivala u svijetu gdje je održavala radionice u claypainting tehnici. Darko Kreč was born in 1958 in Varaždin. He graduated from Mining and Geotechnical Engineering Department in Zagreb. He is working on animation, comic books and illustrations professionaly. He has been working for Zagreb film since 1984 in cooperation of animators and directors of animated films. He did his first debut as an author with the film Duet, in 1988. He is author of many films that won many prizes on festivals around the globe. Currently, he is teaching classic animation at the Academy of fine arts in Zagreb, in the animated film and new media department. He worked as a artistic counselor for animated film at the Ministry of culture of Croatia from 2005-2008. He has been a member of the Council of the festival of animated film- Animafest since 2006 and vicepresident of the council since 2010. An accomplished director, artist, and animator, Joan Gratz pioneered the animation technique known as claypainting. Her film Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase won the Academy Award in 1992. Joan lives on a houseboat in Portland, Oregon. Working with Will Vinton Studios from 1976 to 1987. During that time, her work included design and animation for the Academy Award nominees Return to Oz, Rip Van Winkle, and The Creation, which was the first film to feature claypainting. Since establishing her own studio, Gratzfilm, in 1987, she has received many honors for her personal and commercial work. She has participated on several festivals where she held workshops in claypainting technique. 9 I STRUČNI ŽIR NTERNATIONAL JURY Namik Kabil rođen je u Tuzli 1968. Završio je studij filma na Santa Monica Collegu i Los Angeles City Collegu u Los Angelesu, SAD. Trenutno u Sarajevu radi kao pisac, scenarista, filmski redatelj.... Na FTV radi kao urednik redakcije dokumentarnog programa. Režirao je i napisao više scenarija za televizijske projekte, cjelovečernje igrane i dokumentarne filmove. Dobitnik je više nagrada za svoja ostvarenja na međunarodnim festivalima. Namik Kabil was born in Tuzla in 1968. He graduated from film school at Santa Monica College and LA City College in LA, USA. He is currently living and working in Sarajevo as a novelist, script writer, film director...He is working as an editor of the documentary programme redaction for FTV. He directed and wrote many scripts for TV projects, feature films and documentaries. He is a winner of many awards for his acomplishments at the international festivals. Namik Kabil Tsvetomira Nikolova je diplomirala na Nacionalnoj akademiji za kazalište i filmsku umjetnost u Sofiji. Radila je kao animator, storyboard i layout umjetnik u animiranim filmovima Studia “ Sofija “, Richard Williams Studio Ltd, London, te je surađivala s brojnim bugarskim i inozemnm produkcijama i animiranim serijama. Ilustrirala je više knjiga , uglavnom dječje književnosti. Podučava animaciju, dizajn karakter i storyboard na Novom bugarskom sveučilištu. Autor je više kratkih filmova. Upravo je pokrenula malu produkcijsku tvrtku ANIMATO registriranu kao neovisni producent animiranih filmova s namjerom da proizvodi vlastite filmove. Bila je član žirija na nekoliko međunarodnih festivala. NAFF 2014 Tsvetomira Nikolova graduated of the National Academy of Drama& Film Arts, Sofia. Has worked as an animator, storyboard and layout artist at Animated Films’ Studio “Sofia”, Richard Williams Studio Ltd, London and cooperated with a number of Bulgarian and foreign productions and animated series. Has illustrated a number of books, mostly children’s literature. Teaches animation, character design and storyboard at the New Bulgarian University. She is author of several short films. Has just launched the small production company ANIMATO and registered as an independent animated films’ producer with the intention to produce her own films. She was a member of the jury at several international festivals. Tsvetomira Nikolova 11 9 I STRUČNI ŽIR NTERNATIONAL JURY Elvedin Nezirović je rođen 1976. godine u Mostaru. Diplomirao je na Pedagoškoj akademiji, odsjek za Bosanski jezik i književnost na Univerzitetu “Džemal Bijedić” u Mostaru, 1999. godine, te na na Fakultetu humanističkih nauka istoimenog Univerziteta, odsjek za Engleski jezik i književnost, 2013. godine. Objavio dvije zbirke poezije: “Bezdan” i “Zvijer iz hotelske sobe”, te zbirku priča Toliko o tome. Pjesme i priče su mu prevedene na engleski, njemački i italijanski jezik. Dobitnik je nekoliko književnih nagrada i priznanja. Član je Društva pisaca BiH i Književnog kluba Mostar. Direktor je Muzičkog centra Pavarotti u Mostaru. Elvedin Nezirović 12 Elvedin Nezirović was born in 1976 in Mostar. He graduated from the Educational Academy, Bosnian language and literature department at the University “Džemal Bijedić“ in Mostar, 1999 as well as from the Faculty of human sciences at the same university, English language and literature department in 2013. Two of his poetry collections were published: “Bezdan” and “Zvijer iz hotelske sobe” and a collection of stories Toliko o tome. Songs and stories are translated in English, German and Italian. He received several literature awards and is a member of the Society of writers BiH and Literary club Mostar. He is the director of the Music centre Pavarotti in Mostar. SELEKCIONA KOMISIJA SELECTION COMITEE NAFF 2014 13 9 Mladen Đukić Maja Lasić 14 S SELEKCIONA KOMI IJA ELECTION COMMITTEE Tomislav Bubalo Diplomirao je montažu na Akademiji umjetnosti Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci. Diplomirao je Animation Mentor (Emeryville, SAD) - karakterna animacija. Trenutno je na masteru iz Kreativne FTV produkcije na FDU, Beograd. Docent je na Akademiji umjetnosti Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, na predmetima Animacija, Kompjuterska animacija, Kompjuterski generisana slika i Kompjuterski vizuelni efekti. Šef je studijskog programa Dramske umjetnosti. Autor je 10 kratkih filmova, od čega 5 animiranih. Pokrenuo je 2008. godine „Aeon produkciju“, koja stoji iza mnogih komercijalnih i kulturnih projekata. Rođena je 1973. godine u Mostaru gdje diplomira na fakultetima: Filozofski fakultet na Sveučilištu u Mostaru (studijska grupa: Hrvatski jezik i književnost) i Humanističke nauke (odsjek: Dramska umjetnost – gluma) na Univerzitetu “Džemal Bijedić“. U Lutkarskom kazalištu Mostar je odigrala preko stotinu izvedbi. Režirala je nekoliko predstava za djecu. Izvršna direktorica manifestacije “Dani filma Mostar“ od 2007. godine do danas. Radi kao asistentica na kolegijima:“Lutkarstvo i scenska kultura“ i “Filmska, radio i TV kultura“ na Fakultetu prirodoslovno – matematičkih i odgojnih znanosti Sveučilišta u Mostaru. Rođen je u Zagrebu 1968., a živi i radi u Širokom Brijegu. Filmom se bavi od 2001. , 2007. osniva produkciju Kadar d.o.o. Široki Brijeg, a 2010. sa grupom suradnika osniva udrugu za poticanje razvoja ERO. Montirao, snimao, režirao i producirao više dokumentarnih i namjenskih filmova. Jedan je od osnivača i aktivni član Kino Video Kluba „Amater“ u Širokom Brijegu i jedan od suorganizatora Mediteran film festivala. Pored filma bavi se animacijom, dizajnom, izdavaštvom i multimedijalnim projektima. Mladen Đukić graduated Editing from the Academy of arts of the University of Banja Luka. He graduated character animation from the Animation mentor (Emeryville, USA). He is currently finishing master studies from Creative film and television production at Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. Assistant professor at the academy of arts in Banja Luka for classes: Animation, Computer animation, Computer generic picture and Computer visual effects. He is the head of the Department of Dramatic arts. Author of 10 short films, of which 5 are animated films. Director of several cultural events and live TV programmes. In 2008 was initiated the Aeon production, which is behind many commercial and cultural projects. She was born in 1973. in Mostar where she graduated from the following universities: Faculty of philosophy in Mostar(Croatian language and literature department) and humanist sciences(department of dramatic arts-acting) at the university of Džemal Bijedić in Mostar where she played over hundred performances. She directed several shows for children. She has been the executive director of the manifestation for the festival ‘Days of film’ in Mostar since 2007. until today. She has been working as an assistant for the following classes at the University for natural sciences and mathematics in Mostar: ‘Puppetry and performing culture’ and ‘Film, TV and radio culture’. He was born in Zagreb in 1968. and is currently living and working in Široki Brijeg. He has been working on films since 2001. and has formed an association for development called KADAR, with a group of co-workers. He has worked in editing, filming, directing and production on several documentaries and thematic films. He is one of the founders and an active member of the Video Club “Amater” Cinema in Široki Brijeg and one of the co-founders of the Meditteranean film festival. Except for animation, he also works in design, publishing and multimedia projects. NATJECATELJSKI PROGRAM COMPETITION PROGRAMME NAFF 2014 15 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION DJI SMRT NIJE USPJELA_DJL DEATH FAILS Dmitri Voloshin/Moldavia/Moldova/2012/03:56/ 3d komp./3d comp. Režija/Director: Dimitri Voloshin Scenario/Script: V. Novak, D.VoloshinS. Djumaev Animacija/Animation: V.Naku, S.Popov, E.Izmailov Scenografija/Background: Serdar Djumaev Crtež/Draving: S.Djumaev, A.Grebencho Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: S.Djumaev, D.Voloskin Muzika/Music: Gogol Bordello Producent/Producer: Dimitri Voloshin Dmitri Voloshin je producent, redatelj i osnivač tvrtke “Simpals”. Rođen je u Ukrajini 1974. Osnovao je tvrtku “Simpals” 2002. Započeli su kao mali tim od dva uposlenika i specijalizirali se za online usluge i 3D grafiku. Dmitri Voloshin- producer, director and founder of the company “Simpals”. He was born in Ukraine in 1974. In 2002 he founded the company “Simpals”. It startedout as a small team of two people and specialized in online services and 3D graphics. Ovo je neobična smrt. Vitez tame se pojavio u drugačijem obliku. Ne, on nije bijel i pahuljast. Sve što treba učiniti je da uzme dušu umirućeg čovjeka. Ali scenaristi su pripremili neke neočekivane prepreke za Djia. Hoće li ih uspjeti prevladati? Vidjet ćete. This is an unusual death. The Dark Knight has appeared in a different form. No, he is not white and fluffy. Dji is just terribly unlucky. All he has to do is to take the soul of a dying man. But the screenwriters prepared some obstacles for Dji. Will he manage to overcome them? You’ll see. BERBERSKO VJENČANJE_BERBER WEDDING Lotfi Mahfoudh/Tunis/Tunisia/2012/13:00/2d pix/2d pix Režija/Director: Lotfi Mahfoudh Scenario/Script: Lotfi Mahfoudh Animacija/Animation: Lotfi Mahfoudh Scenografija/Background: H.Ben Ammar, F.Issaoui, J.Sghair Crtež/Draving: R.Khemir, H.Touli, N.Dagdoug,N.Wally Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Selma Ben Osman Muzika/Music: Ali Jaziri Producent/Producer: 1001 IMAGES 16 Brahmin B., student sociologije specijaliziran za antropologiju na Sveučilištu u Manouba, odlučio je snimiti dokumentarac o sestrinom vjenčanju kao svoj rad. Snima ovaj urnebesni dokumentarac prikazujući svoju lokalnu tradiciju koristeći malu kameru s lošom kvalitetom slike. Brahmin B., student in Sociology specializing in Anthropology at the University of Manouba, decides to produce a documentary about his sister’s wedding for his thesis. To produce this hilarious documentary showing his local traditions, he uses a small camera with bad quality images. Lotfi Mahfoudh, rođen u Tunisu 1974, studirao je umjetnost u Tunisu na Nacionalnom institutu likovnih umjetnosti, a kasnije je diplomirao na Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Decoratifs u Parizu (ENSAD). Osnovao je produkcijsku tvrtku „Tisuću i jedna slika“ u Tunisu 2004. koja je producirala brojne reklame i druge animirane radove. Trenutno živi u Tunisu i radi kratke animirane filmove. Lotfi Mahfoudh, born in Tunisia in 1974, studied general arts at the Tunisia National Institute of Fine Arts and later graduated with a concentrated in Image and Animation at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs de Paris (ENSAD). In 2004 he started the Tunis based production company One thousand and One Images (Mille et une Images) which produced numerous commercials and other animated works. He currently resides in Tunis and is working on original animated short films. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION TAKO MALA STVAR_A THING SO SMALL Mizmor Watzman/Izrael/Israel/2013/08:48/ 2D komp., lutke /2D comp., dolls/Student competition Režija/Director: Mizmor Watzman Scenario/Script: Mizmor Watzman Animacija/Animation: E.Nay,B.Balachsan,M. Dochikicen, M.Watzman Scenografija/Background: Mizmor Watzman Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Mizmor Watzman Montaža/Editing: Mizmor Watzman Muzika/Music: Alberto Shwartz Producent/Producer: Mizmor Watzman Mizmor Watzman, rođena je i odrasla u Jeruzalemu, Izrael. Diplomirala je na fakultetu „Sapir“ na odjelu animacije. “Tako male stvari” je njezin diplomski film. Izvan male kuće okružene planinama, djevojčica po imenu Lali sretno se igra. Jesenji povjetarac donosi smrt sa sobom. Lali, znatiželjna i nevina, nađe se u borbi sa smrću voljene bake. Mizmor Watzman, was born and raised in Jerusalem, Israel. She is a graduate of Sapir college in the department of animation studies. “A thing so small” is her graduate film. Outside a small house nestled among mountains, a little girl named Lali happily plays. An autumn breeze brings death with it. Lali, curious and innocent, finds herself grappling with the death of the grandmother she loved. ULOVI PUNO _CATCH A LOT Y.Clement, R.Dumez, R.Lim,K. Palluet,M.Stofkooper, J.M. Vouillon/Francuska/France/2013/03:47/3d2dcomp. /3d-2d comp./student competition Režija/Director: Y.Clement, R.Dumez, R.Lim,K. Palluet,M. Stofkooper,J.M. Vouillon Scenario/Script: Y.Clement, R.Dumez, R.Lim,K. Palluet,M. Stofkooper,J.M. Vouillon Animacija/Animation: R.Dumez.M.Stofkooper,J.M.Vouillon Scenografija/Background: M.Stofkooper, Jean-M.Vouillon Crtež/Draving: Yohann Clement, Richard Lim, Kévin Palluet Kamera/Camera: Richard Lim Montaža/Editing: Roman Dumez Muzika/Music: Patrice Renauld AutorI kojI su zajedno napravili film “Catch a lot”, diplomirali su na Visokoj školi ART FX. Ovo je njihov diplomski film. Authors who made film “Catch a lot“ together have graduated at the higher school ART FX. This is their graduation film. NAFF 2014 U 19. stoljeću, ribar uči svog sina obiteljsku tradiciju lova. Na žalost, prirodne sposobnosti ponekad preskoče generaciju. In the 19. century, a fisherman teaches his son the family tradition of hunting. Unfortunately, natural abilities sometimes skip a generation. 17 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION MLADUNČE _SAPLING Kat Seale/UK/UK/2013/03:46/3d comp./3d comp./ Student competition Režija/Director: Kat Seale Scenario/Script: Kat Seale Animacija/Animation: K.Seale,G. Ermisz,Y.N.Wong,N.Schander Scenografija/Background: J.Robinson,M. Eckton,S.Petrakos Crtež/Draving: Kat Seale Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Carl Reader Muzika/Music: Denny Schneidemesser Producent/Producer: Kat Seale Mali zmaj pokušava posaditi stablo kako bi se dokazao, ali mu nedovoljno iskustva uzrokuje nizanje neuspjeha jedan za drugim. Mogu li stvari konačno krenuti boljim tokom za njega? A young little griffin attempts to grow a tree in order to prove himself, but his inexperience causes one mishap after another. Can things finally go right for him? Kat Seale je Animator iz Bournemoutha, Engleske. Animacijom se počela baviti na Arts University Bournemouth. Kat Seale is a Character Animator from Bournemouth, England, whose introduction to animation began at the Arts University Bournemouth. AUTOPORTRET_SELF PORTRAIT Thomas Coltof/Nizozemska/Netherlands/2012/06:36/ druge tehnike/other tehniques Režija/Director: Thomas Coltof Scenario/Script: Thomas Coltof Animacija/Animation: Thomas Coltof, Arjan van der Linden Scenografija/Background: Thomas Coltof Crtež/Draving: Thomas Coltof Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Ralf Hekkenberg Muzika/Music: Alex Debicki Producent/Producer: il Luster Films 18 Artist Rembrandt van Rijn je poznat po svojim slikama portreta vlastite obitelji, prijatelja i sebe. Dizajn ove animacije temelji se na Rembrantovim crtežima olovkom i skicama. Jednog ranog jutra, Rembrandt ima poteškoća sa slikanjem jednog od njegovih autoportreta. Artist Rembrandt van Rijn is famous for his portrait paintings, may of which are of his family, friends and of himself. The design of this animation is based on Rembrandt’s pencil drawings and sketches. One early morning, Rembrandt is having difficulties with painting one of his self-portraits. Thomas Coltof je radio kao dizajner i kipar drevnih marioneta u kazalištu Amsterdam Marionet od 1983. - 1987. Od 1987. godine radi kao ilustrator i grafički dizajner, njegova djela su u rasponu od dječjih knjiga, ilustracija, crtića, strip portreta, tehničkih ilustracija i scenografija. Thomas Coltof worked as a designer and sculptor of wooden marionettes at the Amsterdam Marionet Theatre from 1983-1987. Since 1987 he works as an ilustrator and graphic designer, his work ranging from children’s book ilustrations and cartoons, comic portraits, technical illustrations and stage design. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION UPOZNAJTE MESO_MEET MEAT Juliaon Roels,Christine Shin,Eve Guastella,David Martins Da Silva,Maël Jaouen / /2012/05:26/ 08:20/3D/3D/student competition Režija/Director: J.Roels,C.Shin,E.Guastella,D.Martins Da Silva,M.Jaouen Scenario/Script: J.Roels,C.Shin,E.Guastella,D.Martins Da Silva,M.Jaouen Animacija/Animation:J.Roels,C.Shin,E.Guastella,D.Martins Da Silva,M.Jaouen Scenografija/Background: Juliaon Roels, Maël Jaouen Crtež/Draving: J.Roels,C.Shin,E.Guastella,D.Martins Da Silva,M.Jaouen Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Juliaon Roels, Maël Jaouen Muzika/Music: Laurent Courbier Producent/Producer: GOBELINS/L’école de l’image AutorI kojI su zajedno napravili film “Meet meat”, diplomirali su na Visokoj školi GOBELINS, u Parizu. Ovo je njihov diplomski film. Authors that made film “Meet meat“ have graduated together from the higher school GOBELINS in Paris, France. This is their graduation film. Makijavelijski kitolovac je otpočeo putovanje. Između života i smrti, lovac će upravo postati plijen. A machiavellian whaler is emarked on a chase. Between life and death, the hunter is about to be hunt. SVJETIONIK_LIGHTHOUSE Martin Ferencei, Alan Shamsudin/Republika Češka/ Czech Republic/2012/12:07/3D /3D Režija/Director: Martin Ferencei, Alan Shamsudin Scenario/Script: Tom Steuber Animacija/Animation: Zbynek Tpavnicky, Philip Rudolph Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Philipp Sichler Montaža/Editing: Otakar Šenovski Muzika/Music: Tomas Dvorak Producent/Producer: Martin Ferencei Martin Ferencei rođen je 1978., Nova Ves, Čehoslovačkoj. Diplomirao je režiju animacije 2003. na Filmskoj akademiji Baden-Württemberg u Ludwigsburgu, Njemačka. Osnivač i suvlasnik u Kovofilm studija za animaciju u Pragu od 2008. Alan Shamsudin je studirao grafiku na malezijskom Institutu za umjetnost te diplomirao na poljskoj Nacionalnoj filmskoj školi u Lodzu, Poljska. Animira i režira velik broj projekata u dijapazonu od reklama do dugometražnih filmova za koje dobiva brojne nagrada. Martin Ferencei was Born 1978 in Nová Ves, Czechoslovakia. Graduated 2003 in animation directing at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Founder and co-owner of the Kovofilm animation studio in Prague since 2008. Alan Shamsudin was studied graphics at the Malaysian Institute of Arts and graduated from the Polish National Film School in Lodz, Poland. Working on a range of projects from commercials to feature length films, with a number of awards, animation and directing credits to his name. NAFF 2014 Film je priča o brodolomcu na tajanstvenom otoku na kojem živi samo jedna djevojka u naizgled napuštenom svjetioniku. Klasični trokut oca, kćeri i njenog ljubavnika ispričan na neobičan način. The film tells the story of a castaway on a mysterious island that is only inhabited by a girl living in a seemingly defunct lighthouse. A classic triangle of a father, his daughter and her lover is being told in an unusual way. 19 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION PANTOMIMA ZAUVIJEK_FOREVER MIME Lucette Braune/Nizozemska/Netherlands/2013/07:11/ 3d komp./3d comp. Režija/Director: Lucette Braune Scenario/Script: Jan Eduards Animacija/Animation: NMTrix Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: NMTrix Montaža/Editing: NMTrix Muzika/Music: Bart van de Lisdonk Producent/Producer: il Luster Films Dva pantomimičara se bore za ljubav djevojke koja upravlja kućom strave. Two Mimes fight over the romantic affection of the girl who runs the house of horror. Lucette Broune je rođena 1976. u Houtenu, Nizozemsko. Svoj prvi film napravila je na Aklademiji Umjetnosti u Utrechtu. Diplomski film izrastao je u samostalan kratki film. Lucette Braune was born in Houten, the Netherlands on July 11, 1976. and started her first film fresh from the Academy of the Arts in Utrecht. As her graduation project, it grew into a independent short film. PLAVO STABLO_THE BLUE TREE Ania Przybyłko /Poljska/Poland/2013/05:30/ crtež na papiru /drawing on paper Režija/Director: Ania Przybyłko Scenario/Script: Ania Przybyłko Animacija/Animation: Ania Przybyłko Scenografija/Background: Ania Przybyłko Crtež/Draving: Ania Przybyłko Montaža/Editing: Kalina Świątnicka Muzika/Music: Marta Olko Producent/Producer:Ania Przybyłko 20 Radnja se vrti oko besmislenog sukoba između dvaju likova: djevojke i miša. Djevojka daje mišu ručno rađenu sliku plavog stabla. Miš, iznimno sretan zbog dara, ne primijećuje da sliku drži svojim prljavim šapama. The plot revolves around a pointless conflict between two characters: a girl and a mouse. The girl gives the mouse a self-made picture of the blue tree. The mouse, extremely happy about the gift, doesn’t notice she got hold of it with her dirty paws. Ania Przybyłko - rođena je 1987., u Opoleu, Poljskoj; poljski redatelj animiranih filmova, scenarist, 2D animator, scenograf. Diplomirala je na poljsko-japanskom Institutu za informatičke tehnologije u Varšavi, gdje je proširila svoje znanje iz računalnih tehnologija i animacije u proizvodnom procesu animacije, kombinirajući tradicionalne i digitalne medije u svojim djelima. Ania Przybyłko – born on September 23, 1987, in Opole, Poland; a Polish director of animated films, screenwriter, 2D animator, set designer. She’s a graduate of Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology in Warsaw, where she broadened her knowledge of computer technologies and animation production process, combining both traditional and digital media in her works. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION EDIT I MEDVJED_EDITH AND THE BEAR Hillary Bradfield/SAD/USA/2013/06:33/3d komp., crtež na papiru/3d comp.,drawing on paper/student comp. Režija/Director: Hillary Bradfield Scenario/Script:Hillary Bradfield Animacija/Animation: Hillary Bradfield Scenografija/Background: Cory Fuller Crtež/Draving: Danny Men, Rebecca Roberts, Lucie Roberts Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Muzika/Music: Josh Zamora Producent/Producer: Hillary Bradfield Hillary Bradfield je storyboard umjetnik i slobodni ilustrator dječjih knjiga koji živi u Burbanku, Californiji. Školovana je kod kuće. Upisala se na Jr. College u dobi od 15 godina, a zatim na San Jose State University, odsjek animacija i ilustracija u 2013. Hillary Bradfield is a storyboard artist and freelance children s book illustrator living in Burbank, CA and was homeschool. She started Jr. College at age 15, and then transferred to San Jose State University in Animation/Illustration in 2013. „Edith i medvjed“ je kratki film o djevojčici po imenu Edith, koja uči o važnost neovisnosti i stvaranju novih prijatelja. Edith to postiže uz malo ohrabrenja od najboljeg prijatelja, Mede. Edith and the Bear is a short film about a little girl named Edith, who learns the importance of independence and making new friends. She achieves this with a little encouragement from her best friend, Bear. ZAŠTO OVAJ TELEFON NIKAD NE ZVONI?_WHY THIS TELEPHONE NEVER RINGS? Hadi Yaghinlou /Iran/Iran/2013/08:20/3d comp/3dcomp. Režija/Director: Hadi Yaghinlou Scenario/Script: Hadi Yaghinlou Animacija/Animation: Hadi Yaghinlou Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Hadi Yaghinlou Muzika/Music: Mahmoud Mohaghegh Producent/Producer: KANOON (Institute for the Intellectul Development of Children & Young Adults) Hadi Yaghinlou je rođen 1974. u Teheranu. Kao diplomirani redatelj, Yaghinlou je započeo svoju filmsku karijeru kao asistent u ”Vajiyollah Fardemoghadam” radeći kratke edukativne filmove i reklame. Njegov prvi film za KANOON je “Crvena olovka i crna vrana” produciran 1998. Hadi Yaghinlou: was born in 1974 in Tehran As a graduate of directing, Yaghinlou started his film making career as the assistant of “Vajiyollah Fardemoghadam” by making some short educational films and commercials. His first film for KANOON was called “The Red Pencil & the Black Crow” in 1998. NAFF 2014 U kutu stare radionice, serviser je izgubljen u mirnom svijetu telefona sve dok mu taj mir ne poremeti kontinuirano zvonjava. Isfrustriran zvonjavom on počinje provjeravati brojne telefone tražeći onaj koji zvoni kako bi se mogao javiti. In a corner of an old workshop, a repairman is lost in the quiet world of telephones until his calmness is disturbed with continues rings. Fed up with the rings, he starts checking numerous phones to find the ringing one to answer. 21 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION PRIČA_A TALE Guillaume Arantes/Francuska/France/2013/02:28/ lutke/puppets/student competition Režija/Director: Guillaume Arantes Scenario/Script: Guillaume Arantes Animacija/Animation: Guillaume Arantes Scenografija/Background: Guillaume Arantes Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Guillaume ARANTES Montaža/Editing: Muzika/Music: Matthieu DALLAPORTA Producent/Producer: GOBELINS L’école de l’image Vitez pokušava spasiti svoju ljepoticu. A knight tries to rescue his beauty. Guillaume Arantes počinje svoje umjetničke studije u srednjoj školi Maximilien Vox gdje studira dizajner/layout artist. Odlučio se pridružiti DMA Cinema d’Animation u školi “ESAIG Estienne” gdje je svladavao jedinstvo zvuka i slike. Radi u “Gobelins l’école de l’image” kao dizajner i voditelj animiranih filmova. Guillaume Arantes has begins his art studies at Maximilien Vox High School where he follows the branch designer/layout artist. He decided to join the DMA Cinema d’Animation at the school ESAIG Estienne where he begins to master the union of sound and image. at Gobelins, l’école de l’image, as Designer and Director of Animated Films. MJEHURIĆI_TINY BUBBLES Brent Dawes/Južna Afrika/South Africa/2013/05:00/ 2d komp. /3d comp./ Režija/Director: Brent Dawes Scenario/Script: Brent Dawes Animacija/Animation: Samatha Davies Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Muzika/Music: Matthew Gair Producent/Producer: Phil Cunningham Riba je oduševljena otkrićem balona. Igra se s njim i pliva sve do površine gdje iznenada nestane. Kada ugleda drugi balončić, dogodi se ista stvar. Fish is delighted by her discovery of a bubble. She plays with it and swims with it all the way to the surface where it suddenly disappears. She spots another bubble and the same thing happens. 22 Brent Dawes, 37, rođen je i odrastao u Hararei, Zimbabve. Školovanje je završio državnom diplomom iz drame na Natal Technikon, a potom se vratio u Zimbabve. Režirao je prvi dugometražni animirani afrički film (73min), “ The Legend Of The Sky Kingdom” u funkciji redatelja. Radio na više serija i kratkih filmova za koje je osvojio brojne nagrade i priznanja na vodećim svjetskim festivalima. Brent Dawes, 37, was born and brought up in Harare, Zimbabwe. After school he completed a National Diploma in Drama at Natal Technikon. He then returned to Zimbabwe. He produce Africa’s first featurelength (73min) animation, “The Legend Of The Sky Kingdom,” as the animation director. He worked on several series and short film series for which he has won numerous awards and recognition at the world’s leading an-imation festivals. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION DO SANTIAGA_HASTA SANTIAGO Mauro Canaro /Švicarska/Switzerland/2013/12:45/ 2d komp./2d comp. Režija/Director: Mauro Carraro Scenario/Script: Mauro Carraro Animacija/Animation: C. Espinosas S. Juilland,N. Baud-Grasset Scenografija/Background: Mauro Carraro Crtež/Draving: Mauro Carraro Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: M.Carraro, Z.Horváth Muzika/Music: Pierre Manchot Producent/Producer: Nadasdy Film Rođen na sjeveroistoku Italije. Nakon studija fotografije i grafičkog dizajna na Politehnic u Milanu, otkrio je svijet animacije. Preselio se u Francusku i pohađao školu Supinfocom Arles. Živi u Ženevi, gdje radi u Nádašdy filmskom studiju. Nádašdy film producirao je njegov prvi profesionalni kratki film “Hasta Santiago”, inspiriran njegovim putovanjem duž povijesnog puta St. James-a. Born in the North-East of Italy. After studying engraving, photography and graphic design at the Polytechnic of Milan, he discovered the world of animation. He then decided to move to France and was admitted to the school Supinfocom Arles. He lives in Geneva, where he works at Nadasdy Film studio. Nadasdy Film produced his first professional short-movie “Hasta Santiago“, inspired by his journey along the historical St James Way. Mapovo putovanje kroz St. James. Na ovom legendarnom putu proći će gradovima i sastat će se sa drugim šetačima koji ne moraju nužno nositi ruksak ... The Mapo’s journey on the St James Way. On this legendary route he will cross cities and will meet other walkers who do not necessarily carry their backpack ... ŽIVOT VATRE_LIFE OF FIRE Rusharil Hutangkabodee/Tajland/Thailand/2012/ 07:14/crtež na papiru/drawing on paper/student film Režija/Director: Rusharil Hutangkabodee Scenario/Script: Rusharil Hutangkabodee Animacija/Animation: R.Hutangkabodee Scenografija/Background: R.Hutangkabodee Crtež/Draving: R.Hutangkabodee Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: R.Hutangkabodee Muzika/Music: P. Charoneviriya, S.Sangchai Producent/Producer: R.Hutangkabodee Rusharil je tajlandska ilustratorica zainteresirana za 2D animaciju. Rođena je 1990. Kada je imala 18 godina, odlučila je da se upiše na Institut King Mongkut’ u Ladkrabang. ”Life of Fire” je njen diplomski rad. Nakon diplome, Rusharil počinje raditi kao konceptualna umjetnica u Monk Studios. Rusharil is a Thai illustrator who interested in 2d animation. She was born 1990. When she was 18, she decided to admission at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. Life of fire is her graduation film. After the graduation, Rusharil start working as an concept artist at The Monk Studios. NAFF 2014 Čovjek živi na putu želje i pohlepe. On omogućava pohlepi i ljutnji da ga savladava, pretvora ga u čudovište i uništava sve. Na kraju ostanu samo on i brdo zlatnih novčića. A man lives on the path of desire and greed. He lets the greed and anger overcomes him, turned into monster and destroys everything. Finally only him and mountain of golden coins left. 23 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION BOLES_BOLES Špela Čadež/Slovenija/Slovenia/2013/12:20/lutke/ puppets Režija/Director: Špela Čadež Scenario/Script: Gregor Zorc Animacija/Animation: Oliver Thorm Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Michael Sorg Montaža/Editing: Thomas Schmidl Muzika/Music: Tomaž Grom Producent/Producer: Tina Smrekar, Špela Čadež/ No History, HUPE Film Filip živi u siromašnom susjedstvu. Sanja o slavi pisca i glamuroznom životnom stilu u perspektivnijem dijelu grada. Jednog dana mu netko pokuca na vrata. Njegova susjeda Tereza, starija prostitutka koju Filip pokušava izbjeći pod svaku cijenu, ga zamoli da napiše pismo za njezinog zaručnika. Filip se složi. Filip lives in a poor neighbourhood. He dreams of writer’s glory and luxurious lifestyle in a more prosperous part of town. One day Filip gets a knock on the door. His neighbour Tereza, an older prostitute that Filip tries to avoid by all means, asks him to write a letter for her fiancé. Filip agrees. Špela Čadež je slovenska animatorica i redateljica. Nakon studija na dizajnu vizualnih komunikacija u Ljubljani nastavlja svoje studije na Akademiji medijskih umjetnosti, u Cologni, odsjek medijski dizajn. Tijekom studija u Njemačkoj napravila je dva filma; Zasukanec i Lovesick koji su prikazivani na stotinama svjetskih festivala širom svijeta te osvojila preko 30 nagrada. Špela radi u Sloveniji od 2008 kao nezavisni redatelj animiranih filmova i producent. Špela Čadež is a Slovenian animator and filmmaker. After graduating in Visual Communication Design (2002) in Ljubljana she continued her studies at the Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Department of Media Design. During her studies in Germany she made two animated puppet films “Zasukanec” (“Mate to Measure”) and “Lovesick” (“Liebeskrank”) which have been screened at over a hundred festivals all over the world and won more than 30 awards. Since 2008 Špela Čadež works in Slovenia as an independent animation film director and producer. SIVE SJENE_SHADES OF GRAY Alexandra Averyanova /Rusija/Russia/2014/06:18/razne tehn./other tehiques Režija/Director: Alexandra Averyanova Scenario/Script:Alexandra Averyanova Animacija/Animation: Alexandra Averyanova Scenografija/Background: A.Averyanova Crtež/Draving: A. Averyanova Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: A.Averyanova Muzika/Music: Producent/Producer: Olga Agrafenina Rano 20.st., San Petesburg. Dečko upoznaje djevojku na željezničkoj stanici ali ih putevi razdvoje nekoliko trenutaka kasnije. Kako odrastaju, oboje hodaju istim gradom ali se njihovi putevi nikad više ne susretnu. Early 20th century,Saint Petesburg. A boy and girl meet at the railway station but get separated a few moments later. As they grow up the two walk the same streets of the city but their paths never cross. 24 Alexandra Averyanova je rođena 1974. u Sosnovy Boru, Rusiji gdje je pohađala srednju umjetničku školu. Diplomirala je 1996. na likovnoj Akademiji, grafički odsjek u St.Petesburgu. Radila je kao dizajner scenografije od 1998.-2003. na raznim projektima u Melnitsa Studiju. Radi kao animator i redatelj u studiju ‘Petesburg’ od 2003.g. Alexandra Averyanova was born in 1974. in Sosnovy Bor, Russia where she went to art high school. In 1996. she graduated from the Fine Arts Faculty, Graphics Departmen in St. Petersburg. From 1998 to 2003 she worked as a background designer on various projects at the Melnitsa Studio. Since 2003. she is working as animator and director at the „Petesburg“ studio. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION DIP N’DANCE_DIP N’DANCE Hugo Cierzniak/Francuska/France/2013/ 06:15/3D cop. /3D comp. Režija/Director: Hugo Cierzniak Scenario/Script: Hugo Cierzniak Animacija/Animation: Hugo Cierzniak Scenografija/Background: Hugo Cierzniak Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Hugo Cierzniak Muzika/Music:Patrick Martens Producent/Producer: C.Choppin/D. Paris Hugo je diplomirao na umjetničkoj školi “ESMA“ u Montpellieru, gdje je studirao animaciju i specijalne efekte. Asistirao je kao redatelj diplomskog filma “Jungle zatvor” (2007). Radio je kao animator za: serije, kratke filmove, glazbene spotove i reklame u različitim studijima. Tijekom tog razdoblja napravio je svoj prvi kratki film “Dip n ‘Dance”. Trenutno radi animaciju za igrani film, u režiji Louis a Clichya. Hugo graduated from the ESMA art school in Montpellier, where he studied animation and special effects. He co-directed the graduation film “Jungle Jail” (2007). He then worked as an animator for series, short films, music videos and commercials in various studios. During that period he also developed his first short film “Dip N ‘Dance”. Currently he is working on the animation of a feature film, directed by Louis Clichy. Čovjek koji voli da njegova kućna tehnologija odrađuje svaku njegovu naredbu će kroz glazbu shvatiti, da ono što pokušavaš posjedovati na kraju posjeduje tebe. A man who loves his domotics to obey every word, will figure out in a musical way, that things you own end up owning you. ŠPILJA NA OTOKU_THE CAVE IN THE ISLAND François Audagiori, Marie-Laure Bonnet, Raphaëlle Duché, Benoît Grynberg, Prunelle Saint-Pastou/Francuska/France/2013/04:44/ 3d-2d comp/3d-2d comp./student competition Režija/Director: F. Audagiori, M.L. Bonnet, R. Duché, B. Grynberg, P. S.-Pastou Scenario/Script: F. Audagiori, M.L. Bonnet, R. Duché, B. Grynberg, P. S.-Pastou Animacija/Animation: M.L. Bonnet, B. Grynberg, P. S-Pastou Scenografija/Background: Raphaëlle Duché Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Benoît Grynberg Muzika/Music: Isaac Chia Producent/Producer: ART FX Autori koji su zajedno napravili film “THE CAVE IN THE ISLAND”, diplomirali su na Visokoj školi ART FX. Ovo je njihov diplomski film. Authors of the film “THE CAVE IN THE ISLAND“ have all graduated from the high school ART FX. This is their graduate film. NAFF 2014 Pirat ne zna što da radi s misterioznim blagom koje je pronašao u pećini. A pirate has a rough time with a mysterious treasure that he finds in a cave. 25 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION NAJDUŽA CESTA_THE LONGEST ROAD Manddy Wyckens/Francuska/France/2013/04:04/ 2d-3dcomp/2d-3d comp/student competition Režija/Director: Manddy Wyckens Scenario/Script: Manddy Wyckens Animacija/Animation: Manddy Wyckens Scenografija/Background: Manddy Wyckens Crtež/Draving: Manddy Wyckens Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: M.Wyckens,A.Lejeune Muzika/Music: Quentin SZUWARSKI Producent/Producer: GOBELINS L’école de l’image Ostavljanje onoga što imamo da saznamo što smo ostavili iza sebe. Leaving what we have to find out what we left behind. Nakon studija književnosti i umjetnosti u Belgiji posvetila se animaciji i diplomirala na Gobelins L’école de l’image, školi za animaciju. After studying literature and art in Belgium turned to animation and graduated from the Gobelins L’école de l’image, animation school. SETTLING_OBRAČUN Emma Mc Cann/Francuska, UK/France,UK/2014/ 08:16/lutke /puppets Režija/Director: Emma Mc Cann Scenario/Script: Emma Mc Cann Animacija/Animation: Emma Mc Cann Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Emma Mc Cann Muzika/Music: Rosanna Cecchini Producent/Producer: Emma Mc Cann Bruce nesvjesno stvara neprijatelja dok obavlja svoj posao -čišćenje ceste od snijega. Bruce unwittingly makes an enemy as he carries out his job, clearing the roads of snow. 26 Emma McCann je rođena u Stirlingu u Škotskoj 1978. Od 2007. radi u umjetničkom odjelu na raznim animiranim filmovima te slikanju pozadine. Izrađuje lutke, a nedavno je završila i svoj prvi stop-motion kratki film. Emma McCann was born in Stirling, Scotland in 1978. Since 2007, she has worked in the art department on various animated feature films, and painting backgrounds. She makes puppets, and has just finished her first stop motion short film. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION ZLATKINE ŽUTE MINUTE_MINUTES Krešimir Zimonić/Hrvatska/Croatia/2013/15:00/2d,3d komp./2d,3d comp. Režija/Director: Krešimir Zimonić Scenario/Script: Krešimir Zimonić Animacija/Animation: Andrej Rehak, Bruno Marin Scenografija/Background: Matija Pisačić, A.Rehak Crtež/Draving: Krešimir Zimonić Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Krešimir Zimonić Muzika/Music: Veljko Zimonić Producent/Producer: Vinko Brešan, Zagreb film Krešimir Zimonić rođen je 1956. godine u Ðurđenovcu. Studirao je na Likovnoj akademiji u Zagrebu gdje od 2002. predaje na odsjeku za animaciju i multimediju. Kresimir Zimonić was born i 1956. in Đurđenovac. . He studied at the Academy of arts in Zagreb where he now lectures at the animation and multimedia department since 2002. Zlatka je sasvim obična djevojka s uobičajenim problemima. Život i svijet joj se čine sivim i depresivnim, pa ih počinje bojati vlastitom maštom... Oriole is an ordinary girl with ordinary problems. Its her life and make the world Grays and depressed, and they began to fear the imagination ... GUIDA_GUIDA Rosana Urbes/Brazil/Brasil/2014/02:30/crtež na papiru/drawing on paper Režija/Director: Rosana Urbes Scenario/Script: Rosana Urbes Thiago Minamisawa, Bruno Castro Animacija/Animation: Rosana Urbes Scenografija/Background: Rosana Urbes Crtež/Draving: Rosana Urbes Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Belisa Proenga Muzika/Music: Ruben Feffer Producent/Producer: Belisa Proensa Rosana je ilustrator dječjih knjiga te animator, crta za dugometražne animirane filmove i ilustrira dječije knjige. Danas ima vlastiti studio u Sao Paulu gdje radi na kratkim animiranim projektima i ilustracijama . Rosana is an illustrator and animator, drawing for animated feature films and illustrating stories for children’s books. Today, she owns a studio in São Paulo that developes animated short projects, in addition to illustrated books. NAFF 2014 Guida, slatka dama koja je radila kao arhivist u sudnici već 30 godina, doživljava potpunu promjenu rutine kada vidi novinski oglas o tečaju crtanja u kulturnom središtu grada. Guida, a sweet lady who has been working as an archivist at a Courthouse for 30 years, has her routine changed when she sees a newspaper ad about drawing classes in a cultural center of the city. 27 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION NA PRVI POGLED_AT FIRST SIGHT Lea Kralj Jager/Hrvatska/Croatia/2013/07:06/ lutke/puppets Režija/Director: Lea Kralj Jager Scenario/Script: Lea Kralj Jager Animacija/Animation: Dina Rončević, Darko Masivec, Lea K. Jager Scenografija/Background: Kamera/Camera:Dubravka Kupobasa Montaža/Editing: Ivana Fumić Muzika/Music: Robert Bagarić Producent/Producer: Zagreb film Jednog jutra Mladić (K.) primjećuje djevojku na prozoru nasuprot svog. Ona ubrzo postaje njegov jedini fokus pažnje, emocionalno i psihički. Što K. potom radi za nju, otpočinje čitav niz nepredvidivih događaja koji se prostiru daleko izvan njihove “veze”. One morning a young man (K.) notices a girl on a window opposite his own. She soon becomes his sole focus of attention, both emotionally and mentally. What K. then does for her, sets off a series of unpredictable events that spread far outside their “connection”. Rođena je u Zagrebu 1985, gdje je diplomirala na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti (animirani film i novi mediji). Prvenstveno, ona radi stripove i animaciju (uglavnom stop-motion i lutkarsku animaciju). Završila je svoj prvi animirani film “Na Prvi Pogled”, 2013.. Born in Zagreb in 1985, where she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts (Animated film and New media section). Primarily, she makes comics and animations (mostly stop-motion and puppet animation). In 2013, she finished her first animated film At First Sight. UOKVIREN_FRAMED Evgenia Gostrer/Njemačka/Germany/2013/04:56/ glina /claymation/student competition Režija/Director: Evgenia Gostrer Scenario/Script: Evgenia Gostrer Animacija/Animation: Evgenia Gostrer Scenografija/Background: Evgenia Gostrer Crtež/Draving: Evgenia Gostrer Kamera/Camera: Tilman Hatie Montaža/Editing: Evgenia Gostrer Muzika/Music: Michael Tuttle Producent/Producer: Evgenia Gostrer & School of Art and Design Kassel Koliko ja volim sebe? Na što sam ponosan? Kako bi predstavio sam sebe? Kako želim da me drugi vide? Gdje su moje osobne granice i kako izgledaju? Koliko daleko mogu ići?. 28 How much do I love myself? What am I proud of? How do I present myself? How do I want to be seen like? Where are my personal boundaries and how do they look like? How far can I go?. Od 2001.-2005. pohađa studij za dizajn i ilustraciju na Sveučilištu primijenjenih znanosti u Munchenu, od 2005.-2007. stiče radno iskustvo kao dizajner, a od listopada 2007. studij animacije na Školi za umjetnost i dizajn u Kasselu. 2001-2005 Studies of Design und Illustration at the University of Applied Sciences Munich; 2005-2007 working experience as designer; since October 2007. Studies of Animation at the School of Art and Design Kassel. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION DEVET_NINE Chawalit Kaewmanee, Wanichaya Phraejunya/Tailand/Tailand/2014/08:34/3d comp./3d comp Režija/Director: C.Kaewmanee, W. Phraejunya Scenario/Script: C.Kaewmanee, W. Phraejunya Animacija/Animation: Chawalit Kaewmanee Scenografija/Background: W.Phraejunya Crtež/Draving: W. Phraejunya Kamera/Camera: C. Kaewmanee Montaža/Editing: M. Supak, C.Thainpratoom Muzika/Music: Narutpol Na phattalung Producent/Producer: Juck Somsaman Devet je nezaboravna priča o izgubljenoj nevinosti Sive mačke koja bojeći se da će izgubiti svoj posljednji život, sklapa dogovor s vragom te dobije mnogo više od dogovorenog, a izgubi još više na putu. Nine is a haunting tale of innocence lost as the Grey Cat, afraid of losing his final life, makes a deal with the devil and gets much more than he bargained for, and loses even more along the way. Chawalit Kaewmanee, Wanichaya Phraejunya rade kao umjetnički supervizori u Monk Studiu. Ovo je njihov prvi kratki film u koji su uložili svo znanje i iskustvo stečeno radom u animaciji tijekom posljednjih 5 godina. Chawalit Kaewmanee, Wanichaya Phraejunya are Art Supervisors at The Monk Studio. This is our first short film and we have put all the knowledge and experience gained from working in animation over the last 5 years. DAMA NOĆI_LADY OF THE NIGHT Laurent Boileau/Francuska/France/2014/09:40/crtež na papiru/drawing on paper Režija/Director: Laurent Boileau Scenario/Script: Attie Esterhuizen,L.Boileau Animacija/Animation: K.Aitmihoub,J.L.Ballester, P.Balmossiere,F.Bonay,C.Kuntz,J.Laurent,L.Marchand Scenografija/Background: B.Couchinho,I.Bonometti Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: David Bouhsira Muzika/Music: Attie Esterhuizen Producent/Producer: Attie Esterhuizenve, Atiee Studio Godišnja večera povodom smrti Kornelija, oživljava Samuelova sjećanja. On je imao 20 godina kada je otkrio je privlačnost premaCorneliusu. Mučen žaljenjem i neshvaćen, on nikada nije otkrio svoju homoseksualnost Kornelijevoj obitelji, koju je pozvao kod sebe tu večer. The annual dinner commemorating the death of Cornelius, revives Samuel’s memories. He was 20 years old when he discovered is attraction to Cornelius. Tormented by regret and misunderstood by all, he never revealed his homosexuality to Cornelius’s family, whom he had invited that evening. NAFF 2014 Laurent Boileau se počeo baviti režijom filmova 1999. Fasciniran stripovima prešao je na animaciju, prvo režira serije, a zatim nastavlja sa svojim prvim igranim filmom “Odobreno za posvojenje”. Laurent Boileau started directing films in 1999. Fascinated by comic books he approached animation, first directing series and then continued with his first feature film “Approved for Adoption”. 29 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION STONOGA I KRASTAČA_THE CENTIPEDE AND THE TOAD Anna Khmelevskaya/Francuska/France/2013/10:00/ crtež na papiru/drawing on paper Režija/Director: Anna Khmelevskaya Scenario/Script: A.Khmelevskaya, F.L.Vija Animacija/Animation: C.Rossi,V.Bierrewaerts, V.Djinda Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: David Alapont, Fred Rimbau, Jean Bouthors Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: A.Khmelevskaya,F.L.Vija Muzika/Music:John MoLaughlin Producent/Producer:Sophie Fallot, FARGO U dalekoj šumi, gipku stonogu cijene sva ostala stvorenja. Osim starog, bahatog i ljubomornog žapca, koji je mrzi. Jednog dana, on odluči da se riješi stonoge. In a faraway forest, lissome Centipede is admired by all the other creatures. Except for an old Toad, haughty and jealous, who hates him. One day, he decides to get rid of the Centipede. Anna Khmelevskaya je pohađala Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti (1990.1994.) i studij lingvistike (1994.-2000.) u Minsku, a zatim je prešla u Pariz gdje je pohađala studij računalne grafike i animacije pri “Arts Décos” školi (2005.-2006. diplomski film: “Butterfly”). Od tada radi kao grafički dizajner, animator i storyboarder. Anna Khmelevskaya first studied at Minsk’s Fine-Arts Academy (19901994) and at its University of Linguistics (1994-2000), and then arrived in Paris to study computer graphics and animation at the “Arts Décos” school (2005-2006, graduation film: “Butterfly”). Since then, she works as a graphic designer, animator and storyboarder. MEHANIČKO SRCE_CLOCKWORK HEART Manuel Šumberac /Hrvatska/Croatia/2013/08:40/ 3d komp. /3d comp./student competition Režija/Director: Manuel Šumberac Scenario/Script: Manuel Šumberac Animacija/Animation: Manuel Šumberac Scenografija/Background: Manuel Šumberac Crtež/Draving: Manuel Šumberac Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Manuel Šumberac Muzika/Music: Vjeran Salamon Producent/Producer: Akademija Likovnih umjetnosti Zagreb, Zagreb film Kroz katarzu iskustava i nepodnošljivog odnosa sa poslodavcem, urar šegrt će shvatiti da se savršen satni mehanizam može pokrenuti samo ukoliko se on u potpunosti žrtvuje. Through the catharsis of experiences and a nightmare relationship with his master, a watchmaker’s apprentice will realize that the perfect clockwork can only be initiated if he sacrifices himself completely. 30 Manuel Šumberac rođen je 1988. u Puli. Magistrirao je na Akadaemiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, Odsjek za animirani film i nove medije. Do sada je realizirao četiri autorska animirana filma te 3 animirana glazbena videa za hrvatskog glazbenika Gibonnija, Žeđam, Tolerancu i Vesla. Za svoj rad je i višestruko nagrađivan prestižnim nagradama. Manuel Sumberac was born in 1988th in Pula. Obtained at Akadaemiji Fine Arts in Zagreb, Department of Animation and New Media. Boredom has realized four copyrights animated film. These three animated music video for Croatian Gibonni musicians, thirst, tolerance and Paddles. For his work was awarded several prestigious awards. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION SVADBENA TORTA_WEDDING CAKE Viola Baier /Njemačka/Germany/2013/08:37/3d comp/3d comp/student film Režija/Director: Viola Baier Scenario/Script: Viola Baier Animacija/Animation: Scenografija/Background: Viola Baier Crtež/Draving: Viola Baier Kamera/Camera: Viola Baier Montaža/Editing: Viola Baier Muzika/Music: Balz Aliesch, Vespertina Producent/Producer: Iris Frisch Viola Baier je rođena 1985.g. u Radolfzellu, Njemačkoj. Nakon što je završila školu, radila je kao slobodni umjetnik ilustrator, ali i u nekoliko filmskih tvrtki u području umjetnosti, storyboarda i animacije. U 2006, počela je učiti animaciju na Institutu za animaciju, Filmskoj akademiji Baden-Württemberg u Ludwigsburgu, Njemačka. Diplomirala je 2003.g. sa svojim diplomskim filmom “Svadbena torta”. Viola Baier was born 1985, in Radolfzell/Germany. After graduating from school, she worked as a freelance illustrator and at several film companies in the field of art, storyboard and animation. In 2006, she started studying animation at the Institute of Animation of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Ludwigsburg/Germany, In 2013 she graduated from the Filmakademie with her diploma film “Wedding Cake”. Dvije figure od marcipana ožive na vrhu svadbene torte i počinju oblikovati savršen brak od tortine glazure. Uspjeh! Sve izgleda slatko i savršena: pokušavaju udovoljiti jedno drugom te učiniti jedno drugog sretnim. No, nezadovoljstvo ubrzo pokvari ugođaj. Two marzipan figures come to life on top of a wedding cake and start to sculpt the perfect marriage out of cake icing. And success! Everything seems sweet and perfect: they try to please each other and make each other happy. But discontent soon sours the atmosphere. DVA DUHA_TWO GHOSTS Amy Lee Ketchum/SAD/USA/2013/09:20/ lutke /puppets/student competition Režija/Director: Amy Lee Ketchum Scenario/Script: Amy Lee Ketchum Animacija/Animation: A. L.Ketchum, J.Connolly Scenografija/Background: Amy Lee Ketchum Crtež/Draving: Amy Lee Ketchum Kamera/Camera: Alejandro Martinez Montaža/Editing: L.Cechanowicz, D.Aristizabal, A.Peemoeller Muzika/Music: Andy Puls Producent/Producer: Amy Lee Ketchum Amy je umjetnica i animatorica koja živi u Los Angelesu i strastveno se bavi animacijom i vizualnim pripovijedanjem. Studirala je likovnu umjetnost i arhitekturu na kalifornijskom Sveučilištu, Berkelay. Sheis artist and animator based in Los Angeles passionate about animation and visual storytelling. She is stady fine arts and arhitecture as an undergraduate at the University of California at Berkelay. NAFF 2014 Dva Duha je nezaboravno putovanje kroz ljubav, usamljenost, i na kraju, prihvaćanje svemirske hladne ravnodušnosti. Two Ghosts, is a haunting journey through love, loneliness, and ultimately, acceptance of the Universe’s coldly beautiful indifference. 31 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION IMAM SUSJEDE_I GOT NEIGHBOURS Petra Varga/Mađarska/Hungary/2013/03:39/ 2d kom./2d comp./student competition Režija/Director: Petra Varga Scenario/Script: Petra Varga Animacija/Animation: Petra Varga Scenografija/Background: Petra Varga Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Petra Varga Muzika/Music: Producent/Producer: Jozsef Fulop Film prikazuje četiri susjede koje obavljaju svoje rutinske večernje poslove, ali kad mačka stare dame slučajno sretne čarobnjakov šešir, stvari izmaknu kontroli. The film presents four neighburs doing their evening routine but when the old lady’s cat and the magician’s hat accidentaly meet, things get out of control. Petra Varga je rođena 1986. Diplomirala je na Moholy-Nagy Sveučilištu za umjetnost i dizajn, u Budimpešti, a trenutno radi kao nadzornik likovnog razvoja pri ‘DIGIC Pictures’. Petra Varga was born in 1986. She is graduate of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest and is currently working as a visual development artist at DIGIC Pictures. GUERNICA_GUERNICA Angel Sandimas/Španija/Spain/2012/12:49/3D komp./3D comp. Režija/Director: Angel Sandimas Scenario/Script: Angel Sandimas Animacija/Animation: Angel Sandimas Scenografija/Background: Angel Sandimas Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Angel Sandimas Montaža/Editing: Angel Sandimas Muzika/Music: Mihel Caboa, Oreon Donomadre Producent/Producer: Dmida Ispizua/BANATU FIMMAK Guernica, 26. travnja 1937., dan za tržnicu. Ništa ne upućuje na to da će se svakodnevni život iznenada prekinuti. No, pripreme za strašne vojne operacije su u tijeku . Guernica, April 26th 1937, market day. Nothing seems to indicate that everyday life will be violently interrupted. But preparations for a terrible military operation are underway. 32 Angel Sandimas je rođen u Pamploni 1969., godinama je radio na dizajnu interijera kao kreativni artist. Nakon toga prelazi na 3D animaciju. Seli se u Madrid 2002. da završi studij sintetičara i likovnog tehničara. Godine 2004. vraća se u domovinu kako bi bio dio tima koji se posvetio izradi digitalnih sadržaja za muzeje te proizvodnji mnogih audivisualnih djela. Born in Pamplona, Iruña, 1969, Angel´s been working for years on interior design as a creative artista. Afterwards, he especializes in 3D animation. He moves to Madrid on 2002. to finish his studies as synthetic image technitian. In 2004 he moves back to his homeland to be part of a team devoted to the making of digital contents for museums, producing many audivisual pieces. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION O, WILLY..._OH WILLY... Emma De Swaef & Marc James Roels /Belgija/Belgium/2011/16:45/lutke /puppets Režija/Director: E. De Swaef & M. James Roels Scenario/Script: E. De Swaef & M. James Roels Animacija/Animation: A.De Rider, Alice Tambellini Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Marc James Roels Montaža/Editing: Marc James Roels Muzika/Music: Bram Meindersma Producent/Producer: B.Teseur,N.Santiago Emma De Swaef (Ghent, 1985.) Studira animaciju u Bristolu. Marc James Roels (Johanesburg.1978.) Studirao je animaciju na KASK u Ghentu. Prisiljen vratiti se svojim korijenima, Willy se gubi svojim putem do plemenitog divljaštva. Emma De Swaef (Ghent,1985.) studied animation in Bristol. Marc James Roels (Johanesburg.1978.) studied animation at KASK in Ghent. Forced to return to his naturist roots, Willy bungles his way into noble savagery. EI DEANN_EI DEANN Álvaro Granados/Španija/Spain/2013/05:00/3D komp./3D comp. Režija/Director: Álvaro Granados Scenario/Script: Á.Granados, Montse Urquiza Animacija/Animation: Álvaro Granados Scenografija/Background: Álvaro Granados Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Álvaro Granados Montaža/Editing: Álvaro Granados Muzika/Music: Coke Rioboó Producent/Producer: Álvaro Granados Álvaro Granados je rođen u Murciji, Španjolska, 1981. Samouki 3D umjetnik. Álvaro Granados was born in Murcia, Spain, 1981. He is a self-taught 3D artist. Radnja smještena u XIV. stoljeće, Eideann je priča o tome kako hrabri pastir iz Highlanda u Škotskoj i jedna od ovaca iz njegovog stada postaju pioniri jednog od najpopularnijih oblika zabave naših dana. Setting in the XIV Century, Eideann is the story of how a courageous shepherd from the Highland of Scotland and one of the sheep of his flock become the pioneers of one of the most popular entertainments of our days. NAFF 2014 33 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION ZULEJKA, LEGENDA GRADA OGULINA_ZULEJKA, THE LEGEND OF OGULIN Tomislav Gregl/Hrvatska/Croatia/2013/07:06/ lutke/puppets Režija/Director: Tomislav Gregl Scenario/Script: Maja Gregl Animacija/Animation: Branko Ilić Scenografija/Background: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Tihoni Bačić, T.Gregl Muzika/Music: Darko Hajsek Producent/Producer: Zagreb film Na početku 16. stoljeća, Osmansko carstvo je na vrhuncu svojih osvajanja i hrvatsko kraljevstvo postaje konačna uporište kršćanstva u Europi. Vojvodina lijepa kći Zulejka živi idiličan život u ogulinskom dvorcu i sanja o ljubavi. At the beginning of the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire is at the peak of its conquests and Croatian Kingdom becomes the final stronghold of Christianity in Europe. The duke’s beautiful daughter Zulejka lives an idyllic life in Ogulin castle and dreams of love. Tomislav Gregl se bavi filmskim i video stvaralaštvom u svojstvu snimatelja od 1987.g. Snimio je velik broj umjetničkih kratkometražnih filmova, a i sudjelovao u stvaranju sva tri hrvatska dugometražna animirana filma. Tomislav Gregl has been working in film and video production as a cameraman since 1987 . He made a number of short artistic films, and participated in the creation of all three Croatian animated feature films. OTAC_FATHER Santiago ‘Bou’ Grasso/Španija/Spain/2013/11:00/lutka/ puppets Režija/Director: Santiago ‘Bou’ Grasso Scenario/Script: Santiago ‘Bou’ Grasso, Patricio Plaza Animacija/Animation: Santiago ‘Bou’ Grasso Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Sergio Pineyro Montaža/Editing: Santiago ‘Bou’ Grasso Muzika/Music: Lucas Nikotian & Patricio Plaza Producent/Producer: opusBou Iz dana u dan žena pazi na svog nepokretnog oca vojnika. Diktatura je završila u Argentini, ali ne i u životu ove žene. Day by day a woman nurses her bedridden military father. The dictatorship has come to an end in Argentina, but not in this woman’s life. 34 Santiago ‘Bou’ Grassoje rođen u Buenos Airesu, Argentini, 1979.g. Bavi se animacijom, režijom, ilustracijama i stripovima. Radio je kao animator u sedam igranih filmova. Svojim nezavisnim kratkim filmovima primio je više od 120 međunarodnih nagrada. Santiago ‘Bou’ Grasso was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1979. He is an animation filmmaker, illustrator and comic book author. He worked as animator in 7 feature-films. With his independent animated shorts he has received more than 120 international awards. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION NEVJEROJATNI MARREC_ L’INCROYABLE MARREC Régis Aillet, Alexandre Bass, Clément Chaudat, Étienne Devillée, Maxime Moreira/Francuska/France/2013/06:00/3D komp. /3D comp./student competition Režija/Director: R.Aillet, A.Bass, C.Chaudat, É. Devillée, M.Moreira Scenario/Script: R.Aillet, A.Bass, C.Chaudat, É. Devillée, M.Moreira Animacija/Animation: R.Aillet, A.Bass, C.Chaudat, É. Devillée, M.Moreira Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: R.Aillet, A.Bass, C.Chaudat, É. Devillée, M.Moreira Montaža/Editing: ESMA Muzika/Music: ESMA Producent/Producer: ESMA “L’incroyable Marrec” je studentski kratki film kojeg su režirali Régis Aillet, Alexandre bas, Klement Chaudat, Étienne Devillée i Maxime Moreira (ESMA - Promocija 2013.) “L’incroyable Marrec” is a student shortfilm co-directed by Régis Aillet, Alexandre Bass, Clément Chaudat, Étienne Devillée and Maxime Moreira (ESMA - Promotion 2013). Marrec, stari ribar, vraća se iz ribolova. Dječak ga čeka na dokovima. Marrec mu prepričava jednu od svojih epskih ribarskih ekspedicija. Marrec, an old fisherman, comes back from a fishing party. A kid is waiting for him on the docks. Marrec tells him one of his most epic fishing expeditions. PAPIRNATI SVIJET_PAPERWORLD László Ruska,David Ringeisen/Mađarska/ Hungary/2013/02:30/3D komp./3D comp./student Režija/Director: László Ruska,David Ringeisen Scenario/Script: L. Ruska,D. Ringeisen Animacija/Animation: L. Ruska,D.RingeisenScenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: L.Ruska,DRingeisen Montaža/Editing: Judit Czako Muzika/Music: Balazs Alpar, Attila Pacsay Producent/Producer: Jozef Czako László Ruska je studirao animaciju na Moholy-Nagy sveučilištu za umjetnost i dizajn. Osim općih vještina za crtanje naučio je karakter i pozadinski dizajn, tradicionalni animaciju i izradu scenarija. Osim toga zainteresiran je za digitalnu 3D animaciju. László Ruska is studying animation at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. Besides general drawing skills he has learned character and background design, traditional character animation, and story development. Furthermorehe is interested in digital 3D animation. NAFF 2014 Papirnati svijet je filmska slika Mađarske. Središnji motiv ljudskog okoliša naspram biljnog i životinjskog svijeta služi kao sredstvo za podizanje svijesti o odgovornosti za štetu prouzročenu ekosustavu. Paper World is a film image of Hungary. The central motif of the human environment, encounters wildlife and human exposure to raise awareness of the responsibility for the damage caused to the ecosystem. 35 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION INTERVJU_INTERVIEW Mikkel Okholm/Danska/Denmark/2013/06:42/ druge tehnike/other tehniques/student competition Režija/Director: Mikkel Okholm Scenario/Script: Frederik Storm, M.Okholm Animacija/Animation: Camilla Gunborg, Mads Bjerregaard, Mikkel B.-Frandsen, Helena Smith Scenografija/Background: Esben Rasmussen Kamera/Camera: M.Okholm ,E.Rasmussen Montaža/Editing: M.Okholm ,E.Rasmussen Muzika/Music: Producent/Producer: The Animation Workshop Mladić je na intervjuu za najvažniji posao svih vremena, a ni ne zna što je posao. A young man is interviewing for most important job of all time and doesn’t even know what the job is. Mikkel Okholm rođen je u Kopenhagenu u Danskoj 1987. Diplomirao je računalnu grafiku u radionici animacije u Danskoj u 2014, gdje je režirao svoj diplomski film “Intervju”, a radio je i kao urednik . U jesen 2013. on je stažira u Londonu, Engleska kao CG generalist. Mikkel Okholm was born in Copenhagen, Denmark 1987. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Graphics Art from The Animation Workshop in Denmark in 2014, where he directed the graduation film “Interview” and also worked as an Editor. In the fall of 2013 he interned in London, England as CG Generalist. IZVAN GRANICA_OUT OF BONDUS Viktoria Piechowitz /Danska/Denmark/2013/06:59/ 3D komp./3D comp/student competition Režija/Director: Viktoria Piechowitz Scenario/Script: Viktoria Piechowitz,Signe Schmidt Animacija/Animation: Andreea Jebelean N.Marcoso,S.sCHMIDT,K. Bay Nielsen Scenografija/Background: Martin Zauner Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing:Viktoria Peichowitz, Andreea Jebelan Muzika/Music: Lucas Nikotian & Patricio Plaza Producent/Producer: opusBou Allanove fobije i granice pod kojima živi radi Aspergerovog sindromom su na kušnji u trenutku kad mora hrabro izići na otvoreno kako bi spasio svog jedinog prijatelja ljubimca, ribu po imenu Paul. Allan’s phobias and boundaries from his Asperger syndrome are challenged when he must brave the outdoors to save his only friend, a pet fish named Paul. 36 Viktoria Piechowitz je rođen u Zweibrucken, Njemačka, 1988. Diplomirala je na “Bachelor of Arts” - računalnu grafiku. Viktoria je radila kao direktor i CG generalist na diplomskom filmu “izvan granica”. Voljela bi raditi kao 3D generalist s naglaskom na 3D modeliranje. Viktoria Piechowitz was born in Zweibrücken, Germany, in 1988. Viktoria graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Graphics. Viktoria worked as a Director and CG Generalist on the graduation movie “Out of Bounds”. She would like to work as a 3D Generalist with focus on 3D Modeling . 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION IZGUBLJENI SVIJET_THE LOST WORLD Ben Smith/UK/UK/2013/11:00/3D komp./3D comp. Režija/Director: Ben Smith Scenario/Script: Ben Smith Animacija/Animation: James Rodgers Scenografija/Background: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Ben Smith Muzika/Music: Heather Fenoughty Producent/Producer: Jan Rogowski, RED STAR 3D Ben Smith je rođen 1976., diplomirao je na univerzitetu Bradforda 1996. g. Kreativni je direktor Red Stara, 3D animacije te CGI efekt studia u Sheffieldu, Engleskoj. Gostujući profesor na univerzitetu u Bradfordu, Engleskoj. Ben Smith was born 1976. Education:Elecrtonic Imaging and Media Communications, University of Bradford 1996. Creative Director of Red Star, a 3D animation and CGI Efescts Studio based in Sheffield, England. Kada poslom rastreseni čovjek po imenu Bob krene na pusti otok na odmor on je šokiran saznanjem da tu nije baš tako pusto kako je on mislio. Ali ludi pustolov Profesor Lizzie je najmanje što ga brine na otoku jer je otok izgubljeni svijet prapovijesnih dinosaura. When stressed businessman Bob heads to a deserted island for a relaxsing vacation he’s shocked to discover that it’s not quite as deserted as he trought. But crazy adventurer Professor Lizzie is least of his worries-the island is a lost world of prehistoric dinosaurs. ŽELIM TE!_I WANT IT! Nicolás Conte/Argentina/Argentina/2013/08:00/lutke /puppets/student competition Režija/Director: Nicolás Conte Scenario/Script: Nicolás Conte Animacija/Animation: N.Conte, Michaela Doll,Florencia Sjeiro Scenografija/Background: N.Conte, Michaela Doll,Florencia Sjeiro Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Michaela Doll Montaža/Editing: M. Doll, N.Conte, M. Santinelli, Mateo Pereyra Muzika/Music: Lilián Saba, Rómulo Conte, Ciro Gargaglione, Matías Ifrán Producent/Producer: Micaela Doll, Florencia Sueiro, N. Conte Nicolás Conte je rođen u Benito Juárez, malom gradu u Argentini. Kao dijete je sam sebi napravio par lutkama, te ih koristio za predstave u državnoj školi. Nakon srednje škole, Nicolás je pohađao Universdad de Buenos Aires i dobio diplomu za dizajnera slike i zvuka. “I want it “ je njegov diplomski film. Nicolás Conte was born in Benito Juárez, a small town in Argentina. As a child he created himself a couple of puppets and used them to perform plays in state schools building. After high school, Nicolás attended Universdad de Buenos Aires and got a Degree in Image and Sound Design. Želim je njehgov diplomski rad. NAFF 2014 Na svom uobičajenom putu u povratku iz škole Juancito, osamljeni dječak sa sela iz Patagonije, susretne malog konja koji izgleda kao da je napušten. Sretan što ima novog i prekrasanog prijatelja za igru pomisli da ga može zadržati... In his usual way back from school Juancito, a solitary country boy from Patagonia, meets a little horse which seems to be abandoned. The joy of having a new and wonderful friend to play with makes the boy think he can keep it... 37 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION LINDŽO_LINDŽO Jurinko Rajič/BiH/b&h/2014/04:00/ crtež na papiru/drawing on paper Režija/Director: Jurinko Rajič Scenario/Script: Aleta Rajič Animacija/Animation: Jurinko Rajič, Aleta Rajič Scenografija/Background: Aleta Rajič Kamera/Camera: Sanja Rajič Banjac Montaža/Editing: Sanja Rajič Banjac Muzika/Music: Klapa Trebižat, HKD Humski glas Producent/Producer: STUDIO NEUM Film prikazuje „Lindžu“ kao ljubavni ples specifičan za Hercegovinu. U vremenima kada su se mladi sastajali samo na sijelima ili nedjeljnim misama, kroz Lindžu su se pokazivale simpatije prema voljenoj osobi i uspostavljali prvi kontakti. This film is about ‘Lindžo’ which is presented as a love dance specific for Herzegovina. In the times when the young were met only at venues or weekly christian masses, it was through linđo that the young showed their affections or met each other. Rođen je 1954 g. u Čapljini. Diplomirao na Građevinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Svoj rad na crtanom filmu započeo je kao animator 1985 g. u Croatia filmu u Zagrebu. Radio je na tri cjelovečernja i desetak autorskih filmova. Organizira radne kampove crtanog filma te formiraoa NAFF kojem je devetu godinu umjetnički direktor. Vodi školu crtanog filma u Mostaru i Neumu. He was born in 1954 in Capljina. He graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb. His work on animated film began in 1985 under Croatia Films in Zagreb. He has worked as an animator on three feature-length films and on a dozen as an author. He has organized working camps of animated films and founded NAFF for which he has been the artistic director for nine years so far. He is currently running a School of Animation in Mostar and Neum. SVIRANJE KLAVIRA_PLAYING THE PIANO Yi Chien Chen/Tajvan/Taiwan/2013/03:20/crtež na papiru/drawing on paper Režija/Director: Yi Chien Chen Scenario/Script: Yi Chien Chen Animacija/Animation: Yi Chien Chen Scenografija/Background: Yi Chien Chen Crtež/Draving: Yi Chien Chen Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing:Yi Chien Chen Muzika/Music: : Jo Luo Producent/Producer: Yi Chien Chen Yi-Chien Chen je rođena 1986. u Taipei, Tajvan. Apsolventica je na Odsjeku umjetnosti novih medija, Taipei Nacionalnom sveučilištu za umjetnost. Većina njezinih djela su vizualne slike i animacija. Dok svira klavir, djevojčica polako ulazi u svoj imaginarni glazbeni svijet igrajući se tipkama glasovira. Melodija glazbe, note na partituri se pretvaraju u mala stvorenja, koji se igraju s djevojčicom. White playing the piano, a little girl gradually enters her music imaginary world by playing the koys of piano. With the melody of the music, the notes on the music score turn to little creatures, which play games with the little girl. 38 Yi-Chien Chen was born in 1986 in Taipei, Taiwan. Now, she is a graduate student in the Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts. Most of her works are visual images and animation productions. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION JEZERO_LAKE Steven Subotnick /SAD/USA/2013/04:00/crtež,3d comp. /drawing, 3d comp Režija/Director: Steven Subotnick Scenario/Script: Steven Subotnick Animacija/Animation: Steven Subotnick Scenografija/Background: Steven Subotnick Crtež/Draving: Steven Subotnick Kamera/Camera: Steven Subotnick Montaža/Editing: Steven Subotnick Muzika/Music: Marcel Peguel Producent/Producer: Steven Subotnick Steven Subotnick je neovisan, eksperimentalni animator i umjetnik. Živi u Providenceu. Predaje dizajn na Rhode Island School, Massachusetts College of Art and Desing, i na Sveučilištu Brown. Pogreb na na zamrznutom jezeru A burial on a frozen lake. Steven Subotnick is an independed, experimental animator and artist. Living in Providence, Ri. Teaches at Rhode Island School on Design, Massachusetts College of Art and Desing, and Brown University. NASLJEDSTVO_HERITAGE Zsolt Bukta/Mađarska/Hungary/2013/05:00/crtež na papiru /drawing on paper/student competition Režija/Director: Zsolt Bukta Scenario/Script: Zsolt Bukta Animacija/Animation: Robert LKadar, Z.Bukta Scenografija/Background: Zsolt Bukta Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Zsolt Bukta Muzika/Music: Istvan Pal Producent/Producer: Jozef Fulop Zsolt Bukta je rođen 1983. Dipomirao na Moholy-Nagy Sveučilište za umjetnost i dizajn u Budimpešti. “Oduševljen sam glazbom (sviram nekoliko instrumenata), tako da sam u potrazi za metodama kojima mogu spojiti sliku i glazbu, i na koji način vizualizirati raspoloženja i osjećaje”. “Htio bih probati sve vrste animacije i stvoriti potpuno novi i jedinstven stil.” “I’m also a music enthusiastic (I play several instruments), so I searching the methods how can I connect the picture and music, and how can I visualize the moods and feelings.” “I would like to try all kind of animation, and create a completely new and unique style.” NAFF 2014 Odnos gospodara i sljedbenika reflektira sve one vrijednosti kroz generacije koje su predstavljale tradiciju tijekom stoljeća. The relationship of the master and the follower show all those values through generations that presented in the traditions during centuries. 39 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION NEMAM KAD DISATI_NO TIME FOR TOES Kari Pieska/Finska/Finland/2013/07:58/ crtež digitalni/digit. drawing Režija/Director: Kari Pieska Scenario/Script: Kari Pieska Animacija/Animation: Kari Pieska Scenografija/Background: Kamera/Camera: Kari Pieska Montaža/Editing: Kari Pieska Muzika/Music: Producent/Producer: Eija Saarinen Kari Pieska 1980. diplomirao na umjetničkoj akademiji na Turk Svečilištu 2012. “No time for toes” je njegov treći-diplomski film. Kako otac radi? Kratki film o prehrani, spavanju i pranju zuba. How does a father do? A short film about eating, sleeping and brushing teeth. Kari Pieska 1980. graduated from Turku University of applied sciences/ Arts academy in the end of 2012. “No time for toes” is his third-graduation film. STANIŠTE_HABITAT Ina Georgieva/Bugarska/Bulgaria/2013/04:22/crtež na papiru/drawing on paper/student competition Režija/Director: Ina Georgieva Scenario/Script: Ina Georgieva Animacija/Animation: Ina Georgieva Scenografija/Background: Ina Georgieva Crtež/Draving: Ina Georgieva Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing:Ina Georgieva Muzika/Music: Alacazam Producent/Producer: New Bulgarian University Ina Georgieva je rođen u Bugarskoj, diplomirala animaciju na Novom bugarskom sveučilištu u Sofiji. Trenutno radi kao dizajner. Novi čovjek je rođen u staništu. Izbačen od strane drugih on slijedi novi smjer. Koliko daleko će ići? A new man was born in the habitat. Kicked out by the others he follows a new direction. How far will he go? 40 Ina Georgieva was born in Bulgaria, graduated from New Bulgarian University of Sofia with B.A. in Animation Cinema. Curently working as an designer. 9 M NATJECATELJSKI PROGRA CO PETITION INDUSTRIJA_INDUSTRY Livio Rajh /Hrvatska/Croatia/2013/03:35/3d comp. /3d comp Režija/Director: Livio Rajh Scenario/Script: Livio Rajh Animacija/Animation: Livio Rajh, Manuel Šumberac Scenografija/Background: Livio Rajh Crtež/Draving: Livio Rajh Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Tomislav Belačić, Livio Rajh Muzika/Music: Howard Hule Producent/Producer: Bold Studio Zagreb Livio Rajh, umjetnik iz Zagreba. Diplomirao je na Odsjeku za animirani film i nove medije na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 2009.g. Sudjelovao je na brojnim skupnim izložbama, skupovima, natjecanjima. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada i zasluga. Stalna borba dobra protiv zla, spašavanje svijeta i slatkih baka u nevolji te sposobnost pojedinca da promijeni ishod cijelog planeta - to je važan komad filmske industrije. Livio Rajh, artist from Zagreb, Croatia. In 2009 graduated on Department for Animated Film and New Media at Academy of Fine Arts Zagreb. Participated on many group exhibitions, assemblies, contests. Winner of numerous prizes and merits. Constant struggle of good versus evil, saving the World and cute grandmas in trouble, ability of an individual to change the outcome of the entire planet - that’s an important chunk of film industry. TRAMPOLIN_TRAMPOLINE Marten Koopman/Nizozemska/Netherlands/2013/03:00/3D komp. /3D comp. Režija/Director: Maarten Koopman Scenario/Script: Maarten Koopman Animacija/Animation: Floris Kaayk Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Floris Kaayk Montaža/Editing: Floris Kaayk Muzika/Music:Erik Langhout Producent/Producer: Jozef Fulop Maarten Koopman (rođen 1951. u Amsterdamu), slikar, ilustrator i skladatelj (napisao je glazbu za filmove Orlow Seunke, uključujući i “The Taste of Water “,” Pervola “i” Oh Boy! “, mnoge dokumentarace, a i njegove animirane filmove). Maarten Koopman (born 17-10-1951 in Amsterdam), painter, illustrator and composer (he wrote the music for the films of Orlow Seunke, including ‘The Taste of Water”, “Pervola” and “Oh Boy!”, many documentary’s and his own animation films). NAFF 2014 Ovaj animirani film prikazuje platno kina kao trampolin na kojem se igraju ljudi i životinje. Pod trampolinom promatramo njihove zabavne skokove, sve dok se stvari neočekivano ne promijene. This animated film shows the cinema screen as a trampoline on which people and animals are frolicking. From under the trampoline pad, we watch their capers in amusement, until things take an unexpected turn. 41 Španjolski trg_Spanish Square Aleksa Šantić Spomenik pjesniku_Memorial of a poet 42 MOSTAR Stari most je čuveni most preko rijeke Neretve u Mostaru. Sagrađen je između 1557 - 1566 godine, djelo turskoga graditelja Hajrudina. 2004. most je uvršten na popis svjetske kulturne baštine UNESCO-a. Poznat je kao glavni simbol Mostara i Hercegovine. Old Bridge is a famous bridge over the Neretva River in Mostar. It was built between 1557 - 1566, and is work of Turkish builder Hayruddin. 2004th bridge is listed on the World Heritage list of UNESCO. It is known as the main symbol of Mostar and Herzegovina. NAFF 2014 43 Karađoz-begova džamija u Mostaru. 1557. _Karađozbeg Mosque in Mostar 1557. Crkva Sv. Petra i Pavla u Mostar St. Peter and Paul church in Mostar Grad Mostar_City Mostar Klapa Hrvoje Choir Hrvoje 44 Muzički Centar Pavaroti Cultura Centre for Youth Pavaroti HD Herceg Stjepan Kosača NAFF 2014 45 DUBROVNIK 46 Sveti Vlaho_St. Vlaho Stradun u Dubrovniku_Stradun in Dubrovnik Ljetno kino Jadran_Summer cinema Jadran Ljetno kino Slavica_Summer cinema Slavica NAFF 2014 47 Crkva Svetog Vlahe_St. Vlaho Church 48 NAFF 2014 49 MEĐUGORJE Međugorje je jedno od najpoznatijih rimokatoličkih svetišta na svijetu. Postalo je poznato kroz ukazanja Djevice Marije, koja se kao fenomen počela javljati 1981. godine, nakon čega se počeo razvijati vjerski turizam. Od tada je ovo hercegovačko mjesto, uz Sarajevo, jedno od najposjećenijih turističkih centara BiH, koje godišnje obiđe oko milijun katolika iz cijelog svijeta. Medjugorje is one of the most famous Roman Catholic shrines in the world. It became famous for the apparitions of the Virgin Mary, which first started in 1981st year, after which he began to develop religious tourism. Since then this is the place in Herzegovina, near Sarajevo, is one of the most visited tourist destinations, which yearly round about a million Catholics from around the world. Počitelj, malo naselje koje je izgradio Tvrtko I na jednoj uzvisini na lijevoj obali rijeke Neretve, na strateškoj poziciji za kontroliranje ulaska unutar uske doline. Hrvatsko Mađarski kralj Matijaš Korvin izgradio je kulu kako bi se mogao braniti od napada Turaka koji su napali Počitelj 1471 i transformirali ga u tipični arhitektonski orjentalni stil. Hadži-Alijina džamija, Sisman-Ibrahimpašina medresa i Gavrankapetanovićeva kuća su rekonstruirane i svi ovi objekti su otvoreni za posjetioce. POČITELJ 50 Počitelj, small vilage built by King Tvrtko I, located on a stone hill on the left valley.The Croatian-Hungarian king Matijaš Korvin built this fortress as a defence from the Turkish invasions that conquered the town in 1471 and transfomed its arhitecture according to their typical oriental style. The Hadzi-Alija Mosque has been reconstructed as well as the Sisman-Ibrahimpasina medresa and the Gavran Kapetanovic house, all of which are open to visitors. P ANORAMA NAFF 2014 51 9 A PANORAM P NORAMA SUSRET_ENTRACTE Valentin Dely, Damien Garrigue, Laury Guintrand, Valentine Hemery, Clélia Magurno/Francuska/France/2013/05:05 /3D komp./3D comp./student competition Režija/Director: V.Dely, D. Garrigue, L. Guintrand, V.Hemery, C. Magurno Scenario/Script: V.Dely, D. Garrigue, L. Guintrand, V.Hemery, C. Magurno Animacija/Animation: V.Dely, D. Garrigue, L. Guintrand, V.Hemery, C. Magurno .Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera:V.Dely, D. Garrigue, L. Guintrand, V.Hemery, C. Magurno Montaža/Editing: ESMA Muzika/Music: Anthony Touzalin Producent/Producer: ESMA Čistačica dosadnog svakodnevnog života i bezuspješni pantomimičar, će se susresti putem stakla. A cleaning lady with a monotonous everyday life and a mime artist without success, will meet through a glass. PREKO LINIJA_BEYOND THE LINES Chloé Bonnet, Séraphin Guery, Elodie Houard, Baptiste Lebouc and Pierre Tarsiguel / Francuska/France/2013/05:05 /3D komp./3D comp./student competition Režija/Director: C.Bonnet, S.Guery, E.Houard, B.Lebouc,P.Tarsiguel Scenario/Script: C.Bonnet, S.Guery, E.Houard, B.Lebouc,P.Tarsiguel Animacija/Animation: C.Bonnet, S.Guery, E.Houard, B.Lebouc,P.Tarsiguel Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: C.Bonnet, S.Guery, E.Houard, B.Lebouc,P.Tarsiguel Montaža/Editing: ESMA Muzika/Music: Roniain Paillat Producent/Producer: ESMA Što se događa kada se nasilje bojnog polja vidi dječijim očima? Samo napisani osjećaj koji lebdi u zraku. What happens when the violence of a battlefield is seen through the eyes of children? Only a written feeling that floats in the air. PUTNIK_THE TRAVELER Chang Jung Ling/Tajvan/Taiwan/2013/06:04/3D komp./3D comp. Režija/Director: Chang Jung Ling Scenario/Script: Chang Jung Ling Animacija/Animation: Ewing Scenografija/Background: Chang Jung Ling Crtež/Draving:Chang Jung Ling Kamera/Camera: Chang Jung Ling Montaža/Editing: Chang Jung Ling Muzika/Music: WinstoundStudio Producent/Producer: Chang Jung Ling Putnik je upoznao nestašanu djevojku u pustom selu. Njeno čudno ponašanje uvelike ga zbunjuje jer ga uporno moli da joj donese nešto iz tornja. 52 The Traveler met a naughty girl in the desolate vilage. Her strange behavior had greatly perplexed him, she kept badgering the traveler to get something in the tower. 9 A PANORAM P NORAMA EX ANIMO_EX ANIMO Wojciech Wojtkowski/Poljska/Poland/2013/06:52/2d komp /2d comp. Režija/Director: Wojciech Wojtkowski Scenario/Script: Wojciech Wojtkowski Animacija/Animation: Wojciech Wojtkowski Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: P.Furmankiewicz, P.LuezakManuel Rodas Muzika/Music: Tomaz J.Opalka Apsurdne i nepovezane scene opisuju pravila koja određuju svijet, ograničen na gomile papira i tehnike animacije. Odnosi između likova izgledaju neobično poznato. Absurd and unrelated scenes describe the rules governing the world confined to a sheep of paper and animation tehnique. The relationships between the characters seem strangely familiar. TVAR _SUBSTANCE Quentin Haberham/Nizozemska/Netherlands/2013/ 02:54/3d comp/3d comp/ Režija/Director: Quentin Haberham Scenario/Script: :Q.Haberham,B.Vermaas Animacija/Animation: Q.Haberham,U.Vat Scenografija/Background: E.Dieplnhorst,Tim de Man Crtež/Draving: E.Dieplnhorst,Tim de Man Kamera/Camera: Dieuwer Feldbrugge Montaža/Editing: Westen Vat Muzika/Music: Zebracat Producti Producent/Producer: Quentin Haberham Čovjek ludi zbog gubitka supruge i pronalazi očekivano rješenje. A man driven insane by the loss of his wife finds an expected solution. TRUBA_TRUMPET Andrés Raymundo Nieves Pérez/Španija/Spain/2013/09:00/ druge tehnik. /other techniques Režija/Director: Andrés Raymundo Nieves Pérez Scenario/Script: Andrés Raymundo Nieves Pérez Animacija/Animation: Andrés Raymundo Nieves Pérez Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Luis Miguel Perez Gonzales Muzika/Music: Christian Johansen Producent/Producer: La Casa Animada, BlaBlu U burnim dvadesetim, gdje su razvrat, alkohol i jazz na vrhuncu, Jeffrey je poznati jazz trubač koji se zabavlja svirajući s Larryjem i Glen svake noći u klubovima New Orleansa. Sve je u redu dok se jedne noći kada se javi najgora stvar koja se može dogoditi glazbeniku ... NAFF 2013 In the Roaring Twenties, where debauchery, alcohol and jazz are at their peak, Jeffrey is a famous Jazz trumpeter having fun playing with Larry and Glen every night at New Orleans’ clubs. Everything is fine until one night when the worst thing that can happen to a musician occurs... 53 9 A PANORAM P NORAMA FARMER JACK_FARMER JACK Arjan Wilschut/Nizozemska/Nethlands/2012/13:30/ razne tehnike/other techniques Režija/Director: Arjan Wilschut Scenario/Script: Arjan Wilschut Animacija/Animation: Arjan Wilschut, Pascal Vermeersch a.o.Scenografija/ Background:Nico van Biljouw Crtež/Draving:Ana Nedeljković Kamera/Camera:Nikola Majdak Montaža/Editing: Arjan Wilschut, Dick Wilschut Muzika/Music: Dick Wilschut Producent/Producer: Chris Mouw, il Luster Productions Jack Jansen vodI sretan život farmera. Kada su cijene naglo pale, on je uhvaćen u dramatičnoj spirali, sve teže radi za sve manje novca. Čini se da trgovac i znanstvenik imaju rješenje, ali hoće li to biti kraj njegovom problemu? Ili bi lijek mogao biti gori od bolesti ? Jack Jansen is leading a happy farmer’s life. When prices suddenly drop, he is caught in a dramatic spiral, having to work harder for less money. A salesman and a scientist seem to have a solution, but will this put an end to his trouble? Or could the cure be worse than the disease? VOLIM HULIGANE_I LOVE HULIGANS Jan-Dirk Bouw/Nizozemska/Netherlands/2013/13:13/Rotoscope, 2d/rotoskop, 2d Režija/Director: Jan-Dirk Bouw Scenario/Script: Jan-Dirk Bouw Animacija/Animation: Priscilla Peeters, Hanne Dewachter, Cederic Neven Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Urmas Joemees Montaža/Editing: Evalds Lacis Muzika/Music: Aleis van Boem,Martin Vonk, Jaap de Weijer Producent/Producer: Serious Film, Walking the Dog Nogometni huligan osjeća bezuvjetnu ljubav prema svom klubu. Međutim, on je gay i mora sakriti svoj identitet da bi preživio u ovom svijetu koji je toliko dragocjen za njega. A football hooligan feels unconditional love for his club. However, being gay, he has to hide his identity in order to survive in this world that is so precious to him. EMILIA_EMILIA Tsai, Yu Jhen /Taiwan/Taiwan/2012/07:00/3D komp. /3D comp./student competition Režija/Director: Tsai, Yu Jhen Scenario/Script: Tsai, Yu Jhen Animacija/Animation: Tsai, Yu Jhen Scenografija/Background: Tsai, Yu Jhen Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Tsai, Yu Jhen Montaža/Editing: Tsai, Yu Jhen Muzika/Music: Tsai, Yu Jhen Producent/Producer: Tsai, Yu Jhen/Wu, Sin Tian Jednom davno, vrlo hladne zime, djevojčica imena Emillia, našla je magičnog pekara koji može ispuniti sve želje. 54 Once upon a time, in very cold winter, there is a little girl names Emillia, she found a magical bakery which can make all the wish come true. 9 A PANORAM P NORAMA HUMANEXUS_HUMANEXSUS Ying-Fang Shen/SAD/USA/2013/10:25/ 2D komp./2D comp Režija/Director: Ying-Fang Shen Scenario/Script: Ying-Fang Shen Animacija/Animation:Ying-Fang Shen Scenografija/Background: Ying-Fang Shen Crtež/Draving:Ying-Fang Shen Kamera/Camera:Ying-Fang Shen Montaža/Editing: Ying-Fang Shen Muzika/Music:Norbert Herber Producent/Producer: Katy Borner Ljudski rod je dugo tragao za smislenim međuljudskim vezama. Alati i tehnologije su je lakše posegnuti i razmjenu ideja, ali svaka predstavlja novi, nepredviđene izazov. The human race has long searched for meaningful interpersonal connections. Tools and technologies have made it easier to reach out and share ideas,but each presents a new, unforeseen challenge. 100 M_100 M Jérémy Delbos, Raphaël El Khaddar, Camille Marjoux, Laurent Maynard /Francuska/France/2013/02:41/3D Režija/Director:J.Delbos, R.El Khaddar, C.Marjoux, L.Maynard Scenario/Script: J.Delbos, R.El Khaddar, C.Marjoux, L.Maynard Animacija/Animation: J.Delbos, R.El Khaddar, C.Marjoux, L.Maynard Scenografija/Background:J.Delbos, R.El Khaddar, C.Marjoux, L.Maynard Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: J.Delbos, R.El Khaddar, C.Marjoux, L.Maynard Montaža/Editing: Muzika/Music: Studio Des Ariateurs Producent/Producer: ESMA 5 herojskih sprintera sebe pretvaraju u divljie zvijeri. 5 heroïc sprinters transform themselves into savage beasts. NAPRIJED MARŠ_FORWARD MARCH Pierrick Barbin, Rimelle Khayat, Loïc Le Goff, Guillaume Lenoël and Garrick Rawlingson /Francuska/ Režija/Director:P.Barbin, R. Khayat, L.Le Goff, G.Lenoël,G.Rawlingson Scenario/Script: P.Barbin, R. Khayat, L.Le Goff, G.Lenoël,G.Rawlingson Animacija/Animation: P.Barbin, R. Khayat, L.Le Goff, G.Lenoël,G.Rawlingson Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: P.Barbin, R. Khayat, L.Le Goff, G.Lenoël,G.Rawlingson Montaža/Editing: ESMA Muzika/Music: Producent/Producer: ESMA U Londonu, grupa čuvara paradira glazbeni marš ...sve dok se neočekivani gost ne priključi grupi. NAFF 2013 In London, a group of guards parade music … until a surprise guest joins the party. 55 9 A PANORAM P NORAMA GU_GU Shih Ming Huang/Tajvan/Taiwan/2013/06:04/3D komp./3D comp. Režija/Director: Shih Ming Huang Scenario/Script: Shih Ming Huang Animacija/Animation: Eric Liu Scenografija/Background: Jazz Kung Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Eric Liu Montaža/Editing: Shih Ming Huang Muzika/Music: Chi-Chin Lee Producent/Producer: Charles Lee Selo koje se nalazi u planinama Južne Kine uči drevnom šarmu, koji djevojka dalje može koristiti kako bi osigurala lojalnost svog ljubljenog; ovaj šarm je poznat kao “gu”. A vilage located in the mountains of South China practices an an cient charm, which a girl may use to secure her lover’s loyalty; this charm is known as “GU”. . KUĆA PRAŠINE_THE HOUSE OF DUST Jean-Claude Rozec/Francuska/France/2013/11:35/ 2d komp,crtež na papiru,kolaž /2d comp. drawing on paper,cut-outs Režija/Director: Jean-Claude Rozec Scenario/Script: Jean-Claude Rozec Animacija/Animation: J.Leconte,S,Lorent,E.Marinoni,J.C. Rozec,A.Maillère Scenografija/Background: Jean-Claude Roze Crtež/Draving: Jean-Claude Roze Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Jean-Claude Roze Muzika/Music: Arnaud Bordelet Producent/Producer: Mathiev Courtois Čelične čeljusti polako proždiru stare kule. Prethodni vlasnik juri u ruševinama i lovi neopreznu djecu. Tada počinje čudno putovanje u središte ove “kuće”, koje udomljuje toliko sjećanja. ..Slowly, the steel jaws devour the old tower. A previous owner rushes into the rubble, chasing unwary children. Then begins a strnge journej into the heart of this “house” which shelters so manymemories... ŽIVOT U BIJELOM_LA VIE EN VERT Victor Besse, Sébastien Camrrubi, Valentin Dornel, Benoît Maillet ,Philippe Moine/Francuska/France/2013/05:33 /3D komp./3D comp./student competition Režija/Director: V.Besse, S.Camrrubi, V.Dornel, B. Maillet ,P. Moine Scenario/Script: V.Besse, S.Camrrubi, V.Dornel, B. Maillet ,P. Moine Animacija/Animation: V.Besse, S.Camrrubi, V.Dornel, B. Maillet ,P. Moine Scenografija/Background: Tsai, Yu Jhen Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: ESMA Muzika/Music: Frederic Atial Producent/Producer: ESMA Zelena ptica sanja svim srcem kako će jednom postati elegantni flamingo. On će morati računati na pomoć svojih prijatelja ... 56 A green spadger dreams with all his heart to become an elegant flamingo. He will have to count on the help of his friends... 9 A PANORAM P NORAMA MAJMUNSKA SIMFONIJA_MONKEY SIMPHONY Maxime Baudin, Mélanie Fumey, Julien Gauthier and Samuel Gonon /Francuska/France/2013/06:00/3D komp. /3D comp./student competition Režija/Director: M.Baudin, M.Fumey, J.Gauthier, S. Gonon Scenario/Script: M.Baudin, M.Fumey, J.Gauthier, S. Gonon Animacija/Animation: M.Baudin, M.Fumey, J.Gauthier, S. Gonon Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: M.Baudin, M.Fumey, J.Gauthier, S. Gonon Montaža/Editing: ESMA Muzika/Music: Studios Des Aviateures Producent/Producer: ESMA U svijetu u kojem su majmuni vole glazbu, dvije mlade čimpanze razdvaja svađa o glazbi... In a world where the monkeys are music-lovers , two young chimpanzees are separated by a musical dispute... KAP ZLATA_A DROP OF GOLD Christophe Peladan/Danska/Denmark/2013/10:40/ lutke/puppets Režija/Director: Christophe Peladan Scenario/Script: Christophe Peladan Animacija/Animation: C.Peladan, B.Hansen,D. Ramsay,L. Berardo,F. PerinelleScenografija/Background: Christophe Peladan Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera:Christophe Peladan Montaža/Editing: C.Peladan, Ilan Zerrouki Muzika/Music: Les Primitifs du Futur Producent/Producer: Exfool’s Productions Gusar ulazi u kraljevstvo mrtvih i susreće lijepu kraljicu. Ona mu ukrade srce, ali njezino nije tako lako osvojiti... As a pirate enters the Kingdom of the Dead he encounters it’s beautiful Queen. She captures his heart, but hers is not so easily won… NIŠTA OSIM VODE_NOTHIG ELSE BUT WATER Carlos De Carvalho /Belgija/Belgium/2013/04:42/3D komp. /3D comp. Režija/Director: Carlos De Carvalho Scenario/Script: Carlos De Carvalho Animacija/Animation: P.dANIOU, t.Lecourt, S. Dufetel, C. Holvoet, J.B. Henguele Scenografija/Background: Carlos De Carvalho Crtež/Draving: Carlos De Carvalho Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: Carlos De Carvalho Muzika/Music: Jean -Philippe Goude Producent/Producer: Patric De Carvalho Priča je smještena u Londonu za vrijeme velikih pomorskih otkrića. Istražitelji koji izgledaju kao svinje, stižu u luku nakon dugog putovanja preko oceana ... NAFF 2013 The story take place in London at the time of great maritime discoveries. Explorers, looking like pigs, arrive in the harbour after a long voyage across the oceans... 57 9 A PANORAM P NORAMA VIRTUALNI VIRTUOZ_VIRTUOSO VIRTUAL Thomas Stellmach, Maja Oscham/Njemačka/Germany/2013/07:22/crtež na papiru/drawing on paper Režija/Director: Thomas Stellmach, Maja Oscham Scenario/Script: Animacija/Animation: Thomas Stellmach, Maja Oscham Scenografija/Background: Maja Oscham Crtež/Draving: Maja Oscham Kamera/Camera: Montaža/Editing: compositing Thomas Stellmach Muzika/Music: Louis Spohr Producent/Producer: Thomas Stellmach Apstraktne kapi tinte se čine kao da dolaze niotkuda. Nakon tajne koreografije iste tinte poprimaju karakteristike i raspoloženje glazbe te pričaju priču koja se po svemu sudeći skriva u glazbi. Abstract ink drawings seem to come out of nowhere. Following a secret coreography, they take on characteristics and moods of the music and narrate a story that appears to be laid out in the music. OBITELJSKI PORTRET_FAMILY PORTTRAIT Brigit Scholin /Austria/Austria/2013/03:57/lutke, plastelin /puppets, clay/student competition Režija/Director: Brigit Scholin Scenario/Script: Brigit Scholin Animacija/Animation: Brigit Scholinn Scenografija/Background: Crtež/Draving: Kamera/Camera: Brigit Scholin Montaža/Editing: Brigit Scholin Muzika/Music: Frederic Broderip Producent/Producer: Brigit Scholin Prapovijesni grob u muzeju u Beču još uvijek ostaje tajna za arheologe. On sadrži muškarca i dvije žene s četvero djece različite dobi... 58 A prehistoric grave in the museum in Vienna still remains a secret for arheologists. It consist of a man and two woman with four children of various age. Naff se zahvaljuje svim partnerima i sponzorima Naff wish to thank all partners and supporters Generalni Sponzor Sponzor Festivala Medijski pokrovitelji NAFF 2014 59 NAFF 2006 HVALA NA SURADNJI _THANK FOR COOPERATION ŽIRI_JURY ASAF ĐANIĆ ROBERT BUBALO JOŠKO MARUŠIĆ NAFF 2007 NIKOLA MAJDAK MARIN TOPIĆ VLATKO FILIPOVIĆ NEĐAD BEGOVIĆ IVAN ČAČIĆ NAFF 2008 SARA VAN DER BOOM MIRZA IBRAHIMPAŠIĆ VLADIMIR STANIĆ MIRO BARNJAK KATARINA SULIĆ NAFF 2009 SLAVEN KNEZOVIĆ 60 MILAN BLAŽEKOVIĆ MARIA VAN DEN LINDEN DŽEVDET TUZLIĆ RASTKO ĆIRIĆ NAFF 2010 VESNA DOVNIKOVIĆ PJER ŽALICA MIA BEGOVIĆ ŠERIF ALJIĆ VIKTOR AZEEV NAFF 2011 ZORAN ĐERIĆ BIL PLYMPTON MILI TIRO MAJA BEGTAŠAGIĆ KREŠIMIR ZIMONIĆ NAFF 2012 BORIVOJ DOVNIKOVIĆ MIKE REISS AMINA BEGOVIĆ SAFET ZEC MIKE MURPHY NAFF 2013 PENCHO KUNCHEV NAFF 2014 KREŠIMIR ŠEGO JASNA ŽALICA 61 Neum je jedini BiH grad na Jadranskom moru i ujedno glavna ljetna turistička destinacija, sa izuzetno kvalitetnim smještajem, prekrasnom mediteranskom klimom i bogatim zaleđem. Karakterizira ga blizina Dubrovnika, Međugorja, Mostara i Splita. NEUM Neum is the only town in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Adriatic coast and main tourist destination as well. It has good quality hotels, motels, pleasant Mediterranean climate and rich background - closeness to Dubrovnik, Međugorje, Mostar and Split. LINDŽO Tradicionalni ples u izvedbi HKUD “Humski glas” koji je osnovan 1960. u Neumu. LINDŽO The traditional dance preformed by the HKUD“Humski glas” which egsists since 1960 in Neum. 62 Pećina Vjetrenica nalazi se 80 km udaljeno od Mostara na lokaciji Popovog polja, tačnije u blizini gradića Ravno. Naziv je dobila po izrazito jakom vjetru koji konstantno puše na ulazu, pa bez obzira što je riječ o veoma toplom kraju, u Vjetrenici je stalna temperatura 11 °C. Duga je 6 km i prava je riznica povijesnih ostataka. Naime, u njoj su nastanjeni ostatci medvjeda, leoparda i crteži stari do 10.000 godina. Vanessa cave is located 80 kilometers away from Mostar on location Popov fields, specifically near the town Straight. The name was given by a very strong wind that constantly blows on the door, so no matter what is a very hot area, in Vjetrenica a constant temperature of 11 ° C. Long is 6 km and a real treasure trove of historical artifacts. Specifically, there are remains of the resident bears, leopards and drawings up to 10,000 years Crkvica Sv. Ane 17 st._St. Ana church from 17 th century NAFF 2014 63 Kula Hutovo_Tower Hutovo Ženska klapa “Neum”_Female choir “Neum” 64 Ženska narodna nošnja_ Etno women’s costume NAFF 2014 65 NAFF se zahvaljuje svim prijateljima Festivala NAFF wish to thanks to all friends of the Festival GRAD DUBROVNIK NEUM udruga građana mare nostrum neum OPAČAK d.o.o. 66 GRAD MOSTAR ŽITOMISLIĆI Manastir Žitomislić je jedan od kulturno najznačajnijih pravoslavnih manastira Hercegovine iz 16. vijeka, a posvećen je Blagovještenju Presvete Bogorodice. Nalazi se u kotlini na putu iz Mostara za južnu bosanskohercegovačku granicu, na krajnjoj zapadnoj liniji stare oblasti Dubrave. Žitomislići monastery is one of the most important cultural and Herzegovina Orthodox monasteries from the 16th century and dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin. It is situated in a valley on the road from Mostar in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina’s border on the extreme western line of MOGORJELO Mogorjelo kod Čapljine, spomenik kasnoantičke kulture leži na desnoj obali Neretve. Doseljenik Italik u I stoljeću, po uzoru na italske vile podigao je vilu na strateški važnom mjestu. Glavna građevina bila je palača na kat. Prostorije na katu bile su raskošno uređene zidnim slikarijama, a podovi mozaicima. U gospodarskim objektima, nalazili su se uljara, vinski podrum, pekara i skladišta. Cijeli kompleks 102x86 metara ograđen je visokim zidom sa troja vrata i tornjevima koji su pojačavali zid. Mogorjelo je porušeno oko 401. kada su preko ovih krajeva prelazili Zapadni Goti iz Grčke u pljačkaškim pohodima na Italiju. NAFF 2014 Mogorjelo near Čapljina is a late antique monument situated on the right bank of river Neretva. It was in 1st century AD, that an inhabitant namedItalik, erected on this spot of strategical importance a villa that matched those built by the Itals. The main building in Mogorjelo was large two-store villa. Rooms on the upper floor were lavishly decorated with wall paintings, and the floors with mosaics.Other objects present within the comlex were oil refinery,wine cellar, bakery and storage roomThe entire compley 102x86m was fotified with a tall wall reinforced by towers; and with three gates. Mogorjelo was destroyed sometimes 401 AD, whenthese parts were raided by Western Goths on their return from a pillage compaign in Greece and on to a new one in Italy. 67 ČAPLJINA Muške klape ‘’Trebižat’’, HKUD ‘’Seljačka sloga’’ Male choir ‘’Trebižat’’, HKUD ‘’Seljačka sloga’’ Slapovi Kravice_Waterfalls of Kravica 68 Hutovo blato, ptičji rezervat je močvara koju stvara podzemni vodeni sistem rijeke Krupe. Međunarodno vijeće za zaštitu ptica stavilo je ovaj rezervat na listu važnih ptičjih staništa i to sa dobrim razlogom: ovaj rezervat je najveći ovakve vrste u ovom dijelu Evrope kako površinom, tako i raznolikošću. Ova submediteranska močvara okružena Daranskim jezerom je dom 240 vrsta ptica na njihovom migracionom putu, kao i desetinama vrsta kojima je ovo stanište stalno prebivalište. U vrijeme migracija na desetine hiljada ptica preplavi ovo jezero i njegovo okruženje. Hutovo blato, bird Reserve is marshland, created by the underground aquifer system of the Krupa River.. The International Council for Bird Protection placed this reserve on the list of important bird habitats, and did so for good reasons: this reserve is the largest of its kind in this part of Europe, in terms of both size and diversity. It is home to over 240 types of migratory birds and dozens that make their permanent home in these sub-Mediterranean wetlands surrounding Deransko Lake. In the migration season, tens of thousands of birds fill thislake and its surroundings. Kanu safari Trebižat_Canoe safari Trebižat Stećci u Stocu_Tombstones in Stolac Izvor rijeke Bune_The source of the river Buna NAFF 2014 69 .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. 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NAFF 2014 73 Subota_Saturday 28.06.2014. 21:00 natjecateljski program 1._competition programme 1. Brent Dawes “TINY BUBBLES” 05:00 Južna Afrika_South Africa Emma Mc Cann “SETLING” 08:16 Francuska_France Thomas Coltof “SELF PORTRAIT” 06:30 Nizozemska_Netherlands Lotfi Mahfoudh “BERBER WEDDING” 13:00 Tunis_Tunisia Petra Varga “I GOT NEIGHBOURS” 03:39 Mađarska_Hungary Manuel Šumberac “CLOCKWORK HEART” 08:40 Hrvatska_Croatia F. Audagiori, M.L. Bonnet, R. Duché, B. Grynberg, P. S.-Pastou“THE CAVE IN THE ISLAND” 04:44 Francuska_France Marten Koopman “TRAMPOLINE” 03:00 Nizozemska_Netherlands Nedjelja_Sunday 29.06.2014. 21:00 natjecateljski program 2._competition programme 2. Manddy Wyckens “THE LONGEST ROAD” 04:04 Francuska/France Krešimir Zimonić “MINUTES” 15:00 Hrvatska_Croatia Steven Subotnick “LAKE” 04:00 SAD_USA Viola Baier “WEDDING CAKE” 08:37 Njemačka/Germany Kat Seale “SAPLING” 03:46 UK_UK Amy Lee Ketchum “TWO GHOSTS” 09:20 SAD_USA Mizmor Watzman “A THING SO SMALL” 08:48 Izrael_Israel László Ruska,David Ringeisen “PAPERWORLD” 02:30 Mađarska_Hungary Tomislav Gregl “ZULEJKA, THE LEGEND OF OGULIN” 07:06 Hrvatska_Cro Santiago ‘Bou’ Grasso “FATHER” 11:00 Španija_Spain Kari Pieska “NO TIME FOR TOYS” 07:58 Finska_Finland Ponedeljak_Monday 30.07.2014. 21:00 natjecateljski program 3._competition programme 3. Angel Sandimas “GERNIKA” 12:49 Španija_Spain Ania Przybyłko “THE BLUE TREE“ 05:30 Poljska_Poland Nicolás Conte “I WANT IT“ 08:00 Argentina_Argentina Y.Clement, R.Dumez, R.Lim,K. Palluet,M.Stofkooper, J.M. Vouillon“CATH A LOT “ 03:47 Francuska_France Anna Khmelevskaya “THE CENTIPADE …“ 10:00 Francuska_France Jurinko Rajič “LINDŽO“ 04:00 BiH_B&H Hugo Cierzniak “DIP N’ DANCE“ 06:15 Francuska_France M.Ferencei, A.Shamsudin “LIGHTHOUSE“ 12:07 Rep. Češka/Czech Rep. Mikkel Okholm “INTERWIEW” 06:42 Danska_Denmark Hillary Bradfield “EDITH AND THE BEAR” 06:33 SAD_USA Zsolt Bukta “HERITAGE” 05:00 Mađarska_Hungary 74 Utorak_Tusday 01.07.2014. 21:00 natjecateljski program 4._competition programme 4. C.Kaewmanee, W. Phraejunya “NINE“ 08:34 Tailand_Tailand Dmitri Voloshin “DJI DEATH FAILS“ 03:56 Moldavia_Moldova Špela Čadež “BOLES“ 12:20 Slovenija_Slovenia Viktoria Piechowitz “OUT OF BONDUS“ 06:59 Danska_Denmark Rosana Urbes “GUIDA“ 11:18 Brazol_Brasil Guillaume Arantes “A TALE“ 02:28 Francuska_France Laurent Boileau “LADY OF NIGHT“ 09:40 Francuska_France Ben Smith “THE LOST WORLD“ 11:00 UK_UK J.Roels,C.Shin,E.Guastella,D.Martins Da Silva, M.Jaouen “MEET MEAT“ 02:22 Francuska_France Rusharil Hutangkabodee “LIFE OF FIRE “ 07:14 Tailand_Tailand Ina Georgieva “HABITAT “ 04:22 Bugarska_Bulgaria Srijeda_Wensday 02.07.2014. 21:00 natjecateljski program 5._competition programme 5. Alexandra Averyanova “SHADES OF GRAY “06:18 Rusija_Russia Mauro Canaro “HASTA SANTIAGO “12:45 Švicarska_Switzerland Yi Chien Chen “PLAYING THE PIANO“ 03:30 Taiwan_Taiwan Lucette Braune “FOREVER MIME “ 07:11 Nizozemska_Netherlands R.Aillet, A.Bass, C.Chaudat, É. Devillée, M.Moreira“L’INCORABLE MORREC“ 05:39 Francuska_France Hadi Yaghinlou “WHY THIS TELEPHONE NEVER RINGS?“ 08:20 Iran_Iran Álvaro Granados “EI DEANN“ 05:00 Španija_Spain E.De Swaef & M. James Roels “OH WILLY“ 16:45 Nizozemska_Netherlands Lea Kralj Jager “AT FIRST SIGHT“ 07:06 Hrvatska_Croatia Evgenia Gostrer “FRAMED” 04:56 Njemačka_Germany Livio Rajh “INDUSTRY” 03:35 Hrvatska_Croatia NAFF 2014 75 www.naff.ba
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