Bihać - jedinstvena priroda - bogata historija

jedinstvena priroda - bogata historija
Unique nature - Rich history
jedinstvena priroda - bogata historija
Unique nature - Rich history
Doživite Bihać i prirodni raj Nacionalnog parka “Una” u Bosni i Hercegovini!
Prvi put dođite na naš poziv, sljedećih puta biće to isključivo Vaš odabir!
Experience Bihać and natural treasures of the National Park Una in Bosnia
and Herzegovina! Respond to our first invitation and the following visits will be
exclusively your choice!
Srednjovjekovni grb grada / Medieval City Coat of Arms
Izdavač / Publisher:˝PLOD Centar” Bihać – Centar za promociju lokalnog razvoja / “PLOD Centre” Bihać – Centre for Promotion of
Local Development • Dizajn / Design: Damir Midžić • Fotografije / Photos: Damir Midžić, Željko Mirković, KES “Limit”, “Una RC Kiro
Rafting”, “Kostel Commerce”, “Opal Exclusive” • Tiraž / Copies: 3500 • Print: “Grafičar” Bihać
Brošura je urađena u sklopu projekta „Stvaranje zajedničkog turističkog brenda na području općine Bihać kroz interesno povezivanje
ključnih lokalnih pružalaca turističkih usluga“
This brochure was created within implementation of the following project „Creation of joint tourism brand of Bihac area through interest
grouping of key local tourist service providers“
Užitak za radoznale,
za avanturiste,
za umorne...
Enjoyment for the curious, the adventurers
and the tired....
O dlu č ite li da vrijeme odmora provedete
upravo u Bihaću i njegovoj okolici, garantiramo
vam da će dojmovi koje ćete ponijeti sa sobom biti
nezaboravni i sigurno ćete se vratiti po još. Doticaj
istoka i zapada, starog i novog dati će zanimljiv
osjećaj svakom gostu. Bihać će vas svaki put
prigrliti kao dragog gosta i pružiti vam nadaleko
poznatu krajišku gostoljubivost i srdačnost. U to
ćete se uvjeriti na svakom koraku, u hotelu, kampu
ili u privatnom smještaju. Toplina, ljubaznost i
uslužnost okruživat će vas cijelo vrijeme vašeg
boravka. Tu se nastanila i ljepota. Ovdje je priroda
od koje zastaje dah.
If you decide to spend your vacation in Bihac
and its surroundings, we guarantee that the effects
it will have on you will be unforgettable and you are
sure to return for more. A mix of East and West, old
and new will intrigue each guest. Bihac will welcome
you each time you come and greet you with the well
renowned Krajina hospitality and warmth. You will
experience it at every corner, hotel, camp or private
accommodation. Friendliness, kindness and good
service will follow you during your entire stay. This
is where the beauty lives. Here you will find the
breathtaking nature.
Bihać : Unique nature - Ric h hi story
Ovdje je i prirodni
raj nacionalnog
parka UNA
Prvi nac ionalni park u Federaciji Bosne i
Hercegovine zove se po rijeci Uni i gotovo u cjelosti
se prostire na području općine Bihać. Posjetiti ovaj
park neprocjenjivo je iskustvo za sva čula.
Smaragdna rijeka Una dominira cijelim bihaćkim
krajem, a prostire se u dužini od 80 kilometara.
Bogata je slapovima i vodopadima, brzacima
i prava je poslastica ljubiteljima ekstremnih
sportova, raftinga i ronjenja.
Ona je stanište za oko 170 različitih vrsta ljekovitih
biljaka od kojih je jedna vrlo rijetka i dobila je
ime upravo po rijeci Uni - Campanile unensis unska zvončica. Tridesetak vrsta riba, i veliki broj
riječnih rakova koji žive samo u čistoj vodi, pravi
su raj za ribolovce. Posebno je zanimljiva čovječja
ribica koju nalazimo u slivu Une, u podzemnim
vodama Grmeča.
Waterfall Štrbački buk 
Flora i fauna Nacionalnog parka
Flora and fauna of National Park
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
Here is the natural
heaven of the National
Park Una
National Park Una is the first proclaimed
national park in the Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina and it was named after the Una
River. Most of it spreads within the area of Bihac
Municipality. Visiting this national park is an
invaluable experience for all your senses.
This emerald river dominates the entire area of
Bihac and spreads in the length of 80 kilometers.
Una is rich with waterfalls, cascades and currents
and represents a real challenge to the lovers of
extreme sports, rafting and diving.
Una is a home of 170 different medicinal herbs,
one of which is very rare and was named after the
river – Campanile Unesis – the Bell of Una. Over
thirty different sorts of fish and great number of
river crabs, which only inhabit clear water, live in
the Una River and are a real thrill for the fishermen.
Proteus anguinus (Olm), a blind amphibian
endemic, is especially interesting and can be found
in the basin of the Una, in the underground water of
Grmec Mountain.
Pl anine Plje ševi c e i G r m eč a su vidikovci
bihaćke kotline, a njihova blizina omogućuje
šetnje, ali i užitak u planinarenju, biciklizmu
ili lovu. Bogate su srnama, divljim svinjama,
medvjedima, vukovima, lisicama, te fazanima i
tetrijebima. Izletište Šabina Greda na Plješevici je
na nadmorskoj visini od 1225 m, odakle se pruža
jedinstven pogled na veći dio bihaćke kotline.
Mountain Plješevica
The mountain s Pljesevica and Grmec are the
observatory points of the Bihac basin and their
proximity to the city offers an opportunity to enjoy
the walks, mountain hiking, biking and hunting. The
mountains are rich with deer, wild boars, bears,
wolves, foxes, pheasants and black grouses. Picnic
ground Sabina Greda on Pljesevica Mountain is on
an altitude of 1225m, where you will experience a
unique view of the Bihac basin.
Pogled na selo Zavalje
View of the village Zavalje
Bihać : Unique nature - Ric h hi story
Bogatstvo prošlosti
vidljivo je na
svakom koraku...
Na ovom području je locirano i obilje kulturnohistorijskih spomenika.
Crkva Sv. Antuna građena je krajem XIX
stoljeća, a završena 1894. u maniru zapadnoeuropskog eklekticizma. Uz toranj crkve je i veliki
kameni sarkofag, ukrašen kamenom plastikom i
heraldikom. Smatra se da je sagrađena na lokaciji
gdje je i bila jedna od porušenih srednjovjekovnih
bihaćkih crkava. Katolička crkva u Bihaću spada
u red onih sakralnih građevina čiji se tipovi mogu
sresti širom sjeverozapadnog dijela Hrvatske.
Crkva Sv. Antuna je devastirana u toku II svjetskog
rata. Od crkve je ostao samo toranj pored zidanog
turbeta (mauzoleja).
Fethi ja dž a m i ja . Jedina je europska islamska
bogomolja u gotičkom stilu. Najočuvanija je
sakralna građevina na ovim prostorima.
Sagrađena je prvobitno kao crkva svetog Antuna
Padovanskog krajem XIII i početkom XIV stoljeća.
Dolaskom Turaka na ove prostore i osvajanjem
posljednje utvrde u Pounju - Bihaća (1592.godine),
crkva se preuređuje u glavnu džamiju u gradu i
dobiva naziv Fethija (u prijevodu - osvojena).
Kameni sarkofag pod tornjem Sv. Antuna
Stone sarcophagus next to the tower of St. Antun
Crkva Sv. Ante / The Church of St. Antun
Historic wealth is
visible at every corner...
There are plethora of cultural and historic monuments in the Bihac area.
The Church of St. Antun was built at the
end of XIX century, and was finished in 1894 in a
West-European eclectic style. Next to the church
tower is a large stone sarcophagus decorated with
stone plastic and heraldic. It is said that this church
was built in a location where previously stood one of
the ruined medieval churches of Bihac. This Catholic
Church is one of those types of religious buildings
that can be found in the wider region of North-West
Croatia. The Church of St. Antun was devastated
during the World War II and today you can only see
the tower next to which is a mausoleum.
Fe thija Mo sque is the only European Islamic
construction built in gothic style. It is the best
preserved religious building in this area. Fethija was
firstly built as a church of St. Antun Padovanski at
the end of XIII and beginning of the XIV century.
With arrival of the Turks in this area and their
conquring of the last fortress in Pounje – Bihac in
1592, this church was converted into a main mosque
in the city, which is when it was named Fethija –
maeaning the conqured.
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
Džamija Fethija / Fethija Mosque
K a m eno Turb e potječe iz vremena austrougarske vladavine u Bihaću. Tačno vrijeme njegove
izgradnje nije poznato, ali postoje činjenice
da je nastalo odmah nakon ustoličenja nove
austrougarske vlasti. Za vrijeme turske vladavine
izgrađeno je originalno od drveta i nalazilo se na
mjestu porušene katoličke crkve. Kada je nova vlast
krenula s izgradnjom crkve na starim temeljima,
sagrađeno je i novo turbe od lokalnog kvalitetnog
kamena bihacita. Nova lokacija je od stare bila
udaljena samo nekoliko metara, a taj potez vlasti zadovoljio je i muslimanski i katolički živalj
Bihaća. Sve do danas se sačuvalo nekoliko legendi
o njegovom nastanku i o tome ko je sahranjen
u njemu.
The stone Mausoleum dates from the period
of the Austro-Hungarian reign of Bihac. There does
not exist an exact date of its construction, however,
the facts allude that it was probably built right upon
the establishment of the new Austro-Hungarian
authority in this area. During the Turkish reign it
was originally built of wood and was located at
a place where used to exist a destroyed Catholic
church. When the new authority started to build
a church, at a location where an old one existed,
they also built a new mausoleum from the local
stone “Bihacit”. New location of the mausoleum
was just a few meters away from the old one, and
this move of the authorities was acceptable for the
Muslim and Catholic population of Bihac. There are
a few legends about the Mausoleum and who is
buried within.
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
K apetanova kul a . Prema legendi koja je
dijelom utemeljena i na historijskim činjenicama,
Kapetanova kula – Bihaćka utvrda, spasila je život
ugarsko-hrvatskom kralju Beli IV od tatarskih
konjanika. Bihać se prvi put pominje 1260. godine
u povelji kralja Bele IV, kao grad sagrađen na otoku
Sv. Ladislava, a godine 1262. proglašen je slobodnim
kraljevskim gradom sa svim pravima što mu je
osiguralo samostalni razvoj. Danas je Kapetanova
kula Muzej Unsko-sanskog kantona s eksponatima
iz vremena japodskih plemena.
C apitan’s Towe r. According to an old legend,
which is partially supported by historic facts,
Kapetanova kula (Capitan’s Tower) – Fortress of
Bihac, saved a life of the Hungarian-Croatian King
Bela IV from the Tartar horsemen troops. Bihać is
mentioned for the first time in 1260 in the Charter
of the King Bela IV, as a city built on the Island of
St. Ladislav. In 1262 the city was proclaimed a free
royal city with all the rights that guaranteed it an
independent development. Today the Capitan’s
Tower is a Museum of the Una-Sana Canton with a
display of the Japodi tribe.
Bihać : Unique nature - Ric h hi story
Detalj iz Muzeja USK / Details from the Una-Sana Museum
Muzej Prvog zasjedanja AVNOJ-a
Museum of the 1st Assembly of AVNOJ (Anti-Fascist Council for the
People’s Liberation of Yugoslavia)
Zgrada Krajina puteva / Krajina putevi buliding
Zgr ada Kr a jina puteva . Bivši građevinski
ured u Bihaću sagrađen je 1916. godine prema
projektu austrijskog arhitekte Ludwiga Hubera.
Poput mnogih javnih zgrada i ova je bila projektirana u skladnom stilu ponovnog procvata
renesanse karakterističnom za habzburške građevine širom carstva. Glavna fasada objekta
naročito je dobro očuvana.
Kra jina pute vi Building was the office of
architecture of Bihac, built in 1916, modeled by the
design of the Austrian architect, Ludwig Huber. As
many other public buildings it was built in a style
of revived renaissance specific for the Hapsburg
buildings across the Empire. The façade of the
building is well preserved.
Museum of the 1st Assembly of AVNOJ falls within
the first category of monuments that symbolize the
fight against fascism. Founding and First Assembly
of the Anti-Fascist Council for the People’s Liberation
of Yugoslavia was held here on November 27, 1942.
Muzej Prvo g z a sjedan ja AVN OJ-a .
Muzej pripada prvoj kategoriji spomenika borbe
protiv fašizma. Osnivačko i prvo zasjedanje
AVNOJ-a tu je održano 27. novembra 1942. godine.
There exist many medieval cities in the Bihac area,
some of which are: S okol ac Towe r, Ora sac,
Haval a and O st rovic a in Kulen Vakuf.
Na području Bihaća nalazi se više srednjevjekovnih
gradova od kojih izdvajamo: S okol ač k a
kul a , O r a šac, Haval a i O strovic a u
Kulen Vakufu.
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
Prošetajte našim
galerijama, uživajte
u našim kulturnim
kino predstavama
Galeri je
Posjetom Galerije “Enver Krupić”, vidjet ćete djela
umjetnika koji su cijeli radni vijek posvetili slikajući
prirodne ljepote ovoga kraja.
Enver Krupić: “Bihać”, ulje na platnu
“Bihać” by Enver Krupić, oil on canvas
Izložbe slika eminentnih slikara koji izlažu u
Gradskoj galeriji i Galeriji “Una”, vrijedne su vaše
pažnje. Pisci i pjesnici svoja djela također rado
prezentiraju u ovim prostorima.
Za one koji vole šetnje gradom, na samom
ulazu u Bihać, ulica Bedem vodit će vas linijom
srednjevijekovnih zidina grada Bihaća na Uni.
U nastavku, duž kanala prostire se veličanstven
gradski park s platanima. U ljepotama Une možete
uživati i u samom gradu šetajući lijepo uređenim
šetačkim stazama.
Djevojka s Une
Gradska galerija / City Art Gallery
Visit our art galleries,
enjoy our
cultural events!
Art Galle rie s
By visiting the «Enver Krupic» Art Gallery you
will familiarize yourself with many works of art
of painters who devoted their entire lifetime to
depicting the natural beauty of this area.
The exhibits of famous artists from this area in the
main City Art Gallery and the Art Gallery «Una»
are well worth your attention.
Many writers and poets enjoy the presentation of
their works in these galleries.
Those of you who like to walk can enjoy the walks
right upon entrance to Bihac, in the centre of the
city ,along the Bedem street, which will take you
along the medieval walls of Bihac. Further, along the
channel is a gorgeous city park. You can enjoy the
splendor of the Una River in the centre of the city by
walking along the built walking paths, which follow
the river.
Bihać : Unique nature - Ric h hi story
Kulturno-um jetnič k a
i sp ortsk a zb ivan ja
Dan grada Bihaća (26. februar)
Dan rijeke Une (17. maj) •
Bihaćko ljeto (juni/juli/august/septembar)
Festival scenskih umjetnosti (juni/juli)
Una regata (juli)
“EKOBIS” – međunarodni ekološki sajam
Festival zabavne muzike Bihać
Festival narodne muzike Bihać
Ulicom Bišća - kulturno-umjetnička
manifestacija (novembar/decembar)
Umjetnička kolonija za djecu Centra „Duga“,
Kulen Vakuf (novembar)
Una regatta
Cultural, art and sp ort s
e vent s that take pl ace
Festival “Bihaćko ljeto” / Bihać Summer Festival
Anniversary of Bihac City (February 26)
Anniversary of the Una River (May 17)
Bihac Summer (June, July, August, September)
Theater festival (June, July)
Una Regatta (July)
“EKOBIS” Fair– Traditional International
Ecology Fair (September)
Bihac Festival of popular music
Bihac Festival of traditional music
Along the Streets of Bihac – cultural and art
event (November, December)
Art Colony for the children of «Duga» Centre
Gradski puhački orkestar / City Brass Orchestra
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
Zaljubljeni ste u
prirodu, željni da
se udaljite od gradske buke i aktivno
provedete svoj
odmor u opuštenom
i prijateljskom
okruženju? Dođite,
učestvujte, uživajte i
oporavite se!
In love with nature?
Wishing to escape
the city noise and
actively spend your
vacation time in a
relaxed and friendly
environment? Come,
participate, enjoy
and revive!
Z a sve va s ko ji želite upoznati kulturno
naslijeđe zapadne Bosne, upoznati običaje, ali i
uživati u prekrasnoj prirodi, provoditi vrijeme na
otvorenom i dobro se zabavljati, organiziramo
dva različita izleta i odabrali smo pažnje vrijedne
lokalitete koje ćemo skupa s vama obići, da i vi
doživite ljepotu u kojoj živimo.
Naša trodnevno
Tura traje od 5 do 7 sati. Uključena je usluga
gorskog vodiča, prijevoz iz Bihaća do naselja Žegar
i nazad i osvježenje.
Dan I I
Cjelodnevni rafting na Uni, od Štrbačkog buka do
Lohova, dužine 15 kilometara, srednje je zahtijevna
i proteže se najljepšim dijelom Une. Profesionalni
skiper prati raftere. Rafting tura traje od 5 do 7
sati. Polazi se iz rafting kampa u 10:00. Potrebno je
ponijeti rezervnu odjeću, zaštitu od sunca. Ponuda
obuhvaća profesionalne usluge skipera, prijevoz
do Štrbačkog buka, čamac, opremu za rafting.
Dan I I I
U trodnevni aranžman uključen je dvodnevni
boravak u hotelu po izboru na bazi polupansionskog smještaja (2x doručak, 2x večera).
Dan I
Dolazak u Bihać u ranim jutarnjim satima i
smještaj u hotel po izboru. Planinarska tura od
15 km na Plješevicu do planinarskog skloništa
Šabina greda na visini od 1225 m. Nije nužna
posebna priprema.
Biciklistička tura na planini Osječenici uz vodiča.
Polazak iz naselja Kolunić – Trilina dolina –
Šesnaesti kilometar – Betine – Oštrelj 931 m n/v
– Kolunić. Uređena staza u dužini od 37 km, tako
da je vožnja biciklom srednje zahtijevna. Prvih
trinaest kilometara je uspon, srednjim dijelom
staza je ravna ili blago brdovita, a posljednjih 8
km samo se spuštate. Ponudom je obuhvaćen
prijevoz od Bihaća do polazišta u Koluniću i nazad,
mount bike (brdski bicikl), kaciga, osvježenje
u Bosanskom Petrovcu.
Narodne nošnje iz Bosanske krajine / Traditonal wear of Bosanska Krajina
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
For tho se who would like to familiarize
themselves with the cultural heritage of the Western
Bosnia and Herzegovina, get to know the customs,
enjoy the beautiful nature, spend time in the open
and have a good time, we organize two different
types of sightseeing tours for which we have
carefully chosen important and attention worthy
locations to which we will guide you, so that you
too can experience and enjoy the beauty in which
we live.
Our three-day
tourism offer
This three-day arrangement includes a two-day
stay at a hotel of your choice (including breakfast
and dinner for two days).
Day 1
Arrival to Bihac in the early morning and placement
at a hotel of your choice. Mountain tour 15 km long
to Pljesevica Mountain, up to the mountain lodge
Sabina greda at an altitude of 1225 m. No specific
preparation is required. The tour lasts from 5-7
hours. It includes the service of the tour guide,
transportation from Bihac to the Zegar area and
back, as well as refreshments.
Day 2
A day long rafting on the Una River from Strbacki
Buk to Lohovo. The tour is 15km long, medium
difficulty, and includes rafting along the most
beautiful parts of the Una River. A professional
rafting guide will accompany you. Rafting tour lasts
from 5-7 hours. Departure is at 10 am from the
rafting camp. Change of clothes and sunscreen are
all you need to take. The offer includes a professional
rafting guide, transportation to Strbacki Buk, boats
and rafting equipment.
Day 3
A biking tour on the mountain Osjecenica with a
professional bike guide. Departure is from a place
called Kolunić. The tour is 37 kilometers long and it
goes from the settlement Kolunic to Trilina Valley
then Betine followed by Ostrelj (altitude: 931 m)
and back to Kolunic. The built biking path of 37
km is medium difficulty. First 13 km of the tour are
up the hill, the path is flat or slightly up the hill for
the middle part of the tour, and the last 8 km of
the tour are biking down the hill. The offer includes
transportation from Bihac to the start of the tour
in Kolunic and back, mountain bikes, helmets and
refreshments in Bosanski Petrovac.
Bihać : Unique nature - Ric h hi story
Dan V
Cjelodnevni rafting na Uni, dogovoren s rafting
agencijom. Dionica od Štrbačkog buka do Lohova,
dužine 15 km, srednje je zahtijevna i proteže se
najljepšim dijelom rijeke Une. Večera uz muzički
program. Rafting tura traje od 5 do 7 sati. Polazi
se iz rafting kampa u 10:00. Ponuda obuhvaća
profesionalne usluge skipera, prijevoz do Štrbačkog
buka, čamac, opremu za rafting, te povratak.
Dan VI
Specijaliteti bosanske kuhinje / Delicacies of Bosnian cuisine
Naša šestodnevna,
programski vrlo
bogata ponuda
Dan I
Dolazak u Bihać, smještaj u hotel prema izboru
gostiju. Kratak obilazak grada. Tradicionalne
bosanska večera uz Unu.
Odlazak u Kulen Vakuf, posjeta starom gradu
Ostrovica i posjeta Martin Brodu da vidite jedan
od najljepših vodopada na rijeci Uni. Obilazak
manastira Rmanj, Titove pećine u Drvaru, nakon
ručka. Razgledat ćemo i Titov voz “Proleterka”.
Povratak u hotel. Večera.
Na kr a ju oba izleta čekaju vas i lijepi
pokloni koje ćete ponijeti sa sobom za uspomenu.
Cjelokupan program koji je predstavljen moguće
je prilagođavati vašim posebnim željama
i zahtjevima.
Slapovi u Martinbrodu / Waterfalls in Martin Brod
Dan I I
Obilazak užeg dijela grada s turističkim
vodičem, obilazak gradskih zidina, kulturnohistorijskih spomenika. Ručak u hotelu, šetnja do
srednjovjekovnog grada Sokolac, 3 km udaljenog
od centra (moguće je organizirati i prijevoz).
Povratak u hotel. Večera.
Dan I I I
Lagana planinarska ruta po Plješevici, uz vodiča, do
planinarskog skloništa Šabina greda (1225 m n/v).
Dužina staze oko 15 km. Uživat će te u prekrasnom
pogledu na bihaćku kotlinu. Ručak na otvorenom
na Šabinoj gredi. Povratak u hotel. Večera.
Dan IV
Posjeta starom srednjovjekovnom gradu Ostrožac
(15 km od Bihaća), zatim odlazak u Cazin. Ručak.
Odlazak do srednjovjekovnog grada Bila Stina,
obilazak starog grada, odlazak u Bosansku Krupu.
Povratak u hotel. Večera.
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
Our six-day
rich offer
Day 1
Arrival to Bihac, placement at a hotel of your choice
and short tour of Bihac City. Traditional Bosnian
dinner on the banks of the Una River.
Day 2
Sightseeing tour of the centre city with a tour guide,
which includes sightseeing of the medieval defensive
walls of the city, and cultural and historic sites and
monuments. Lunch at a hotel followed by a walk to
the medieval town Sokolac, 3 km from the city centre
(there is a possibility of organizing transportation to
the site). Return to hotel. Dinner.
Day 3
Light mountain tour on the Pljesevica Mountain
with a tour guide up to the mountain lodge Sabina
greda (altitude: 1225 m). The tour path is about
15 km long. You will enjoy a beautiful view of the
Bihac basin. Picnic lunch at Sabina greda. Return to
hotel. Dinner.
Day 4
Visiting of the medieval town Ostrozac (15km from
Bihac), followed by a visit of Cazin town. Lunch. Visit
of the medieval town Bila Stina and sightseeing of
the town Bosanska Krupa. Return to hotel. Dinner.
Day 5
A day long rafting on the Una River organized by
a rafting agency. The rafting tour starts from the
settlement Strbacki Buk to settlement Lohovo. It is
15km long and medium difficulty. It includes rafting
along the most beautiful parts of the Una River.
Rafting is followed by a dinner accompanied by
live traditional music. Rafting tour lasts from 5-7
hrs. Departure is from the rafting camp at 10 am.
The offer includes the services of professional rafting
guides, transportation to Strbacki Buk, rafting boats
and equipment and transportation back.
Day 6
Departure to Kulen Vakuf settlement, visiting
of the medieval town Ostrovica and visit of the
breathtaking Una waterfalls in Martin Brod. Visit of
the Rmanj Monastery and Tito’s Cave in Drvar, after
lunch. Visit of the Tito’s train „Proleterka“. Return to
hotel. Dinner.
Special gif t s await you after the tour. The
arrangements offered above are flexible and can be
adjusted to your wishes and needs.
Manastir Rmanj / Rmanj Monastery
Bihać : Unique nature - Ric h hi story
Želite aktivan odmor?
Imamo ga za sve.
R afting, k a jak i k anu. Una je rijeka koja
će vam pružiti jedinstven doživljaj raftinga. U svim
organiziranim aktivnostima na vodi prate vas
iskusni i obučeni vodiči – skiperi koji posjeduju IRF
certifikate. Nema straha niti za neiskusne. Una je
vrhunska i za najbolje poznavaoce. Ovaj doživljaj
je za pamćenje.
Speed river diving - ron jen je. Rijeka
je divlja i brza, maksimalne dubine 25 metara.
Speed river diving je avantura unutar uzburkane
vodene mase. Rođeno je upravo ovdje, gdje je i
dobilo svoje ime. Već je okupilo mnoge pristalice,
adrenalinske ovisnike iz Češke, Mađarske, Francuske, Njemačke...
Fly-fi shing. Una je vrlo bogata ribom.
U gornjem toku rijeke zastupljeni su lipljen i
pastrmka, a nizvodno od Bihaća prema Bosanskoj
Krupi kapitalni primjerci mladice.
Te a m Building. Raznoliko područje je idealno za organiziranje popularnog team buildinga.
Aktivnosti se mogu odvijati u šumi, na vodi,
sportskim terenima u gradu, a neke od mogućih
su: rafting, vožnja biciklom, pješačenje, orijentacija,
penjanje po uređenom penjalištu, spuštanje
s konopcem, vožnje kanuom, špiljarenje... Ne
Speed river diving
Pl aninaren je i b ic ikliz a m. Planine
Plješevice, Grmeča, Osječenice i Klekovače
mame posjetioce. Biciklističke i planinarske staze
su uređene, a prilazni putevi su funkcionalni.
Jedinstven spoj kulturno-historijskog naslijeđa i
prirodnih ljepota oduševit će vas.
Jedrilič ar st vo . Zaokružite svoj posjet
pogledom na Bihać iz zraka! Na aerodromu
“Bihać-Golubić” možete iznajmiti letačka sredstva
i opremu, kao i dobiti uslugu obuke koju pruža
osposobljen nastavni kadar. Educirani letači
koji posjeduju državne licence prema IFMG
standardima stoje vam na raspolaganju u svim
vašim aktivnostima. Zračni lift podignut će
ozbiljnije poklonike jedriličarstva na visine svjetskih
rekorda, dok manje zahtijevni, zadovoljit će svoje
adrenalinske potrebe i panoramskim letovima u
malim sportskim avionima.
Fly Fishing
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
You want
an active vacation?
We have it all. It is on
you to choose!
Kanu / Canoeing
R af ting, k ayaking, c anoeing. Una is the
River that will offer you a unique and thrilling rafting
experience. IRF certified and experienced rafting
guides will accompany you on your rafting tour
and other river activities. Safety is guaranteed even
for the inexperienced rafting guests. Una is equally
exciting for those who know it well. The water
activities on the Una River will be unforgettable.
Spee d rive r diving. Una is a wild and fast
river with depth up to 25 m. Speed river diving is
an adventure within the wild water. It was born
right here and that is where it got its name. It has
already attracted numerous lovers of this kind of
adrenaline rush from Czech Republic, Hungary,
France, Germany and other EU countries.
Fly-fi shing. Una is extremely rich with fish.
In the upper stream of the river there are grayling
and trout, and downstream from Bihac towards
Bosanska Krupa there are capital sorts of mladica
(Hucho taimen) fish.
Planinarenje / Mountain hiking
Te a m Building. Diversity of the area is ideal
for organization of team building. Activities can
take place in the woods, on the water, sports fields
in the city and some of them include: rafting, bike
tours, walks, orientation, rock climbing, canoeing,
exploration of caves… Do not miss out!
Mountain tour s and biking. Mountains
Pljesevica, Grmec, Osjecenica and Klekovaca attract
numerous visitors. Bike and mountain paths are
built and all the major roads leading to the paths
are functional. This unique mix of cultural and
historic heritage and natural beauty will simply
dazzle you.
Panoramski letovi / Panoramic flights
S oaring. End your visit with an air view of Bihac!
At the Bihac “Golubic” airport you can rent the
flying crafts and paragliding devices and all the
necessary equipment, as well as get paragliding
and flying lessons offered by the experienced team
of professionals who are certified by the state in
accordance with the IFMG standards and stand
at your disposal for all the flying activities. For
serious lovers of soaring we guarantee that the air
lift will get you up at the world record height, while
less demanding lovers will have their adrenaline
rush satisfied by panoramic flights in the small
sport planes.
Bihać : Unique nature - Ric h hi story
Hotel Ko stel ski Buk
Hotel Ko stel ski Buk
Hotel Kostelski Buk je smješten u jedinstvenom
ambijentu unskih slapova i netaknutog prirodnog
okruženja nedaleko od Bihaća. Moderan i atraktivan, ali sa šarmom i duhom proteklih vremena
ovaj reprezentativni objekat s 4 zvjezdice neće
vas ostaviti ravnodušnim. Pomno odabrani
detalji interijera i ekskluzivno opremljene sobe
uz brojne prateće sadržaje će vaš boravak učiniti
nezaboravnim. Bogatstvo ponude upotpunjuju
izvanredni gastro specijaliteti tradicionalne bosanske, mediteranske i internacionalne kuhinje.
Naravno neizostavan je i dobri duh našeg hotela
na kojeg smo naročito ponosni i srdačno osoblje
koje vam je na usluzi. Bez obzira da li je vaša
posjeta poslovna ili turistička sigurni smo da će
vaša očekivanja biti ispunjena.
Hotel Kosteski Buk is situated at a unique location,
on the Una waterfalls in quiet natural surroundings,
nearby Bihac. It is a modern and attractive four-star
hotel whose charm and spirit of old times will truly
impress you. Carefully chosen interior details and
luxuriously equipped rooms with all the additional
activities offered will make your stay unforgettable.
The hotel offer is enriched with the exceptional
traditional Bosnian, as well as Mediterranean and
International cuisine. The hotel prides itself with its
great spirit and hospitable staff, which stands at
your disposal. We are certain that the expectations
of your visit, be it tourism or business related, will be
beyond satisfied.
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
Hotel O pal Exc lusive
Hotel ‘’Opal Exclusive’’ (4 zvjezdice) je smješten
na veoma atraktivnoj lokaciji, u blizini centra i
stare jezgre Bihaća, a opet u potpuno prirodnom
ambijentu na samoj obali rijeke Une, uz prekrasne
slapove koji nikoga ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim.
U sklopu hotela je restoran “Obala”, s ljetnom
i zimskom terasom koja pruža pogled na
predivne slapove Une, gdje možete uživati u
ponudi tradicionalne bosanske, internacionalne i
mediteranske kuhinje uz bogatu prateću ponudu.
Osim luksuzno i moderno opremljenih soba/
apartmana i restorana, hotel također raspolaže
s kongresnom dvoranom i wellness centrom.
Ljubazno osoblje i tradicionalno bo-sansko
gostoprimstvo uz moderno opremljen objekat učinit će vaš boravak u ovom hotelu nezaboravnim.
Sve je prilagođeno i osobama s invaliditetom.
Hotel Opal E xclusive
Hotel Opal Exclusive is a four star hotel located at
a very attractive location near the city centre and
the old part of the town, right on the banks of the
Una River, next to the beautiful waterfalls that
leave every visitor breathless. Within the hotel there
is a restaurant Obala with a summer and winter
terrace which have a view on the waterfalls where
you can enjoy the traditional Bosnian cuisine, as well
as international and Mediterranean one, with rich
additional offer of live music. Besides the luxurious
and modern rooms and restaurant the hotel also
has a conference room and wellness centre. Friendly
staff and traditional Bosnian hospitality in this
modern hotel will make your stay unforgettable.
Everything is adapted to people with disabilities.
Bihać : Unique nature - Ric h hi story
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
UNA R C - Kiro r afting
Rafting centar “UNA RC - Kiro Rafting” je smješten u
Golubiću - 5 km od Bihaća, uz samu obalu rijeke Une.
Centar raspolaže s kompletnom infrastrukturom za
smještaj i rekreaciju gostiju: vikend kuće, kamp prostor
i sportski tereni. Ujedno je i agencija za organiziranje
pustolovnih aktivnosti na vodi koje uključuju: rafting,
kajak i kanu. Naša agencija će vam uz certificirane
vodiče-skipere omogućiti nezaboravnu avanturu
na smaragdnoj rijeci Uni. Kao rezultat uspješnog
dosadašnjeg rada ističemo priznanja Zlatnu ugostiteljsku krunu i titulu najmenadžera u 2007. godini
direktoru Mersadu Ćoraliću – Kiri.
U NA RC - Kiro raf ting
Is a rafting centre located in the Golubic settlement, 5 km
from Bihac, on the banks of the Una River. The Centre has
a built infrastructure for accommodation and recreation
of guests: camp houses, camp space and sport fields. UNA
RC – Kiro rafting is an agency that organizes adventurous
activities on the water, which include: rafting, kayaking
and canoeing. Our agency with its certified rafting guides
will organize for you the unforgettable adventures on the
emerald Una River. As a result of our successful work we
point out one of the many awards received: Gold catering
crown and a title for a manager of the year in 2007
that the CEO of the Centre, Mr. Mersad Ćoralić – Kiro
was awarded.
Bihać : Unique nature - Ric h hi story
Klub ekstremnih sportova ¨Limit¨
Klub ekstremnih sportova ¨Limit¨ organizira
sigurne i zabavne turističke outdoor avanture:
planinarenje, biciklizam, canyoning, penjanje
po stijenama i team building u planinama u
sjeverozapadnoj regiji BiH i šire. Po dogovoru vodi
vas i na druge destinacije, uključujući sve prirodne,
kulturno-historijske, sportske manifestacije i značajne objekte / destinacije. Kao posebnu ponudu
nudi foto safari na rijeci Uni.
Extreme sports club “Limit”
Extreme sports club “Limit” organizes safe and
exciting outdoor tourism adventures: mountain
activities, biking, canoeing, rock climbing and
team building in the mountains of the Northwest
Region of Bosnia and Herzegovina and wider. In
accordance with your wishes and needs the club
organizes all types of tours and sightseeing visits,
which include: natural, cultural and historic tours
and sport activities. A special offer is a photo safari
on the Una River.
Deseci knjiga ne bi bili dovoljni za opisati sve ljepote i mogućnosti
ovog jedinstvenog kraja. Ne propustite...
Dozens of books would not be enough to describe the beauty
and opportunities of this unique
destination and area.
Do not miss out...
Bihać: jedinst vena priroda - b o g ata histori ja
Bosanska Krupa
Banja Luka
Vedro Polje
M. Skočaj
V. Skočaj
Donji Lapac
Štrbački Buk
Copyright © Damir Midžić
Hotel “Kostelski buk”
Kostela bb, 77 000 Bihać, BiH
tel.: +387 37/302 340 fax: +387 37/302 039 GSM: +387 61/105 133
web: • e-mail: [email protected]
Hotel “Opal Exclusive”
Krupska bb, 77 000 Bihać, BiH
tel.: +387 37/224 182 +387 37/224 183 fax: +387 37/228 585
web: • e-mail: [email protected]
“Una RC – Kiro rafting”
Golubić bb, 77 000 Bihać, BiH
tel.: +387 37/361 110 fax: +387 37/361 051 GSM: +387 61/192 338
web: • e-mail: [email protected]
KES “Limit”
Džanića mahala 7, 77 000 Bihać, BiH
GSM: +387 61/144 248
web: • e-mail: [email protected]
Općina Bihać / Bihać Municipality
Bosanska 4, 77 000 Bihać, BiH
tel.: +387 37/222 224 +387 37/229 619 fax: +387 37/229 629
web: • e-mail: [email protected]
“PLOD Center” – Centar za promociju lokalnog razvoja
Centre for Promotion of Local Development
Muhsina Rizvića 11, 77 000 Bihać, BiH
tel / fax : +387 37/220 690
web: • e-mail: [email protected]