2010 ELEKTRIČNE INVAZIJE ORO IZ BAJKE SLIKE S IZLOŽBE & KARNEVAL ŽIVOTINJA MAČKE NA STAROM KROVU OD TIGALA SLAVUJ I KINESKI CAR MALA SIRENA CRVENKAPA U TAMI ZLATOKOSA GALEB I BANDA MAČORA JAPANSKA BAŠTA MLADI PRINC I ISTINA MEĐUNARODNI FESTIVAL KOTOR ART / INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL KOTOR ART Organizacioni odbor / Organisation Committee: PROF BRANISLAV MIĆUNOVIĆ, PREDSJEDNIK, MARIJA-MAJA ĆATOVIĆ, PROF. RATIMIR MARTINOVIĆ, PETAR PEJAKOVIĆ, TIHANA ĆULAFIĆ, VESNA MANDIĆ; Direktor / Director: PAOLO MAGELLI; Producent / Producer: JANKO LJUMOVIĆ; Glavni organizator / Organization: Dravka Vujović; Izvršna produkcija / Executive Production: FONDACIJA KOTORSKI FESTIVAL POZORIŠTA ZA DJECU, NVO “FESTIVAL TEUTA”, NVO "KOTOR ART", FABRIKA MONTENEGRO, FESTIVAL EUROKAZ, KRALJEVSKO POZORIŠTE "ZETSKI DOM", CRNOGORSKO NARODNO POZORIŠTE Impressum: Izdavač / Publisher: Kotor art; Za Izdavača / For the Publisher: Janko Ljumović; Prevod / Translation: Đorđe Vujnović; Lektori / Proofreaders: Natalija Lakić, Paul Turner; Fotografije / Photos: Milica Radulović, Banjo Popović i Roman Đuranović; Urednik kataloga / Editor of catalogue: Milica Piletić; Dizajn / Design: MAPA; Štampa / Print: APPrint; Tiraž / Copies: 500 XVIII KOTORSKI FESTIVAL POZORIŠTA ZA DJECU 2 - 10. jul 2010. THE 18TH Kotor’s Festival of Theatre for Children 2 - 10 July, 2010 Kotor art 2010. Teoretičar grada Leonardo Benevolo u studiji Grad u istoriji Evrope, govori o poduhvatu stvaranja skladnog pejzaža koji je moguć i ističe“ da nijesu tako neostvarive utopije stvaranja boljeg – ili bar ne goreg.“ Kotor art jeste stvaranje duhovno boljeg, jeste stvaranje unutrašnjeg pejzaža i dokaz je da nijesu tako neostvarive utopije stvaranja boljeg. Godina između dva festivala protekla je brzinom kotorskih munja i ova naša krhka brodica savladala je kako je mogla ovo krizno olujno more, gdje je finansijski kapital uspio svojim ludim trikovima dovesti u pitanje čak i samoga sebe. Svjesni smo da u Evropi plaćamo jedan dug koji uopšte nijesmo stvorili, plaćamo ga za nekog drugog. Sve vlade u Evropi govore: Recesija! Mi znamo vrlo dobro da tu recesiju nijesmo stvorili mi. Dakle, svi manje ili više znamo da smo žrtve logike spekulativnih sistema. Umjetnici su proizvođači nevidljivih tkanja, oni su okrepljivači duše. Rekli bismo da su jedino oni u stanju popravljati tu kolektivnu mentalnu krizu u koju smo svi upali. A ipak, gotovo sve vlade ovog našeg kontinenta odlučile su da zakinu nove generacije na poljima duha. Štedi se u školstvu, štedi se u kulturi. Mazohistički je to potres, jer kriza će nestati samo kada ljudi budu duhom ispunjeni. S depresivnim i nekulturnim novim generacijama iz krize se ne može izaći. To bi bio trijumf trivijalnosti. Ponosni smo što se Crna Gora i Kotor sa skromnim mogućnostima kojima raspolaže, suprotstavila politici smanjenja budžeta za kulturu i što je omogućila kontinuitet idejama koje su planirane i smišljene kao nova platforma za ostvarivanje novog kulturnog krajolika Crne Gore. Jedan mali presjek tog kulturnog krajolika jeste i Kotor art, festival koji ujedinjava razne umjetničke discipline. Dragi Kotorani, vjerujemo da je ova borba koju vode svi umjetnici koji čine Kotor art, borba za naš zajednički Kotor. Glas o toj ideji - nazvali smo je borba - već je zabilježen u raznim ličnim i javnim memorijama. Neka i ova godina bude dokaz da je ovaj grad krenuo u stvaranje boljeg. Paolo Magelli Janko Ljumović Kotor Art 2010. In his study The City in the History of Europe, the architectural theoretician Leonardo Benevolo discusses the possibility of creating a harmonious landscape pointing out that „utopias of creating something better, or – not worse – at least, are not so unattainable“. Kotor Art is indeed the creation of something spiritually better, the creation of the inner landscape and proof that utopias of creating something better are not so unattainable. The year between two festivals went by at the speed of lightning in Kotor, and our small fragile boat endured the crises of the stormy seas the best she could, amid the insane trickery of financial capital that managed to call into question even its own existence. We are well aware that we are paying a debt in Europe, one we did not in fact incur, and we are paying it instead of somebody else. All the governments in Europe are shouting: Recession! We know very well that we are not responsible for that recession. Therefore, we all know, more or less, that we are the victims of the logic of the speculative systems. Artists are manufacturers of invisible threads; they are the ones who invigorate the soul. We daresay they are the only ones capable of mending the collective mental crisis we slipped into. And still, almost all the governments of this continent have decided to deprive the new generations precisely of their spiritual due. The savings are made in the field of education and culture. It is a masochistic move, because the crisis can disappear only when people reach spiritual fulfilment. It is impossible to get out of the crisis with the young generations depressed and deprived of culture. That would be a triumph of triviality. We are proud that Montenegro and Kotor, with its rather modest resources, stood up against the budget cuts in cultural policy, and enabled the continuity of ideas conceived and developed as a new platform for the creation of the new cultural landscape of Montenegro. Kotor Art is somewhat of a cross section of this cultural landscape, being a festival that unites diverse art disciplines. Dear citizens of Kotor, we are convinced that this struggle, involving all the artists participating in Kotor Art, is a struggle for the Kotor we all share. The notion of that idea, albeit we call it a struggle, has already been noted in individual and public memories. Let this year be yet further proof that this town has embarked on a search for better times. Paolo Magelli Janko Ljumović 4 5 Kotorski festival pozorišta za djecu postaje ovoga jula punoljetan. Djetinjstvo je prošlo: prvi koraci, dječje bolesti, radosti, igre, bubuljice, lutke, ljubavi, prijateljstva, avanture, bajke, zmajevi, suze, mrak, zavisti, cika, kostimi, majke, strahovi, džeparci, mašta, inat, vještice, tuče, crteži, osmjesi, škole, patuljci, vilenjaci, džemovi, muzika, junaci, tajne, vjetrenjače ... U igri brojki ove godine festival će se predstaviti kao: 1 grad, 9 dana, 12 pozorišnih predstava, 9 zemalja, 10 pjaca – malih i velikih scena, 43 programa, 1 000 učesnika, 10-ak hiljada gledalaca ... Kotorski festival pozorišta za djecu ne mora da brine za budućnost koja ga čeka. Od samog početka sazdan je čarobnom formulom od četiri osnovna elementa koji ga čine izuzetnim: živi u jednom od najljepših gradova na svijetu, po svojoj prirodi je svečanost prijateljstva i mašte, pozorišna igra mu uliva snagu, a djeca čuvaju smisao. Što ćete više! Poželimo mu, od sveg srca, dug i plemenit život, i da bude još veći, i ljepši, i bolji! I, ma koliko porastao, da uvijek ostane veliko dijete. Petar Pejaković Dobuju malena stopala po drvenim i kamenim daskama koje život zrače. Natpjevavaju se djeca s golubovima. Svako dijete okrilati. Sija Kotor kao da je nekom starom pčelaru zvjezdani roj pobjegao, pa zuji i slijeće s pjace na pjacu. Ako je glavni pozorišni program glava Kotorskog festivala, onda je prateći njegovo srce. To je onaj ritam kojim grad kuca svakog ljeta od 2. do 10. jula i prerušava se u živi pozorišni muzej. Dječje stvaralaštvo je neobično važno za koncepciju ovog festivala, koja ima za cilj da se Kotor pretvori u jednu ogromnu pozornicu, svaka njegova ulica, svaki portun... Prepustiti se radosti neuhvatljive dječje igre i pomoći joj da ’’iskoči’’iz mašte , probuditi duh starog grada, vratiti mu auru, značilo bi vratiti se na trgove, u naša srca, i izatkati nove niti na kojima bi se svaki pauk osjećao kao stranac, a bubamara bila počasni gost. Dobro došla, draga djeco! Izvolite, grad je Vaš! Dejan Đonović 6 The Children’s Theatre Festival Kotor comes of age this year. Its childhood is over: the first steps, childhood diseases, fun and games, pimples, dolls, loves, friendships, adventures, fairy tales, dragons, tears, fear of the dark, envies, shreaking, costumes, mothers, fears, pocket money, imagination, spite, witches, fights, drawings, schools, dwarfs and trolls, jammy fingers, music, heroes, secrets, windmills... In the numbers game, this year’s festival will be presented as: 1 town, 9 days, 10 squares – with small and large stages, 43 programs, 1,000 participants, around 10,000 spectators ... The Children’s Theatre Festival Kotor need not worry about its future. From the very beginning, it has been created using a magic formula consisting of four basic elements that have made it special: it happens in one of the most beautiful places in the world, its very nature celebrates friendship and imagination, the theatre play is there to lend its strength, and children are there to preserve the meaning. What more could you wish for! Let us wish it, from the bottom of our hearts, a long and noble life, to grow into an even more beautiful and an even better festival! And, no matter how large it grows, to always remain a big child. Petar Pejaković Little feet are pattering against the wooden and stone stages radiating life. Children are trying to out-sing the pigeons. Every child gets their wings. Kotor shines, as if a stellar swarm has escaped from an old beekeeper and buzzes around, flying from one piazza to another. If the main theatre programme is the mind of the Kotor Festival, the accompanying programme is its heart. It is the rhythm of the city, beating every summer from 2-10 July, disguised as a living theatre museum. Children’s creation is of special importance for the concept of this festival, aimed at turning Kotor into a giant stage, including its every street and every gate... Surrendering to the joy of an elusive children’s game and helping it “jump out” of the imagination... Awakening the spirit of the old town, bringing back its aura, that would mean to return back to the squares, to our own hearts, and weave new threads where every spider would feel like a stranger, and any ladybug would be a guest of honour. Welcome, dear children! You may take over the town! Dejan Đonović 7 PROGRAM FESTIVALA Petak, 2. jul Srijeda, 7. jul OTVARANJE... 20.00 h, Vrata od grada U TAMI Dečje pozorište Subotica, Srbija 20.00 h, Kulturni centar ELEKTRIČNE INVAZIJE KUD Ljud, Ljubljana, Slovenija 20.15 h, Trg od oružja i ulice ORO IZ BAJKE Gradsko pozorište, Podgorica, Crna Gora 21.30 h, Kulturni centar Subota, 3. jul SLIKE S IZLOŽBE & KARNEVAL ŽIVOTINJA Liberdance, Zagreb, Hrvatska 20.00 h, Kulturni centar Nedjelja, 4. jul MAČKE NA STAROM KROVU OD TIGALA Državen kuklen teatar, Stara Zagora, Bugarska 20.00 h, Kulturni centar SLAVUJ I KINESKI CAR Narodno pozorište, Kikinda, Srbija 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica Ponedjeljak, 5. jul MALA SIRENA Teatar za deca i mladinci Skoplje, Makedonija 20.00 h, Kulturni centar Utorak, 6. jul CRVENKAPA Guliwer teatr, Varšava, Poljska 20.00 h, Kulturni centar 8 ZLATOKOSA Pozorištance Puž, Beograd, Srbija 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica Četvrtak, 8. jul GALEB I BANDA MAČORA Stolichen kuklen teatar Sofija, Bugarska 20.00 h, Kulturni centar Petak, 9. jul JAPANSKA BAŠTA TPO Prato, Italija 20.00 h, Kulturni centar MLADI PRINC I ISTINA Bosansko narodno pozorište Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina 21.30 h, Škaljarska pjaca Subota, 10. jul JAPANSKA BAŠTA TPO Prato, Italija 20.00 h, Kulturni centar ... ZATVARANJE DODJELA NAGRADA 21.30 h, Pjaca od kina The FESTIVAL PROGRAM Friday, July 2 Wednesday, July 7 OPENING... IN THE DARKNESS 8:00 p.m, Town Gates Children’s Theatre Subotica, Serbia 8:00 p.m, Cultural Centre ELECTRIC INVASIONS KUD Ljud, Ljubljana, Slovenia 8:15 p.m, The Square of Arms & the streets of Kotor A MONTENEGRO FAIRYTALE City Theatre, Podgorica, Montenegro 9:30 p.m, Cultural Centre Saturday, July 3 PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION & THE CARNIVAL OF THE ANIMALS Liberdance, Zagreb, Croatia 8:00 p.m, Cultural Centre GOLDILOCKS Tiny Theatre Puz, Belgrade, Serbia 9:30 p.m, The Summer Stage Thursday, July 8 THE SEAGULL AND THE GANG OF TOMCATS Stolichen Puppet Theatre, Sofia, Bulgaria 8:00 p.m, Cultural Centre Friday, July 9 THE JAPANESE GARDEN Sunday, July 4 TPO Prato, Italy 8:00 p.m, Cultural Centre CATS ON AN OLD, TILE ROOF THE YOUNG PRINCE AND THE TRUTH State Puppet Theatre, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria 8:00 p.m, Cultural Centre Bosnian National Theatre Zenica, Bosnia & Herzegovina 9:30 p.m, Piazza of Skaljari THE NIGHTINGALE AND THE CHINESE EMPEROR National Theatre Kikinda, Serbia 9:30 p.m, The Summer Stage Saturday, July 10 THE JAPANESE GARDEN Monday, July 5 TPO Prato, Italy 8:00 p.m, Cultural Centre THE LITTLE MERMAID ... CLOSING AND Theatre for Children and Youth Skopje, Macedonia 8:00 p.m, Cultural Centre AWARDS CEREMONY 9:30 p.m, The Cinema Square Tuesday, July 6 LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD Guliwer Theatre, Warsaw, Poland 8:00 p.m, Cultural Centre 9 PRATEĆI PROGRAM FESTIVALA Subota, 3. jul Srijeda, 7. jul HILPERIK JPU Naša radost, Herceg Novi PLESNE ČAROLIJE Studio za balet i ples Mala sirena, Kotor 21.30 h, Trg od oružja MACA PAPUČARKA JPU Bambi, Tivat 19.00 h, Pjaca od kina VEČE KOTORSKOG VRTIĆA JPU Radost, Kotor 20.00 h, Pjaca od kina VEČE GITARE Muzička škola Vida Matjan, Kotor 21.00 h, Pjaca sv. Luke Nedjelja, 4. jul IZLOŽBA SLIKA Art DUGA, Kotor 18.00 h, SC Kamelija TAJ LUDI SVIJET Dječji dramski studio, Budva 19.00 h, Pjaca od kina RASPJEVANE VIOLINE Muzička škola Vida Matjan, Kotor 21.00 h, Pjaca sv. Luke Ponedjeljak, 5. jul KONCERT RASTKA BULJANČEVIĆA Muzička škola Vida Matjan, Kotor 21.00 h, Crkva sv. Duha PEPELJUGA I ROK ZVIJEZDA mjuzikl KSC DiANo, Herceg Novi 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica ART. MONTENEGRO & Dora Škapul 21.30 h, Trg od oružja SEDMI KONTINENT igrani film Crnogorska kinoteka 22.00 h, Pjaca od kina Četvrtak, 8. jul MAŽORETKE FEŠTA 21.30 h, Trg od oružja KAKO SE RODIO KIĆO animirani film KONCERT ZA MAŠINSKU PUŠKU animirani film Crnogorska kinoteka 22.00 h, Pjaca od kina Petak, 9. jul MODNA REVIJA 19.30 h, SC Kamelija KLAVIRSKO VEČE Muzička škola Vida Matjan, Kotor 21.00 h, Crkva sv. Duha NOĆ ALISE Plesni studio Alisa, Kotor 21.30 h, Trg od oružja Subota, 10. jul VELIKA TRAMPA Ekološka zabava 18.00h - 21.00h, Pjaca od kina Utorak, 6. jul VESELE FLAUTE Muzička škola Vida Matjan, Kotor 21.00 h, Pjaca sv. Luke ČAROBNA ŠUMA Dječji savez, Tivat 21.30 h, Trg od oružja ABRAKADABRA animirani film VELIKI STRAH animirani film Crnogorska kinoteka 22.00 h, Pjaca od kina A svakoga dana u Kotoru gradu... CIRKUS RADIONICA Pjaca od kina RADIONICA POKRETA I PLESA SC Kamelija LIKOVNA RADIONICA SC Kamelija RADIONICA VOLONTERA Kulturni centar ABRUM u 11.00 h i 19.00 h VODIČI KROZ GRAD od 10.00 h PUTUJE CIRKUS od 21.00 h HAPPY TWO HOURS od 14.00 h -16.00 h Zum-Zum igraonica, SC Kamelija * Sve radionice počinju sa radom u 11.00 h 10 THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM OF THE FESTIVAL Saturday, July 3 Wednesday, July 7 HILPERIK JPU Naša radost, Herceg Novi THE MAGIC OF DANCE The Little Mermaid, Ballet & Dance Studio, Kotor 9:30 p.m, The Square of Arms THE SLIPPER MENDING CAT JPU Bambi, Tivat 7:00 p.m, The Cinema Square KOTOR KINDERGARTEN EVENING JPU Radost, Kotor 8:00 p.m, The Cinema Square GUITAR EVENING Vida Matjan School of Music, Kotor 9:00 p.m, St. Luke Square Sunday, July 4 PAINTING EXHIBITION Art DUGA, Kotor 6:00 p.m, SC Kamelija THAT CRAZY WORLD Children’s Drama Studio, Budva 7:00 p.m, The Cinema Square THE SEVENTH CONTINENT feature film Film Archives of Montenegro 10:00 p.m, The Cinema Square Thursday, July 8 MAJORETTES FIESTA 9:30 p.m, The Square of Arms HOW KICO WAS BORN animated film CONCERTO FOR MACHINE GUN animated film Film Archives of Montenegro 10:00 p.m, The Cinema Square SINGING VIOLINS Vida Matjan School of Music, Kotor 9:00 p.m, St. Luke Square Friday, July 9 Monday, July 5 PIANO EVENING Vida Matjan School of Music, Kotor 9:00 p.m, The Church of The Holy Spirit RASTKO BULJANČEVIĆ SOLO CONCERT Vida Matjan School of Music, Kotor 9:00 p.m, The Church of the Holy Spirit CINDERELLA & THE ROCK STAR musical KSC DiANo, Herceg Novi 9:30 p.m, The Summer Stage ART. MONTENEGRO & Dora Škapul 9.30 p.m, The Square of Arms FASHION SHOW 7:30 p.m, SC Kamelija ALISA NIGHT Alisa Dance Studio, Kotor 9:30 p.m, The Square of Arms Saturday, July 10 GREAT SWAP Ecological party 6:00 - 9:00 p.m, The Cinema Square Tuesday, July 6 MERRY FLUTES Vida Matjan School of Music, Kotor 9:00 p.m, St. Luke Square MAGIC FOREST Children’s Alliance, Tivat 9.30 p.m, The Square of Arms ABRACADABRA animated film GREAT FEAR animated film Film Archives of Montenegro 10:00 p.m, The Cinema Square Every day in the town of Kotor... CIRCUS WORKSHOP, The Cinema Square DANCE & MOVEMENT WORKSHOP, SC Kamelija ART WORKSHOP, SC Kamelija VOLUNTEER WORKSHOP, Cultural Centre ABRUM at 11:00 a.m & 7:00 p.m CITY GUIDES at 10:00 a.m TRAVELING CIRCUS at 9:00 p.m TWO HAPPY HOURS from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m Zoom-Zoom playground, SC Kamelija * All the workshops start at 11:00 a.m 11 KUD LJUD, LjUBLJANA - SLOVENIJA KUD LJUD, LJUBLJANA - SLOVENIA Električne invazije ELECTRIC INVASIONS (Interaktivni teatarski performans / Interactive Theatrical Happening) Trajanje / Duration: 45 min Izvođači / Performers: Vida Cerkvenik Bren, Jaša Jenull, Matevž Pistotnik, Grega Močivnik, Lidija Sušnik, Nika Gabrovšek, Barbara Bulatović, Georgina Domonkos, Majda Krivograd & Janez Družina Intervencija u javnom prostoru uključuje prostornu instalaciju- slijetanje svemirskog broda, radionice - traženje unutrašnjih čudaka i interaktivni pozorišni “happening” - prvi izlaz vanzemaljca na naše tlo. Provokativno otvara goruća pitanja međukulturnog društva i konvencija ponašanja u javnom prostoru. Na odabranim lokacijama je smještena velika srebrna kocka, neobičan pozorišni objekat, iz kojeg izlazi veći broj raznolikih stvorenja, svojevrsnih glumačkih likova. Granice između izvođača i publike djelimično se brišu i stvaraju prostor za pozorište kao igru, kao ritual, kao događaj socijalnog udruživanja. Projekat je posvećen problematici (ne)komunikacije i (ne)prihvatanja različitosti u kontekstu javne urbane sredine. Publika će biti aktivno suočena sa “potenciranom” različitošću i na opušten način imaće priliku da se “sukobi” sa sopstvenom ksenofobijom. Intervention into public space features a space installation - the landing of the space ship, workshop - the search for the inner aliens and an interactive theatrical “happening” - the first alien contact with the Earth. It provokes the pressing issues of the intercultural society and conventions of behaviour imposed in public places. A large silver cube is located in selected places, making an unusual theatrical object that releases a number of diverse creatures, idiosyncratic characters. The boundaries between performers and the audience get somewhat blurred, opening space for the theatre as a game, a ritual, and an event of social gathering. The project addresses the issues of (non)communication and (non)acceptance of diversity in the context of an urban public environment, and the audience is being actively involved in order to face the “emphasized” diversity and will get a chance to “deal” with their own xenophobic sentiments in a relaxed manner. Mašta je važnija od znanja! -Albert Ajnštajn Imagination is more important than knowledge! -Albert Einstein 12 13 GRADSKO POZORIŠTE PODGORICA - CRNA GORA CITY THEATRE PODGORICA - MONTENEGRO Bonjo Lungov ORO IZ BAJKE MONTENEGRO FAIRYTALE Režija / Directed by: Bonjo Lungov Asistent režije, dramaturgija / Assistant Director, Dramaturgy: Maja Enčeva Asistent režije / Assistent Drector: Konstantin Karakostov Scenografija i kostimografija / Set and Costume Design: Dilijana Paravanova Lutke / Puppets: Maja Enčeva, Konstantin Karakostov i Bonjo Lungov Scenski pokret i koreografija / Scenic Movement and Choreography: Slavka Nelević, Bonjo Lungov Muzika / Music: Ivan Marović Trajanje / Duration: 60 min Igraju / Cast: Branka Femić, Katarina Krek, Vesna Vujošević, Jelena Simić, Julija Milačić, Ratka Mugoša, Slavka Nelević, Goran Slavić, Pavle Ilić, Emir Ćatović i Viktor Gatolin U Crnu Goru sam se zaljubio na prvi pogled. Njena ljepota, divna priroda, visoke gore, zeleni vrhovi planina, plavo more, ta nepatvorena romantika „krivi“ su za naš ORO IZ BAJKE nastao iz te ljubavi. Ispričaćemo vam nekoliko veselih priča sa neočekivanim krajem, koje smo obojili muzičkim motivima i crnogorskim folklorom, koje smo kroz rad, na veliko zadovoljstvo, otkrivali glumci i ja. Bez sumnje, za glumce Gradskog pozorišta da ovladaju složenim sistemom improvizovanih lutaka, kao novinom, bio je veliki izazov. Kao i sve bajke, i naš ORO pripada svim generacijama. Nadamo se da ćete ovdje i vi prepoznati svoje uspomene i radosti, kao što smo ih prepoznavali mi radeći ORO! Bonjo Lungov I fell in love with Montenegro at first sight. Its beauty, amazing nature, high hills, green mountaintops, blue sea, along with the unfeigned romance are all to “blame” for our MONTENEGRO FAIRYTALE, the fruit of that love. We’ll tell you several merry stories with unexpected endings, flavoured with musical motifs and Montenegrin folklore, which we discovered along the way, while working on a play, and to our great pleasure, both the actors and myself. It was, no doubt, a great challenge for the actors of the City Theatre - to master a complicated system of improvised puppets, new to them. Similar to all other fairytales, this one also belongs to every generation. We hope that you will find your memories and joys in it too, just like we did, while creating A MONTENEGRO FAIRYTALE! Bonjo Lungov Djeca su smijeh koji korača! -Dragan Radulović Children are the walking laughter! -Dragan Radulović 14 LIBERDANCE, ZAGREB - HRVATSKA LIBERDANCE, ZAGREB - CROATIA SLIKE S IZLOŽBE & KARNEVAL ŽIVOTINJA PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION &CARNIVAL OF THE ANIMALS (Kreativno kazalište sjena / Creative Shadow Theatre) Autori i reditelji / Authors and Directors: Nikolina Georgieva i Velimir Velev Likovi, pokret i scenska radnja / Characters, Movement and Stage Act: Velimir Velev Muzika Slike s izložbe / Music Pictures at an Exhibition: Modest Musorgski Muzika Karneval životinja / Music Carnival of the Animals: Camille Saint-Saens Koreografija / Choreography: Velimir Velev Umjetnički voditelj / Artistic Director: Rajko Pavlić Dizajn svjetla / Light Design: Miljenko Bengez i Mario Vnučec Asistent režije / Assistant Director: Aleksandra Nalbantova Trajanje / Duration: 40 min Izvođači / Performers: Martina Tomić, Ana Majhenić, Ivana Vratarić, Karolina Šuša, Nina Sakić Ivana Pavlović, Igor Beketić, Dario Grba i Dijana Martinović Pozorište sjenki staro je koliko i ljudski rod. Još u pećini, dok je palio vatru, pračovjek se igrao sjenkama koje je njegovo tijelo ostavljalo na zidovima. U prošlosti likovi su se izrađivali od kože životinja, kasnije od papira i drugih materijala. Danas, svaki umjetnik traži svoj jedinstveni put u ovoj umjetnosti. U „Karnevalu životinja” i “Slikama s izložbe” muzička dramaturgija se pretvara u scensku, a apstrakcije u muzici u likove i slike. U isto vrijeme potrebna je velika umjetnost i veliko iskustvo da se ulije duh života u tako jednostavnu i naivnu formu. To je slično umjetnosti šamana u plesu povezanom s drugim stvarnostima. Zbog toga su te predstave zanimljive svima, bez obzira na godine i obrazovanje. Jedna stvar je potrebna uvijek - da glumci stvaraju slike iz sjenki kao da ih stvaraju prvi put, nanovo i nanovo, te da odigraju svoje uloge u oživljavanju likova. A to nije malo... Velimir Velev Shadow theatre is as old as humankind. A caveman started playing with the shadows his body made on the walls of his cave, while lighting a fire. In the past, the characters were manufactured from animal hide, later from paper and other materials. Nowadays, each artist seeks his own unique way in this art. In Carnival of the Animals and Pictures at an Exhibition, the music dramaturgy is transformed into stage dramaturgy and the abstractions in music are transformed into characters and images. It takes great art along with great experience to inspire the spirit of life in such a simple and naive form. It sort of resembles the art of shaman, connected to other realities by means of dance. That is what makes these plays interesting to everyone, regardless of their age and education. There is just one thing that must not be missed - the actors create images from the shadows, again and again, and they play their roles into bringing their characters to life. And that is not an easy thing to achieve... Velimir Velev Nikad ne gubi iz vida da sreća čovječanstva leži u mašti svakog pojedinca. -Markiz de Sad Never lose sight of the fact that all human felicity lies in man’s imagination. -Marquis de Sade 16 17 DRŽAVEN KUKLEN TEATAR, STARA ZAGORA - BUGARSKA STATE PUPPET THEATRE, STARA ZAGORA - BULGARIA MAČKE NA STAROM KROVU OD TIGALA Котки върху стар керемиден покрив CATS ON AN OLD, TILE ROOF (Lutkarski mjuzikl / Puppet musical) Scenario i režija / Script and Directed by: Ženi Pašova Scenografija / Set Design: Diana Uzunova Trajanje / Duration: 45 min Igraju / Cast: Ana Dyulgerova, Elitsa Stoyanova, Desislava Ilcheva, Tatyana Andreeva, Vyara Kalinkova, Delyan Kyosev, Stanislav Matev, Kaloyan Georgiev Ovo je nevjerovatno zabavna lutkarska parodija, zasnovana na muzici iz čuvenog mjuzikla ser Endrjua Lojda Vebera. Predstava se zasniva na sugestivnom jeziku scenske glume, konkretnom pokretu i ritmu. Iako bez dijaloga i riječi, što je čini posebnom, odlično komunicira s publikom. This is a funny and amusing puppet parody, based on the music of the well known musical by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. The performance uses the suggestive language of the stage act, plastic movements and rhythm. There are no dialogues or words which makes it very spectacular and communicative. 18 I najmanja mačka je remek-djelo. -Leonardo da Vinči The smallest feline is a masterpiece. -Leonardo da Vinci 19 20 21 NARODNO POZORIŠTE KIKINDA - SRBIJA NATIONAL THEATRE KIKINDA - SERBIA Miodrag Dinulović SLAVUJ I KINESKI CAR THE NIGHTINGALE AND CHINESE EMPEROR (Po motivima bajke H. K. Andersena Based on the fairy tale The Nightingale by H. C. Andersen) Režija / Directed by: Miodrag Dinulović Animacija, koreografija i asistent režije / Animation, Choreography & Assistant Director: Senka Petrović Kostimograf / Costume Design: Stefan Savković Kreator lutaka / Puppet Design: Tibor Farago Aranžman songova / Song Arrangement: Arpad Balaž Dizajn šminke / Make-up Design: Nijaz Memiš Šminker / Make-up Artist: Aleksandra Kaločanj-Mohači Izrada lutaka / Puppets: Tibor Farago & Senka Petrović Slikarski radovi / Painting: Nenad Kasap Trajanje / Duration: 70 min Igraju / Cast: SVEIMAJUĆI CAR KINESKI VI MI LI - Dragan Ostojić, SAVETNIK MI VI LI - Slavoljub Matić, CAREVA ŽENA 37. - Miljana Kravić, DEČAK LI MI VI - Nikola Joksimović, SLAVUJ- Gordana Roščić, PISAR - Milan Vujić, GLASNICI - Jordan Bursać i Aleksandar Maletin, ZMAJ - Jordan Bursać, Milan Vujić, Nikola Joksimović, Aleksandar Maletin, GLAS ZMAJA - Dragana Čretnik, GLAS NARATORA - Jovica Kuzmančev, MEHANIČKI SLAVUJ - Milan Vujić, KINESKA SLOVA - Gordana Roščić, Nikola Joksimović, Jordan Bursać, Milan Vujić, Aleksandar Maletin U dalekoj Kini, nekada davno, živio je jedan jako bogat car. Imao je sve što se može poželjeti, ali baš zbog toga bilo mu je strašno dosadno. Toliko dosadno da je zamalo poludio od te SVEIMAJUĆE dosade. Zato su njegovi podanici riješili da pronađu nešto lijepo što njihov car još uvijek nema i tako spasu svog vladara groznih muka. Ako vas zanima šta je očaralo srce razmaženog cara i zauvijek promijenilo njegov život, dođite na kotorski festival i zavirite u čarobnu kinesku kutiju bajki. Obećavamo puno smijeha i radosti, po koju suzu i uzvik iznenađenja. U nadi da će ova priča ostaviti plemeniti trag u vašim srcima, pozdravljam vas sa željom: da vam duša rado ište pozorište, jer je ono lijek i od tuge sklonište. Vaš drug Miško Dinulović Once upon a time a very rich emperor lived in faraway China. He had everything he could wish for, but, because of that, he was terribly bored. So bored in fact, that he almost went crazy from that HAVING-IT-ALL sort of boredom. This is why his subjects decided to look for something beautiful he still did not have, and save their ruler from his terrible predicament. If you’re curious to know what was it that captured the heart of the spoiled emperor and changed his life forever, come to the Kotor festival and peek into the magic Chinese fairytale box. We promise you a lot of laughter and joy, a few tears and exclamations of surprise. Hoping that this story will leave a trace of kindness in your hearts, I salute you and encourage your soul to seek the theatre, the cure and hideaway from sorrow. Your friend Miško Dinulović 22 Djeca - to su naše sutrašnje sudije. -Maksim Gorki The children are our judges. -Maxim Gorky 23 TEATAR ZA DECA I MLADINCI SKOPJE - MAKEDONIJA THEATRE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH SKOPJE - MACEDONIA Rusomir Bogdanovski MALA SIRENA Malata sirena THE LITTLE MERMAID Režija / Directed by: Dean Damjanovski Scenografija / Set Design: Ljubomir Čadikovski Kostimografija / Costume Design: Aleksandar Nošpal Muzika / Music: Ljupčo Mirkovski Koreografija / Choreography: Sanja Šutevska Trajanje / Duration: 50 min Igraju / Cast: MALATA SIRENA - Vineta Damčeska, PRINCOT – Eftim Trajčov MORSKIOT RAK ANDERSEN - Vladimir Lazovski KRALOT NA MORETO - Predrag Pavlovski ZLATNIOT KRAL - Dragan Dovlev MORSKATA SAMOVILA/ZLATNATA KRALICA - Zorica Stojanovska MORSKATA VEŠTERKA / SREBRENATA PRINCEZA - Katarina Ilievska OKTOPODOT KUTRIČOK - Marija Đorđijovska, GOLEMATA SIRENA - Ana Levajkovic Dobro došli u morsko pozorištance za djecu! Prikazaćemo vam našu čudesnu i nadaleko čuvenu predstavu. Vidjećete kako iskrena i velika ljubav pobjeđuje i miri sve razlike. Ali vidjećete i koliko je težak i pun iskušenja put odrastanja i sazrijevanja. Naši glumci će se pred vama pretvoriti u Sirenu, Princa, Morskog Kralja, Morsku Vilu, Veliku Sirenu, Morskog Raka, Zlatnog Kralja, Morsku Vješticu i Oktopoda. U ovih pedeset minuta vodiće vas kroz podvodne dvorce i mračne pećine, bure, morske obale, brodove i zlatne zamkove da bi vam ispričali najljepšu i najromantičniju priču ikad. Iskreno se nadamo da ćete uživati na ovom čudesnom putovanju kroz fantastičan svijet Male sirene. Vidimo se kada se svjetla upale! Vaš aplauz je naša nagrada!” Morski Rak Andersen Welcome to the tiny sea theatre for children! We will show you our miraculous and very famous play! You will see true and great love conquer all and erase all the differences. But, you are also going to see how difficult and full of challenges the road to growing up is. Because of you, our actors will turn into the Mermaid, the Prince, a Sea King. a Sea Fairy, a Big Mermaid, a Sea Crab, a Golden King, a Sea Witch and an Octopus. In the next fifty minutes, they will take you through underwater castles, dark caves, tempests, sea shores, ships and castles of gold, just to tell you the most beautiful and the most romantic story ever told. We really believe you are going to enjoy this magic trip through the fantastic world of the Little Mermaid. We’ll see you when the lights are on again! Your applause will be our reward” Andersen, The Sea Crab Djeca vas ne čine roditeljem, kao što vas klavir ne čini pijanistom. -Majkl Levin Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist. -Michael Levine 24 25 Teatr Lalek Guliwer, Warszawa - Polska GULLIWER THEATRE, WARSAW - POLAND Jan Brzechwa CRVENKAPA Czerwony kapturek LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD Adaptacija i režija / Adaptation and Directed by: Piotr Tomaszuk Koreografija / Choreography: Władysław Janicki Scenografija / Set Design: Ewa Farkašová Muzika / Music: Piotr Nazaruk Trajanje / Duration: 90 min - s pauzom/ with an interval Igraju / Cast: CRVENKAPA - Honorata Zajączkowska, BAKA - Elżbieta Pejko, VUK - Tomasz Kowol, MAJKA - Katarzyna Brzozowska - Ożarowska, ŠUMAR - Paweł Jaroszewicz, BAKINA SLUŽAVKA - Izabella Polívka, MAJČINA SOBARICA - Ewa Scholl, ŠUMAREV SLUGA - Adam Wnuczko, VUKOV SLUGA - Georgi Angiełow Sigurni ste da znate baš sve o Crvenkapi? Uvjerićemo vas da je naša priča daleko interesantnija od one koju su vam ispričali. Crvenkapa, Majka, Baka, Vuk i Šumar – svi su oni opet tu. Ali, zahvaljujući magiji baroknog teatra, u našoj predstavi ima nečeg veoma drugačijeg! Crvenkapa je živopisni spektakl uzbudljiv i djeci i odraslima koji podjednako uživaju u zastrašujućoj priči sa srećnim završetkom! Duhovita, vesela i prepuna muzike, naša Crvenkapa je mnogo više od obične bajke! I izvanredan dekor i kostim, tipičan za rokoko operete, učiniće ovo pozorišno iskustvo nezaboravnim. Are you sure that you are familiar with the story of Little Red Riding Hood? We will convince you that this one is far more interesting. Mother, Little Red Riding Hood, Grandmother, Wolf, and Forester are all present here. However, there is something different in our version – the magic of the baroque theatre! Little Red Riding Hood is a colourful show for the young and the old who enjoy “terrifying” stories with happy endings. A witty, humorous, and tuneful family show - this Little Red Riding Hood is not only an imaginative fairy tale. The admirable scenery and costumes typical of a rococo operetta make this show an unforgettable theatre experience. 26 Bajke su više nego istinite: ne zato što nam govore da zmajevi postoje, već zato što nam kažu da zmajevi mogu biti pobijeđeni. -Gilbert Česterton Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. -Gilbert Chesterston 27 DEČIJE POZORIŠTE SUBOTICA - SRBIJA CHILDREN’S THEATRE SUBOTICA - SERBIA Marija Stankova U TAMI IN THE DARKNESS (Lutkarska predstava / Puppet show) Adaptacija i režija / Adaptation and Directed by: Veselka Kunćeva Muzika / Music: Hristos Hamliev Prevod sa bugarskog / Translation From Bulgarian: Asja Tihovna Scena, kostim i lutke / Stage, Costume and Puppets Design: Marijeta Golomehova Video / Video: Rajko Ljubič Trajanje / Duration: 50 min Igraju / Cast: MALIŠA - Gordana Vukov MRAK, PROFESOR, SPIKER, PRIPOVEDAČ, MRAKČE - Branislav Trifković MAMA, STRAŽAR, ODRASLA OSOBA, PRIPOVEDAČ, MRAKČE - Olivera Begović DEDA, STRAŽAR, ODRASLA OSOBA, PRIPOVEDAČ, MRAKČE - Boško Boškov VASPITAČICA, ODRASLA OSOBA, PRIPOVEDAČ, MRAKČE - Vesna Borocki Mališa je mali dječak koji se mnogo plaši.....Mraka! Mrak je velik i usamljen zato što ga se sva djeca plaše. Jedne kišne i tužne večeri njih dvojica se sreću i polaze u posjetu raznim strahotnim mjestima. Kuda idu i koga sve upoznaju... to nećemo da vam kažemo, mali naši prijatelji! Dođite i pogledajte, mislimo da će vam se dopasti... U TAMI. Malisa is a little boy who is afraid of the.....Dark! Dark is big and lonely because all the children are scared of him. On a sad rainy night two of them meet and embark on a tour around some very scary places. Where they go and who they meet...well, our little friends, we are not going to tell you, yet! Come and see for yourselves, we trust you will like... IN THE DARKNESS. 28 Noć je najmračnija pred zoru. -Mračni vitez, film The night is darkest just before the dawn. -The Dark Knight, movie 29 POZORIŠTANCE PUŽ, BEOGRAD - SRBIJA TINY THEATRE PUŽ, BELGRADE - SERBIA Branko Milićević ZLATOKOSA GOLDILOCKS Režija / Directed by: Slobodanka Caca Aleksić Scenografija / Set Design: Dejan Pantelić Kostimografija / Costume Design: Jelena Stevančević, Ivana Stamenković Muzika / Music: Božidar Obradinović Koreografija / Choreography: Marija Savić-Srećković Lutke / Puppets: Zoran Stojanović Specijalni efekti / Special Effects: Tomislav Magi Trajanje / Duration: 80 min Igraju / Cast: ZLATOKOSA - Suzana Lukić, NINA - Dubravka Kovjanić MIKI - Miloš Timotijević, DI DI - Damjan Kecojević FOTKO - Igor Damnjanović, MAJSTOR - Nataša Marković POMOĆNIK MAJSTORA - Aleksandar Vujanović POMOĆNIK MAJSTORA - Predrag Filipović Zlatokosa je originalni komad, što znači da stara bajka istog naslova nije uticala na priču. Radnja se odvija danas u Beogradu. Međutim, iako je tema savremena, u priču su upleteni čarobnjaci i njihove čarolije. Glavne ličnosti komada Zlatokosa su uobražena mlada manekenka i njena skromna školska drugarica, koja priprema svoj prvi album pjesama za djecu. Zato predstava ima mnogo muzičkih numera, pa je pogodna i za najmlađu publiku. Zlaćana čini svojoj drugarici razne pakosti, ali joj se to vraća tako što joj se događaju čudne neprijatnosti. Goldilocks is an original play, which is to say that the old fairy tale with the same title did not affect its plot. This story is happening today, in Belgrade. However, even with the contemporary topic, the story features wizards and magic. The main characters in Goldilocks are an arrogant young model and her modest school girlfriend, who is busy preparing her first album with songs for children. This is the reason why this play abounds with music, and it makes it especially accessible for the youngest audience. Goldilocks does all sorts of mean things to her friend, and in return, she gets into weird troubles herself. 30 Najveći čovjek uvijek ostaje dijete. -Johan Volfgang Gete The greatest man always remains a son of man. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 31 STOLICHEN KUKLEN TEATAR SOFIJA - BUGARSKA STOLICHEN PUPPET THEATRE, SOFIA - BULGARIA GALEB I BANDA MAČORA История за чайка и банда котараци THE SEAGULL AND THE GANG OF TOMCATS (Lutkarska predstava, po romanu Luisa Sepulvede Puppet show, based on a novel by Luis Sepulveda) Adaptacija / Adaptation: Katya Petrova i Ina Bozhidarova Režija / Directed by: Katya Petrova Scenografija / Set Design: Maya Petrova Muzika / Music: Stoyan Royanov - Ya-Ya Dizajn zvuka i video / Sound Design and Video: Svetlozar Georgiev Vizuelni efekti / Visual effects: Sotir Gelev Trajanje / Duration: 60 min Igraju / Cast: Marieta Petrova, Maya Bejanska, Rumen Gavanozov Stanimir Gamov, Rumen Ugrinski, Atanas Stoychev Svi smo mi dio planete Zemlje. Ona je naš Dom. Ona nam daje ljubav i razumijevanje. Njena topla duša je lijepa i vječna. Ona se udružuje sa nama i daje nam utočište. Raširenih ruku pruža nam sve što nam je potrebno. I, kako joj mi vraćamo? Tako što je pregazimo, bacimo na hrpu smeća i uništimo. Što mislite, kako se Zemlja osjeća zbog toga? Naš svakodnevni nehaj uništava okeane, šume, biljke, životinje, ali i jednu galebicu zaglavljenu u naftnoj mrlji. Umirući, ona donosi na svijet i ostavlja za sobom jedno jaje... Ovaj komad je scenska adaptacija priče Luisa Sepulvede i vodi nas u avanturu bande mačaka koja se odjednom nađe u nesvakidašnjoj misiji: da čuva i pazi bebu galeba… i da ga nauči da leti. Katya Petrova We are all part of Planet Earth. This is our home. It treats us with love and understanding. Its warming soul is both beautiful and eternal. It befriends us and gives us shelter. With open arms it provides us with everything we need. And all we do is trample over it, turn it into a big rubbish heap and destroy it. How do you think it feels? Our daily negligence harms the oceans, forests, plants, animals… and one little seagull becomes stuck in an oil spill. With her last breath she gives birth and leaves behind a solitary egg…The play is a stage adaptation of Luis Sepulveda’s novel and draws us into the adventure of a gang of tomcats who find themselves with the unusual task of looking after the baby seagull and... teaching it to fly. Katya Petrova 32 Mačke znaju tajnu kako se dolazi do hrane bez rada, do krova nad glavom bez zatočavanja i do ljubavi bez odricanja. -Volter Lajonel Džordž Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties. -Walter Lionel George 33 BOSANSKO NARODNO POZORIŠTE ZENICA - BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA TEATRO CHIARADANZA NAPOLI - ITALIA 49. INTERNACIONALNI TEATARSKI FESTIVAL MESS SARAJEVO 2009. BOSNIAN NATIONAL THEATRE ZENICA - BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA CHIARADANZA THEATRE, NAPOLI - ITALY THE 49TH INTERNATIONAL THEATRE FESTIVAL MESS SARAJEVO 2009 Jean-Claude Carriere MLADI PRINC I ISTINA YOUNG PRINCE AND THE TRUTH Režija / Directed by: Anna Redi Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Hasan Džafić Kostimografija / Costume Design: Sabina Trnka Izbor muzike / Music Selected by: Anna Redi Asistent režije / Assistant Director: Marco Matarazzo Trajanje / Duration: 60 min Igraju/ Cast: PRIPOVJEDAČ – Miroljub Mijatović PRINC – Hazim Begagić DJEVOJKA (i ostali ženski likovi) – Snežana Marković OTAC (i ostali muški likovi) – Siniša Vidović Mladi princ želi da se oženi kćerkom jednog seljaka. Ovaj to odbija smatrajući da mladić ne poznaje istinu. Da bi se, pak, oženio njegovom kćerkom, seljak mu postavlja uslove – moraće da proputuje svijet u potrazi za rečenom istinom. Drama Žana Kloda Kariera jednostavna je i duhovita priča, istovremeno puna značenja i skrivenih poruka, nadahnuta usmenim i pisanim predanjima bajki i legendi svijeta. Na jednostavan način oplemenjena je različitim filozofskim učenjima. Otvara vječita pitanja dobra i zla, istine i laži, i jednako je zanimljiva i mlađima i omladini čiji se svjetonazori približavaju iskustvima zrelih ljudi. A young prince wants to marry the daughter of a country farmer. The farmer, who believes that the young man does not know what the truth is, refuses. To marry his daughter, the farmer puts a condition before the prince - he will have to travel the world in search of the spoken truth. Jean-Claude Carrière’s drama, a simple and humorous story, but at the same time full of meaning and hidden messages, was inspired by the written and spoken fairytales and legends of the world, and enriched, in an uncomplicated way, with various philosophic theories. It initiates the eternal issues of good and evil, truth and lies, and it is equally appealing to the very young and the young whose views approach the experiences of the adults. 34 Dublja značenja kriju se u bajkama što sam ih čuo u djetinjstvu, nego u istinama koje me je naučio život. -Fridrih Šiler Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in any truth that is taught in life. -Friedrich Schiller 35 TPO PRATO - ITALIA TPO PRATO - ITALY JAPANSKA BAŠTA Il giardino giapponese THE JAPANESE GARDEN (Ćilim za uveseljavanje djece / Children cheering carpet - CCC) Režija / Directed by: Francesco Gandi, Davide Venturini Saradnica na scenariju / Collaboration on Script: Stefania Zampiga Muzika i dizajn zvuka / Music and Sound Design: Spartaco Cortesi Ćilim sistem projekat / CCC System Project: Martin von Gunten, Rossano Monti Multimedijalna konzola / Multimedia Console: Saulo D’Isita Dizajn projekta / Digital Design: Elsa Mersi Organizatori / Organization: Valentina Martini, Valerija Castallaneta i Francesca Nunziati Koprodukcija / Coproduction: Teatro Metastasio Stabile della Toscana Trajanje / Duration: 60 min Igraju / Cast: Irene Cioni, Claudie Decultis, Angelica Portioli, Barbara Stimoli , Carolina Amoretti, Paola Lattanzi, Viola Esposti Ongaro, Angelica Portioli, Stefania Rossetti, Barbara Stimoli Ćilim za uveseljavanje djece je digitalno-prirodno okruženje stvoreno da podari pozorišnu vrijednost pokretu i spontanoj akciji. Inspirisan je arhitekturom japanskih bašti koje već same po sebi pričaju priče. Bonsai drveće, kamenje, fontane, ‘izgubljene stepenice’, zen bašte i drugi scenariji vezani za njih, počinju od rada na minijatururizaciji i rekonstrukciji prirode putem kodiranog sistema simbola i metafora. Ćilim se sastoji od pet malih bašti, a svaka od njih poziva na istraživanje, pojedinačno, a nekad i u grupama: livada, jezero, most, cvijeće, more. Bašte, sačinjene od slika koje se odozgo projektuju na bijeli tepih u kome su senzori koji reaguju na pritisak, otvaraju se, predlažu igre, stvaraju interaktivni kontakt, komuniciraju kroz slike i zvukove animirane u realnom vremenu. Publika ima slobodu da nađe svoj sopstveni pristup istraživanju i igri. Nema strogih pravila, vremenskih ograničenja ili puteva. Children Cheering Carpet is a digital-natural environment aimed at instilling theatrical value into movement and spontaneous activity. It has been inspired by the architecture of Japanese gardens, which are a form of story-telling in themselves. Bonsais, stones, water plays, ‘lost steps’, the zen garden and other scenarios related to them, start from a work of miniaturization and reconstruction of nature through a coded system of symbols and metaphors. The carpet consists of five smaller gardens, and each one of them invites to be explored, at times individually, at times in groups: meadow, lake, bridge, flowers and the sea. The gardens consist of images projected down to the white carpet, equipped with sensors that react to pressure; it keeps opening up, proposing games and initiating interactive contact by communicating through images and sounds animated in real time. The audience is free to find its own approach to the exploration and the game. There are no strict rules, time limits or itineraries. 36 S čovjekom razum se razvija i stari, ali srce mu uvijek ostaje kao u dječaka. -Ipolito Nievo As a man ages and develops, so does his reason, but his heart always remains as young as that of a boy. -Ippolito Nievo 37 Izvršni producent / Executive Production Fondacija Kotorski festival pozorišta za djecu Osnivač / Founder Opština Kotor Savjet fondacije / The fondation Council Petar Pejaković, predsjednik Tatjana Kondonari Vesna Momčilović Miloš Dževerdanović Ljubo Radović Selekcija pozorišnog programa / Selection Živomir Joković Selekcija pratećeg programa / Selection Dr Gracijela Čulić Dječji žiri / The Children Jury Anastasija Joksimović Iva Kernec Lussaint Sasha Madine Milica Cvijović Milica Krivokapić Nina Marković Vladana Kostić Dejan Kovač Partneri festivala / Festival partners Pomorski muzej Crne Gore, Kotor Muzička škola „Vida Matjan“, Kotor Turistička organizacija, Kotor Crnogorska kinoteka, Podgorica Dom za djecu sa poremećajem sluha i govora, Kotor Sindikalni centar, MUO AUTO REMONT, KOTOR Zum-Zum igraonica, Kotor Kompas, Kotor ART DUGA, Kotor NVO PRIJATELJI, HERCEG NOVI Cirkusfera, Beograd Hrvatska gospodarska komora Ambasada Republike SRBIJE Ambasada Republike Poljske, organizator gostovanja teatra Guliver iz Varšave Sponzori / Sponsors Luka Kotor SC Kamelija Voli DOO PODGORICA Montecco INC PODGORICA Niksen-trade ČAVOR DOO KOTOR mljekara Nika DOO NIKŠIĆ KOMPANIJA Aleksandrija BIJELA Podravka DOO PODGORICA Maprenat DOO TIVAT BANINI AD KIKINDA Žiri grada Kotora / Town Jury Tatjana Stanovčić, predsjednica Ljiljana Jovović Dubravka Jovanović Saša Milošević Jasminka Grgurević Sladoledi festivala / Official ice creams Ledo DOO PODGORICA Frikom AD BEOGRAD Direkcija festivala / Festival Menagement Petar Pejaković Nataša Ristelić Milica Piletić Dejan Đonović Perica Gojković Uroš Mihajlović Tomo Žegura Pokrovitelji festivala / Patronage of Festival Predsjednik Crne Gore Opština Kotor Vlada Crne Gore, Ministarstvo kulture Suorganizator Festivala / In Coperation With Kulturni centar „Nikola Đurković“, Kotor www.portalanalitika.me a nalitika informativni portal Voda festivala / Official watter KNJAZ MILOŠ MONTENGRO DOO KOTOR Medijski sponzori / Media sponsors VIJESTI DAN TV BUDVA RaDIO KOTOR SKALA RADIO KOTOR PORTAL ANALITIKA Kotorski festival pozorišta za djecu Kulturni centar, Stari grad 85330 Kotor, Crna Gora tel/fax: +382 32 323 344 email: [email protected] TV Budva SC Kamelija 2 6 7 5 4 3 10 More Sea 8 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 Kulturni centar Cultural Centre Ljetnja pozornica Summer Stage Vrata od grada Town Gates Trg od oružja the Square of Arms Pjaca od kina Cinema Square Pjaca sv. Luke St Luke Square Crkva sv. Duha Church of the Holy Spirit Škaljarska pjaca Piazza of Skaljari Atrijum KC Cultural Centre Atrium Pjaca sv. Josipa St. Joseph Square KOTOR pokrovitelj medijski pokrovitelj www.kotorart.org
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