1. jul - 16. avgust 2013. kotor art kotorski festival pozorišta za djecu kotor art APSS kotor art don Brankovi dani muzike kotor arTeatar premijere kotor art festival klapa kotor art pisanje grada 200 godina od rođenja www.kotorart.me Njegova je godišnjica, njegovo je slavlje. This is His Anniversary and His Celebration. U isto vrijeme ovo je jedna posebno teška godina godina koja svjedoči recesiju svih ekonomija u Evropi. Posustaje čak i njemačka „Lokomotiva”. I biće to jedan strmi pad. Rast teutonskog bruto domaćeg dohotka smanjiće se sa onog predviđenog od 1,2 na 0,6%. Pad od pedeset odsto koji će dokazati, bez izgovora, da politika pretjerane strogosti ne služi nikom. Čak i onima koji je nameću... U tom kontekstu važna je preporuka Evropske Komisije za razvoj zemljama koje od Turizma stiču ogroman profit (i zato smatram da je preporuka namijenjena posebno zemljama Mediterana), da udesetostruče investicije u Kulturu zato sto će za desetak godina baš kulturni turizam biti pobjednički adut. At the same time, this is an exceptionally hard year; a year that witnesses recession of all European economies. Even the German “Locomotive” is losing momentum. And it will be a steep fall. Growth of Teutonic gross domestic product will decrease from predicted, amounting from 1.2% to 0.6%. It is a decrease of 50%, which will prove, without exception, that policy of excessive strictness serves to no one. Not even to those that impose it... In that context, the European Commission’s recommendation for development is important to countries that earn enormous profits from the Tourism (for that reason I believe that recommendation was especially meant to Mediterranean countries), to increase investments in Culture tenfold, since in a ten-year time, exactly the cultural tourism will be the winning card. Restauriranje, Čuvanje, Ekologizacija, jačanje kulturnih mreža da bi osigurali postojanje kulturnih događaja od visokog kvaliteta tokom cijele godine u turističkim mjestima, u cilju oživljavanja gradova i svih mjesta namjenjenih turizmu. Restoration, Preservation, Ecologization, strengthening of cultural networks to ensure existence of high quality cultural events all year long in tourist places, in order to revive towns and all places meant for tourism. Povezati opuštanje sa umjetničkom kreativnošću i odmor sa potrošnjom visoke kulture. Pomislite samo kakav bi život bio zimi u Veneciji bez muzike na svjetskom nivou, kakav bi maj i jun bili bez Bijenala, septembar bez filmskog festival i kako bi se živjelo u Laguni odoktobra do maja bez koncerata, opera, vrhunskog pozorišta i velikih izložbi u muzejima? Iz ovog razloga već dugo vremena tražimo da Kotor Art postane jedna institucija koja će raditi tokom cijele godine, u trajnom sjedištu koje će širiti kvalitetnu kulturu dvanaest mjeseci u godini u cijeloj zemlji, od snijega do mora. Relate relaxation with artistic creativity, and vacation with high culture consumption. Just imagine what the life would be like in winter time in Venice, without the world of classic music, what the May or June would be like without Biennale, September without the film festival; and what life in Laguna would be like from October to May without concerts, operas, excellent theatre, and great exhibitions in museums? Ne kažem ovo samo zbog ličnih razloga ne bih imao vremena da se totalno posvetim zbog previše obaveza. Kažem to iz ljubavi, kažem to zato što je ovo jedna diskusija koja već daje svoje plodove u Hrvatskoj. Čisto da spomenem jednu susjednu zemlju. Čini mi se suviše da govorim još jednom o velikom kvalitetu i vrijednosti svih segmenata Kotor Art-a, od Festivala za najmlađe do Don Brankovih dana muzike, do produkcija i susreta, mnogobrojnih i raznovrsnih seminara, laboratorija pa sve do Klapa... Ova je godina Njegoševa i mi mu posvećujemo cijeli Festival. Otvorite ovu knjižicu i razumjećete. Ova je godina Njegoševa i već dugo vremena traju veliki manevri za njegovu sistematizaciju, uokvirenje, ideologizaciju i manipulaciju. I pomalo za njegovo ubijanje. Govorio je veliki Tomas Man da su godišnjice velikih pjesnika, njihovi jubileji, plodan teren za lešinare... Mi iz Kotor Arta idealno se krećemo iz mjesta licemjerja u njegovo rodno mjesto, u orlovo gnijezdo na par udara krila i letimo sa Njim prema njegovim omiljenim destinacijama Veneciji, Beču, Kotoru, Cetinju. Let njegova života. Paolo Magelli For this reason, we have been asking for a long time to turn Kotor Art in institution that would be working all year long from the permanent centre, which would spread the culture twelve months a year in entire country, from the snow to the sea. I am not saying this for personal reasons: I would not have time to dedicate myself to it due to too many obligations. I am saying it out of love, because this is a discussion that has already been giving its fruits in Croatia. Just to mention a neighbouring country. It seems to me that it is unnecessary to speak once again about great quality and value of all segments of Kotor Art, from the Festival for Children, to Don Branko’s days of music, to production and meetings, numerous and diverse seminars, laboratories, all the way to Klapas... This is the year of Njegoš, and we are dedicating entire Festival to him. Open this little book, and you will understand. This is the year of Njegoš, and great maneuvers for his systematization, framing, ideologization and manipulation have been lasting for a long time. And for his killing a little bit. Great Thomas Mann used to say those anniversaries of great poets, and their jubilees were fertile ground for scavengers... We, from the Kotor Art are ideally moving from the point of hypocrisy to his native place, to eagle’s nest a few flaps of wings away, and flying with Him towards his favourite destinations Venice, Vienna, Kotor, Cetinje. The flight of his life. Paolo Magelli 5. MEĐUNARODNI FESTIVAL KOTORART 2013 5th INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL KOTORART 2013 1. jul - 16. avgust 1 July - 16 August kotor art kotorski festival pozorišta za djecu kotor art kotor festival of theatre for children kotor art don Brankovi dani muzike kotor art don Branko’s music days kotor arTeatar premijere kotor arTheatre premiere kotor art festival klapa perast kotor art festival klapa music perast kotor art APSS kotor art APSS kotor art pisanje grada kotor art town writing PONEDJELJAK, 1. JUL MONDAY, JULY 1 21.30 h, Trg Sv. Tripuna / 9:30 pm, St. Tryphon Square SVEČANO OTVARANJE... / OPENING CEREMONY… BABA JAGA / BABA YAGA (5+) COMPAGNIA TPO, PRATO & TEATRO METASTASIO STABILE DELLA TOSCANA - ITALIJA / TPO COMPANY, PRATO & TEATRO METASTASIO STABILE DELLA TOSCANA - ITALY 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica / 9:30 pm, Summer Stage PLANETA FUDBAL / PLANET FOOTBALL (6+) TEATR LALEK GULIWER, VARŠAVA POLJSKA / PUPPET THEATER GULIWER, WARSAW - POLAND PETAK, 5. JUL / FRIDAY, JULY 5 UTORAK, 2. JUL / TUESDAY, JULY 2 20.00 h, Kulturni centar / 8:00 pm, Cultural Center CRVENKAPA / LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD (5+) FONDACIJA ĆANO KOPRIVICA, NIKŠIĆ & NIKŠIĆKO LUTKARSKO POZORIŠTE ŠĆUĆKIN - CRNA GORA / ĆANO KOPRIVICA FOUNDATION, NIKŠIĆ & NIKŠIĆ PUPPET THEATER ŠĆUĆKIN MONTENEGRO Zgrada Starog zatvora / Old Prison Building Uvodna predavanja Ljetnje škole arhitekture Kotor Art Kotor APSS / Opening lectures: Kotor Architectural Prison Summer School Boštjan Vuga, Dijana Vučinić, Simon Hartmann, Marko Stjepčević,Ivan Milošević 21.00 h, Pjaca od kina / 9:00 pm, Cinema Square SNEŽANA / SNOW WHITE (5+) MINI TEATER, LJUBLJANA - SLOVENIJA / MINI THEATER, LJUBLJANA - SLOVENIA 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica / 9:30 pm, Summer Stage PINOKIO / PINOCCHIO (6+) GRADSKO POZORIŠTE PODGORICA CRNA GORA / CITY THEATER PODGORICA - MONTENEGRO 22.00 h, Ljetnja pozornica / 10:00 pm, Summer Stage ŽABAR / KATZELMACHER (16+) KRALJEVSKO POZORIŠTE ZETSKI DOM, CETINJE - CRNA GORA / ROYAL THEATER ZETSKI DOM, CETINJE MONTENEGRO SRIJEDA, 3. JUL WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 21.00 h, Kulturni centar / 9:00 pm, Cultural Center KLIK! / CLINC! (4+) COMPANYIA PEP BOU, BARSELONA ŠPANIJA / PEP BOU COMPANY, BARCELONA SPAIN SUBOTA, 6. JUL / SATURDAY, JULY 6 19.00 h, Zgrada Starog zatvora / 7:00 pm, Old Prison Building Večernje predavanje / Evening Lecture Borislav Vukićević / gostujući predavač / guest lecturer ČETVRTAK, 4. JUL / THURSDAY, JULY 4 Zgrada Starog zatvora / Old Prison Building Otvaranje izložbe / Exhibition opening: “The Competitive Hypothesis” 20.00 h, Trg Sv. Luke / 8:00 pm, St. Luke Square KUKURIKU PRIČE / COCK-TALES (0+) PASPARTOUT, BERGATROJTE NJEMAČKA / PASPARTOUT, BERGATREUTE - GERMANY 20.00 h, Kulturni centar / 8:00 pm, Cultural Center SLIKE MOGA SVIJETA / IMAGES OF MY WORLD (3+) ART CENTAR HLEBA I IGARA, STARA PAZOVA - SRBIJA & USZZ, BRATISLAVA SLOVAČKA / ART CENTER BREAD AND PLAYS, STARA PAZOVA - SERBIA & USZZ, BRATISLAVA - SLOVAKIA 21.30 h, Terasa Dojmi / 9:30 pm, Dojmi Terrace PROLAZ / PASSAGE (1+) PIA (PROJECTOS DE INTERVENÇÃO ARTÍSTICA), PINJAL NOVO - PORTUGALIJA / PIA (PROJECTOS DE INTERVENÇÃO ARTÍSTICA), PINHAL NOVO - PORTUGAL NEDJELJA, 7. JUL / SUNDAY, JULY 7 19.00 h, Zgrada Starog zatvora / 7:00 pm, Old Prison Building Večernje predavanje / Evening Lecture Veljko Radulović, Studio Grad / gostujući predavač / guest lecturer 20.00 h, Pjaca od kina / 8:00 pm, Cinema Square MAŠA I MEDVJED / MASHA AND THE BEAR (3+) МОСКОВСКИЙ ОБЛАСТНОЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕАТР КУКОЛ, MOSKVA - RUSIJA / MOSCOW STATE REGIONAL PUPPET THEATER, MOSCOW - RUSSIA 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica / 9:30 pm, Summer Stage ČUDESNI SVIJET BROJEVA / THE MAGIC WORLD OF NUMBERS (5+) GRADSKO KAZALIŠTE ŽAR PTICA, ZAGREB - HRVATSKA / CITY THEATER ZAR PTICA, ZAGREB CROATIA PONEDJELJAK, 8. JUL MONDAY, JULY 8 19.00 h, Zgrada Starog zatvora / 7:00 pm, Old Prison Building Večernje predavanje / Evening Lecture Nikola Novaković, Studio Enforma / gostujući predavač / guest lecturer 20.00 h, Kulturni centar / 8:00 pm, Cultural Center VJETAR / WIND (2+) LA SOCIETÀ DELLA CIVETTA, BOLONJA - ITALIJA & THE EGG AT THEATRE ROYAL, BAT - ENGLESKA / LA SOCIETÀ DELLA CIVETTA, BOLOGNA - ITALY & THE EGG AT THEATRE ROYAL, BATH - ENGLAND 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica / 9:30 pm, Summer Stage PIPI DUGA ČARAPA / PIPPI LONGSTOCKING (6+) ТЕАТАР ЗА ДЕЦА И МЛАДИНЦИ, SKOPLJE - MAKEDONIJA / THEATER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH, SKOPJE - MACEDONIA UTORAK, 9. JUL / TUESDAY, JULY 9 19.00 h, Zgrada Starog zatvora / 7:00 pm, Old Prison Building Večernje predavanje / Evening Lecture 20.00 h, Kulturni centar / 8:00 pm, Cultural Center BAJKA O VITEZU BEZ KONJA / A FAIRYTALE ABOUT A KINGHT WITHOUT A HORSE (6+) POZORIŠTE MLADIH, NOVI SAD - SRBIJA / YOUTH THEATER, NOVI SAD SERBIA 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornicа / 9:30 pm, Summer Stage PRINCEZA U ZAMKU DUHOVA / PRINCESS IN A CASTLE OF GHOSTS (3+) POZORIŠTANCE PUŽ, BEOGRAD SRBIJA / TINY THEATER PUZ, BELGRADE SERBIA SRIJEDA, 10. JUL WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 21.30 h, Trg od oružja / 9:30 pm, Square of Arms SVEČANA DODJELA NAGRADA / AWARDS CEREMONY ČETVRTAK, 11. JUL SRIJEDA 17. JUL THURSDAY, JULY 11 WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 KOTOR ART PISANJE GRADA 2013 / KOTOR ART WRITING OF THE TOWN 2013 (Javne prezentacije radova studenata i projekta POSLUŠAJ ME - ODIGRAĆU TI - Autorski projekat Sanje Garić u saradnji sa Fakultetom dramskih umjetnosti Cetinje i baletskom trupom Allegro) (Public presentations of the works of students and project named LISTEN TO ME - I WILL PLAY IT FOR YOU - Author project of Sanja Garic in cooperation with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje and Allegro corps de ballet) Izvršna produkcija / Executive producer: Fakultet dramskih umjetnosti / Faculty of Dramatic Arts Programski urednik projekta / Program project editor: prof. mr Janko Ljumović (FDU Cetinje / FDA Cetinje) PETAK, 12. JUL / FRIDAY, JULY 12 Zgrada Starog zatvora / Old Prison Building OPEN PRISON NIGHT Prezentacija studentskih radova i Panel diskusija / Student work exhibition and Panel Discussion SUBOTA, 13. JUL / SATURDAY, JULY 13 21.00 h, Trg Katedrale Sv. Tripuna / 9:00 pm, Square of St. Tryphon’s Cathedral NJEGOŠEVIH DVJESTA / TWO HUNDRED YEARS OF NJEGOŠ Ivo POGORELIĆ, klavir / piano Ivica ŠARIĆ, bas / bass Darinka MATIĆ MAROVIĆ, dirigent / conductor Borjan CANEV, dirigent / conductor Crnogorski simfonijski orkestar / Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra Hor „Obilić“ AKUD-a „Branko Krsmanović“ / Choir “Obilić” of the AACA “Branko Krsmanović” Program: Chopin, Maksimović Zgrada Starog zatvora / Old Prison Building Prezentacije studentskih radova u zatvoru / Prison Open for Student Work Exhibition NEDJELJA, 14. JUL SUNDAY, JULY 14 Zgrada Starog zatvora / Old Prison Building APSS Talk finalna konferencija / APSS Talk final Conference Ivan Milošević, AIM Studio, Crna Gora / Montenegro Dean Skira, Skira Architectural Lighting Design, Hrvatska / Croatia Saša Begović and Marko Dabrović, 3LHD Architects, Hrvatska / Croatia Boštjan Vuga, SADAR+VUGA, Slovenia Simon Hartman, HHF architects, Švajcarska / Switzerland Andreas Ruby, Ruby Press, Berlin, Njemačka / Germany Hubert Klumpner, Urban-Think Tank, Švajcarska / Switzerland 22.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha / 10:00 pm, Church of the Holy Spirit Edvard Bond / Edward Bond EGZISTENCIJA / EXISTENCE Autorski projekat / Author: Radmila Vojvodić Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Crnogorsko narodno pozorište / International festival Kotor Art, Montenegrin National Theatre PONEDJELJAK, 15. JUL MONDAY, JULY 15 22.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha / 10:00 pm, Church of the Holy Spirit Edvard Bond / Edward Bond EGZISTENCIJA / EXISTENCE Autorski projekat / Author: Radmila Vojvodić Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Crnogorsko narodno pozorište / International festival Kotor Art, Montenegrin National Theatre UTORAK, 16. JUL / TUESDAY, JULY 16 21.00 h, Ljetnja scena / 9:00 pm, Summer Stage APOKALIPSO / APOCALYPSO RUNDEK CARGO TRIO Darko RUNDEK, gitara i vokal / guitar and vocal ISABEL, violina / violin Dušan VRANIĆ, multiinstrumentalista / multi-instrumentalist 22.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha / 10:00 pm, Church of the Holy Spirit Edvard Bond / Edward Bond EGZISTENCIJA / EXISTENCE Autorski projekat / Author: Radmila Vojvodić Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Crnogorsko narodno pozorište / International festival Kotor Art, Montenegrin National Theatre PETAK, 19. JUL / FRIDAY, JULY 19 21.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha / 9:00 pm, Church of the Holy Spirit KOTORSKI DRAGULJI / KOTOR`S JEWELS Učenici Muzičke škole „Vida Matjan“, Kotor / Pupils of the Vida Matjan Music School, Kotor Program: Ginastera, Benda, Chopin, Albinoni, Porret, Hüe, Popp, Debussy, Haydn, Prebanda, Barrios SUBOTA, 20. JUL SUTERDAY, JULY 20 PREMIJERA / PREMIERE NJEGOŠ I JA Autorski projekat / Author: Paolo Magelli Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Crnogorsko narodno pozorište, Kraljevsko pozorište Zetski dom / International festival Kotor Art, Montenegrin National Theatre, The Royal Theatre Zetski dom NEDJELJA, 21. JUL SUNDAY, JULY 21 21.00 h, Plato Bogorodičinog hrama, Prčanj / 9:00 pm, Stage in front of the Church of Our Lady, Prčanj PREPLITANJA: NJEGOŠU S ODANOŠĆU ŽENE / INTERTWINING: TO NJEGOŠ, WITH WOMAN`S DEVOTION Floraleda SACCHI, harfa / harp Gordana JOSIFOVA NEDELKOVSKA, oboa /oboe Hyunim YOON, flauta / flute Varja ĐUKIĆ, narator / narrator Program: Marcello, Bozza, Fauré, Ibert, Gaubert, Machajdík, Sekulić NJEGOŠ I JA Autorski projekat / Author: Paolo Magelli Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Crnogorsko narodno pozorište, Kraljevsko pozorište Zetski dom / International festival Kotor Art, Montenegrin National Theatre, The Royal Theatre Zetski dom PONEDJELJAK, 22. JUL MONDAY, JULY 22 NJEGOŠ I JA Autorski projekat / Author: Paolo Magelli Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Crnogorsko narodno pozorište, Kraljevsko pozorište Zetski dom / International festival Kotor Art, Montenegrin National Theatre, The Royal Theatre Zetski dom SRIJEDA, 24. JUL WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 11,00 h, Opšta bolnica, Kotor / 11:00 am, General hospital, Kotor 21.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha / 9:00 pm, Church of the Holy Spirit KOTORAR-TIĆ / KOTORART FOR CHILDREN Marina MILIĆ APOSTOLOVIĆ, klavir i moderator / piano and moderator Program: Zdrav duh pobjeđuje / A Healthy Spirit Wins Čojstvo i junaštvo u muzici / Humanity and Heroism in Music PETAK, 26. JUL / FRIDAY, JULY 26 20.00 h, Muzej Perasta / 8:00 pm, Museum of Perast XII FESTIVAL KLAPA PERAST IZLOŽBA mladih slikarskih talenata iz umjetničke škole na Cetinju EXHIBITION - Paintings of young talents, Art School - Cetinje 21.00 h, Perast, Trg pred crkvom Sv.Nikole / 9:00 pm, Perast, Square of St.Nicola Church OTVARANJE XII FESTIVALA, Takmičenje u kategoriji ženskih klapa OPENING CEREMONY OF 12TH FESTIVAL, Concert of female klapa, contest SUBOTA, 27. JUL / SATURDAY, JULY 27 21.00 h, Perast, Trg pred Crkvom Sv. Nikole / 9:00 pm, Perast, Square of St. Nicola Church XII FESTIVAL KLAPA PERAST FESTIVAL KONCERT: Takmičenje u kategorijama mješovite i muške klape, Nove klapske pjesme CONCERT: Mixed and Male klapas and New Compositions- contests 21.00 h, Luka Kotor / 9:00 pm, The Port of Kotor GULIVER Reditelj / Directed by: Petar Pejaković Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Kotorski festival pozorišta za djecu / International festival Kotor Art, Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children NEDJELJA, 28. JUL SUNDAY, JULY 28 20.00 h, Muzej Perasta / 8:00 pm, Museum of Perast XII FESTIVAL KLAPA PERAST FESTIVAL Prezentacija knjige: „ LUDVIK KUBA, Pjesme dalmatske iz Boke 1907.” Book presentation: ” LUDVIK KUBA, Dalmatian songs from Boka, 1907.” 21.00 h, Perast, Trg pred Crkvom Sv. Nikole / 9:00 pm, Perast, Square of St. Nicola Church “Renesansa bokeljske pjesme” (Premijera savremenih klapskih obrada pjesama iz Boke, inspirisano zapisima Ludvika Kube iz 1907.g.) “Renaissance of Boka Songs“ (Premiere - performances of modern arrangements of songs of Boka, inspired by music notes written by Ludvik Kuba in year 1907) 21.00 h, Luka Kotor / 9:00 pm, The Port of Kotor GULIVER Reditelj / Directed by: Petar Pejaković Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Kotorski festival pozorišta za djecu / International festival Kotor Art, Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children PONEDJELJAK, 29. JUL MONDAY, JULY 29 21.00 h, Katedrala Sv. Tripuna / 9:00 pm, St. Tryphon’s Cathedral ALLA ITALIANA Antonio Di CRISTOFANO, klavir / piano Cecilia LODA, mandolina / mandolin Giancarlo De LORENCO, dirigent / conductor Festivalski orkestar KotorArta / KotorArt Festival Orchestra Program: Mozart, Vivaldi ČETVRTAK, 1. AUGUST THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 PREMIJERA / PREMIERE 21.30 h Tabačina Most, 22.30 h Diskoteka Maksimus / 9.30 p.m. Tabačina, 10.30 p.m. Discoteque Maximus Petar II Petrović Njegoš SAN NA BOŽIĆ Autorski projekat / Author: Lidija Dedović Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Kraljevsko pozorište Zetski dom, Crnogorsko narodno pozorište / International festival Kotor Art, The Royal Theatre Zetski dom, Montenegrin National Theatre PETAK, 2. AVGUST FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 21.00 h, Bogorodičin hram, Prčanj / 9:00 pm, Church of Our Lady, Prčanj PETI ELEMENT / THE FIFTH ELEMENT Mladen Jagušt, dirigent / conductor Festivalski orkestar KotorArta / KotorArt Festival Orchestra Program: Händel, Mozart, Tchaikovsky NEDJELJA, 4. AVGUST SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 21.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha / 9:00 pm, Church of the Holy Spirit PIJANISTIČKI VATROMET / PIANISTIC FIREWORKS Simon TRPČESKI, klavir / piano Program: Brahms, Liszt 21.30 h Tabačina Most, 22.30 h Diskoteka Maksimus / 9.30 p.m. Tabačina, 10.30 p.m. Discoteque Maximus Petar II Petrović Njegoš SAN NA BOŽIĆ Autorski projekat / Author: Lidija Dedović Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Kraljevsko pozorište Zetski dom, Crnogorsko narodno pozorište / International festival Kotor Art, The Royal Theatre Zetski dom, Montenegrin National Theatre PONEDJELJAK, 5. AVGUST / MONDAY, AUGUST 5 21.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha / 9:00 pm, Church of the Holy Spirit GROMOVI U HELIJUMU / THUNDERS IN HELIUM Roman SIMOVIĆ, violina / violin Simon TRPČESKI, klavir / piano Program: Franck, Grieg, Debussy, Ravel 21.30 h Tabačina Most, 22.30 h Diskoteka Maksimus / 9.30 p.m. Tabačina, 10.30 p.m. Discoteque Maximus Petar II Petrović Njegoš SAN NA BOŽIĆ Autorski projekat / Author: Lidija Dedović Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Kraljevsko pozorište Zetski dom, Crnogorsko narodno pozorište / International festival Kotor Art, The Royal Theatre Zetski dom, Montenegrin National Theatre UTORAK, 6. AVGUST TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 20.00 h i 22.00 h, Zgrada Starog zatvora / 8:00 pm, 10:00 pm, Old prison Po motivima Luče mikrokozma Petra II Petrovića Njegoša / Based on theThe Light of Microcosm by Petar II Petrović Njegoš NJEGOŠ, VATRE / NJEGOŠ, THE FIRES Autorski projekat / Authors: Radmila Vojvodić, Paolo Magelli Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Kraljevsko pozorište Zetski dom / International festival Kotor Art, The Royal Theatre Zetski dom SRIJEDA, 7. AVGUST WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 21.00 h, Katedrala Sv. Tripuna / 9:00 pm, St. Tryphon’s Cathedral NJEGOŠ, LUČA / NJEGOŠ, THE RAY Guy BRAUNSTEIN, dirigent, violina / conductor, violin Gili SCHWARZMAN, flauta / flute Srđan GRAHOVAC, narator / narrator Andres MUSTONEN, dirigent, violina / conductor, violin Festivalski orkestar KotorArta / KotorArt Festival Orchestra Program: Schubert, Bach, Kreisler, Corelli, Marović ČETVRTAK, 8. AUGUST THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 20.00 h i 22.00 h, Zgrada Starog zatvora / 8;00 pm, 10:00 pm, Old prison Po motivima Luče mikrokozma Petra II Petrovića Njegoša / Based on theThe Light of Microcosm by Petar II Petrović Njegoš NJEGOŠ, VATRE / NJEGOŠ, THE FIRES Autorski projekat / Authors: Radmila Vojvodić, Paolo Magelli Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Kraljevsko pozorište Zetski dom / International festival Kotor Art, The Royal Theatre Zetski dom SUBOTA, 10. AVGUST SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 21.00 h, Ljetnja scena / 9:00 pm, Summer Stage DUŠKO GOJKOVIĆ SUMMIT Duško GOJKOVIĆ, džez truba / jazz trumpet Belgrade Summit Octet UTORAK, 13. AVGUST TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 21.00 h, Ljetnja scena / 9:00 pm, Summer Stage INSIEME Miloš KARADAGLIĆ, gitara / guitar Premil PETROVIĆ, dirigent / conductor Orkestar bez granica / No Borders Orchestra Program: Prokofiev, Žebeljan, Rodrigo, Wagner, Kodály SRIJEDA, 14. AUGUST WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14 PREMIJERA / PREMIERE ČETVRTAK, 15. AUGUST THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 PETAK, 16. AUGUST FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 21.00 h, Pjaca od kina / 9:00 pm, Cinema Square NJEGOŠ ZA DJECU / NJEGOŠ FOR CHILDREN KAKO RASTU VELIKI LJUDI / HOW TO GROW GREAT PEOPLE (5+) Autorski projekat / Author: Petar Pejaković Međunarodni festival Kotor Art, Kotorski festival pozorišta za djecu / International festival Kotor Art, Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children 200 godina od rođenja kotor art KOTORSKI festival pozorišta za djecu kotor art KOTOR festival of theatre for children 200 godina od rođenja Himna Festivala / Festival Anthem KOTOR, SREĆAN GRAD! KOTOR ART 21. KOTORSKI FESTIVAL POZORIŠTA ZA DJECU Gradili me preci da se dajem djeci. Mašna, šešir i kravata, otvara vam Kotor vrata. Kotor, Kotor, brod ljubavi, djeca na njem’ kormilari. KOTOR ART 21st KOTOR FESTIVAL OF THEATRE FOR CHILDREN Djevojčice i dječaci, glumci, lutke i pajaci. Svuda mašta igrom skita, u gradu se dijete pita. Kotor, Kotor, brod ljubavi, djeca na njem’ kormilari. Ključeve od starog grada prima dječija ruka sada, da otključa srca mala, za sve dane festivala. 1-10. JUL 2013. / 1-10 JULY, 2013 Kotor, Kotor, brod ljubavi, djeca na njem’ kormilari. 16 Muzika / Music: prof. Nikola Gregović Tekst / Text: Dubravka Jovanović 17 KAKO RASTU VELIKI LJUDI HOW TO GROW GREAT PEOPLE (recept br. 21) (recipe No. 21) Potrebno: You will need: Priprema: Preparation: - 1 nos od Pinokija - 1 poljubac za Snežanu - 1 klik! - 1 crvena kapa - 2 duge čarape - 3 tone gusjenice - 12 radionica za izmošljotine - 13 osmijeha duha - 27 nevidljivih vještica - 33 leteća kišobrana - 1 crni biser - 1 ludi kamen - 1 voćka čudnovata - 1 beskrajna knjiga - 1 čudo prirode - bezbroj putovanja - more soli - tegla slatkih snova - nešto različitog - zrno samoće - mrva hrabrosti - metar upornosti - litar dobrote - prstohvat nježnosti - šaka vedrine - zagrljaj ljubavi - 21 gram duše - 1 Evropa (može i stara) - 1 grad Kotor (može i stari) - 62508 širom otvorenih dječijih očiju - 1 Pinocchio’s nose - 1 kiss for Snow White - 1 Clinc! - 1 red riding hood - 2 long stockings - 3 tonnes of caterpillar - 12 workshops of silliness - 13 ghost smiles - 27 invisible witches - 33 flying umbrellas - 1 black pearl - 1 crazy stone - 1 magic fruit - 1 never-ending book - 1 wonder of nature - countless travels - sea of salt - jar of sweet dreams - a bit of something different - grain of solitude - crumb of bravery - meter of perseverance - liter of kindness - pinch of tenderness - handful of cheerfulness - embrace of love - 21 grams of soul - 1 Europe (old one will do) - 1 Town of Kotor (old one will do) - 62508 children’s eyes wide open Uzeti Evropu i u nju staviti Kotor. Prethodno u njemu izmiješati sve ostale sastojke. Pustiti ih na miru da se igraju 10 dana, može i zauvijek. Servirati toplo. Prijatno! Glavni kuvar Festivala Petar Pejaković 18 Mix all the ingredients and add them to Kotor, then place Kotor into Europe. Let all of them play peacefully for about 10 days. Forever will also do. Serve while hot. Enjoy! Head Chef of the Festival Petar Pejakovic 19 GLAVNI POZORIŠNI PROGRAM MAIN THEATER PROGRAM PONEDJELJAK, 1. JUL SVEČANO OTVARANJE... MONDAY, JULY 1 BABA JAGA (5+) COMPAGNIA TPO, PRATO u saradnji sa TEATRO METASTASIO STABILE DELLA TOSCANA - ITALIJA 21.30 h, Trg Sv. Tripuna PROLAZ (1+) PIA (PROJECTOS DE INTERVENÇÃO ARTÍSTICA), PINJAL NOVO PORTUGALIJA 21.30 h, Terasa Dojmi NEDJELJA, 7. JUL UTORAK, 2. JUL CRVENKAPA (5+) FONDACIJA ĆANO KOPRIVICA, NIKŠIĆ NIKŠIĆKO LUTKARSKO POZORIŠTE ŠĆUĆKIN - CRNA GORA 20.00 h, Kulturni centar MAŠA I MEDVJED (3+) МОСКОВСКИЙ ОБЛАСТНОЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕАТР КУКОЛ, MOSKVA - RUSIJA 20.00 h, Pjaca od kina PINOKIO (6+) GRADSKO POZORIŠTE PODGORICA CRNA GORA 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica ČUDESNI SVIJET BROJEVA (5+) GRADSKO KAZALIŠTE ŽAR PTICA, ZAGREB - HRVATSKA 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica SRIJEDA, 3. JUL KLIK! (4+) COMPANYIA PEP BOU, BARSELONA ŠPANIJA 21.00 h, Kulturni centar ČETVRTAK, 4. JUL KUKURIKU PRIČE (0+) PASPARTOUT, BERGATROJTE NJEMAČKA 20.00 h, Trg Sv. Luke PLANETA FUDBAL (6+) TEATR LALEK GULIWER, VARŠAVA POLJSKA 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica PETAK, 5. JUL SNEŽANA (5+) MINI TEATER, LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA 21.00 h, Pjaca od kina ŽABAR (16+) KRALJEVSKO POZORIŠTE ZETSKI DOM, CETINJE - CRNA GORA 22.00 h, Ljetnja pozornica SUBOTA, 6. JUL SLIKE MOG SVIJETA (3+) ART CENTAR HLEBA I IGARA, STARA PAZOVA - SRBIJA u saradnji sa USZZ, BRATISLAVA SLOVAČKA 20.00 h, Kulturni centar 20 PONEDJELJAK, 8. JUL VJETAR (2+) LA SOCIETÀ DELLA CIVETTA, BOLONJA - ITALIJA u saradnji sa THE EGG AT THEATRE ROYAL, BAT - ENGLESKA, UK 20.00 h, Kulturni centar PIPI DUGA ČARAPA (6+) ТЕАТАР ЗА ДЕЦА И МЛАДИНЦИ, SKOPLJE - MAKEDONIJA 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica OPENING CEREMONY BABA YAGA (5+) TPO COMPANY, PRATO a co-production with TEATRO METASTASIO STABILE DELLA TOSCANA - ITALY 9:30 pm, St. Tryphon Square TUESDAY, JULY 2 LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD (5+) CANO KOPRIVICA FOUNDATION, NIKSIC NIKSIC PUPPET THEATER SCUCKIN MONTENEGRO 8:00 pm, Cultural Center SATURDAY, JULY 6 IMAGES OF MY WORLD (3+) ART CENTER BREAD AND PLAYS, STARA PAZOVA - SERBIA a co-production with USZZ, BRATISLAVA SLOVAKIA 8:00 pm, Cultural Center PASSAGE (1+) PIA (PROJECTOS DE INTERVENÇÃO ARTÍSTICA), PINHAL NOVO - PORTUGAL 9:30 pm, Dojmi Terrace SUNDAY, JULY 7 MASHA AND THE BEAR (3+) MOSCOW STATE REGIONAL PUPPET THEATER, MOSCOW - RUSSIA 8:00 pm, Cinema Square PINOCCHIO (6+) CITY THEATER PODGORICA MONTENEGRO 9:30 pm, Summer Stage THE MAGIC WORLD OF NUMBERS (5+) CITY THEATER ZAR PTICA, ZAGREB CROATIA 9:30 pm, Summer Stage WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 MONDAY, JULY 8 CLINC! (4+) PEP BOU COMPANY, BARCELONA SPAIN 9:00 pm, Cultural Center THURSDAY, JULY 4 WIND (2+) LA SOCIETÀ DELLA CIVETTA, BOLOGNA - ITALY in association with THE EGG AT THEATRE ROYAL, BATH - ENGLAND, UK 8:00 pm, Cultural Center UTORAK, 9. JUL COCK-TALES (0+) PASPARTOUT, BERGATREUTE GERMANY 8:00 pm, St. Luke Square PIPPI LONGSTOCKING (6+) THEATER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH, SKOPJE - MACEDONIA 9:30 pm, Summer Stage BAJKA O VITEZU BEZ KONJA (6+) POZORIŠTE MLADIH, NOVI SAD SRBIJA 20.00 h, Kulturni centar PLANET FOOTBALL (6+) PUPPET THEATER GULIWER, WARSAW - POLAND 9:30 pm, Summer Stage TUESDAY, JULY 9 PRINCEZA U ZAMKU DUHOVA (3+) POZORIŠTANCE PUŽ, BEOGRAD SRBIJA 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica FRIDAY, JULY 5 SRIJEDA, 10. JUL KATZELMACHER (16+) ROYAL THEATER ZETSKI DOM, CETINJE - MONTENEGRO 10:00 pm, Summer Stage SVEČANA DODJELA NAGRADA 21.30 h, Trg od oružja SNOW WHITE (5+) MINI THEATER, LJUBLJANA - SLOVENIA 9:00 pm, Cinema Square A FAIRYTALE ABOUT A KINGHT WITHOUT A HORSE (6+) YOUTH THEATER, NOVI SAD - SERBIA 8:00 pm, Cultural Center PRINCESS IN A CASTLE OF GHOSTS (3+) TINY THEATER PUZ, BELGRADE SERBIA 9:30 pm, Summer Stage WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 AWARDS CEREMONY 9:30 pm, Square of Arms 21 PONEDJELJAK, 1. JUL KONCERT OTVARANJA FESTIVALA GUDAČA Orkestar Muzičke škole Franca Šturma, Ljubljana - Slovenija 20.00 h, Trg Sv. Luke UTORAK, 2. JUL MLADI TALENTI HERCEGOVINE Izložba likovnih radova Dječja igraonica Ciciban, Trebinje i Škola crtanja i slikanja Cambridge, Trebinje, Gacko, Bileća, Nevesinje Bosna i Hercegovina 19.30 h, Trg Sv. Luke PLAVI ZEC SLAVI ROĐENDAN KLAP, Kolašin 20.00 h, Pjaca od kina LUCKASTI KLOVNOVI Putujuće pozorištance Čarapanija, Kruševac i Kulturni mozaik, Crvenka Srbija 21.00 h, Pjaca od kina KONCERT Ivanka Muhadinović (flauta), Cetinje Aleksej Molčanov (klavir), Kijev - Ukrajina 21.00 h, Terasa Pomorskog muzeja Crne Gore NE PREPORUČUJE SE Dramski studio, Podgorica 22.00 h, Atrijum Kulturnog centra SRIJEDA, 3. JUL BUDIMO PRIJATELJI Teatar Glazalmaz... Moskva - Rusija 20.00 h, Trg od oružja BAL@ Baletna i-štorija Umjetnost-Ars i Bosansko narodno pozorište Zenica - Bosna i Hercegovina 20.00 h, Ljetnja pozornica VELIKI LJUDI RASTU NA VELIKOM ODMORU Predstavljanje knjige Veliki odmor - Ružica Lazarević i Škola za talente, Tivat Gosti: Aleksandra Lukić i Tode Nikoletić, pjesnici i Mateja Bokan 20.30 h, Pjaca od kina KONCERT UČENIKA IZ MOSKVE, BEČA I KOTORA Rusija, Austrija, Crna Gora 21.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha 22 PRIČE ZA LAKU NOĆ Gradsko pozorište Teatar 91, Aleksinac Srbija 21.30 h, Pjaca od kina RAZIGRANE LJETNJE VARIJACIJE NVU Djeca Tivta i JU Dječiji savez Podgorica 21.30 h, Trg od oružja ČETVRTAK, 4. JUL VETERINAR Teatar Glazalmaz… Moskva - Rusija 19.30 h, Pjaca od kina LJUBAV I VRIJEME Dramski studio Sunce, Bar 20.00 h,Trg od oružja MALE MORSKE I OBALSKE PRIČE Promocija knjige Radmile Knežević, Izdavačka kuća Pčelica, Čačak - Srbija Dramski studio Budva 20.30 h, Pjaca od kina KRESIVO Sparkle theatre, Sofija - Bugarska 21.00 h, Kulturni centar 13. SAMOSTALNI KONCERT FEŠTINIH MAŽORETKI Mažoretke Fešta, Kotor 21.30 h, Trg od oružja PETAK, 5. JUL NE SUMNJAJMO U SUNCE KOJE SE IZA OBLAKA PONEKAD KRIJE Plesna škola Sunce, Prokuplje - Srbija 20.00 h, Trg od oružja ALISA U ZEMLJI ČUDA Gradsko pozorište Teatar 91, Aleksinac Srbija 20.00 h, Kulturni centar KONCERT POLAZNIKA MASTER-CLASS SEMINARA ZA SOLO PJEVAČE Prof. Lilia Ilieva, Sofija - Bugarska 21.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha Hrvatska, Slovenija, Crna Gora 12.00 h, Terasa Dojmi IGRA I PJESMA SU NAŠI NAJBOLJI DRUGARI JPU Radost, Kotor 20.00 h, Trg od oružja SJEME DJEČAKA KOE I KRALJ DEMON I OSTALE FESTIVALSKE PRIČE IZ KINE Predstavljanje književnog stvaralaštva za djecu Kerolin Han (Carolyn Han) - SAD 20.30 h, Pjaca od kina NE VJERUJTE DARVINU Studio glume Maska, Beograd - Srbija 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica I ŽIVJELI SU SREĆNO DO KRAJA ŽIVOTA Dramski studio JU Zahumlje, Nikšić 22.00 h, Atrijum Kulturnog centra NEDJELJA, 7. JUL U SVIJETU POSTOJI JEDNO CARSTVO JPU Radost, Kotor i prijatelji - Crna Gora, Hrvatska 20.00 h, Trg od oružja KONCERT ORKESTRA MUZIČKE ŠKOLE ANDRE NAVARA Podgorica 21.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha VEČE MALE SIRENE Studio za balet i ples Mala Sirena, Kotor 21.30 h, Trg od oružja UTORAK 9. JUL MODNA REVIJA ZA DJECU NVU My day, Kotor i Afirmativni centar, Beograd - Srbija 20.00 h, Trg od oružja OD ČITANJA SE RASTE Autorsko veče Jasminke Petrović, Beograd - Srbija 20.30 h, Pjaca od kina ZAVRŠNI KONCERT MEĐUNARODNOG ORKESTRA FESTIVALA GUDAČA SA SOLISTIMA Austrija, Japan, Rusija, Ukrajina, Srbija, Hrvatska, Slovenija, Crna Gora 21.00 h, Trg Sv. Luke VEČE SA ALISOM Studio za moderan ples, balet i mažoretke Alisa, Kotor 21.30 h,Trg od oružja EVO ME Dramska sekcija SMŠ Mladost, Tivat 22.00 h, Pjaca od kina SRIJEDA, 10. JUL VELIKA TRAMPA Ekološka zabava 18.00 h, Pjaca od kina NARODNE IGRE I PJESME KUD Nikola Đurković, Kotor 21.30 h, Trg od oružja KEKO EKO Ekološki lutkarski mjuzikl Produkcija Z, Split - Hrvatska 19.00 h, Pjaca od kina OPSESIJA - PIKASO I DORA MAR Dramska sekcija Gimnazije Stojan Cerović, Nikšić 22.00 h, Atrijum Kulturnog centra DIKAN Promocija stripa Laza Sredanovića 19.30 h, Pjaca od kina PONEDJELJAK, 8. JUL MARKO KRALJEVIĆ I MUSA KESEDŽIJA OŠ Risto Manojlović i KLAP, Kolašin 20.00 h, Trg od oružja BAJKOVITI SVIJET Art grupa Montenegro, Kotor 21.30 h, Trg od oružja KEKO EKO Ekološki lutkarski mjuzikl Produkcija Z, Split – Hrvatska 20.30 h, Pjaca od kina SUBOTA, 6. JUL MATINE KONCERT MEĐUNARODNOG ORKESTRA FESTIVALA GUDAČA Austrija, Japan, Rusija, Ukrajina, Srbija, KONCERT POLAZNIKA MASTER-CLASS SEMINARA Profesori: Arkadij Winokurov - Ukrajina, Georg Baich - Austrija 21.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha glavni pozorišni program // dječije scensko stvaralaštvo // scena za mlade // off program // zabavno-književni program // likovni program // muzički program // edukativno-teorijski programi // animacioni programi OVIH DANA U KOTORU GRADU... PUT OKO SVIJETA Produkcija Z, Split - Hrvatska 20.00 h, Pjaca od kina NADAHNUĆE Натхнення, Južnoukrajinsk - Ukrajina 20.00 h, Trg od oružja RADILI SMO, GLEDAJTE! Prezentacija festivalskih radionica 20.30 h, Pjaca od kina SVEČANA DODJELA NAGRADA PINYIN Kineski narodni ples i muzika Dječija delegacija XI’AN - Kina 21.30 h, Trg od oružja 23 MONDAY, JULY 1 FESTIVAL OF STRINGS OPENING CONCERT Franc Sturm School of Music Orchestra, Ljubljana - Slovenia 8:00 pm, St. Luke Square TUESDAY, JULY 2 YOUNG TALENTS OF HERZEGOVINA Visual Arts Exhibition Ciciban Children Playroom, Trebinje and Cambridge School of Drawing and Painting, Trebinje, Gacko, Bileca, Nevesinje - Bosnia and Herzegovina 7:30 pm, St. Luke Square BLUE RABBIT CELEBRATES HIS BIRTHDAY KLAP, Kolasin 8:00 pm, Cinema Square SILLY CLOWNS Carapanija Travelling Theater, Krusevac and Cultural Mosaic, Crvenka - Serbia 9:00 pm, Cinema Square CONCERT Ivanka Muhadinovic (flute), Cetinje Alexey Molchanov (piano), Kiev - Ukraine 9:00 pm, Terrace of the Maritime Museum NOT RECOMMENDED Drama Studio, Podgorica 10:00 pm, Cultural Center Atrium WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 LET’S BE FRIENDS Glazalmaz... Theater, Moscow - Russia 8:00 pm, Square of Arms BALL@ Ballet e-story Umjetnost-Ars and Bosnian National Theater Zenica - Bosnia and Herzegovina 8:00 pm, Summer Stage BIG PEOPLE GROW ON BIG VACATIONS Presenting The Big Vacation book by Ruzica Lazarevic and Talent School, Tivat Guests: Aleksandra Lukic and Tode Nikoletic, poets and Mateja Bokan 8:30 pm, Cinema Square CONCERT OF STUDENTS FROM MOSCOW, VIENNA AND KOTOR Russia, Austria, Montenegro 9:00 pm, Church of the Holy Spirit 24 BEDTIME STORIES Teatar 91 City Theater, Aleksinac - Serbia 9:30 pm, Cinema Square PLAYFUL SUMMER VARIATIONS NVU Children of Tivat and JU Children’s Alliance, Podgorica 9:30 pm, Square of Arms THURSDAY, JULY 4 VETERINARIAN Glazalmaz… Theater, Moscow - Russia 7:30 pm, Cinema Square LOVE AND TIME Sunce Drama Studio, Bar 8:00 pm, Square of Arms LITTLE SEA AND COASTAL STORIES Promotion of the book by Radmila Knezevic, Pcelica Publishing House, Cacak - Serbia Budva Drama Studio 8:30 pm, Cinema Square THE TINDERBOX Sparkle Theater, Sofia - Bulgaria 9:00 pm, Cultural Center 13th SOLO SHOW OF FIESTA MAJORETTES Fiesta Majorettes, Kotor 9:30 pm, Square of Arms FRIDAY, JULY 5 LET’S NOT DOUBT THE SUN THAT SOMETIMES HIDES BEHIND THE CLOUDS Sunce Dance School, Prokuplje - Serbia 8:00 pm, Square of Arms ALICE IN WONDERLAND Teatar 91 City Theater, Aleksinac - Serbia 8:00 pm, Cultural Center CONCERT OF STUDENTS FROM THE MASTER-CLASS SEMINAR FOR SOLO SINGERS Professor Lilia Ilieva, Sofia - Bulgaria 9:00 pm, Church of the Holy Spirit FAIRYTALE WORLD Montenegro Art Group, Kotor 9:30 pm, Square of Arms SATURDAY, JULY 6 INTERNATIONAL ORCHESTRA MATINEE CONCERT FESTIVAL OF STRINGS Austria, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro 12:00 pm, Dojmi Terrace LITTLE MERMAID EVENING Little Mermaid Dance Studio, Kotor 9:30 pm, Square of Arms DANCE AND SONGS ARE OUR BEST FRIENDS JPU Radost, Kotor 8:00 pm, Square of Arms TUESDAY, JULY 9 CHILDREN FASHION SHOW My Day NGO, Kotor and Affirmative Center, Belgrade - Montenegro, Serbia 9:30 pm, Square of Arms KOA’S SEED and THE DEMON KING AND OTHER FESTIVAL FOLKTALES OF CHINA Presenting creative work for children by Carolyn Han - USA 8:30 pm, Cinema Square DO NOT TRUST DARWIN Maska Acting Studio, Belgrade - Serbia 9:30 pm, Summer Stage AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER JU Zahumlje Drama Studio, Niksic 10:00 pm, Cultural Center Atrium SUNDAY, JULY 7 SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD THERE IS A KINGDOM JPU Radost, Kotor and Friends Montenegro, Croatia 8:00 pm, Square of Arms ANDRE NAVARA SCHOOL OF MUSIC ORCHESTRA CONCERT Podgorica 9:00 pm, Church of the Holy Ghost FOLK DANCE AND SONGS KUD Nikola Djurkovic, Kotor 9:30 pm, Square of Arms OBSESSION - PICASSO AND DORA MAAR Drama Group of Stojan Cerovic High School, Niksic 10:00 pm, Cultural Center Atrium MONDAY, JULY 8 MARKO KRALJEVIC AND MUSA KESEDZIJA OS Risto Manojlovic and KLAP, Kolasin 8:00 pm, Square of Arms KEKO ECO Environmental puppet musical Production Z, Split – Croatia 8:30 pm, Cinema Square THE MASTER-CLASS SEMINAR STUDENTS CONCERT Professors: Arkadij Winokurov - Ukraine, Georg Baich - Austria 9:00 pm, Church of the Holy Ghost READING MAKES YOU GROW Literary evening with Jasminka Petrovic, Belgrade - Serbia 8:30 pm, Cinema Square CLOSING CONCERT OF THE INTERNATIONAL ORCHESTRA FESTIVAL OF STRINGS WITH SOLO PERFORMERS Austria, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro 9:00 pm, St. Luke Square EVENING WITH ALISA Alisa Studio for Modern Dance, Ballet and Majorettes, Kotor 9:30 pm, Square of Arms HERE I AM SMS Mladost Drama Group, Tivat 10:00 pm, Cinema Square WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 THE GREAT SWAP Environmental party 6:00 pm, Cinema Square KEKO ECO Environmental puppet musical Production Z, Split - Croatia 7:00 pm, Cinema Square DIKAN Promotion of the comic book by Lazo Sredanovic 7:30 pm, Cinema Square TRIP AROUND THE WORLD Production Z, Split - Croatia 8:00 pm, Cinema Square INSPIRATION Inspiration, Yuzhnoukrainsk - Ukraine 8:00 pm, Square of Arms WE WORKED, YOU WATCH! Presentation of the Festival workshops 8:30 pm, Cinema Square AWARDS CEREMONY PINYIN Chinese folk dance and music XI’AN Children Delegation - China 9:30 pm, Square of Arms 25 main theater program // children stage work // youth stage // off program // entertaining literary program // visual arts program // music program // educational and theoretical program // animation program THESE DAYS IN THE TOWN OF KOTOR... A svakoga dana… Every day... RADIONICE WORKSHOPS Edukacija profesionalaca RADIONICA SAVREMENOG PLESA / KAKO RASTU VELIKI LJUDI / EVROPSKI MODELI PRODUKCIJE POZORIŠTA ZA DJECU / RADIONICA ZA GUDAČKE INSTRUMENTE / SAVREMENA DRAMATURGIJA U POZORIŠTU ZA DJECU I MLADE Educating the Professionals CONTEMPORARY DANCE WORKSHOP / HOW TO GROW GREAT PEOPLE / EUROPEAN MODELS OF CHILDREN THEATER PRODUCTION / STRING INSTRUMENTS WORKSHOP / CONTEMPORARY DRAMATUGRY IN CHILDREN AND YOUTH THEATER Umjetničke radionice za djecu i mlade RADIONICA MODELOVANJA / RADIONICA VITRAŽA / FILMSKA RADIONICA / RADIONICA STRIPA / RADIONICA MASKI / LIKOVNA RADIONICA / RADIONICA GLUME RAZGOVORI O PREDSTAVAMA DA TE PITAM, DA ME PITAŠ Djeca i autori Medijator: Milica Piletić Kulturni centar, 11.00 h LIKOVNI PROGRAM KOTOR - MUZEJ DJETINJSTVA Umjetničke instalacije u Starom gradu LETEĆI KIŠOBRANI (Škaljarska pjaca), NEVIDLJIVE VJEŠTICE (Vrata od Gurdića), PUTOLAŽI (Trg. Sv Tripuna i Pjaca od muzeja), GULIVER OPET DOLAZI (Pjaca Sv. Ozane), ĆIHU-HU (Terasa Dojmi), VELIKA KNJIGA (Pjaca od kina), LEŽEĆI SAT (Vrata od mora), BLACK PEARL (Kulturni centar), LUDI KAMEN (Trg Sv. Luke), SKOČICA (Vardar), LUTKE (Gurdić, Škurda) ANIMACIONI PROGRAM VELIKA KNJIGA - MALE PRIČE / KOTORSKE ZAVRZLAME / ČIČA MIČA, STIŽE PRIČA / STUB SRAMA - ŠTORIJE BEZ BLAMA / ANIMATORI NAS ZOVU DA IM SKINEMO KRILA / NOVELE FESTIVALA / KOTORFON / IGRALIŠTE 26 Artistic workshops for children and young people MODELLING WORKSHOP / STAINED GLASS WORKSHOP / FILM WORKSHOP / COMICS WORKSHOP / MASK WORKSHOP / VISUAL ARTS WORKSHOP / ACTING WORKSHOP DISCUSSIONS ON THEATER SHOWS I ASK YOU, YOU ASK ME Children and the authors Mediator: Milica Piletic Cultural Center, 11:00 am VISUAL ARTS PROGRAM KOTOR - MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD Artistic installations in the Old Town FLYING UMBRELLAS (Piazza of Skaljari), INVISIBLE WITCHES (Gurdic Gate), SILLY SIGN POSTS (St. Tryphon Square and Museum Piazza), GULLIVER RETURNS (St. Ozana Square), CHOO-CHOO (Dojmi Teracce), BIG BOOK (Cinema Square), LYING CLOCK (Main Gate crosswalk), BLACK PEARL (Cultural Center), CRAZY STONE (St. Luke Square), Jumpy (Vardar), PUPPETS (Gurdic and Skurda) ANIMATION PROGRAM BIG BOOK - LITTLE STORIES / KOTOR PUZZLES / AND THAT IS HOW THE STORY COMES / PILLAR OF SHAME - EMBARRASING STORIES TO PROCLAIM / ANIMATORS CALL OUT FOR US TO TAKE DOWN THEIR WINGS / NOVELLAS OF THE FESTIVAL / KOTORPHONE / PLAYGROUND 27 PONEDJELJAK, 1. JUL / MONDAY, JULY 1 21.30 h, Trg Sv. Tripuna / 9:30 pm, St. Tryphon Square BABA JAGA BABA YAGA TRUPA TPO, PRATO - ITALIJA COMPAGNIA TPO, PRATO - ITALY u saradnji sa / a co-production with TEATRO METASTASIO STABILE DELLA TOSCANA - ITALIJA TEATRO METASTASIO STABILE DELLA TOSCANA - ITALY BABA JAGA BABA YAGA Umjetnički direktor / Artistic Direction: Davide Venturini i Francesco Gandi Vizuelni dizajn / Visual Design: Elsa Mersi Koreografija / Choreographer: Paola Lattanzi Računarski inženjering / Computer Engineering: Rossano Monti, Martin Von Gunten Dizajn zvuka / Sound Design: Spartaco Cortesi Pjevanje / Singing: Naomi Berril Glas / Voice Off: Caterina Poggesi Izrada kostima / Costume Designer: Fiamma Ciotti Farulli Izrada rekvizita / Props: Livia Cortesi, Massimiliano Fierli Konzola / Console: Saulo d’Isita, Massimiliano Fierli Saradnja na konceptu / Collaboration on Concept: Stefania Zampiga Trajanje / Duration: 55 min. Uzrast / Age: 5+ Yaga stand out as an archetype of disturbing and menacing evil, but - and this is the moral of the show - she can be defeated if the children take action together. As light as butterflies, two dancers guide the audience through a story experienced through sounds, images and emotions rather than words. Thanks to the use of invisible sensors and interactive technology, a wealth of stage effects enliven the show’s landscapes of sound and epic visual projections. In collaboration with an actress, the company offers a workshop on the theme of Baba Yaga. Through a reading of the fairytale, the children re-live the story’s most significant moments and take part in an animation game using the show’s interactive space as well as its music and images. Igraju / Cast: Carolina Amoretti, Sara Campinoti Djevojčica mora da napusti svoj dom i ode u kuću strašne ljudožderke Baba Jage. Na putu sreće nekoliko životinja koje joj pomažu da prevaziđe opasnosti. Njena intuicija, hrabrost i umijeće da sklopi prava prijateljstva pomažu joj da se suoči sa izazovom koji nikad ne bi mogla da savlada sama. Italijanska trupa smjestila je ovu poznatu rusku priču u savremeni ambijent, koristeći ples i originalne muzičke kompozicije, a posebno raskošne ilustracije Rebeke Dautremer koje se projektuju na cijelu scenu u velikim formatima. Ova priča predstavljena je kroz izvanrednu koreografiju u kojoj se Baba Jaga ističe kao tipičan zlikovac koji staje na put junacima. Ipak, pouka koju ova predstava pokušava da prenese jeste da se zlo može savladati ako se djeca ujedine. Lepršavi poput leptira, dva igrača vode publiku kroz priču ne upotrebljavajući riječi, već zvuke, slike i osjećanja. Zahvaljujući nevidljivim senzorima i interaktivnoj tehnologiji, bogatstvo scenskih efekata oživljava ovu predstavu kroz zvučne pejzaže i projekcije u punoj razmjeri. U saradnji sa glumicom iz trupe ostvariće se radionica na temu Baba Jage. Kroz čitanje bajke, djeca će biti podstaknuta da prožive najupečatljivije trenutke iz priče, a potom će moći da učestvuju u animiranoj igri, u kojoj će biti iskorišćeni interaktivni prostor, muzika i slike iz predstave. In the fairytale of Baba Yaga, a little girl is forced to leave her family home and go to the house of a terrible ogress. However, she meets several animals who help her to brave the dangers on her arduous journey. Her intuition, courage and ability to make friends are qualities she must use to face a challenge that cannot be overcome alone. The Italian company TPO has staged this well-known Russian tale in a contemporary way, using dance, original music compositions and Rébecca Dautremer’s lavish illustrations, which are projected across the whole stage. The show’s astonishing choreography sees Baba 28 www.tpo.it UTORAK, 2. JUL / TUESDAY, JULY 2 20.00 h, Kulturni centar / 8:00 pm, Cultural Center FONDACIJA ĆANO KOPRIVICA NIKŠIĆKO LUTKARSKO POZORIŠTE ŠĆUĆKIN, NIKŠIĆ - CRNA GORA CANO KOPRIVICA FOUNDATION NIKSIC PUPPET THEATER SCUCKIN, NIKSIC - MONTENEGRO CRVENKAPA LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD Autor teksta, prevod, dramatizacija / Author of the Text, Translation, Dramatization: Igor Bojović Režija / Directed by: Goran Bulajić Dizajn lutaka / Puppet Designer: Anka Gardašević Muzika, izvođenje uživo / Music, Live Performance: Petar Šundić Trajanje / Duration: 45 min. Uzrast / Age: 5+ Igraju / Cast: Kristina Stevović i Petar Burić 29 Crvenkapa Igora Bojovića nudi, u dramaturškom smislu, mnogo više od lutkarskog teatra na koji smo navikli, izmiče tradicionalnoj kategorizaciji koja podrazumijeva određenu vrstu lutaka i uzrast publike. On smjelo i vješto u priču, koju, vjerovatno među prvim, najčešće čuje svako dijete, uvodi nove likove, asocira na dramske klasike, crtani film, otvara mogućnost drugačijih lutaka i nekonvencionalne muzičke podrške… Od Diznija do Šekspira… Nadasve, nudi glumcima prostor za radost „igranja i pjevanja“… Mora li Crvenkapa da se plaši Vuka, baš?.. Ko je tata, i zašto ga nema u bajci?... Autorski tim ove predstave je „surfovao“ na talasu pozitivne energije, uz potrebu da početak rada Nikšićkog lutkarskog pozorišta Šćućkin u okviru filantropske djelatnosti Fondacije Ćano Koprivica učini plodnijim i svečanijim, prije svega, na radost brojne dječije publike. UTORAK, 2. JUL / TUESDAY, JULY 2 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica / 9:30 pm, Summer Stage Dramaturgy-wise, Igor Bojović’s Little Red Riding Hood offers much more than the puppet theater we are used to. It avoids the traditional classification that implies a certain kind of puppet and the age of the audience. Courageously and skillfully, he introduces new characters into stories that are often among the first children experience, while also referencing theater classics and cartoons, from Shakespeare to Disney, and introducing different kinds of puppets and some unconventional music to accompany them. Most importantly, it offers the actors a space for the joys of singing and dancing. Does Little Red Riding Hood really have to be so scared of the Big Bad Wolf? Who is her dad and why is not he in the story? The team behind this performance have surfed a wave of positive energy, aiming to make this debut from the Niksic Puppet Theater “Scuckin”, in collaboration with the philanthropic work of the “Cano Koprivica” Foundation, fruitful and festive, bringing joy to their young audience. Goran Bulajić po motivima romana Pinokio, Karla Kolodija / based on the novel Pinnochio by Carlo Collodi Režija / Directed by: Snežana Trišić Scenograf / Set Designer: Darko Nedeljković Kostimograf / Costume Designer: Milena Đurđić Koreografija i scenski pokret / Choreographer and Stage Movement: Slavka Nelević Muzika / Music by: Aleksandar Radunović Popaj Trajanje / Duration: 85 min. Uzrast / Age: 6+ www.nvfcanokoprivica.org CRVENKAPA LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD GRADSKO POZORIŠTE PODGORICA - CRNA GORA PODGORICA CITY THEATER - MONTENEGRO Jelena Mijović PINOKIO PINOCCHIO Igraju/ Cast: PINOKIO - Jelena Simić, ĐEPETO - Dejan Đonović, CVRLE - Katarina Krek, VILA Julija Milačić, LISICA - Ivana Mrvaljević, MAČAK - Pavle Ilić, FITILJKO - Goran Slavić, VLASNIK CIRKUSA, DOBOŠAR, KOČIJAŠ MAGAREĆIH ZAPREGA - Davor Dragojević, POLICAJAC - Branko Ilić, MAGARAC, TUNJ - Sejfo Seferović, DIREKTORKA ŠKOLE, SUDIJA - Ivona Čović, MORSKA ZVIJEZDA - Dijana Dragojević PINOKIO PINOCCHIO 30 31 Kako dijete da izgradi sistem vrijednosti u društvu u kome su vrijednosti poljuljane, sistem pokvaren, a stubovi društva i kulture iskrivljeni i ruše se? U takvom svijetu teško da će drveni lutak postati dječak, ali još teže će postati i ostati čovjek. Ovo je avantura u kojoj želje pomjeraju svijet, ljubav stvara čuda, a prijateljstvo čaroliju. KLIK! CLINC! How is a child supposed to build a system of values in a world where all values are compromised, the system is corrupt and the pillars of the society are distorted and crumbling? In such a world, a wooden puppet is unlikely to become a boy, and even less likely to become and remain human. This is an adventure where desires change the world, love creates miracles, and friendship creates magic. Snežana Trišić www.pgpozoriste.me SRIJEDA, 3. JUL / WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 21.00 h, Kulturni centar/ 9:00 pm, Cultural Center TRUPA PEP BOU, BARSELONA - ŠPANIJA Sa podrškom Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC) U saradnji sa Castells de Cardedeu brothers i pod pokroviteljstvom Municipal de Cultura de Cardedeu COMPANYIA PEP BOU, BARCELONA - SPAIN With the support of the Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC) With the collaboration of Castells de Cardedeu brothers and the Patronato Municipal de Cultura de Cardedeu KLIK! CLINC! Autor i reditelj / Created and Directed by: Pep Bou Pokret / Movement: Marta Carrasco Scenografija / Set Designer: Castells Planas de Cardedeu Kostimograf / Costume Desginer: Rui Alves Dizajn svjetla / Light Design: Pep Bou i Jep Vergés Izrada rekvizita i scene / Props and Stage Construction: Pascualin, SL Tehničar svjetla i tona / Light & Sound Technician: Jep Vergés Muzika / Music by: Ferran Martínez Paou Montaža zvuka / Sound Editing: Mon Feijóo Audio-vizuelni elementi / Audiovisuals: Elsabeth Fotografija / Photography: David Ruano Trajanje / Duration: 65 min. Uzrast / Age: 4+ Igraju / Cast: Isaias Antolín, Eduardo Telletxea (Agustí Sanllehí) Klik! Instant sreća Klik! je nova predstava koju je osmislio i režirao Pep Bou. Ovo novo ostvarenje nastalo je kao plod dugogodišnjeg istraživanja, koristeći jezik balona od sapunice i ostalih površinskih struktura. Klik! simbolizuje kako se perspektiva ljudi promijeni kada prestanu da gledaju na svijet pesimistički, kada odluče da uoče ljepotu 32 svoje neposredne okoline i da se udruže umjesto da žive usamljeno. Jednostavan gest i simbol će navesti junake ove predstave da promijene svoj stav. Umjesto življenja u strahu od nepoznatog, oni će početi da uživaju u svom neznanju. Ovu promjenu u pogledu na svijet ostvariće putem vještog rukovanja svakodnevnim predmetima iz stvarnog svijeta: vode, sapuna, krugova, magljenika… junaka Klika! Clinc! Instant Happiness Clinc! is the new stageshow created and directed by Pep Bou. This new show is the fruit of years of experimentation using the language of soap bubbles and other surfactant structures. Clinc! symbolizes the change of perspective people have when they stop viewing life pessimistically; when they decide to behold the beauty of their surroundings and start to co-operate instead of living life in isolation. A simple gesture and a symbol help the characters to change their attitudes. Instead of living in fear of the unknown, they start to enjoy the fact they don’t know. This change in outlook is attained by manipulating the daily elements of reality: water, soap, tubes, circles, smoke machines… the protagonists of Clinc! www.pepbou.com ČETVRTAK, 4. JUL / THURSDAY, JULY 4 20.00 h, Pjaca Sv. Luke / 8:00 pm, St. Luke Square PASPARTU, BERGATROJTE - NJEMAČKA PASPARTOUT, BERGATREUTE - GERMANY KUKURIKU PRIČE COCK-TALES Režija / Directed by: Margit Knittel Muzika / Music by: PasParTouT i Sören Leyers Kostimografija / Costume Designer: Angelika Grampp Trajanje / Duration: 30 min. Uzrast / Age: 1+ Igraju / Cast: Anita Fricker, Elisabeth Flämig, Luise Gerlach 33 Čudnovate ptice, vragolasti slonovi i ekscentrični starci se miješaju sa publikom. Paspartu izvodi muzikalni, duhoviti ulični performans. Ovdje je smijanje dozvoljeno. Magični pernati muzikalni trio izvodi životinjske i ljudske scene među gledaocima, ali i sa njima. Nadobudni, sujetni i svadljivi petao, kvočka koja zvoca i, povrh svega, rasklimatano uzrujano pile - ova komična pernata družina odslikava samu publiku na dobrodušan i humorističan način. Koreografija / Choreographer: Władysław Janicki Tekst songova Fudbalski tim i Život jednog sudije / Lyrics to Songs Football Team and The Life of a Referee - Piotr Tomaszuk Inspicijent / Stage Manager: Krystyna Bogacka Trajanje / Duration: 90 min. Uzrast / Age: 6+ Bizarre birds, impish elephants and eccentric geriatrics all mix together with the audience. Paspartout plays humorous musical street theatre. Laughing is encouraged here. A magnificently feathered and musical poultry trio plays animal/human scenes among and with the audience. The puffed-up, vain, quarrelsome cockerel; the nagging mother hen; and, to top it all, the rickety stewing chicken - this comic feathered gathering holds up a mirror to the audience in a good-natured, humorous way. www.paspartout.de Igraju / Cast: Georgi Angiełow, Joanna Borer, Katarzyna Brzozowska, Paweł Jaroszewicz, Damian Kamiński, Tomasz Kowol, Izabella Kurażyńska, Maciej Owczarzak, Elżbieta Pejko, Jacek Poniński, Krzysztof Prygiel, Adam Wnuczko, Honorata Zajączkowska KUKURIKU PRIČE COCK-TALES Zamislite da je neko iznenada otkrio Zemlju, neko ko za nju nikada ranije nije čuo. Ovo je zaista jedna nevjerovatna priča. Kapetan svemirskog broda je sletio na Zemlju i otkrio da Zemljanima upravlja moć fudbala. Njihova ljubav prema fudbalu je toliko jaka da su odlučili da preimenuju Zemlju u „Planeta Fudbal“. Kapetan će pokušati da otkrije odakle dolazi ova strast. Šta će otkriti? Da li će pronaći odgovor na ovu misteriju - saznaćete na kraju ove zanimljive priče. Ovakav tip predstave, koji je dijelom kabare, dijelom revija, neuobičajen je za pozorište Guliver. Autor predstave Marek Zakostelecki inspiraciju je pronašao u Evropskom prvenstvu u fudbalu 2012. Imagine that someone discovered Earth without having heard of planet Earth before. Well, here is a really amazing story: the Captain of a spaceship lands on Earth and discovers that earthlings are controlled by the power of football. The earthlings’ love for football is so strong that the Captain decides to name Earth “Planet Football” and attempts to find the source of this passion for football. And what did he discover? Did he find the answer to this mystery? All will be revealed by the end of this intriguing tale. This is an unusual kind of play for Teatr Guliwer, part cabaret, part revue, with the author Marek Zákostelecký taking his inspiration from EURO 2012. www.teatrguliwer.waw.pl PLANETA FUDBAL PLANET FOOTBALL ČETVRTAK, 4. JUL / THURSDAY, JULY 4 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica/ 9:30 pm, Summer Stage TEATR LALEK GULIWER, VARŠAVA - POLJSKA GULLIVER PUPPET THEATER, WARSAW - POLAND Marek Zákostelecký PLANETA FUDBAL PLANET FOOTBALL Režija / Directed by: Marek Zákostelecký Scenografija / Set Designer: Marek Zákostelecký Muzika / Music by: Vratislav Šrámek Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy by: Hana Mlynářová 34 35 PETAK, 5. JUL / FRIDAY, JULY 5 21.00 h, Pjaca od kina/ 9:00 pm, Cinema Square MINI TEATER, LJUBLJANA - SLOVENIJA MINI THEATER, LJUBLJANA - SLOVENIA Braća Grim SNEŽANA SNOW WHITE SNEGULJČICA Adaptacija / Adaptation: Marek Bečka, Zala Dobovšek Režija / Directed by: Marek Bečka Muzika i songovi / Music and Songs: Jose Dizajn lutaka i umjetnički koncept / Puppet Design and Artistic Concept: Robert Smolik Trajanje / Duration: 50 min. Uzrast / Age: 5+ Igraju / Cast: Elena Volpi, Ajda Toman, Vesna Vončinain Jose, Aljaž Jovanović Priča o Snežani oživljena je u formi dosjetljvog, živahnog i sarkastičnog doživljaja o trenutnom stanju svijeta, dok istovremeno zadržava sve motive bajke koji su osnova ove predstave. Junaci nisu smješteni u magični svijet začaranih šuma, otrovnih jabuka, idilične prirode i natprirodnih poljubaca. Ovdje su moderne bajkovite situacije smještene u mračne rudarske gradove u kojima, uz pomoć savremenih uređaja, ukazuju i na ekološke probleme i na nekontrolisano zagađivanje prirodne sredine. Ipak, zla maćeha, magično ogledalce, nestašni patuljci i spasitelj naći će se i u ovoj priči o Snežani! SNEŽANA SNOW WHITE SNEGULJČICA The story of Snow White comes to life as a witty, lively and sarcastic comment on the actual state of the world but maintains all the vital fairytale motifs that are the foundations of this story. The fairytale heroes here are not to be found in the magical world of the enchanted forest, with poisoned apples, idyllic nature and supernatural kisses. This is a modern fairytale set in a dark mining town where - with the help of modern accessories - the ecological crisis and the uncontrolled pollution of our environment are highlighted. But of course the evil stepmother, magic mirror, mischievous-but-likable elves and handsome savior are all still present, even in this Snow White! www.mini-teater.si PETAK, 5. JUL / FRIDAY, JULY 5 22.00 h, Ljetnja pozornica / 10:00 pm, Summer Stage KRALJEVSKO POZORIŠTE ZETSKI DOM, CETINJE - CRNA GORA ROYAL THEATER ZETSKI DOM, CETINJE - MONTENEGRO R.W. Fassbinder ŽABAR KATZELMACHER Režija / Directed by: Lidija Dedović i Petra Veber Trajanje / Duration: 80 min. Uzrast / Age: 16+ Igraju/ Cast: JORGOS - Miloš Pejović, HELGA - Ana Vučković, MARI - Karmen Bardak, INGRID - Sanja Jovićević / Gorana Marković, GUNDA - Bojana Malinovska, ELIZABETA - Gordana Mićunović, FRANC - Momčilo Otašević, BRUNO - Aleksandar Radulović, PAUL - Petar Novaković, ERIH - Jovan Krivokapić, MUZIČAR - Nebojša Nenezić CRVENKAPA LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD 36 37 Žabar je jedno od prvih ostvarenja genijalnog Fasbindera i za njega je to bila odskočna daska u daljem radu. Fasbinerov tekst, iako napisan šezdesetih godina, baza je za suočavanja sa brutalnostima, lažima, konstrukcijama i fobijama savremenog društva i njegovih mladih zaboravljenih običnih ljudi, delikvenata koji su izgubili svoje kompase, ali i dalje znaju gdje su prave strane njihovih malih svjetova, samo teško da ih mogu naći u zamračenom skladištu današnjice… Katzelmacher was one of the first creations of the ingenious R. W. Fassbinder and presented a stepping stone to his future work. Despite being written in the 1960s, Fassbinder’s piece represents a basis for facing the brutality, lies, mechanisms and phobias of contemporary society and its forgotten ordinary people, the delinquents who lost their compasses yet still know the directions in their own little universe. Still, it can be difficult to find them in the darker corners of the modern world… www.zetskidom.me Predstava je inspirisana običajima, mitovima i legendama slovačkog etnosa u Vojvodini, kao i nadaleko čuvenim naivnim slikarstvom Martina Jonasa i vojvođanske Kovačice. Zasnovana je na glumačkom teatru, pokretu, teatru slika, impresivnoj muzici i pokretu zvuka i svjetla. This show was inspired by the customs, myths and legends of the Slovak people situated in Vojvodina, as well as Martin Jonas’ innocent artwork and Kovačica of Vojvodina. It is based on visual arts and actors’ theater, movements, impressive music and the motion of sound and light. www.breadandplays.com SLIKE MOGA SVIJETA IMAGES OF MY WORLD OBRAZY MÔJHO SVETA SUBOTA, 6. JUL / SATURDAY, JULY 6 20.00 h, Kulturni centar / 8:00 pm, Cultural Center ART CENTAR HLEBA I IGARA, STARA PAZOVA - SRBIJA ARTCENTERBREADANDPLAYS, STARA PAZOVA - SERBIA u saradnji sa / a co-production with USZZ, BRATISLAVA - SLOVAČKA USZZ, BRATISLAVA - SLOVAKIA Miroslav Benka SLIKE MOGA SVIJETA IMAGES OF MY WORLD OBRAZY MÔJHO SVETA Pozorišna trilogija - treći deo / The Theatre Trilogy - Part Three Scenario, režija, scenski pokret i total dizajn / Writer, Director, Stage Movement and Overall Design: Miroslav Benka Saradnica na scenografiji / Assistant Set Designer: Dipl. ing. arh. Mirjana Gegenbauer Izrada scenografskih maketa / Set Design Models: Dipl. ing. arh. Dejan Mitov Slikarsko-kaširerski radovi / Artwork: Prof. Mr. Jozef Klatlk Saradnica na kostimima / Assistant Costume Designer: Jelena Zlatković Saradnica na izradi maski / Assistant Mask Designer: Vlasta Šarkezy Asistent režije / Assistant Director: Miroslav Kožik Fotografije / Photography: Milan Kovač i Miralem Čaušević Trajanje / Duration: 60 min. Uzrast / Age: 3+ Igraju / Cast: SEOSKI DŽULOV - VELEPOSEDNIK - Miroslav Kožik, NjEGOV DOUŠNIK - Marko Vareca, ŠILO - Milan Mutić, NEVESTE OD VJETRA - Andrea Stanišić i Alexandra Havran, ŽENE NA HARMONIKAMA, MEŠKARKY (Aradac, Banat): Anka Puderka, Maria Truman,Tatiana Miklan 38 SUBOTA, 6. JUL / SATURDAY, JULY 6 21.30 h, Terasa Dojmi / 9:30 pm, Dojmi Terrace PIA, PINJAL NOVO - PORTUGALIJA PIA - PROJECTOS DE INTERVENÇÃO ARTÍSTICA, PINHAL NOVO - PORTUGAL PROLAZ PASSAGE PASSAGEM Performans i instalacija / Performance and installation Produkcija / Production: PIA - Projectos de Intervenção Artística, CRL Autor, umjetnički direktor i koncept / Author, Artistic Direction and Plastic Conception: Pedro Leal Direktor produkcije i audio-vizuelni elementi / Production Direction and Audiovisual: Helena Oliveira 39 Kostimografi / Costumes: Maria João Domingues, Olinda Cordas, Filomena Godinho Instalacija i maske / Installation and Masks: Pedro Leal Uzrast / Age: 1+ NEDJELJA, 7. JUL / SUNDAY, JULY 7 20.00 h, Pjaca od kina / 8:00 pm, Cinema Square Zamisao i interpretacija / Creation and Interpretation: Helena Oliveira, Mafalda Cabral, Ricardo Mondim, Sylvain Peker МОСКОВСКИЙ ОБЛАСТНОЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕАТР КУКОЛ, MOSKVA RUSIJA MOSCOW STATEREGIONAL PUPPET THEATER, MOSCOW - RUSSIA Prolaz je priča o četiri stara putnika koji hodaju kroz univerzum lebdećih predmeta u kojem će, kroz prisjećanje prošlosti, pronaći novo putovanje. Ono će biti dopunjeno instalacijom u obliku poetskog izraza koji istražuje zajednički prostor, dok brojne senzacije i emocije čine jedinstvenom sredinu koja nas okružuje. Pomoću ovoga se stvara nova forma iz osjećaja zaborava i rutine koja na kratko vrijeme transformiše običan prostor u mjesto za razmišljanje i preispitivanje. Prolaz ističe vrijednost umjetničke intervencije u javnom prostoru, čineći ga tako pravom scenom za vizuelnu poeziju. U crvenim i bijelim bojama, Prolaz uključuje i performans fizičkog teatra na štulama, koristeći tehnike maskiranja i instalaciju koja je isključivo napravljena od već iskorišćenih predmeta i materijala, dobijajući nov oblik i funkciju, ali istovremeno čuvajući sopstvene priče. „Svi smo mi posjetioci ovog vremena i prostora. Mi smo ovdje samo u prolazu. Naš cilj je da posmatramo, da rastemo, da volimo… A potom da se vratimo kući.“ (Aboridžinska poslovica) A performance that tells the story of four old travelers who walk among a universe of suspended objects where, through memories of lives past, they find a new journey. The performance is presented as an installation, taking the form of a poetic exploration of the commonplace, while its multiplicity of sensations and feelings combine to create a unique environment. Emerging from a sense of oblivion and routine, it transforms the everyday into an ephemeral place of contemplation. Passage is designed to highlight the value of artistic intervention in public spaces, showing it as a truly privileged stage for visual poetry. Colored by red and white, Passage includes a performance of physical theatre on stilts, using masks and an installation created entirely with reused objects and materials, which here gain new forms and life while still preserving their own histories. “We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our goal is to observe, to grow, to love… and then we return home.” (Aborigine proverb) www.piacrl.com PROLAZ PASSAGE PASSAGEM 40 Viktor Aleksandovič Švemberger MAŠA I MEDVJED MASHA AND THE BEAR МАШЕНЬКА И МЕДВЕДЬ Tekst, prevod, dramatizacija / Author of the Text, Translation, Dramatization: Vladimir Gusarov Režija / Directed by: Vladimir Gusarov Svjetlo / Lighting: Nechushkin Kirill Zvuk / Sound: Afanasyev Nikolai Vođa tima / Leader of the Team: Grygoryan Rita Garderoba / Dresser: Egorova Zhanna Trajanje / Duration: 45 min. Uzrast / Age: 3+ Igraju / Cast: Kozlova Elena, Kostochkina Tamara, Potseluev Aleksey, Miller Marina Priča o maloj Maši i Medvjedu je vesela i prijatna, ali istovremeno i veoma dirljiva. Evo šta se desilo: jednoga dana, mala djevojčica, zvana Maša, otišla je u šumu da sakupi pečurke i bobice. U šumi se izgubila i naišla na kolibu u kojoj je živio Medvjed. Pošto on nije bio kod kuće, odlučila je da malo počisti kolibu. Medvjedu se Maša toliko svidjela da nije htio da je pusti da se vrati kući. Ali Maša je odlučila da pobjegne i da se vrati babi i djedu. Umesila je pitu i zamolila Medvjeda da je njima odnese. Spakovala je pitu u korpu i tu se i sakrila. Na putu do kuće osjetila je grižu savjesti jer je htjela da nadmudri dobrodušnog Medvjeda, pa je izašla iz korpe. Na kraju, Medvjed je pustio da se vrati kući. Ova predstava je zabavna za cijelu porodicu. MAŠA I MEDVJED MASHA AND THE BEAR МАШЕНЬКА И МЕДВЕДЬ 41 Masha and the Bear is a merry and enjoyable story, as well as a moving one. It goes like this: one day a little girl called Masha goes to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries. She gets lost and happens upon a hut that is home to a Bear. As he is away, she decides to tidy up the hut a bit. After finding her upon his return, the Bear likes Masha so much that he doesn’t let her go home, only for Masha to decide to run away back to her Grandfather and Grandma: she makes some pies and asks the Bear to bring them to her Grandfather and Grandma, packing them in a basket before jumping in there herself. But on the way she feels so ashamed of tricking such a kind Bear that she climbs out of the basket, leading the Bear to let her go anyway. This show is good fun for the whole family. www.kukli-mogtk.ru NEDJELJA, 7. JUL / SUNDAY, JULY 7 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica / 9:30 pm, Summer Stage Kako stići do Brojlanda? Naravno, s brojevima i malo mašte. A zašto? Zato što tamo možemo vidjeti da 2 plus 2 nisu u svakoj situaciji 4, te da se od brojeva može napraviti avion, automobil, voz, meda, majmun, patka, a ponekad i policajac. Među sve te brojeve jedino se ne uklapa razigrana Nula koja više voli uživati u svojim igrama i nadmudrivati ostale nego biti bez vrijednosti i svog mjesta u svijetu brojeva. Međutim, i Nula će otkriti da je spojena s drugim brojevima i te kako vrijedna i potrebna. Brojland liči na naš svijet, te na svijet u kojem mi ličimo na brojeve kada nam nedostaju osjećaji, smijeh i igra. How to reach Numberland? With numbers, of course. And a little bit of imagination. But why? Because there we can see that 2 and 2 does not always equal 4, and that by using numbers you can make a plane, a car, a train, a bear, a monkey, a duck and sometimes even a police officer. The only outcast among these numbers is the playful Zero, who prefers to have fun through games and outsmart the rest than to be without a value or place in the number world. However, Zero will also discover how, when combined with other numbers, it is very much valuable and needed. Numberland resembles our world, a world in which we resemble numbers in times when we miss emotions, laughter and games. www.zar-ptica.hr GRADSKO KAZALIŠTE ŽAR PTICA, ZAGREB - HRVATSKA CITY THEATER ZAR PTICA, ZAGREB - CROATIA Aleksandar Ivanov ČUDESNI SVIJET BROJEVA THE MAGIC WORLD OF NUMBERS Režija / Directed by: Sunny Suninsky Scenografija i kostimografija / Set Designer and Costume Designer: Martina-Karla Franić Muzika / Music by: Neven Frangeš Tekst songova / Song Lyrics by: Nevenka Videk Dizajn svjetla / Lighting Designer: Olivije Marečić Trajanje / Duration: 50 min. Uzrast / Age: 5+ Igraju / Cast: Ana Marija Bokor, Natalija Đorđević, Gorana Marin, Drago Utješanović ČUDESNI SVIJET BROJEVA THE MAGIC WORLD OF NUMBERS PONEDJELJAK 8. JUL / MONDAY, JULY 8 20.00 h, Kulturni centar / 8:00 pm, Cultural Center LA SOCIETÀ DELLA CIVETTA, BOLONJA - ITALIJA LA SOCIETÀ DELLA CIVETTA, BOLOGNA - ITALY u saradnji sa / in association with THE EGG AT THEATRE ROYALBATH, BAT - ENGLESKA, UK THE EGG AT THEATRE ROYAL BATH, BATH - ENGLAND, UK VJETAR WIND Autor teksta, prevod, dramatizacija / Author of the Text, Translation, Dramatization: Guglielmo Papa Režija / Directed by: Guglielmo Papa Trajanje / Duration: 40 min. Uzrast / Age: 2-6 Igraju / Cast: Guglielmo Papa, Tiziano Popoli, Fabiana Giordano Dva prozora. Iza svakog, čovjek i žena koje nosi vjetar. Kroz nježnu igru otvaranja i zatvaranja, oni posmatraju svijet, svako kroz svoj prozor. Svako otvaranje prozora prilika je da se proviri unutra, u živote ova dva lika, a istovremeno da se vidi šta je napolju, šta se dešava u daljini. Napolju vjetar duva, komeša se, šapuće... Grub je, melanholičan, svjetlucav, a nježan poput dodira. Vjetar je sila, energija i pokretač života. On je točak koji pokreće svijet. Nevjerovatan dizajn zvuka u ovoj predstavi vodi publiku na magično putovanje kroz nepoznate pejzaže i situacije. Otvaranje prozora je ujedno prikaz humora i poezije, ali i momenata iz stvarnog života. Ritam naglih uzdaha vjetra koji prekida živote ova dva lika, noseći ih, postaje, na kraju, ključni element, kome se se prepuštaju da bi iskusili jedinstvenu promjenu. Prozori se otvaraju i zatvaraju dok lebde u vazduhu, u igri 42 43 potjere i razmjenjivanja pogleda, sve brže i brže. Kad se vjetar smiri, srešće se licem u lice. Šta će se desiti? Two windows. A man and a woman behind each, carried by the wind. Through a delicate game of opening and closing, the man and woman observe the world, each through their own window. Every opening is an invitation to take a peek inside, into the lives of two characters at the same time, a chance to discover what is outside, to see what’s happening just beyond. On the outside, the wind blows, stirs, whispers… It is violent, melancholic, sparkling, yet as delicate as a caress. The wind is a force of life, energy and vitality. It is the wheel that makes the world go round. This show’s extraordinary sound design takes the audience on a surreal journey through unfamiliar landscapes and situations. The window openings are simultaneously passages of humor, poetry and moments of real life. The rhythm of the wind’s impetuous breath interrupts the lives of the two characters and carries them away. Finally, it becomes the key element that encourages them let themselves go in order to experience a momentous change. The windows open and close while floating in space, in a game of glances and chase at a faster and faster pace. And when the wind calms down, they will find themselves face to face. What will happen next? VJETAR WIND www.lasocietadellacivetta.it PONEDJELJAK 8. JUL / MONDAY, JULY 8 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica / 9:30 pm, Summer Stage ТЕАТАР ЗА ДЕЦА И МЛАДИНЦИ, SKOPLJE - MAKEDONIJA THEATER FOR YOUTH AND CHILDREN, SKOPJE - MACEDONIA Astrid Lindgren PIPI DUGA ČARAPA PIPPI LONGSTOCKING ПИПИ ДОЛГИОТ ЧОРАП Dramatizacija i adaptacija / Dramatization and Adaptation: Bojan Trifunovski Režija / Directed by: Dragana Miloševski Popova 44 PIPI DUGA ČARAPA PIPPI LONGSTOCKING ПИПИ ДОЛГИОТ ЧОРАП Asistent režiser / Assistant Director: Dragana Stojčevska Scenografija / Set Designer: Kiril Vasilev Asistent scenograf / Assistant Set Designer: Enez Deari Kostimografija / Costume Designer: Marija Pupučevska Asistent kostimograf / Assistant Choreographer: Marta Trendafilova Muzika / Music by: Marjan Nečak Koreografija / Choreographer: Simona Spirovska Ton / Sound: Angele Naskovski Svjetlo / Lighting: Oliver Stavrev Izrada kostima / Costumes: Ljubica Velkova, Kerim Etem Trajanje / Duration: 70 min. Uzrast / Age: 6+ Igraju / Cast: PIPI - Sonja Stamboldžioska, ANIKA - Emran Kurtišova, TOMI - Martin Jordanoski, MAJKA - Ana Levajkoviќ Boškov, OTAC - Predrag Pavlovski, UČITELJICA PRISILIUS - Tatjana Pavlovska Kočovska, POLICAJAC KLING - Miki Ančevski, DŽIM - Bojan Kirkovski, BAK - Vladimir Lazovski, MAJMUN NILSEN - Marija Đorđijovska, KAPETAN DUGA ČARAPA, KONJ RADE - Dragan Dovlev Pipi je super, ona može sve. Pipi je simbol slobodnog djeteta prepunog fantazije, primjer nezavisnosti, pravde… Pipi nas ne vaspitava, ona nam jača osjećaj povjerenja i hrabrosti. Ona je dokaz da sva djeca ne moraju biti isto obučena, i da je poželjno da se razlikuju međusobno. Svako na ovom svijetu je različit od ostalih i svako dijete još od malih nogu mora naučiti da se bori da zadrži svoju originalnost i individualnost. Pippi is amazing, she can do anything. Pippi symbolizes free-spirited children who are full of imagination, a prime example of independence and justice. Pippi does not educate us; she strengthens our sense of trust and courage. She is the proof that not all children have to be dressed the same and that diversity is very important. In this world, we are all different and every child must learn how to preserve and fight for their uniqueness and individuality from an early age. www.puppet.com.mk 45 UTORAK, 9. JUL / TUESDAY, JULY 9 20.00 h, Kulturni centar / 8:00 pm, Cultural Center TEATAR MLADIH, NOVI SAD - SRBIJA YOUTH THEATER, NOVI SAD - SERBIA Marta Gušnjovska (Marta Gusniowska) BAJKA O VITEZU BEZ KONJA A FAIRYTALE ABOUT A KNIGHT WITHOUT A HORSE Prevod sa poljskog / Translation from Polish: dr Zoran Đerić Režija / Directed by: Jaroslav Antonjuk Kreacija i izrada lutaka, scenografije i kostimografije / Set, Costume and Puppet Designer: Eva Farkašova Korepetitor / Accomapanist: mr Agota Vitkai Kučera Fotografija / Photography: Branislav Lučić Trajanje / Duration: 50 min. Uzrast / Age: 6+ Igraju / Cast: Slavica Vučetić, Marija Mitrović, Slobodan Ninković, Saša Latinović Savremena bajka o nesrećnom Vitezu bez Konja i podjednako o nesrećnom Konju bez Viteza koji lutaju po svijetu u potrazi jedan za drugim. U priči nije sve kao što se dešava u bajkama. Pored Viteza i Konja pojavljuju se: Princeza koja je zarobljena u kuli, zli razbojnici, mali miš, čarobnjak s magičnom kuglom i strašni Zmaj, pri čemu nijedan od njihovih atributa ne treba uzimati ozbiljno do kraja. Izuzetno bogata i originalna barokna scena će nas odvesti u svijet fantazije. Radnja se odvija u baroknom salonu, u kojem se nalazi minijaturna scena za marionete. Brza akcija, odlične glumačke kreacije, duhovite pjesme, sve između bajke i otmene dvorske igre. Predstava je puna humora i, bez sumnje, i djeca i odrasli će uživati u njoj. Ali ne samo zbog toga što je to istovremeno priča sa moralnom porukom, postoji i ona koja je za predstavu, bez obzira na uzrast, najvažnija: „Kada iskreno vjerujete u nešto, onda će vam se vaši snovi ispuniti.“ Jaroslav Antonjuk This is a contemporary fairytale about an unfortunate Knight Without a Horse and an equally unfortunate Horse Without a Knight, who travel around the world in search of each other. Here, not everything happens like it does in a fairytale. Other than the Knight and the Horse, we also have: a Princess trapped in a tower, evil bandits, a little mouse, a wizard with a magic ball and a fearsome Dragon, although none of their attributes are to be taken completely seriously. The extremely colorful and original baroque staging will take the audience into a world of fantasy. The plot takes place in a baroque salon with a tiny stage made for marionettes. Quick action, stellar acting, witty songs - all are to be found amid a fairytale and a noble royal dance. The show is full of humor, with both children and adults certain to enjoy it. Not only because it’s a story with a moral to it, but because it emphasizes the most important and ageless moral of all: “When you believe in something genuinely, then your dreams will come true.” Jaroslav Antonjuk www.pozoristemladih.co.rs UTORAK, 9. JUL / TUESDAY, JULY 9 21.30 h, Ljetnja pozornica / 9:30 pm, Summer Stage POZORIŠTANCE PUŽ, BEOGRAD - SRBIJA TINY THEATER PUZ, BELGRADE - SERBIA Aleksandra Milavić Dejvis PRINCEZA U ZAMKU DUHOVA PRINCESS IN A CASTLE OF GHOSTS Režija, scenografija, koreografija / Director, Set Designer and Choreographer: Aleksandra Milavić Dejvis Kostimografija / Costume Designer: Jelena Perišić Muzika / Music by: Božidar Obradinović Asistent režije / Assistant Director: Ivana Popović Trajanje / Duration: 70 min. Uzrast / Age: 3+ 46 47 Igraju / Cast: PRINCEZA - Iskra Brajović, TATA DUH - Branislav Zeremski, MAMA DUH - Branka Šelić, MISTER ZVEZDING, KLOVN - Lako Nikolić, VODOINSTALATER- Uroš Jakovljević, REPORTERKA - Jelena Angelovski, SNIMATELJ - Aleksandar Vujanović, BRAT- Marko Jovičić, ANIMATOR LUTKE - Predrag Filipović Ova priča duhovitih duhova ukazuje na problem preterano brižnih roditelja koji drže djecu pod staklenim zvonom. Prezaštićeno dijete je princeza Kamelija. Njeni roditelji su duhovi koji je ne puštaju iz zamka jer je svijet suviše opasan. Njihov glavni zadatak je da plašenjem otjeraju momke koji pokušavaju da oslobode princezu... Naravoučenije, ili kao što pjesnik reče: „Za decu nisu strogi stražari, nego drugarice i drugari. Za decu nisu staklena zvona, njima je tesna i vasiona.“ This story about witty ghosts tackles the issue of overly protective parents who like to keep their children wrapped in cotton wool. The overprotected child in this case is the princess Camelia. Her parents are ghosts who will not let her leave the castle because they deem the world too dangerous. Their main goal is to scare away all the boys who are trying to free the princess. The moral of the story is: “A child is not to be the guarded one, children are made for friends and fun. Children should not be kept between the walls - for them, even the universe is too small.“ www.pozoristancepuz.com SCENSKO STVARALAŠTVO DJEČIJE SCENSKO STVARALAŠTVO: BAL@ / RAZIGRANE LJETNJE VARIJACIJE / LJUBAV I VRIJEME / 13. SAMOSTALNI KONCERT FEŠTINIH MAŽORETKI / NE SUMNJAJMO U SUNCE KOJE SE IZA OBLAKA PONEKAD KRIJE / BAJKOVITI SVIJET / U SVIJETU POSTOJI JEDNO CARSTVO / IGRA I PJESMA SU NAŠI NAJBOLJI DRUGARI / NARODNE IGRE I PJESME / MARKO KRALJEVIĆ I MUSA KESEDŽIJA / VEČE MALE SIRENE / MODNA REVIJA ZA DJECU / VEČE SA ALISOM Jedna od glavnih misija Kotorskog festivala pozorišta za djecu je promovisanje dječijeg stvaralaštva. Pružanjem prilike djeci da se pokažu i iskažu na festivalskim pozornicama podstičemo ih da se ne odriču svijeta mašte i kreativnosti i da razvijaju svoje potencijale i znanje. Možda su baš pozorište, ples i mjuzikli načini da izrastu u velike ljude... Mi vjerujemo u to. A vi? SCENA ZA MLADE: NE PREPORUČUJE SE / I ŽIVJELI SU DO KRAJA ŽIVOTA / OPSESIJA - PIKASO I DORA MAR / EVO ME Scena za mlade nastaje kao potreba stvaranja prostora za ovu društvenu grupu izuzetno osjetljivu i željnu novih stvari i dokazivanja. Festival otvara mogućnost mladim ljudima koji izražavaju svoje stavove putem pozorišne umjetnosti da glasno pošalju poruku, ali i publici da je oslušnu. Uvidjevši da je kulturna ponuda za tinejdžere izuzetno siromašna, ovo je pravi put i način da se mladi animiraju i vrate u pozorište. OFF PROGRAM: PLAVI ZEC SLAVI ROĐENDAN / LUCKASTI KLOVNOVI / BUDIMO PRIJATELJI / PRIČE ZA LAKU NOĆ / VETERINAR / KRESIVO / ALISA U ZEMLJI ČUDA / NE VJERUJTE DARVINU / KEKO EKO / PUT OKO SVIJETA / NADAHNUĆE / PINYIN OFF program nastaje kao težnja širenja programskih modela i sadržaja Festivala u domenu profesionalnog pozorišta za djecu i kvalitetnih amaterskih trupa čiji je pozorišni rad posvećen najmlađima. Riječ je o fringe programu u kojem pozorišta predstavljaju svoj rad i stiču priliku za usavršavanje, promociju i razmjenu iskustava na internacionalnom evropskom nivou. STAGE CREATIVITY CHILDREN STAGE WORK: BALL@ / PLAYFUL SUMMER VARIATIONS / LOVE AND TIME / 13TH SOLO SHOW OF FIESTA MAJORETTES / LET’S NOT DOUBT THE SUN THAT SOMETIMES HIDES BEHIND THE CLOUDS / FAIRYTALE WORLD / SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD THERE IS A KINGDOM / DANCE AND SONGS ARE OUR BEST FRIENDS / FOLK DANCE AND SONGS / MARKO KRALJEVIC AND MUSA KESEDZIJA / LITTLE MERMAID EVENING / CHILDREN FASHION SHOW / EVENING WITH ALISA One of the main aims of Kotor Festival of Theater for Children is promoting children creativity. By offering them an opportunity to present themselves on the Festival stages, we encourage the children not to give up the world of imagination and creativity and to nurture their potential and knowledge. Perhaps the theater, dance and musicals are the very things that will help them grow to be great people. We believe that, how about you? 48 49 YOUTH STAGE: NOT RECOMMENDED / AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER / OBSESSION - PICASSO AND DORA MAAR / HERE I AM The youth stage is created to provide space for this extremely sensible social group that is eager to discover new things and to prove itself. The Festival opens up the possibility to many young people who like expressing their attitudes through the means of theater to put across their message loudly, but also offers the audience a chance to hear it. Taking into consideration the incredibly poor cultural offer for teenagers, this seems to be the right way to activate young people and reignite their interest in theater. OFF PROGRAM: BLUE RABBIT CELEBRATES HIS BIRTHDAY / SILLY CLOWNS / LET’S BE FRIENDS / BEDTIME STORIES / VETERINARIAN / THE TINDERBOX / ALICE IN WONDERLAND / DO NOT TRUST DARWIN / KEKO ECO / TRIP ARAOUND THE WORLD / INSPIRATION / PINYIN ČETVRTAK, 4. JUL MALE MORSKE I OBALSKE PRIČE Promocija knjige Radmile Knežević, Izdavačka kuća Pčelica, Čačak - Srbija Dramski studio Budva SUBOTA, 6. JUL SJEME DJEČAKA KOE I KRALJ DEMON I OSTALE FESTIVALSKE PRIČE / Predstavljanje književnog stvaralaštva za djecu Kerolin Han (Carolyn Han) - SAD UTORAK, 9. JUL OD ČITANJA SE RASTE Autorsko veče Jasminke Petrović, Beograd - Srbija SRIJEDA, 10. JUL OFF Program tends to extend program models and the content of the Festival related to professional children theater and accomplished amateur companies whose theater work is dedicated to the youngest audience. More precisely, it is a fringe program wherein theaters will be able to present their work and have an opportunity to improve, promote and exchange their experience on an international, European level. ZABAVNO-KNJIŽEVNI PROGRAM ZA DJECU I ODRASLE ČITAONICA POD VELIKIM DRVETOM Partneri: NVU Prijatelji, Herceg Novi, Gradska biblioteka i čitaonica Kotor Pjaca od kina, kod velikog drveta, 20.30 h ... Tragajući za čudesnim mjestom koje će ih okupiti, djeca i oni koji za njih stvaraju krenuli su istim putem, kroz lavirinte djetinjstva... Najzad, stigli su u Kotor... Spojili su se neraskidivim nitima igre u književnosti i pozorištu za djecu. I od tada, niko ih ne razdvoji... Lijepim i novim riječima zajedno proljepšavaju jezik i uljepšavaju svijet! Velika topola, kao mudra starica iz bajki, grli ih svojim granama i zasipa stoljetnim sunčanim prahom, otkrivajući im čarolije čitanja i pisanja... Budi i ti dio naše priče... DIKAN Promocija stripa Laza Sredanovića Gosti: Boban Knežević, urednik Everest media, Simon Vučković, predsjednik Udruženja autora stripa Crne Gore Čitaonica pod velikim drvetom i ove godine promovisaće književnost za djecu i na najbolji način njegovati lijep odnos prema knjizi. Najznačajniji dio programa čine večeri proze i poezije čiji su stvaraoci djeca i poznate autorke koje se već dugo bave pisanjem za djecu i mladе. Ponosni smo na različite mogućnosti predstavljanja stvaralaštva za djecu, kako iz našeg regiona tako i sa drugih kontinenata. Nadamo se da će i djecu i odrasle obradovati naslovi Jasminke Petrović poput Bontona, Seksa za početnike ili Škole, kao i Male morske i obalske priče Radmile Knežević, a svakako će nas zainteresovati i pripovedanja o havajskom dječaku ili festivalske priče iz daleke Kine Amerikanke Kerolin Han (Carolyn Han). Posebno nam je zadovoljstvo da predstavimo i radove tivatskih mladih autora i njihove profesorice Ružice Lazarević, koji će nam pokazati da „veliki ljudi“ najbrže porastu na Velikom odmoru. Na kraju, posjetiće nas i junak jednog od najtiražnijih i najznačajnijih stripova sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije Dikan Laza Sredanovića. Uživajmo! Učesnici: Škola glume Kotor, Škola glume Petra Pejakovića Podgorica, Studio za balet i ples Mala Sirena (Kotor), OŠ Narodni heroj Savo Ilić (Dobrota), Škola za talente (Tivat), OŠ Maksim Gorki (Podgorica), OŠ Milorad - Musa Burzan (Podgorica), JPU Radost (Kotor), Knightsbridge Schools International Montenegro (Tivat)... Urednik i voditelj: Jelena Đonović PROGRAM SRIJEDA, 3. JUL VELIKI LJUDI RASTU NA VELIKOM ODMORU Predstavljanje knjige Veliki odmor - Ružica Lazarević i Škola za talente, Tivat Gosti: Aleksandra Lukić i Tode Nikoletić, pjesnici i Mateja Bokan 50 51 ENTERTAINING LITERARY PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AND GROWN UPS READING SESSION UNDER THE BIG TREE Partners: NGO Friends, Herceg Novi, City Library Kotor Cinema Square, under the big tree, 8:30 pm ...Looking for that magical place that will bring them together, the children and those who create for them embarked on the same journey, through the labyrinths of childhood... At last, they arrived to Kotor. Ever since becoming connected with an unbreakable thread of playfulness in literature and children’s theatre, no one has been able to separate them... With new and refined words, together they embellish the language and the world! As they soak up the century-old sunshine, the big poplar embraces them with her branches as if she were a wise old lady from the fairy tales, revealing them the magic of reading and writing... Come be a part of our story too. PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 BIG PEOPLE GROW ON BIG VACATIONS and youth literature for many years. We are proud to present numerous opportunities through which we will demonstrate the creative work for children from our region and other continents alike. We hope that both children and grown-ups will be delighted to see works by Jasminka Petrovic, such as Bonton, Sex for Beginners or School, but also Little Sea and Coastal Stories by Radmila Knezevic. Furthermore, we are bound to be interested in storytelling about a boy from Hawaii or festival stories from the faraway China by the American author Carolyn Han. It is also our pleasure to introduce the works of young authors from Tivat and their professor Ruzica Lazarevic, who will show us that big people grow up the fastest on the Big Vacation. Finally, we will be visited by a hero from one of the best selling and most significant comic books from ex-Yugoslavia - Dikan, created by Lazo Sredanovic. Enjoy! Participants: Acting School Kotor, Petra Pejakovic Acting School Podgorica, Little Mermaid Dance and Ballet Studio (Kotor), OS Narodni Heroj Savo Ilic (Dobrota), Talent School (Tivat), OS Maksim Gorki (Podgorica), OS Milorad - Musa Burzan (Podgorica), JPU Radost (Kotor), Knightsbridge Schools International Montenegro (Tivat)... Editor and host: Jelena Djonovic Presenting The Big Vacation book by Ruzica Lazarevic and Talent School, Tivat Guests: Aleksandra Lukic and Tode Nikoletic, poets and Mateja Bokan LIKOVNI PROGRAM THURSDAY, JULY 4 KOTOR - MUZEJ DJETINJSTVA Umjetničke instalacije u Starom gradu LITTLE SEA AND COASTAL STORIES Promotion of the book by Radmila Knezevic, Pcelica Publishing House, Cacak - Serbia Budva Drama Studio SATURDAY, JULY 6 KOA’S SEED and THE DEMON KING AND OTHER FESTIVAL FOLKTALES OF CHINA Presenting creative literary work for children by Carolyn Han - USA TUESDAY, JULY 9 READING MAKES YOU GROW Literary evening with Jasminka Petrovic, Belgrade - Serbia WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 DIKAN Promotion of the comic book by Lazo Sredanovic Guests: Boban Knezevic, Everest Media editor, Simon Vuckovic, Association of Comic Book Authors Montenegro director This year, the Reading Session under the Big Tree will once again promote children literature and nurture our relationship with books. The most significant part of this program will be represented through prose and poetry evenings whose authors will be children themselves, alongside prominent writers who have been engaged in children 52 LETEĆI KIŠOBRANI, Škaljarska pjaca NEVIDLJIVE VJEŠTICE, Vrata od Gurdića PUTOLAŽI, Trg Sv. Tripuna i Pjaca od muzeja GULIVER OPET DOLAZI, Pjaca Sv. Ozane ĆIHU - HU, Terasa Dojmi VELIKA KNJIGA, Pjaca od kina LEŽEĆI SAT, Vrata od mora BLACK PEARL, Kulturni centar LUDI KAMEN, Trg Sv. Luke LUTKE, Gurdić SKOČICA, Vardar MLADI TALENTI HERCEGOVINE Izložba likovnih radova Dječja igraonica Ciciban, Trebinje i Škola crtanja i slikanja Cambridge, Trebinje, Gacko, Bileća, Nevesinje - Bosna i Hercegovina Likovni program 21. Festivala Kotor - muzej djetinjstva zamišljen je kao „ogromna“ izložba čiji je galerijski prostor cijeli kotorski Stari grad u kojem su izloženi džinovski predmeti iz imaginarnog svijeta, i u kojem je i sama „galerija“ izložena na izložbi. Namjera je da ovo bude i začetak višegodišnjeg projekta koji bi trebalo da inicira osnivanje zbirke eksponata budućeg muzeja djetinjstva i igre u Kotoru. Promovišući likovno stvaralaštvo za djecu i mlade, kao i njihovo kreativno izražavanje, u ovom imaginarnom Muzeju djetinjstva čuvaće se vrijednosti mašte i igre. 53 VISUAL ARTS PROGRAM KOTOR - MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD Artistic installations in the Old Town FLYING UMBRELLAS, Piazza of Skaljari INVISIBLE WITCHES, Gurdic Gate SILLY SIGN POSTS, St. Tryphon Square and Museum Piazza GULLIVER RETURNS, St. Ozana Square CHOO-CHOO, Dojmi Terrace BIG BOOK, Cinema Square LYING CLOCK, Main Gate crosswalk BLACK PEARL, Cultural Center CRAZY STONE, St. Luke Square PUPPETS, Gurdic JUMPY, Vardar YOUNG TALENTS OF HERZEGOVINA Visual Arts Exhibition Ciciban Children Playroom, Trebinje and Cambridge School of Drawing and Painting, Trebinje, Gacko, Bileca, Nevesinje - Bosnia and Herzegovina Visual arts program of the 21st Festival Kotor - Museum of Childhood is designed to be a large-scale exhibition whose gallery is embodied in the entire Old Town of Kotor, where enormous object from imaginary worlds will be placed, so the very “gallery” of this exhibition will also be on display. The intention is to make this a stepping stone for a prolonged project whose aim will be to initiate establishing a collection of the showpieces of a future museum of childhood and games in Kotor. Promoting artistic creativity for children and young people, as wells as their visual arts expression, this illusory Museum of Childhood will house the value of imagination and playfulness. MUZIČKI PROGRAM 4. FESTIVAL GUDAČA MUZIČKA ŠKOLA VIDA MATJAN, KOTOR KONCERT OTVARANJA FESTIVALA GUDAČA Orkestar Muzičke škole Franca Šturma, Ljubljana - Slovenija KONCERT Ivanka Muhadinović (flauta), Cetinje i Aleksej Molčanov (klavir) - Kijev, Ukrajina KONCERT UČENIKA IZ MOSKVE, BEČA I KOTORA Rusija, Austrija, Crna Gora KONCERT POLAZNIKA MASTER-CLASS SEMINARA ZA SOLO PJEVAČE Prof. Lilia Ilieva, Sofija - Bugarska MATINE KONCERT MEĐUNARODNOG ORKESTRA FESTIVALA GUDAČA Austrija, Japan, Rusija, Ukrajina, Srbija, Hrvatska, Slovenija, Crna Gora KONCERT ORKESTRA MUZIČKE ŠKOLE ANDRE NAVARA Podgorica 54 KONCERT POLAZNIKA MASTER-CLASS SEMINARA Profesori: Arkadij Winokurov - Ukrajina, Georg Baich - Austrija ZAVRŠNI KONCERT MEĐUNARODNOG ORKESTRA FESTIVALA GUDAČA SA SOLISTIMA Austrija, Japan, Rusija, Ukrajina, Srbija, Hrvatska, Slovenija, Crna Gora Festival gudača je manifestacija koja ima javni međunarodni karakter promotivno-edukativnog tipa, gdje se okupljaju mladi umjetnici iz različitih sredina i različite starosne dobi. Radi se o jedinstvenom Festivalu u našoj zemlji koji ima za cilj unapređenje ukupne kulturne i turističke ponude grada Kotora, kao i prezentovanje kulturnih i tradicijskih vrijednosti naše zemlje. U okviru Festivala se organizuju master-class radionice za obuku gudača (violina, violončelo, viola, kamerna muzika i orkestar), a svake večeri na različitim lokacijama atraktivnog Starog grada organizuju se koncerti koji privlače pažnju velikog broja turista i domaće javnosti. Posebna atrakcija na prethodnim Festivalima bili su završni koncerti Međunarodnog orkestra mladih muzičara (10 zemalja), na kojima je publika mogla osjetiti atmosferu kulturnog i muzičkog ugođaja, uzvišenog i temeljnog, kako to našem gradu i dolikuje. Kotor je posljednjih godina postao atraktivna turistička destinacija, a naš cilj je da pružimo poseban značaj jačoj i čvršćoj vezi kulture i turizma, isključivo vodeći računa o prezentaciji sadržajnih i visoko kvalitetnih programa. MUSIC PROGRAM 4th FESTIVAL OF STRINGS VIDA MATJAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, KOTOR FESTIVAL OF STRINGS OPENING CONCERT Franc Sturm School of Music Orchestra, Ljubljana - Slovenia CONCERT Ivanka Muhadinovic (flute), Cetinje and Alexey Molchanov (piano) - Kiev, Ukraine CONCERT OF STUDENTS FROM MOSCOW, VIENNA AND KOTOR Russia, Austria, Montenegro CONCERT OF STUDENTS FROM THE MASTER-CLASS SEMINAR FOR SOLO SINGERS Professor Lilia Ilieva, Sofia - Bulgaria INTERNATIONAL ORCHESTRA MATINEE CONCERT FESTIVAL OF STRINGS Austria, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro ANDRE NAVARA SCHOOL OF MUSIC ORCHESTRA CONCERT Podgorica, Montenegro THE MASTER-CLASS SEMINAR STUDENTS CONCERT Professors: Arkadij Winokurov - Ukraine, Georg Baich - Austria CLOSING CONCERT OF THE INTERNATIONAL ORCHESTRA FESTIVAL OF STRINGS WITH SOLO PERFORMERS Austria, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro Festival of Strings in as international event with promotional and educational aims, one that brings together young artists from different backgrounds and age groups. This Festival is unique in our country and it serves to improve the overall cultural and touristic offer in the town of Kotor. Furthermore, it demonstrates artistic and traditional values of our country. 55 Master-class workshops for educating string players (violin, cello, viola, chamber music and orchestra) will be organized within the Festival, and each evening, concerts will be held at various locations in the Old Town, which will attract a significant number of tourists and local spectators. Closing concerts of the International Orchestra of young musicians (10 countries) have been traditionally well visited at the previous Festivals, where the audience had an opportunity to experience cultural and musical enjoyment, both uplifting and profound, just like the town that hosts it. Recently, Kotor has become an attractive tourist destination and our goal is to emphasize the tight bond between culture and tourism, focusing exclusively on presenting the most outstanding and eventful programs. EDUKATIVNO-TEORIJSKI PROGRAMI Umjetničke radionice za djecu i mlade Oživimo zmajeve, ljiljane, zvjezdice na kamenim portalima grada! RADIONICA MODELOVANJA, 17-19. jun Dajmo zmajevima krila, lotosima i ljiljanima boje i mirise! Primijetimo ih! Po ko zna koji put učinimo đir po Starom gradu. Uočavanje raznolikosti i bogatstva oblika na kotorskim reljefima. Oživimo ih svojom maštom i rukama vještim poput starih majstora. Dajmo im priliku da odšetaju i pronađu mjesto gdje biće opaženi, gdje će šapatom odati brojne tajne grada… Voditelj: Izabela Matoš, slikarka Uzrast: 6+ Vi-tražite! RADIONICA VITRAŽA, 20-27. jun Igrajući se oblicima i bojama, stvaranjem magičnog vozića i letećih kišobrana, djeca će zakoračiti u svijet likovne umjetnosti, ukrasiti grad i tako ostaviti prepоznatljiv trag. Voditelj: Goran Moškov, vajar Uzrast: 5+ Kako ispričati filmsku priču? FILMSKA RADIONICA, 2-10. jul Uvodni kurs u svijet filma za tinejdžere, upoznavanje osnova filmskog jezika, filmskih stilova, tehnike snimanja i montaže kratkih filmova. Poslije izbora teme priča polaznici će pristupiti njenoj razradi, pisanju scenarija, a potom i snimanju kratkih, dokumentarnih ili igranih filmova. Voditelj: Dušan Vuleković, filmski reditelj Uzrast: 12+ Pusti ruku da nacrta priču! RADIONICA STRIPA, 2-10. jul Savladavanje osnovnih tehnika crtanja i ilustrovanja i izrada stripa. Upoznavanje sa tajnama zanata poznatih strip-autora. Kreiranje sopstvenih strip-junaka, priče i stripa kao cjeline, uz lijepu zabavu u društvu ljubitelja stripa. Voditelji: Simon Vučković i Ozren Miždalo, strip-autori Uzrast: 6+ Venecijanske maske! RADIONICA MASKI, 3-9. jul 56 Radionica se realizuje u saradnji sa Zajednicom Italijana Crne Gore, na kojoj će djeca, korak po korak, ovladati različitim vještinama i tehnikama, kao što je popularno kaširanje, ali i u mnogim drugim. Zabavljajući se i radeći, doći će do svojih prvih originalnih i ručno izrađenih karnevalskih maski koje će ličiti na one čuvene venecijanske. Voditeljke: Ana Zarubica, Ivana Lazarević, Branka Todorović i Milica Martinović Uzrast: 12+ Kreativna radionica djece sa smetnjama u razvoju LIKOVNA RADIONICA, 5. jul U saradnji sa Udruženjem roditelja djece i omladine sa smetnjama u razvoju Pružite nam šansu, Podgorica i Kulturni centar Homer, Podgorica. Voditelj radionice: Mirko Dragović, slikar Uzrast: 8+ Glumačka putovanja... RADIONICA GLUME, 15-30. jul Na omiljenoj radionici djeca će imati priliku da se na kotorskim pločnicima sretnu sa Guliverom, igraju se svojim tijelom i glasom, nauče neke glumačke cake i trikove, na trenutak budu neko drugi, ali, prije svega, samo svoji i originalni... Voditelji: Petar Pejaković, pozorišni reditelj i Slaviša Grubiša, glumac Uzrast: 7+ ATIONAL AND THEORETICAL PROGRAM Artistic workshops for children and young people Let’s bring to life dragons, lilacs and stars on the stone gates of the town! MODELLING WORKSHOP, June 17 - June 19 Let’s give wings to dragons, colors and scents to lotuses and lilacs! Let’s notice them! Let’s stroll around the Old Town once again. Spotting the differences and the richness of shapes on Kotor’s reliefs - let’s bring them to life with our imagination and skillful hands, just like the old masters used to have. Let’s give them an opportunity to walk around and find a spot where they will be noticed, revealing many secrets of the town through whispers… Workshop leader: Izabela Matos, painter Age: 6+ Stained gl-ask! STAINED GLASS WORKSHOP, June 20 - June 27 By playing with shapes and colors and creating a magic train and flying umbrellas, children will step into the world of visual arts, decorate the town and leave behind their own distinguishing mark. Workshop leader: Goran Moskov, sculptor Age: 5+ How to tell a film story? FILM WORKSHOP, July 2 - July 10 This is an introductory course into the world of film dedicated to teenagers, where they will have an opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of film language, film styles and techniques of shooting and editing short films. Upon deciding on the topic, the participants will then continue to develop it, first by writing a script and then by shooting a short documentary or a feature film. Workshop leader: Dusan Vulekovic, film director Age: 12+ 57 Let the hand draw the story! COMICS WORKSHOP, July 2 - July 10 Mastering basic techniques of drawing, illustrating and putting together a comic book. Getting to know the secrets of the renowned comic book authors. Creating one’s own comic book character, stories and the comic as a whole, all while having fun in the company of other comic book fans. Workshop leaders: Simon Vuckovic and Ozren Mizdalo, comic book authors Age: 6+ Venetian masks! MASK WORKSHOP, July 3 - July 9 This workshop has been realized in collaboration with the Association of Italians in Montenegro and it will help children master various skills and techniques, step by step - like the popular papier-mâché technique, but also many others. Through fun and work, they will create their own first hand-made carnival mask that will resemble those famous ones they have in Venice. Workshop leaders: Ana Zarubica, Ivana Lazarevic, Branka Todorovic and Milica Martinovic Age: 12+ Creative workshop for children with developmental disabilities VISUAL ARTS WORKSHOP, July 5 In collaboration with Give Us a Chance Association of Parents with Children with Developmental Disabilities from Podgorica and Homer Cultural Center, Podgorica. Workshop leader: Mirko Dragovic, painter Age: 8+ Acting journeys... ACTING WORKSHOP, July 15 - July 30 During this workshop, deemed to be the audience favorite, children will have an opportunity to meet Gulliver in the streets of Kotor, but also to manipulate their bodies and voice, learn a few of actors’ tricks and tips, be someone else for a short while - but first and foremost - be themselves and be original. Workshop leaders: Petar Pejakovic, theater director and Slavisa Grubisa, actor Age: 7+ KAKO RASTU VELIKI LJUDI, 5. i 6. jul Seminar-radionica Kako rastu veliki ljudi zasniva se na iskustvu interdisciplnarne prakse u oblasti kulture i umjetnosti koji su posvećeni razvoju darovite djece i mladih ljudi. Predavač dr Ranko Rajović je specijalista interne medicine, osnivač Mense Jugoslavije, osnivač Odseka za darovite Mense Srbije - NTC (Nikola Tesla centar), član Borda direktora svjetske Mense, a od 2010. godine predsjednik Komiteta svjetske Mense za darovitu djecu. Autor je programa NTC sistem učenja za stručno usavršavanje vaspitača i učitelja koji se sprovodi u 14 država. EVROPSKI MODELI PRODUKCIJE POZORIŠTA ZA DJECU, 7. i 8. jul Radionica je namijenjena najprije producentima, ali i pozorišnim umjetnicima različitih profila koji su zainteresovani za samostalan i nezavisan rad u oblasti kulture. Program predstavljaju teme unapređenja produkcijskih uslova, finansiranja i repertoarska politika u oblasti pozorišnog stvaralaštva za djecu, sa posebnim akcentom na međunarodnoj saradnji i razmjeni. RADIONICE ZA GUDAČKE INSTRUMENTE, 1-9. jul Radionice su namijenjene profesionalcima i studentima muzičkih škola i akademija zainteresovanim za savremene multidisciplinarne kreativne procese u muzičkom obrazovanju sa naročitim osvrtom na kamerno i orkestarsko izvođenjenje - najkompleksnijem tipu zajedničkog muziciranja. Realizovaće ih iskusni pedagozi sa konzervatorija iz Beča, Sofije, Kijeva i Cetinja: Arkadij Winokurov - Ukrajina, Georg Baich - Austrija, Ilia Lilieva - Bugarska i Radovan Papović Crna Gora. SAVREMENA DRAMATURGIJA U POZORIŠTU ZA DJECU I MLADE, 30. i 31. jul Program radionice je namijenjen profesionalnim dramaturzima i piscima za djecu koji žele da unaprijede svoj rad. Najveći značaj posvetiće se obradi savremenih tema i tendencija, kao i dramaturgiji u lutkarskom pozorištu. Voditelj radionice Igor Bojović završio je Fakultet dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu - odsjek za dramaturgiju i Internacionalnu školu za dramske pisce u Royal Court Theatre u Londonu. Jedan je od najistaknutijih dramskih pisaca sa područja Balkana koji je više puta nagrađivan za svoja ostvarenja, a najviše za dramsko stvaralaštvo u pozorištu za djecu. Educating the Professionals Edukacija profesionalaca RADIONICA SAVREMENOG PLESA, 1-5. jul Program radionice je primarno namijenjen plesačima i koreografima koji se bave edukacijom djece i mladih podučavajući ih različitim savremenim plesnim tehnikama. Voditelj radionice Mikael Honesseau završio je klasičan balet na Međunarodnoj akademiji baleta u Parizu, kao i moderan ples u Schola Cantorum u Parizu i na Umjetničkom univerzitetu Folkwang u Esenu. Kao edukator savremenog plesa, pokreta, koreografije i joge, Mikael osmišljava i održava brojne radionice za profesionalne plesače, glumce, pjevače i muzičare, kao i edukatore iz pomenutih oblasti. Prezentacija radionice će se održati 5. jula u 23.00 h na Pjaci od kina. 58 CONTEMPORARY DANCE WORKSHOP, July 1 - July 5 The program of this workshop is primarily aimed at dancers and choreographers who are involved in working with children and young people and its goal is to educate them on various contemporary dance techniques. Workshop leader, Mikael Honesseau, graduated from the International Academy of Ballet in Paris at the Ballet Department, but also from Schola Cantorum in Paris and the Folkwang University of Arts in Essen. As an educator of contemporary dance, movement, choreography and yoga, Mikael designs and hosts numerous workshops for professional dancers, actors, singers and musicians, but also for educators in the aforementioned fields. Presentation of the workshop will be held on July 5 at 11:00 pm, Cinema Square. HOW TO GROW GREAT PEOPLE, July 5 - July 6 Seminar-workshop How to Grow Great People is based on the experience related to interdisciplinary practice in the fields of culture and art dedicated to nurturing gifted children and young people. 59 The lecturer, Dr Ranko Rajovic, Specialist in Internal Medicine, is the founder of Mensa Yugoslavia, founder of the Special Interest Group for the Gifted within Mensa Serbia - NTC (Nikola Tesla Center), member of the Board of Directors of Mensa International and since 2010, President of the Committee for Gifted Children within Mensa International. He is the author of the NTC system of learning for specialized training of educators and teachers, conducted in 14 countries. EUROPEAN MODELS OF CHILDREN THEATER PRODUCTION, July 7 - July 8 This workshop is primarily aimed at producers, but also at theater artists of different profiles who might be interested in independent work in the field of culture. The program is presented through topics dealing with improvement of production conditions, funding and repertoire policy in the sphere of theater for children, with special emphasis on the international cooperation and exchange. STRING INSTRUMENTS WORKSHOPS, July 1 - July 9 These workshops are aimed at professional musicians and students of music schools and academies who might be interested in contemporary multidisciplinary creative processes in musical education, with a special emphasis on chamber and orchestral performances, as the most complex form of collective playing. It will be presented by experienced educators, coming from conservatories in Vienna, Sofia and Cetinje: Arkadij Winokurov - Ukraine, Georg Baich - Austria, Ilia Lilieva - Bulgaria and Radovan Papovic - Montenegro. CONTEMPORARY DRAMATURGY IN CHILDREN AND YOUTH THEATER, July 30 - July 31 Program of this workshop is aimed at professional dramatists and children writers who would like to improve their work, with a special emphasis on dealing with contemporary issues and tendencies, but also dramaturgy in puppet theater. Workshop leader, Igor Bojovic, graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, Department of Dramaturgy, as well as the International School for Playwrights at the Royal Court Theater in London. He is one of the most prominent playwrights in the Balkans, whose works have received numerous awards, especially those closely related to children theater. ANIMACIONI PROGRAM zAnimacija Animacioni program zAnimacija ima cilj da svakodnevno najavljuje festivalske programe, upućuje ljude na mjesta njihovih odigravanja, popuni i oboji grad i svaki dan Festivala, a prije svega - da zabavi i pokrene djecu i odrasle. Koncepcija zAnimacionog programa bazirana je na pričama: kotorskim novelama, pričama iz davnog Kotora, pričama koje stižu ili nastaju u Kotoru. Uz dobre priče rastu i dobri ljudi. Neki će sa pričama porasti i postati veliki ljudi. Neki će ostati mali, a velikih priča će i dalje biti. Baš kao što je rekao naš dobri duh Festivala i čuveni pjesnik Dragan Radulović: „Veliki-mali i mali-veliki.“ 60 VELIKA KNJIGA - MALE PRIČE (Pjaca od kina) Igranje najkraćih drama na svijetu KOTORSKE ZAVRZLAME (Stari grad) Izvođenje scena iz Novele od ljubavi u autentičnim prostorima ČIČA MIČA, STIŽE PRIČA (Pjaca Sv. Ozane, Pjaceta Sv. Klare, Park) Pričanje nepoznatih i manje poznatih priča STUB SRAMA - ŠTORIJE BEZ BLAMA (Trg od oružja) Javna ispovjedaonica ANIMATORI NAS ZOVU DA IM SKINEMO KRILA (Stari grad) Ulični zabavljači NOVELE FESTIVALA (Stari grad) Pisane i snimane hronike Festivala KOTORFON (Stari grad) Peroje Veliki i Peroje Mali najavljuju festivalske programe IGRALIŠTE (Trg Sv. Tripuna) Vuča konopca, frizbi, lastika, ko će zadnji, ko će prvi, skok u dalj, badminton, leleškinjeboboškinje, s ramena na kamen, boćanje, kuglanje, hula-hop, kockice, školice, ronjenje na dah bez mora, plivanje nasuvo... SRIJEDA, 10. JUL VELIKA TRAMPA Ekološka zabava 18.00 h, Pjaca od kina Jedinstvena i tradicionalna ekološka razmjena knjiga, igračaka, CD-ova, stripova... ANIMATION PROGRAM Funimation Funimation program aims to announce programs of the Festival on a daily basis, direct the audience to the location where they are being held, complement and embellish the town and each day of the Festival, but its primary goal is to entertain and activate children and adults. The concept of the Funimation program is based on stories: novellas of Kotor, stories from ancient Kotor, tales that arrive or begin in Kotor. Good people grow alongside good stories. Some will grow to be great people with these stories. Some will stay little, but big stories will continue to exist. Just like the great poet and the good spirit of the Festival, Dragan Radulovic used to say:”Big little ones and little big ones.” BIG BOOK - LITTLE STORIES (Cinema Square) Performance of the shortest plays in the world KOTOR PUZZLES (The Old Town) Performance of the scenes from Love Novella in authentic spaces 61 AND THAT IS HOW THE STORY COMES (St. Ozana Square, St. Clara Square, Park) Retelling of unknown and lesser known stories PILLAR OF SHAME - EMBARRASING STORIES TO PROCLAIM (Square of Arms) Public confessional ANIMATORS CALL OUT FOR US TO TAKE DOWN THEIR WINGS (The Old Town) Street performers IMPRESUM / IMPRESSUM NOVELLAS OF THE FESTIVAL (The Old Town) Written and recorded chronicles of the Festival Izvršni producent / Executive Production FONDACIJA KOTORSKI FESTIVAL POZORIŠTA ZA DJECU KOTORPHONE (The Old Town) Peroje the Big and Peroje the Little announce programs of the Festival Suorganizator / In Cooperation With KULTURNI CENTAR NIKOLA ĐURKOVIĆ, Kotor PLAYGROUND (St. Tryphon Square) Rope pulling, flying discs, French skipping, who’s last - who’s first, long jump, badminton, Red Rover, stone off the shoulder, bocce, bowling, hula hoop, cubes, hopscotch, free-diving without sea, swimming on ground… Savjet Fondacije / Foundation Council Petar Pejaković, Ljubo Radović, Miloš Dževerdanović, Tatjana Kondanari, Vesna Momčilović WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 THE GREAT SWAP Environmental Party 6:00 pm, Cinema Square Unique and traditional environmental party where people can swap books, toys, CDs, comic books… Pokrovitelj / Patronage UNESCO MINISTARSTVO KULTURE CRNE GORE OPŠTINA KOTOR Generalni medijski pokrovitelj / General Media Patronage RADIO I TELEVIZIJA CRNE GORE Dječji žiri / Children Jury Teodora Latković, Miljana Tujković, Anja Radonjić, Lena Uzelac, Laura Petrović, Anđela Vujović, Marko Subotić, Željko Krivokapić, Andrej Krivokapić, Ruđer Marđonović, Maša Radovanović, Jovana Risteljić, Gracija Brguljan, Martin Mihaliček i Andrijana Karadžić Žiri grada / Town Jury Vjera Rašković, predsjednica, Slađana Mijanović, Dubravka Jovanović, Marina Dulović, Tvrtko Crepulja Podrška / Support Ambasada Portugalije u Beogradu Ambasada Poljske Ambasada Slovenije Partneri / Partners UNICEF ASSITEJ, Crna Gora KULTURNI CENTAR NIKOLA ĐURKOVIĆ, Kotor POMORSKI MUZEJ CRNE GORE, Kotor ŠOSMO VIDA MATJAN, Kotor BISKUPSKI ORDINARIJAT KOTOR GRADSKA BIBLIOTEKA I ČITAONICA KOTOR LUKA KOTOR TURISTIČKA ORGANIZACIJA KOTOR 62 63 RESURSNI CENTAR ZA SLUH I GOVOR, Kotor ZAJEDNICA ITALIJANA CRNE GORE, Kotor JPU RADOST, Kotor UDRUŽENJE RODITELJA DJECE I OMLADINE SA SMETNJAMA U RAZVOJU PRUŽITE NAM ŠANSU, Podgorica PRIVATNA PREDŠKOLSKA USTANOVA OSMIJEH, Kotor KULTURNI CENTAR HOMER, Podgorica NVU PRIJATELJI, Herceg Novi PLESNA TRUPA BALLO, Podgorica Veliki prijatelji / Great Friends of the Festival VUK PETROL DOO, Kotor - www.vuk-petrol.me LUKA KOTOR AD - www.portofkotor.co.me POMORSKI MUZEJ CRNE GORE - www.museummaritimum.com MIROSS Travel Agency, Podgorica - www.miross.me Sponzori / Sponsors LEDO DOO MONTENEGRO, Podgorica - www.ledo.co.me AQUABIANCA DOO, Podgorica - www.aquabianca.me KNJAZ MILOŠ - MONTENEGRO DOO, Kotor - www.knjaz.co.rs Medijski prijatelji / Media Friends: PINK M - www.pinkm.com TV VIJESTI www.rtvvijesti.com RTV ATLAS - www.rtvatlas.tv PRVA TELEVIYIJA - www.prva.rs ND VIJESTI - www.vijesti.me DN DAN - www.dan.co.me POBJEDA - www.pobjeda.me DNEVNE NOVINE - www.dnovine.me PORTAL ANALITIKA - www.portalanalitika.me CAFFE DEL MONTENEGRO - www.cdm.me RADIO KOTOR - www.radiokotor.com SKALA RADIO - www.skalaradio.com RADIO HERCEG NOVI - www.radiohercegnovi.net RADIO TIVAT - www.radiotivat.com RADIO DUX - www.radiodux.me Prijatelji / Friends TURISTIČKA ORGANIZACIJA KOTOR - www.tokotor.me MONTENEGRO AIRLINES, Podgorica - www.montenegroairlines.com KNIGHTSBRIDGE SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL MONTENEGRO, Tivat www.knightsbridgeschools.com NIKSEN-TRADE ČAVOR DOO, Kotor - www.niksentrade.com Drugari / Pals IZDAVAČKA KUĆA PČELICA, Čačak - Srbija Snack bar NAUTICA, Kotor Kafe bar BANDIERA, Kotor Kafe bar OMBRA, Kotor Caffe-pizzeria SAPORI, Kotor Pekara STARI GRAD, Kotor 64 Udruženje žena, Tivat Direktor Festivala / Festival Director: Petar Pejaković Programski sektor / Program Section: Petar Pejaković Urednički odbor, selekcija / Editorial Board, Selection Živomir Joković, Petar Pejaković, Marija Backović, Dejan Đonović Urednici / Editors Zabavno-književni program / Entertaining Literary Program: Jelena Đonović Likovni program / Visual Arts Program: Radmila-Beća Radulović, Goran Moškov Animacioni program / Animation Program: Slaviša Grubiša Edukativno-teorijski program / Educational and Theoretical Program: Marija Backović Organizaciono-administrativni sektor / Organizational and Administrative Section: Nataša Ristelić Koordinatori / Coordinators Glavni pozorišni program / Main Program: Tomislav Žegura Prateći programi / Side Programs: Marija Backović Organizatori / Organizers: Milivoje Lakić, Jelena Odalović, Barbara Delać, Savo Miljenović, Jelena Risteljić, Lana Gojković Pravna podrška / Legal Support: Dragan Starović, Miloš Vojinović Služba računovodstva / Accounting Service: Božana Biskupović Računovođa / Accountant: Vanja Jovanović Biletari / Box Office: Mirjana Milić, Emina Marjanović, Marko Čizmović Služba za goste / Guest Office: Perica Gojković Operativna služba / Operational Services: Marjan Šantić Pomoćni radnici / Assistant Workers: Nikola Veselinović, Nikola Crepulja, Nikola Tomović, Nikola Popović, Duško Mažibrada, Ivan Bilafer, Brano Pajović, Dejan Ivošević, Novak Roganović, Žarko Račić, Slavka Praci, Vojka Marić, Nenad Đurković, Nikola Milaš, Petar Čiča, Stefan Majdak, Đorđe Zanata, Antonije Zanata PR i Marketing sektor / PR and Marketing Section: Dejan Đonović PR služba / PR Office: Milica Piletić Prevodilac / Translator: Ana Brdar Lektor / Lector: Jelena Đonović Fotografija / Photography: Aleksandar Kaluđerović, Dalibor Ševaljević 65 except those featured in the Main Theater Program that are performed at the Summer Stage and in the Cultural Center Marketing i fundraising služba / Marketing and Fundraising Office: Jelena Mišeljić Protokol / Protocol: Radmila Božović Ketering služba / Catering Service: Nikola Marković, Gracija Janković Izvršni producent / Executive Production FONDACIJA KOTORSKI FESTIVAL POZORIŠTA ZA DJECU Kulturni centar, Stari grad, 85340 Kotor, Crna Gora KOTOR FESTIVAL OF THEATRE FOR CHILDREN FOUNDATION Cultural Centre, Old Town, 85340 Kotor, Montenegro Tehnički sektor/ Technical Section: Obren Tošić Produkcija / Production: PG Sound Izvršni direktor / Executive Director: Obren Tošić Tehnički direktor / Technical Director: dipl.ing. Milan Todorović Dizajn tona / Sound Design: Goran Đolević i Bojan Cicak Dizajn svjetla / Light Design: Mili Malović Majstori svjetla / Chief Lighting Tehnicians: Amel Omeričić, Sreten Milošević, Dejan Kalezić Tehničari / Technicians: Mario Tošić, Aleksandar Poček, Enis Sadović, Ajdar Nurković Montaža scene / Stage Construction: Radivoje-Beli Lopičić tel./fax +382 32 323 344 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] www.kotorskifestival.me Suorganizator / In Cooperation With KULTURNI CENTAR NIKOLA ĐURKOVIĆ, Kotor Tehnička služba / Technical Service: Mladen Petrović, Zvjezdan Šantić Volonteri / Volunteers: Jana Bulajić, Marko Nikolić, Helena Martinov, Lana Vukašinović, Vasilije Čolan, Nikola Vujičić, Miloš Kašćelan, Ivan Kašćelan, Krsto Kustudić, Itana Dragojlović, Lea Rolović, Irina Vukadinović, Dragana Kunarac, Marko Radović, Milica Kašćelan, Jovana Kašćelan, Ivan Franović, Petra Radulović, Ina Cicović, Rita Presutt, Tina Čavor, Kristina Milošević, Milena Kašić, Valentina Ljubojević, Radovan Jovović, Andra Pavićević, Sandra Brkanović, Irina Vukasović, Nikola Marković, Vasilije Adžić, Milica Kajtez, Nevena Barbić, Ana Samardžić,Tamara Bogdanović, Stefan Bogdanović, Marija Jablan, Dušica Milutin, Milena Mitrović, Darja Popović, Ivana Proročić, Tijana Maslovar, Marija Grivić, Laura Pavličević, Zoja Šćekić, Marija Todorović, Jovana Lazović, Anđela Gatti, Anđela Milošević, Jelena Jovović, Jovana Roćenović i Jelena Jasović. IZVRŠNI PRODUCENT PRODAJNA MJESTA: Kameni kiosk TOK, 8-20h Blagajna Kulturnog centra, 10-13h i 18-21.30h Ljetnja pozornica, 19.30-21.30h (prije predstave) Kotorola (vozilo Festivala) POKROVITELJI GEN. MEDIJSKI POKROVITELJ partneri veliki prijatelji UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization podrška Kulturni centar Nikola Đurković, Kotor Vlada Crne Gore Ministarstvo kulture Opština Kotor šosmo Vida Matjan, Kotor Gradska biblioteka i čitaonica Kotor sponzori Biskupski Ordinarijat Kotor Ambasada Portugalije u Beogradu TICKETS: Stone kiosk TOK, 8am-8pm Cultural Center pay desk, 10am-1pm and 6pm-9:30pm Summer Stage, 7:30pm-9:30pm (before the performances) Kotorola (Festival vehicle) 66 www.youtube.com/kotorfestivalvideo Under the patronage of Kotorski festival pozorišta za djecu ULAZ SLOBODAN za sve programe, osim za predstave Glavnog pozorišnog programa koje se igraju na Ljetnjoj pozornici i u Kulturnom centru Resursni centar za sluhi govor, Kotor JPU Radost, Kotor Zajednica Italijana Crne Gore, Kotor Udruženje roditelja, djece i omladine sa smetnjama u razvoju Pružite nam šansu, Podgorica Kulturni centar Homer, Podgorica Privatna predškolsa ustanova Osmijeh, Kotor Plesna trupa Ballo, Podgorica medijski prijatelji prijatelji www.portalanalitika.me a nalitika informativni portal a nalitika informativni portal C:0 M : 60 Y : 100 informativni K:0 C : 95 M : 30 portalYK :: 035 a nalitika www.portalanalitika.me informativni portal a nalitika www.portalanalitika.me www.portalanalitika.me a nalitika www.portalanalitika.me a nalitika www.portalanalitika.me FREE ENTERANCE to all the shows, KotorskiFestival Pozorista(Za Djecu) informativni portal informativni portal ÕÅÐÖÅÃÍÎÂÈ £ÀÂÍÈ ÑÅÐÂÈÑ • ÈÍÔÎÐÌÀÒÈÂÍÈ ÖÅÍÒÀÐ 67 Stari grad Kotor 3 13 12 14 2 8 11 6 7 5 18 4 www.itinereri.org copyright© Žiža Kartografija 1 10 9 3 16 3 1. Kulturni centar 2. Ljetnja pozornica 3. Vrata od mora 4. Trg od oružja 5. Pjaca od kina 6. Trg Sv. Luke 7. Crkva Sv. Duha 8. Škaljarska pjaca 9. Kameni kiosk 10. Trg Sv. Tripuna 15 11. Pomorski muzej 12. Trg Sv. Ozane PRODAJNA MJESTA: 9 Kameni kiosk TOK, 8-20h 1 Blagajna Kulturnog centra, 10-13h i 18-21.30h Ljetnja pozornica, 19.30-21.30h (prije predstave) Kotorola (vozilo Festivala) 13. Stari zatvor 14. Franjevački samostan 15. Riva 16. Terasa Dojmi 17. Vrata od Gurdića 18. Vardar 17 3 kotor art don brankovi dani muzike kotor art don branko’s music days 200 godina od rođenja PROGRAM - DON BRANKOVI DANI MUZIKE Hyunim YOON, flauta / flute Varja ĐUKIĆ, narator / narrator SUBOTA, 13. JUL / SATURDAY, JULY 13 Trg Katedrale Sv. Tripuna, 21 h / Square of St. Tryphon’s Cathedral, 9 p.m. Program: Marcello, Bozza, Fauré, Ibert, Gaubert, Machajdík, Sekulić Njegoševih dvjesta / Two hundred years of Njegoš Ivo POGORELIĆ, klavir / piano Ivica ŠARIĆ, bas / bass Darinka MATIĆ-MAROVIĆ, dirigent / conductor Borjan CANEV, dirigent / conductor Crnogorski simfonijski orkestar / Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra Hor „Obilić” AKUD-a „Branko Krsmanović” / Choir “Obilić” of the Academic Arts and Culture Association “Branko Krsmanović” SRIJEDA, 24. JUL / WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 Opšta bolnica, Kotor, 11 h / General hospital, Kotor, 11 a.m. Crkva Sv. Duha, 21 h / Church of the Holy Spirit, 9 p.m. KotorAr-Tić / KotorArt for Children Marina MILIĆ APOSTOLOVIĆ, klavir i moderator / piano and moderator Program: Chopin, Maksimović Program: Zdrav duh pobjeđuje / A Healthy Spirit Wins Čojstvo i junaštvo u muzici / Humanity and Heroism in Music UTORAK, 16. JUL / TUESDAY, JULY 16 Ljetnja scena, 21 h / Summer Stage, 9 p.m. PONEDJELJAK, 29. JUL / MONDAY, JULY 29 Katedrala Sv. Tripuna, 21 h / St. Tryphon’s Cathedral, 9 p.m. Apokalipso / Apocalypso Alla Italiana RUNDEK CARGO TRIO Antonio Di CRISTOFANO, klavir / piano Cecilia LODA, mandolina / mandolin Giancarlo De LORENCO, dirigent / conductor Festivalski orkestar KotorArta / KotorArt Festival Orchestra Darko RUNDEK, gitara i vokal / guitar and vocal ISABEL, violina / violin Dušan VRANIĆ, multiinstrumentalista / multi-instrumentalist Program: Mozart, Vivaldi PETAK, 19. JUL / FRIDAY, JULY 19 Crkva Sv. Duha, 21 h / Church of the Holy Spirit, 9 p.m. Kotorski dragulji / Kotor’s Jewels Učenici Muzičke škole „Vida Matjan“, Kotor / Pupils of the Vida Matjan Music School, Kotor Program: Ginastera, Benda, Chopin, Albinoni, Porret, Hüe, Popp, Debussy, Haydn, Prebanda, Barrios NEDJELJA, 21. JUL / SUNDAY, JULY 21 Plato Bogorodičinog hrama, Prčanj, 21 h / Stage in front of the Church of Our Lady, Prčanj, 9 p.m. Preplitanja: Njegošu s odanošću žene / Intertwining: To Njegoš, with woman’s devotion Floraleda SACCHI, harfa / harp Gordana JOSIFOVA-NEDELKOVSKA, oboa /oboe 72 PETAK, 2. AVGUST / FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 Bogorodičin hram, Prčanj, 21 h / Church of Our Lady, Prčanj, 9 p.m. Peti element / The Fifth Element Mladen Jagušt, dirigent / conductor Festivalski orkestar KotorArta / KotorArt Festival Orchestra Program: Händel, Mozart, Tchaikovsky NEDJELJA, 4. AVGUST / SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 Crkva Sv. Duha, 21 h / Church of the Holy Spirit, 9 p.m. Pijanistički vatromet / Pianistic fireworks Simon TRPČESKI, klavir / piano Program: Brahms, Liszt 73 PONEDJELJAK, 5. AVGUST / MONDAY, AUGUST 5 Crkva Sv. Duha, 21 h / Church of the Holy Spirit, 9 p.m. Gromovi u helijumu / Thunders in Helium Roman SIMOVIĆ, violina / violin Simon TRPČESKI, klavir / piano Program: Franck, Grieg, Debussy, Ravel SRIJEDA, 7. AVGUST / WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 Katedrala Sv. Tripuna, 21 h / St. Tryphon’s Cathedral, 9 p.m. Njegoš, Luča / Njegoš, The Ray Guy BRAUNSTEIN, dirigent, violina / conductor, violin Gili SCHWARZMAN, flauta / flute Srđan GRAHOVAC, narator / narrator Andres MUSTONEN, dirigent, violina / conductor, violin Festivalski orkestar KotorArta / KotorArt Festival Orchestra Program: Schubert, Bach, Kreisler, Corelli, Marović SUBOTA, 10. AVGUST / SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 Ljetnja scena, 21 h / Summer stage, 9 p.m. Duško Gojković Summit Duško GOJKOVIĆ, džez truba / jazz trumpet Belgrade Summit Octet UTORAK, 13. AVGUST / TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 Ljetnja scena, 21 h / Summer stage, 9 p.m. Insieme Miloš KARADAGLIĆ, gitara / guitar Premil PETROVIĆ, dirigent / conductor Orkestar bez granica / No Borders Orchestra Program: Prokofiev, Žebeljan, Rodrigo, Wagner, Kodály 74 75 12 Iako je simbolika broja 12 mnogoznačna i vezana za meridijane i njihove mitološke, religijske i ine kontekste, ona uvijek upućuje na kompletiran i zaokružen, savršen iskustveni ciklus. Vezana je za kalendar sa 12 mjeseci, horoskop sa 12 znakova, za cikluse od 12 sati dnevnih i noćnih neumitnih smjena... Ili muzički gledano, za 12 tonova i po 12 durskih i molskih ljestvica, kao ram za cijeli jedan savršen paralelni svijet mašte, sreće, nade, ljubavi, istine, vjere, ispovjesti, utjehe... upravo onakav kakav će pulsirati tokom 12 koncerata ovogodišnjih, 12. Don Brankovih dana muzike. Inače, 12 je i broj zlatnih, uvjek uspravno postavljenih zvjezda kao dio konstelacije na zastavi koju ćemo jednog dana i našom zvati. Iako crnogorska petokraka na njoj nikada zapravo neći zablistati jer bi narušila simboliku savršenstva zaokruženog ciklusa, naša „slaba i malena iskra, među sunca plamteće svjetove” još kako hoće. Iako sama neosvjetljena, ona već 200 godina isijava iznutra poput najplemenitijeg metala i ništa manje od drugih velikih vatri svijeta otkriva i tumači sazvježđa: od onih sa raznih zastava do mnogo važnijih, skrivenih duboko u nama. Iskra besamrtna. Ratimir Martinović 76 12 Even though the symbolism of number 12 has numerous meanings and is associated with meridians and their mythological, religious and other contexts, it always refers to a complete and rounded, perfect cycle of experience. It is connected to the 12-month calendar, 12 zodiac signs of horoscope, to 12-hour cycles of stringent alternations of day and night… Or from music perspective, to 12 tones and 12 major and minor scales as a frame for an entire, perfect parallel universe of imagination, happiness, hope, love, truth, confessions, consolation… exactly like the one that will pulsate during the 12 concerts of this year’s 12th Don Branko’s Music Days. Also, 12 is the number of golden, always vertically placed stars that are a part of a constellation on a flag that we will call our own one day. Even though the Montenegrin five-pointed star would never actually shine on it because it would disrupt the symbolism of the rounded cycle perfection, our “small, unprotected ray among glowing worlds of the brightest sun” certainly will. Although itself unilluminated, it has been radiating from within for the past 200 years, like the most precious metal, and no less than any other great fire of the world it reveals and interprets constellations: from those on various flags to those much more important, hidden deep inside us. The immortal ray. Ratimir Martinović 77 Subota, 13. jul / Saturday, July 13 Trg Katedrale Sv. Tripuna, 21 h / Square of St. Tryphon’s Cathedral, 9 p.m. Njegoševih dvjesta / Two hundred years of Njegoš Ivo POGORELIĆ, klavir / piano (Hrvatska / Croatia) Ivica ŠARIĆ, bas / bass (Bosna i Hercegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina) Darinka MATIĆ-MAROVIĆ, dirigent / conductor (Srbija / Serbia) Borjan CANEV, dirigent / conductor (Makedonija / Macedonia) Crnogorski simfonijski orkestar / Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra Hor „Obilić“ AKUD-a „Branko Krsmanović“ / Choir “Obilić” of the Academic Arts and Culture Association “Branko Krsmanović” (Srbija / Serbia) Program: Frédéric CHOPIN (1810-1849): Koncert za klavir i orkestar br. 2 u f-molu, op. 21 / Piano concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21 Allegro Maestoso Larghetto Allegro vivace Rajko MAKSIMOVIĆ (1935): Testamenat vladike crnogorskog Petra Petrovića Njegoša za solo bas, mješoviti hor i orkestar / Testament of Petar Petrović Njegoš the Bishop of Montenegro, for bass, mixed choir and orchestra Slava Tebje / Glory Be unto Thee Tvoje je Slovo / Thy Word Čovjek je smrtan / Man is Mortal Ja sa nadeždnom stupam / With Hope I step Ja na Tvoj poziv / I Go calmly Ivo POGORELIĆ, pijanista, počeo je da uči klavir sa sedam godina, a s dvanaest je primljen u Centralnu muzičku školu, kasnije i na Konzervatorijum „Čajkovski“ u Moskvi. Оsvojio је više prvih nagrada, ali one nisu privukle toliku pažnju u svijetu kao njegova eliminacija u trećoj etapi Šopenovog konkursa u Varšavi (Poljska) 1980. godine. Nakon debitovanja u njujorškom Karnegi holu (1981) uslijedili su pozivi da nastupa s poznatim orkestrima širom svijeta, a 1982. postao je ekskluzivni umjetnik izdavačke kuće „Dojče Gramofon“. Veliku podršku pruža mladim muzičarima kroz fondaciju koju je osnovao 1986. godine u Hrvatskoj. Godine 1988. UNESKO ga je proglasio ambasadorom dobre volje. Tokom posljednjih godina Pogorelić koncertira u zemljama Evope, Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Azije i u Izraelu. Od 1989. održava se festival „Ivo Pogorelić“ u Bad Verishofenu (Njemačka), čiji je cilj podrška mladim muzičarima na početku njihovih karijera. 78 Ivo POGORELIĆ, pianist, began his piano lessons at the age of seven, and at the age of twelve he was admitted to the Central Music School and later to the “Tchaikovsky” Conservatory in Moscow. He has won several first prizes, but none of them attracted as much attention worldwide as his elimination from the third stage of the Chopin competition in Warsaw (Poland) in 1980. After his debut at New York’s Carnegie Hall (1981) numerous invitations followed to perform with renowned orchestras around the world. In 1982 he became the exclusive artist of “Deutsche Grammophone” record label. In 1988 he was named an Ambassador of Goodwill by UNESCO. He gives great support to young musicians through a foundation he established in 1986 in Croatia and since 1989 the festival “Ivo Pogorelich” in Bad Woerishofen (Germany), aims to support young musicians at the beginning of their careers. In recent years, Pogorelich has performed in Europe, the United States, Asia and Israel. Ivica ŠARIĆ, bas, čiji operski repertoar broji više od pedeset uloga, diplomirao je solo pjevanje na Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu u klasi prof. Brune Špiler. Godine 1974. postao je stalni član Opere Narodnog pozorišta u Sarajevu, gdje je kasnije stekao status prvaka Opere. Stalni je gost Zagrebačke, Splitske, Riječke, Osječke, Ljubljanske, Mariborske i Skopske opere. Nastupao je u Italiji, Mađarskoj, Austriji, Belgiji, Švajcarskoj, Francuskoj, Portugalu, Njemačkoj i Kanadi. Učestvovao je na brojnim muzičkim festivalima. Dobitnik je pojedinačne i kolektivne Šestoaprilske nagrade grada Sarajeva, nagrade „Vladimir Ruždjak“ za ulogu Borisa Godunova u istoimenoj operi Musorgskog (HNK, Zagreb), odlikovanja Republike Hrvatske za izuzetne zasluge u kulturi i dr. Bio je direktor Opere i baleta Narodnog pozorišta Sarajevo, a 2011. godine ponovo je imenovan za ministra kulture i sporta Kantona Sarajevo. Ivica ŠARIĆ, bass, whose operatic repertoire includes more than fifty roles, graduated vocal studies at the Music Academy in Sarajevo with Prof. Bruna Spiller. In 1974 he became a permanent member of the National Theatre Opera in Sarajevo where he later acquired the status of the lead soloist. He is a regular guest of opera theatres in Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Ljubljana, Maribor and Skopje. He has performed in Italy, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Portugal, Germany and Canada. He has participated in numerous music festivals and won the individual and collective Sixth of April prize, awarded by the city of Sarajevo and “Vladimir Ruždjak” award for the role of Boris Godunov in Mussorgsky’s opera of the same title (NK Zagreb), the Croatian medals for outstanding achievement in culture etc. He was Director of Opera and Ballet of the National Theatre of Sarajevo and in 2011 he was re-appointed for the Minister of Culture and Sport of the Sarajevo region. 79 Darinka MATIĆ-MAROVIĆ, dirigentkinja i profesor emeritus, od 1971. godine do danas odnjegovala je generacije muzičara, djelujući kao profesor dirigovanja i dirigent horova i orkestara na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti (Beograd), Muzičkoj akademiji (Podgorica, Cetinje) i Akademiji umjetnosti (Banjaluka). U tri mandata bila je dekanka Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti i u pet mandata rektorka Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu. S Akademskim ženskim horom „Collegium Musicum“ i mješovitim horom „Obilić“ Kulturno-umetničkog društva „Branko Krsmanović“ nastupala je u više od 40 zemalja i osvojila brojne nagrade na najznačajnijim horskim takmičenjima. Dirigovala je uglednim orkestrima, kao što su Jermenski simfonijski orkestar, Moskovski kamerni orkestar, Makedonska filharmonija, Simfonijski orkestar Radio-televizije Zagreb, Crnogorski simfonijski orkestar, Beogradska filharmonija itd. Darinka Matić-Marović je ostvarila više od 300 premijernih izvođenja kompozicija domaćih autora. Darinka Matić MAROVIĆ, conductor and professor emeritus, has nurtured generations of musicians since 1971, acting as professor of conducting and conductor of choirs and orchestras at the Music Academy (Belgrade), Academy of Music (Podgorica, Cetinje) and the Academy of Arts (Banja Luka). She served three terms as the Dean of the Faculty of Music and five terms as a Vice Provost of the University of Arts in Belgrade. With academic women’s choir “Collegium Musicum” and mixed choir “Obilić” of the Academic Arts and Culture Association “Branko Krsmanović” she has performed in more than 40 countries and won numerous awards at the most important choral competitions. She has conducted prestigious orchestras such as the Armenian Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow Chamber Orchestra, the Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of Radio Television Zagreb, Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra, Belgrade Philharmonic, etc. Darinka Matić Marović has made more than 300 premieres of compositions by local authors. Borjan CANEV, dirigent, diplomirao je na Fakultetu muzičke umjetnosti u Skoplju, gdje od 2012. radi kao profesor. Usavršavao se na Državnoj muzičkoj akademiji „Pančo Vladigerov“ u Sofiji i na Kraljevskom muzičkom koledžu u Londonu. Dobitnik je nagrade „August Mann“ za najboljeg mladog dirigenta Kraljevskog koledža, kao i nagrade „Georgi Božikov“ za najbolje izvođenje dijela makedonskih kompozitora. Dirigovao je Makedonskom, Sofijskom filharmonijom, kamernim orkestrom „Skopski solisti“, Londonskim simfonijskim orkestrom, ansamblom za savremenu muziku „Alea“, Orkestrom makedonske Opere, Crnogorskim simfonijskim orkestrom. Nastupao je na festivalima u zemlji - Ohridski ljetnji festival, Skopski ljetnji festival, 80 Majske operske večeri, i u inostranstvu - Zagrebačke ljetnje večeri (Hrvatska), Dani kamerne muzike u Gabrovu (Bugarska), NOMUS (Srbija). Sarađivao je sa solistima, kao što su Dejvid Geret, Johanes Mozer, Ilja Gringolc, Gotje Kapison, Monika Leskovar. Borjan CANEV, conductor, graduated from the Faculty of Music in Skopje, where he has been working as a professor since 2012. He continued his studies at the State Academy of Music “Pancho Vladigerov” in Sofia and at the Royal College of Music in London. He was awarded “August Mann” for the best young conductor of the Royal College, and award “Georgi Bozhikov” for the best performance of Macedonian composers. He has conducted the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra “Skopje soloists”, the London Symphony Orchestra, the Ensemble for Contemporary Music “Alea”, the Opera Orchestra of Macedonia and Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra. Canev has performed at festivals in the country Ohrid Summer Festival, Skopje Summer Festival, the May Opera Evenings, and abroad - Zagreb Summer Evenings in Zagreb (Croatia), Days of chamber music in Gabrovo (Bulgaria), NOMUS (Serbia). He has worked with soloists such as David Garrett, Johannes Moser, Ilya Gringolc, Gautier Capuçon and Monika Leskovar. Crnogorski simfonijski orkestar ima dugu predistoriju, počev od škole Prve vojne muzike (1869) i Simfonijskog orkestra (1896). Vojna muzika, osnovana 1907. u Podgorici pod vođstvom K. Heringa, poslužila je kao osnova A. Ivanoviću za stvaranje malog Simfonijskog orkestra 1931. Nakon 1945. godine, Orkestar sastavljen od članova oba ansambla djelovalo je u okviru programa Radio Cetinja. Simfonijski orkestar, osnovan 1959. pod upravom Jovana Miloševića, funkcionisao je kao dio Radio-televizije Crne Gore pod vođstvom dirigenata C. Ivanovićа, A. Vujićа i R. Papovićа. Osnivanjem Muzičkog centra Crne Gore 2006. stvorili su se uslovi za početak rada novog ansambla koji je dobio ime Crnogorski simfonijski orkestar. Pod vođstvom glavnog dirigenta Alekseja Šatskog orkestar je ustanovio novi izgled simfonijske koncertne scene u zemlji. Od sezone 2012/2013. na čelu orkestra je dirigent Grigorij Krasko. Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra has a long history, starting with the first military school of music (1869) and Symphony Orchestra (1896). Army Band, founded in 1907 in Podgorica under the leadership of K. Herring, served as a basis for A. Ivanović to create a small symphony orchestra in 1931. After 1945 the orchestra made up of members of both ensembles operated under Radio Cetinje. Symphony Orchestra, founded in 1959 under the direction of Jovan Milošević, operated as a part of Radio Television of Montenegro, under the leadership of conductors C. Ivanović, A. Vujić and R. Papović. Establishment of the Montenegrin Music Center in 2006 enabled creation of a new ensemble, named the Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra. Under the leadership of chief conductor Alexey Shatskiy the orchestra created a new concert stage image in the country. Since season 2012/2013, the orchestra is headed by conductor Grigory Krasko. Akademski hor „Obilić“ AKUD-a „Branko Krsmanović“ osnovan je 1884. na Univerzitetu u Beogradu, tadašnjoj Velikoj školi, pod nazivom Akademsko pjevačko društvo „Obilić“. Horom je dirigovao Josif Marinković, а kasnije Stanislav Binički, Jovan Bandur, Lovro Matačić, Svetolik Pašćan i Branko Dragutinović. Nekoliko go- 81 dina poslije obnavljanja rada 1945. godine, pod rukovodstvom maestra Bogdana Babića, ansambl je pod imenom Akademski hor „Branko Krsmanović“ postao značajan činilac tadašnje jugoslovenske muzičke produkcije. Od 1981. dirigent i umjetnički rukovodilac je prof. Darinka Matić-Marović, koja je svojom kreativnošću, energijom i entuzijazmom u radu s horom postigla do tada najviše umjetničke domete. Pored brojnih turneja po evropskim zemaljama, hor je održao više od 500 koncerata u okviru osam tromjesečnih turneja u SAD i Kanadi. Djelujući u okviru AKUD-a „Branko Krsmanović“, hor je 1991. vratio svoje prvobitno ime „Obilić“. the Bishop of Montenegro (1986), The Saint Prince Lazarus Passion (1989), Temptation, Feat and Death of St. Peter of Korisha (1994). He also wrote compositions for chamber ensembles and orchestra: solo cantata Maybe she sleeps, Partita Concertante, Piano Concerto, Musique de Devenir, Diptych, etc. He has received numerous awards, including: “Hristić” prize for the Piano Concerto, “Mokranjac” award for the Testament, October award for the Passion and “Vuk’s Prize” for lifetime achievement. Choir “Obilić” of the Academic Arts and Culture Association “Branko Krsmanović” was founded in 1884 at the University of Belgrade, formerly known as Great School, under the name Academic Choral Society “Obilić”. The first choir’s conductor was Josif Marinković followed by Stanislav Binički, Jovan Bandur, Lovro Matačić, Svetolik Pašćan and Branko Dragutinović. A few years after reassuming work in 1945 , under the direction of maestro Bogdan Babić, the ensemble was renamed to Academic Choir “Branko Krsmanović”. It became a significant factor in the former Yugoslav music production. Since 1981 conductor and artistic director has been Prof. Darinka Matić Marović, whose creativity, energy and enthusiasm to work with the choir achieved the highest artistic accomplishments. In addition to numerous European tours, the choir has performed at more then 500 concerts in the eight threemonth tours in the U.S.A. and Canada. Acting within AKUD “Krsmanović”, the choir resumed its original name “Obilić” in 1991. Rajko MAKSIMOVIĆ, kompozitor, završio je osnovne i postdiplomske studije na Muzičkoj akademiji u Beogradu. Radio je kao profesor kompozicije i orkestracije sve do penzionisanja na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti (Beograd), a predavao je i na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti (Beograd) i Akademiji umetnosti (Novi Sad). Njegovo glavno interesovanje je okrenuto horskoj i horskoorkestarskoj muzici s djelima: Kad su živi zavideli mrtvima (1963), Iz tmine pojanje (1975), Buna protiv dahija (1978/2004), Testamenat vladike crnogorskog P. P. Njegoša (1986), Pasija Svetoga kneza Lazara (1989), Iskušenje, podvig i smrt Svetog Petra Koriškog (1994). Pisao je i kompozicije za kamerne ansamble i orkestar: solo kantata Možda spava, Partita Concertante, Klavirski koncert, Muzika postojanja, Diptih i dr. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada, među kojima su: Hristićeva za Klavirski koncert, Mokranjčeva za Testamenat, Oktobarska za Pasiju, Vukova za životno djelo. Rajko MAKSIMOVIĆ, composer, completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Music Academy in Belgrade. He worked as a professor of composition and orchestration until his retirement at the Faculty of Music (Belgrade), and taught at the Faculty of Drama Arts (Belgrade) and the Academy of Arts (Novi Sad). His main interest was directed to choral and choralorchestral music with the works: When the living Envied the Dead (1963), Chants out of Darkness (1975), Uprising against Dakhias (1978/2004) Testament of P. P. Njegoš 82 83 Utorak, 16. jul / Tuesday, July 16 Ljetnja scena, 21 h / Summer Stage, 9 p.m. Apokalipso / Apocalypso RUNDEK CARGO TRIO Darko RUNDEK, gitara i vokal / guitar and vocal ISABEL, violina / violin Dušan VRANIĆ, multiinstrumentalista / multi-instrumentalist Darko RUNDEK je jedan od najpopularnijih muzičara s teritorije bivše Jugoslavije. Nakon preseljenja u Francusku, snimljena dva albuma sa „Cargo orkestrom“ i dvije zajedničke turneje, ispunio je svoj dugo željeni san o osnivanju trija. Kroz svoju karijeru nikada nije svirao u bendu manjem od šest članova, sve do prije tri godine kada je odlučio da osnuje trio s ciljem još većeg približavanja muzike publici kroz intimnost i transparentnost koju pruža takva formacija. Darko RUNDEK is one of the most popular musicians on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. After moving to France, recording of two albums and touring with the “Cargo Orchestra”, he met his long-desired dream of forming a trio. Throughout his career, he never played in a band consisting of less than six members, until three years ago when he decided to form a trio with the goal of getting even closer to the audience, through intimacy and transparency provided by this formation. Rundek Cargo Trio, uz lidera Darka Rundeka, čine violinistkinja Isabel i multiinstrumentalista Dušan Vranić. Prvi album ansambl je objavio 2010. pod nazivom Plavi avion u izdanju Menarta. Pjesme izlaze iz uobičajene strukture da bi istražile otvorenije, improvizovane djelove, te ispričale mnoge priče u kojima se slušalac osjeća kao učesnik. Minimalistički aranžmani ostavljaju prostora da se svaki od tri muzičara izrazi na svoj način. Kvalitet albuma prepoznala je i struka, pa je tako Trio osvojio Porina za najbolji album u kategoriji alternativne rok muzike. Promotivne koncerte Plavog aviona započeli su nastupima po Skandinaviji krajem oktobra 2010. i ta višegodišnja turneja još uvijek traje. Plavi avion postigao je veliki uspjeh kod kritičara i publike, te je, nesumnjivo, privukao i nove obožavaoce. Trio kombinuje najbolje od balkanskog zvuka s evropskim bluzom. Legendarne pjesme iz Rundekove bogate karijere čine vrhunac svakog nastupa ovog ansambla. Rundek Cargo Trio, along with its leader Darko Rundek, is made by Isabel, violinist and multi-instrumentalist Dušan Vranić. The first album of the Trio, The Blue Airplane, was released in 2010 by Menart. Songs go out of the common structures, in order to explore open, improvised parts, and tell many stories in which the listener feels as a participant. Minimalist arrangements leave room for each of the three artists to express in their own way. The quality of the album was recognized by the critics, so the trio won the Porin award for the best album in the category of alternative rock music. Promotional concerts of The Blue Airplane began in late October 2010 in Scandinavia, and this multi-year tour is still ongoing. The Blue Airplane has achieved great success with critics and audiences, and no doubt attracts new fans. The Trio combines the best of Balkan sounds with European blues. Legendary songs from the illustrious career of Darko Rundek make the culmination of this ensemble’s performances. 84 85 Petak, 19. jul / Friday, July 19 Crkva Sv. Duha, 21 h / Church of the Holy Spirit, 9 p.m. Kotorski dragulji / Kotor’s Jewels Učenici Muzičke škole „Vida Matjan“, Kotor / Pupils of the Vida Matjan Music School, Kotor Program: Alberto GINASTERA (1916-1983): Tri argentinska plesa, op. 2 / Argentine Dances, Op.2 Ples starog pasira / Dance of the Old Herdsman Ples lijepe djevojke / Dance of the Graceful Maiden Ples arogantnog gauča / Dance of the Arrogant Cowboy Darko TOMIČIĆ, klavir / piano Klasa / Professor: Ilija Milošević Georg BENDA (1722-1795): Sonatina u D-duru, br. 8, I stav / Sonatina in D major, I Movement Jovana RISTELIĆ, klavir / piano Klasa / Professor: Ljiljana Dončić Frédéric CHOPIN (1810-1849): Skerco br. 1 u h-molu, op. 20 / Scherzo No. 1 in b minor, Op. 20 Paola MITROVIĆ, klavir / piano Klasa / Professor: Gabriella Aksamit Tomaso ALBINONI (1671-1751): Koncert za trubu u Es-duru / Trumpet Concerto in E flat major 86 Grave - Allegro - Andante - Allegro Stefan KNEŽEVIĆ, truba / trumpet Klasa / Professor: Momir Petričević Korepetitor / Piano Accomp. Aleksej Molčanov 87 Julien PORRET (1896-1979): Končertino br. 3 / Concertino No. 3 Allegro moderato - Andantino - Allegro Miloš KATURIĆ, truba / trumpet Klasa / Professor: Momir Petričević Korepetitor / Piano Accomp. Aleksej Molčanov Georges HÜE (1858-1948): Fantazija / Fantaisie Ivanka MUHADINOVIĆ, flauta / flute Klasa / Professor: Andrea Petrović Korepetitor / Piano Accomp. Nina Vuleković Wilhelm POPP (1828-1902): Ciganska idila / Gypsy Idyll Jovana MRŠULJA, flauta / flute Klasa / Professor: Tamara Knežević Korepetitor / Piano Accomp. Nina Vuleković Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918): Mali crnac / Little Negro Trio flauta / Flute Trio: Srđana ĐURAŠEVIĆ, Jovana MRŠULJA, Tamara ŽIVKOVIĆ Klasa / Professor: Andrea Petrović, Tamara Knežević Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809): Londonski trio u C-duru, br. 1, Hob. IV / London Trio in C major, No. 1, Hob. IV II Andante III Finale: Vivace Trio za dvije flaute i violončelo / Trio for two flutes and violoncello: Ivanka MUHADINOVIĆ (flauta / flute), Jovana RADOMAN (flauta / flute), Mija RISTELJIĆ (violončelo / violoncello) Klasa / Professor: Andrea Petrović ,Tamara Knežević i Milena Đurović Milan PREBANDA (1907-1979): Bijeli dani / White Days Jelena KRIVOKAPIĆ, solo pjevanje / voice Klasa / Professor: Milica Zdravković Korepetitor / Piano Accomp. Aleksej Molčanov Agustín BARRIOS (1885-1944): San u šumi / A Dream in the Forest / Un sueno en la floresta Aleksandra VUJAČIĆ, gitara Klasa / Professor: Danijel Cerović 88 89 Nedjelja, 21. jul / Sunday, July 21 Plato Bogorodičinog hrama, Prčanj, 21 h / Stage in front of the Church of Our Lady, Prčanj, 9 p.m. Preplitanja: Njegošu s odanošću žene / Intertwining: To Njegoš, with woman’s devotion Floraleda SACCHI, harfa / harp (Italija/ Italy) Gordana JOSIFOVA-NEDELKOVSKA, oboa /oboe (Makedonija / Macedonia) Hyunim YOON, flauta / flute (Južna Koreja / South Korea) Varja ĐUKIĆ, izbor poezije i proze, narator / poetry and prose selection, narrator (Crna Gora / Montenegro) Program: Alessandro MARCELLO (1673-1747): Koncert za obou i gudače u d-molu, SF. 935 (transkripcija za obou i harfu) / Concerto for Oboe in D minor, SF. 935 (transcription for oboe and harp) Andante spiccato Adagio Presto Eugène BOZZA (1905-1991): Arija (transkripcija za obou i harfu) / Aria (transcription for oboe and harp) Gabriel FAURÉ (1845-1924): Pavana, op. 50 (transkripcija za flautu i harfu) / Pavane, Op. 50 (transcription for flute and harp) Jacques IBERT (1890-1962): Međučin, za flautu i harfu / Entr’acte for flute and harp Jacques IBERT: Interludijum, br. 2 (transkripcija za flautu, obou i harfu) / Interlude No. 2 (transcription for flute, oboe and harp) Philippe GAUBERT (1879-1941): Grčki divertisman (transkripcija za flautu, obou i harfu) / Greek Divertissement (transcription for flute, oboe and harp) Peter MACHAJDÍK (1961): Put u nepoznato / Flowing into the unknown Izbor tekstova iz knjige Njegošu knjiga duboke odanosti Isidore SEKULIĆ / Selection of texts from the book To Njegoš, a book of deep devotion by Isidora SEKULIĆ 90 Floraleda SAKI je harfu počela da svira s četrnaest godina kod Lizete Rosi, а nastavila je da studira u klasama Džudi Loman u Kanadi, Alis Šalifu u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Alis Džajls u Njemačkoj. Nastupala je u brojnim koncertnim salama u Evropi, Americi i Aziji, i osvojila je nagrade na šesnaest međunarodnih takmičenja. Napisala je muzikološku studiju o harfisti i kompozitoru Elijasu Parišu. Objavljuje članke u stručnim časopisima. Glavna interesovanja u njenom životu jesu putovanja, učenje, crtanje, fotografija i video snimanje, zbog čega je često opisuju kao svestranu umjetnicu. Jedina je harfistkinja koja je snimila albume za četiri velike izdavačke kuće: „Deku“, „Filips“, „Univerzal“ i „Dojče Gramofon“, predstavljajući svoj bogati repertoar koji čine autorske kompozicije i aranžmani, zatim djela kasnog 18. vijeka i savremenih autora. Floraleda SACCHI, harp, began to play at the age of fourteen with Liset Rossi, and continued her studies in the classes of Judy Loman in Canada, Alice Chalifoux in the United States and Alice Giles in Germany. She has performed in numerous concert halls in Europe, America and Asia, and has won prizes at sixteen international competitions. She wrote a musicological study about harpist and composer Elias Parish Alvars. She publishes articles in professional journals. Her main interests are travels, learning, drawing, photography and video recording which is why she is often defined as a versatile artist. She is the only harpist who recorded albums for four major record labels: “Decca”, “Phillips”, “Universal” and “Deutsche Grammophon”, presenting her vast repertoire made of original compositions and arrangements, as well as the works of the late 18th century and contemporary composers. Gordana JOSIFOVA-NEDELKOVSKA, oboistkinja i univerzitetski profesor, nastupala je kao solistkinja s brojnim važnim orkestrima, kao što su Simfonijski orkestar Državne kapele Sankt Peterburga, Estonski nacionalni simfonijski orkestar u Talinu, Kamerni orkestar „Musica Viva“, Beogradska filharmonija, Kamerni orkestar „Sofijski solisti“, Kamerni orkestar „Gudači svetog Đorđa“, Orkestar Avinjona, Kamerni orkestar Porto Alegrea. Godine 2009. svirala je s Eniom Morikoneom. Bila je nominovana u kategoriji „Uspješne žene 21. vijeka“ od strane organizacionog odbora Američkog biografskog instituta 2004. godine, koji je ukazao na nju kao veoma uspješnu ženu koja sa svim svojim angažovanjima i dostignućima može da služi kao uzor mlađim generacijama. Od septembra 2009. godine dekanka je Fakulteta muzičke umjetnosti u Skoplju. Umjetnička je direktorka najznačajnije kulturne manifestacije u Makedoniji - Ohridskog ljetnjeg festivala. 91 Gordana JOSIFOVA NEDELKOVSKA, oboist and university professor, performed as a soloist with many major orchestras, such as the National Symphony Orchestra of the chapel of St. Petersburg, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra of Tallinn, Chamber Orchestra “Musica Viva”, the Belgrade Philharmonic, Chamber Orchestra “Sofia Soloists”, Chamber Orchestra “Strings St. George”, Avignon Orchestra and the Chamber Orchestra of Porto Alegre. She played with Ennio Morricone in 2009. In 2004 she was nominated for the “Successful Women of the 21st century” award by the organizing committee of American Biographical Institute, portraying her as a successful woman who serves as a role model for younger generations with all her responsibilities and achievements. She has been the Dean of the Faculty of Music in Skopje since September 2009 and Artistic Director of the most important cultural event in Macedonia - Ohrid Summer Festival. Hjunim JUN, flautistkinja, rođena je u Seulu (Južna Koreja). Nakon Nacionalne umjetničke srednje škole, pohađala je Seulski nacionalni univerzitet. Paralelno je studirala na Muzičkom konzervatorijumu u Ženevi (Švajcarska) kod prof. Maksana Larijea, a zatim na Visokoj školi za muziku i izvođačku umjetnost u Štutgartu (Njemačka) kod prof. Žan-Kloda Žerara. Pažnju publike privukla je kao pobјednica takmičenja Dnevnog lista „Chosun“ i muzičkog takmičenja „Busan“ (J. Koreja), dok je međunarodnu reputaciju stekla nakon osvojene visoke druge nagrade na 47. Međunarodnom takmičenju „Marija Kanals“ (Španija). Kao solistkinja nastupala je sa Sofijskom filharmonijom, Plovdivskim državnim orkestrom, Transilvanijskom filharmonijom, Budapeštanskim simfonijskim orkestrom „MAV“, Orkestrom „Janaček“, Krakovskom filharmonijom, Izmirskom državnom filharmonijom. Radi kao profesor na Suvonskom univerzitetu (J. Koreja). Varja ĐUKIĆ, glumica, diplomirala je glumu u klasi prof. Ognjenke Milićević na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu (1984), gdje se kao asistent-saradnik bavila pedagoškim radom (19892001). Od 1998. djelovala je kao samostalna umjetnica u Podgorici, a 2005. osnovala je knjižaru „Karver“ (Podgorica) u kojoj je realizovala oko 400 književnih, filmskih, likovnih, muzičkih i edukativnih programa. Igrala je u televizijskim serijama i dramama (Banjica, Narodni poslanik, Tesla), filmovima (Variola vera, Stepenica za nebo, U ime oca i sina, Pogled s Ajfelovog tornja), kao i u predstavama Jugoslovenskog dramskog pozorišta, Ateljea 212, Beogradskog dramskog pozorišta, Narodnog pozorišta Sombor, kao i Crnogorskog narodnog pozorišta, čijа je članica od 2008. Autorka je knjige Pozorišni geto (CDNK, 2000), radio-drama (Devojčica u cveću rezede i 1919), pozorišnih predstava (Tebi iz jučerašnje, Pozorišni geto, Post Scriptum). Dobitnica je brojnih priznanja. Varja ĐUKIĆ, actress, graduated acting in the class of prof. Ognjenka Milićević at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade (1984), where she worked as a teaching assistant (1989-2001). From 1998 she was an independent artist in Podgorica. In 2005 she opened the bookshop “Karver” (Podgorica), where she realized about 400 literary, film, art, music and educational programs. She acted in television series and dramas (“Washroom”, “MP”, “Tesla”), movies (“Variola vera”, “Stairway to Heaven”, “In the name of the Father and Son”, “View from the Eiffel Tower”), and at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre, “Atelje 212”, Belgrade Drama Theatre, National Theatre Sombor and the Montenegro National Theatre as its member since 2008. She is the author of the book “Theatre ghetto” (CDNK, 2000), radio dramas (“Girl with flowers and mignonette”, “1919”), theater dramas (“To you from yesterday”, “Theatre ghetto”, “Post Scriptum”). She has numerous awards and merits to her credit. Hyunim YOON, flutist, was born in Seoul (South Korea). After the National High School for Arts she attended the Seoul National University. Simultaneously, she studied at the Geneva Conservatoire de Musique (Switzerland) with prof. Maxence Larrieu, and the Hochschule for Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart (Germany) with prof. Jean-Claude Gerard. She attracted the attention of the audience as the winner of the “Chosun” daily newspaper competition and the musical competition “Busan” (South Korea), and gained an international reputation after winning the second prize at the 47th Maria Canals International Flute Competition (Spain). She performed as a soloist with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Sofia, Plovdiv State Orchestra, Transylvania Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, MAV Symphony Orchestra, Janacek Orchestra, Krakow Philharmonic and Izmir State Philharmonic. She works as a professor at the Suwon University (South Korea). 92 93 Srijeda, 24. jul / Wednesday, July 24 Opšta bolnica, Kotor, 11 h / General hospital, Kotor, 11 a.m. Crkva Sv. Duha, 21 h / Church of the Holy Spirit, 9 p.m. KotorAr-Tić / KotorArt for Children Marina MILIĆ-APOSTOLOVIĆ, klavir i moderator / piano and moderator Program: Zdrav duh pobjeđuje / A Healthy Spirit Wins Opšta bolnica, Kotor, 11 h / General hospital, Kotor, 11 a.m. Ludwig van BEETHOVEN (1770-1827): Za Elizu, bagatela br. 25, WoO 59 / Für Elise, bagatelle No. 25, WoO 59 Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750): Tokata u d-molu, BWV 565 / Toccata in D minor, BWV 565 Frédéric CHOPIN (1810-1849): Etida u c-molu, op. 10, br. 12, Revolucionarna / Étude in C minor, Op. 10, No. 12, Revolutionary Étude Robert SCHUMANN (1810-1856): Uveče iz ciklusa Fantazijski komadi op. 12 / In the Evening from Fantasy Pieces Op. 12 Edvard GRIEG (1843-1907): Marš patuljaka iz ciklusa 6 lirskih komada op. 54 / March of the Trolls from 6 Lyric pieces Op. 54 Čojstvo i junaštvo u muzici / Humanity and Heroism in Music Crkva Sv. Duha, 21 h / Church of the Holy Spirit, 9 p.m. Sergei RACHMANINOFF (1873-1943): Prelid u cis-molu, op. 3, br. 2 / Prelude in C-sharp minor, Оp. 3, No. 2 Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953): Đavolja sugestija iz ciklusa 4 komada op. 4 / Diabolic Suggestion from 4 Pieces Op. 4 Sergei PROKOFIEV: Monteki i Kapuleti, Merkucio iz Deset komada iz baleta Romeo i Julija op. 75 / Montagues and Capulets, Mercutio from 10 pieces from Romeo and Juliеt Op. 75 Мiroslav ŠTATKIĆ (1951): Oro, Kolo (folklore dances) Marko TAJČEVIĆ (1900-1984): Igre iz Sedam balkanskih igara / Dances from the Seven Balkan Dances 94 Koncept kostimiranog koncerta Zdrav duh pobjeđuje zasnovan je na pričama o slavnim likovima iz prošlosti koji su se herojski borili protiv svojih bolesti. Među njima su Ana Magdalena i Johan Sebastijan Bah, Georg Fridrih Hendl, Ludvig van Betoven, Frederik Šopen, Sergej Rahmanjinov, Klara i Robert Šuman, Nina i Edvard Grig. S ciljem da dјeci ulije duhovnu snagu i da im da primjer kako da izdrže u borbi protiv raznih bolesti, koncert predstavlja idealan program za djecu na bolničkom liječenju. The concept of the costumed concert A Healthy Spirit Wins is based on the stories of the famous characters from the past who have fought heroically against their diseases. Among them were Anna Magdalena and Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Händel, Ludwig van Beethoven, Frédéric Chopin, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Clara and Robert Schumann, Nina and Edvard Grieg. Aiming to instill the spiritual strength in children and give them an example of how to resist various diseases, the concert is an ideal program for children in hospitals. KotorAr-Tić, muzička radionica, svojevrstan kutak za djecu i svakako jedan od brendova Kotor Arta, razvija ljubav prema umjetnosti i njeguje najmlađu publiku. Ovogodišnja radionica posvećena je pjesniku Petru Petroviću Njegošu, povodom obilježavanja 200-godišnjice rođenja ovog vladara i vladike Crne Gore. Pijanistkinja Marina Milić-Apostolović, uvijek agilna da povezuje istoriju, književnost i slikarstvo s muzikom, kako bi muzičku umjetnost što više približila djeci Kotora i strancima, realizuje radionicu s temom „Čojstvo i junaštvo u muzici“. Kroz citate Gorskog vijenca program radionice uči djecu o vrijednostima za koja se zalagao Njegoš, povezuje čojstvo i junaštvo u muzici S. Rahmanjinova i S. Prokofjeva, ruskih kompozitora čiji se jubileji takođe obilježavaju ove godine. KotorAr-Tić prezentuje i tradicionalne igre kroz djela M. Tajčevića i M. Štatkića. KotorAr-Tić, music workshops, a distinctive playground for children and certainly KotorArt’s brand, develop love for the arts and nurture the youngest audience. This year’s workshop is dedicated to the poet Petar Petrović Njegoš, honoring the 200th birth anniversary of the ruler and the Bishop of Montenegro. Pianist Marina Milić Apostolović, agile to link history, literature and art with music, and bring them closer to the children of Kotor and foreign tourists, organized a workshop on the theme “Humanity and heroism in music”. Through quotations from Njegoš’s most famous heroic poem “Gorski Vijenac”, the workshop is teaching children about the values promoted by Njegoš and connecting humanity and heroism in the music of S. Rachmaninoff and S. Prokofiev - Russian composers whose anniversaries are also marked this year. KotorAr-Tić is also presenting folklore dances through the works of M. Tajčević and M. Štatkić. Marina MILIĆ-APOSTOLOVIĆ, pijanistkinja i redovna profesorka Akademije umetnosti u Novom Sadu, prvi kostimirani interaktivni koncert postavila је u Londonu 2001. godine. Tada je direktor kompanije „Stenvej“ takav pristup, inače naučno izučavan i potvrđen MBA disertacijom na Univerzitetu u Batu, ocijenio riječima: „Naprosto genijalni pristup, nigdje do sada viđen!“ Devetnaest godina provedenih u prestonici Velike Britanije ostavili su traga na ovu neobičnu ličnost, koja je i umjetnica Bi-Bi-Sijevog Radija 3. Njen portret u Sali slavnih Stenvej hola može se vidjeti uz najveće pijaniste prošlosti i sadašnjice. Kreirala je i specijalne kompakt-diskove i DVD zapise za najmlađe, sve sa željom da djecu privuče klasičnoj muzici. U Londonu je 1991. osnovala fond „Laza Kostić“ s ciljem promovisanja srpske kulture u svijetu na najvišem 95 nivou, čiji je najveći projekat bila predstava Henri VI (2012) na Kulturnoj olimpijadi u londonskom teatru Glob. Marina MILIĆ APOSTOLOVIĆ, pianist and tenure professor at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, staged the first costumed interactive concert in London in 2001. Steinway director praised this approach, scientifically researched and confirmed with MBA dissertation at the University of Bath, with the words: “...simply ingenious approach, never seen before”. Nineteen years of living in the capital of Great Britain left their mark on this unusual personality, the artist of the BBC Radio 3. Her portrait in the Steinway Hall of Fame can be seen among the greatest pianists of the past and present. She created special compact discs and DVD movies for children, all aspiring to attract children to classical music. In 1991 she established the foundation “Laza Kostić” for promotion of Serbian culture in the world at the highest level. The largest project was the play Henry VI (2012) at the Cultural Olympics in London’s Globe Theatre. 96 97 Ponedjeljak, 29. jul/ Monday, July 29 Katedrala Sv. Tripuna, 21 h / St. Tryphon’s Cathedral, 9 p.m. Alla Italiana Antonio Di CRISTOFANO, klavir / piano (Italija/ Italy) Cecilia LODA, mandolina / mandolin (Italija, Italy) Giancarlo De LORENCO, dirigent / conductor (Italija / Italy) Festivalski orkestar KotorArta / KotorArt Festival Orchestra Program: Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791): Divertimento br. 3 u F-duru za gudački ansambl, K. 138 / Divertimento No. 3 in F major for string ensemble, K. 138 Allegro Andante Presto Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART: Koncert za klavir i orkestar u Es-duru, br. 14, K. 449 / Piano Concerto No. 14 in E-flat major, K. 449 Allegro vivace Andantino Allegro ma non troppo Antonio VIVALDI (1678-1741): Koncert za mandolinu u C-duru, RV 425 / Mandolin concerto in C major, RV 425 Allegro Largo Allegro Antonio VIVALDI: Kamerni koncert za madolinu (orig. lautu) i dvije violine u D-duru, RV 93 / Chamber concerto for mandolin (orig. lute) and two violins in D major, RV 93 Allegro giusto Largo Allegro Antonio VIVALDI: Koncert za dvije violine, violončelo i gudače u g-molu, RV 578 / Concerto for two violins, cello and strings in G minor, RV 578 Allegro Largo Allegro 98 Antonio di KRISTOFANO, pijanista, studije klavira je završio 1986. na Konzervatorijumu „Luiđi Kerubini“ u Firenci (Italija) pod mentorstvom prof. Bakelija. Nastupa podjednako kao solista i kao član različitih muzičkih ansambala. Učestvovao je na poznatim festivalima u Evropi, Izraelu, Meksiku, SAD, Kanadi, Južnoj Koreji itd. Snimio je kompakt-disk s djelima F. Šuberta, kao i s kompozicijama J. Bramsa, A. Berga i A. Skrjabina. Tokom 2006. i 2007. godine ostvario je debi u njujorškom Karnegi holu, Koncertnoj sali i Zlatnoj sali Muzikferajna u Beču. Do sada je nastupao s brojnim orkestrima. Često je pozivan kao član međunarodnih pijanističkih takmičenja i kao predavač na Konzervatorijumu „Čajkovski“ u Moskvi, Ljetnjoj akademiji u Dubrovniku, na univerzitetima u Seulu, Solunu, SAD-u. Umjetnički je direktor Simfonijskog orkestra Groseta (Italija), Međunarodnog pijanističkog takmičenja „Skrjabin“ i Muzičke škole u Grosetu. Antonio Di CRISTOFANO, pianist, completed piano studies in 1986 at the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory in Florence (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Bacchelli. He performs both as a soloist and as a member of various musical ensembles. He performed at major festivals in Europe, Israel, Mexico, USA, Canada, South Korea etc. He made a compact disc featuring works of F. Schubert, as well as compositions of J. Brahms, A. Berg and A. Scriabin. During 2006 and 2007 he made his debut at New York‘s Carnegie Hall, the Konzerthaus and Golden Hall in Vienna’s Musikverein. He has performed with numerous orchestras and often invited as a member of international piano competitions, and as a lecturer at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, the Summer Academy in Dubrovnik, University of Seoul, Thessaloniki and the USA. He is the artistic director of the Grosseto Symphony Orchestra (Italy), the Scriabin International Piano Competition and the Music school in Grosseto. Čečilija LODA, mandolinistkinja, diplomirala je 1984. godine na Konzervatorijumu „Čezare Polini“ u Padovi u klasi prof. Uga Orlandija. Kao članica Trzalačkog orkestra grada Breše, često je nastupala kao solistkinja na koncertima u zemlji i inostranstvu. Bila je članica trzalačkog kvinteta „Raffaele Calace“ i kvinteta „Carmina Rara“. Nastupala je kao solistkinja s ansamblima: Solisti Venecije, Solisti Peruđe, Orkestar Olimpijskog teatra u Vićenci, zatim Orkestar „Magna Grecia“, Kamerni orkestar Firence, Italijanski filharmonijski orkestar, Simfonijski orkestar Sanrema, Kamerni orkestar Istanbula, Barokni orkestar Helsinkija, Orkestar Ermitaža u Sankt Peterburgu, Klasični orkestar Madeire, Simfonijski orkestar Kališa, Orkestar „Symphony Toronto“. Snimala je za izdavačku kuću „Fone“. Redovno nastupa kao solistkinja s Kamernim orkestrom Breše „Vox Aurae“, Italijanskim filharmonijskim orkestrom i Orkestrom Olimpijskog pozorišta u Vićenci. 99 Cecilia Loda, mandolin, graduated in 1984 at the Conservatory Cesare Pollini of Padua with Prof. Ugo Orlandi. As a member of the plucked strings orchestra of the city of Brescia, she often performed as a soloist at home and abroad. She was a member of the plucked strings quintet “Raffaele sting” and the quintet “Carmina Rara”. She has performed as soloist with ensembles: Solisti Veneti, I Solisti di Perugia, Orchestra Olympic Theatre in Vicenza, the Magna Grecia Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Florence, the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Sanremo Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Istanbul, the Helsinki Baroque Orchestra, Orchestra of Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Clássica Orquestra da Madeira, the Symphony Orchestra Kalisz and the Toronto Symphony. She recorded for the “Fone” record company. She regularly performs as a soloist with the Chamber Orchestra of Brescia “Vox Aurae”, the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Orchestra of the Olympic Theatre in Vicenza. Đankarlo De LORENCO, dirigent, studirao je na Muzičkom konzervatorijumu u Breši, potom na Univerzitetu u Bolonji. Od 1992. stalni je dirigent orkestra „Vox Aurae“ iz Breše, od 2003. do 2011. bio je umjetnički direktor i glavni dirigent Orkestra Olimpijskog pozorišta u Vićenci, a od 2012. glavni je dirigent Italijanske filharmonije i Simfonijskog orkestra Groseta, kao i dirigent Simfonijskog orkestra Sanrema. Sarađivao je s poznatim solistima i orkestrima iz Italije i inostranstva. Godine 2009. dirigovao je Simfonijskim orkestrom Abruca u milanskoj Skali povodom rekonstrukcije Gradskog pozorišta u Akvili. S orkestrom „Vox Aurae“ snimio je cjelokupan opus za gudački orkestar F. Durantea, djela za gudački orkestar J. Mislivečeka, F. L. Gasmana, klavirske koncerte V. A. Mocarta. Godine 2012. na Festivalu u Santanderu (Španija) sa Simfonijskim orkestrom Bilbaoa izveo je Triologiju O. Respigija i svjetsku premijeru Desete simfonije T. Marka. Festivalski orkestar KotorArta osnovan je u okviru istoimene nezavisne inicijative u kulturi 2003. Zamišljen kao staggione ansambl koji funkcioniše i po principu majstorskog seminara, ovaj ansambl ima cilj da okupi perspektivne muzičare regiona koji tokom nekoliko nedjelja pripremaju i izvode odabrane programe. Uz edukaciju, kroz rad s istaknutim dirigentima i solistima i koncertne nastupe ovako koncipirani Festivalski orkestar ima i jedno dodatno značenje i poruku koja je na fonu koncepta festivala u cijelini - to je poruka slavlja muzike kroz toleranciju, suživot i razumijevanje. KotorArt Festival Orchestra was founded in 2003 under the auspices of the independent initiative in culture of the same name. Conceived as “staggione” ensemble that acts also as a master seminar, the ensemble aims to bring together talented musicians from the region, who can prepare and perform selected programs in few weeks. Apart from education, musicians are working with renowned conductors and soloists and have numerous concert appearances, which gives the KotorArt Festival Orchestra an additional meaning and the message - to celebrate music through tolerance, coexistence and understanding. Giancarlo De LORENZO, conductor, studied at the Music Conservatory in Brescia, then at the University of Bologna. Since 1992 he has been a permanent conductor of the “Vox Aurae” Orchestra di Brescia. From 2003 to 2011 he was the artistic director and the principal conductor of the Orchestra of the Olympic Theatre in Vicenza, and since 2012 a chief conductor of the Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana and the Orchestra Sinfonica di Grosseto, as well as a conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of Sanremo. He has collaborated with renowned soloists and orchestras from Italy and abroad. In 2009 he conducted the Sinfonica Abruzzese at La Scala theatre on the occasion of the reconstruction of the city of Aquila. With the orchestra “Vox Aurae” he recorded the entire body of work for string orchestra by F. Durante, works for string orchestra by J. Misliveček and F. L. Gassman as well as W. A. Mozart’s piano concertos. In 2012 he performed at the Festival in Santander (Spain) with Orchestra Sinfonica di Bilbao a “Trilogy” by O. Respighi and the world premiere of the “Tenth Symphony” by T. Marco. 100 101 Petak, 2. avgust / Friday, August 2 Bogorodičin hram, Prčanj, 21 h / Church of Our Lady, Prčanj, 9 p.m. Peti element / The Fifth Element Mladen JAGUŠT, dirigent / conductor (Srbija / Serbia) Festivalski orkestar KotorArta / KotorArt Festival Orchestra Program: Georg Friedrich HÄNDEL (1685-1759): Končerto groso u B-duru, op. 6, br. 7 / Concerto Grosso in B-flat major, Op. 6, No. 7 Largo Allegro Largo, e piano Andante Hornpipe Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART (1756-1791): Serenada za gudače u G-duru, br. 13, K. 525 (Mala noćna muzika) / Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major, K. 525 (A Little Night Music) Allegro Romance: Andante Menuetto: Allegretto Rondo: Allegro * pauza / intermission Pyotr Ilych TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893): Serenada za gudače u C-duru, op. 48 / Serenade for strings in C major, op. 48 102 Pezzo in forma di sonatina: Andante non troppo Allegro moderato Valse: Moderato - Tempo di valse Élégie: Larghetto elegiaco Finale (Tema russo): Andante - Allegro con spirito 103 Mladen JAGUŠT, iskusni horski, operski, simfonijski i oratorijumski dirigent međunarodnog renomea, karijeru je započeo 1945. godine, radeći s horom „Ivan Goran Kovačić“, čiji je i osnivač. Potom je djelovao kao dirigent Kamernog hora Radio Zagreba, hora i orkestra Umetničkog ansambla Doma JNA u Beogradu, Opere i Baleta Srpskog narodnog pozorišta u Novom Sadu, Simfonijskog orkestra i hora Radiotelevizije Beograd. Dobitnik je više nagrada i priznanja, među kojima su: Oktobarska nagrada grada Beograda, Vukova nagrada, nagrada Udruženja kompozitora Jugoslavije za izvođenje i trajne zapise kompozicija domaćih autora (Koštane P. Konjovića, Ohridske legende S. Hristića i kompletnog opusa S. S. Mokranjca). Djelovao je kao redovni profesor na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu i Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu. Svoja dva jubileja, 80 godina života i 60 godina umjetničkog rada, obilježio je velikim izvođenjem Rekvijema Đ. Verdija u beogradskom Centru „Sava“ 19. novembra 2004. Mladen JAGUŠT, experienced choral, opera, symphony and oratorio conductor of international renown, started his career in 1945, founding and working with the choir “Ivan Goran Kovačić”. He then acted as a conductor of Radio Zagreb Chamber Choir, choir and orchestra of the Art Ensemble of JNA in Belgrade, Opera and Ballet of the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad, Symphony Orchestra and Choir of Radio Television Belgrade. He has won several awards, including the October award by the City of Belgrade, “Vuk Stefanović Karadžić” award and the award from the Association of Yugoslav Composers for performing and recording compositions by local authors (“Koštana” by P. Konjović, “Ohrid’s legend” by S. Hristić and complete opus of S. Mokranjac). He worked as a professor at the University of Novi Sad and Faculty of Music in Belgrade. He celebrated his two anniversaries, 60 years of performing and 80 years of age, on the stage of Belgrade’s “Sava Centar”, conducting the “Requiem” by G. Verdi on November 19 2004. copyright - Miroslav Majstorovic 104 105 Nedjelja, 04. avgust / Sunday, August 04 Crkva Sv. Duha, 21 h / Church of the Holy Spirit, 9 p.m. Pijanistički vatromet / Pianistic fireworks Simon TRPČESKI, klavir / piano (Makedonija/ Macedonia) Program: Johannes BRAHMS (1833-1897): Tri intermeca, op. 117 / Three Intermezzi, Op. 117 1. Andante moderato 2. Andante non troppo e con molto espressione 3. Andante con moto Johannes BRAHMS: Varijacije i fuga na Hendlovu temu, op. 24 / Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Händel, Op. 24 Franz LISZT (1811-1886): Večeri u Beču (9 valcera - kaprisa prema Šubertu), S. 427 / Soirées de Vienna (9 Valses caprices d’ après Schubert), S. 427 Simon TRPČESKI, pijanista, važi za umjetnika besprijekorne tehnike i delikatne izražajnosti. Diplomirao je klavir u klasi prof. B. Romanova na Fakultetu muzičke umjetnosti u Skoplju (Makedonija). Dobitnik je više prvih nagrada na međunarodnim takmičenjima, kao i priznanja: „Mladi umjetnik“ Kraljevskog filharmonijskog društva (Velika Britanija), Predsjednički orden zasluga za Makedoniju i Nacionalni umjetnik Makedonije. Širom svijeta održava resitale, nastupa s orkestrima i kao član kamernih ansambala. Ostvario je saradnju s brojnim svjetski poznatim orkestrima, kao što su Londonski simfonijski orkestar, Londonska filharmonija, Koncertgebau orkestar (Holandija), Ruski nacionalni i Orkestar Boljšoj teatra (Moskva), Kraljevska filharmonija (Stokholm), zatim filharmonije Njujorka, Los Anđelesa, Bostona, San Franciska, Čikaga, simfonijski orkestri Hong Konga, Sidneja, Novog Zelanda. Sarađivao je sa dirigentima, među kojima su V. Aškenazi, M. Alsop, G. Dudamel, L. Mazel i dr. Simon TRPČESKI, pianist, is well known as an artist of impeccable technique and delicate expression. He graduated in piano performance under prof. B. Romanov at the Faculty of Music in Skopje (Macedonia). He has won several awards and prizes at international competitions: “Young Artist” Royal Philharmonic Society (UK), Presidential Medal of Merit for Macedonia and Macedonian national artist. He performs worldwide as a solo artist, with orchestras and as a member of chamber ensembles. He has established collaborations with many world-renowned orchestras such as the London Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic, Concertgebouw (The Netherlands), the Russian National Orchestra and the Bolshoi Theatre (Moscow), Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (Stockholm), the Philharmonics of New York, Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, symphony orchestras of Hong Kong, Sydney and New Zealand. He has worked with esteemed conductors including V. Ashkenazi, M. Alsop, G. Dudamel, L. Mazel etc. 5.Moderato Cantabile con Affetto 7.Allegro Spiritoso 6.Allegro con Strepito Franz LISZT: Mađarska rapsodija br. 2, S. 244/2/ Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, S. 244/2 Credit - KulturOp, Lube Saveski 106 107 Ponedjeljak, 05. avgust / Monday, August 05 Crkva Sv. Duha, 21 h / Church of the Holy Spirit, 9 p.m. Gromovi u helijumu / Thunders in Helium Roman SIMOVIĆ, violina / violin (Crna Gora,Velika Britanija / Montenegro, Great Britain) Simon TRPČESKI, klavir / piano (Makedonija/ Macedonia) Program: César FRANCK (1822-1890): Sonata za violinu i klavir u A-duru, M. 8 / Sonata for violin and piano in A major, M. 8 Allegretto ben moderato Allegro Recitativo: Fantasia Allegretto poco mosso Edvard GRIEG (1843-1907): Sonata za violinu i klavir u C-duru, op. 45 / Sonata for violin and piano in C major, Op. 45 Allegro molto ed appassionato Allegretto espressivo alla romanza Allegro animato Roman SIMOVIĆ, violinista, koncertmajstor Londonskog simfonijskog orkestra, laureat međunarodnih konkursa „Vijenavski”, „Lipicer“ i „Sion“, prepoznat je širom svijeta kao umjetnik briljantne virtuoznosti i urođene muzikalnosti. Nastupajući u poznatim svjetskim salama i na značajnim svjetskim festivalima, kao solista je svirao pred Londonskim simfonijskim orkestrom, Simfonijskim orkestrom Marinski teatra, Simfonijom Nove Škotske (Kanada), Kamernim orkestrom „Franc List“ (Mađarska), kameratama Berna i Salcburga, Poznanjskom filharmonijom, Praškom filharmonijom itd. Sarađivao je s dirigentima: V. Gergijevim, A. Papanoom, K. Jarvijem, J. Belohlavekom, svirao kamernu muziku sa: Š. Mincom, F. Leluom, I. Golanom, J. Rahlinom i dr. Svira na violini „J. B. Guadagnini“ iz 1752. Tokom naredne sezone (2013/14) snimiće dva kompakt-diska - kao vođa gudačkog orkestra LSO i kao solista pred Orkestrom „Marinski“ (dirigent V. Gergijev) s koncertima P. I. Čajkovskog i A. Glazunova. Roman SIMOVIĆ, violinist, concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, laureate of international competitions Wienawski, Lipizer and Sion-Valais, is recognized worldwide as an artist of brilliant virtuosity and innate musicality. Performing at world famous venues and at major international festivals, as a soloist he performed with the London Symphony Orchestra, Mariinsky Theatre Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Nova Scotia (Canada), Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra (Hungary), Cameratas of Bern and Salzburg, Poznan Philharmonic, Prague Philharmonia etc. He has worked with conductors V. Gergiev, A. Papanno, K. Järvi, J. Belohlavek, and performed chamber music with: Schlomo Mintz, Francois Leleux, Itamar Golan, J. Rachlin etc. He plays a 1752 “J.B. Guadagnini” violin. During the 2013/14 concert season, he will record two compact disc - as the leader of the LSO string orchestra and as a soloist in front of the Orchestra “Mariinsky” (directed by V. Gergiev) with concerts by P. I. Tchaikovsky and A. Glazunov. Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918): Sonata za violinu i klavir u G-duru, L. 140 / Sonata for violin and piano in G major, L. 140 Allegro vivo Intermède: fantasque et léger Finale: très animé Maurice RAVEL (1875-1937): Ciganin, rapsodija za violinu i klavir / Tzigane, Rhapsody for violin and piano 108 109 Srijeda, 07. avgust/ Wednesday, August 07 Katedrala Sv. Tripuna, 21 h / St. Tryphon’s Cathedral, 9 p.m. Njegoš, Luča / Njegoš, The Ray Guy BRAUNSTEIN, dirigent, violina / conductor, violin (Njemačka, Izrael / Germany, Israel) Gili SCHWARZMAN, flauta / flute (Njemačka, Izrael / Germany, Israel) Srđan GRAHOVAC, narator / narrator (Crna Gora / Montenegro) Andres MUSTONEN, dirigent, violina / conductor, violin (Estonija / Estonia) Festivalski orkestar KotorArta / KotorArt Festival Orchestra Program: Franz SCHUBERT (1797-1828): Rondo za violinu i gudački orkestar u A-duru, D. 438* / Rondo for violin and string orchestra in A major, D. 438* Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750): Koncert za flautu (orig. obou), violinu i orkestar u d-molu, BWV 1060 / Concerto for flute (orig. oboe), violin and orchestra in D minor, BWV 1060 Allegro Adagio Allegro Friedrich KREISLER (1875-1962): Sinkopacija za flautu i gudače (orig. violinu i klavir) / Syncopation for flute and strings (orig.violin and piano) Friedrich KREISLER: Romansa za flautu i gudače (orig. violinu i klavir), op. 4 / Romance for flute and strings (orig. violin and piano), op. 4 Arcangelo CORELLI (1653-1713): Sonata za violinu u d-molu, op. 5, br. 12 (La folia)** / Violin Sonata in D minor, Op. 5, No. 12 (La Folia)** Ivan MAROVIĆ (1981): Iskra besamrtna / The immortal Ray (porudžbina KotorArta / commissioned by KotorArt) * Solista: Gaj Braunštajn, violina / Soloist: Guy Braunstein, violin ** Solista: Andres Mustonen, violina / Soloist: Andres Mustonen, violin 110 Gaj BRAUNŠTAJN, violinistа, rođen u Tel Avivu (Izrael), studirao je violinu u klasi prof. Haima Tauba, a kasnije u Njujorku kod poznatih violinista i pedagoga, Glena Dikteroua i Pinkasa Cukermana. Još kao veoma mlad počeo je da nastupa kao međunarodni solista i kamerni muzičar. Svirao je s Izraelskom filharmonijom, Orkestrom ciriškog Tonhalea, Bamberškim simfonijskim orkestrom, zatim Orkestrom Radio Kopenhagena i Radio Frankfurta, kao i Filharmonijom milanske opere „Skala“, Berlinskom filharmonijom itd. Od 2006. godine muzički je direktor festivala „Rolandseck“ u Njemačkoj. Postao je najmlađi koncertmajstor Berlinske fillharmonije 2000. godine, gdje i danas radi. Vrhunac njegove solističke karijere predstavlja sezona 2010/11. kada je svirao s Izraelskim simfonijskim orkestrom, zatim Orkestrom salcburškog Mocarteuma, Sofijskom filharmonijom i dr. Guy BRAUNSTEIN, violinist, born in Tel Aviv (Israel), studied violin with Prof. Chaim Taub, and later in New York with renowned violinists and teachers, Glenn Dicterowand and Pinkas Zukerman. As an international soloist and chamber musician he began to perform as very young. He has performed with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the Tonhalle Zurich, Bamberg Symphony Orchestra music, then Radio Copenhagen and Frankfurt Radio Orchestras, the Philharmonica de la Scala, Berliner Philharmoniker and many others. Since 2006 he is the musical director of the Rolandseck Festival in Germany. He became the youngest concertmaster of the Berlin Philharmonic in 2000, where he still works. The highlight of his solo career is concert season 2010/11 when he played with the Israel Symphony Orchestra, the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg, and the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra. Gili ŠVARCMAN, flautistkinja, nastupa širom svijeta kao solistkinja i članica kamernih ansambala, u najznačajnijim evropskim salama. Muziku je studirala na Muzičkoj akademiji u Jerusalimu (Izrael) i na Univerzitetu Tel Aviva, a školovanje je nastavila na Muzičkoj akademiji u Minhenu (Njemačka) u klasi prof. Andraša Adorjana. Redovno svira na prestižnim festivalima: Jerusalimskom festivalu kamerne muzike, Zagrebačkom ljetnjem festivalu, Salcburškom festivalu, kao i festivalu „Rolandseck“ u Njemačkoj, s muzičarima kao što su Sol Gabeta, Emanuel Paji, Fransoa Lelu i dr. Poslednjih godina bila je na mjestu prve flaute ansambla „Gropius“ i kamernog orkestra „Eden“ u Londonu. Trenutno je članica ansambla „Solisti Tel Aviva“ i Međunarodnog orkestra „Maler“. Takođe je članica orkestra „West-Eastern Divan“, kojim rukovodi maestro Daniel Barenboim. Gili SCHWARZMAN, flutist, performs worldwide as a soloist and a member of chamber ensembles at the most important European concert halls. She studied music at the Academy of Music in Jerusalem (Israel) and Tel Aviv University, and continued her education at the Academy 111 of Music in Munich (Germany) in the class of Prof. Andras Adorjan. She performs regularly at prestigious festivals - Jerusalem Chamber Music Festival, Spring Festival of Zagreb, Salzburg Festival, and Rolandseck Festival of Germany, with musicians such as Sol Gabetta, Emmanuel Pahud and Francois Leleux. In recent years she was the first flute of the Gropius ensemble and the Eden chamber orchestra in London. Currently she is a member of the ensemble “Tel Aviv soloists” and the “Mahler” international orchestra. She is also a member of the “West-eastern Divan” orchestra, lead by maestro Daniel Barenboim. Srđan GRAHOVAC, glumac, završio je Fakultet dramskih umjetnosti na Cetinju, u klasi prof. Branislava Mićunovića. Igrao je u predstavama Sudnji dan (diplomska predstava), The Pillow Man-Jastučko (Hrvatska), Fužinski Blues, Hlapci (Slovenija), zatim u predstavama Čekajući Godoa, Medeja i Che Gevara reditelja Slobodana Milatovića, u predstavama Konte Zanović, Montenegrini, Princeza Ksenija i Danilo rediteljke Radmile Vojvodić, u predstavi Njegoš vatre reditelja Radmile Vojvodić i Paolа Mađeliја, potom u predstavama San ljetnje noći, Malograđani i Galeb reditelja Paola Mađelija, Joneskomanija, Poludjela lokomotiva, Party Time i Saloma, Eksplozija sjećanja 5 reditelja Edvarda Milera, u predstavi Otpad reditelja Nika Apera, Gorski vijenac reditelja Branislava Mićunovića itd. Igrao je u filmovima: L... kao ljubav, Gledaj me, Lokalni vampir, Ljubav Ožiljci, u televizijskom filmu Marko Skače. Srdjan GRAHOVAC, actor, graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje, with Prof. Branislav Mićunović. He acted in plays Judgment Day (graduation performance), The Pillow Man (Croatia), Fužinski Blues, Hlapci (Slovenia), followed by performances of Waiting for Godot, Medea and Che Guevara directed by Slobodan Milatović, Conte Zanović, Montenegrini, Princess Ksenija and Danilo directed by Radmila Vojvodić, the play Njegoš, Fire directed by Radmila Vojvodić and Paolo Magelli, followed by performances in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Philistines and Seagull directed by Paolo Magelli, Ionescomania, Crazy Locomotives and Party Time, Salome, the Explosion of Memories 5 directed by Edward Miller, in the play Waste directed by Nick Apera, Mountain Wreath directed by Branislav Mićunović, etc. He played in the movies: L…is for love, Look at Me, Local Vampire, Love Scars, and in the television movie Marko Jumps. Andres MUSTONEN, dirigent, u svemu što radi izražava svoj originalni izgled i muzičku spoznaju, bilo da diriguje simfonije Malera i Šostakoviča ili bečkih klasičara. Aktivno izvodi djela svojih savremenika, kao što su: S. Gubajdulina, K. Penderecki, G. Kančeli, V. Silvestrov, A. Knaifel, E. Tir, A. Pert i A. Terterjan. Muzičko obrazovanje je stekao na Muzičkoj akademiji u Talinu (Estonija). Tokom sedamdesetih godina XX vijeka okrenuo se izvorima evropske hrišćanske tradicije i osnovao ansambl „Hortus Musicus“, čiji repertoar danas čini muzika od indijske, arapske i jevrejske tradicionalne muzike do djela savremenih kompozitora. Pored toga, Mustonen voli da svira kamernu muziku sa svojim prijateljima i kolegama i nedavno je osnovao ansambl „Art Jazz Quartet“. Nastupa širom svijeta s lokalnim orkestrima, ansamblom „Hortus Musicus“ ili kao solista, u brojnim evropskim zemaljama, kao i Brazilu, Meksiku, Izraelu. 112 Andres Mustonen, conductor, expresses his personality and musical knowledge in everything he does, whether he is conducting a symphony by Mahler and Shostakovich or the Viennese classics. He is keenly performing his contemporaries such as S. Gubaidulina, K. Penderecki, G Kancheli, V. Silvestrov, A. Knaifel, E. Tüür, A. Pärt, and A. Terterjan. He graduated at the Music Academy in Tallinn (Estonia). During the seventies he turned to basics of European Christian tradition and founded the ensemble “Hortus Musicus”. Their repertoire today includes variety of music from Indian, Arab and Jewish traditional music to the works of contemporary composers. In addition, Mustonen loves to play chamber music with his friends and colleagues, and recently founded the group “Art Jazz Quartet”. He performs around the world with local orchestras, Ensemble “Hortus Musicus” or as soloist in numerous European countries, as well as Brazil, Mexico, and Israel. Ivan MAROVIĆ, kompozitor, poslije završenog klavirskog odsjeka u Srednjoj muzičkoj školi „Vida Matjan“ u Kotoru, upisao je kompoziciju na Muzičkoj akademiji na Cetinju. Pohađao je Internacionalni seminar iz kompozicije u Rajhenau (Austrija, 2005, 2006) kod prof. Jana Jiraseka i Detleva Milera Zimensa, kao i džez radionice nevladine organizacije „Jazz Art“ u Podgorici (Crna Gora, 2008, 2009) kod prof. Stjepka Guta i Ralа Mićića. Autor je muzike za brojne pozorišne predstave: Art export (režija L. Dedović), Medeia, (režija S. Milatović), Dobri Zloćko (režija P. Pejaković), Oro iz bajke (režija B. Lungov), Don Žuan (režija A. Vukotić), Čaura (autori T. Vujošević i S. Nelević), Command Performance (režija P. Kirbi), Ulcinjski gusar (režija M. Karadžić) i dr. Dobitnik je nagradе za autora saradnika na Bijenalu crnogorskog teatra za muziku u predstavama Medeia reditelja Slobodana Milatovića i Oro iz bajke reditelja Bonja Lungova. Ivan MAROVIĆ, composer, after graduating from the piano department at the Music High School “Vida Matjan” in Kotor, he enrolled the Music Academy in Cetinje. He attended the international composition seminar in Reichenau (Austria, 2005, 2006) with prof. Jana Jirasek and Detlev Müller Zimens and jazz workshops of NGO “Jazz Art” in Podgorica (Montenegro, 2008, 2009) with Prof. Stjepko Gut and Rale Mićić. He is the author of music for numerous theater productions: Art Export (directed by L. Dedović), Medeia, (directed by S. Milatović) Good Naughty (directed by P. Pejaković), Oro from Fairytale (directed by B. Lungov), Don Juan (directed by A. Vukotić), Cocoon (authors T. Vujošević and S. Nelević) Command Performance (directed by P. Kirby), Ulcinj Pirates (directed by M. Karadžić) and others. He received the award as the author’s associate at the Biennale of Montenegrin Theaters for music in play Medeia, directed by Slobodan Milatović and Oro Fairytale directed by Bonjo Lungov. 113 Subota, 10. avgust/ Saturday, August 10 Ljetnja scena, 21 h / Summer stage, 9 p.m. Duško Gojković Summit Duško GOJKOVIĆ, džez truba / jazz trumpet (Njemačka, Srbija / Germany, Serbia) Belgrade Summit Octet (Srbija / Serbia) Duško GOJKOVIĆ, džez trubač i kompozitor, studije je završio na Muzičkoj akademiji u Beogradu i Muzičkoj akademiji „Berkli“ (SAD). Bio je član više poznatih džez orkestara: Mejnarda Fergusona, Vudija Hermana, Radio Beograda, Keni Klark/Fransi Boland Big benda. Godine 1966. objavio je album „Swinging Macedonia“ koji predstavlja utemeljenje danas priznatog stila balkan džez. Pored kompakt-diska „Soul Connection“ (1994), snimio je više albuma za izdavačku kuću „Enja Rekords“ (Minhen): „Bebop City“, „Balkan Connection“, „Balkan blue“, „Samba do mar“, „A Handful O’Soul“, „ Samba Tzigane“, „Five Horns and Rhythm Unit“. Јedini је džez muzičar s prostora bivše Jugoslavije čiji je opus u drugoj polovini XX vijeka zabilježila svaka relevantna džez enciklopedija u svijetu. Godine 2007. izašlo je srpsko izdanje Gojkovićeve biografije Džez je sloboda, koju je bavarski Džez institut objavio još 1995. u čast njegovog četrdesetogodišnjeg boravka u Njemačkoj. Duško GOJKOVIĆ, jazz trumpeter and composer, graduated from the Music Academy in Belgrade and the Berklee College of Music (USA). He was a member of several well-known jazz bands: Maynard Ferguson, Woody Herman, Radio Belgrade, Kenny Clarke/Francy Boland Big Band. In 1966 he released the album “Swinging Macedonia”, accepted today as a foundation of Balkan-style jazz. Besides the compact disc “Soul Connection” (1994), he recorded several albums for the label “Enja Records” (Munich): “Bebop City”, “Balkan Connection”, “Balkan Blue”, “Samba do Mar”, “A Handful O’Soul”, “Samba Tzigane”,” Five Horns and Rhythm Unit”. He is the only jazz musician from the former Yugoslavia whose body of work was acknowledged in every relevant jazz encyclopedia in the world in the second half of the twentieth century. In 2007 the Serbian edition of his biography “Jazz is freedom” was released, which the Bavarian Jazz Institute published back in 1995, honoring his fortieth anniversary of life in Germany. Za 40. BEMUS (Beogradske muzičke svečanosti, Srbija) Duško Gojković je 2008. pripremio produkciju s internacionalnim „all star“ sastavom pod nazivom Summit Octet, u koјem je okupio muzičare iz svih djelova planete: Australije, SAD, Italije, Francuske, Njemačke, Makedonije, Srbije. Pored nezaboravnog koncerta, sastav je snimio materijal za kompakt-disk koji je prvo objavila izdavačka kuća B92 (Srbija), a potom „Enja Rekords“ (Minhen). Krajem 2012. snimljen je CD „Quo vadis samba“ s Big bend orkestrom RTS-a s novim Gojkovićevim aranžmanima njegovih originalnih kompozicija. U toku je snimanje albuma pod radnim naslovom „Duško and strings“. Autorske kompozicije u aranžmanima proslavljenog britanskog saksofoniste i aranžera Pitera Kinga biće snimljene s gudačima Brandenburškog simfonijskog orkestra i džez ritam sekcijom. U Kotoru će Belgrade Summit Octet predstaviti originalne aranžmane za sastav: 2 trube, trombon, 2 saksofona i ritam sekciju. 114 For 40th BEMUS (Belgrade Music Festival, Serbia) in 2008, Duško Gojković formed a production with an international “all-star” band called the Summit Octet, which brought together musicians from all parts of the globe: Australia, USA, Italy, France, Germany, Macedonia and Serbia. In addition to the unforgettable concert, the band recorded material for a CD, first published by record company B92 (Serbia), and then “Enja Records” (Munich). In 2012 he recorded the CD “Quo vadis samba” with Big Band Orchestra of RTS (Radio Television Serbia) with new arrangements of his original compositions. Currently he is recording the album entitled “Duško and strings.” His original compositions arranged by famous British saxophonist and arranger Peter King, will be recorded with strings of the Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra and jazz rhythm section. Duško Gojković and the Belgrade Summit Octet will present in Kotor original arrangements for 2 trumpets, trombone, two saxophones and rhythm section. 115 Utorak, 13. avgust/ Tuesday, August 13 Ljetnja scena, 21 h / Summer stage, 9 p.m. Insieme Miloš KARADAGLIĆ, gitara / guitar (Crna Gora, Velika Britanija / Montenegro, Great Britain) Premil PETROVIĆ, dirigent / conductor (Srbija, Njemačka / Serbia, Germany) Orkestar bez granica / No Borders Orchestra Program: Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953): Simfonija br. 1 u D-duru, br. 1, op. 25 (Klasična) / Symphony No. 1 in D major (Classical), Op. 25 Allegro con brio Larghetto Gavotte: Non troppo allegro Finale: Molto vivace Isidora ŽEBELJAN (1967): Konji Svetog Marka, iluminacija za orkestar / The Horses of Saint Mark, an illumination for orchestra Joaquín RODRIGO (1901-1999): Koncert za Aranhuez, za gitaru i orkestar / Concierto de Aranjuez, for guitar and orchestra Allegro con spirito Adagio Allegro gentile Richard WAGNER (1813-1883): Zigfridova idila, simfonijska poema, WWV 103 / Siegfried-Idyll, symphonic poem, WWV 103 Ruhig bewegt Leicht bewegt Lebhaft. Rallentando Zoltán KODÁLY (1882-1967): Igre iz Galante / Dances of Galanta Lento Allegretto moderato Allegro con moto, grazioso Allegro Allegro vivace 116 © Margaret Malandruccolo / DG Miloš KARADAGLIĆ, gitarista, posebnu pažnju u svijetu privukao je 2011. debitantskim albumom „The Guitar“. Gitaru je počeo da uči s osam godina, da bi sa sedamnaest upisao Kraljevsku muzičku akademiju u Londonu. Kao ekskluzivni umjetnik izdavačke kuće „Dojče Gramofon“ realizovao je svoj drugi album „Latino“ (Pasión) 2012. godine, za koji je dobio nagradu „Classic Brit“ (Velika Britanija) i „Echo Klassik“ (Njemačka). Godina 2012. u njegovoj karijeri bila je označena rasprodatim koncertima u Velikoj Britaniji, Francuskoj, Holandiji, Švajcarskoj, SAD, Kanadi, Koreji, Japanu, Kini, Australiji. Kao solista nastupao je s orkestrima: Simfonijskim orkestrom Atlante, Kraljevskim škotskim nacionalnim orkestrom, Londonskom filharmonijom, Engleskim kamernim orkestrom, Filharmonijom Hong Konga. Nastupa podjednako u poznatim svjetskim salama i u netradicionalnim prostorima, u kamernom ambijentu i u velikim salama, kao što je to bilo pred 3000 posjetilaca u londonskoj sali „Royal Albert Hall“. Milos KARADAGLIĆ, guitarist, drew the attention of the world in 2011 with his debut album “The Guitar”. He began studying the guitar at the age of eight, and at seventeen he entered the Royal Academy of Music in London. As an exclusive artist of “Deutsche Grammophon” he released his second album “Latino” (Pasión) in 2012, for which he won the “Classic Brit” (UK) and the “Echo Klassik” (Germany) awards. The year 2012 was marked in his career with sold-out concerts in the UK, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Korea, Japan, China and Australia. As a soloist he has performed with orchestras: the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, the London Philharmonic, the English Chamber Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He performs equally in the world-famous concert halls and non-traditional venues, the chamber settings and in large halls, as it was in the Royal Albert Hall in front of 3000 people. Premil PETROVIĆ, dirigent, diplomirao je na teorijskom odsjeku Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, a potom i dirigovanje na Visokoj školi za muziku „Hans Ajsler“ u Berlinu. Sredinom 90-ih godina osnovao je Muzičko pozorište u kulturnom centru Radija 117 B92 „Rex“. Istakao se kao izvođač operskih i drugih muzičko-scenskih djela klasičnog i savremenog repertoara, a njegove interpretacije muzičko-scenskih djela savremenih srpskih kompozitorki Anje Đorđević (opera Narcis i Eho, scenska kantata Atlas) i posebno Isidore Žebeljan (opere Zora D. i Maratonci) naišle su na oduševljenje stručne kritike i publike u zemlji i inostranstvu. Kao dirigent simfonijske muzike nastupao je s Berlinskim simfoničarima, Beogradskom filharmonijom, Simfonijskim orkestrom RTS-a, Kamernim orkestrom „Gudači svetog Đorđa”, orkestrom „Žebeljan“ i dr. Godine 2010. s gudačkim kvartetom „Brodski“ i hornistom Štefanom Dorom snimio je kompakt-disk s muzikom Isidore Žebeljan. Umjetnički je direktor i osnivač Orkestra bez granica. Premil PETROVIĆ, conductor, graduated music theory at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, and then conducting at the Hochschule für Musik “Hans Eisler” in Berlin. In the mid90s, he founded the musical theater at the “Rex” Cultural Center of Radio B92. He distinguished himself as a conductor of opera and other musical and stage works from classical and contemporary repertoire to his interpretations of stage musical works of contemporary Serbian composers Anja Đorđević (opera Narcissus and Echo, scenic cantata Atlas) and especially Isidora Žebeljan (operas Zora D. and Marathoners) to delight of critics and audiences at home and abroad. As a conductor of symphonic music, he has performed with the Berliner Symphoniker, Belgrade Philharmonic, Symphony Orchestra of the Serbian Radio-Television, Strings of St. George, Žebeljan Orchestra and others. In 2010 the string quartet “Brodski” and horn player Stefan Dohr made a compact disc with music by Isidora Žebeljan. He is the artistic director and the founder of the No Borders Orchestra. Orkestar bez granica je kreiran u Beogradu. Lideri festivala i muzičkih institucija regiona dogovorili su se 23. oktobra 2010. o osnivanju Orkestra. Poslije audicija u više gradova formiran je orkestar s 80-100 mladih profesionalonih muzičara. Inspiracija je pronađena u izraelsko-palestinskom orkestru West-Eastern Divan (WEDO) koji su osnovali dirigent Danijel Barenbojm i palestinski intelektualac Edvard Said. Misija orkestra započela je izvođenjem Malerove Druge simfonije (Uskrsnuće) na ljetnjim festivalima, a nastavila se na koncertima u regionu, u Briselu, Parizu, Berlinu. Orkestar je nastao iz želje da se oformi regionalni profesionalni simfonijski orkestar i da se kreira projekat koji poziva na novu vrstu komunikacije. Društveni aspekat projekta ostvaruje se kroz dekonstrukciju stereotipa, prevazilaženje nacionalizma, rasizma, ksenofobije, homofobije, krvavog naslijeđa iz prošlosti, odnosno kroz afirmaciju kulturnih vrijednosti. Sa svom sviješću o prošlosti Orkestar nije jugonostalgičan projekat. Naprotiv, on je u potpunosti okrenut budućnosti. No Borders Orchestra was created in Belgrade. Leaders of the festivals and music institutions in the region decided to form an orchestra on October 23 2010. After auditions in several cities, they formed an ensemble with 80-100 professional young musicians. Inspiration came from the Israeli-Palestinian orchestra West-Eastern Divan Orchestra (WEDO), which was founded by conductor Daniel Barenboim and Palestinian intellectual Edward Said. The mission of the orchestra began by performance of Mahler’s Second Symphony (Resurrection) at summer festivals and concerts, continued in the region, Brussels, Paris and Berlin. The orchestra was formed with aspiration to establish a regional professional symphony orchestra and to create a project that calls for a new type of communication. The social aspect of the project is achieved through the deconstruction of stereotypes, overcoming nationalism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, bloody legacy of the past and the promotion of cultural values. With the full awareness of the past, orchestra is not a “Yugo-nostalgic” project. On the contrary, it is entirely focused on the future. © Margaret Malandruccolo / DG 118 119 Pod pokroviteljstvom UNESCO-a / Under the patronage of UNESCO Produkcija festivala / Festival production 5. Međunarodni festival KotorArt / 5th KotorArt International Festival Izvršna produkcija / Executive production: NVO KotorArt: Nezavisna inicijativa u kulturi / NGO KotorArt: Independent Initiative in Culture Stari Grad 456, 85330 Kotor 12. KotorArt Don Brankovi dani muzike 12th KotorArt Don Branko’s Music Days Pokrovitelji festivala / Festival patrons Ministarstvo kulture Crne Gore / Ministry of Culture of Montenegro Opština Kotor / Kotor Municipality Sponzori festivala / Festival sponsors Prva Banka Crne Gore Montenegro Airlines Opština „Stari Grad“ Beograd, Srbija Generalni medijski pokrovitelj / Official media patronage Radio-Televizija Crne Gore Ratimir MARTINOVIĆ, umjetnički direktor / Artistic Director Viktor VAROŠI, producent / Producer Dejan ĐONOVIĆ, organizacioni direktor / Organizing Director Marina MIKIĆ, asistent umjetničkog direktora / Assistant to Artistic Director Laura JOVANOVIĆ, organizator / Organizer Olga ŽULOVIĆ, odnosi s javnošću / PR Manager Timea KALMAR, umjetnički intendant Festivalskog orkestra KotorArt-a / Artistic Intendant of the KotorArt Festival Orchestra Boris MARKOVIĆ, urednik programske knjižice / Chief-Editor of the Program Booklet Protokol i prodaja karata / Protocol and ticket sales: Andrea ORLANDO, Emina MARJANOVIĆ Asistenti produkcije / Production assistants: Matija BOROE, Lazar BUZIĆ, Petar SBUTEGA, Milka ŠOLAJA, Dragana KRGOVIĆ Klavirštimeri / Piano tuners: Kristijan BJELANOVIĆ, Gavrilo RADUNOVIĆ Prevodi / Translations: Olga PETROV Prijatelji festivala / Festival friends Biskupski ordinarijat, Kotor Muzički centar Crne Gore Crnogorsko narodno pozorište Ambasada Republike Srbije u Crnoj Gori Muzička škola „Vida Matjan“ Kulturni centar „Nikola Đurković“ BMW - Voli motors Voli trade d.o.o. Hotel „Marija“ Hotel „Cattaro“ Dom za djecu sa oštećenjem sluha i govora u Kotoru MIROSS Travel Agency Pobjeda A.D. Portal Analitika Radio Skala Radio Kotor 120 121 Kotor arTeatar kotor arTheatre 200 godina od rođenja MEĐUNARODNI FESTIVAL KOTOR ART, CRNOGORSKO NARODNO POZORIŠTE I KRALJEVSKO POZORIŠTE ZETSKI DOM Premijera: 20. jul Reprize: 21. i 22. jul NJEGOŠ I JA Kotor arTeatar premijera 2013 Autorski projekat Paola Magellija Producenti: Janko Ljumović, Slobodan Božović Saradnica na dramaturgiji; Željka Udovičić Kompozitor: Ljupče Konstantinov Scenograf : Hans Georg Schafer Kostimograf: Leo Kulaš Igraju: Karmen Bardak, Aleksandar Radulović Paolo Magelli, Maja Pelević, Ljupčo Kontantinov PETAR II PETROVIĆ NJEGOŠ, rođen je na Njegušima, blizu Cetinja 1. novembra 1813. godine. Vladika, pjesnik i filozof, naslijedio je Svetog Petra Cetinjskog, nastavljajući njegovu državotvornu i prosvetiteljsku misiju. Njegoševo djelo pripada duhu evropskog romantizma, ali je njegov autorski otklon oslonjen na narodnoj poeziji, donio autentičan pečat knjževnosti XIX vijeka. Dramski spjevovi “Gorski vijenac” i “Lažni car Šćepan mali”, kao i filozofsko -religiozni spjev “Luča mikrokozma”, nesumnjivi su vrhunci njegovog djela. Najveći pjesnik Južnih Slovena, jedan od najobrazovanijih umova svoga vremena, državnik i izvrstan diplomata, bio je jedan od kreatora “Jugoslovenske ideje”. Održao je duhovne veze sa najvišim evropskim političkim personama svoga vremena, boravio je u Italiji, Rusiji, Austriji... Umro je od tuberkoloze 1851. godine u tridesetosmoj godini života, a dvadesetprvoj godini vladavine. PAOLO MAGELLI, rođen je u Pratu, u središtu Toskane u Italiji. Na njegov umjetnički razvoj uticao je njegov učitelj Giorgio Strehler, kome je Magelli bio asistent. Početkom 70-tih zajedno s Robertom Benignijem, Pamelom Viloresi i Marcellom Bartolijem postaje jedan od osnivača “Teatro studio del Teatro Metastasio”, gdje su se bavili proučavanjem kultura njima manje poznatih prostora. Režira gotovo na svim prostorima bivše Jugoslavije, te u Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, Belgiji, Švajcarskoj, Italiji, JužnojAmerici, Madjarskoj i Izraelu. Živi između Njemačke, Toskane i Zagreba, u kojem se nastanio krajem 1985. godine. Dobitnik je mnogih međunarodnih pozorišnih nagrada. Od 2010. je upravnik “Teatro Stabile della Toscana” i vanredni professor na ADU Zagreb, na Odsjeku za pozorišnu režiju. Direktor je Međunarodnog festival Kotor art. 126 Ljubavi, dosađujem ti po poslednji put “Njegoš i ja” - priča o jednom dječaku koji živi u prošlosti. “Njegoš i ja” - nije sentimentalna autobiografija, već san koji se zaista i dogodio. “Njegoš i ja” - govori o jednom mladiću od 26 godina; o jednom Italijanu koji je loše govorio slovenske jezike i nije poznavao velikog Pjesnika. Prvo ostvarenje koje je pročitao bila je “Luča mikrokozma”, stara knjiga štampana u Đenovi. Čitajući tu knjigu počeo je zamišljati prostor u kojem je nastala i tako je u svojoj glavi kreirao sve te bajkovite predjele: jezera, visoke planine i more. I kameni grad. Krajem ljeta je bio pozvan od strane jednog pjesnika i jednog glumca, koji je na kraju radio kao direktor pozorišta - i u pozorištu je i umro - mlad, zato što je bio dobar. Pozvan je u tu bajkovitu zemlju i shvatio je da ga je njegova mašta odvela pravo do srži realnosti, stvar koja se rijetko dešava u životu. Dočekan je na obali jednog velikog jezera, u kafeu okruženom grmovima šipka. Otišao je i do ušća rijeke, zatim u grad Vladike, pa do mjesta u kojem se rodio veliki Pjesnik. Došao je do vrhova planina, svo vrijeme vođen Danteom i Domaćinom. Konačno je sišao i do mora, do kamenog grada. U jednom užasnom hotelu, koji je nosio norveško ime, upoznao je jednu bijesnu ali simpatičnu konobaricu sa dlakavim nogama. Upoznao je i jednog glupog policajca ali je nastavio da priča o Njegošu. “Njegoš i ja”, predstavlja želju za znanjem, spoznajom veličine drugih i ljepotu voljenja različitosti. “Njegoš i ja” znači voditi diskusije dok ne budeš pobijeđen, kao ti one večeri pored bunara u kamenom gradu, u restoranu koji se zvao “Karampana”, a danas se zove ne znam više kako ali znam da tamo više neću kročiti jer me sigurno policajac glupan čeka da se pojavim. Draže mi je da pobjegnem u glavu “Mime od dlakavih nogu” i sakrijem se u njen ironični osmijeh od žutih zuba. Da, i draže mi je da se svađam sa svojim alter egom oko “Njegoš i ja”. Prošle su već godine otkad se svađamo i prepirka još nije završena. Postoji samo jedna osoba koja me razumije - muzičar, zato što je lud kao ja. Paolo Magelli 127 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL KOTOR ART MONTENEGRIN NATIONAL THEATRE AND ROYAL THEATRE ZETSKI DOM Love, I am bothering you for the last time Premiere: July 20th Reprises: July 21st and 22nd “Njegos and I” - a story of a boy living in the past. NJEGOSH AND I Kotor arTheatre premiere 2013 Original project author: Paolo Magelli Producers: Janko Ljumović, Slobodan Božović Associate at dramaturgy: Željka Udovičić Composer: Ljupče Konstantinov Set designer: Hans Georg Schafer Costume designer : Leo Kulaš Cast: Karmen Bardak, Aleksandar Radulović Paolo Magelli, Maja Pelević, Ljupčo Konstantinov PETAR II PETROVIĆ NJEGOŠ was born in Njegoši, near the town of Cetinje, on November 1, 1813. He was the Bishop-ruler of Montenegro, poet and philosopher. He succeeded St. Peter of Cetinje on the state throne, continuing his creation of the state and enlightening mission. Njegoš’s works are part of European Romanticism, but his tendencies toward folk poetry, created authentic signature in the 19th century literature. His poetry pieces “The Mountain Wreath” and “Scepan the Small, the Pretender”, as well as philosophic-religious epic “The light of Microcosm” are his best works. He was the greatest poet among the South Slavs, and one of the most educated persons of that time, statesman and excellent diplomat. Njegoš was one of the creators of the “Yugoslav idea”. He had spiritual relationship with the most important European, political, and cultural personas, he was in Italy, Russia, Austria… He died of tuberculosis in 1851, at the age of 38, and the 21st year of his rule. PAOLO MAGELLI was born in Prato, in the heart of Tuscany. His artistic development was greatly influenced by his teacher Giorgio Strehler, whose assistant Magelli was. Along with Roberto Benigni, Pamela Viloresi and Marcello Bratoli he became one of the founders of “Teatro studio del Teatro Metastasio” at the beginning of the 1970’s. There they studied cultures that were less known to the public. Magelli directed on almost all stages in ex-Yugoslavia, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, South America, Hungary, Israel. He lives between Geramant, Tuscany and Zagreb, were he has been living since 1985. He won many international theatre awards. He has been the headmaster of “Teatro Stabile della Toscana” since 2010 and associate professor at the Drama Academy of the Zagreb University, department Theatre Director. Magelli is Festival Director of international festival Kotor art. 128 “Njegos and I” - it is not a sentimental biography but a dream that really happened. “Njegos and I” - it is about a 26-year-old young man; about an Italian who spoke Slavic languages pretty bad and knew nothing about the great Poet. The first work that he read was “Luča Mikrokozma”, an old book printed in Genoa. While reading the book he started imagining the space where it came to being and thus created in his head fairytale landscapes: lakes, high mountains and the sea. And a stony town as well. By the end of the summer he was called by a foreign poet and an actor, who ended up working as a Theatre Director - and in the Theatre he passed away - yet a young man, because he was kind. He was called to that fairytale land and realized that his imagination led him straight to the essence of the reality, which is something that rarely ever happens in one’s life. He was welcomed at the bank of a huge lake, in a café surrounded by rose-hip bushes. He went to the river delta, then to the town of a Bishop, and then to the place where the great Poet was born. He reached the peaks of the mountains, led by Dante and the Host, all the time. Finally, he went to the coast, to the stony town. In a horrible hotel, bearing a Norwegian name, he met a furious but a rather cute waitress with hairy legs. He also met a stupid policeman but he went on talking about Njegos. “Njegos and I” is a wish for knowledge, comprehension of other people’s greatness and beauty of loving differences. “Njegos and I” means to have discussions until defeated, just like you were that night near the well in the stony town, in a restaurant named “Karampana”, today named who knows how, but I know that not ever again shall I go there, since that stupid policeman must be certainly waiting for me to show up. I’d rather run away into the head of “Mima, the hairy legs” and hide behind her ironic yellow-teeth smile. Yes, I’d rather not fight with my alter-ego about “Njegos and I”. Many years passed since we have been fighting and our quarrelling hasn’t finished yet. There is only one person that understands me - a musician, because he is mad, just like me. Paolo Magelli 129 MEDJUNARODNI FESTIVAL KOTOR ART, KRALJEVSKO POZORIŠTE ZETSKI DOM I CRNOGORSKO NARODNO POZORIŠTE Premijera: 1. avgust u 22 sata Reprize: 4.i 5. avgust u 22 sata Po motivima proze Petra II Petrovića Njegoša San na Božić Kotor arTeatar premijera 2013 Režija Lidija Dedović Producent:Slobodan Božović Janko Ljumović Dramaturški tim: Ljubomir Đurković Lidija Dedović Jelena Milošević Kompozitor Ljupče Konstantinov Scenograf Hans Georg Schafer Kostimograf Leo Kulaš Organizatori Đorđije Radoičić Andjelka Nenezić Nataša Božović Glumačka podjela: PjesnikSrđan Grahovac Starac Zoran Vujović Pravda/nepravda Gorana Marković Majka Ana Vučković* Žrtva Bojana Malinovska* Trudnica Gordana Mićunović* Djevojka Karmen Bardak* Momak / policajac Miloš Pejović* Zavisnik Petar Novaković* Momak / policajac Aleksandar Radulović* Ubica Jovan Krivokapić* Akrobata Mira Dobrković *Studenti specijalističkih studija Glume u klasi prof. B. Mićunović, FDU Cetinje PETAR II PETROVIĆ - NJEGOŠ, rođen je na Njegušima, blizu Cetinja 1. novembra 1813. godine. Vladika, pjesnik i filozof, naslijedio je Svetog Petra Cetinjskog nastavljajući njegovu državotvorinu i prosvetiteljsku misiju. Njegoševo djela pripada duhu evropskog romantizna, ali je njegov autorski otklon oslonjen na narodnoj poeziji, donio autentičan pečat književnosti XIX vijeka. Dramski spjev “Gorski vijenac” i “Lažni car Šćepan mali” kao i filozofski - religiozni spjev “Luča mikrokozma” nesumljivi su vrhunci njegovog djela. Najveći pjesnik Južnih Slovena, jedan od najobrazovanih umova soga vremena, državnik i izvrstan diplomata, bio je jedan od kreatora “jugoslovenske ideje”. Održavao je duhovne veze sa najvišim evropskim političkim i kulturnim personama svoga vremena, boravio u Italiji, Rusiji, Austriji… Umro je od tuberkuloze 1851. godine u tridesetosmoj godini života, a dvadesetprvoj godini vladavine. San na Božić je jedna od dvije jedine napisane proze, izuzetno značajne i vrijedne za njegov opus. 130 LIDIJA DEDOVIĆ rođena je 1976. godine u Podgorici. Apsolvirala je engleski jezik i književnost na Filozofskom fakultetu u Nikšiću. Diplomirala je režiju na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti na Cetinju 2005. godine sa predstavom “Bliže” u klasi profesora Egona Savina i Radmile Vojvodić. Prije diplomske predstave, postigla je zapažen uspjeh sa prvom cjelovečernjom predstavom “Final Countdown” po tekstu Saviane Stanesku, u produkciji Kraljevskog pozorišta Zetski dom. Radila je i kratke forme, dramu Dejvida Fridmana “Brza brzina” koja je izvedena na festivalu Grad teatar u Budvi 2003. godine i kratki film “Ne znam”. U Crnogorskom narodnom pozorištu režirala je po tekstu Valentina Krasnogorova predstavu “Ajmo na seks” koja je godinama bila jedna od najpopularnijih predstava na repertoaru CNP-a, dok je 2010. godine režirala i predstavu “Antigona”. Poslednji projekat radila je u Kraljevskom pozorištu Zetski dom po tekstu Slobodana Šnajdera “Enciklopedija izgubljenog vremena” za koju je dobitnica nagrade za najbolju režiju na Crnogorskom bijenalu teatra. Do sada je radila još i nagrađenu dječiju predstavu “Dobro drvo” za Gradsko pozoriste iz Podgorice i zapaženu predstavu “Žabar“ po tekstu slavnog Rajnera Fasbindera. Od pozorišne sezone 2011/12. je umjetnički direktor Kraljevskog pozorišta Zetski dom. PETAR II PETROVIĆ - NJEGOŠ was born in Njeguši, near the town of Cetinje, on November 1, 1891. He was the Bishop - ruler of Montenegro, poet and philosopher. He succeeded St. Petar of Cetinje on the state throne, continuing his creation of the state and enlightening mission. Njegoš’s works are part of European Romanticism, but his tendencies toward folk poetry, created authentic signature in the 19th century literature. His poetry pieces “The Mountain Wreath” and “Šćepan the Small, the Pretenderi”, as well as philosophic - religious epic “The light of Microcosm” are his best works. He was the greatest poet among the South Slavs, and one of the most educated persons of the time, statesman and excellent diplomat. Njegoš was one of the creators of the “Yugoslav idea”. He had spiritual relationship with the most important European, political and cultural personas. He was in Italy, Russia, Austria... He died of tuberculosis in 1851, at the age of 38, and in the 21st year of his rule. “Dream on Christmas” is one of two stories by Njegoš, very important, metaphoric and precious. LIDIJA DEDOVIĆ was born on 29 June 1976 in Podgorica. She studied English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nikšić. She graduated in Directing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje in 2005, presenting her final exam named “Closer”, mentored by professors Egon Savin and Radmila Vojvodić. Before her graduation play, she had had a great success with the first full-length play named “Final Countdown” written by Saviana Stanescu, produced by the Royal Theatre Zetski dom. She also made short forms, such as David Friedman’s drama “Quick speed”, performed at the festival in Budva Theatre City, 2003, a short film named “I do not know” and “New Year’s Fairy Tale” for the City Theatre from Podgorica. At the Montenegrin National Theatre she directed the play named “Let’s Have Sex” by Valentin Krasnogorov that was one of the most popular plays in the repertoire of the Montenegrin National Theatre, and in 2010 she directed the play “Antigone”. She did her last project at the Royal Theatre Zetskidom named “Encyclopedia of Wasted Time”, written by Slobodan Šnajder. For this performance she got award for the best direction. Also she directed awarded performance Good tree for City theatre Podgorica and successful performance Katzelmacher by famous Rainer Fassbinder. From the theatrical season 2011/12 she has been the artistic director of the Royal Theatre Zetski dom. 131 San na Božić A dream at the Christmas Noćas u snu pođem u mjesec, i počnem po njemu hoditi. Kada dođem na jedno mjesto poizvišeno, đe bješe jedno slavno strojenije pred kojijem sjeđaše jedan starac, nazovem mu: “Pomoz’ bog!” i on mi odgovori: “Dobra ti sreća, sine.” Veselo i prijatno lice toga starca pozove me, i sjednem kod njega. I odma, kako sjednem, stanem ga pitati strojenije pred kim sjedimo čije je, i tko u njemu živi. Odgovori mi: “Ovo je strojenije opšte, svijeh svjetovah, i u njemu živu dvije stvari, tj. pravda i krivda.” Zamolim ga da pođemo, ako je moguće, da uljezemo u dvoru tom. On mi reče: “Dragovoljno, sine.” Otlen se krenemo i pođemo k dvoru. Kad do stijenah dođemo njegovijeh, pogledam - ali na njemu nije više do dvoje vratah: jedna velika i svakolika zlatom izvezena i različnijema bojama, koje se ne mogahu od dike gledat; druga mala i tijesna, tako da jedva čoek mogaše posagnut njima uljest. Upita me on: “Đe si voliji priđe da uljezemo?” Ja mu odgovorim: “Ovamo, k ovijema zlatnijema.” A on me ufati za ruku i pojako povikne: “Ne, sine, ne tamo! To je obitelište krivde! No hajdmo sad na ova te su uža.” Otidemo i onijema uskijema jedva u dvor uljezemo. A kad u dvor uljegosmo, otvori ni se jedna prevelika soba, koje se užasna veličina ne mogaše očima pregledat, na srijedu koje bješe posađen prekrasno napravljeni prestol od slonove kosti, na kojemu prestolu sjeđaše prekrasno obučena đevojka u carskijema haljinama, kojoj bješe na glavu kruna, sva izrezana od jednog dragoga kamena, na koju bjehu ove riječi napisate: “Moj je prestol izagnat sa zemlje, ali jopet vječno ostajem pravda pravdom! Ja jesam pravda, i svi na me koji mrze i viču - vječnost će ih nakazati.” Ova velika i besmrtna carica držaše u rukama vjesi (iliti mjerilo) koje ne bjehu ni na jednoj strani nagnute, nego ravno stojahu. Kada sve to vidimo, onda me isti starac ufati za ruku i izvede me iz one užasne i čudokrasne palate visoke carice, i zbori mi: “Hajde sada, sine, da pođemo u onaj dvor na kojemu jesu ona velikoljepna vrata.” Ja pođem za njim, i uljezemo onijema velikoljepnijema vratima. Kada unutra pogledam, ali eto gomila različitijeh ljudih. Upitam starca koji su ovo, i on mi odgovori: “Ovo su razbojnici, zločinci, pohititelji i razoritelji sirotinjeki i najviši krvopije ljudski”. Tu gomilu ljudih prođemo, pa dođemo u jednu sobicu, ali eto prestol na kojemu sjedi jedna žena pristara kojojzi ne bješe krune na glavi, nego joj stojaše pod nogama; i ona u rukama držaše vjesi, kojizi stojahu nakrivo, zato što u jedan ne bješe ništa, a u jednome bješe jedna aspra kao cekin mletački. Otolen se drugijem krajem kuće vratimo i nađemo u oboru množestvo sirotah, koje plakahu, jaukahu i bijahu se rukama u prsi. Upitamo ih: “Što vi je tako nevolja, ter ste toliko plačem i žalošću razdražene?” One se stanu žalit i različne nepravde prikazivat i krivosuđa koja su učinjena protivu njih u istome dvoru đe se nalazahu. Ali sada već starac, razjareni tolikom žalošću, povika: “Ej nepravdo, da te već ne bude! No daj, bože, pravdu među ljude.” Njegov me glas iz sna probudi. Ustanem i ovo napišem. Last night I dreamt to have gone to the moon, and started walking on it. When I have reached one sublime place, with a glorious plant, in front of which an older man had seated, I greeted him “God bless you”, and he replied “God bless you too, my son”. His smiling and pleasant face invited me, and I sat near him. As I sat, I asked him to whom the plant belongs, and who is living there. He answered: “This plant belongs to everyone, to all people, and two things are living there, i.e. justice and guiltiness.” I had kindly asked him, if it were possible, to enter that castle. He told: “With pleasure, my son.” Then, we have parted toward the castle. When we have reached its wall, I looked - and there were nothing but two doors: one big, thoroughly gold embroidered with different colors, shiny and glorious; the other was so small and narrow that a man only if banded could get in. Then, he asked me: “Where would you like to get in first?” And I answered: “Over there, to the golden one.” That moment, he took my hand and screamed: “No, my son, not there! That is the home of guiltiness! Let’s go to this narrow one.” We went and entered the castle with effort. As we came in, the big room has opened in front of us, so big that one could not imagine; in the middle of it, there was a magnificent throne made of ivory; pretty dressed girl was sitting on the throne, with imperial dress, crown embroidered with a gemstone, with the words written: “My throne was banished from the earth, but I am still remaining justly justified! I am justice and everyone who hates me and shout at me - the eternity will mutilate him.” This great and immortal empress was holding measures with her hands, not bending to either side, but standing firmly straight. When we have seen all this, the old man again grabbed my hand and took me out of this terrible and magnificent castle of great empress, and said to me: Let’s go my son now to that castle with big door.“ I followed him, and we entered to that marvelous door. When I looked inside, there were plenty of different people. I asked the old man who were these people, and he replied: “These are thugs, criminals, lascivious persons and destroyers, poor and human bloodsuckers.” We passed by those people, and arrived in a small room, with the throne and an older lady sitting there, her crown not on her head, but by her foot; she was holding measures, but bended to one side, because one was empty while the other contained one coin similar to ducat of the Republic of Venice. Then, we left though the other side of house, and found in stable many poor people, crying, moaning, and beating their chests. We asked them: “What kind of misfortune happened, so you cry and moan so irritably?” They started lamenting for different injustices done against them in the same castle. But, at this point, the old man, enraged with such sorrow, shouted: “Heigh, injustice, let you disappear! Oh,God, let the justice among people” aligorija, tj. Primjena Allegory, i.e. Application Petar II Petrović Njegoš 132 His voice woke me up. I stood and wrote down this. Petar II Petrović Njegoš 133 KOTOR ARTEATAR & KOTORSKI FESTIVAL POZORIŠTA ZA DJECU / KOTOR ARTHEATER & KOTOR FESTIVAL OF THEATER FOR CHILDREN SRIJEDA, 14. AVGUST / WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14 - PREMIJERA / PREMIERE ČETVRTAK, 15. AVGUST / THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 PETAK, 16. AVGUST / FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 21.00 h, Pjaca od kina / 9:00 pm, Cinema Square NJEGOŠ ZA DJECU / NJEGOS FOR CHILDREN Kako rastu veliki ljudi / How to grow great people (5+) Kotor arTeatar premijera 2013 Kotor arTheatre premiere 2013 Autorski projekat / Author: Petar Pejaković Dizajn / Design: Goran Moškov Igraju / Cast: Mišo Obradović, Slaviša Grubiša Žubor listića i raspucanje cvjetovah, huka mora i vjetrovah su glas moje muze. Genije je zrake koje svuda padaju nego se samo na svijetlim stvarima kupe i igraju. Svijet je knjiga otvorena u kojoj treba učiti. Svijet je pozorište smiješno na kojemu se treba u različitim i raznobojnijem maskama pokazivati. Čovjek usamjen na visoku goru, noću bez mjeseca, nebesna tijela vidi đe se veselo dvižu, more đe se igra na srebrne valove i on (čovjek) kako izgubjenik na goru ćuti. Petar II Petrović Njegoš The rustle of the leaves and the blossom of the flowers, the roar of the sea and the winds are the voice of my muse. Genius is a ray of light that descends everywhere, yet assembles and frolics only on the brightest of things. The world is an open book in which we are to study. The world is a frivolous theater where we are to expose ourselves in different and most colorful masks. Lone is the man on the high mountain at night without the moon, when he sees celestial objects as they gleefully arise, the sea playing with silver ripples and him (the man) lost on the mountain, in silence. Petar II Petrović Njegoš 134 135 MEĐUNARODNI FESTIVAL KOTOR ART I CRNOGORSKO NARODNO POZORIŠTE 14., 15. I 16. JUL 2013. 22.00 h, Crkva Sv. Duha EDVARD BOND EGZISTENCIJA Kotor arTeatar premijera 2012 Autorski projekat RADMILE VOJVODIĆ Igraju: MOMČILO OTAŠEVIĆ i ALEKSANDAR RADULOVIĆ Prijevod: ĐORĐE KRIVOKAPIĆ Producent: JANKO LJUMOVIĆ Izvršni producent: DEJAN ĐURKOVIĆ Asistenti: MIRJANA MEDOJEVIĆ*, MIRKO RADINJIĆ* Inspicijent: Damjan Šuškavčević Sufler: Gorica Šuškavčević *Studenti II godine Pozorišne režije u klasi prof. Radmile Vojvodić, FDU Cetinje “Jedne noći je jedan čovjek pošao da opljačka drugoga; njegova u ovom bizarnom oroblajvanju agresija ne nailazi na otpor, žrtva je pasivna i ne opire se ni riječju, a nasilnik ne dolazi do plijena, jer - nema što da otme; drama izmedju nasilnika i žrtve traje dok se ne razdani i dok se dva ljudska bića ne zbliže; dok se nasilnik ne preobrazi vapeći za kaznom smrću kao posljednjim i zasluženim poniženjem; pravda mora biti zadovoljena. Rediteljski sam je čitala kao veliku generalizaciju, kao apsolutnu ljudsku situaciju - kao čistu scensku poeziju. U jednom izolovanom, do apsurda redukovanom, opsjednutom spoljašnjošću i materijalnim - u jednom svijetu izgubljene humanosti - ova dramska priča je poziv na povratak vlastitoj unutrašnjosti, na put ozdravljenja, na povratak ljudskosti, bliskosti. Najkraće: nasilje i nepravda su svuda - na porodičnom planu, društveno - ekonomskom… razaznajemo ih svuda - ideološki, tržišno, politički, masmedijski… ljudski i tehnološki, javno i tajno… strah nas je budućnosti čovjeka naše civilizacije, ali - utopije stvaranja boljeg svijeta nijesu neostvarive. Ili, ako parafraziramo Bondov utopistički poziv: poticati gledaoca na pitanja „zašto” i na odgovore na pitanja „zašto”, prije svega na pitanje: zašto i kako se boriti za pravdu i kako stvarati pravedan svijet.” Radmila Vojvodić 136 137 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL KOTOR ART AND MONTENEGRIN NATIONAL THEATRE 14, 15 and 16 JULY 2013 10:00 pm, Church of the Holy Spirit EDVARD BOND EXISTENCE Kotor arTheatre premiere 2012 Author RADMILA VOJVODIĆ Cast: MOMČILO OTAŠEVIĆ i ALEKSANDAR RADULOVIĆ Translation: ĐORĐE KRIVOKAPIĆ Producer: JANKO LJUMOVIĆ Executive producer: DEJAN ĐURKOVIĆ Assistants: MIRJANA MEDOJEVIĆ*, MIRKO RADINJIĆ* Inspicient: Damjan Šuškavčević Prompter: Gorica Šuškavčević * 2Nd year Theatre Directing student in the class of professor Radmila Vojvodić, FDA, Cetinje “One night a man went to rob another man; in this bizarre robbery, aggression encounters no resistance, the victim is passive and without even a word of resistance, and the violator captures no prey, because - there is nothing to rob; the drama between the violator and the victim lasts until it dawns and until the two human beings become close; until the violator transforms crying out to be punished by death as the final and deserved degradation; justice must be served. In an isolated, reduced to absurd, obsessed by exterior and material world - in a world of lost humanity - this drama story calls upon us to return to our own interior, to a road towards recovery, to return to humanity, to intimacy. In short: violence and injustice are everywhere - in family, in social and economic sphere… we recognize them everywhere - in ideology, market, politics, mass media... human and technological, public and secret... we fear for the future of the people of our time, but - utopias of creating a better world are not impossible to realize. Or, if we paraphrase Bond’s utopian call: to encourage the viewer to ask “why” and to find answer to the question “why”, and first of all to the question: why and how to fight for justice and how to create a just world.” Radmila Vojvodić 138 139 KRALJEVSKO POZORISTE ZETSKI DOM CETINJE MEĐUNARODNI FESTIVAL KOTOR ART 6. i 8. avgust 2013. 20:00h i 22:00h, Zgrada starog zatvora Njegoš, vatre Kotor arTeatar premijera 2010 Po motivima Luče mikrokozme Petra II Petrovica Njegoša Autorski projekat Radmila Vojvodić, Paolo Magelli Producent: Slobodan Božović Kompozitor: Ljupčo Konstantinov Video art: Ivan Marušić Klif Saradnik na režiji: Danijela Radovanović Organizator: Djordjije Radoičić Igraju: Pjesnik / Adam: Srđan Grahovac Tvoritelj: Jelena Rakočević / Karmen Bardak* Satana: Goran Slavić Luča: Ana Vučković* Angel Mihailo: Karmen Bardak */ Sanja Vujisić** Angel Gavrilo: Jovan Krivokapić Angeli: Emir Ćatović / Momčilo Otašević*, Petar Novaković*, Julija Milačić, Bojana Malinovska*, Gordana Mićunović*, Miloš Pejović*, Aleksandar Radulović* *Studenti specijalističkih studija Fakulteta dramskih umjetnosti na Cetinju, klasa profesora Branislava Mićunovića **Student druge godine glume Fakulteta dramskih umjetnosti na Cetinju, klasa profesora Branimira Popovića Đevojčice sa školjkama: Antonina Lešenko, Tijana Lešenko Klavir: Julija Milačić Petar II Petrović - Njegoš, rođen je na Njegušima, blizu Cetinja 1. novembra 1813. godine. Vladika, pjesnik i filozof, naslijedio je Svetog Petra Cetinjskog nastavljajući njegovu državotvornu i prosvetiteljsku misiju. Njegoševo djelo pripada duhu evropskog romantizma, ali je njegov autorski otklon oslonjen na narodnoj poeziji, donio autentičan pečat književnosti XIX vijeka. Dramski spjevovi “Gorski vijenac” i “Lažni car Šćepan mali” kao i filozofsko-religiozni spjev “Luča mikrokozma” nesumnjivi su vrhunci njegovog djela. Najveći pjesnik Južnih Slovena, jedan od najobrazovanijih umova svoga vremena, državnik i izvrstan diplomata, bio je jedan od kreatora “jugoslovenske ideje”. Održavao je duhovne veze sa najvišim evropskim političkim i kulturnim personama svoga vremena, boravio u Italiji, Rusiji, Austriji... Umro je od tuberkuloze 1851. godine u tridesetosmoj godini života, a dvadesetprvoj godini vladavine. “Luča mikrokozma” je, kako kažu kritičari, Njegošev najzreliji misaoni spjev sa filozofskom i teološkom sadržinom. Napisao ga je krajem marta i početkom aprila 1845. godine 140 141 za svega nekoliko sedmica, odgovarajući na složene probleme egzistencije u snažnoj inspiraciji. U njemu je do najvećeg pjesničkog izraza došlo bogatstvo Njegoševih misli i prema ocjeni savremenika “Luča mikrokozma” bila je pjesniku najdraža od svih djela. RADMILA VOJVODIĆ, pozorišni reditelj, dramski pisac i univerzitetski profesor rođena je 1961. godine u Baru. Diplomirala je režiju na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu 1985. godine. Autor je drama Princeza Ksenija od Crne Gore (1993), Montenegrini (1998) i Montenegro blues (2005). Pozorišnim predstavama po vlastitim dramskim tekstovima, kao i tekstovima savremene svjetske dramaturgije i klasične drame (Bremenska sloboda, R.V. Fasbinder, Gnijezdo, F.K. Krec, Markiza de Sad, J. Mišima, Leons i Lena, G.Bihner, Mravlji metež, Nega Mrtvaca i Play, Aleksandra Popovića, Vreme čuda, B. Pekić, Konte Zanović, V. Sekulić, Don Žuan se vraća iz rata, J.F. Horvat, Danilo, M. Kovač) učestvovala je na brojnim festivalima: Moskovski pozorišni festival (Rusija), Sterijino pozorje (Srbija), Poletni festival (Slovenija), Mitelfest (Italija), MOS (Makedonija), Pozorišni festival-Elbasan (Albanija), Sarajevska zima i MESS (BiH). Dobitnik je stručnih priznanja i najviše državne Trinaestojulske nagrade (1997). A Zatvor? Topos ljudske patnje, mučenja tijela i poniženja duha, čisto zemaljskog nagona, prirodnog i materijalnog grijeha, neobuzdane strasti…? Luča? Duhovna svjetlost. Spiritualni pojam. Ili materijalno svjetlo, fizičko? Kreacija. Da. I himera kreacije. Da. Je li Njegoš čitao Borhesa? Da. Je li Dante čitao Njegoša? A Kipling, je li čitao Miltona …? Je li Njegoš čitao Kafku? A Bucatija? Da. Čitao je Korta Maltezea…? Je li Njegoš …? Da. Da… Radmila Vojvodić i Paolo Magelli Paolo Magelli rođen je u Pratu, u središtu Toskane u Italiji. Na njegov umetnički razvoj uticao je njegov učitelj Giorgio Strehler, kome je Magelli bio asistent. Početkom 70-tih zajedno s Robertom Benignijem, Pamelom Viloresi i Marcellom Bartolijem postaje jedan od osnivača “Teatro studio del Teatro Metastasio”, gdje su se bavili proučavanjem kultura njima manje poznatih prostora. Režira gotovo na svim prostorima bivše Jugoslavije, te u Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, Belgiji, Švajcarskoj, Italiji, Južnoj Americi, Mađarskoj i Izraelu. Živi između Njemačke, Toskane i Zagreba, u kojem se nastanio krajem 1985. godine. Dobitnik je mnogih međunarodnih pozorišnih nagrada. Od 2010. je upravnik “Teatro Stabile della Toscana” i vanredni profesor na ADU Zagreb, na Odsjeku za pozorišnu režiju. Direktor je Međunarodnog festivala Kotor arta. POSVETA NJEGOŠU Zapitani smo o smislu i porijeklu svijeta i čovjeka i razvitku materijalnih i duhovnih pojava? Ne. Nego, je li čovjek jači od kletve božije? Valjda, je li Pjesnik jači od…? Je li to pitanje koje postavlja Njegoš? Njegošev Pjesnik i Bog su srodnici! A Bog i Satana srodnici po vlastoljublju? Da. To je dobra mjera slobode interpretacije. A Adam je lakomisleni smrtnik… Prokleti drznik. Karakteri mitoloških bića i njihovi odnosi predstavljaju slike ljudskih odnosa i društvenih prilika! Svejedno, našoj civilizaciji nikako ne pripada da se bavi filozofijom i metafizikom izvan banalne situacije realiteta. Da. Taj čovjek realiteta naše civilizacije ionako traži dimenziju koju više ne može naslutiti. 142 143 ROYAL THEATRE ZETSKI DOM AND INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL KOTOR ART 6th, 8th August 2013 Old prison, 8 p.m, 10 p.m. Njegosh, the Fires Kotor arTheatre premiere 2010 Based on the Light of Microcosm by Petar II Petrovic Njegosh Original project authors Radmila Vojvodić and Paolo Magelli Producer: Slobodan Božović Composer: Ljupčo Konstantinov Video Art: Ivan Marušić Klif Assistant Director: Danijela Radovanović Organization: Djordjije Radoičić Cast Poet / Adam: Srđan Grahovac Creator: Jelena Rakočević / Karmen Bardak* Satan: Goran Slavić Light: Ana Vučković* Angel Michael: Karmen Bardak */ Sanja Vujisić** Angel Gabriel: Jovan Krivokapić* Angels: Emir Ćatović / Momčilo Otašević*, Petar Novaković*, Julija Milačić, Bojana Malinovska*, Gordana Mićunović*, Miloš Pejović*, Aleksandar Radulović* *Third year students of the Dramatic Arts Faculty Cetinje, Acting Department, Class of Professor Branislav Mićunović. Petar II Petrović - Njegoš was born in Njeguši, near the town of Cetinje, on November 1, 1813. He was the Bishop-ruler of Montenegro, poet and philosopher. He succeeded St. Peter of Cetinje on the state throne, continuing his creation of the state and enlightening mission. Njegoöís works are part of European Romanticism, but his tendencies toward folk poetry, created authentic signature in the 19th century literature. His poetry pieces ìThe Mountain Wreathî and ìScepan the Small, the Pretenderî, as well as philosophic-religious epic ìThe light of Microcosmî are his best works. He was the greatest poet among the South Slavs, and one of the most educated persons of that time, statesman and excellent diplomat. Njegoö was one of the creators of the ìYugoslav ideaî. He had spiritual relationship with the most important European, political, and cultural personas, he was in Italy, Russia, Austria... He died of tuberculosis in 1851, at the age of 38, and the 21st year of his rule. ìThe Light of Microcosmî is, as the critics say, Njegoöís the most mature epic with philosophic and theological content. He wrote it at the end of March and the beginning of April of 1845. It took him just few weeks to finish it, being strongly inspired, responding complex existence problematic. His poetry talent was highly exhibited in the richness of his thoughts. The critics also say ìThe Light of Microcosmî was his preferred work. RADMILA VOJVODIC, a theatre director, playwright and the university professor, was 144 145 born in 1961 in Bar. She graduated from the Directing Department of the Drama Art Faculty in Belgrade in 1985. She is the author of the plays Princess Xenia of Montenegro (1933), Montenegrini (1998) and Montenegro Blues (2005). With the plays she directed and wrote, and as a director of plays based on the contemporary dramaturgy and classical drama (Bremen Freedom, R.W. Fassbinder, The Nest, F.K. Kretz, Madame de Sade, Y. Mishima, Leonce and Lena, G. Büchner, Ant Confusion, Taking Care of the Dead and The Play, Aleksandar Popovic, The Time of Miracles, B. Pekic, Count Zanovic, V. Sekulic, Don Juan Comes Back from the War, O.V. Horvath, Danilo, M. Kovac) she participated in many festivals: The Moscow Theatre Festival (Russia), Sterijino pozorje (Serbia), Poletni festival (Slovenia), Mitelfest (Italy), MOS (Macedonia), Elbasan Theatre Festival (Albania), Sarajevo Winter and MESS (Bosnia and Herzegovina). She has won many professional recognitions and the 13th July Award, the greatest state recognition. Paolo Magelli was born in Prato, in the heart of Tuscany. His artistic development was greatly influenced by his teacher Giorgio Strehler, whose assistant Magelli was. Along with Roberto Benigni, Pamela Viloresi and Marcello Bartoli he became one of the founders of “Teatro studio del Teatro Metastasio” at the beginning of the 1970ís. There they studied cultures that were less known to the public. Magelli directed on almost all the stages in ex-Yugoslavia, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, South America, Hungary, Israel. He lives between Germant, Tuscany and Zagreb, where he has been living since 1985. He won many international theatre awards. He has been the headmaster of ìTeatro Stabile della Toscanaî since 2010 and associate professor at the Drama Academy of the Zagreb University, department Theatre Director. Magelli is Festival Director of international festival Kotor art. DEDICATION TO NJEGOSH Do we wonder about the meaning and origins of the world and of man and the evolution of material and spiritual phenomena? No. But, can a man be stronger than the curse of God? I guess, is the poet stronger than … Is that a question that Njegosh asks? Njegosh’s Poetry and God are of kin! And God and Satan share their love of power? Yes. That is the right measure of poetic license. And Adam is a thoughtless mortal… Damn insolence. The characters of mythical creatures and their relationships represent human relationships and the social climate! Nevertheless, our civilization is not worthy of dealing with philosophy and metaphysics beyond the frivolous situation of reality. Yes. Man in our civilization’s reality is in search of the dimension he can no longer foresee anyway. And the Prison? The strains of human suffering, body torture and humiliation of spirit, of purely earthly urges, natural and material sin, the passion unrestrained…? The Light? Spiritual light. Spiritual notion. Or material, physical light? Creation. Yes. And the chimera of creation. Yes. Did Njegosh read Borges? Yes. Did Dante read Njegosh? And Kipling, did he read Milton … Did Njegosh read Kafka? What about Buzzati? Yes. He read Corto Maltese…? Did Njegosh … Yes. Yes… Radmila Vojvodić and Paolo Magelli 146 147 KOTOR ART KOTORSKI FESTIVAL POZORIŠTA ZA DJECU KOTOR art KOTOR FESTIVAL OF THEATRE FOR CHILDREN subota, 27. jul / Saturday, July 27 nedjelja, 28. jul / Sunday, July 28 Luka Kotor, 21 h / Port of Kotor, 9 p.m. GULIVER GULLIVER Kotor arTeatar premijera 2012 Kotor arTheatre premiere 2012 Po motivima romana Guliverova putovanja Džonatana Svifta / Based on the novel Gulliver’s Travels by Johathan Swift Režija / Directed by: Petar Pejaković Dramatizacija / Dramaturgy: Dejan Đonović i Petar Pejaković Dizajn lutke / Puppet Design By: Federico Biancalani Asistenti / Assistents: Marco Burroni, Tommaso De Donno Uzrast / Age: 4+ U čuvenom romanu za djecu i odrasle Guliver je čovjek koji na svojim putovanjima sreće najrazličitija stvorenja i upoznaje njihov način života. U kotorskoj predstavi, Guliver je džinovska lutka, veća od Starog grada, koja se sreće sa djecom - Kotorancima. Gigantska marioneta budi se na obali stvarnog svijeta, a djeca se igraju države i društva po ugledu na odrasle. Lutka se kreće kroz grad malih ljudi i svojom veličinom podsjeća nas na pitanje koje sebi često postavljamo - koliko je važno biti dobar čovjek. Podsjeća nas i na to kakve uzore postavljamo pred djecu i ko ima više (izgubljene) ljudskosti, lutke ili ljudi. In this famous novel for children and grown-ups, Gulliver is a man who encounters all sorts of creatures during his journeys and discovers their way of life. In this Kotor stage show, Gulliver is a giant puppet, larger than the Old Town itself, who meets with children - the Kotorians. This enormous marionette awakens at the shore of the real world, while the children, inspired by adults, play a game of state and society. The puppet moves through the town of little people, with his size reminding us of the importance of being kind. It reminds us of the rolemodels we put before children and how much (forgotten) humanity resides in puppets. 148 149 kotor art festival klapa perast kotor art festival OF klapa music perast 200 godina od rođenja XII MEĐUNARODNI FESTIVAL KLAPSKOG PJEVANJA - PERAST 2013. THE 12 TH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF KLAPA MUSIC - PERAST 2013 PETAK , 26. jul IZLOŽBA MLADIH SLIKARSKIH TALENATA IZ UMJETNIČKE ŠKOLE NA CETINJU Muzej Perasta, 20 č. OTVARANJE XII FESTIVALA, TAKMIČENJE U KATEGORIJI ŽENSKIH KLAPA (ženske klape: DIVA - Široki Brijeg, NEUM - Neum, REĆINA - Šibenik, TAMARIN Vranjic, MUSICA VIVA - Sombor, ZVIJEZDA MORA - Neum, ORŠULICE - Vodice, KAMELIJA - Opatija, INCANTO - Kotor, VOX MIRUS - Podgorica, FORTUNA - Dubrovnik, ŠKERAC - Korčula, NARENTA - Mostar) Perast, 21 h, Trg ispred crkve Sv. Nikole Friday, July 26 EXHIBITION - PAINTINGS OF YOUNG TALENTS, ART SCHOOL - CETINJE Perast, 8 p.m. Museum gallery OPENING CEREMONY OF 12TH FESTIVAL, CONCERT OF FEMALE KLAPA- CONTEST female klapa: DIVA - Široki Brijeg, NEUM - Neum, REĆINA - Šibenik, TAMARIN Vranjic, MUSICA VIVA - Sombor, ZVIJEZDA MORA - Neum, ORŠULICE - Vodice, KAMELIJA - Opatija, INCANTO - Kotor, VOX MIRUS - Podgorica, FORTUNA - Dubrovnik, ŠKERAC - Korčula, NARENTA - Mostar) Perast, 9 p.m. Square of St. Nicola Church SUBOTA , 27.jul TAKMIČENJE U KATEGORIJAMA MJEŠOVITE I MUŠKE KLAPE, NOVE KLAPSKE PJESME mješovite klape: CASTEL NUOVO - Herceg Novi, SIGNUM - Čapljina, KURENAT Mljet, muške klape: ASSA VOCE - Podgorica, PODVORJE- Kaštel Sućurac, CONSTANTINE - Niš, BUKALETA - Pazin, BAŠKA - Baška Voda, ŽRNOVNICA - Žrnovnica, AKUŽA - Split, Nove klapske pjesme: mj. CASTEL NUOVO - Herceg Novi, m. ASSA VOCE Podgorica, m. PODVORJE - Kaštel Sućurac, m. CONSTANTINE - Niš, ž. ALATA Podgorica, ž. NARENTA - Mostar Perast, 21 h, Trg ispred crkve Sv. Nikole Saturday, July 27 CONCERT OF MIXED, MALE KLAPA AND NEW COMPOSITIONS - CONTESTS CATEGORIES Mixed klapa: CASTEL NUOVO- Herceg Novi, SIGNUM - Čapljina, KURENAT -Mljet) Male klapa: ASSA VOCE - Podgorica, PODVORJE- Kaštel Sućurac,CONSTANTINE - Niš, BUKALETA - Pazin, BAŠKA-Baška Voda , ŽRNOVNICA- Žrnovnica, AKUŽA Split New klapa songs: mix CASTEL NUOVO - Herceg Novi, m. ASSA VOCE - Podgorica, m. PODVORJE - Kaštel Sućurac, m. CONSTANTINE - Niš, f. ALATA- Podgorica, f. NARENTA - Mostar Perast, 9 p.m. Square of St. Nicola Church NEDELJA , 28. jul PREZENTACIJA KNJIGE: „LUDVIK KUBA, PJESME DALMATSKE IZ BOKE 1907.” etno-muzikolozi: dr J. Primorac, dr Z. Marjanović, dr S. Jerkov, dr R. Jakovljević I PRVOG IZDANJA FESTIVALSKOG LISTA “LIRICA” Muzej Perasta, 20 h REVIJALNA NOĆ: SVEČANA PREMIJERA SAVREMENIH KLAPSKIH OBRADA PJESAMA IZ BOKE, PO ZAPISIMA LUDVIKA KUBE IZ 1907. GODINE Dječji hor muzičke škole Tivat, CASTEL NUOVO - Herceg Novi, VOX MIRUS Podgorica, ALATA - Podgorica, BASKA - Baška Voda, INCANTO - Kotor, BELLEZA - Tivat, JADRAN -Tivat, ASSA VOCE - Podgorica, BISERNICE BOKE - Kotor, BOKELJSKI MORNARI - Kotor, REĆINA - Šibenik, SIGNUM - Čapljina, NARENTAMostar VENTULA - Split, AKUŽA-Split Perast, 21 h, Trg ispred crkve Sv. Nikole Sunday, July 28 BOOK PRESENTATION: “LUDVIK KUBA, DALMAT SONGS FROM BOKA, 1907” Perast, 8 p.m. Museum CLOSING NIGHT - PREMIERE: PERFORMANCES OF MODERN ARRANGEMENTS OF KLAPA SONGS OF BOKA, (inspired by music notes written by Ludvik Kuba in year 1907) Children choir of Music School - Tivat, klapa: CASTEL NUOVO - Herceg Novi, VOX MIRUS - Podgorica, ALATA - Podgorica, BASKA - Baška Voda, INCANTO - Kotor, BELLEZA - Tivat, JADRAN - Tivat, ASSA VOCE - Podgorica, BISERNICE BOKE - Kotor, BOKELJSKI MORNARI - Kotor, REĆINA - Šibenik, SIGNUM - Čapljina, NARENTA - Mostar, VENTULA - Split AKUŽA- Split Perast, 9 p.m. Square of St. Nicola Church GLAVNI PROGRAM - TAKMIČENJE U KATEGORIJI ŽENSKIH KLAPA - TAKMIČENJE U KATEGORIJAMA MJEŠOVITIH I MUŠKIH KLAPA I U KATEGORIJI NOVE KLAPSKE PJESME - PREZENTACIJA KNJIGE: „LUDVIK KUBA, PJESME DALMATSKE IZ BOKE 1907.” - REVIJALNA NOĆ : SVEČANA PREMIJERA SAVREMENIH KLAPSKIH OBRADA PJESAMA IZ BOKE, PO ZAPISIMA LUDVIKA KUBE IZ 1907. MAIN PROGRAM - CONCERT OF FEMALE KLAPAS - contest category - CONCERT OF MIXED AND MALE KLAPAS AND NEW COMPOSITIONS - contest category - BOOK PRESENTATION: “LUDVIK KUBA, DALMAT SONGS FROM BOKA, 1907” - CLOSING NIGHT - PREMIERE: PERFORMANCES OF MODERN ARRANGEMENTS OF KLAPA SONGS OF BOKA, (inspired by music notes written down by Ludvik Kuba in year 1907) PRATEĆI PROGRAM - IZLOŽBA MLADIH SLIKARSKIH TALENATA IZ UMJETNIČKE ŠKOLE NA CETINJU ADDITIONAL PROGRAM - EXHIBITION - PAINTINGS OF YOUNG TALENTS, ART SCHOOL - CETINJE 152 153 „...UVIJEK JE NEKO JAVLJAO DA VIDI JEDRA - RAZAPETA U DALJINI...” Već dvanaesti put od 2002. naši prijatelji iz ženskih, mješovitih i muških klapa će se okupiti da zapjevaju u baroknom Perastu. Dolaze iz našeg okruženja, iz kolijevke klapskog pjevanja - Dalmacije, iz Opatije, Šibenika, Splita, Korčule, Dubrovnika i drugih mjesta Hrvatske, zatim iz Mostara i Neuma u Bosni u Hercegovini, čak iz Sombora i Konstantinovog Niša u Srbiji. Pjesmom će, uz naše crnogorske klape, da učvrste ono što smatramo simbolom i preduslovom klapskog pjevanja - sklad i međusobno prijateljstvo koje mi u festivalu gradimo svih proteklih godina. Inspirisani upravo zapisima Ludvika Kube iz 1907, ove su obrade napisali za naš XII Festival, renomirani muzički stvaraoci: Krešimir Magdić iz Dubrovnika, Mario Katavić iz Sarajeva, Vinko Didović, Vanda Ferić i Ana Kodrić iz Splita i Jure Šaban- Stanić iz Omiša. „Renesansa bokeljske pjesme” naziv je programa u kojem će 25 od ovih savremenih klapskih obrada biti premijerno izvedene tokom posebne revijalne festivalske noći 28.jula. U ovom programu koji je posvećen Ludviku Kubi učestvuje, 14 klapa među kojima 9 crnogorskih klapa kao i dječji hor iz Tivta. Dio festivalskog programa je već tradicionalna izložba slika mladih talenata iz Umjetničke škole sa Cetinja, kao i nastupi mladih muzičkih talenata tokom festivala. „Prijateljska jedra u daljini su za Peraštane pretpostavljala radost dugo željenih susreta.” kaže pjesnik. Tako smo i mi u Festivalu sigurni da će ljubitelji klapske pjesme istinski uživati u ovoj muzici i druženju sa raspjevanim ljudima dobroga srca. Iznova to potvrđuju rekordne brojke: 30 prijavljenih klapa, više od 320 pjevača koji će otpjevati gotovo 80 pjesama, a uz mlade talente u pratećim umjetničkim programima imaćemo preko 400 učesnika. No, od brojeva su još važnija vrlo pozitivna opažanja mnogih stručnjaka o sve kvalitetnijim muzičkim sadržajima, klapskim interpretacijama i organizaciji festivala. Nekoliko značajnih obilježja XII Festivala klapskog pjevanja zaslužuju posebnu pažnju: Bokeljska pjesma obavezni je dio repertoara pa ćemo, samo u takmičarskim kategorijama, čuti veliki broj poznatih bokeljskih pjesama u raznim aranžmanima. Peraški festival ovakvim repertoarom teži očuvanju neophodne muzičke prepoznatljivosti. To je ujedno i vrlo vrijedan doprinos festivala na očuvanju muzičkog nasljeđa i kulturne tradicije Boke i Crne Gore. Nove klapske pjesme, njih sedam napisanih posebno za ovaj festival, dodatno će obogatiti klapsko stvaralaštvo. Tokom pet poslednjih godina smo sakupili već lijepu zbirku od preko 30 novih klapskih kompozicija. „Ludvik Kuba, pjesme dalmatske iz Boke, 1907.” naslov je naše prve knjige koja uskoro izlazi iz štampe. Knjiga ima izuzetnu etno-muzikološku vrijednost.. Sastavni dio knjige je CD sa 155 notnih zapisa koje je L. Kuba, proslavljeni češki melograf zapisao u Boki prije 106 godina a u Crnoj Gori se objavljuju po prvi put. Knjiga od preko 300 stranica sadrži naučne radove o Kubinim zapisima, njihove prepise u savremenoj notografiji, izuzetan Kubin opis Boke, recenzije, fotografije i interesantne priloge. „Lirica” je naziv našeg časopisa koji premijerno izlazi za XII Festival. U „Lirici” objavljujemo 39 savremenih klapskih obrada pjesama iz Boke. 154 155 “...SOMEONE HAD ALWAYS REPORTED TO SEE THE SAILS- SPREAD AT A DISTANCE...” It is already the 12th time since 2002 that our friends, members of female, mixed and male klapas will sing together in the baroque town of Perast. They are coming from our neighborhood, from the very cradle of klapa singing - Dalmatia, from Opatija, Šibenik, Split, Korčula, Dubrovnik and other parts of Croatia, as well as from Mostar and Neum in Bosnia and Herzegovina and even from Sombor and Niš of Constantine in Serbia. They will sing together with Montenegrin klapas and strengthen what we consider to be the symbol and the essence of klapa singing - the harmony and mutual friendship, like we have been experiencing in the Festival all these years. To ratify this statement, there are again record numbers: 30 participating klapas. More than 320 singers will perform almost 80 songs and, with young talents in special artistic programs, we will have more than 400 participants. But even more than the numbers, we appreciate the very positive observations of many professionals about the high levels of music contents, interpretations of singers and organization of our Festival. on Kuba’s work, the modern transcriptions of music, the exceptional description of Boka written by Kuba, experts critiques, photos and other interesting enclosures. 39 modern arrangements of songs of Boka are part of the festival first edition “Lirica” and represent very special value as well. Inspired by notes of Kuba written down in 1907, six very famous composers: Kresimir Magdić from Dubrovnik, Mario Katavić from Sarajevo, Vinko Didović, Vanda Feric, Ana Kodrić from Split and Jure Šaban-Stanić from Omiš, have prepared these new arrangements especially for 12th Festival of klapa in Perast. “Renaissance of Boka Songs” is the name of our program dedicated to Ludvik Kuba which will take place at celebration night July 28th. More than 20 songs in modern arrangements, out of the 39 previously mentioned, will be performed in premiere presentation by 14 klapas, mostly from Montenegro, and Children choir from Tivat. The exhibition of young painters from Art School of Cetinje is becoming traditional part of Festival, as well as performances of young musicians who will take part in programs. “Friendly sails in a distance had always represented the joy of long desired encounters for people of Perast”, poet says. We in the Festival, as well, are positive that lovers of klapa songs will enjoy this music and superb company of these singing people of good hearts. A few significant characteristics of 12th Festival of klapa music bear emphasis: Songs from Boka are a regular part of the repertoire of all klapas in different contest categories, meaning that we will enjoy many songs from Boka, in a variety of the arrangements. By such selection of program, we in Perast Festival are endeavoring to preserve musical heritage and highlight the cultural traditions of Boka Kotorska and Montenegro. New klapa songs, seven to be precise, were written and composed especially for this Festival and will enrich klapa music creativity. We now have a respectful collection of more than 30 new klapa songs written and promoted in our festivals over the last five years. “Ludvik Kuba, dalmat songs from Boka, 1907” is the title of the first book of Festival edition. It represents an extraordinary treasure for ethno-musicology. The CD with 155 music notes that were written down by famous Czech melodist L.Kuba 106 years ago in Boka, is part of the book and its significance is that these historic notes are now being published for the first time in Montenegro. The book, with more than 300 pages, contains scientific studies 156 157 Kotor APSS Kotor APSS 200 godina od rođenja O Kotor Art Kotor APSS-u Kotor APSS-a je osnovan 2011. godine u okviru Kotor Art festiva. Pozvali smo arhitekte profesionalce, studente i poštovaoce prostora I arhitekture oko nas da nam se pridruže u Starom austrijskom zatvoru u Starom gradu Kotor. Ljetnja arhitektonska škola je ideja koja postoji već neko vrijeme. Postoji mnogo razloga zbog kojih smo se posvetili ovoj inicijativi i uprkos činjenici da da su ljetnje radionice i škole jako zastupljene u regionu i u svijetu, ova praksa u Crnoj Gori nije bila zastupljena u dovoljnoj mjeri. Ali postoje neki, mnogo važniji, razlozi zbog kojih je važno okupiti arhitekte u Kotoru. Velike praznine u planskim legislativama i prevrati u socijalnim, političkim i ekonomskim okolnostima doveli su do bitne zloupotrebe prostora u mnogim gradovima duž Jadranske obale. U potrazi za brzim oporavkom, ugostiteljski i turistički orijentisani projekti izgledali su kao najjednostavnija i najprofitabilnija mogućnost. Nezavisno od komercijalnih odnosno razloga vođenih profitom i legislativom stvorenog ambijenta, postojao je očigledan deficit ovih kategorija, naročito u atraktivnim turističkim destinacijama na crnogorskom primorju. Popularnost gradova, kao što su Kotor, Budva, Petrovac, Bar i ostalih naglo je rasla, a time i potreba za novim prostorima. I dok je Budva doživjela devastaciju u urbanom i arhitektonskom smislu, gradovi poput Kotora uspjeli su da sačuvaju formu, duh i šarm koji su oduvijek imali. Kotor će, naravno, nastaviti da se razvija i širi, stoga mi želimo da budemo tu, kao arhitekti, studenti i mislioci. Postoje dvije osnovne programske komponente Kotor APSSa: - Ljetnja škola i radionica sa finalnom prezentacijom studentskih radova i panel diskusijom. Panel diskusija je otvorena za sve zaintersovane. - Finalna APSS Talk konferencija. Finalna konferencija je otvorena za širu javnost. 160 161 Kotor Art Kotor APSS 2013 Program July 4 Otvaranje izložbe “The Competitive Hypothesis” Izložba “The Competitive Hypothesis” čini dio godišnjeg programa Think Space Past Forward i predstavlja izložbu koja preispituje kulturu arhitektonskih konkursa. Kroz četiri postave u prostoru izložba “Think Space: The Competitive Hypothesis”, predstavlja rezultate “ponovljenih” prekretnih arhitektonskih konkursa koji su se dogodili u skorijoj prošlosti kroz program Think Space Past Forward, zatim predmete i trikove korištene za sticanje naklonosti žirija, hipnotičku dioramu sastavljenu od fragmenata koji se učestalo koriste pri stvaranju trodimenzionalnih prikaza održivih gradskih krajolika, te kratke tekstove i autoportrete nepoznatih umova koji su bili dio timova nagrađivanih konkursnih radova. Izložba “The Competitive Hypothesis” nastoji istaknuti dvojaka značenja sadržana u pojmu arhitektonskih konkursa i takmičenja: s jedne strane odnoseći se prema konkursima kao mehanizmima za stvaranje projekata, a s druge strane uzimajući u obzir ethos koji prožima današnju arhitektonsku praksu. Izložba je pocetkom 2013. godine prikazana u galeriji Storefront for Art and Architecture u New York-u. 13. Jul Prezentacije studentskih radova u zatvoru 14. Jul APSS Talk finalna konferencija - Ivan Milošević, AIM Studio, Montenegro, www.aimstudio.me - Dean Skira, Skira Architectural Lighting Design http://www.skira.hr - Saša Begović and Marko Dabrović, 3LHD Architects, Croatia, www.3lhd.com - Boštjan Vuga, SADAR+VUGA, Slovenia www.sadarvuga.com - Simon Hartman, HHF architects, Switzerland www.hhf.ch - Andreas Ruby, Ruby Press, Berlin - Hubert Klumpner, Urban-Think Tank, Switzerland. www.u-tt.com 4 - 14. Jul Ljetnja škola arhitekture Kotor Art Kotor APSS / Architectural Prison Summer School 5 Jul. početak radionice i uvodna predavanja: Boštjan Vuga Dijana Vučinić Simon Hartmann Marko Stjepčević Ivan Milošević Lokacija: Zgrada Starog zatvora, Stari Grad Kotor 6. Jul 19.00 Večernje predavanje / Borislav Vukićević / gostujući predavač 7. Jul 19.00 Večernje predavanje / Veljko Radulović, Studio Grad / gostujući predavač 8. Jul 19.00 Večernje predavanje / Nikola Novaković, Studio Enforma / gostujući predavač 9. Jul 19.00 Večernje predavanje / gostujući predavač Kotor Art Kotor APSS Finale 12. Jul OPEN PRISON NIGHT Prezentacija studentskih radova i Panel diskusija Lokacija: Zgrada Starog zatvora, Stari Grad Kotor 162 163 Kotor Art Kotor APSS 2013 Tema APSS Tim: Južni Jadran obuhvata dio jadranske obale đe spada teritorija crnogorske obale i južnog dijela hrvatske obale. Ovaj prostor je objedinjen jednim od prvih regionalnih planova - “Regionalni plan Južnog Jadrana” koji je donešen krajem 60ih godina prošlog vijeka (1964-1968). Plan je bio inicijativa SFR Jugoslavije, a izrađen je u saradnji sa UNDP programom. Ovaj plan je bio početak institucionalnog bavljenja prostornim planiranjem na ovim prostorima dok je u isto vrijeme bio, na izvjestan način i sredstvo modernizacije bivše države. DijanaVučinić, Osnivač i Programski direktor, Boštjan Vuga - Savjetnik na programu Marija Ičević, Direktor Produkcije Luka Bošković, Art Director Milja Đuranović, Komunikacije Plan je inaugurisao turizam kao ekonomski potencijal regiona. Turizam je uzet kao dopuna postojećoj ekonomiji i način da se odmor na primorju približi radničkoj klasi indutrijalizacije. Pedeset godina kasnije turizam ima potpuno drugačiju ulogu u našem društvu. Smatra se glavnom razvojnom granom crnogorske ekonomije i velikim izazovom kad je u pitanju Urbano planiranje. Dok je “Regionalni Plan Južnog Jadrana” razvoj turizma mjerio razvojem infrastrukture, kulture, brojem zapošljenih i proizvodnjom - u toku 90ih mi smo se fokusirali na broj kreveta kao osnovno mjerilo razvoja turizma. Čini se da je jedan od ključnih momenata koji su uticali na urbanistički haos na obali bila inauguracija apartmana kao osnovne smještajne jedinice. Proizvodnja stanova - apartmana, odnosno slobodnih kreveta je bila značajno jeftinija, brža i manje zahtjevna od proizvodnje, odnosno građenja hotela. Sama jedinica je multiplicirana i svojom strukturom uticala na formiranje, kako arhitekture, tako i šireg urbanog okruženja i određenih obrazaca u društvenim kretanjima. U toku 90ih sam apartman je kreirao određena urbanistička stanja na obali koja pokušavamo ispraviti danas. Radionica će se baviti pojmom “mjesta” u širem urbanom kontekstu i njegovom transformacijom pod uticajem nekontrolisane izgradnje stanova, zahtjeva tržišta i ubrzanim razvojem prouzrokovanim tranzicijom. Želimo da se vratimo i proučimo suštinu grada i njegove arhitekture na jednoj strani i rezidencijalne - smještajne jedinice, kao jednog od osnovnih elemenata gradskog okruženja na drugoj strani. Milica Jakić, Asistent Boriša Medenica, Tehnika / Foto i Video Aleksandra Lalatović, Koordinator za studente Matija Vuković, Koordinator za studente Mentori: Boštjan Vuga, SADAR+VUGA, Ljubljana Simon Hartmann, HHF Architects, Basel Ivan Milošević, AIM Studio, Crna Gora and Marko Stjepčević, UCG, Crna Gora Predavači na radionici: Dijana Vučinić, DVARP, Crna Gora Borislav Vukićević, Crna Gora Veljko Radulović, Studio Grad, Crna Gora Nikola Novaković, Enforma, Crna Gora Predavači na konferenciji: Ivan Milošević, AIM Studio, Crna Gora Dean Skira, Skira Architectural Lighting Design, Hrvatska Boštjan Vuga, SADAR+VUGA, Ljubljana Slovenija Saša Begović or Marko Dabrović, 3 LHD Architects, Hrvatska Simon Hartmann, HHF Architects, Bazel, Švajcarska Hubert Klumpner, Urban-Think Tank, Cirih, Švajcarska Andreas Ruby, Ruby Press, Berlin, Njemačka Radionica će istražiti nove elemente koji će redefinisati odnos između arhitekture i urbanih sistema u gradu i unaprijediti gradsko okruženje projmernom njegovih fundamentalnih komponenata. Dijana Vučinić, Osnivač i Programski direktor APSSa Kotor Art Kotor APSS 2013 164 165 kotor art pisanje grada kotor art town writing 200 godina od rođenja KOTOR ART PISANJE GRADA 2013 KOTOR ART WRITING OF THE TOWN 2013 11-17. jul (javne prezentacije radova studenata i projekta POSLUŠAJ ME ODIGRAĆU TI - Autorski projekat Sanje Garić u saradnji sa Fakultetom dramskih umjetnosti Cetinje i baletskom trupom Allegro) 11-17 July (public presentations of the works of students and project named LISTEN TO ME - I WILL PLAY IT FOR YOU - Author project of Sanja Garić in cooperation with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje and Allegro corps de ballet) Izvršna produkcija: Executive producer: Faculty of Dramatic Arts Program project editor: prof. MA Janko Ljumović (FDA Cetinje) Art student workshop Kotor Art Writing of the Town 2013 brings together students from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts and the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje who will implement creative platforms and artifacts for the 5th International Festival Kotor Art for the purpose of promoting and presenting the Festival. Programski urednik projekta: prof. mr Janko Ljumović (FDU Cetinje) Umjetnička studentska radionica Kotor art Pisanje grada 2013 okuplja studente Fakulteta dramskih umjetnosti i Fakulteta likovnih umjtenosti na Cetinju koji će realizovati kreativne platforme i artefakte za V Međunarodni festival Kotor art u funkciji promocije i prezentacije festival. Koncept predavanja i radionica baziran je: - unaprijeđenje protoka informacija kreiranjem različitih medijskih sadržaja i platformi putem različitih kanala informisanja, - kreiranje reklamnih sadržaja namijenjenih različitim ciljnim grupama, i - razvoj animacionih projekata. Rezultat edukativnih i kreativnih radionica predstavlja kreiranje konkretnih artefakata koji predstavljaju različite segmente programa festivala. Predmet rada predstavlja program ovogodišnjeg festival Kotor art, kao i pojedinačni programski sadržaji koji posebno mogu biti fokusirani kao predmet kreativnih rješenja u različitim medijima tj. različitim marketinškim kanalima komunikacije. Radovi studenata pod mentorstvom voditelja radionice mogu podići standard interpretacije festivala u javnosti i njegovu bolju vidljivost kroz kreiranje različitih meeting pointa u samom gradu, kao i unutar medija i institucija, na lokalnom i nacionalnom nivou, koje možemo partnerski vezati za projekat Kotor art Pisanje grada. Predavači: prof. mr Janko Ljumović, programski urednik (FDU Cetinje) Marketing festivala i animacija publike na primjeru Kotor art-a prof. dr Milena Dragićević Šešić (FDU Beograd) Savremeni festivalski menadžment, kulturni turizam i brendiranje kulturnog proizvoda prof. mr Mirko Stojković (FDU Beograd) Radionica kreativnog pisanja The concept of lectures and workshops is based on the following: - improvement of the flow of information by creating various media contents and platforms through various information channels, - creation of advertising contents intended for different target groups, and - development of animation projects. The result of educational and creative workshops is to create concrete artefacts representing various segments of the festival programme. The subject of the work is the programme of this year’s Festival Kotor Art, as well as individual programme contents that may be specially focused as the subject of creative solutions in a variety of media, i.e. various marketing communication channels. Works of the students under the supervision of a workshop leader can raise the standard interpretation of the Festival in public and its better visibility through creation of various meeting points in the very town, as well as within the media and institutions, at local and national level, which we can bind through partnership for the project of Kotor Art Writing of the Town. Lecturers: Prof. MA Janko Ljumović, program editor (FDA Cetinje) Festival marketing and audience animation in the case of Kotor Art Prof. Milena Dragićević Šešić Ph.D. (FDA Belgrade) Modern festival management, cultural tourism and cultural product branding Prof. MA Mirko Stojković (FDA Belgrade) Creative writing workshop Doc. Marija Perović (FDA Cetinje) Modern visual communications and presentations docent Marija Perović (FDU Cetinje) Savremene vizulene komunikacije i prezentacije 168 169 Međunarodni festival Kotor Art 2013. Paolo Magelli, umjetnički direktor festivala KOTOR ART KOTORSKI FESTIVAL POZORIŠTA ZA DJECU: Petar Pejaković, umjetnički direktor KOTOR ART DON BRANKOVI DANI MUZIKE: Ratimir Martinović, umjetnički direktor KOTOR ARtEATAR: Međunarodni festival Kotor Art - Paolo Magelli, direktor Crnogorsko narodno pozorište - Janko Ljumović, direktor Kraljevsko pozorište Zetski dom - Slobo Božović, direktor KOTOR ART PISANJE GRADA: Fakultet dramskih umjetnosti Cetinje, prof. mr Janko Ljumović, programski urednik KOTOR ART KOTOR APSS: Dijana Vučinić, programski direktor KOTOR ART FESTIVAL KLAPA PERAST: Milan Kovačević, umjetnički direktor Pokrovitelji Vlada Crne Gore Ministarstvo kulture Opština Kotor www.kotorart.me Generalni medijski pokrovitelj
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